New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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208 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. June 29. **SUUV1VAL OF THE FITTEST r' THE FAMOUS JOSEPH OPPENHEIMER, Prop. FRANCOIS NELSONIA, Manager. Hm iTcatbercd Um Rtontiii of FIVE fS) VONSECUTITE YEAB8, InclatUiig two jean ef panic llmea. Han nner nlsxed a ukry day, nor aojr ebllgallon.' Tflll Inangarate Its SIXTH <6tk) ANNUAL TOUR, On or abrat Bept 10, near New York City. Will tave Now Frlntlnff, New Ward- robe, New Bcenerjr, New FInt Part, New norIeM|ue, New Ideas, and laat, bnt not leant, a NEW COMPANY. ALL NEW FACES. Merit, eriglnalllf and an air of cleaullnem will perrode tlironghont. Hare a few open datea. Per tinie addrcfn 1,067 A Qroeno Avenoe, Oroobljfn, Et D., N. T. WAMTKD. PAHTNBIl, WITH TENTOVT> FIT OR nut WALL, tu : willlilo xiuil Inlan.l Id loal PAjrlni m«t.faa.loeMj iIm> vooImI, Rood til'rouDdpvr* rorntrv; mUrr limit 17 » wMh tnd tipooKJ. OBEllON mulAN MED. CO.. Ilnorlilll, Mm. • IPOn MALR, aV URN or DKAKUt. It IN NUMHKH. 110. AluOnVAfALIZEUmmYOI'AWOIIAN. AlldHH IIM II.B.JOHMION,«I Witfilmuio »L, Appl.UiD, Win. NOTICE.—Tlila m\U for (IH. uni urOM ol Ur. R<d Wolri Romedlei rlrea fro* in all manM«r"< 1tclur«r«, •KodU UiAt hIU liln roiiivtllM. All blodi or dmntodla. e&iM IrMtwl Ihnavh tntll. wtnt lo litar fmin a few all moBd paopla. Add wva for nrUruUn' lilt. RRD WOLK, Indian Kor d . Wl«. AT MUBIHTY, A (IU<)U JOU HOHIIAN IN "TEN NinHTn;" intodireafior In awaQIIntwonU; Rood ■fflicar. with Ruod and tpprnpriat« mori is lotmluea alUr lil. lirtapMCli lalattacL B. I-RLIIAM. ZB Bait nanwao HL. RriaiuM. N. Y. pon MALB, mroHTKu ohqan. I'Lavr riuiit Tunw; nlTulilt for alda Ktow: cIlMp. nllAR. HOIIULZB, B Chalham Bguara. H.w York Ulty. ANV BAND UK OlICIIBMTliA WANTINd a rimtOUaaUidtr, Violin «niTB-rut (;umst,ut> In all braaoliai. C)Mra, Variety and Duica, 2a y^atm' aiparUiica, toacli anj pur foandolln, Rullar, banli>, *!£., tdioiild ad- drauine. WlUaccoptpoiIllonouliIilo nr miiale hlr. [ wantlnlurattparmRAonlly. I.. mXKJNHAKRH, a Htar Ara.. nanljury. CL Al«arn ralUbIa and a NOTICE TO CONTORTIONISTS. ALSO HAND. STANDERS and CHAIR EQUILIBRISTS. ENA BERTOLDI, Th* Premier Lad/ Hanil mud Teelh Bqalllbrlat, bbiI Ibe moat flraceAil CeBlortlonlal In Ike Woild, HAS FOII SALE HER SPLENDID STEEL, NICKEL PLATED EQUILIBRIST CHAIRS, •ad Troalt to carrf (l..