New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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256 THE NEW YORK GJLJPIfELB. June 22. Wanted, for Henderson's Big CSomedj Company, A KO. I OIIARACTBR MAN ui4 If AH FOB OINBIUL RDIIINEMI; boOi nut dmbb A1U, nvnbai».-r>rB<rl Una Id ntntf. A MO. I <IIIAII«nniR VOMUt.A nm B-rnr (X)RK>T.lilo«ltpaul»fo<iJaiid«mii|i,dODUaBtn4 ui OrcbHln. TRAI' DRUMHKR, wllh full Hot, bclo4IS| IxlU; nul drabto as Uon la Bud. WanM llk> Ui hur rr«iDurMT*llrt>'ilcAliliia«d uadiaiUf*. taWBpm>tp«opUdladiumdtfMr<r« nhMlML nukCdmpt plMMWilu. 8«U0D. forlr VMki, AMD Aaff. 1. OuiaHMB«(klrdftKilDIBdlu^Ohlo,orIU(flolf. ' Addnu «r.T. IIBiTdBRMN, TinDurbomBL,Obkafoi III., onofDnmiUe Eictioo. CARNGROSS' OPERA HOUSE ELEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, JOHN L CARNGROSS • ■ • Proprietor. SEASON OF 1895-96. ■••wn bMlni >br>n< middls or AaKml. Waa<cd, nigli Claw VandtvlIlM, Prima Deana, and lappon Iter apfir«(ia(| llalu aad Female BpMlalllH of arlBln*l)t|r aad aaerll* State Jowrit term* for Iobr er ehort engageinente* FRANK DUMONT, Acting Manager. MANAGERS, READ THIS PROF. V. p. WORMWOOD Id Hit Trained Antmii Optn a Stuon ol Foutten Wetls al tha CiralDttati Mojei Gardn, VlitraJM «IU IniD an eoUnlyoaw and poTtlactforDeitMMOn. TheUrgfitud ftmnUiitolouU wtevtrpol od Ui»«lA|ca. Aci ruoji Z2 inlnuiei, aod «IftuHh from iiuit to flolilt. FOURTEEN DOQS, FOURTEEN MONKEYS and TWO ANTEATERS. No jilrlnii* or ditlnii on tha rooiikar*: All tooa*. Tll ANKH to tba tniof manuen vho hare offared ma aomsa. naDbi for oail ftaioa. Parllaa JaffrlnvanlmaUtralDMlirTlldnvall toerlteiiieatoDoa. Moakaya wall trmlpvl lor aala Homeraault Poaa anil Tflcli Ooe*Tor a«ta. A TraloM Kannroo Tor lata, Dint fl«i>t«ml>er. Addmuatl eoinoiU' ilcAtloD.lo PROP. V. r. WOItMWtMIP, care aiol»||lcal Oanlm, CIneltanall, Ohio. THiG tuatviht: world wiDic ,80Kro oiiA:eB:. OVBR S.OOO C0PIR8 MAILBO TUB BAMB DAY. "LOVIITC WHILE WB MAT" (WALTZ iOPrO.) BY BRATBICR OLEIff UOORE. TMilltlltfMchleH, lolMdijrvMt 0IUN80KBTTR, villi (U leDdvr, r«t iIuIiIdiI r»/V«lD Ucrratloff aPURORU wb«T«T«r luog. Tt)* afr la ao 'cAichf" thai one* litanl (i la taaniL HRKJIAIN. "Ooa't you koov ibal Uaglilvr, Tnior rlDflR thfto alahfl t WliowlU moura uiwur iMalh baa doMd ograrM r ni lauirt) to|[«Ui«r, Lorlmrwhlla w# maj. Id Ihe Rold*nw«ailitr, orourtvftlfouib'abrlerilayl * ArtUilccoTarwlih iMiiiirulliAiriont entfrnvlnir or Ilia compoMr. Addrauionlaraatrlciti-toilieCOHroSRR, canorjnilN H.rAnKBIt, Muilc I'ubllihar. 5,74 Bt. Oftiharlna BirmU Mootroal. Con. TrlM, eOo.