New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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jTjm 29. THE KEW YORK OUFV&L 259 Clipper Post Office a* A eumm Bvmon. pifcbilj addwad. boa b* IndoMd for wch l4it«r, and th* 11b« of troilntM roHovw by th« porxn adtfnMd ■boold to (Inn, 1b oraw to nnrtot mliUM*. Kom-i*n)f«a i on ud oUmn ibooU bw [& nlnd tint ul l«tt«n, •lA, la tna^t bstwrn th« Ualttd Btow •d4 GumU, mm H ffqnld, otHtnrin ib«7 w« not fo^ LADIES' UST. A leiandsr. Pcut Povlar. BaUl« -^AuBlln. ri AdunmLHf ^ AiklnMB.OUdji Abbott, M*T T|AT«r, LiniftB I'bck, MImA.I^ Bcihunt, Mim. Bardnek, J«hI*0. Hnt»na«, Utj BcQMtL JohtintMk* BfWin«,WlDOB» B«Tcrlr. Uitud* BnfkMr. HtiiOo Brroo. Hky , Burull, Miml* Blndlflj-L/loropca 6Ubop,mul«R. vblrr, Marie Bovfln Mm. O. P< MldwlQ. Allc« Bennott, VaRRM Bmni*! UMtlrtU Bn'dbuni, P«arl Ch&rttri^ 0«€T|iU Olo, Kffllle Cbufl, KJditne* Cffioor, Dalbt U. CaHlDirioD. Elb tiililvelk Julia ClmTT, M*Da oner. Lillian C«rrB,P»allB« Chanc*. Anna Cal««U, OUie 8. Cotardil*. Mar CnmnlnKP, Onca DSftufv/oUt Do Verv, Leona pimpM. Poult Dock, Sad to Deihon. Hulh DoWoUlMirU DaTl«\ Knrita Douj. Uauila Dorranca. Dnca Dft Bd[«, Flora Emeu, Borilo Eraoi, Hay Krolaoo, Jtaala Umerr, (loonda Xlinon. Ediu EronHtt, Qrada Exler.narrle Ibtfl.Vlolot Ninnnll, Katie KiiinMlt. Franblo Km0*1, Bertie Frremao, LotUe Pol, Un. L«ura FUtcheraiMiera FonUoa. Oalla Farrto, Itar Foi, Un. /. W. QoaWi, Clrde OoovlL Hloa OiotIdU JenDla aonnan. LoUlaW. Orar. Ada GarneUa, Mra. B. ailpon. LoUla aanlaen tfeUla nnrmaD. Prunldo ntmltlon. Roue Ueame, Alma Uauoii,tlai)le Hajca, LIbIo llanlej, Llale Uckler, EtU Uwlloa. Mabel Brer, Aonle Hinoon. I«atim llnlchlnn, Ljlllao Habeba,Nel|liinja Hall, lira. Cfiaa. Holmea, FoUr Uoej. Haj- irejwooil,)li«.WD llowai^, klulo pcalUs Mar Koone, lubtl Kaoa, Mabel Kramer, duaile Kemp, Alice Lrona. Detiora Laural, Llljr Laureoca, CUra LaBoM. Mre. Henry Lee. Bmma R. l4Bln^ Uitlge Lan^d/^wlga Lempp, Ulitlo Lawfon, Belle UmbJCIiiy Leot, Eiiiini«t U Clair. Mabel Leonanl, (Hlle J»Mar»li.Ma«l. Madlun, Btclla Man>Iia|l,HiiiUl(ne Sack, Mra Dick ark^ UuKo Melnuv, Llnle McOautlaod, MUi Mack, Ollle MonAtle, Ada MarlloD, Ella Morton. Jennie Merer, Bonnie MadtMD* Maud V-elMn, UllUn -l^NelMn. Mamie Kkhol fliatfra NIchoU. Mabel NiKon, Htraile Nerllle, Doitle Nevcome, Nellie Q'Brien>lMC.E O'BrioD niiten O'Mell. PolUa OlIlTlar, Jeaile O'Brien. Mm. T.Q. pwdeld. Oeonle P*- Payion. Annie aimer, Qertia ric«,MluL. PervT, Linian Palrtam, Katie Phillips Mlklrwl Parker. Pauline PaMualena, ^ Palie, Dora DarcleU, Lillian "lUnke, Mma. Becaok, Kmroa BollIn^ Klitr RuuelL r. Joele Reed. Mrn. Pred Ro««IK Maude Keed, Jennie RtwO, SeiU Roei. Arllne Relnliirt. Aanle RaeO, Linie Rfan, Paoala RIplej. Lflu Ripley, Kittle Raormond, KM IU7niond,Corlofla Halnlian,Mr«.O.V. "louiliem, Julli' 'Ouon Bfttera Rcribnbf.Cora Smith, AllM aj-lreder, Annie B. Baliant, HUe. Bt. CUIr. Uasal BeTard.Mlhnle Burr, Uah Rtuail, Joele He SUQler,MloDle Bcbock.Mn KM. Stead, Beriba (tanltb, Carrla Hllbon, jQonje Bt. Clalr, Belle I. CUIr, PloMle iHMaler, Mabel SincUlr. Pearl F» LKelli,lIoni1eiU rpenoan^ fbatcher. Bra Veraon, Ha/ Venni, Roilaa Waller, Lena WlUiama, _ Hra. Baraej Warteii, Tillie We«t, Stella Wilbur. Mollle fMtera, Lltle, Tlndam, Pajonle Warren, Bmma Wauei ualay Weaton SUian Wtdd, Mona rucca, Mma. ^aaftetu, Lea ^Zeraelh, Ida CENTLEMEN*S UST. A Jataa,CUTenca *^Aftn. Peter AdMua, Jaa. R. Arboo. Air. M. Allinan, Clia-t. Aoiann. Andf Annvod Bron AtHogton. Gkk Allen, a D. AeJanoQ, W. O. AleuadtrATraUa AtklDaoo. Geo. Atduof.Kmak Acker. U. A. Andtreon, A.J. BhtUier. JqJIui BMinan, H" lllka In, Chaa. ..._cn A Do wen Boriog, Oeo. W, Btller, Albert Barrlll, 0. W. Burtli, C. W. Buchanan, K, Baylla, B. BruBiage. & U. Barker, R. A. Uraadc, U. grDokaLOoney ijtr, W. B. [not Pnbk ackmnlt Or. Benton, J. Howard ■clkwnt, II. P. mitman, John J. BarltoDO, — BlalHleU,RB. Boenan, B. L. Beierle, 0. B. MaUfiPetaP. Bfira, 0. P. huMoy, Jafc A. ma."-'*- Bfunon, R L. Btcckioni A Bora* BaodelLPttd Beatir, Praok Brova,Cla»noaP. Brooke, T. Browo A Uarrlfoo Boeae,Col.B.D. Urlffhi, Tom Boeraan, Fred Banymoiv, a. J. RuTtoh, Bar penrtni AArilUid Iteo All, Uarsaa Banolmea, L. F. Beonett, B. O. Hartwr, w. If. Baanetc, Prank Block, Wm.. Budnronh. n. R. Bair, O. V. Baroabee. H. 0. ;ow. J. Banoa^olia A. Booth, W. B. BoMvickt aoo. RDtby, B. 0. ^irry, Jolin H. Boma, Pal BhMlfeit, A. L. Brme. John P. B«tt4 11. K. Bniramell, A W. UillinaD, «l. Htlley. A.M. Biokfi, tlnn UiUinelLuoBa. Brook p,N. H. Biraitead, B. U. Browo, W. K. B^nuolt, R. C B7aQt*SaTiile Bt) lli, Wn. "Barlionr," — Bristol. W. II. ^QnliAOonloD ychoaie*. Harrr <^fflalla, Knnk <>indail« Clark Callahan, n. B. Opl«,Mr.A Mra. CUrke, T. |[. Cola.*. J. J^T, Jot J. Cistle. U.O. Carer. Torn nj Oort, John Cfowley.aa.T. Oonlan. Joe CunnlonhaiD, Ed. Claytoo. Vraak Oolmaa. BartT umnudr, D, Cpiej. W. D. ConiianoA OoM Oonnoa-.O. *^oolhr, Chaa. Caaiie, 11. a. Colman, B. fiohn, pa«l Curren, Ja«. CleTeland. Earl Oo»el,0.l*. Conrad. Chai. Sifl^ ^ol>B B. Clinon, Jon. II. Cetrtbona. Joe ColtnanA Baaaler Cpponil, c. Clark A Anaelloe CooIUr, B. J. ColUnajT. P. Cahlll.V P. Condlu He Claocr. Joa niarb, a«o. W. CrandalLA A. (JorbelTwill I). nte.Miit fDUao, WalUr DaTla, A. K. BoTere, Fruh Dnnll. M. Paavea, W. B. DaBeaMll,- DelW/Dr feBaJ|fllI,fFlIu Canto, Prank ^ rldaot J»W. fitntoa'tlUaBU Darcr. AL P. De FlHppl. A. Dawioo, B. L. Ollloo, Jolin Pwrer. Bl. DeHott, Willie Donnellr. fid. Ei| Jan. B. t) J. W. mt, Prmnk Daraont,Jln) Do Vera A Haawn Oovera. F. A UetU DulTy, W. O. Dillon. Biirt Day. \V. H. DaVla. A. K. Downey, Maurice Delavoje A Frill Dea gotuk Hie Dlinn, Jaf. OeCanrQ,M. Oe Pew. T. K. Derena, Ttvn Do CaniD, Cbu Drtne, Orui Delnuuri,Bug«ne Dean, fl.Ii. Donnell7i Tommy Outbuthao, Frank Del Puejto, — DaTenport, Don Daarer. Walter B. Dalley, Geo. X, Oe Rue, Bill; Oorle A M< Dlfke; Jaa. illlr Dolan. J. P. D'OnnoDil, John Duitoa, Horry Ochlman. Will. B. De Verf, Pred 0« Witt, H. Bar&lnia Elmore, Pnnk Bllavonli, Fnnk Brereu. Prank Blliwortb, Baaene Bngllab. Major BbnendorTW. 