New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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July 6. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 277 #Under the Tcnts# Hm noM OoLUiB Bum.' Oncin add Mmo- DIL—Wa an dolm k bIc« bailiMa, ud itnag good MUilMtloa. Wlno we op«ned Id Ui« Bpiliig, IB Bumboo, peopl* wen niiitlicd tt Ui« niKaltode of oar liow, bot U Uwj oouM tee It now tlwy would b« utoiiUhtd. WeteTetddedtnotlitrrtiit •Old h«Ta MilMg«d oar dwdsiuIs. Qollnikr Bnx. h*n now, wliboat» doau, a rttl cltr ibow, Wa taTa two prtoolpal rtdlog tola, two jockei acu, ona hoTdla aaa mauga Mt,»tbrae borua tod aljc bone ■at, "Pete JeaUiu"eiid Indian bunlleicia. Uaone Holland Jr. u outing a hit witb bin Mincnaalt iHlog; be alao does a One ali borne acL E. V, Boanm doaa a good pilsclpal ad, and a Hoe tockaj and Ibiee borae aoL Aoule Dumnd dote a clever {ocker and mtnain act, and E. Bdtedge doea a lanab budle, wlui plenty or linger In It. Fred and Nellie Do Uella are matlni a decided bit In tbeir aaital act. Talbart and Uaaler'e aonbaUo Oblneaa table la lamarkabl; clever, aeorge Baa- ler^ band ba l a n cing alwaja catcbaa tbem, m doea Obaa. Mbert, In bu penendlcuur peicb. Jamea Fltigenld la a Juggler Inm JogglarTUia. Jamea King, Walt Oolloiar, Cbta. 'ntlben, Mom. Fedora and Flank Markbam, our clowoa, are good loUUua, and keep tbe nailTea laughing. Dariella Broo.' aerial rainraa, la a One piece of work. Hona-llagar bandWa heavj welgbis U • giacetui manner. Laofdo Broo, are doing a aplendla three nun acf. Cbu. lit Rale, wllb bb dancing battel, table and croaa, calobea tbem In good nbapa. Our ebow throughout la alilcllj up to date. Our aDoez la doing a land oMca bualneaa. tnt. A. 0. Bauaober and wife are the (eatnmi. B. V. Uoonm baa pur- chaaed a raiT Una large dapper giav honw, and la now breaking It In for hie prlDcipal tel. ned c. (MInur waa with ue f or a Caw daye. but baa relnrued to the adnnoe agala. fnt. 0. r. Bhaw'a Mlllurj Band, and H. R. ■ann'aBand,No.2, bai received addlilona of more men. Pn>(. Ohaa Piokop'a Opaimilo Ottheatm la atilcUv In Una. Chaa. A. OoUmar'aAnblaD honts and Sbetland ponleago tbiougb mllltaiT movements as accuiatetr aa a bodr ot wall diUled aoldleiB. Jams R. Aduis willaa aa rollowa: "Beckr Tavlor and sapbew, Haatar Waller Hoigin, joined me In Balem, Maaa., on Jane H, 'or a wteVt vlalt, and on Vatnidaj evening Uaater Moigan made iila tiu appeaimnca in the gnnd tonnumantaa clown, and later on went In with me and olewned tbe ladles' rMlng act, tbia being bla lint appaannca aa clown. Be la a little over Ave Tean oldi uat winter be Inv- eled with mr *A Onif U>V Co. Ula grendtatber waa an old EngUata down, In UW, at the Tbaam Roval, London, Eng." JOHH Mbbmui, trap dranmer, baa Joined tbe Lamen Broa.' Obona. NonsraOM Bioi's OiicuB Oib-siviu— TbIa new entaiprlae at Manhattan Beach, Ooner laland, la, in gplta ot none loo pleaaant waalher, an aaaund anc- ceea. It opened Jane It, two weska before the naual baaon aaaaon, and aaoold do a One bnalnesa when the regular aeaaon opana^ Joir 4. The ahow la desnlT pat together and compleis la matten of detalL It u a abow that pteaaeatbe maaaea,and IkatmaanamcMaatlafactorTnaulis. NeUla Roae, menage rider, and the Four Scbredaa, acrobats, lolnad Julj 1. Alelde Otpllalie, aerlallat, and Bna Bertoldl, cootorUonUit, an onderllned tor Jnlj 8. Mloolaa Oehalloa, Mile. Zanb and Auguac Slogrlat cloaed Junes. The pceaantimer: Edward E. mca, pnpiielar and manager;George w. Wadlelgb, bual- neaa nanagar and tRasnrer; H. A. Oovell, amass- ment director; M. T. Oodj, equestrian director; Oeorge Burling, chief of adreitlalng iiair; Jamea 8. Robinson, musical dliectoi: Ban 0. Hammond, boaa proper^ man, wllb tbe (oUowlog aaalaunta: Joaaph E. Uarke, Ueiben Leonard, Oeorae Connon, James Toms sod Fnnk Coaisa; Thomaa White, ring ■lock gnom; Qenrr wilUaou, preprielor Hotel da Otinlval. Pettonnen: Abelardo and Joaepblne Lowande, eqneabrlana; Nellie Koae, menaie rider; tbe Blzfords, aocletr marvels; Four Scbronea, acro- bats; Luciano T»tau,aei1alposturist: Abachl.Anb tumbler; Muldoon, wiaatllng pooj; Fred U. LeoUe, trained dogs; the Uannoob, acrobatic mualcal aitlata; idllj Bnrka, Bill/ oinoll.Sam Hindu, Eddie Bnow, John W, Worid, Joe Hania and Little Willie Uunlajr, olowna, tumblere and leapen. A cbange oC pregnnune la made weeklf, ana aome of the liaat American and European performera are under con- tnot to appear during the aeaaon. When eveir- thing la In anape tbe audltorlam will pteaent a rich appearance. Tbe menagerie and muaenm will be In full nnnlag order lirine Fourth ot July, and will be a pleaaing addlUon to Um itog peitonnances. Kara noM rat Bun i EuwainBiaiiBow.— lABt week waa tbe Hist time that we mlaaed our OurpiBS IMa aeaaon, but we received them the fol- lowing Mondav. Manager Bakar'a eon, Cbaa. Jr., waa taken auddenlr III 9 and he oama to the con- olUBloa that home waa the t>eat place for bim: eo, hi compauT with Mn. Abe Eanbart, be left tor Salem, III., Manager Baker'a Bummer nisldance, where be haa alao punhaaed a new lot and Intenda building a place Urge enough to atore his ahow and bare- attar make bla Winter qnaitaia. Arthur Hall waa alao taken enddenlj III at RIdgwar laat week wllb rhaumatlaffl.and thebojs got together and pramptlr aent hUn to his home hi New Albaoj, Ind. Bualueae contlnoaa big, desplls the Ms of complslnls from other shows. This week Is the Int time this aeaaon that we have not laade a week aland. Manager Baker, to break tbe jump and get In on Ume, con- dudedioapllttbe week and make two three night