New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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266 THE IMJiiW YOKK OL.IPPEB* Jtjne 29. they nnml two nnt. Oonimr Ird lo tailing. Iim inrae mt» tlta InclailM Iwo honio mm, Tbo ollHr kKiRBre lilu wcra trlplo liigittn hjOoolejuid HMtj ind k dunijlo liagier br Hcrbn. Lailum wunnttolht ixneh bj dipt. VwIiir In Ibt mr- •nth Innlnn for nliirkliiK a hot hit iwll. . _ . - Br. LMIIS. T. I.-II. 0. A.I Hn», tr...« ] 9 4 0 0 " ■ i 1 I 4 n 0 8Dinn,3b.„. 4 0 0 6 3 0 »anor, lb, ------- BooiMr, 8ii„ r«lit,e DoTi], rr...- eir. H 4 > 9 a 0 u 4 n u 0 I :i 4 0 I 4 I I 4 1110 0 4 I 3 I 3 I 3 110 0 0 OiaairjfATi. r. n n. o. a.i. R«r,cr 4 13 10 0 KOiumJii.. s 1 I 1 I 0 oimj. Jb I 0 0 u 0 0 MUIw, If.... 4 0 II 0 0 0 BmlU,H.... 4 0 I 9 1 U VinibD, lb.. 4 0 010 1 1 Hofnirar, 114 0 0 1 0 I Miirpbf.g... .10 0 10 0 Dmj», p 9 0 0 I 9 0 FonoiBii, p.. I 0 0 0 9 0 T>UI<....3i 3 tlHO 9 TOUU...S 9 II 97 S 5 oiMioDiii oooioionu-a SI. LMlli 30)10400 -0 R4m«d ninii—CIndODtll, 1; HL IaqIr, &. Bue nn lulU -«.,9:Bt.L,t einick nnt-U., I. Umplr«,lMr4. Dnitoa VI* New Torit* Tlw noxlona dsfmlM Iba Now Yorki June 71, >t Boatoo, Uhi., Ill tlio prcHncooIorerolghtUiou*- and poople, In wlitt proved lo bo ont or llie moot IntciMtlDi g*iaea Min lliera Ihia acuon. Tno OeM* Ids or lioUi ttama wii cbandciUcd by iliaip, uappx pVijf, ind Ihero v«a Juiit onongh batUng to kaap tbo ■peclaton Riienlng til lo lliaDul mult of tneconlou. Bam on lialM b/Cbik, followed bj twoiafa blw, pracUcalljrgaro UuMoii lliagimo In tbs ilxUi lonlDg, and Lona'i boma run niada Ihavie- torj aura In ma elibib. Clark iillobed a fairly good gama. but NIcboU did far liouer, nupearlog to have - .1— .. (J,™ tbe tiaw Yorki, wllta Uia pmil III . llurka and Kamrll, complolel/ at UIh iiicrcj. Tlia cxcepUou of lODg bill wan a homo run and double biuger (ij Long, and a triple bagger by Fdrrell. The reaturea were the taUlngof l/iiigand llurke. who b dihclr leapactiva teemri In lhat reipect. una llio flrldhigof Burte, Kairell, Fuller and I/>wo. In the aeveiilh Inning Burke aaved two riini from lielng made by the botM team liy making a Hiuiilonal niuiiing cateb, altnoat at itao oxireina comer of lelt field, of a oraat line drive by Uannon. Kaw YORK T. a. I. o. A.I. ~~ lutte, ir.... a I 3 4 I 0 Tlaraao, rr. 4 110 0 0 Vaallilt' 4 0 110 0 \r. nurk, lb. 4 0 111 u 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 Sebritiro.. 4 0 0 3 11 ramlLib. . II. rutk, p.. 4 0 I 0 I 0 1 1 4 0 ruhar.ak... 4 0 0 0 3 1 TaUll...SI I ( II 14 a XawYoik. - • ■• BmIoo Boaroi. r. a. n. o. A.a. Long.u 0 14 0 10 McRAriiir, ire I i 0 0 0 Duirr, ci.... 4 0 1 1 u 0 11 U O^Nub, 3b 4 0 0 0 10 ~ ~ iMwt, lb ... I 0 I 0 t 0 TaeVir, lli.. .4 0 0 010 Hunon, rl.. 4 1 I 1 0 o lluiui.e 4 0 0 0 0 1 Nleliob, i>... 4 I 1 1 1 0 ToiibL.. M a 11 nio I 00U03I0U0-3 9 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 -1 Rimid no*—Nav Vork, 3; Aniuo, S. Uan tin frrnr -B. (In bllU-N.V., 1: H., 3. Blruch uul-K. Y.,0: H., I. Umpln, Mumy. Tloir, IJfi. The Unnons bail nu trouble In dcreallDg the New York! again, June 24. Uennm wai touched up freely by Ihu beine team, while BUvcUa bad llie vKlluri In hlH power nmst or the time. The ihw- lone plarod curdeiHly and lind men put out on i he liaiea by Indinrient work. Ilurko ciirrlril oir the bonora In tbo Held, and Van lUllren led at the bat for the vuliiin, while liuiry anil (lanzel did the beat balling and Long Ibo liem lloldlnR for Iba home lean, Kiiller pUyed well al ihon, lu did Karrcll at Iblnl. Tlio louH aafe hibi were a Irlpio and double bagger by Oanzel. - - ■ - - - BOfflOIV. r. B. D. 0. A.I. Niw York. t. h. h. o. a.i. Boika, ir.... 4 3 14 10 Tlanun, rf.. 4 I 1 I 0 0 TaallAh' 4 u 3 3 0 I ramlLSb... 4 0 0 3 3 0 HIAliinl,4 U 0 3 I " Wllasil,0.... 4 0 0 0 1 OUrk.lli ... 4 0 0 II 1 Qannto, 4 u o 1 4 ii yoDar.M.... 3 0 0 0 3 0 TjlAla...Jt a n II 14 I Haw York I 0 1 Isoi.aa..... a I I 1 3 0 a 3 I I 0 0 4 I 3 3 0 o Naali..3b.... 4 1 I 3 0 I Ixnr.ab.... 4 13 3 4 1 rucker, lb.. 4 3 i lo 3 o " 4 113 0 0 4 0 3 3 1 0 ...401110 Tlllll<...33 I 1317 14 3 0 0 0 0 3 0-S lUnnou, rr. nanial. o... HllfOltJi, p. Buioo n 0 0 a 1 0 3 0 -a Kamad mui—Now Vurk, 1; Hoalua.e. naae un omim —Y.,1. lie lialli-N. V..1; n., I. Sirurk aal-N. Y., 1. Uaiplra, Marray. Tlmi*, 1.A1. BalllMore va. Waablnglon. FaulUeia Holding and Muptiior iMlUng enabled Iba IkilUmorea (o dofeal Iho Waihliiglon*, June H, at llalllinore, Ud., when them teami met for Iha flnt time this aaaaon In a ehrmploLiibip eonleit, Uoyd wot freely lialled, crpcclavy lu Uie third Inn- ing, wbea the heme team icorad nve ninii, four of wtlob wer« earned, lloinir waa lilt niiicb hanlrr than the Cace of the acore Indli-aiea, but perfect daldlng kept down the vlallon' trnre, they earnlnir ah the niiuorcdiled to Iheni. UcUiaw wai Uicd $33 by Umpire Rnwito and pnt out of tbo game fur dUpuiIng one of the laiicr'i deoliloni. ami uoi alop- phig when ordeietl to, Belbachaud Jennlogaleil ibeTr reapeetiro teanu lu lialiing. The long aafe hlla ware triple baggera by Helbaoh (twice), Mam- Duaar, Jeiinlnn, Kelley, llnMlla and lleini, and a double lugger oy Hobluaonc wiaaiioioa.T. a, - - - " .0. A.a. . A 0 1 4 1 0 Jofe«,3b.... a 0 0 I 1 1 HABam'ar. ife 1110 0 4lltBae(Mk,aa4 0 I I 3 o Meaalra, a. 4 0 1 I 1 0 Oan' 4 I I 0 0 0 OnokB,iii... 4 I I 4 3 I OnokB,iii... 4 I I AMer.or.... 4 i i Bard,p 4 0 1 0 1 u Bai.tiuori. t. r. a o. A.a. XMiTiw.ib., a 0 nlaaaon. 