0. HboTbard. Wra. BTaim, Qeo. lake. Geo. W. iugene, Harty Blpnro, J. U. Kllla. H. I BUlou, J. B. Bran a, John Binerlck, Geo. Brana, Lealer E. EdUona, The Blienhajt, Cliai. Kogellui4t,P.J. Bfnuon^ Bob . .. jjfcf! _._ Plynn, MaiiJ. nadley.F. a jjooper, H. H. Ilunt, Jay UlekNOeo. Harroy, Victor llarrlnitoB, Wm. Huih ACffiford U aloft, CIiaaDcey llowani, Bd. Hopper, De Wolf Uantnvee, c. B. Ilayaa. Oeo. H. lIoKan. John B. Hlma A . Bemlogtoo Ilendonion, D. Han Jr., Tony HMrloetno. Prof. Uebard, Vance Uobuee, 0. N. Upey.F.C. UlradiberK, A. Fmok L. Pordrce, Hany -lynn, MaiiJ. Forney, Jack Flake A Oaden Field a, John P. Farweli, o. L. Fony.Jolin Falk, Loula KlBbar, Chai. PanelLp. B. Frer, Cbaa. FleMlnir, Uarry FervutoD, Barney FllzpaUlck.HJ.0o. Flelda, A. U. Ford A Lewie Famnn) AHerraour Frankllo, N. Pjixpaukk. Baa Fith A<)ulB« Foi, w;ii. Feeley, AL Foaier, E. B. Foi, Ed. FIlDC. Prof. Fliueimid, )l. C. Ferrlt, Wiley Florence, Mell Foy, Dare Fanaliawe. A. L. Flelclter, Jobo KroililDBham.Oeo FlaJier, Frad FarrelL Tony FletdLA. Gnnl, Lsrrr QllQiore.aiet areaDe,L L. (lord on. Dick Qollmar Broa. ~iDaf lot A Dirla O^rlacb Jr., Cbai. Ouy Droa. OoMeo, Martin Uarlaud, O. A. OlUroan, U.S. GardDor, Prank A. Ureene. O. M Greea. Prof. Oonnan A Field i Qmgory. John P. Goldle. W. M. QMten, Lew (lOldfD.Ii. J. Gilbert, W. K. Groat, 8. A. OnveU, Nerllle Golden. Lew Oimnt, T. P. GlaaMn, O. B. Ortfba.P.S. Oorman Broi. (lerdner, Thoe. Ollla*ple.D. II. Qoman Minet. Ooft Wm. ffoilfln'a Mlut. Oraeoe, Joe niblay, J. E. Grant. Coley flar«l<le.J S. Goodwin, Btn P. —tlleru, C. B. Ilanfonl. E<l. Rolmoft. CoBiatl Howard. Bd. L. Hnnur. Dick Uedna, Pred " ^.Prmadj 1111 OarlaD, Macey narmium Clreoa Uavklna, L. U tlopa, Fmnk I flanwell, j W. BoiTtnen. P. C. fde,(;. n. Uaid, T. J. Hubin A Detim Uanntgan, John HopplnR. H. n. nuoKetron],UKrT7 Had ley, Frank B. Howanl, Wm. HoUioan, A. E Hoiten A Oleoroy Ueren, Joe 0. Henry, 0. D. f rwln.C. L. ■^IiLham,Jolio Iraion, U. H. Intkeep, Clian. Tenklna, J. A t'JuIltn, Martin Juae, Uorace Jellenon, Jot. Jaokeon, Billy Jordan J}. E. Judft*, Toild Johneon, Utio Jonoi^ Fr«d ITtlly, W. E •■^Klniey, M. L. Kelly, Tom P. Kelly, Jaa. P. Keen, J. R. Kenyon, J. P. Koppr,Bol. Kempton, Geo. Kebo^ C&iek KMdt, Two Kinx. John B. Kelly. Jaa. T. Kelly, "Jimmie" Kennedy, P. J. Knhne. iiennaa Kako,U. Kreppa, Jobn W. Kln|f;H. J. Ktnnedy, B. B. Kemp, U. P. King, Prank J. Kcogu, Tboi. J. Kllroy, WIU Kllpatrlcke, The KarlaTBgho, Geo. Leon, Frank Le llora. Ed. LUIogalOD, L. Ljona, Billy Lewla, John La Rue. Jean UaTf I, W. B. U Mont, Frad Loobohl A UlTO UnkTu. W. La R<»e, Barry Layman,— Lock, P. W. 0. Lalbrop, P. A. U Mont, H. R Lambof r. E. T. LamberL Frank Lucaa, Ell. LeonI A Erertit una, O. B. I<ore,Joe Leroy, Frank G. LuodfraeeDH, Tlie Ia Place, Mou. Uwla, J. 0. Ia Place, Mona. J:. Claude Dint Brjt. Le Roy. Walur Lowry, Jax Lucllor. Toi. Le Bar, Frank Le>h, Dan La Rose liroH. Uroylr. U. Lorraine, Cliaa. LeTlQo,Dolpli LaOaiuo, Cliaa Mohringjr. U. Mlaeo.nifta. McGnlli.Julin McBwen, P. 11. UcCann.Geo. F. McDonald. Eddie. Harxato. W. Maid IA Abaeoo Mortimer, CItaiL McKeltrlck. R. W. Vorae, W. B. He^kln,Ur>.J. McDonelL UonlOB ■a«oa. Tal HcDonoufti.T. C. Malcolm, Trtd Uorno^obn Mark A Thome M^ldy, Jaa C. Murphy, frank Hurray. Fred HcA<l.\ni,H.A. MtlillleL^CIiaa. Horrit. G. D * Hobaoan. Joe Mantel I. HuU. McCiellao. W. C. MorrlaoB, Jaa. HeCUe, Larry MorTluei,.Thoa, Hebai«,W. A. McCoy. J. M. Marlon APeari MacLDtB McAriheriJ. B. Mernn.Dr. J. p, MaiibalX W. J Mitchell, Oeo. B. ScMabon, WnHi orUtoerTK.T Maartlnf. Wn. Mitilk. r.ari Mttoney. J. N. Mcllrojr, Jaa. Mwoo, Dan MUler, Loola Murpby,Cbria McCankr.lian Marcy, 7 J. Maloy. Joe McCarUty, P. (cable) ■eOay, Jokn Meeker ft Back Mtodropk F. W. ■acIillo;c.U. Hohring.AL Molrey, lltryy Montana Nld McUurK, Ed. MtlroM, W. P. tfackey.J.P. Mack. Andmw Marlon, John ManttU Wealey acUonald,Jai. T. orlanr. W. a. Mick,Bob Hack, lluih Manor, W. A. HeroKo, diaa. MeOowan, Tom Men cajoi, Jobo UcCanOk Frank MeCauo.Oeo,K Hoore, Uto. F. Horcin, Dr. J. P. Btecb, Uto. T. Iller, Bruce Mack, Buftne Hurray A Mack 'loro, rrfoee BoanlLU. Uley.Dkk Berera, Geo. W. Raper, John W. Rexo, Frank USX--'- Retell, BDly KnbertaoB, " Rarol, C. v.. Utmo, Ban ■Uynor, Bobby Ryder, Fnd Ryan, Faddy T1ptoa,0aa 'TWO Blitan*' Cb, Tatam, Loa ThomaaA Dunbar Beyni laca. D. 4. ioUa,r Vehoo, trn. •^^Nelion.UaTtin Morman, Deeole RtobaDfir, Heiuy orton, AL Newton, U. Is_ lagtnt. Jkikb. itakerlUt, W.B. BoTe%A.U. Mell,Bobtrt KeiiTllle,Gat h'eboii. Billy OMOtkl.ll^V. O'BrlMi, £d. flrioo, Hun Q. OlntteaU.a C. Qaiio,Geo. & Orton, J. Oppeiuielmtr, Joe O'Kourkt, Tom OJell, Cbaa. powelt. Albert ^ Prloct Power*. Phllltpni, Parklrir Parker, _ PutE, AnnaDd Powell. Ben Prince, Edward PallintT, lleoty Prettoa. J. A. Pay ton (Jacqueline Parr. Jobn Pertran. O. Pattemoa, Albert Fatten, Jobn Parktr« Alei. Perk In a, 0. 8. PHnc«.1bl. Powell, T. W. Peck, AL R PUttL Harry PaytoQ, Corea "Biltln.Lem ■ PrIadiL Jaa.'J. Fr». llowaid rico. II. ir. Butt Q' Fnnk Kno, Frank nre. Tont Robintoo. D. R Roteell, II. 0. Keareii, Al. iiocha, Billy HaynwDd. BIcbard Haimoed. W. T. Rnbtart, Harry RoBftUL Jl» Ray, jTJ. RuiaallAMack Roetblr, Dick Rove. Leonard Hymer, F. J. Reanan, Mart KIcbniond, Bob Roe, W.M. Rtttlt. Ed. tioe A i>than BeeM,Hark BleaTOeo. T. QbortA RlwarUa 'JRwor, Bert Swan A Bombard SleiTTllt, A. BirBttoo, Thoa. BandoT, Eoaene Rnrdehi Bert SollUan, Jnhn L. Bberidan, Phil Schntoacher, P. Smith, J. W. Baundtrt, Chaa. Seeker, Lew Seymour, Camllle Beery Brea. trabur. Jim TtaQpnoa. u. P. Turner w. T. Terr la, a W. TlHunpeon, Monia Tbaijea, Dan Tro\cr. FlopI Tboraaa W. M. TaHorill. W. «aBand,C. A. ytohH.S. ■ ureer, U.J. Tncy, Hike fboroton. Jack TroreriL Tbrta Tmby. H. L. Sinltb, i;. I. Btory, H. B. Sulloni **■ Bh«panl, Burt Salcohib, Frad Stewart. Gal SmlUiABUli Birobig, I. V. SioweA Mnraoe Belben, AL^ Balralli A. h. nuitoo, 0. II. Spencer, C W. tfaunpion. Peter Bumllter^ Ed. P, Hparrew.