Btanda, but the/ will be tbe only ahoitatandannUl we cloaaouraeaaononOct.Onr new aong books go off Ukabotcakea. JameeJaj Sweeney la aUU with the ahow and la llkelv to slay all aeaaon, contraiy to other mmora. Ohaa. Uaaty Introduced two new ohancter tanu laat week and they both went big. Nona PBOK HuKTiMa's Ciscua—Bushiaas sUII keepe up to high wstar mark irilb us. Bsoent vlalt- ora vrere: RoM. Whitlaker, who shook bands wUb bla tonnar aaaoclataa on June ta, at Uackenaack. b. B. Baiye waa also a vlsllsr at the aane place. Prince Mongo.Znln, Joined at Uavenilraw 2a. Hn. Ohaa. R. Oifilln has been tsking a vacation for the past week at her home In SuOSm, N. Y. Rajan In- troduced hlanawactlaatweek and la making a big hit Uave OuteUo Is riding In his Inimitable atyle. The Bnndng Brothen' flying tttum act Improvea every day and la a ainns reainn of tbe sbow. The Albta Bntben are now doing a tva high aoL MuoB Hmsir, the venmiooulst and lecturer, joined WeUili Bns.'Bhowa, Jnne 24. RoeiBB or BivNOLne' Advahci Cib, No, I.—John Irwin, msnager: Kit Long, aaalalant manager; H. a Dumpher, Uibognpber; Dan Harks and Will Batea, progiwnmera; Oeo. B. Baokley, boaa bill- poater, with W. E. Jobnaoo, Faddy Shine, Oeo. Hon- n>e, P. B. Shea. W. P. Smith, Fred IMan, B. L. Moore, Bam HcClutky, Uave Uolbraok, Fred Bio- come and UIck OoMnan, blllpoalen. Nona rsaii tbb Quit AuBwcaM Snows.—We are hi our ninth week and bnalnesa la fair. J. M. Bany la manager and Fnnkle Banrlatieaanrar. Roaler of the big ahow: Jodr Amondo, eqneabrtan director; Nellaua Bros., triple ban and bntber act; Jos. Buaalay, edits and Bpanlab rings; KItUa Baiy, tlonlat; Paol Oaicla, ulkhig and alnglng clown; Ah Wee, Jap ribbon act and lop aplnnlng; Chaa. Klunbrew, high wh« and knockaooui clown; Judy Amondo, luigling act and hU tmlned ginffe; Andrew wiUlama, alugle uaps and aallor pereb; Amondo and Wlillanie, nvdvlng Mexican lad- der. The band la made up aa followa: Prof. Ed Kloepter, leader; Frank Miner, O. a Bliht, WoL Bamu, Ed. U>gsn, Oeo. Palner. L. M. br- reUsndCUnuc«Ollge& Prof.T. E. KInkade,aero- naut. Is with tbe abow, and la niaklnB his trtpa to the olonda dsUy. lie haa only mlaaed four aacen- alona this aeaaon,and has dropped IntbaHlaalaalppI HIvertwIce and the Hlnouri Hlver once. BUnkey Moon Is In charge of canvas, with eight aaslattnu; Dick Allen, boaa hoailer; John Werner, cbandellen; Wm. deDcnta, hoaa properiles, with two aaalaunu; Jim MoUanlel, head cook, thrcs aviatanta. Blde- akow: Lew Oole, maiuger; Fnf. De (Sanieo, magic and Punch and Jody; W. O. Nelson, ventriloquut; Maud Za More, den of anakea, alao blnla and email Wh. u. BaraoK, Utbognph dcket agent ot the Bannm A Bailey Bnow. woo tmcuired hu am and abonlder by a fall In PItttbsrg. Pa., Hay U, oloaad with the ahow In Wanen, O., and returned to bla borne for UeatmenL Nona rsoH ras Hinooci Bbow.— For all we are anew ebow we are holdlni our own. Our new can- vas was put up June It. We all vljlted Fted Locke's CUcns and were royally entenalned. Tbe boys aay that Locke haa got a good circus band, aodrioce their visit they have been trying u> do the name drill, which luakea quite a blL and enjoying ttiree Bqnare nuata com every Wedneaday. Ben Flai and keeps the boys aopplled wllb CurrSBS. which be gets from Obtcago. Boya have paid aa hisb aa tweaty-Ove cents to be ibe flnt one to leadTai OUITBB. BiaBBB mo WiuB have written to Tbb Our- maatoUoas: •Hmr'ad.'laTBBUiurabnagfet ■aBotlsaatbanthbiygaodoafeiB. WahavealtMd with SsallB Bna.'B.£oir— Nona nn r % SiuaSaows.—Eight iboassnd people an tlo n'l. loaving the canvas. The time la jnstafuribuuutiucepeifOfiuBnce,and tbe crowd was MM ot Ibe largest of the aci on. Maayarere- malnlng behhid, loth to leave the menagerie wlih Its many aOTaciliefeatuea. me abow baa caught on hen, Btnghamloa, N. Y., hi great abape, and aa one mmgles la the crowd he can bear nothing but words or pimlse tor the perf onnance. There wen a- nnmber ot pntesalonal people oot thia afternoon, among them being Oeotge wUaon, the wtll known mlnstnl nan. Mr. wiimo went su the way through, from aldeebow to concen, and aa he halted wllb trienda later he did not healtate to aay that It waa tbe heat olrooa pertormance he bad ever eeen. TbIa morelog Romuloa, the modem Sampaoa, gave a private exhibition for the benedt ot newspaper nn- neentsUves and pbyalcbuis. The phytlcal develop- ment of tbe man iraa regarded ai moat miarkaiile by the men of medicine, and bla leali ot lltt- Ing were aalonlahbig to thoa who witneavxl them. A "condnued In our neit" tiaaaball game Is now In pngiess between the muiUclasa and perfoimeia. Bla Innlnga bare lieen played, and the acore elands 19 lo U In favor ot the pettonnen. The gaine waa aiarted at Wii- mhigtnn, Del. Two innings were played ihere, two at Hew Bninswick, N. J., and two at Newburg, N. Y. Tbe gams wUI be vontluded at iha »rlieai opportunity. Thereaultlsanlnnalyawalitd. Some people will be either broke or badly bent when tbe agony la over, for aome gwd alzed wagi^re have been made on tbe game. A llieniy aoclely baa been ontaolzed lu tbe band, and the meoiiienaru expanding tbeIr bialnaperuungoumnt weekly and monthly magailoea. Btcb uiember ot tbe aocleiy conlribuua twentv-nve ceoia weekly, and ibe money to expended la tbe purchaae of llierature. The band, under tbe able leadenblp of Profeawr Theodore Long, la one of ibe hig iVaturea of tiie ahow. Notes pboh w. f. KiaiiuAin's HiiLtoao Uir- CVS.