New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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27tf THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 6. World ^Players — The (ctlon brongni 117 ilaguttin IMIj (galiut WIlllMn A. Bnd/, 10 ncoTcr iliintiiea tmooDUnn (0 WT,ooo, nrliilnir out o( ihe pmlacllon of "Alter Dark," ma dUmlmed June 21, In iha United HitUe CircnII Oonrl, Ibu clij. IJll|itlon him been aolnR on oTer Ihe production or ilili pUj for eoiDe time. Mr. Dmlf ctalnied Ihkt Iho rmllroftil tcene, which In the pilnclpel acene In Ihe pis;, wan en Inrrlngenicnt OB Ihe wene In hie pUj, "Under the Ou IJghi," ud hie oitflnil ecUon wu Imnght for in Injunc- tion to reauvln the peifoirnanco of the plaj bj Men- *ger B(Bdr, on •coount of Uio sllcged Infnniie' menL A decree wu eslered, enjoining Mr. Ilndr from petfnrmlng the phj, enil holding thttihe had performed the nlaj eoren hundred nnd fortj-three aiuiiUioi1r«d llinee. Mr. IMIj then brought an aoUon to rerorer MT.OOO damageii lax tlio prodnc- ilon of the alleged -.inaiithortua rerfornuncee. In dlemMngthe complaint of Mr.lxl;, ilioOoiirlheM Itwaanot acaiewbereponKlllOfl corildlie coMecled, — The civil manlBge ceramonr of Alexandre IMnua and Mme, Regiiler do la llnijoro wai per- formed June D, In PaHn, Fr. — An open air peiformniice of "An You I.Ike It," waa given June 2i, In Ihe gronnda of the Richmond Oonnir Oounli7 Ululi. Blatcn lalnnd, N. Y. Ulw Klectia Malema, who waa cnM for Cella and Audrey, did Doi appear, hut the pa mi woro well read lij Alice B. IreH,and the performnDce waa a aiiccnta. The following people look mn: Orlando, Mlea Old. caalle; the Duke and liuke Vrcderick, Charica Mar- rlou; Amlena, A. K. Hlaiiford; Jauiiica, K M. II. Frail; Oliver, W. J. Ilomaln; Uliarlni. I,. U. II. rnill; Adam, W. J. Itnniiln; TniictiHtfUic, Kdgar Morton; Oella and Audrer, Alice K. 1 vta; Ibmllnil, Ckthorioo B. LBWIa. — Humj and Mack Notoa: Ollle Hack hi vlaliing hla mother and tinier at Ci^ntrevlllo, Iiid. Oharlea Hunaj la at hla home Id Miinclo, Ind. Heaion opena Aog. it. Bo far tho peopio aimed are: Kdllh Hawloo, oracle Uumlnin, Loring Blalcn, HIaa Dix- on, Mlaa Blewart, f^nn(e ileane, Clajlon While aw) Oeo. 11. KmeUck, author of "Kliiiilgau'a llnll;" Ohtia Umb, Hack llavia, Vincent Vlnnelll, mualcal dl- recu>r,and II. WIcknam.ailnnre. Tourlnclndcaa vtalt to Ihe coLit Qeo. II. Kmcrlr.k haa re-willlen Ihe comedy for the coming icAaoii, writing an on Ure new third acu — Oraon CIIITard wrilea aa followa: " 'In the Foot lIDIa,' Ihe coming ncawin, will l>e under Ihe man- agement of Fred W. Mlndmp and Jtinea II. Iliitcliln' ann. I have alinicd tlio folkiwing people: Joaepli 01>oole, Nora Unkelf for Minlireltea, and llarrj VInkle haa again algned for aa naalcr mechanic, (ho poalUon he held wiTli mo lent acaaoo." — 0. llaUleld la taking hla ncallon at hhi Imme In Maiuokett, la. —Oenerlevo l/>well la voir III at her homo In thia dir. — Notea from the rhiunlx BtaokTlioatreUo.: Wo have lieen plating IniHanTcfrllorT for 1I10 jmat four weeka, to a fair Itualneaa, and am now going through Kanaaa and Uhieourl, Tlio oropa In llila State are of the beat, and wo aallclpate a good acaaon for all companloa In Uila nocUoo. Tlio harveal la on, and reumona are next In ordor. Kvoirbody wolf and Wrightand Frank Howard cloned Ihci _ Bon Juno a. Vnnk llowani la to lie homo fur a Rhort time. Mlia Wright will real onlj for a few daJ^ aa tho Wright A llowani Go. liegliiH rehearaala eanj InJulr. Tliej willprobalilv nlloiid thoHwcdlali Bohool of Moalo, In lindiiiKirfr, Kan., next Winter. — Thereaa Vaughn'a liiirodiictlon of the "Trllhy" Idea In "14M" laan artlallcploco of work, and lier rendition of "lion lloU*'laone of bor lirlglitoal aiic- ceaaoa. She cloaoa In "IIIK!'< July 4, and will real at her home at llol Hank, N. J., until relicamla of "Kicelalor Jr." Iiegln. Min Vaughn liaa a atcllar role In tlic now prwiuollon and one peculiarly nitcd loheralilllilea. — The roHldeoce and gmuiidri of Iho Uto lAater Wallaok at titamfoni, Ou, have been purahaacd bj Oeornlilllen, of Ihbicltr. — Hhoda uaraeron, of the Lyceum Block Oom- pany, la III and waa not able to accompany lhal organUallon on lu lour to (Jallfomla. Aiinio Itlah will tako hor phue. — iidwin II. Iloir baa lieen engaged by Abbey, Bcboeliei * Oisu for Iho Mlllan KukuII Opera Com- pany, and will appear aa Kazlnilr Andmvltcli when ■■The IWgane" b repioduceil In Abbey's Theatre, thlaolty,1nAngiiaU liulrart Wlike will not be a member of the organbwllnn next neaaon. — OrlpUeralDonlioeavrllh Btuart Itolwon next neaaon, to play paru fomwily played liy W. 11, Omne, lie h apending Iho Biiinuwr a( Onat Nock, lb I. — Frank Malone la nialicatlng at Great Neck, I,. I. lie haa Juat cloaed a l«ng neaaon wlih h^nny Ilavenport, and haa algaoit wlib Smart llobaon for the oomlni teaaon. —1>. ROilndelland Alice llavla do not go with the ■'AUDt Sally" On., an waa reported. Tliey have algned with A. II, Woudliiill for iiexl aeaaon. — Rulh VIrgInU Page, Die twelve year old daugh- ter of WlUla IT, rage, died Juno 21, at Ailbuir I'ark, N. J, — Qua Wllllama haa lieon engaged by Krudorlok Hallen for ■The Twenlletb Oeiiiuiy Olrl," lu which Hollle Fnllor (His. Ilallon) will nlay the Ulle role. — Mena Cleary Intend* to aall for Kngland noon, where abo will Inoomu a leading nioiulier of a ooulo opera company which will mil for South AfHoa early In AoguiL — The houorary dogrno of A.M. waa oonfemd upon Joaeph Jenersoii at iho gTadiiallngoxorolaoa of ilarvatu Oollege, hold June ;K), lu