New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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June 29. THK NEW YORK CCLIPPER. 271 POLITICS IN AN EM ERGENCY. Col. Wlllbni Kiivc':! cMnlirand pollteiwia in houschnid iTonIrt (iiit West, myrt Tfm vnwha Bee* una tiny tbt Colonel vtx a piK«niicr on t n'lttcni train wblcti mn held up by tnln loMirni. Wblle tbo roblwn vtra ROUig IbrDiiiib Iht uMenimK. It VIM whiKpfretl iiniunil Ibat the leaittr ira:* uoiip utiwr than tho notorlouH Jcm Janio. Wbtn It came tu Vol. Vi\rt't mm to ciuptj bb inckclK, h« Mill to tbo leader: ".Ml) 1 corrertly Infoniied, i«lr, thiit I h&vt tlio hnitnr nf l>elnff rolilicU liy the celeliniteil Jcsite Jiimeur"' "ThHt'.i my name, nlr." \nA tlie rr.plj. 'Then, Kir, 1 tender Ton my rvvretit oud iipolo- iilni," Maid Col. Nave. ''I nin monilletl lo ray iFiiil I nave ouly Itirce tlollnm and ciRbty reiitn la my clothe^. If 1 had HUllclpaiefl this ilbilojnilMhcrt firl\ilefrc, I ax^irc ynii ilmt 1 vimid hitve licen icltcr Hnpplled iTlth cnncnr.y. llowc\-cr, 1 happen tu tiave H IdanlE check, and If you wUI allow nie, I will take a mral ileal nC plcasiiro In nilliiR II out, tuyulilc lo Toiir onlcr." "Well, I'll IM) If yoii'ie lint a ciirkon on Ice," KiM tliu nililicr chief, "lint — nic If yitn xhall uiildo uie In polllcncMH, Ymi can kccit jonr three dollars and eighty rcnti and your cbecV, luo." "Hut I In.'dKt, ."Ir "Uh, you lie baiiiedl"Nild Janice, and be went ou uud lifted the next paKHcnser'a uratcb. HE KNEW. The other day a Rreat, Riunl coloivd nian entered ibe express omce, and edging im to the man In cbargo took otr bis liatnnd aaked If there bad been anitblDg received for (leorge WoahiDfton, 'fbe clerk looked at Ihn man Hearcblngly, and then, nlth a kDow Ing air, remarked: "Ah, what game are you Ir)log1ovork on me nowr llc'fi been dead long ago." Tbia etory Is miicb tbe same as the Moiraboullbe CODgrcssman nbo declared In an address to tho House: "AS Daniel Wehftcreaya In bis neat dictionary." "It was Kosbwho wrote the ificUonirr," whis- pered a colleagQt), irho ml at tbo next desk. "Noab, nothing," replied tbe speaker. "Noab liulll the uk."-Flm lila CUttrii. THOUG HTLESS FRANK. "I suppoeo yoii will be out again tonight," re- marked Snortlnglon's iilfe, serciely. "I will." be replied with feeling, "tinleiwl manage lo hold belter bunds than 1 got last nigbi irash- tnglQn SUti\ WANT TO nVV M.\OIC, fi«onl bind »ntra uble. Muu ■>• p>od nad clmr; no tors. Anrthlni etn vlU not do. Uritanurct, .S.n.-l viDt tn ooEiRe a hrpaotlm. " " - , (OjAVI) rUH SALE. —Among llie many nuccaiu- liil plHVR irrnt«n lir Chirta* Toirnwoil aro tiM rolloaloa comwllas, uhlch l will mil cheap for codi: "CAPT HACKKT" 3 ael*. 