New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 261 #Under tfie Teats# BtanB iND Nona raoM m iTAiHnwSBOT.— I. w. Wubbani, piopitttor ud muiaitr; 8*m M. Oawioo, iHuliHa mawgar; Flmiik Wood, mllra*4 ooinstDr; Hmr Onttoa, la obut* Ckr No. 1, wlUi elflitsea owd; KLRo/, D*Uf«rerOtrNo. t, wtlti tea nwo; In Bllki, muuftr of nird Brig- (de, witia Uim nMs; Wm. Kibble, tnmni; Btm J. donnr, eqoMtrUn dlreoUtr; Waller Jimet, mail- si dinelor; Juna WluUes, la ehargo at otnru, wlUi tUrtf mea; Tom FalrcbUaa, In cluiie oC alack, wtlb eltbloeD men; Anbiir Abor, nuuKr of propor- am, wltb eight latiUott; Oeo. W. nrks, obaige of wudrolw, with four ulaUDU; Ueur llomnan, t,o)gulmiliun. wlih toorualsuniB; James Botchl- ■00, Chun o( Hotel Da Washboni; Hlla. Uamll- loD, prtoapal barabaok rtdar and manege act; T007 Utmlllon, pUnclpal BomareaDli foil DuMIe eoi; Otai. Lowrr, lodlaD and jockar act; Wm. fUbbIa, two hotaecsniliig and four honaaoi; Hataomotte Troope o( Japaoaae with breatawsr laddrr, lope BUd<,paattilng and extenalon ladder; AahtonBroa., ban and brother act; Sadie Mait, band balancing andaallorpereh; Uamllton Bm,, ihicebroiharact, cambig perch and Daman ladden; Uilu UeUiore, roUlog globe; Merrlne Tomneon, beavj liniog; Sam Homer, talking and ilngfog clown; Pollr Park, UuTT Johnaino, Al. Tomraon and Mick dljnn, knockabogt clowna; tbe waebboms. Once and Loole,dogblampezaandlachella act; Irrtna Sla- ten, Roaeand Don, aflngninnact; AgneaAttoo, cooiardon and Ojlns Hnga; Meola, Joggling ana high dire; Floteaca lUllar, alack wire, wild Weat: WUd Hone Jack, Ida Hurphr, Meilcan Rnrna Kit- tle Bums, Ueo. UordoTa, liontana Joe and Joe Slnna, and Indian Band. The hippodrome oonalata of Roman standing races, bojt' sack nee, ladlea' Oat nee, clowna' donkoj race, gents' Jockaj race, two hone chariot nee, man agalost bone, four pon/ chariot lace, frte (or all wheelbarrow race, and (onr hone chariot nee. gideahow: Ohaa. A. Smith, ontor; Bod Etiy and John Bnlney, door talken; John 0. Bobeldler. magician and leclunr; HoUle Boberia, mind reading and suasenalon; May Bnoka, tattooed ladj; Inns Sanellz, anake en- chantress; King Ogws, Zula chief, and AUIab'a Ftmona Oat MInatrala. Size o( canna: Dig top, lUtL, wtlb three Mi. middle pieces; menagerie, lOOtL top, with two «KL middle pieces; aldeahow, eott top, wtlb one un. middle piece; diesslng room, ML top, wltb aof L middle piece. KreirthlDg li In good condition. Buslnea tbroogh the Eaal has been Mg, althongb we hare beeo snrronnded with BndMo BUI and RingtlBg Btoa.' paper. We wen compellad to close the doom at e o'clock, at Portland, He., also at Rockland, He. All an well, and ansonalj await for the Old Reliable tjoj week. Roam iMONons raoii L. L. Riooa' Nnr Dhtrd Clrcna—L. L. Rlgga, sole owner and pnprietor; Bob Porrls, a m nse m ent director. Perfomen: Elmer oraen and Fay Hair, retnm tnpa.; Rosco Oonklln, Sun aptnolng and baton manlpnlatar; Forrest Da- iws, contornonlst and comlo clown: Bhoity Hair, hurdle rider and bigb win: Bob rnrvta, mnaket drill and Inggler: P. H. HUler and mined males; Uaalar Fndcue Hlllar, the child clown and pony rider; HayRogenandbertnlneddogs,Toland son: Annie Jonge, matuge act; Fete Flay, knockabout clown; Forrest Delawn, rtngnustar; tie trick pony, Jule;L. L. Rlgga, Bbakeapeartan clown; Joaeph Koh- ler, leader of band, with elgbieeo membcn; Chaa. Konler and Bmer UitOD, aolo conetllala; Jess Ummln, solo alto; Obaa. Kohler, leader of orobea- In, with nine memben: Jobn Bcker, boea canraa man, wltb eight aaalslaots; Bill Bush, boss hostler, with ten aaalstaDls; Scott weldle, tn charge of paste brigade No. 1; Nick Oood, In oharne of paate brfgada No. a. We carry an iOtt. round top, with a MfL middle piece, 40ft. side show, 3Stt. oieaalng room, hone lanta, etc. All priTllegea an run uy the ptopiletor. Concert people: Bmer Greene, banjo aololat and comedian; UonkUnandtJuIn, double clog and reel dancen; Purrls aid Bogata, aketoh; Kittle Ward, aerio comic; the Kempa, la a mualcal acl, and Sadie May, berculese. Ereirthlng Is new, from stake to pole; we hare been out sue weeks ana played to Ihecapaclnof theuotsateTeijpetfoimance. Hiss Bogen, trainer of tbe famoas perfoniing dogs. Tot and Boa, waa prasented wltb a gold watch by mem- ban of the coapatiy. Oaresleemed manager made the preaentadon, after whleta tbe memben feasted on a spread pnpared by the parents of our man- ager. Hons noK Bo-POBD A llowiBn'a Bhow.— We hare ]uat entered Indiana. Bualneaa haa picked np, only about six standa In Ohio proving good. Harrey and Tnssa Sutton, Brigga and Feeler and the four La Oardoa oloaed, thus taking away the endre con- carL Kd. Oonklln, Jugger, stepped on a stake and soaulued a fmoaieaor apnmed ankle; he quit working one day, but had to cat oat his sword walking In the concert. At OregonlaChaa. Rsitlne and son and Mr. Horriaaon were vlsllon. We ex- perienced aomawhat of a cyclone, which ton our tenia up conaldenbly, but wears yet In the ring, and hare never misaedaaliow. AtPnknklln,0.,Mn. Bar- line and clilldren were vlsltofs, and at Mlamlsbnig, Dr. Zen, Dr. Bad Jacket and Ward and Raymonit rialied oar show. We took hi Ibeir lino camp, and had an enjoyable Ume that nlghL The loada an duty, but bnalneaa Is poor. Prof. 0-V. Burr orden the Old Reliable eren Sunday, which Is always looked for eagerly. Manager Belford eipecta to enlarge the big ahow, conceit and band soon. Nms nan W, 0. Olaics Dhitxd Shows.