New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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260 World^Playcfs — Nnua from tbo IIIII7 lUrMe TiMttn Co.: We will cloM oar Bamner muos at linnn wteka, wblcli hu bMD nxxtmHal ud pleunt, boUi lo Um du- men tai eompMV, on JdIjt t, In Now T»jomU\», mna. Ut. nd Mr*. Hitrblt will uke Uialr Bamawr nd u lHalr borne In Hidellt, NInn., wbere tliej wUI oiiinize (or tbtir reguUr Muon, to oiien eboot AUK. Kr. and Hn. Will B. AUInjon will eii)ojr Uielr nnlloD et Uielr home Id Boone, I*. Mi. end Hn. BmeliArt will take Uioir net In St. ml, Minn.; 0. naUelil iDtOMli Rolur 10 MtqaoUU, !•.; R B. Broofhton to BlonxFwli,8.D.; rrof. Short to Hll- weokw, WU., nnit A. n. Alklnaon to NortMeM. Hlno, TtiUenjBgenientwIII Ion* be remembeiwl bTineinljeriot Ibecompnnr u beinz one of tbur moit Bleemnt Mteonii, tbenU to Hr. end Mn. Ktrbte, inophelon. end Will F. Aikliuno, mmnemr. wlio kere Aone ell In llieir power for the comfort end enjonnent of their comnenjr. — OordoD HcUowell end Rime Ooniell ere epend- Ini tbo BonDur et Prlenitablp, N. Y., ee gueeU of their menenr, T. D. Mlddeugb. — Rdwerd B. Nlckeieon, proprietor end meneier of NIckennn'e Uomedj!».. with Me wVe end fem- ur ere ettlitlrBnDmorreildenco,Nente>ket Beech, MUM. — RepmenuUre W. R. Fleck, of Bjrae Dnlbere' new") llellt" Oo.,laetiondlni to the booklniend rouliiiff of hieeiirecUon, which will Ro out next eea- eon, hoeuM, itnHirorthenererlwfine. Mr. Fleoi hai booked the ehnw Mild for neit MMon, end hai twcnir^ti wccke booked for the followlnjf aeMon. ThiH eeeeon opens In Norwich, 01., Aui. 14. New pitnthiK wtll be uned, end the abnw will lie equlppod wltb new Manerj, etc. mprlelor John r. Brme, Mr. FlMk MetCH, wtll ipere no eipeue to nuke "I IMU" thie naion ecllpia ell prerlone preeentetlona. — Uum UlRferend Uurt IbtrerlT will tour the coanirr neit iwawn In Ilojt'«"A mp to Otlne- town.*' ThecompsDjeopportJDgthenwIlliMcoin* poeed of oepeble people. Doth prlnclpels ton ep- peend •accetetullr ee the Widow end WelUnd BUons. The tour will bedlrecled br U. B. Teller, eiKlTeok B. Benlonl will lie the hnilnesemeneter. — Welter Kenned/ hee onRiiied K. T. StetMO end Uennle Ingiem for file Rupport dorlnR hie neil lee- ion, whioli will open eerl;In Beptemlw. —The ■nnouncement le medo thet Forepeugta'e Fkmllr Theeira, Phlledelphle, r»., will be peraoQ- ellT meneged In the future b; Hie. John A. Fore- ''.^ell UtchDold, Yenkeo comedlen, le ple;loii ■omeoftheBammerreeoneonlheiireetlekee. — OheriM H. Ilephun, who hen been In the olt} for the peat two wooka,left for hU Bummer home, OUpner^ltese, Uwjiin Oek Perk, Md.. June 31. Nr. lUphim ileica thet ho leevea wlih the aellifeo- tlonotknowlDRthetell the details for the oonUeg lour of bli KdjHie OerrlDRioD Oompenj ere er- lengcd. The people engeied ao fer ere Arthur 0. Beundera. rienk I,. WhlOlor end wife, John II. 8U)lies,Hemle Fmlcrlck, Jeck Oolton, Will II. Mor- ton eiidMlw Joule KnlRhL _^ — Notes end lloatorof IheQIboe; k OordonOOD- edj 00,: We cenr elxloen people ell told, end opened In e new npettorr jane 10, et Elgin, III. Hoator: M. aibnej, A. T. Qoidon, Fiedorlok Ljle, Tont West, W. 1). atone. L. F. HeoKee, Bemi Bped- dln, lletn Bolbiook, Kdwln Kool, M. II. IlanlnuD, Nellie Olbnoir, louleo aordon, Mezle Moljneeux, Ato Gordon. Mntion Qlbnej end Heater l/ivol. — "The While Itet," the new melodtMne b; IL K Btephene, which Menegors IhiTle A Keough ere to Krodnce, will heve Its nnt pradiiclloii In Anguat, et le Natlonel Theelro, In riilledclphle, — Wlllenl Bpenaer, who hea l>een aiinertng from ..erroua pmatnllon for three weeka el hlaSnnimer raaldenceetHwIfi Weur, I'e., lies retoniedtol'hile- delphls. Hr. Hponcer haa leaaed<'Pi1nceia nonnle" Inf. M. lUnnaaiid I). W.Ttuaa, who will ineoeRS the pleoe next aesaoii. — Wllllim F. Owen, who hea retired from AoRue tin Delr'a (Xb. will be e memlier of Julie Herlnwe- llaber'a Co. next aeeaon. lie will pUj FelaUfT lu the pndQctloD of "llonrj IV'lij the Tkber Uoiu< PAoy, " —The honorerj doRtoe of A. H- wee conferred upon Utla Btlnner et Iho Ihinjr-nlnth ennnalcora- nunceinentof Tuft'a Uollege, held June le, etMed- ford. He KB. — It le rumored thet Heud Adenis la to merrr lUoheid Herding IhtrU. — Fmiik Ihtnlela will open hie aeeeon HepL ao, et the Alvlu Tlieetre, nlMiiurR, !■»., In hia new oomlo opera, "The Wlierd of the Nile." lie will open et the Oaeino, Ihia olt;, Not. 4, for e two moDlha' enRtRemeut -Oharlee Klein la at work on a newpUjfor Wilton Uokajre, who Inlenda to begin e aienlug tour eerlj next aeeeon. — ueiu Riolae Beirr, piofenshMielly known ea 1>, Boise Mornn, end Oeorge llayton MorRen (ooa< pnfeealoun were nieniod Juno IB, In BL l>eter<e niucopel Uhunb, UlereUnd, 0., the Hev. Iir. 0. B. Betee onioleUng. The bride wee fonnerhr known In the piofeeslon ts Ullle Archmore. It h ateted thet ahe hea pennenenilj retired from the atege. It le e eed reel thetHn. l,ueU« J. liuuroe, piofeealoa ■Urknowoeellelfai Archniere, died on thet dete et Beonuneato, Oal. The bride end the deceeaed wore wtll known e tow joate ego ee the Aiohniere aiatenu — "The niojolo Olrl" U the tlUe of Nellie He llenij'a new plej, wtlllen b; HIcheel Well. HIai HoUeoi; Inlenda to sell for Kurope June ZT, bnl wlU nlum In time lo open her aoeeon Aug. 10, et Long Branch, N. J. —Jolin J. Dougherty hee left Nlokeieon i Kee- inlih'a ComedUns. — Notoe from