New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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270 THE NEW YOBK OILIPPER. June 29. ATHLETIC. C«mlDg Br«BU« Jolr 5-Oxloid Ti. Cunbrldfo UalTcnlllu, unuldoal 1, LoihIod, Roff* „ I^AiniUur Alhlttio Union lodlvMatl all mrad Uo elMDpl(rafl}ilp compeililoa, Btrnn Folai, N. ir^rinmtn'i Trl-fNtuntj AuoflUtloa unoaJ eon- vmUm, aioT«mlll«,N. Y. Jatr4-^otth Onai* (H, J.) PUU Olab opra hudlcftp 'jSSrA-tt indmw^ OoUCltblDtfepwdMe* Dtr IuihK- OfL TOQktr^ If. T. i-H0wtm (Kui.) AlhMlo AwodiUcn ovm 4aft> Jal^^MbUUo Chib of ihtBcbayUilU Hiv/ iportM, Fblt- Jii1f4—H«v JoiMf Athletle Club flomni«rgun»i,B«r- ■M PoLot. Jol/ i—ChlcAftD (HL) Albl«ll0 AmocUUod Rjnninr Jal/^BqilUh •malmr ckuDphnulilp fl«M piMtlor» Suam Brtdct, lAodoo. , . Joir IS-PrlDUn* B*n«Tnl*nl Auof iMinn nnntii) ptmie udalhletlciiiortf, Bului*! ll«rloin nkcrl'nrk, Nev Vnrk IS-PrlDUn* B*n«Tnl*nl Auof iMinn nnntii) ptmIe iletic tpottit Bului*! llMloin niTcr I'nrk, Nev Vnrl it IS-IotoruUoaaJ nAtnts IraUitil ti. flcfUuid, iTfl " Jol DitbUiia In. JDtjrto-Lov«U(lfu«.)OrIek«i tnd Athlvtio Olab opeo JolrV—Metnpollua AMOtlailoo orthtAmBUarAlh- UUflUuoo iuoklobuDplontblp0«bl mMUng,Byncuw, Au. 10-fli. OtArao AlliUtle Club Mnual UDtl«ur Ktmrn, N«w York Ciir' Aor* tT-Jonmcriiif0 Flamhen' AtliiPiie AmmUiiod •naoAl npifli, lUrtom Hirer Pkrk. N«v York City. Btpti-LovtlKMftM.) Orlckat ud AUitolloClab opM aBmuurnom. 8*pt3H(» JerMy AthUtle Club Held in*«UDir, B«r|[» PoIdlH.J, _ tot S-ft AadrtwN* Ooir Clab lAbor D»r biodlcap. Taak«n.N.T. B«pL S-IUnh CtarkH' AUiletie Club open tmtuur KUQ««, Pbllftdflphlk Pi. *'-t.7—Portlui] (On.) Atliletlc niub iDoual tatftMor BmL li-HallaomabAntUur AtliloUcClub KBllRtmo^ PortUfld. Or*. ■•pL l^Amfttoor AthI«Uo Doloo uooil uiunplnnifalp l*ld mMUnR. StpLf1-H«vTnr1l Athlttto 01nl> Ta. tondon A*M*tl« Ohib, lotwuUootJ dul 0«ld mMilDir. Nnv Tnrb Citr. ■•pL af-lfiw York AthtoUs Olub uoul FaU gvaea, mVMt IllMd. ■•PL A-Cuudl»Q AmttAur AOiI«Ub A«M>cUtloD una. ■J eauDpl«aihlp fltU mMtJor. Totnnto, Ont. Oct. 10, II, Il-4t Andrtwr dolf Olub open touruament, Tcokm. N. T. CsllfarnlBni Ahaad at Denver* On Uielr waj bome to CAltroraln llio men compoa- Ing Ibe UMfn r«preMnllnff the UnlvoiuHr of UAllfor nU, who bad been teillaR the iinnlltynr tliaallilelcn of Uw Eutero colloR«i, encountered llie Aihtoiui of Colorwioftt Hoover nn inne 22. The rcHtdent* of Uiat cltj and Uio eorronndloff couiitrr tunied out Id tone numhem to wltAon iho itirapRlo forhonnm, annoplofrforthe Nucceu of Iholr repreiieniailTeB; batlDlbntbey were doomefl lo Mtier dlupiM>lnt> nent, for tbo vliUtnn CArriod elmosi everjitiliur bo- fon tbem. w wiu be Mon from tbo appondod aum- lUTT of wlnnem: Ond Aundml vanti run.—J. V. flwgiiliia, Ctlirnmlft. Tim*. lO'ia. mmnolih lAnf.-ll. W. Edffrnn. Calirnrnin, tntt. Owt Amiiimrl rtiiJ timtM tarda hurdle rare.—K. I. Dyor, ntllfomU. Timo,ie%«. One mfU bicgcU rw.—0. fl. ColUn*, Denrer Wlieol Club, TImt, tm. SI*. IfwwJnp hl^kJump—U. Xt. txnlor. Cnlliornln. sft Olo. Tieo AHnrfml an*! ticenig rtrtii run.—J. W.dcnuslnL GdlfbmU. Tlinii.aaK-. One mU* bUfrU nua, OUu n.-C. I. IIIioilro*t. Tline, tm. lAi. JVunnbiji (raid Junji.-C II. Woola)iiy.C«llfomle,2in. 9U(n. ifnif mlU nin.-A. W. Kneb. Callfnrnl*. TImp, 3io. (U. nmifftna\th ktmaKr.—V, A. RIaren. inn. l<)ln. Two mtln blrirfe mrr.—F. C. f^tvion, Celimtlo. Tlin*. em.lla. l^raulf —A. L flraft^er,4M<omtlo, lon. on4 mite wnU —U T. Krwln. r^llr.irn TllH^ Km. iv, >burAuT4rnlni)4/brTf yaNt nm —11. n Torrfy, OaII fomliL Tlnia,&l)(a. Ual/wUUbUiitUrace, CIam 1. IllmalrMi, Denrer. T1m«^ In 19HK /IPC M(/M bltpchi mrr. t'Uim A.—A. H. MvCiUI. Iiortrer Wheel Club. Tuoe, llm. iVi». ■porla lo Ih* 0ueker8fote. Tte emplo7e« of BproRUOi Warner A Oo., of CHI* oAgo, lil, eDjoyed Uielr ftnnual field d*/ kt tbo iroonda of t^o ObletBO Aibletlo AnoolaUon od Bfttardny ftttamooo, Jimi 22* There wm » blffst- teodinoe, ftnd tbe gamei wore tborougblj eojoyod. Bummary: Om kantfrel yard* rm.—J. T. flunon woo,T. Ifertln ••aoad.M. H.TH^Terlblnl. Tint*, OM mtta bkycff mcM.—Amlrvw Anii(intf>n von, \V. II. Rlvn Monml, r. a. Vioker* iiilrtl. Tllll^ tm. Om AuJidrrtt i^nlj rvn, wleaaeD.—II. <T. OHIaljr von, J. A. llATklnMn wwnd, W. J. (^iiliinni ihlrO. Time, Ua. One AiMrfn>t lud («iUy mnU kmril* mrr.—frnnh Mer- lin von, \Y. II. U*1oyeecond,Jo»|>h Kent iblnl. Tluie, ■IMrH mile hteifete mo*.—W. A. Bmite vim. K U Ali«- bauah aeoond, Cbnrle* N, Ameehiiry ihlnl. One nlM ran -JemM Keni vnn. W. II. Unloy iieeon4, U.AehveluerUilrd. Tlnie. Aui.ffUi anf mU< Mcyritf ratv.—Pmnk (f Tbrnpaa von. P. a. TfokiftHeeand, K. h Athbtirali t'llnl. TInte. 1m. IM. Oh««iertue, IcOyiliu-C. DlPterirh vnn.T.J.l'ortereec- oDd. Uil. Hohvitlicer iblnl. Tliti^ 1m. Two mttn Mnrtt mre.—AnOrev AndenK>n n-nn, R. P. OooperMcoml. W. fl. Rlvaa ihlnl. Time, Biu. UH^ W|H* OM AMri<rrrd imnli rvn.-Jnhn Mer«luill won. Jokn Pahey aeeonil, Henry Krkfbrerht ililr^l. TlIn^ \Vi^ QuancrMllfnin—H.T. l^wmlve vnn, K. 1*. A»lii4unh HeAnd,l1.0lMn Ihlnl. Time, Ini. Pa*. Five Mi (ft Mrwrfr mr^.—Anilmv Andenmn von, It P. Cooper wennd, r. K. Kolleiiililnl. TInio. ISm. I««. PmttHu IdA eJkoL-lt. J. Dritrollwim, J. W.Nnlli nc- ODd. J. P. Gurlaoo thin). rieUiire, SMC AawilMbnMiijUMp.