— BInceweleftthe cotton conntrrln the Spring the ahow haa been doing good bualneaa. We an play- ing under a lop dOxiga. L. U Leon has charge of the annex, and Is a good elocultonlat, but does not alwan clear op the ahow loL Since we cnaaed the Una Into Mloonrt we have tamed thouaanda of people away from oar doora ttiat could not gain ad- mittance, but we hare maaaged to accommodate aU who bought tickets. Tbe akow will go North as tar as the line of Iowa, and then tnm South tn Ume to make the cotton belt by Oct 1. The Jaonler Family of four bare algned again for this aeason. Cart Heel la leader of band, while John Schelhamer leada the crcheain. Eraiybody with the ahow la Roerxa or Btm Dbos.' Asriitfi Oin, No. 1 Qua Sun, contnetor; TOuy Oiaadell, agent; Bam White- law, uthognpher; Fete Smltli, In charge of paper; HatiT Bnna, progiammer, aod four blllpcatsn: Jack Pnscoit, Fnnk Campbell, Jobn Feten and Oeorge Long. We haveone fonr hoiae bill wagon, one ultmlan wagon, two hugglea, and are billing two weeks In adnnce. WearepciuingfTomoneto two thousand sheets of paper a day. Prcqncu are good ahead, and every one working hard, ao erery one Is happy. Enough aald. Nona PBOK TBI Bun A EuwHiBr Bio Snow. —It nin brloga good crops, and good ornpa produce moner, that must account (or the elegant business this show la doing. For neaHy three weeks we have had nIn, and laal week, at Rldgeway, III., on Tues- day, It Jost ponnd up to 7M r. a., and then mode- nted, and Manager Baker concluded to ahow, aa one hundred and (onr reaetved aests had been aold In advance. We aurted the ahow at 8.10, Jnat ten mlnutea later than onr naual lima, and ahowed to a (air crowd. We have not lost a night Ibis aeason as yet. Manager Baker received from Will Rossltar, lbs Chicago aong publlaher, IKIeen thousand of Baker* Earabait'a Big Bongsteii, containing tbe reiT latent aoDga,and ibey an^ anng irit£ ihU company. Jaa. J, Sweeney, of thia coinnanr, who wrote "Pat Halone Forgot Itaat be waa Dead," haa written two new hlla, pubUahed by Roasltar, and sung with thIa company, enlltled "Tom's Wedding Day," and "Ooody, Ooody Olrla." Manager Baker, neit weak, givea the order for three bundtad new folding chain, (or reserve aeata. Our printing la (ron the Uonaldaon Oo.,Claclnoatl, the National, Chicago, and the Oraat Weatera, of St. Loola. Our tvrentyeeven feet alanda are very attractive. KonSFBOM B0NniUnCBOS.'NEWM0HlBlI0W.— Fonr new honca bare been added and another new wagon for baggage, a covered van. Jack Cook jobied recently, 'ne toelsr baa Increased to dou- Ualta former nnmber, Tbe Hotel UeBonhenr la ably maaaged bj the genial and energado BUly Wiley. Sloan Bdwarda iu Joined. He U a bona ungerof wonderful power, Bavetal nawfeatoias will soon be added to the concert Knnn Di alti, irlre walker and Juggler, bas closed irlth tbe American Railroad Show and la vla- lOng his brother at Uamnon J, Ind. Nona noH PiuaoK A uotpnuca OimriL Circus.—Bnslnesa Ust week was not so good aa the prevlona week. However, we have a small balance on the right aide of tbe ledger. All wlib the show an walL Aa yet we have met with comneddon only from local talent Tbe Slaley Bios.' OrieottI Silver Band were given an ovaUoo and baoqnet at Pnepeetn. NcTB mm Yf. F. Hminatr'a R- R- Ciwa.— Budneaa la not vetr good, hot everybody oonaected wltb the show Is weUand happy. On June II Jack Beck, nan dininiaer; Oal Uaveapnt, haittone, aad Berr HcOfCDor lotiisd FroL A. P. Ralasburg'a MUtetj Band, JomplailroiD Stockloo,Oal, to <W- mar.U. Tbere are t»aa«y-twoeoplaa of iheOis Rauinu taken with this ahow and wagellbaa •vetf mdaj ncnlaily. Tn Bnroii Bus. laromnatlial they are meet- ^wlth aucetas In their saw doable act wlih Irwin Bro a-'d rona. Nona raoii n» HviinNa Snow.—we are now m onr thirteenth week, and our burinesa shows no abatement DaBar, contortlonlat,Ooaedataaahan, n. r., 11. RaJan joined aame date, and la making a hit In his sensational set A number of onr peo- Ble visited the Sella Bros.' Show, at Newark. At yack, N. T,. Mr. and Mn. Hunting are gnesla of Hanr Bailey, nai^iier of Ihe Seven Bulharhind Slaters. Messrs. Bailey and Hunting tiareled to- Gther hack In Iho seveuiles- Prof. Ilatry Moho'a Xing dogs. OnbeU and Mitchell, make a litghit everr time Ihey appear. FTank Boynton, lale of Waaubnrn'a Show, la a recent addition to Wack'a Band, replacing Cbaa. B. Oale, who la now Ulllog an engagement at Atlanllo City, with the old circua band leader, W, W. Merrick. A fnudulent agent la relsing money ahead of this show wltb spurious oMen. W. II. Erana, our hualllog geueni agent waa a vlaltor at Onnge, N. J., B. Chaa. Williams la now haodlhig tbe prognnune ahead of the show. PENNSYLVANIA. Pbtladelphlm.—Up to tbe preaent time Ihe the aTUilnio Ibis •eaMn bars bMO dellilitrollf not and thaam aofof quila a Hauura. All the UmaI annaamaota are dolag wtll, and ihe sttrmotlvDi or Uit WMk aracoatleuad. wlUi illihtaltaraUoas. Qmajio OrSBA noma.—Ilia Hlariehs Open Cnmrttor UhavioaaBa»«Ktf>j| muod, tlia bouM being quila (tall St iotna of the i>«rft>nii«neaa. Par the comnt w««k the nptnorj U **Alds" Jaaa M. "Roman and Jalitt" B, "Cbvallaris Ruulrana" iiul "rMllAcd"a, "Ttia Javaa" V. "Bartar or Sarllto" a, "Caimaa" 99 linallaaf), sod "Uartba" 9 (Dlaktl. T1i« prailuction or *Th» Barlior or BoTlIU" will ba for the aiat ilna In ihit eltr br this com- panv. aod, as It haa baan a osmhor of year* line* Ron- Mini's laoaral opera haa faaaa haan] bara, the avant U looked rnrward 10 wlih ooDtMorabla louraat Dal Patnl^ whofasHrooirloal lavorlla. appaan as rlaaro. Laat Wadoaaday A. L. nollla mailo hla Aral aitpMrmnca tJila aaaaon lu Ra^„i. In •Ih* Hasnaooui," aod craaleil a favoraMa Impraaatoo. Ha haa a (loa unor voloa, and pnred hlmaetfa alnaar or aacaritloaal abllUj. BBOiDSrentrTaBAna—B«(«a«a iha acta of "The Lit- tle TrcooD" Uila vaell Mafgla rilae appaata and ainaa aomaor har fkmoaaaoaaa. Aodrav Haov, the ballaillat, will alao appear. The brisht and prally opaia, howarar, cODtlnaaa tna mala attnctloo, wlih populantr appa- mall/ onabatad. THR Buoo.-A araat hill la alTan llila waall at RalUi'a fsToriu thaatra. Rna BortoUl, conlortloolal,haailatha Hat; MoAToy and May praaant Itialr la*aat lilt "dur ConalomaTstion," anil OaArga II Wood, who atjlaa him- aoir tha aomawhat dlffafaot cnmadlaa, coDlrlhalaa to lha exccllanclaa or tha oDIortalBmaol. Tliaia laanoval la- novaUon In Iba pMonralloD of tha hrea. 'Ton Much for the FanU.