—BuBlness to fair. The abow to ntoylug over conaldarable of Uat year'a lerrilary. We have had aevenb aevare atonna In Iowa ibia aeaaon, but ttie moat damaging one ot aU was encouulared nl Waisrioo, la,, June a. Everyiblug waa ap In good abape for Ibe afternoon abow wbeu, joat before noon, without any warning, one of Uese Iowa alovms atrnok our up. it vraa lopoaalble to drop li luatanlly, or enu pull tbe peaka, ou account ot aerial rigglDg, and belon that could be Uiuppcd tbe atorm bad struck na and gone, leaving ibe canvas an apparent wreck on tbe groind, toe centre pole broken and the canvaa torn In a hundred placcii. Beaia, ropea and properties wen scauered lu uucr conroaloo, and, to add to the diaagrecable dlua- Uon, a heavy downtaU ot nin eat In. Uowevcr, everybody lent a hand, perfonnen, niualcUna, can- vismeo and all working Ui tbe rain and gelling tbotooghly drenched, Tbe result was that at 3 30 the dreaaing room and big top were up, minus unu middle piece, the band panded, and at 3 o'clock the ahow aiarted In the ring. A great many of lUe ddnns were wlmeasee to our eirorts to get ihlngA up, Uklng great Inlsreet In the natter, and the re- sult waa a packed bouae aflsmoon and Blghu Tbe next day wo apUced onr centra pole aad repaired the canvas, and everythInK to rigbied up now. Jack Beck haa taken charge ot tbe aldeebow band and quits an Improvement to noUcesble there. RmoUKO BBorsiBS' Inllbil engagement In New EagUnd bss been exceedingly nuataclory to ibe managemenu Theahow baapraTedareveladun u> the people, and the press bss decUred It to be the beat dnua ever aeen la thIa part of Ibe counlry. Boaton anmndeisd after the pamde and flratpcr- toimance. Tbe preas ot tbe city unanluioualy con- cede the aoperutlve oualldca ot tbe big abow, un June 28 Thp Boaton Htrald^ depanlog from lis rule, puhltohed sn editorial endorsement of tbe circua. In which It was abited, among otiier pleating conolu- alone of the editor, that "The preneni Hlngllng Bros.' Urcus In Doalon haa captured the city, and all Its auRoundlng regions, it baa won Its way lulo favor on Ito merits. Nothing apprnacblng It In excelleuce has before been aeen under tbe caniaii of lUeiie Summer entertalnmenta. The wbole eililbltlon la admirably organized from tbe pobitof Ibe entrance ot the gnnd procettHoa lo that In which Ibe per- formances end amid the whirl of excitement that attenda the racing of tbe bomea and the cbartoia aiDond the area encloeed by tbe apedalon. The spectacle during thto period to alike magnlllcent and Inspiring. The droaa to alwaya a delight In lu aea- aon, and It baa never been aeen under better au- splcea than It to now appearing." TbIa exceeding- ly Oattarlng editorial attennce has been anpple- mented dally by almoet extravagant commendation In tbe local columns or tbe Boitou papera, and It to safe to say lUngllng Brothen have made the hit ot their Uvea Ihua far. The busloesa waa euuimoua for Ibe week In Boston, and that It vrtll conilnue dur- ing the continuance of tbe New England eugage- ment seems a forgone concloalon. W. U. Ho.iTOoaBBT, epocUl agent of \V. F, Kirk- bart'aQreat American Bhowa, writes ioTub CLir- rtB thua: '-While at Jeffenun, la., June 2i, I paid a visit to the grave of Fayette L. Roblnaon, uetter known as 'Yankee' Roblnaon, whose remains are In- terred In Ibe cemeteiy of that place. It waa while acting as coireapondent for Tub Cuvria, at Uoone, la., a few yeara ago, that I made a abiteuieiit ot the uniept coodldon ot hto grave, which at that lime wae nnmarked by any monument. A lund wa> lui- medUlcly alurward aurted by Uie Sella llroa.' and RlngUng Bros.' abowa, which grew to a aulUclont amount for tbe purchase of a oandaomo red atone monument, which now marka Ue laat reailug place ot the once 'king ot showmen.' The graaa u kept cloaely and neatJr trimmed, wtuie eveiytblngabout tbe gnvebeapeaka care and atteuUon. He has ln< deed found auappy tond whioh once knew bto every Dlumph." rresdng place in the blowomlug TBI Niw BUTINI Show craaedtba river Jnne 3S, making our flrataund In Kentucky after pUy- Ingall through Bouthen Ohio to good bualnew. WDl now tour Keninoky and VIrginb. The com- pany to aa followa; Cbaa. Bartlne, pioprietor and manager; Ohaa. Bartlne Jr., aaalatiuit manager; Chas.O.MotTlson, equeatrisn director: Wm. Irwln, UllUe Irwln, the Uarmsns, Cbaa. 0. Homaon, the Love Bntheia. the Crocker Krothen, Cbaa. and Willie Qay, Johnny Ocano, Jamoa BurUud. troupe ponlea. goau aud piga; Master Cbaa. Bardue, trained bonea and poiilea, antl educabsd moukeya and dogs, and Oeo. Bblelda' Conet Band of nine pieces, we cany sttL round top, eitL middle piece, 90 by Mfl. dressing lent, two bone lento, nine baggage wagons, one band wagon, oua carry all, twouugglea, one carriage, tmriy-four head boraes, eight ponies, All an well and happy. Flobbmos Oubic to with tbe Kew Ureal Bynill- cale Hhow. Tbb HiBTBU. FiKiLV IMP U. PsiiCT Hill, Mcycle riden, are now traveling artlh Uia New Ureat Byndl- oale Shswa ihruogh tbe West. Mr. mil Icuves t le ahow In PocaielU, Ida., lo attend to ibe newapapro work tor the Toronto ExblblUon. Naws KBiiB TBE UsiN BBOW.