—\V. J, C«*nnpy von. Frank Uertln Monnd, W. M. Ooodlov Ihlnl. UUlAnw. IHft. Hn. qroA^MMji,—Prauk Uariln von, RJ. Uehonpy Mcond. HelAt,dn.lln. numel^ tiat€b(tU~\\\ M, tlmllos von, K.A. Martin n*c«od,E)wlIUtetaeltlBrthlnl. niaiaBri*, znm. jyo wir.llfhivflfht.— Tmiii Kn.3 von: n KeolAy, 11. meUrlch, O.LIderburili, C. Ulair, WlUUm raltenioD, J. Patterwin. T«p ar tmr. hrATrvelahl.-T^mii No. X wah: n. I-Cni- •rirom, A. Keyi, A. JnhQuon, n. Oliiartaa. 11. it. I'm, j. o. Iluggelt Oaraea In New Jereey. Tbe athletM belonfltiR la Hi. Jolm'e hYco Churcli, Jeney Oty Bol|iht«,N.J.|held tbolr kudoaI Sum- mer itnee oo a»turday eftoninoii, Juno 'J3. Tiio wefttberwupleuaol, (be grrtumliln ralrcondliinn, «Qd tbe meeilDR m» well micuded, while tbe opttrta turotebed muob enjoyuiont to tbo ppecirtlon. Sum- mary: Ftjhf ynnti nm.—Wonl.y RW. Bo|[C^ T. WIpiIdk mo- ond, D. Alheru thinl. Time, ii. neo Ikun4m1 and Mntg wanit niit.—Wtm hv n. W. Beafli. II. P. llDikIn Mftmtl. b. Altiert* third. Tlm(«. M<. Om AwMmf and (tcmrf Minij Auntif mrr—Woo hy R. W. ■ean* 0. It. Voorhli lecond, K. Lolmun ihlnl. Tim*, lee. KIgkl AHadml and rffiAlf Mnlt rue —>T«tii by R. Lrh- man, D. Alberti effnnd. <l. Mlnini tbinl. TlDt^ tm. Xm. One mUf run.—XVon iiy K. Lehinut, A. Phelan eonind, A. N. lUnaom iblnt. Tlni«,ein. hK r«l(lna left iAoI.— Woo br It. \V. B*iini.aTn.1ln.; R. Beeley. Mft- Tin. aeoood: M. (thlmii^n. tin. i^ln.. thlnl. ffannlnolouiuMp.—\Tnti MT. W'lellna. Urt. Akin.: R. Beeley, Uaftln.. Mcond: II. P. llo«k(n, IGa S^ln., ililni. role raulf.—Won hy rh^rW n«wfy. W. Am.: V.. II. VoorhU Jr.. Ml 4ln.. eeonnd* R. Ha#1«r- en. pin . ihlnl. RMnAiMAioftiHii|i.-vroDitr It. w. nw*. m. lUn.: x. WIeUav. in. HMn.. MMtnil: H. Woolly and M (tlili •ninn iM tt ilt 9(n. fnT thin], Wnnhny vliinlnv (iti llm Iom, nnietivU^ AaMMr.—ITiin byo. \V, IUnrN8lft loln.; Mj^lpiDto, nn. III... •Moni: ii. r. iiiwkiD, »n. <hi., Tha AamMl Co>v*nllaa 01 Uw Flranwn'f Trt-coimt; Anocliilloii will b« hcia M OlOTNtTUle, N. V„ on July 4, when (1,009 In piliM wtU ba Rlvtn (or imcos, us (olloir: How net, pnttsluul, open lo all, too, tm, tm. Bote nee, for te4nia nprownilnii are coinpaiilPii In Hettluer, HenttomeiT und KnIMn Coiintler. Run- BtnmnitbeTettutorecllvtmtmlior«, iK\Vi.tiO. neae taoet be ran <inilcr Neir York Sttio niM, ud Uie oommllte« ivMrve the ililit to niake tbeB bsb end hub ncci. liUjrd*. hiniUcnn, t.Vi, t9(, tlO, le. Kotmnoe fro, Wc, loo;il«. nenicri no*, |S», Sit, no, ti. >'*l«o enirleii ilLiqunllllcd. All new eDlilet muet iitte tl)« neoU ot tnMr liwt two no**, when, where ind wltb wbon. Sbemclil ralai to (onra. Dloycle nco, one nuio. scnitvb. OMB to Fulton Oounij. Entntnoe tee, toe; ta bMi*. lit badge, lit badge. Knirtoa to ilie (not noee to be made lo M. J. Hun. Nailck, Muki,, nterae and handtoapiw, or to it. F. Uution. nio- T*r**ill*, K. v., 10 whom entrtf* for all the oiher *f*nl* muit be made. Catrtea to all ercnta torlow Jus* *!. Tha Newton Athlrllr Aiaoelatlon Wai favoied wlU plwiiant wmlhtr on the occtHon of their Bprlnit (nine*, heM at Ntwion (knlre, Hiik<., on Jnne le, with the tollowlnirmuli: OM tuaaral furai nM.—W. R. MutLM Inl, IONl; P. J. KII1ai.ay McoDd. OM mik McKlA r«(v.~Owdn«r Cmlta, tSrdt-, Bnt, Im. Ba.1 R L. RoUI«r IMOD.1, ftuiMiiv*l«»>nv>.-\Vi>n l.y h N. Hairlll, tit. alD.; VT. D. RIMa, Motnd. in. iM. i 0. W. Vtn]fy H<wd. Tile Sllot Alhlelle Clnli, or NowlooTlllo, Maw., held • torlea of gameii at Iho RToiind.'i of Iho clnli, on Walker Dirnt, on Juno It, the oronta leaiilUnK u follow: tr. J. McUIUo: Ihlnl. W. e. Baiik. HimnlM iuKii-riral, W.J. McClolUn, ill. Hlo.; Mcond. r.a.L. 8linli.n; tlilnl, O. D. KInball tod W. B. Uilch, ll«l. HumlM lona Jmp.-fltft,r. (1. L. Rliobtll, ITfL llln.; Malpir.-Klnu r. a. I,. KInhtll, 31ft. tin.; ucund, W. 8. Ilikli. Tko Ituntlrtaatui luitnlif pnnfinm.—rini. n. M. LArnnd; He»Dd.,ir. L. Ilimud; itlid, A. Slicf tnd B. P„ IIIIU, tial. Tlme,27«. #btiraun^rttl owl Jbrw knRltnm.~rlr«t, \V. B. S,iul«; HuiHl. 0.1), riilitr: ililnL w. L. Banwid. Tlm^ u>t. nm niiii(-Klr,l.V (l.£. Kliiil)all,lin. Win.; nci.n.l. J. W. Rrlun: Ihlnl, tr. J. McUllu. //<9>. nfp fffiri iuflHi.-Klnlt W. !#■ lUmud, tfft. 910.: MWOd, K, a. I,. KInibiU; llilld, O. B. FIMior. Tni!'rorlho Rngllab gnirclianiplnn alilp ivaa I'oncliided at the Bl. Andniw'i Unkn, fx>n. ilnu, nn June 13, the rewill lielnga rlclorj for J. II. Tajiiir, of Wlochealer, who alM> won the llile loiii Tear. Ilia lolalM for llie foor rouDda were 80, 7h, bo, H—iai. Uealdca the cliampkinshlp Taylor wan awanlcil a gold tin medal and |lto In money, lie ta the drat Englbthman who boa gained the Iduc rli>- boil of tlietollloK irern. ITela a naUreof Korthnm, rear the faniniiii Nonh llevnn l,lnka of Wcatwanl llo, and Iramcd lili KolOnii under iho Allana. Alex. Herd, ot Iluddcractld, won Mcond pi1», lluo. Tun iNtTiTtTf! ATULCTio CM°s nC Kow.irk, N. J., will live II not of ganiot, nnciloned hy the A. A. U., on Haiiinliiy, Juno Su, at Olcdonla Park. The erootH are: looyda, handicap, 4IOyda, handicap, BMyda. novice nin, ono nille run, handicap, and two mlleii hloyclo nice, (laid nnd allrer nitdala