<r," bj Oiarlaa p. HeTarUir. Dan Orlmmloa, Raaa Ooia and a f^ll coiapanr- Othan or equal pioml- nance on lha pfntianima aia tha Ihraa Mlltnna, Uia Kawoa, Oaonra Bvaoa, Morton aod Rarolla, BlactHo tjaaitnt, Xonlane and Weat rbarlea T. AUrlch. Hoffonl aod Hanlall, Little BUna.and Ward and Lynch. Last weak boaloaaa waa op lo the nana] hlph ataadaid. LvcBTa.-^^IhaWbltaClDok" aod Maoasar Jarmon'a aaccaAaralRoiDmarnaaaoo mill conUooa In full vlior. For lha corrant weak a (ow saw faataroaaia niMad; ProntofemalallvlofcalatuaiTand two new burlaaqnaa, "A Nlllhl wlih Trilbf' and "lata or MaobatUn (Rock, tall)." ADOieallaatbualaaaswaadoaalaatwaak. Noras.—Blllr Waid'abaaaflt Ukaa nlacaas, aAamoon. at Iho Broad StiaatThaatra, aad promlaaa to ba a bis af- ratr, aathapopalaTe«aiadlao has maoy maada In ihia city. Amona Iboaa 00 tka prosTKBine are Will Ann. atnna. of "The Littla Tycoon;" Haa Arnold, Ihe blind comadtao: Jamaa F. Mackay aod Part Onit, Jamaa L. Daly and Ctaia Damhart lata or"Cmaa Roada or Life;" Hallla AraoU, Blllj CanolL Prank Cuahaiaii. Pfaok Chnreh. DonPoilroand Blllr Ward himaair. "Hsooo Laacaol" aod "BomoanibuU" are to ba pnducad oeit weak al tha Grand Opara llouaa Bfne Clover Col- gTora orstiawharrr MaoiloD, lost h«r iiiolbar last weak. Jnaoph Jeraion haa produced a '-Tommr AUIna" qiadrllla norally. which nada a lilt tn Hnalim. and will lie flaan here Jalr S. at lha BUoa Emll Aubarmlllar la hooklna Orldllh'a "Paual" for lha comlaa aaaaon. Keal aaaaon ha will proliablj manaqa Dr.r.ampb«ira Rm* pirn Thaatia, Datnll, Mich Maaaaer aaoiwe w. Mil lar haa aanaiied for T.J. nnutr'a "Joltf Ou Chunia" Carrie Lament. Badd Roaa. Lillian Htlllmao and Edna Weat all PhlladalohlaoB. J R. Buabaa aoaa In ailTane*. Jotoph (Ulahao la hooklna choice time for hla SBBkarClirPTndnatlonor"Faii«t" for next aaaaoo aoaaarn. A. Bndaoburah waa In Hew York laat weak, Olllna lima Tor lha Peopla'a Tliaaira Prank Baraa. Ibrd, formerly aanaral manasar for H. R. Jacoba, la man. aglopaad twoklDs lha B(Jou Ttiaatia. WIlmloinonL^Dal. n. N. napbona* aaw lualodrama, "TliaWhIU RaL" will open tha National Thaaira InAuonat Oaonra P. Ward, adranlalaa atant at Uia Peopla'a Thaatia. laialaa hiaold pnalllon next aaaMin. Ila fa apanding thaBun- mer wllli hla wile and raintly at BuaUaton, Fa. FlltabavK —Thinga theatrical continue to be doll Roliart Iralaod, twodmaarar of tha (}iiaen*a Raslraaot, la Toronto, Canada. Pony.BlfhUi Tllahland- aiw, baa boao eaaaoad hr Srdoar H. Bllla to lead « band oftiairpinait In "Bnania kcolland" nait aaaaon. Hr. Ire- land aalla lor Scotland neat month, aod will ratom about Aoir. 1 wllbajiartr oTRcotchhaaplpaia. alniaraanddane- ara.. .Ilarrv walkar, of tha Awl amy 01 Hoalc, haa chaoaad hinplanarorthaftiimroar.and haa decided loda*otatlia healed term to a ttahlnatourofraaada ManasarR H. (lullck, of tha mjon, aajra hla hnuae will raopan tha llrrt weak tn Aofnat with an atuaeiloo that will aniprlM hla pamoa John R. ItarnoVla, nraaa aaaolol the BIJoii, will apand hla vacation at AUanllo Oltr Fmraaaor nan7 Wllllami. Drinclpal of lha Aradamy or Hualc. la ■raallv haaanr>lnir the actuiol hulMloa prior m Uia opan- InR or Iba nait Pall and Winter larm early In Anaaat RnaaTahahaa ancacad a faculty orjinuanal axaallanea. Tha Duquaaoe Theatre haa boea laaaad for flaa rean^ with tha orlvllaaa At fire year* mnia, by Nalaon Roh«rt\ of Haw York. Col. Rohart Horria, for roara or TAc/Too ynt lUrTTOm. and William Lore, formerly or The Xob I'orffc Am. will ha aaaoclalad wltb him In Ihe manasemanL Hr. BobanawyahawUI plar ooly iho boat nllncllona. JoneSbaflbaao aaladadaa lhadata ror lha raatl. monlal benafll concert U> Joaaph A. Tonal, one of the belt known Tooal taoors Blanclie DIanam. lha louai daaRhlaror John and EataDaan Dl|niam.dled 3D. asad all montha Prank D. Curtia and laaao Crlaty. ct^kirad man. bava broaaht aalt aaalnat tha ownara nf Ihe Culoo. In Rcfaanler Park, and Policeman Tbomaa Parry, Tor BKXtXD ilamaoaa. Wblla a aaerail concert wat In proKreaa at Ihe Casino, 16. tbeplalntllfa lU' ■ ofadml "'^ quired Ihe price ofadmlialoo. Baloa bald Uiat lhara waa 00 diam, thay enlarad, aad were anjojiov iIm mualo when Pollcaman Thomas Party aakad If lhay had Inrlu- lloaa Thar aonwerad no, but that Iher oadaratood that idmlaalonwasfraa 10 averrbodr. Peny replied thai no idmlaalonwasfraa 10 averrbodr. Perry replied thai no admlaalon fee waa eharaad. nut tjiat tha propriatora draw tha line ateolorad people, aod, adding''ThIa lanoplaoa fornltltai^" elected tham ftom the building. Readlag,—Beatrice Webster's Merry Entertain- on played ui Rond boaliieas at the BUon Thaatre. Jone O Baffloal Bchafeh, who waa vlaltlog hla family hare, left for Maahauan Bfach to eomuaoea hla fourth raaia' aenfement with Soeaa'a Band. MISSOURU * St. Leala^—Manager McNeaiT's Company, at Uhfli's Cava, la prasaDllQa IhU weak "Bald Paalia." Oood hooaaa wIlDeaaad "Ollialte" laal weak. UKioK TatTsr RooP aanoBS ahd Ribjso.— Wm. Jarome,CoDalaBi aod Ida, Ford and Piaiicla, Qaonrla (1lrard,Ed. Lat«U,B. A. Larevra, Kenwick Blatan aod ^Taauca'piaK.—Tha Braaaa, Jas. A. Ballly, Dean and Joaa, lha Lucllaia, Hll«. Halralla, the Nuiaary Daoea, arraoRad by Paycba, aulalad by Lillian BooTeia, Luellle BbaneL JaaBlcaSoi[ar*,(^la Clameaco and Payeha, lha Alpine Qoartat O'Brien and Buckley, and Badl. BSBarsAtaiHaRA Paucs.—ThaBaldaea,llopparaod Starr, Barer aad Laodon, I,nitla Thona, Oacar aod Ballle lahaina, LInIa Newman, Behar Slaura, Praoh L. Oay aod atoci eonpaay. . ..... Wman Oiaoas arc Corosrt Oira-Bella Psturaoo, tiatlle Joidan, Wllaon aad Hoyannr, Qiaca Uartlaod, Uowaid and IlaDiy, Llala Arnold aod Hsria. OBM TBEATRK-ltomor and Waldan, Gray and Rsd- moo, Adelpb tlooalaJ^ Dava MeCord, Hay Byron, EUial Ony.TllllaIolllnandCliaa.arady. Ocaajr.