-«>c. to prorea- •loiiali «DCloflnft ran). OHAS. A. MnrNIEMAT MORELAND @ THOMPSON TKNOn. IRVIN T. BUSH, In • Ifew ubiI Original tfiieolally, InlrodaolnB Solo, Daet ttiid Trio ologlng, «nd Bllu Tliom|»ion*a PttcnauvtiBi Datirfng. Tlie naeilu ofltiH* art lata alioald gaarantee •traagtli or the act. WebBT4<n«ni*n>ai enrorpi, whlrh aro iiew,andoBi«oriliti in«ny ftBtarea of oar apMlBUy. UMftal In op#rm, romed^ or barletqae. Blaangera, addreia iSV So. State Nlreel, Chirago, 111. Thla week, Lyceam Theatre, ClsTelnnil. Ohio* THE qgST PRESSED SPECIALTY IN THE PROFESSION. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE YOU BIIOADWAV, N. Y., O.VE DOOR DELOW NINTH ST. (Knmierl; 46 UHlden Lane), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS C0OD8. Gold and Bllrer Ijioois l>11ngeiL8iMDffle«,8tAr».'niSS«la, Brocadea.'Ilgbts, Bhlrta.Piddliigs, IIkU, Wlgv, BUoosKod JowoliT, TliutrlcAl, rauMulRi) aud AtlileUo Uoods, Costumora* aod UAdge MBkcn'Bupplles. Flags aud lUuDora, Ullllaiy iinl Sootety TrimmlDgiL Armora of all kludA lo order. BoDd for OBilmatse. Tbe largest afiwrluioDl uud hcavleslalook ot ttaoso goods to bo fouadaDjirbere. ClrouUn tne. Oondi MUlO.0. D. MME, FLOWERS,H°^ BLACK PATTI,FREOJ.PIPER, ^^^^fS^ Bllle.A,DeLeon,MadelBlneMartlnaBdUOotlien,ln a Qrand Spec- larular KlInTagaiata. Three NEW SONGS, IIY AMBRIC^'H KA.MOUM HONG^ WRI'TSR, "PICTURE OF MY MOTHER ON THE WALL," "IN THE LAND OF NOD," a lullaby. "SUNBEAM," Elite Song and Dance. ■ample ooules Ave to praftisflloaalB* tAd THOMPSON nuaiO CO., AOI Wabaili Ave., Chicago. G. W. Warren's Gompany of Players in Repertoire, llEPERTOIRE PEOPLE VP IN STANDARD PLAYS. ■luBl harejrwil aranlmlw. rannla iloulillni In knua iilTaD nnfannco. WANT A noon MAN PAI'AHLH OF rUT- TINO ON rai'l'liAU ri.AYH. H^iniT 0IW1I III AuniBl. (Ittad aaUrlM lo ipmhI mpla. Will lulTKncA Tara lo naorla koownloioa. FHHD HAILKV and LOU Al'I'KI.U wrila. Nanaiani lo Ohio, liid.,111.. Ion anil HlMourl Mint lu opw lima. Aililraaa ~ —* —-.—^ _ . . - . . Kindly (xikbider BiLKNnB a I'd, Al'rKI,U wrila. Nanaiani lo Ohio, liid.,111.. Ion anil HlMourl wnil O. W. tVARHEN, rare Park Hotel, Colnnibae, Ohio. I.ITR NBOATlVli. MclNTYRE'S HI8H CLASS COiEDY CO., IN A ABPEnTOIHB OF OGHEDtES AND DRAMAS, OABRYINQ A STRIRTLY riKnT rLAlU AITIKO CIIMI'ANV, INCLVUINII KKVKN A NO. I HPBCIAl.TV ARTIBTd, IIKAIIKD nv TlIK WOllLD'H (IHBATKilT DANCKK. MINM INKZ PEAHL. MclDlyro A rlluanld'a IViiipenr cli>a«i1 w> furlr waaka* Maaon to ruii,[ tttiiTnou. Nn itolon or plrata.1 riacaa rlArtd. If auaitan In Iowa, Horlliem MUmufI ami Neliraika with iroihl Kair dataa nrlta. WANTEn-Uharaclar Aclor tnalou alQR, alao fowl L'ooiadlao, olUi a|i«riallv: oiaat IM tlia WaL Addnv^ for four «Mks Wta. MolNTYRU:, Ileiiwhn. Win. A Now Face, with New Idens. At Liborty fhr Kr&t Soasuii. WM. H. DE VEAUX, In His Mirth Provoking Musical Act,GENIUS PERSONIFIED. Poiua or tilt InauymeDta lie parrunoi so ■uet^MiAilIf on arsof uaDilrrlr dotoI ■i.tK and pniiiaof ilieni «ar« DeTar aaaQprliMnlur b«nir» aic*fi with him. Ttia •Dllr* mualcal tnd anuMnwoi