3b. 0 0 Koalar, If... a 1 Jtiuitona,aa. 3 a Kallar.l?... a 1 nmiia,cr... a a Iialu.3h.. 1 I 0 1 1 u u I 0 a 3 4 0 4 0 0 a 0 u I I 0 sua a 0 0 0 1 > llarar, 111. .. 4 I J RobloaoB. 0. 4 0 llmTtr, p.... 4 1.. TtilaU...S8 4 0 34 II 3 Tolala....41 II Itff T 0 VaAlaiVa.... 1 0OIIOO0I-4 Baltlmora 0 0 a 0 1 I I I -II Raniad naa—Wajdilnalon, 4: BalUmiira, 7. Baa* on ■noia-ll.. 3. 00 balla-w.. 3; H.. 4. Btnick ual-W., 3: BxJ. UnirliT, Kualla. Timely balllog enabled the Waihlngtona to n- verae the above reault June 34, whan the aeene waa ■hlfied from OalUoioia to Waihlogton, Up to Iha dgblh lining tko vlaliora were not able to make a nn, wlioa three won placed hilt gave tbem two. Maul pitched an axcallant game and hia aupport waa alnioai perfect. Clarkaos alao pllchcd a good ■•DO, bnt In the ilxth Inning two alnglea, a double and a lilpio, aided by Itelix'n error, neitod the hone team flvo runa, whIcD Tittually won the game. Tba long aafo hita wore a triple bigger by Balbaeta and a double by ilolluiro. WAaaiitonM r. i. a. o. A.a. «tll> 0 114 0 0 j<ra*,at>.... 4 11110 Uaaua'M, rf 4 0 I 4 0 0 <llaai«Ht.M 4 10 1 lloaa|f«,o.. 4 114 flaiVrlBSulb 4 10 0 Oniaka,lb.,. 4 10 1 4 0 14 ianl, p 4 I 0 0 TMala...37 7 017 WaahlaitoB 0 BaHlmof* 0 Baltihoii. t. a. i. o. a.i. Uc<lra».3b.. 4 0 3 1 3 0 4 0 0 1 Janalnn,aa. 4 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 I olRnalla, or... 4 0 0 4 ^ " llallr. lb.... 4 0 1 a Uai>|t,lb....a I 111 BiibinaoD, 0. 3 I 0 a CUrkuin, p.. a 0 0 0 . Tolala.. .3) 1 a It II I 0 a 0 1 " 0 0 0 0 0 1 n 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 0 II 3 . u Ram ad raBa-WaaliloBiDn, 3. Hm« un anon-\v., a; BalMunn,!. flaulla-w.,a; B., 1. Blmck onl-W., I; >.,4. I'raplia, Kniallu. Tlma,134. Clareland va. LaalaTllle. Tlia lAUla\°lllaa, atienglhened by 8plea, Ula of tho CInolnoalla. vera caally baalon by tho UloTObuidi, June24,atUlevoland,o. Inkaiirovedauaaaymark for Iha boo* learn, who ballad hini bard and oflen, and. only fur aeviral aeuaillonal playa on the pail of Bbngart, would have had more ninHthin wen eredltod to Ihpin. Yonng wu n finrjliT tuthe Tiall- ora, and bad hln lupport been uerfeci wonhl have held them down lo two rnno, iwln earned. The long aafe hibi were a triple bagger by d'Oonnor, and doublte by Bplaa, Inka, McKeaii (Iwlcc) and Dhike. . _ . _ Ui^BviLAXO.T. a. I. O. A.I. I 0 LoviariLLa. T. a. a o. a.a. PisaUHi, ol.. a 0 0 I 0 0 0-Briae.Ili.. 4 0 0 I 3 u 4 0 1 3 0 0 Rll>M*,3b....l I 1 3 a 0 Minialtaa.. 4 Ilia 1 II.T<b•al^3h 4 1 3 It I I Walah, IN... 4 I I It 0 0 HUke, If.... 4 I I I 0 0 (IIUIiiKr.rl. 4 0 0 0 0 U llthnuor, r. I 0 I 1 U 0 nelUDa,3b... 4 I I I I 0 UeAlaar, cr.. 4 0 H I U 0 Bftea, e. 4 1 i 3 u u HcUiir.Sb.. 411010 iQka, p 4 0 1 0 I 0 Vauna, p.... 4 0 1 0 0 1 falAU...S7 a a 11 10 I Tulab...JV 7 111717 3 LealavlUa. 0 0 1 I 0 0 u 0 s-a 01«T>Uad I I 0 0 0 a 3 I -7 Karaad niita-LoulartlU. 1; ClayaUnO, t. Baaa oa »^ — -U,l:tM. (Inballa-L. I. Sliuckuul-U I; 0. tora-U, I: i\ 1. (In balla-L. I. UDipiia. Jarua. Tlma,1.4a. Chlraga Ta. PUIaliarc< Bereral ootUy emn by ibo vlaliora and llnoly lialllDg by the home team, enabled Iho latter In de< faatlng Ibo (oniior on Juno M, al Chicago, III. A woBdtiful nnulng caloh by Ungo In the aevanib Inning went far toward helping the Uhleagoatoa vtcliHT. lauge oaught the ball In hia rlahi hand, lulling over aateral llmea before ha could recover hlDMlt. The long aafe bin were a bonio run by llawley, tilppla baggera by IMhien and Slowart, and dooMoa by llauer, Bnillli, llanler and Btratton. Both pitchen were freely tailed at Umea. fiTiMoao. T. a. a. o. a.i. KBDtin, If. 0 0 0 0 0 u ler, lb... a 0 1 1 1 0 . BaeUar. lb. > 0 1 4 1 olwiluot, ir BiMiaCcr... 4 0 0 3 0 0 ^' ■mriKU... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Cna& la ... 4 110 3 1 <nlaaiiaa.3b 4 3 1 0 0 1 Ba|daa,a... 4 10 0 11 Hawtor.p... 4 1113 0 1^U...JI a 101410 3 nuabarg e - - T. a. a. 0. A.a. - - - 0 a 0 0 0 ' ? 8 CaiOAOo. Oarkir. rr... a 0 1 nalilaii, a<... 3 13 3 wiiDiot, ir. a 0 0 4 Anaoa, lb... 4 0 1 11 UDaa,tr.... 4 3 11 Brailltab.. 4 111 !ita»n,tb.. 4 111 lianAhua, 0.. 4 1 0 1 0 Sliallon, p... 4 I I 0 4 Taliila...aa 0 1117 11 - . 1 0 1 0 0 » 0 I u 3 1 1 0 a niaa—niubura.3; Cltlra|o,3. Baaa oa anon .. . A . Biroek enl-P.,l;C., i VBpt>,U°iliti! I'liaeiVuf. *' Braahlyn ra. Philaaieliilila. Tlie Drooklynawon one of ih«mn>iexclUDg gamea from Ika I'lilladelphlaa, Judo 22, aeen at Ifaalem Park, Brooklyn, V. Y., Ibli neaaon, and Iheieby moved Inio elglh plico In iha chauiplonahlp race. Mcdlll ctarted In to pilch for the vlHllon, bnt after four alnglea, with a boio on balla, which netted llrookljn ihree nine, were charged (0 hti credit, he waarailredandcaneyanballtoled. An error by the latter, witb a triple lugger and a aingia, gsre tlio home team four more roni. After thatOoiaay a«t- lled down and did fairly wall, keeping Iha bita well apart. Tho vlaltota played a floe upblU gamt, bunching their bIta In good form, but inelr own er- ion proved coaily and were Ibo chief caoae of their defeat. lAicId waa ao freely and conaecnllrely ba|. led In Ika third and fourth Innloga that ho waa taken out In iiielatior Inning and replaced bryioln, who did moch belter woA. Tho long aafe hlie w«ie Ulpio laggeni lir liafflllloD,TlioD|iaon,Tnrucr and l.uchl, inddonblet by Thotnpaon and Itallman. Puiu. T. a. a. o, A.a - naailllau, (f • 3 1 a I 0 Bo/la. lb.... a 0 0 4 0 t HuUlTaa, a. a 3 4 1 I 0 Tl«mpaoo,rf a 3 3 1 0 0 Tilinor, ir.. a 2 1 1 0 0 laltmaa, lb. a 0 3 4 1 0 Bucklar e.. a 1 14 10 RroM, all.... 1 0 0 0 0 1 Balllr, lb.... 3 0 I 1 I 0 Mconi.p.