—llAvllD'aTbaatra Bammer eaaaoo doaed Ban- dar- Malodramawlll prarall Uiaia aa uaosl nasi aaaaon. ThabenadlofHaarica Brannan. of tha alock company, waa wall altandad Batuiday At Tanaea Park oait week Lanr H. Raltl'a farta coraady, "A Coney laland Bchoonar,*' vritlaa by Wayoa Bllla. will bo piaaanlad.... Ilelao Birtiam oomta to tlhrla'a Cave nest weak, la lake IhaplscaofAda Palmer Walker. Lvdla Yaamaoa-Tltua will appear Uiera weak ol July 7 -The Bobntban Ptae Vaodavllte ihow la dolog a good bosloaei at lha Umlnns of the Babarbaa elactnc Una. Kanaae CItir.—Atthe Ooales Open House Ihe Kempar Block Co. gave "Young Mra. Wlathrop," wlUi "An Obatlaau rtially" for a cniUln nlaar, laal week, u lood baalnaaa. It waa Hr. Kenpor's Brat appaaimaca wlUi lha company, and be played llarbert. Thla will eloae the oompanra aofafaoaoL Ttia aaaaon, wblla not a loalaa 00a, WM not ao ancaeiafal aa last year. Tbe parks gniw auonnrlooppoalUoa areiT aauoo. The KaDpanwIII laavelAradaorttaorthiooBh Mlaaoorl, ooeatea Uia new OoanlloaMaa(%lllleolbaoa Jnna M. Tnay will ralani leave banbi'i^onTwVwMkjru^ inilil'aDraaa"uFalnK>nnlI^k. WAaaiRoroa Paan.—A raoerd hiaahlngowwd was In atlendaaeato sea PiwT, Oaatry'a DogClreoa aad Ihe Kel- eonBlatam- PioL Oeauy waa only bale oae day, bot Iho Malaonaauy lha whole weak. Taooar Paac-Tba MaodocaBlftora an dolus a clever acl 10 bli ovwda. PaiaaoORT Pia«.-?ba Faatoo Opera Oompanypnl oa "Cbtmaaoli«oiwia«dy"Uila wiat loBOOdhoaaaa. Bam Joaaa! lha Cvaasallat, wlU ba at 3ia Park all nail week. ntvaaOoaiQOa^uaala amora, WaUac* Blalara, Mlaa Cllflao. Baikw aad Dooiihaiiy, aad Har Field. *So?sLv?Taaivaa-CI»o>eou tai Boyd. Jena LlalMi. Hay Boyd Havpby, domaa and Pialda, Bamaon. lha Bt. Clalra. Bealoais Rood. BiJBbarABR^I<ialsa,Bamaea and Jaaa, baOooo alao. CupmiBoa-Haaaiev Haivy Walker of IfcaOntao*, kaMWamd ri«B a two weak/ real at^eeWor Bprfiaa- ".V/.lbelaatlly CUeaa, alvaa hm aa U aad T», waa a Baudal auiai* TbeWallaea ■raa.qii kSvBf buSHw ■ i2 S Iba Aadltoflaaila eatlralrnpalaied. la balag "^Miscellaneous^ □. r. TnuMK, adTwiUloc ifMl of th* OoUoo 8UIm iBUrMtloul BihlbltlM, to tM |1tm %\ Attaau, O*., op«auffS*pt. UkwuftCurrn caUw JuM M. l«R Wltb Ul ft Um lllbOgnpbtO ptCtflT* of th« tlbtbltlOD baUdlDRB ud fffoanilft. Mr, 'Ttioraioa wUl iwnUii (a ihla dtr uoUl July I, vbMi b« will Imt* ror BoMoo, Mui., UM«i)lkMppukh(Dt Uio food UiIdk aloof Uirouiheut lh« Ntw KnuUod Rrou* tod UmIToH. Tbo othlbmoo hItm DTonlM or toloi a tace—^ aod It «lll ^bably ntrk (ht b*iiloDiBf or a n«v an of praparily for lha Sooth. If Mr. TtaoniHHi dot* hla work aa ihoroofhly throQiboulhli lour an (t ttavldeDt hahiadooa (tin ibU eitr tha aiMUIiloo wlu ba vary aiitoslrat* adnrtlMd. Kdwako <j. 8MrrH. uiauiar of iha llarbio. N. Y., aod Tiaalao, N. J., MuatumP, baa JuatpurchaMd Joo, U. Wd- aoB'i ratldaoc* In Trlniiy Parfc, C«lUn City. Man. NoTis moH Tin DiMiiL ■Bu Mkiioa:! CoininiD 6I10WK.—Wa ara nftkloau eilanilcd ifIp Uirouili Huuth- am lUlnob. Ttia>kowha«b*ana«uccas«,aad ihh coo* itilotaalhaflnh v«ak or thair tuar. Ono of Ihp many iMtataaoftheahov U BafttiloHua, tha rvoowotd c«d- tortioolaL H*r aihlbltlooa call lorlh rouodi of appUuH at aach i^rformuta. Tlia mupa U eompowd chtally of Mtilcaaa, baadad bySanor Dao Mata, lha acrobat In ■ddlUoD to tba abora ara lha loHowlon parfotmtn OaoUl M*ia. acrobat aod vimiutt; Rar\iflo Man. onQ< tortloola; Hula Mau, llorealai; nicllla UaiaTnyloji tiapaxa; MIka Mtia, iba Pitiallad ckiWD la Ilia worldT; Cbaa. CaMy. oonaJiao: A. Vl(>ni.»lngor and clowdaaeari Pruf J. W. BuroH. violin wlolfL Hualnaa* «tan: Dtolal Mata, pToprUlor* A. llaniioia, troaaitrar and bualnau maoaiiarj K. Ualua, ttiUMinan director: A. Bamady, ma«t«roi trmoaportatlon; lUnnan Baraall, baod laadar, and J. W. Bun)\ laailar ororchovin. Nona raoi Htdi'* Cdhiot.— Wo hara ralied ear D»w round top lor tha flrvt llm*, and iha u a baauly; OTanbljiii paiQiad whita, ud «Lfl|>ad with aold. BTtry* bdilv Mama ta bo pmud of uur saw daparlura, and all pradlct niccaaa I hava totlnly racovarad Itam my ra- eaot llliMU, aad trarbody U w*ll wlih Uila eompaoy. Laola Hfda la dolns Uia actof her lifa, and alwayi r«- calraa aa oration. Loula Bakluck la blltlDi 'am wlih hla uddlllea. Ona of lha leatiicaa of Ui* ahow lath« acanlo praaantallou of niy lataai aonK. "Wraob of Boolfly," which l« wall randarad by Laula. Haa and Juoa ara with UB attain, aod luabina a hiL Thai r aero hallo dasclof la marveloui, I aiu tloloir my aban ol tha "hlllln|t" oTarr olihL.Tha ahow ruoa anoouily. and tha paopb navar tire of uur work, leur roatar: Rotil. D. llyaa, proprlalor aod niaiunr; Harry 0. Oanliuia Advaoea repraMlallva; John F. Honiao. uaaiurar; Hruf. Louli Boidook. laadar of orcbaau: BlUy May. boM canraa maa; Kid Wlaa, prop* and diaodallara. rarfonaara: Laola Hyde, Ant- wloa Twin Blatara, Maa and Juaa, Flttl Maaaiek, Loula BaUock, BadOraan, Uany ronU, lAllaOraaa aiu Kobi. D. Byda. Roona OP YtiGOA ADTiaTiaiNKMT Co.: Dr. W. Haa- lallo, Helaa Aubra)*, akelch; llamr Lann, bolfa ihroaar and black bca cmnadlao; May Vatona, mind raadar; Faul Dillon, cotitaJlao, nnd Billy RIcliardi, oraaalaL Wa are tourtai tha CaiubarUad Valla/ to fair bualoaaa. Had oppoalllon laxt wtak of Randa a Aiilay'a Clrtua, hut afiowad to fair aodiaaca In anariiuon. All tool In tha riiow. Toan nlflaiu |ota new Taralon of "Hay. Rabal" durlaa tha day of lha elttua, wlih bad raaulia. Four aia iw In tha hoapliol. Two cima paopla ware arraaied, -jt vara ballad oat lator. Bualueaa la falraiid waaihar floa. Mr. Linodoaablffb rona guulda each nl|ht. We carry a aKt lop, altfa a>fl. lolddla pitca. COOITT Uauhi. huabaod uf Mn. Tom Tliumb, recanlly racaUad a tahjiraai fiwu bla wlfa, autlnf Utai bar mother, Hrm. Wanan, of Mlddlaboro, MawL, waa dead. Mm. Tliomb «aj aummona)! frviu Wiiinliiairt Mao., ow> loicto the critical llloaaaof har nioibar, and waaatboroa wlian tha aa< araot ocouirad. Tbe dacaaaad waa alshlx* fouryaanof ago. A Lvma moHaauKtBuno, Imd., algnad by mamhani of BaTerMva'a Hoolao* Wlklaat Waal, raaila aa followa: "RararldiB'' Hooiaoa WlUaat Wait eloaod bare today (JuoaSU). onaeooootol bad buiiDaui. Thaeoinpanyi^ld not payooaoaaiof was**, laavlna lha perfonnera and workinf man lo T«ry bad aliapa. Moat of thsoi did not have aaoufh uionay to |tai out of town. A collac- Uoa wai Ukan up, and Allla Webb kindly uiderail hlN mea to unload iila waimu aod put up hla lania, and lia alao fumlibad maata brtad, butter and eoifaa for thabuOKryman. ArUrtiipparaaaoreronawRiaolaciad to thank Allla for hla klndoaan. A nice Utile apaach waa made. Tha iroubla la not yet aaltlad, artd It will ba aooa llmebaroraaTarTlliioKlldaadap. Moat all nf the par fonnan and haod Ian for Ulikaio laat night, but lha wnrklnc man ara ailU liarei, walUnit for their par.