New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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Founded by I FRANK aUEEN, 1893.1 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1895. VOLUME XLIII.-Ne. 18 ' PriM 10 Cant*. BELLS OF LIBERTY. O uly 4th, 189 8.) vHirnn Fo« rRi>iv Tomi cLiprtn. BY T. n. HARBAUOH. Aj«, lei Uia ghd balU rtog U>i»j O'er til ibiB aun klaa'd clime, RlDB loud and clear iDd far away, For tbis Id needom'a Ume; And lei Diem tell itae tale anew, Dj rlrer, lake and till, Boir long ago our gisDdiilreii true Stood raal at lluDker Mill. Ring ogt Willi Joj, 0, toneful bell. From surgtDg sea to eea; Let eveiy atroke melodious airell Ttw pean ol Utwrtr. Ring oat troo wbere tbe pint tree's creel HtJeeUo seeks the tkj To wtiere llie waten ot the West In golden gtorr He, Abore Atlssdo's snowy foam nke np the cherished stnlo, And In the fair palmetto's home Join In the glad refrain: No North, so South, no EaM, no West, For love hath stopped the (raj; Ring oQt, 0, bells bjbeaTen bleat, Beneath onr dag today. Proelslm our grandeur to the worid In ctoras reaching far; Tell bow all tags bat one are forl'd Beneath tbe UdIod star- How, m the boist of freedom's bud Beside tbe Western sea. We are the land of Washington, Wbere erety soul la tree. O, bells I your tongnea with pride endow. And let the nattona know That, wbUe our swords aieploughsbaiea now, We (ear no foreign foe; Join with tbe bell whose thtllUng sound. Amid the strife forlorn, Froclalmed to pabttola gathered 'ronnd That liberty was bom i Ring piDudly, bells, beneath the sky. The anthems of the free. In TBlley low, on mountain high. Ring out for Uberty I Let not a bell In silence rest That bangs 'twlzt wave and wave; Recrown tbe laud wo lore the best- land of tbe fair and brave I A F AIR S HOT. wniTTBir rCR tob .^kw torr otlprsR, BT 0. V. T. Tbeie was no denying the tact that Charlie Ur- Iniston was madly lai love with blawlte. He had adondher (or three yean be(oie their marriage, and bad oondnoed to adore her for the three yearn since. Feople genenlly, and especially bis clab menda, tkongbt It rather stnnge, because, while Aonlce was centlnly a beautKnl woman, she was AHogettaer too grave and sedate, they Imagined, to eiiccesifglly hold Oharlle Uvlngaton, the gayest, t>«8t (allow In tbe world, a bon vImiU, and a nun who need to hare (rom three to Bve love aniie In a year. All thai kind of thing changed, however, from the inemoimble nigbt when he met Annlce for ibe flret time at a ball given by pretty little Belle Utrrlng' ton, one of his old flames. It was he wbo designated the night "meraon. ble," and be bored bis friends to death telling of It every dmo he got the ghost o( a chance. All the men knew about tbe palm tree, the draae Annlce wore, and the bnnch o( while violets shs held In berhand. Too alb)gtther aevsre and quiet, was tbe nnlver- flsl obmnenl npnn this woman whom be adored eo •beordly, Bnt It was really nfresblug, at any rate, to see a man ao In love with hUi wife, and especially Chanie; He bad bestowed upon her, out of his great wealth, evetytblog that a man could bestow. Her home wu a palace, but her presence In It was more lite that of a priestess than a woman of tasbion. Occasionally one canght a gleam In tbe grave, dark eyes that eiellsd the onrloslty by the snggeetion o( tbe poRslblUtyof a bidden Intenally; bnt that was nn,and,(ortbemostpart,sheboiedpeople. Her dlnnem were magnldcent; bnt she presided over tbem like a saint, and tbo touch of her Jeweled An. ner to the rim o( her never empty wine glass was slmost a reproach. It was really this superb correctaesa, combined wllh her mysterlons Indifference, perhaps, tbatbeld Oharlle, as It were, spellbonod. He was conttoa- •lly repeating to hIroseKtbat be was the sole poe. eeaor of this spliltsal Image of womanhood. There waaa fascination In the Idea that kept him (tltb(ul,andthatniade otherwomen, no matterbow charming, appear commonplace. The lenten season had condnnsd (or three weeks, and Annlce bad attended the afternoon eervloes ^Uy. Twice she was late for dinner, and she told Charlie, almost with ei)thnid>sm, that she had i«- naloed In tbe beautiful chorcb alone, while tbe iwUlgbt enveloped her, to pray. Charlie bad tbe bigheet appreciation of reverence In women, bnt be feared too mnch adoration wonld make Annlce III, and he tnggested as much to her. Bnt she only smUed snd said ehe felt strengthened by It. She waa eealsd in the dUiIng room one momlng before breakfBst, waiting tor Charlie, who waa, aa lunal, Ms. Chaille o(ten declared that when be coonted over the nnmerous Iblogi that a feDow had lo do be(ore be coold present talnueU at the break- (•St table be wondered that he ever got there at oO. One goal thing ires that Annlce never taased about anything. The (Sot that be got In Ute, up Ut«, or down ute, never mmed her In the leoat- She waa paincnlany charming thla morning, In a creamy caahmen lea gown, with a bunoh of (reab toleia at her waist A ny of Ibe earty Spring snn- light lay la a bar across her ahlnUig balr and est. tledliKiron tbetsaasrvtcaatberlefl. Sbewoa engaged with her mall, and suddenly abe enitbed Ibe letur she waa reodlnc oonvnMvely, and bom Into At that moment Charlie dashed In, bis balr suil damp aboni the temples, and with all Ibe fresbnea o( a newly watered plant Annlce In tears waa the most remarkable sight that had ever greeted bis vielon since Ms manlage. "Why, Annlce I" be exclaimed, "you arectylogi In heaven's name what has bappenedt Any bad news from hornet" He put out hia hand for the letter, but she hur> tiedly thrust It Into her bosom tteneatb the loose front of her gown. "lliere Is no bad news," shs gasped; "but, Cbaille—I can't show you thatleUerl" "Cantshow me the letter!" Charlie paled. "Wby, Annlce," be repeated, "Yon can'tshow msa leilert know, bnt yon see I love you ao—I—Annloel oon yoarorglvsmet" Annlce remained silent The lean rested paUsUo- all; on her pale cheeks, and there was a very hurt expression areund the closed retenttnl lips. Pree- enily sbs went up and wound her aima abont hie neck. "I (orglve you, o( conne," she whispered, "al- though you know veiy well that you do not deeerve my leniency. Even yet, Oharlle, It seems that yea do not know me, else you would never atlilbote lo me, l( only for a moment the commonplace eipert- ences of other women. Oome, let us forget It snd bare break(aat It was very silly (or me to iblok tbst I could wnis a story, and certainly abenrd to "Why do the majorlly o( husbands, Fred,'' he asked o( a (riend who wts sitting apart reading, "(oroe their wives lo look around (or some fellow to make love lo Ibemt" Alphonse read the note Ibmugb twice, and Iben folded It and pni It In his pocket "Wby, old man, anyone been doing thai (or yout" "That la not answering ray queatloa," Alphonae ntutned. "Why, my dear Al, ask me somelblig euy I How In Ibe very deuce am I toknowl BInoe Ihey do, II mnBtbetbewayo(busbaods,don'lyouluowt It's solblog to kick over. Is III" "Oh 11 don't know," Alpbooae answered Indllier enilj, while he dreamily niaed hbi eyeaand walohed And wby, pray t Is It possible you receive tetten that! cannot read t I, yoor hosband I" They (seed one another, both perturbed. Charlie bad allogelher changed Is appearance. In one mo- ment be bad become a settled, stern man. There was a sudden sizength and composure about him that eqnoled herown, and tbal made thefaablon- able 001 and arrangement of his balr, and Ibe gsy Spring suit be bad donned for Ibe lint Ume Ibai momlng, look abnoet ildlculous. But suddenly be breke Into a hearty laugh and clasped her to bim. What silly Joke la this, my daillogt" he ciled. "Annlce, be done wllb Ibis nonsense I Olvs me Ibe letter at once I Ton never teased me like tblsbe- fore-asd-aod I don't like It I See I" Ibumllng bit hand mto her dress, "I shall take It Then I" Ue drew forth Ibe letter, and, standing apart opened IKeverlahly. Why, what Is Iblat" he exclaimed, bending bis (ace closely to the sheet "The — Monthly la com- pelled to retnm 'A Dead Heart' to lis author, for tbe teoaoo that then would be, nnder no cliciun- stance, any chance of ndng It for nasy BWDlha lo cone. II la nioraed wllb legiet and wllk many thanks (or the courtesy ot Ibe author In subnUulog It Wby, AsslceP' bs exclaimed, Uuowlag tlie letter to the floor and exlendlsg hit arms, "yon have been writing a sloryl And yon sever told mel Tbey won't poMlsb ttt Well, we win see abont that Tbe Idloisl Bnt Ibe Idea of yon crying over III Wby, dailtng, Ihoee pobUsben are all ciocy; they never know when they gel bold of-a good tbUig. Ton sbonid have taken me Isto your confldence, and ire wouM have gone about It differently, and spared yon thla nonUcaUon and disappointment Annlcel AnnkeP heoonOnoed gently, "can yoa(org1ve mef ror the momenl, danUig.osly a Donentyoo hsow, I—I adaany doubled you. TUnk of III I am oahamsdlolookyon Isihe laee. IW bm. dear, do yob lUnk yoa can (Milve swt I am a bnte, I cry because It was rejected. lam notoflenglvenio snob nonaeuse, am If Charlie klaeed her tenderly. "I ehould think noil" he exclaimed with enlhosl- ssm; "yon an never given lo nonaeiuo at all. I almost with yon wen, dear, that la, I wbih you wonid cry overme sometimes, Jostoccaslosally,yoo know. Not that I would like to do anything to give yon pam, bui, by Jovel Jnal because yon cared enougbl Don't you know Fred llarrey says tliat. wbUe be Is Just ss kind to bis wife as he knows how to be, sbels In lean over blm three nights out of seven I Of conne that would be an awtol bon, bnt —" "Yon silly hoyp' Annlce smiled as she pushed blm from her and waved blm to the table. When ahe reached her own place she etnlsbed (or a moment the bock of her chair, a sickening (eellng crept Ihnogh her, the room blaekMisd,aDd ber eyes closed. "llyOodl"sbe Inwardly brsalbed aa ake ncor- eiedhenelf and look ber seat "If it had been the letter from AlphonoeP' OUAPTER II. Al two o'clock that day Alphonse Osntsftoo aa- tered bis cinb snd found a note awtttloff bliD. ■Hy daillng," It nn, "Am I alive and dreaming, or have I died and awakened Inthebaavtalhatla premised tbe mortals on eanb who deny Ihsmselree aadsnffbrr Bolongbave 1 done iMs thai my ptea- est Joy overpowen me. I can nndsntand nothlgti I seem lo be groping lo myHsry. Abl bnt tow de- Ugbiful It all was, snd bow tbe words yen spoke repeat tbemselves m my bnla. I sm sslonlshad al nyown gaiety. Tbe world s e e m s to bflgbt,lbe Ttiy all Is foil of Isngbttr; I aevsr mw IIM saa ■Use so. or the people look so Joyoao. Bow can I waltaniil^ o'clock t WlBbepnopL I Mod In ttto^ Ibe inioke that floated upwards from bis cigar- ette. He was ibloklog of Aonlce, and of the beautiful pore life she bad led up to the line ibey fcwk that mad drive Ihroagb Ibe park one snowy night two months ago, when Charlie Uvlngeton had asked blm lo escort btr borne (rom the opera on account o( an eogagtmenl be could not bieat. While be bad fully sppreclated ber magnlflcent charms, and bad previously entertained for her a ivprewed pas- sloa,lhechsngewhlcb hadooeiiired then Inloa real love affair seemed a klodof dtssoraUooi and, be- sides, whst good meads bs and Ohaille bad always been, and wbst a Due (ellow