New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 263 COMINa BVBim. jtiMB-clHTuil mat lak DDlnnllln unulutcb "Sm'ilS'^tS^ ttttl Cl«b Maul nauta. Leu Wtoi Booftdt joDO V—ToBlnn (K. T.) OftrialbUa Tuht OlnV ftnnai] "jawito-iiMJn ra^iTUtbctvMa VaiBoa*,1UK. Jadn ud TukM IMitfk MorriU CMllMft Oip, to ball, Mn .Cu<loD,Ut,U>llllbinroliil.K.Y. ^lair i-IodUo Butar Tidit not •rsdal nitUa, Lou joir l-Tidii K«i H i«tM«»Ui>l«a.c«M- lowlot rrintu, rauriM RlTpr. jnjy i-U«tiM CUr Qlan-) uuiotl «IUd( nfitttt, B««- loD Ba7. joJ* 4-Peopl«'i u4 Cop n«mtu, mkdalphb, r». ialy4—LAttfamoot TichtClHb unual ruatuud flnt bUM nc* rorSHl ud Cn. danil» Lmc IliUwl 8oand. ^alr i-lah* MlcbJcan TMbtlOf ISHeluJoB naatu, HIIwaakM. WIb. Jdlr4-N«wpoit(B DTtchtClitb mntu. Joiy i, 6—lowreaUoo&l canw raci\ GcrlaUiUa BallleM rtatt, MontnwJ. Can^ New Tork Ckaee Clab, Jolr >-Am»rlcan Tadhl Olobannoll nfallat Look UlaaaBoaad. jalf I—Nlranldt Tadit Clab aDBDalngatl^ Hndno alTir. Haw Toth. jalr S-Aaavanhaka^riolhlaa TacbtClab ipaela] »- faua, Umr Iilaild Boaod. JiilrV-Uonailiee Uaibor Tacht Clab aaaaal l«taUa« LoBC fdand Boetnl. Julr9. U^ll-IIaalar^oo-Tliaaiaa aBoaalafflalaarfaiat- la, nuJDei Hirer, Boa. Jalf lo-lioinienol Yadil Clab nee for tpeebl claaiaa, Looff I>Uiiil ftOUQtl. JiJf U-Naw Yetk llblelloClubi|iaclll BUlai nfaUa, Utn9 Iilaod Soand. JulyU—LarchoioBtTaditCbibMKAnd apaclil laaaCer iML aad 31ft. bonta. Uma Ulaad i;<>und. Julj l^-AUiatJo and LatclimuDl Yacht Clabof Joint ao- oual cralaa comaieDc«ik Lanlinioat, N. Y. Julj IS—Hampauad liarbor Yacht Clab aBoaal lofotta, I^K Idand Hoood. July IS—LarrbmoTitand AlUotle Yotht Cluba race for Qrat cUn riooni and (oltara. New XjODdoo, Cl Jolr 17. IS-Matlenal AJMOIaUoo of AuialaarOaman or Ananca aooaaj recatta, Baiatiifla Lake, H. Y Jal714, aO-NonJiirMt«ni Amateur Bawiag AiaoclallOD nnual regatu, Eviuliuault, U. C. Jalf »-8«a ClIlT Yadit Clab aooaal ngalta, Lcvg lalaiw ftiuiMl. JulrS—nlttnilda Yacht Clab race for neclil olaatta, DaitaoD Rirer. N. Y. July X7—Indlaa liarbor Vacbt Club anooal rafatu, Uong laland Boond. Jolr 29-Ntw York Yacbl Club aaaoal aalM eotn. oiaocaa. Olan Cora, L. T. AoR. ^-litrcbnionl Yacht Clab llilid apeeial race tor soft, aod lift, daaaaa, Looc laUnd Sound. Aaa. s—Shallar lalanU Yacbl CInb ana*t«l rafatta, I>0Dg Illanil Round. Aaa.S-Corluthlan Fleet anouat racatta, LoDf laland Bouoia. Auf. 0,9, ll^-BlmnMota and Wlnnlpir Itowlot AaaoeU* tlOD ranalta. Lake Mlaootoaka, Minn. ■ Ana. Id-ADiarleao Vacbt Cblb afoolal laoa, iMg Ulaod "—' Aua. U-Ajnarleao Yacht Oluh opaelal laca, Loog laland Soand. AuR. l5-a«a nlfr Yacht Clob f«ce for ipcclal clatter Lvnif iMland Bouod. Aoa. 17—nagoaoot Yacht Club aaaoal raiaUa, Long Idaon Bound. Ana. 17-Corlnthlaa Tacht Clob uaaal nfltta, Kev YorkBar. Aug. 21-RlTaralde Tacht Club race for ipedal clattea. Badioa Hilar, N. Y. Aug. M-Uoioaahoe Tacht Club anaoa] lagaUn, l«ng laland Boond. Aug. 8-ladlAn Harbor Yacht Club race lor apaolal claaiea. Lone fpland Bound. Aoff. a>-AiDarlcan Yacht Clab ipaelal lac*, Long laland Bound. Aug. SI—Laichmont Tacht Clob rourtta apodal nca for 9ML and SlfL danaa, Loog Inland Sonod. Aug. 91—Uuallngtoo (L. 1.) Yaclit Oob anoual rogatta. BepL S-Naw York Yacht Bacing AaooelaUoo annual Labor Dar regatta. New York Bar. Bool t—Laichmont Yacht Cluo Fall regatta aod linh ipeclal lace for 30n. aod Sift cla.«iaa. Long Ijland Soand. BepLt-Niwiwrt (H. I.I Yacht (Uub ngaiu. Bofit s—Lartlimont Tacht Club aiitn apodal imea for ' aOTL aod Sift claaaaii, Loog Idand Boond. BapL 7-laltlal race for tho Aioetlea Cap, off Btndr Sept. 7-Naw Tork Canoe Gob Pall regatta, opeo, H. T. iiti>i.i It-Baa Cliff Yacht Club race for tpeclal dauoa, Looi lalaod Bound. Bapt 14—Larchmont Yacht Clob rmea for epic lalclaaaoo. Long laland Bouod. SapL l9-LarchDiont Yacht Club ran lor araclal cbaaea, Loog laland B oood, Tbe niliMlo laluil Toetat Clab Wm favored wtlli an Meal day lorncliigoii Jaot 2l,onlliooccutoncCllaaiuiiulRintta. TtiewliKl developeil Into a bUiT aallliig Iir««r4 abonij after noon anil hold BiroDs anttDS the eoUre altemoou, SiimnuiT: CLAiI9I-BU)0FSAI(DVAVL!<,SPT.AIfDIINDFRWFT, man. EUijaei umt. Diamond. .I> n. Tllllngbait.. M. tin. ». U. 67aL at>. Uagocl....O.K. King I Ma S II 17 0LAH9 lI-BLOOra VNUEK t7PT. .warT. yjoyui llnu. Oor. itmt. Elllt UI.Ooi. lOr. 3t. ma. IIU. St. mm. lot. Honhailar... 3 01 m 3 in 31 s it u OLUa III-CATBOATS, 3IKr. AND OVEK. Kaltra 1 01 <7 3 IS U I IB U I'JimrL > oa 13 3 U «l 3 17 M Uuilel irsm 11711 3:1 63 Klna Sn63 3 3UI9 133 19 Victor. 3 ias7 t n as 13S48 CLiSS IV-OATBOATS. UNDEH ilFr. Burt. Elapui lime. Reraa a I., rack 3k. 11b. JBi. lA. Ma. nu. Yaotee....n. E Dirllog 3 II a I 19 n IJaAllea..J. II. Foatar 3 11 4] 3 ID 48 CLASD V-KAPYIIA LAUNCHEa. Trilbr. TT.O. Tllcomb.... 4 11 00 41 10 Fnllr. B. r. Fbllllpa 4 U U 41 IS Kalad Lcomae. 4 00 u 41 » KUogooal.ArcherUraeoo.... 4 01 00 «l O) Bprar Wm. B. Banlgaa.. 4 00 4S 41 M Til* Bslinjriklll ITavy Held Us atianal regatta at rhUadelpUn, Fa., Jiina 72, over llie ragnlar mile and a haltcounoontlie licliuylklll Rlrer, from HiU'a Dridgo lo nackhind. In Iho Jiinlor singles tbera vera live sltrteta, and In thepalroaredcontesttliereirerelbreecrewa, Tho senior dooblea brooght oattiropain of conlestania, and tor tbe olber «ymiU Ihe tnlila were soin- cltntlT Bomeronsto add consldenWe Ic teres! lo tbe itsulls. The winnere ot tbe seTeinl aranis follow: Junior tlntustcutt raoe.—Edwan) l(atab,Kalla, won. Time, om, STs. Pair eainl <MI raoe,—Ooorge Vonrtlt (bow) and Ttttj Wall, Pennsjlranls (elioke), won, Tline, 0111,410, Junior jDur git nuc—PennsilvaDla woo. Hon, tm, M4. Senior DouMs sTieO ivro.