nualcl&aa, uuglit tu»«« thUinu«lcal gnnlua, 01 Rnlng Auilreai publlo, M wall SB all ireaa NEVTAIIK, N. J. STUPENDOUS OUTDOUR ENTERTAINMENT, JULY 4, 1805. AwploM TMDjpU Zaoac*. Nik. S87. I. O. O. F. WAM1BD, SFEOIAI. AT- TRAOnOlW. PHIVHiEOBarOIiBAU. P.P.HARLOW.BnU«.MMaaa«w THE UP TO DATE EQUIL¥BRIST AJXB JUGOLEB, At LIbeHr. to JolB R.IIable C. Ibr 'M.1W. Ilav. Soma Balm Tlau la Jalf aad Aagwt. Addma NO. «B.CROWll RRBBT, New UaTM, Gt. smiHAii&WEa 110-112 QREENE STREET/NEAR PRINCE, NKW YORK. Conalauat Staeb ol ^NOH.JW'Ai _ ^r ctmnnnM ma uio .jooaa. WIUS. BEAIUM (Spadal Cklalofoal, lor meo.niD aod UMladlM OAHoaiiroa Secmada oo oor promlaaa. TlOHTfl (our ovn maka and lu. Crtad), Id Colbn. DSr. (ndoced IMn ti un; hae«r n>lL ihloDcd fotloTi. BI.75 (aoar boiler Ihan nW voraud llfhtif bofl anula Woraud. •>.10: Bilk. BliO aod MXD; boatBllt^TriO. traearrrSaliadnlnoacbqoallnaiidalie In ctoek. aod maka to oidir In fnordara. Piddad tlnu (imimalriMU), KID. JjKICIlNKIl'B. (I ropor ieill OnBAflK PAINTS, PUWDERS and DUnjlf C4f HK.^IJWoara aolo ejgnuror iho^U; 8.).Porfa<:l hnl- o atnu rc. , IIA Bl.n^ fUDj.CUtpSi^J^ au._ SPANOLEl, 10 par b. BUlXlUNPli , uia.B.0, OE8 ftom IKIn. doaj - M almpa, Iac a raid) lo lOlo. deap. Ooanwork Lacoe, Ool Ira lda, Lajea, Corda, Balllon Flovera, ato. M Inch RATInB, lo ararr aliada, V>f^ flOa aod t\a \JvA. PlDaha^ TalratMD^ ValTMj^rnUBI. BMCAWEa, SwOI^^f&AaOBtu, with and flSowJeweS.' JRWBLS (In aalllDii or whb bolaa). A WIA, LINK OP THKATRIOAI. JKWBLiflV. OATALOODE, FRICES AND BTBRT UirOBHATIOK BENT BT HAIL. 000D8 SENT 0. 0. D. DEroariB BEQDDIZD Olt ALL ORDZRa NOTICE FROM YENO DRUG CO. TUB VENO DRUaOO, No. Iff BacoiNl ATaDii«,rlU*- borg, fa., !■ IncoiponiM and hava eopyright^, reg1«tr»- UUIH, « latwIKVaaim a^aaa-^ • vB.~>a> Uooa and tnala tnarkf upon iJHlr prapariuoDL Tbar ' larHoga.opoD ihelr a I>i inar)i~ ^ocMdriiga are tKolog brbugR aiimJoK Iheae r«r- III proaacuto any miiod« who .men! rial" — lailoDi of , -ffiog* opoD ihel. fbu. Vaoo Dng Co., Ziaro I>nig Co., ara Iml YENO. vbleh name la rajnataiw w a tnde Llaa. fliDca VENufl adront to Apiarlea ai a Madlclne Mao, ha haa ciuaeO gratt aicllamaot bxtheaitraonll. oaiT curu of cripplia ha perfomed pobllclr br hia modi- clnaR, AoTODacando iho ume with (ha VENO HBDI- riNE0 Nn other remadiaa will do tha work. Tha medl- ctDoa will be aokl Lu )««tiir«ni at a low flgara, with lo- Hlrtictloo* liotr tocura cripplea publicly. Ample aupply of 3f>lieatPOtl«ra,cAnli^an(|>««,JoumHla, booki and aoDia, ftippUed free. Write at ooca. TUB VB.KO DRUO COM- ANDERSON THEATRE Ca A aOOD nAPABLK A0TRG8S fOR OENBRAL RUBI- NEBS, LEADIMO JUVBKILE IIAN AND A PROPERTY MAN THAT CAN FLAY A OOOD MNE OP PABTB. Voaka alonda. NaoaBonaoi paya a.