New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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JUNE 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 247 Ur«l7 HanlMg Hi Uu SmwI. n* Krolioont Violit Ohib nlled IK uinad n t«lli on liOig Uud BoDDd oa Jima U, !■ a fptnk- Uif breaia U*t niMlt tht ormta of flMdiyeicHlog, ttUDM •xtniMlr ao. Tte wind cuig In itroDg cull Umnftoiit Um TO}S(«. uid nqnlndcautiint TlilleiK* on Ui« part or ma tctuiI cnwt. Tb« CdIodU wm couplcaon In tbo fleet, uhI led ber o»ni«iriols ihroDghoat Ihe coon*. Summin: 80BOONmilC-<!LlK9 A. ALL OTEH UFT. IUm« M.OIIIIf IkTSB-Ob. ik.SSm.K$. Wlt'U'l'a.KmidTular.... 4 a «t 4 OS a BCHOONEia-VLAJS B, SI TO tOTt. EiMnid...j iLKu'di < an < ra n IUdMBl....r.-T. A<1uni 4 41 11 4 a u aCIIOOSERg-CLAffl a 71 TO tlFT. RlHIUtM.J. Bun Kill 4 2S 91 4 > SI HhunnKk.W. I'.Wanl 4 » >l 4 SI 1] Hniioos'SRB-CLAB< D. a TO 7irr. Lnn] B-rnnkHullno.. 3 U (11 3 U ta •Lnora AND curriiRH-L'i.AEs i, all over Trrr. OolCHlU....n.OllnrtMlill.... J 44 14 S 41 11 RLOnra AND COTTERV-AI-EriAL CLAEX. 4>u'uiu>.P4tTrriiabb : 41 i; i « ir yluf LlnlltBmv t u 31 1 u oo KLOOFS AND CUTrERB-OLABI a, 4IT0 491^. noaK>n...L.TAiiiihnClirt*. ] II u 9 II 31 IMn r.P. 8ud> 1 OB O S 07 ja 11 a a n u BLOOre AND CUTrERS-CLAM 7. a TO 4jrT. {fST>i«....r.«.nwt. J ij o N.ii. ilL%Fil,CIITireilS and YAlrLa-CLA8!^8,OTII10PT. lohDta...'nlill B. MllWk 3 H 4V 3 M 4« Otrlton...n.R Diir«nlhAl4r.3 30 S 3 31 17 AndK H.V.Batno 3 47 39 3 M A3 RLOOrS ANDRinTERH-BPBUIAL CLABS, 31 lUTKRJl DrMOon.-P.M. rTMm»ii....3 13 OB 3 IS 0) BLOOrSAMD RUTTEHS-CLASS 0. » TO lOTT. WIU C»t..W. U. rliKliar 3 10 IB 3 U Ifl BMtril....OM>. R UeDuDalil. I » 04 I a 31 BLOOnANDCUrrEBS-CLASB IO,i3PT. AND UNDRR. VlT« L< Dnlt Hamn.. I a » 1 a a CABIN RATD-CLABS II, OVER SPT. HttT W, E. Bto«iinll...> 01 14 I 01 14 Alm1im.---HlliaB Bnlliin.. 9 OS a 1 OB 17 OABIN OATB-CLABi ILSPr.AND VNOER. Kinl*. lIuaDMoiu 1 OB O I m n Aii«Fo....r.ii.iumuii J IJ « 1 IS 04 K«oi* CornllvAl^mifii 3 IB Vi OrE.f TAnnTA-CLABB U, ALL OVER UFT. Ptin Pnnli&TosU... I II 90 I«rllM....A.¥.ll«T1||l«....l U U Tloltt. II.J. lleKro 1 37 HI BPECIALlll'T. TLAMl. HoDri B.Bortosll«rl... 1 OB U 1 OB IB Call! ■'. A nouM I II 41 3 II 41 RrKHAI. CLABa, IIALP RATEI& 4hi«il<io..w. n.RUik 1 99 09 I XI n frart M«. .0. McL. CItrli. .. B a 11 1 S U RowlBg on the Rartlaa* Tiro crews Irom die Keir Branawlck Do>t Club ud two onwa from tbe topbonore «iid fmbiaen olsius or RDlgen College mei Jgoe M In e alx oered gig iBce oo me Railtan nirer, tt New Brans- wick, N. i. Toe conree was a smlgbt mile, from s inUit known ss Ibe WIIIovr, jnat below tbe sK*m- Dou dock. 10 B point Jast bek>« tbe Albsn; Bimt bridge* Tbe crews were made np u rolloir; BKlClufrAHlan.—V. 8 VfiDTliceii(ho»), DniiyCooiMr, rbarlaa Pomun. Anhor Blihop, J, 0. NalUoo, Dr. A. V. N. Baldwin (■tmka). P. 0, Plaid (eoxiwalo). BdoC Ctub JuRlrtrv.'lf. F. McOralb llww). L. roopar, Bank BirUD. w. V. B. Vandrk*. 0. 11. Ulllar, Ni>7 0. NlchoUa (alnke). Samoal tfeOwin (WM'wnio). Soplum«m.~Cmf (bow). ErIckAoa, Peaka. Waltar, Elt- Isw. DobaoD (atrokv), B«lbar1 (eoxiwalo). Pi«aM£A.-HaTTl DirtAD (b«w>, 8a«Iar, <:oartaap, Deckar, BiMk, Dftwaoo (•trak#). Hawrp (coiuwaln). Tie b04Ui got off well, and Ibe riesbmea crew, by ( splendid spurt at Ibe nnlsb. came In flrsta Isngtb abead of lb* Junior crew. Tbe seniors and aopboiBOiei dnlsbed next TBI Bai-bwatib YacdtClub loangoiated lis nea- lonJnne u, wliba regitla. laCltBaAtbe boaia were all ot Ibe open cat Qpe, and measured from II to !0 reeL Tbe winner was lUrrr Ulner. owned bjCbarlea Rae.ot tbe JIndubon Yncbt dub. 8be erased tbe flnlsli Uno lire mlnntcs abead o( Mmi- i|nllo,o( Ike PaToola Ytcbt Club. InOlaasBlbe hosta all neasond under 17 feeL Tbe winner was Haggle P., owned bj Clarence Usilnger, ot ihe Kill TonKull Yacbt Clnb. Cblo, ol the Bajonne CItj Yacbt CInb, was eecond. OaiTANNiA AKD AiiJiA. Competed, lone K, under Ibe aosplcea ot tbe Rofal Sontbera Yacht Ulnb, off Cowea, Eog., overa fortr flre mile couise mnnlog trom Ualsbot Cssile to ika Spit Ugblsblp, ibence weiteil; down tbe Bolenl to Fepe bnojt, part Cowes and Rfde to Biurbridge, tbence to tbe Bramble booj off Ooepoit end baok to Cklsbot Casile, twice annnd. DiltsnnU won on the lime allowance, but AUsa was tbe lesder all orer tbo course The twentr ralere also BsUod a race os tbe Bsme day, NIagaia winning. OBAS. E. Oodbtmet. cotob Ot IhB ConcU Henley cnw, on June IB selected tbo men who will bare seat* In tke shell dutloi. tbe race. Tbey are K. B. HattbewB, '*«, Buffalo, N. Y., bow; E. 0. SplUman, ■B7, TooawandiB, N, Y.; R. 0. Usgier. ti, RuOlilo, N. Y.: F. W. Freelmre, 'S7, Ithaca, N. Y,; T. Venndi Jr~ Elffllfi, N. Y.; Oeokte P, Dyer, ts, AinanoUs, Hd.; C. A. Lewis, '07, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Tom BbU, WasblngtoD, OoL, stroke; F. B-CoUtou, tl, Uullklo, N. Y., coxswain. Tbb WllUanaburi Yacht Club held Its annuel re- gatu June 11, but toe wind died out beton the boats Balled halt Ihe conree, and bat threeyaoblaflulsbed. The Katie Lnnlse, bdog Ibe (Irel borne, won tbe olob obamplontblp pennant for tbe lint boat to sail orer tbe course. Waobhi, a Bteaoi yacbt owned by J, H. Wade, ot Cleveland, 0„anired at this port June 10. bavuig completed a year's voyage around the world. Zaba, tbe eighty ton eteam yacbt recently nsr- ebased by F. 8.0.0'UautTllle, of tbls oily. airlTtd bereJnne 14, after a seTcnlees days'passage mm Oreenoek, Scot, THE RING. Tfae Seaside Clab In Tranble. Tbo llstio tounmmeDt ananged by Uie Seaside AlhleUcanb,of Weet Brighton, Coney