the Wlllerd-Qleeaon Thoein Co Cberlea U. Wlllard hea puroheaed from Lew Ultaeon hU Intotesl In this compeuj, Hr. Qleeaon will re- main wlili the oompeiij. Oeo. Gordon end wife Joined June 10, the former for heavlee end the latter or juroDlloe. Utile Fern Blnfleton le well received nlghtlf In heralnHlnR end dencing speoleltlea. Bho will 1w featured next aeeaon In a raportotr of eou- tmlte leetl noiuodloa, under the lueueRomeot of Hr. Wlllenl. TI10 oomodlee en Iho eolo propertj of her mother, AgatheSingleton, wbowlllbea memlior ol the Mippurtlug ooninenr, at will ahM Oeo. Oordon, Frank Bheter, Ueesle doixlon and l*nf. Okas. T. Bojoo. — The annlrenwiT eiervlioa of the Qiand 0>D< aorratotr of New York passed nir aucoeaafullir June m. U]l. J. F. Ullllkcu conferred the oertldceiet and diploaua, — Nelion Itolierta, on June K, leeeed for e lenn of jeen the lluaUBine Theatre, Pltuburg, I'e, He annouDMS thet he will onntlnue It aa a high olasa conibliutlon house, end Holiert Horria and WUllam Lore will be aaaocUtcd with him In the uaaage' hwni. — Fnnk lluah la peaslng ihe Summer den with nahlng rod In one hand and In the iilhrr the nwnU' ■ettpl o( the new ferco comedj, bj It. N. Hlepheoa, lo whtck ho la to alar lliu coming season. — "Dn (ho lloweT7" will bcRUi Ite sooood with Blen llmllc earl; lu Ihe Auiumn. — J. llarrj Cuuiborland, profoaslouellj known ea J. Itsrtr Thonipeun, loforma us Ihet ho wea married 10 Alloc N. Walker, of l^tuiden, N. J., on Hej «, rhlUddpMa, ra. — TheplaTentlUrd"LoRen'eLuck,"produced et Ihe reople'niheatie, this oil;, week of June 8-s, will be unilor the dircuilon, next season, of lleiir; 0. HIner. The litis hea (won changed to "Unman lloatt&'> -Jessie West, formcrlr wllh "Shsn No 10," tras espoolslljf cngand fur tlie aonbtutle pert In "A» American lism,'' lij Ulut 0, Fonl, fur Ihe Chicago pnidHciliin of h)a plsjr. — n<wtcr of the "Clivua nirl" (».; Kende Craig, Hello llnrtan, Lou Do Von, Halwl Stauloj, Ha; Uerbe, SnouerwiMda Atkins, Jits. Livingston, Oeo. IUrTl^ Frank listen, wllh I. k Oroone, uunsgrr, — Mr. end Uni. llsn; Kell; ere Summering et Beth lleaoh, L. I. — Wlllleni Cuahinsn, the onl; win of Fnnk Cash man, hsaalgned wllh llormm i Wlllard to pla; Ihe black faco part In their production of "The En- JIneer" for next etesun, which opens In this cll; ug. It. This will be the nret liUck face pert he hu pla;ed for throe seasons, he iKing for two seasons with "feck's Uad li«;'< Co., playing the leading pait, that of Iho tied Iw;. — IMwln lloir, the former tenor of Ihe Dos ton lent, who wee obliged to retire from ihe state a while ago OD account of en eoecllon of his vocel chords, has enltrel; recovered end hee relumed to Ihle oil;. There bi a poeslbllll; thai he will lie engaged for IJIIIan Riisaell's Uompan; next season, but the met- ier h> not jreieetlled, — The citmpainr which A, H. Palmer will send C.i,i-'i|ii>, III., on Jul; I, to play "Ttllb;," will lie cast as iii.j„«s: Ttllliy, Kdllh Urane; Breignll, Wilton ■aoksu-; niiTr, llcrlwrl A,<kirr; the Laird; Ohsrlos Utnllclil: Ui 10 Hlllce, aeorwe Tndrr: Zou 7.0U, Ignaoe llartlnnelii; IKidor, llerliertAyllsg; (lerko, Kdwanl U. Horriimn; ilio HeT.Thomae Begot, Will- lam lleriicrt; Hsnsger Ksw. Renbeo l-^x; Hue, Vlnanl, Jennie Hellisnhand Hn^ nagol, Hoea Band — O. S. Uale, tube end doub,s lass, haa lolned rrol.W. N.Menlok's Baud and Ofohcs'.l* at Al- Unilc t^iy, N. J., fiir the Hummer, ' i ^ H h \ NEW YORK OLIPPEB. June 29. -nenelerof Robert nuberdtOo,DezteeasoD will Inelnde HadeUm Bonton, Hand White, Bydner Oowell, Dslsy DIxoa, Anne Moms. Onnt Bleweri, lIsiTT Roiere, Cecil Bnllerand 0. Smart Johmon. Hr. niUlird'e eesMon wtll open BenL 3,at Uoyt'e Theatre, this city, with "Ust—Tweaty-fnnrllonre." — HsDSRer J. 1. Oolsmen hee engaged lUrrr Hensfotd, Frank Ambreae, Rdwerd Bpetn, Emma Dunn and Hiella Ambroaa for David II. Bally'a "Spec- ial Denver;" Oo„ which opens the aeeaon In PWla- delphU, ra., Ang.M. Hr. Coleman la also negoUat- Ing with a NewTork maneger fore pmdocUonof bis wife's (Jesels Deagle) nUv,"The Qreen llnnls- DSD," which wee onglnally prodnced et Deagle'e Theatre, BU Louis, April a, mo, and had a me of (Ire months. Thence It wss taken to Chlcsgn, III,, but IIS ran wee onl ekort by the Ohicego lire, the mannecrlpt alone lielng saved. It has been ImuRht up to date. — Among the hkte engaRsments (or the Qonnan's "nilhoolys Abroad" Co. are Aithnr lUgby, late of Donnelly * Olrard's Co.; Jennie Powers, Geo. H. Trimble, Jamee W. Nohhs, Hsrle Wsmn end Jeesle Ilslnes. Karl Welxelhaum wui lie their musical di- rector, and Jas. P. Forrest, advance agent. — Victor ncrtiert will conduct ailmon'e Band at the Atlanta, Qa,, Bxpoatdon next Fall, — Ha], Jas. II. Doyle has been engeged by Davie Jt KeoDgh for next season. — Ceorge RIcharda has signed to play Sqnire Perley. the leading ccmcd; part. In the "A Faced OslP<Oo.nextaeaaon. Oante Roma wUI play the pert of Blanohe Idaho, tbe openUo ainger. In Ihia atltacUoo. — Utile Hal)el TelUfem, child sctress, haa been engaged to pUy Roseua In "A nide for Ufe" Oo, nextaeeson. Ourles 0. Allen will go In edvance. — "The Held of firln'i Is the UUe of a conic opera being written by Stanislaus Blange end Jollan Ed- wards for W. A. Brady, which Hr. Bndy Intends to prodoee next season st the Aademy of Hualc, this city. — Nell Bonlly hee received much (svorshle men- ilon for his creation of