New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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JUNE 29. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 265 BASES A Tili. ■«h.4«I* en^amplouhlp Ommt lUcvBt- In<« br Pnaldml HmaloB. Fml4«iit BinloD, of tlia FuuHrlfUli Bt>t« Lngoe. hu laoad tba toUowlog Mhedula ot obain- ploublp g»DM to be pKjM daitDg iba b>Unc« o( iba naaon. It li lobjMt to lUf bt ab«gg«s to b« ■nBOieil imtttrt. Ouboa4*l« *t borne—Wlib BiiletoD, JoIt 3,3, Aux. S, t, Sept. S, 4,13, U; Willi Potutllle, Jul; 6, 8.Aiig.lO,3t, 8e|K.T,A.ii.iiniI r. IL, II. M; wllb AUeDloWD. Jane 19, it, Jul; 11, 13, V, a, Avg. 22, ar wllb Rodlu, JDoe le, IT, 13, U, Aus. 1, 'J, 11, It; wltb Unculer, June m, 31, Jair a, 10, 30,31, Aug. 16,16: et AUinUo at;, Julr M, Avg. 30: uCkpe Uaj, Jaly 19, Aor. a. lUiletoa u borne—Wllb CerboDtfele. July 4, i. •ml r, ii„ Aa(. a, 1, ai, 8«pL 2,6, a: wllb Potteillle, Julf t, 10,36, 36, Aug. 9,30, SepL M, 16; wltb Allen- lown.JoneU, U.S. Julrl, Aug. 1, 3, IT, 1«; wltb lUadlDg, Jane 30, 31, JaIr 6, 6,30,31, Ang. 16,16: wllb Uocuter, June 18.10, Jnlj 11,13,31, 30. Ang. 23,33: at AUaoUo Cllj, jQlf 16; at Ckpe Uaj, Jul; IT, AOK.O. Poturtlle •( bom»-Wlili Oirbondale, Jane 30, Julj 1. Aug. 8.0,36, », Sep). IT, 19; wltb llulelon, Jul J 33,34, Aug. 13,14,3T,38,8ept. s. 10; wllb Allen- town, June 30,21, Jnlr 3,3,30,31, Aug. 10.13; wllb Heading, June 19, 10, iulj 4, 1. v., 12, 3T, 39, HepL 3.4; wllb Uncuur, June 19, IT, Jnlj 13, It, Aug. 1,3, IT, U; at Cape Haj, Jnly 16, Sept. 3; at AtusUo Cllr, JuiT IT, Aug. 3L Allentowu at Dome—WIUi Oarbondale, June 23, 31, JulJ 18, IT, 26, 26, Sept. 0, 10; wlUl lUzlclOD, June2e,38, Julr 13, It, Aug. 21, it, DepL T, 1. u. and r. v.: wllb I>DUaiUle, Juoe 2T, 38, July 30,33, Aug. li, 19, Sept. 13,14; wllb Heading, Aug. 6, T, 3T, 28, BepL 6, 6, II. 13; wltb Ltocaater, Julj 4, a. H. and r. v., Aug. 3, i, 30, 31, ilepi. 3, 4; at Capo Mar, July 18, Aug. 31; at AtlanUo Olj, July Is, BepLX lleadlgg at bome—Wllb Catbondale. Jnne 3t, 28, JulT 20,33, Aug. 13,14, Sept. u, 16: wftb Uazleion, June 23,24, JuIj 18,10, Aug. 10,13,20,21; wllb rotu- TU|^ June 36, 26, July 4, r. h., 11, Aug. 3, t, 21, 23; wllb Allentowo, July 0,10,33,24, Aug. 8,o,!lept. IT, 18; wllb Uncaaier, July 3,1.10, it, Aug. 3l,BepL 3. T, A. M. and r. M.; at Cape Hay, Jnly 38, Aug. io; at AtlanUo City, July 28. Aug. a. Lancaster at bome—Wllb Oirbondale, Jnne 2S, 28, July23.24, Aug. 10,13,31,38; wliu Uazlelon, June 2T, 38, July 30, 22, ZT, 20, Sept. II, 12, IT, M; wltb Patutrlllo, June 22, zL July le, 10, Aug. 0, T, SeoL 6, 6; vllb Allentowu, July 6,8, Aug. U, 14,28, 30,Sept. It, 18; wllb Heading, June 30. July 1, Aug. U, f», Sept.», 10,13,14;. at AtlanUo City, July 36, Aug. 0; at Cape Haj, July 38, Aug. 8. L,BA0DE-A88OCIATI0N. Eutarn and Western Teams Now Contend* Ing In Their Own Sections, Retr York Clnolnnatl. Soperior batting and clever DeMlng eoabled tbe Kew Yorks Io defeat Ibe cinclnnBUB on June 19, at tbe Polo Qronoda, tbla city, wbeo tbey met for tbe floal game of Ibe llratsertea. Tbe bome team batted Fanou's plleblng all over tbe Held and InaUy knocked blm out of tbe box In tbe tblrd Inning, and freely batted Dwyer, wbo aucceeded blm. Clark pliobed eRcUvely. In tbree Inning* only irere tbe vlallora able to eooie off bla pllcblog. Afier tbe founb Inning tbey tailed to get a man over tbe borne plate. Tbe New Yorka put op a Una lleldlng ■rame, oealdea billing tbe baU bard and often. Tlie CtnclnnaUa pbtyed talily good ball under ibe cir- vunuianoea, and tbe bidivldual work of HcPbee and Smltb waa a feaiore. Tbe fonner accepted eleven obancea at eecond baae, some of tbem bclog cif apparently B(e blla. Bmlib accepted aeven ont of elgbt obancea, and aome of bla plaja were of tbe BenatUosal order. Of tbe New Torb Fuller, Van Ualtrenaod Burke deserve apedal mention. Tbe kng safe blta were brijple baggen by Scbrtver, Uavla, Van Ualtien and Dwyer, and double baggen by Uurke and llark. Tbe New York Club baa pur- chased William Clark'a leleaae from tbe aeranioo Olub, of tbe Eastern Lrsgue. He wUl be placed on flrst baae wben tbe men get Into condition. AI present Davbi wUl remain tbere. NavYoaa.r. a. a. o. A.a Bmke, U.... 6 13 3 0 0 Tierau, rf.. t S 3 3 0 0 Bebitisr, c.. a 1 > 3 I I Devil, lb.... a > 3 II 0 0 IIIHOIMRAVI. T. H. a O. A.M. lauum, 3b.. 4 0 I u 0 3 B>lll|r, lb.... 4 0 0 13 I 0 llcPae«.3l>.. 