New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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258 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. June 29. ^Theatricals LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Honda/ ITlchVi Opaalnit la all th« XUc Show Tmnia, GOLDEN GATE CLEANINGS. Big Builnait at th« Varieui HoutM—Tht Clrcui Royal the Only Pooriy Alttnded Show Rsported-The Orcui Will Clv( Way to an Optra Company—The Celumbli Contlnuei cn Iti Proiperout Career. lipKlil DUrtlch ti> T1» Htw Tork Ollpp*r.) 8AK Khikcikoo, June 36.--lliiiilnenaltlieT«r1niu Ibetlrei laat night nu verjtlirge. M ihcOoliimbla Tliettn, liir apMUl iKfiiMt, "rnirnR Uri. mnllirop" woa prrHtntcd to a well iiIcbkU audloncc, but Oharloiie Nlclmn, iflio wta lo liara iiwile ber Ont •piminnce irllh Ibo coMi|»n7 In IbU pl*7, dlil not appear, bar engagement bavlOR l>een canceled, ov- IDK III a diaagreeinent villi Iba manageineol ol the Frawlej Dnniatic Oompaiij, Slio reldicfl tbe part and threw iipUioeiigaiTcnieDtirhon ibeloamadaba wan oxpeclcd lo rcheane a nonr |ila; eacb week. Kantarel CiaTcii nai t'liipivcd, at itaorl nulico, lo play Ibt min ot Mn. Wlnlliro|i In bar aleiid, Uuil- Data lua teatcd tlic capacllj "t \bo boiiae. C«uroRNiA Tnaiimi.—Tlie ever popnlar "Old lIODieatcad" waa prciwated here laat nlgbt lo a laiKO and Iboroughly pleaKcd liniiM. AuAZAR.—Alfred Uaniplnr made bla (lr*t appear- anco bcra In "llearu and liiiraeii," aupported by Dalle;'a Htook Co. Ttie audience waa one of tbe Inrgeil accn loalde of IMa bonae for aoma llDa. HoRoaco'a lin^Kn Urp.HA lloiiai.—\r*tlar Band- ford'a "The I'rodlgal Daugbior" waa produced here laat ulglil, and waa a decided ancctaa. The apec- Incnlar fenturta wore enhanced liy Ibeiacbig aceDe, wllb leal honwB, which aiiipaftied anrlblng of Ibe kind erer preaenteil here. The graataat ationilon had been |iald to the aiaga aetUaga, wlilch added luaiorlally to the auccoaa ot tbe perfonnance, and unthualaallc applauae waa ihe order of tlie oTeuIog, Tivui.i.—"AuMirtia" waa produced here laat nlgbt nod waa well rcc<1vo<l. OiirnaiiH.-Shemwn and Untiaey, Short and lUl- wanli, and Iho Miller llmibem made Ibclr appear- ance at thia houao laat iilRbt lierorea lilgaadlenca, ilimv IloYai Uoul apiieared here. Uualuoa haa iHwn very light. In coiiaequence of htek o( pHirosags Iho cIriMii will bo Hucceoded by an opera vninpany. Niirin.—Mlgiior Eiiitenhi IllanchI, operailc tODur, died Juno 'a. In Ihla clij }o» Wnllz, romierlj trcaiuircrat Iba Tlroll, baa licen engaiiad aa bntl IKM nunnger nl iba Clrcua llnyal Kdward Iji Hose, Ullle U Rom, Hr. ami ttn. Juiila HcCrao, Kllly KInit, Prank llica, Mamlo Uamploin), Fiinn; Hbeldoii and Molllo >l«aoii appeared laat wci'k at the Jhilla Union, In a long and well amngtd pro- Krainnic. Friday ntiilila are Ihn anialcur nighia, on which prlMa aro given In the lieai anialoor Joo Snilon, lliiaacll and llydcr, Hllllcant l/Klx, lie Aninnio, llonio l,eary, l.uin rnwera, liizaiello, tho HcDonalda ami Itoao Cleuianca are at the Audi- iiirluni In a lent inal holria 1^,000 people [>oolor aocnu la nighllr ittlling madlclne Rood for all Ihe tlla Hat noali la liclr In. An enlertalnment la Rtres nlghllr, at nlikli W. M. Ilwkwell, llrlle KItby, Wni, HcUall, Iho /nnrnllHii, l,ca /aiiiiai, Iloxey, Delmoie and Maud IMrrcIl iipitcar In apcolalilea... tinrlii WalnwilKbl, at tho llaldwin, will be pitird agalnat Mula Jamea, at Iba California.. Allicit Iloycr, Itio manager of the Wigwam, baa tctumed lo bla furmar poalllon aa leader ot an or- rhoxln, mill now wiclda Ibe baton at Mnroaco'a Omnd Opera Hnuao l*TOf. Durko, an >:uitem aonnniil, Is here, making iialloon aaceiulona ereiy Hiinilay During Iho three remalniDg weoka ot Alfred JUnniplcr'a engagement at tho he will pmiiui^o "lUihlioiy Under Anna," "Darkest Imdon" and "Valjcan, or Balnl or SIguer."., Iliiiinv Waller has wired here Itast he baa aecured tlio Ciinia Sircol Tlicalie, Donvcr, Ool., and will mi|iun It July a, wllh a aln<ng company, IncludlDK ilio iiiimella liraa., Ilngora llroa., Uaoaifa dog ana monkey cumedlniu, WMiney llroa., Felix and Cain, mill Maud Hajmnnd. He will now be enabled to give hlaiialrnnalu Ban Francisco and Loa Angelea iiioio hriiuent cbangca In iho bills oBcnA Tbo Uaitlnelie lima, aro tho foatures at tho Oipbeum whom iliey have won great aucroaa since Jiino IT. Tlio rlilldreu uf tlila Iroupo simply oleoinfy tbe an Ulenccs. FROM OTHER POINT& aadleaoai ititr a Blgtt off, wbtcta waa dented to eompMlDg amnfemoiti for tbe pndacUon ot Ma naba," Ibe Chicago Qpem llonae opened agahi laat night, wllh a Mf crowd to ate this moat elab- oraMy staged of all Mr. ncndenon'a exlraTagan- no Haaonle Root Oardeo bad nora of a crowd than It could well lake care ol bunday eren- Inr, and preatoled a high claaa kill... ...WIlDol, tbe Iriek Ucyclo rider, haa joat cone oat flnt bna In a breach ot eootiacleoDlroTeray with Frank Ilall. UiLWADXH, Jnne 29.