Uland, for Friday evsnlng, June 14, was prevented by Mayor Bchlereo, ot Brooklyn, rcfnslng to grant a Uieabical license to the olul>, aud also to grunt a special per- nit for the perfonuance for which prepantlons liad . been made. CuiporaUon Counsel HcDnnuld said: "I advised Ihe Mayor tliai bo was not obliged to Is- soe a license where, open evidence sncU as llie Police Departinent claims to be la nos ssss lou of, and npon which natumlly In such mallera he must rely, It appeare : MM llie public amusement Id- tended wsa ot an nnlawful Mod, that tbe dliccllon In'Ibe onllnance tbic he sbsll Issue a license for places ot public amusement must me4ui placee ot leglllmats publlo amnsemeui.'' itesldent John II. O'Kourke and Ihe other offlcen In Ibe club ot once conferred wlih lAwyer Edward M. Qnut, and Ihe latter pnoipuy secured from Justice Brown, ot tbe Bnpnuie Court, an order . requlilog Mayor Bcniennio show cniieo noxt iiiomliig why a writ i>f naiHlamos should not bo Issued compelllog him to grant the license. Tbe tonraey was postponed nil Sstorday evening, and, nnder Ibe bellet that a Ucenae would be re- ceived In time, prepamllona were msde to bring off the three glove contests on the evening at lii. Leet than onetbouiand persons aanm'Meif In tbo build- ing, owing to Ihe uscertalnty of tbe flihis taking place. Young Oorbew and Eddie Pierce boxed ibiee nonds. In the latter of which Plerco was knocked senseless. Tbereupon the police monnlcd tbe BUge and placed ilie principals and seconds under arreal, and ther retnse<l to penult Ulxon and Enie to IghL On 17 JiitUce Oeynor, ol Ibe Supreme Oonit, handed dowii a dtclslon dincilog Ihe Mayortonnew Ihe dub's license. Justice Uaynnr holds tbst tbe onHoaace on llie subject Is mauda- lory, and that the Mayor had no dUcnilon In Ihe matter. In closliig Justice aaynor siys: "Since this case was arwned, end the ainve was wrilien, tke police have demoostiated how easy It Is to pre- vsnCtlgbUog at tbe place to be licensed, and how easy It olghi tiave bean prevented durlug ibe past year." The men arrested wore arraigned In West BrtghtOB Follce Oonit II, on cbrngtsof aiding and abelUnglBcatijIngonaprtiallgbt. Tbensgicaof tbe men an Tloothy llont, Kdward Herce, Ileorgs P. Green, "Young Ooriieii," James Humphreys, WBUam Oallaaber, WUlUm Uelaoey, Arcblo ilad- dan, Jamea Roae, Htmoel Corcoran aud HobertSlulL All pleaded not gnlliy aud were held bi two mil for exauUiailon on Fildajr, 31. Vice rreiddent Sinker WllUamsoo, of the Benalde tlQb, and Samuel CoUlns signed the bonds. Taa BonoN for a new trUI of Uie two puglllsis, Davis and Uorman, at Pueblo, Vol.. was grauled, sod Ihe next hrtsi will come on. It at all. In Septem- ber nen nasy were nleoMd from Jail. An effort Is belaf made to get op a beocSL Tib iiBonaut Sovrmg CInb's four oared crew BalMforReglsndnDmtlilspottJanel& TbeyluU rreaToniilo,OBt, and an-entered In tbe Henley RegatlBBeitinonUi. F. II. and B. A.Thompaon-ot Ibe on V, are also nietad tor the Mamosd ScnUa ItoBi U a letter li iUb office tor mt. MUe Ooa- WHEELING. JuMms-nttobOf (Tb.) AthkUo Otab tptimg to«r Jon* n fl oath BbJ Wbw l nia touum«&l« nUadtV M W ii i w i Dlititet Tnnw Bsod aMtSnt^CUt m-~wm wbMfaMo tBuuMt, wak«»> iMtfr^ n. ^^iM S-Klofi OoaaKr W^mIbm touBAm«at, Inok- >D|j 4-0MMC(lnt DtiUleo L. A. W. ami. Brldffpoit Jalj 4-Btft|haataa (N. Y.) AthWtlo AmocUUoq unn* Jaly 4-ItatUif»onH™ J.) 'Cy«J« nnb tMTBuwat. {OV A-MweOTT VllMlnM UHirauiMt, AUwtavB. P&. Jiilr4-TMirwuMtMDoT«r,N. II. i^l t"£!*" Clob.u»m»n»Mt, BaIUo. II.¥. JobfT-TDonwaanlfttLoiiUTlllc, Kr. JnlTjMTyiMt Fitk Gab tonruBWi, Bontb Pnmbir {3j frfoatb OrAnjn (IT. J.) PUM Cab tMUSUDML {oly 4rHad«»B (nTV.) BlcroU Clab t«oruBt»aL Jol/ 4-P»bMr (Mm.) 'Cyel* Dab toanumtBL JDlj4tft~AnDw'C/cI«Cfub taunumML DuboU, Pa. ^ Jalr 41-C«atai7 'Cfttlag Clab touruB«at, B/nottH^ JdIj S-BIrtnU* WhMliBM tmniunut. ir«w Teit. ftud ^uoUnSir'* **' ^*"^ Wb«eliD«a uootlB««t Umon. . Jalj V-Hovat lloUf (R. J.) Aihtetlo laueUtioB toor Juiv a, SS-Ulcblcut Dirlalon LMfo* of Amtrieu Wlt«*ltn«n tournuiMOt, Batils Cmk. a-ai«Qb«aTint (O.) Athl«tle Clab touuffiCBL Jd17 V—TouiuiDStat u OtaTvhiM, 0. JqI> ao~DanAO lOj) BIctcI* Clab tOQTUiDML _ Ang. l-Jkhooloi FbydcAl Csltun loamunMt SUw H. T. ADf. I—WuMOO (0 > 'Crcl* Club tramuwat Aor S-tTolftlo (O > 'Rtcm Club toureuDML AoK. l-JTort Vtm« (Isd.) 'Crd* aub tnretmnt* Ao|t. r-4Aoth Bud (iDd.) *Ote)« Club loamuDMt Aof. 9, 10-CblCMO UU-l AittoltUd *CreUoii Olabt UmrauDUiL Adv. U. l«-MlimMpcU« (MIna.) ZJnItad 'CrcU Ohib tonmuMOL AaR. U. 17—Wlmodo DlTlslga L. A. W. ubbaI bm^ HulnaU*.- Aair. IT, 18, l^AmatMT unuum«at, ebuoploDiblp ot tb« worU, CoWtona, Otrauir. AuR. l9.9>-MUniikM(VrU.)AMoeUl«d *CreUiif Otab* tonnwotmL Autf. a,'a-llL CItiiwiu Ollcb.) Wbaelmn mm* JMt Aqr. a—BnlUo (N. TO 'CyeU Tfick AnoeUUoa ioax- (X. T.) Athhtlo AaoeUUoD tauBfr ntoL B«pt. t-llutfonl (Ct.lWbMlClDbUianuin«Dt 8M>cl~Bow or bclutf WbMl Clab lonnumwt, Ka^ wl^ Ct. MpLl-Pr«0i'Cf Clio ■ Ohib toanutiMOt, Bnrtoo. IUm. BtpL IMS-SfrioflMl (Mail.) Blcyeto Club unoa) tooreaiMoL Bipc 14—TRQium«tit Walibam, Mtw. ^e«pL 17-AUk 0it7 Blerola Clab loanuMot, PaUnon. WpL U-MeKmwrt (PM *Grelan tMraaowoL B«pc. 19—raon WMlnaD toarounant, BaidlDii, Pa. ^Bgiyi^^Awo d i l ad 'CrcUnc data toornaawott PbUfr BapL a, M—Uamrr ^fhaahnan toanamaat, AlltD- town. Pa. S«pC r. V-UaiTlinil DiTUuo L. A. W. ra«a^ B«ltt BMvia. OCL 6-AiaooUtad 'CtcUac Claba toaraamant, 8t Z>on(A OeL 9-PiaUiiM AtUtUe Clab toonunaa^ BL Loqia Mo. Oct. 11,11—Toaraaatat ttCAaaell Bluffa Im. Oct U—Toaraarueot «t Onaha, N»b. OcL 17>1S—Toiraamaar ftt Dtovar. Col* Oct S—Tonnamaotit l*uali)A, CoL Oct AM—ToarnanaatitfUlt lAkaClir, Utah. Oct S, a>-Uot S|irUip(AJk.