will bo given 10 the dmtniid accond men. Til* mnnageia of the Yalo and I'riacelon foniball tea ma have arrHOKCd a game to lake lilaco at Uo- Inmhla Oral, Ihia city, on Nor. 23, the mturiUy be- foro Thankaitlvlog, upon which day for yeani nait Yale and llnrvnnl have played otBpilngnCd, tlan, UoiifiiKy aiiiw, Ibe celebrated Rn|llali liiirdio ncer, on Juno 13, at the Oainbrldfe Uiilvcnilty- l»iiilon Alhlelle UInU dnnl nmca, held at Keimcr'e, l/indun, eiiualtil the KegUah record for lioyda., over Iho tluibor, laj. TEISTNIS. I««ivn TeBBla Platarat* Jone 38—Utdilia K'arei ehamiilooelilp, Oraon, N. J. Juno t^Litillo** champtonihlpe, Phllailelpliie, Pa. June 3C—NelKliborfaood Club biTttallon utumament, VditaVewton. Maw. Juno a^NaUuUHl ABiioclitlon champlofllhlpa, Udlea* dnRldHand doubles and niliMdoiiblei^ PliUadelphia, Pa. July 1—Toiedu Utub biTliailon Utumameni, Toiedoy (f. Y July 1—raelflcCotJit cbenirloaililptoominieat, atoetej, flan lUr^l, (liL July 0—Morrii ParkTennliClub lorltaUoo toumameDL MorTln Park, N. Y. Julys—KuQs CountyCOnatry Club tonroamenl,Man- cheiderhy-lhs Rea, Hbm. July 9—Waiivrn iioublca ebamplonahlp, Clilcafrn, III. July 0—Weftiern reniuylninia alnglei ciiamplooalilp, PUlabiirg. July lA—RoabrlRhlTennlu Club open loumam»ot,8ca briilii, N. J. July U-Uochfliler (K. Y.) TeuoU Olub open touma- cn«ni. July 22—Lonrwood Teonla Hub open tounuineDt, Lenavond. Man. July S^Lona laUnd clmnplonahlp. Boulhamplon. L. I. July n-Nvv York Hiatfl chahiplnniiblp, Marato(r>, N. Y. Juu-2)—Keito Valley Tvbiile Ulub i)|«n tuumameQl* Lar llnfbor. Me. AiiR. 5—tnrlialloii toiimainent. Norvood Park, N. J. Aiic. A—TuiimAiiictil fnr Musely Hal) OiaUouRO Cu|i, Bar llaTlK>r, Mn. A'lK- ^U|<vn tour at Sorrento, Mr. AuR. 12—liAHiomduubkiri diamiiluAdtlp, Eaat Ta. TTeat, NanacaiieeicPler, It. 1. Auk. IA-I'«clt1c .*fuMliva*t cliaiii|>lonBlilp tountamoDt, Tac"iiia,\V«*h. AoR. 2U-}(ehrajika Rtate clientplonalilp tournament, Ooialia. AiiR. 31>-Wulefn rcnniO'lraola duubleii chaiiiplomdilii, AliiHina.—Dnited Hialeachuiiplonihip, alncleji and Onal doutdei auU ilual luuncbolaailo luuTDaiuvnt, Movport, Aoff. 77—Oppn toumanont nl Nlniaim^n-the-ljilfe, N.Y. 8epu:^IJudi«n Jilvar Lava TennU AjaoeUilon tour namont, Youkerv, H. V. 8vpt.2—0|i«D iniinameaiatPouih Ormoiie, N. J. Kr|>L7—I'ncirlc Coan champtonilihi toamaiiioar, dou- liIcK and lailiD** kIorIm, Han Hnrnni, t el. Kept. lO-lutentaie cliunplnnililii of Nnbmaka, Kanwi, lonn and MI»*oarl, KautftaCUy. MO. K<t|<i. Il^(i|«n tountanoBl at Ea«i Oianae, N. J. Oct. 1—IniercolleKlate louruameutt cltantploDjiblpa, Nov JlaTon, Ci^ The Irlah Tennis £a|»vrU, Or. J. l*ltu, cbiuiiplon of Iwlb Ireland niul RoRbind, and 11. S. liAhoDey, wbn bus also obtivliinl ao od> viable repulnllon for nblllly hy IiIh iwrTormancefl acroMi the water, urrlvcl at New Yotk on KridAy, Jiino3l,onnplc*mirevlatt. Tlioy ptoptisu to \at- ilclpnlo Id Rome ol itio principal aDDiinl (ounm- mcnts In tbUt counlxydurtng theLr slikyi wllb a view to iiioaaurlng tbe Blrciitftb of tbo AmotlcauplayerB, Hiid on Unuiluy, Jnue 2i, lUoy mtitlo ihdr ddmi at the conrte of ttio Nelghliorliood Clul>, nt WchI Now- tuD, Uan., whom ihcy proved tbo stan of ihe uccn- Rlon.' Kacb of ibcm troa ibo mnlcb in which bo onmiRedi llni wlnolng from Ualcolin CIihco, Hlillo ildhoney daalied the boi>vs of Clarcoco llubiiri. Thero wah a groat crowd of faHliton- aUlo palroud nud dorotccs nf the Raiiie la at* trudHMcc. and tiiu firdgii ntaycrd wore nwdu ilio Hone of tbe nftoroeon. Manonoy bad tho liar^eat dglil. aUhoagh Cltaco vou n nt from l*lm on tbo hiiier'd wlUlucaa iiDd evident niirBtoDUrlly with cartu conrta. nm'* nliyUig, aod. in fact, every pan of bb gaioe, ivasgnod. and ue abowcd con* cluBlvoly thai lio U lUo wurld'a greateHi all around o.X|icrL Hlo greati;eDenit.-(hlpwaaahown ilinennd H|Mlu lu tight placed. Chiico'a usually ciTectlve IoIm won) easy fur tho Kngllidiuutn, whose ninnsh- Ing WII8 Iho KTv'Alint ever acen bero. Uahouoy'a victory ovor UnUart >m8 hHrrow, bnt waa a great pct rornmnco for o nowcotiier. Tho morning gnmo wa^iwon by llovey In a slow contoxtwiili lAriied. Tlio weather waa |»lcivsaut, but ntbar warm during tho early aftcrniHin. ITio H4:urea: UuntlaK iiiaidi.-K. II. IIavcv, Kevion Onnint, Man., bMl W. A. Lamed, Kumiult. N J., 0-4, AlteriiiMin iitnlc)ii«iL-]|. H. Mi\hun«y, IrvUnd. beatc. lli>t«ru Nov VuTk ri'y, !l-a,7-^ Iir.Ju«lma I'hn. In- land, brat Mnlroliii uiace, rrvvliloncc, K. I., e-n, e-i. llAiA'uiJi CiLU'Rilefeated KtmioliitheflnnlBforlhe flnplpevimniplitiidlilp of d^anccilcui, nt llarir»rd, Juno -.'<t, In thiToalralgMe. tlio score atandlngc—l, t)—1 1—9. (Ill tbo uiiio adeniwiu Chuco nod Nluh* uirt wcro itraicn for tho dounlca cliHU)ptuniih)p by >*itote uDd Tcny, e—(», o—o, o-a, TiiK nmtrh between llovey aud Ue for Ibe tennis ohninplunHlilp uf UaiutachiiKcue wnedccblcd on tho cnurlri of the Umgwoml Crlokol Club, In llurtion. lluvcy, who ahowotl all hia old iluio ekl)U won In thrvo nlralghi wn, aa follows: c—l, 7—0, T—6. THE RING. Cn'odou Too JIviolk Ibr llnnneaiifty, Tho fltovo contcHi between lian tX'cilou. the An,. Imllan, and Hilly llcnnesscr, of tbo Hub, was Ibe prlncliial evont at theontertnlnmeDt oiltred by tbo jjiiddlk Atblello Clnli, at thoir roonu In lionton, Miud., on Monday evcnlDg, Juno 24. There wai an attendance or hImuI eight hundred lorcre of tho gaiuo, but they did not wllaes.., guoil ii coDtcMt na lliry ha,l antU' bring api«rent eoon after Iho comnioncciiieni ibat iho Aiillpotlcan would R.tln Iho victory, lo nncb tbo aupcrlorot Ida upiiouent wna he In all that goce to make up a surceraliil pugliui. Howenr, he fouglit gamely, itamliug his gt^tuud art Innv at he waa able. Tne Bl.