—The Bxpodllon Hnslc Hall held a Urge Snnday nlgbt bones, ptesenUns parllsl chsngo ot hjll. Frank Harlo did not antra from jner cliy to open wlib the IHioham Family... ."Boc- caccio" anlabed tbe week at SchlllaPark Snaday, to a goM honse, and "Prtnca Hatbnaalem" began laat night, to Ilka attendance Hoyt'a "A Black Bheep" drew fality good honaef to the DaTldaon last Bnnilay, with an ImproTomeht last ennlog.... Coop's florae Bhow opened laat night to eapadiy of cannu In Ibe eilieme Bonlben part of ibe dir. . .The I'anoiama Hoalc Hall, which will occupy one ot tbe old panorama buildings, will open Jooen, HonoH, June 3S.—The fUngllig Brothen* drciia opened yeslerday and ailed tbe canna afternoon and enolog. Kearney Bpeedya Ugh dlte Into a tank ot water created a seiisaUon At Ibe Oastle Siiosre Theatre Ibe bonse conpsny prtatnted In a Teiy acceplalila manner Salte'a opera of "Iho no. hemlan Olrl," and "Ibe Bpbynx" drew a verr handaome opening of lla last two weeks st Ibe Tre- mont Theatre.. Kelili'a Tbealre, wlib'a good Tsriaiy and specially ahow, had good aodkncea, nnd Ihe other popular price hoiiaea bad ihelr several abarea, but the circus ont Into tbo business at all tbo houses. CiJCViLiNn, June 2)r-Tbe opening of the third week ot the Mnnsy.Lsao iipeia Co., at itollnorth's, waa a triumph. "Bald Paabs" waa superbly done. During the performanco ot "Falka," 23,\Vllllan Olalj- dell, aa Iba monk, waa aocldenlally dangcioualy slabbed Ijj the acbiaom he carried AtlbeLj. ceum Baldwin It Youog'a conllnuous shows did fairly. wiscoNsia "All Baba" Ravlvad on a Grand Scale by David Henderson In Chleago—Good BuiU nest the Rule wllh Summer Attraetlont In 1 he Various CItlat-Few Regtiltr Thagtret Remaining Open. IRli««lal Dl«p»t«li«a to The Naw Tnrk OUrpar.) l'iiii.«n«i.riii«,Juno'J.V—rieaaant wcalhcr.alroog nllraollon^nnd not too many of tbciii coiiililnod to make tho openlngx laal nlibl well up In the Winter atandani Tlicacrond week of lllniluha' grand opera Mason opened laat night with a very miIh< tiicloiy pnMnbiilnnof "Alda" liefore a good bniiio, Mme. Kronoitt, who ha-* lirrniuoldeullfled wllh Iho part of Alda In Iho hcartoorourniiulclorlng people, naa In good rnlon and a.ini: wllh waim draniallo roellDB. Danto liclpapa nuido hl.< lint appcarani-e ibUaenwu. and waaiHinllnliy recelvni. liu toIco lo (tf Juat tho right qiinlliy tnhiimionlcawlih Ihntot Mno. Knnnlil. hig. Del I'uonlo was Ainonnfro; Virlnnl. Ilnnilla; KnrI, tlio Klug, anil UIhs Vlriiilnr, Ainnerla Tlirie waa a good lionao at Ihn Uioad 10 mo "Tlie l.llllo Tyroon," Miili-n aeeiiiK In luwo i*ei*onie a llxtiire. llC' twocn Iho aria Haggle Ulliio aang Hevml of her •rbaraclcriallo Irlah aiinga. 8bo waa cvldeotly a nnvclly to many In Iho aiiillani'a, and alio made a very dccldeil hll. Andrew Mack alao mng and waa vrll rruelreil Tho llljnii waa well aKended during tho aflcrnonu, and Usl night waa llllcil tu Iho ilnors. Aa Uiigli inakct* NcAroy and Uay ware |trnliably Iho lilggcat enri'Caa of Ibe aeanon, and fairly bronghl down Iho hoiiia. Kua Dertoldl, oon- tortionlai, waa a atar foainie At Ihe l,yceiim "The While Crook" waa proaontrd. Inlroduolog tbe limneo alamos Mildred Itnward'a Trilhy dance and two new liiirlcaiium. Thrto wai a well Sited hriiac. St. I.011S. June '.'i.—A large fon'O ol work neu couiiuenced ibU monitng Ibo deniolllloD ot ropo'a Theatre building. Work on Ibo new ainic- lure will be piiahed rapidly Ilavlln'a niealr* elated i*:! for ihe aeaton .. . "9ald ra«ba" wai given at I'hrla'a Caro amiday night to a full pavll. lion, with William rnirtle aa llatjan lie;, Toma llanlon aa Aerena, Jcinine Sykot aa lladad. Flank Jiosbon aa Ko<ikcy, and (lerlnido l«dge m llalab Sajali. The cnuipaiiy werr all up In their parta, and rncorra were titiiiioni Tbe noornardeo waa well niled la;l nislii m iriuieaa ibe vandenilo. TriM.'O l'.trk had a line .Sunday bight's ai- ii'iiiliinrr, and Siibnrliau l*aik waa crowded slte.-- niHin and evening r.ydla Ycamana-Tliut la un iltillurdforiballiiof Garden next week The Uiuonm haa been connrled Into a aboe aloi*. CiiirAUO, June u.-"UtUe RablDwn Onaoe" at ilie Bchlllcr and "Tlie Collon King" at XoVloker'a had II Hit Ihrtrown way among Ibo patrons of Ihe Uigor bouaea tfiinday oveulng, and bolb had laiie MlleraakM.—At BchllB I'ark the American Comic Oparm CDnipaoy ara rajurlav a proAlabIa Imalaoa^ "Boccaccio" waa sail praaanled laat weok, Jeaonio WlQ' aliin, Aania Hayen, Kom l.alshun mi llairj nrowa baloa bvorttfa hara. "I'rlnca UaUiuuhio" la ibla aaak'a btlU opanlos -luoo 34. ComtnanclaR July 1 ralka" will b« glvtn, wlUt Wm. Bnderick la Ibo caaL lo tiM PavlllDO, opening K ara Blwood, Ui* Bfacb Ctillilrrn. Iiwno Knnklln and Allaa Waaa. Eira«iTio.<i MCf ic IlALi—Tht allandsDoe conllouaa to be Rood al thIA naorr. and tlia niinafamaat ■■ modi Haaaad with die laaion Ml far. OMnlagDan iba Xarlo and Ouobaio Family, AlUn aail Waal, Nra. aoraaon Iioaabora. llaallan and Marloo, Moora and Korcliar. Tboaorwialnad anUlllanl Hull, lliaKlnaNen, Ucaaod BImar, aod lha Nalil-Bradky lit log bnnra alaloia. For weak nr a) Haoainr Balliliury naliaa a decided chaofa lo lilll, liarlna booked InntH fanmia band. llAvioaoa fHSATaa.