New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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2€B THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 22. Wn Wnb la h( Ssmer ud fait Sam? THE VEnSATILE ENTEflTAINER, Neil Litchfield SINGING COMEDIAN, HE CITER AND CHARACTER ISIPERSONj^OR. can qive a full evening programme of two hours with the assibt- ance of pianist. Batlntu: FacttI Act, YankM, Wldnv B«doir, Trunii, Blllr Kid, llald,(;ountrr Otvk. PaHimIc, Uramitfc and Dlftl«ct K«cliaUon*, Comic ftod ro^lca) fUtaf^ Be^t ofpnMnotlw from Urfi»eUlM wlurn I har»«ppMr«]. rrani Hftlne \o Califorali. Ilftvftviutl itnrubldorKiQ tna ihowoatllL litre fourcotorfd llirMtliMt liUio. AUo foarcoloreOoiMiliHl cit of portrait snd •lithtchanct' •ri, voodAod plifttoenKnivIno tor liaapcriL li*rBld«u*J d«dpn. flOMO dllTtrant ulrUa nfpliniua for trunei. Kor Mk«addr«u flAr*--*-— two ■MM addrvta TbM to p»r. fcd. RAUIiTHTK UARIB, UKlll. Managers, Attention. MR. SOL. H.WX:iN1'HA.Li. Proprltlor and Minigtr tmptrlil Miitio Hill, HOBOICICN, N. J., nrnvlng mttand the DIJOU, Aimarlir kuwB «• Ihs OEnHANIA, on a loaf Imu, will nop«B the wm*. afler •iten. ■It* altAratloH*. m 6nt elBHTaad«irlil« haaH, aad*r Ike till* of th* stah theatee HsMAfien coBlniltlBf good barlM^BO and varUljr mtlraelloB* mn Invllad lo write fbroMnllmoi BeaMnop«n«A«s.l9* Matlnw mrj day. aOL. ». WBIHTflAL. DO m m] 1 »G pi>Y BY scon MARBLE, ESQ.? Three New Plays to Be Soli Oitrlght or Leised on Rofilt) et Veri Reaiouble Terns. A* tho Rulkor*! allomtf t canc4led lha •xliUsf eoD- ifstu for tbeM plt*a for fallurt of )>nidueiluD. Ooa etFDoallaMrmmaor Naw York, foraoobraita >tAr(iiavi- fa07), 4 acta, caat aO. Nu apacUj acaoarf rtqulrad. On* (lonadf Dnriift,« acU, 10. •tar pafi,didMt oratrmigliL Oo* Flaro* Coraadr, lu; lliitit coniadjor chmoUr No n>«tU) acaaery raqiitred. Tlia»e playawar* vrliion for muanra «ho oarrlad no acaoarr, and «*ra ao «rr*niied thai uiar coold \m Mrforoad with tha atork icauarj OBualljr round In all ifiiMirat. AUdrw AHOB J. KBLLY. AHoroar. Wo. I.ail Arcli Hu. Will■itali'hla. Fa. NO WONDBRI IT IS RATS NIQHT AND DAT. Wlir man, you %n bOlllllJ tll«lL|lt. Iltv* 1 • IV.,^ ^^1^ rourLKTTBHIIXADa I 7**^^^ RICHARD'S I ^^"•'^ Sludlo o! Dtilgni, " 5>."T. '"<«"' WJUAIIE, NK.W YOlIK, . , NKXT UOOH TO AHUarnCKi a KIUllANOE, toi you win ri«»p lo PMC*. OBITT FOlGir TO msYOiHoni" ThU I" lh« uinii Ui>t •III much • bitn uf tuiaa. Worda ORAHD. loulloBllAUTII'UL "dutrulMd." hnfuhHIMl lOcO. uilnnir4iiiniar<irHgaUhAnnopr. Not l>n>or ■(iwl. oolTHAWII. IXAYTB IHiliLVAIH. BuiIiimII, III TO H.EIVT, Faint Frniiio and Carpenter Shop, WITH EVEnVTIIINO COMPLBTB, IN PIRST OL.A89 DROOKLVN THEATRE. AMreu PAINT FHAMB, Amerlm