4 0 14 0 0 — ■■ 4 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 rArT«ii,3e.., 6 0 I 0 s 0 CUft p 6 I I 0 0 0 ruUer, u.... 4 0 0 1 9 0 muu-.cT.. Uoy, If >I>ctIu,o... Pufotl, p.. D«j«r, p. 9 4 I 4 0 I 1 U 0 4 I I 3 3 I 3 0 10 10 3 0 113 1 1 0 0 1 0 Uevrefvar, II3 _ . , _ . >olala...33 3 S 27 18 0 T»tili....44 10 1137 10 K Kew York 30400003 i-W CiQClaiuU 0 lllOOOeo—3 Eara«l ruDS—Kew Yorb.O; CIqcIddiU, I. Busoo «r- i<ii»-N. Y.,3. Oo babj-N. v., 3; 0.,1 Ritael: out-N. y.,l;0.,l. Umpire, Bailla. tlai« ,Jb. Brooklyn IjOnlaTllle. Costly etron on tbe part of tbe Lonlsvllles gave tbe Brooklyns anotber victory over tbem on June 18, at Eastern Park, Brooklyn. N. Y.,ln a cantsst Ibatwas marked by conalderable wrangling ou tbe part of tbe bom'e team. In tbe tblrd lonbig, wltb Ortffl 00 tblrd, Htelo on second, and Urinn on IIihI, Corroran bit lo UolUns, wbo tbrew to O'Brien, put- Uogout OrtlUo. Tben, He O'BheQ Inraed lo tbrow to drat, and assist In uimpleilng a donble play, It looked ae If Orima dellbeniely Jumped on blm and made blo make a wild tbrow. Urtmand Blelneacb Bcoiad, and Oorooran reaoked second base, but Um- pire Keefe ordered tbe kilter back lo drat. Kaeis eboold bare deobtred Corcoran out on QrltUn's bi- lerfeience. In tbe dfib Innlug Qrlflln bad auotber "run Ui"wtUi Umpire Keefe. Weyblog batted tbe ball towarda Hgbl Bald, and It look a peculiar bound into Ibe llfty cent aeau. Tredway recovered tbe ball, and It waa thrown noma In time to calob Wey- bbig at Ibe plate, but Keefa allowed ibe run to acors, uallng It a blocked balL Otlffln left tbe grounds to get a book containing Ibe rulee, and Keefe bor- rowed a walob and ordered Qrlflln to leanme bis poaltloo, bat tbe latter wanted to argue tbe mailer, and after wrangling nearly tbe llmlc, Orima wisely retuncdtoblapoaltloniaudtnegameweDion. As' tbe ball disappeared from view In tbe staod among a lot of men, Keefe was JusUOable In calling It a ulooked ball. He could not tcU wbetber or not tbe ball bad been stopped by sumo of tbem. Loouviua. V. a- a o. A.S. ' - Pntuikcr.. 4 1 3 9 0 0 CBrlto, 90.. < 0 I 3 0 3 Moll Clark.IT..... 4 0 0 4 U 0 KwiDier, lb. 4' 1 1 7 1 0 Wakb.o 4 13 111 CoUlosSb... 4 10 1 ~ W«|rb(DS, p. 4 1 " 4 I kaooBLvi. T. a a. 0. i.a. arlUlo,eC... 4 0 0 9 0 0 Uorcoiaa,ia. 4 0 0 0 0 1 LuliaD0>,ll>4 1110 0 TraOwar.rf. 4 113(0 dliladle.3l>.. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Italy, 9b 4 I I 4 9 0 AodsiM, ir 4 e 3 4 0 0 nrliD,o 3 10 4 10 119 3 BUlD, p. 3 1 0 0 0 0 ToUto...!4 e 0 37 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 0-4 ^tajM..J» < 831 19 10 Loolnllle 0 0 1 Bnakljro 0 0 I I 0 1 0 3 Eaned ruu—Loaltvllle, I: Broohlra,l. Baae oo ar- nra-L., I;&, 6 OobaUa-B., I. Suuck oul-L^ 4; B., a. Vnpli*, Isafe. Tla» lol. Baltlaaon BU Loals, Better all atonndifork on Ibe part of ibevlsllon belped tbem lo defeat tbe Balilfflorea on June 19, at BalUfflore, Md. Jennings'error In Ibe elgbib Inning allowad Ibe Bt. Lonls Browns to score tbree nna,. wblcb virtually aetued tbe victory In tbeir favor, af- ter a bard fongbt conteat Brelienstelo was very effective, allowing Ibe bome team only alk safe aln- gjeaoir hlipliobing, twoof wblcb were bnnchcd In Uie elgbtb unlog. Uemmlog waa frtely bailed Ibroughout tbe game, but managed to keep Ibe blui weU apart except In tboslxib and elgbib Innings. The lleldlng of Qoinn and Hy was a feaiure of tbe TlsHora'work. Tbe former accepted fourteen out of Bfieen cbances at eecond base, wblle Ely ac- cepted all of elgbt obancea at abort stop, and aome of Ibe latter'a were made offapparenily aafe bib. Tbe long aafe bits were a triple bagger by Cooley donUee by Kown, Qulnn, Connor and reltz. ,.Br.Louia v. a. a. o. A-a BrewB,et... a i 3 9 o o 9°e<* 4 3 1 0 0 0 '^'-tjb...t 1 3 a s - Buvtaoaa. t. a. a a A.a 4 I I I 0 0 KMler,ff....a 0 9 0 1 0 J«oalogl,M. 4 0 18 4 3 aor, lb.. 4 1 110 I 0 Boarar, 3b. 4 3b.. 4OlOO0~ ' .0110 ^.^ - J Bmlla,ef.... 4 0 1 3 0 0 ral^ a 4 0 9 3 1 OUarayJb.... 4 0 0 10 0 0 Sfn, If.-.. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Br.a 4 0 1 3 8 0 Bf«lm«'D,p4 0 0 9 1 0 T<<(iia...j7 aunis I BL LmiU 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 S«lll.a>..... 4 0 1 4 3 0 lOsrkr.e 4 0 0 9 3 0 UtoUDlOB, p 3 I 0 0 4 I T<>uia...J6 a a 3718 s e 0 1 0 s e-a 0 0 1 o-s Baned nini m LoaU, 3: Baltinora. I. . Li9:B,L Da bJlA-BL U/>: a. Bmek 1^,1; B., I. Uaiplia. flalrla. Tbo^ul. Waal— Ta, ClevelmaA* BSteaveiltcbUiib7Stlrel>a,wtioi«tlrBdteoBso *onatiUas,tliBelyb*l>la(aa the part of tlw hcoie earn and kwae leldlng by tbe vUlon, enabled tbe fonner lo detaat tbe lattar on Jane it, at Baatoo, Maas. SUTettswaaveiyeafecaveatcililoaliMae, andpnvanledtbevlallots fion naklniraMlwhen one was badly needed by tbem for sanilng In tens. Knell, loo, pitobed elftcUvely, oaniel and Lon« belSB Ibe only ones of ibe bome team who could bat him with any degree of aocceaa. KntU bad betier command of tbe ball than did Bttvetls, but bla support was not so good. Tbe Hostons (amud only one run off blm. wblle lbs Qevelands tamed two oir SUveita. Tbe loog aafe blla wars doable baggers by Blake and HcCaitby, CLavBUlo.T. a a o. A.a Buttau, If.. 6 0 I 1 0 0 BoKif- - BcUair.Sb.. 4 10 19 0 Ci'^DBor, lb 4 I 0 II 0 0 4 0 110 0 Ilmaer.e.,. 4 0 13 11 koaU. p.... 4 0 I 0 I I TM1K...3B 3 0 94 11 I Otovalaad 0 0 Boefos. Lova, 9b.. a. a a i.m. 4 0 19 10 "00 BoRaaiLH.. S 0 0 17 lBaBMa.rf,. 4 1 o 1 DilUOa... 4 1 1 3 3 0 Ual^ref 4 1 0 8 0 0 Blatri, ir.... 4 Olio 0llcCal1kj,U:4 11909 ...... )(aih.3» 411000 4 1 1 a 1 0 Loss, ...... 4 1 9 0 3 0 'laoult,e... 4 0 313 0 3 BIlTalU, p... 9 0 0 1 1 0 TMals...J5 7 (17 4 4 0 0 10 10-9 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 —7 Bantd noa-CkvalaaO. 