New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 22. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. 263 THE HITS OF THE COMING SEASON. BE THE FIRST TO SING THEV. TflE TIME HE LOVES THE 5EST. CHIMMIE FADDEN ChlfHal. . F*iMcii, dm't piil ag Rjrl*, Dat*. ««l a. BoWiy Ana ay... JOttNNY REILLY'5 GIRL rn I. We're wt dl-yid-ed by . . nui. By uu « ^ «ila , Or Sofi FiA Oittestn Pim an Free to Proressionals ta«i| Cit< v Pnpn. THE S. BlUINilRD'S SONS CO., 147 wabash ave; CHICAGO. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, E ^JV D L. O O The Best Character Tramp on the American Stage, with a Specialty that was the Hit of Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag" at every Performance during Its Run of 160 Nights at the Mad- ison Square Theatre, N. Y. Address LEW BLOOM, Worth- Ington Cottage, No. 113 S. Missouri Ave., Atlantic City, N. J., or care of CLIPPER. Season '95 and '96, Second Annual Tour "ACIeanSweep"Co., The hotlut FaR. Comedy ntmnt. h«>d«l br * IKDrVIDUAL STARS, ANDY AHARIf, jroSBPHINE LE COI. JACK WILLIAMS (IbI« Lvit.r and Wllllami), CHARLES BEL- MONT AND A CRACKER JACK CAST. Paper all .pMilal lltbo work and pleatj of It, Bleufer. Mad your open time and belt terou. Addreia all conamanicatlon. to JA-OK 'Wir.r.IA.MS, EAOLE UTHOQRAPHINO CO., PBABBOBW ST., OHIOAQO, ILL. , n. I. BEATIKO CAPACrrV, 1,»00. Ha-rlDff leased the abore honse (rormerlj' Lothrsp'Oi I am now booklner for season «r'96-'96. Tlie hoase irlll be pat In first class eider, and at adTanoed prices orer. fenner years will play the best attnctlona on the read. Agents and managers or flfst class companies wiU find this one of the best three night stands In New England. Coneqpondenee solicited. WV. C. CHASE, Manager; SAM SAUISON, Proprietor. To Managers in New York and New England States. THE ACME OF REPERTOIRE ORCANIZATIONS. w -■■■■.<l v.-ii r.r.aix, CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles ud Slake*. SEATS, Flag*. Etc. ^""^KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. ■ita».aiiB cuTa;^ 011% im, 101 uUi S. S. Stewart*s Celebrated Banjos PRICES FROM 910 TO 9200. Alio Maile mad Book, (br the IlaiOo, In gnmt varl.ty. 8lTln(>, Head., Btr. 8wl for lllniumutl ,ric. IIM uhI uulodi.. TiMH Id- uiouM aeDd loo. Id auinpi for . .pMlinM copr ofTIIB BAKJO AND UUITAR JOUKNAL. A<MrHa a a. STBWART, Moa.UlaiKiainiuichRL, ehtUd.lphla, Fanna LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF ACTING lOe WEST «SD STREET, NEW YORK. EDWIN CORDON UWRENCE ■ • Director. OinOULARS ON APPLICATION. MR. LAWRENCE'S NEW BOOK, ENTITLED SIMPLIFIED ELOCUTION, B«lB|tft«)mpr«hea«lreHTit«fn nf Vole* und Action, tg pam^ hJUDdMniAlr bnuml lo oloth ud gokl, will bo uol puiuge tnt nn rawlpt of H.OO. CIRCUS CANVASES MADR UY S. 8. THOKP & CO. no FKLTON 8T.. N. Y. SPICER BROS. Tht only Ann mMklnffTlKhli, U 0); RhlrlM^ Siai,lDwonit«)lfin<iiliilDAny JoHlnHl color aod to VMclftl mvMure. rnKnii ililrbi, eatlnn tlihU, troo Iq bUclr. pink, wblt« Knil D»f T bill*, red, «k; blti», Ur«n- dir, iTTMn mod vin*. 