Sandon' Tliea- tie, Umloii, Maaa. — WIIUrd-Qleaeon Notoa: Madeline Gleaaon, for the paat two aeaaona leading laily fur >Ycd Uanli'a Select Playora, la In advaiire of ttila cnnipauy, nud la doing good work. Ilualoena la fair, utile Koni Slngleton'a apeolaltlea catoh Ihe favor of our audl- — Will U. Ilarry, buainenanuuager nf F. 0. Perty'a ■■Unole Toni<e Utliln" Co.,wrli4w from RprlnglloM, 111., lhat the caiii|«ny liaa been doing an oxcolleni buatneaa In llllnolii, auil that Ihc pruepciHn fur tho naming aeaaon an goiHl, Uio roalor la aa followa: V. o. I'arry, pmprluior and nuuiager; Will M. Ilarry, buklneaa manager; Ouy Mlllrr. agent; Jan. lUuka, atalalanl agenl; Ira Oard, uiiialiial director; Roy Kmnu, J. B. Newcomb, llalph Whiltani, liny 8p«en, J. r. Leland, r. Marvin, Geo. Align, Ohaa. Kleiuing, P. J. RoelMrry, I,. H. Oil, Uert Ihtvla, H. W. Frauch, Jennie I'eny, Nina Moaher. ■■aaay Franoh, Muy Moaher, Delay Hiwber and Ultle Uirlolta, — Jennie llolman la a pallenlor tho Banllarluni at Alma, NIob., and la alowly ngalulug her health. NIn llolinan haa l>een an Invalid tor over a year. She will likely be able lu reaiiiue hur pruloMloiial dullea by Jan. 1. — Ilarry K. Daker, fomicrly top ninunlcr with the Martlnnelll llroa. and Thrco Kn-llaka, haa algned (or next aeaaon with "Ktglil Uclla," to play the pan of the KM. 1 / i- — Annio Itlah baa liern nigagM bylianlel Fmh- man aa a inenilier nf tlio lorceuui Tliratra BInok Ooinpany, and aianotl wllli the urgaulzallon, June 30, on Ita Paoino cnaat tour. — Oharlea It, I>upe, ri'conlly United Btaica Oonaul to Tonnlo, Otn., hu ro-nulorud Iho thealrlutl bunl- neea. lie haa aocured Iho uuw (lileuial Tlioalrv, SI. Louie, Mo.,and will nMiUKe It next acaaou, ruuulug a ilock eonipany, — "Ilomce," a eonicdv liy Harry and Kdvard raulton, haa been aeleclail by lUobanl Manailiild fur B, M. and Joaeph llollanil (0 atar lo iiexl aeaauu, under hla maDagonwnt They will ntoduce Iho iday In Aiigual, al Ibe Garrlck Tlieatre, tlila clly. — UIHeAkorelminaendalhornllowliig: "Weoloacil our aeaaon in Halifax, N. 8., June ti. We had In- tended lo ninain Ihora loiiger, but ahuw liualncaa In Halifax la dull tbia aounn, an wo dorldod 10 out the engagement ahnrt. Onjipaiiy lafl for New York by boat on Saturday nlghu All have lieen i^u- 5aged tor next aeaaon, wlili-h o|wna In Octolior. ballpmdiice next aoaann ivn new playa of which lam the anihnr, via.,'Tbe Hloiynf a Orlnie'and ■A Woman'a Venpanco.' Mr. Heniard and my. aelt will BO 10 Looh Uinund, uear 81. John, N. II., to enjoy a few weeka of iront ilahliig. will niinm to New York Ibe latter iwrt of July." — Button Vane'a po|uilar inelnlranw, "The Onlton Klng|" U In Ha eiRbth and cinaing week al MoVlok- er'a Theaue, Chicago, III. The Ihipe hnndrcdlh oonaeeuttve perfomiaiico in America waa made con- aplouona byappropriaie aoovenln. The nielnilnma conlalna a nioal Intereetlug heart alnry, and bi pre- aenied by an excellent oaal, while Ihe acenery and mechanical eliecta have aided In a conililnalloii rarely excelled upon Ibe Aiuorlcau eiage. Managrr Wni. A. Iliady haa apated no nalna »r expauM In preaenting •The (Mien Klng'^ln Ha rnllroiv. Tlio aame Uvlali outlay (bat obaracletltcd Ibi pnnvnia. Uona In llualoii and New York will lie ronlluned Ihruughoul Iho country during next aeaann. — In Ihe Hulled HIaira Lircult Uourt, Iblaclty, on June 71, A. U. Quntcr maile ajipllcallon fur an In- JuDcUon to reslntbi Hadle Haninot from preaent- Ing ■■The raainin." Hr.Gnnter In hbi complaint •'Kiwi tbai "Ttie Paaapnrt" waa an Inrrtngeiiienl «>'•,»•»""yoW Wile," willlenby himaelf lnoolbit>- onUoowlth Walter Savage. Uedaton wai reaerrad. — BlOy Wllllami, Ihe oomedlaD, will retora lo Whallen A HattaU'a "Oooth Before the War" 00. next aeaaon to play the aana part, Annt Ohloe, and manage the etage. They open on or about Sept 1. — A coannnlcAilon from Oreea'a Unding, He., algned "T, U. naldemeaa, formerly llany T. How- ard," itada aa foltowa: ■'Ttie Thoa. Fm Shay Co., In repertory, opened for one week on June M, at Mnalo llall. BualneMRood. Obaa. Tremain, late leading man with Ulllan Tucker'a and Ed. Waiieo'* Com- panleaJa almut to wed one of Bangor'a fair daugh- lera. The happy couple will apend their honeymoon at ihia place. T. 11. Ilaldenieaa, better known aa llany noward, tho old lime character actor and apeclallat, anpean at Moalc Iiall Joly U, It, aup- ported by Onaa. Tremain, UlnoleTteinatn and Lot- ileTbnrlow, the latttran amateur acireaa. ■Kath- leen Mavoutncen' and ■A Hero In Ragi' are billed for Ibe ai)nve datea. Mr. Ilaldenieas la now pre- paring hla company fer next aeaaon, begtnnlug at IhU place." — Charlce Barton, al one time bualneaa manager of Ihe Caaino, haa been eegaged by W. R. Oulick aa manager of the Columbia Theatre, Booton, Maaa, — Jaa. H. Thome loforma na Uiat, after an lllneaa of two weeka wllh enatpelaa In the face, he haa Jnal Imn diacharged from tbe boepltal at Philadel- phia, Fa. — 0. W, Warrcn'B Oonpany of Flayen take* the road Ihe laat week In Augnat, In a repcitorr of aundard playa, carrying alxteen peophi. Including a liand and orcheair*. raraon J. Pnngle will look after Mr. Warren'a Intereat on tlie road. Ther will play through Ohio, Indiana, llllnola and Iowa. Special printing by Ihe Donaldaon Co., of Cincin- nati, O., will be utad. — Henovatlona and Important atteratlona are lo nrogreaa In the Academy of Mualc, Ohaneaton, 8. C. From deacrlptlona nf the work of beautifying the Interior of the theatre It will when ready for re- opening, compare favorably with any theatre In the