— Sparkt, Geo. W. Skinner. Will fOielby, L.O. Button, D. P. Hcanlon A Merena Bbrrrtr, diaa. Bhemiad, Oahlel Seymour, fl. 0. Sheeran. J. SnuthanJ, J. I. Bcbwartt, Ike Bhemian, Jnhn Seymour, Dave Singlelon, llifrr Btowe. John Stnuaa, F, w. Sltnpion, llarrr Seabrooke, T. Q. Rully.Cliaji. St ward, Fred SdiToder. K. "Inydtr, Bd. Htone, Bol SeKton Brail, SaTlHt, Fred .lornborger. Frank Stewart A Morton Tliatclttr, Gtu. Tlioinaa, Leo VtM^I*"'. JVaWara,- Ton Uorvv. A. ^nwrj. B. /an, Billy ViBo, Wm. Vreelaed. 0. W. Van Oiten. Clark Van. W. Vandereook U.A. Vanoe, Bluer Tcmon, Ben & -nriUlama, Fred WlIllanMi, ll.oiT WoAilm. John L. WIlMMLChM. WMd.l'crr J. K. WhIuW. II. U. WuhbrniL L. W. Walter, H. II. K«il«rjM. Wonnvood, Prof.T. P. Wool, N. g. Voir, Jick Wall^llonnl ',11.11^ 'uoit, Blllr Walkar, W. 0. Wnr.^iu. Wllllsoil * B.ttno Wllkln., ClllTtinl Wlllluiimlllr Wokoit, Pnak WInUr, JohD Waleomt. Fn4 WhaltrLTlM wMMrfaiTi, W.n, cliu. =^MIscenaneofls# Smm FRoaf)iiTU*aCiRcn PAviLtos.—Botlneu with Ihti BotarpriM hiu been tnohnon*. We hare batn play- ing (Jutbea, Cad., lail mrrttuiidlnli country for the pa«t 111 wetka Oa Jone M Hana««r W, II. Bnlih prrarnifil bU breiher, EtI. Smith, with a goti watch aoJ rtiiln ami ditnond hKkei; alen W. R Moore (Dllly the KM) with a flea while dltmooil tind. Winnie McCouber, pf iltt McConiber HUtera, t* ■ rarorlte ereryahtre. Fanny MciTomher. Id aecorul eight and mlod mading, pkruoiAadMorenahji at all timet. MayThompeon.ike liuman eel u ■ pucntr. "'^ '- ^ »hootlot,wouk]docredlt.w^Mi«,«. ..*•-"<■• the builntaa. HcCanli Brotu* boxidg end wrtMllnv I>r4r ,af Thompeon, M ^ ■ puoltf. Billy the KlJ. In Ibncy rti ahootlorwoukldocredltloioma.ol iba>Uer ' thabuilntaa. HcCanll BrDtu* boxlBgend wreM lea atrong faitare. Uarry Snyder, maoaver of the R>Ith Hatee. In Hooireal. Joined aui at lecturer. TiiS Fair at BoonerllK N. V. will br boM SepL lO-lX Thi r^lAn County IndutirUl liorleiy will bold iliilr Fair at Leblgliton. Pa., Kepu 10-IS. ^Roipi Mon Fnixrii'a Binutioi. Ko. l-Llitle Jlniny ^.tbb tnteb yaar otdnanorDuiiyandt' ' * oral ThAtieg the Henutlun. Alter a local coneert, or Indian ntiuw, and lollowing the KeJttoneClxa^ «e Belled the larntt bontaor the aeaion fhr iwonlBkUkat rowB«*llli*. A. Thecelebnted anituanddeenmlor^ cionntn and Lake, here palntad tweniy nreaceneaon the Mcond eteiy of ihh boat. D^&WAnDcloaed with the Wyoming WIU WaA Ual Wayrie, llobert mnchtiliri R H. Wblttleri Uko. WomlL ClIoL Walter j.H. Wear, J. R. Wlllt, oeo. W. Walter*. Jule Wooda A Shepard WarraiL Jaa. H ard, D. S. W|l]lalD^ Michael Werati, Jaa. 0. Warrlnir, R* A. Wauon, Harry Woodward, Geo. Worleo. JeiH ~llhs John U. ■uS, Bdward Windom. W. If. WaliAo, W. B. Witetler, W. R. White, dipL O. K. Welch, Uw J. Wntrilhull A Gray Yaefer,PaulU. Youoi, Charlie Voung, ollle - .Mile, Chan. .larroiJ. W. Eatram, — yAmionla, John iUmorm, t!. C. Zoyarro, Ed. World^Playcfs AnioDg Uia cu«9 declilM hj On Ceneml Teia IntblaStatc, at tbe cIom o( Ibe but aeflloii, wm ibntor tVIUlim II. Oloe agaloat Ui« Oreoil Lodgt or akt. Kr. C»lo« obUlDnl an loluncllon rMmln. iDg lb« U mod Loitge fmm aecUiig at AllaiiUo Clif lart aommer, and forblddlDg Ibe tipmdllbra ol anj Qrind todge tunda Cor tb&t puipoee. ThU In. iincllos TBI mt ualdo brJiisdco Ward.oDDOtton of tba Ailubllo Clly Grand k>dg«, and Ifr. CalIl^ wbo Rptesents tbe Jamestown (acUon, appealed from Jiutlce IVard'a order. Tbe order att. llDg asiito tlie mjunollon bas been afflraicd by tin Oeicml Term, Jaailce Lento will. Iiig Ibo opinion. Tbe (ieneni Term imji tbattbe Onnd Lodge at Uelnlt, Mlcb., directed tbe Onnd TVualeea to Hi Ibe lime and place of ibe next annoni eeaalon. Tbia waa not a part of Ibeir dnlleenndertbeconelllution of the order, and tbIa apeclal doty waa committed to tbera aa a "ipedal coDiiilltee." Tbeir aubaequent removal b/ A. Ap- perlr,or Loularllle, Kj., wbo waa at tbat time amod E.taltcd Baler, did not anect their acllon Inaelett- lugAUasUoCllj. Tbe opbiloa alao bokla that ibe acllon o( Mr. Apperlj, In removing tba Qiand Tnu- teea and Ibe CommJUee on Uwh, waaarbltratr and Ulegal Nolea from tbe UanluoU'CaitoU Co.: We re- ceived over on, bnndred aniwen to onr "ad."bi laat weel'a edition of Tea Curm. Tlie toUowIng people have been elgoed for tbe coming eeanon: ibaiieaWlldrlcli, Capt.J.a. Olaagow, Waller Van, Ion dnnll, lUj BankaoD, Ctalr Tultle, Inn Me- C^nler, Eibel Clayton and Agnea Cameron. Will J. Wlldnck, fonnerly with tbe runcb Ilobertaos Oo., will pilot tbe organization. Tba rente Ilea tbrongb New Yoit, rennaylvanla, West Virginia, Xew Jeney and Oonnccttcut. — ranon J. I'ltnile ha, signed aa biulnesB man- ager of Chaa. \y. WarreD's Company of Playem (or naxtioason, and la preparing some aurrrlMs In the way of advcnlalog. — Annie Ward Tiffany, wbo baa been suirlng In ladr Blarney," goes wllh "A Failed Call" Oo. neitsaaaon, to play tbe part of Mra. HcOuui. — Rank Amiirose and wife have idgned with J. .. Coleman for "TDe apodal Delivery"Co.,and have gone to Stella Collage, Shelter Island Oelgbtii, N. "., to remain unill reneamals are called. —The Drake Oper* Uouie, Kllzalistb, N. J., baa been Icaaed for a leim of years by Rlcb t Uaedir, tblB city. I' — Leola Relle, aoubretta, goaa wllb "Hnperbs." —Tony