—Vesper. Fr«d Onsaer (How), H, a. Uebnrlo (iliolio), won, Yio Ume taken, rviironmlaMf moi—CnstenI, \Y, Ouirr (tioir), 0.11, Veraler, n. V. Hliort, a B, Ulz (stroke), won. Tune, SDi, dls. ,tiin(or (loiint weult nur.—Oreount, K. F. Falwr (bow). A, UoKeever (atroke), won, Ttnie, bid. M4>a. Sattor tingle taitt ra«,—Cieasar, Vespor, won, Tlnw, om. 'jgj^ A LoBg Row. nr, T, W, lanlertmn, a member ot Iba Pajaalo Iloal (^ub.ot Nenrt, M, 1., Intonnt ns Uat, on June 10, he nwcd from the boat booia araond tbe Ilartian Dtj LIgblhonea, aia relnm, a dlatanu ot Otlj nlloi. In a ilngi* gig, velgblog abont fltij ponndi, K correct, this conallluus the l>eal reconl- ed lime bj an amauur for tho distance, supplant- ing lhat made b; 0, A, Barnard, lu IlllnQis, manj jeaiB ago, Uowonr, we are withont the nerra' BITcombotntlve eridenco, lo tho form otihe afll- oaTlio ot snpervlslog oniclals, guananteelog the genolnenesi ot tbe pettonnanca, In me abienceot which we cannot accept lite alleged pertomiance ao recoM, Dr, Laiiterbom also lotorais 110 that he will nuke an attempt loecllpao bit i«c«Dt fcaton J0I7 l>,oiarilag from the same placn ato.aOA, >„ and 00 cbslleoges any amaienr iculler In America 10 rompela against him on that occatlon. It i» docs. It Is to lie hoped that be will eeciire ine seirlres ot compeunt oniclals, belonging to repiitslile amateur cinlj*, to snperrlH the attempt, su lhat lo case ot his raccsai there majr be no reasonable doubt to prereot his receltlng due credIL TBI Patoxia Vacbt Outa, of Jemer Cllr, K, 1., on Jooe 24 sailed down Ihe bar tor lu twcBlj-sliih annoal regnua. The cooiUHoiio wen favoraUa and a big crowd of enthoflaita tallowed lbs boats ■>*tr the coarse on board Ibe steamer t|»een, IMX, a schooner jacht owned hj II. ¥. Ballon, led the fleet the enUie dlitance. ThlrtT.ouB tnals look Ihe sUrtlogalgnal.ibe winner* In lbs several clasaes iMlog aa follow: Class A, Loval; clasa K. Fonrlh: claaa 0, Nomad: class I.TYldlani II. 0111; clasa 4, M nnle; class .\ Allegro; class 7, Tempest; cUss a, Mlsnle H.; claas lA, Haggle P. f K. Biooeb' BCBOOSgR T4CBT, loscs, irrlved at this, her homo port, Jooe u, tnm 8onihamptoD, Koi., via Tencftn, She leftHontlismpton AnrtI 11, and departed fna Bant* Cnu, TeneniTe, Hay ai. uses was taken to r.oglls)i walem tonrleen months ago, tor the pnipose nt meedog iwDia ot Onat Britain's two Bdcken, bol the owiem o( the few boats In that claaa tfedlneA lo lake on • match with l^^lgd/ Yankee, besca the Blarioo pnrtd The DoBgUalen \arM Clab Indulged In llslllih anoual rriatla Juno 2},ovrr tho rliiii'A raiirto In Ulilo Neck luy, oir Daystde, I., I,, but the light wind bad a leodsnc; lo spiill Ibe day'sspoit A nee tiir.-u mien, the Unil ihooluli ha^i bold, nnd n cjofeRl lur dlogloi, pmraliicil li> be tho most inteiTOIIng creots of tlio day; hut the wind died oat on tbe riloclw, ai»l Ihcy Uulahed llio coonn by the old ot tbclroars. Drnncon caplurctt Ibe 94 ralcr cU<», wiling n splondKI race. The winning bnau In Ihe various cIuswa vero ot avhooners, (laiiriellc; sloops Kiinlilll oiid Kejrileh: caliln cnts, Uuiy: upciioaii*, Kalry; itpcclaKcaMn ci>ls,Rihel;apoclal, 31 footrts, llnnn; (pccUil. open cats, Violet; halt raters. Trust Ue; open lOouiw, Pniiiuin, and, special, slo>ipy, l*mi|nlii. Tno r«l>lii cot kllllc, ivblcli tor two yous kelil tho largo silver cup, was besten by Rthel. Tng eight >MRd crews or tbe I'olvenlly i4 WU- coosin and the I'olveraliy ot Minnesota met nn Ijike Mloncloiiks, HInn,, Juno The course was tiro miles, sinilghuivay, and tho ncewaawon by Ihe Ulnnesoba eight, to loiu. an. Tar. Cornell linlTenliy crew have txen made honorary merohvrA ot the Spnttssud Leandcr Clubs, ot London, Eiig, riana sre also licing rosde to can- ter social sueniloniu|>onthoni after the llenly He- galls has been put ostein. Coming BT«ata« Juno 39,39—treat Bod VTheelmon toomafflant, WUkes bane. Pa. June39—Klnga Q,antr Wheelnea touraimeot. Brook- Ijn, N. V. Jnljr 9—TourUu* *CTcllng Club touroanwnt, Patenoo, Julp 4—Connecllcot IHrUloo I.. A. W. meet, Bridgeport Jnly 4—BlngliamloiitM. V.) AtLlollo Aaooclatlun touni^ maoL Jolr 4—Balllnior* (Md.) 'Cycle Clab louraamrot. Jolr 4—MeituiT W lirelmeo touraknieol,Allentows,Pa Jalj 4—IViumamantal Hover. N. II. Joly 4—Praia 'Crcllog Club btamaiuont, Buffalo; H. T. July4—Touroanitnlat LooiaTllle. Ky. July 4-Blar 'Crcle Club tiMiraaoMnl, Spearer, Maaa. July 4—WaysUle Park Clab tourmmtnt, Boulh FiamUiB bim, tItMK July *-Aiuth Oiaota (N. J.) PleU Club tmnameut July 4—lIudMO (K. V.) HIcyrle Chb toaroaoiaot Joly 4—Palmar (Naia.1 'Cycle CIsb looroinMnL July 4, I^Arrow 'Oyela Club touniantool, Uiilwli, Pa. July 4, S-CaoloiT CycUog Clob loonooieat,Byneoas; Joly ^RlTenlde ^oelmeo toiimamonl. New York. JalyB-19—Louue ol Amcncao niieelmro anooal loeel aod ehaoiplookhlp mco*. Atbaiy pirk, N, J. Jdly a>-llarTlaod l>lvliIon L. A. W. annoal meet, Bal- timore. July SO-Moonl Dolly (X. J.) AthloUo Aimlatloo toor oaineot. . Joly 33, 39—Michigan flWIalnn league of Amerlcao Wheehiien toaraamoqt. Battle Crt«k. July33-Keyaiooe Wheal Club touraaoent, ^lllama port. Pa. Joly 3B-6laubeDTllle (0.) Athletic f^uklouroaDeoL July 57—Touioamrot at ClereUtnd, O. July ls-M«tropollun Auoclalloo orCycIlog Gobi' ao- oual century run, .Vew Jaraer- July ao—IHytoQ (U.I BIcjela Clob toonumeot- Aog. I—School of Pbyalcal Coltora toumamenl, BUrer LakaTN.T. Aag. I—Waoaeon (0.) 'prele Club toomaineoL Aag. ^Toleilo (0) 'Cycle Club toumameou Aog.S—Port Wayne (iDiD'CycltOlub lauraamanL* Aug. 7-8001I1 Beod find.) 