^paiiaaa aftor npao. InR. BtAta Terr lowaat Fotarr, aita, halBht and valiht Rncloaa pUoto todproeramoiaf, «)ilch will ba retoraed. BaaaooopooaAuK. S. AMraae ED.ANDEB80N. Core WaaunHalor Houl. Nnnh lllark Be. Clilcaio, 111. FOR NEXT SEASON, To eompleta company.* No. I Jarenlle Ladr, Mao for iTlaa and Pmi>anv Mm that can plar ban unim: aluo foUowIng mDRlclans: Barliooe, to double •aeoodTio- IId; eomel rorI'tnd tadorchojMra aad clarlooatia,E TIftt, in brmM. Haat be llinroaghly compat«Dt, or will b« dla- cliarged without notice- Beod iihoio. fltata loll jwrtle- uUra. Addrau OTTO A. KRAUBC 19th «Dd OAllose Ave., KooMaaOlty, Ho, Fred W. Camptwll and Chaa. Humphrey, writ*. NOTICE. FOR BALE • • • • Complete Circus Outfit, conalMtog of Iloniea, llanieci. WagooR, Taot, 100 foot round top. U foot middle nlecMO foot draaalDg room top: llorM and Cook Tenia, all aaau and llghta; onabeaullnil white hara l«ck IIorfte:rour(4) IrooOraya, fourd) Black* and four (I) Btja. Will Mil llie aame In whole or ■□ port; oollrely new; oud only four (4) weeks, and tlia entire circui outm complete for the road. Write or wire outok WM.ZINK AC0..7H rineBlr»«t.Bt Loma.Mo. Send for FREE Samples Letter Head. Wa do BagravlDv^ PriDtlG^ and BlectrotTplng. CROSS nn DBARBOHN HT.. uniuXBUi MAGICIANS SEND $1 Fur Iho i\)lland correct aecrata of tlie toltowlng olibtll- lualonaatid Trlcka: "nm PllihtThroagbOrrfUlV "Ue- l>)i[Klo'i Olua CrlloderM," ''New programma. Ring and Earelope Triok/' "New Spirit I'lcturaa^' *'Kellar*a New KarmoB," "Kellar*a SArloe of Koomra BamI," "KelUr'a Uyaierr f>X L'llawM" and 'The Chameleon llandker cltlefp.'^ The whole lot for only |l. Bend 10 canta for tha Unei't and moat coaily catalogue on magto In tha world. 'Idraaa W.l). J. flUAtr, HI AoBurta Bt. Chicago. III. siiirurs nn mm to. Double Baaa and Toba riaj-er, a good, atrong B-flat l^omet Player to douhia V|g|a or fonie InMrumeot ba- aldaa cornet, alao a Good Aotor that can play ttrong cororL Ttila company playa ONLV weak alnnda. Baa* aoDupen^Julyg. Addreiw CANTON. MtJ. WANTED, qUlOK, SPECIALTY PEOPLE. I^r with Daniiing Bpaelalty, two or three QaaUenien who slug bikI Dtoce: all in play rarta In repariory of three farre coniedlea. Summer Ma»vo lo tha Aulroodack H't'ii. Btate Mlary and full parllculan. We pav board. Uustjoln Juoe24. UcClfTCIIEON h COOLbT, BUouTbealre. B'nghamton. New York. AX UBERXY, A YOUNG LADY, BLONDE, Very neat In draaa and appeaimnte, fine form, darer Bloger, Dancer; baa very lancy aillo coalumaa; playa riann, raada niualc at alght; reflnMl. educated and au traetUa: can loinatenca. All reliable maaageraaddreia HlBSl BORRBTTA. In care of PROP. BAYNO, 13P Wewt Ohio BL. Indianapolla. Ind. WANTED, AT AU TIMES, mm in d ui im Aerial Acrobaia and Bar Perfnnnera preierred. Addreia all cum muo I cation a to M. D. BCBAU, Manager, Perm* Park. Bull, tluebec Pan. AERUL PEOPLE WANTED, male or fenale; also MUSiCUNS-B-Flat