*' NOTKa rROH ADVA-YOR CaR No. I, Wf OHinu llOTUHItUL Wild Wa»L—Wabaraaaan noihlna but o|.p«wliii>Q papar ainea opaoloii at Pranbfort, tm. Brary bouaaaiul bulMloK la dacormiail «llb paper throuib Uie Eaat, and ll la koap- Intf ua all bu«y. D. S. Varooa, uur itoneral aKant,aad hla wife have baan vlth ua ooe wa<<k, and aiade uaa very plaafaat tUIi, D. S. Ward, nana^r uf tba car, haa loan ahaadafewdaya. aaatallni J. W.ranipbelL our oon- Irmctor. John Calhara. one ol the pruprlalon^ vlallad lha ear on June X>, aod aald tlie bImw waa doloK a vood bual* aaaa. Wa load t«o thnuaaO'l dullani worth of paper at OUtown, Ma-, aod Uut louha aa 'hou ah bualoaaa wai iiood. The glwat walka rofulariy bara. Waara cariylait flnaaa men on No. 1 ear, aod tba boyaare all happy. Pmnquii ItLM Nom—Thfa Summer iwaort, altualad on Late Bria, ala mllaa out from Tulado,0., opanad June S, vlth a dattarlng bualaaa*. Tba Oparm llouaa. uodar Uie nanafanantof Lol Maithaa, li ruoDlng thraeapaolalty parformaneaa dally. Tha Ih>iim (a balm boomad ny Chaa. Roaakam, tba Ineliar ofpublle lotarear, aad the fullowloH Siriormara ara on tha proRraraine fur tiie praaaot weak: art W. Zlvllt, alofflnv conadlao: Hue Isaa. aerial fUBpanaloD; Wood anil Craig, nbatcli taaiii: Mllo. Jan- aetta. ladv maalclan: Billy Aali, trapaia; Oolda, aplrlt ca^loat: Happy D^ra HiaAbrd, black lace, and a aerie* nf llvlnR |<lctiir-H. Tlia mualc la under ttie diractloo of Zoa Zlalle, plan I at. KoTKD PROX narr. erawAaraAiiuaRiim-niHNo 9.- Wa ara plajinf tha Ka^i and oil dtitrlcl of Indiana to tlie bant bualnesa In two yoar^ making Ihna daya and weak atanda. Taian Oliarlay, thacuwboy niuaielao, haajulntd and la a (nature. Cliariey Wyman haa alao )n|na«l to take charipfof Iba couimlaBarydeuuinieot Jobn Baltarliaa charua ol tba ttoch. lira. lapL fltawart la with ua on a TialL Mr.Biavartlaniaklnir amngamanu lor Uie Pair aaaaoD. He will haro oat Ufa ralr ground ahova thIa fall MINNESOTA. Bt« PavI— Al tbe UetropolliftD the Allumbn Vaudavlllaa pbyed .to good bualneu weak ol June 16 They will ooDcltda ihalr aogafement weak ol U lo an an- lira changa ofbllL Oattle Coehrao, a child perrumiar, waa tha faatara of laat weak'a bill, and made a decided bitbybaraiblbltlooflofinamory. R. K.allbloaon, nan- agar of the Albarabro VaudaTlllea, will uka a banadt tt- Tbe WIlbarOparaConpaDy vlll begin a aaaaon of light opera at thin bouaa 30. Tba eompany hu baan playing for aoma weabi at tha Qrand, at MlDnaapoUa, aod ara now al tba Lyeaun at Duluih. tha lhaatraa of which Manager 8eoU, ol tha Matropolltan, la alao ntaoager. Tliay ara old farorilan bar*, and will no doubt liava hla hooaaa. OUgD.—Builoea8 haahaangiiod witli tha QliranANalll Company, wltb "Yoong Mm. Wloilirop." rommandnv If and eontlonlag tba real of tha week. IT tha houae waa dark aiid 18 occarrwd ihe baneOt Undared to Manager Oaorga A. KlocMfury. Tlia bouaa waa packed toluut- noatcainclty to ef air part of lha audlioriam, upaialra and down, aod oiuat hava nattad many bnndtada of dot- lira for tha popular DUBagar of Uia orud. Thoaawho laodarad Ihalr aarrleaa ware aa fellow: llorwiu aod Bowan, Barnard Dyllyo. of the Albambrn VaadoTlllaa, the ainn A Nelll Mock OMnpany. lo "ThaOpan Oata'' aod "BuUy'a BatrDlbUt," Charlaa Kant to Foa'a "Tell Tale Uaart," and Kranhlyn W. Laa, Cliarlaa KantnTe an eihlblUoa of actloa tbat haa aearclr ever bean eoualled In ihia eltr. Tha (llifao A Nelll Company ap- pear weak of O In "Ltd Aainy." Tba rolk>vlnK cbuaea have baao nada at the Ornnd: daoraa Daoham ctoalna IS and J. R. Plabor will Join In "Lad Aatrar." Bella Tbaodore aypaand In Uia cait ol "Young Mra. Wln- Ibrop." BoomA.—For weak of 14: Tha lloraoea fUatam,WalL Tarry. Era Brandt* MInnloooa,, Oaorga B. Oardner, Loo Hutchlnga, Raai Yaxaraod tbaatook. CuDoflU aod Loula dtaappolDiadvaekor IT. Cloalag: CberallarRlaura, Bar* nay aod Bunaall, Baaala Orontl- Dali ■iBiba^Tbe Ijceam op«D«d Iti doom for Uie lima In a long period, and ihapaopleol ihlaplaoa poekad tba bouaa long bafon Uia ourtain want up for lha bratappearmaoa of tba Wilbur Oparm tTo. ihia raaauo. Tbe coiopanT la not qolu aa airong aa when here >aat aaaaoa. SualaSirvlnlanotvlUilliam. Tbe outlook for ihe two waaka laprtMnUloir. Tballring picuiraa hobl lha audi- anee unlll tbe laat one la ahowo. TilPLa-Woho Ollloo la Inokad fur O aod "Tba Two Jofaoa" t4, Bft. TUi Pariuoa ladolnga Urge bqalneaa thU week wlih Rehaaffarjutglar; the Ootham Qoartat, tba Teddar Bla- un, Rlcbla For and Hie Cllr Band. TugPAaLoaTflUTOibadforUMaUraaUoa thUwaak. IT'S, Jobs llallaU, Albaitl. logglar: Bdmood WeIcK Llllla OarroU. tba Ploraoca Staura. Nallla ODalla, rllU HMt, aod tba ngular atecb. Tha boaloaaa la (air. HlMMeKpelli^At Ibe Orftnd Opera llonae noyt'a "A Black Bhaep^' will be on aihlhltloo Jnna 7J-t9. Tha "U. T. 0." Co. that waa anaoanced for fall among tha mcka aomowhera near Thlcago, aod the daUe were caaaalad. KoiL A MiDDLaroya Palaoi Mfaiirir.—Por M aod week: Oartla Codinn, a fai bey and looUiar, a wraaUIng bwVw^and wir^. W, J. nolton, H. Ahler*. J. O. Leonanl, Oeo. DoTantry, Bert Luka, aod tha Meileaa Tronbadaan. Bualoaaa la fair , ^ , LtKi ILainigr Paviuo*.— The Hew Tork Opera Co. la toalDg "Pliiafora,"oo a float faablooad llkaaablp. for two waaka, baglnolng 31. CALIFORNIA Cm AafolM^—TUe Lu Aofelea TtieoM beld blraltad aadleaaaaiaaalVlkfoTCIaDaat Balnbri<ca*a 00., In "Akbama." "Tha Old Boaeataed" IM*... Ugbt hooaaa praaatlad at tba BortookTbaatra for **Tba Bella of Oarblsa Blrai" aod for *fba Claoaoeaa* Caa^M-S, wltb Boaafttllbnaalatbaaaal...ThaOrpbaaB aU I baa tba all en a nod ellaatala. Raw arrlaala IT: ialaa Lavr and Prof. Xartlo and doaa -.Paopla at Thalia tioMTt Hall: Praak WlUlaau.Kat« L«ar,Cba«. OoDiwra. Oartla Raveo, <l«aera Haialtuo, Bllir Hortoo. At tba Hew TIaooa Baffat: iaila Uoton, UDIao Laa Ua, Ttenaa K. Byaa aod TIaooa l«dlaa> Orchaatm. WofdlJa iwalrad imm Oaatar Wattar ot Danvaf^.. to ibaaAoctbacbohaa amocad far ofaobrHOrpbaan fia«t«ttyiaoo9. DISTRI CT OF CO LUMBIA WaaklagtoB.i-I>iiilDf tbefOQTth week tt the Saamar eonady aaaao n al Raptay'a Nalloaal Tbaalra Of KatlooU Stock Co, ptaeaatad Uaarr Uaalttoa'a tiualailooorroo Moaar'a "Oar RaBlnaai."toaioallaol bualoaaa. aad gaTa the baai of aaUatbotloo. Tba aljrtith aad cloalag week of tbe aagafamaoi of ttw Piodaria Bood Ooaapaar, at AUaa*e (Jimod Opera Uooaa, waa naharad lo by the riaoaoiatloB of Cbarlaa A. 8hav*a Miaputloo or ao oU Kngllab eemedy, "Look Bafttro You Laaii,*' whkh vaa pniduefd lo Lnndon la ITWi Mr. Bbaw baa rawrltieo tha aania, bringing It up to data, with aeanaa biid to WaihlnMioa loataad of London, and the cbaracleia on all nuderoliad, Tha adapiar haa al- ntoai aacaaailad In ;maklBg a Tety praaenubla play of It: certainly the altaaUoaa are Tory anuilnff, aod lha chatvuia airungly drawn. Thvra vara hut two pioaaoiallona of lha comedy, and lha aafttnd waa Taatly aoMrlor to tha lint, bat It haa not yet baan docldadwhathorltwlllhaiaa plara la tba rapartorr of UiaPradarlch Band tv>mpaor during the coming tuur. Tha remedy vaa reoama«l fhr theaa praiaotatlona to **Aiii»rlean Aaauranca." that tlllo being eltoaan by the aJaplar Tba ramalnder of lliv wvah vaa daTotatlUi My Wlfa'aMolhar." m-iui gwi, ment clotad with *TUk Itanilooa," to i "Mr Aaful Dad," and tha aogaaa - Bk DoQiIooa," to a big hnuae. Tna company will nat till Rapt ^ whan lhar laka the road . -— . .. In,-. -.- under iha managament of Rhaw A Riwlfbrd, opening at Nawburg. N. v.. vo thai dale. Ttie "nallo IbaUrar at Keman'a Lyceum Tliaalretemilna'Al Juna tl,loaie«l l«otbaalnai«,and ihUcloaaalhalwiaatlllUta laat weabin Aiiguat. Tha I'hlnaae llraworka at tbe Buv Balla Park waa billed for 31, II, hut T»lQ Intcrrbrad ihe dm night. The aecood aliampt vaa a treat aiircaaa, and Ihe throng vblch galhaml lo vltnaaalt vaa lintitooaa The aailaiaetlon waa unboundail. The dlapUy waa aanrllonetl by tha Chlnaae AnitHUuiAdor, who, with hla great mlnuanf ra- talnara, honored Uiaoccaalon by Itelng praaantaM did alaoallhenl aprinbllng (tnni all Uio lagatlooa raaMani lo Waahlofton. For aoTtrol waaka tu ooine wa will hare but one ptayhouaa open for bualneaa, Kapley'a National, rhith will cODlloue lha aaaaon of oornady by tha Nation- al Block IN). *'riirbldden Prull" 14-S, "New Men aod OM Acraa" July I-4l NoTta.—Managar Ormuad II. BnUer. of Ruttar'a RUou T1iaalre,ltAadaUnnloadto lannlnate hla leaao of inat houaa, aoil Daaaga Tim Morphr, who hu auccaaded In aeourinw rrviii iliarlaa H. lloyt the right lo uaa "\TaxaiRuaar" far Ihe oouiing aaaaon on die road Manajrar K 11. Allan, uf tha Urmod Opera llouaa, aalU fbr Kurui>e Joly Hi, whluifrba goaa to aeeura annio rare at- traoifona forDamaoaaon flaur^e l>enham la raatlng at hla hoioa bara Alice Parka, a clever amaiaur uf Waablagioo and a haodaomeyoaoK lady, will oeit ~ baa member of Julia Harlova-Tabar'a tw. W ASHINC TOli ■•ftttUe^At tbe SeotUe Tbeoln l>r. Knuikoir, a Jevlahdlvlaaafinillailolphl*, Pa., laolured Juno IT on "Dm Blank LaarBatvaeoiliaOM and NawTaatamaat," to a crowdad hoaoa. UoL N.J. Kirb aod company, of Taeoma, will produce "lUcIialleu" II. forlha baneitt of the Saalila lloapliaL OoHDRAY'n TMiATRB.—Tha mainbora of Co. B, M. 0. W. nt on "lha PlokH Line" IT. for threa nlghta. It la nndarUiaparaofial auparvlalon aod diraeitoo ofW H. Rnaaell. Binma Uoodrloh had a rary proaperuua weak 9. Lew Jdhnaun'a "UoJargTound lUllway" will ba hare II- &. The lllnlna-Walditin Co. raiuni Jnly I. MaDiBOR MRK Thoatib.— Hanr Bruna haa raUrad mm Uia managamantuf tbia hnu**, hating anhl bla In- taraatto hla partnar, Gao. Miller, ahn baa aaaumoil all ohilntlona, and will InUia fatura give lha pUca bla par- aonal altaolloo. ThIa week tbe following p^fi* ara then: Bakaraad Kowatd. Harry Armatrong, Dave Moni- Ipimary and ihe Natlooal Hailcan Orcbaatra. LdkiiI Paviuoff.—Manager H. B. Praaoh will open Ihia houaa » vlifa "Miohaal HlrogolT." THi Nav uatAT BmoiOATa Hiiowa will be here July 11. flpokone.*At tbe Aadltorlum "Tbe White Pavn," locaL played lo a big houaa Juna 13. Coming, the Lveaam Atnck July t, 6. (^urLM'n-Naw facoa waek of June 17: Hadle KalrAakI, Llllla Murrk flam Ung and Uollla Rharp. LOTU'H PiviuoH.—"^Uncla Toin'a r.ablo" Cooipaay ptayad too good builoau 19. MASSACHUSETT& Fsll Rlwer—Al tbe Acodemy or Uaida Bt. Mary'aRandayHchoolUoncart (lo«al| drawagood bouaa Juna S aod cloaad Iheaaaaan. Houaa la being renoralatl and eTarylhlog being but lo eieallant ahapa fbr tba aaaaon of IHM-d, wlddi eouiuianoaa Aug. 17, "8 Bella" being lha opening attraction. LmcoiJf rAHK.—Lawranea HlauraaDd LoofTaRpanlah MrnaBeria ara iha new faaluraa at thIa popular raaort thU weak. Kona.—A. H. Daala, (brmarly proprietor ol Rock Btraer Thaaira. waa anad by Joa. B. Wblta, a fomar aiii- ploya, for the aum of Afly dollara lor aanlcaa nnderrd, aM after warm procaadlnga In the Heoond DIairlot Court, 19, tbe eaao waa aatUad by tha paymaol of Uia wbole ameonl anad for Traaaarar Maaon, of lha Academy of Mualc atalT, oav haa charge of the Ucbeta atUialocol baaaball Ktoonda A magBiacant"KerTla Wheal" hai vary racanUy baan put In operaUoa at Lin- coln Park, and la proriDB a amog altiaoiloo- Lowells—At Uie Lbkewood Theetn "TbsCtilmee of Naniiandy," by the Ullbart Oparm Co., played Ila aae- ond weak, andlnitll. Jamaa Ollbartmade apmnonneed lilt In hla nkl part of Otapard. "Tlio Maacol" vill ba ataged 14, fur weekj Frank Btawartaoo (ctarloneltl't) lawiUi tba orchaaira iiare- Prank Edvanla Joined Uia company ITamlJolin Idojd JolnaM. Bdppiu) bill*! Wito WaoT lahaaTllyltllladrorJuly I, J. ^ LAnrranee—ItlDfflloff llioa.'Olroiieg«ve two ex* callantporformancaa here June IB, lo unvanla of illtaan thou«oil paopla .Tlia Buffalo BillBJOW la billed lo appear ban July e Thontaa Little, aeanrai man with Hlngllnir Broa.' Bhow, fell from tha cara while loading up, If. aod rocalrad aarloua Injurlea. He waa oonreyed to tha mty lloapUal. Lrans^Tbe lUnsllaff Un«.