-l[-yl'a "A Black Rbaap" comaa for A 31.9, II, with Faaala Jobnalon, OlU llarlali and niUlain Doara In lUa Iwllng lolaa. Tlila lioaaa wlU than i-nialn clowl uoUl Ilia taaQlar aeaua eommuicaa naat Fall, wlUi W. A. Bndy'a "flia Ualtnn MigT U'u.<(iiaai.AXU MraKi-H.—Uaoasar Marlon atvea bla palron* a ntivaliy weak i<r 31, havlaa luroad bla laaort orarlotha rlrcu. paoplr. Tlia iQlarlorwIll bamado lo raaaiolila a elrcu« In arary way poaalblo, from ikkol aall* ara 10 lamoaadr, aod be atylaaUiawlKila "IliaCoaiilry rlr'u«." Tliarolbwlna paofila will ha amplAyad: Law raliiiar, lha Bursaaa Brolliar\ AL Newliin, \lm. Hold niaa, Kiarlty aoiTOonuara, Bailla La Ctaira, Laflar llow' arJ. HoDa. Forbar. Ilia Oamlls Rhura, Haiiila IVaawlcb, I'alor flampaoD, Joyea Baoanl aad Ellla Wbluooa. KuTW-4>iup'a Hitrae Show eoramaaflod Mhlbltlna hare la, and will ramalo IndaSnluly, wlUi weakly chaoaa of localloo Bam T. Jack and wire, accoaipanlad ay aaronl rrionda. laUl nvar hara S. Thaparty an Mt for a ibraa waaka* trip Uiraasb Nonhan wIkmiId, In Haa. aiar Jack'a prlraia N-ar, "The Boliaaliiar." rnnh alio will rrjoln bla old panoar, Baa Dunbaio, Kara, and appear at tbe Banoaliloo Mnalo Uall Uila weak, the art lialOB alykd tha Mario and Oanbam Family Tlia Klaa-Nara mat with an aealdaol ilurtDR thair torn at lha BipoalUm Hoale llalUN by Ihe roller a haaay table wliFch Mr. KIdi Nan bakncaa, but lhay wtn able to reappaarSU. U.U.Cn)aa,erthaCr«aal*rlaUojcCoiopaDy, Ciilcano, III., vai In Uio ollT O Managar W. H. 0<ml' Biplara racalred many -. — — .— Ilie KapMllloo Mualo llap Managar W. 0. Kdmonda ofJuleVallara'"Bide Tiackeil." waa In Ibeclly A and booked bla aUiaollon at tlia Acadeoiy fat Aug. U M. Aloaaodir, el AleianderA Thall'a"OldTaoaeuM"*a< h>re 10. aod aUlod be would opea bla aaaioa at aaaj Clly, Uo. MA5SACHU SETTS.-l gee rage ail.) noaloB,-iSo tar as draniallo atlraoUona go at the "Hub" we an not "in IL" Tbare ate only two ren- lar thaalrea opaa, Iba Tleoiont aod Ua Caatia Sjuara. At Uie fomiar Manager llanr Aaklo cooUnuaaBrowne A Tliotnpenn'a oparmlle aauaraganaa, "Tha Bplilai," which laaow lo tlia t^t two weaka of ilaruD. It nlu be aoo- caetled, July a, by "KluiHt, or ibe Two Tugled Tucki." Ciarta Biji'Aaa THkATHS.—'Tlia Bohemian Olrl" will be the atlraotloo olTarad by Maoaaar Boie to bla patraaa week of Juno >l. Neil weak, "Tlia Brlgsadi." KBira'aTHKATHB.—Tha annouocoMot ferweakofsi at Mr. KalUi'a houae auru olf wliu Iba Roa*ow Broa, llllpullaa alhlalea. WiUi tliani are bonked lleo. Ttiat- (har, Inaa McOiiakar, fulaon, maglclao: Pcank HbUr aod Edllh Uurilla. llatr>'WrlshL Haillia«a aad llairla, llaleoa CoUyar and Jobs llrami, flaonie AoallD, Ibe DiinlHra,\V. A. Maok.Julm Barker, Bryea and RoRar^ Uie Nation Trio, McVali aod Oaalela, and Uaaley and BaunileTa. ... I'AUiCBTiiaATns—"In BoanyMealco" pforadaoauc caaiTlil Ual wMk lhal Maaaaar Anatin dacalM to retain ll aooUiar weak. In Ihe olio ar.i Moacli ondOaalleloii, Fred Bckhnff. Ibo Uolebya, FJala Qraydon, Ulu Mlllaand AVOTLa A Btvimra Mraaua.—For weak nf u Dia rollow- loa iiroitniuinia Ik preaanlrd by Stme A Sliaw: llaaoo. Iwek'a niucalail iStrclnei^ lha Kafflr Warilota, Billy Wall^ lha hani hauled uaa; Waller Blaart, tlm liandlau and riMllaaa unretlunau, who Hrnia In sal ahaiR Juil aa Ir be had a pair of handi and a pair iit r>^i. Ua Ibe auga, lo hourly aliowa. ara: Jidinien and M«cfc, Clark and Temple, Flavlble Norman. BInoay and Cliarmin. Mr aod Mia. Howe, Muatcal Do Veeua, Bebiiunt Urea., II'ace aod BolloD, Iba Mflhlar Trio, llliatlle UlaiiioaO. Leille am Tenlay, Colllna and Re)-, Comical Flalaw, Moo^ala aoi HaaaaU Barau and Colllna, Emarauo Hlataia, All-oand Rawley, RevcaandlUlaa. . . N0Tia.~T1ia Naw \>rk Baaaball team, aad Ihe ror reauondaola of lha N. Y. papara Irevtllngwilb lliarlub, oceuplad buaea at Kallh'a .Tliaatre eranlos orll, al lha Inrltallon of Adlng Maoaaar Jack Fynaa, hiniaair a ronnarwall known oawball reparterin yoarcUy JubDj. MrNaUir'«".NiabtClark" U bookail for aproduo. tlonal Uia llolllaRlieat Ttiaalrv HopLSS McNallr'a other aaw play, "Tha Widow Janra," wrillan lor klay Irwin, will baprodoceil at Ilia Bo«*en Muteou SapL 1. ThaMawnofUavaal lha Hoauin Thaaira will be opened Aug 10 AnlolnaUaMonli Klaw, altborMau. aiiai Mark Klaw, dealb eccurrad laat veek, wea a BuKlnn Rlrl and w«r wMaly known and rv.|i4«ied lo thia rlly by a larfe olrcla of (nanda end aciualntaocM. I) I INDIANA. #0n the Road^ All ReutM Mutt Retch Ut Net Lattr Than Men day. DRAHA'FIC. Akentrom's, Clllc-llallfax, N. 8.,Jnne24-Jiil7l3. "All llaba"—<.'bleago, III.. Juuo 93. Indelliute. nalloy * llray'a Iliamailc-VIeona, III., Juno ti-'O, " Ainu July 1-4. Damrs k Uuirln's Fbiyera-Ishpcming, Micb., Jane Baldwin i Yonng'aComedy-C!eT(ltnd,0., JunsM- IndeOnlte. Black Sheep"—Vllirankce, Wis., Jono n, Hlnne- apolla, Minn.. nanoll'. Ion, gtock-Ossasdaga Uke,I). Y., June a, SB. Cunia A Bione'a-lloO'alo, V. Y., July I, Indellnlle. "Cotton Klng"-ChIcago. 