Cornets, Qar. lonets, Baritone and Toba Plaier. Telenrapbaaperraule. Salary mnitbe low, but poaltl«-elF aare. TUB NRW HAHTINB SHOWS, Frederick Lucier, Late Lveler and ARhmere.Tanheo Come- dian, Btnng Maolcal Speelslty, AT LIBERTY COMINO BBASOIf. Juat cloaed a auccet«ful two weeki* anaagement at Metropolllan Opera llouae, flt, Paol; OUou Theatre, Mln- naapnliw. AildiraaW BRLMOHT irr.. Worcaaler. Maw. Wanted, for Wood Brothers* Shows, CIRCUS PEOPLE AND MUSICUKS. Alao want to buy a9Dft Top. wdh 10 or BOft. middle ptec*. Mu«t i>e In goml eoadltlon. Wa have for aale. cheaii, llOfL Top. Bon. middle place. Uoly oaed part of laat #eaaon: lo ■Plendhi condllloo. Addnu WOOD BROTIIBRA. car* Ontral Bhoir l*rlnilng KUt^ \¥\ Monroe BL. Chicago. Ill MAHOR WOMAN VTAKTBD TflfRODUnB TUE MOST RaKLIBTIO MEOIIAKIOAL COMEDY DRAMA. Lsria roturo*. Addroaa for porlleulara. Oopjriiihtad aod ret aolMl. Win ro.ltholr b* a lietnaodoaa bit t. ARUKo. TOW JOIIAN, in «llloo| BL, BrooklJlCN'T? KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTS _ I"fiJ»ad and rednoed. Bud rorolrnlar. UEa TATLOR, noTad loir (nllTBIteat, Raw Tork, Bole Mawofantorer and Aeaeu ••LET HE TAKEmmHE AGAIN." Br OIIAfi.T. LOHd. Baad lOe for copy. LONO Pbi. LTBIIIKO OCUeB. BleTenlh Bt. nitrfant. KL Wanted, Migieiaii That Can Do Poneh "DON'T BE CROSS," I ' FniB ilie Optra of "Dir Okntttpr." THE HEW TOBE WOBLD «r Mmj IS laid (list (his bsUad '*w«iild creatiiillr be goBf, bnBined ud nUiUcd tbe world OT«r." PrafesdMsl copies, lOeta. CH0BD8 SHEETS irtU be sent FBEE In any qautltj desUed. PabUshcd bjr TUE B. F. trOOD MUSIC CO., 110 BoyktoB Btrtct, BortoH, Mias. No! Yofl Hardo't Seen This. A. mffiW BONO. Slidiflg Down Oor Cellar Door, Br HARBY HELVILI'R. Proof Mplaa, with orcheatratJon, lOa Wa bare a few ■ - alio ■ ' * ofdtaatratJona left of ^"SJLy AngellrLe' BeatlmanUl ballad, br DATS BBSD Jr.^or lOc each, to pioroaaloDala onlr. BBOOKB A DSNTON CO., BiKth ATaotta aod TTilrtj.Dljtb Btreal. Haw Tork. For Clark's Big Wagon Sliews, A few more Aerial People,Tamblen, Con- tortloBlata and nwlciABa* Thoa* ttimt taaiTe wrItteB write again* BI. L. CLABK, Dee Arc, Ark. . SIMPSON'S EXCHANGE, ST. L0UI8L MO.. II 80UTB UTII 8TRBBT. COMPANIBB WANTBO, for Harreat Domf Pair, Ang. 12; O. A R. Racanpmeoc, .Aot- 0; Pair. Chlllleothf. Bent 17; Rldgeway,Bepl.S;Opera llooaeOpening, Aov.S; Ednr- too Annual PI00I& SLnOO people, June 29: Minatrel Co., Bowling Qreen, Aug. 8; Jaffeiaon City, 10; forty other f alraepan for good atlrmctloni. Addreaa abora. WHO WARTB HS f BILLY ROZELL, Oomadlaa and If mloal Artlat. O loatnimeoU, flrat daaa nrdrobo, Plaetr of apedeV Uaa. Ifyoo can't i«od two tlekeu, don't write. Aadroaa Cere PERRA'B PAI1«. Hull. F. Q, Caoadv AT LIBERTY (CONTORTIONIST) AT LIBERH (OP TO DATE.) KITTELLO ronnarl, known aa JAHIS CUrFORD. Flrat