Chortle was I Yes, bow entirely changed Aonlce bad ^ce beoome, he pondered, going, II seemed, lo a hind o( whirl (torn one extreme lo Ibe other. They now nut almost dally, and over sod over she regnued tbe yean that had existed for her without Alpbooee'a love and neh divertloos as be aObrded ber. Ilsr mind, ronnsily ao laoocsot dwelt eonslanlly spoo gay women wbo lived enllnly free (rom what the called the stnpldlUes ot convcnitonallly to which ohe hod bseneslavs. The men she ihoogbtot these people, the more she longed to penetrate Ike eslgma of their Ilvct, and tieqosntly she Implored Alpbonss to take ber, "If only once," lo some ball (otUddes place of amoesment wbere Ihsee caitiees ones a» sembled, that she might see, abe urged, jnit bow Ihey acted and what Ihey did. Alphonse cenUnnally nfaied, bnr toady, bolt Ir- rllaled by her penlsKnce, had coneenled, and UUa was the srcslsg sppolntsd lo escort bar to a well well known tDorie ball when the migbt hare a airlil of the BjaUiloat world the to dedrtd lo obeerrt. The tblsg woe wotrylng bloL.llntoi general prtn- dplee, be lAJeeted to isklaa Aaolee to iBik a ptecs, and, eeesBd, ahonld tbe by Bay ie«lbtllly be noog- BliedUBrigMpiDTt onet dttumatieberfepota- doo', wUle, tliooIdCbanieavti'Wrodtllienialgti be nrlouM trnuble o( a iwtnre not sgieeable to one ot his pracehil Incllnalloiis. llnwover. hnliinoheil ctmlly, gbinced at tbe perl- odlrals, ami then (niinil that he hail Just lime lo ilrem anil rrsrh ths Firth Aveiine Kniel by all o'oliH'k, (o nirot hrr In Iho psrinr, rr sgreetl upon, He Ihotight hp hail unver ivuo her more lovely than when she sn>iio tn greet hlin. Her apprarance waa full or aninwilnn. anil her whnio Miig teemed ti) expruPM the (error i)( BnlloI|wte<1 pleasnre. Oiice mitro Alphoiiso atlentpleil lo dlmnaile ber, but Iho girl seemnl (evorlshly lieiit on her purpose, and wniild mil llnlen In lilm. Hlie had tnlil Charlie •ho wiinlil illiie with llelle IhrrliiKlKii, snil attet- warilsRotoH coiiuert, ami Rho might never have an- other Huoh oppiinunlly. Alphonse ileemed Itntllletnsajmnro. Ileglaiioed St her sahit llkn pmflio na they poanil oni nf the hotel Into Iho sireet, anil whlilled solUy in blmseK. Certainly women won enigmas. They dliied In the Utile pilvste dining mom so (•miliar to thorn, anil lalor, when Iher entered the ninslo hall, (ound It nulls rmwilnl. Way ilown In the rear a mammoth Inslniment Ihiiiidereit (orih In- tpltlog mnslo; llquon o( sll bliiils ssi •bniii on Ibe tables; walleni fllllcd pa«l, liearing glaanes a( (nam- Ing iMor, anil all was soon through s (slot hase of smoke, rrelly girls, at well as lisnl rea- tiired ones, Ninihed, and frequonlly auoieitd tmn one talilfl to another. 1 Imid young men sal apart, the less rlreunupect, however, nri-aslonally edging their way over, and, opening ronvertaf Ion, ordered rreah drinksfortbe girls who atlimitnl them, All this delighted Annlce. Her eyes wen olilsie wllh tbe Inlerest Insplretl by riiilotliy. Hhe wsa wllnesslng a world where, anonnling In her holler, there was only light, mirth and onjnynient. Hhe plUod her dlenlR leading Ihelr iineventtul Urea, and told Alphnnse so with eotbiisltRm. Alpbnnae de- olared simply lhathe ronaldsred Ibe whnin Ihing In- tensely sinpid, and repeatedly urgwl her li> leave. Thla she retused tii dn, and en an liniir pasMd nver a lH>Ule ii( wino very iiooomrotlalily, ror blm, at least Suddenly ho (ell Annlce gnup him by Ihe arm, snd, tuning, he oliserved lliRt bor rheekM were blanohed, lier oycs illstendod anil her Hps aiait. Following Ibe illreotlon In which she kmkeil he saw Oharllo approaching Ihom In tbe rnmpany of two other gentlemen. InRlantaiienuRly llieir eyes met and Charlie camo forward anil sIoihI lieriire Ihelr