\tb louiid wllncHed the nnlsh of the battle, however, aa, after roceuing Be\'en>l hotpiincliet, anolher rlglit bander put hini clean out ot It. The agbilni; la dcecrlbed aa follows: When Cioedon and llennenoy entered the rlug Ilennency looked Ihe aouiller of the two, but va:i In Ihe pliik nt londlllou, n olghing about one hun- dred and drty-scven poumU. Uoib apnrrcd for an opening. Ileiinoatcy wae Unit to lend on Cieeilou'd atohiaco, ItuI fell ahnrr. Crroilon waa cvldcnily hIk- lug up nia oppoiHinl and fought i-auiloiuly. llo lunded with hl< itihlon llennca.'vy's ]i\\v. iinl tlin laltL'r ix'Uillaled with » alnilRht Irit un Crctilnu'a ainuiarh. Svulo liiilgbilng fii|lu\Tc<l and ii'iili nmu iii.-\ile au cxi'clU'iit showing. In ihi' m'rimd loiind llcniii*iisi,y led with IiIh i1i:Iii und lauded a (:o,iil one on t'tvcdnuV Jaw. Oicedoii stepped to Ihe ceiilre and watched Ills opponriit fur a tow seconds, then let hl> Tight ilrtve Inirinto Ilea- neaaey's t«i'(. Us followed this with another and then a left knUift. which louiplelrly dateil Ilennet- aoy. A light Icii on I1I.1 Ja«' aeiit nliu acalnid tho ropus. (;rvcil<>n ellpia'd aud llenneawyrallled aoitl- clanilj lu iiep to iba couin ot Uie HuJi. It looked ao though one punch wonjil put him out, but tbe bell nog and saved neniiCKie/. When Hennessey came up fur tho third ronnd be apprartil rreab. Crcedon iHuded with iiolh bands on his face, llenscaiey planteil bbi left on Cieedon<s law, and there seemed to i>e tome steam left In hit hlowa. Ue followed this with n Hght on Crcedon<s face. Cr^edoD mado a msli for Hennessey wllh a swing, hut It waacleTerly ducked. Crecdoo began lo dght alow, and lufc many openings for Hennessey. In the rnnith round Creedon opened with s •tmlght left, which landed nn IleoncascyM rlbr. InUghllng follownl, and lleiinassey had niiicb the bciieroflt. LYeedon landed two idralght lefts on Hennessey's Jsw Iwfoni Iho round closed. Hennessey used bin right wllh good eirecl In the irih round on Crteilon'a face. Crcedon waa wall- ing for a chance toland his right.and feinted many llmea to carry out hIa iHirpose, but Uenneaaey nsed hbi head, cleverly ducking r.heni. In Ihe aUlh round hoih men appeared In good condition, lleoneaoy landed bla left on Crtedon^ ilije and followed 11 up wllb a awing on the law. Crcedon stepped Iaci a foot, and began 10 Oght caullously. llo landed liln left twice on Uennes- sey'a Jaw, and got nway vllhnut receiving a blow, before HenncHcy could recorcr aumclenlly he got another awing lu tho sane place that knocked him iiUL Jobia L, Bulllran tvill lie the recipient ola conpllmentsir tesilmonlal at Hadlson Bqnare Garden, tlila city, on TTiunday evening, June 27, and tho occasion will be nude memotnlile hyailMlccnlenalnmenle.xcelllng. In all probahlllly, any ever given In that resort, tho scene of so many of the honeactaiy's triuniphn when he was tho brightest star In the pugilistic flrmamenL That the memhcrn of Iho rislenilly, or all classes, spprcclate the worth or the genial ex-cliamplon Is shown liy the manner In wlileli they have with one accord pnirered their aerrlccs, and Ihe exhiidllon will certainly l« one long f 0 be remembered by the Invera of tho n lence of self-ilcrence. In addlllon to the iKi.xlng liT tho beat known and most akilful per- fomiem In all classes of the art, there will be a liag punching competlilon which will prove moat Inter- callog, iwrilclpaled In ns It will Iw br several of tho bright llglitd of tbe profeealon. "Sully" should luivo a packed lionae^ ^ Tne Brasldo Alhlelle Club, of Went Brighton, (Tuner Island, received a license from Hayor Hchefren, of llmoklyn, on Salurday, June 23, pennlt- ilng tho nrgsnlzAIInn to giro e.'Chllilllons In lilcv- ■lug, fencing, wreslling, bniliig, sod oUier athletic sporis anil ganies. The Ueeuso was Issued under authority of tho ordinance, and la obedience to a ruaodamuH of the Supreme Court. JiMAiAOB.ibc vctcianpnglllsi, and three conipan- InoH were thrown from a vehicle In I.ondon, Eng., Mar 30, their horse hiving boiled In Vulham lload, and afterwards collided wllh n 'bus. All four men were taken to nn hospital, where thclrlnjiirles were attendod 10. Thoy were on their way to tho mces. linn FiTxsiiisiora leftthiscliyforBymciise.N. Y., on June 2:t, to aland Irlal on the charge of having caused the death of his sparring partner. Con lller- dun. Emonoel U, l-'riend toss been engaged by him as connscl. JLQUA.T1C. Yai.kvhie hi, the Amerlm Cup challenger, was towed Into opeu wster at (llaagnw, Scot., Juno Id, for hur flrst trial, but tho prevailing wind was so light that she conk] bnrdljgatn heaoway. On the