'Cicla (Jlub louniatoeot. Aog. t,10-Chlca«o (lu.) Awelatad 'Crcllog Claba toomamMit, Aug. 19, It-MhinaapolU (Won.) Umlled 'Cycle Club toomamloL Aog. M, 17—WlBcoaaIn Dltlaloo L. A. W. anooal meet, Marloette. Aug. 17, la, l^Amateur toomuieol, cbamploaahlp of the world, Oolegue. Uemany. Aug. It, 3S--iruaaokee (H'lo.) Anoclated 'Cycllug Clubi toumamaol. Aug. 23, O-ML Clameoa (Ulcb.) tneohaeo touma meoL Aug. 3l-BulUo(N.T.)'Cycle Track Avoclallon toor namiOL BopLS-Syraauo (K. T.) Athletic Aaiwclatloa toama menL fiepl. 3—Uanfoid fCt-) Wheel Cub u>uniainont. Sept 1—Boao of Eoglaod Wbt^l Club toumameot, Kor wldTci. Sept. 3—Praaa 'flydlof (Hob loamament, Boatoo, Xaaa. Sept. ll-l9-B|ir[iigOokl (Moaa.) Bloycle Club annua) toonaoMoL BepL It—Toomamantat Waltham. Uaaa. BepL ir-SUk City Bicycle Club toamameot, Patonon. BepL IB—McEeeaport (Pa.) 'Cyders toomament BepL 19-Penn Woeelmeo umraamanl, KoaUIng, Pa. BepL 31—Aaaoolattd'Cycling Claba toumamroL Phlla dslpiU, Pa- _ Bepl. B, 30-llemrT Wbeeloen toomameoL Alleo- town. Pa. Sept 37, 3S-MaiTland DlrUieo L. A. W. nas, Baltl. lOIO. Oct. 9—Aisoolated 'Cycllog Clobo touroaineoL 6L Look oicL 9-FasUme AUilatlo Club toomamant, SL Louil. Ho. Oct II, 13—Toomameot at Cnancll Bluga, la. OcL U^Tonniainrotat Omalta, Mob. Qet ir-19—Tboruaiuent at Oooror. CoL OoL 33—Tounumeot at 1*0 abl^ C(>I. OcL CL IB—Tonmamenl at fiall I^ke Cfly, Utah. OcL 33. an-Uol Sprtop (Ark.) '(^dlng Aiaoelalloa tour oainaoL Not, L 3—Bay City Whealmoa tounameoL Boo Fran- olaoo, tIaL Mot. a-7—Oarden City 'Cydon too nam en t, Sao Joaa, Cel. Not. ^Los Angeles (CaL) niMhnon (oonameoL The Baolttg Boortl ot the League of American ivheelmen did consider- able work last week. The following roenbeni ot the Berenlh Regiment, N- 0. B. N, v., ircro sus- pended for one jesr, dolloK from April 10: a, W, Ir ling, 0. L, Ijon, R. D. Rogers, J. II, Cray, D, 11, nomed, O, W, Darting. T, F, Feiteits, K. 0. Hop- kins, H. I> West, II. R. Doiit, J. P. noylo Jr., II, T. Neldllnger, 0. B. Unnl. O J, Ollllg, K. II, Van ller Veer, I. Ketchum, w, B, Covell, A, I', Rlker. tv. It, Hke, Wllllaoi K. French, II. IL llogtrs, U, S. Parker, R, D. roweis, U, U Douglas Jr,, J. II. CoveU and II, U.CaTarly, These Dien have been declared professionals: A. W. aeaver, Los Angeles, L'al.; J. J,HcI.<Dghllo, Co- lumbia, Pa.: Norman Ouloluu, Robert Vanalph end D. T. Helxell, l,ewlshuig. Pa. Tbo uiipaccd, Oylog start t^UfS A reconls laude by WlllUim lleCsnly, at liOUlSTlUe, Ky„ have been accepted as tolloir: une- thlrd ot a mile, 3B*(S.; halt sille, im. H*-; ono mile, 3m. The fallowing commtltire records In clRa9 n, made by V. 0. Lacy, ol Las Angeles, Ual,, have been accepted brihelluard: Tbno miles, 7ni, l?aii:r><iir miles, OS), 3B,V>i.; lire miles, llm, 46iaS.: sLx rallcs, 1401. li'.'a; Mven miles, l«in,4u<i'L; eight miles, 10m,21,'i'-: nlxe miles, 2lni, ui'ia.; eleven miles, lorn,Uiit.; twelve miles,29n,X!.v<.: thirteen miles, Sim, 13';a; tourtcen miles, 31m. 49*,''i.; alilcon miles, 9>ro. serenleen miKs, 4iiu, 2;a,; eighteen miles, 4im, )is.: nioelecn utiles, 41111. m: iweniy- 000miles,fi3ui.43?a'a.: twcnty-two miles, Uin. lO'aH.; tweuty-three nllos Km. iventy-tour miles, (UHL 3TS.: iweniy-nve miles, in, snt. i.ViL F. t;. Low and y. 1. Kerr have been apjiolated ofllclsl referees. Hie tollowloK men have been transferred lo CIsu II: U R. Hsrrlmll, Ultumwa, It .athlsowDrequesI; II, W, lloU, (;onc«nl, K, 11,, under claun It: lloiacc ilUler,LnoADgeles,Cal., nnder clause D; i:arl U. Kber, llii;lon,(l.: Fivd IViy- lorand L. lUrklns, l)sl!ns,Tex.. nnder clause II. Thii 'Wlaeel In Psnt Up Vtlra. Hio t'llca (N, V,) DIsjcle Club held IbeIr annual nee meet on Thundsy nliemoon, Juno 30, sbout tour thousand persona iKlog In allendonce. The track was lo good condition, bnt a strong wind pre- venled Ihe making ot rant records. Summary: One aillf, novic*. Cl0'< A.-A. C. Biiiilh. Wlcllcjlnro, won; William Kullkr, Ullca. wcond; J. Frank klrler Uilnl. Tline.3m.UH. , jra>/ ml'r. loTitatlm, (n>u B.-Knnk J. Jtaoy won, A. J. HHfin Mfoltd. Time, tni. S_ JlalfmlU, open, rUiw A.-ICII B<linil<ll, ruca. woo; A. jTrendentraat Srtacuie, Hcood; W. E thaw, BoaUin, Ihlnl. Time, Im. 3Ii. « „ , „ 7;,H/»illr, epeo. Claaa B.-B. J. Kenny, 1 tica, won; ()llo2ftglar,HanJiM*,Cel..l«cond;T. II. Allen.fprlng. aeW.NaM., Ihlnl. Time, ho. t3V- „ , ,_ „ , Oa< Bllfr. larlutlon. taodiin, i;liu II -J. \r. Cnbura and Palrldi trCooonr, Byracaae, woe; Prtnk May aod \V. B- Baondara, Hvraeoae. MCond. TInir. liii. 33S>. OK mUe. niaia A.-I. B. Uuraolii, ftlra. Ikjjda.. won: f .W. Palmer, U'loLWySa. eHoad; A.E. Uagea,Brracun, 90Tda,tnIld. Tlui^3m. l^i*. _ , . . , - , liac Nl(l/. ooeo, Ow B.—Olio Zelgl^r. Ran Joar, Cel.. wiSTn It (*KV, NanaSeHO., aecond; ff. J. UeUelL Ullca. thiitt. Tlnia.3m. 30a. . _ , 0« mil', mtn. c aa. A^A. J. r.o.largr"l Byracuw, won: A. E. Weinla, R'liraK lecoad: U U. Tocher, BrricOM.third. Va»,2n.V\*. „ . ,. « rJomllfi,Cliu B.-C. IL r/ilier, llao««ald. n..Himleh, we"w. J. llllfetl, Ullca. (Otda. aecood: Otu> ZalgUr, Baoion,CaL,a)yda,llilnl. Tine,In. lo?a<. TOB nciriAL lies tor the amalenr half mile clism Blonship ol Scotland was decided on Jnoe », under e aiiwlrra nt lhi> Bcotllali 'Ojcllala' Union, at lbs Uampden llrk lmck,OUsxow, In Ihe i»es«)(»of ibonllhree Ihooianrt pctions. It was ron In fonr SeabL Ihe insl resolllog In ihe mccess of IHinlel II. Shnpna. In Ibl WKs.; Wd. Iloblii sccoiul, sod Ullo riMturt. 'Cyrllan Atr DIaiuaaila* Notional Lin'ull mreswen held at ttieground* ol tho Tlopi C.-trket Vlnb, PhiUdelpbIa, Pa,, on 8al- nnlay sflrmoon, Juno :U, uinler Ihe ansplce* of the Snnlh Kod \r)iccliocn, nnd, npiwllhilanning tho (si't that thi> tmck was ralber heavy, fast Hun was msde In sevnal r,t tbo cveais, csprcbilly nolo- wAiihy iu'lug tbe pertikimance of P. O'Connor, \V, A. Tcnlll,J.C,>liitru and Frank Mayo In rldlog a mile im a ",|iia«r' In 'JM>i, tho fssirst lime ever msde on the imck. A snntiary follows; (litc iBlrr. notIcr.-.KIirt hM*: Cttailta It. Vlllar woo, J. ltjnTn,Hi,'«ret-un,l. lUcn llarkiw iMnl. Socoo.1 ha\l;k I', ttcdfefr. R. W.. «un; lUmiao RiOle. r. »'., locoml; Jaioe^P'nlLP.B. t:.. thIM. Time, 3m. final baal: Miller won, VVaU aecooj. Time. 9m, rrie*. utK mllf. rttampInnUilp of rlillwIHrltla.—R. Kaal#r, U'.w..won: n. U. Tn>ii,V. U.C.A.,a<coM:; R.I'.HIdi, t| I'. \r . Iliicl. Tliue,3iii.III('<. »iir »ll>. 3:10 rla>«.-K,l N'llUr, YloeUnd, N J., »„n; Si. y. Dlmticrcvr, llulhio, aocoad; J. (^bom, Hjracuae, Ihlnl. Time. till. 111. roir milt, ttvn —L. I), fabaooo won, II. II. yadilol «econd, r. J. Tlina ililiO. TInw, tiu. «^«. Ileclaied to Iw "no race." In II10 run ng I,. 1>. Cnbanoo won, A. J, Bmwn locond. K. J. TIlua Ihlrd. Time, Ini. trv«. yvo ailf/a.—Pirat heil: 1:. D. Jack, P. W.. •cratch, won; R. »'. I^rooar. P. IT, IJlyila,, ewood: II. T. Coilea, U. ot I'., I7.^lda. llilnl. T,nl^ 4iii. 4|ii<. Keconil bMl: w, II. DaucU<.V.i<rl'..(lRiU.wnn: J. B. Ilaioa. ILC.. l73Td«., ••cond;K.T. Ilanil, C. W, iHXja.. ih rd. Tlnia.4m.u<i'a Final heal: l>„uglaaa won, lltnd rectmtl, Kilck llilnl. Time. Ini. tlV- thi.- mllf, rhainidiHiahlp of Acmlh End tVfaeelnieo.—Ben- Unilii I'rrV II. R. PiiToaCaid Tlme.3in.99a. lUr alll^-l;,laBnl Blllar, Ylualan,!, N. .1., aoo: L. D. CaUnnaaecinil, F. J.TItaallilnl. Tlme.tiii.Il?aa. »nr aiUr, Clan A -TInie limit 3^D-FI■atheal: n. A. Ohurcli. n. H. C, won; C. U. Jack. P. W.. aecond:*B. O. fln-„k*Iiank thiol. Tlnia,3ni.n« BiHondhtal: Waller <1. Iliiiii;bi<". r. nf P.. won: 0. Spencer, R. C. aecond; W. Kllrk. r. «'., Ihlnl. TiliiNlu.»<,a. Pinal hut: Chofch won. Jack aecond; Doagla«a thlnl. Time, Sm. asv Oooil Barlfifc nt PredoQla* A Joiiii^icellng was held by Ihe Frodonla Alb- tcllc riub anil tho Rsinlilen' DIcjolo Club, of Hut- trthS at Frediinis, N. v., on Batnrday nftemoou, June'.^2. Tho feature ot the nctwilon van the du- tcst of Jenny, or Ullca, by fallahao, of the lllion CUT. Snminsiy: Uai/mllr^ rcrntrli. (^a«n—p. J. Jonn>*. trilca. wnn;n. II. iVlituin, BiilTiiln. aecond; E. K. Lroiian, RulTalo. Ihinl. Tiini-. Ini. t; V- iM.-aill,'. Ch.aA.-J. IlimocL Krl,<.ll<da. »on: It V. Ilurlinc, HiiflHlo, luyila.. M-rmil; B. 0. Mllb, Wonaw, Slrda.. third. Tlmr, tni ir.i,*. Uiiraall'. i;lari II—C. II.iVtlUlian. Ihnklo. IDtila.. won; P.J.Jcnny.litlra,acralch. aecond; ^V. A. LuIk, Hulfilo, RSyila.. llilnl. Tlina, 3ni. 39'a'«. llal/mlK, na«n A.-il. n.(X'lnt»rt, BnlTaln, won; W K, Da Temple, niitralo, aecood; C. Warrick, llairalo, llilnl. Time. Im. HV*. rioi eiirra.hp fare—A. P. Pin-ll, IlulTaln, won: A. E U'olnlr. Hullalo. aecohd; C. Wanlck, Oultahi, llilcd. Time, Sm. Hfi«. OHc mirc, OlaM B.-n. II. Cellnlian von, V. J. Jenny ieronil, W. A. ItUlt tbipl. Time. 3m. 91a*. Uil/mll^, ntaaa A.- O. V. Bniiina-, Httlfalo, won; C. p. Monger. U'araaw, accend; (I. K. Kullagar, Dunkirk, third. Tinii*. III,. 4*i«. Fire tnlUt, riaaa A.—Do Tfni|>le, lOlrda.. won; C. II. Hiinttor. 40'Tda., aecond; A. P. NuRille, 13)|da., Ihlnl. Time, 12111.3i9t4^ Sport In lbs Slid Uajr Slnlai. A urics of races irsa held at lite Fiilr (irounds, Worceslcr, Uabs., on Baiiirday, Juno '21,UDdertbe Auiplce.s nf I,emnnl A Whillcmore, which attiarlod aliout l,coo persona. Tho weather and Inc't were nil Hint cnnlil lie wished, end tbo conlesis, which were all for CIsn A inco, (cro Inlerestlog ilirough- onL Suromorr: . foi' mlf^ iioTlcc—Won In J. v. Caaey. Wnrcealer; Kvnrrlt I*. Hire, Aiiliurn, aorond; Joaepli Deiliajca, Wnrcealer, Ihlnl. Tim*. 3m.X1ia*. <tnf mile, open In Worroatar Cnunly.—Won by J. K. Jiihnaon. IVorcwler: II. B. IjTarriinre, Wnrcoater, ■erond; P.K. rnlne.UniiarT.llilnl. Tlm»,?in ISI/a. St^tinl oai- mile mitleh njff.—Won by J. .1. raaey, Wnrroaler: II. A. Ailama, Worcoalor, ncond. Time, ioi.O'. ,ON/mlfc upon. 3ni. SM. rla(a—Wnn l>y E. M. Bonw, PoicfaeMer; 1*. J. .^(flTo, IVorccalor. aet'ond; J. w. Nye. Inirp. Wnrceater, llilfd. Tlina. liii. 39«. l/'i//nl/c, npnn.-Won liy Tom Riill^r, Camliridaeporl; H H. Llveniinro. ITMVoatar. aocood; Jaoiei Clark, Dor cliaater. ililnl. Time. Im.^'. out mile, open.—Won br J. II. Fllrgernld, Hanclieatar, Kljda.: J. P. ClarW, Dorrlie-ter. «l)da., aarnml; II. II. Ham. Wnrrealar.Ujda., third. Tlmr, 3ii,. Tiro utitt. team lace Iwlaren Wnrce«lar IVIiboI and Veroiin Trcla Ohilia —Won by Vemnn riot,, witli eltlit piinta: Worcealer Wheel (3ub, actonO, leren polnta. TIma, tm. 9l?a'a. .Vi,crfKrArrr./hurlAlnftcrar,lmtwaen nuadninlal team, P. J. Rpr. A. II. Rich. II. 0. Crocteranl L. J. HorK and ninnlnthurae Ulctum.—Won by quidroplettaaiu. Time, Im. 3;"i«. The 'Whorl In llllrbl||aii, A race mcellog that drew logethor a goodly crowd ot both sexes look pIsco at VpillantI, NIch., on Thursday ettomoon, June SO, liclng the socond ooniml field meellog under Ibe ousplcesot the Ypsl- lanll Wheel Cluli, Iteaull: (iHir mile, noTlre.-Flnil Imt; (1. P. Plaliar, Aon Arbor, won; V. 0. Ford, Ann Arbor, aocond. Time, 3iii. eli. Hecoiid hral: II. J. RUIianla.Ann Arlmr, won; J. Ne(. niatia, Deimlt. Bacon<l. Tlnio, Tm. SOa. Final bva:: Furl won. Flalier Hcon'l. Tliiie, 3n. 47a- Qaarter mil', open —Piral b*al: F. n. Rchrlf o, Toledo, won; Pretl lllcha,Rny f^ty. aecond. Tliii*.s|a. Hecoml liral: P. I.i,n4hMil. flanilo.Ont., wnn; C. b. IVIIaoo, Bay cliy. rocoad. Time, 9l?iia. FInnI boat: lllcka won, Sriirlen aecnod. TInir, Sl^'t'a i>nc TTflc oi<oo.