iherole of Farmer Andeteon, e stnng character part In Lincoln J. Carter's new lie;, "The De(saller,"recentl; prodnced In Chicago, — Annie Whitney hi having a new wardrobe pre- pered (or her lonr vrllh "Pleys and Playen"next season. She wlU alec Introduce some now songs. Among those engaged by Hanagor Ohaa. Btamm are Blchle Foy and the Vedder Bbten, Thomee H. Ilalev and Kitty Wells. — Ilelene Mora, the celebrated contralto, will not lie eeen on tbeveudevHle stage next season, Han- sger Jsmee Hyde having decided to present her la s part congenial to her well known ta1enia,ln"A Modem Hsphlato," a dramatic comedy, the work of Robert J. Donnelly, end which et lis prrmfere re- ceived conaldenhle praise from the New York presa, Tbe comedy has Iwen porchsaed by Mr. Ilrde and a tpedal part wrilun (or Miss Hons, Time hea already been aecured In the leading Iheatrea ot the principal dues. Hr. Iljde la determined to give (Iss Hon and Ihe pleie the suge anrronndlnga dtllDWtoboth. Among the people lately engaged ere Helen nuseell.ol the Old Wellack Slack Com- pany. WUIIsn Davldgeand Haggle llanid Darldge. -Notes from Oso. II. Rubb's snierprim: Hsn- sger Riibh, bsaldss lielng busily engaged Rolling his cnnpany In resdineas (or Ihe comlns season, u largely lulsrested In the pyroteohnlrel speciscia, "Uestrncilin o( Uorcnlsneum," which opens Id Athletic Park, Wllllsmspori, Pa., Jonc n, (Irlng Ion perfonnancea durlUR the Incoming County Oes- tenntal. The company will number thirty-seven people, among whom an R. H. Crane. EuniceFItcb, he Rl Hon Sleten, Jennie and Hsmie; Kmns Hyrkle, Hr. and HrK Barton Williams, Hr. end Hr*. Jsnes K. Keens, The Hsuldena and Ada and IIo*- erd. Fourphiyswlllbegouennp for the iaUoie Slaters, with all apeclel scener; and elfecla; they will be one nf the principal features of the com- pany. The season opens Aug. U. — Bertie Crawford hu been engaged to creaio the UUe role In the revised edition of "Zoxo." — Orson CIHIbrd writes thet he will put cut "In the Foot Hills" next season on en extensive scale. HIS season opens BepL », snd the piece win likely lie seen In thin city, Hr. Olllfbrd statea that new scenei; wHl be carried, and that his tour will ex- tend 10 Oallforaht. — Blwln A, Thomas has signed wltb "A Breeiy Time" Oo. for next season, as musical director. — Sawtells Dramatlo Notes: Bahy June and Winona Hrldgee are n-eugaged (or next season, si- so Enll Knenneoke, the cornet soloist. Oeorgla UesnBpauldUig, harpist, and F, U. Kent,vlollDlat. ai« among the new meobera of the company, and Pnf. dec. 11. HlUer wlU retain the position of musical dinolor. — Alloa Baiinders le engaged st tbe Durbank Thsaim, Los Angeles, Oal. — Ulanotae DInam, Infant danghter of John Utg- nam snd Kste Dean Dtgnam, died on Jane 20. — T. n. Winnett has ntnned to ML Uonieis, Mich., after a trip on the tpanlsh River, In Ontario, and s oamping out expedition at Winona Beach, In Hlohlgan, — Bngeoe O'Ronrke end Kanager Oroailey go for a four weeks' cnilse on their yscht, Postmsn, sod will return In time to begin reheenau tor the open- lui, Aug. Id, at the Fourteenth BneelTheatre, tele dly. Bettlna Qlrard and Roger end Delle IMao sre engaged to' pley prominent parte wltb their com pan;. — ratU Henri, Boprano eingersnd aotr«as,lial preaent la tbie city perfecting bnelneas errange- menlsfornext eeaaoo. — Blanche Beymonr snd R. A. Otbora have cloisd a twenty weeke'engagement with Lsmben A Wil- liams' lUjeiB. — yi.Vi. Power, (otmerty lessee and manager of tbe queen's Theatre, Bellerllle, Oan,, will go on ihe road Ibis seaaon. Ills brother, Thoe. F, J, Pnwer, wtll sesnme the msnagetnent of thet hooss. nuny Rice opens the honie sept 3. — Notee from Blllnwood'e naven: Business has been vory good wllh <u so far Ihia Summer. Hsn- sger Bllluwood has booked the sesaon of ItM-M up In Okristoiss. Next eeason we will wrrj twelve acting people and no band or orchestm, only a leeder. Will make a special feature o( Hr, Ellin- wood's new play, "NIagsre," Biieolal neper Innnw being pnpsred by Donaldson, Kverythlnu wtll be limtid now and up to date. Tbe roster Is: J, Francis lUyca, W. B Ohrltly, W. II, llariUan, Joe, Halald, Qoo, Uush, Alice Kemp, Hurrille Ilatleit and Lett! ~" ard. We etay out all Summer, pisylnR towns " Ibe ~ Variety and Minstrelsy Tboossnd tns 81. Lswienco River snd Itlasds, — A. a. Rogen snd danghter*, Hands, Lore snd WInoa, arrived In tbe city fron Washington, D, 0,, June 33, to niend the Bummer. Their season ohaed June It. Hr*. Lew B. Oele (Haude B. Rogen), daughter of A, 0, Rogers, was given a benellt per (onnanoohy the rylulan Dnmatin Olub, o( Sslls- bnry, N, 0., on June U. Hr^ Qale has been em- ployed (or three mnntbe past u dinclrnsn o( Ibis elan. Tbe play pteaented waa "Damon and l^thUts," snd It was a success In every mrtlcolar, wpschill; from a llnanolal slandpolnt. Hr. Rogers Intomia ut that he Inlenda pnrehaalng a bums In thia city, but for the pneent they an located el 20) Weal Seventeenth Stneu — Hark Twain, tbe humorist. Intends to make lonr or the worid, which will Uke nearly a year, lie will begin his tour July l>. st Oerolsnd, O., and wtll leoture at all of the principalolUeeto the Pactdo ooaaL Us expecte In ssll for Anstnlla Aug. le, snd wilt vlsll New Zealand, Bombay and South AMca. — HatT King fnap died June 13, In Parte, Fr. Bbe waa a Dative ot Brunairiok, Oa., and studied (or the opersUo