Soulli. — Kd. II. Oamatead Jr. Informa iia that he haa Jiiat cloaed wllh Ullle Akeratjom'a Company, and, after a three weeka' rcat will Join the Tonillnaon Comedy 00. aa adranco tgenu — Kmna Warren, Mr. and Mra. Oeo. Warren. J, 8. Gaialde and Percle Warren, of the Fmma Warren Co., are enjoying a roat at I/>nlavllle, Ky. Their aeaaon opena at lawrencebnrg, Ky., July S9. The company, we are Informed, hi Inoked aolld for forty weeka. — John arinith'e Oo. doeod Ita aeaaon at Chey- enne, Wyo. Mr. Qtlfllth played Hathbia, In 'The llella," with even greater aucceaa than Mepblato, In "Faiiat." lie will add "ShykKk" and ■■lUcliard III" to bla repertory. — Hnalerol llio Cecil Hpooner Co., under Ihe dl rectlon of B. S. Bpooner: Cecil Bpooner, Olive Qrnve, Clara Moreland, Hollle U. Spooner, Truman John- ann, Cliaa. Ilummol. II. S. Ilaynond, B. K. Spooner, Hobert Uouwell, Kd. Swan, O. 0. l>almer. Boy N. Ilair, mualcal director, and Will McAlllater, bualneaa manager. The repenory will conalatof two playa, "Hidden Hand" and "Decky Illlaa, Uie Olrcua Girl." They will carry new acenery and calcium light elfeciR. The kaleldacope dance of Mlaa Cecll'a will Iw a feature. — Bcrtba Oallaud la ti> alar next aeaann aa Julleue and lAdr Macbeth. Mlaa Galland haa for Home time aludlcd wllti Oeorge Kdgar, who coached Margaret Mather. Mlaa Oallaud wUl be aurrounded by a alrong company. Her aeaaon will begin la the latter part of Bepiember. — Melrlllo'a Oomedlana have cloaed tlieir regular aeaann, and tho mombem have gone their aeveral waya. Qlpay Fowler, Ohaa. Melville and Fowler Slalera—llaiel and Edna—are Snramering at Twin Uhea, Wbi. — Kllae Uu, TonI Mehter, Ida Uahr, Dertha Jaeger, llcmiann Ring, Adolf XInk, Fmnr. F.heit, lAula Uorkel and Max Walter, of Ihe IJIIpullaii Company, under Ihe mauagemenl of Ctrl and Tlieodor Itoaeufeld, receaily Balled fur Kurope. Ilurliig Heplemlier and October the company will niipear alihe FMedoilch WllhelmataedtlachexThca- Ire, In llerlln. Karly In November they will open their alxib annual American tourin anew apectacu lar pbiy. — Mra. Harle Ketcham, proreaalonally known aa Mule AndonioD, haa lieen admitted to (be Forreat lloincatllolroeaiiiirg, I'a. — Mr*. Ronm I'Incua waa granted an ahaolute divorce from Leopold PIncua, June 2T, In tbUi oily. — "Huniiab," by Ihe lale Henry I'eiUtt, wHI lie given Ita Oral American production Hept 8, at Ibe lloat<in (Maaa.) Theatre. — One of the new altiacUona tor next "A Modem Mepblato," the comedy which Jamea Hyde purohaaedfrom Kohert J, Donnelly. The pto- ducUnn, In Ita acenic anvlronmenia and airengtn of caal, will be excellent. The company Ineludea the following plaven: Helen Ruaaell, Sheridan Block, RmineU Ooirfgan, Barle Sterling, wlUlam Davldge, Frank Kondrlok, Haggle Harold Davldge, bnma Field and Iloleiie Hora. During the action of the flay Mlaa Mont will Introdnce many new aonga. he aeaaon irtll open Ihe ItUer part of AngusL Nerotlallona are now pending lor Ibi Now York ap- ^nnce at one ot tlie leading theatroa early In Ihe — P. T. WrIght'B NaahTllle Bludenta and Colored Comedy Oo. opena early In Augnat and will tour In- diana, Ohio and Kentucky. The company la com- pleted and tome novelllea have been added. Juah While and Jalvan have algued. The SholMr A Oaniuerllle Co. bave llnbihert aome excellent litho- graph and aland work torthliorganlzadon. — WlUlaui Crehan, agenl for Oliver Dyron, talU for Gurope July «, for a tour IhTOiigb England, Ire- land and BcoUand, reluming In Ume lo Join Mr. Uyrou'a cunpany In Beplemtier. — "O'llonllgan'a Hatqnenule," a new farce com- edy, fiom tho pen ot Frank llumont, will open Ha noaaou about Aug. M, Oallagher and Weal and W. U. Watann will be the Joint etani, Joe o. Zlede will deecrt the vaudovllloe and lake general charge of the advance work. He vrlll have aa an aaalabint Sam Itoblnaon. — (Hair Tuttle will alar next aeaaon In a repertory other own playa — The HIneharl Comedy Oo. cloaed at Baldwin Park, (lulney. III., Jnne m, and opened al Alohbrnn, Kan., July I, tor the reinaliidor of the Summer. — Aliilionno I'hilllpa, Juvenile, Informa ua ot hla uarrlaac, on June u, to Agnea Carllon, aoubrotte. — Kolien Noll, ot the "White Douailrou" Co., la reeling In Jemey City. — Hra. >'rani HoKee (laalielle Ooe) aalled for Knrope June XII, to Join her huaband. They win re- turn In September. — M. K. Ketchum, formerly ot Iho Uean A Ketohum Theatre Oa, and Geo. H. Ilnwn bave leaaed the Unity Opera llouae, Fremont, Mich, — Manager <len. W. llealh.of "Peek'a Bad Bny," wttlea Tui Ci.ii'ria thna: "My oompany for the coming teaaOD will be Ihe alnngeat ever aeen In thIa play. II la not quite cumpleled yet, bin I have ........ . ... ifgj^ ao far algned the following people: Hany N. Wehib, Preil Weoul. Geo. II. nmmoaa, Nick Murphy, Fred K. lleuder, Helen M. Uooder, Abble M. Ueatb, Annie K. Jaynea and llalub A. Ward," — Mauaieni FnedUnder, Goulob A Co., ot Ihe (Xilunibia Tlieatre, San Fntnclaoo, OtI., lufomi na that their theatre U an aaauied anccest, and that they have Iwen turning poople away (or the paat dva weeka. —Hnlirrtllownlui will produce al Waablnginn, I). 