—FIralliaat: J. SdiafTcr. Twiroli. won; II. L. tforrla. Vainr. aemrvl. Tlinp. tni. 3I*,'«. Kecond lioal: Prod Longlicad.Pamla, won; F.C 8.-liilen.Tid^lo. aacoDil. Tune, 9m. ItJaS. Final beat: Schriau won. llirkaaomnd. Time. Sin. lOa. ruoBiirra.—C. D. wIlKon.Rav City, von; Fred Bedeau, Palroll, aarooil. Time. Im A^'ja. rtriT rallci. lap -A. P. UuU, Himh^ II pnlnla: F. P. Ilouch, fliiulh Bead, luei., II nailnla; O. H Pnr1er.P„rl Huron, 1 polola. Time, 7m. Sla. Ituugli furrelleu Oral pUce to Littl e. Zlinmy Plakoa a Kcvf Ilecorc]* Tlie speclnlailmcilnnRtihe race meeting ot the nilsliiirg (■*».) Alhlello Club nn Baliirdsy after- noon, June'.fj, was Ibo presence of AriliiirA,/Im- mrrioAn, who, 00 ibe qanrtcr mile tnck, paced l<y SUrliiiok and Itaithnlnmew, mds s bicycle one mile In twomluaies, belogiho tssictt ilmo recorded nnder olmllar coodlilniu. Tlie i|uai1er wao made In KHi.. the half In iiU. and the tbree iiuarlers In Im. W}i*. Snninmry: ttrtif mite, ft^. rbW9 A.—Ranker, P. A.C., Snil; Au- rlipuRiuili. R. V. C , aecoad; I'aHeraiin, 1'. A. C, third. Time. Im. lo*ia. Ilnifmll'-.l,.! rr, P. A. C, drat; HcolL 1'. A. C, aeci llnifmtl': 1.. A. W. Slate rliiin|>lnnaliln.r|jiaa A.-Hank- rr, P.A.C., nrrt; HcolL 1'. A.C, aecond; ' " " llilnl. Time, Inl.lOK'. ; Irooa, B. V. 0., One mile. ooao. Tro|dir Cup —Iledfam, onatlarhtd, SratlfVolt, I*. A.a, a«cond;Ha/er, 1*. A.O., thlnl. Time, Sni.&ta'. roumlKnoen.-IlcdfAra firal, Patleraoa aecood, WIUi- Inaloo. W IV.. Ihlnl. Iliita.Ziii. fSe. yiet mlltl. SlaU I.. A. tv. cbamplooalilo —IroriP, R. V n., won; Palur«Mi. P. a. i\ aecond; WlUilOitoii, W,W., Ihlrd. Time, lliu. 49>^<. Ilaclag la llie nackeyci Stale. ' Then was a race ineellng nt Toledo, 0., on Thurs- day aticmoon, June ai, wlieu a series ot lulercsilog OTCDis wero wlloessed on a (raok that was very henvy from Ihe rain that fell during Ihe preceding night. Huiniiury: On'- mil', novice—K. H. rliuith won n. J. Itajniond aernod. Ed. ltam*ar third. Time lm.4tV>. //oir wf/f.—T. r Oarllna ■no, Hiriioel Muclialattfr aec ond. H. nhlanloll Ihlrd. Time, Im. IP>;*: llnlf mile, open, lecal.-Tlibiiiia Cainiron eon, Bufja M-Kacr'otl, l-erl Ltnic Ihlnl. Time. Im 71a. mlle.-U. UnHi-l^ller woe. R. DHdeM aecoad, E W. Kallanilne Hil'd. Tlmr. 3m. Uli>. /,<b-ol mlle.—R. Uai wnti. L. I^anla aecood, Cliailee Cejo. erootlil'il. Time, 3m. ,Sr*.'i*. Onr mile., open —M. llM-hataltar won. A, U. Ilogan aec on-l: K. n'. Halonline llilnl. Tlme.fmTla. ran wri'a—,l8el«l wnn. A.R. Ilngao aecood,C'liarler O Laaley llilnl . Tluit, 4ni. I_1'4*. IleronI PlalalBg Abroad. fl;i J'jne a, ot the open race ineeilog nt Iho Noith Lindnn 'Cycling Cloli at n'ooil (Inen, I/nilun, Kog., Ibo six milea Irlcycle record was bvolcn by A, V. Ilsley, who rude tbe dlslsncolu Urn. l-aS, lu a too mils laco at Iho aanie mcoMug tho tandeoi aifely rccurd wa4 lowered for everynille from two lulleatu ten by J. K. Illdoot aodAV. J. Jouen lu a lime trial, Ihe now Ilguic4 being as full'iw: Two nillea, 4id. lot^s.: II r», Cm. M.S'.; four, am. 9i<aa.; nve, lom. Mi*.: rlx, I3UI, SIM'.: seven, Uni, lilM.; clghl, i;ni. aaja.; nine, Isin. Ut.; loo. 31o, »*. On Iho same day, st Iho now track at Oatford, l/ipdon, lbs ons hour tandem safely recnrd was lieaten by W. H. Veomau and J. li. Cwike, who mds 39 ralles 1.41s yards. They rmlo ont Hia fall twenty-seven nllca. which waa accimbll«lie4 In Ih, 2lni, >ta. In a sli hours' nee at ihs Uiigalo Vclndronr, I'srii, Fr., on Riinday, Jnneo, JamesNlchael won aod pni batcher ncwrecurdc fnim flfir-oiiu kllomeiita (0 Ihollolah lib. dm, llfis,), covering In aU 21) kllomeiita MO Djalns. A Bics from TVIesU !•! Vienna, Aoitrla, was flo Ishadoo June 31. Fischer de Mlnlo wlonlag front ttainr-f oor other rtdsn lo Hh. to. The, llllMla g«a<a DIvlolM llect waa held at Oaletbnig on June u, ai. In pres- ence ot a large assemblage on osob day, Tbelnok was not In good condition, nnt havlsg bcei pre- pared as It ihonld have been, aid consdiutBllylhe lime In nesily sll of the ncsa was compsrailvely poor. Buinmaiy: IM Kile, oorka.-nr<t keal: A. A. Hrtalo, Aanra, wiin: tV^ p. Belby, Peoria, aawul: n P. RiM, rhicoao, thlnl. Tlma^tm S7a. Becoail iMt: S. lliuliialH, rTil- rajto, won: A- 11. Stewart, rhicnin. aecood: 11. Vot;t« ililcogn. thlnl, Tlw^ tin. tie. Thlnl heat: II. Ilaclo- Eo, l^lcaKo, won: P. A. WaacT, tnileaon, aecoml: J. alar,Ohiramv llilnl. Tina.In. 49a. rioal heal: Mc Uln won, l.lodiiulit >ac»nd, KIre third- Tlue, Ini. ISa. Vnoirrr atllf ooeo,Claaa A.-Flr»l heal: A. A. NcTalo, Aiinro. won; B Herlne.nale*barg,aecond; L. E. Laoi, I9iloago, Ihlnl. Tiniat 9S«. llr<on<l lieal: Prank Wing, OlUwa. woa;ll. f. roi. Cblraan,aecoad: B. It ltire,(nil- Caga,IMnl. TimekSK*. Iblnl lisat: II. H. HIrber, Ch|. caio. wim; D. Rrakln. irtilcacn, aecoad: II.VniM'Jilcago. thrnl. Tlma.r.«a«- FuurthTieal; F-'f. LIttiK Knkomo, woe: J. Bowler, Chlcaim, aecood; W. Turebull, Peorle, Ihlnl. Tina, 971. Ploalheat: Wing woo, Beplne aecood. Tlmctllaa. ftair Billr. opaa, Claaa A.-ni>t heat: 0. P. Bohmso, f^lcagn. woa:>. Wing, otuwa.aocond; It lteplae,(talea. horg,Ihlnl. Tlme,lm.llM*. Brcoad haal: B. B. Blca, dilcago, a„n; S aoiijlalcam, aacood: W. II. Ileiah. benor,(9ilrag<vIhlnl. Ulnl heat: J. Bowler, Qlilcago, woo: R- N. Bplka, tlhlrago. aecond; K. llaniniet,U'healoo.third. TlBia,lm.UVa. Pnorlhheat: P 0, Vaadeeanda, nilcam woo: J. J. H- llnaanl, St. Loola. aecood: W. Tonlioll, Poorlo, thlnl. TInia, Im. Ila Floal heal: Wlog won, Enhln Hcuod, Repine thlnl. Time. Im. I0';«- Oa«mflc,o|«o, (TlaaaB.