TtoitrlwU Biclnn«o. I.wl llro«4»iir. N.V.OIIy. WIT'S lYil WTBE CD. A roanir tiiibltloui L«iii}lnK Win, wliii un ud vlU Oiwh Itli iurU Mttl Bttond til IiIh ti»u biiolBou. - A Lady for OMtnl Bualnait Ihtt no do •Mtlallv, A CoiuwJIon lliAt GUI tct adO do >IURln4Mioclillloi. TvoQoodAclun for Onxntl Huiloou, and a rHOI'EHn' KAN Uial am AOTand djubit lo band. Soujoopftoa Julyai Addi«n IIAKTOW, MO. I W« will Mnd VRBB, upon renlp< of yearaddmt, tbrasoflhv iBleitioag ■■!>• c«M«*oriliti|«aoan* Band pragr«nm«. B. D. OVILD. TopuhB. K»». •\r Wolll kOBg, ROOF GARDEN GIRL" PHOi'iisaiaNALiiflriKH niEK roK btaui-. „.„ OjillllOTKATIOK mtmiH. IVM. W. DELAWKV. 117 I'ark Knw, N.» Yntk. GRAHAME'S STAGE SCHOOL. Hi*. IIM. llalll.MOIItt.HI. Uiil>, Mo. OjMtilho yi>>t 'found. l^upllH r«ii enigr any lliua. I*it>liliin« noctirvl wKonCODI|»t>DI. HTAIIK [>ANI!IKll A HI'KdALTY Hand »r call lor olreoUw. J W. IIKAIIAMB. Miicltial. TIM FRANCK COLLEGE ol TRUE ELOCUnON ind VOICE CULTURE. IIAKRV (I. rilANCK. A. H., riw't.'. lar Wrat 3«tli 81., N«w York Vlly. N. B.-Lkdl*. and (Uatloniau vraiiand for tin Dra- matlo Waga tn a abort lima. > < Olrcus Gant^iBesi Teals of Ail Descrlptloos Minilitttrei!. ' M. R. KUKHIILT, ItS Iwulii Rlrvat, Nov Tort CI17, Ntf Tricks. Nsi too Pass PIctorlilCatilOKDt, wllhpleiurMuf)aadlni|in>fa4a|0Qala. Lalaat BiiropBan noTamat. Qtultk, wcoiiil atirtittntl anil-aHrltualluii, up to data. Raod It CMiiarnr aama. NulYMllat. W. l>. LK ROY. tiB«NnirtBir**L BiiainD. Ma— HEPNER BROS.. lUNUFACTIIREnS OF HOT AIR BALU)0^8, rAIUnUUTE& BtO. ARVEIiaiOKS MADE BY LADT OR OBNT. RTUmH, Mlot. Would Like to Know the Wheresbouts ot Let- TIR LER or LUTTIB HAMSBV. Will alia ut Hiiito friomi Inronii inal Hniiielhluv to bar Intotait. AddcaiK tIKt). A. FITZIIKHAkl). MailWn. N. O. run ANV BiKujgii. "LET HE TAKE MY PLACE AT HiiUE AGAIN," Ll«IIIKHIX>., IHH. Klatanllim., I'llHliuw. I'a 'THE UOHG van AllTISTS.*' A|«nraaotl with boatd. Ctiuloa of Boillih. Oanoaa and rnaob kliehanL Ftloaa madanta. B. rsTRBfiiiU, « W. TwwItHh WrxL y»wTotk (liW. 1895 TRAVEUNB THIS SUMER. Bamo Bcala of MagaltBd* ^ Cfilcafo. W^nd'tValr. ^ 1895 Mon Has, Mora lle»H, Mora Can, Brightar Iilablad lhaa aar EmibliloB ■laca II16 CrealloB. Tba Orlalnal, lha One, (he Only, tb. Traa O. JUDDMONOLA. rT6K«la ncoid that'* waj upMih; You'll nwto ra>a MOHOLA u|» In Tha akf. NOVELTIES IN SILVERWARE. JEWELRY AND WATOIIBlL^Siillabla for ■lTa_a«a^ur)waaa._lllat1nlad sUMfuarau. rAVUBR. m B. lladlaoa'Duaat, Oileaio. lU • B.A.OO.,ai(t.Ju<iBL,Hoalnal,(lu. 1 UFFALO UflLD ILL'S ffEST CONGRESS OF OF THE ROUGH RIDERS WORLD. COL W. F. CODY, PrMldtRl NATE SAL8BURV, VIee PniMenl ud Manigtr. Tbo Praaa aad Pabllo aboald laaon ■tlralta and ImlUaton, at Ikilura ronaa Ihe nte DfFabln, il EL, BANOOR, PA. Seating capaeitx. 100. LIgbled wl(b eleolilell)'. Large tiage, and ontln Blihlag or ball an to dale. Will oimb Mept. A. 4,000 lahabllanta, and tilr- raaadlng popaUllaa or 10,000 to draw from. On braaoh ol U., L, di W. R. H„ 90 mllaa nrom Hew York. Pint rlaii Re- pertory Ceiapaav wanted ibr opening week, and limited naiaber of attractlona foreeaeoB, Addreaa W. H, ORVBB, Manager. AddrsH all oosuaoaloatloai dIrMtia WINTERBURN SHOW^ PRINTING CHICAaO. 166 "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TOTIIB "rnOPHflll." aad tha ftot addt a H«at link to fuur ehain or (Miie, IF you hava a lood vwrtnit cut or roanair (br Matluaair aad adTortlMiiit. W« tnaka iha rlibt kind Tor 11 JUL ill kinda o( euii for abuw prlatlDR at a dU«DUDt Writ* CHKAQO PHOTO ENQRAVINQ CO., Itt Madlaon Sl, Chicago. FLOOD'S Park Theatre 0VRT18 DAY, A. A. CO.. MO. WANTED AT ALL TIBBS. BKRIUIMIIIICSI HONn AND DANCK AND SPEOIALTY LAUIE8. TIIOBAB MAdK, Muamr. 8TEAIM IMERRY CO ROUNDS GaUoplns Uoncfi, Fine Iniiwrted Or- gans, Attractive out- fit Prices on appU. eallon, Tenmeuy. NOKHAN & EYA>S, Loctport, N. Y. FKGV WILSON, Aulbor er the fbllowlag playii »TIIB PAOIPIO MAIL." •'PKNALTV," and "CUABH IN OlilNA," muat not be jfn^ dated wltboat mf oenaent. PAHTNBR, with rapllal, <br their pra- dartlon. Addraaa FRED WILSON, Manager, 3111 \V. liat BIreel, New VorE City. CALL. Will MDil vou rur So. htaiiip a 82 TAOE nATALOtbUU. lalHiii: all aliout OiiiinaatJS Hicytll'i'i iiiiMlo nnd (1\niiiaaltiUi Ootxlii. Wur>l»il Ull TluliU^U; Blilrta, 93; While t^anvaa URli«n>.$l: lt>aibaraoUii«tl U: Oanva* I*uiii)ir. Ucautl OOe.: L«alliarLo«|ilna BlMtaf^lS-BD, Ha auro anil Band color aad ail*. Tarota, $1 with onlar, haLtocv C 0.1>. R. B. OALU aw Halo St.. H|trIPcnaUl. Maaa. WIGS Write for SURE FITS. Estimates. ANTHONY DOCII, U. SouUi Biatonth Blreau rblladalidila. fa. Magical Apparatvs, Tricks, Illusions, Etc. Na», fulb* lllualnlad iMok caU- lofua, evorj Uilon uii to data. lActa. farlur irlcka cataloiua fWa. UAHTINKA AtX)., «!l3RliUi ATcoua. Kaw York. PATTERSON'S M locb, MSB; a loch, U.n; 30 Inch. SUO: Full Uiaatrloa] Inj. and all olhara, flu canla. mcIi. T«nn*,caih Id ad. V V. PATI<RH«ON A W„ 13it N. Wla.h 8tr»«l, I'hiledelpbra. Pa. NO ''bum' [Now Ttifln, lor Letter Neadil Mfwoik litha l>«Jt uB aarlh aad nj itrlran an tlie h>»»«L Sand fbr bis raialnmiaof Lallcr llvada and KIM Raj i n k'i^ Sc. F RA N K M \'Bna. Bl TliiiM HiillJiPg. Haw Torfc. Circus Canvases. Aloioit now; An. aod 6Uft. Round T\>ra; dOTL and TOtt. Rmiml Tn«. vlUi 90ft. MlddlH: lOOft. Round Toft wllH BlddlOOft-Wall.. Allchaaii. Addtaia C. J. BAKER. 10. ff. PilBl mixl. Kania. Olty. Mo. WANTED, TWO COHEDIANS....MUST BE Al. rOH UBtllCINK ro. AND tJIIANIIB Ann OFTKK. NO BllMII OR MAHIIRKO TOLRHATKD. lUlanaa mult IM lov. Would Ilka (o haar fhin. comfdlan and vlfb. Aldna J. M. BLLIUTT. MarUniburib. W. Va. OB PRINTEI ^^SifSB&KiT.lli ENGAGilMENT AT AN EXOBMOFS EXPENSE OF THE LATEST EUBOPEAN IKPOBTATION, AND THE MOST DARtNC FEMALE AERIAL ARTISTS, IN A NEW AND STARTLING PERFORMANCE. SPECIALLY ENGAGED FOR THE BIG CITY SHOW. MANAOERSiTAKE NOTICE. THE yUNNIEOT ACT BEPORB TUB FUBIIO, CAPTa SIDNEY HINM AN Ilia Lira Rivar. aiiUtad by Mickaf Ksooay, tha Irlab ToDiih, liaa cloMd lila i«uoa with bla fuDay burlaaqua llfaaarlQuacL I would Ilka u>artmns* with aoma ortt eUn comUDatlon for nexlaaaaoo. In oij act 1 anow bow to raacua ahlp wrachad aallora fiom alohlor Taiaala. IUt* alllhaorlilnalappaTauia. AclrnDaSDiDtBUtti. Oaraet la rarr lonoj. Will iruanuiua lo kaap Uia audlanoa In a Btaadr uproar o! laughur: If not ws do oot want any mUtt. Carrymjowaapaclalacanflry. AdtlraataJIBuoi' ru«,-. CapLfllJnay llloroafl. Llfea*Tar.Copoy TaUnJ,W.Y. AITBACTION WANTED, TO OPEN LOCKE'S NEW OPERl HOUSE, Od tliB 4lh or Juir oraeon Uiflraanar, at La Dajpe. III. ET.rilhlniuewaod up to data. SlafaaUiB; MaUSOOlo OB; ralrdtteopan; raadrl^bookforlliaMaion. J. L. OITTINOB. Hugipolyloquous. Tlila la a daad word, and la nmlUod In tha modaro dio i|[>nary. U maana iayInK a (ttmi deal aboutnothloff, BJtd that lawhat niaDyoroarcnnioaUlonandouar- It Does Not Take iiiudi >l«c« 10 loll Iba naopla that n aall tha lijib- nu arada UAOIRAL Al'KAlUTUS, TRICKS AND ILLU- HIONB. I'ink Maiiip an<l card hrlota OnM cat^loR ai- lant CUAa.L.BUKLINaAHEACO. Baieil,Cblcaia,Ill. "A Good Thing." 'Wanted—a All Roand Slngen, Daacon, I Bilro mental lata and Comedlant* HDRt chaoRa turna olfrhUy for two woaka,putooaftarj t>!(caa aud do black Kiiil vhlta comedy, ate I pay board HDd inoRorutlon. Advance do laraa. 8uie your work and lowaM ralarylo flnt latur. Addreai qolck. BILLY BBHNBTT, (care EOVmAK BElfEDY_ OO.). OourvlUa, Iowa. Parody-Atnataura, you can't play Id my inupe. Od lutbara and hlckam i atn aore etc. BARGAINS iN OPERA CHAiRS. We alwaya have them ia both new aad aecontl hai.d aooda. Addreaa ANUaRWD-DIIMAUEST BEATINO CO.. lUH Eaat 10th Ht., New York, (a Door. Beat of Uuiea g^uaro.) 811 Centra St., N. T. Bucceadlng ED. JAUE8. piioTooitAriiB or ruaiLisTS, ai'ORTIK'U AND TUKATHICAL 0001 BOXING GLOVES. CL06S ■ $2.50 pair. SPAN6LES m \t MUSIC 30c. 4for$li CONTRACTS, all kinds. iw., 3 for Sc. DS A SPBCIALTY. FIFTH ANNUAL TOUR OF THE BANKSON-GARROLL CO. BupportlBg OLAIR TUTTliE. AN ABSUUBD SUCCESS. Hiaear, briplitar and baiter Ihan aTar. WANTED, PIANlBTand UOOD nEl'KRTOinE. PEOPLE. BanafUl lu Peon., N. Y. and N. J. Mod Opao