New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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THE NEW YORK OLIPPEB* July o. KxtTiiM rmoH >V(i-*KB.-'nn •U«nd»nM ti tbla limiu on MnniltJ, Julj 1, ««« r«rd« dorlng tho (l»y Hiid p*rllr.iil»tlj Roodnc iilglii.ull ito MkU being llllcilanil innchnr thn aliinillnii room lidni OMii' picil ol ilio llmo ilip evcninii dlvltlon of tlie per- fnnnaiiuc was In rcTlcw. Thifl ronillllon of ftfTitln niiiii li« HnllljlnK l» llio iii»m>Kcnicnl, an UhIiowh •'onrliiKlvcl7 (li«l rouf guScm >ni1 oUi«r roniui u( out of (lour imnaemeot Imre llltle eiroct iiinn a HiroDi iilllwtaen prtatnled In a leKlilmaie manner Bmid aoRDUnrtlnga that airoid comfort and ouloj- mcui. A rcHll/ Rooil performance U In HKire fur thoM wlio paironiM tlilii popiilM' retort diir Inn tlio cDirent da;a, anil, wblle ihcre are no reataniaof the unutlonal or paniculitrlf MrllilDi Hort, there In an abundance of fun and mucn ttat IB clovallog and tvOned lo the JienertI make up of the show. 0«o. II. Wood meriied the fireaur portion oC tlie abandantamountof applauia Ke waa accorded. RU atjle It Terr "rlglnal and en- tcrlnlnlnit, and while one li proMB lo admire nil jnodcutj In announcing hluuelf "a aomowhal air- forenl comedian," hla clevcraeiM wnuM i««n> to udmlt of hla uklug a more pionouncdl etapilln llie matter, and term tlnwelf "llie dcdrteillj illirerent" comedian. Ulii vork met prompt and deterred ncognlUon. THa Moert Uroihen undo their dral appearance at thla ImuM, and won c>iinplet« auc- cowT / new and very pleaalng feature In thelract la aillt walking on the wire. Hie McltopolllanTrio,. Incluiling Adelo Ileuo. W. A. <lalpln aiid Ocn. rrMlon, Inlroilupcd a rcflued anil credit. Hklo niuHlcal act, Ihiit gained much micceu. TDin llniwn, n renllr clover wliltller, and ynnk U. Illalraiid lidllh Uurtlla, a jilFiuilag aketch dno, were given a lioarty grcoilng. Jeanne (li«ve« rendered a number of ballada In a manner lliat proved her a laleuled TocalUit, anil TUwi. J. Rrau and UaiT lUcbOcId, a akelcb team, were alw well reiiicmliered In the Hue ut applaun. Juhn and Ilanr Dillon, woll known parodUU; the Bonialo Urotheni, two clover ncroliaia; HMnaon anil Uerton, a knee of droll coiucdlanii; the U Novne Brolhen, <in tho borliaiilal bar: Unmaand Coakley, two tcit capalilo aipononbi of black face i:uined;: the Umwg Urothen, In a dancing apeclallr. and Ad, Urtltle'a tmlncd doga, all conlilbutcd tueir elforta, with a greater or lem degree ofamuseiuenL OnmuL OriRi IIouhi Huiiiu lUu —Thoae who vlilted thla houaeJnljl, In antlclpailon olwllnet- elng a performance In everr way roOned ami ciiter- Ulnlng, were not dlaappolnled, for tho bliili aUndanl of excellonco which liaal)eenmalnlalnetIalncolUlg augumtlon givoa no evidence of waning, and the Hatlafacilon wlih which the cirorla of the performtni an received glvea abumlant proof iliat Ur. UajHCr undenlanda Ino taaleauf lilapalroiiii. TtM bill for Ihe ounent week Ih lieailed bj tlagee and Crtmmlne, whote work received rmm ilie nljtrtt hcartr verdict of approval. Nelaon and Ulllcdgo (ollnwed In Iheir well known akelcb, tickling ibo liuniomui iilde of theaudlonce with good emict, while Howe andKonir. Intnidaccd tlioir oirecllve act, anil caiiio Id for a licartr greeting. Olhort <in (he proBrnmnie vim C'lins. y, (lallolll, Willi hla Iruupe of cleverlj tmlned iiionkert; Klmore BiHteni, verjr capable performcra In lliclr line; Dorollij liren'. Do (lauin. la Diirel iuggllug feoli; Uarguerile Newlim, and Uunay and /Men. PHoaoR'a Tiiii'nii--1'ho giioil bill prCHiited July 1, aided by tho cool nealhcr, litd the cmict of keeplug tlila bouae well mird from ilio opriilDK to the cloiInK bnun. The bill la bouleil by Will II Fox, I'PadorwIilaklo," wliimo work li two well kuown to need comment here. Then followed Kl dora and Noiine, ciiulllbrlnlaaiid Jiifglera, who were woll received for lliclr clover work. The Urollien Fenioo, comedlaim and dunuem. proved theinaelvca to bo run inakura, and the Clailbi Blatcra found Sreal favor for their aliiiibig nud ditin-Iiig. fVauk . Morton played the harinnnlu ejcellenlly, Klvlna liiilbiilonB of varloua other liminimeulii, aa well M tho noliea inado by anlmala. The "tier- inan lloae," a pellle aniiiireitv, wat given a cor- dial wclcvmo, ami Witllnii mid Veniur won much appiauw In a reoncil miinb'nl akcicli. (libera <in the programme who made a lilil fornopniHr fa- vor were the (Jarrlckii, In a aketch rnlltled *'Atler tho Kcencb Uall;" Xella Clayton, uhnnirter ohauge perfurmer: Jobii Hlioehan, Irlali couiedlsu; the --ley Urnihoni, In u comeily apocUlir cnililert and Hllaa, the H<|iin»hvllle Bponi; " (he Fred Ktnm A IliiLl.—A Urge andlenee gathered b>- gelher on the root garden at thla rcaoit July I, In pua opon tho prngimmmo preatDtM for the week. It wai roof garden weather, and the pertonsance won the appnival of tlione prntenl. Mile. Mailell* andUonr. Bellool, with thelrperforailngeockatooa, made tlielr Amerlcao debut and foand Iramedlau favor. The t>lrda are exceptionally well trained and do many clercr feala. They were accorded leiind after round of applanie. Olariw Airnew, In tonga and dancea, waa a new comer, and waa well re. celved. Kalkcrlne (lllea, female club awliiger, waa aniiUier new comer, bhe hi veiy giacefiil and fully earned tho generoua applauie accord- ed her. frank Laiona, mulcal tramp, wu alM> a sew face, ana cmled coDtldenble laughter by bla comlcallllee. Die Menlleea Hlalen, In aonga and dancea, continued to be wann favorliea, ana Conroy and Koz, Itlih comedlana, who alwayt aeem lo lie new, kept their audience In an uproar and were recalled many llmee, Koklo, Japaoene Juggler, waa a pupalar holdover, and Ihe Egger-llleaer troupe of (yrolean tlngerawere well received, while Uanlvel. eccentric comedian, wataa funny aa ever. The Hungarian (llpay llaud fur- nlahed niwdu before and after tbe perfoiniance and durlag Ilia liiUnnlaalou. (luBici TnuTU.—"Thrtlby," the eiijoyaiile l-nmoier ogerliig at ihfai hoiite, began on July 1 the 0fth week of Ita run* The icceut cbingei* lo tbe work have won favor, and rewilied In Incieated patronage. Adele lllcble hu retired from the com- pany, and Hvbt Crux, who bat lieen engaged In her place, appeared In the role ol Utile Wllllo f>ir the I rd time upon the above date. Iliion that date alao Jennie Reyiiolili atMimod the mie of Unu Ucl^d- deu, In place of Flon Irwin, wbo hut left the com- pany fur the burpoao of acekloy recrullnu. UiiitM).-"The Horry World" eiilercil upon the fuiiith and dual week of lit nin upon July 1, as Im- lenllve engagemeul, made prior to the pieaent eaae of thlt nuuae, neceaalutlug Ita production In anolher city. It will lie followed, July a, by "The Hphlnx," a comic open, which haa receiilly met with joiue tiicceaa In Untion, and which hat olready been raiidereil In thla city In cruder fuhlun than la now III prnepecu OuiiKO llooK UiHiiiN,—Tbe people bere thlt week are: Mhel Ireue Htewart, Uelle Black, Lizzie Daly, Ulsna and Burni, Laura Wnnbford, llenle Unw< toni, