New York Clipper (Jun 1895)

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272 ' I 'M M NEW YORK OILJPFEB. June 29. -A New Era in the Amusement Worldl- FREDERICK BANCROFT, IMACNIFICENT SPECTACULAR PRODUCTION. ORIGINAL AND COSTLY SCENERY, COSTUMES AND PROPERTIES. FIRST CLASS THEATRES ONLY. Addlvtfl OLABXnrCB XTLEIONO, 511 Abfeer Tkwin Baltding, New Tork. MUSIC HALL, LOWELL, MASS. Now iin<l«r new msaagement. Three tbonuad dollan eipended this Inmiaer la remodeling and tiapnTlngthe etttlrahoaee. All new aceneiTt D»Tld Rlcbarde. Ifeweeate,drmper|r,carve1iand fVom work* BTerylblag bright and new. The beet three Bight eland la New BagUnd. Meet eentrallr located theatre In the city. Pat> ronlud by the beet mmlllei. Orchettra and piano. Frlcee, 10 to TOe. Seating capoelty, l,aoo people. Booking enlf flnt claee atlracllona* AdAram W. H. MOQIDV, Mnnnaer. DBTTBR KNOWN AS DOO BnLLRR, THE ANTIPODAIj EtiUILIBHIST. The orlflofttor or tin abora Mt, InlmluolDH the followlnR fMiurw: On* liud hAtuc•^ hud lMi«nce on prn- mU HboiwLete.. coocludlDR wlih mr owe nAT*l(lMC«Di, dlieanllDi boisa while wjiihlnfdon onhuMliL Aaen- tlpoU cftlltd toilierici Uiii UiftW«r« not the much qvtd J&pUM* blocht, bol a DOTcltr of nj own d«In. WAnroM end a|>pjintai »ir(cUr flnlckM. pedeniftl t>eioiinill/ olctl« plated, bniM haodMrnelf flniihtd. Cor- iwpoadMee loili ted fh>iD manaisri of flnt clut TaadeTlllo enmhlniilniiL hur]«M]aa ce'a. nr mlnttnl •bovi Addreee CARI« CHBTOR, can of CLIPPBR. POIITIkBLV ONB OF THE OBBATEST LAVGIIING lllTfl IN TUB HISTORY OP KBlTirS NEW THEATRE, BOSTON. iftr. CHAS. F. McCarthy, I«ato of Edward Harrlgan*e Company, In conjanotioa wllli mi CRIMMINS ^ GORE "osi Famoneaa "What Are Ihe wild WaveeBayingr* The trio are aeea la Ihefannleit 30 mlante comediei on the vandevllle elaBe. Mr. CHA8> F. MCCARTHY, the rppre* ientatlvelrlih CoiBMllan, and Nr. DAN'L URINBIINS, the droll German Comedian, aeeeme the prlnolpel romedj parte, and they are ananlmonelr pronoanced Ihr beat charaoler comedlana ever unllM. They are aopported by Hlaa ROSA GORE and a company of playere« At liberty fbr the eomlag eeaeon to prodace Mr. HeOarthy*e eome4ly and a new "Novelty,** br Crimmlna and Gore. Addreee DAN. CRIMMiNB« DUoa Theatre,Philadelphia,Pa., Janeand Joly I.- SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE T8N enOADWAV, n. OME door BBLOW NIKTH ST. (Fonnerlr 44 HlMen lAM), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS 00008. 0014 mid BIlTor IMU, Kllnjni. BpunidM, 8I.ii,TumIi, DnH:«ln,Tltlit«, Bliltta, Pidilliiia, U.Ui, Wlg^ BhoU .0(1 Jow.lry, ThOBUlMl, KQUOHixUn ind AtM.llo Good., OcMlnmeni* iDd DHdge' Ihken* Supplies. FUp Mid Badmii, HllllArT .nd Boololj TrtmDilnii.. Annon of .11 kloda to order. Bond for wUiute.. n. lArgo.luMrtaoot.odlie.7lMt Block of tbeM goods to bo foUDd.DTWber*. OlrculiuB frM. Qoods iSDtO.0. D. Ki. FLOWERS, B^j» BLACK PAni,FRED J. PIPER, Mile. A. Do Ifoea, Madelalne Martin ond 30 othen, In a Grand Spee- taoolar Bitravaganma. 1 "A LITTLE RAG DOLL" BY STILL HARCOURT. ABfDtlreIr NRW 9TYI.Bii'>rj »nii, (ijuat ooi. Wear* tun rnu will Ilka It. fluliabU rnranj woik and a|^>M- S]taed BIG HIT. ft |4 pelhellrienn ■••nilbln. rmraHlunala,thUU afkrt«aDdir jou don'tlDowucbj iMUme irr uaonca ead nfaMualntad. Mml can) nr pioaraiame with a I ceoi nump for malllnR and «lll mall pluoeepifrea. Tho»a wihi illd oot nplfa or**The Old Fa<ihloned ttoaaet Mother Wo^o** and '*Oar WeddiBB bar** ktotllr \*\ u» himw. and vfll lund ilirmat mice. " ' WIIITIC ClYv MlfSIC PUU. CO., HetToatt H lieedaa ff erraatt H lieedaB.PrBpe.i 41H )MthUlreef.Chlcago^lll. Lou Beck's Mammotli High GlassMinstrels. Woald like to hear ftvm flnt vlaea minalrel talent* Slate what voa do and low- eai salary la flnt letter, and oonatder alienee a polite negative* Would bay eome mlBtirel paraphernalia* Crawfbnl Broe., Bin Wllllamo aad Joe Adane, write. Addrom L.OU IliCOlC Poru, Ind. BIJOU THEATRE, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Tlm« niltnB Itapldlj. Wont Slron; Op«nlDg AUracUon Aug. 24, AIm Two Allrac. tkinB for We«k 86. FRANK BERESFORD, UiifaaeBS Manager. GARR AND JORDAN AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON. V. Mrlk* our own «f I. Addrou onttl jMtr M WAUKBSIIA UOTBL, llnlRiTlDlPt. Ark. A WINMER FROM START TO FINISH. THE FDNiaEST OF AU. VP TO DATE FAROE COMEDIES, ENTITLED BTorythl.g flnt cImmi •Tonrttiln. reflawli a gMrmiilMcl .Hnrtlont spocl.l per ftom RPKINOBII LITIIO. CO. BRARON WIU. OPBN AVO. »0. MsB.i p.p«r n Os.B. .■<) M.U., 8IENU OPKN TIMB FOR KBASON •US>ge. Addrni A. II. WOOD, Bntl.M. MaB.ger, ran of CLJPFBR. gen THE HOTTEST HIT OF ALL THE HITS. I "Little BItlee's Sweetheart." GET XT WHILE ITS HOT. ■and Old Bail .lamp Ibr | TUB NBW WORLD NOVBI/FV COMPARV. pnl>Mt»Bal npy. I U Wert AM St., Hew Tork. lie B*r>, She «Br> BBd Ther All tajr That W. An (ke Beat oa Earth. PRBMIBR PEROn AND ABRIAL ARTHT* OP THB WORLD, nag.ida l« La M.ak, Par aMnaa, IM Hadlm Itnat, CUeaga, SIE61IIUII & WEIL, ltO-112 OREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, UMBg ud III. PRO- NKW YOKK. donlDUtMt Sudi finBOSj« aim,9UD vaA Uil iMiSJO, Deitn). IH>r..nieo. ua oar preiolM". TlOim (oor o»n njlio In- Krud). lo Colloe. WIr. (ndlieed rrantl.lO): hKTjtalL >lilon«l Colu>n.»l.7» l«««r lotlor lli.ii BOT ""ttd tl«tlt): M WoBUrf, HJO; Bilk. e.» MHl VSSt: In lUxk, UKl Di.k. u orirr In four im^TiiifA ll»1it« ranllllaU), »7iD. LRICHNKR'B, (iEtSfSll iHK. nr«.re«il««a;nt«ri>rlh«i;. a) P«r»«:llml. u.a, oiSi. CLugiLttS •>£:- - ,eu!. HPAIIOLEIl, _ .KI - . lonork Lmm, Oou nlni|M, ^Bc » ru4) to ICHa. dMp. OMonfl Braldl. LacM, CoiJi, Bollloo nowoi^ «c. h iDcn ~ ".fWftlo .T.iT "di»d* dOt Md 1150 a I»rd. "n, DAOOBIW, mih vA wluioot J.woIjl 1(10 HHIniaralUi h.leM. il.IOperk. BiyLLK- » »Md) to ICMn. dMp. ..-^ . V • It. Conli. Ballfon nowom «c. U lech BA' rial A FULL LINE OP THEATRICAL JBWELRT. OATlLOOnB, nuCES AND ETBRT DirORIIAnOM dEKT BT MAIL. OOODB 8BNT 0. O. D. nEPOSm BEQUniED OH ALL OKDBRS. NOTICE FROM TENO DRUG CO. THB TENO DRDOCO.. Ko. 109 BkoihI AT«nDe,PiUS- bam, Fi, li inoorpomiM &n4 b«T« eopjrlnhu, nimj*- ilooi UH indt Du-ki apoo tiMir mptnUoni. Ttiny ell) proMcaU uf p#rM>ai vho lofriDg* npoo lh«lr BVnt rlRlitn. Taqo Drnil Co., Z&ro DrnH Co-* w loal- tloDj oTTENO. «blch Dtmo U r«c»l«r«(l w ft tnde mark. Pn»c»«ilop«F«Uli«gbrini(tbtM»ln"t*«5>f*'- U»*. Slnc« VENO'fl adreot (o Aintila m a M«dkln« Man,li« hw oomi] pratt •iclttmeot hr Uie eitnord • narr cunm of cripple* h» Mtfonneil Pohllclr br hiRjnml- clHA*. Anr one can fin the nme vllh Iha VENO MBDI- niNBfl Nn oihar nmwllM all! do Ue worh. Tba Di«dl- cUiMwin b« uiM U» iKlurtra at a low fl|piTe,«llh Id- RtracUooRliowtocurecripplwpublicly. Amp1« kupplror S uliMt poKieri, raniK, H)lp«*,JoDniita. honka aim Mnn iupplledirrM. Write atonu. TUP. VBHO DRUO COM- PAHV. No. 190 Secnnd AT*nu». Pittibont. Fa. WANTED TO PURCHASE, D BleeplBg or Paueager Cara, 3 B««8R< or Bceaerx Can, nnat lie orer Hvn. \\ lenglh] Trained Bhetlaad PoDlei "— Cate, Doge, Monkeft, eto. AIjo, Callope, Hooeler Band, Triple or flnt letter. CHARLIE OEYBR. LeilngtOB, Ho. MANAGERS HUNTING MONEY, Who are plirloji Iawft,iaiMiU ■•«thUth«lroonUmdsreail SANDERS'OPERII HOUSE, Mi naant, Ion lloaiaoewljflolahedaadronilthed. SeatlOK capacity flO). ContetlhouH la lowt. We want ([ood auraclloa* for iwo Kliow* a week, Inclailinj two or lhra« rapertolt* ■bowidurlDitaaaMD. WenioBVBNIKO REVIEW asdean ahl you. Try If yon appmltte huHllDH muaRar. Wro. Nuldierliinolontpr manuer of OMta llraie, batnoe* bill poMiDK. WHO WAKTn TO OPEN THE HOUeSr HIO BUPINBSa LBAKB * HcOLANV, MtDaffeni. Ml PleaMnta Iowa. Coiii|)liite Oit of Lomloii Tliealie, ST. LOUIS, MO., CoDiUlloR or ScMi»TT. SU7« Fnmltur*. elc, eTeFTthlog reqalred for modara theatre. Inqoire A. C, HXOCICTON, Af AniboBy k Kohn Brtweiy. BL Lonln. Mo. WE DOITT PRETEND, When we claim to Mil yoi RBLUBLB. FIRffT OLARfl irOvJURINO APPAHATKB awl ILLUIUON& We doo't KBBP them we HBbi* Uien. BLttorr of manic and arrateat cat-a-toa evar luued tttik for pink ttamp aod your proiraioine. CBAH. L. BURLIKOAMB A ()5.. Boi Sai.Chlenfo. III. Peter Grosse 4T3 IIANOVRB ST., DOBTOIT, MAIS., fmperter of Trampet Organe lor Showat Maaeami, Flvlnji Honee aad Caroatcli. Orfiena of all iletcrlptlona aaA grade*, n»w and aecontl liKiini for tale or lobire* AlaoBelf Actlpy rieaot. Wrilg ftar pricea. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BOWOB. TEZAS. T.1I. WEAR . LesMe aod Maoa^er. flratclaunfterftpJinlm, praao. electrlo lIf[htJ^et4!. SaatlnR fapacUr.HU. lJiraeitteKe.tOiailfrn. LocataJ lo the lieart or the Hlj. Omd *hiiwa follcltMl. Aridtwu MAWAOBR flRAND OPRBA nOUBR. Bnwle.niae. PATTERSON'S TRUNKS. PIrtt quallir, 390 rlreu and buna t« each irank, M iQcb.tUD: a Inch. so intlt.9A.locludlo|t a full thaalrlral mr,7H deop.metal bound; Mcood quallir, IB rUeU am) imrn to each trunk, SB locb, |3JS: S lacn, BI.7&; t$lDeh,$l.S, iQcludlnva Sincli tiay. raelal iMnad. Termi caali la adrance. (1. PATTBftmN k (X)., 138 M. NlnUi BUeet^ Phllailelphta. PiL FOWLER THEATRE CO. Uniformed Band and Orchestra. WANTBD-SlTDnf Rmotlontl LebllDR Lady, Raflnal LeatllDB Han. AI Oomiiliao with Ppeclaltleiik HuilcIaM for BhDd and OrehaHtfa. Adori who doable In bnM preferred. All inii«t li« AI lad am) ilre«««ni. ManiKer* Mni) PAIH DATES IQ la. Wla, Ill aod Mo. JACK rOWLBR. as par roote. Billy Bowers IB OPEN FOR BRABOM 18«9 and *im. Would like to hear fmm llr«t cUn mlndreL ovnedr or hiirlp«que ro., lodnDairh. Irlrfi or BUcknceComady, am) 8nn|r and Danee Rp^tlaltj-. R«f«nla to Tony Paalor and lUrry Willlama. Addnn Cat* of CLIPrBR. STORAGE nnd LEASING of CARS. FOR RRNT, One aon. Bawmn Oar, One AdTartiKlna Car.onaflOtL ODech.0n* I'rltat* Car, niltable fbr mall eompaay. In One order. W* h«Ta ailentlra fkcllltlea lor the ttoniie aod car* of eat*, umier ooTar, at naaooabl* imte*. Watchman on duly at all hoora. NBW JERSEV CAR RTORAQB AND RBPAIR CO., Uhe vie* M*aUT«Ao),N. J., H inllea fH>m NewA'orfc City, on the Brie Ry. TAKE A CHAIR Aad Come Do*wa <e Baelac**. Why wutlnir your ralnable time In IneklOR fbr pinar*. when foo can nt ibo beat letiar head* la the buvioen fbr tb* leaai tnoeey at Richards* Studio of Thulrfctl Oviifnt, II B. Union BgoeiWs Kew Tork. DESCRIPTIVE soles IliUSTRATEDTOORDER FOR flTRRKOmOOK. Bli effect*: necbaalca) t)ld*a« orliloal devlna mad* and palated In olli by Loodoo aitlMik BlIIRLUCk tU Waal roaneaflth Btr**t, City. Wanted, People Up li Med. Bislness, Whoeeadeb«l^aeUltl..eDd ckeen iMtea. KaAJola e.iee,lptorul»|i*m. 1, & BBunARB l>enr(,0. W, mioofactii* TniU of eierr wietr and elia, forall0ODeetnblapiirpo«ea. We tiera bean In tlie bmloea for BRT-roiirTean end know bow to mats Ibem pnperlT. We btTo mile Tenia for tlie war Department of tbe n. 8. OOTeminent for manr Tea". We ate now iiDoilaf ibe loweet pfloee erer bean of. owln»U)lbe low price of cotton aone. Weeolldironroi^en. UiroornnaU, aod wlllHna onr Illnatrnted Catakunio of TenU and Camp Fni> nllnro. If ron are InieieMed. npon ncelpt of 700 iildrm and ,li cenU In Blaopa. GEO. B. CARPENTER a CO. 20t-»e to HftHrK.CHIMOO. No! Yon naren't Seen This. A. NKW 80N0, Sliding DewR Our Cellar Door, Br HARRT MELVILLE. rrool coplM, with orchcMraUOD. lOa We b&r. a f.w orthMtiatlon. I.n of PETER P. DATLEY'D Orait Coon Boni. "UNBT DOES TOV I.OVI; HET" Her Ireln'i bit with "COUKTRY BPORT' CO, for lOe. .idi. toprorH.lon.liiDnlr. BROOKS A DENTON CO., flliih end tbirty-nloth Btte«t H.w York. FOR ■ COLEMAN k HEAGLEn MINSTRELS, A VERY STRONG DOURLE