Tlina. Addrwa ION OAWnoLL. LIlT Dala, N. Y. AlANDOLIN, GUITAK AND BANJO MUSIC. ralchy So'oa and Dueta, 10 eanla eaob. Flayed by lead- ing MaodollD. Qultar and Banjo Cluba. Sampla copy on receipt or price, or caulogua free. QUO. J. HIRffKIN. Publlaber. lUhway. H. J. AT LIBERTY, HIGB BARITONE SOLOIST, I'oft«aa<lag aicollfot roice and tralnloR. Can furaUh litglily oomi>llinanurf rerviencea. riaaalofc ataice prw- auce and ooitaclDH anuaaranca. UauaKert ot csmuanlaa addreaa "RARITONB," care ofOLIPPEB. Ten More llBslclans to Strengtlea Banil Willi Li Pearl Shews, TliliiKind laafeituraand man utuat lie acberand flrat claaa muaicUn*. Addreaa II. A. VANDBnCOOK, Bandmaaler La fearl Bliowa. pert'LH'I'BR mute. ARMY TENTS AND BLANKETS. Aniiy T«ni^ rIuTiT, wltb polea coniplate, aood aa oaw, $Aradi. Hlaiiksia, daubia. Rood aa Diw, |[ each. Bead t'oata, red and blue: (^nfaa Uaiumocta. H. J. KANE. 171 BoulhBl.. Waw York MALE STATUES. SIZES OF THEM, 8 FEET UIQH, IN GOOD CONDITION, Sullabh) foraiarOflu ornalooo. Coat 11,000 Trice, $110. K. J. KANK. ITl Soulh Bt. War York. 500 SNAKES 500 FOR SALE. Seid Stnp fur price Hat and f\ill i^anlnalariL Would Ilka to haar Irani partlaa with aniall caavaa for aala, orwookl like to trade aonkea. O. W. KSFBa Boi 4M. Itochaater. Mlm. Good Attractions Wanted (or Montreal BXIIlBITinN.RBl-rEBBER 10 TO SO. in). 8. V. eTEVE^60N, Maaawr, Ikil I.OIT. Monlrail.Otpida. TEMPLE OPERA HOUSE. ((.allni caiiacItTliUD. PIculjr ofopan data.. ABERDEEN MiraUbmri. p. II. BctjUlgrON a eo, Manaieia. Wanted, ill Doctors ud Lictorirs lint would iWf lo make mure itinnerUiAtt titer are maklnR. WrltaluTHB bR. A. I*. BAWVBR NBDICINE CO^ W4 Warren AT»nua Cblcaio. 111. For Sale, 40ft. Canvas. Only used two MUNTIIR. ALLCOIPLBTB. SUTABESIT. J. C. PMEKHAN, SouUi Bulla. VontuL WANTED. TWO VEDICINE LECTURERS THAT KM>WTllKrAREAaUCrKI». I'LL PAT OOOD SAL- ARY POH llllOU WORK, llanr Cliaplo, wrila. IIR T. UKANT, Bankalo. Minn, Locb Bol No. «H. COMEDIANS, Vadilraai _ KARL PUB. CO. IIOWfiTHlSr A ftnt claaa, up to date MONOLOUUB, replete wltb paM loanr adilr»a«Qi>oo recei E. trlRht and wIiit aaylniPk'eeDt p airtorSxie.(ouatainpe). , 9 MerUwi Ato . Aurora. 11 FOR SALE CHEAP, ONE 6REYH0UND; DOES IiONIIANDIIinil LBAriS(l;ONK PUO CLOWN DOQ; ONE WATER 8PAMKL THlOl DIKI. L. W. BIOKNRLL. OrtalciOM, Toaa. BANKS WINTER, FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH, CAN BEEITGAOED For Jbtsb. lea. wltb THB STRONOEBT OF BTRONO SINOINO 8PECIALTIR9, FOR REXT BBABOIH. Addreaa WATSON HOUSE. LoBlarlllo, Ky. PEaHANBHT, Can arCLIPPBR. Trick Bicyclist Wanted. nan, to practice a new double act, mt once. 91 net be rellabl and attend miritUy to veqalmnenta* Send pboto, ezperienre, and state aalnry ex THE WIIiBiaT DVO, per roate anotber colnmn. Will Mr. Pardo or aaynoe kaowlnR W. D. WILKOT. An aecompllahedtaglle d attend mir''" pected, qnlck. P. a.