—UualBeua conunuea excellent, in fact, the torgeac ibe Main Sbow ever had. Tbe weather all Bummer haa been aplendid, not too hot, and not too cold, and everything haa nmamoothly, Uajuoelt, Mr.Halnpurebaaedallot Mr. Franklbi'alnureatln theahow, nuking bimonce more aole proprtauir and manager of ona of tbe moat valuable pieces of abuw pnpenr In America. The following addlUons have recenlly been made: A new MfL middle piece, for hippodrome bip, new 30tL middle piece fur mcuagerie, ow new oat car built at Yonngriowo, O., two new baigage wagona, twelve head of draft horara, and the following peo- ple have Joat joined: Albert Crandall, tbe original mule hurdle rider; Cal Ttoweia, side abow orator; alao W.C. Boyd, agent, and aereral olbeni, fonncrly with Beveredge'a Wild Weat. Mr. Boyd will have charge of oppoalllon only, for nmalnder of Uo aea- aon, Mr. FrankUu will act oa goneial agent, I'at FagIn, railroad and excujalon aEant, and M. U. Hay. mond, advance uiesa sgenL We have had much nppoaltlon from Ibe atsit, but have bad only aeveii kSlng daya In tbto aeaaon. What Ibe Mala Bhow will accompllab renalna to lie aeen. Over two htiii- di«d ahow people were rccsot vtollon, and were witneaaea that we turned away more pieople than we had Inside of the bla tent, ine aame as we hsve dome In nearif every »eaten dty. Tne big abow to aarely winning a repuiallon In Ilia Weat that will be beneOctol to It la yean Is coue. INDIANA ■TSBaTlUe.—Tbe proaecnllon of the alleged vtoUtore of the Sunday tows, refemd to last week, has flslcd out, and the whole matter haa been set- tled amicably. Sonday amnaemento wlU go on as heretofore. TuBiTBB OoBiqDS, with a good amy otvande- vUle people, to doing very well. KoBSSSBOBB'a OiBOBK bi bsving a fair ran of buidneas, with variety perfrwmancei nlgbtly. Tbb NiTinsirii la drawing good crowds wllb Ibe Hawaiian female awlmmera and high divera, Anc, Jennie and Pausbl. iJIUelt'a Innpe ot acin- bato and junilera cloaed their eoiagemebt at thto resort Jnne 27. ^ . Ooos's PiBX.—Tbe Prea Olob benem minstrel p sifom a nce, U, drew an Immenas crowd. Palo'a nnwDikaJnlyi Hair Uock, pelaa doana of the Osri Rnaa Open Co., to natinc at bir koos ken tor PENNSYLVANIA. PhlUdelphla^At the Orand 0|ien Uonae the Ulnrtch.'Orand Opera Oimpany toueetlug with a more than uaual meaaan of suctaas, to which the remarkable coolness of tbe evenings has, no doubt, contriiiuied. The aucctsa to fully deaetved, tor when ibc lovrn of mualo may occupy good aeala In one ol the moht luxurious aud conforuble tbeatna Inlhe couuiiy aud btar grand open adequately, and aomeUniea brillUntly, presented far tweuty-Hve rents, they are aurely gciung Ibe worth at their moucy. For the cuinnt week tbe urugrauinie to: •Tbe Baiber of Uevlllo" July 1, "Kruani" 3, "Mauon Leacaul" 3, "Tbe Boheinton Ciil" 4, "Don Qlo- vannl" t, "Lucto dl l.4muitniioor'' 0 (matinee), and "11 Trovaiore'' e (nlahi). IdXM week waa marked by tbe Utat pniduciluu by ihlacoiniHUiyor "TUe Ibuber of Betllle" June ai. Il wa:i lu all rnpccU a bril- lUntpertormance. l)ell>uenteari Fljaro, \U) I'apa aa Cuunl Aloavlva, VIvtoul a« linilllu, CiniiiiCK aa Dr. Uanolo and Uuie. Van CanUren aa Hoitnu. each achieved a dlitlnct auccea!*. auil the triumph of Mr. Ulurtcha was complete. The Immense audl- loriiim waa packed loiutulloatcapaclly. BiiOADSniSKrTuuTMt.—Tbto aeek Uannonnccd as the Uat ot NIxou i /Jmuieruab'a "IJlUe Ty- coon." Alter lu cloie the IhcatN will be turned over to the dccomlora and uphotolcrars, lo preparv for the coiiilug Winter leaaou. Last week^a uunl- utaa waa fair. Saturday night Magtle CIlue waa t<io III to aninar.auil t^inertne Unyard waa able lo alsg only toe drat act owlug lu hidlaixHllloii. THK Buov.—Kiir ihe Kounh or July week au at- tractive bill to provided, beadetl liy laiw IKickiOador. Koa Berioldl nrmalua, aa du alau Cbarica K. Mc- Carihoy with IMinuioua and <lon, wbu preacui amilber farce. Olber aur teaturea ot the pro- gniiiuie are Ward anil (.'iirraa, ihe faur Himlrta, Oeorge U'lloiiuell, Ibe llealeya, Drawee, lllnca niiil llemlngion, Kllloii llrolhrre, Win. J. Ullla, Ulltua and Wado, Reed Kauilly, llcsloy ami Haiiudem, hihI Ibe Uurkea. ijM week was a Ironiuiidoua aucceaa. TUB Lvriuu.-Tbe While Crook Uurieaqun Com- pany reiLiahia for the current week wllh an eiitiro change In olio, new aiiiijecis In Ihe living lironie auiiiary, and new Imrleaqnea. Kmiiia I,oe ami Ull- ilred Howard are retolneu. Biialneas conUuiira very good. Nuns.—Manager Henry l>. Tlsaot, ol Iho (Irend Opera lloiue and proprietor of TUwI'a FalLi I'ark Hotel, luade an aiulgninenl last weak tor the liene- Ot ot credltora. Tbe Immediatecauae of Iho asilgii- wcnt to Mid to have been tbo letueal ot the Court of (JiuulcrUmdona lo renew bla bold llcenae, and Ibe ImpoullilUiy of iiMtlug the ptoco pay wIthouL Tliu reaaon for the i;oun'a Rfuaal to graut a llcenae waa ■be pertormance, alnglng and dauctog, which Mr. TIaMt bad given at Lb place laat Buuiraor, aud wblch the ooo judge who beard the case conceived lu have Iweu contrary lo tow. Mr. Tiaaut'a leaae of tliu (IrauiJ Ojiera lloiiae has been aumnderrd lo Ibe owiur, Jubti F. Ilctz, who liaa, as yet, made 00 cuiiiract lu relation to It for next aeaaon. l>ruprioior T. F. Kelly, of ibe National, to nporica lo Lave purcbaaed Ibe llolal Uambriilge, atCluakr. Tue price laslalcdio Have been I uuru la a cnsuge thto week In tbo Ibeairtcal prograiiiiiiu on Itio ateamer lleuubllc. Higuor l.o- graula nipUcea All Zuda, and KellfBrolliera, lua boxing act, iiro inadeu roature The prognuinie atQerinauto I'ark liicliiUea KmnkioTluney.Leunanl and Leaier, Al. Wayuc, Kniippn, Tuny Hakur, Zwicker Stoten and Eiineue Neldort At Itlvur- aldo SIg. Qcanluni, tbu faiiiuua lonur, aluga Ibto week, and the Empire City Quartet ami Psrry'a Or- cliedra continue aa fualiirca ut ibto maun It la aald that Manila OUroy, forraeily ut lliiyi A TIiiiuuw' furcea, haa becu ouuaged liy Oeuritu llollaud fur uexl aeaaon I'erTT Avcrlil, the lairiuinu alngor, baa Joined Mr. Ulnrlclu' couinuny uitd will ap- pear at Ibe Oreiid Upera lluuno llila week. W. J. OUnioro, cnarlea Yale aud Uuoma Hurray were three ot *Tliu Twelve Teiup- latloua" New Yurk had from