elaaa maoafara baviow an opanlog wrlta ma lo (Qaoeiel Danrerrl. QREBX BAT, WIBTOXBIN. SWING HI6N SWING LOW Ladlea* Up to Date Sumner Crate of the Uonr. Vocallat'a great atory and acting (new) aong—almplaLaweetand tiretty. WeareaoTertlaadbyonrloT- nglrieada. PrDt..lOa:oiher«.S. MoDONALDAKBTEa P.O. BoatJen.DelWary. Boaion.MaM. SHOW CANVASa Built i« order on nhort notice. Write (or partlcnlata. lUaatntad catalofta fiea. J. 0. OOiaSA CO., lOAtwaterBL. Detroit. Mlah. AHceDifone Made Anywhara, Ud> or man; alao colored aero- naut. Alway* promptly on band. Biparlencei,reKitatlon, inccaaa. Prof. Babrich.Stor- gia.Mlch. Eaateraofflee,BubBnraan,ttConrtBt..BoatoD. BALLOON AT LIBERTY, ED. BECKEH, CUASAOrSRS AMD OLD USM. "U. T. 0 " prefarred. Beat ecUo( Tom In tba boaloaaa, BAR NONE. Addrau 16 CadiiT Btraal, Laomloater, Maaa. VUSICIANS WANnD, E-FUT CLARIONET, B.FLATCLABIONBT,E.PI.AT TUBA. Olharmualclaoa write, Elmborat, TIL Jnoe 31; TDmarjDnctlon.IIL,JuDe a, IIAHRYBCMORE, are Wood Broe.'Olmia. AT LIBERTY-JUST CLOSED WITH KALB- nBLDORFHBDM BTABB, NELLTB BLMBB. aario eomlo and dancer; One appearance ferburlaatue. Can do lead- ing pan to aonbrette.'Add. 618 Wood Bl, Philadelphia, Pa. CHAS. WILLIAMS WOULD LIKE TO JOIN A PIBBT 0LAB8 CO. TO DO BMAU. PARTS. Ad. droBi » CLINTON ST., loweCltr, la. AT lilBBHTV, for Fane Comodr or Bpedaltr Co., ISiBs Bijon Kignon. Permuent adOraa^ IM Zajt lllh St., Naw York City. WANTED, Lady Pianist WHO OAN DOUBLE BMALL PART4. TOUNO WOMAN rorJuvaolIaaandChanoUie. BAILEY A ORAT, Vlaooy 111, Juno «-a; Anna, IIL, Jolj 1-6. MiSCELLANEOUSe MAGIC LAmERIIS WANIED HARBAOn A CO ■ »» Pllbart BL. Phnadolyble,"! WUHUCnrULlBoeton.Maal.andaaawbUroowlUiiel\ Bicycle Clubs—See Herel Sll. PlaiCfiSC. |a.5operdoi. Sterllni Sil. 50c. $5.00 ]Mr doi. ^i. free. Anerian Fib Horss She Will be worn br The FIret Hgra* Tkat Beau Tero MInatee. Bond fbr Cataleioe with Prioea. Wa refer br perwilaalon to DR. J. a MoTOT. O.aOOTTQUINTO.f, BALquiintiif. W. 0. IIBKDRICKBON, AMERIOAM BAltD FIBRE 00., Nawark, DeL OOIS PLATL aod Hia 1 oa IDT 1HIB VCT aad Eal wu )w eaa. aed .IIim art -t-111 wa, Ifralkhbtaiilfri tia iB l—llM, Tiw - - Ji I, ^ Ita a, pia lAt, aa4 U r>> Ikkk h a bariab Bar owaaapl. mW ttnttf ,a , i.,id wmmi ie Buraiaan Ue fnalee WU >*an a.d kMitOal fM flala tktk aad ckaia M (mVu miTW.U,wril.«ed^,lAliBar aa ar,n> antai aaaUa wkMbtr aiMPORTINO COt, at Otttlna St., CUan u. A WARM BATH wmi GDTICDM SOAP And a single appnallon of CUTICURA, the (rot $)un cure, will afford instant Hcf, permit rest ami sleep, and point to a speedy, econonnlcal, ana permanent cure of the most distressing of itchlne, burn- ing, bleeding, saly, and crusted wbi and scalp diseases, after' physicians, hospltab, and all else fail SoU Utnngtwot the world. Rrittih depot; Nsw. uaT, I, Kiax EdwanJ-at., London. PrrruB Diuo ft Chu. Coir., Sole Fitipa , Bnalan, U. S. A. K COE. YONQE & COe a iiAaurecTviim or e WALKDia 0AIIB8. >» Importarg of OtITLBBT. w HATSthaUnoBtUneofJeweliT,No- 4 Uou,)(OTeiae«,A<i.