—Tba Tonng nan rormerlr amployed by Maariee Faido, pleaae write. thUyounRiDtn'a addreaa ptaaaa Inionn me II ha la free. For Sale-Half loterest In Boston's Litest Anisenent Wiener, tbs NlcUe-Odion. Hr object la tablag a partaer le to ENLARGE the PLANT aad make it three etorlea and a baaameat. I will giro one-balrlatareet to a man of bralna and SMALL CAPITAL. Tbe Ifiokl^Odeon ie now cloaad fbr rapaini open In Aagnet. A aacceai aad a winner lk«m the atart. Aek iierlbrmcn who have played my Mnaee and Parlor Theatrot aot lance eaoagh to hold the crowd, that attead nine ahowa a ilay. Addreaa —RAJtK V. DUNN, P. O., Atlantic City, N. J., Until Jnne !B7, after that Nlokla.Odeon, Botton. AT LIBERTY FOB NEXT SEASON* THE DE FOREESTS. BOTH PUY PARTS. FAMOUS WHIRLWIND DANCERS. JVRB IS, HOPKINS'THEATRB.CHICAO0t JITLY 1, Foar Weelu, ORPHBUBI, SAN FRANCIBCO, CAL. Sammer OoUoor Resorts Parks Open for Engagements 3 Flying Brothers La Van! 3 AEBIAL QTKNASTS EXTllAOBDiNART. Now ruIdlUoff two weeka' eonR«inant, and big hit at LUDLOW LAOOOK fARK. Only act of hind tn America. Blg- Reatflylng men act b*rore the public. Famoua paulnc Homeraaulia uid orlslDKl lone diaiaoce doobla to catch baoda. WlraorwrilerortliDB, Can BRISTOL HOTEL, Sixth Btreet, CiDclnnail, Oliio, or K. Y. Agenta. **THSRE ItlAY BE OTUERS,^ BUT WK liEAD THB PAItADE. THE ORIGINAL UMATILU INDIAN MEDICINE CO., 3, U and 13 Aie, Oelniit, M. laatlU the moat promaalTe and moderD HtdlolneCo. teday, and oflen llbetml lodacamenu to H&naganand Lac- turen runnlDg Indapandaot Co.'a Camp OuiBta fumlahad within raaMn. It meetii allcompetltora. Caitoona, flaabrgDoda caiefolly preparad, and are tna "Real Thing" aad perfect real care>. Noklok»,DO comnbacki^ do re- SDDdlDg. Ooodagtraentlraaat/aTacUonaDd aell on their merits. Hare tiis largaat Tarlatr oi apeclal pictorial anjl aacripure papar» Including Dodpara, aomarDua Oaldea, Ueralda, Courlara, Pooka, etc. Fumldiaa you materia^i work with. Can piace eompatanPaod auccenrul laleaman aod loctorere at moat all timaa. EoKagemaota "^^cb and Irlah Comellaoa, Teotxlloqulau, HaglcUaii. Poueb aod Judr, Sketch Ttams, Bong and Daice -at lata, and porforuara wltb teQned apeclaltiea eultable for lady audiences. Ifantnuied at preaant, writ 'iddreu all coininunlcatloaa 10 above addreaa to DR* JI. GAHPBELli. ita,OrnDl wbao atllbarty. CHARAOTBBBWOINa AND DANOINO COMEDIAN. WITH STRONO 8PKCIALTV. Can plMaeanrauOlonce. Strung In <:ountry Bor, TooRh. Eccnlrlo Old MaD.Trmjnp and Black Face Part.. Will oot play a pan uolaai 1 tm nraordolnyltJiiMlce. Laat aaaMO nitli llaolon Bro*.'