}'Crcllnf AaMdatioo loar ^^.^J^S-Bay CItr WbaahDW toonanaott Sao Piaa* )for. B-7—Oariaa City 'Gycbti toonanaat, San Jom. CaL Not. 9-Lm ADga1«a (CkL> Vbaaloao tonmanaat UatfmUe,WDtf ditnploaihlp, time limit Ini.Ba.— Wnn hj F.C. Uojt F. W. Stodwell atcood. TIma, Im. Pvd»UlBg !■ Coaaeetlcat. A Tory nicctMful nc« meeting wu beld at RoDlb Konralk, a., QDder tbe aujplceaof tbe JJpli» Wheel Club, on Bttnrday afternoon, Jane u. Tile meet, wblcb took place at tbe Fklr arounda tnok, vas altaodod bj ibout three tbounnd penonK, and rc- Baited aa eboira In tbe eammary below: One mUe. PalrfliM Coaolr ebatnplooiMpL-B. 11111 Jr., Dtnbury, flnl; II. B. BtdiTathiDaiibDry, MCOQil. Tlma, OfK «U& ma.—WoD hj C K. Oraiinr, N»v York: P. 0. lloft, BrldiiapDit, i«c«iid;SinlUi tlilnl. Tlmo, 3m. UH*. Hal Wnn ^^jwH(te,opao.—Wonby n. LtopoV), Br1dff«(>ort,70rlB.; 0. Ooodraaa,-Mnrelt, aacond: B. II. FoDtoo. DanUutr, POrdH., tbInJ: a B. Hioabaw, New York. TVPrdi. fouitfa. Tlmo. to. Wi*. One Mile, Norwalk ehamptooriilp.—Won by W. A. aunthar.U.M.Herrillieoond. Tlma.3ai.7a. UatJ wUU, if UK iHMwt npan.—WoB by 0. V. nrmonr, N»» York; C. B. Vndartilll, N«v York, aacaod. Ttma, Iro. AaffmUe. boja Dndamlitoao.—Won by Ola^ca Cram, Norwalk; U. M. BUrtm, Nov RocbaUa, lacood. Tlma, nUcL o(>aa-—Won by II. X^opoU, BrMnport, lliiyJa.: O.P. KutUe,llUFdi|,iacond. Tl'no.Am.ft>^4. TwoHUtt.oHD.-Won >ty P.C. Hoyr; F. K Oootlman. N*w York. i«c«Dd: P. 0. Rmltb, BmHilyii, thiid; E. lllll Jr..Ncmib,'r(nlrUL Ko iloMalToii. OM mUe, Al^ha ra<e Tor tbo Barrel champlomnlp nop—WoD by B. mil, V. A. Ooatber Mcand. Tlma, AKbf nee, 10 mll6a.-0. R. araagar, Nav York. ttn. 30!L.flrwtJn 9m ir«.: H. M. Atoiaodar. llinfonl.M- P.P. Qopdnun, RlrorvMt Wlieolitiort. Im. thlnl; Rnbert C«lt«n Norfolk.^. IK, rnnrUi; 0. PonI Bwlay. Alpha W.C aerktch. flfth. Tbe latur mad* tliafMteat tlma. >7ni.31^C.balD|t tbe CMtaat Uine erer nadaoTir tfaaGiaioryPplBtcouiaa. II* wou a aiOO raelog bicycle. Good WbocllDf In CasadB. Tbree tlionsaBd poaona attended tbe annual racofl or tbe Hamilton (OnL) Bicycle Cub, boM on tbe track of tbe Uanllton Jockej Club on Satardar. June 10, wltbtboreanlt btloir: Oiv mUe. noTlca.-v. Panlknat', BolTalo. flnt; Artlinr W. Tlllay, Y. V. 0. A., Uemilton, oocood; W. Clark, Uaot- lIlMi. tlilPl. Tlma. }in. SSI^a. « . /Ax// mite, open, Claaa B.—A.MeLnd, Kamla B. n„ flnt; n. II Cflllihvi. Pratt C. C, BullUo.wootf; W. Lull, PfW<O.C..RDnaio, Ih'rtl. Tlm«, ln..4J«'« . ■ JCrlm nue, *ame cltaa an flr*t. for laif aomei^—4. A. Oak, R. B. 0.. Tnmeto. Ant; n. Maahio, Q. B n.. Tomato, »eo(HMl: Pivd Daltoo, Q.C. B. O., Toronto, lalrd. Tune, 3ai. Shl On«mfle,t:0 cla*m Cltri A —T. W. Raraef, lUmlltAn, llnttiP. Loaahaail, rural* B.(l.. iwcood;C. Qraatrli,T.B. C. Toronto, tklnl. Trni*. Im. 4&}i». OruMile.op*B,Cla«i B—Iltrfay DavUlcon,R.C.B.(\. Tbmetn, flnt; Anaaa McUod, Kamla R C vKotil; C. 11. CalUbao. Pr«H O.O., Buffalo tlilM. TlBia.lm.XSa OfU nlle. op*n- CUmu A.— T. W. Bamod. IIvnllt^n. Brat; J. T. BaWa. BalTila. MoniHi; A. II. Bald, (,'. B. 0.. Tu- nmto.thW. Tlma. On* utif. Im. «)>. oUu, Clau B-—F. W. Youna, W. B. C, Torniilo.flrit: J. J. B.-r.. Tomato, oacoDd; U. B. HcColUT. B. C.Tomnln, third. Tlnia.,3m^t«. iVooiffef. OoM A.~F. I<<iiiiliaad. Harvta, 7Brda,nT«t: Chkrl** T. llaoboer, Toronto B. O^llOfd4, eeeood. Time, flm V. * * ftM mOn. open, clan B.—Uorlay Datl>1m. R. C. B. n.. TomnlA. nwi: L. D. Roliaftaon. A.O.n..TorDOtA, ■ao'Xid; iMI.CallaliaB, PfsaaCC BulCalo, third. Time, 12ni. I7?ii. Tbe Wbael !■ tha Ciij •t%m\U Katlonal Clreult racea were beM al Bjracoir, N. Y., 00 Wcdneadar aftemooo, Jane 13, and tbey were altended liya large crowd of latareited ipecuton. wbo Mw 0. J. CtaSM break tbe mile norloe leconl la the openlBi ereoL Bonmary: OMMilr, DOTlc^CttfaA.—U. J. Chitlea, B/raoaM, flnt; n. il. Ravttrlr, Byracuna, aocood; Jobn Scbaaler, fl/ri- co>a. third. Tlmf,Xia. IVo. OMHUe;(ipao.riattA—W. E. Sbaw, Boftoo. flnt: II. CooaoUf. R<«ha«taT, eacood; U. U. WLotaro, Bofftlo, Uilr4. Tlma, iBi. IS«. /M/ttflA open, inaw B—IT. r.TfUr.BprlOBfleU, flrvt; n, R.Caoliar.TeI«Ho, aeoond; B. 0. Batd. lolCilo, lliird. Tim*. In. laV- Xo nca: Una limit Im. 114. Ont mite, tiboa A.-%. J. Uthau. I^ke OMm. Hhd*., flnt; K.B.Rtbmi>lt,Uilea, snydi. •*eoDd;L.R Malher. Ullca,1IST(lPu,ililnl. Tlm«.tni. lafit. ChttmnL Cb«< B.-R. T^mtL Rjracuaa. aSrdo-. flnt: 11. n. Moddoi. Aaberr nark, aiyd*-, oomad; r. W. Puoar, BjneaiaI40rd<Ul!ilnI. TIbw, tai. Il'ia r/di/oifK ppan. CHaa A.-W. B. Bia». Bortoa. flrX; «. II. 0ioB*. HyncBN^. ttceod; A. J. l^ham, lMk% Utorgo, '^Mi'«Tlr!i^?.n£B.-C.R.Coulter,Toleda flni: L C Jtflinm. rieralaed. orcood; Otto KlagUr, Boa Joie, W. B. BtMV, BMUn. Kratch, p*eDod; A. F- Bmn, Wblut- llofv, 71^*., UiM. TlfO*. <a. S in. TBB Cirr B»K« «oiD BicB waa paniolpaled In I17 Uhliteen clerks lo l»at Boblo, K. V„ InilllullpD, on Joeeli. Iter rode fnni Amherst BiieM and Dela- ware llonlatatd to Uie I'ower House at Tonawanda and lelnm, and the flnt man lw« was V. lUf Oomstock, Im. ak- his dme heln> ttm.; I. V. njw, ID., seeoed, Id BBd.; 0, E. 8«lHlllIfaa, •cntet, lUid, ii am. am TkeassBds of Maa IVmaa Take PaiS !