following day, however, belter succeiw attended bor trlnl.nlUiough the wlndwas by no means strong enough to admit of a complcle test of the cutter's alilllly. Tlie pilnclpsl fact demonstrated by ihe trials Is that she U quick In Hiays and eaiiy In msiiii'uvrliig. Her chief wakncKS seems to bo her work to wliiilwurd, aalnallolherpolnlsshe laeqiMl to all ex|>eclnllons. Unre <:ouipleie mala vrlll follow. TuaOAKrAnic Yicnr Cli'D sailed lla annual re- gatta on I/ing lalniid Sound Juno 23, and as u fair brorao protvTled at the onis't, and Iho Onlsb mt made In n raining wind, the diiy's s|iort was iiolte liitcrcsilng. Tho winners were: Class A. QrHcle; Chias II, Dawn; CIna U, Nlu; Claas D, Flounder; Chiss K, Ulsmnrck. Csrr. Wm. A. liAi.r, a well knotvn pleasure ciafl^ pilot, dleil at Ills homo In this city June 22. llo was at ono time skipper for the late Jsy (lould, and had commanded aucceeslvcly Ibe Asior yacht Noor- maliiil, K, U. Uoigiin's Connlr and Wm. A. Slater's S.igninorc. He wns nfiy-Iour yeura ot ago and leaves a wife and family. Vanqi'XIIo, tho lIcrreslioiT two and a halt rater built for Mr. Ilui-fcn. nn Kngllsh yacliisman, aalled her innldenracc nrrsoiiihsniptnn. Kng., Juno 21, In Ihe regatlii of tho batlo Yacht Club. She Oulshed hist but ono, four nilniitca sstcm or tho winner. Tni uitaira (Ont.) Itowlng Club's douiilo scnil oliainpbiiiahip wsa won by W. T. lAWles and J. P. Wright, Juno 2U, defeailiig II. Piiirnrd and J. A. U.tcl)oiiBnU by a lengib ami a half. Tbe club's challenge cup went with llio victory. l*nK American yachts Atalanta, Dakotah nnd Kuiilgnii Louise havo been cnteieil In tbo racea at Kiel, dev., Juno -i^ to 2H, for which foor hundred and twooty.dve entries havo bcon made. Tiiii Argonaut Itoiving llub'a clianinlon four ar- rived June 11 at Mverpool, Kng., from'IbronlcOnL, and departed at ouce for Henley. THE FIRST MARGUERITE. Ume. Ulolan Camlho, who sang tho part of Uar- guerile when Counod's "Faust* was nrst prodnced, gives Homo liiteiesling pariloulsra about the pro- iliivllon. Tlio rcbosTsaia took place under U. Car- valho'a direction nt tho Theatro Lyrlqoe, of the Uoulovard du Temple, and were very fatiguing. Counod had intenpcnwd many splendid bits of music through IiIh work which Imd to bo cat ont, notably a duct between Margtierito and Yalenlln during tho Kerinctw. Another duet In the prison was also saoridcvd. The rehearsal Ustcd from 7 o'clock la the evening until -j o'clock In the morn- ing. The rrefert of Police, lioworer, Interfered and obliged tho Hlogers to If uvs off at midnight at tho lusianco of tho ilremen, who coniplnlucd of the long hoiii's. Tho consoivlilp had also to be reckoned with, for It was thought Ibat the cathedral sceno would bo objocted lo In Home. Mgr. do Segtir, liiiwever, attendod I he rchearaals and said that he found Uie cathedral scene superb. lie also guve Uuio. Ulolan Osr^7llho a bcaulirully liound masa book, which she wan to use In the ohnrch, and iiho has tho gIR still. The flral representation, as Muie. Hlolan Curmlho reiiiloda peoplo, wsa not lirllllant. Qoonod wsarc- f;ardrd as an lunomtor, snd tho house was divided Qto two ramps, one fur and tbe other ugalnst the I'ouiposor. Uejcrhcer nnd llosslnl wcie umoug tho adiultcrs of the now work, but the Uaestn of I'osaro afterward mid that ho preferred Gounod's Provencal coniposlllon, "Mlrellle." "Fauar," how- ever, made lis way later, nnd doeauot noeddo- feiidcmnow.—r/r,f£ontfoii Jwity TI'Titiitip/i. HER REJOINDER, Tho following Incident occurred lately on a crowded elevator In this clly: A young woman aioae, upon tho eulrauro of an elderly one, and with a ^vave or the bond toward Iho aeat, which tho newcomer seemed retuctaol to accept, aald: "Age belore beauty." "Thank yoii," was tho reply, as tho uewcomer dropped Into tho beat, "but ono would need glaines to we Ihe beauty." "tVrluiiM,'' waa rojolnded. quietly, "but none would lie required to see tbe sge."—tt'iYind Jinjylth IXnwivi. _ AND SUPPORTED. The subject which the yoiiug man now Is puzzled most U|iou, la not sixteen tn 000, but how . Sweet sUieen may be won. —A'aiuirTS('if(//ui/ninl. A xcLOUB AsiA or the uiu:d atrtklog kind was being glnn lu a theatre In a imiall pruvlncbil town, lu one of tho cijili-al scenes the livro iiuddenly became aware uf tliv fi'.cltlnil liobadcooiu u|iou thestsge luliiiis hltt |i<>iii<;bl. Wliliitiit 11 iiioiiieiit',, henltallon he iiiadcu ila>li at llii> tmttur. l.vclalmlug: "IHi-, vll. I:ilir I niiMiiltu',:rlkuilic« with luy dagger, l,ul I Irft Iho wi'itiHiii In 111; ili-e.«lug room, nnd will tliiTffiiiv i-lniiiylf llifr lu tUi> l,rvsviirc of llih li;. diligent audience." It U itcan-efr liere!i.