«in la, bavlan ae farther aM fbr then* Thev coet aeTeatr* At* dollar*, and are aa Kood ae new. Will take (as fbr Ike lei, (rank Ineladed, a XXTayler, Can b« aeen at Kellk'eTkea- tre, Pbiladelphla. "DON'T BE CROSS," From the Ojiera ol "Der Obersteiger." THE NEW TORK WOltLD of Knjr IS aald that tills ballad '^woiild OTontaalljr be eiing, baiuiaed and wlilntlod tlio world oyer." FroDwuikinBl coiiles, lOcln. CHORUS HIIEET8 will be dent FREE In any qnantltjr desired. Fnhlhhed b/ THE B. F. WOOD HUSIC CO., 110 Bojliiton Street, DuBton, Maw. Addraai all oomaiaBteatlonB dirMttn ----- WINTERBURN ICO SHOW^ IS| PRINTINC GHICABO. COMPANY. iSliow I'n.iiitinK'N. iryou ae. any tfrt the be.t. eirAiii.K»^oi.K * fO. Tkv l.eadln|C Show Painter*, III Rl.lilli RlTT>a'. iinar Hroadway. Na* Vi'lh. FOR SALE, CHEAP, UNR HD FOOT ROUND TOI>. „,,„ In Bont cttiiduloD, with an aIniMt n»v ej fiiot MMdU riHO, Llihla. dMla. Jack., Bltlniata, atr., .11 r,Hly to Ro un llia road. Addrau NiwTiltks. NBwIOOPuePlctBtlilGalilogae, vlthplcturvkoriMdlniivmrtuulonKlft. LAtwl Bur«i|>WD BOT*ul«^ mMl& Mooul ■lihtAwl tnlUiilrilutliNu, u|> todkU. 8«NUMQUf(>ruiii*. NorVMiliL SHOW CANVAS. Ballt tA onltr oo thort noUoa. Writ* lorMrileuten. lllotumud oauluia* fM. J. C iionf A (X)., lA AtviUrRl.. mtwit. Ml^. Clarionet at Liberty ABOUT AUll. I. Addra-a J. n. WHIlTKlMITII.Barkallallarlxr. N. Y. Wtttail, Sood All Around Perlonaers tor lied. Oo.: two WMka'«l«n(l. Kit (krM adTAQfvO. KaUry luw, buliur*. AOdraur. r. MTKiIHAVK, M. I). Muiurr. WCh»rl«>iHir<>«iUflmn.l Hn*UI^ Midi. GLARIONEniST AT LIBERTY FOR BUMMBR RRAHOK. R.H<>Iapinla.addrua K.P. WIIIWIIIKMRUnlliirdBI.. Hmton, Maaa WANTED, Good Lecturer. Largest MEDlnNE OOm-AKf IN T1IB BTATR. ADRRR-'i!! IIARRV AIIAMB. lCHTMnHlie.1. Ray Clly, Mich. BAND MASTER AND ORCHESTRAL DIRECTOR AT LIBERTY. Addnaa FHIID RllRKKI., care of (ll.ll'PRH. CofiMttlst at Libert) to accept imesiil ATB BNaAUBHMT WITH RBLIARLB COIirANT. ALIRRT KAHTIN, BocKMUr, Pa. PINE SNAKES. fiiJ»,"i'«li'aiilcai 'wK°'virin»I ralaUaia,lu*Bli>ai>to. D. K.PAleT,AtlaaUoClir,l<.J. 1895 TRAVELINB THIS SUMMER. Buns Real* of IfkfnltudA m at Chlcafo, WorU'i 7alr. 1895 Mor* Men, More llon«. More Cmn, Brlghlar LIfbted (b»B anv Kihlbltlon •lnc« tbe CrsAtloB. Ttae Original, the One, the OBl|r| tb* Tnie UFFALO ILL'S CONGRESS OF ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD. ecu W. F. COOr, PreildtnL NATE SALSBURY, Viae Pmldent and Manater. The Frees and Pablle akonld taaore r»lratee and laltatar*, aa fkllnr* form* he fkte of Pakit*. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TO TUB *'rBOriUII,** uul Uia Cul Midi ft itoQt llDk lo roar chftiD of tome, U yon hif« ft Rood poimit cui of joantlt (or ftUiloaorr and idvirtjilaii. Wo uihkt Uio ricbt kind Tor flXD. All hlodiof ouU for kbow prlollDR tiftdlicouDL Write GHICAQO PHOTO ENQRAVINa CO., W Maillaon Hi., ClilcaRo. FLOOD'S Park Theatre >;imT18 DAY, A. A. no., UD. WANTED AT ALL TINER, 8KKIO00IIICa,R0Na AND UANCR AMD SPECIALTY LAIIIER. TIIOMAa MAOIt. Mapaier. STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS SalloptDg Horms, FUe Impeded Or- gana, Attradlre oat> fit Prices on appU. eallon, TeraiBeasf. NORMAN « EVANS, LoctpBrt. N. Y, Flli:» WILSON, Anthor of the fbllowlnii pinyii *^TI1B PACIMO MAILs" "PKNALTYe** mud **CUA8II IN CHINA,'* muit not be pro- dnced wllbont my rouaftiit. PAnTNKIl, wllh eapllal, Ihr tkeir pn>> dncllon. Aildresa FHKU WILRON, Manaaer, an W. «lal aireet. New York City. OFEIT TIME AUGUST, SEPT."AND OCTOBER FOR COHItlNATIONS, Tony Pastor's Thoatro, NKWYOHK CFTY CALL. Will Mad Tou for Sc. vUmp ft 91 PAOE _ €ATALO(IUB. ttllloR all alnul Uymnuu, I BtfijrllilL AUiUllo tnO OTninulutii flood*. Uoniod Ktil) TI||liU,U: Ki|u»i^ BhlrUi, It; WhltoiUnvARaftlun, |l:l(«ihM-MWK.|liO: OuTfts ISimpiLDo-uOaOo.; L«t(hfrLMplnc Bhci*a. $SJHX B« Bur* uil nnd color ftod ■Im. Tonni, $1 vlUi onlfr, bftluco U. 0. U. a n. CALL. tSMftla Re. HprlniUloM. Mm*. WIGS Write for SURE FITS. Estimatas. ANTHONY BOCll, KM goath ElaianUi Blre.1. Ptillad.lphla. Pe. BALLOON AacmiiIooi Mad* An^vhOT*. kil) or mu; alMcolond aeio- naut. Alvaya pn»mpllj on hand. Eift«r(aDC», reputailon, — rn»f. Kabrtob. Rtur nKMlfh. Emfn>ofl>ca, WATCHES, JEWERY AND SILVERWARL 8UITARI.B rOR HBDICIKR, BtC.; OIFT RIIOW rU»- ItWhM. llla.trat.xlcaUtotu.rr*.. BAHKTT A I'llBR. IM B. Madlaon BL, ChlcaRtu lU. T£MFLE OPEllA HOUSE. RrallnicarwIlyRCUL Plaaly oToran data.. ARBRDBBN MiiwmairVi D. ii. McguiitroN a ou., MaoaRam OB PRINTED SAM T. JACK'S Eilravaifaiiza IN THU Bull Fighter. Aaaeae—Erani and llnlTknan—Nettle, KlU tie Palmer, Fallma, Rnlb Rablnaon, HII- dred Phillip*, Haade Ellatan, Floeale Drew, Roee Haniftaa, LlUlan Engttrom, Ellen Baf •Irom, Rmma Fleldi, AIlu Detmond, Hadge Darrell, Lotta I.ewla, Ella Clayton, May Laa- ^ Ing, Nina nabert, Robert Van Oaten, D. W. Blaehbara, Bel BlorrI*, T, Welah. CHARLES H. WALDRON, ■ • Bualneu Maniger FRANK LOOAN, RepreMnttUm SAMT. ■\7" E! I OB" THB Emily Peare, Lillian Nelson, Dpllr Daven- port, Annie Asbley, Heggle I#ee Clnrk, "Dlnnn," Ornce Dolorea, Mnrle Dolores, Oas. BrttHO Sr., Principal Comedjr. 25 BEST AUXILIARY BURLESQUE LADIES WANTED TO COMPLETE THIS CONPANY. T. Cbas.—Hnnn and Bobe^May, Doo* Bailee, Irving Jones, Cbai. E. Jobnsen, Jnle Jobnson, WalUr Smart, Geo. WlUlams, **Ga«e** DIok Miner, Drown Bro**, nUe. Banchem, Kitty Drown, Bladae Darlington, Gerlmde Baxter, Dora Dean, Bertie AJleB. Lnnra Hilton, Anna Barton, Sadie Tennyson Donaldson, Bllle* Tbe»- dora, Uamie Bmltb, Vie. Jones, Annie Rose, Marie La Rose, Dncle Grayson, Nellie Preston. 