-A. I>. Keonedy.rhlcavn, woo; T. 1Y. fiooper. llelroll, aecoad; A. ttarilloar, Chiraao, thlnl. TlnM,Jm. Ifii? rttunlln. inau A.-Klnaheat: O. F. Boknian, Chicago, 9>0rila, woo: W. H. Kagan, Knnirllle, lAhda, lacond; B. t>. I paw, Cllnloo. ISOyda, Uilnl. Time, 4ai. 4la Rto. ond heal: A. V. Jaekaon,ChlrlK.sXUyili., woo; J, J. R. nowanl.SI LoaIi,l9«yda.,aer<«,t;n, P. Belhy, Peoria, U)yd>, thiol. Time. 4ni. tfija. Floal heat: Boboian won, Jaohaoii aenioil, Ffao thlnl. Tlin*,4tn. 4Sa. Owe mite, Knnx nonnty, triaae A.—B. Kepino, llalaa- burv,Aua; 11. M. BMaaly, (laleiliulg, aeoood; B. Lauder, UaleabunL Iblnl. Time, 9ai, ISla'. One HllcClajaR-T. \T, roojier. Delroll.TSrda, woo; R. B- Andaiaon. Ku I^iila. ISjda, aeonnd; W. Ihbura, HL Loula.SDyda. thlnl; Boy Kaalor, l^lcago, I73id»., rourto. Tloie, lot. ini*. ni/Hanrrmlie. Illlnnia chamnloaahlp —I. D. Krahln. rlil. eaan, won: W.J. AoiIer«na.nileagD, aeoood; A. B. Wood, Chicago, Ihlnl. Tline,9>*ai. One mile, Claaa A.-Piait heat: J. B. LuoJ, <lilcago, 40yda, won; nilcagu, Vyda.. aeoood; P. A- Mnnre.l.'hlcafn.fUrda. third. TIm&Iiii.3i?;«. Second heat; K. R. Rite, tThlcaRo. SSyJa.. woo; II F. Buhmao, (lilraiO, lUjila., aeeonil < A, WLIan, Rhlra■^ ll(l|tla., thlnl. Time, Im ai4. Thlnl heal: R. llarkett,Ulatha,Kaa.,li^da, won; A. V. Jackion. Chlcngo. nrda. aarood: tl. W. Mltchall, I. 'l Urauge, lUrda, Iblnl. 'Tlmo, l,n. ItUa. Flaal haal: Wing won, Iteptoeaecond. llaekolt Ihlnl.. Tlme.3m.tta Oocatlr^Ualealnira Hdeia-C. M. llldHley,SOrila, wnn; II. C. mil esiila, leiond; B. Hrplna, acialc^ llilnl. Tlmr. 3m. Sla. 1/01/ mil', Ctaua B.—A. Oanlner, f^ileago. fcraldi, won; T.W.rnMier, Uelrtdt. acratcli, aocond; tl.A.Maa. well, RL Loola. ISyila., thlnl. Time, Ini. 4a. ;/oi/ mile, llllnola ehanii-lunililn, Claaa A.—Flrat beat: J. RowlecOhlraso, woo; A^B. wood, Chicago,aocimd P.rikaltnn,Ohlcegn, Iblnl. Time, Im, lla. Retfiad heal: S C. Criii. Ililrauo. woo: A. V. JachSon, Chlearr^ aeciiml: P. n.Uiiridiy.nilrein, llilnl. Time. Ini. (la. Floal beat: Jackroottiin,Skehon aecond. Boater third. Tmie, tin, llija. tMa mllr, open. Clout A.—B. lleploe. (lahiiliiirg, Wi,n; A A. SlrlAian. Auiora,aoain<l; <l. M. Rldilay,llaloaborg, thlnl. Time, tin, 34<ta. One mile, itpHi, Vlntu H—A. (lanlnar. (Iiloiin, won; T. W Coiiper. Ilelnilt. aecood; A. II. Kaonedy, Chicago, Ihlnl. TInin, 3ra. Sla. One mllf, champioiiililp llllnola Iilvlali,n.-A. A. Uo- iMn. Aurora, won: A. v. Jorhaon. ctilragii, aecond; J. Soaler, Clilrayo, thlnl. TImo. liu. 9|a. Half mile, oreo, reolral llllnola.—vr. Tumhiill, Peoria, •on: J. E. Miller,l'«iila,MCOiid; A. C. Walker, Mollne, llilnl. Tluii-. Iin. IIKa. Tm mile*, ta"ilem, IHom B.—Tmcey lliilnita. (nilcaon, and J. l«Ty. Clilcagn, win: W. Baliilirldae, Chicago, and J. Rkelluli, lani-ago, aecond. Time, 4iii. 49a. naclag by Bloolrle Light. Tho Ont Idi'jrrlo race Doellng ever hokl InlllU bunti I'd., by nitiaclal light took place al tbe lllls- burg Aililelli: Club Park, under Iho ausplres ot Ibsl orgauluUoo, on the evening of Friday, Juno 31, A ipeclal Inducement was oinrvd by Iho maiisgo- ment In Uio pretence ut A, A, '/.Inintomtan, who was snnouDced 10 givoan exhibition uf his snpeilur powers, snd tbbi had mnch to do with swelling tho sitendance to oloso open Ore Iboiiaand peiions, very insny ot then noinlieffl of the sailer sei. The meeting was In sll lespocts a complele suc- cess, and when "Xlmniy" had ildden a mile, paced by a tandem 00 which wan Htarlmck and llartholomsw, lowcitiig tho tnck record lo lui 3ie<., be was Hie nclplent of lumulluoos spplsoie, Yonog Archie Williams, His ten year old woodor, only succeeded In cllpplot og Iwo-lflbs ot a second from bbi halt mile leconl, but this waa mainly duo 10 Uio emilo work ot Ihe lfar.«r brothera, who paced himonatandcn. Aiohle'ailDewaalm, I'iUs. IIU previous record waa in, 12*10. The Mstertion were nnablo to connect wllh the signal owing lo tlie iiolse of the crowd, la a quarter nille, anpoued, the youngater made the distance In at?^s* 'the llaiccr imilhen got a mark ol 31a os a tondetn lo an exbl- hllloD i|iwrler, ArttiorUsokerwas again eipial lo tho occssltHi, and carried ogevery race In whioh he was enlortnl, F- U Trappe, of Cleveland, gave him a hot argiimeni In the floal ol Iberiuarter lollo, nueo. Class A ncr, but Uaoker woo out In 84s., whiuli Is Iho mmo lloio In wbloh lYappe best llauk stSohcn- loy Fork htai Hiiiniuer, Buramaty: Oii^nmrth iii/ff,uiien, Olais II,—Flnt beat: A-1« Ibinker, 1'. A. U„ Aral; llenrie Helms, H. A. U„ sec- ond; Paul K. Jat'kaoo, P. A, 0,, Iblid, Time, 34.<aa, Becund best: F, 1. Tnsppe, U, AY, 0„ llist; 1:, IV. Bheck, K, A- A„ sccuud; llairy Bcoll, I', A. 0., Ihlrd, Time, 344. Final best: A, I. Bsiiker, I', A, C„ niat; V, I. Trappe, C, IV, L'„ second; Ueorge Helms, B, A. 0., third. Unio, 8I4, unrObitrth niil/*, opon, Class B Conn Uaker, lliilDiuinn learn, tlnat; J. A.HIIvIe, Fnrt HIchmood, N. Y„ second. Time, laH*. (Mis mllf. open, Cbiss A,—Hrat heat: A. I> Danker, p. A, 0., arst; J, II, cnell, W, >V„ aeroud: 0. W, Iheck, K. A, A., third. Time, 'Ju. 39t;a. Becood heat: K. B.Tmppf, 0, W, 0„ tni; Ueoivd 11, lisle, II. V, 0., secooif; II. 0, Oublo. W. W.. lElrd, Time, ■im.ttri'. ruiolhesl: A, I. Ilanter, P.A,0.|flrst; (lenrgo IMIe, H. V. I'., second; U. 0. Oolile, W, W., third. 