llenler relumed from Knrepe last week, brtoilng wllb him tbe old and well known Denier Droa., wuoretorato America after an absence of tweiro yean, — Forties Kobertson commences bis season at tbe Lrcenm Theatre, I/)ndon, Kng., Bent. 14, with "Romeo and JnlleL" Mrs. I-abrtck Campbell wUI be tbe Jnllet. —Jobn Drew la booked for tbe Vaudeville Tbea- li«, Uondon, Kng., (or Hay 13, 1N«, lu "A liOve KooL" , ^ — N. T. Wood goes aa buslneaa manager for "On the Boirery." — W. H. Hack bas Joined "little Robinson Uni- see" In Chicago, attha acblllerTbealra. — Joseph weaver baa been ie.enfa(ed (or neit ncMon by Richard HansHeld. — Clint Jean Waltcn baa been re-engaged by N. U. Uoodvrin (or next neason, to open at Itae IKib Areoue Theatre, Uila city. Sept le, (or eight weeks. — Pred Paget aalla for America on Ang. 1. —Thomas II. Biinii la engaged to Charles frob- man for next season. . .. — "Le Voyage en Suisse," originally produced In .hla connlry uy the Hanlon Bntben, under the management of SImmonds A Brown, goea on the road next eeason wtili the Hanlon Biva. as nan- '^'j'oseph Arthur saUa (or Ennpe un Jnne o, — Carrie Htnng, wbo bas been nwndlng a (ew weeks o! vacation at Home, waa obDged to cancel her engagement wllb the omen k NeU Block Oo. on acconnt o( a sprained ankle. — Xenes Uenlon la with tbe "81 Fliiukanl" Co., and will not go out with tbe "Annt aaUi" Co., u was reported recently. -Ilany M. Crave*, manager iil the Midway Amiineineiit Co., alHIddletown, N. Y.. bis oloaed hl> Furlllon and Family Thntte iinill July S, and It nuking eKI«n>4v« nlteralloiui aud Improvementa In the tlieutre anil gtoiindi. —_ Manlier CDtrln Frobiiun liis amnged (or tHi niodiicllon or wiuum Olllettel new pisy. ".Se- cret Servlro," ni Ibe Adelphl Tlieaue, In l/indon, next Winter. ^ ...... ,„ — Thonui <J. Seabrooko anwiuncee Ibat be will not appear In light op«a next season, but will alar Id a comedy now beloi vrrttien (or him by not U. polterand Leander fllcbardaon. Ills tour will be under Ibe managmnent of John Jay Brady. — Edward B. rrtper hu vnlgsed /ipm tbe pnd- tlon of pemonal lenreientallve o( UUIan Rusaell, a MilUon be bM beld tor sonte Uoa past. .-1 .. r- . .ekJf^fco.,. _— . — —Jltrla.BlAd l.ifHtoie. lln.CAlIi Vnarti nclteil (ton bar hu.- hknd.Calt. A. D. Krvach, or Banullon No. t a illamonil rIoK oa Jena the Mrtnlooolh ABQl.orHry or lUIr weilJiDg. H.lll. Itajtlao uid Chii^ Obtn ira rtailnx du.tuoatliaealllopo. Batleow good. Aroooironour wr do«Q th* Oblo nivor. Itoatll (ir PM-K A I.R ROT'n ELRi-rHir CnxoRRT Co.~ A. K. I'acX, Ynnt L« Anr, Jatno. Laltnn. Mr.. J.aoa Lallaa, Ir^ A. p. Pack, irr. C. A. ganlei and Htmt PkX W o ai, laorlix KorthMwilalii Mluittirl to K^tfld IjiialDaw. Nona rkoi VBi IliRHV Citnapif tloa.-ll.Tlnii Jo.l ckHil uur anfaiamani alMtron, (la.. «a opaa at Pyar. Tooa.. for tao «Mk.. Wa liava dl.Uoil our conililoAlloB lolo tao aacUoe^ ona to iraral Die anil tlia elli.r the Btiutbara Butt.. Ouint No. I l.coinrCMd or Prar. Iltrrv Calliodn. aoaeral intntior, anil oanprorliolhRacllona;t)ia Twin ItUHtllRliUlis III. La Boy Btoa., Oao 11. OloiatoD art,! our litlk tloa a«ro- aaot. ■arllon tia, I li eamaMM arttr,«, CiUhoan, Bianaxtr; atronauu: Jtaala amf Lottia Da vara, Pnir Clif. fenali^ R«x. Hardr, (.aa Oa,. Ilia (.tilatia aanioaut, lato or ll.-nx Knnjt, u«i lilt alar ofour coinraaj Ihnoah lilt Saulhatv 8Uta^ Out' Pamniao, oiir niloraO alro. nant. Oar otw caonoo act la Dia talk or tlit (ounlry and Ukaatrail aTtryaljara. We're liad aullilog but fonl lack and Ucteta Ola aliulg aaaaoa. All aia agll and lianir ■n« OU mffiM -"• and toniaii Ilka a Itliar boaa. Mlia;aLt.i;tKOllt Rllnwa.—Mulaa Innt Rtrman'a Can«art and ReBadjt^i : Wa opaaeil al B«rrrlv. N. J., Juot 7. Bnalaoaa wai pood rroni iba .tart. WaiihoaaUIn Uarr liiMlon, N. J. 17, to Uie banner oruvil tbIa aaamn. Tlia Pouipaaehatradinn Pair opened I8,anil«e raU than) irMl durin, TlinrMlar matlnae,«hen treaera cour leoQily racalred by Adraota AgrnI Waalon am) Manager HIdm. rior malar: Dr. Lou Porrear, mtaaxar; Mra. Lou Porraal, Iramaurari Uatrr Pbaler. eonitdlanami daocar; Mr*, llallle Poatar, aktleta; llarrr P, Nurpbr, com«llan aail danear; Oao. W. Povell, conlorllaBUlaoil rlaga; Maraelb, bl(h trlta aad wing and buck ilancer, aad Prof. B. NlclinUorsanlat Waaratourloa Nophem NtK Jeiaay wlUi Jm. of alila abow wall All am aell aad lUa Rliou parHiububtea ragularlr. Tlila camraorbaa Ttia OM rellalile (XIPl'xK rril^iM ilt pronirUr each week. t Iruniaval/dearrtlatlrefloni bean 00 Tlia road aIncaSapt. la, ll«L'haa ckua.1'budwo . — . I bufalioir laiaablnKalilL tfarMlbiYaa'Uietit'all'aueulr^it! weaks and va have never mtaaeil u)arr daV. \\'a alaara Iwk rarTlllO.IPPtS,,llHl J) la i nalcotrie * vidlor Poller and Murphr Juat make lham yell. Powell la a buaUer.aod baa iha cro«d wlilt blni. Pror. i*<lcbobi' inaithaa aia being wbiatlcil all orer the liiirn. Doc. Porrat la auccraarollr alnilnx the new mmf, "Mr liiro, My lrf>Ta.*' Pac. and Uarauarlta, In cotn«lv ahairiia^ alallDf aDil dancinv. era blit rarorllta Haliro Po.'.r I. alnra tralCDnie lu bet alDglog anil danclnr. tVe will be hen ttir three weabi, tlien Ml uolly. All are *all anil V nvVH^ aiaosB Ha*, ajwiij, , . Iianiy Kntea and nalar ar Ur. ttlille Wolpa Inillaa Mtdlclaa Co.. Mo. i: Wa opened In liiwa uuder caflTaa, Juae II, carrytaf a OKI. round Ion, wllb a aDTL inlddla place, nre laituft aall Itola, one otnca lent, a f Ixifl new atjie, vllh a lull Mt ol acaaery, cireiia aaala and aTerTlfiInn ne*. Dr. While Wnlr, aole proiirltlor; Dr. Rnl Cbtud, iMIurtir; J. W. tlnbani. baalneaamanaeer; Kddio Pot. alaiemaaaiier; Anna Kaeat. planl.1 and cunotlat; J. HMd, black race cuoiedlao: Mra. Dr. White Woir, rvralUt aou auai aoil daaco; Edilla and Laura Pui,aketebaiHl afiecitltr; Mabel Po3, In aerln coidIc eooxa; Mra. Penile KtMl. rapar qutto: Mra. Mary (Iraliaio. ballidl.t; PrloeaM Waatuli, Moon LIgbt and Mright Kyea. Krerrbody It well aad liappy In oor to* n of tenia, and the aian la iriilla nerar ralli. Mra. Graham praaantail bar liuabiod wlUi a bounc* laibabj hor Miy 31, MoUiar and dilKI ire doing likely. Roatar orilretan MidlclneO, Ko. 7: Dr. fl.W.Si. Laon, lecturar aad inanasar; the Uarrolu. Pilao and Mou: PiwT Laaxler, P. Welaa aad O. II. MIoauin. Dr. Urool la to pay ua a vlalt to carry boina aoaie of tJit caali eahira .Nnl.a fron ilr. fl. w Hbora'a Miallrlna tx, KVI: Dr. D. aH. Pretwell aad Wni W. Ci'lliiii, |in>pri.