*'6aparba" Co. Only HmclaM inanaatrauldroiia WH. A. LA.VO, UL Clamtnii. Midi. NOTE—1 take amat plttauto lnr«comni«DOInKMR. WM. A. IjANOaaaqul.t. RonlleDianly, lobtrman and a con- ~riBT:—WM. lUNLON, or Banlon Btua."'Sup.rba" and "Panlaama" t^ompanliB. aolaitJoua ABTI8' TATS "Ft ISrOTIOB. Fain, parka, reeorte ar reaponelble manaaere vrantlnatbe irreateat attnetlon In tbe eenatiy can engage tlie filLBION di BEORIBT COMDINATIOV. tral Amerlea. aVoat ftvm Cen- Tbe greateat tranpeorpeittormlog doge, monkeye,ponles and donkeys in tia« world, 36 In nnmber, and Andjr MorU, the fann^ clowni Sllblon and Segrtet, tbe world'a neatett gymnaate^lu their wonderfnl dying act. laKarawlBblngthAgreMBitdrawlogatirtoUoDlnthacoualry cao addreai 8ILBI0N A SEOBIST, NaahTllle P. 8.—Now Dlilogaa engaganeDtataioDdale Park to thoutaoda of peopla daily. If anagara wlabTi] Tenn. " * -. - Exporionced Repertoire People with Good Wardrobe. Tall Juvenile Man, Tall Uaarr Han. Ctaarmcitr Aotor. Proparty Man, Lady for Juraoltea and LIgbt Leada, Character Voman, Boabreiu,BeapoDalble Lady and oibaie. we play ONLY THE BEST towoa. A few «ood early fUr datea can be uaed Id IndUna aod Illlnolt. Addreaa ORAUAU BARLE, Kandallrllla. iDdlau. That Careless and that Neat Little Fellow, M ODELL and PAGE ARE MAKINO THBM YELL AT THB OHPHEVAI, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. OFEBA PATIL.ION omoAoo, NOW OPEN. JOE ENGEL & EMIL STOESSEL, Mgr*. Artlala wrllloii Tor dataa will piMaa condd.r altanca a pmlle n.saU.fc Wrluacaln. WANTED, FOR MEDICINE CO., rinSTOLABa LBOrURHRfl, alio A NO. 1 PBRrORM- BR^ BKBTOU AND MV8I0AL TEAHB that do Dutdb. Irlah and black face and cbaDnoiteo. Ko hanu, kick- en, laahara or naahera need aphly. Ohoa walks ererr waek. No OueaadTaaead. write. 8tau baaln»Maaa loweataakiTUiflret latUr. UBATU MEDICINE 00.. Applelon. Wla WANTED For Peni, lod.. Free Bireat Fair, 8to«k Harket and Pure Food Biblbltlpo. Aug. 2M1, InchialTe, all kloda of at- tractloaii,coo»lrtuigoI Farrla Wbeela, MerTT-01>•BouDd^ Haaeum>,8ldaBiova,Strea(a of Cairo and other attimo- ileoa FrlTUagea foraals. AttaBdaaeelulrear, 10D^(DO; double thia yaar. Fair moat Dorel of klod oTar hold. "Ireaa JOUN A. DEIBBRT, Secretary. WANTED, FOR Frank Atlams' Wagm Show, At Once, A RMALL BAND Or t MOUTII riBOBS, OORNBT, TBNOB, ALTO AND TUBA. BaUrr muat balaw, accord- tan tik tjM tlma& I na. ararr alftt I alio want to bur a OOOD, LOUD FRATi A CO. OROAN. Diiect all mall to BIBTBB. MO. AT UDERTY, Rrst Class Business OORNBTIBT. ALSO ROLOIBT, FOB BDMMBR RESORT. Aildraaa 0, «»Ta>lorBlr»al. Ilolro,.. Maaa. WANTEH-VARIETY AND CIRCUS PEOPLE, aicapt ridara, muat donbla In braaa; a pood hoitllnii Adnnca, rire UdiM and a Laadrr. MULDOOM S aiLLAOAW. caia P. O. Boi M. Bawpott. Malno. At Ubirt) for Heit Susoi, Dulel Slliaster, VIoMolataodLaader. l^at twoaeaaoDa Katie*] Director WoreeatarTtwalre. AUo donbla ooBlldeTtembooe. Ad- Jreaacareel C.O.Qonp. HMeehanlaBL.Worcemr. Maai. 