I'lillailolplila laat week Manager C. A. Hredeiilmrgb cluaed un Weeks of guod time at ibu I'vojilu'a, and baa uuleily corralled a teWBUrprlaoa for bla iiairuna In Kenalugtun. Ue bad a box parly ulHulllvau'a bon- eUt Tbjraday nlgbi In New Vurk, winch lucliidud YankNeweU, WlllbunJ. Fielding, William Edwarde and E. P. BImpaon William J. Holding goes aa buabiess nuinuger tor Chariea Yalo'a "liovil'a Auc- Uun," and has a forty weeks' lour lawki-d from coaal lo coast aud froni Winnipeg lo Now Orleans. "Utile" Horrto, Ireaaurer ur t'oniiaunli'a i;ir- cua toat aeaaon, has an oifcr from II. E. DIxey aa ireaaurer next aeasou. He la now caalilcr for Chariea Mayers, al Atlantic Lily Uualnoaa Man- ager E P. dlmpaon paaaed through bere Sunday on Ilia way in AlUiiuc Vlly, where he will apond ibo bummer at "Tbe Kiidolph,"unill the opening ot the Pcoptu'a Theatre, lo Augiiat. Plttabarg.MPnnk Uaiilelw baa licun iMiokcd In prcaeni "Tiie IVIurd (if Ihe Nile" hi IIiu AIvIii 'fliea- iru, Sept. 30, fur ilie Unit tlnio nu any alugu Ilairla' Nickel llaie Sbowi will uxhiiilt at Carungle, a nuburUau town, ou July 4 Uaiiager Harry W. Wliiluma, ot the Academy, Is In New York Pawnee Blll'a Wild Weat will exhiiilt at surround- ing tnwiia tbIa luonih, and will abuw hero at tbe Eaat End, July 10 lieu Culleii, ruriiwriy ail- vorilalng agent of tbo Uuqueauu Tbeairo. to now acUog lu llie aanie capacity fur Hie Allegheny Val- luy llallruMd The Kaat End Tlioalre to Ui lie Bold, July 0, lo aailafy cbtlma agalnai II. - MASSACHUSETTS. Boatoa.—ne Summer season la full upon ua. and,aa uaual at Ibla time ut die year, there la a dearth ot atrong atlncllona for ainnHeuHint aeekon. Two only of our regutor thealrea are now open, and four ot the vaudeville and variety abow abopa. THtuoKr TUEiTHB.—"Ttie Sphinx" haa licen tun- ning to very good bualneiM Indeed, but Manager Harry Aakln announces week ofjulylasihe laat of lisprcaeuuilona, ItwHI be follnwed week of 8 by Richard F. Camill and (liiaiav Kerker'a "Klamet, or tbe Two Tttuxlcil Turka," wblch will be aiageu tor a run ot Hvveral wocka. Caxtlb ttquiHB THkarsB.—At tbto buiiaa Uanager lloae haa fuiniled tbe |>rouilae be uiudoat the Ih:- flunlngotUieSuirioier acaann, and haa preaonlcd reah open each week, and that bla eifuria to caler lo the pleaaore of hia tbouaanito uf imtrona haa l>eeii fullyapprecUled toevlnced byauonnuntaucce«luii 01 good sized audlenccri. For week of July 1 he anuouucoa Oifculwch'a comic opera, lu Ihreu acto, "The llrtgunda." "the Bohemian Olrt," It bi aald, waa Uaicned to by i>en|ilo toal week, which speaks forliaelf. Next week's atmcllon to uut yet announced. LissBV'a FidATIiia TUBiTmi.—Tbe venture of John U. I^ey lu bullUlug a "Floaiing Theatre" at Marine Park, South Boatoii, la panning out very well. The novelty <jl Ilia pUu and coualrucllou ut the building havo drawn a very guud attendance there, aud, as I aalil III a previous letter, the cbuu uf patrooa has lieen excellent and tbe order preaerved nioal admirable. For work of July 1 hoaunoiincea the American HJdgeu, ihe Fergutriu Uroa., Snyiler and Buckley, llanley and Jarvla, IK-Uyruye and Fiiz, John Hartr, Eoiuu Cana, Ibiacb aud CaaUe- too. Dupoole, Mama and Jones, Luring aud I.ealle, ana VIolells Camaroo. Knru'B Nbw TuuTMi.-Weekot July 1 Maiuger Kellh'a rnnier coiiialna the nauita uf the lUauuw broa., Ullpullan atbleiea; lleorge Tlialcber, Maliel Fenlon and Cbaa J. Itoas,GuyeraudOoudwIo, iho Inez Mecuakcr Truupe, riilgure, pictorial Iniper bonalor: Dan CoHlna and Ulaa Mack, llanilllon aud Olynn, Kluy Ctoylon, Ueo. l.eBlls, Tbonuion and Uunell, Syiuunila, Hughes and Raalus, Harry Kuy, Thompeon and Colllna. Roser and Belle Duton, Samuel Uuri and John Ull'a Uarioiieiiea. PiLACB TUBATBi:—Un Uunday, July 1, will lie given at Manager Wm. Auailn'a Tliealni tlieilrat preienutlonln ibUdiyuf a newHawallan uiairallc IraTeaiy, eiiilUed "guecn UI." It to In twoacu, from Ihe pen of Frank W. Meade. It will be aUged wllb a guod caat, new aceceiy aud will lie well oua- tumed. In Ibe vaudeville enlsrulnnent are Jug- gler Mardu.Jule and Ella (Jarriaon, Cora Wllltoma, the Hamsey Btoten, W. II. Burke, Phil W. PeUn, OuaHlllaand a ijuarietof borlaaiiuen, couautlng ot NetUe Pelsn, IMIy Unxiks, EtUe Albion and Com Williams. Avsrm 1NI> StUHB's MCMiia For the current week Maiugera Stone and Shaw will give ibelr patrooa the uoliiue apectacle of a troupe of Turktoh dancen, led by Im Ikilc Failiua. The troupe U ac- companied by a relluue uf ruUve warriors, liuwllng dervtohea, etc., and, token In all, tbe abow prmiibwa bj be a novelty. On the auge are the uaual doable cumnanlea. In hourly coiaedy ah'iwa, cnnalailng uf Ids Mddona, Wllto and lialpia, Johnson and Mack, Eogeoto UarelU. Cbaries wiwles, llaleaiid Magrew, Carroll Blaiera, Tniee Broa. Warren, Uuah and HUtor, Frit* and Eddie. l.outo Lralle, Loalie and Tenley, KlUy Sharp, oiueaia andOordun. Jackaoo and Han- son, Uumond and Thompeon. Adah Oraalley and Mona. Satonella. NvrsB.—The "Wild Weat"aad Hlogllng'a Big Clr cos Show have had eveiylhing Ibdr own way here doing Ihe laat Ibresweeka and moat have carried amy a "bar'l of coin." Tbe BlogUnga have cer- tainly organlied one ot the voij hast eircaa Bhowa ever aeen lo Uito pan of tho oonniiy, eveiylhing hn- tng of the neatestcleaneai and moatarUsllo lulure, and Uionaauda who vtolled Uielr Dwnsler oanvas hoiiaca during laat week wen loud In pratoeof the ahow Manager Wm. Uarito, now at lake Mar- anacook. Me., will nturn lo IMIon July tt and aupvrinicud Uie rabearaato of Hay Irwin's Oinunany In John J. HcNally-a new farce comedy, "The widow Jnnea," which will be produced at tho Bnelon Mnaeuni early In Seplerabar Annie M. Clarke to at htr cotton In North Hgecombo. Me,, on Folly ■aland Hsrie lliimuglia, tomHtlyottlielloslon Muaeuni Co., nlled for fMrope 2>, and will join bar coiiHliia, Ihe tlhaea Atrington, lu Nils Joseph 8parka,tnranunlierntyean In Kdmnl llarvlgan'a Liimpaiiy, haa Imu engaged liy Rich A lUrrto for the aupiairt uf May Irwiu, In John J. McNaliyn new cutticily, "Tho Widow Jiinea." fjowsll.