9: Boatoa, I. Bam on tiTor»- a,9:B.,l. Oohilb-0,4; B.,3. Mrockoot-C, 10; a, 9. ifoiplfa, lieCWlAOd. Time. lb. PkUadelphla to. FIMabasB. The Pblladolphlas wen assisted lo a vtcloij over Ibe Fltiaburgs on June 18, at Pblladelpbia, Pa., by Unisly baillog after men bad been given tbelr baae on balls by Bail, and aeveial costly eiroia on tbe Grt of tlie vlallara, alibough tbe taller ootbailed e borne team and earned aU of tbelr runs agalnat one earned by tbe locals. McOlll plicbed eObcUvely and kept tbe bits well apart except la tbe elgbtb Inning, wben four alngles wars made la aucceaaloo and two nine, both earned, were scored. Tho only long aafe bit waa a double bagger by Turner. Ilani. Illon'a baae running, two douUe playa on eaob aide, and Ualluan'a Oeldlng wen tbe lestona Paiu. T. a. a. o. A.a Turner, rf... 1 0 9 9 0 1 Boyle,lb.... 9 0 0 0 0 0 tMsbulr,lf4 1 1 I 0 0 HAmllU>o,cr4 9 110 1 Hslbnlo, lb 4 9 0 9 4 0 RucklM,0... 4 1 16 0 0 Balllr.SIl,... 4 0 1 3 3 1 8ulllvu,U.. 4 0 113 0 ■Ic0lll,p.... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Toli]a...J8 6 8 27 U 3 rbllaiMpbia. - - - rilubirir... rnraHDaa. v. h. a o. A.a Ouacivaii,rr. 4 11110 BAU«r. P\... 9 119 10 0«oliii,3b... 9 110 0 0 BmUM, lb.. < U I 19 0 I BbanLef... 4 0 9 1 1 0 Hmllb,lr..... 4 0 9 4 0 0 <:fOM,M 4 U u t 9 0 CI[D(rinu,3o.1 0 0 0 3 1 HURdMl, 0... 9 0 0 1 1 0 ■Buck I 0 0 n 0 0 Uajtt, p 9 00 1 70 nilBli..J9 3 0 97 10 1 0 0 9 0 3 0-8 0.3 In pteM ofSirleo to olaib InnlDs. ■—^' ~-Di-PtillAi]a]ptalA, I; FltuhiitK, 3. EariMd niDL ^ . .. „. _ . ,„ siTDr»-nillA-. 9: ritta, t On billa-l-lillA.. a: riiu.l. Strack nut—nDA., S: PIua, 4. Umpire. CAinpb«U. Tlme,l-8a Waahlagtaa Ta. Chloago. The Oblcagoa won on Jane 19, at Waeblogton, D. 0., after a line upblllOgbL Terry was unsteady at tbe stsrt la giving bases on balls, and tbo Waablog- tone bunched enough bits to give tbem lournuis and a lead. After ibal Terry aeuied down to his work, and, wllb fanlUeaa lleldlng by lbs net of bla team, pnvebted Ibe bome team from scoring again, allowing tbem only Ibiee aafe bits. Mercer proved an enigma lo Ibe Cblcagoe untU tbe fourth and lllib Innings, wben tbey ponnded In four rana, and ilnauv won tbe game by scoring two nnaui Ibe elgbih Inning on an error and two alngles. The loog aafe hlia wen triple baggen by Crooka and Eveillt and doubles by Caitwrtgot and Dablen. ~ caioAoo. T. a a. o. i.a Rjin. rr..... 4 0 1 9 0 II D^IU.H... 4 119 5 0 Wlbnol, ir... 4 10 10 0 0 Anion, 111.... 4 1 III 1 0 ' Uaira,ef.... 119 10 0 ■InHll, 3b.. 4 0 1 I I 0 8la»an,lb.. 4 0 0 0 9 0 Hoimn,e..... 4 1110 0 TvriY, p 3 I 1 0 3 0 T0U11...3> I t 17 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 WAaaimnoH.r. a a. o. i.a 10 0 10 1 Jorca,3«.... 4 1 0 0 0 0 lIuuoi'aAr.rfl 19 10 0 alAncDCfc,n 4 0 0 9 4 ' llcaalra,c.. 4 10 4 1 Cart'tisiMb 4 110 0 Oiootatb... 4 0 19 10 Abbir, CT.... 4 0 0 1 0 0 Maitar.y.... 4 0 10 1 TllUll...9T 4 1 » II Wajfalngtoo 4 0 Ohlof o 0 0 U 1 . _ . _ BAraad rana-WaibloitUHi. 1; Chleaao. 4. Baaa on er- roa>-C,3. OnbaUa-w:,8;0.,I. Smieboul-W, 1;U., 1. Umplie, aumr. Tlm0,lb. Phlladalphim va. Baltimore. The PbUadelpblaa defeated tbe BalUoMres June It, St Ffalladelptabi, Pa., In a game marked by con- sistent balllbg. In tbe tblrd Innlog the visllom made two doubles and fouraloglei In ancceaslou and eaned Dva runs. After that Taylor settled down lo bis work and prevented tbem from scoring again, la lbs dfib luiung the boms team ponnded Iloder for a Mple, a donble and three alnglea, and this, wllb a base on balls, belted Ive runs. Esper auc- ceeded Uoffer In the sixth, but be gave tbnw men their base on balls and wae bit for a briple, a double and a single, live runs again being ecoied. Uall- man scored tbe but ran In tbe ninth loolng on his forced hit, a single by Clements and bpef'a wild ihiow, Tbeloogiafe bits were triple baggen by Delehanly and Thompaon, doubles by IMebanty, Theupeon, Taylor, Keelor, Jennloga and Uodbr. PHII.A. r. a. a o. a.i.| BALnauaa. v. a s. o. A.a l|ullun,et 11110 0 McOiAs, 9b. S 1 1 I 7 1 B<)>la,lb.... 1 1 lU 3 0 KMler, rl... s 1 I o 0 0 3 9 9 0 olJanobiiAu. 4 1 3 5 9 0 - - 1 9 0 0 0 TlHpmpwn.rri 0 3 9 0 0 lelUr.lf.. UlllniAo,3li. 0 1 0 0 3 O Biodri,cr. DI«mQala.o..a 14 10 OlCarar, lb. Ralilr,9b a 3 0 9 4 ORalu^lb. auUlTHI.U.. 4 0 0 - Tailor, p.... 4 1 1 , 4 0 1 3 0 a . 4 0 0 13 0 0 .4 0 1 3 0 0 .401110 . 3 1 1 • 3 0 .3 0 0 0 1 1 .38 1 11 r B 1 0 0 l-ll 0 0 0-1 ira, 1. Hue on DnI-P., 1; B., 4. OCIarka, o, 4 OlUoffar, p... TolAla.._t9 II U 37 14 Ol''''lM£iiV. PUlAdalpbia... 0 0 0 0 1 I BlUuaora 0 0 1 0 0 0 EAfUMl inns—PblUdelpbta, 6; BaltlmoL emr^P. On baUa-'P.. 8; B., 1. Slrackonl UDplt«,llgiTmy. Time, 111 Tne Balilmoraa wen enabled to reveise tbe above remit June 3D, through coaily emn by Sullivan and Kellly. Aa a result of their wnubed doldlng the vWlon eoored fonr of tbe dve rans credited is tbem. Beth plichen were effective, keeping the blta well acatleied, and It was Caney's puBUngdeUreiT that kept down the lead, ile waa very effeoilve at crit- ical atagee. Tbe dulab was very exolilug. In the ubith Innlbg Hamilton waa given a baae on balla, stole second and tallied oo Delebanty'a double. Tbe letter was declared out at tblrd while Hying to Hinloh tbe bit Into a three bagger. Tbompnon fol- lowed wllb a hit over ibe centre field fence, tlelns tbe aeon. In tbe Baltlmon'a half of Ibe nlntS Biodle made a double and acored tbe whining ruu, wltb two out, on Reliz's slogls. rniu. T. a a. o. i.i. iluillioa,cl. 1 10 10 0 Borla,ib....i 0 19 0 0 IMebanlr.Ul 0 1' 11ioBp*oo,rfl 1 4 9 0 0 IAS,lb. a I 1 1 ' BALimoaa v. a a. o. a.b. Bcanw,3J.. I 0 19 0 0 KeeUr. rf... 10 19 0 0 Jeonlncfl, la. 1 1 0 0 0 1 " "If, v.... 1 0 19 10 Kaltor, Bfvilia, tf... a Oanrrib.... 