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Caraay.p.... a 0 1 0 I I TnlaU W 0 II14 7 3 Tolala...44 II 17 27 ID 4 rhilAdaipiiU... 0 0 3 4 I I 0 0 0-0 Bnwblyn 7 0 I 1 0 0 3 0 —II KAina] roDa-llilUdilphla, 7; Braohlyn.8. Baaaoa ai- ii>—B, 3. CM ia>lla-r.. a: a, 3. BinickDai-F.,a; B., 3. Ureplra. McOonaKI. Tlait.iu. A tluiely bnocblug ot bito In the foorth and elglilb Innlogi helped the I'hlladelphlu lo revena the above leaoll, Jnne 94, when the game waa teml- nated at the end ot iho eighth Inning by a Mrore wind noim and dartiien. Taylor waa very eoeolira In all except Iha alxlb lanlog, when ho hit a liaii- Dian with a pitobed Iriill, gave another one hU baaa on balh, and wai balled for two alnglea, which oat- led two runa for Ihe llrooklyoa. flumbert ww eiTeclIrn In all except two Innlngi, when Iho vint- orA bit him tard ana conaecnllvely. The long fjiIo but were iMpla taggrra by Thompaon, Tiiincr, TKyloranil Corcoran, and a iknibla by Thompaon. Beutalloaal playa were iiitdo by Uiinin, Corcoran and Turner. (Mm wai hurt In Ihe eighth Inning and gave wny to Con lialley. BuooKLva, T. a. r. 0. A.a > 14 4 10 Comraa.aa. 0 113 11 l«rhane»,lbo 1 I 7 u 1 Tiadaiyjf.. I I 1 I 0 0 n,bidi<.il.. a 1 1 1 s 0 Daly, m a I 1 1 X 0 AodaiaoD, ira a 1 a 0 0 <JilTn,e a I I 4 I 1 iHieU, p 3 I I 000 mala, p 3 I 0 0 o 0 l*niu. T. a a. a a.i. MaiullloQ. cf 4 0 0 3 0 0 Boyle, lb.... ■ Ballivaa, aa.. I 0 I 110 T1ioiniaoo,rf 4 1 1 0 0 0 Tiiinar, 17... 4 110 0 0 llallniu,3b. 4 I 1 4 a I aniily, o. Ciobr, Sb. 1 0 1 I u 11 Taylor,p.... 4 0 1110 BKooktra. T. a a. a a.i. Oriinii, cr.... 4 0 0 0 0 0 CoroniBO, aa. 4 0 1 I 3 0 Ucliaan/lb 4 0 1 0 0 0 Tradny. rf. 4 1110 0 l>hla<ll«.3b.. 4 10 0 11 Daly,lb .... 4 0 3 0 0 0 Anilanon, ir 4 0 0 3 0 0 flrlni, c. 3 0 I 3 0 0 Oallay, c... 10 0 12 0 Uoialiart, p. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Tolala.,.ja a 0 3< 0 3 TabiU..J3 3 .I II 7 0 Plilladalphia 0004000 3~a Bmoblyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-3 Kamoil miia-PhlladolMila. 3. Baaa un emn—1*., 1; Biuoklrn, 1. On balla-P.,a: B. 1. Hlnick i,ul—1>., 3; B.,3. Umpiia,licDooAfcl. TIma, 1.40. Oamei te ba Played. JaooK, Chicago ra. nibtbiiia. atChlcaKu, M. Jaoa H, riavaliuld va. Loularina, at OlaTalanri, O. June a. 17, B, finioklyn ra. IVaalilnibin, at Hiooklyn, Juna M, 17, M, Balllmon nu Naw York, al BalUmora. Hd, June la, 27,3)^ Boalon ra, riiliada'phla, at BoiUin. Jla4, Juno 17. X, S, PilUbunc ra. fU. Loula, at Plltaburg, Ta. Juno 17, m, 39. (naraUnd ra. Clileaf n, At Claraland. O. JiiQorr, S, 30, rlncbiitatl ra. l.ouUrhl^ at Cincinnati, 0. JuooV. July 1,3, Branklm ra. Now York, u Brook^D, N.Y. Juno tf, July 1,1, Flilla^alphla ra. Boaliui, at I'bllodal. plila. n. Jone O. July 2, Balllnioro VA Waablogton. al Balllnioio. JnnnlQ. July 1.3. (Milcaao va. et. Loola, aK^iIeiKO, 111. July I, Waalilnalob va Baltlmuia, al Waahlnitnn, D. 0. July 1.1. a, ClavaUnd ra. rllUliuix. at niarrlibd, <l. July 1,9,3, LoaUvlllo ra. Clotlnnall, al Loularllle, By. Tka Champiaiaililp lleeerd ta Joae M, laelaalTe. niubort laltlDwra.... ClaraUail..., t^ilcaao Bmoklyn Pblladilplila, Clnclonatl... (aw fork.... WaahlDBIou.. at. I All la Loularlila. Otmu Vial., it» il B clii 5 BWI 17 34 il at oiAHOBD vmho oosaip. LmUit ■aylBfe aad Dalnga of ike Baae ball Fiatwallir. Thanacond part of the ehamplomdilpatuna of thn rennaylnnhk State iMgna waa liegun Jooe li, wllbgtmcaatOailiundale. Itoeletonnnd FotisvUle. The nault of the conleat played la at followa: Jnne It—At Carhondale, Reauljng, T; Carbomhile, 0. At llaxkston, llatleton, 3; Allonlown, I. At rollsTlilo. ■■otlovllle, 11; Uncaiter.t, June I'-AtOorton- dale, Carbondale, Ileading, 7. Al llatlelnn, llaaleloB, a; Allentown, 4. At Pntiavllle, Pouarliia, 13; lancaater, T. June 11—At Carlwndale, Ckiiion- dAle, 14; Allentown, a. At llailelon, llBxleton, t; Uncaiter.a. At rotlavUla, Pollavlila. 14; Heading. C June It—At Catboudnle, Oarlnodale, Allentown, 3. At Haaleion, Lancniter. t; lladeton, a (Ihlileen hiBlnga). Airoitavllle, IMIia- vine. It; heading, e, June 9u-Ai CarbowUIe, Un- oaalar, 4; CarlwndaK a. Al llatlelon, Reading, 10; llailelon, X At I'otlaTllie, 1*011071110,11; Allen- towi, 10. Juno 21—At Allentown, Allonlown, 6; l>otlivino, 1. At Carhondale, rain. At UHclilon, llailelon, 17; Headbig, Juno tl—At Allentown. Alleolown, 10; Caibondale. 4. At I'otimiio, n>tia- vllle,14; Unraater. a. At Heading, Ilaileton, 10; Roadlng, 4. June M—At Reading, Roadliig.lS; lla- ilelon, 4, At Alleatowu and Uneaoier, nun. Tlie Handing ol the oluta lo Jnne 24, Inoliialve, li aa fol- lowi: najKl. ma. tcK. nrcl raiuvliia 7 a I .nr iiaiWira a a 1 .710 CafboodAla 0 3 3 ,W LaneaMar 3 14 .n AUaotown 7 1 a .BM Raatlag a 1 • .390 The ncenlly pUyed cbamplunalilp ganiea of the Taxaa-Soulhem l<eagaf ramiiiedaa follow; Juiiell —At Hallaa, iMlIu, 1; Bharmao, 4. At Oalrtalon, Oalvetloii, 19: Ban AutonI, T- At llonolon, Attilln, n; llououn, 1. At Bhrvvennrt. Fort Worth. 