Inble, shirung his gRr.e to Annlre. Tliero was a no. mont or breaiblnnRllenoe, then a mocking langh broke rroin hini as lin SHld; "(leiitlemuii, you In- duced me to come lo this pluue wllh yiiu, and a most nnnsiiHl olruiimstaoce oonfronbi iis. l*urnilt mo to Introduce yoii to my wire I" The men stood looking (rom oue Ui annlher, awed and oxpeoianl. AlplHinse STTwe to his (oet. "Sir," hs said, "your wKo entered this plaoe un dor niy protnoUon. I propose Hut ;ftu hold me re- sponsible." "Thai Is, I know, Mr. Uarrlngton, the iisaal way o( aetiling siioh things, hut not one with which I am In aympalhy, I slisll hold nii one responslblo but 11)0 woman wbo has liolmyed Rnd diahonond me," Ills (hco was as whitn as death, and bin laughing eycB were l>egloomod with angor. Tlinre was no more converrallDn. Alini|illy he lumod and led tbe place, (olliiweil iiy Ills (rlonds. Annlce sat HpeeiThlim, slsrlng s(tcr him. Al- phonse did all In bis power (o aruiise her, liul In vain. Finally a waiter a|iimmuhnil snd handed her a note. Hhe ilarlnil, tore II n|ieii anil road It lirrsthlesdy, growing, ir pwlblo, iialer. Wbeii nhe had dnlabed It she Itorrowed a i>eiicll siidwniln srrowlbe Isick; Yoii are right—only death ran setllo this. I am as (aire shot ss ynii—I accept Ihe olislleiige, and will tie nn the spot dnlgnstril at aiiiirlRS." Then, retiiniing It lo lbs waller (or delivery, shn hurriedly arose and forced Alphonse to take her lo a hotel and engage a sulto of Rpartmenis (iir her, re(utlng. In spile of bis entreslles, lo reresl the contents of Ihe note she bsd received, He escorted her In Iho door of her room,andarier exacting a promise rnun her tn do imihlngreoklssa, and saying tlitl bo would see btr again In Ihe mom. Ing, leri her. As soon as he was out ii( hearing, and abe bad closed lbs door, she rang (or a aernnt. Have me called al daylight" shs said lo the boy who answered the summoni, "I wish lo lakealnln. Have a carriage at the dour." Then, walking over lo tbe hed, the Ihnw herself down lo her clothes upon It snd toy perfeolly allll, looking up el the celling. Foiirgas hiimenhlaied, end an otiservfir could have seen that her Hps Iwltohsd and that abe i lenched her handa oiiirul- slvely, lull for Ihe roost part shs wss mntlnnlesR. All hrr previous llfs wu passing llirough her mind, and her recent raadnesM, when she had yielded In Ibe promptings or a wiched lore, seemed like Ibe working or some direlgn Inpuln). And ihls waa lbs end) Lying In a atnnge hotel (adng dealh, and at Iho hand n( her own hasliand. In Ihs old dsya, that aeemed to her very happy ones now, they had o(ten ahnl at largrt togetber, and be had spoken truly ounctraing her skill. Bhe waa as (sir a shot as be. Hut would abe l>o Innor. row. Only (kid knew. Why sboakl she stiempt to iMtr Wlist had Charlie done lo incel dealh at ber handsr He bad a ptrtect right lo kill her, bul abe —(or nns moment a hoi gosh of lean Minded ber; a thousand tender acta of bis crewdtd upon her lireln. Then tbe grew calm. She was leady lo (ace Ibe loevllable. It was right lhatshe iboold die-there was not even tbe exonae o( neglect on bbi part lo exonerate ber. At Ihe flnl greyatresk o( ntwn sppeartd ibiougb tbe bal( clossd blinds, wlihoui awslUog to be caUed, she sioee, snd hastily smnging ber toilet, left Ihe room. Onlalde so open csrrlage was aiandlng. Bbe en- tered II, and was soon driving tbrongb Ibe (nab moraing air towards the park. As yet Ihe only trace o( me sun was a (tlotplok glow lo Ihe Rast. Hit was Ihe Brat to airivs on Ibe spot scleeted. AllghUng, tbe dismissed Ihe cab, tnd wot suadlsg, with claaped baode and upraised head, vhea tke steood canlagt appeared la tlgbt, eenlDg areand the lake. Charlie was ituoded by a iinHeiBsp, wbo, vhea'