8llh KuhiA, tIAA) per MtiProKKulU, 97.00 lo 114,00:8aak« uiu,iioA)io fviu; runi|>i,»cui.:ru( Ur«,9I.OO. 8«nil for o*Alo||ua utd wu- p)u oftlfihu. E«lhnftl«i by niaM. SPIOBR BROS. gP ETtr«Te«n Ara.. Rnwiklyn, W. Y. "CENTRAL" TRUNKS. Wo. ss.a): aaiD, tajo; sain., irio: asin., isxd; «in., gSD: 4BId.. llOJg; Comp«rtment injn, meUI twuml, 91, 1I8cirai truDk*.fit 2& cemnltle. Hill ininkiLSxllilfi lltlId»,S9iO. LllhotniDka.4aHiailS lnidde,9l3Jo. einpn ud M«UU)Q foUoverm, ll.S kihI IliU. RliliipKl on re caiptor 13.00, baL 0. 0. D., eicetitoTeraDOnillea.lheo re- mil whole amount. Hunlcal lourumeDt, ilchot iod mtn- mttn' ininkM to order. Rattan RaHkeu. wlOi tray. linlnK, corer. etc. S3Id. flJJO; SOIn., |UJO; «in., $lbtO. Baa- k*ta anlpped on recalpt of pric*. SIMONA a CO., CENTRAL TRUNK PACTOAY. Baab. 1«4. fti-M yortJi Ttit HUaei, I'blladelplila. INDIiNlHEDlCINELECl'URERS VTho mn capable of managing thvir own tioapM* PoiftomenlnftUbranohoawrlte, ■tatlBf eiperlence, to COL. T. A. EDWAKDS, Preprlator Oregon Indian HwllelBO Coiry, Brte Coanty, Pa. PflESENTIND POPUUtR PLAYS AT POPULAR, NOT CHEAP, PRICES. A Companj of Artliteln an aaaarpaHod repertoire, plajlng tluee night slantlsoBlir. SEND OPEN TIME TO JOHN O. COLTON, Clipper Cottage, Gw^na Oak Park, Baltimore Co., Hd. THE GREAT AND OIVLY Mazuz ^ Abacco IN THEIR ORIOINAXi ACT, UNTITLED ''The Tramp and the Brakeman" ni ATUmFll 11 OF'ISUD 1 Addreat 6*i COLVUBIIB AVE., New York CII7. WANTED, FOR THE DR. BILL CONGRESS OF N0TELT1E8 IND COMEDY AND CONCERT CO. onB wmmi. two co.'s n one. ore black, TOroRSERa m all BRANCOES of the CIROUH and VABIKTV rnOPESSION (umpI rldam); goM zmM fMpw; alio two rood OnreaUlA, vKh 8Mcl.tU«ji. Ruu ttUiT flivt UlUr. 1 per ImuporUlloo .fur Jem- ■BC' 1 fumuh tlcli.tiitoDMpl. loown w mo. WANTBDi to hB4r mm ill Colorad who pUj muilcml In- . ud md buo iiDRon for ■tmt wotk. WaKtBP. to Boortr^ Mtnhor^ Cli Morm, M d mm who Tor. niTor JautMrw.ntakJ. or ,10 ><]•;'■ work Id IhalrUri- "■- """otoEwrrfta. Addiw 111 ODiDiDaD[o*UoDl to OR. BILU kir. Ouabo. F. 0. Boi IM, Euua dir. ko. Lemen Bros.' World's Besf Railroad Shows, PEOPLE IN ALL ORANCHES OF CIRCUS BUSINESS: AIUAL AOre. J BROTnER ACT, PRIKCIPAL RIDEWI. LADI nirrOOROHE RIDESS, SIDE 8B0W ORATORS. 5?