4; Btuavapntt, 3. Jone la—At liallaa, lint game, Ual- lai,II; Bhennan, i. Second game, lialhu, l4:8hor- niin,0. AtOalvMlon, Uoiuton, 3; (lalrealon. J, At Ban Antonio, Ban Anionio •; Aoailn, a. At Mhraro- poit. Bhiaveport, it; Fbit Worth. 11. Jnne 1*—At (lalveeton. Oalvtalon, lo; llouotun, 0. Al Ban An- tonio, Auitlu, a; Ban Antonio, 8. Al Bhrare. Kit. Bhravepert, «; Fort Worth, 0 (rorTelicd). ne It—At (inlreaifln, Uoniton, 9; dalreiiton, I. At Shennan, l:\ai Worth, 8; Bbeiiiian, 0. June Ift-At Mtmian, Fort Worth, 12; Sbenuan, a. At HhraTeport. Dallas, a; Blirevupnrt. X Jnne 30—At Bhemian.t\>rt Worth, 2;Bheimau,l, AtShnToporl, nnl gauio, Bhrercpon, t; lialhu^ 3. StcoiHl gaue, Bhievapoit.M: lullaiL a. June 91—At Auiiln, San Ahlonlo, 7; Analln, 3. Al Hallaa, Futt Worth, T; Uallaa.», AlBhievepurt. Shrereport 6; Btenaan. 4, Al llouitan, rain. Tho iiauding or the clnba to Juno ai, Uiclnalve, la ai foUuwa: homA rw. ttu. nra. Dallat U 41 U .TO Rhnraport U 41 17 .7U7 runVorUi aa 31 11 jut ailrwua 31 31 a .Kt Rbaiman ai t» t> .4)1 Uoaalon M 10 31 JM Aaaila M la ai M> OaaAaioolo at II il .ue Tho lecenlly played ehaniidivwhlp garnet ot tbo VXaiera IMBUO rceallad aa follow; June is—.u BalDilo. BulMlo, i: Toroniu, 1. At Providence, Beiaolon,«; lYoTldenca, 3. At SpitngOeld, Bprtog- dtld,0; IVIIieataiTe, 1. AtSyraanie,Himruie, II; Uorheater, a. Jnne la-At Bndhlo, BunWn, II; Turontu, ;. Al Pruvtilenee. Bcnnten, 11: novl. denco. 4. Al Bprtngileld, Wlltoohane, B; Spring- IMd, 0. At Syncuoe, Rorhater, 4: Binouae, 3. June 20—At Seianlon, Bcnnton, 10; llulnky, 4. At Wilkoitane, TomnUy, 9; Wllketbam, 0. Jnie 31— At Provldenre, FrotMence, 3; llocliealer. I. At Bnrlngneld, Syiacnie, •; SprlngOeld, a. June 23— At rroTldenre, rmvldenee. 11; Itoeteiter, 2. Al Spilngtleld, BpilnglleM, 18; Bynruao, 4. Al Bctan- lon, tax game, bnililo, o- Bcnnton, a. Second ■anie, Scnnloo, 6; Budalo, 2. At Wllkce- Uiir, Oiat game. Ttmnio, s; wilkeatan*. B: Second innw, Wllkeatane, It; Itmn- 10, It. June 3:v-Al rnvMence, I'toTMenca, 10; Hoohtater, a. Jane 9l-At ProiMence. rrarl- diBOB, l| Bynooae, 1 Al BprtafiMd, wUh lk« acore Blinding Ulocin favor ot Bpriogllald, the gaiiiowaofurfeitcd to Korheaier, by 0 hi 0, by lim- plnOamwy, Btihebeglnulngol Iha ninth Inning, beca jta there waa no bail to play wllh. At Wllkca- tarn and Seranton, rain. The idanding of the cloheloJuBoM, Inclualn, liaifolhiwi: /tapof. iron. Kill, Fir it b5?JSS™;.;:::,"V.v.v.-.S | a i rnrldaaca a «» ? -SS Bennuin 42 18 24 -«» Bocli'aler 01 le 34 4U Tonsta 4« 14 SJ JUl Tho recently played charoplonahip gAraei ol the Southern Aiaoclallon muilied aa rolloir: Jone li- At Utile nock,MIUe flock, 3; Chauanooga, t. At Memphia, Memphlp, 19: AUanla, 2. At Huntgomery, Uootgoniery 6;I!ranaillle. a (ekiveo Inologa). Jnne la-AI Memphia, Mcmpbli, 10: AUanla, 0. AINow ilTleana, Kew Oileani, 4; Naalivllle, 0. Joue i;-At AtUiiila, AILinia, a; Chatunnogn. 1 At IJitle Hvck, Utile llock, 11; Hempbla, o. At Uontgomery, Uont- iKimeiy. a; New Uriean.!, 1. Jone 1k— At Allauii, Al ranla, lO;Chattanooga,;. AtLllUe llock, Mtilo Hock, 7; Memphia. 2. At Monlgomcry, New Urieana, 4; Montgomeiy, 2. At KuihvlUe, Evanavllle, 12; .Saih- vlllo, 3. June lo—At Alhtnte, Atlanta, in; Chttianooga, o. At Uillo Rock, IJiile llock, 21; Hemphhi, ». At HonlgomoT, Honigoni- cry, 11: Neiv (iiltana, 8. At Naahvlllc, Rvana- Ylllo, 7; Kaabvlllc, 4, June 20-At ChaUanooga, Aikiiila, n; Chauanooga, 2. At Kew iirtniif, Kew llrteana, a; Montgomery, I. At Kranatllle and Uemplili, lain. Jnne21-At Chattanooga. Chaua- nooga, 0: Atlanta, 2. At Kvanavllle, Kvanivlile, 8; Kaihvllle, 3. At Memphia. Hemphit, o: Mitle llock, 4. At New Orleano, nin. June 22—At Chailinoo- ga. Atlanta. 12: Chauanooga, o. At Knnsvllle, Naihrllle, u; Evanavllle, e. Al Uemphia, Memphia, lu; Utile llock, n. At New ortcaoa. New iiricana, 7; Montgomery, 2. The aundlog of Ihe clnba to June22, Incloalve, leaafollowi:. ilepfd. Won, Lttt, Perd, Albnla 47 11 ■< .CO Kranavllla 41 39 10 ,tlO Naalirlllo 43' 27 II .017 Hanpllla 43 a 31 .312 Lllllollotb II 18 31 ,VU Naw Oriaana 41 17 27 . 3» Honlinniary 4a 17 33 .313 Cbatunooia 44 It IS . .3U The recently phtyed championship gnniea of tho Wealem lAMtat rtaulied rh follow: June It—At nnnd lUiplda, (Irand Kapld-i, 14; lletrolt. C At Mlnneapolla, lllnneapolla, 12: Mhwaukee, 2. .USI. ■ •aol, SI. Paul, o: Kannu Cliy, t. June IT—At IM- irdl, llclnilt, 8; llnnd lluplda, :l. At Indlantpolla, Indlanniiolla, 7; Toledo, 1. At Uloiieaiiolla. Kaneaa Clly, 18: Mlnnea|ioll8,H(i1vo loninga). AtSl.raul, Hllwaiiliee, a; St I'aul, 7 (ten Iniilnga). Juoe 19— At liidlaoapollo, Indlnuapolla, 12; Toledo, I. At Ulnnoapolla, Milwaukee, 17; Mlnneapolla. 1. At St. TauI, Kanaaa Clly, 13; Mu lianl, 2. June 10—At lie- trolt, lielrolt, 13; <]nnd lUpMa, 0. Al ludlanapolli, InillanaiKina, 16; Toledo, 0. AtUluneapolta, Kamaa dir. 21; Mliineapollo. 