4m.. Sr.; "Unses." S K\i, (m. jr.; 'THK UonrOR," 9 acu, im., K. Blar ptiu lor boUi m«le and foinal.. Ad,lr««i r. r. TOWNSEND, Waeinwit. M. V. AT IiIUBUTV, BAIjA.VCK OI^ HUaUUItR SEASON. ] srt«nug AcK: YAKICIC, llach and Micic; VASIIEUURrl&VoealUtanil Dionr: BABY Ml/RItiL Uhlld Anl*u Hlnaeranil Dancer. Each irt Al.tod wM drawl. YAHtUK. »la Klnil Avanaa. Ka» York! NKWLY rUIOUIIKUt.AnulIA.SUSllALI.IIlKlllK. Ranobiffjrater In room*. All coovenlsnca. A.RCHItl.TT, 108 formarly ofSacond Ara .. Nm- York. WARTKD, UunklBDH thit doutila, Tula. Sllda Tnmoooe, tvo B flat ComaTa. Tanor nr Alto, to do Hniall parts. W'lro toaont SuniniirMlarjr. Mmtlola on raculpt oftalaaraiD. No t.-leaiam fahen collact. Dan IMrtelclra '•81 Bteh blnn" C,*.. 8yfaca.a.N Y. J. B.H^a irnnl. gaoaaar. niU Slllivf lip TUB UOBLD, lu I'lar AII., «ad Klnl Molm. Muil b* caiiahia, avparlenca.1 and rrllol'la. Aliu vaac 0000 CORSEr rlAYHH. Adlroa. a« per nula, atatlDg kiyaat maty. T. B. LOKn. AT I.IBKHTV. UAHIEZANH, Blnilntand Daoelnii Soubrallaor JuTanlla: J.8.Bhovaltar. Ylolln; alio cornbl lnbrMA.Doa«p4clalniuplratacl. Aildrtf Brookvllla. n. _tVlLl. iitir WAX t4ailHi£ii iitji'i'AuL& FOB UUnEUM; ALSO A^•ATnglCA^BrECIMB^(l^ R. A. CUAeMAN. 9 CliMhani ftiuaro. Weir Yt,ik Clly. HONU8 COMPVSKO, MUR. CUlkkUOTfeO ana BarlRed; kluala pntlAWonIa, or Aecomp. nada for HakKty; Rand OrHiatlntorUaadolla MaaloAmDliad. CHAR. L. VLWm. W Blehmond Buaal. dnrinaall. 0. .HCBNEHV-EirriMATliH 4;ilbfcKl!'Ui,k.Y QlrBM. lIUUrilRVd A CO, U North Tblflaaalh fltt»at. rhlUdoliJila. Pa. ...S"ftJ'J?,."SE!JA IIOCSK, NEW I.O.M10», vm.; rOfULATluN a,aD: tha nrdrtheatra In thoclir' tronndnoorieapidnl,<m IIICRBVALUTOEV.Pup'ia. „ WANTKD, aituatiaoARaawin INIM: WILL JACK. fSii ""faiir farm; habrv hdrtiiieb, uuiur; MISS anna WAIIU Uoubmia. aaaenllr Uulbl. Ail^ dr aM Parlor Wo. 36. J"oroat Hulldln f. In,ilanttp)li*. Ipd. , i^m8Ai.E,ufii:Hi''OHivil^o'(;Ai«Aluita. Learn anyone u» vork thatn by httcr. AllOna^ nllb aump. W. l.AZELL. Xa ffaloal Rtiwl. nilwuo. III. WANTKD. A FIRST CI.AHH A'rThA<> VPSf^JS'iJ"'' oi'BKi.vci opanicwopera house, ALBERT LBA, MINN., BY THE FIH.<!T OP IMT. 1. A. f UI.LEB. ganaaar wSSJlVXi^Kl'* I ►O" « IfK" MhLO UKA klATiq 8U(»!E83; "IMS MB8THE BaBON," cwnnly Ml epaclalplclnnit pHnllna, HwponKihIa ranleiaddraw T. II. VtSSKn. Aaant. Uonnl Claniaai. MIcb. WANI'KiD UUICK, PkUtPUHSIKMn IN ALL hianfdiM rnr Madlclao Sliov. Saiill Parally tlial play brauami do.ibloon >lasa. Abo InOlaiiParinrrallli long lialrnodMiialltapltal. Addrau DR R.nHERl,V, llano, vartoo. (.olnmllana «:o.. 0.. cara ZunI Todlan Mail. Co. TBRSVILLE, W. VA.. PRANK POIILK. PRUrR^ROR. ninimcraaauo comnencaa Jun« 31. No Sunday ahow, "''^^LClLopanlna and laler dalaalhroaahlbeSan). mar. RTRICTLV FIRST CLASS and veiMtlla aitlna. lhal cancliaoactalcaawealt aiKl put on a HmtclauaUer. C aca. All acta matt he nuludla fur a laily andlaoca. Blala loaaal aalaiy la Ihe Brat loner. No farai adranctd to |>aopla not Uowu. Conalder elleoca a pollu nrRBiba. Aildra.. Boxaw. CEMrC fnclodlna "Ban Bol ^ I AN1> .