stage under H. Olreudei, nnfeaaor o( the CDUsenatolre. She was singing before Han- sRcr CkiTvslho, o( tbe Open Comlque, when she wss laien III. She died e couple of hours Ister. — Haasger WlUlara II. ilallman ti\hes cm lann Nelinn Hall, In "Our Boys," for a Summer lour, opening at Unothlwv llsrtior. He, July f. The rom- pan; connrises Ihe (allowing: Louwil. atlsel.Il.' UiMlan, Jsmes Ijtckayo, Walter VhicenI, II. Adams, Alfred Allen. Oeorge U. Smith, Mar; Due lao, Hlllle Sackett, Belle nnton and Fanny l^le. Tb«y will puiy Ihe principal Summer nsons In Hslne, New lIsmpMiln and Vermont. Edward Ksndall will he bnalness manager. — Usxis Robinson, souliretio, and W. II. Could, manager (or Kdiratd Wamn, have Juet closed s successful season o( thiny-sli weeke, and an spending a (ew daya In Concord, N. U. — p. ointon Scott has been roengaged (or the "Jolly Old ChuDs" Oo, tor next season. — The Benter Peyton Corned; Oo. now conebte c( Sealer Peyton, proprietor and msnager; iMct Par- ton, Vina Payton, lola Paylon, Cotnelht Oitta, lllilo Josephine Cnrta, D. K. thirte, IL (X Uwrence, John II. licCannn, 8. T. Haines. Loyd (linsbcr, Jas. ' Hoore, violinist, snd Hsrio Beckial, pUnlat. — Bnalness Hsnager E. r. Slmpaon, ot 0, Itrailentiurgb's l>eople's Theatn, who b now bi New York, acting as generel nprmenbillve «(the OInbe Ticket On., has iieen selected hrj. N.OIIo- wsy ss enportnlendeut tor Chsries R Ifeyen' now llolel Rudolph, Albinllo City, N.J. Ueaasnmes the dnile* ot olanewpoallloo June O. — Beatrice Leslie haa not signed wUh "Ibe Aont Belly" Oo„ ae wss nported. — Jemee J. Mac; Is spending his vacalloa la Cape ibeton, N. S. lie will Ukel; put on bis D«w " 'Ihe Oosni'i NIeoe," next I'D RATHE R BE WIT H MACCIE. waiTTBS ros tbs saw rose cums, BY WILL WATEBS. When my dsDy task la ended, And 1 lay aside my pen. And my heart Is worn and wear; Wltb tbe slilf s ot selOsh men. Then a hind hand seems lo beckon. And a voice calls sweet end low— I'd nther be wltb Meggle Than an; one I know. Cnoans. Buch rosy tints of gladness Come wllh the snnsst's glow, When I'd lather be wllh Haggle Than an; one I know. Tbe days seem all December When from her I abide; Bnl Jnne-tlme lasts (orenr When she Is by m; side. It uves m; soul (rem sinking. And keepe m; heart aglow, To mUie.r be with Haggle Than an; one I know. And so ths days pass o'er me, Esch bringing shsde snd shine; Yet, less o( shade than ennllght Fslla In Uils life u( mine. For shadows lift at twilight. When lampe an burning low; When I'd nther be with Haggle Ihsn an; one I know. Yes, when m; task Is over. And my pen Is Itld aslds, I know a pair of eyee look out Through the eoft eventide. She's standing In the doorway, trbere sweet Jons roses grew; Ahl I'd ntber he with Ksggle Tbsn eny nne I know. Nam nov Km, Vmn t Randall's Pitilion Bummer Ulnslrels,—Ws opened In UsrlOD, 0., June ta, to a large and enthuslaallc audience. Fol lowing Is Ihs complete rosier: Her, Burke, Randall and Rose, sole preprieton and managen; YlcRsn- boll, sdvsncc agent; Jsmes Welsh, seslstsnt agent; James Ciilvln. boas canvas man, wllh three sialsl- snls; Fd, Hoore, master o( properties; Nick Her, Ned Burke, Wm, Randall, Engena Delmsr, Wm. Weaver, nan; Cation, Ollle Young, Lu Elbln.Hona, l>sUoandlhe Banchman Bros. Tbe compsoy car- ries a band ot (ourieen pieces, under ths lesdenhip o( Uoc liymsn, and an orchesim ot ten pieces, un- der the leaderehip o( Charles D, Yogi. Wa use a Tt(L round top, with a 40fi. middle piece; stage 2t b; 30ft, sod Ave complele seu of scenery. Our wsrdrohe was designed snd nMde b; Mre W. Randall (Engena Delm-ir) for both street snd stage. The company will tour Indians, Ohio andlltlnnls. Ollle YnuDR Is mail carrier, snd has sgreed to fur nhdi tbo company weekly with CLifrxns. BRViRiL uxHBsnn of the Oorton, Vmland snd HIddaugh companies, whoare Summering In Frlnnd- ship. N. T., gave an enlertslnment for Ihs benefl' of the Fire Department of that place, Lbw PiLHsa Is tlie stsm roansger ot the Wonder- land UusDum, at Milwaukee, Wis. 0, Kihosro.N iiowARn requests US to state tbstble nams Is not Ceorge F. Knis, ss wss reported, bnt Is 0. Kingston Howard, having been obsnged lo sooh OD Dec 24 lest, by legs! proceedings, Joi RODKTTA, of Rcheita snd Dnnta, and wire, Jeaole Orovlnl, n( Orerinl end Hurtle, aslled (nr Europe June it, to (nlllll engsgemenis thnsghout Enrope snd lbs Ooottnent. Uami Stuart writes from London, Rag., under dsteofjuneu that ehe has concluded her eagsgS' menis In Paris and London, and has signed a coU' tnoi to head a company going to Bouth Africa The engagement Is (or two months. Job Bickib will lis biislaees msnager (or tbe NsshvHIe Students, uisklnR 1ihi ll(th assson wltb this company. Jslvan, the Juggler, end Jsa, While, the comedlsn, hsve alio signed wllh thsm, TBI WDAt,LiT8, mnelcal tsam, are apendlng a short vscatlon st Fltohhurg, Has*. Thsy open at Keith's Union Bqaare Theatre, this city, the Istier pertol Jnly. HABRrJAMiS ANn DiuY ARNOLn have dhMdved pennetshlp. Hr. Jsmes end hit wKs will taerestier work together. IIA(BT LiONAno's HiKsniais, heeded by Ban; Leonard, John U. Hack, Imnjolst, and Tomm; Usr- lis, comedlsn, stsrt on a tour o( the Southern water- ing places Jul; 1, opening at l.eonardtown, Hd. OfORUi R. FiBUix Inlorms us that ho hae cloecd an engagement irltb the Alliembm Vaudeville* at the HetMpollrsn Opera Houre, St. Psul, Hlnu., and