2o. At St. I'aul, 81. Paul, 10; Mtlwaiikee, o. June 20—Al Delmlt, Detroit, 13; riianil llapldn,3(ilx Innloga, niln). Atlndlanapo- IU,nln. Juue 2'J-At nelroli, lieiroli, 8; Toledo, 6. AlUiand Hapldi, Indianapolis, 21; Oiaod llaplda, «. At KanaaaClty, KMnHnClty, 12:St. Faul,l. At Mllwankee, Milwaukee, T; HInneopollo, 4. The standing of the cluba to June 22,uiolualve, lean foUotra: Pfaud. Waa. Zail l^ct. lodluupolla 13 n- U .tl3 Mllwaukao 47 2< 33 .110 Kanaaa Clly 47 34 tl .010 aiaial nAplila 41 21 H .WO Hl.l-AUl 4.1 n 21 .4!B Nloieapolla 43 21 12 .483 Oalmll ^1 S n .4ffi Ttledo 41 17 rr .3«l The recenlly played ganicn.lo the VIrglubi Slate l.eagiie reaulied aa follow: June 17—Al l*oriamonth, nicbmood, 7: Fortaiuooth, 8. At lloauoke, Xor- rolk, 11: Roanoke, 0. Al Lynchburg, I'eumbunr, a; lAnehbiin;, 6. June 18—At rottamonlb, Rlcb- iiiond, 3:1'oniniouth, t. At Koanoke, Norfolk, 12; imanoke, 0. Al l^nohbnrg, Peteraburg, 2; Lynoh- liorg. 11, Juno 10—At rortamoolh, Richmond, T; I'orlsmeulb, o. At Koanoke, Norfolk, 7; Iteanoke, H, At Lynchborg, FeleiBburg, 2; Lynchburg, 7, Juuo 20—At RIoumnnd, Norfolk, 11; lUcbmond, 10. At rortamonib, Roanoke, o; ForraoQouth, 18. Al retciaburg, LTnchbiirg, 3: Potera- burg, c. June 21—At lUohmond, Norfolk, s: lUcbmond, 10. At l'ortamn|itb, Roanoke, 2; I'orta- ooiitli, 12. At raienburg. If nchburg, t; roleraburg, t. June 22—At Richmond, Norfolk, 1; Ulchniood, o. At l*etemiiMrg. Lynebburg, 8: Feterahnig, 3. At rortaniciilh, rain. Blanding ot Iho cluta to June 22. Inolnalve, la oh follows: riowf. Wm Zoo. rer et, BloliBODd as 90 14 .730 Lyocbbara 00 30 20 .CDD l^lnAmouth IS 20 21 .M7 I'aUrabora 49 13 B ,m Roanoka II 17 M .m Norfolk ai 17 B7 .311 The recenlly played ciiannlonahlp gamei of thn Naw York Slate l,eagoe reaiilted aa follow: Jone 18—At Ainaterdam, Qloveravllle, P; Amateidam, a. At Johnilown, ningliamlon, la; Johoitowo, 19. At Hnbeneclady. KImlm, 18;Bcheneetady. 2. Jone It- At Anieterdam, Atnaieidam, e; BImlia, 4, At Olorenvllle, lUnghamton, T; Olovenrllle, a. Al Sohenoetady, Schenectady, lO; Jobnatown, 2, Jono 20—At Amateidam, Amateidam, 8; Rlmlm, 1. At aioventiue, Illughtmton,lo; aioverevllle, a. Jone 22—At Anialordain, Olovenrllle, i; Amileidam, 4. At Johnilown, Jobnatown, 8; FJniln, 2. At Soheneo- lady, tlnl gaBM, Bnheuetilady. 10; Bloghamton, a. Second game, Blnghanilon. 4: Hcheneetady. s. Jone 24—,u Amalerdam. Amateidam, o; DlngSamlon. 1. At lilovcnivllle, KIniln. a; Olovenvllle, 4, The aundhig of Iha cluba to June 24, Incluxlvo, la aa folio wt: riand. jnm, Lou. nr a. glnilla. 40 n 17 .071 BInabantoa -at II 17 ,m Amalantain 40 II II talMUClaily 40 10 31 .413 ninvanrliia 38 ih a) .471 Johnitawa 38 la 31 .01 Canton and HanaOald tava dropped ont ot tho Intor-Slaio League, alid Ihe aeaaon will tie contin- ued with all clnba. The new aeilet ot gimea be- gan on June le, and the recently played jnniea ra- lulled aa follow: Jnne 17—At OolnmbuB, Wheeling, 10; Colurabua, 8. At Flndlay. Flndlay, 11; Twla Olllea, U. Juno is—Al Columboa, Columbui. 1; Wheelinu, 2. At FIndhky. Flndlay. la; Twin CIUcl r. Al KMiton. Kenton, I4: Uoa, 0. Jnne It—At Flndlay, Flndhiy, 6; Lima. 0. At Ooluahua. rain. June 31—Al Flndlay, Flndlay, 18; Wheeling,!. At Uma. Kenton, 13: Uma, IL Jone 21—At Oolun. bua. Twin dlloa, 1; CotauliUL a. At Flndtay, Find- lay, e: Wheeling, 1. At Uma, Kenton, lo; Uma, e. Juno 21—Al Ceiumliui, Oolomboa, 6; Twin Cities, 4. At Lima, Uma, 7: Keulon, a. The atandlagof the cluba (0 June 23, Inclualvo, la aa follows: „ „ rtopBl, iToa. IM. ftrrt. PIndUy t a n ijuo ganlon 3 4 1 JQl Columboa a 3 a .an Inulngf. nIn). Jiine2l-AI Hew Caatle, OU Clly, G; VewXue. 3. At Tliiiiviuo, TlinsrlUe,»: »h»ro». ?. Juno 2J-AI Fnnklln. Fianhllo, 11; «l City. I. At New oSTe, New CaaUa, 12; ^^'t,Jt\J^S: ren,TIUiiHllo,I0; Wan«n, «. The Handing of the •luUtUiJunealncluolTjJoaiiloilowa: jtoivd. ir«i. AO* '*'jSs rraakll. ^ S B M Olioiiy g * H IH Tlluarllii 2 !5 i« "ffl Naw CtaUa 27 U " The rtcenflyptoyod »'»»I^°?['!?J?"»,^r'?5i?{ the Iowa league reaulted aa follow: June 18—At nutllsgton, Durilngton,»; OUnmwa, 4. At DnhuaM. Dubuque. 12; Oaleaburg, II. Jnne "-MUiiT Rapldi. cedar lupldi. 10; Borilogton, 0. Al Water- loornuhnque. 14: Waterioo, 12. At oilumwa, rain. Jiiiio H-At Cedar ItapIdH, Cedar Rapldii, 7: Burling- ton, 0. At nilnmwi, ant game, Caleabtirg.»: 01; tumwi, 1, Second game, OUumwa, 12; Calaotiig 11 (tan Innlnga). Al Waterioo, "uhnqne, 12; Water- loo, 0. Jnne 1»-At Cedar Raplda, Cedar Rapids, t; Dubonue, 2, At Oltomwa, Uttomwa, 10; Ruiilng- ton, 4, June »—Al Cedar Rapldi, Doboqna, 14; Ceibr luplda, 8. At OUtunwa, Oliuniwo. 8; Ilo^ llngton, 3.-Jane 21-At Oaleaboig, Burlington, 6; Oilealiiirg. a. At Oltomwa, Iiobunua,«; Ouuiuwa. 2. At Waterioo, Cedar Rapldj, 4; Waterioo, 2. Juno 2-i-Al Oaleiimrg, (laloobnig, !; Borihigtoo, a. At (lilnnwa, Oltnmn'a, 0; Dubuque, X At Waterloo, Cetlar Raplda, 0: Waterioo, a. TI10 atiodliig of the "'"'Hito Juuo^. Inclualve, baa followa: J>la|ui. Doboaae ^ (kdaraaplda Rarilnitoo 31 Wauirloo 37 Oitomva 41 (lalcabarg 33 Lima .113 Tho recenlly played champlooahip gnmea of ihe Mew Kogland l4agiio leiujled ai follow: June 17— At Augnata. Fall River, a; Angiiala. 7. Al Danger, lUngor, 10: Kew Bedford, 8. Al Lewlilnn. Biock- toii, 10; lAwlMon,e. At I'nrtlaod, l>anbi<<ket, 8: rortlaud, :. June It—At A»guMa, mil niver, 12; Auguala, 4. At Uangnr, Now llcdforri, t; liangor, (. At lAwUton, Lowleion. lO; Uiucklon, 10. At Fort- land, Portland, 10: Fawincket, 0. June l»—At Uangur, Uauior, 12: Fall River, 10. At lewhiton, Uwlalou. 0; l*awtncket, 4. Al Puriland, I'nnhind, u: Uncktoo, 0. At WalervUie, Angoala, II; Now IkMlford, 0. June 2U-At Auguota, Augutti, 17; Kew Bedrord. 