■ • Oajr Pncoastaa. It Is rallnaUd that cloee upon tn Ihensand per sonspattlelfalcd hi Ibe pande npon Ihe occasion ot Ibe tonntl openlot ot Ihe blojcle paih from Froa- pect Psit, Brooklyn, to Oonej l<land, on Saturday afttmoon, Junels. About samanjmore went onr the path almd of Ihe parade. The alMIr tsb under the ansplota at Ihe Oood Roads Assoclallon, ot Brookljn, who weie lanrsd with doe weather, and the; manaaed It In a highlj oRdllaMe manner. The paisde was fonoed ot three dlrtslons, Ihe UM com- posed ot t<ong Uagil clnlo, the sscnnil ot all other rlula. snd the tblid ot meraheia ot Ih* flood Roads AssoclattoB who illd not bslnni to rlnln thai pa- raded, ot the LesRoo of American Wheelmen, and ot all other unsuacbed wheelmen. Meutroani Ooionrl entries II. LuKOmli. ot Ihe Thlnofnih ReBlment, w|io Is also ptmldent ot Ihe Long IsUiiil Wheelmen, wBi grand marahal. Ulsalds were Otpiain William A. Turptn, Major Henrr Chaunce;, Major t'llnlon 11. Smith anilCapialn (Tank R. Wuwell. Aniong his aide wei* capuin atorim W. nodgeis, uapisln W. K. a. Hayer, Capltln U. A. Williams, rapialn w. VanOllnda, Captsln II. I'. De Foreil, MeiiteoantT. J. UoolsT, Ueutensni Qeorge w. Ooiren, liaulenanl Samuel nhocalock and IJeurensnt Sohemierhom, sllotlheTUneenih Reglmenl; I.lentenani llarlor. Major UoniD, James Nelll and li. B.Yin VIeck, of Ihe First NsTBlBaliBllon: Usplalns Jsnet and Pe Forest, Llentenoots I.;ons, llawkes, Fdwardu, Olden, Atkinson, Doremnii, Chaee, llackeit, Ander mn, Werner, Redmond, llerold and iMnne;, The Orat division toimed on the south side ot Eailem nrkvaT,iltht resting on liedford Atcouo. The Hccood dlvlsloo formed on Ibe north elds ot Kaitem Ilrkwaj, with left milog on lledfonl Avenue. The fonnatlon wsb In columns otfourH, at close Interrsls. The Ihtrd divlilon formed at the PIsM. Ati.4BllielilcTclo police cleared ihepalh near the teneivlog siind, at I'arkvllle, ot tinj whefImeo, and a miouie Utcr a iqusd ot police dressed la new cadet gray sulls. mounted on whrtls and headed by SenRsut Demsrd J. Conkllu, wheeled Into Tiew. Pollowlna ihern came Grand MarshilLotcomli and Ills stnir.toarabreasL Tlier* wen about one bimdred men from the Thirteenlh Rcglmenfilp grayenlts, white legRlngsand tatlgus caps; Ifiy Bom the Twentj-Uiird Hcgliuenl, wear- ing campaign hale and brown leoglngii; flfij from Ihe Kortf-sevenlti Regiment, and deiachmenia from the Elghlb BaUallOD of New York and tbe Third Ballerr of Drookljn. Flnt In Ibe nislu bodr o( Ihe lint dlrlalon was tbe Unokln lAcrcle CInb, followed liy delorsUoui from Klngt Countr Wheelmen, Long Idand Wheel- men, Frotpect wheelmen, Brookira namhiern. South Drookljn Wheelmen, Anli; Wheelmen, Buihwtck ITheelmeit, Recreation Wheelmen, New Uiiecht Wheelmen. Twcnij-tblnl llegluient Wheel- ing HecUoD, WhiningUervlshes, Florence Wheel- men, Foiamount wheelmen. Ocean rarkwa? Wheelmen, Falcon Wheelmen, lllgh School Wheel- men, Oeniml Y. U. 0. A., Concord 'Crcle Cluli, Wllllanuborg Wheelmen, Nassau Wheelmen, I'tiiuot CInb, Mldwood Club Wheelmen, iMgne Tnnrtng Club, BrooUiu Atacia Wheelmen, Crescent Aihleilo Wheelmen, rolf technic llepanlon wiieelmeii. Al- ias Wbeelneu, Aorora Oraia Club wheelmcu, V. U. C. A. (TweDlT-tlmh Wanl Branch) Wheelmen, V. H. 0. A. (Ninth Street Branch) Wheeluien. Beading the second division were Ihe Ilsrlem Wbechnen, In wmte sweaieta and raonee colored kiilckertoookcrs. Tbej were followed bj ilie lllver- elde Wheelmen, aiamercr Wheelmen, New York Tourist Wbceloten, Creenwlch Wheelmen, Eicel- Blor 'Cicio Club, New York Wheelmen, raillme WseelDieu, New York AthleUc Club Wheelmen, Oenlurr Wheelmen, ol New York; llover 'Cjcle Clob, Melropollun *Cjcle Clut), lludaoii OounIT Wheelmen (Jeme; Cllj, N. J.). Bergen Wheelmen Merser at:r)i But omnge 'Crclera, OasUe Point 'oclen (lloliokct), IllllUde Wheelmen (Jersej Cli;), alo WbeelincD, Ba.vonne Rowing Asaoclitlon Wheelmen, Lincoln Wheelmen and New York ll» corder Rlorcle Clob. The third dirlslon sttrected more allentloo than the olhan bv reiaen or there hoing more woiuoa 'crcleis In IL The division wss headed bj three mile tfrU, EUiel and Mildred Hchwalbach and MIdgT lUreia, dressed Ui blue snd while, wllh gold BtsheB. When Grind Hsrshal Loscomb readied the point fbere Ihe road to the new 'cycle track al Hsnhalton biaiubes oif from the regulsr 'ovcle psih be drew up 10 one side, and ihe parauUig wheelmen passed In review, going thence to the new track at Manhattan Reach to wllnnss the racea, alter w^lch nianr ot them rode to West lirlghion 10 view the alghiB to he teen In Hist KcUnn of the great eooildo resorL Hanv of tbe Udy tidera werv aUlred In bloomeii and oioer 'ojoling cotluinet of a felohlpg sort, and ibej nstumllj aitrtcled a great dtti ot nitenllon on Ihe part ot the liolldaj makers.' Allogeiher, It was a red Iniier dsj for Ihe 'cjcllng fiatemlir snd for Conej Island. naelBit at RoehMter. 'An Intieiestlog race meet was held st Ihe Inck In llochesUr, N. Y., on Tuesday afternoon, June 11. A special aUiaoUoa was the presence of A. A. ZImmer man, wbq rode sn eshlblUon. Rnmmarr: find rase. iMal rltleia. U inll«i.-Won br lit;,, wlllll^ nattbuheS. i)im.\ T. R Wvlch, unsllirhail, ,Hm.. vc- «Hl; II. J. Boioo. untlltelisd. third. Time. Um. «!>;•. Time nrlu woo by O. J. Ireo, onsuacbcS, tcialdi. Time, eOm. t^n. onenUf, noflci—Won by P.C. Ptlmitr, Mk. YIev WhMloMfi; J. R. Edscnon, Lake View WliMlmtn, IM- oo4: O. M. Darllns. aoaluclMd, Uiln). TIrae. Im. mi". OiH ■!'(. ClUJi B.—Wna hj KO. Bskl. BuITaIo; R. C. roQller. TaMo, Meood; L. C. Johotoo, CMreltiKl, Iblrd. Time, an. BV- Ont mlu. citr (bamplmiblp.—tVnn ny W. II. Rvnillll, t^v.W.: II. OnnenUy, R.A.O.,.ecood; Qeers*McTa^- »n.L. V.W..Uili<l. Uatf mitt, oMn.OUM B.— Wad hr P. 11. All.n. HyneuM; r.J.Juoy. mice, Hcood; B. Hil - Tline, In. US'. nUier. Kyrscule, Uili^. One suit opeo. Olau A.