la vlslUnt (ricnds In Sioux City, Iowa. PaolHaodonaldwss s CurriR caller Jsue 21 He ln(onns un that hla no-v black (ace mono- logue act haa met with ancceas wherever he has presented IL Ue la now negoilatlng with a bli ahow with which he expecie to go upon '.he roat earl; In tbe season. Devoting hlrnssK, aa he does, to black (ace speclellles, he Is especlslly desirous that he may not ue confounded with a performer ot slmllsr nams who does an Irish tiim. Boa UARxg ANn Harry Rolla have Joined hands snd have liren engaged as an attncUon st Colonial Beach, Washington, D. 0, Thx AMHONS-OLiRiaa TRIO wen feamred last week st Proctor's Theatre, this city. They stao were epeclally billed for the singing of their latest success, "Hsr Nsne Is Jsne." PosArXR AND Etanb hsve returned to their bomes In Pcescou, Ariz., after a (our yean' absence. lUonARD PtTROT met wlthapaln(ulaccldentwbHe exenlslngon his bicycle In London, Kng., tecenily, snd WU obliged to csncel sevenl weeks, owing to Iho damaged condition o( hiscounteiutnce. agonal w. Riui will spend the Snmmer st St. Jatnes, L. I, Hr. Bsrtou will be at BnOhlo, N. Y„ superintending the lasnlng o( new nsper(or Mce Jb Barton's (>>medlana snd the Rose IHII Ootopan; (or next eeeeon. Hart. Williahs, latx op Hrrmn and vriLutHa, hi staying at (descent Beach, Ma«L Nora VROv nHNaviLLi. N. J.-IIsrrr Bryant, Thoa. Boone; snd Berths Uouglsas, ot T. Hlaco'a Cll; anb On., and Pete lUndall, ot Ihe Olnapls (luartel, sre Summering with John Frees, st rtnns- vllle, N, J„ on the Delawan River. They go tor a trip lu IStf» Hay on July 1, to be gnns s week, oo l^ept. 6sm Weathon's yacht. John Frees goes with Ha; NIrcn's "Widow Jones" Oo. The OI;mpla(](iar- tel jo wllh Peter F. Dalle;, In "Tbe NIgbt tSlerk." Jamb) Uxvini, oloeed (or the esaeun In Olevelsnd, 0. Ho Is at hisbome In Oorington, K;. unable to srork. Hie partner, John H. Tre;nor, Is working alone. HoasLAND, TnovreoN ANnBarauhavslnsloloaed a six weeks' engsgeincnt wllh llAldwIn k Young's Continuous Show, and opened (or two nooks st Hnsan Park, Wheeling, w'mt Va,, June H. BnwARD NsiSDN, known In tbe proreaMou ea Ed- wsrd Bellmonr, was made a R,o( P.. b; Pi u g r eaa lre LodRS, No, 346, o( Grand Junction, la., on June 18. Sciiinri,XR AND Nash will spend the Bummer st Rdgenon, HInn,, with Col, Tyler Drigham, laihor o( the latter. JA8. Wallbrook opens at Ilsnlso's I'clnl Root Csnlen, Toronto. Can., July I. lie bss signed wllh II, W. WllUams' BpccUlt; Co. for next season. Fbaxcis FmaiDA Is recovering from a soiwlcsl opemilou, performed on her enn, lu a Ohiiaga oca- pltal. Aa soon ss able she will leave for her mother's home In HInneapolls, HInn., when she wUI spend tbe remainder of Ihs Sommsr. Frank tX-sniiAN hss left hlshomeluFhllsdelpbls, Fa., tor Chicago, Hl.,whenhs Intends ormnlilng a mlnsneleoropsny. Ilehasanovellyantpart,which IMS never tieen produced on any stage. Tai TaocAnsao llCAitnr, sfter s lonr weeks' leet In Chicago. III., opened at Delaware. O,, playing a two weeks'engagement. This week tbsjsppcarst Kemdngton Psrk, Hsrion, 0. P.M. LiDiaiiAN snd his orahcilnar«ain< ant Beach. Syncuse, N, Y. Frank RTRAOr haa signed as geneial sgent for Bariow Bras.' MInstnla. TBI Foi'a OinAKS are at their Snmner home. North BiDoklelil, Hasa. Dm Lmui, manager ot tbe Ibrie Buger Btt- leaqueOompsn;,wasaOumBcallerJaneO. He Inteada next season lo play tbe compaay la a dlOtr- eat elsas ot henssa than hetetotore, as theeoieiiahi- meat provided will be somewbatdloennltioB the oonpany's pnnoas elBiiti. NBD TBinmi, a nodee o( wboes death amued IB «r SStaSe, waa(oit;l»« ot age.aid tad lMsnlBlhepio(eeBloa(oranniDber M nam. For riong tine he was a member ot tto team o( Thatcher and IIudm, and atlarwards be wml to csllfomla, with Oeorge Drew ua mnner. _£«»!» rasttooryean Hr. Tbatoher bad UaveWd with W» 5rtR, tbe'team being k""™ " Nad »n<l Thatcher. He was a member ot the B. P.«Jka. In private Hfe Hr. Thateber was Edwin E. Weboter. Billt IMxt, the comedian and dancerJs amnjc- Ingaoclet; minstrel aflkln through the'West. He mpresented wltb e hsndsome gold medal eetwitb JnblwlJ the Business Hen's 6nb,oI FortBoott, Ksn., after a recent performance there. Hat BaTANT celebraicd hertweuty-«c«ndl)Wh- da; Id Wllllmsntlc, He., June », and receivea a nnmtMrotbaiMlsomo presents. ... , WiVt F. OOUJOT, rfOoUlneand Ha-DeU,liapen<i- IDR a few weeks with friends at Clyde, C. Will B. Fox, having closed his CaUfomla tony. Is vbdUng his brother, Ons, In Phanlx, Ariioiiajtbo Is Intensted at that ptaco In aeveni mbies, besides being tbe msnsgcr ot the Opera nonse and pro- prietor ot tbe Pelece Cafe. . ^. „ ^ -_,„ TBK imcce* attained etKeltb'o Theatn, Boetoii, Jaaa., In Cbsa. F. HcCsrthys comedies, "Too Much (or tbe Family," and "What a Night,''waa due to tbe Joint ability ol Chas. F. HcCaitty and Dan CrimmlDS. The conlnst In the dialects of the two coracdisns proved a treat Tbey are enpported by Rcea Gore and a comeany furnished by B. F. Keltb. Ullii Laurkl, of Lannl and Harvey, bss been very IH in Chlcsgo, HI., with tonsHIUs. PsriNTA, the dancer, began an engagement last week In the Clendsle Park, NsshvlU^ Tena, when shots under contnct for a two months'season. At Iheconclnalonof this engsgemeni Paplntalntepda to nil for Rnrope. She reams to this dt; to Ulan engagement In the Fall. . , nioii, the concert hall singer. It la m mo red, is ehorll; to be