-Ukevlew Tbeaue—Tbe Inclement weather of ilio uaat week haa ailMled die alleiHl- auce at "Tbe Maacol," aud It will Iw kept on anuihcr week. "Tbe Sorcerer" tu tiillaw, liLBN FuUEfr.-Pnt. Walcolt inakea balknu as- ccnaloiia July 4-a. Ui-frxLu lliLL'M Wiub Wbt coniea July 1,2. Kail HIvar.—Kvoiylhing quiet In Ihealreiloni Iluimio lUII'a Wild Wtat, un June 2T, caplumi two of the Urgtai crowda that ever attended any kind of pertormance hare. In tbe afternoon, de- aiilte Ihe rain, over 12,000 people wlliieased the ex- muliluu, Ibo rait tbmng In the evening awclling Ihe lolal iiilendance to 90,000 people, neariy one- iblnl the puiiul.iilon bere Ilsynolds' CIrciia Car No. 1 arrived 2U, and by night had the town covered with paper. Tho ahow cnnins hen July t Tho Wllllama I'anilly (Swiaa Ikliringerainnuhed a very aallafaclury weefc'a engagcnient al Lincoln I'ark A). Ueaara Aiiily HcUml (lloito. Wall and Hc- iMd), uf I'rioin'tn A Wrai'a MInalreto, (leo. Han- cheaior. of Ihe "IHivU'a Auclloii"Oii., and Oeo. Hyl. vealor (Uclnlyre), of Kannjr liavenporl'a "Ilia. nionila" Co., are d^iinmertiig hen Frank llnia- aii, laie nf Jacniic.-i' 0|wra lluuao, Waiorltury, 01., la Ihe lalrat adilliinn lot lie aiaiTof hlllpoaiera em- ploynl by II. K. Maiiclicaler fl. 11. Foley, of ihia city, left D to acrepl a pnalllnn aa viollntot wllh lAveniierg'a OrcbeHiiu, of mvldonco, II. I. Taantoa.—Ilsyoolda' Circua canin Juuo 2D, aftcrooon and evening, lo Urge nlunis. OHIO. CIneluwad,—In all the eldoa nf Iho llnliin, Ihe Southern sertea alone excuptcil, ihoro la none more bamu uf Ibeairtcal novolllea during tbo Huinnier aeaaon limn Ohio's meunpdia. Itommeil In by tlie bllto, city tdkH reftiio lo lie wooed Inlii the Theaplsn teuiples until tbe Ilrat cool lirealb of Fall prefacca Auliiuin'a relum. Thoro are no Inland dlles, how- over, wllh more raaorta batUIng for popular favor and palmiiage. Juat nowall ellbria aroilireoled lo tile Fuiirih of July barveal, and. In adilllinn lo Ihe regular Droworka bunilnga at Wiiodaitolo, (joney laland, Luilltiw Lagoon ami Iho /uo, a lialf duivii uudnga are proinUied where the variety performer can pick iipaatmy dollar. Ileuck'a U\v.r% llouao la the Unit of the tlieaires lo beiiie a prointoaory note fur Ibe coming aeaaon. Manager (Jeorge E. Itoker nya that buuaa will open Aug. 2i. Although no of- flclal imiclaiiullou luia Iweii iMued, tho atury to lie- Ing clrculaleil thai Itotilnaon's Opera lluiiae will Increase Iho UrilT on paatoltoarda. Tbo Unl card tlie new adinlntoindon will play will be "Slienaii- doali." Kiini. A Hiiini.rTON'H MrasKTUBXTHk.—Ilalteliee, Iho Oreek awurd dancer; llllly Woud, Pat Kane, Hie Janaeii HIalore. Walker'a niariunullea, ami Klynn and Walker, pruvliied Uieiillulu theauillliiriiiiu July I. YellowiUiiie VIc'a onrtoa and Uamtl'a pickaninny liand wore lu Uie muaeum. Ilualncaa rulea fair. CvHKV lai.aau,—Aaerteaof vauilevllle euteruln- menu waa InauguraUil Juiiew with Ibe lie Foiroat SlHieni, Ulle. Aliiui anil MllllaO'Uell ua die aura. LiiiiLow LauooM —'The Blue aud tliu dray," a mualcal fantaay, la featured for ilio nadunal boll- day. Tbo Ituyal Jape and tho Morilloa upeiiod June 1. Tub /.lie.—Tlie Creo Indians an allll giving Uielr llvlDii pictiirea of life In Ibo wooda, and llliutrallog tlie Culler iiiaaaacre, althoiiBh tbe obauuea are Uila Cauadtoii Iriiie never liearil uf lhat martyreil auldlor. uuair.—W, T. Sbeebaii la hen tor tbo Summer. Eddy Krans, ulub awloger, has returned truni IIOMton, Uai«., and haa Juat luado a ooiilract for a tour uoiiUia' engagement In Parto. He opena at Trouvllle.ainl expecto to apeud a year In Europe. Uaiuger John II. Ilavlln la laick from Now Yurk, and bo aud Harry llalnfurlli have lieuii alitily- Ing Uio utocklioarda at Uakloy Ilelone Hura la iKKiked at Ileuck'a Trixer Friganzs, a Cliicln- nail Hongaireas, liaa guiie to Europe bi Qnlab lier mualcal educathin Will Naiikavllle la bi lie the Milutai at Iho coming aeriea of Lauuun coiicerla TU whlaiiered tliat Al. Tliayer Is lu writs a Isiuk wliloh wlllbo Ibealricallyramlulacf 111 Haiugor Frcemsn haa not yet aiiiiuunced bla plana fur llav- llii'a Theaire next aeaaon. There la unuillclal cliat- ler lhat It to tu be a conilnuuua lairfurmauco liuuac. Clevelanil.*^e coullnuoua aliowa have lieea tried aud found warning. The ex|Hiriiiieut by llBldwIa A Ynung, at the Lyceum, liaa proved a lallun. Tlili i-lly haa nut wuat uilglit Iw leruicd the Ilnating tanninage to keep alive auoh an Inall- lulloii, tuatoad Ihe company to now giving two perturmancea dally of popular draniaa, Hlinungti there la aim an attempt at uontlnuoua perturmancea by giving apectolllea lietwcen Ihe scto. "The Itueen'a Kvldonco" waa produced duringpaal week, lint bualueaa lua nut lieen ruablng. "Tlin Nights In a Itor llooin" will be given during week uf July I. Kui'Liu AVBHVS (iraxa lloi'ss.—Dii Mnucbel'a nugolflcent maaurplsce, "Sapho,"a leo.ouo paint- ing, to un exhibllkin at dito hoiiae, under tho man- ngemnntuf W. H. Usmllinn, aatoled by II. llanill- lon. Thli Is the Drat exhiblllun of die paluling In Ibla counlry, and It la cerialnly a gloriuiia crcslTon. Iliialneaa to susdily Increasing. The picture will lis aeen fur aeveral weeks. llai.TNunTH'a (laHuxa.