-UMIU. F'on 10 i , c. —■* Bob," "Wbaa Sumoer C'nmaa Agaio," "Kaua'a BIrtlidnr Parlr" and 14 oiliera rpoBiage aiainiuaceeplad. FRANK IIARDINn'SIUSICBroRP. ap Boaory. New York, B,\AKEa,Ju>l>liad, Rood riadora. Bond Iondollaiaulha ainranaceottoha loild to maandallrarylnaoodonlfr 10 bio. Write iiulcklfyou want a haraalo. 110. ULLB. MAZEL, Honraa. la. OtnpandOrrlKUnAtLloany: E<|>arlaaco<l InClr. cua Baalnaaa; can Jolo al onca; aalary raaanaahla. Ad- bS" t: ^- Baadmauar, No. Ill 8. Fnnklla 81^ Ba(lna», p. O; Mica. .iA^J>?.TSP^*^>»T"" EMMA WKLM CO.. SRSHf'.^''?""' AND UANCIN'i a>lieDIANOn COMtO lll.NOEHialMiaooil Klocutlonl.litiat (an playplann. Ad- i"?,* S' XAHKau inaiier Uaiki Broa'co.and Emma *ella no.. I'anh. ooL 5'ANANn MmtCIBAT LIBBRTV PUR HESPONStBLB \ ANKEE PARTS AND BPECIALTIEH Addraia aaal («o *'aaB, BAUI.T BTE. XABIB, Ulch. _Than par, ad.. IIARTWELL. (Itilo. BOlkHBUH HHOtl. WANT BUBICIANK, LOUD Com>l, CUrfooal. Tuba and Slide u> dooblo In concorL Alio UlRhUba Walker. Raeranik. 8•larr kiw. Arnold Broa., foloiTj. w rite. BGNIlBUR BROR. naaTllle. Ill „8K.BlvJ4ti», Bto., wriilon 10 opiar. BncloMaltmp. Harry HBNDEIIBOW. Ijancon»ro«» 8t. LonUcllla. Ky. ,!»«i»BU*I8 0<r AftAl^ilT. - FOh aaLB, 17 New, Rare and Qyua^eokiiicat Spaclmana All Klnde oranalninlcal npaclmana mada to order at *horl Efi'f^'''»''P»'''"F- nOBKBT nOCIIUUTIMZI South Plnh ATooue. Hew York. N. Y. (o«t» Boral. r-H" 'tNOW THAT I W. W. POWER. lOnnarly muaaer "Quoan'a Tbeitra," Ballarllle, Canada, la al bbony for Traamirer, Adianee, Con- Irmator or Ptaee Aaent, fur nitcua Opara. HlO'lral. ronren. etc, sirlclly lamparate, rtllabla and aapart* enceJ. Addreaa aaatioTa. P, 8.-.T1ioa. r. J. Power, lha praMDI maaaeer, baa ai o I opao tinio.ltlbl. rarorlle Uieaira. A'T IJBBinTY.-BUH.: Ucurar on aor kind ■ ^adlctnc, KxHit Tooth EilracUr and OAca Votkar. ^dyPlanUtandOrganlaL Raada any nndoalalalil- AOIA up In mad. bua. orionaaipTltoca. Jolntaneagc- m anL A ildreaa ' LmURER.BoiIB.Iola. Kan. 'a ilb TENNESSEE CONCERT CO. la open u> dalH for .luly and AniueL Manaaara ofpavIliMi tlicaiiaaand Run- mar re eon. In Mlcblaao, Band In youro|«n lima. Addraaa Tanuaaua Cancan On ,an p«rinnia: a>|iloa«.E.8, Blch.. iuaeSUK^Ann Arbor 1,1,Ballle Cnaba, Jackioa«. s- C61IPA1IY WORKINO MinillllAN. AddraeJ RTRVE PWARP.R. Almnnl. MIeb. S O E! IST El IT. Y AND ALL TIIEATBICAL UOODa Scenery paiolad cbuply and qafcklv. CdAB. E. BILLS, l.SU Breadwiy, New York City. mi ARRANOBD (<viaU). dio« pttrtit, 00 uou; oihftr^ to ceau «acb part. Tucn don ftnU vole*. SOBRH CDOipoMd Klhl Uaefat.A. REI.YERT.anEail^hBL.b*- tw«u SecoiHl aDdmrd Ar*f.,K«wTork. Medicine Fakirs, Attention. To I>£P800DCE our blood. EIOS'EY and LIVER KEBBDY. wawlllogeraraal Indncauanla. Addrwae BVFPAtO DRUO AKD CUBBIOAl CO. HollUo, 5. Y. iXSTAtJaavita ALwit\a on bandoi made to OBDU, oMiaaa (lEir