10 More UdliB Wanted to Conptete this Company. RIDGE WALLER, Bnslneas Manager. Bball commence at once to book tbese tbree Saperb Bbowa tbr Address X. JACK, B»m T. Jackie Opera House, Chicago, Dl. EN8AGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, AT AN ENORMOUS EXPENSE, OF THE LATEST EUROPEAN IMPORTATION, THE HIGHEST SALARIED VAUDEVILLE ARTISTE IN THE WORLD, The 20th Century Wonder, the Craze of London and Paris, the World's Greatest Phenomenon. $ 10,000 Open to the World to Produce her Equal. Specially Engaged as One of the Many Features with the Old Reliable S HII-L-'S l\IOVEi."rMES, cue HILL, Sole Owner. HARRY FARRELL, BeaMB'04-00, MeAlpIn d( FVoater'* "A Bad Ba^^ The bit or the ehow. Wonid be pleated to negotiate with re.peB.lble Farxe Comedy or VanifeTllle Co*. Can play Mnng comedy part. Have A1 .trang ipeclalty. AddroM HARRY FARRELI., 4l3 Aew York Are., N. W., Waahlngloa, D. C, Shonrmon & Strootmon SnNOBiOKS $1 00per lOO BonBSneeis, SOo.perlOO; S4pnrl000 Cuh wUh order. Samples lor TEN CENTS. HENRY J. wr ISO and 131 85 BRd 87 E. MedUon St»rt, CHICAOO. nalTiltfRow, N?w yoSk. * Send for FREE Samples Lottor Hoada We do EaRravlor^ rrlntlo^^d BlactnttTpInf. CROSS JU UBARBORN ST., UIIUADU. The FRANCK COLLEGE el TRUE ELOCUTION and VOICE CULTURE. IIARHV n. FRANCE. A. M., Pna'L \yi Weat 34lh St., New York City. N. B.-Ladle. and Oanllaraaa pr«pai*d for th* Dir^ malic BtAR* In a rtiart tlma. Now Then, lor LaHer Headtl My work la the boat on aarth and niy prIOM ar* tlia lowML Band for biR CalAloRn* of LMIar UMda and WbaaayInR<.Bo.rRAl*KllTBIia M TIniM Bolklllir. N«» Tor>. Girous Ganvaaesa AlDoat B.*; HXL ao4 ODft Ronnd Twa; CHt and TQfL Round Torn, wllh 300. MIddiM; lOOft. Ronnd Ttth wllh ion.Middle,loaWalla. Allehaap. Addiaaa C. J. BAKBH.IWW.^Illlt^li^^r*«^ Eanaa.gty,Mo. WANTED, PUSH POLE TEIIT,25x45; Hand Organ. Alas RARB t^URinaiTIES for alor* tfiow. HaatbaAl andctmp. AdJraaa LOrK BOI81. LIncohi. Nab. HEPNER BROS.. UAMIFACTURERS OF aOT AIR BAI.LOOR& laoBmuoirB aAoa a? rAiAOBorn bis lODTOB onT. ■niaoB. ■INAIUKK HMD ibrBoioOonai rait., raiB. o. ■MHI ■UMk ii.A.oo.aiiLjHMet.iaainai,aw. WANTED, A BA.SA0BR TUB BUO- '*AUNT JERUSHA," Wmi BAND AND ORCIIESTHA. ••NOTUINO BUT MONBT IN IT." Addteu, OKSONM.DUNN, Codman Paik. Boalan UlRbUndi. Han. A BARGAIN. 