—Tlie Mumy-l.ano Opera Co, are allll holding their own. Hiiring Ilio paal week lUchard Stold'a miieful "Said I'salia" waa given with Uartnn Maiiuto aa Hereiw and J. K, Hur- ray aa Said Kjaha, Tlie mertuirtoua work of Oacar flirard, couwdlan, to receiving general aupruval. During paat week hIa auod work waa capeclally iiu- dceable, "lluccacclu''will lie given week ut July I, wllh Harlon Manilla In Uie tide rolu. Tlito will wind up her engagement here. Clara lanoauu- cceilfl her aa prima donna. I'aiN'a ABPiimiBarar,-The gorgeous apectocii, Ur and pyroiecnulc illHi}lay,f nlliirn "IaIIs Uiaikli,' opened up lu aeaaon bare June U, Tho boaluoaa Inua far haa liven exceedingly grallfying, and Ibo abow to giving thoruugb aailafactlon. Manager Halt Berry to Mralulng every elTiiri lo make tlila rvmlucllon one uf the lieat I'ain haa ever given ua. Tliu flrownrka are apectoUy Que, with ounipluu cliangea at each pertunnance, Tbe fulluwliig ajNi- ctoldn an Inlniduced: llerliert Uroa., allileiea; Miinj. Orrvllle, high nipe walker and eiiullMirial; the Bt Uelmoa, llylug trapeze pertomore, and Arn- uld KIratfr, grolsatiue dancer. Mr. KIraliy alao haa charge of ilie laillel, which to a pronounced fea- ture tbla year, Tbero will be a special perfuniunoe July 4. KtVLMi llliou I'asB.—Tbla piipiilar pleaaure park waa opened 29, and to receiving liaabaro uf alleoiluii In Ihe Huioiner aniiiaement line. The lowa Hlau Band la one of tbe features of the park. Ci/sa-Uarnuni A llalley'a Circua appeara 1 Uarguerile Wueris, viollnlai, leavea into week for a trip throngb ibeSuulb. Hhe will play at LoxlngKin, Ky., and Altoula. Oa J. I., nmlin, uaiuger or the Aaliubuto Open Uouie, was In Ihe clly during die iiaii week In Ilie Inlcreat of hto house w. W. OuudUue, raanager uf tbo Ainerii-an Open Cii„ nuw nlaylng at Hclillti'a Park, Milwaukee, waa mar- ried to Laura Alice Singleury, June •». Tbey were the reclplenu of aome very handaome ureaenu from Mr. Ooudliae'a former Ibeairtcal trienda hen. Dmylaa,—At die Uraiid Ouen lluuae Ibe dale of the produclluu ot "Aurora'' haa becu poatponed until July 12.13. on aruiunt of the nunagement lielsg nnalile lo get the perfonnanwlnshspe... .All of Ihe buuaeaan now undergoing thorough cleaning for the Pall and Winter aeaaon. The Urand opena In September and the Park the totter panufAnguaL HaaaflaldH-At the Memorial Opera llniiae, June 23 and 28, Hanifleld Lodge, No. t«, II. P. O. Klk<, f^ave a minslrel pertormance aa a lienefll. The par- ormance was excellent and gave hearty aaltorac. don 10 packed houses liotb nighto. The receipts will net the kidge over lioo. OREGON. Parllaua.—AttheMarquaraannd lbs Unlver- ally ofOsntontoOleeClub aad the BUnford Mandu- lln dob gave two concerts, June IT and 30, to good aodten oea , lha boose being crowded the Int olghL Bev. Edward Uavto, el OoLaDd, OsL, Isetand 24. Ooavaara TaasTBi.—"A Prtsoasr ot War" waa given by ibe lUgglna A Waldioi Dnmado Uompany week ot il. Buahieai was (ood. "The BalBle ot Uannlhal Howe" waa preaentod 24, ihe cast being strengthened by ihe addition of Fnnk Bacon and UtmllieCleveland. "Olelitooa"irillhepntonJulyl, and "Unilenlto" wUI prolialily lollnw. AsiisiaiB.—Unas Layng, Sweet aamaoMde, Edward lllundcll, Ctaire Slanloy, Ubby Bloodtll, Ueorge Trexell. l,nvvHK.—Horcbert Udlea' Orcheatn, TiroLi.-Siuavl, Kdlth lliirlbai. He Caprlo, May Uevllllon, Anila lloniFy, KIlUe Henley, Moanitsii'sNawTiisATiiB Cuxiqua. -Variety con- llnuea. Nom.—Manager llrlilg la andeavnring to make amngonwoia Inr Oiling Ihe unoooupled lime ot the Haiquain nnnil wlib nnt cUaavandOTllle pertoio- aucea. Tho beat ulilaliMiile talent to lo Iw seoured, and Iho bill will Ihi ulianged weekly. When Ibe theatre to otherslw nccupleil Iho oumpany will probably be ptoyadatTacoim or HealUe Millie Chttollnr, tho two heaitod negreaa, conuuued her exhlblllnna weak of IT. KENTUCKY. Laalavllla.-.At tha Now (lem Theatre the new people, week July I, am Ella Norman, UUIe Perry, Lilly Hityniond, Ada and Hasler llnaay, Ida lYeiich, l,ucy Atlauia, Ella Aodenun, NolUe Faiker, aud tho regular ilocb. Ilnalncaa good. CHARLOTTE RAY Waa bom Iwenry-dvo yuan ago. In Haldmon, Md., anil to a graduale uf Nuire Ibimo Scmliury, In that clly. Her dramailo aiiidlea were purauod under Ihe Inlorago lit (IciHge llollaud, who la now manager of Ihe (llmni Areiiun Tliraire In Phltodelpbbi, Pa, It was In mat clly lhat aho niailu bor debut In a pro- iliicilmi of "Tlia UlraU," at Hie Cbnilnut Street Theaire. playing l.villii laingutoh In Ihe aupportof Mra. Jiilin Drew, llcr nm mofoaalonal eugagemoni waa wllh Kilwlii Anieii, during Iho aeaaon of IWW-n, During Ibn iioxt aiiccecdhig araaoii aba anpearad In W.J, Hcanlan'aaiinpiiriliig ronipany, snn aa Nellie In "A IHirk Sectel." Hhe wna next fur two aeasona In die eiiipluy <il Joih'rain, Ktow A Ettouoer. Bhe waa then engaied tii play lloabir Thnriuiorry, In "Haaler ami Man," during Iho aoaanu of lNV2-a3. During Iho aeanoii uf IHKtiM abe accumnltohod what Mho ootiidilare Iho greatCHl luccciw or her caieer, nilliig Ibo rnio nf ilorilo llaokell. In "Tbe Komany llyo." laat arsaiii aho waa In the enpliiy ot Davto A Koogb, aud aptieami lo excellent ailvanugs In Iho leading role In "Uuwn In lllxle," HIm lUy to portacMwl lit more than onlliiary ulent, has an agrecaliln ilaifo preaenre, and has lieen foriunale In wliiiilnii imich fsvnrelile cumment fur her work In lha varliiua mlea ahe ban eaaayoil. Nature haa onlowed her wlili a prelir faro and llguia, and ahe to In all RaiK'ciH