married to Jecob Ropmrt Jr. W. 6. I)iBBLi,of Hstteawan.N. V„ and his nan- sger, ailf W. Oiant, woreCuiTiR callen on June 24. They will open the new Vendevllle PavUlon, at Haiteawan on June a. It Is their lnten>10D to hook the best of vaudeville acts at the pavlHon, snd In tbe open house the best of comt>lDatlcns will bold foru. The theatre Is now undetgolDg exten- sive allentlons, snd will be compamtlTely aew when opened 10 Augnst tor tbe seseon. Joa. OALUON, proprietor of tbe Hotel Portsmouth, Potismontb, C, opened his Onnd View Psrk ss a AnmiDervanderillo theatre, June 11, wltb tbe tol- lowlDg people: Fnf. Oeorge Bbel and orchesbra o( ive plecea, Ben Oee, comet eololst: Hons. Lolsstte snd Dis mined enlmshi. Utile Besals lamb, Harca- nt Ron. HInnle Bsmmann, Cbrlatlne Thahns, Hav Row, aonbntte, and David O'Brien, bnaineas and atege manager. Billt Barlow Is spending tbs isnabiderotbls ncattoD at Pittsburg, Fa. Baxsb AND BOTBiLL wen made hoaciarT mem- here of ths Norfolk BssebsU snd Athletic dob last week, while st Norfolk, Va. Hr. Baker will leave with BalUmon Lodge. No. T, B. P. 0. B., for the gnnd reunion to he held at Atlantlo Olt;, H. J., on Jul; «-ll. TBlHcCOTSiamSANDBlLLIl UCOOT AHOHIN- HIK HoEvdT arrived here tnm Engtend June 33. The; report baring been very snccessnil at the Em- pire, Royal and Osnterburr Hnslo HaUs, In London. The team of HcEvny and Doyle have dissolved part- Dcnblp. Hr. HcEvoy (HcOoy) will beieallsr work with bis wife. FiBiiKB AND Oarrou. wcn at nnhefs Meaenm, In this city, last week, and not Fisher snd Cnwell, ea staled In onr nrisw of that house. Tbrongh sn envr In printing tbe progremine we aaalgned the laat named teem to that house. IxooKKi COHKR Bang vrttb telUng elltetat the Rxpoaldon Hnslc Hall. HUwankee, Wit., the week of June 10-M, Chss. K. Harils' Ulesi deacrlpHre bsl- Isd, eotlUed "Osst Aside." She was presented with a large basket of nowen by her Mends In that city. BILLT S. OurroRD and Hand Both have Jnst oloeed an eight weeks' tonr of the Keith circuit Tbe; wUI rest nnUl FaD, when tber win open wllh Tony Pastor's Own Company for their second season with that orgsnlsaUcn. Howard ToirNiKKD writes ns that tbe snsouDce- mentot his marriage to anon-proteaBloiul,sentns b; Fred Rannond, was s mlaake. DoiLiK Hsrton, wife ot Ed. Zoyana, requests ns to deny tbe report that she bad presented her bus- band with a baby girt recently. LilliiTan DORNi writes that she lavei;Ulat NewportNews, Va., and unable to get to her home In Philadelphbt, Pa. - ROBSBT HOT, Albino contortlonlat, wsa s Ouptbr caller June 21, and, nterring to a notice ot his dsath which appeared In a recentlsase,elated that, whHe he had been III, be bad enilnly ncoreied, and had been consldenbly annoyed snd Inconveni- enced by the appeannce ot the notice. Ue ssid that onr Informant had probably been misled by Mr. Roy's long Illness, during which none ot hit friends hsd received any word from him. Tns VinoRKLUs cloaed a Ave weeks' engsge- meni with Bsldwin A Young's Co., and are sngsged for two weeks at Broad Ripple Park, lodlanspolis, Ind. WiBB'B Trkatrb, In Ufayette, Ind., has oloeed tor the Bummer. BiLLXB Barlow, ihe English mnalo bsll singer, will begin an engagement at Proctor's Theatn, Ihia cltT,Bapt 2. Boe Okanioam and Sadik Siiilk an engaged tor tbo Summer seaaon at the Wonderland Mnaee, Banit Ste Maris, HIch. Hr. Bnnlgan will slso sasnme the stage management Hue Bteele will play the soubntte roles. UONKUN, SnSIXLAND AND WlNmS bSTS BSpa- nied. TDK FiLBRia have been engeged tor this week at Willow Uaven Orove. A rLKASAKT RBCgmoN Was glnn st New Alex- andria, Vs., on Juus IT, by the Thirteen Ouh, Among the speclsltles introduced dortog the even- ing were the Price Bros., Leonhdo ()uariet. Mason andHont«e,andlkeWalls. CBrndh*; Prtcehasthe leadenhin ot the orchestn there for toe Banuner. EniTii Hats Is recovering (rem a severe surgical opcmllon. In this city. UowARO P0WKR4 has Joined ths Eleotrio Quanet, which hss Just concluded a succeasdil engagement ot ilx weeks st lUe Urpheum, Ban Francisco, snd Is now pisying over the Keith oinult They aro engaged to open at the Alhsmbn, In London, next Summer. BILLT jAOiaoN was tendered aaupper by the Buab Club on Jane 20, In Detroit, HIch. Ho aUl go wltb At. 0. Field's Mlnsiiohi next season. TbsTBRKiBuoiNmsslled for England June 23, to mi BoropesD eogagsmenta nnril Januai;, IstT, when they iriU reUiro to this conntir- HAL REID, Aetoraitf playwright,was ben at St Omar, Ind., Apia 14, IML Be waa educated In the pobllc sohoola ot ancbuatl, 0-, and upon Oalshlng hia sliidlea sngsged In newspaper work Bsvlng de- tennlDed-tti go upon Ihe stage he aecnied en- gagements In the stock oomponles of OInchinsti, at Bobeneon'a Open House, nnder Benny Hc- Oanley's management, and at tbe Onnd Open nonse, nnder Ihe managemeDt of tbe late R. b. J. llUea. The ant line be erer spoke npon the stags waa In Fanny DaveopoiVs original produc- tion ot "Flqne," when an extra be; wsa needed. Ihie, but It <r. Held, la speaking of this smaU beguining, has lnc|denuiiy mentioned that tbe extn lad; who stood at his aide dnring this trying ordeal la now known to fame aa Pauline Ball. As a writer of plays Mr. Held hasmet wllh coDsldenble snccess. Ills nret pnMloctlon wss a play entitled "4ea," and this wss followed by "La B^e Marie," "A Heart of Steel" and "A Bomespun Ueart." Following these he gave to the sitge, ID npld snccessloD, "A Daughter ot Ihe Oonled- eraov," "Wands," "Bis Utile Bhuer," 'Ihe Dean," "Tbe Ul; and tbe Roee," "Shamrock and Tblsile" and "Logan's Lnck," the laat named having been E'iced npon the third o( the current month ai the le's Theatn, this city. It met with ancceas snd ved compllmentar; mention (rem ths pros, h will go upon the road next seaaon, nnder tbe management ol B.C. Miner, but will be rechrlstened and bear Iho title, ■■Unman Hearts." Hr. Reld has rectnlly sold to James F. Crossen another of his plays, entitled "Two Olrls," In which tbe purchsaer wtll star Lillian Drew. Rets slso nnder contnci to wille a society dnma for Cone Peyton. Hr. Reld Is married, his wife being Bertha Belle Weatbrook, a well known and clever aclrtas. Ue Is a member of theAmertcaa Dnmatlsts'Club and la quite prood ot this dbUncUon. All ot bis plays Dsmed abote, with the exception of "Two Olrls," have been pro- dnced, and he claims with pardonable nridc that note single InsUnce ot fallen of any ot his worts etaods on recotd. OHia Ton CARnn and HIks Murphy will Join toroea shortly to pn>dnce a new speclsit;, entitled "The Dookmakois." ■-Tatm To TBI Snir" Is being song with great anc- ceaa bv Annie Whitney at the DnIonBquare Tbeatre, New York, thIa week. The Metropolitan Trio, Oal- Blu, Reno and Pneton, are also maUoB a hit wltb lis song. DucROw AND Fkaroi wUl shottl; pnduco their new specUlt;, "The Two Counts," st Ine New York root gardens. Bah DxaSAVKR Inlonas na that he irlll manage (or tbe Summer the Snnuner Theatn at Brentwood, L.I. Tbe theatre Is coimectedwilbibe large hotel built b; Sheridan Shook. Mr. Desauer also slates that Jas. Thonton's Show Isptngreesliigspleodldl;i and lu a (ew days will be entirely organised. BonrMANDNommoiiTiiK la OaxooHBnHKD Novelty Co.—We opened onr season In North Salem, Ind,, June 23, to 8. R. 0., wllh the (ollowlngpeople: ChsaLa OardcOlpay La (lardo, Kenneth La Osrdo, Chsa. La Osrdo Jr., narve; Briggs, Cbss. K Foster, and rro(. Don Wright and a brtud o( seven inouth- Elecea. Business with us has been Ug. Edward onklln. Juggler, Joined us at Wavolanf June 21. B. F. OiLBUON, manager of the Alhambre Vsude- vlUes, now at the Metropolitan Open Uonae, St Paul, HInn., upon the eloeug of the eeaaou there, July 1, will take the company oo the read a abort seseon. Ths following wUl lie tbe compeny: Joe Usrdmsn, Qertis Uhocnn, Demsrd Dyllyii, Pole Baker, O'Brten Ulster*. HcHshon snd King, uonrtz and Booner*, Lee and Chatman, Mhis LeHsnn. snd Hsnley, Logan and Hanley. Executive sttlf: B. F, OlIklBon, proprietor; Uenr; Carpenter, treasnrer: Joe Uardmsn, msnager; Tom Curtis, sdvance, and Henry King, properties, Kons FROH TnaQUAKKR CoxrANT,now at Ht Vernon, la—Jamee Q. BIggan. oomedlan, motto aUger and bugler, oloeed 23. Hr. Brlfna, his part- ner, will remain until AngnaL Mrs. Briggs will probably Join Ihe company some time during July. John Fen; and III RB;mond Brlgga are mskug the announcemente snd doing vetesiile corned;. Kittle Ferty's sInglnR speclsltles go big. 01. Simons, boaa atini; man, lolned 21. Hn. Uonroe Is bnslneM mtneger, end Dr. Wm. F. Monroe genermi man- ager. Oct Ihe long green everyTQesda; :M all are contented. TBI Baorana Borami request as to atate that the; an pla;lng an engagement In DeaMolnei ~ Asaienenl reoeall;appeared locatlBg them nnaenm In HllwaiiKce, WU Ibe; n to Dolntta, Hlna.,tfeeaoelo Ibe Root Garden biM. Ionia, ~~ OlBolanaUH-AmnaemeDt loven aro taking s Unisld intsisatin Ihs acismble for pstiostge made bj tbe riral ooldoor rworU. All talk of a Sominer opera aSAHnai the WalnntBuest Theatre has died odL It It a trifle •arly for the cirtalallon of the eiop ot itorlen ibout Uieespeodllonof Uiouaanda (or psIataoapaailKrnb- blof bniihu st the varloua ihaAtrea, bat th«f *U keep nnUI lAlsr la the hcstsd tacm. goat A HlDDLSTOS'a Mcsas-TaaiTaa—Among ibe In- door sUrmcUooithIa popular boase MUlteDjoyaiiiKiDOp- otr. The Samtaer ssaaoa ol Joveolle open wu ralrli ■DMSsilbl, but there ws* a ntun to the olloJooeH when nyno acd Walker, B*i1*r sod Wllbor, CtAThx HInlon, the Whltwi Martha Bllai, BarreU au^ lawn*, Jajo** Col*. Jo* Blgltit, Welle and Fsrman. aad AIdim LoqIm eaoiiiMae«d a w«*k'a •ORBSenieoL lo Ui* carki b*llWlUanl'iCi>ll«<ll<>a*a*dl>pbrad. Tua Zoo.—Cuatai** fiuancre wsa axenipllflal 34. la * mere or I*m tfanllog degroo, bj Un Cm* lodlaiM onr MDCamped wlUilnlb*bom*ofthevlld animal*. Donnit Ui«paAtw*ekd«*Ui*tAlked Into lb* raak* and UMipti Hldaaa Bird, aolB4t**n year old brsT*. H* wai a Ticlira ot coamimpUOB, and wai buried wlUi tli* rit«a of Iti* C*lholloCbareh*t8LJoMpV*C«meterr- Oo Ihewii* dftrthat tb* (00*1*1 tovk pbu* Ui* trick ol*ph**l **- caml rron BataobMk antved at lb* Zoo, LOAQDS Park.— "AmerleuV* whkh was ao*a kt Car- Dlr*l Park UatHAioD, eiperiinctfd oa* nllhtoruusilar. TlMip*ctacl* was booked for ten d*rL Mayor CaMveil ^ - •'•la ofa Buoday perfoimaocs aad Iher* were - - -■ ^nalloDofall vetoed the Ida* o l«g«lob*tacl«ith th* AC*a*iT latl—, , ,,- tln*]lf op«o*d,Turid*y, Ui«r* w«t« fn«r*Dop*ld balbt ■Ilia, daputrnerilDiand cooiUbl** (bin audl*nc«.*Dd 1*1*1 *b*lacl<*th*t pr*T*ated th* Irsns»i1l t£* AC*a*iT latlm*.rorHoDdar, Wh** UM saUi were H,l|Hll# —• a tut olattadimonl* wound op th* rtiow la thort meir*. Tb*pioJ*clor*b*>*aga*r*ala* *t I>*avtr uid bop* ui b* *ol* t<« re*ch th*r«. Ludlow Laooox— Tb* (}*nn*n VIHage v**op*o«d l*it WMK. Th*wall*nw«*rwaodeoilio*a. AlthsAoiclilUii- atr*,M, lb* olio w*« provided by H*asBd*nd ll*rb»,ibo lA V*n Bnlhan, Uio H*hom«t Nnlah Troop* of Af*k* sad Frica U**d*rws. (>>n»ru *i* glvto olgbtly by JobnW*b*i'*Orch**l>m. Ooesir.