*tlowe(tpnc«s. ; a Oooi]iloi8tmtiiieD,AncUaneen*Dd f M AgeotB.OaDeRacksendRDlfo8taDdsfl <3 aapcclsllf. llJaitT'ldO«ialogueItM{| 3 Ton WalMndttn t>e SI. lOIIIS. MO. THE HOST EXnNSIVE HANUFAGTURERS BILLIARD and POOL IN THE WORLD, THE BRUN$WICK.BALKE.COLLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWIT, NEW YORK Ifewe«( and mot elegant etjiea, wlUi (he UNEOUALED aTONARCH CUSHKIflS. Bllllaid Batawiale, Olotii, Ball,, Oaee, et«» of omr own aeanaJ^lore and lm> ponatloB. TBB BBDN8WICI-BALKB-00LLENDES 00., Cblcaffo, dnelanall, BL LooIa Sen Pruelaoo. A. 600BRICH, LAHfYER, 2S.WJt?olS5S' legal and quiet Brancheaaad taelUUealn other Btaiai ABIIIM Morplilae HabU Cared In Wl IVm Dr. J. BfepheniTLebanoB. ' aetthlnKlnfortuneaandfbtnre BATTBBT PHOTO. 00.. Boi 81. Eden. Pa. CURES QUICKER THAN ANr OTHER REMEDY. TavT«nt*a Eitraet of Cabeba and Copaiba li a aafe, certain and qnick enie. and la an old tlme remady, eom- blDlog In a blably concentrated form the medicinal virtue** of enbebe and eopalba, tta portable ahape. freedom from taata and •peedr aclloa (ounng In leu tine than anr.oL^er preparatloq} mak* It THE MOBT TAtCTABLlt KNOWN RBHBDr. To pnTent Irmnd. aee that ereir package baa a red atrip acioaa the tkoa of la- bel, with the algnalnre of Tar. rant A r^., N. T.. upon It. PRICE, BI.00 BodbyaUdniggUta. EDMUND £. PRICE, Counsolor at Iiawy RBW YORK CIjIPPBR BUILDDfO, as AND go CENTRB 8T11BET, dew York CUr. PncUeelaalltheOonrtLOlTll end CrinlooL Bpecul eUeoUoe (rlTan to tlie eollactlon of clalma and dabia ot ell kloda, OUa piepenlloQ of exreemanu end otber laiel am Yfl> Rin'l "•■eel oor dowIj dlanrarod, Im- Mil Jv y£B1 ported eema Item real dtaiiioda. Illll?°,"^^°!!' :>>'<' °" A butdaome aoll. B*Wyuli,i||i]a;und,lateor aarf pin,aolld eoM,bj Bip.O.O.D.for*S. Prirllafe o< eumrnallon: obanuprenld. Calelonaorjiaaia, watebaaendjawalrr trea.InteniaUonal Oem Co, l.ia MaaonleTeoiplelOblcaiie. ANTI-HTIVV IB AX AB80LDTB KEnESBTTT TO THB AtMite, Boiers, SportsatB. Bold bT Dnaeiau and 8poriJB|tOoodB Cjtllst, Tegrlsl asdBall Pla|6f. PrioeJOo.; 860. Boi. Timlnaia*BI», *1. KaateOeadooa la STRBKOTaBNINO TUB HDBablB B. TOPOBBA A 00, 3D M. Wmiam BU S T. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND ^^^^ ^tft^ PUTUHB CXL. 79 B. Thirtee n th fltreai. Haw Tork. TO BE POSTED re:a.i> the: CLIPPER ANNUAL C OSTAI HlRe BECORDS IN AUi DE- PIBIVGNTS OF SFORT, INtXIIDniG CHBOKOLO«IES FOB 18B4, A()VATIC, ATHLEn C, RACINe ASD TBOITING ETIINTS, BASEBAIX, CRICKET, BIL- UA BD8, ETC. RECORDS OF FAST- tSfl THE AMD IIX BEST FEBFOUI* ARCES. nJiDSTBATED. Price 26 Cents. Address THE NEW YORK CUPPER. OUFFxa BVnJKNO, mew YORK.