«PPlr WoiiMllkolohMr fioniMlk.H/M. Ito«l« m« foUowi: ll.nomliiw,W1i, BUck nS'.v'^''; ■<•■ Clair., tl: ChlpMW. F.ll>, O: WM Bvperlor.M; Two Hirhcn, Ulna, Elr.B; Toww,J7; iWlh. aa. etmm coo.M.r two wooki* .lleD.. . pollu noiitllr.. Belle steveivsoiv, . UtADINOI.AIIY,BopraiioB.lUdln. R.wud •l.iutwaidnb.. Looi l eptrte li ..ipw lww. GEO. H . SUMMERS, - ■nOINOCOHEOIAN.Cb.ficUrAclor.CompMolBUl.MuAll.r, BWHotttoMUUIw. "°* <>< >>ulDMa Reliable muunn oolr mSimt OBO. D. SUktliB^ m Cllnnllr StlMt, TorODb, (hud.. * —w. kn itroog oDoDih 10 bo fMlorwl with kor iwrtolr. .hciw. KAGIG TRICE JXTGaUNG !S*snoqiiiirAiiDiin>TnoDiB,Bwiiia'itaoL(m Biad«iMa»ii jMn — 'oouHEUBiaioniQf nq Mr M PMW kiBl> HL ca The Ospt. Pavl Boyton Rubber Snlts. N.w and loiproTid Suit Tor 8I10W., llunllofi .nil Vo> arlov, price SIODl PDeutiuUc6hoMfor Wilhlniron IheWator, wlUi fraino. ud flinjni. CAtn.lil., pric. lAO. 'THESTOHVOKI'AOLBOyTON."Uiomnrtrw<-lDitlnil ud iDtirauJOH book of rorijie. ud idr.nturoi orer publliliwl, Sai pwe^ full or noa anjirftTlDH., M canu. rAULBOVTON. in rulUHl HuaoUNow York. IMITATED BUT UNEQUALED. lOO'W.'HtcisoHST.OtiCACn-insfi4T>'«;TWWYOIll( i BALDWIN BROS.. leullng Aeroniuts ot tha WsrU. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE, ARB NOW OPKN FOR RKAAON OF ISB. -- Alao naoaractann of all kloda of Batloou (OaJOrBotAIr). Hand for price Hat Id BAUWIM BHOB.. P. O. Boa 118. Qiilnor. 111-. U. »■ A- m THE OLD RELIABLE A. M. BUCII&CO. 156 North Ninth 8L, Pkllt. "ProaiploaM . Hoaclillr." "Oood Work. Orlalotr." "STORAGE AND LEASING OF CARS." For nnl. two tOTt BaiMR«< one Adrenlaloi Car and ivoCoachaa. We hara aitao'lra facllltlea for Ihe itor- and cat* of •<|ulpiDeot, under eofar, at raaaonabl* rmlei. Vaubneo on duir at at! boura. N«w JtTMy Ctr Otorus and Repair Co., Uha View fPataraoo), N. J. 14 mllaa froni Kaw York City, on Hfle R. B. HENRY'S NEW OPERA HOUSE, JOVT BUILDIKQ NOW. OPHH TIHB FOR FIRAT CLABfl CO. ONLY; none other need apply: In Dac-, *9&, Jan.. Fab.. Mar., Apr. and May. Aabum, lad., baa ihraa R. &, lAka Sbora, Wab. and R. * 0 Fop.. iODD. Oood ■howtovn. i.e. UBNRY. Froprlau>r aod Maoagar. G. Shindhelm, WIB UAXER, Daa remorad to llSW.Sth RL, Dear «tb Af*., Naw Tork. Win OB hand asd auda tit onJar- Clreaaalao Wig* tftap: BaMeCnpaad Ragro Draia Wife fUO up; bnu WlntXHoabrrtla H, Nairo WinTA fnu. Frlfbt IIJO, EDO Man jl ep. Baipd auoip for new prlca lUL emeus CANVAS, Ooe ■ pnoH. BEOORD HAND. IN OOOD OONDITION. WtL, m* tOnSK ooa aAilB^ one 0I>eUO. Wriia tof - JAMBM MARTIN A HON. 9 and 97 Rlehrwood Rtraal. Bi>«lon. Maaa. F0UHN8 OPERACHAIRS FOR SALE-TwoLoll, one of 4)0. tfae athar MA, raoaarad aaat and hack, mahot- aoy Baub, HJlood aa oev; oqlr oiad one auaqe. Addraaa i. A. FBRTTEARV. BIJoo Tbeatr*. lloKbanion, M. Y. Wntrf, IoCmtnpmI till Miugen al M (aeaaOoBpulM. lddiMlklai.O.I.I.,.eanOLirrU. WILMINGTON, DEL. POPULATION, 75,000. WITH SURR0UNDIN6S, KIO,0iI0i BIERS & GAMPIGLIA, Lessees and Managers. hare KaMtl tktg bomo, fonncrl; knoirn m the ACADEMY OF MUSIC, for nve jNira, and ire rtlKUn? It at yraat exptnw Kith NEV DECORATIONS, CAR* PETS SEATS, URESSINQ ROOMS, HEATING PLANT, etc. It will bo the HANDSOMEST THEATRE Moth of rhllwleliibla, and iflU be oonduoled on itrlotlf bniiliKM iirisclplcs. Fermanont prices 10 MBts to 11. S«aUiig eaparlty, 1,7S0. The only home Id Wllmln^toD irlth Dakoiiy and Qaltorjr. ^OW BOOmG SEASOlSr 1895-96. For open llmci, etc, addrms FKANK DEIlKSFOnD, Business Mniiiigor, WILMINQTON, DEL. :| EFFECTIVEIII SENSATIONALIII DESCRIPTIVEIII . |i LOVE'S PLXADZXTG.{;; *' WAI.TZ BOKO ANDOIIORUR, REYOr B-FLAT, ORADfc], COMI'AR. BTO K. K' t]'. .TUBTIN TIMK VOR .A. HUMMKR HIT. •I' ThI. i. poaltiTelF Tbei. M. Boweia* beet doMrlptlve .nbrt. Tke yretly, i. ml ■ and touetilng .tor|r f. taken ftom real tin*, the li.nlne ie a eharmlag lit-, i, > 4l ■ tie Sonthern lady and an Intlmalo tklend of the itllted jronna eompoe.r. • u i .91^ The Idea 1. entirely orlgiBBl anA nntolde a plot never beftore nilenpt.d In • U '■ " *Vtlb DON'T HAVE TO TAKBOUH WORD PORTIII*, Blall » fonrrard I' ]. or prearamme wltb addrew, and a profMalonal eopy will be lent yon tnf. • i* > A] ■ Orelteatintlon ten cent.. - u ♦j; >TI8 A OREaT BONO, TOO WIIX BAT BO. ; [; Z| '. We will print tbe nnmM of all .Ingera who u. proiranim.e o>. i, X]. aew.paper notice, .bowing they aang "Love*. Pleading" In pnbllc. ♦) TIIOI. OOOUAN di nno., aalvealon, Teiafc tj: ^ "I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART" If a grand luooilt. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»<♦♦♦♦»♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE LAUGHINB FARCICAL SUCCESS, "McDOOOLE and POODLE," IN THREE ROLLICKING ACTS. Air EFFICIENT OOMPANT OF STARS. HEADED BT THE FAVORITE COMEDIANS, £verytblng entirely rewritten nnd np to dnie. Time ailing Ik.l. Mnnngor. ot Kint ClniaTheatreiMnd open tine at onra*. AddreM, home olllre, HICK ^ nA.U'1'ON, ll'll K. llHIh HI., N. °V. "ON-THE-ROAD," MANAOER M. H. nODlMIIUII'a NKW C0>IRDY UUHATION. NEW SPECIAL SCENERY. NEW AND NOVEL PAPER. NEW MUSICa NEW IDEAS. NEW LINES DIFFERENT FROM ALL OTHERS. 3 NEW ACTS. 6 CREAT SPECIALTIES. A GUARANTEED SUCCESS. OPENS AT MANAOER ROBINSON'S BUFFALO HOUSE EARLY IN SEPTEyOER. NOW BOOKING. ITOR 'riio:!!: APPLY TO' H. H, IIOHINSON, Lycouiii Thnatro, liiifTnlo, N. Y. ORGANS!!! TlUra VIIAT YOU'LL IIAVii HV UKTTINU ONK Of TIIK FRATI & GO'S ^S"!!