11me,lm,su lliilf mllr, open, OIshi ll,-^X>nn Baker, lloifoian team, flrsi; Mlvic, IMrt Hlchmond, second. Time, Im. Ib'es. mi/ wile, V.iisa A,-FI(at heal: 0, IV, Rheck, F. A. A., flral; II. II. Uolile. \V, \V„ second; (loorge Helms, B, A, U., third, Ume, Im. lia,o. Second beat: A. I,. Iiaoker, P, A, C, Brat; K, U. Aughoii- Iniugh, H, T, t'., aecond: Harry Briiti, P, A. <:., third. Time, Im. ll.'in. Pinal hrst: A. I„ Iiaoker, I'. A, U., flnii: lleorge Helms, H. A. c second; 0, W, Sheck, K. A. A., thlnl, IIIM, too, l«i<a. (MM in'ic, npen, (Mas n —Oonn luker, Itoifman team, nrsi; Mine, Port lUohmood, seoiod. Time, ■ta>.ttH<L Tint.riiflM, open, daas A.—Oeorie Helms, R, A, a,Onl; U, H. tVllhliigtoo, W. W., second: 11.11, Oobie, vr, w., Ihlrd. 'nRis, nor, taits, Tho omclals wore; J, tVade McUowan, reteree; II, lluchouao, I'aul Miler and A. C. Vhlldo, llmen; Frauk llartman, \vl Unni l^jpgrove, II. II. Cuiivlii, A. u. II aland anil John Mrililagw, acmers; Frank ilrr, I. F. KIrchoer, I>hiIo Kaiser and 0. H, Uinb- Ing, iimpiRa: A, R. Uarrogh, WlllUn llenpehalall ana Klitsrd Uctjulttoo, clerks of coune; James I*. Ilsrr, atarter. _ Sanger and Slass t'adsr the Ban. Annuuuceuebl lias beeo made ot the aospeoslon fur thirty days ot iTsller U. Manger, of Ullwaukee, Wit., and IV. I', HIns, of Wasblogton, U.tJ., froa tito Incks of Iho League ot American Whetliitro by Chalmisn Uldoon, Tbo charge against BInu Is Ihstat IkerACcs at tValiham, Uau., Iwt weak, he accepltil a cluck Is lieu tt the prlis woo by blm- Klf, Kaugcr U cliirged with a like oilSnae, aa well ssallli ssllliigbia prlMa Tbenulrh raco which wssb) haro beou run 00 Batuntay liyHanisr and Hiirphy will lie Uecbmed oif, but llts i|iilll Club Wberluien, wlio smiDged a inah h lielaesu J, B. Jnlinsuo and Hsoger Iriitore Ibu tumier wsa auaiiend- ed, will endeavor lo rsamsnge the inslrli, jnhn- oun bss Uriegmpbed ihsl he wet rrady 10 nesi HiO- ger aa soon aa Ibu iiiab;lt puiilil be uiade. Mar* Abaat Ilalbraaaala f.vBi. Tbe following ralilegian was ret^ltert nt Ihe Slate Department al Wastilugton, D, O,, on June 30, fnm tbe VoIUmI stales Ulolster to Turkey, con- lalnlug defltille Infomiallon rvganling the sad tsto of tho young 'cycllsl, Fi«ok Lens, who was iinir- dered lb Armenia tune Hmo ago: Outsv, ITasHlsuTu:*: Rrlllah 4>HiaQl at Eneroumin- formame thai t,enr. ihe'cycllatwaamnnlerwl near Rahor t» nra Kunla,alioae uniea ha glroa Arreat aod pun- hhment demaailetl hy me at the Sublime Pone, and ilio eoo|,entleaoftlie Brlltabronaolra^Qraleil. TsnoMM- Lens was making 0 tour nf llio world on a buy- cle, under tho oiuplces ot A pertodlcnl. Ho was last hrnni from psrsonallyln alellerdated In I'cr- ala, In April, li>V4, Ho aiinonnced bin InlciHInn ot leaving Wnlr, for Ki7.emuin, In Asiatic Turkey, and rnim the report ot the llrilKli Consul nt Ibo latter place hs not hla death at a point In Armenia, only any miles east ol hla deatlmtihin, A Ipiier bsil nrevlunsly breu received hy Homer A, Caiinrlil tiom bb) partner, ATlllbiu I. Saehtolebcn, the Ht. Louis wheelman, who led home some mimlbssgii fur Asia Ulnar 10 omloavor to lilealo and bring tn Inoiloe lens's ninnlerera, Hachlelelien wniio that no hart diaooveitil tin Idonllly oC Hie Kuidlab i hlrt who planned Ibo killing ut (he Aiiiorlt'sn, and tbo lire men who helped him lo commit Ibo uaslanlly ileeil. The Bloypllala of Canada* Dver two ibiiiLiRoil iioniona stsonililcil nt Iho irookot lhi<1\inotu(iNii.)FciTy VomiMny, at Man- lan'a IMInl, on Ihe ixvaalflii of tbe umt uf ilio lUiii- blon' 'Uyclliig (liiit, HaliiMty atiornonii, Jiiiip ',-:, The mclng was volnl tbe liest that hsayot tnkni place nn the new inti k, and tlio dlirvioiii pvoihh re- sulted aa shown In the summary brbiiv: 004 nlfr. nofico, Claaa A.—janiurl Vnuna. H. (I. H. l\. dial: Imi Honaall, n. II II. 1:., aeconil. Time, tin. 94a. Half mile, opeii,iltaaaH —II. Iiavhlaiiii, n. I'., flrhl; Aogaa Hal«nd, ttanila H. tl., afriiiat. Tllll^ Im. 9l^<, One mile, iJO, t'Uiia A.-C. P. llrrlwer, T. B. T., ni^l: J. Wnia, W. B.l!., aci-,41,1. TlniF,:hii.3lk>. rou Billci. npen, 4;l<i>i H.-lt. Iiarlilaiii, II. C. H. |l., lli>l; P. W. Yooap,\V.ll. i:,arronil. Time. Im. r*li|.. Oacaill,<. uMn.ClaaiA —W. llulao,T. It. Cdnn; F. lu Crowley, \r. K 0., lecnnd. Time. 3iu. '£t\'. Oiv nllc inaaa B.-Vllllaiii Uclnio,!,, 0,da. W. N. C, Stat; P. W. Vouag,Nlfda. W.II.U, lotrnd. Time, >iii. Ila. ran Billra. a:«l, CUu A.-Cecll Flllcit, It. r. f ., oral; J, Willi, W. B. IN, aeconil. Tlnl^ Ool. IKPa>. xnil naolsiB at Ihe 1'iirBn<ali Un Iho closing diiy ot the three days' lurnroal nt the Allanlln IHvKlns uf llio North Aiiicricniillitncr- bund, Julio 'Jl, n nuinlior ut wheel evonls wero decided at Iho Clltloii (S', J.) moo Irack, Almnl ten Ihouaml persons wllnoiued Ihe oveiiis, which woio nut markwl by any sonaallonnl prrroiniances, and HMOIlMl as sppoani In the fnllnwing sitminnry: Oa^ Hire, nnrlce—Wnn liy A. Zlmlierlrli, Itftclieatrr. N. v.: IhuilrlTaylor, ■■alaraon, aeroail; W. Bal,l\ Patei^ a>ia,llilnl. Tlnia, 3ni,9|i,a. Threeiunrier mllf, apmi, tllaaa A.—IVon by (I. p. Rnyce, Tourtal 'U>ela CInk t'aterMn;Tlioiiiu Itugliea, Patrraon, aarood: T. II. Ilanluar, KInga t^iuiily WheebiiDn, I'ater. am, thlnl. Time Ini. IV;a. ime mile, Tunmra only.—Won by Joml, Kwig, Hprlng- SeU T. v.; AU|ual Hhlly, HprlnsSehl T. V., aacnniT: Adolldi Holianlwr, .N'aw YorkT. v., Ihint. Time. 3m. Ita. rwu Mll^aOir TunoM only.—Wuo lir A. /.Iiiilriiilrit, Hochuter. T. V.; Adolith Schiietier. Now Vorh T. V., aecond: Hal Berotilnit, New York T. v., ihlnl. Tlin'o. Oill. M. One mile an*l a Aal/.