0., Sept. i, "lleleua," a play, from Ibe pen of Sanlnu. The acenery. ooaluniea and Inoldental niutio are belngeapeclally prepared for thIa preaenla. Uou. -Clan Ihtlner, MUdred St. Plem.Ura. P. A. Tan- nerblll and l«aler iKinergan have Inen algned tor llavllii'a Tbcatie Hlock Co., Chicago, III. —••A FUg of Trace" will bo again uken on (be road by Horace Mitchell. — loubie Aniot and Holiln Horry, of Ihe "Coon Hollow" Company, are apending a few weeka with frienda al Ullnxl, Mlaa. — HIaa MaiitJe. ut Philadelphia, Pa,, whn waa a ipllot lluiwu Vernon, of IheCXimedle Fl»noalw,ln ■■aria, baa lircn engaged for Ihe leading pan of Clyde ItamHl. In "0>nn Hollow." Mlaa Sautje baa a|ipeaied lo many Icailing telea lo Parla, and for a aeaaon waa a member ot Ihe Qlmrd Avenue Tlieatre Stock Co., In Philadelphia, r». She la aald lo be yonnji. handaonie and talented. — l,conard HowewmeatbalblBW1te(Onr«lIam- llion) underwent a aevere aunrlcal operallon at her home. In Worreater, Maaa., hi April. She la recnv- eilng npldiv, and Ihey are 10 apend (he Summer at Uipe Hay, N. J., and bave beenro-engaged for next aeaaon fur Kalbeiloe Rober'a Oi. — Manager Ilarry KlUng baa cinaed hla aeaaon at Ihe Rinpire Tbeaire, Dediilt, Mich., and relumed to hla home at ■■nughteepale, N. Y. — George 11. knntlok wrilea aa followa: ■■! have been Iniavliig nyaelf to far thIa Summer In Inucb- liig up •KInulnu't Hall' (or next aeaaon, and In wrtling eereml now aooga, to which Herhen lllllea la now mmpnaing appmuriaie mueic Alaorecently irniie a new aketcb, entitled 'A Summer Hoanler,* for Suilr and Moore. Have algned with Manager Frank T. Mervttl to play the Widow Oallagher, In 'Hunlgan'a Ball,' next aeaaon, which part I created In Ihe original prodncllon of the piece." — Mnella Miller baa been engaged for "A Honey Order" On. for next playKIU) Dldd,liM aouhrelle. NMulie'-fflflSi.'' *^ ^""^ — Nolea from (he He(ropoU(aiu: We opened our aeaaon June lt,at(>old«D,OoL,and played to Mi houaeadoiliiBtneweek. Twoaty-foorbontnetaana noml oSbringa bi a good recnrd for the opening week ot a repertory coneany, and Hanager Kim- ball la parllcn&rly proud oft pieaent made to him— a keg nt beer, trimmed witb welner wuraL Unis Deane la making a bit with ber aonga and dancea, aa la WalfrledHlnger.lbe phenomenal boy mnalclan. In bla vIoIlD, mandolin and Italian harp aolot. Roy II. Way, the dniro major, beada the parade and twiria himaelf Into favor. The roater: Kimball A Weal, proprletora; 0. B. Temple, Joe 0. Rembiglon, Ed. D. Coe, Hoy I). Way, Salvator Satilano, Wal- frfcd Singer, II. A. Ward, leader of hand: Joaeph Singer, leaderotorcbeaira; Laura Dexne,Hargne- rite Kimball, CUra Helroae, LllllaD Edwarda, Haa- lerEddleOw and UliyNell KImliall. We phiyln Ooloiado dnrlag the Bummer. L. B. Weal It In ad- vance and Oeo. H. Kimball la manager. — Wealley Mantell Informa na that (be report lhat he will pmduce bla new piece, "Wronged," next aeaaon, la wlikont foondatlon, aa he haa aold full rlgbla and title to E. A. JetRreon. He will produce (he comedy dmma, "For a Million," nexl aeaaon. Kamla Remington haa been engaged (ortbeton- broKe lead, oiberwiae laal aeaaon'a caal baa been ro-eDgagcd. — fte FronlBUeetOpera llouae, Worcealtr, Haaa., will preaenl a ecene of brilliancy at the opening nt the aeaioD. It haa been In Ihe handa nt (he acenic artlaia, D. 6. Rradley and 0. E. Todd. Bveiy- Uilng la In while and gold deconllona, and a large amount ot neir acenery. from the liiuah ot Hr. Iliad- ley, haa lieen added, Including a new drop curtain, allowing a Il(eal7.e lion In Ha native haunt& Rvery- thing hi complete aud ready for Ihe opening. — Hvni CnHlna, who waa featured laat aeaaon with uo Marka Broa.' Dramatic Co., goea wlUi the aame company nexl aeaaon. She la miending a few weeks lo Kanaaa Cliy, Ho. The Marka company will open Aug. It. playing through (;anada only. — The lAiella Theatre, In Vbllllcolbe, Ho., wag opened June n, by the Wacenhala A Kemper Com. lUDy, In "Young Mm. Wlnihrop," preceded by (ho farce, "The Dbatliiaio Family." The bulldlog, we are Intnrmcd, hi enilrely new, and decorated and equipped In the modem atyle. — since (he closing of the "Ooon Uollow" Co. Ucaale Taylor llcnnlnglon baa been lying aerlooaly III a( her homo In llinoklyn, N. Y, A change for the better baa, however, act In, and Ihe attending phya. Iclana have etmng hopes (or her recoverr. — A. (1. Ilngeni baa purchated a collage In Co- rona, 1,. 1., tire milea out ot Ihe clly, where he and hla daughtem. I,om, WInna and Maude (Ilia. Date), win anend Uielr Summer vacation. — The Utrle Uecca Grand English Opera Co. slarta on (our OcL 2a. — The J. Knox Uavln and M. n. StreeterOo.opened their aea.ian al Caro, Mich., Juno le. The mter: J. Knox Gavlu, H. II. Streottr, KmI W. Durgeaa, Oeo. n. Rnblnaon, Clarence P.Coast, Arthur J. McWateie, A. II. Goodnw, lludann 0. Smith, Ulllan Smith, Inliclle Kletclier, Emma Uaynor and Rachel Brock. The Arton (Quintet la a feature with (he ehow. Earl W. Ilurgeaa, who haa iH»on Hdv:ioce rvpreaeutaUre for Howard WalPa Ideala, during laal aeaaon. Is now managing (hla attraction. — Henry Melnotte was In the city laat week, get Hug things In readlneaa lor his coming atarrlng tour. Illaroiwrtory will Include "Ivauboe," "VIr- ginliia," "The Marble Heart," "Monte Cristo" and 'The Courier of Lyooa." "Ivanhoe" will be made a fcaiiire. lie will open hla season Sept. 30. play- ing week and three uight atands only. Martha Marah, who haa been engaged toaupporlhlm,ls apending the Sutnmrr In Atlantic (Miy, N. J. — Iltn (kBIcllo Jr., comedian of the Crocker- Wootb Stock Co., who auaialned a aovere fracture of the ankle joint, la Improving rapidly. — Qiimie (Gardner baa been engaged aa aouliretie tor K»(t»n t Wlllier'a '-The Midnight Flood" Co, tor next aeaaon. — ClliTord I. Venle and wlte(Once llolraea) cloaed a tour In "llr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" at Plqiia, O., June n, and are apending the Summer In Chicago, — The