SPECIALTY. Halt be BP to date. A FIRST CLA8B COMEDIAN TO WORK PRINCIPAL END. GOOD HVRICAL TEAM. A FEW OOOD glROBRH, BARITONE AND TEROR. A FEW GOOD MUBICIARB, Mae. Doable. GOOD CLARIONET. Addreu COLEMAK tt HEAOLER, Wadeworib, Ohio. Any Syndicate or Private Party To lavettliiate the offer of a large Bom- ber ordtlieae In a popalar location be- tween PIltabnrB and Clereland, having about le.OOU people, who will give a bonofl of fkom 4«,0O0.UO to tSiOOUeOO for the ereelloa of a «ood briek opetm hoaae to coot fkem •flO.OOO.iK) to 930,000.00, which U anre to be well petronltcd and r>roTe a parlBR Invoatntent. Addreae all et*«ro **T. D. W.," care of CLIPPER. Sawtelle's Dramatic Go. WANTED, For Fall vA Winter Season, commencing Aug. 6, A COHPETEIT IEADIN6 MAN. ALSO HAN TO PUY HEAVIES AID OLD MEN. Moatbo tallaad of sood flguT*. I alao Deed a clerer COMEDIAN, ibo can Slog and Dance. RAber. reliablepaopla, wbo aratboroaihly eiperleoced Id repertolr*. Pfaaie aniwer «lih full partleularo. J. AL. SAWTEC^LB. Hirr., IM Worth Ninth Hir**t Phlladalphla. Pa. JUVENILE WOMAN, COMEDIAN with Speclilt|. L«n| BeawB. VSRFVL PEOPLE write. Bute l\ill peiKcaUn. love.t ulery: .odOM pie- ~ rtlMUr. Aduien TTionwnd l.leMlik OUrtoo. N. Y. gimin!nM,eto^c.. flnrtlfUar. Ad«li TII08. BLUnVooP. WANXBD, yon Mattesoa's Indlu Village and Wild WestSbcws One Qood flnitllDit Adraace Aftent, Band of Rli Mouth riaca* to double lo orehaatia, and uiaAil people In aU branches of clrcoaboBlnaM Lovett aalarr aou full Hoe of bu*lne«a Id ftnt latter. Addreaa CARL W. PBEflSLT, Mantfrer. Brawn* Taller, MlDn. P. R.—HI. that*. Weatherby. R*ed and Pwf. SWING HIGH SWING LOW Ladlaa* Up to Data Banmer Craia of thFlIoar. Tocallai** (ireat atory and actlnit (no*) aont—almpla. awattand riratty. we are ulTartlHd by ^ a. . jTortleadbyoarloT- inglrlemta. Prol.. 10c: nthar*. &. MCDONALD A KBYEB. P.O. BoiCIep. IHllreTT, Bo«ton. Maw. WANTED, FOR ^Viiitcniiute Bros.' Circus,. rRRFORMBRS DOINO TWOORIIORB A0TB,TOJ0U( AT* ONCE. W<taTWM>klT. Addnu WIIITgRIIUTB BUM.. Den.. Cltj, 111, JalT «. Aeronaot for 4tli of July. AJdienW. II. A. MATWAItP.n.rdeM nolelO.tfl.M. N. J. COLORED CORNET PLAYER WANTED FOR RIDBSHOir BANn, WlXn IIUNTINO'B CinCS. Addrm CflAa B. ORIPriN, nech»n.eck, K. J, 38. Batoon. O. euiHeton, N. Y, July I. ronHlehmood 1 MISCELLANEOUS. MAGIC lilTERIIS WANIEO ^13^ HABBAOII k 00. KB Flltwit Bl, Phlla.TpliiiLTg^ BTTLBH WrBRIjniL roRTUNBK. B>ni. pMIOq. na.BtieetBatterr.OaO. PTIOrOno,Bdnn.Pn. EDUUimiE. PRICE. Gounsoiop at Iianir. HEW TORK CLIPPER BDILDnfO, ' flS AND n CENTRE BTRBBT, Tork CItv, rrmcllcein antheCoertaClrll end OrtmlnaL RmcI.) •tIMillon jrlTon to lb. eolMctlon of daln. end deVui nr .llk[nd^ th.piepeimtloe orfegrMmeBt. ud olh.r ba.lnBia. ^ R e e OOE. YONQE & CO. ■aauracTunm er WALKIHO OABEB. ImpoitoiB of OUTIBBT. BantlMlanKit Uae of Jnreliy, Mo- tloiu,NoTelnee,Aa.