111., June'.»-JDly e. "Clrcua Olrl"—Dackeltstowo, N. J., June u, Wash- ington 2T-29- Ttalley'a Block—San Francisco, Cul., Juno 'H, In- detnltc. Dean'a Comedlane—Shellhurae F^lls, Uasa., Juno jglllnwood's nayciB-Claylon, K. V., Juno il-a. Pnl's Bammer Block—llalllniore, Md., June 24, In. dennlic. . . Fowler's. Jsok-Dcll llaplds, 8. I)., June -Jt, Flan- drcan •H-O. Ilpcslone, Nlon., July I-s. Frawley Slock—Ban Ftanclaco, Cal., June 24, IndeO- G^'nu k Nelll B(ock-Bt. Faul, Hlnn., Jono 24, bi- deHolte. Olhney k Cordon CouiedT—lladlson, \t is., June 'U- 2D. Qlg^na A Waldron'a-Foitlsnd, Ore., June 21, In- llsrt's Block—Fort Wayne, Ind-, June 24. IndeDolle. Ilnjt A Bbsnnon'a nayen-Salein, N. Y., Juno 24- ao, (ireenwich Joly 1-n. „ „ , ImsonVi Comedians—Janiaitown, N. U,, Jane 24- 3>, Hanibio July 1-3, Dickinson 4-«. irenalugion Block-Kenilogton, Fa., Juno 24, In- denolie. T yon k Qrunowald Slock-tjiiebec, Utn., J une 24, ^ ludollalio. Undny's, John R.—Dallaa, Tex., Juno 24-29. "UUlo Roblnsoa Crusoe"-Chicago, lU,, Jnne 23, IndeDnlic. _ _ . , Manhattan Beach Stock—Denver, Col., June 24, IndeOnlle. Marble Theatro-UlUe Falls, Hlon., Jnne 28, Mel- rose 31-2D, Kew I'ayneevllle July 1-0. "Many World"—N. V. Clly June U-Julyli. "Milk txiilte Flag"-Fblladelpbla, Pa., June 34, lo- deflnlta. t'Malonay's Wedding"—Usnston, Wla.,June20, Ia Oroase 27, Black Wver Falls 28, Fau clalie 20, Chippewa Falls Joly 1, SUUwater 2, Hudson 3, Wnooa, Hlnn., I. National Ibeane Stock-WaahlDgtuii, l>.U.,June 21, IndeUulte. Rational Block—LIIUo Rock, Ark., Jnne 24, In. dannltp. unid Honiraiead"-.San Francisco, Oal., Juuo 24- JnlrlS. prIngle-Usj—Red Oak, la., Juue 24-20. Queen's Stock Comedy-Montreal, Can., June 24, Indeflnlla. RnsaeU A ration Comedlana—Uotrlatown, \L, June US. UurlUigton 21-111, Keeaavllle July l-e. Rockwell's, J. C—nsr Uarbor, He., Jons 24-2ii, Calais. July l-«. Qaoford'a, Waller, Slock—San FraioUco, Oal., ° Jnne 24, Indellnlle. Blamford'a, Flora—Wlnaled, Ct., July 1-t. Stewart's Park Comedy-Diibuqoc, Ia.,Jnuc34, In- dellnlle. Shaniian k Kchol's-I'nlrle Clly, III., June 24-'.tl, CtayionJiily 1-0. 1 iTnlbv," No. 1-N. Y. ffllT Jiino 24. Indellnlle. "Thrllby"—N. Y. Citv June 24, Indellnllo. "Trtlhy," No. 2-ChlcaBo, HI.. July I, todollnlle. itTTncle tom't Cabin," WItlierell k lloud'a- Ll Bandy Cn^ck, N. Y., Juuo 2a, Wllllamstowu 2T, Camden 2a. "Uncle lOm'i Cabin," Dans'—Montreal, can., Juno 24-20. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Webber's—Cblcano, til., June 24-9. Vsn Tamil's, Con—Dtnghamton, N. Y., June 24-20. Van Dyke k Eaton'a-Saglnaw, Ulcb., Juno 24-20. WlUard-Olcaaon Tnealre—Ticonderoga, N. \. Juno 24-a, Fort Ifdward July 1-9. "Work and Wages"—Tsiiia, la., June 20, DcUo Flalne 2T, Cedar Rapids Joly 1-6. Kv«Bavllle.-.MoTeral ot our anutenieni oa leraia are In Ueubia Uiroush Uia elTena of Ilia flood Clll- iao«* Laagua lo iiuppreaa tiiinday amuaamaala. Frwd tlamban^ pni|>rielar or Iba Thratie t^omlqua, and R. Korebarxar, of Kombarsar'a fliideo, are charred wlib Tlolallog Hia law 00 Ihla aiiblKl and will ba trieilneat weak. Cook's I'aaK.—OiUalt'B tl'orki or Wbaela lidolagROod batlnraa Ihiiwetb. TaSATRK CoiiguK.—Tbe iluta-lloladaocaniaiidaTa. rialy bill la meelloa whh IXIrrewenl. Kixii OOBin. raaaaaar or tlia O-aad. la la Not. York, booklog attlertluoa for tha coailna 1 Indlamapella.—<;jntlnuoua peifonoances will be alraaaaoUiar trial hara. Tlia tirand Anna Juneau, witli a iiilaad bill of drama and Taudaf Hie Tbe ar- taosaoienta with leaaa'BAOdloalra a apacuoalar pai. IOnnaocalDthtacityhavark1lantbtouBh,awlBRtulhelD dlapoalllon onlia bualoavnian bi beaome Inlenatad Wumhwaira "Moab'a Ark" rloaad a waak'o •PiaRamant bareit 1 alork rompanr. runil.tlni or prr^mLianl buklnaMman. Iiaa liaeu nraaahad toproduiacoBiloopeie bare iblaRununer ll la mmored that • rout sardaa will be added to lha Dawn««BulhllnR now In pr«caM of conalniclloo Ollla Mack aad ena, of Murrmr aod flarVa "rlnnlgan'a Ball," haar reluroe'l to their noma a Uil. clly. Tbay opeo lhalrVeaaoo at iba Park Tbtatre hara Aua-17- MARYLAND. llalltmore.«.UIdaiiminer quiet lalgna In {ocal ibaaUlcala. aod Fonl^aOperaUouaefauaclaarrteU with Ihe rtock ei'aiyany. "Flak Oontlooa" waa realred Jona II, wllh uUifacloiy rattttta. Martha FoiO appeared a. PfVHOAI.. Amerloan Open—Milwaukee, Wis., June £4,1ndel' Inlte. Andreirs' Open—Blchoond, Va., June 24, Indot. Inlte. Abel Open—Feoria, III.. Jnne 94, Indellnlto. Black Bwan Concert—Belmont, N, Hh June 3t,CT, OUoanton Imn Works, 18,20. Otstia Bqnara Open—Doston, Mais., June 24, Indet- Inlte. Osinpobeno Open—Charleston, 8. C, June 24, In. dainlie Camilla D'Arrllle Opera-V. Y. OHr Juue 24-30. Oonreld-Ferenciy Opeia—H. Y. Clly June 24, Indet- Inlle. Ollliert Opera—Lowell, Maaa., June 24, IndeOiilte. Bolmea-lloMnaon Opera—Wilmington, Del., Juno 24, Indellnlle. Illnrlch'a Opera—Phlladelphbt, Fa., Juno 21, Indot Inllo. loin State Hand-UeveUnd. 