YORK aicninii CO. J.SISBioadwayi ITav Tork. 7oa Don't Have to Sing It, you know, but would it not be better to be in tlie swim witit tlie leaders, when the season opens, than wait till every- body Is singing it? We are speaking of Chas. Graham's latest song, "IFTER YOUR WWRM M HONEa" INEZ IMECU8KER telegraphs from KEITH'S BMOU THEA- TRE that the Boston people wanted three encores on the Song Monday night, and got them. Its only "a straw" showing the way "the blizzard" Is coming. Will send Profes- sional Copies If you will send professional credentials. HENRY J. WEHMAN, 130 ft 132 Park Row, or 65 & 87 Madison St, Hew York. Chicago. WANTED, GOOD SONGS, AND SAUB CAN DR HAD «)R CAM.INO PKnSO.VALLV. WIDMEfl.STI6LER MUSIC PUB. CO., 131 \V«at *itd 8t,, uur D'war. Vnvf York, Songa lamli*. frw heiwwin II A. U.and 4 I'.U. WANTED, AT ONCE, BAND OF SIX MOUTH PIECES. Nual flonble In onliealrm. I pay «utp«naei an«r JolDlns. \V. II. ttailTn, §ml«h'« Clrcas Pavilion, <inFl>«e, Can. FOR BALE, 10 llliialoni, 16 PwInllnns. Etc. Khali K"i vou up a POINTflON IJCTTRIIHBAD8 AN OYVhH. TTf KUIT TIIK TtUKH. To aecoinmnJate nur nmiMinufl pm- (ffilonal rrivmlavlm alll nut luvean opporluolly lo vjill im i^rMQilljr Our Ini lite Romnirr, *>tH «no atii qdmIhu* loltkveu«|cituptb«lrD«« Lill«Th«tdii for neitMvon, vr mikoilie lullowlnjt lihrrmi oirer: Semi di lourpbitlonmph* nitli 4 dion deMflpUon uf jnur kci. BdcIovi to c«DU (in Ptamp*). aoit we w«ll e>:Mot«4l. oriirloil L«t<«rlt«ail l>o yi - -. ■Iin. wtilcli ir««ill null to jrou fur BppmTnl. Our chirRA* tor LcUirbMilH are to w c«dl l>ekiw th« price* of aoy oilterhnuMla ourlloerer oHnlntl, toaltimau worV. RIchinlH* Bladio orp—lini*.l3UBlon Hnnw. htv Vork Vnil WlUT to |[«t Uierotloi*lne»uc£einrulun||n.ft]| lUU TlMI lOcMtliinpror. Ur.|ift'li. IAr.^tab vMra. 'if YourflM Wu Bleb L(ko Nloo." (Oblkl A Souhreite.) "Mr PnilylallUeCiiollne." fTtM nMt K>nKU>«l dtQc«.J "Lorent la Dat» (lone By." (ropulir MQliPtaoUl.) "WoD'tVon rkmUtllerdollomtnniViOnliatn'fllilt] **T)ieTSiTTh«rDoNot Llkelt^BotTley I>o."(nrHt comic) "flieMI PiiH No rucs Itt Ut." (aeDlltneaUl) "Oh, UnB■l^ Don't B&r '.So.'" <A doclttoil till). "Waotnl. Ad noiiMtMwi." (nf>«rH|itlTe.) 'Trilb;- Wwo't llTpaollud By Ma." (Coinlc.) t'lU'i OlToQ Hid Nnmtmra." (Comic). **ni«r«'« ft PUc* In Mr Ilvart for Voa Hlill." (FIds), "Th«V<iyiKnorih«LaT«nu" (A ilM hollad). WM. J. A. LIEDEB.Pub..OO-CT-M Park Hetr.^. Y. City. THE LATEST SUCCESS, ''SOMEONE," VTaltK SomraatlQioniii, by B- B- KEffELL. Suds l>y all ihs popular FaTorliaa. aIm "CCEUR DE LION" March, luluble for lodKea, irhooU, etc. Doa'tfall In try them. Prtireulooal cnplea, 10c mqi. NRWHLL A AUASlOnA. 4(D0mn(l ATenu^. Hft>ol»lr. N. V. TO RENT, HILLY EQUIPPED "CIRCUS," IncIa(]ln«Caavaj^CriiluJ,H*alJi for 1.00) ptr^ODii, MkIiI*, A Trained ltorMi>,S Trick Biallloo*. I Trirk HuM. I Haro lnci( Rider, I Hediiuilral Aa, I clowo. 