0. At Uangor. Fall River, 23; Bangor, 3, At Lewliton, Fawincket, 7; Lowliton. 0. At lion- lind, Portland, II; Brocktou, 7- Jnne 21—At An- giiita, Fltll River. 13: Anguala, 9. June 22-At Fall River, Fan lUver, 13; Uracklou. I. Al Lewlalon, lAwhtuu. II; Aiigunta, 8. At New BedlonI, Kew Rcdronl, 12: •■awtiicket. 8. At Forllaud, Uangor. 8: rwtland, X Tho alandlog or the cluta to June it. Inclusive, li oa followa; rtwd. WM, loit Part nn Rlrar 41 33 S .780 New Badfoid 3a li 13 .M7 BreektoB 43 71 au ,aii Baamr 48 11 11 ,Ki FawiucVat 41 18 13 .49 roltlud 43 13 B ,911 Uwlaloa 41 H B .SI Augaau 41 14 30 ,318 The ncenlly played cbiDplonihlp gamca ot ibe IronandCII Leigue Ranlledaa fonow:Jnne II— At on Clly. nil city, 0; New UuUt T. AtnioaTUIe, Tllutvllle. It; Itiuiklln. 8, At Wamo. Wanen.O; Sbann, 8. Juno I8-AI Oil City. Oil Clly, 0; Now Oiaile, 4. At Tllnavnie. Fnnklln, 10; niuivlue. a. Al Wamn, Wanen, 8: Sharon, ol Jnne li-At New Oaalle, New CaaUa, 22; Ull City, 13. At TItnavUle, Tltiuvllle, 18; Kharoo. lo. At Wamo,; FiaakUn, a. June -jo-Al Tlinivllle. Ttiusvnie, t: Wann, 0. At Wanen, Fianuia, •; ffama,» Ira The recently played chanplonahin gamea of ihe Weaum Aaxoclallon reoulled as follow: June 18— At Dea Molncf, lies Holnea. 7; St. Joseph. 4. At (Mnaba, Oniata, 0: Lincoln, 8. Al Rockfoid, Rock- foid, t; Peoria, 0 (forfeited). At Bpringdeld, Jack- aonvllle, II; ipilncy, T. June 17-All games noat- noned on account of nIn. Jnne IB—At DesHnlnra, Pes Holnea, 10; IJncoln, 0. Al St. Joeepb. Bt. Jmeph, 18: Omaha, a. Al llockford and (lolncy. rnln. June 10—At lies Molnea, Uncdn, 12: Ilea Molncs. 2. At (Jnlncy. ()olncy, lo; Peoria, 0. At Ruckliird, Rockfnrd, 12; Jackannvine, a. At St. JiiM!pb,Sr,Jnicph. 12: Omaha, n. Juno 90—Allies Molncs. llei Moines. U; Uncoln,7, At St Joseph, Omaha, 0: 61. Joaeph, 4. At ((ulncy. Hut game, ((iilncy, a; Peoria, 4 (ten Innlnga). Second game, (inlnoy, 8: Pcoila, 1 (wen Innlnga), At Rocktoid, Jacktunvllle, 7; Rockfoid, 1. June 2!-At Ilea Moines, Jackaonvllle, I; Ilea Holnea, 0. AllJnroln, Peoria, 13; Lincoln, a. The alandlngol the clobi to June 22, Inclusive, Is as follows: ■ nam. Wan, UC PtrO. rooru 44 a It .830 Lbieoln 41 S It .til niiiabl 41 a 18 .MO IKa Noloal 43 a 20 .09 loloey O » B .4<1 JubaSnrlUo 43 U 94 .411 Rockronl 41 17 31 .411 BLJoaepli 41 13 21 JI7 The recenlly played obamplonahip gauiea ot Ihe Michigan Slate League resnlled aa follow: Jnne 17 —Al Datlln Creek, Fort Huron, 17; Bittle Creeb, la At laming, lansing, la; Kataunaioo, a. June 18— Rain, Juno lO-At nalile Creek, BitUe Creek, 19; Fort Huron, 12. AtLansIng, Lanslog, 14; Kalamazoo, 0. June 20-At Adrian, Adrian, •; UwoBO, 2. At Port lliiroo. Fort Ilnmn,l2; Lansing. 8- Jodo21— At Port llnmn, Lansing, 21; Fort Duron, 14. At Adrlin, .Vdrtsn, I; Owooao, 4. June 2^-At Port Huron. Ijinilng. 21; Port Huron. 3. Al Adrian, Ad- rian, 12: Owoasfl, 11, Theaiandlug ot the clula to Juno 22, Incluolve, hi as followa: riaptd. Won, Lou, Fir CI, Undns 21 It 0 .70) Adrian U II 1 .700 Kalamauo 31 11 7 XCt BAtlla CiMk 91 7 14 Ja Omavn a 7 10 JDI Tort llonu B 0 17 .237 The ncenlly played cbsinplonihip games of the Kew Rnghtnd Asioclallon reaulted aa folkiff: Jono 17—AtFllchhurtr, Jawrence, U; Fllohbnrg, 10. At Nashua. Nashua, go;' I,owell, 13. At Salooi, Drat gaoo, Haverhill, 0: Salem, 8, Becoad game, Salem. 13; HaverhlU. 4. June 18—At Haverhill, naverblll, 14; Fltchliurg, 9. At. Nashua, Nashna. 24; Balom. 10. Juuo It—At Lawrence, Lawrence. B; Nashua, 8. At Salem, Balom, 11; I/iwell. a. Juno jn-At Lowell, Naokua, 14;I,owell, IX Jone21—At Lawrence, I,aw- renco, 8; Lowell, 9, June 22—At Laimnce. Law- rence. 0; Niuhua, 8, At Ixiwell, Snlem. 14: l/owell, ». Tba abindlng ot the clnba to June il. Inclusive, Is ai tonows: Flowd. ma. ZotL nra. Lawrancs 41 38 la .ail NaalitiA 41 a 17 .183 Lowaii 41 n 10 .an ~'m 41 31 90 .all ne Dariford team, wllh John Ileory, Beecher and serml volemn playen. baa beau organized, and pUyed Ihice game* laalweok. lhaCntan cunii defeating Ihen bi 12 lo 8, Jnne It. at llanford. Ct. ThaUanfordailelaatedtheBrlalola by 13 to 4, Jnne 2l,Btllrlslol,Ct,audagaln Iiy21 toii.onJoao il, atUantord. Hart pnvented tbo Lonlsrlllea tiom oiaklng more Uian Ihree safe bits elf hhn 22, al Flilaburg, Pa., the Plltahurga then wlnnlb; by a lo 2. Manager BuckenhetRtr baa been released by tho 81. Lonla CInh. The Kew Ciatlea defeated tho Shnioos by i: to 4, Jnne 23, al Kew Qitile, l>a. Tho leadon made only foor ante kits off Morrison. Smith held the Hontgomeiya down to three infe hlla Jnne 20, at Kew Urteann, Lo„ the Kew Oilcana team then winning by a to 1. Hason prevented Ibo Nasbvllles fiom making mora than two nra hlie off him Jnne 21, at Evans- v-llle, Ittd., the F.nnsvlUes then ivlnning by 8 to 3. The Bhroveporti made only three tare hits off Chrk June 18, at Shnveport, la., the Uallas Icain iben winning by 8 to 3. The WUllams OoUege team defeated Ibe Amherst C^cllego nUie by 4 to 2, June 24, at WUlhrnutown, The result ot ths Brooklyn Analonr AsMMlaUon championship games played June 22, at Prospect Parte, Brooklyn, N. Y,, la as follow: Sidnev, 33; Frotpect lUII, 1, /KIna, 2.^; Hetolnle. 12. Wyan- dolls, 12; lAiog latahd. e. The alandlog of ibo Koba to Jons 21, Uiclualve, Il ai follows: naoti, 11*41, zait. nrft, Rldaa; ago 1.000 lyiaitaUBd a 4 1 .07 WyaadoUs 0 3 3 .100 iCua 7 3 4 .43> Ranluu. 