—Won by A. B. Wolnls. Bulttlo; W, R. Bhtw, H-tton. Mcood; II. 0. Vlater. TontwuHle, third. Tlaio.3ni.srii. riioalM:<:iuuH—WiabyI,.A.r.alUii>n.lsliJ..: f- 4. Tllniu Bird.. V*VTnrk, .ooHMl: B. C. JoliDwD, Clovf- bi»). lOOiiliL. llilnl. Tint. 4m. MK-. r«» MftM, Ol4M A.—Won by II. (1. WlQIor. Tonawoiids. >yd>.: J. R. EdniUD.I-. V. w.. lal)ydi.. vcood; P. B. Enwt, nalblo, noyda. Ihlnl. Tina em. Sl*(.. Otu aUc tuvlaoi, nluM B —Woo by Uoyo too Btnndtn. SfrmeaM; O'Coooor sod t^^bum, Syrac'aM, Mcond. Time. tel.l7Kv rw Rtlbf, opoD. CtMMm A.—Won hy W. B. Bbtv, BoMon; P. A. PooU, Bonilo,jmnl; II. U. Wlnlir, TontwuJt, •bird. Tlme.Sal.BK. _ Ow milt, Clw«.B...>Wnn br W. A. T.rrlll. Brra^o.,, ■ijd> : W. J. Ilolfoit. una. SSyd.. Honod; 0. II. IM\t. btfi, BoKtlcBDydl., Uilf>l. Time, Sol. 01(4. Phlladelplila's Tobbb Chrlttlans. Tho Bpring race nieellng of Ibo Y'oung Hen's Cbrltibtn AHSoclailon of PhlUdelphIa, Fa., waa hold on Hitnrdar atienoon. June It, and there wsBa large toiemblage of ladles snd gentlemen lo in|. sees Ihe events, wklcli leeulled as appears In Ihe tumniary: f one oilK. niiTlra-Woo br PAWtllarJr : H'o- dtnuD. P. B.<;.. H»ld; II.II. I'riMllilnl. TI>n<,Aii.SI>. na>A>U' mut. op,d7-Won by B. P. n'cli. y R. w.: R. '. i;n>nit. P. W., Mcood; Cnirlei Ctbran, C. A. 1.'., ilrO. TliDOJh?,'*. Oiu mnr. Dl.lrlrl V. 11. C. A. diiin(lon«litp.—Won !• _ M. Verolor: I Tlnir.ttn.OM*. UillJ. Tlino,».?,<. Oiu mnr. Dl.lrlrl V. 11. C. A. diimplonililp.—Won l« Jo.. Veiolor: U. U. rtrklU iseood, L. Botirlln Iblnl. Ommllt. r>MQ—Won l,y P. B. Htrrlotl, R, B. W..ftV-tl«.; II. BnUcbn. K W.,iardi.. wond: r. K. Miouloi, u. u W.. IBydi. Ihlnl. Tlm,L tm. SJ:.. jUrt jiii milt. o|«n.—Won l,r R P. RlHi, o. C. W.; D. O. I'aiVIII. P. B. C, aMund; II. RoUtber. R. W., llilid. Tliof^ In). 3'?,'. UnrmlU. lor Y. M.C.A.-W00 hi l. Hot.rlln.BKd..; R. K. Btnl.ll, laiiil,., HCOfHl; J. Vtnlir, Wiilc, Ihlrd. Tlliio. Sin. SIl. r» mUtu, onoi.—Wno by B. W. TroiiM, P. W.. f&riU.: II. Bultcktr, t. W.. liOvdL aorood: P. B. Mtciliill, IJ. H W., Wydi., ulnl. TInit, loi. Ila Roelnf In nhoda lolaad. There waa a big turnout of admirers ot Ihs 'cyrlo on the occssloo of Ihe annual tournament of Uie llolioWbceluieu, of Woonsockel, IL i.,en Btlurdsy sftemoon, June li. The events wen open to rlilen beloiurtog to other clulio, and over one hundred en- tiles were received. Bone verysuod raclOBCIisr. tcleilz'd Ihe sliemnon's proceedlngp. Bnmmarr: OM aXl/. 3:M> rItM.—PlrvUTom Balkr. CtmlirUs.|''>rt; ■oennd. Iltnnon P. Morlan. PtmUne*', Ihlnl, ClitfU. II. W«VI. Provltlwc*. Tllfio. tin. n*. Om* HUe. 01,00—Pit*'. Prvd iH.lln. P-orMtnrt: mc- ood. Loola R. Araobl. Woioincktl; ainl, W. II. Koltad. ProTkloeco. Tlmo. im. If*.i. Omattir mlU. opon—Plr.r. ILrmin Noploeh: leeooil. II. A. Adunl, WnrtMUr: llilnl, W. II. RoUiRl. Time, SIl r«e ■II'/—Fifvl. S. J. i:to«y. WorcMor, SOrd. ; ok- ood. Looli R. Anobl. Hlyil. : Uilrd. Jtoitt P. CUib. Protocn. Ro«toii.KTtl«l>. Tlmo, 4m. flS.. Om mllf, Mn<olallon.-A. D. Wtl.or,BooUi Kilkb, woo. _ M*»4 J. B. FBTiBtsB, OD Mar ao. In a lime ulal, knocked oira eoeple of minniss from lha record nsdebyc. a FoBUlne tor Ihe vUe froBi Londoa to York, Rug,, kIslUne for lb* dislaaee tmnm* offlos to pest oak«iMio(iu.ttai.,aa«l byrr BMU*. TiiR aiipnia tTATS mhbt. Rcutarkablir giKcestral Opealag »t ske Haahaltaa Beach Rate Tsaek. Tbe largest gathering of devoleca oC the wheal and their admirers thst sver assembled logelherin New York stiended Ibe opening ot Ihe newly bollt track at Uanhtllan Reach, Coney Mand, nnder Ihe autplcea ol Ibe National 'Cyrleand Atbletio Club, on Salut^ty aftonioon, June Ik ne gnat conconrte of rtderi waa In large measure dns to tho tad thst on the lame dsy the new 'cycling path from Froe- pcct Park lo Ooney liland iraa lonnally opened, an event that im< balled wllh Joy by all Mio masculine snd feolnlne whoellsu of the two rlllee, wbovislltd Ihe Irark stter participating In Ihe parade, TUB number ot speciatnn pmeni at the iraok pro- bably learhcil fourteen thoiuand, and they were gniined by being aniiided au oppotTJnliy in wll- nensomo excellent racing on a vcrrfssi asphalt track, perfeclly gradeil. The wesiher waa clear and wtrra, snd Ihe sun's nys were counle^ acted by s mol breeu. In all ratperis the opening may he |iioniiuno(d a complete siicceat, and It will he Iho forerunner ot many In. lemtlogtlnilUarsniiln In the future. Theocra- tlon WM made etpecltlly Inleresling by Ihe oieallog ot a new record In the ten mile race, which vras cleverly won Uy llsur Maddox lo dim. QOKa, the heat previous world's record harlog b^n '^m. tin., by J. W. UnneiBan, made si Chlcsgn, III., In >w.i. Tire reeordi for three, tlx, teven, eight and i,ine miles were sito lurpaetrd. Only two of Ihe hsit dosen ttarlen completed the dlttsnce, so fast was Ihe pace. It Is safe to say that many records will he wiped out on this fast Inck. Rpeclal Iniemi was iBsolfealed In Ihe one mile scratch lietween meniliera ot cuts II, and ihe vlcloiy ot R. a. luid icaa greeted wllh noisy denonstrailcns of B|>i>lauas. Summ.ry: OHtMllr. nnika. rtau A., IrUI Iimu.— FIrvl littt: Won by A. tlilinin, Ko' Yoik: L. II. BmIi. Hcnoklyn R. II., Mconil. Tlnio,tm..^.'U. RoeoDdhral: Won bytl. Kollh. Touri.lU'b'Olmin, Ntw York: P.a Hhino, IjtVtiroal H. f'.,Mconil. Tlmo. Int. S^a«. Tlilnl bttt: Won by V. J. Illlrohnih. Jon.V Cllr: H R. Mali. Now York W., ncood. TImt, tn. sr.. Pnunn httl; Won by II. P. Parhor, Po- nuod W., HiKOklyn: R. n. Rtmtttr, Blliabolli A. II., WCOKl. TImr.tin.JlV. Pinh lioat: Won hy R. A. Bll lor, nrMDwtcb W.; P. i. n.11, Rnmklyn, ..coitd. Tlmo. tiii .'nK*. RlxUilwBl: 1\'oo Ijr A. lllrKh, Now York Oily; 0. II. Uirlla. e>raad. Tlmo. fin. Sl>. BoTooih hrai: Won byO. Hiol.n. .Vow Vink: B. W. ni.lT. RiTtralilo W., wo ond. Time, Tin.sit. pinti liptt: Won br II. Ktlrh. K. W.flnlfKond. B. J. nlitbuBh llilnl, ul II. II. OonIt lonnb. Tlme.tni.M\.. . oar Hlff, pcrtlrh. rittaA.lrlallital..