1 lllnnna»iar, 1 Traloer.S (Itw>di>. Will rent Tor aiirtcilon for rarlie, eipoeUronHaii-. Tlie only atimclIoD of tlie kind opto In play data*. Circuit now on the imiil. for le^lt^ etc.. addreu J. Vf. HLOOUU. American ThMrrleal Kxrlianiie, Mlh Street and Broadwar. .*<e» York Clly. WANTED, B'On Stadel Bros.' Circus, Team Ut do Double Trap* aoil do 1 or 3 tnrnt. AUo Peo- ple In all firanchea of the CIrcua BeKloeM. Wo want people lhal don't want tho ticket neon, and arowllllnit to work Tor their money. Salary low bat fture. (lire law- eat aalary in flr*tle(lir. Joe Roiir.can joujolor (;oraliiii, K. v.. Juno «. EII[Und. Pa.. ^. Weri»i>om a. Bluaihiirit TJ. WANTED, FOR "THE lETTIE COLTON CO.," GOOD BI.VIIIKU AND DA.V'CIKO COHEDIAK. for loOK M«M>o. f;tai«l«TtiilultrT. flMJAnopflttijulrI, OP£N*TIME. Coo una oliin. lodiJiiu koO IllinnU TAlr dalea. AddnuM ixrroulo, N«»PilMt(iie, Intl.. July 1; ron>lllr, md., l; Aodtiuo, Ind.. 1 Ilia nti Ind., «. Kn. J. BOURmEB. Mimier. WANTED, yAN TO DO CATCHINB FOR RETIWII ACT, DOtoTerlUIn welnlit; alio PABTY FOR PI.VIKn.nne with lome experience. Both muit do oihi»r aptclaltle* and Rood workirik or woukl JoId jrood Aortal Tttin for baUoceoraeasoo AddrMi OlfARLEfl VEHKO^f. 40ft Bn. WaidilDKton fit-. Baltimore. M<l. Mile. Paulina L Carre, EQUESTRIENNE, Cin be vnitaced. T'odlstlnct act«. Prli)c(|>al and Jock- ey (barebtRk). Ovn aiock. A>lilreu Hiluruey, 2J, only, .Vorwalk, Coon., ihfo carpofiMPPKH. Nature's Remedw Co. ■VVANXKD JLT ONCK, Qood CootortlooUtor Jaigter tJiat can do ottier "Mclal- lift, vork Id acta and dUDfe ofUo. Name full particu- lar* In dr^tletur. Salaryinuitbelew. prefereDo«|ilreo to iboMO thai play Ut braaa Wootd alio like lo bear rrnn otJierperfornier*. Atldre>tCHAg. ALLEN, (irii^teld. Md. MEEKER AND MACK ABB DOIHU MY NBV rUMTATION SO.VU. "DO, Mr DINAH, DO," ttEEITU'8:t0ra<t nil: uo goal to tittmr. lull pluo ccvT ud oreJia.ira pirli alS cv. GEO. A. CRAOO, Oi BrDUlxr, Ktw Yoik. saoo.oo WILL BUY OSE-UALF I.VTEREKT IN SUMMER TAt'UEVULE COMPANY. Urcanlivl and >«4kt«l. EveriUiloir onaplefo. Laree ■:-»... ComipAodMOce'oUellt^. II. J. TERRV, UlddUlOvo. K. V. GRIFFITH MORGAN, TCKinc ABTirr. W nUXlMMAVB, BBOOKLYK. X. Y. MUSICAL DIRECTOR(PIANIST) T1vini«abIrpo«ied loallbraacbeaorthiprarHiltia, A4 dew & tf. vOKh, MH It rnipcct Aie.. Xttvuk, H. J> CARRICK THEATER. Lmm^ .... RtCIUIlOHAIIiriBLD FB»WK*.''iLwS)li,) SECOND EDI TIOIV Orth* Dula*«a* or llsar. BYWINOa AT U). THRILBY. 