- tor. anil inanajcara: Mra. D. H. M. Pratwell, Dr. Ilaiiia, Pr. O. W. Iluir, Bra. Dr. <l. W. Ilud. pnink tWIun. Carrla n laehall, Rcna Booker, Cliaa. IL 1^ Mont. Jack •llbl,ln^ Prof. I^qli Barilla atld Billy Collon. We bare JuM Ha- Ubcd working Montana aad lilahn, ahera aadid a tilx bua- liMM In aacli, oolyuuklnK the Uriter loan., la Mrliara audi alarsacoiopany ltdon'tiiay uataalo|ialaniallplacea. Till. II our Aral aland, Waaliiiiittiin. which la S|>fana., thirty oillea fluni f^kane. We opened In Smkane Juaa 34, at the Mualc lltll, foraaray of fbur vteka, and |.er- bapa hniaer, aad then make flaaula aiid Tacnnja. rifdit Into OrvHOO Hotaa rrnni tlia (Juaker Hewedy aad Vaudeville Co.: Dr. W. Monraa, lecturer anil uiaiHatr, and llglieoing toalli aitractor: Mra. W. P. Uonrot. builntaa mana|ar:JoliQ Party, bqalneaaind ataaeinaa' i PivdDaly lalooklogaftar the camp andtranrporla- ; III Raymond Brlaoa, eomadlan. Tucallit and oliar. n,,^. ,i,.ii.e.' ■ wmiu ..I,/, m,.i,,0HWiu rwH* ">."- aatr; PivdDaly lalooklogaftar the camp andtranrporla- tton; III Raymond Brlaoa, eomadlan. Tucallit and oliar. acltra; Jta. n. Bln[ar,lniui oouKdlaa. moiu ainatr and Jiltalat, and the renya, Jobn tod Kit, verrttit. i>tr- omtra. Wa aia nowatML Venoo, la., and bualoewi la luparb. To aaa Uit bora waodoring arooud oo flandty, wIUi tba loiiggrato In one liaad aad aCLlPraalo ilia other hand, auuk] nut ft wrlokla on tbaraee ol acaanlbal. On June 31 Dr. J. U. B. Allen'a BU Mtdlclaa aad Variety Co. nartbtd to a body to Paraooe <:eniaurr. In Billtbury. Md., anddacoralad the grave ar ProT. Ileorga BlUiop, toe aaake dianaer, wlio died oo Jone IS. rmnt a ratltoanake blla, racelved while elrloit ao aihlbitlon, June IS. In Quandea. Md., a vmall taun Iweire rallea fram Ballabury. Tba band playeil aareral alr«, aoil tbe en. til, campaD, aaog "Nearer My Uod u> Tbee.*' and "Hack or Af«a.^> flararal ladlea Tram Uie hotel were praaraL Tbe srmve waacartrad wlUt lluvera Nolea fVomtlaa Alllaon'a Hlg Bpadally Co., with Kalllax Thuadac'a Xlowa MMllclnaCo., Ao. 10: ilui Alllwa. camedlan; Dr. RoUIng Tbuoder, llllloD, Jufglar; llaotT Braa. acrobala and heavy btlaaeloa; AL Rmlth. alacl wire; Elmer Kane, coatonloalataod mimic, aad Jtnola Newell, uiaslo and aketch. Julia Martin ckiiad 9, la till aneneageBenlln Oilragn. BoalDeia baa baao laod. The lleory Proa, mtde a hit with tbelr rerolrlng laddera. Wa aacbaniail couTUelNWIUi Pawnaa BUI Id Lawlataan, aad alaa en* fertalnodaomeorllarria' parrnnatrwat tbe tenia pbca.... Raaltror Kewaotlodlau Medleloa t;n., No. I: Dr.O.kl. PInoall, proprietor: Prar. Jobn Kelly, plaalat; Plckana aad Baacli, Ina Bartltit Panilly, Are In number: Uia Pin. ntlKCoia and Dara; Hon.. Para, tlraaa'er: Weiley Ho- nbie aad Harvy Draw, inotto aloleni. Wa open at Lait low.III.,June 3S,rer tva weaba We aiaeodariliabls tmtand dndlag pleoly ol caln. W« paaa no mcdlclnaa, butiloaaoince baelaau. Dr. PlonoU haoda aa lha rala aarelopet arery Ratuntay niabt ttoater ol Oraxoa UedkliiePany. Mo.3: Dr. P. (irant, proprlelar andHtat. agent; Uarry Urrllle. traveling managar; Dr. R. M. Soillh, letturar, apaclallal and toolh axtraetar: Mra. Alice Raillta, crayon anial; Ned and llirlle Jame^ Hvlaa Hell Rloaera, and black (ace and lrl«h canitdlaaa, alto lolrn duclair tbelr dog., Bcolt, Joe and Bolt. U. B. Vaare, to. call.!, baidalu, dancer and arxanlat; Mra. Ruth Vance, atelitant urgtnlat: tba Orvllla^ Harry, Rulh and Prank, comtdlaoa, aerlallata, acrohata, etc., making ana at tlMi llroogait madlclaa rainpanlea now on Ibe read. All wa|. caua TsB CLirriK on every Baluiday. NEW PUY& "Tlw Colonial Cavalltr," A romantic play, In three acts, by Obtrlea F. Ford, wai acted (or tbe Ittt time on any stage Juno lo, at Ford'a Opera llouae, BalUmore, Hd, Tbe acilnn takea place la and near CarroUton Manor, near Aonapolla, Hd., daring tbe elgtateentb century, aud to founded upon an Incident In tbe early life »( Cbanet OaiToll, o( QtrroUton. When llie ludleoco Intbccomeaacqnalnted with Camll be has Juit retnmed(nmyeamor atndrand mvel lu Rugund, and be le so thotDughly Imbued with KnglUb Ideas and prsjndluea and so comnletaly taken iipintb tbe ibongbtofamnalog himself In a strange kndthit be hat no conception of Ibe bltlemcai of the itmggle Into wblcb tbe coltmlsta are )ust lie- glnmng to pinnge witb the motber connlry. Canoll's (ather had reqae.ted In bU will tbat he should marry tato cousin, Haiy Darnell, who bad been a ward In blatatber's bonse all her life. In tbe dift act Karr refosea to fuinu UU provliinn, leptoicblng Ckmll for bto unconcealed dislike for bis native tasd. In tba eecond act Oarvoll begloa to doubt tbe wladom of Ibe step he baa taken, lie dUcoveta that MIchiel Cresap la In love wllb Harr, and he heartily dlillkea him. In this act Carroll and Cresap hive an encounter, due to ihs lauer'i desire to prevent Orroll fmm teaming any of the movenienii or tbe patrloti under Oilio Wll- llama, for fear ha will tietray them. Act .1 Bhows a lialcoRled room In C,rT0l|r/*n Hinor, wblcb (iTfvemnr Rden hai aslected for hlH