lAurel Ulll Park Opera Co. opened on June 23, In Scranton, Pa., with "The Bohemian Girt," to a reported gnod buolneta. Itoa'er of company: J. II. IjiIiio, manager; Cnrlolte Oilman, Alice Carte, Marie U'arren, llany Scarahorough, J, R. Adama, Nat B. Canter, CbnrI Alllaon, Minnie Uyton. Jennie Ilarry, Hclene Vaitu, Carrie Ward. Haule Amrod, Once Belle, Ada Orsy, Violet Warner, Robert A. Flak, Richard Boolbrok, Herman Tanner, J. I^ny, SIdner Uox, Richard LIndfay, band master. — Nolaon Lewhi and hla wife (Agnea D. Thorpe] ure (mending the Summer In Brooklyn, N. Y. — Sol. Solomon, Fred Bunnells, William Brown and T. L. Whippier have been engaged by 0. D. Jetreraon, Klaw A Eriunger for Palmer Cox'a "Hrownlea." Among the altractlona now to the Sniitb which will play that secllon uext aeaaon un- der (be auspices ot tills llim are: Ada llehau. Dam- roach (Irand Open Oimpany, De Wolf Hopper, Camilla d'ArvlUo, Ked lltrrigan, Delia Fox, "Trtl- by," "Pilnccas lloiiule." Julia Martowe, "Fatal utd," "MaaiiiierHden" and "Merry Wortd." — luce's "IMl" will make a PaolQc coaat tonr next aeaaon wllb an organization, led by Bessie Uonehiu and Itlchard llailowe. — Hanager Harry S. llealey hta engaged the fol- lowing peopio tor "The Midnight Special:" (kinmd Oautzen. A. Del TWon, Jamea Jackson, Ed. Gal- laghor, W. II. Bmllli, Ulllan Loogmore, Florence Frencb, MaMe Stanley, M. Wlvle and Wlllbim Uatthewe. The company opens lis season at Wllkes- barre. Pa., Kept. 2. -"The Midnight Flood," a melodmma, under Ibe nianagemenl ot Eagan A Wllber, will open Ha aeaaon Aug.U, Everylblni In Ihe way ot acenery and properllea will, we are Informed, be carried by (hla company, a car having lieon purcbaaed tor leans-' ponlug (be laiue. Aim (I. Ueu will do the advance work. — W. W. Goodbne, manager ot the American Opera Co., and lAura Alice Slugletary (nan protes- alonah ware marrlod June lit. al Cleveland, 0. — Hanager William A. Brady announces (hat ho bat engaged Juhn I,. S'llllvan to appear wllh James J.Oorbeii uexl aoaion. - Itoalernf Cmli'a Playora: VersdeVere, Maude Craig, Frtiime Boll, May licrby, Loona Uv Vera, 1.. L. Ontm, Snntlrrwiiod Altklen, Uw Beggs, W. l>.Brewer, Joe Livlngalon and A. U. Fmdngham, under Iho management ot Altklua A Greene. They are.ln Iholr aecoiid week at Uorrtatown, N. J. — The uhaae-IJsler Theatre Cn. open tbeir nexl aeaaon Aug. li, at Newion, la. The people engaged are: Claude OllllDgwater aud Helen Ulnkley, who will befealored; Qenevleve Stanley. Lea Hickman N.W. Van U;ke, H.J. Oalnca, M. Alexander, Will r. UaterandUlenn V. Ciiaie. The company has a repertory ot apeclal phiya, which will be ataged wllh nna acenlu effecta. They will carry a band and or- cheat ra. — Bells Vivian Iformeriy of (ho Vivian SItleiti, Geo. K. Williams, li. J. Dalinu and J. II. Ckas, mnslc- al director, bave been engaged by J. M. Ward for hla "Delmonlcn'a at e" Company. HH ODE ISU NPi PtviTldrncF.-l)urtiig the preaenl week (here will lie one atlreclloii at the Ihcairca, and the regu- lar Summer season adiic "Down the River" places opena In full liloat. WBtraiNtnn TiiatTaic.—Omens, the dancer, and her owu cnnipany will apiiear July 1. The reg- ular aeaaon ended aeveral weeks ago, but Manager Ualehollertiiew ibe drawing powers of Umonoand ao algned ber for Ibia week. ORisokNT Piiu.-"H. M. 8. Pliiafcre" will be pityetl thit week on a tnll rigged man o< war, and on teal water. The audleuce will lieaeated In com- fortable olMlra to the number or 3,000, and (he cast la aa fullowt: Joae|iblne, Helen Uimabee; Buderoup, lleleu 41. Judaou; Hebe, Emma Olynn; .Sir Joaeph Porier, Jiibu Saniidere; Capi. Corcnmn, Richard a. nolgei: Ralph Hnckatmw, Phillip Tomes. Stanley Kclch, Ibe original IHck llcadeyc, will be on deck. HiWlt IMtKT.-Tbe Korvet Ca.'dlio. wllh Prof. Snuonberg't Uichcstra. will ooer thirty ot the lieal PHiple on Ibe rarlefy ataie. Tbe National Band, ot Proridenoe, and (he TWun((m Opera HouaeOrobeaira are alao among Ibe aeveral allracilnna. Hanager Uarrlnglon fully IniendaiomakoibUi the alar aeaaon at Ihia nnii beautiful place. Bu»riui RILL'S wild Weal'eame 34, t>, and g«ve (our shows to (he full capacity ot Ihe tents. CALIFORNIA. Loa Aagalea.—"The Old Homeatead" attracted large and apprcdalire audiences to the Los Ao. geles Tbrelre Jnne V-X At Ibe Burbank Theatre "Ihc Cleinenceau OM"drew fair bouwe week ending Jl. R. I. I W uu, lu Cl i l p o' the Old Uock," lys Juleo Uvxpcnved to lie a draw. Ing card al the (>rpheuiu,.ccmnieuelng 17. Now people M: Amann, FKIke and Bemon, the Salam- boe 'IHe'American Olrl" Oo. dlabanded (»- cently wblle en rtaila over Ihe Southern Cklltorala rJrcult, owing bi bait hnalneaa. Proprietor J. P. Ilowe going to Portland, Ure., and Hanager Cbailea F, Blgga becomhic idtntUed wlUi tiM Bnitaot Itealie, tbls clly. Variety and Minstrelsy ROTia or TBI AL. 0. Field Nioio Hmi ReheanaUbava commenced In cameat n« black cootlngcnl, forty to nnnber, have been reheatslog Dudor the personal anpervlaloa of AL 0. Field, and wid brtng fiesb lanrebi and many dollari to Mr. Field's credIL The colored camp meedag abouten serenaded Gov. HcKlnley recMiUy, and wen congrainlated by (he Oovemor. Tbe band, nnder the direction o( Clarence Alston, will be a fefttnra ot the pande Fred W. Simp- aon, Ibe colored slide trombonist, lost named frem Eoiepe, bu been engaged for Ihe band. There are three solohila In (he hand, and In lu en- tirety It cannol be excelled. Theyarehandltngsac- cesatnlly all the latest and popobH' muilo from the dllferenl opetaa. The band will render a grand