0., June 2:i-Jiily 13, "Utile Tycoon"-Phlladelphla, Fa., Juno 24, In- dednlle. Hntmy.Uno Open—Cleveland, 0., June 24, In dednlle. Fyke Opera—Sail lake Clly, U., Juno 24, IndeOnltr. Fugralev Dros.'—Lancaater, Pa., June 24-20. Royal llungailan Oypay Band—4]nnd Rapids, HIcb., June 30-July a. "Tbe Sphinx"—Bosmn, Mass., June 24-Jaly 0. TOnneasee Concert-Detroit, MIcb., June 20. Vhrla'a Cave Open-Si. Louis, Uo., Jnne 24, In- dednlle. Wllliur Opcre-Uolulb, Minn., June 24-30, 31. Faul 30, Indellnlle^ VABIBTY. Alhambn Vaudevllle*-Si. Paul, Ulon., June 21-29. Kalhteld'a-.Vshland, Wis.. June 20. Uiiaon Fanilly-lluuitntd Falls, Me., June 20. Wold 21, Strong 20. .Sew Vineyard July 1, West Mills 2, Kalrbsnkaa, Wllloiil. Marls, Al.—Ungham, He., June 20. inllSTIlKLS. Uiyant A Swaln'a—Melntoah. Hlnn., Juno 24-2'. Hallard A Imunelly's-Uoxlcr, Uo., Jnne a. Hover ■a. nmnvllle 29. OullfoM 20, Ullo July 1, llrown. vllle 2, (Illusion B, riewiuo Isle 4, Canlbou k. Fort F'alrOeld n. I.rnnard'a, llarry T.—Leonardaloim, Md., Julv 1 I'ort Ibliacco i. Upper MnrlliorD a, Lcesliurg, Va, 4, Ilanilllan6, lloundlllHB. Bcrtbnor k Smilh'a-Ketne, N. D., Sells Uros.'-Sewbum, N. V., Juue 28, Mlddtetown 27, Port Jen is 2i>. Uloghamton 20, Baaratoga July I, Olens Falls 2, FlaH:<burg 3, SI. Albans, VL, 4, Banr 6, llunlngton 0. Tiicker'a-Bkowhegan, Me-June 27,2»,P1lt«leld ». Walsh Dit>s.'-3hsraokln, Fa., Juno •20,8nnbuiT27- 20, WUIIamsportJoiyl-0. . „ „ . Wallace-Nebraska Clly, Seb.. Jnne as, 81. Joseph, No., 2;, Kansss Clly 29,20, Wichlla, Kan., July 0. inSCSLLANEOVS. Bartholonow'a Kqnlnct-Chlcago, III., Juno 24, In- deOollo. , «. «, nilBtol'sE<|iiln«s-Usbon,Me.,JuMa,2». Buck Ainerlca-Soaih DrooUyn, N. Y., June 24, ta- dellulie. . « , Bunaio mil's Wlh) Wesl-Fail lUtcr, Masa., June 21, Lowell Joly 1,2, Uwrence 0. Chrlailne's, Mlllle-l'oilland, Ore., Jane 2tJuly 0. Coyle's Museum-Temple, Tex., Juno 24-20. Canadian Jubilee Blngere-Wabaab. lod^ Jane 28, Fern 20, 30, North Manchealor July I,»ainw2, aoslien3,4, L1khsrtli-7. DeCastro k Omnihan'e-AtUnta, Os., June 24, In- deOolte. Kdua-Wood—en nii/felbnusb Soiitb America. Frank k Woods'-Manchester, N. II.. Jane 20,27. French's New Scntatlon. No. 1-1'ortsmoulh, 0., Jnne Z), Vancebnrg July I, Manchester, 0., 2, Mayavllie. Ky., 2, Hlpley, U., 4, Dover, Ky., 6, Augusta 0. Ilendenon's Hyperions—long Island City, N. Y., June 24, Indellnlle. Helrar-Juncllon City. Wis., Jono :*July4. Hyde's, IL D.-JoUcivllIc, Ind., June 27-20, lloaston Lon%lor'llanr-Cenira Ihibor, N. II., June 24-20, MonlionlnroJuly 1-0. Harris Bros.'—Hartford. Ct.. June 24-20. RIcwart's Amusement Oir, No.O—Hagentown, Ind., June 20, Carolirldge City 27-10. ., Smlth Oorton—Norfolk, N. Y., June 2fl, 2T, Madrid 28,20. Underwood's, I'rof. C>. 8.—Red Key, Ind,, Jnne 20, 27, Albauy 20,20, £aton July I, 2, Muucle 3, 4, Alexandna i, 6. Westlska's Now Orleans Miiseuin-Uccan View, Va., Juno 24, lodednlio. Wolia'Wondcrbind—Newport News, Va., June 24- July I. /Iraincrmsn Bros.'—Lynchbnrg, Va., June 24-20. NEW JERSEY. Lady NagRia Waaaiair fbr IbaOivt timearilh thi. coin, pany, maalna a very raTormhla Impreaeb^. '-All tlia Com. leni i>r Home" dU well bx week. "Tooag Hta. Win. OIROUBRg. Barnum A RaHcy-Munclo, Ind., Juno 20, Ccllna 0.,2I, IJnu29, F1ndlay20, Uevclnml July I, Aah Ubula 2, Ureuivllle 3, Warren 4, Alllanco 3, Mas- sH'on 0. luker 1 Fambart—Fairfield, III., Jnne 24-20. CUrk's, M. I.-lles Arc, Ark., Jiioo 20. Clark'^ w. c—liuiaow. Mo., June 21. Wancnlon -^x. Oole't—Windsor, VL. Juno 2(i, Wnodtlock 27. Dock'i>, Kam—McOonnelliburg, Fa., June 20, Water fonl T,. Honey Omvo 20. ^Valnul 23, Bpnico IIIII July I, Mexico 2, Van Wert 3. narnutoirs-^ax'u, June 17-.\Dg. 20. Hams', w. II.—Estt Liberty, V*., Jane JO. Home- stead 2T. Plilsbnnr 2>-Jttly 1. Allegheny 2,3, Car ntgle 4. S'enbonville, u.. a. Nowait 0. Uunllni'a—Haventnw, N. Y., June 20, Spring Val ley 27, Uackessack, N. J., 21, Uaronno 30, Blaplc ton, N. Y., Jula 1, l>nit Richmond 2, Jisnh Aminv, N. J„ 3, AtUury I'ark 4. Uaniegat}, Hammond, tone. Klrkhart'»-Iowa FHlla, la.. June 20. La Peail's-Scboolcnlt. Mich., June 20, Conslan Une 27, Sinntis 28, Coldwaier 2S, lllllidsle July I, Homer 2, Baton Rtplds 9, Unting 4, Albion 6, Jonetvllle 0. Maln'ri—Dubuque, la., June 27, ainlon 29, Cedar Raiilds 20. niogiltig lima.'—Boston. Msm., June 2l-2ci, Woon- aockoi. H. L, July I, Welislar, Mats., '2, Norirlub, CL, 3, New Uritain 4, Anaonia 0, Brldgcoorl 0. II»ynolds'—llydo Park, Mast.. Juno 27, 'nunUin 20. Bparka'—.sax'ou. Pa., June 27, Denance 28, Hope well -a. Everett July 1. Uedfoid 2. Siadel Hros.'—Oonbig, N. Y.. Jane 10, Elklsnd, Fa., 27. Welltbmia. llloMbur(3i. Sautelle * Etrer'a-Whlie I'hilna, N. v., Juno 20, tiaal nocbnuer. Ci.,27, Wamfortt -A Koraalk 20, Hldgtaeld July 1, Baudy llook 2, Beymoor 3 Jsrary City—A large concnorec of peopki TlaltaO lha Sella Uro«.' Clrcua oiallnea and oIrIiIOI. J. I. C—Thaie poopla are hare for llie weak: LInIa Howard, Canlo Frorart, Ormca Tliompaoa. May Morrla, Faddy Ryan and Pref. llolTnian. Bualoau la fair. WaauisoTD.'r.