-^l7 to adil tluit Ihl i \iiili:ilon ftoni the original lirougni down the hoiiw. HELON g ON TH E WAY. There's a shout fton gmnd old (leorgy, an' 11b echo, fall an'free, Hake* • taUduJsh feeUsf come a nahln' oyer m*: It'll maka ihepeopla happy—drive Ihe daitneia all 80 here? u the n*tlon<a gladneaa,ferlhe mekm'a on the way I That good old aHiped mekin, wllh a teaito' drippln' sweet. Makes a feast that btiosa th« connlry Jeal a whoop- In' at ltsre«l; So let the gloriotts tidlngi ting ont night an' day, surer iiuesilon ain't yet stuled, bnt tne uelon'a on the way, East an' Waat I bear 'em slngln' aongn o' Joy an' Kvert^g nnlted-let tbls wnngUn' growlln' cease; Fer the country's safe, sn> annbeaiES 'ronnd Ihe homes 0' people pisy— Erer'body'a happy—wnen the melon's on the way I _ —yiUniKaCBnsf ftiilton. BROKEN B OTTLES AS RAZORS. Native! of JtmaloA Have a PrImatJvs Method of Shaving. The nallvea of Jamaica bar* no ne«d to bay soap, for Ihe woods aiiouod la ploshi whoM loaves and buds supply very well tbe place of ihatlndlspensa- iileanlcle. Among theae Is the soap tree, ao called, though It l4 mure of a bush tliann tree. llalHilb, when niiiiKil on wet rloiliea, iiiakea beanunil Uther, which nmellsmuch Ukccommonlirownaoap. The Jamaica negroes. Home of them who are great dandle.i In tbsir way, make anoap ont of a cocoanut oil and home nude lye, and a Doe soap It b>, smoolli ond fngranL This cocoanut ell aeap la nsed for abavlog. When a man wishes to shave ne suns nut wllh bis cocoa- nut HheU and hia donkey tall brush and lioUle. It Is never siiy trouble to dnd an empty boKle In Jamaica, even In the mountalna. At least twenty geiienllont of iblraty people hare lived then, and thrown away the empty iioltles. The man carries no mirror, iiecaaso he nsnnoDe to cany. Not one negm caUn hi * dozen bas * cheap looking glass. Out natnre anppllea the mirror as well aa Ihe soap. The man gotai to a convenient snot In Uie moun- tain stream where the water IssUll, and there Ishbi mirror, lie breake bhi lioltle on a stone, and picks out a sharp piece. Then be lalhere hIa face prrv fiisely and begins to scrape away wllh his piece of ghifti, which work* olniiMt as well aa a sharp razor. The men rarely cutlhemaelvea In this operetlon. "At Urst," says a writer, "I trembled for them, but afterward 1 tried themeUiod myaeir, and aoon iie- rame alroosi an expert at W'—Pmrtnn's WtrMi/. ABLE SWORDSMEN. RcphanlH nre completely dhnbled hy one blow from tbe Anb'a two banded sword, which almost seven Iho bind leg, biting deep Into tbo bone. This feat Is varied by alaitalng olT Ihe Innk, leaving It dangllngoniybyapleco of etln. A Ohoorka waa seen by tho late Laatence OHphant to behead a bndhlo wllh a single blow ot ols kookerie. And Sir Samuel lutkor, a man powerful enough lo wield during hhi Arrican expkiratlon the "Baby," an ele- phant riile weighing twenty-two pounds, once clove a wild hoar with lihi hunting knife almost In halves as It was nisklng a Unsl nisb, catching It Just be- hind the shoulder, where the bido and bristles are at least a span thick. * Kir Waller Scut relates how tho Bsrl or Angus, Willi his hnge sweeping brand, challenged nn op- ponent to ngni, end at a blow chopped asnnder his thigh hone, klUhig hlo on Iho spot. There b) a story current InAustralla tliai Uenrenant Andeiaon, In Ist'J, during an encounter with buahnngem, cut olcan llio gun borrelof bbjadveraary with hUBWord. And at Kossss'ln It Is related that one or Anbl Pasha'saoldlera waaaeTared In two during Ihe mid- night charge. But, In the opinion ol expeita, this Is very Improbsble, even bed the new reipiUiUon MSbre then been In use.-zoiuftm 67oOe. WHERE TH ERE ARE NO ODORS. "In ttst connlry once known as tbo Hlreat Ame^ lean Ueseri,' embiachig a portion ot Texaa and Arizona, Hiere are no odors," said It. P. seoler, ot Uallao. "There luscious grapes and manyotner fruits grow, eapecbUly near Uie cross Hmlier coun- try, but lliore b no perfume, wild dowen have no smell, anil carcsaaes or dead animals, which UdiT seasons sre very plcntirul, enlt no odor& "It wns slwaya nnpposed lo lie a tteeloss plain, npon which no plant coiildgrow or breathing thing could live, bnt a latg* part oMt Is now sncceasmily cnlUvaled, and biiifoi the nrity ot the atinaphen, causing the peculiarity 1 have named, and the mirages, whicn ar« even mote perfect than In the deaert or Sahara, no one would look upon It nsa bonen country now. .tnother singular feature com- mon 10 the desert land U that objeela at a dlalaoee appear greatly magnUed. A few scraggy rr-raniilie bushes will look like a uoble foreaL stakes driven Into the ground will eeein Uko telegraph poles."— aiulnnaUKiupiIra: Wtt'B.-John Henry, |et up; the chlokens have iMien up for two lionts. /fiiftnnd.—Well, If I hsd III rooal on a pole like ucm I'd been up three hours ago.—JCiiTta) (Aiaflr. DISTRIB UTION O F FISHES, A HliiniUr fact In counecUon with dbdrihiitlon or dshes Is that no sirentiis Bowing norihward Into Mke iirio Iroin Ohio have brook trout In them uatii- nillr, and only one has them uttlllclally. AUorthe Michigan streams eioptylug Into Lake Rrt* have trout lu them. There are two St. Joseph Ulveni In Michigan, one onUrel; In the state and the other liuvliig ibi head waters there. The two streams rise In the nnio hills, alnietit within a stone's throw or one another. Uiie news westward thtoimh the Slate and has an nbundsnce of trout lu Ibi upper wateni. Tlie other flows loiilh into Ohio, and Its watera reach Ijike >Me through connection with Iho Mauuiee-lllver. Tlioie nre no trout In It, and It U tbe only stream In MIcblBuii that has no trout. Thbi