well oued for aUge work. In private litu abe to Ihe wife uf llany N. Farteu. NEW YORK CITY, Lael Weala'a Rvenia,>-Anolher week haa gone by wllbiiiit adilliig anything uf Iminriaaca to Uis aeaanii'a recuril. Inclement woalber Injurloualy at- focled tbe liiialiicm of Ibo varluiia roof gardona, but ho tow Ihoalrei that are nuw upon held large audl- encea thniUHbiiul Ilio wooh, Tlicre haa been appar- unlly Inil llillu of Ibo Ijiiatio of prcpanlloii fur next acaaiiii, and II U piiilialdo Hint but Utile preliminary Iliialneaa will In ilunu uiiill after tho cvlolnllun uf Hie Nalliin'a hiillilay, u|hiii July 4, From present In- dlcalliiiu llieni will lie nuxt aosauu a cunipsnMve ilecreaie liitho niinilKiruf nuw atorring venturea, and nuny entwhlle alara will lliiil ongsiotnento In Uis niika... .Tlio cunlliuied allractluna for tbo week end- ing Juno 2« wcie: "Trllliy"alllie Oahubn, "Tho Mor ry Wurlil"atlboOwiKU, "Tliriliiy"attho naaniuk, Oeniian u|wr,i al TXHntcKliKiinH, aiid"A Itough- ler uf tho lluvuluHiiu"attliullHumwiY,thooiiehut luiiioilchiidug upon lliat date Varlely enter- Ulniiicni waa lurnbilicd ut llie Uniiih HguauB and I'wicnm'eanilatihe fulluwing luiil ganlena: Ku(- VkH A llllL'll,llla C«BIKU, Ilio AMSHIUAK Bhd the HAniucs HqiuHi At Ihe Oahhicx Tiibitbb further cliangM In "Tlirilliy" teaulloil In Ihe pn- aeiilalluii,nii Jiino 2i, uf lira third wllUon of that IMipular l'urlow|iie. Several cliniigoa wore nude lo tho ciul,audMvcral BpuclallyiHirfurineniuuilotheir drat appeamncu aa mcinliera iil .thto cuwpaoy. Tliomlore Itoiioick replacoil It. F. Culiua In Ihe rolo uf CaraniolH, uml aiiccewlnl In givingaonio new seat b> Ihu |akil. Juaiipli \V. Ilurliorl, aniliuriif Hie liur- leai|uo, whii lull racaiilly playeil die rolo of Mr. Faggnl, waa aaaliinod lliu nilo uf limur-Bcotoli, wlili:b liu awuiineil In Ilio place of J, 11. Una- nay, anil Ui whiuli bu cuiiulliuled a fund ot drollery. Tlio elionia |ai<i|ile appeaieil In now cuaiiimea, wlilob wero very olfOollvo In beaull- lying die Htige, and which weie more aulet- ly In accordance wllh Ilia ciiuveulliHisI atyto ot droaa oinpluyed In IturluMino. Tlio oborua girto of Ihia cumiiaiiy have lieun well aelaoled, for they are nolunly prully, but they are poaaoaasd of trim ngurea, wliluli are anijily dtoptoyed liy Uielr new cualuwoa wllbiiut aoy binl of groaaneu. In the aucond act great Iniprovutnont waa iindued, and tbe problem how lii make thto act onOuUve lias laien pracllcslly aiilvud. Tlio iiperHllo liurlen/|ue, whiuh waa Iho iltotlnHidalilng tealiiro uf the second eiU- llun, liaaunllrely dliaippcarail, and In Ita place an euurtolulug ipcctoliloa, ciiuirtiiuieil by perfurmen of good rank and ucknuwleilgodahlliuea, A very pleaaing new lualuro uf llito aut waa die Defender Itollol, execulcd by yuiiiig wuineii lu yacbdng cos- tuniea. Fur Ibla act llioro waa a new drop, ahuwiog Iho Now iriirkYBchlUliili'siUHonalNewport. EdyUi Hurray Uicii cuniriliulod an ecconlrlo dauce of the acroliatic aiiri, which waa viewed wllh muub favor. Willto I'.Hwuiinaiii, who lu theOrelact Oiled Ihe roto uf'Hr, Flaw, gave In Ibo auwnd act one of hto eour- laliilng niuiioluguua, which. In aplleot lu tock ot frcalinena, won for him the liearileat aptilauae of Ibe evening, lie waa, In fact, eiiUiiiatoaUcally received, and cuuld bare bold Ilio aUge furauiuch louger Ume liail II Iwen rieceaiary fur liliii lu lure done an, Ulhera were hi walling, however, to add U> Uia enlortaln. iiient, and Ue gave ptoce tu Jiiaopb tiawdiorne, who gave fine auloa upon the concerUna, and Mark Murpby, In an Iriali apectolly, each of whom added a guodly abaie bi the auccsM uflhlanowverslan,aod racelveil fur Mieir elTiiria lllieral apptouae, A com- mendable Iruproveioeul InaUgebualnen waa shown lu the new inetliud ot Introducing Mn, BpsghelU, who now unexpectedly atepafroiii lliecablost which hsa Just Iweii uied fur the liiirluiiue diaappearing act, Albigellier tbo linprovenwut diacuieied In tbto third edlll'in to very great, and cuiiUnuuus enjoy, uient thronghdul tho enUre evening to now sasursd, At TsaiucB OiuutM lbs Uoniled - Fannciy Opera Cu. pn-aenlcd uo June 24 Helluecker's "Uas- parune," which waa relalnud as Ibelr olTetlni noUl 21, when (leaoe'a "Nanou" waa prsaenled oa Uis at- Inollun for llio remainder uf tho week. Un thto uo- csslon Johanna (leora, wbu aasumed the nto ot Ninon ilel'Kiicloa, nude hemntappearencelnUito dty At Uio UaoiDwiY Thbitbb, afternoon ut June 27, the graduateauf the Cklliednl School ap- peared In Ibe farce euUUed "Tho llunawaya," aad In awene from Bhskeapeara'a "King lleaiTVIII." CIMilP.-EmpIro, Herald Siiuare, Lyceum, Ali- liey'i, Broadway, FItili Avoiiua, Ulluu, lloyt'a, Palmer'a, Daly'a, War, Stondaril, American, Acade- my uf Hoale, Orand Opera lluuae, F'sirleenlh SIreel, Peoule'a,iacala', Harlem Opera lluuae, Uuluuibua, Paalor's. I>iadirii, Olyninio, llurto', llulier'a, Irving Place, Uarmanto, Thalto, Wlmbwr, Adiei'a SDd Miner's lloscrr and FJglnh Avenue. J.TuoHM Hiiii'isa, wbu fi>r aeveral yean has held the nialilun ul Inulneaa manager and Inasonr ot die Fuiiileenth BiRcl Theatre, and ut dM BIloa nicane while It waa under Ihe luaiugenieat of J. Wealey Hoaenqneal, haa aevcred htoconoeodon wllh Ihe Fuurieenili bireot huuae, and to cdng Is toy to branch oui In ihe adrertUliig line. Tie has aasod- sted blmaeir with snvther Ibeairtcal man In tha priming lioilneai. ^ UVSN KMNNiiMN, wbo has been janitor ot Ihe OaiUio aince die huuae waa built, la 1881, has n- dgsed bla poidUoo and will aouo gu to Inland, wlereSetolMidaloapendUienstof Ua dayslaa mile boms be owna tun.