—PIratbtal: Woo \y L. 11. llo|,p#, r.llionr Who.lmon; II. P. Hnihtr. Hrook- lyo. larond: W. A. Itarbaau ihtnl. Tint. Sm. fliltf. BtR. ond hpal: 'A'oo ti. P. R Betlholt R. B 0.. N.iv York; n. U. Kilt Hlroftlilo Wl.oolmMi, ncoQil: II. K. Iluppoti, llarloiii Wlirolmon. tblnl. Titito. Sim, OSl Ihlnl lit.t; Won hr J. W.Til'oid, ll Toraldo W.: H. nn<'V,Lllitrty W., .>ronil: P. A. N.fl. Rltenhlt W.. Ihlnl. TImt. Sm. vyii Final lH«l: tVon by IbmnI lln.her. U. M. Rili foe^inil. L. (I. Ilofoo Ihlrd. Tint., Snt. 1I*aI tme mllf. .rnl«fa. tllti. a Irl.l lioati—KInl httl; Woo by Ur Brooot. RIorrlanil, (l:i:. H. Hnrid.y, Klrift rvutitr w.. »o<<.nd: P. II. AII.11, BorlntflaM, llilnl. TImt, Sio. Sli«. Horond lipal; Won 1).r Ulln Zloaltr. Rao JoH, i:.l.: K c. Ptkl. nair.lo. Miml: RoT MePoniM, Rui.n Irlaod. llilnl. Tlmo. Sm. 4lli«. Kinal hn^l; Won ny B. r. Raid. r. M. Mnn-lir HKviid. Olio y.lralorl^lnl, fir. Rmnt rmiflli. lU. NtcDon.kl dm|>p«l out on llititfiond Up. TImt. foLli;.. Omfmllt, haodlrtp-CUaa A. Irlal hntta.—PIral batl: Won hi riamufl Rmrk.l.llanr W.. IBb'iliu: 1.11. Laka, Port Ricbninnd. IIOTd.,wi-ond: II. P. Harktr,Po,|Uod W., UKdr., Iblnl. Tliiit.tni.IAV. Kreond boat: Won by P_ II. Ilnlsnn, l.tnilliiiru H. T, MOrd..; J. w. runblln.Ar. HnptJin. N. J., fmidt.. MCnml; D K. R.ttor. n a, Kov York. S)ydi. Iblnl. Tlmo, Sin. IMia Tlilnl boat: Won by P. 1>. Wl.llo. I.rnliniok w.. ni,l<.: W. n. Uoomt. Now J.r«>jr A. CL. aonucb, tooooil; P. HIptoy, Ntwtrb. N. J., niyil... llilnl. Tlmo. tm. Sl%4. P.Hirltilioal: Woo by W. p. Mrilum, irarloiti W., ISIj-it..; II. Rom.ltin Jr.. Tourlit W.. lllhd....vmiHl; R. WInlprlwtllom. Now York. U^iili., Ililrd:n. B.Colili Jr.. Ilarltm W.. AOi'dM.. rminli. Tlmo, lio. lK?ta. Kinb liotl:Won liv J W. TIKonl. RUonldo W..ntd..:T. Ilutlio'. K. R. W.. Pal.nwo. N.J..IUTd>., atcond;!!.!; Riipporl llarlolil W . Myd... Ihlnl; A. Zlt). mar. YnrkTMIi tv.. nml... lonnh. TImn. Sm. iai|(.. pinal littl: WonhvK 11. IMiwn. lnyanl.;(! M KluWid.., atoond.and 3.W. Cunklln. lUyili, Iblnl. Tlmo. tin. e>la. floe mlitt, MCmlrli. O'afa A.—Ron In Irlal btlla of not nilto -PInl liMt: Won lir P. U. Wlillo. I.ynbrook W.: W. A. Barliotu. Rlrorablt W.. wowl; II. R. Httlar, Cutout. IdarnUestW., third; R.T. lUnit, nroaotnlW.. rnntib. Tlmo. Sm. .Vl Horoflii hoot; Won by R. II. Iloiliwin, Lymlbunt B.n : W.C. Riwmt. Ntw Jtraoy A.n..a.o. nod: B. A. Knmnitr. UlforaMa W.. Ihlnl; Thoiiiaa llnsnoi. B. R. W.. Pal.raon, H. J., fonrlh. Tlmo. Sni. PInal boat; Wnn by W. <l. Itonoio. P. D. Whilt aoconil, B. II. llndsoon Ihlid. Tlmo. Um. UV 000 mllf, htndletp. cU.a B.—Won ny Conn Rtkor. On. Inmlil^ Ttiila: Hay Ht.4nntkl, Kaw York, Tftyd... aorond; P. II. Allan. HprlnsBoM. Uyila. Ihlnl. TImt. Im. tlU.. nrtt mtlta, Mrtatrb. oltM A. ehtoiplonablporNtw Vnrlr. npoD only la ri.hlont L. A. W. mtoiliara of Uio Haw Vorh Rut* dlvl.lnn.—Wnn hr Ih 0, llopno, Llbtdy W.; W. A. Harhotn. Rlraralito W., aocood; KUROOt A. Boltlostr tbiid. TImo.lm. srii*. nnmlttt, aoraloh. daaa R, pai^ Wnn br Harry Rail. rim. A*hurT Kark;W. P.HIma.Wta]ilDslon,l>.0.,teeond. Tla]0.1lni.99jt^ Twa TaadoB necords Drohra, U. Holbein han come cut again, alley sonieihing over t yesr't tetlremenl, snd Joined forces with J, W. Blocks on a tsndem ssfely, forlhepurpotoof securing records on the road, Tbe eratwhile long dialance cbsnplon lins been systemallcally, though seerelly, Italnlng for many weeks, and hi Ihor- 'onghly m, and Ihongh Hlooks Is best known as a fast path chtinplon, be wrote himself down as alila loBltya twelve honnnnMayan. HUnedliyF,T. Rldlake fmn llllchin. Eng., at T.M a. B . ihe pair took Ihe fllly miles route on the North Rnsil, snd tlien out and borne pisges In the Ken cnuniry, scor- ing for tlieir hundred miles 4li. Mm. isa, siid thoir twelve houn a dlaUnca wblch will pnibshly ptss the Rrad lleconia Aaantlallon's scrutiny al mti mllea. Tlieir hiimlred nillea lime beats tioth lUe amateur rwcnrd for ranilems made liy F. It. Cook and A. K Hinh. 4h. Um. 11a.. and Oafairrow and Sanaora's prnfeulnnsl lime ot 4h. 4m, est,, but la nearly seven nilnnles liohlnil A, A. Ubsae'a reconi for Ihe slnale mfeir of 411. aora. Wa. ThoIr twelve hoors' loul la Iho drat InMsnce of-its miles lielnB lirslen on llie msd. snd lasUo llie Bmllositnce of the iwelvehimn'uital for a tan- dem lafetv Iwlng In excess of that rerorilod for the sliiRlo machine. Tlie prevloiia tsndem twelve hoiim wss K. Ilasrlne and A. Rmylhe's luDi'mllea, snd Ihe exltilni twelve honn' single recoid.ll 313 miles, by A. A. Ohsae^ ^ AceMout Is a Blefclltl. l>Drlng tbu Buveslh heat of Ihe one iiillo imvlro twee at llie New York lllvlaloo I.. A. W. meet tl UsDhallaii Ik;sch, i^oney lalsnd, on June II, a aerlons accident orciirrcil. Aa llio ciio'ealaiibi ocaitd Ihe Inlali, wllh C. Plielan lesiling ninl K. W, (lolTcloM liehind, W. A. J. FItck. of llroohlyn, who WIS a good Ihlrd, auddenly swerved, plunged for- ward, snd fell lieidlnng, airlliliisnn hiaheail and rai!C, He waa InHCnallile whan liriod fn^m Ilia track and raiTlcil 10 hia dmaing riaiin. wtiera'lie rerelvcil meillrat alieniliiii. wbllo an BinlHiltoce waa aiiin- iiiniieil from llrimklyn by lelegranli. It wts found that ho had rei'elvril a aeveir cul over -the left ore aoil waslisilly brutacd on hesil snil tmdy. while rm scemrd l» lie wiiTnrlng fnim norvniia aho^k noil ron. uupalunot Hie lireln. Mo wsa aim aonaeleao wheu filacedin Iheitmliulaiirr. but Ihe aiirgeoii IlKiuaht hat he wnnbl reoovor. Tlie Injiireil rnau.wnn Isken to Ilia hnnio In llrooklyn, and IsIk llist nlgbl wsa resJhiB i|uletly nnder ilio Iniliieiico nt niorpljlne, Titore wsa sla 1 an ncclilent In the tinirih hcnt of the Hsiiie race, J. C. lleiHiell lahlnga heador and sliding nluiiff the track ri>r a cniialdpralite dislaune, Tlie aci;ldont waa canaeU bj lha liiimiliigot liH lire, lie waa ijulle baity brulaed and his machine wsa wrecked, M«M . Tho Wheel la tha Aruayr* A pncilcsl lest of Ihe bicycle as a mSant of con- miiDlcslltiO nllb distant prints wai Inainguraled by Colonel Cllse, ot the Msdlson Itsrracka, di Hackells Harbor, no Houday, June e, he disialchod fnnn Madison Usrrackt, st livs A. R., Ijeuiensnl II. U. Wise aud Orderly A. K. Weed, niouolcd'nn Mcyclrs. TbsiMp wss a succeta In cveiy psniquUr. Ueu- tenant Wlae arrlretl al llnveniiir*s f.lsnd tVednoa- daj.atnliie r. u.. having Imvelod adlrsaraof but nllrs. Ilnih men were highly niesaeil vHh the trip, and wlak lo rptiire Ikaoka in ibe 'cjcllalt nt llnme, 1.'ilcs. Allitny. Amtleiiltn, lliidtnn ami FItbtlll, N. Y., who were more ilian hind to Iheni im Ihe Irlp. Tbe men had no Inlulng whntevrr. Ueniensm Wlie nale a Islb wheel, snd iirderlr Weed a nib one. Tliey csrrleda full tnldler's eiiiilpnieol nf S'jth. (iescnl lilies oiDclsUy congiatulated Hie 'cycllalt on toelrpert onnsnce. Thrsp. TnoiRAsn psBson wlinesaed Iks road race al Unwond. a aniiurti of Cincinnati, U.. iin 8a|. srdar, June it. Tbe ditianoe Is nine and three- elgbUi uillea, th* niad wss very bed, and the win- ni-r wsa H. IL Bennett. Comet Wheel Club, Is BOin. W, The lime ptii* was wnn by 0. wrnchs:l, hit Una iidng 9Bia. Is. 0. B. Ilonnn wss thmwn ng his wheel mm a wire fence, recelvlig ujoitea that It wa« UKMifhl weoM pnv* touk . Jahnaaa Ooates Aaelker Recotd. no Frms Vycle CInb, ot BoatoD, Mass., held reros tt Ihe Inok at Wallham, Mots., on June 17, which wen altended by cloeenponnlne Ihonsand peracns. The fealure ol the occasion wsa thealiempt of Johu B. Johnson to lower the lecord tor one nillo, In which be proved successful. He was paced by a "qoad," manned iiy r. J. Rarlo, 1u nerlo, A. D. Rich and II. Ittnlilf, ind rode Ihe illslsiico In Im. tiiHt. He received an ovailon when ho cmawd iho liiio and the line was aunoonced. Tboniaa liuiier alao esisbllsned a new record In the OUas A nillu lutndl- oap, nding fmn acntoh In '.>m. lo'^a.. while l«s Rlchardaoo, In a inal agalnitume. mliirrd hIa own rweotd tor tiding a half mile hackwanl to im.MHa., the former ilgures lieing tm, lis. Hunimsry: oso mUt, Invlltllos, ritu B.-S. 11. HaM Onl, I.. II. I^btabt ttconU. W. 0. Kingtr Oilnl. Tlmo. Sin. iL". Otoalfo,S;«J oUaa,Cla«iA,-TboiBtt Hnllornm, R. 11. Snow aoeiMil, A. ft Pianeh Ihlnl. Time. Sin. lr'.^x On* Mlla. tamltot, Claaa B.—OalUlian and Thatrhtr. WalUitm, Bral; Mtyo sod iltiind.ra, Roaton, Mcund. rsinl 11^ n milt, opto, Ctau A.—W. R. n*;nnl.K llydo Porlr. flnM; W. KRhtw, Roatoo. aoniod: II. A. Adam.. WoRoaUr.tDil J. P. Clark, BoatoD, tltd lor Ihtid pUrt. Tln».4Hsa Oao ailfo. Claaa R—Thomaa Bntlor nrat, R. II. Bdow tec . ....... . ond. W.RRoynoMallitnl. Tlmt,Sm. .... ralnl itr 0 Mill-, opto, maaa B.—A. I. Hrown. f^ltroltnd. n nitl; L. U. Cthttno, SI. Lonlt, Mo., tecond: II. Tyltr, Rprlnolobl. Rata , Uilnl. TImt, ila. uw mllr. Okiaa H.—kn. JobnMm. Oltftltml, Brat; A. W. lv>rl«r, Walihtm, aorohl; John iVbum, HynMoao, .M. Y., Iblnl. Tl mo, Hi. «!?..■ _ Prdallag Across lha Dotder. Tho Tomnln (Oni.) Ferry Company held annllirr 'rycling neetallhelr new gniimlson Ihe rvcning ot Juno 11, which wes well allendnl snd proved In- leieallog. Sommnry: iMf milt, noTlro,. Claaa A.-ll. TlioiiiOMin, IL 0. R. V, nr.1: L. Bioinull, ILII. B.O.iWnind; P. Dallun,u. I'. II. II.. Ihlnl. Tliiio. 3m. I«>. iMo mllr, no>l«^ riaaa R.-llanry Una. T. i;, Brol; N. n.ialdy, Ki:. «. V., •onind; II. Itrhln^ II.I!. II. i:., Ibllil. Tlmo. Tn. Via. IMfmlU, «Na..A.-Plr.l bftl: P. H. Cmwlty. W. B. C, Uydi.. Sral: H. llanlntr, U 11. II. n., Uyda.. .oniod: J. Kiyloa. Hirtoki. Syd... Ihlnl. TImt, lln. 01;.. Honimt hHt:B.ll Itlktr.T. II. U.. «l)ila. Oral; Jm'ii BUU, V. tl.n. A, Shila, ttonml; K. A. Uvia, T. II. CUida, llilnl. Tlaio, Ini. O.Va. PInil hiot: John Mill.. OhiK. nru; P. Ri:nwl.r Aljda, aocoml; H. Iltiiliitr, g. I; II. CeOydl., Ihlnl. Tlmo. Ihi. Sa. IWM/raiHr ria.a H. nyloi dttL-Plrat hrni: Aogna Hclioi.l, Stmlt. Sral; cktrlaa CilUhan. I'rr" r. ii.. aotoDil; S. II. llllilHin. R. II. R. II, ihinl. Tline..Va. Rotoiid littr: lltrlty Datlitino. R. c. II. i!., ni.t; \v. Mclnloali. W. B. II.. ttcood; L. 11. lluboHwin. A. r. II., Ihlnl. Vlino, aia. Flnol hoal: lltrl.y llAililpoo rlr.1, William Brioloab (o<ond, Cbttlo. Collahtii llilnl. TInir, (tioall^ (^aia A.-Jobn Mlll^ Y. H. n. A..Uidi.. Ilnl: P.ll.llTntlor.W. n.ll..Wida, ttninil. TImr. !lui. sla. rw« nfK uindtDi.—Ilarloj llarlilpon and I,. II Kiilion. aoo. A. II. II.. nral; W. Iluloo. T. H. II. aud H. K. IMin. minsa, llalloTlllt. aocood. Tlma,Am.rt.. Ibl/Mllr. atliliililiin. lilpl.i.-lAiao, Mtckuilt ami aratlrii. Tl mo, Ini. Ha. Tha Hoaat llollr BlntlnR. There waa a goodly crowd st Ihe nco meet ol Ibo HMIolly(.N. J.)Wheelmen un Hatiinlay aflemwii, June It, s apodal altncUon being olTbrcil In lliu presence ot A. A. Xlnimeman, who waa silienlanl to give a mile eshllilllan, which ho illil, nuking tlio dlalanco Irvm a nyliig ainn. |wi'«l. In -im. ma. Ilii wss louillf apiilauiled nytho ilellghlnl Jenwyiiini al Ihe end. The regular pmgraninisil ernnln woru won as follow: One all/, optii.