1 I It 9 0 Balli,9b..... 4 0 14 Ulamaotac. 4 0 11 IUIUr,3b.... 4 0 11 BaUlrBa,u.. 4 0 0 1 9 4 Clatka c... < 1110 0 Galvar.P-... 4 110 1 0 Clarbion. p.. 4 0 0 9 1 1 TDIAU....4I 4U)/9U 7 Tolala...a 6 1017 18 9 nlUdalpbla.... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1—4 SAlUmora. I 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 l-S Bamad faofr-FblUdtlpbla, 3: BAltlmors, I. Baa* nn •tfon-r.. 9; B., 7. On baUt-r., 4. UDpIc*, Muirar. Buperlor batUog at opnonone timea helped the Pblladelpblaa to wbi again Jnne 31. Thei landed on Uemmlng at tbe auit, abd hit blm neely all Uuougb Ibe game, but almott faultleia deldug on the part of tbe vlallora kept down the home team's acore. Taylor pitched effectively, prevenUsg the Baltlmona from making more than aeven aafe blta, only one of which netted two Inaea. In the fourth bulng Kelley was pntoot of Ibe game for disputing one of Umpire lfumy>s decisions. Cleason look Kelley's place. Tbe long Bfe blia were a home rou by Tuompaon, and double baggen by Hamilton, Tnompaon, Taylor and Oany. The feataiea wen Tbompaon'a booe ran bit over tbe right leM fence, and three clever donble raiu. v. aaaA.L 117 0 1 lie plays A.a Bii ^LTiaoaar. a. a o. A.a . . - - Heura*. c.. a 0 0 I 9 e Borfcl. lb.... 1 0 1 8 0 0 kttltr. If... 4 I 0 I 0 0 - illlvAn, ta. a 9 9 I 3 I ' Tboinp«>n,rf 1 9 4 9 0 0 Turner, ir... 1 0 1 9 0 0 Oltainn, ir..s a 0 14 9 1 nitmtnu. 0. a 0 1 4 0 0 Ralllr, 9b.... 4 1 0 0 9 0 Tailor,p.... 4 110 10 Jannloiaaa 4 119 - rli^ KtUay, .400000 I I 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Bimtl Oaivj. . - . RalU,lb..... 4 0 3 8 1 0 OlArt«,e.... 4 0 0 I I I Uanoilos. p 4 0 0 0 I 0 T0IA11...43 7 1197 I 3 Tolnla...31 9 717 0 ■ Pblbdaltbla... 9 0 0 1 I 0 1 0 1-7 BAlllmor*. 00030000 0-3 Bamtil ruaa-l^tlAiitli>blB, 1 Baaa on arror-BAllf- nm. On ballt-P., 7: B.. I. Stinck oul—P., I; B., I. Unpli*, Konar. Tli a«.ltl. ITow Tork Ts. WaakUclwa, The Waahlngtone defeated the lew Toits on June U, at the Polo Qrooiida, ibia dly, wben Ibeae teaina met for the grat iIbm Ihla aeasoo. in emr by Puller In the dxth inning wastheehletcauseot his eam'sdsfeaL Haul pllehed eSbotlvely, hold- ing Ibe boms learn down to Ive aafe blta, Isclodlng a noma ran, a triple and a donble laner. The vision made only aeven aafe blu off Uf imaa, aod had bla aoppoit been perferl Ihe loeala wonld prob- ably have woo. The Mew Yorke scored tbelr flrst nn In the fourth oo a donlile by Uavla and a ^gle by Van UaltttL Tbelr other ran waa nnde lo ibe esveslheaabometiuibli byStaObrd. ne Waah- lngtone acond two rans In tbe atih lanlBC on a baee on balls, a dooMe banerbyjoyca oadaMoglehy Bssaaaear. laibadith,Bfier Iwomcnwen oo^ BaiTT 0. Blako, Ihe clever IllUe ouilelderof tbe Oevoland CInb, of the National League and Amer- ican Asaoolstlon, was bora Jnoe 16, 1874, at Ports- nioutb, 0., and It was at hta native city that be leaned to play at an early age, and his bard bluing and One lleldlng wen the mtana ot obtaining for blm his Iret pnfeaalonal engaieneat. In 1893, wltb tbe Ironton (0.) Club. Tbo toTlowbigaeaaon found blm with the Cbarleaun (W. Va.) and the Buuiiton (Va.)leama, beginning tbe aeaaou wllb tbo former, and Inltbloglt ivllh tbo latter. In 18*4 Ulake Joined the Atlanta aub, of tbe Houlbern league, and nmalned wlthltsteamunlll the club dbibanded, wben be was engaged by Ihe Ulevelsnd Oluli, bo Joining tbo Istler's learn on July T. lie Onlabed Ibe aeaaon aa a member of Its team, taking part Ibat year with the bittar in aoTeuly-Uiree cbamplontblp cobleets, and ranking bigb Inlb aa a Holder and balaman In IbeoSlclalavenges o( the major lea guo, wblcb laocrulnly doing nmarkably wall when II la conaldered that be alepped (nn a mloor league Into the faateatbaaeball company la eiialsnce. Ula good work, tbua far, Ihla aeaaon, with Ihe Cleve- land team, JaatlUee the club la ntalnlug blin legu- larlT on lie team. Ilbi liaillug la hard and timely, and bla doldteg la dnt cbiaa. Unoks bit an easy ons to Fuller, but lbs latter tarn- bled IL Tben a aingle liy Abbey and a double by Haul netted two rana. Tlornan made a triple bag- ger, but waa left on third. WAtuiifUTOlT. a a o. A.a Balliuh. If.. 4 0 0 3 I ' Jo|n,Jb.... 4 - HuAoi'ar. rf 4 OUiaeook, ti 4 KcOulra.c.. 4 Cart'rl|lil,lli 4 Onoki, 3b... 4 Abbtr, CI. BiuUp.... ToUli...98 1 ' ' I I I 0 9 I 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 I II 1 0 1 J I 9 I 0 1 9 0 0 0 ..90 137 U 0 0 0-3 Naw TOBi. T. a a. o. a.b. 4 0 0 1 0 0 TlareAn.rr.. 4 0 110 0 Sdirirar, e.. 4 0 0 1 0 DaTli, III.... 4 110 1 Tanllall'n.cr4 0 9 1 0 4 I I I 4 rAtnll,3b... 9 0 0 0 9 German, p.. 9 e 0 U 1 Fuller, ti.... 9 0 0 9 1 1 Tolslt..J9 9 11113 I Naw fork 0 0 0 . Waihlatuo....o 0001100 -4 EarnM rant—Nav York, 1; WtahlnstM, 1. Bttooa t^ nn-W., I. On Ulla-N. V., 3; W., 0. etnick oat-N. Y., 1; W., X