19 ratukday matinkb at t. AMURSIBIIT SIBBaTORr, FROOT0R*S OPBBA HOVIK, Hutted, Ot., AND LUaaD OVKRA HOVSB,AI,BANV, II. V., BTABB AND COXBINATIOKB. PRO(»<OR<S TIIBATHB, RBW YORK, OBIOINAL C0NTIKU0U8 VAUD8VILLB. IIIbIi cbn miTtlilH til th> llm, IKm IOlU a.X. ufilllnuilj II P. M. PROCTOR'S PI.KA8URB PAI.ACB, nfurlj otmrlMfil), Ulh SI. bgJ 3.1 At*., Vtw York. rlRRTCLAKSrAUDETILI.E ARTIBTM «rll> tor ditto. Con.ldtr .llrnct * pollto ntgtllT*. Adilnu all comiDunlcaUoat F. P. rRIMTTOn, rrottoT'tTlifAlr*. Btl Btrrtt, notrClh Art. BMTIiatTromrBdaaa (tatllonr ICzbllll«l'<n I nl..l. XATK HACSBUHV. DiMttor. »_.J.. •"■>"* nE.SUISK I'LANTATIKX SCK.NKi FAKK, Ruulh Brooklyn, via. SIh HL Ftrrr, (Vnm iht BtlierY. AlovtIrr.IL I'arelrt.. fill linnCtC OiUn VlinilR HBKUKIIT. Coodurtor. nLaUnC 0 DMU Aiiiro<Kio«.3: Kroolniia, Adini^loD, X9t.; Rei>«rrt.l, :0c, TSc.; Dot Rout, tl. tlrratttt Rnternlnnieal on Tlilt Ointlof HL B. F. Keilb's AnuseiiMiit Enleiprlsss. E. T, AI.BEE - • - Omt. Hc'r. B. F. KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, Boston, Im.; THE BIJOU, Phltidolpkia, Pt.; B. F. KEITH'S OPERA HOUSE, PravMonoo, R. L, AXD B. F.KEITH'S NEW UNION SQUAIIE. nONE or MR. KEmi'8 orioinal Continuous Performance. XOO.S TO IO.U. tio BTor. STAR PERFORMERS WHITE fOH DA TtS. KOSTER & BIAUS TONIGHT. ON THE NEW ROOF GARDEN VaniieTlllF, .pKclalllM, KovpIIIm. OPKN RVKRY BVKSI.NII EXCKPTBU.SDAY. fmiil 7 lo H. CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE MUSIC HALL. JACOB RorrRnr. Fmp. rnzo hayobr. Maaanr. aEOPEMhO OP TIIM MUfllO MALI. WILL TACI I'LACB MOKDAY, MAY &. MM. nntdaaa Mrfonnenar«r«nii«Hiod loMjid thilrepeo time and LOWEVT aakiy lu lint Ittur. and cooBiUer sllenee a jwllto neittlro. JirDlre«t all cemmunlcntloai to LBOPOLTt TVFM' KEN8TBIN, Director of AjQiutueiit, Oentnl 0|><n HouM Muilo ftalK THE WILMOT DUO, LBADI.VnilOURLV nVCLIKmOK TIIK WOllLn, Ha-engngeil with "Alnildln Jr." nilc-oKi* 0|>era llitii«e, Clilcaitn. Juno 16-9. Tip tn I'vf f(iimer»-I took a rilj out of fnuik Hall Jane 31. knorklaii uul hit truiii|>ed nil altarbinent In one ruuntl. Addrou \V. |l. WlliUUT, M aiwro. or |>er. adilrev, a f.Mfi PT^ CAMUItllHIIt- rORT.HAih*. r.8.—ThlafpaceloOLTrfER nunvl Tor weekly addr—. C. £3L TJufh an AT LIBFJBTT FOR VABJBTIE8. Permineot aifdrena. ear* vf CLIFTKIL FOR SAIiXS. A CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME. T1iaUrr»jilaaiM»eit piflnitmufitiiM la Anierlra. rilio- atad etfhran Vfow, thet^ory Ii>t\iidollh«R«iuih, 7 luilM from Ifnrfolb. Ve. Att«ndaacf from] (d|U.(UU day. I(e- e#liit« rrmnCUtofAaaOat'. Tho mnt 1i ntxrtX loo cakm or anIinaK blida itnl rp|ltlle<^ cat nrrktaliM, ribm ■lami, twelre )rann«r)>, latnpi and eTrrriUloc njmplfie, villi an Aonrx altarnnl. I'rIcnfLVn. KoiIbhi lourlte. tluod ruMtDP for pelllni. Came *fe fur yituiwU. Will (niaran- tee llieniUMiiin will take .n tti£i*m lln Koarih or July. DOC ZHAYA Brooklyn Medlolne Co. Waoti Tt(IIITIIOI>E WAI.KRH, JUOULRR, HVRICAL Airrinr. kimieii and ua>ok1(. Tmi .iiow. AMnu BAHRVVILtP..M. Y . Julf «■ I'lUT .lEnVIB. Jiilr in. " Secnts Fret, ennil Ofler tt all Purcliasen. I will give Ifoe tlio ridlowliiR lecreti: Kll;(bt TUn>u|h Crraial. Ne|4iUlo itlua CyliiitUr*, Now ProKralrtnif, IIIdr and KornloiM Trick, .NewHnlni Mctarv, KelUr'p Now Karin'M. Ke)Iar'«HlirlnD ut KirAuan Ktml, Uillar*!! Mra- t«-rr of L'Ua*pa. Oiatneleon IfkodkonhUra, lha Ueriri Rod aoil Spirit Cal)lD«t of Uekalmo. Hood ilaro|i for Dew lUtroi^tlie lal^Jit Mtrr«le. ». PIULLtlTI. IliwOrlglnatiir. Tromont. 