7 9 a .ea Fitnvact IIIH ... 7 a 1 .IS Reus prevented the Springdeldariom making more than one run off hlu June u, al SprtngOeld,Haoa., the wnkestarres llien winning by a lo o. The Lancaster and Ilazellon teams coutandcd tor Ibliteen Innlnga June it, at llsrjilion. Fa., before a lenlt waa reaohad, Ihatonnerthenwlnnlngbyotoe. The Hllwankeea made only tour safe hlla oiT n«z- er Jnne 18, at Mlnneapolla, lUnn,, Ihe MInneapollB team then winning by 12 lo 2. Oirlog to a temporary Injunelloi granted by Ihe court Jone li, tl Toledo, o., there via no game played lielween the Toledo and Indianapolis teama on Jnoe IB, ta per aehedule. McMaekIn held the Shennana down In four safe hlla In the second of the two games played June la, at Dallas, TBx,, Iho Dallas team than winning by 14 too. During tho third Inning of tba game played Juoe 18, at UontgomeiT, Ala., between Montgumciy and Ken- Orieanalhenmplre called aifearannerbecauae led Holder Neal fell after catching the hall. lome- dlatcly the crowd ot live hundred people niabed up- on the field and aoaaulted ti.e umpire, who waa ae- vorely lojiind before the police came lo bin aitlst- ance. any prevented Uie Wllkeatairei from making more than two aafe bits off him Jnne a, at Wllkea- baire, Pa., the Torontot then winning by 0 lo 0, Tlie Yale and Harvard I'nivefslty teams met June 20, at Cambridge, Hasa., the former then winning by 7 to 4. At a raeellng of the omclalo of the Sonlheni As- Roclallon held June 20, at Memphis, Tenn., the fitnchloe of iho Meranhia team was purchaaed by V- T. Jones, minsger ot the Citizens'Street Railway, and Charles Frank was placed In charge of the team nsmanagcr. TheaOhlreof Ibeolabwcra put on a flim taaea, and the season will be played out aa per acbcdule. ■■notortna preveutod Ihe Umaa from making mora ttan two aafo hIta off blm Jnne it, al Flndlay, O., Ihe Findlays than winning by a to o. Thn Toledo! made only two nfe hIta off Croaa June IS, at Indlanapolla, Ind., tho IndlauapolU team then winning by 12 to 1. Tlie wnilamotowna defeated the Hlllona by 3 lo 1, Joue tl, at Wllllainstown, Pa. The loaeiv made only four ssfe hlla off l>. Uomuaii, Judges Hayes, Heribner and King, composing the Circuit Oiurt at Toledo, o„ on June 21 mads penna- ntut the luluncllon agalnat Suudiy Ijall phaying In that citv. The gnnud un which Ibe Injuuctlou waa granted waa that Ihe cheering mido It a nnlance. This victory liy Ibe civio tederalluu Is looked upon aa the atari of a moral crusade, Ihu mails ol walch may be tar nachlng. Tho ChalUnoogis nisde only two Bfe hlla off Kortuu, Jone 18, st Allsnta, Us., the Atlantsa Iben winning by 13 to 0. The IlsnoTCtsnd Uagentown teanu contended to fourteen Innings, June 31, al Hageniown, Md,, be- fore a reault waa reached, tbo tonner ihen winning bytlox Manager Banlon, ot Ihe Raldmore Club, hai signed A, Pond, who dM inch good pitcblngfor Ibe Unlvemiy of Vennont team during the Bpiug aea- lon. Oteher Merrill baa been releaaad lo (ha Pllla- burga by Ibe Cincinnati Club, The Lonhivtlle Cinli baa pnichaaed Catcher Bplet' leleaae from Ihe CInclnnslla. Tbe Flllabun CInb baa tnapended Catcher nomoa KInalow Indellnllaly and fined bhn «1W for tUemd luubocdlnaUoB. CRICKET. Oermanlown ts. All How York. A game between the Oermaniown Cluli and a picked New Yortc team was played Jone 21,22, at Philadelphia, Fa., and resiillcd In s victory for the laiter by an Inning and 04 mm. The visiting team waa captained by A. K, I'uUeraon. or tho Siateu Iidand Club, and Included two profcnlonala, Tytn nnd l/ihnian. The aormintonn Mnni balled Ont, and mode 114, On liehalf ot Ibo Tislloia Tyen batted In gmnd form for'8 mnn. In compiling which IM cava only uoe chance. At Ibe OnMi of Ihe viol, tor's Inning, V, F.Kelly and W.B.Ognhy mnrto a long bund, the runucr Hcorliig 84 mu.4. not our, by vigoroiio hilling. W.'Uruckle butted in liUoldniie ftirm for toe tleroiantown eleven, In iha iccond Inning, but ihe renmluder failed to como up to ex. peciatlon;. Pint Innlnga. OlcaaAXTOW.v. Sacood Innlnga. 0. Paltcnan b. l^b 7 b. cobh 7 Boblon b. Kally 17 b. Kelly ; Webnarc.Loltiitanb.Cobb 8 r. Oslllty b. Lohniiii 13 E l.'tark c RaUar b. Maa . Nult 17 c. MAcNult b. Kolly II Braoaur, run out S li. robb 0 Bal4on b.Cobn 0 b. fVibb 1 W. Bntckla b. Kally 18 at Oallby b. Uolib li Koblaa and h.Ooiib 18 b. Cobb 10 Powna c Ogllby b. Loli. , nuui 2 nntrut 31 r. Clark.Dotoiit r. b. Ootib...: si A. Brocbia b. lUibb 0 r. Cobb b. Lohman 1 Bje.1; hi-bjo, 1 1 »ya^7: lf» bya»,2 i Toul 114 Total lu ALL NBV VOMK. rVinlbyKClaili 7 Tyarar. P. Clark b. Faltervon ^ PyeracBrewaurb. Patlaraon i A. PatloKon c. and b. Onvater. a Cobb b. B. Clark II Lohman c E. Clark b. ralteniuB si Caklei b. Noble u DiiUby at. BabtoB and Fatteraoo u Rail) , not out 11 UacNuU li. rallamn n c BBil II. nravalai. 