} ORGANS or ORCHESTRIONSi DBMUIITBD CimTOMRHa •illlni itid .lillliii u. il.llr. Il.n'. what ooa nil.: ' NP.VHIl llAI) NUUII A imilWIJ, inU loiik In HI NUUIt MONEY uwliin lcliin.»l lodUin'ONlS ol VOUII UlUIAhll." YOU IKJ THVl HAMUI COMR OK WHITB milCKl/V I UOKT lor Ufb it othai *iIo(].lhal eowi rou ivlca li. prira fur rapftlri, An,I aliipa riMr bullOfM niui. llm» rollpatlleuUraud UATAI4Mill|CM MAIUOM FHSil oa.ppll. uUoo. Uallh. DBST. Oal. rratli iV Ur(U. AU6UST POLLMANN. 70 Md 72 Frinlillii Stwtt. Nif Yirli Cll|. TO whom: it ma^y oorvoEK,]^. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN A. FLYNN U (U mle owner amlaulhur of lha DranntloCompoilllooi and (Itlai lliereof, hnown and daalgnatad raaptcllTaly "The London Gaiety Girls" and "The Artist and Model;" Dial Ilia aime liavat aen duly anlarrl In lha OfflcaAr tie Mlirarlan nfroniraaa. at Wa>l)tniiltiri. D. ()■, by 111 Uen S,KAV and ll,UOW, accnrdlnit to Uie pruTlaloni of ilia I'lillad Hialaa (•-•'-■ '• - ■ ill 4^1, AM peraona are warned aialnat lotrinKfinant of lha ialU IIIUb, or aaartiat lha |, i;«ti|4i«ltiun da»l|na(ed by tiit Mid llllaior liiiliallnni IbarMif, nndar liaparir fliad by Diraaa. at Wa>l)tniiltiri. D. ()■, by lla noni' ■ iWrlahl Uw, U. H, M. H , HaillA <M aaaltiat lha iiraaanlaluiii of any Oiablllo - - ^. - — . - -. fiapallr n , CIIAH. A. VATWiN. Alkiniay for JOHN A. fUnN, 3S4 Hroadvaf, New ITofk Otijr. LOW COMEDV AND CIIAn O HI>%RDIVI/%I\I, nnS. KKNOALL. "1/.0 nru(]|«li craaUd alniMl la INII NKWIl Nr>r. It, IH "lada aliltal n.'H. i<nc.."-HEATTLr. PREWWTIMKA, Ucl. 'Mr. Ilardinin, 11 ao oU a)ui, la aa ulUtornora than rloiar »pilillllla.."-«AnHAI(KNTO DAILY HKVOHD, Nor. 7, 'W. "Aa I'udd rjllUri, a Imiili villi l,Md).rd flroTar*. 'WolvMnr Kaw York,' Mr. Ilarilman niiilaUi«lill ol (he pUrluli>anlnr"-KANHAIIi;lTYMIIMNIKU JIIUKMAL, JurrU. «« EAWr VOIIHTII •TRKKT, New York. I HATE TO TELL, BUT THEN I MUST. -«m f^aaa lo tu. Paol f^r nna weak. R»anfaard ht Uiraa. Mow ra anraied (111 July I, eloilDg ol tha htuie. And vbyf From MINNEAFOLm JOURNAL June a: "Atlli«nolth of tha aaonod part nf the proframma Joa llanlmaa iliaiad wlih nildaThomaaiJiahonora or tlia avinloir. Illi noi>o|o«uaaet eaa lha boat aaan hara fnra loni tima. It >aa Durked by orifiDallty ud aewoeaa. The audlenra racallad hloi rapaaiadly and aaamad unwilllni to lat hln |o." Toura, JOR l(ARDMAN,at«i« Maaasar, Mairopollian Opera llouaa, RLraul,lllDn. N. B^And lhaaa are two of tha flnaetboiuea In tJM MorthwaaL AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, T KEEGAN. FOB FABCE COMEDY, BUBLESqUE OR VAUDEVILLE COHPAIflES. Addrena (11 INDIA HTnUUT. Itroolilyn. N. Y. TIIK ONLY aOlia OP TIIH KIND RVRII PVBI.IIIIIBD. 'LET HE TAKE MY PLACE AT HOME AGAIN." MHPOSBD BY CilA*. V. IXtnO. ■u(b7Btooo0lliq.AflM.u4MI«D»C0BrMT,.r Uia llarkl.>n>Da.CkMSlc.; Ike la "tULtra Mir."