111. 100 Eltjpntl; b^vii Letlir Ndi, la Cobii, (or Inrludlnirl I'Icturo (rx.rtisli or In niiha-up); atldlil<iii«| plrlure'VHi.eacb. Henil plinia nr Clotype, « lih ftill do- acrlMlon nf act with ton\ aDd 0L Nqv i>ror«iia, iiuick tlioe. Addnu (»>LOH0UAPM, D CatnhrMfO W.. Borion^Mnu. WANTED, FIRST CUSS SOUBREnE, ninaloit aiHl Dtodop: Jr^BNILB UAH, who can iJo twlfwU; MU8If;Af. DlRKnTOK. I'lulvt. who can ilo a aniDllcliKract«rl>ll;CLBVHII ClllMi. not oier ten yeara oM, *roclaliyaut DOceMiiy, for flrai cuaa one olihtalnod attraction. Andy. In [H<rM)n or by litter, Tliuniday, i>e- twoen lOA. U.Hod.-lP. M., MA XAOBH. 7» Kn*t lllh HI. Ke» Vork Clly. Tie Largest Baslaess Ir the Hlslorr of Sbow RI.'S. Wanted, at all tloieM, for tite WONDBHLANU UVRKK, flaoii Hte. Martf. MIcb.. I'crroniiera iliat can chanie their acta trlra ft woek, rrwki. curliwltlfa uf oreiyile4cript|on forCurlo Mill. I>onir eDRavoinonl* tn tbe rlRlii people. Want a aood Punch and Judy Por- lonncr for lone wawn, aad Mao wliti lilualnnii. Wn arad 00 tickets. >n don't va>tefoiiraiainp«. 3lof uliy, wrilo. CAHKBBK A IIAHniH. ProprleCira and Uinecera. WANTED, SMALL CANVAS, Including wati, llthiaaad eomptiTlo outfit rormlDitreli. Hlataalio, condition anil r«r/ loiie«t price. Or wlU take panoerhatlDff atwveoutni. Conipaor ready to atart al (ince. Fine priotlofr. etc. Cotnpaor will knnvn. ItploDdkl mat«. KInenpponuDUy for^tHMl nonler. AdOrei* F.I). C. ULAfSPORD. tockporf. M. Y. V. H.-Cna uu a Tow fnt< amateur perromen ami mualclaoi. Have one elepBani and 0n. flat r^r mr lalr. "W-AJNTTEID. I VAtT VKKKATILK rEUFODKHRII rnn VY .VO. I IX>UrANY. Moil bt up in ll«l. Oai. WUULU LIKK TO HEAR mox riiur ci.ahs kakjiiuan. maw Jiul what rou do and lovo.t uUry In .liot 1«t|.*r. Will Buy Small Wall Tent. AiMriuU'lLI. r. CONLKV.uraorCMI-rER. Hav« EIgM Hundred DolUn In SfteM Piper. WANT PARTNER FOR CAN- VAS SHOW. Want Crowly, Uovird. Perelfo, fIrlMy aod Abboll. WW. 8. IIITOII. Uarel. Ttelawara. yUSICIANS WANTED IN THEN. Y.,S. S. wi II.Hointllind.' E.|Ut Comalaad R-fl.tOarlooattodoobU Ylol.. Muu lia iobar aid rallahl.. E. a. IIOLLP.K- DEOK. llao4iiia.tar, N. Y.. 8. H. aid B. II. Baod. Balli. .V. T AT LIBERTY, nRST CLASS SOLO ALTO AND 2N0 VIOLIN. U. A., cira or llolil U»Jor, Uohavk, .V. T. WANTEO.