Umpin, Bmtllt. Tlmt. lea The New YorU bad Utile Inuble lb nvertlog Ihe above reeiilt when Ibeae teaois again met on Juoe 20. The New Yorks oulpbiyed tbelr opponenta at all poluts. The emn made by ibe former were less damaging than wan those charged to lbs visit- ors. Olaaacoek, In particular, had an "off day" In bla Holding. Clark pitched good ball and waa ef- feoilve at critical abtgea, but Ibe emra inada be- hind blm had a bad effbcl on bla work. BbKkadale was freely balled, bealdea wbloh tie gave alx mm their baae on balla and bit aaotber balamen with a etched ball, and moat of tbem acored. W. Olark, tely of Ihe BenuUin Club, of the Gaetern League, made bla gralappeamnoe wllb the New Yorka aod played dnt bese. Ile did not exscUy score a aiio- ceaa, nor waa he a failure. With more eiporlence he may makea flntclaainan. Tbe loug aafe blta were two Itlpje bagger by Fairall. and lUUUea by Hasamasar,Tleiiian and rairell. WAaaiiuroi.T. a a o. A.a Silbach,ii... 11110 0 ^oroob.... 110 4 10 Hatamaar, rf 4 13 10 0 Olataeo<k.u4 9 13 4 McOnlra^e.. 4 0 111 Otn'tliht,lb i 0 0 10 0 Cnokl,3b... 4 0 3 3 6 Abbei, cr... 4 0 0 1 1 BuektjAla,p4 1 0 0 3 0 TVIUU...J8 0 oil U 7 Watlilnirton... I 0 0 Hmw York 10 0 1 NawYoax.T a a 0. i.s. Barbt,ir.... 1110 0 1 Tltnao. rf.. 6 1 1 3 0 0 Tullall'aefl 110 0 0 W. UUrb. lb. a 1 I 13 1 3 SiaIKhvI, 3b.. a 3 1 3 9 3 acbrlvtr, 0.. S 9 3 7 I 0 rtmXliti... 1 1 4 I 9 0 D.citik.p..a 1 1 I 0 0 rulltr, aa... 4 I u 1 9 U Tolalt 44 U It 17 14 6 0 0 u 0- a a 0 4 -u EamtO rant—Wathlogtnn, 1; Htw York, 4. 1 aniini-W.,4; K.Y..1. On bt1l»-W., I: N. Y.,e. aineh oal-W..4:M Y.. I. Umpire. Eoullt. Tlmt. lot. The New Yorks woo again on June 21, In what proved to be a very Intereatlngcooieat, marked by a number of brilliant plaia The bome team ont- batted tbelr opponeoia, making their blu when men were on the basea. Tbe Waablngtona made two or* ron, which wen nepooalble for Ove of Ihe rune acored by tbe New Yorka. The laUer made one er- ror that gave Waahloglon two ruiia. Bolb plichen did good and effective work, although that done by Uennsu waa Ihe belter of ibe two. Halb began to fall In Ibe tblrd Inning, and contlniied until Ihe cud of Ihe game. UmpinEnullekeptthsteamaon Ihe Held, deaplle Ibe pnieals ot Ibe vlilltoK captain at tbe end of the fourth Innlog. Clark'a work waa an Imprevement over Ibat of hla flrst appeannce. Sen- aallonal elope and floe thmwa were made by Btaf* ford, PamU, fuller aod Oliaaooch, Naw Yoaa. r. a a. o. A-a. Burka, ir.... 1 9 3 9 0 TUratn. It.. 1 Vtnilalt'acfi ntark, lb.... I Ruirtnl.9b.. 4 Hcbrlrtr, 0.. I Pamll,3l>... 4 rienntD.p.. 4— 4 Tiult...9 New York WatblaslM. 9 0 Olio 0 1 10 I 0 19 1 1 II 1 1 13 11 3 3 0 1 0 119 9 1 8 II 37 It 1 . I 0 0 WAiHiauTOS.T. a a. o, a.b. aribach,ir. Joyc*.3b.. Ilntamarr.rt 4 0 niAiacoeb.tat I BcOulrac.. I 1 ofnan'riaiiMb 4 a ~ Craokt.3b... 4 0 Abb*7. d... I 0 Maicar.t.... 4 0 Tolalt. .37 J 0 1 1.1 1 0 0 0 1 1 I 0 0 0 3 1 1 8 1 ta 1 0 8 4 0 10 1 1 I 7 17 16 0 0 Earatd raaa-Hav Yorfc.1. Baia on arvora—N. Y.. I; Oo bAllt-H. - - - - -—- -— WaMitniton. I H.Y.,1; W. - IFmpIra, BmtiN rim a, liO. Boston ws* BioeidjB. Usees on balls by Reooedy Ui the fourth losing, followed by home ran bile I7 Nash and Lowe, lalls the sloty of Brooklyn's defeat on June lt,al Boston, Masa. The vlallora could not bat NIchola to ad- vantage, eicepi In tbe seventh Innlog, when tour aafe blla scored three runs. The Bebllog on liolh sides waa good, especially Ibat of Nash. Corcoran put up a gnat game for the vbdiom and Iialy aod Bblodle ably seconded bbn. The other long safe blla, besldas thcoe mentioned above, wan double baggen hyTYedway and dilm, BaiioBLva. T. a a. o. a.a " Oriain. d.... a I ' ' ~ ' Qorvono, at. 6 0 UfhnWib 1 0 Tnimif.wt. 4 0 iaila<lla;ib. ' - Ball. lb.. AantraoB Orlm, e 4 KaontOr, p.. 4 Ti>ltla:..IO BraoklfO 0 I 9 III n 1 0 0 1 8 4 .41199 •n boBToa. V. a a. U>t.Sl....S 9 14 Btoaoo. rf.. a 0 I loo Oiffl, tf..,. s ■ a 9 0 0 s I 0 0 0 0 e^HHii.9u.... a 119 7 0 ' Toeker, lb.. 4 1 I 10 I 0 LM(. tt.... 4 1 8 0 4 1 OUtaial. e.... 4 0 1110 0 lllcbob,p... 4 1110 0 Ti>IAb...4ll01117U I 0 0 • I 0 I-a 3 3 0 3 3 11 0 3 0 3 . S II U 19 I 1 0 0 0 0 0 Etrntd rant—Bmoklrn, 9; Brook.. 1. On ballt-Brook.. 9: Boa, I. Btnafe ont- Bm>k,S Unplr*. BcOoaad. Tlnia.l.«a The above lesnlt was ravened Juoe 20, the Brook, lyos then haminsiliigSalllvu'apltcblnfall over lbs Beld, and anally knockleg Mm ont ot ihe plleber'a pualUon In Ibe foortb laolag, Hdvetis lidag aubail- ioted at the beginning of Ibe flrib. lb the aane Inn- ing Onmben nplaoea Lndd, wbo wie bdog laited too freely 10 soli bis clob. His ehange beneCled liMh clutis, as both Bttvetls and Oombert did mseb beitar work ihan their iiredsieaaiiia. auntta pllcked gaely, aulklna oet sevaaol hsiaui, sad only ooenn was eanad off hlB. Ihe Img saw bits were borne rana by Anderson end Lowe, triple bag. 5gn by Urinin abd Long, and a double liagger iiv rinin. Tbe Oelillng of Hhlodle sud Naib, wllb Oriniu'a laUliig, were tbe foaturea. Bmoublvh. v. a b. o. A.a Uiima.or.... 19 3 10 0 Conoran, ta 1 0 0 0 9 Ueliton, lb 4 9 113 0 Tradaay. rf. 4 0 I 1 0 Bblnllt, 8b.. 4 0 I I 1 Daly, lb 4 0 9 9 9 Andtnon, irt 1 I 9 0 Orlin, a 4 0 0 0 0 Luolil, p 9 9 1 0 I Qumbait, p.. 1 0 0 0 0 T. a. Liiwt, lb.... 1 1 Bannoarr.. 