con- cert on the State Upltol grounds, Albany, July 4. Theroaierof thecompanylsaafollows: OllverScoil, msnager; Will A. Junker, tressnnr; A. P. Scott, geneni agent; Jsa. Weed, asalslant agent; John Kelacb, pragremmer: Cicero Reed and son, Andy Williams, Bsrrie MoPblal, Edwin A. Winn, Billy Jackson, Wm. H. Redd, BoUy V. Robinson, UOban- nail. AdolntaBondeiion,John RnckerChas. Owsley, 0. E. Ssnlaagg. Harry Fldler, Ben Moore, Olarance Alston, F. M. HaUatock, Wo. Preston, Rnfns Hay- wood, Geo. Ba/wood, H. J. Hotchlnaen, UcCtnn Bros., Rasuu, Leawood Uolland, Wilue Jackson, J. II. Oordoo. Hany Taylor, Jas. While, Chas. Patter- son, Ben Rollsnd, Billy Tumor, Fnnne Baas, Iism Demua and B. Feltnn. Nona ooNOiBNiNO JonK F. FiiLiie' EHmruais. —Joe Flyno haa written a new afterpiece for John F. FleldV Drawing Cards, entitled "SuUlvaa'aFUrtt- lion." Mr. Flynn will be a fealnre ot the DmwIng Cardo, and be bos composed s new (ora of songs for uae during the ensuing teaoon. Proprietor Flelda la engaged In booking lime tor (he new farce comedy In wnlcb he man Joe Flynn, (he auihor nf (lie piece. Both Ihe vaudeville and farce comedy companies will bo under (he buslneea management ntJamesD. Flyno. Jdsix Hiuos has made many new friends at St lAnIa,Hn. She waa pieaented with an elegant gold brecelet, ot Persian dealgn, recently. MsBii MiTHBR. a einger who made quite a hit last season wlUi Gllmore's Band, hss ntomed from Psrta, when ahe acquired Uie latest song, which haa taken Ihc Frencb capital by aurm. She Is hav- ing It tmnalsied and vrill uae l( next seaaon. FKtNX H. WiLLiua, formerly of Thatcher and Wllllama, haa relumed to hhi home In Chicago, III., stter an absence of six yean through OalTfomla and tho West. FiLix iND Cim, and Hn. Qeo. Felix, have been aojnuming ai Manhattan Beach, Denver, Col. On July g Ftlli and cain open at the New Oiphenm, Denver, for two weeks, and (hen come Rest ROSTSR ( P Tax MsNHiTMN SnOIAUTt^O, tO OPSD In Bonilo. N. r.. In July: Bob Price, Billy Hurphy, Melvlllo SI' icra. I^ora Salton, Itecadem Qnarlet, and Caowcll and Qoove. A nac uccfHRXD at tbe West End Casino, Coney Island, Jnne 3t, caused by the Ore rope irith whicn Kltiy Oleoenm does a dance. At (he cloee of (he dance Hits Clements had always tossed Ihe flaming rope behind tbe ecenes, where a man stood In wall- ing with a wet blanket to smother (he names. On tvednesday nigbt the man iraa not at his post, and In a moment tne scenery waa In dames. The audi- ence mabed to Ibe street, while Hanager Dealy at- tached (be stage boae, and soon had a a(ream ot water pouring on (he bnming Bcenerv. The Ore waa extlngnlshed In a short time. The damage was sllgbl. YuoBi AND Woona havs algned for next season wllh W. 8. Cleveland's HInstrals. 0X0. L HoxLiT, connler tenor solo singer, aud stage manager of W. A. Maham's Minstrels for the past three yeara, It apending the Snmmer with friends In Duluih, Minn., and West Superior, wis. JOBH LstaBTON.ccntnrtlootst and high kicker. Is In Mnrphrsboro, III., Rheanlng a new acL LOUIS Mason, stsge msnsger of Uie Casino Roof Gsrden, thhi city, and Sophie Wilt, a Unngatlan dancer, were married June 27, In (he CKy Hall, this city. Mayor SlrongolTIclallng. SiproN AMD UXAGLX, In their new sketch, ■■The Comic Cisstora ot Fun." are at the Temce Gar- dons. St Innls. Ho. May Deagle.ln heracrobatto <'*IL?.'°?''"'*The ttainlanow appearing at Rlltcn'a Zoological Gardens, Denver. Col. FsiD RtKto, the contortionist has been very III St (he Ssaltarium a( Anamosa, lo., for (he paat eight weeks. He Is now ont ot danger. Uls wife and baby are with him La Smnii and Niha are with Sehnpian's Vaude- ville Co. In South America. TngWAUiRS, Willi iheir Royal Marioneues. havs been fllllogao engagement at Moan Part, Wheel- ing, W. Va., and are engaged tbls week at (he Omnd Open House, making their third weak In lhat dry. Tov DtooiHS. OP IIimiNS AND LigLii, khockabout comedians, haa recovered from his recent Illness, ne leain openattbeCoon Street Theatre, Buffalo, N> i>, JQIJ li n ^l.^il" leader of (he orohestn at the %'^J^,?P*' Williamsburg, N. T., and a brother ot W. G. Slater, the well known muilelan, was mar- ried on June :«to Mario 8. De La Barpe, Uie dangh- tor of the well known scenic painter. I'i"'!''!.'''"?"" began a two weeks'engage- ment atSanll Ste. Marie, Uch., July 1. AucB Oaui taitonua na lhal ibnugb a (au from her wbeelebetuatalned Injuries (hat wUlcaose her to remain Indoore tor aome monibs. llASRTSrxwAin', msnager ot Poole's Kyrtomms. was a OuiTU called June 28. He has hulrecenUy arrived In Uilg counKy from England, where he has been Incaied tor the past seventeen years. Mr. Stewart who la a native o( Uila clly, was at one time well known here In connection wlUi Wood's Huwnm and other hooaee. His vIsK at mis Hme Is for pleanire only, and he will return (o EngUnd Aug. 7. lie Is accompanied by his two sons, WUUe and Alfred. Paul UacDohald has signed for s Snmmer sea- "5 T'"",,,^- B»»*ef"» Now Yorti Vaudeville Co., which will open at Savannah, Oa., July 4, and will remain Ihere (nr aeven weeka. An excellent com- pany haa lieon formed for (hit engagement W ill 0. HAiia Is Summering a( Baker's Vllls Spokane, Wash. TUI rOLLOWIKO HAVI ooxnuoTiD wlUi Gus Bill for next snuon: Mile. Pelrescu. Lew Hawkins. Four Oanlners, Hlles. AnI snd Ino, Fred U. LeaUe wKh hisdogt, UcOile and Danlelt, Mable Hudaoh, Omr and Oonway, Mile. Honzelle, Swan and BambaVK Bonnie I/)(i e, Sparrow, the Juggler: Fields and "Jto, Oharlay (Sue, Uatihem iSd HanSlFleldi •I" S^'I'V'vFred J. Ilober, I. s. Rose. HTh fflll. Geo. suiibrtdge. Joe Meeger, Simon Petrescn. Mr Tirart'c^aS 'W'."