-Maud nerlnglon, NelHo Wlbuore and raaqualena. Bualnaaafalr. larsniAL-Honaa,.r Wenlholbaa di.iroaa.lof bla Inter, aatin Uila placalo J. I'.Ralllpan Jr. Tha people; Hattio Heyara, Jaailo Mack, Boba Rial and MartlneuoSlaura. Bii.lnaaa la^ood, NnTBa~4]race Tliemp,ion and LI17.U Delmaloa loin rnrcaa neat aaa.00, llobohan Tlia benoBllo Llule llarwood waa ralrlr atlrndwl el lha Hijoii 21 A bona. nt to Managar CUrko. of lha llobokea. will Like placo 30. LoiilaTesUnayor lakaioul Llllko Krobauo 10 play Maalda raaorta, opening at l.oni; yanr, July lu. Neavark—Tbe lienedl given to Uensrs. II. C. nannlr. traaaurar. and Oen. C. Tomer, doorkaaper. of Mloer'a Thaalre. June 3). wai lilvhly aucceanro). A Urse audience oolnred a Inns and wail aoleclail pniaremnia. exLLS nHOS'.CiHciTa ria't4<l Kowark 27. It waa lliair Oral appearance here lo alileen yaara. ami they mada a Tory laTorahla Improatlnn. and ahowel Ilia poblle llitt Ihere la more Ihnn one Rreat clicua Id lha country. The alraelpatteanl I. a atrona (aatura. proMnllog a alream of hrllllaney Uiat niiraeitd senerml alraotlon. Cren-da at- tended the performaneoi^ oFpacIally (a lha eraolnr, whan Iho big cenvaa wwi enUrvIy Ollad. Tbe parformancc laonanrnnnaunlmariuand tba rarielr and eicellenco nfUie dlirareotacu doionre tItahlRlia.lofpratiio. AmooR tha fealnroa itaaerrlnR ore*perlal iiienlloo waa a number oftlAlooil foala aod aaa lloni Ihat parfonn 00 muaieel In* atrumaota and do tricks whicli ara truly nonilartbl In the waleranlmaK Tha anllra enlarialnmanl In oaa wlilrb aliouM place Ihe SrraUro*. at onCK In the lilab po«llIou EaaclhallhaylioM hi Ilia WeiL Tbe reiluoUoo of tha prke of ndmlaalon to twanly are coma la aoolhor arl. dance or a aplrit of eottrprlie that la iiullo new aod plaaalnR, aapeclally to ilia working cliua. 0ALBDO!naa Pakk.— Fallnie. lha Tiirklidi dancer, and a trenpe ol performing Turk* camo 10 Newark bUt weak, and Rare lhair peculiar anlarulomanl at tVledonlan rarb. with the eicorilon or Kottna'a daoao da raniroi which Ibe police would not allow. F.liaaballi.—At Ihe Dnke Opera House Ilsnd Concert. Jooa 10. Mlaa tV. Belace Yeunc rendered aoloa. TI1U houae haa lioan IoimmI ui Uaiara. Rich A Uiitdar, ol Now York, the lease laklns airect July 1. It la aald tliey will run Uialhaaim aa a lilah rbu raudavDIo rew>rL Tlia band cooccrtaCby Draki),Itlacald, wlllbo coDllnued Uirougb Joly, TiiR Lycrum.— ThiB hooaa will i« oponad Ana. a, wlUiTony I'atior. rollownl by "Uncle Tnm'a Cabin" 10. One ilHjwa week will then b« bare aiilll HopL 1. 8ELI.S Rnos.' riRctn cama 3Mo rerr targe boaloeaa In tha eaenlng. TIia alraat parade and Ferfomaace prorad re be llie largaat and ban lliat bas aror btao abowa In ElliabaUi. FatenoB,—Pain's "Last Uaya ot FompeU' cloatd a rary noaallalaclory weak Jiiae 11. ORECON, Portland.—At Ibo Utniosn Grand tbe I7n|. reraliy or CallfoinUnioa Olab aod Uie Hunford Man. dolln Club gavo a toccewfal coocect Juoo 17. No fbnber atlmcUooa are booked for June. CoHDUiy'a TiiaAT«a.-Tho IllBsloa A Waldron Dn. ■satlo Coinpaoy pmsaolnl "Ihe Pluayer" week of Id; 10 hiff bualneu. yrUooer or Wir'< waa |mt on 17. JudMo Bruaee'a new play,' llsnolbal Howa," wlu bo praMoiad 14. ANIIfUHSH.' , dell. Llhby lllondall. Biiwau and Wallara. - llei LoitVHS.—Tho Ourchert Ladles' Orchonra, LooaCrawa, ANilfUHSH.-EIlA Erion, Ilu Hovard, Edwsrd Blon. "'1.Lit" . ..^ opvi aopraiio. TivoLl -Maud Hoia. Sidla FalinaM, Sloan, nanloy 8!»tar*. Louiro Llatar, Bmoa Praacl^ Trixoda, Effla Auama, Tlroll Oonrerl Orctivtlnt Mftiuuso*HNKW TUKATRl Culllgo E.~VarIaly conthioaa. NOTBa.—HanaRer llolllg, 01 Um Manioatn Orand, haa made arTanaanioot. for playlnR RIca'a "1492" ihrouRhoot Ihe Northwo.l circuit lo the Pallaeami Ulllle Cbrla- Uno, Uia two headed nagRa.MaranocceBrul aiblblUoni weak of 11. CANADA. Ilamllloii,—The Pavlllou at Hamilton Beach will open for tha SuRimrr aeaaoo, coiuoiancloR Juoo 14, under Ilia inaoascnient ol J. 8. McOee. J. H. llallle baa bean aecnred aa Ircaauieraial Joo. Aprlalou ataRO niaO' nRcr. Two prrfonuancta dally will bojrlvan. whan Iho rullowlnp patiple wlIlippeAr: JntnaaaodnnnioDoiioTeo, Jolmor loca. HlHt Iliennao. Fred LuclerJ.S. MtUaa, Orav, llUnche llruneeu. HeMoa and llalKb. Tlis TlllRTSKXTll BaXD. forly In nnmbar. hare coininancad a terlu ufweekly eoncarta lo Uia Prill Hall, under Ihocondoclonlilpefnaodmnaloruoo. Robin. Hon. FroraMlooal aod amalauralnKera are eogeKed fur each concert. Tonnto.—There Is llltia doing In theatricals hare. Tho wceihar lAliolaia] lha iMAleeaadull. llAM.A!t*H l'oi.vT.-Merajw. Ilany Rich and W. K Ram- aay have the luanaaaiiient ol Ilia naw "Roof llnrdao." which will be ronnalty opened JunetS. It promUea to bo 00a or Hie l«tl auractlona Inr Ihe ploaiure aeebtra at IhiA place. EolerlaloDonla will he Rlron twice arery eveoloR during the eoaaoo.and a rary Boe programme haabeeo pruvhied. ablcb laauret<ima«twllh aoccau. TiiRRANoCo.xcKaTO aro dallgltlloglaLrBacrowUteacb erenlug. KANSAS. IViolilia.