creek b the out- let to a vont spring or lake, which neariy a century ugo apiieared on a funii In that |uit of the State lu a single night. The Iron! tlio creek now conhdns are tbe result or artjdcbil niocklug, which was done II few yeura ago. HE WAS NO MEN AGERIE. Scustor llurris, ot TenucKiee, siiys Ibst Just alter Andrew Johiisiii hiid vncutetl the imsldcutbil sent Ihe msmigerHiif the Sliupian Coiiuty, Ky., Agricul- tural Slid Mechsiilcsl AKWcbitlon decided that It would iM a grent advertlnement lo have Iho old geiitlenmu attend tbo fair. "We dont care lor him onSaliinlay,"Haldthe iiiuiuiger, "for ou that day we slull have u pretty big crowd, anyhow. Wed- ucwbir will bo the day. I will write the e.vl>re9l- deiiL" Tlie following letter was nut to Mr. Johuson: "IIsratSih: Tbe people of tho wunderfiilcuuiity of Sliiiinoii, feeling a great luteresi In uue or America's greatest rtoiis, have decliled to Invite yon to lie nces- ent at our fair grounda 011 Wednesday, Oct. g, where they wbdi to shake your hand, llease let mo know by return iimll." He let hlin know by return msll, on tbe liack of his own lulsdvc. The old geuileiiuin turned tlie letter over, snd resd Ihe folluwlug: "I am no mensgeri e. A. Joukbun.^ NO T TO BU ME. MtNisTEH—Ah, my poor, unfortunate bnther, lou look nd. Have you done onyUilng which you re- grelhavlug doner _ T.tTres'u Ti)i-No, I olnl. I Just Ucked my natd. You aee It waa dls way: 1 had a headache, andhe told me to edek my head thtu' a pane of glon and ds pane would be gone, ao I had to lick him, THE ST ATESMAN 'S WIFE. tattnf.Vig'hf?? ^ " "01 wuz down si Ilaiilgan'a barroom dltcooala' queaUona »t the coinage. lathsrebsngUi' oldeot, 01 ""T say, HltthreaaOroian, on free sUvtr." ' "And IwIn yez got tlonsb, ye had the oldeoa and llarrigu haifth'slHer- It u a folne sutesman ye nre-iM don'l think!" -InaiamiMlH Jomnal. THE L OST CUST OMER. FiooH WiLkiR (to salesmsn at buijcrr coun. len-Vou dldn'tsell Uiatladyr .k?!S*^'t?T''''' ' ,«J'o»«<l >"t "ome slochlnga thai 1 toM her weald di her Uka a glore. She asked II they wet* all wool and 1 aald: "Yes: aU wool and • yard wide." And the flounced oir aa thougb sooieiblng tad displeased her. For the ur* of nie 1 con'l pita* what It tra(,-A«on Tmn- acrtPi, ARGO N AND HE LIUM. Two diKoretles hove recently beta made by i.„r,i Raylelgb, of Kngland, which prove, to pnrapiiraM 8hake»petre, that there are more ihliiga onrurti^ than the ■denllsu la their phUosophy have en, drcamedot. First comes tho alariling lofomiotlon that dar >rier day and year after year we hsvo been Uklng Into our lungs a gas of whose eiisi. ence we have been wholly Ignorant Tlie dlscoveiv ot this heietofcre nnknown aimnphctic consilin. enl, which has been named "argon," meaning idle was announced at a recent meeilngot the llrliisii Aasoclallon, Subsequent restarchea have proved beyond a donbt Its presence In the air, and. In con- sennence, aonie llmt honored sclentioe beliefs are In dsnger of being ovenhrowi^ It would seem that lA>rd llayleigh should at leasi have given tbe aclenilllc world time to recover fnuu the surprise caused hy hIa nrst discovery licroro uii. earthlug and proclalmlnganotherslnrUlngsclcntiiic fact; but, regardless of the nervtlus system or the sclonllsta, he has Just annoonccd that In a mineral from Norway he haa tonod helium, a gas wbh-h hereloron hna been Utonght to have a home only in the sun and n lew ot the nisrs. Whatever other rt- solts Ibia dlBcovery may have. It gives now reason for believing that the aim and Ihe planets, the earih amongihem,sreallkolncaniposltlon,aadortclnat(d under ihe operallon ot a common hiw. Although Ihe Ondlngot bellmn Is perhaps Ihe more Interesting fiem* popular standpoint, the fact that argon has lieen btoaght to light Is prabslily or greater pncUcal Importance. It Is possible ihai the gasplayaancalhart In resplmllon and oihir pnceases In man. ir this be the caae, acciiiato knowledge ol ic may open new linen of trealiscnt and research In tbe pncUce ot medicine. THE VA LUE OF M INUTES. Apnriy of tallies nnd gcnilemon were lately visit- ing a largo csriiet fsctory, und the lonunger ttsik themoverlliedliiereiit noon or Ihe cstaiillshmeiii. On nsrendlngone of Ihe BlsirvnacH they cumo Ion locked door, 011 which the following Inscription was pointed In white letters: "StraugetB not sdtrUtled under nny cln-iini- sbtnces." The curiOHlly of Ihe ladles wss excited 10 a hleli pitch, and they lisiulrcd, nlmost In one brcnili, "Whatever Is to lie seen liulder'' ■■That Is om nf our wcrkrouiiLs lu which iiiio hiiii- dred and flrtj women sre employed In enibrulileriiig carpels," anmvered tho nisimger. "Oh, now we should JuM like to have a peep st them I" exclslnied the Indies. "I am Horry 1 cannot comply Mlth your wl<li,*' sold the genlfemsii, with a shnigof Ills shoiilik'is, "but our rules do not admit of the slightest e.