-I NEEO 3 ALL 'ROUND PER- roRHENH: fHErER PLAY OBUiK OR U.VJO. Oui r«r*u, vrito. H/ Iliulr«t7i«r v«,k. DIUC O. B^AN'ILKII, I'ao ArcTl. Pa. CeUolst Can In Engaged At Once roRai'miEBinuioit. juiim* geluivit. Cara TU03. IIOUIATK. mil luial llarrlMO. K. J. WnM. SMe S^ii PniIi. (tr Stidil Brot,' ClkCL'B, alwi i:wdr Bdlehar. Mortb« ablo lojoln atime*. o. B. RnulRKRLUK, aa B«r mla: OoraW, H. T., Jnr.a », EULtwl, fa, ir, WalUlwn, ra, A aaBidolil, ft., PROFESSIONAL SINGERS, IN SELECnXQ YOUR 80N'G9 FOB NEXT 8G.VS0N DONT FOReET THAT HAMILTON S. GORDON, 130 6th AVE., between 20th and 2 i st Sts., N. Y., Ilea the lareon vatloly nf aoBR^ •iilt%b)e for pmreatlonal pInireTK, hr (he follonlni rouinoaer*: PFKflV OArKT, KIHIARflKLbKN.H.Vr PKTHIK, ItlOIIARD RAltKKR, PRLIX^iiir.KNNltN, JULIAS Ji/hHAN. VALfBR I'lUL- Lll'i^ AI^PHUVr LK mx:, aod manyoiherfk Anrihtnit frvm an aria t.t aMtii« itntl .Unco. I'rltau room (with nlann) inr u*« nf nntlKilimala. rrefetflenali latiint our enova and l\iiatUif«l DrthtitTtllun f>»e of chane. WAIlW Kli t:UO? mV (t^'lfnil yial MuMcal IMrertun la In rharm> pC thi« «Upartnient. leCOOO-SIXTT THOUSAND DOLLAR-IBO.OOO 60 CAREZTTIXT SELECTED PERFORMERS, 50. 4 AGENTS IN ADVANCE, 4. 3 Sejpaxate, Dlatlaot Parade Uniform?, 3. 8 Separate Full Seti of Scenery, 3. ALL '.IlKll anil INHTHUnRNTS FREE. ■to.oii Opflla rarly In Aagual Bi«r N. V. Clly. MuHl'iiitHa <li> not Maria, Iflbar, rrr- aia.llo PerfbrmttnatttlMaalclBn., adilma, by Ir.tor Attly. Ill IIKNIll, KIIY Well 4IMh RI.,KrM' Vnrll. The NELSON FAMILY If In* lu B«mbtr, ftfurL«<1le««Bd Arff nenta, !■ lUeIr witnilarfitl ttiail world ranownwl TIIIPI.K KKKT POBTUHINO At-UOIIATIV ACT. Alan nitlllll.K t'l.MTIIIITION AfT, IMtmi.K TIUIIT WIIIR ACT anil TKOVPK «IV PKUKOIIMINU ll«)UH MUll VOCK. AT04»9, ar« A.T LIBER-TY .TTJLY 1, FOR SOMHER PARKS AHD OAROEIffl. Addnia BIT, CLEMENS. MIOH. SANDS &ASTLEY'S CIRCUS AERIAL FEOPLK, MALE AND FEMALK. 40, Jbamahiia MT, IdinlaliurR KN, Aililma J, O. MrMAJION. Ml. Carmcl, Pa Oanvlllit 41>, OliMniaHarif 1. Tamaiian M. SHOW PAINTINaS jA.ISrX> S O El]VESrt TT AHR ALWAYN IN TIIK I,KA1>. KNTAIILIHHHn IH7:i 30 ANI> 32 SULLIVAN STREET, NEW YORK, Panorama Music Halli MILWAUKEE, ^18., OPKNH HAXUI«>AV KVICNINU. .IHNM ;JI», PUylBflllRhCla.aVaadovlUa. Ad4reaa PANOIIAMA NimiU HALL. TO MANAGERS. THE ORIGINAL MAY RUSSELL GO. CIIAII. A. UAilUAN, Bala Pfoiirlalor. | llODT. J. IIIC-IIAtONO, Nanagar. OwlDKtnllin praa orolliar.iulni It Kill tn (mPAu|i,)p formn iialtand lit ih. I)u.titr4. nf ihn HtnTmniiiiwitr Ip ih. ruliiiv. All coinmiinlrnlliHi. )tarialiilnit lo l,ii.1iio..iirili.Maf Hti..i'll f%i. .hmiM lii iulilr..Mt-l inmx niiroMinlallTa, I'llll,. J. KTIlKHiil.VIEII, I.TIUM.ill.xn .\<i,nur. riirt. A MINE OF INTERESTINB AND RELIABLE INFORMATION. All th« laporiut Erenta U Uie THEATRICAL HISTORY Of (he FUt Tear, lacludliig nRST APFEIUUIICES AND FIRST PRODUCTIONS, DRAHATIC, YAniETY, ETC, THE AMEIUCAI DEBUT OF WEL KNOWII PERFORVERS, THEATRE FIRES, A LIST OF DEATHS IH THE AMUSEHENT PROFESSIONS AND OTHER INTERESTINB HATTER CAN BE FOUND IX THE CLIPPER A UAL Tbe book b UlMnnr IDutnited wKb HiNDHOn EKOIuriHefl of ltoU4 Ftrftrm. ■n !■ %• VruuUc aad TudnUic TTortd. m Niw im tutpu, dm mmh nm riik ay