—I. u. I'rawtord baasui cecded In re naalOR hU leoae of Iba Opare Uouaorora tenn of Ore yrara. and will relain dao. N. Bawaa aa local managar. tvaUaco'a Clrcua couiaa July 0 FOREI GN SHOW NEWS. "LxaFk-rmHllHEbi8,"a two set operelu, words by Armand Ltorat, ibo music Iiy Lonls Vanicy, waa ptodnced at tbe Theatre Ciuny, Paris. Fr.. June 0. "Dbbi," a drama In three acta, by Max Dreyer, wss ^reuuied at Ibe Lestlog ibeatre, Uailln, Oer, "Sbttu.vo Day," an oilgUial drama. In tour acis, by F. A. Scudainore, was presented for tbe tirtt llmo on any atage at tbe Bonty, London, Eng. Junes. "SrORT, OR THE qi'EiN's BouKTT," an Original mualcal play, In two acli, waa prtacnied tor copy, right iHirpvsa at Prloce's Tkeaoe, FonanonlIi< Eng., JunoO. lliellliieltoandlyrlcaare byMonta' gue Tuner and Wm. Edwardes-Spnnge, the mutio byThoa. Hiinler. "Mi.tED MannuoEB." a three set farclcsl comedy, by Alfred F. Robins, wits first pioduced at tbe Pier Favllloo, Unsllnia, Eng., Jnne 3. "Dr. Syktsx." a musical comedy drama, In three acbi, by Llias. Freeman was produced st the Hoyal ConcsrI Uall and Opera House, Bt Leunardi-by.tbe Sea. Eng., Jonas. "Tb^ Ubpoan UiiRia>," a eenaatlonal comedy drama. In Bra acta, by Arthur Jciftraon. was acted tor the flrst llmo on nny sisge at tbo Itoyal Thea' tn, Bury, Eng., Juno 1. Variety mj Minstrelsy Rotnoi or TioiCT Cameron's (Mow, which opens at Winchester, Maaa, Aug. 14, nnder tbe iiil« ot Violet Osmeronls Callant SUiy uhitb airls and HllltaiT ExtnvBgaDia.—Vtolet Oraeron, FOi and Ward, Montgouiety Poor, torn Diyani, the Vcrucll Dn)Uien,eieasooU,IIsitEogllsb, UlUan Spencer, Mao Baker, Florence Carllou, Eva Anndrong, Uo|. lla Monn, Qnut Sitters, Marlon tlonrne, Uso Yoong, HaUIn Raymond and Mualcal Director J. SUlbnan, nnderibedlrtcUonotMajorM.F. Cleaaon. FaiNg CLARE made qnlte a euccesa on nlgbt of Jnne 23, at a sociable given In ihli city, tn hiseccan. trie alDgIng and dancing act. He goes wllh Ya\- want Fagania On. next acaaon. TuRCOLDRRnTiigATBICiLCU's,ot Ibls clly.aro to Eire a picnic and cicunlon loComwalion Ururc, up tie Conud, on Juno 37. Prof, Walter F. Craig will ininbih the music, and so elegant, old fsab. loned good llmo la aoilclpattd, The leadlug offlcen ot the club are: Ike Hloes, captain; Tom Mclntoab, flrst lienlenaal; Ucniy 0. Williams, sec. ond lloulenanL Cirr. GLORi's I' Atlantic Clly, N. J., had a most auspicious opening on Jnne 17. Tbe Flizglbbon Family, Oordon and Uck, Vivian Moore, Hairy M. Ilowley end Han? lUlzan were among the list ot perfornicn who enlcrtsUied iho bime audience. UEOMOI (Xtag RABiLLitN s3o Juan Do 7.aniore have reumed 10 New York from Clnclnnail, o„ where they have been suueiinleailing the Issue 01 their new paper for Ihe Waisos SUurs' Exirars- ganza Co. Joele Zaoots Is conralcscing at Mouni Clemens, MIcb. ATTBi orgNiNU ot Lagoon Paik, Ludlow, Ey., l,u Klbhi, betlcr known as H. Lonle, appeared In the FlaherUeller Mo, uklog ihe piece ol Uons.Ccllcr, who bsd joined the lUmum-lbllcy Bhow. Jog WiLUiisg writes tbst, otving 10 sickness, he was obliged to close blscomiiany,andlsreallngat Belcbertown. Mass. Duicn LoBLio opens nextweck at Highland Park Casino, Bnckioo, Mass. Efsii Cu.sTUN POST, of Pott snd Qbiton, Is visit. Ing her mother. In Sprlnglleld, Uo. Kirrgs FROM TUB UsBbM FiMiLT.-Loulae Colllna and Lnln Mason an scoring well In Ihclr dueiia. Louise Colllna and John P. Hack liave In prepant- Hon a new slnglog and talking set, which t^oy will Eul on HOou. Wo are enjoying Ine weather. Ulu [. Mason received quite a number of prcsenia on ber birthday, 23. She Is abio doing gowi work lend. Ingtheorchestn. B. E. SlUMONS AND Kbli.ib BrBSCBR havo Just doaed a successful engsgemost at Olympic Park, Toueka, Kan. UEicn k COLEXWS coMEDtAN8, a osw organbu- llon, will take the road In August for a tour nf IllloobK Indiana and Ohio. Ttclr starting point will lie Chicago, III. HiiR. UAROtREr RjHiANN, wKo ot nsny Tbomp. son (Esmsnn), gave birth to a daughter In this cliy, recently. ORanoB B. ADiMS and bis company opened an en. gageniontatChambalgo, HI., June 17. iNgy. Heci'Siip.e baa just Bnliheil a successful en. gagemeiit lu FbUadelpbla, Pn., aud, on June 24. opened tor two weotsut Mauagcr KcllU's house In Boston, Mass. UgOlir.lB PiLMRHANn Drkub lut VRRKR, Of Paluicr and La Verne, an at tbe Casino Uunleo, Hluntopn. lls,Mlnn. TDgoooBE A. Mnztaaagtvon np his position as orcheilm leader, and will derota his lime to tho miislo pubHthlng bnsUess nhlcb he bas esUb- llshed In this clly. Thb Sisnisa Hon are llllloir a two weeks' engage, raenl at the Uadbnn Bquaie Roof Garden. They ore booked for fourteen weeks during next reason ni Fmclor's New Thealre. Tna LiNUEN TuBiTBE, In Chicago, HI., opens July 8. T. IL Wallace and W, L. Constanilne are the pioprteton and Hen