>tloire>tpiloei. j Goo<ljfoiBtmtineo,AocUoneenaiid / A<anU,Oai)e Rack, and Knife Stand, |i aqicclalty. niDitr'tdOalalognefieel 700 WitMnilai ten. ST. tOUIS. HO. THE MOST .EXTENSIVE HANUFACTURERS RILLlARDand POOL ■F .A. B £3 S IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWiCK.BAUE.COLLENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW TORK Reweat and mi»ft elvgant atj^lea, wllh tlic UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. BlllUrd natvrlaU, Cloth, Ball*, Cava, ate., of onr own mannlkctare and Im- portation. TRB BRnKSWICR-BALEB-OOILENDRR CO.. Cblcajto, Cloclnnatl, Sl Loui^ Ban PraQclato. Boaop. Maw., and ape what you *illnai\ A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, ^%S.W?1?,:^ I.nlendqnl.1. Biaiwhe«Midle<llltle.leolh.rflute. ABillU MonihlBe Habit Cared la 10 UI'IUM taatdara. Ropavtlllcared. Wl ■WW. Dr. J. jfepheae. Lebanon.O. DR. THOMAS' REMEDY FOR BAD BREATH IS A POSITITE CURE. rBESCRIPTION, tm. DR. THOMAS' CURE FOR SWEATING FEET AND ARM PITS THAT BECOME OFFENSIYE; coru In 1 WMk.. g>f. ud nre. PreKflptlon, 11OD. DR TROUAd, BoiUO'KwIUn.l. Kan. QON'TPAYACENTTJil'- SCEITi Otirlatcstlmportedalone piuzlof diamond eiperta. Yoo tsoDOtdetGCtfnHntbagfiiulnc. TO iQtroduce Utto tkowalonowe will mod /or 30 days this rln? or Ptud bycxprenCO. D. forlUS. You 'aftmlDt, irD9(«pal In apoMraralo a MOrlftfdon't lifcalL iraalbTcmfj p*r lb* •mrt *l.e. Oidrr qakk Brad Baan« OA *ruOftf«r (hm Allf^awa. CUaeavwrm, lASOSiLMBBUQCD. iWMwwitoT—p**, akat*.mi*da. jbmcao Fibre Horse Slioe will be worn bf The Flint llerae That Beat, Two Hlant... Bnd Tor Cteloipi. with PrlctiL W. r.rer bv pomilMloo to DR. J. C. KcTOT. D.BCOTTQUI.1T0N, MALOUINTON. W. C. IIBNDRICRIiaN. AMERIOAM BARD rlBRECO.. Newer., Del. Vau PaaM detMt our n.wlr dlMOT.rMl. Im. lUn uen l ported Bern. Irem real dlunoitdt. SoldetVorU'. Pair for 019. A hudaom. loll. NO IbVI uinriiia, Mod, Uc> or acnrT plo, aolld aold. by Eip. 0.0. D. for IS. Prlrliege of eiaoiloattOD; charceapnpald. CatalonaorifMia, watchenandJawelrT ffee.intamatloaalGem Co., l,4OMawilcT*mpl».Cblc«B0. IS AN AB80LDTE NECBSanT TO THB Athlete, Beiers, SpoftsBieB. Sold bT DrunlUa ud Sfwrt^Qood. Cicllst, Tourist and Ball nayer. SkTBoi.'HIie. •I. KottelBiaolon. Id BTREKOTHEIIINU THE mffLa E. F0U0ERAACO.,aiW.WIIIIaniBI..X V. FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per thonaaad BIOO. rCTUBB CO.. 79 It. Thirteenth Street. K«w Torli. TO BE POSTED rej^o the CLIPPER ANNUAL EOK, 1895e otmniKe records in au nK- PARTMENTS OF 8F0BT, INCIUDOO CHBONOLOGIES FOB 1804, AQUATIC, ATHLETIC, RACIMG AMI) TBOTTINa EYENTS, DASEOAU., CRICKET, DU<- LIARDS, ETC. RECORDS OF FAST- EST THE AND ALL DEST FERFORH* ANCES. ILLD8TRATED. Price 26 Cents. A.ddress THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. CLIPPER BinaJDIIlO, HEW TfORK. VfcArcitoimultranrjtiatiwii^Andi F*tc<i(*UikiBue WWtrIC«..Ml f at lu.