headquancn. Crcaap, cipturtd ai a apy, le brought to the manor for lafe keeping, t^rrrill, who la now thoroughly In love with Maty, and who baa been gradually chsgging onder her InBueneo, suddenly asaena hImMlf; be rcleaica Crcaap, orders tba rMirtmor to leave the piemlsea, and avows bluiself the ebampton o( American liber- ty In Maiylaad. Tba caat: BoM. Edeo, uorenof of MaiTland, T. 0. Valendaa; Mr Oeorie Oennalne, Frcdeilck Biitdig: Cbailea (JamU, Frank H-MliU; OUia wuiUni, Vol Beioaid; lucbatl Cieatp, Wright llnnilngtoni Carroll Danell. Kibel Iblnea; Ilr. b)rca.r,a ininr, Ilany llotioi Hertena, a aer- Iteant, n. Fulton HuneU Jr.t Hary Danell, Haude Udell; rmiy Smith, Anna Belnnnl. ITliere bt ■iHinihintcvlileoce In the aturesloiy iImi tbi* bi not anoilglnaipiay, lint that Ittnan adaptation at ailerm«nnoTa_traniii«ird liy Hra.WIsitr,awl by Iter enllllcd "The Siiell of Home," which was pul>- llihed aoiue yean ago In Upplncatt's Uaiailuo.— Ko. CurrMK.) "An Ye tow," A dnma, In four acta, hy Coiirtenny Thorpe, ms acted for the Unit time on any stage Ua) M, ai the r»t% City Tbeitre, Iirldgaport, ct. Tho acensot ihoplnytobildlnEngtond, In the anctilml homo of Ur. Kyre, a weillhy squire. He Is bippUy mimol to Uadcsp, Wbo baa bluacd him with two cblldnn. Yean before he hart a love affair with Heater Clarke, a woman of lowly binb, on wliont he aeltleil a coropelcnre. She had borne a cbltdwiitch waa nccldenily drowned In a iiool near Ur, Kyre'a home. Hester wanden to tbo home of Ur. Kyi« lit order to be near the plico when hor own child had died. While wandering about the place she nieetH Hra. Ryre, whom ahe doe* not know, and herehllil. Ura. >;;ro la touched by the woman's grlof, Hiid trcnla her wllh Mich kindnem that she wina from Iter the story of hor life. Hra. Ktre rscogiitiea In her descilpihin bar owu biialaind, when l-ord I.ovelli Mrs, Ryre'a (rienil, aiipeani upon iiie ttcone and tiiileta Hrs, KynVi (can by taking upon hbt own anoulileni the imrden o( Heater's vnogn and nnlupplncsa. Ur. Kyra, who conien iron a wllil and msslonilerace.whanhe tenroa nf Ilntter'a pteMnce In the neighborhood la cniutantly tiiiived liy a draira la kill her. The feeling giowa ao uiwa htm that line nliht, while walking In hbi sleep, he hills hi, wile, who U dresacd lui he aia- Hester Otnrk that same adoraoon. llesier, who has been allowed in eecrcily vMt thu little bov, who liean a alrtkliig reoemldanre to her otvn i hlld, sees Kjre (rom outaldo a window, lint duos nut reallxo hl.a actions tinlll ho baa rciiimeit to Ihe room. Bbo aeliea the child and cries for help. Ryn, entering upon tho nxno, arcuaea her til laitrder. She to tried, bur, no evidence being (ouud agmlnat her, she la aci|iilttcd, and goes tn Auttralla. Utnl I,nvoll auliaeqiioiiily learns of Kyre*s ilecd and tloe* abniad. He and Heater renuiln aimy for ourteen yearn, neither having tllacloeetl Kyro's crime, anil u|ion Iheir return to Ktigland Kyre fa In (nniied by lletter that he lathe murderer of bla wife. In the oxcltemont wblcli follows the accuaa- Uoa f:yre falls Into a deep sleep. In which sbita heenaclH tbe Ingctlyof fourlern Tearaticriire. till being awakened ilio truth o( tils lerriiiio ortnie diwna upon lilm and he dica of heari tallun;. Tito scene doae* by K/n lieetoivInK the can ur bla ohtld Uadcap npoo his friend, l/inl l/ivell. Tlie laal: Mr Kym, (Jnunonay Thorpe; Ktank (Urd IAvell), Frank l,ea8han;The liiike, Wnlier Fielding: Job, Knnk W. Itenlihorne; Harvel, William A. Kvnni; Fuol- man, Arihur Knight; Uadcap, canlln Keiijim; Dady, Kdllh Wright; Ilucheai, Anne Waringlon; l.iidy Bophla, Florence Hloan; Hester Claiko, Hn, Ida Jcntejs doodfriend. "The Bueegnsori," A comic open, lu llireo acbs Ibe book by Wlllbiina Corlbts, music by IMerick w. Hills was produced (or the lint time on sny stage May tl, al tho Inland opeia House, Allnny, V. Y., memlion of Company A.I o( the Tenth llaltallon. Oiling tbo cut. Tbe action o( the nm act ocoiin In New Vnrk City, In luiG, the scene lining laid on Hie alio i>( Hie tlatleiy.' Tlio sliiry: The cItUoiui o( Now York, lieciunttig tired of flahliig, and discoungeil by tho Inroads In tbelr liusliiosa liy nlratei, welcoiiiu thu dowh tlist the King has sent liiiKnIn KIdd to their aaalsianci'. At Ibto Junctura Hlko UcUaiius, a lulirklnyer nf Wllllameburg, L. I., harmans iiiam Ihoscriip. Ho fa nitolaken (ortApbiln Klilil, and auuinca charge nf Hie ahip Advenlurar, whicb la to lireak up ibo Hail- ing plmcy. Act two tmnsplrvi tin boaril tlie Ad- venturer. Mutiny Is browing aiimng lliu men, who liavo been gclUog no pay, and UoUaniia seen no way of giving tlioiit any. Tue men lliially couclude to niako tliu Adventurer a pimta ship, and HcUnnus leaillly Joins them, ss be acei nn way out n( It, they having Uirealeueil to put lilmoutof the tvay If he nfusea. A Tsaael la slghled and tlreil npon,and the only ones saved aro Archie Araber and nvo l/>ndon lltlcty Ulris. Tho act eiida liy Crawford, to lie ravonged upon McUannt, hinwirig up the sblp. The scene of act Hires to told on the Island of Msdagnscar. HcUanua uad n few friends are Uken prlsoneiM hy tho cannibals, anil an nlnnt to lie killed aud oaten when Mike reveals binwir. The King of Madagascar happened to bavobuen at Ilaninl wllh ono of IhoaiirvlvorH, and lie extends bis clemency. Tlio real Caiilalii KIdd Dually appean upon Ihe acena, and wauts to know who baa been using bis name. Whan he teams be la mad enough toalli McManiiH, but at Ual agreea to take tbe aurvtvon back ou bla sblp. #Under the Tents# ItAVM PHOM tag Bun Huowb.