-Wog br Ctrroll Jaob. I'onii II'.; wniml. Jot llatrlKin, A. P. w. Tlmo, Im. MV. Ilfilfmllr, opon —Won li. Jiw llarrmn. A. P. W.; atu. und. Chtrlaa A. ISturch. Tlma, Im. Wi». The llallliiair nsnii llBro, Jnliii lliidwin, ol WFtlOehl, a iicgni lail agpil eighteen yeais, wou Hie sornml aiiiiiial llslllilny U mile rnad race snd a (:ioo hnnie snil liiigsyat MSntOeld, Hai«., Juno IB, rr^>ni llm fmir nilnnio rnirk, In ITm. Tt. The tlmo nrlr.o wet wmi by lliirnH ^V.nerI:^ nt Maiden, tcmlrli.m dim. iw., wlin gut twenty-fourth pisce. Wllllsni Frtiicli, iif Ihu Ptom U. i;., u'ntrh, Iwenly.ilsllr, won acciiiid tliiio iirl/.e In Aim, IM. K. K. PealHKly, Pnaa U, U„ 3d'., twenty, tblnl, won Ihlrd tlmo nrlza In 4«in. tia. Tlie aiTidiil |irlr.o waa won by J, Monohan,Iini., l'nivlilonrp,4aiii. 40a.; F. I'rstt, lawreoce. Bill. Ilia,, ihlnl, iMii. iiin. There werv iwenty-foiir nwii who Bolaheil snd won piltea The uggragale value of Ihe prlmui was <t| loii, and nenrlj uno buudrvd of Iho lieal rldoraof New Knghmd start cil. Ahokii Till siuTci.K BVBNTS Ot iho opening nf Ihe grounds at the luttlo Creek (Hluh.) Iirtvliig Ulnb wss a team race lietween XaltiiiHriHi and llalllu Creek rideni, for a cliHllense cun, to be uprn fur coiiipellilun during laoi. "rho ditlauce was onii uille, and Ihe cnnletlsnls were: Ksbiniarjm-.l,. T. FunslHirg, II. II. >:<lily and Ileorgs llroon; llalllo Creek—vemoo lluah, UIgh Turner auil Harry llllchle. Tlie former team won by tlx points tonne. Time, m. Wit. W. I. Bwliidoinsii, on a blcyrlo, licat a bone In a half mils daah. In Ini.Ta. Tlio half mile, open event, was wnn by FIsiwbtrg, wllh Tumor second, Time, Ini, los, TUB HBAWASllABA ClIRIKTIIIAK YACHT Cl.l'B'H Islenallnoal rmall laiat Ireplij, which baa bran cbsllenied for hy J. Arthur llninil's Miiruco IV, will In all pnibablllly lis niily delniided. In aildltlnn In Ihe llltle Pk'Iplairk (Jiieailnn anil tlio Tnitl Ho, which link |iart In ilio Ijirchinont Ynrlit l.'liib'a mgatla, JiinelO, themanilieraof Hit luveralilo Yarhi(;iiili bavo fonueit a syndlcslo and ptai:ril nn nnlor for ii bair rater with OharleaOlniuod, Iho dealgnnr of ILn KIdolon, Vumnl II and oihera. Tlie innmlioni <if Ibe Indian Hsriior Yacbt Club will atari Im rvpre. Anted In ilila claw, and have placed an onler with Frank lord Newell. KuRii NiBSKi., Columliln Wheolinen, won Ihe tlmo nrlMlnlhomipplemonlalCblrsgnrnail race, Juno lb, covcrlog twenty-line mllea In 4uni. 40a. Ho hhIo llie last tbree miles with s punctured tiro, liecsidy won tbe aeomd time prize In uiiii. ga., snd Vsii »i was Jiiat sixteen secuuds liehind him. BpIko, whn made a claim for Um tlmo on Itecomtloii IMy, ruv. eied the dlatanre In Olra. IBs. Tho course waa Binlghlaway, It Iwgan tt llliihlsnd Itrk, unitb nf (Ihlcsgo, III., snd ended at Windsor Avenue, Ub|. cage. RiiwAHn lli'wKi.i. Faxon, atnomlier of the Cnlum. bla'Cycle Club, of Hartford, CI., slid a wm of FIro Comnilalnner Faxon, started at 0 a. u., June U. on s ride III New York, Wtsblngluii, clevuUnil, Kriu anil Aliiony. Ul rolum Imme by way nf Hprliigllelil, s disuses of sbiiut one Ihouasml uillea, CdXHTAyr lli'RtT was tha winner of the twenty, four bouit'lilcyole rene at the I'eladniiiin liuilnln, I'Mila, Kr.. iiu Jiino In. riding bllninolrrn jm inelri'si l,ewls aecuud, tlo bllomotrea; lllvlurn Ihlnl, itt hlliimetrea 333 meirea. A gold liuwl ro. worded Ibe winner. . m a. IISTTB HU Hie victor In the rnail race from (NKlntiall, 0., to Tilhwooil, nine miles and thrvu liirldmll, on Jan* It, lila tliiie tieliig win. m, i\ WIncbell, the Ume winner, covered iho dlalnm o 111 sm. U ' A. P. lULBv won tbb ten mile Irlcycio duiniplnn. ablpnfllieN. C. 1.'., st iltnuhealor, F.iig., on Juno li. Ilia lime was Um, Wit, lowenng llie record by 4««.. Ubobub a IMBSOR, of lllggtniini, nn June I), riHie a bicycle from Clilcupoe Fslla ui Mhldleiowo, CI., furly nlue mllea, lu 'Jh, 3(ni. UniHiiR llinsBR, Iho Aniorlcsn rliler, tvun Iho CyclUU' Jieriiy nt VIcnns, Ana., on Juuo IC. A mlux Bicyixisr l« wanted for Hie Wllraot Han. A NEW USE FO R ENGLIS H SPARROWS. Then Is a use fur sperrows which Hie sverago Ainerlran clllxeii ot aporllng tuncilvlilro baa lint ail far dlacovereU, It reiiialiia fur ih« L'u|. ness In Ihe liultcd Huim to direct nilciiiluji in li novel pnrpuae to which ruck aiairmwa inair Im de- voted Bomawlist bi coMpeoaailuu fur lliiTr uiher- wlat iiarle>aoxl>lence. That John Clilnainsn soniewlicro from touio source Inntrileil coiiildrraiile aiairilrig liJuod, Iboogh be nay not cut niiicli uf a thloo hiiim If In n lUeet brawl wllu urvlilni tnd itiiillnliora, la pAtiy Jieneislly hnown. That he baa a wludoauine rcspci t ur AiMtlcan Jiitilce la slau a ftnilllsr facu Ca::k flBb loRlapnibli ltrd, iliigllghiliiiillkewiM'. 8ft, In order lu have Juai as much fun as he wnulil st a rock or a dog tlgul, John has nwdo expetimrnts with cock ppirroas,sod iht roaiiU It aslj uvniplvte- ly to mi tho nieaaiiie of bla happinets. The lighting tparruwa are trained nn His aane pilnclplta aa gtineciH-ka: their wloga are cllppnl and tbeir spun sre llUed lo gaOB as keen as the point ut a neoilte. Thrj can aocn Iw Iralood lo make aa good Ughlen at two Hpanlah roosteia, and ihom who hare wltnesacd sn eiblblllnn of uls sort declare ihsi, nest to a nt killing, nn l.'hlnsmaa will adrallilitl anything oan surpass In InlertMB cock- ing main belwsea (wo educated asanows,-misV