*C1rcui como June tl. ami plarafl to crowded tenia aRamnoo and evening. UiilTiloNlll'* WIM Weat Rliow oomaa July 11...... jtl. Ilaroaaaod Jjlla Raadiitond. Comiarly wlUi lha Ol inn Company, at* Huramarlog at NaliaoL Mr. llaynw la alaoacUngaaelark InUte Heial Brunavick, lothlaolty. T*aBloB.*>Reyiiolda>01raiubu tbe town well blllad for two perfonnancaa Juna 0 TliOMM Wll- llarawn. tha vaUrao bill poatar of Uia city, died lA afUr a llngarlni Ubiaa% COLORADO . Pnablag-'At tbe OroDd tbe "Two Old CroDtei'* Oo. played to Calrbualntaa June U. ThIa aoda Uie aaaano atlbaUraod, which will raopan In Oclobar nait How- aver, an occaalonal aUimciloa nay l*a praaanlad lo tbe toierral. HiSLiR'H RTAiOAiiO--JaroaM and Alaala. Uie human rhigaadlliard.aod Uta BalmoatCorabloatlooMloatraU van tha nav allimctlona for waek of IT. Tha Hione Bma., Llllla Hove, Marie ChappeL May HmlUi and Dalirda Avra ofUiaold aioek. compuia tlia programme. P. A- lUuua la nuw aiaca uanagar and Cbaa. NIamayer fllla tba poaltlvn ofganertl bualneaa manager, ovmg to Mr. Ilaolln'a rta uneaiabaenca fhim tha clly, looking arur bla mining In- laraaia at (Irlppla Creak. For neat waek AdaHaaanar'a Peinala PollyCo. laaooouncad. , NomL-Matt Curtlaa, fonuarlv ap am ploy a Uia Hiaadard, wai triad laat week lu the DlaiHct Court (Hoc. A) forlha murder of hlawlfa,alM)anaBipl(iye allheaaoia bouaa, aod waa loond gulliy of volunury mao'Uugliiar, ihaiuryraeoinDiaudlog liwit lathe merer ol Uiacoorl. Tlie raaali waa Uiat ba waa aanlanend to Ibrea yaara aad two montha In thaOanon Vliy Pantunilary Hie Ureal WallacoClrcaa la liberally blllad la IhN eltr for July R. A new vaudevllla Uiaatfa hu beaa npanad In Victor, Cole, a rlalna mining camp a lev mllaa dlilant from CrtppU Cnak. and about alily mllaa Nurthwaal of Paablo At a raoant maeUng of the Oliy Council a moUoo vaa made by aouie abtamao to have Uia llcanae of tlia Standard Theatre revoked, tlie ipatler waa luroM over to Iba Polraa Coouultiaa lor lovaaUiaUon. DeHvor.'At tbe TklH>r QroiH) f>pem llonae, waakofJunelT, WllJa"'TwoOUCn>olea*'plared lo fair KuTVR rjAiioiHa.-Rallly A Wood'a Co., Indoding Pat RamV. l&l. OT-ono'ir, Mowau and Mowail, Bowan aod Walura, B. D. llarcia, llraolaau aod Hay and Htock and Hlll«a, ara playing to crowdvl boaaaa. MAHUATrla- BaAt'H.-Por Uda week "BlU'a Plral," by Ilia aUick coopaor. laPiaoimctlon. ... MRjrtioa.-Aol BifrtR htoeflt at Um Broadwar. IT, draw • Ana hoaaa Dlek Maya. traMorar of Iba Brood- way, will hava a Unaflt 11 "America" will be glveo at Arllegton Park for iwu waeka, baglnnlog V. TEXAS. ■loaalaa.—At llniialon llalgbU Ttieaira Leoli HluhaU elMad, Jaaa M, la t>o big baaiaa. TeiaplttiHi ■peelahr Co., waiprlalag J. Araaellilaa, Da llavea aad Lata, Laela Mllfliell, Alvia, aamce Ilaih aoil Uie MaillDei raoillr, oaaaait IF, tn (air Inilaaai. riLwa TIB1TM-—■ailsaaa la talr. Tlia aaae paopla *Lpaan?'T«aAVaa.—Till, hoaaa taopaaed I*, to big boalaaaa, allli 11. O. Wlillaal'Uaaaiaaagar. Uw RalMD, l>ailD«Mniaauari rrad Robmaiaaeal dlraolor, aad (lar ru»n>aB.aeaoleaitl«l.^tliaDao»(eai»Olarari*or raart Itoia, Klala aad laid, glliriftllsa aad Olurlai UTAH, Diauav.—gatloa tlaalair la baadlai tba alaeh la lianadwibia blll^J'OaMpagaa 0>e<aii^' aad 'Vae- galt lAlia Cl«r—At Iba Oiaod lit Fika Ofm Oimpaar la praaaallag "rioafefa" la good boilaaaa. troiaaai-Aia. pvaaaal' — Jobn and Unl* HcDowall ckMSd IMr Beaaoa wltb I, K. Btatfnnr^ OnaadlaaB oa Imt U, at PiisMo,(M,aDdwlU mad IM ~ BliMf koo* ID DtMt, aiok. NEW YORK CIT7, baai Waak'a ■vesta,—TlM weak wbloll hu Juit cloaed waa almoai liatnn of aranti. Tbe few allniilloDa ptoTldiil (or Ihe Huniaer aa«aon have bean tovoird with b continuance nt ood evenlnga and have greatl; pnllUrd Ihereb/. Tha mar gar- deaabaveeiillleinl anmewhal frani tbe aanie caiiae, but aa the nighia hKve liaen plear, aod aa opaa air enl«i1alniaeulsan nnw In acaaiin, aocnnling tn Ihe calegdu, the allantlaneei at theae reaoria baa lieau (alrif gCMl. aonie llllla arilvltjr baa lieen olxerveil In lh« prtparatloni (nr thn neit txiad ataana, and a cotuldeiabis DDDiber or iilajreia hava algned cnn- tiaota. Ooapanttlvaly raw nuw vi>ntur«a have yet heen anoounMit, and tbera la a general wiuplalnt or a acarcItT or piumlalng new playe. It la yvt hm early lo rtetemilne what pmimnliin new uuderhktlnga will liear lu Ihoea at Ihe (aiat Miaann, hut at preaent then art tewor In alght man at iho correaponillng period laal year. Uaiiy oiil or town maoagorii ara hore, and, aa hook- liiga ara Iwlng made nt a lively rale, lata cvuiaii III find poor gleaning, and taitty pninolemnf new venlnrca will nnd II diniciilt In Uy out aallaTaolory nutlea The contlnurit allraollooa ror Iho week ending June ti um: "A llaiighlrror Ihe Hcnilu- llon" Hi Ihe llHuanwAT, "Thliiy" at lha aAnux, ■■rhe Merry World" at Ihe Uaiino, "Thrtlliy" at lha llitiuca, and Oennan iipaia at TgHHtol (liiiuiH. ..Variety entenalnnieni waa rnntlehed at the Union rittuanii and I'Hnt-niH'a and Ibo rollnwing mar ganlena: Kimniii A Iiul.'