— "Tho World's Pru- groMlvo" sUll keeps lu conno through tMtIo, and to now nearing the Michigan HUte lino. We will cross Into the Wolverine Hbite In a few days, ami. If biulnesa conilnne* aa good In Ihe (iiluro aa It has lieen In tlie past, we will carry ad tbe "change" out or Ulchtgan on our return to iihbi, Diir popular young conUirilontol and limiUler, Hon gmllli, se- verely Injured one of his vrrlata while working In the Ohinese TaM* act, Jnne n, anil Is enjoying a week'H vacation at hla Toledo (il.) bums, during Uie mending of the Injured menibor. At laal accounts be was doing well. Wm. He (inio to working tingle trans In Ur. Hmllli's abnence, and scores a decided bll. Kinllle Kbur., Hr. and Hra. Herbert Richards and Haster ltt)totid lllcbarda, o( Toledo, spent a identant lime with tost week. Oenrge Hnn and )/>uls Dnclna paid a dying vlalt to Hie Fred Locke Hhoira at Wan- scoD, 0., tl. and were royally rccelrcd and enlcr- lalned by Manager I/icke and lito eillclont corps of aiwclaten. Ullly HheppanI, Hub llsrria, I'oUr Hun, Al. Hots, Kl. Illcker auil others sinycd over from Huanton, Z), to ace thu l>ick« aggreiatloo, most of them having licon formerly under Ur. Locke's man- agenieiiL An elegant banquet waa served, UiaHta and apeechea were Hie otilcr of the ilar,snd genoriil giHid (ellnwablp prarallcd. Bammy Horrit, aaalat- BUt manager of the "Juice lolnt,''atlll wean a lisppy smile as he Bgures up the receipts o( Ihe candy aland, aud nunbals nls crmcert ilrket forces for llieir atiaek on Ibe audience. Pelor Bitn'a Joggling Is catching tboni In great shape, he having Intrv- dnced sembal new tricks, and Is coostanily nbeara- log hto (ainona leaping creyhouud. Hocks. The latest additions to Hie buckbig goau are Ilerii ItlchanUandTomSlmmonds. Itond leader Ohrbd- nun celehmted his hinliday latt weck.nnd regaled thocouiainyby a beauUful "iprciiil." In celebra- tion (.f that napny event, (leorge t>'nlih baa charge of mo canvas, vice James Webii, cloaed, and fnlflUa the arduous dtillea of bU prislUoii lu tbe eiulre aaUsfacllon of the niaiia!;euieni. Allun wall'and haany, "planiliig" cidn weekly, ami laboiug con- nclrnUously (or Ihe aucceas of Hie shuw. TiikTiiHas HcKoa, Wllltoiii. FrtdniiilOsorae, are wllb ilie WalterL. UMluHhow. Tbelrtriek cuachU una of tho fealiires of Ihe pamds, Kara pbom tub La FgiRL Buow.—Tbe show bas been out nine weeka.' Boslneai bat been uniformly good, and weather favotable. The ghoat walks regutoriy every Sunday morning, ami coiiscquenily tbe boys are all bapny, A number of tbem have Girchaaed gold walcliea aud dbimouds, of irhlub r. la Pearl keeps a torge alack on band. Tbite ot the Indians whlcn have l«an a source nf worry to Ur. la reari were dluharged at Katoinszoo. Mich., and have nlumed to tbelr reaerratloni. A number of accidents have happened tbe past week, but tonnoately nolbing serious occurred. Little lA Pearl, while Untoblng bto sctwiib a long Anli double, gota cast, and waacarried from the ring to the drcsnng room, wbsro be soon recovered. Tb< show will M enlarged next seaton to three i»n, and will be greater and grander than aver. NoTia phiiM ing Houiwg Vxu.ev i;mcus.—We lost June on uicount id Hie nin. Our new ad. vance agent to John llafiiin. ii. P. Mason, imr genial agent, liss not ,fnlly rerovKted Iron lit, accident, but we sll li'ipeiu lisva idni wllb un by July I. Tbe ahow will cbnoao management on J'Mv 1, and lie under a stock company, Hmlted, of Mohawk, under the manaueoent of Frank Howard. Ilitry llyan will lie Uic tinkel seller and Tom Whito the eiiuealrian director. Tbe nme perfonneni wHI remain and moat all of Ibe band. Jobn Undcl will bt onr chle( o( tbe iilll potters and Utbo brigade. (Mcar Htoaon, aa aeon aa aUe, wUI assnme full charge of tba advani:eand contnutlof work, tVe get Ibe Oui ItBLUiLB every Thunday, which keeps us all bappy. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. Wwiti of ManagBra ami P«rferin«ii, Opin Dattt, ete..>S«« Adv«rtlwmMi«i HHAMATIU, "Struct Osa" will be produced next acason aud can be booked Ihnngli A. II. Woods. The Mutio llsll, lAWall, Uasa., has been aectired by W, 11. Doody, who to boohbig Drat olaaa atlnc. Huns for next acason. I>nmatlo people aro wanlnl by U. IL Uullanoy for HIas Kotloi's Block Cnninniiy. J. Al Bawtelle wants n leading man, heavy and ■ oonienlaB. He aton wants a full set of scenery for "iMieeU of Mew York." lleo. II. Ilell can iio engaged for Juveniles and leads. Atlracllnna can liook time at the llljon Thenlte, Wilmington, Del. Drematlu people aro minted hy B. A. Ilnir, Jaa. Ucfatighllii, TtiiiniiMHi'a l'la,ven^ Jack Fonli:r, II. W. Harks, Thomas Kllluwooil, Uauagtr, Kd, J. .><oiir. Idcr. Al liberty: IllAbche drymoiir, It. A. Otbum, IL relbatii, II. K. P., llU'lmnI Urongbiiin, blugculo Kcnii, Uario /ane. ♦ nVSIOAL. "Sliding Diiwu Our Cellar Hour" to psbltohed by Uie Urooke ,t lleiiton Co. "lUonmen," a new Idojirlo aong, can bo oMamI from Haas A I'roctor. Pnnk Harding Itaura song lionks at low roles. The Springllcld Uuelc Co, adverlhie two now songs. "My I'aiillne" to Hie llllo nf n now waliteoug pub- lished by John H. W. Ilymo. "Hwlng High, tilting Uw" Is tonnod by Uobun- ald A Keyoa. The New Wortd Novelty Oi. will wnd "l.llllu UIHIo's Hweetlirart" frto to proreaalnimu, "Osat Aaldo" to liring snug aiirceaaTully iiy Inni- gene Oniner, It l.i liatuod by Chntica K, lUirlii, Hiu jiopnlar song writer and puiillaher. tit. John A Kluuk want iqa'm nanplo, W, .\. Kller (ilTdm two clarioncla fur tnlo. Ilamlltoii B. UonUin iitnira In nrofcsalnnsl aIngeiM a largo varioty o( aonga by Irnillng cnitiianoni. Kx. cellont fnullllioa are iiitlTOil for IraniliiH nuiv maiga, nnd full urrhcBlmllnns uto fuTnltlioil. Uiihlrluna aro WAiitcd by U. K. tiriilln, Jninca F. Do Land, Frcil lliiiikul, Hunliour llniihera, K. It. Ilollcnbeok, J. II. HwagonI, T. II. Ixng. Al Lllierl;: U Hlioniiniakur, A. K„ llortUimiy, I*. llciilBcb, T. A. UuuAlllaler, J. .S. Uclmioy, Fml Ilnukel, J, H. Woiitwurlh, K. r, Wbllcoinb, Mlmn Manio, II. A. llweiis, Cellntol, II. H. Cone. "gouie Ihie," a now walix wing, and tho "Uneiir de Mun" mandi, aro piiiiltohod liyNugoll k Aim. mora. The WldinersMllgler Uiialc I'lilillshing t'n. nlil supply giHHl nonga free to |inifu.