* PHOpstrnin Jaib Uumb, of Uie Gem Theatre, Ulssouta, Hon,, Informs us Uiai Augualus 0. T*te. profesakinal y known aa Gus 0. Savllle, and aS Armttxcng, known as Ada Young, wen married In (hst pUce on April 6. >o CvKTis AHD uoiDOH have Juat cloaed a ucoentnl enngemonl at the Park Favllinn, Cleveland 0. AxoKu TnR MAKV FioPLi who tumod out with the Colored TTieamcal Cliibon Jnne 27woreTbm Uclntwh. II. a WlllHma.Tom Brown, Harry .<. Ea- '"".Will II. Young, Dob Cole. Ed. Gogiln, Ohaa. T, One 6llly Famll, Wesley U. Norrta, Uie Siandanl <l"Irte«, (Bd. Do Hon, 'h. 0. Wlllffms, WM^nS andll.l,.8coil),tho Unique, Twilight Callope and Sympboiiy Qusrtew, togather wllff J. J. ObKttan, Wl"». Robert" Biggs, Fred D. fi3ght^ ^ "E£'' "ll *' "><"» "<"• headed ^rtbo gonial Imnltace, Ike nines, (he alewaid of the PnteiBlonal Club Hotel, and Joa. 0. Bodges (ot Ilodgea and Launchmere), Uie only two anrvlvlng merabena ot the original Twilight IJuartet and many others who marched 10 the jublUnt music dUpeneed by Profs. Miles Terry and Boh n^erS Protendona (Jub'e Band. They report having tad an excellrnl Ume and added much tnanclal galnto (heir benovalon( orgsnliallon. • a-m 10 NoiUAii, (be Frog Man, has closed a sncceatnl four weeka' engsoenent In Beaton, Haa. OoujNa ANS Mat are apending iheir vacation at the teoldonM) of Samuel Way, cSnylleldjSe. J:, J!'"'!?* Jahboh, comedian, vrtU repnaeni Fail River, Hate., Lodge, No. Ill, B. P. 0. ETatSa ^ml^ meeting of (he Grand Lodge at iuantto -^Mii2T?'2* '^^'^ and Ohrisde, will cloee ibeir Summer season July ij, at Uie Floal^ B"'A^'V*"»»'"'i»^''- "asCand go to UeOiryrora rM. They will open (heir Fall season St Carncroa'Opera Bouse, Philadelphia, Pa.78eBL le, for an Indednlle period. ' JpiiK A. KlTHN, manager of Ihe London Oalelr girla. on hla way (0 hlTlionie In Ttoledo, O.^fora Summer vacation, alopped over In BulUo N. T to reengage mo celebrated midway dancer. KabeUe Lagne, for I he ooralnr aeaann. ' .<.l!!SfI"Ji~5*"" WnmiAH, (rick viollnlat and J.'yj'u""^ <"2»ceka' engagemeal at (be Haaonic Root Oarden, Chicago, June Us will i«tgm Bast nexl season. M,!?V"""' "J" fwn.tler iwoiean'se^i*. uon, hsve again (onned a pattaenhlp, and wUl S2;i.^iiiiJ?^JP2.»?7'.>«»^ •» ^ oeaoii nvtiko, Nwth BtMh, I. L Wunra OoROBrraor HOmnn will open in Septenber, and II Is promised (hat the maoanDeat win make It one of the lamt and dneVue suimg e W ot sttncdoTU. The company win he headed by "Rkentell," the mafrtdan, and Bnnt and Wlltoay, mnslcsl team. Prot. RbenteU, bealdea hla (anoos oriental sorreiy, will prndaoe two new lllnalona, enUlled "A Trip 10 Van'' and 'The BIrib of Venna." Ilnntand Willacy have a conacUon of Initranents, whicb (hey state coat them over 12,000. These (hree leaden will be aaslsied by twelve ipeclalty performers. New lithograph work la bemg execniM for them and many novel featnies an promised. The staff: P, R. Wlllaey, proprietor and manager; Prof. Rhentsll, stage manager; H. A Bnnt asnstaot manager; W. W, Howe, hnslnw msnagen J. 0. Welch, musical director; Oeorie 8mlUi,mast«rof properties: A. Currier, llUngtopher, and Jaa. AimalroDg, elecdidan. Wh. L. Bain AHD BniTH Raxdall bave been engaged by the 0. and 0. R. R. Oo. as a special a(- dacdon for Uie Foorth of July celebniknatuie Ollgonnnk Oaves, Ky., to Introdnce their character ctange, alnglng and dancing act NOTB niOB BOOniLD'S ALL STAR SFICIAUT OO —We an playing (o good business, and everybody well and happy. We visited Santelle * Ewer's Show at Whits Hslns, 21. ExecnUve stair: Thomu Scoleld, proprietor; Oeorge IngeraoU, bnslneaa manager; John Artlegton, pnn agent HAVAon Uabbt Brncn wrilea as fonows: "Ihe season, Inlempted by Uie sudden lUneas o( Hits Valdei, wiu, now that (hs lady has recovered, be resumed on Aug. 14. We an booked up tar Into the Winter already. I haveengaiied Victoria cas- tellan, Spanish and English comedian and vocalist It I carry on( my present Intenllon ot visiting (he West India lalands, la(e In (he sesson, boUi she and Mba Valdea will preve great aKncUona there, ss bo(h ling Rngllsh, French, Oensan and Spanish with equal facility, reprodncing all the lateat songs In any ot these htngnagea." WiLLAiD AHD BAIL liavs been on a pleonre (rip to Cleveland, 0- They are booked for three nonuis In and anond Chicago, lu^ and tavo Jnit closed a anccestfnl engagenienl at Prank Ball's casino, Cbl- juon H. RmSBiL has been tbe gnest of AUcs Porter dnitngfhs mat week, at her home, Hount Aobuiii, anclonall, O. Hist Porter leaves for Obi. esgo, opening at tbe Root Oarden. Hiss RnsseU goea to her borne In Kansas CKy after OsUilng an engageneot In OlnclnnaU, 0. IDA PiABL lufonu us Uiat ahe waa granted a divorce recenUy from Billy Peari, of Marion and Fearl. Krmi RnLBT, thi daxcib, haa cloaed a two weeks' engagement at Ihe Olympic Theaire, In Chl- oago,IU. CoAS. K. BABBia entertained a number of pro- fessionals at Uie Tombetooe CInb, HUwankee. Wis., Jone 27. Among tbem were Allen and West Bss- Unga and Marion, Lew Palmer, Harry Brown and Mr. Rochester. A pleasant Urns was spent In eat- ing, amoklng. telling noriea and singing wblle seated on tombeloses and conns In a graveyard looking room. Daring Uie evening Hr. Barrtsasng his Islsst compoeiuon, "Cost Aside," which proved a very Inisieaang iloiy, wiUi a catchy melody. Maui Wardi was presented with a gold watch and chain whUe playing Beflln's Root Oarden, Paler- son, N. J. Don Lennon waa also presented wlUi a |0ld biacslet, and Nellie Phelps vriUi