12 lyaa, 18; legbyol, 4: no balla, 1 a Total.. ToB ciiAiiPiossair conxRT between Iho Ocmian. town and Uelmonl Cliili*, after two ailjoiimmeiilo on account ot the large number of ruua made by each, vras finally Dnhilied June l.s, on the gmiinda ot tlio latter, at I'blladelphla, Pa, The liennan. town team had made a total of 3Ui In the Dixt Inn* log, or which (I. 6. Fattenon had made 1I9 mm and B. W. Clark 33 nin.a. while the Uelmont team bad acored 191 ft^ the loss of three wickets, c. Coatcfl contributing to runs, notont. On resuming the contest 0. CoaiCN and J. draff, tbo two notouu, made a prohingod stand, pulling on In paniionhip 131 before ue Isttar was howled tor 48 runs, made lu faultless foim. Coalea then conlluued tatllog onlll he had mide 120 nios, the roHolt ot his com- bined ationg defence and hard hitting, only mamd by chances given 10 Noble at Joint and Brorkle ol mid-off. The remaining wicketa, however, were quickly dlipond ot, the total ooiouutlng lo 2K, leaving the Gemuntown team victorious. F. W, Ilaloton kept wickot In One form, only one bye Ic- ing recorded ogulnal him In Ihe loug Inning ul the Belmont team. TUB TBAg OF E.soLisn AHATEUBS, directed liy Kenneth HcAlpIno, that will vlult Uibi country In September next, under Ihe auaplces of Ihe Oemioa- lown Club, of Phlhidelpbla, Fa., 17III be mainly made up, Il la lald, ol past and preaent inembere of Oxford Cnlrenlty. 0. J. Mordaunt (captain), 0. R. Bardswen, 0. n. Fry and olhera of Iho present Ct- tord eleven are mentioned sa likely lo be wllh tho vunng team, while Ihe tew remaining plicoa win beaelecledfiDOipiatmamiiers ol Oxford Unlveia- lly, which Includes H. T. UoweQ, L. 0. Palalrel, K, 0. Palalret, K. J. Key, U. Phlllpson, A. J. Webbe, W. U. Faltenoo, T. 0. O'Brien and other equally prominentcricketen. Ateamotthipsstandptts- eut membera ot Cambridee Vnlvardiy win also bo louring In thla counliynent Beptenoer under the dliwtion of the Oelmont, PhUadelphla, Tioga and Herion clnba, ot fblladelpbla. Onxy okb ehamptonthip contest look nlaca Juno 21. In Fhlladelphh, Pa., a driiallig nIn causuig aeveni poitppaeiaenis. The Tioga aab commeoa-d a scheduled game wllh tho DelniontClub on Ihe lai- ter'a ground. Only eight ol the Tioga learn put In an appearance, but, tailing flnt, they mauagod lo acore a total of 140 iie(on their seTtnth wloket fell. J. B. King waa the chief conutbntor. going In tliii. He narrowly mlased making a secoud century this seaoon, sooripg W mns, not ouL Ibe Btlmoni eleven hod scored C9 runs wllh three wtckals down atthacanotUnie, 0. Coalea making 14 nuia, not out. Tba conleil la to he flnlshed June 23, Tub riBSTOt a contemplated Boileaot annul In- ternational contetta between npreaantatlra teama of oolloglanaot the United Sutea and Canada wni lie played July 2.3, on Ihe grounda of Ihe Oemian- town Club, at Philadelphia, Fa. Tke United Slates eleven will bo aelecled from the followlog: J, A. Ueter. 0.11. Uppincotl. A, F. Nonlt, 1). Adama ami 0. H. Ulnobmsn.of llavertotd Colloge; P, II. Clark and K. Fool, narrard Unlvenlly, and B. Ooodman, A. H. Itrookle, J, N. Hoory, W. Thayer and 0.0. Unest, ot Vnlvenlly ot Pennsylvania. OkoriibB, PxrrBBSON, ot the Qemanlown Club, ot Philadelphia, Pa., who la generally conceded to rank as the beat tatsnun In the United Sbiles, has made one hundred runa or inoia In an inning twenty lloMB mm 1880 up lo date, Thetolluwliig It a lilt of the cenlnilea compiled by hint: 371.902. 170, not out, 104, isn, 146, nit ont, 13a, I3i, i3i, 130, no, 118,117.118, not out, 119,104, not out, 103, not ont, 102, not out, 101, not out, and 100, not ont Tbb HABSACiii'BnTS ASSOCIATION has selected Ihe following team to represent Uaaaohnaeiis In the annual rnlerSlsto contest with .Vow Y'ork, July 4, a, at BoMon: Oeorge Wright, csptain; It. Cnck- nell and L, Hanghton, ot the Doston Albletio Aasorlatton: J, U, Comber and J, Bmlth, IxiweH CInh; U, Shepkeidoon and P, Falrbnrn, lloaioii Cluli; R. Fkliliura, J4un Clnb; J, Keen, llrocklou CInb; J. QonloB, Merrimack Oub, and C, waln- wright, Lawrence Club, ' Tub llABYi.iaoNB Club, ot r,ondon, Eng-, the leading organliatlon ot the worid, has alarted a anbecripUon fund In onler to give a nallonal and Huiiaunilal itHilmonhil lo lir. w, 0. Cimce, la itcog- nlllon of his remarkable cricket career, cmcehai scored Ihiri season liinlngiot 288,2^;, 188,103 and 12i, Ihe last named and lateat being made June 14, for the Marylelione Club and Qronnd agalnnl Keni- Uurtng the past Ibltly seasons Crace haa scored nno hnndied and three cenlnries In Irat dais matches alona. Tut SCOBIHO In fint chui malchaa In Englsnd continues 10 be unuaiially large, fifty-aeren con- turiea having been made np lolnnalt. The litest and largest are 3ia by 8 M. J. Woods, 202 by I. C- O'Brien, loa, not out, IrN, F, Dnica. 183 by R. S- Luca8,lllby F. UolUna, 103 aod UT by ILAbel. 101 by A. Ward. lU by Mariow. 113, not ont. by L. II. Owynn, and lio, not ont. Iiy A. E, Stoddard. Ijicw and U'Brten pot ou 338 In pannerahip tor MIddleaex agalnat Snaez. Tbb FiBgr CBAMrioKBnir coKirar between the Brooklyn and Kew York Clulia, ot Ihe Hetropolllan IHsuict League, took pUce Jnne 21. at Pmspect Park, Braoklyn, K. Y,, and reaulted Ui favor of the fomer by a acore of 119 to 23, Ibe total! ol tbo Sin Inning. 0,0. Yeois tailing sod bowling oislniy contributed to ihls mnll, bo acortng t2 mns and capturing nine wicketa at tba cost of only 31 runs. The Mooirsloira team vlilted Wilmington, pel., Jnne 22, and played Ibe IMUware FleM Olib, of ItatdiT. Tlie home eleven tatted fint and made a tout of 164, ot which I. n. IM coolrtbnied M rons- Tlie vlallon had made tl rans,wllll two wktall down, whao Una wu called.