-ailiimilri. A nlnsalng song of a tIcrtcriiiHvo nuliiro la piiii. Ibihed by llriiry J. Wnhiiinti. It la citililod ".(fliii- Your Wanil'riiiga Cnmo Hump." It la In I'lmriuri nnluiiii'a Ileal atile ami tolls a pretty stiirjr, let In aweot iiiiiBlo. It u already liotiig Ming ut siimoitr Uie Huniuior nwita, and Inez. Uoi.iuki..rto niitkliig a hit with It at IL F, Keith's tbonireH. "llii, Uy Uliiali, Ihi" In toaiicil by Ucn. A. Vnigg, VAHIBTV ANII HINBTnnUi. Bam T. Jack will liiivo throe allrocllnna nn thu road nextscaaoii, Ttio Kxlrovngnnzji Co. tn "Tliu Hull l-lghtor," the Aitomlnan KitonCo.Hndtbotlrviilii Co. am All iHKikcd MoUd for lioxt aoaaiili, A full Hat of Uto poopio tbna (ar nngagcil Is (iiiind In Mr. Jncli'H cant. Adilllliiiial talent, white nnd liliiuk (t(», tun Irii |ilti'«l. "tin the lh«d,"U. H. Ibddiisim'aiiowiHtrartliiii (iir next aonanii, will liavu a alar cast, lordta Yua- iTuna.Tltiit, tho Fiiiir i.'oliiitia and iiiiiiiy other cela- liililea luivo iHHiii oiigAguil (nr Ihn protlitr.lloii. Tho FaiilaH, (lorrii iiinl Burial |iur(uniicrs, ciiu lai cngagiTd. Rpeulnliles nre wanted (or lllliiilo'a Urove, Uiit. tcBWBU, N. Y., (or thu Hummer, iiiiil riiuiblnattotM (or lltlilito'a tliicm llniiao (or lii<xt noilanii. Htnk Mllto will liitriiilitco iiuiiiy novel fuatiirca In tho priigreiiiiiiu provided liy thu Harlu Haiigcr K.v- tnvagauxA Co. noxt acaanii. TInio Is iioivIhiIuk iKKiked. Fnidoriok Itoncroll, Hio magician, will lioaltho bead ii( a spcrbicular prwliioiliiii nn.vt auaaiiii. under Itie muiiagriiiont o( Lliircncu Ficiiiliig, who la boohliiii llmo, Kna llorioldl orTunt a nuinbur o( linndaniiiu equlH- lirlato clialra for anio, bIni a ateel nickel platial pod- oital anil a nuiv alago carpel al a reaantuititii llgiiro. The Kay FiMtcr i.'uiiiiainy will riiiiiiiiouru Ha aliili year's luurBenL in, Willi an onUroly iiuw oiiiHI In urery dniall. Fnnculs Nutouiila, iiiaiiager, la IIIHiik a few urten woeks. Tbo Trorailoro tjuarlot, i^uiuiiusetl of (our slngora, luvlug a alnglo aitvcbiliy oacli, can Ire secured. Ilarrry Fanvll can lie eugagoil (or his muslciil tramp acL III Henry wanta gnml pordmiiera and niusldsiM (or hto I'rnmluni Uluslrola. I'hil and Uoarlo Halter can be.Micurtd. m HpecUlllea oan nil thus at tlie Furt«<i:ue I'avlUuii, AllanllaOlly. Uamiger (Ills. Hill annnuttcea Ihe enguiement (i( KuRonlo I'elreacii, Uto coniuriluntot, (ur Ills World or Novcllles, Uliwlrelbitenlla wuntcilforl/iii Heck's High Clans Ulnslrala, cari Crctoe, equllllirtot, wHIi n nurel act, cnii lio engaged, Ilie French Polly lliirlrM|iin (,'amiiaiiy to being Ixwkeil by Uanager U. K. Ilargmvea. Specially people an wanted l>y P.. K, FJoeiibanii, lU Osldwcll, (1. V. Uusgreve, Ilr. W, Wont, Ihivlil ll'Hrien, Chaa, P. Hargeaiil, W. II. Aniciil, WHihIini Meillalne Co., Ktnidre Hinclalty U<i., Ilr, llniid, I'. Johnaon, Ilr. K. (llwriy, Freiik Fugcl, liou '/baya, Ur. U. IL Mpangler, Uirkcok and Ilurrto, Will P. Conley. At Lllierty: Tenneaaeo l^ncert Co., Jack I'riain, DUIylloweni, NellLllchllelil,muvo Pnieer, Yarick, Haiiile Ciitlis, lUliy Uiirlcl. Onarlcs F. UcCartby and CHminliis atidtloroarn. prodncing a novel cuiiicily iicl, wlilcb bas Iwoii uuktiiga hit over the Kcllh clruutl, C"leinaii and llcnglcr wiitii a atrong dniiltloapc- elalty train and other |icii|itn for llieir iiihtalnila. Coiiililnatluna con aecuru lliiio al Paalur'a Then, tre, New York, during August, bopteiiilHir and OctiitiRr. Vaiiilovlllo nets can iHuik Hriio al Paiinniiiia UUBlii Hall, Mllivaiikeo, Wis. The Nelson Fuinlly, acroiailH, t:sn tie eiigngoil July 1. Ubatlea Vernon wanto parinera fur a roliim and llyliigact. CIIICUI. Qrcus people are waubid by Cari W. I'reraly, Peaiaon A IloOnian, Saulello k Kwera, Wlglcrtnuio Drolhera, Htadel lirotbem. Hands and Axlley wniit aerial iKrforiiiars. Faiillne (;arra, equeitriaii, can Ihi engsiceil. NINCRI.LANEOUg. Allractlons can IkmiK time at Bander's iipoia House, HI. I'lcuMiit, binra; lloonvllle, .S'. Y., Pair; OiandUiicin Hoiiio, liiiwie, Tex.; Otirrioi'a iipeni Ilotiae, I'lesctiit, Iowa. P. Itlcharda will supply letter heads al low rates. U. C. Iluiiiphrryi A C.i. are siipplylog accueiy lor loaiiy Hummer tfjtum and thcalrea, Duciiiia and lacturenaro trained by Harry Adoin», Ur. Whim Cloud, Uaiisgcr. Fr.r Bale: Hodlclnea, liy Ilr. Itrd Wtdl; organ, l<v Biaa. Hi:biil/.e: tenia, liy Lyiiiin Felhclni and l^tark lllyer; harps, by Lehman; snakes, by II. ii. Juliii- oeu, U. K. I'alat and Hllo Hiwl: msgli:, tiy W. II. i, Shaw, II. I'hIllppI and U. L, llorilngamn A; Initlag dog, liy lid. II, llulchUon; uiiaiuuikal ipe.'liiicun l.y llflberl Ilochiiiulb; alinw imlnilnga, by Cbas. Woir A Co.; rnnseuo, at Ucean VIow. Vtzzelt k L'her can aupply Jewelry, etc., (or girt tbowa. TheiiuHltof Iha London Ttieatie, HL Lonto, Mo., Is oiTertd lor aalr. W. H. A. Usynard truiiU an aeronaut. K. T. Usayaogers aeveial i-ira (or sale or rent. Tba llstavia Photo Kuuraving Via. nwko porualt rut f'lr .M-anty-llvu ceub*. .11 I f. SV. W. roiTHr, agenl; (I. T. K., sd- vsiii r; ,\. H. IJl'on. iilvnnco; UrilHtii Uorgini ac*:i;lr.villat. I>uck Uox ai wants a puali pole lent, ete.J IL I. HUte Fair Aaaoclailou.elrcua acuto; Chartio dayer, BbotvatuH', K.C. atois(brd,o anisll canvas, tto. U. Hilton wtoliea u> bear (rom a respooslbla party to lease an opeia houH. Paur llroaae manufactures truiupet organs. Tiickrr Ilroibert luriilsh ahofr palnUuna and sceuery, painted to order.