—tVnn lir H. llrnan, Paaaalo; Tliomaa lluiliaa, Palaraoo, aeninil; II. P. r,oolir«, EtlM- belh, thlnl. Time, 3oi. tO.iai. Atoong llio BlormnHaa Tliooecond mro raootnnthe Hut Hprings Ihrso lap Iraak at Halt Lake City, i:inh, waa bold Juno 10, and wan largely alleniled, Tbe track, siirfai-rrt wlUi naliiml ceineiil, pminlsea to bo a very tost one, ThenianaKogieiil nilbrcd sdlomoml,vobioilat Sloo, u> any rider broaklng Ibe woriil's reconl, Frank Thalnbor, Claac II, an eighteen year old Ihi)', captured the diamond at this meet by tiding tniu thlnl ut a iiilln Id 41%'. Siiiiinisry: Ana mff^ oovlce.—i:iiarlna Hiollli wiin In 9m. 9)a. (Mcialnl nll<<. Claaa B-Frank Tlialclior won, tl. H, Eraoa aeoood. Time, 4l%a. ttuartee n((r, ClaaaA.-H. Calllnion won, II. 0. Jaiiaeii aeaind. Time, SHe'a One mile, lap race.clau II -lieu. I.. Woiler aud F. K. Hchalatl nale a dead hioL Tloie, Im. ia);a. 0ns nf(c, bolloeaa inan.-N. II. NcKalg, IMIyda, won; M. W. llewell, aomlHi, aecnftl. Tlue, 'ini. Su^a. Ont mile. Olaaa A--A. k. Hyde Jr. won, U. I.'ullln*ail aecond. Time, 3iii. lOa. Uo'Mllr^IlouB.-4I. II, graiia, acraldi, won; Prauh Tlutdier, oyda., aecood. Time, 3iii, isa. ■port lai tlia Vreuch Vapllal. Tho calde brtogslliotolliiwIngltifuriiuitluM regard- ing Iho events lit the wheeling line Ihot liwk plsro at the Fsrialnn tracks on Hiioilay, Jiiiin 'A ami ' wbloh are luado lotermling loAlneriunii rcsdomlic- cause ot Hie partklpalloo llienln ot ildrra nallve tn tills COUI1I7: "At the Htliio Veldmmo Inday liiin- wmly, the liloycllat, wnn llio snwiour racu at Iwu kilometres lor Ihe I'rtx d'Igclles, luiikcr wnn Mm rate for Ibo Prlxde IJegn, lirsHng I'ruHn, Hm li<j|. flan champion. The diainiica was two hllnim iri'H. fnlln started from scntoh, 1'ho niio nilln hnnill- rap race was won by Jaci|iielln, who bad tlilny moires; Hanker, iweuly tnoirca, was nccund, sinl Ijimsden, algty ntitres, was Iblnl, llolln, sirmlcli, tailed lo get Ihreugh the crowd ut rideni lo tlio homo sirelcb, Tho IVinrlsl 'CvclInK Cluli, of hileraon, N. J., will hnlil Ita anuiial racu iiiroling on July 3,4, anil s sortoa nt auracliro evonta has been arranged lor Iho iicciuliiu, the pnigrutnuio lieing 08 followH; July 3 -OasA A—Olio mile, nnvlro; one tullu, ii)ien; half mile, njieii; nno siid a halt lulls, linnilkap; Ihree mlivs, rhib oliaiopbioihip, Cliua II-i>iiii mile, iipcn; i|iiailur mile, uptii; one a bait uillu, handicap, July 4.—Class A—(Ino nillr, novice; onn nille, open; i|iiarlor mile, open; lhree-i|iiBrior tnl'o, handi- cap; one mile, 'iiHi claso, Claaa II—Due nillo, ution; "-tit lulls, njioo; una and a lialt mllo, liaiiUlcs|i, New lAag lllalaiirn Iterard. Tlio (Aarwardlne Cup was raced for liy IHryrlbiin at Ihe liilney Imca, In l,<iniliMi, Kiig„iiii June 31, •a, the wiener being c, U, Fmitalne, whu corrreil during Ibe tweoty-fonr lioitn Ihe uiiprccedeiiltil distance ot 114),' miles, thus licalliig Ihu aiiinleur record br alMiit rourtoen inlirs, J, J, I'allenuiii wnn tecnnil, having ridden Wi inllea,. At Uin end ut toe sixth iKiiir A. F, Walton was Ihe leader, bating then nisccd to his airedll IVi iiillos I,ii;h yard-, iiieahlog reconl, while at the end uf the Iwellili hour ho had pedaled 'JOI nillus 1,0114 ysnK, He reached Hie llirse hiiiidreil inlbi nuiik In 14I1, lliii, ITS,, aud at II A. B, nn the serJiDil day rcllrnl, Tiioii raileroou tuok np tbe running, Iravollng 390 iiillcs I, 03S yards Is algtoen boon, naeing on faoag lalaiiil. Tlin are lolle lisudlcap nee nt Ibo Uricury M'hro I Club was hplil sl lho nusbltigd,. 1.) Ililving I'srk iiii Baturdsy sr<eniiilon, June '.'J, a largu cruwd liirnlug out tn vltiiSm P. Inobidliig a full rcproaonlulliiii nt' tha Moseppa tVheel 4;iiiii, roiiipoaeil of yniiiig Isdka. 'f Im race wua won by Kiigeiia tvrlglit, lit , I4tn, 30a., tuMuved liy F,<l, l.lark, who won Iha llinn prt,ie: Ailbiir llrown woo thlnl nnil c. A, May Fniirth. Tlieii lollnwed II. II. lUlky, Y, II, l/ing snil II, llitilerlii the nrder named, Tim hull tnllnrecnnl lur the Flashlni irack waa bincrcd by Ihtncll, who Bisde the dlitaoce lo Iro, 0', Tng Falvox n'HBSLHBii, of llninlilyn, N, Y„ held a are mlira road race fnsn Fluahlui Xii lla)>4dp, I., I., un Hondsy aflemovn, June 31. It was a handl- cao race, for which nvs handnouie prlits w«ie oiKred. Ktcelkut lime was ntadu. ami Hie event was a aueceai. John treber, 3a. ut., tolahed Drat; (leorge F, Walls, 3m, SOs,, aecood: llany r.Vih'.*, 3m.,Tblnl. Fnnkllo Ptsber, scratch, woo the Hmo prize. The lima of the wluiMr waa Itoi. 31/, Tbe scratch nun's tine wsa I3d. boms. A TWBNTT ralle road nc* was mn st Oedsr nap< Ids. Is., OS ione 19. Thera wen thirty-nlq* tniries, and Ibe eresi was wi» by A, P, BtysaL lOm,, In lb, tu.HM,; ILn.lMmlsr, ID., ttcoadi B, B. lUUsr, setsMbitkMa Tilt I'eulurF Iload Cltib or America anoouocea tbe accoplHuco nf Hio tnllniv. lug ivitd rrdSdt: Nsrylam!—Slais rcrnr.l, I'llii)- eite century runs, t. II, Ihinhip, Texsr—si it'j r< 1'- onbi, Iweoiy-llro miles, in. 4sii.i i;r.y iji'ira. :iii, 44in,i one hundred niMca Sb. 'Jliii.. t,y HnJ. Tajlnr, Usrcit 'ja Uluoesffiri—Btiiie rcci-nlf, una liiifiliril Biles, on, 'i:>ui., uiadu Apill IS, by II. II. Iliiiinen; twuhoiidrvd miles, Kb.Uin,. tnsila April 19 t y II, II. Ilattacn; ofHirae recurd frniiil]liiiieriiN)lhtiiKt,l,*hiiiil and return, one liiiiidred iiud furiy eight inllot, I'JU. Mm., by II, II. Ibioscn. rustRT 1.111'is Jp-Pfgna 'N, Ibo ivo:i kiinwn 'ityrlbl, arrtred at Krnnliigrnn flral, Ijunl'in, Hug , i>n Jntiu H, P, M., nil iiNretnrnlroni hla rnla nn n bi- cycle fniut Hid llrillab iiieirnpolls lu Morcnw, lluasbi, aud latch, Tlis diatanca, utsrly Bvt lhaiiaiiid wiles, was eoinplrted lo 4vd. Oiii. Tna Ameritsn landeiiiont, Uarlln and Kaney.wnit the lotrniailonal undein nceal Roimce, Italy, nn Hundsy.Juns'Adetealhig the Italian lean, Hain and l^islccohL Uarilo 0oUlMd third la a blojcIsM IMS'