'OR. SYNTAX, THE HYPNOTIST," A nOMBDT DRAMA. A LA "TRILBT," FOR BALB OR RENT. W. BU8CH. »,«M FlorliMt Are.. Bt. Loola, Mo. " : • -r^ \ Msirr. w. BUTCH. a.aii nonwant Are.. at. Looia. ao. o%L V^r^MtioW^^ I ATUBEinY,FUnEA«OFroMlLO(MBI«), roiilaorcan6LIFl'SR.wanaTarcloa*.A.I..raulawa. I 11 TBABS'IXrBBIUCB. Jna doaad in BoalDn. Ad Fi«ilAraiubawaCo.,Balaaro' - --^ roulaor can CLIt'l sV'ViiaTarcleia A. U raaakawa, - - - . -,li,,M7t,tbUwaak. 11 TBABS' lirBBIUCB. Jna doaad in BoalDn. Ad- draaa W. M. ■OBUOLIT.OTld.M.T. A BIG CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. Wantedf an experienced man, wltb money, clrena agent preferred, to take In* tereat In a flret claaa Eqalne and Canine Paradox and Perfbrmlag Animal Bxbl* bltlon, conalatlng of 12 SPOTTED PBRrORMINQ 8UETLAND FONIE& U RDUOATRD DOOH. TROUPE AOTINO BEARE BDUCATBD DEER. PBRPORMINO MONKEYS AND BIRDS. 1 tan. PaUman flIaoplDg and DIalbgCar. I TSn. Banaae Car. la Wheeled Cara equipped wlih air bmkea for paaaaoger iralDA, aurt. mnnd top, t«o «KL midtlle plecaa, B leoftba V Her aeata, dreMlng ronn. Entire oout complete, now eiblbltlnr. Tlie beit ahow of lu hind on tha read. WUI aiplato all ntlatactorlly to right man, whh money, ho other* Dood apply. A groat featoie ahow for opera houaea or country clrcua conpany. Alio want tlrat claae CIRCUS ARTIffTfl aod HUfllCIANa oicept ridere. Ad- dreaa DAW PITZOSRALD. CIrrui Managar. BL Loull Mo. HFTH ANNUAL TOUR OF THE Bankson-Carroll Co. BVPPOHTUVQ Clair TuttlOa Tbia aaaMO batur than aver. Ekgant rpeclal peper, and bnokaO In Uia baal rapular prlcedhoiiwIn Anarlca. THAT'S WHAT IIUmiNO WILL DO. Wanted, Aill Repertoire Co. and PlaoiaL Uanagera hi N. V., Pa. and N. J., eend open clioe to lO.S OARKOLL. Lily Dale. K. T. TOSTRENBTHEII BAIIDWITH60LLIIARBIH)S.' SHOWS. CORNET PLAYERS. ETC Addieu ML Pulaakv HI-, June tl, AiLanU St. Oieenvlew 34. PennaBODladilreaa, Baraboo, Wla. Vanied to boy, Bleplianlat CamaU. Llon^ ate, cbfap for caih. THE LATCST HIT OF ALL-JUST OUT. "SHURE, MIKE.'' ProroMloDal ooplei FRICB< Bend card erpregimmme to I W. HcGRATH, Holfoha, 1 To Don profoMlonala. 40 centa. WANTED, Uood Uent Pianist, Moat be tight reader and do two tpecUhlae on fta^a. LongeonnmentiontllablegeDilenaa. AaminaTialaiy. Aniwerqqfek. BOB M oOINLEY. F l Bmltb, Artaaaaa. WANTED, QUICK, A Boss Gains Man, To take charge of my eaw OiflO top. Addren Jl 0. WALK* BR, eate WaSker Broe.' "V. T. O.** Oiev, Dm male, OdI-