F. Qoodieln litislnoas and stage manager, Tbe following people open Jnlj B: Mor. lis ana Qoodirln, uoiedlaiis; Ada Downio, ecccnitlc daucer; Waitz and Adair, acrobats; the O'Nells, Casey and Le CUtlr, FmnJi Wllllanuon, Eddie De Alva, boundtaig wire; Unmy and llyan, Irish coin, ediana; Maud IlellT, buck dancer; the Kosiiro children and the Wrighls. At a TEHnMomaL tendered to ElUngton E. Bal- four and Mrs. J. U. Lauduo, In New Orleaor, Ia., on Jnne 10, Alma Phelpa, In dances, and the iieoc fldarlea and Karl ItoUiortord, In a ekeuh, wen among the feabires. Baby Onica Rinagix, dsiigtater of Ma RumcII, mts a CLirrxR caller. In company ivilh her mother, June 2}. The mile maiden, wbo la less than four yean ot age, gave ns a specloen ot her aiiUlllcs by singing her greatest success. "My PcsrI Is a Bowery airl," which she rendered wltb all ot Uie exprtsalon ot sn adult perfoimer. The llUIe girl has slrtady appeared In pnbUe many Ibnes. OwiNQ to the success ot "After Your Wand'rtug, Oama Home," Inoi UecnskorwIU add another song ot CbaB. Uraham's lo ber repertory. It Is euUilcd "Jnst as It Used to Be hi Days (lone By." U. J, WEIIHIK will ahorUy Qivlte about two hnn. died niemben ot Ibo railety etage lo a cUmlMku at hU seaside home, on tbe east Long Islnnd shore. John F. FiRins' drawinu Cahds will open iheir regular seaaon Aog, 17, ot Waldmann's Upem House, Newark, M. J., thence playing Phlbidelpbia, Pa.; Brooklyn, New York,aud Uoeton; Mass., In siic- cosslon. Besides Fields and Ilsnson. iho company wlU be made np of sacli omloent vaudovlllo alare as Joo Flyon. Hays snd Huuler, Weston SIslere, Car. roll and Ubies,Jaset U Fleur,Lalor and Chester, and several oth> r aols noir beliur controcled for. The compaiy irlll rennin nnder tho able guidance of JameeD.FIynn, It being bis rourth seaaon wllh the company. The paper will bo all lithographed In fonr colore by iho Caiveit Co., ot Detroit, Mich. Proprietor Fields wUl siar Joe Flynn next season In a three act cometly, written by Ur. Flynn. Tnc TRIAL of Robert Fliinlnmons upon an Indlci- montof maniilaogbler In Ihe drat degree, for killing Con. Rlonlsu In a epairing bout, began Juno 24, lu Syracuse, N. Y. BooKiMUk—At Colbiaum Theetro. Habile, Ala.; liar- loch A Calo, proprlatarw. and B. tf. BniinaRe. alaae maa- aRar; Hanale Uaoo, WillieFranhla, Benh DuMoo, How. art! and AHon, NeHia Adamr, Uao. Blaaon. Udla Oiar. ROBO Omallla and E. U. Bruntase AC RaabrlRhi Fa. rilliin. Ocean City, Bd.: Nellie Uonieo, KltHa Millar. Blancba Ilaymond, Edna Baraott, Al. Uord, Bnira Brown. Oharlla Renlr. Katla Triinper, Eil. (iaier, M' I'limaU, Jack Olover, Blliy Oonloo, aiid Ihe alook com Emv At aoramntot*a Fatlllon. AUantlc Clly. .i*- J,: arloo and Pearl, JoIIa Pranka, Pearl Inman. Oio inl daya, Bhayne end Waidan, Oao. P. Molpby and klljy Keraale. Tanoar and RennaL Fannie Oraouar. LMa (Innlnar, Hilly AmnkI ood the Hliaamn Al Banon« T1laatr^ Nawitort Newa, Va.: Iho BUtarUin (juarlcl. Mr- Kune Broa, Many aod Feari ahaTrr, Ueo.Ooodliy.J^K"' cnea Edwrnnla. Mollr Banr, Bella Coleman. Daale Bliao- aoa, Hadia Kaodp, John J. Mack. H. Ijt Uarr. John narrr. and BcoOoM and Clinon AC Ibe Fatillon Thralir. llolyoke,Haaa: Carllale'a Dog clrcnM-|ark and Aice lino, akalch; Alea. Caraatoo. rncallal: nirant aod Bt' Tille. mualtal comodlana, and Vovie Nubrlga, rocalltl and dancer. ARKANSA& LlUla Ratck.—The Pavilion Theatre Co., cnui- poaeil of tbe membarsor the Ullo II. Krauae Block Co. which cloaad at tbis place J uao l^ opened fore lanllng aeaaoo. plajlof a rtpertoryaod carrying Ibair ovnor- ebaatrm. Tbey play to lOaiid a)c«nui admlaaloo. Olbxwooo riRK.-Tbe National Block Co. will opan 11 for iwn weeka and |tnbablw loo^r. Aonle Davia ami Ben Waanrr hare been added 10 tlio company aince laai veek CAl'iVAt. TusATSiL—Tbia boaaa will open lha lalier part or Anguil. A conl Hat of alUaclloaa bare been booked bore for naat aaaaon. TEXAS. DalUa.—At Ihe Uak Clur Tbeatie tbe John 8. LIndaay Diamallo Co. opened a tare ireekH'aoRagemeni Juno 17. An anialaur torapaay, beaded b)- Jaasia Jaroma HatUall, U raboaialnp "Pbiaroro" aad "MaKol.' TI10 cooipaoy opeo Jahr 1 for one week. Oa»p BinaicT.-MHIa EUaworIb, Lulu Lorlon. Aon* llataa. Bataon and FiMiBola Vera. I>oIIIaWenon.Barn'> Flynn. Carroll and Lawla, Blaocbe Handel, Blancba fiai- aon. Bualnoa«irooil. . . Osa TiiuvBk-Lfooanl aad WIIwi. Mllaaaod Me*. orL Hltdiellaod HcdRa,UiaalWllaon,KlllyaraDI,L;'lia Temple, (Irwoa Olaaood. Batlaaai good. MICHIGAN. ■aginawr.—Uancan Chtk<B Female MlnslRla appaarsd at EoidwaU'a Open Donaa June tl. Bualocu waa (oed Tba rarlUoa Tbaalre coatlnoaa 10 dn* Rood andlencea. Ten Dyke and Batoi'a Company ^n.' Curtia aod Osan'a Jap. Clrcua iiTlha ailrsc(l''U U"' weak. VIRGINIA. ITaRtblli_At lbs BljonTheatre tbe new peopla. week Jooa 21, are: Bama Laa, Ida Eaaert, Bdaa LaM<,' Iho Rarfhrd Blrlerw, Ibe BoHoa Blalrnt Mamie IhaJ' Marie dlnnl. and Praokle ainm aod Wlllaid Moiloa ' Scaplutbokotwaalharbaalaasacoatlnnealklr. —'