*, tha HtniaoN iigiiaH*, tlie AiiiHtutN and Ihe OiAiMO Jaudbm' TiliKii 4viNim TitRATHi waa partially de- almyrd liy Dre on June It. Allhoiigh Iho ilam- aga tn the Inillillng wna coinimrallvely alight. It la piuliahle that Iho hnuM will not lie ta* linllt, lint will IM alMndoneil aa an annua* luont rewirt. TTio lioure ciiiild not Imaat or a vary •ucceaalul raieer. II hud iiMiiy nianagiira during lha twenty yeara or Ibi ealilcnoo, but ylcldeil only iiniall ntiima lu each, A hlilnry ol the houaa ap- peaml In nnr la,t Iniio At the (Iahhil-k Tiia- Anm, un June 17, them waa pnuented a eenind eillilnnor Iho hurl(W|no, "Thrllliy." The changaa In Ihe work were apparent only In Iho ancnnd act, and were not or a natnn lo win Hiipmval AtTia- RAQg OAMhKN, on Jiino 17 niid Ihniughiint Iho woek, Ihe Uonrlod KeiTiK'ay (l|nra i.'n, pnmented "Uok- eoda Firhen" ("Unghlng Holm"), a nomlo opera. In Ihne aola, llhrello liy llnM and Otaln and iniiilo hj Karl Welnlwrger, Tlila work bad Ito Unit pni- dnotlnn In Ihia ooiinlry at Iho InviKii ri.iug TniATaR on llec. U, lam, whan It waa pre. Bonleil liy Ihia lanw organlnllnn. Upnu tlila recent nccaalon II waa ihiia eaal; Uargll, Ma Wllhelma; Rylilllel'onMlnal, Klliy Wlaalngur; Van iler Herm- iHioni, Rmll Hnndemuiiin; Van ilor llmndl. Max Hoiill;(!ypi1ati lln.xlel, MnrlUHIcman; hiiuin, Her- man IJII; arlttwiKiniil, Krilr. IJmlnor; MIy, Clara KiiKlaenilor- Ulnm Kiighienilor waa III ami unable lo appear hi, when her mle waa n^Aiimoil liy Mario lieua Ileiilien Fax, unilotmuily Inr Wlllon iMiktkjc, appeanMl lu lliu ntlo of Bvongall at Iho iiutlnee inrfuniunru nf "Trllliy," at Iba (Iahiiin TitgATH, Juuo lu. Thu change vaa tiwdo only bj give Hr. Fail Ihe opinnniiliy to play lha part In public, and Mr. I^okaye reaiinied the mio at iho atoning perrnrinmico A pfirnraianco iir "Huliit, aill Hlnnera" waa given by ainalsura at I'al- Hlh'a TiliATHi, evriiliig of Juno 'Jl, In aid of a I local ohahty In Iho Audlhulnni at FasiiiBinaM I'ahi, Hlalen laland, oveiilng nt June 10, Kllu Wanon delivered her leeture upuii Hiiakoa peare'a "The Merchant or Venliw" liolora a large and apparanlly much pleaaad audlrnoe. Tha le«- ture waa Inlerealing Ihraughoui, and dnnliiloaa In- airuollve lo that large cinaa that la aallilled lo have tliluklog done by progy. MIn Warnu dhipUyed lotltiiato ai^iualntance with h«r theme, and waa •vidently In lova with It, Init, like moat enlhualaata, aha eadeavorad la pnive loo miiub, and tlieraby rendered her argument vuliiaralile. The ■Ircoglh at a ohalQ U the alranglh of Ila wcakeat link, and while, aa wo hava ilaled, Mian WarreiiVi leittiirowaa Inloteallng, Ila valuo waa linpalmil by her lual la piiiwaing analyala beynnd lha rrulifnl limit.' Bho proved, however, that aha had given her aiiblact much Bliidy, anil bad.poiiaoaaed henelf llinroughly or me vhiwaor aaveruliMbakeapoarean achnlara, auna of which were iiuotoii only that her own dlillirlng opiDlon might ho iimra rully einphaalMd, llvr aliogg arraignmant fir llaaaanio waa aniiialog lie- caiiee It naa the oiproAlun or the new and emaoel- paled wonun, aixl iiecaiua It niado nu allowanco for IbocnalomHor llieageanduf tlie nllmo, liutratt- dered Jiiilgmant upon hliii aarordlng b> tlie light at Ibe modem wuinaii lo Ihia land, where evrn fully enjoyalhe hoon of frcednin. In Ihia caae II avldoat- ly Ileal aulttd tlie'lacturer'a prejudice In alaitidou Iho proi»»aor atuiyabi whllo yet iiiuub waa liMden. Not an with I'ortU, however, la »huiii waa aaortlied much which aoljily Inlongod lo him who had an thoniugbly cnaoiied her In Iho rule aba waa to plar In court. Uls^ Warren luia much eincullunary anmiy, Iler aii'iinclalinn la remarkalily good and aha haa Iho rare laciilly or apcatliig with marvelnua correolneaa wlihuul appnrout nionUil ediirt lo pre- ■erve Ihe even biior or ber way. Hlie la, however, a purlal, who, iMckcd li? aiitboilly, ■uillkat uaage, and hi at tlmea unpleaniilly nirreol. Wbelbtr nr not ,lie haa aiiniclent aulluirll/ fur lha faabliin nt pumoiiiiolng the tcmilnal ayllalilaa r< and nt wn are nut at Ihia iiKim'nl pre- pared la nhhcr admit or deny; hill, right or wrong aa aho may Ira, her epeeob lu there caeoa lacka eu- pliniiy, and Ihe word mercy, aa II falla frunihtr ll|M, niakca that virtue aadly lacking In a name that may ludlcalo lt« i|iiallly. Fullowlng Ihe cloae of Ihe leeluta tbe trhil acano from tba play waa given In cnatunie, with Mlaa Warren aa I'onht and Alfred Ayira aa Hhylock, Ibn mher mica lieing well fliled by pnfeadoiial playem. While Mlia tVarrao anil Mr. Ayiea read their llnea well. It waa once again nude Ihoronghly appareiii thai Ihe proftMlonal aUga baa anme Icaeuna lo ronvry which can be Iraraed nuwbeie elaa. Tng leallmoDbl enlerUlnment In WIIIU I'. Kwaat- naiti^ai the atlracllon at the llemid Htpiara Thea- tre oa Bnnday evening, June XI, The houae waa fainy well llUed, and, deaplta lha hot lemparatare. the Idll waa an eiijiiyahle one. Including Fred 8olo< inon, Helen IKitran, William McUughlln, Orac« (Mden, F,lla Uerger, Jiillua Wltinark, John II. Hen- Bhaw, Itlcbam It. (loadBll, Will II. Ilray, Frauk U, Helcher, Jamea M. Tuner and W, P. Hweatnani. It tg annaiinced that New York la b> hava an Ice ■kailog link, tn lie nllnaled near Uie Weatem Boule- vard and Firiy-nlnib Wraei, Tbe memben of ihe 81. Mlobobu Mating Onli ara Ihe ptojeolara, aud Ihey propoae l« erect an enormoua rink, wblcli, when oompleKd, will have tba largeat aurface uf •rlltdal Ice yei ronalructed, Work will aimn lie auited on Ihe tiulldlng. Roaggr nsAti waa arrealed June ia,and arraigned at PaUce llaadquarten, 00 tha chaiga ol larceny, ptMarred by a realdent or Cauklll, S.Y. Mr. (Intu aakad lo ba releaeed In order to allrnd hla iieuaill 00 tbatdate, at the Academy or Mualc, lull Jiiallea VoorhU aald he bad nn recuiiiae Imt to bold hlia unlll Uu Cauklll Buthorttlea vera heard fnim, HaHL DuwiiiM annoiincea that be will open, In Beplember, wlih Ihe pfmlunUoour a new runal play '''rjil^tlanH AHu 1.11.1.IAN lii.Aiini.T harelieen engaged aa ihe wilnlauforineHeidi Hocletyoooceru, wSlcN liegin al ll>1ght<in Ikiach Jnnen. THEnnini Tiih«a»' Uiiiuaiio iinuiimii uven aubacrlutlou cuncerlji at tha Metropoll her ■ TfiiinwHii TnoiiAa' Uiiiuaiio iinuiinna* will give ^ven aubacrlutlou cuncerlJi at tha Metropolltao Opera llonaa, lieglnning on Matvh 16 ne«L Tlvan'a pAi.Ain Munana r.loaed June M for a ehort lime, aod will reopen, after moob needed n- paln hare been nada, July II.