a sUk nm- Frid and Nillt Dalt tend newi of Uielr con- Unned success In Bigland. They will flnlsh (heir eniagemontsandaall for home In November, nuk- ing tliolr Ume Uien over (iro years. Tbey began a twelve weeks' engagement In Hanchealer, Eng., onJnne2t Rioi AMD Elmb have Just closed a two weeks' engagement at BxposlUon Husic UaU, Milwaukee, Wu., and an going to Atlanttc Oily to rest (or ths Summer. Maudi Madisom, Ihe dsncer, Is playing a two weeks' date at Mozart Park, Wheeling, W. Vs. LiLui WDmN, InstmmentKllst, hasslgned vrilh Sam Berere for next seaaon, makmg her tnlrd con- secuUve seaaon with ttatshow. BAin AHD BoniiLL dose a socceasful six weeks' tonr of tht principal watering places In Maryland and Virginia, dcalog at Hampton (Va.) Sokflen' Home July 6, and will rest at AUantlc City, N. J., Ull opening of tegular season. Thsy have had a number of oOtn o( engmgemenia, bol aa yet bave not accepted any. PBor. J. W. Grabaiib, principal ot Gntame'a Select School ot Dancing In 8t Louis, Ho., Infonna us ttat a ten line "ad" In Tbb Ouma bnnght hUn over one hundred doUare worth nf boalness. O'SanM AMD RxDDma write from London, Eng., Uiat Uulr opening at the Falaoe Thesm, Hi Uiai clly, waa a most aocceesful one. Ths Palaca, ther state, Is (he finest place In that country, and Uieu efforts met wHh tbe heanleat welcome one conid wish for. Commencing July it, they ptay the M- see Theatre and the London, Shondllch. THI TT-BILI8, en roufe wiui RIngttng Bros.' Ur- cus, send ns a pnolognph of Vlllstta T>-Bell doing a bead balance on a mpue, and olalm she Is Uie first femsle to accomplish Uils feat TBI La Roai Dbos. tave been re-engaged for six weeks at (he Union Trast Root Garden, St Louis, Ho., and wlU go with Tiylor'a High Claaa Vaude- vUles next aeaaon. SoiKLAN AMD EiiROT have dlsaolved partnership. Habi Bait and Bill Williahs, late of Boward snd WllUams, report doing weU wlUi melr new ipedally. ^ ^ Wilis and Bahkox are at (heir home In Bloom- Ington, III. ■ATraxwi and Uabiis bave ilgned wllh 0ns Bin for next season, and are speeding (heir Sonuner al St James, N. T. Nona FBDM Hr. Ouhbis, Hiob.— RIotard Bone, ot the old team of Thatcher and Hnmcantvedhen June 33 (rem (he StVhicent Uoepltal, New York City, when he has been tornlneleen months. After Mr. Hume took hla first baUi he walked two Mocks before he missed bla cane. Hr. Hnme (eels cenfi- den( that he vrill got well and be able to work next season. Johnny Rossell, o( the Rnsiell Bros., has Improved In three weeks, and wlU start (or New York shout July I. Bobbv Oaylor haa Just left after restoring his health, noxom and Bumea say Ihey tave found the elixir of lUe al Ht Clemens. Katie Puoam la hen wIUi ber moUier, who has been snObring (or yean with rheumattim. Otann- oey Olcouand hla moUier are hate. JohnT. Kelly and (amily, Obsi. A. Hason, Joe Kalley, Helen Price, Hr. snd Hn. Oils Bhatiuck, Uis Nelson Fam- ily, Horis Levi. lesder (or Ward t Vokea; Hr. and Hra. Cbos. W. Young, Sadie Hasinn, Fiederick Moa- ley, o( Ward A Janes' Oo.; Phil Sheridan and wHe, De Wilt Oook, Fmak Lee, Hanager Bawes, of Deca- Ur, III., and his family are also neie. Dl UoLLis AMD Valoba, Jugglcn, olossdaBUccess- tul engagement al Proctor's Theatre, this city, and sailed for Savannah, Oa., Jnne », when they com- mence a aeven weeks' engagement at (he lybes Ps- vlUoa. Wilob AMD WBum an at the Hnalo Ball, Nlag* am pails, N. Y. Ehha hibamda lsdangsro^sly■lckstberhom^ 2.Ma Lawrence Street, Denver, Od., wlU perito- nitis. Joi OuiMB hat leK Uie Pawnee BlU WUd West Show, and Is at Oreaconi Beaoh, Reven, Hssa. Barlow Nom-Bariow Bros.' Hagnlficent HUi- Blrels, headed by Uis Bartow Bros., will open Iheir aeaaon me latter part of July. Thhi organlnUon will be larger and on a beuer acale than ever, and as Uils company boa ever been noted for Its pro- grettlvenea, men la no donbi hot Uiat it will aos- uln lis npntaUos ot (he past The stage seUlngs and ccetnming irill all be new. McDohald AND 8TONI, mnalcal comedians, were tendered a recepUon by Uie Paresis CInb, No. t, of Winnipeg, Kan. Harris and Waltirs are enjoying (he breezes from Lake Erie, at (Seveland, O. Haooib Uunb bad (o cancel her engagemeDt at Ihe Broad Street Theaue, Philadelphia, Pa., on June 20. Ihrongb an InlniT caused by atautrom a Uoydca yearagorin Blam(otd, (H., berrtgbt anklels Hi a bad eondldon, and ahe will not be able to walk (or quite a whUe. TBI BHrni SrniAurT OoarAXr, under Ihe masogemost ot Taylor A Odden, expect to open Uielr teaaon at Pteapeot N.Y., About Aug. I. The company wiu carry six people and play one and two nigbi t(andt, la tbe amaUer towns oTNorthem and Central New York. Olui Tomio, Uie Indian dub expert, now wlUi Her, Bnrk A Randall's Hlnattels, has agned wlUi Bartow Bna. (or next Beaaon. A. Paul Karn, of B. F. Blelth'a forces, who U now (oortng Europe bi company vri(h Geneni Man- ager E. F. Albee, baa cableilfrom Parte Uut he had already booked tbree iraporunt attncUons for Mr. KelUi's hooses nexl season. Two of Ihe novdUee an old to be of the highest clam. Yonng Mr. Kelih baa also booked the Nsmedo Brothers, who. Ills aald, do au act aomewtat similar to Uiat ot Bill and Boll, excepUng lhat there are three ot the Namedea. Tbey tave made a marked success In Paris and London, and an algned for the Kellh drcolt for Uuee monUia. Their dehnt wUI occur at KelUi'a Dnkm Square Ttiealn \a about three weeks. IaBotamd Clatidn tave doeed their aeaso■^l engagRDeot wim Burke boa.' "Iriah AsMocmcy" pD„aDdwlUiv«Bdthe Bummer at WaltarURoyI boas, Dennoe Uke, Ooahs, Beb.