\i-e|i. tinn. TnilU In ssy, and tlH:re I* nntliliig spechil in lie seen, uor Is there any question of trade sefrcii. The reason vhy admb»lon Is forbidden to stmiiEcis Is slniply liecanse every woman naliinilly ImiVs up and her attention Is dbdracteil from her n-ork for rroin one to live niniitcs; Supposing, now, chi-Ii woman ivaslea a couple or minutes In this way, that will make In Iho cnso or one hundred mm iiriy women a loss to the Ann or three hundred minutes, or Ave lionrs, and wo cannot allow that." HOW THE RUSSIANS MAKE TEA. In Hus.'l& we see no open fireplaces and no sing- ing keliles. Their system of heating the house in Winter Ismuch dimrentaod much superior to onni. Tho Russians use a tea nm wllh an Iniemsl ilue. In this flue they pnt charcoal, snd, when lighted, Ihe nm Is placed outside Ihe door (the Aimea sie dangsnus), end h stove pipe Is placed on tlie top or tbe nue to Induce draught, und soon Ihe water bo'U. I'Uo nm Is then placed on the lablc, ond the coo<l lady puta Into tho teapot so mnch ten as she tlUnks suniclent, nils the teapot with boiling wster, suil then places tho teapot on the top ot the Intenml due, and her mind Is at rest, ir arricnd pops In, either now or In ono hour's time, the hostess will at once pour an Inch or this rank pohionous liquid Inio a gtaaa and till up the glass wim water from tho urn and smile. The friend then helps hciself to a slice of lemon and tour, nro or six pieces of euimr. I, as a boy, leaned Inst nnmla got the best tea and made tbe bent tea. After I had been lu'varlnus parts of Ilussla a ten times 1 began to think my school iMioka dealt In fabtea. With tho oxcepilon nf seven weeks hut Autumn, I have been In Ru.«ilii this last twelvo months, and my experiencu e.\- tends rrom SI. Peloniburg to Astraehan, and rniiii Datoum to Ihe desert, end I any that Ilussla does not liny tbe beat tea.—m-Ms THE DEEPEST MINE« llhosbeenthoundlsiinledclnlni or Austria that she nosaeasea tho deepest metal mine In Ihe woriil, Ihe Maria shaflnt the nilncsof PrTdbruni, which wns three lliouand alx hundred and aevcniy-Ove reel below tho sorfacs st the time or Uie greet tire lu inrj. U has now been surp,iB!«ed, eays ITie £n- OintrrinQ and Jf (nfii; journal, by Uie No. 3 shari ol Ihe Ttuiarack Copper Ululiig Conipiiiiy, In Michigan, which on Ueccmlier 1 woB three thousand six hun- dred and forty feet deep, and Is now more than three Uiousand seven luindred feet deep, Uic nver- age rate or sinking lielDg aliout sevcniy-llve reet a month, Tklo mukes It beyond question the deenc:-t melal mine In e.Nlstcnco, and only one oUicr pluift has reached a greater depth, that ol a coal mliio In Belgium, for which Ihree tlioiiimiid nine liiindrrd feet are clolnicil. Tlio Adelliert shaft In Oennuiiy reached a depth of three thousand two hiindreduiid elghiy-ose feel. ANY ONE CAN SPELL SHAKESPEARE. One Is not In danger of misspelling ihe name or Shakespeare. Some one has dhwoveicd 4,000 ways, ot which Ihe following, as iliey actually upprnr In old docnmenls, sre oxsmples: Shakspere, Sha\- pere, Shakapire, Shaxpire, Bchaxper, ShiiKesnerr, Bhsgpere, Schakspeyr, Shaxcspero, Shaxpiir, Slia.\- per,Shaksper, Schockapearo. Saxpero, Shackesplrr, Shakesplre, Snackenpcsre, Shskaspear, Sbakspenr, Sbaxpean, Sliakapeeio, Sbn.\pure, Shacksiieyr, Shakspear, Schakesper, etc. If the clilrngnipiiy id Shskespeare himself la any authority, tweniy-inu ot these ways are correct.-ni-iMls. A FLY IN THE BEER. If a By drop* In a beer ghtss, ono who has nisdo a study or national cliaractertsllcs rsn easily 1(11 the drinker's nallonalliy by Ills actlou. A Spaniard paya ror the beer, leaves 11 on Iho table, aud goes away without saying a word. A Frenchman will do the same, except that hu ewean while ho goes. An Englishman apllls the beer, and ordensanotlicr glSOB. A Oeman carerully tstacs out the fly, nnd flnlslics drinking his beer aa it nouiing had happened. A Russian drlnka tbe beer with the ily. A CblnaiBan llsbes out Iho dy, swallows 11, aud then throws away the beer.—>'(f«fl«ide miUer. DRIV EN TO DR INK. Fooo Crank Uocioa-Bread Is Ihe stair of lllc Aonaense; ir you eat It when It Is fresh you will dio of Indlgeslloo. It you eat It when It Is atalo you n iM din of disease germs that have lodged In lu In ebon, there Is nothing so fatal to life as bread. Patient— Then you advbe me to eat somelblug elset Foou CSANK DocTOH-My dear fellow, science hiH IllUe to Oder you In tbe way of adrtce. Kverjthlui! else Is as deloterioiis as bread, and, ol coune, to eat nothing at all will result In death by sisrntlon. P.tTiKNT-drcat Bcoll: 1 guess Iho only iblog for me to do la to take to drink. THE WORTH OF HIS WORDS. There was one oceaslou when Mr. Forresi re- celved from one of the euiiernumerartes ot a ihea- Irs an onawer which seemed 10 aallsfy lilm. It wa< the man's duty to say simply, "Tlie enemy Is upon tus" which he uttered at leheattal In a poor, whin- ing way. "Can't yon say It belter than thati" shouted For- test. "Bepeat It aa I do," and he gave tbe words with all Ihe rot«e and ilrhnosa of nu msgoUcsni voice. "ir I could eay It like that," replied Iho man, 1 woiihln'i Ue working for BnceiishllUngsa week. ■'IsibiisllTougetfl "Vas." "WeU, Uien, eay 11 as yon pleaso." OuiT OoxBimTiax or Ai»--Wo/iii*-The air aeesis rarer than it iiaed lo be. n)iiuiU--Well, per- hapa II u later. Yon know that a good deal la be- ing nwd In pnenmauo bicycle Urea uow.-i/iiO""' Attr.