1 0 uuny, cl 1 I McUarUy, U 4 0 Nath,3li. ... < u muos, tL... Taonay. 0.. (lanuf. 0... ejHulllvaa, p. BUvttlAP.. Tuitla... . 4 I . 9 0 . 9 0 . 9 . 0. A.a. 3 I 0 I I - too 1 I I 3 « U 0 0 3 I 0 0 0 7 I 0 110 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 30 6 a 37 11 Tolala..JS 6 1317 19 . Bnoklra 910100 10 BOIIOO U 1 I I 0 0 0 9 U-1 Etroad nua-Blooht|0,6; Botloa. 9. Btta on bulli^ Brook., 9: But., 1. Blraea out-Biooh., 8. Uuplrv, Mo Dontld. Tlut.XII. Timely batilog helped Ihe Urooklybs to wlu again June 31, wben Beilon, the ex Urown Unlverally pluber, occupied tbe pluher'a poaltlon In bit dnt cbauiplonablp game tor Ibe hooie team. Ile did ex. ceedlngly well under tbe nuMtdltcouraaIng cUcuu- alancee. Ile beld tbe vUlioradoiin lu elghtHlDgloa, but Ibe lAiler managed lo buboh Ihem at opiwnune tlinea. Usub'a pItcUug band was lujured while at the bat lu tbe alitb luulog, and be ntlred In favor of Keooedy. Uotb Uaub and Keoneily did good work In tbe pllober'a uoalUou. Hotb were wild In giving baaaa ou balls, but wore vair elbuUve wben men were on the baaca and a tall meant one or mure rana for Boaton. Uuny and Naah were the ouly memben ot Ihe home team who appeand able to bat the ball aafely. Bmoobltb. v. a a. 0. A.a Urimn.cT.... a 1 0 0 u .0 oorcDimo, H 1 1 I 9 1 0 Ladiaan,lb 4 I 9 17 0 0 Tndnr, rf. 4 0 1 I 0 0 Wilniiit,9b.. 4 0 I I a I BuHTOV. T. Lo«a3b.... I HaaQvo. rf.. I Ousy.ef..... I acvanbr, ir. i I Tuchtr, lb... < a B. 0. A.B. 0 0 I 8 0 1 0 1 0 I 0 J B 0 U I 0 0 oils. 0 u 0 0 0 S U 9 I 1 111 0 1 ABjtr«oo,ll. 4 I 0 I 0 0 ... Qrliii.e 4 0 0 1 1 OTatnti, 0... Daub,p I 0 I 0 1 U Oailoa, p.... 9 I 0 0 I 0 Ktnnear, p. 9 0 I 0 0 0 TotabL.'.ai 4 9 17 IS 1 Tolslt...S i 617 > 1 Bnaiblru 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 1 0-1 BotUin I 0 1 0 0 0 V 0 0-1 lUniMl mat—Brookl/p, 1 Baatoo trior—Brook. Oo btlft—BrovB., 4: Hoilon, 9. Hirack out—Braoh., 9; Boa, 1. llmpirt, lleDonal S. TlnallB. Plltabarg to. LMlaTllle, Tbe LoDlsvtlles were bealeo Juno 10, at PItbiliurg, Pa., Ibroogh their Inability lo bat llawley aafely wben hits were neceaaary. Inks pliobed good ball, but was balled safely at Ibe rlgbt Uuie, the bome learn making eevemi loog hita when men wen on the baaca Prcsloo and (lenloa led tbelr reapecllve teams In belUog, Ths long safe blta wen a triple tiigger by Becuey, and double lioggem br Preauiu awJ CtloBoian. Oatrke, for tbe vlallon, did aunie lirlllUnt lleldlng. The Deltlng ot CoUlua and Cruaa wen featono. Louiaviua. V. a. a. o. A.a rroilsn, el., a u 1 I 0 u 0'Brlto,lb.. 1 0 0 3 0 0 Piwiaoao. V. a a o. a.b. UoBoiaa, rr. 1 u o 1 o 0 UtalDt,91i... 6 3 9 8 4 1 4 0 0 U 9 0 BtOklty, lb. 4 1 I II 0 0 ~ OuaiaLcf... 4 0 1 9 0 0 llmlu^lr..... 4 113 0 0 Wiuaart. it.. _ _ _ _ _ _ Cbrkalr.... 4 0 1 4 0 0 Wtleb. lb.... 4 0 0 P 0 BiCnafT, rfl 0 I I 0 uiyraaa, ta....4 119 1 Volllna.Sb... 4 0 0 9 9 0 nllDiaiao,lli4 0 ' ...... K|Bai,,,o.. ■ - lUwIiy, p... 4 0 0 0 I 1 . ToUl.^.lB a 7 97 13 4 Ztbntr.o.... 4 I 0 9 0 9 lokt. p 4 0 1 0 I 9 T0UU...8I I 9 94 II 1 LoulnlUt 0 0 0 .. PlUabnrf....... I 0 1 1 I 0 1 0 -1 Earned nnfr-PItulinra, 3. Stat on arrvra-UHilt- •lilt.9; r.,t On hall>->'.,a. BUueh tnt-L., 9; P., I. Unplro^tTnt Tlmt. lit. The Plltaburga won again June 30, allhoogb out- balled aod onuelded by Ibe vbdiom Bolb McUen mou and Cunolngbam ntcbed boor laUl, Ihe former capeclally. HcUennolt waa relieved In the aecond Inning, after be bad fllloil Ibe baaea and Ibeg forced In a ran tbioogb wild pitoblog. Hanajier Mack gave a trial lo Jamea Oardner. a local pitcher of aouie npute. Ile waa freely balled tbrootbout, and only the poor work of the vbdUng pitchen cr Ihe borne team might liave been beaten. The king ■fe blta were Irlpio boggem bt Prealuo, Uulllua, Zaboer and Croat (twice), and doublea liy CUrka, CollUia. IHinuran, Oenint, hunuti, Crmsaad Uard- ner. Tbe l«lilog of Clarko aud Cron with lbs fielding ot O'llrleoabd tienliis wen Hie feaUirea. PiriMUtw. r. a. a. o. a.b. Uuooiaa, r(. a 9 1 I 0 0 llaoint, a 9 I 9 t I Sa<tl«r, lb. 1 9 I s 0 0 HUoialeL.. 19 19 0 0 e^Bmllb, IT.... 8 9 110 0 ' Cr<at,aa.... 8 0 9 1 1 1 nleimaajb 1 I I I I I saiSao, a.. 1 1 I 6 I 0 Uanlotr, p.. 8 11110 Looiaviua V. a a. o. a.a rrtM<in,er.. 19 9 10 0 O'Brton.Ib.. 13 14 Biugarttt,. 10 0 1 0Urki,II.... 10 4 10 0 Wtklk lb... 1 0 0 7 I e BclMir,rfl 1 3 8 0 0 Ul.. 1 I 1 8 I 0 ftl^ntr,t.... 6 3 9 s 0 e 0 0 0 9 1 0 0 10 0 ToiAlt...44 0 19 94 9 I r<Kala...47 17 11 97 10 8 tonltvUlt I 9 0 0 9 9 1 1 o-o PliuliurB 8 8 0 1 4 9 0 0 —17 Eamtd root-UnltrlUa, 8: Plluburf, 7. Btta oo tr- ron-L.,9; P..9. On balla-L.4j P.,0. iuretk out-L!, 4:r.9. Ilmpira,Jetst. TI0M.3.S, Inaiililiy to ut lUrVs nlichlag, making only tbree aafe hlw.was tbe chief eanaeot iheLoala- vUle'e defeat Jmie 22. The Pitubsiigi had Ullle tnaMe lo batung Weyhlng'a delleiry, naklBg bits wben men wan on Ibe basea and aarnlng oil Ihe OaMedlni rane credited to them. ThevUtoes nllesnt fom, ihsir work being of a ohaip and Bsppy Older, eapeckUv that ot (PBnen and Col Una, who wen tlbeialfy aeplaaded h* Ihe SBeeta- Ion. In Ihe abaonea of firanlheis, who left Ibe isam while tberwsie plaiing la Hew Tctk, Weick Is playlBg gist bosa aod glelBg snUie sBlMselioa. The long satehltowera triple baggen b/BeoUey and Stsoisl. Twodoobls plays by the vlsHon and Hail's pllcblog wsra tealono. Looiavitii.v. a a. & a.a Prattoa, of... 410100 0'Bllta,9Ii.. 4 0 I 9 4 0 abuBBn,ti.. 4 0 0 1 3 OBwkltT.l OUtIt, II.... 4 0 0 1 0 0' OtulBftr. If I 00100 Walak, Ih... 4 0 0 II I I Oolllot. 