80 x40 Oblona: Tent lUd vtrlpw),w|Ui t foot white aids walls, lo nod cod< (llllooaad«T«rTthl£ireooipUt«,tai.caab. OrifflnalcoA, fSa UMd two Ksauoa. Addnn OLABE niLLYER, care or2tt Dmb Slraat, Brooklyn. N. T. Y0UN6 MAN, GOOD GENERAL DANCER, VtlRBES TO JOIN DRAMATIR OOHPANY. Addreu 0. S. r., eai* of PROF. MOCABTIIVS BTAOB DANO. BOHOOL, lU-U BUU Rlr*.!, OblcaRO, lU. WANTED, CALDWELL'S COLORED KIN. SraiLR, a Black Win Maa, allorlionlal Bar Mao, Double BaaaPl^er. All ronat he eohired and tiara Rood waid. i»b*. » CALDWBLL. MaaaR,r.8llTarClly, la. AT LIBERTY for Simmer Resort, a rirttClaaa Doable Basa PUjar «bo can pninpi for daae- IftK. AddrwT.A.MACALHflTBR> New Blonmftald. Pa. WANTED, B.FLAT CORNET PLAYER. Addr*aa.nsUIJiily(, J.K.MBLONBT, Laad.r Band TUCBBR'B ClRCUa, Rancor, Ma. WANTED, UNCLE TOH PEOPLE IN ALL BRANOHEI, LADIB8 AMD OBNTB. All nioa do cen. can tana Oeatt play In bead. Btata lowMt aalary, Addr»M JAB. lm.AC01IIJlt, Balam. Ill WANTES, BROTHER TEAV WHO CAN WORK Ben sad Laddan. HutbastnoBimed watdrab*. Cta DO* Al CoQtonlealat. PBABflOK A HOPPMAirS ORf- RWTALBIIOWa. W»«t Mllloa.O^ parmanapt addraa*. RIclud BrNgktoa il Ubittf AHw Jil) 6. naarlaa, Cbaiactar Old Maa aad Oaaaral Baainaaa: Al Ward robe: atrklly lobar aid itlbbla. AodrM FAIIlES. VILLE,«lne,Jnlyll4ii; alter Uia>dalaBlo«irall»g.D. AT UBERTY, SOOD VNU AID COflKTa r. IBNiaCU, l^BiFilM Armna, New TorkOlty. PHOTO ENGRAVmG CO. Get a gi>od portrait oat of yoarHlf for natloaery and adwertUIng matter. We make the right kind fbr.eTeatyllTee.nta. F. BUTCHER Jh., Balavla, N. Y. liaglMl Apparatus, Tricks, Illusions, Etc. Now, (tiUy lUoUntad book eaU- loRna, eTar7tlilDRoptodata,Uct«. Parlor tricka cftUloRo. free. MAHTINKAACp., tnaiiUi ATtnna. Naw\or>. LEHMAN'S'/SITIiSK!?? HARP FOR PROFESillONAL VSR. AckaowMRad the moat perfect, .aalwit iMtnad, llihlaal, mml durable and cbupeat HARP la ail.unc*. AU mualo daalan oraendatampford.acrlpilracir- ■ colar to Boom l.m Manonle BuIMInr. CblcaRo. KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTS OEO. TA' Impnrad and ndnead. Boed for oltvolar. ~'.TU>B, morad tn (7 OIIIT Bueel, New York, Role Maaafaetarer and Al lAaaat. Wuted, a Few More Perfomefs (or H| NUMBER POOR COMPAMIf. A law mora allround par ^oTma^^ addraia DR. W. WBST, do-WanOo Indian Mad. Co.. York llar.n. fork Co, Pa- Wanleil at Once, Performers of All Iladn, BIOBPT RIDERR WaRon Show. BaUn mMt b«low. Addraia WINTliRMDTB^ROa.DalUa City. lU. . Waated, 5 Gradoaleil Deatlsts.ihocMLeclve Mntt b. Rood appnrlnt. anbor and rallabl* 080.°"°- Loaeat aalary flnt lallaV. Addrraji , , . UB. WUITB CLOUD. Rldimond, lod. Wanted, Partner witli Capital forrecog- NUBD BEPBRTOBT ATTRACTIOH. rir*t dais papar. BOI SO. Haw WaahLngtoe. Oel*.. AdianeeerTreasuTef. aea*, Beaka SnRa«aaiaaL U. T. I., caie ofOLirPBR