-Unll* W*b*r and Noma Kopp w*i* the nb- liU *l the HTWidi of th* ■•rl*aortwohoadr*d B*mDiir alshts' mniilol ftw. ai .M*ii*(i*r Uany Rjlolorlb U Mn, sod b* ahow* a lltti* red m*moiaBO* book id wkl^ us aland *atrl** of choice bookloa* for tk* leuoe o T. That'acAitaioI/ hmklog faroaooali *h«ad.-.---T1i*wlof* Bohbnan, or tb* Con**rTaU>l7 orMuric; Alliino Ouoo and wire and Itonw Oalwo. of th* C»IH«**r NuAlc, b»T* g*n* lo N*w York, *ad Item ihM* lh*y will nil lor Ea rope. Durlna th* aumm*r Bon*o Gsroo will w4d * duahlsr or •ono; Ilsly *nd bring bl* brU* back to lit* a Cliiclonul'i mulcal colooy A new •Ut* looi h»» b«*n pat Id *t BoblDSOD'* Op*(a UouM Ed. Sojder !■ nwDdlDs Ul* l>oaim*r In H*w York. He will b* on w*lk*r wliit**ld*'a suir, and uwoelsud wlUi Of m B*ack Id lh*m*a*a*mftot or the rl*Uls TOong umndlan. - • -■■ awlUl**T*OloelnDUl*nd8oiiini*roii ....Hab*rtU*ac1 th* Atlantic m*t. Maalo... ~ ■ ...01* Uaydao I* at th* Collii* ol B*l*a Biota* I* to ibll •! tbe Ugooo. CleweUBd^Wlth Snnuner open, conUnuoua iSJEf.isrth!^iro(*i;=iiyi!J2°i^>;'aSf we«b, oar *nio*«ni«nt pamna will be unplr nppllwl with placsa to wbll* sw*r lh*lr l«lnre boon. Dunpt Uil*giimnMrH*MDCl*raUadwlllbe monlbtoaioillr wall mpplM wlm •ttneUr* pUe«> of •""•S""ii„„,^ UALVWODVat OAOMK.-'lll* Moiny-L*** Co. RrM"!" "F*lk*'' durlag Uia peat w**», (If Iir onUr* »Urf*eU«n. Ba*lD*** oonuno** very good, and Ibe cooipaoy «owa *almproT*mutwlUith*ulTanc*orUieMUoa. Ednr Ttmpb, taooi, la wincing bU way Uito tb* h«frt«,;f baanis at *»*ry perftinnuiu. "'ri** jl"; oontlnn** a prim* IkTOril*. The opor*, "fl*ld F**ba, vlUbegi**nw*«kof Jun*S4. LTOROa TBSArsa,-BsUwla A Yoans'a coaUanoM ibowa an Mill In *Tld*ac* at Uil* tb**!!** Pro- fiamnMb** b**D allgbUy channd, their p*rftiiu*m*« nowb*lnslmalU>esDd 7 lo fl rj.^Th* <»*ll*"";; ftauu*, bow*T*r, I* *UU b*lng cairied oot Tbo *tj« comeuy prwaaud "Blaok Ftos" dnrhiRWMk o'lj. Tb* olio [aero*** Pror. Abt'* dbuolvlow rl*w>, BooDi* Loui*. Ui*B<ioni*a^*ndllor«Und*adTbompKD. EAiB'SAaraiinaAV»a-Comm*oebigB"L»UAR«okb I be (It** It un p*rforai*ao**,.thrM tub we**- ™ lows But* Bind b** been •niaaMl to «U Ui* "uUmI P*rt ol Ike pnjgrwnm*. BtADley sod Davits, who »t* P"'' "I UiU fptctacol* on, »r* •parina no **(«>•• In ">*,■'!£ U<* productloa aueMirtBir Ff«ak 0*k*a Hom"!" 7 ilaaadlrKlor. ■otLj.Boixr !• .U-* ™'n*«I.'-„Tf;°S MU*nt •drtoc* billing and sdvarUilaK work I* wo nhr « TtroLl'o'ltACa FAas.-Eatesnlie prmntloo* bat* b**nul*d*rorlh«op*alagorihliplaoKlO. Coia-I- B. Pile*riP»»lMntaUr« of Piol- Pala and Ai- old Kli»ll>, atriv*! bl th* oltr Ul* MM wo«k. — - Jaonl* Klmb*ll will r*ulD (torn Baiop* ^'l-f -^ Ubaa. U*wl*i, a Cl*T*l*nd bor, who bl* r«»*UJ M" •Inging l*aor rolaa with the.BoitooUDi, h*i Jf'aw <«• toireH of th* Mitisy-Lao* (>o Afli* In th* rwr * tbe Lyc**ai Thnin tint wjok s»t* OS'Vl' "^i^..^! *adlMc*,andalioUi<m*mb*r*ortba Bddwip A Too*! OoDpaay. Mr*!*] of th* tou*r w*re (ojjed l*""."* unMloth*lr"m*k*up"oootnm**. No**riouid*iDsn bow*v*r, WU doo*^ DmTtoit^At the Onnd Open House "Aunn" wUl be giren by local talent JasaS aad S. CO NNECTICU T. HmrtlbnMitvUlOD Tbeatn-Tbla place of *oia**ai*Dt I* DOW tbi only TSadorllle ibow In lowo, *Dd laige crowd* m la *tltDd*a» algbUy, AooUiar big bUlli pnivkM ftirw**k o(JaD«14, a>apo*<d ofDonlkr Dnw, J, 8. Blewut, Uw H. C*noU asd Cbaa. B. Ud*u. Bwui Uld Bambud, L«lD*rl sod roKoa, DlUa and WaiM, and Law CarrairaaltMplees, "1^111 B«." k-.u, BucoTnaATn.-Ansr*niaor twomka tbI* no;" olo**dB, pntlog a llDUMlal fsllura Th* propi1*Uir dU Dot pot Id *• *pp*uaDOe B, aad the P*i*"?a''!°Y, wballk*rh*d diawo outdatbia ths wMk. «•«*"■ m*at will b» pl*c*d oo th* uat by *ltach*a they b*Tioa "^IcMSJ-ISjDoldi' Olieoi did <*lrly w*ll 1»-.j!"!; Bm.'TnlDedAnlm*lahowb*|lns wMk'i«n(a(*<u<°' 2. BlnallDt Bro*.* Olien* com** Juir A- MDailPROIVO. UireuscwilWtfuv r. , KoTSS.-nDBllDgBro«.'adT<nliliig csr No-1 waa b«" 17. wlm A. 0. RloRllns la char**, pnMianol W. D. OjitJ. sod lwuly.**T*Dm«, Csrlto.SwMlD <owd wIII; <;« U*D m*a e Ch**. B. UndetLlau wllh Ul* J**n»" Co., and L*w H. Cainill. UU wlUi the B«bM "'J: lor(».,JolD«l b*oda b*n*Bd will work u>it*tb*r n«' mum.... ArUior Rlgbyh*t >l(n*d wllh Oorij"" Bn*.' mnnreU Ibr otit **uwn, to plar a wblu P*iY Dan sad Kilty McCuthr w.i* la towj tt Md Id th* gopjicr Coim In s loli for dlTOija biOTrti bi DM- On a ploaoflDiladlclloa II w**d*oM<d that th* DM b* tri*d Id • CoDDMIIout court...,- - A lam* of ojJJ baU w*a playad bMVMa laama l>om lb* BDan •on r*"! loD nrntnt odUis Triolly bMabalHrooDdi, Juoe ii, •odttnltad bisvlelaiTror ihaBIJo** by a Hon oi n to a. K ENTUCKY . I/omUwU]e,-4he enterialmDSnt at the >°e« Otm Th*atn daring ihe weak of Jane M wlU b* pi*v''<° hrTIUI*B*yaiODd, LIUI*P*ny, OUIaBtrea. K*l* Don Buoo, Ada W*«t. Ida Fnocb aad th* "g*"" nock, Bailo*a*lagood, . _.«a(*r Horse.-(%a>.r.£*IUihaab**a*DBa*d •* of N*w a«m Tti*atf», and ajaomod cbarg* lf--^;^|V ■khatl b*s beeoro* Ih* l*****or th<T*inpl* Thu"7; CoL Ho, Magail, th* tnuranr ondar ih* BoarUer sno- naa*g*ai«t, will b« local maaafvr. WYOMING CheroBBA—At tbe Opom Boose "Two OM Oiwala/'wss gina to s lUlVoue Joa* *L TM a** iak«OeMsrt 00. Is blDsd (br Jo^ t-