3b.. 4 0 1 4 9 0 W*|hl01.p.. 3 1 10 3 0 Brina, c... 3 0 0 1 0 1 niuU...J4 9 3 34 14 I UlulnlUa 0 0 nvasoBa. r. a a. o. a.b- DoooTaa, tC a 0 1 8 0 0 llealot,lb... 4 0 0 8 0 0 BwkltT,lb..S I I 8 1 0 mtnttttf.-- 4 1 10 0 0 RairUi, v.... 8 1 3 3 0 0 nnaaaA.... 4 I I 3 s I llllaBBiin. 9b4 I 1 3 I I Ru|\ltn,o... 4 0 1 8 8 0 Htll.p 4 0 1 0 4 0 Toula....JO 1 II t714 1 . 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Pllltbun 0 1 0 3 0 0 10 -8 Barntd nint-pliutiurx, 1. Haia 00 inor—LonUillla. BwannbtlU-L..!: P.u. sinct oal-L,3: P.,1. Um. plr«,Jtvnt. Tlnit. 1.11. Olevelaitd va. C'bleago. Two gamea for one adntktlon were played Jone 31, at Cleveland, U., both reaiilllog lu vlctorliafor Ibe home team. In the opening game Ibe Cleve- landa outplayed Ibe vlallora at all polnta Urinitb wo* freely Iwlteil aflcr Ihe fourth Inoing, eapeclally by UbUe, /Immer ami MoAleer. Up to that uuie be wae very eilbuilve auil proved quite an enigma to tbe borne team. Young was uore aleadjr, navlng good oomoiand ot Ihe ball, atnklng out ux ot Ihe vlaltlng balamen, and keeping Ibe nlie well apart, except In Ibe Drtt loning, wben Ibo Cblcagoe earned a ruu. The long aafe blbi were a litple oaggtr by Klllrldge and iloubloa by Zluibier and Vouog, i:uicAiio Byto, ir..... Italiltn, ta... wiiiiiiiLir... An«Hi. Ih... Lanao, cf.... Kiailtl, 3I1.. HIttlil, lb.. Kiniiilat. t. Uiimiii. p... Toiala....: Clileaau Olttaltnd... a I I I 0 0 II 3 u u 1 3 I 0 U I 0 1 3 0 0 Balkan, If.. 1 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 u 3 0 a u ULBVBLtRB. V. a a. 0. A.B. BcK laiibi^ 311... 1 Il.TtbMU, lb 1 Biika rf.... 1 ZIniiiitr, 0... 1 1 I 0 Bcllan, Sb.. < 9 9 0 Olio 0 0 14 0 I 10 I 9 9 9 0 9 9 14 19 10 1 8 0 I I 9 I S 7 IStr IS I 0 l-a .40 -7 Karntd run*—iriilctao. I: Cltroltnil, k BatA oa tnora -i:bl.,9: i:i»t ,9. Uillidl»-i;hl.,>: Ultlt , 6. Blinoh eul-l!bl., 1; Cloit., 1. Util>tl*, iitltlo. Tlnio, I IS. Hu|>erlur tatlllDg bolped tbe liiiiiiu team lu win the aouinil game, wbtuh waa alarled liuinedlately after Ihe Oral one. Terry iimred an caty mark for Ihe Llevebtnds, who lilt lilm hanl and otieu. earning nine ot tbe Ion riiiia irredlted In them. Cuppy, on the other hand, waa ateady suit very ctlbctlve, and hail hia aupporl lieeu perfect not a run wouM have been acored off bla plioblng. Tlie long aafe bits were a triple bagger by Ciippy and ilouliToa by Bur. k«ll UnllMll fhUrf,! yl„iniav il>Bll .,<,l ■ ken, MoKean, Cnllda, /liuMer, Ityan and lange. .... ULaTBLABD.v. a. a 0. a.b 1100 Hurktii, ir... 113910 0 U 9 1 IMeKHn,ia . 1 1 I 0 9 I U 0 3 0 0 i:MMi,|\ 1 1 3 4 9 0 Ilia 0 Il.Tabiau, lb 1 11791 0 1 I 0 0 nUht. rr.... a b 3 9 0 0 0 I I 0 I tlinntr, 0.. 1 I 3 4 0 0 1 I I 0 0 HtAlttr, er.. 1 I 3 3 0 0 9 18 1 n Hdlarr.Sb.. 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 9 3 9 0 lluppj, |> 1113 3 0 « 8 31 I 3 XMt IS lU ll>M 10 1 OBUODUlIo-4 90001001 -W •LanBaiiuT. hit wllb l«lltil ball Karnn] rulit-i:it*aUail,v. Utae on trmrt-.CIilctBO, l:ulttt.,9 Oa bslU-Clil., I; rlavt , 4 Umtlio, Ual Tin. TInit.lli. TlnHly liailing and taiilllcw doldlng belped Ihe Chlcagua lu reveno the alHive reault June 93, when Iboacene waa changed from Cleveland lo Chicago, tbo Cblcagoe acurliig nve rana lu Iho Ilral Innlog, and ukloii a lead tbey eaally beld throuibout. Tu Ibe aeveiiih Inbliig TelK ' ' CHICAUU. V. H. a, u. t.B. Ritn. rf a ' ' tlabltn, 11... 1 Wlbuiil. ir... 1 Antutt, lb... 4 Mnaaer... 4 BitRll Id.. 4 Huwut,9b.. 4 Dcnahut, c.4 TjrVi.p. 4 Aub...30 CfalCAgO UtoTtbiiHl be olid lu second iNue. Irled 10 tpiko liahlcB ai Ihelatltr ticked Ibe for- luor on the alilna, and when he nit up Uableb fiuiiched blm over ibe heart, knookliig blm off bla tot. Clillibi uiaile aiiuh a Uiiie that ho waa promptly lined by Umpiro Ualvlu. Ubilila ami latuge led ilitir reapecUvo toama lu iNtlilng. Tbo king tafe bits were a borne ran by HoKoan, a triple liagger by lange, and duulilea liy laiugo and KveHtt. tiLBVaUHII. V. M. N. o. A.a Burktll, If . 1 0 1 0 0 I BeKtao,ta.. Ill CtilMa, 10 3 Il.Ttiitau. lb 1 0 I BUkt, rr.... 1 I I BoAlur. ct.. 4 0 I Ztmmtr, c... 4 0 9 Bcllur,3li.. I u Walluap 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 sou 19 0 I U 3 I 9 0 DaiUAUo. Ryta, rr 4 tiahlon. M... 4 Wllaiul, If... 4 Anion, lb... 4 iMBt. cr.... 4 Kvtrllk 9h.. < Bla> 4 IhinAliiit. a. 4 llutchltati.t. 4 TiilalB....31 0 0 0 a. a. o. 9 I 9 I 0 9 I 1 9 I I 19 I 3 I I 9 1 A.a. u 0 3 0 I 0 . ' 0 0 I 1 1 0 ........ _ I 0 0 I 0 TuUli...4l 113 14 II I TiilalB....31 8 to 17 10 0 RItrtlAOj 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Cbleaau 10010100 -8 Karatd raoA-4:ltvtlAnil. 1; Ohlrtao, 4. Uataonamirt -i;it>t., I: iml.. a on ball^-Ultr*..I. Hinick oat— lll»a.. I; l!hl..4. Uiiirlra. Iltltbi. Tlnt.loa Halter all aiound work hel|iod lbs Cbloagoi lo win again June 33, lu what nruved to be a very In- leroatrag coiiieeL Tbo Buiiilay Obaervanoe League made good Ha threat and arroaled the inemben of tbe Ubiuagu team after Ihe third tuning. PrealdobI Hart told tbe Ove corulalilcH Ibat be would aubuilt quietly to arnat If tko iilayera ware allowed lo give iKinda on the tpol. Tlila waa agraeil lo, and Juulce Kniik A. Chivebinil, of Norwood Ilrk, tiefon whom llie wambta were tworn oul, accepted M. I'lMnerand t;. Pmnkaa Hctiurlilea fur the players. Kaob mail waa belil In lloo bonila until July 3, when Ibe cats will come ujj fur trial. WamuUi were alao awiirn out fur II, Taliean and Uul^bn. Theoo wen not aervcd, aa Ueurgo Talioau waa nut on Iba grounda and tbare la 110 auob player wHh Ibe olub aa McCaiin. Uoniinu, Ulevclanil'a now catcher frooi Ihe Vlukahurg team, ptayed lor Ihe Oral lime, proving bimaelf an excellent uuin. Tlio aauie waa Bbaiji uroiigbuut, the home team billing Knell with greateaaeandfreuaiucy. Hlxteenoftbeaoventeen ruua were earned, ilLBvauao. V. a a. I Burktll, If... 10 1 1 ciilui, iii...t (i.Tabtau, lb 1 HUbt,rl...,. 4 MeAlttr, ef., 4 Pooorao. t.. 4 4 llnill,p 4 Tolali...«) intirland Cbleaiii. I 9 9 I D I 3 1 9 10. 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 8 0 0 1 I 9 10 1 • 14 10 I 0 9 0 I nuicAoa r a a. o. a.a Iltalar, IF... l • - - ■• - Utlilta, H.. a Wlluui, rl... 1 Ahwifi, lb. 0 laart, cr... a KittlU, lb.. 8 ntoatl,lli. 1 Klllrld|i,c (inmib, p... 1 1 3 3 0 1 Tolalt...41 II10 87 ll 8 0 0 10 B-a ... 4 I 8 1 -18 Kamtd ruBt-.<:ltvtIatti), 4; nhlcaio, 18. Btaeoetr. On billt-ntra,l: vlir, - - ■ I 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 n,r—llloTt. . . Clatt., 9; Ubl„ 3. Unpltt. Iltlrlo. * Mrucb out—■ Tlmt. lio. HI. lioitia va. Clneianali, Timely bluing aod aopeilor doldlng enabled the Clnclonatis to defeat Ihe HL l/iolt Ilruwna oo June II, at BI. lAiula, Mo., after their ratnra home from llieir first Kaalero trip, Ab emr by My In lbs fillb liibing reaulled In five runs for the vbUloia, virtually givlug Ihem tbe vlotuiy, Tbo uuly loog aafe hlls wen douMe baggera liy klol'bee aad llulbo. Hevanl fine rannlng caiulica by llruwu aod the Iblleld work of UrPbee and Bonner were the featurea. Latbau Bud Hcl'bee led tbelr reapecllvs teams In IwlUog. CapL Kwlog waa unatde bi play, Vaughn taking bis pUca at Drat liase, Murptar mode bbi reappeanbce wltb Ihe Clbclnnall h»m alter aualiseuceuf aevaial weeka aod gave Hblnet excellobt lupport. riaaasATi. v. a. a. o. a.b^ Or. Lovia v. a a. o. a.a Rruan, rf... 1 I 1 0 0 0 1 0 I I 0 a 1 0 9 4 1 0 a 0 0 18 0 u Safhun.lli., 4 4 Mlltor, ir.... 4 ... 4 VtBilin, lb.. 4 lloRTtlvtr.rr 4 Murpby,a... 3 IUilntt,p.... 3 Olnolnoall. SL Lralt... a. o. A.a. 0 0 3 0 0 14 0 11 1 I 1 4 I I I 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 I 0 un 0 u 3 110 0 1 I 4 I 0 110 8 I . 8 S I 0 0 I 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 937 M I a 0-7 0 0-t i:u>itr. If. Uuloo, lb. noaoiir, lb. Boootr, lb. filia a.... buard, rr... 8ly, aa Kirti, f elianil'o • I 0 • 17 14 8 Tuttia...ll 1 U 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 U I 0 I t Baiwd ror PJirtI In ninlh lunlnv. Etretd mot—CInclnnttI, 1; Hi. Litol^ 1. Batt on belli -O..8: 81-■>., 4. BIruek out-Hi. I,, 1. Uuilra, Bttfa Tlmt, ia. Timely balling belped Ibe vlnlUin to win aailo Jube 3X They aciirtd two rima In Ihe Oral Innlog; and Innk a lead wblcb tbey held until tbe third In- nlog, when the hnma team weut to Iho front and aiayed there until Ike aavenlb Inning, wben the tlilton lialied In two rans and lied Ibe acote. In Ihe next Inning tbo vlallon made four rans and tlnuslly put the reault leyond a doulil, alihougb Ibe hftme team made a fine rally In Ihe nlulb and acored two rans. The long aafe hits wore doublo '—"r and Connor, Hoy sud Ive teams lo baUIng, neb The deldlng of liaggen br Hlller, Hurpbr Cooley led their leepecilv . making three timely aafe blla. Bmllh and Kly wsaa featare. CiaolBBAVl. T. a B. o. A.a 8 lAiham,ib.. a ■clliet, 9b.. 6 Hllm.rf..... 4 Bnllb, M.... 4 Viosbn, III.. 4 Hoaielttr, II 4 Murphy, e... 4 Parrot!, p... 4 . " s 8 II n 10 1 9 0 9 I 0 0 9 0 1 I 9 9 4 4 I 7 I I 3 0 I 0 0 ' I 9 Ar. Looia v. a. s. o. A.a nr(i>D,er.,,. 1 1 I I 0 0 1 9 3 9 0 0 Cimoor, lb.. 1 1 9 8 9 0 0 Honotr.Sb.. 1 0 0 I 0 i ~ rtlu. 0 suisie Uulon, lb... 1 1 8 4 0 0 Dfiwil. rf.... 4 0 0 I 0 0 Kly,at 4 0 I 1 8 0 BrtIl*lltlo,p. 4 I 1 I I 0 .... .V . ToliIa...41 8 19 17 10 3 (llacleaall 3UO00O94 0-8 BI. Unit I 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 9-8 Btnwd runa-4;laclantll.4; SL Looit,!. Baaa on ar- rr>n-.n.,9. On lalb-ll., I; Hi. I,., I. SirKk oBt-0.,8. Umtirt, Xttft. Tlm*.lb. Tne sliove result waa nvened Juoe 33, when lb* Cloclnnalla were beaten by anperlor latling, Con- nor excelling. Iiwfer prered an eaar man, was liaUed all nvrr tha lot, and was finally laoeked ont of tbe pitcher'e poaltl'io la Ihe slxih loning, yon- man lieing aniiailluled at Ihe iMglimhig ol (he sev'- ootb Innlog, and bepreTonted the bona tsemfroi) acmlng again. Malay was hi excelleil foinaM held Ibe vtdlora down to alx nfe hits, off whleb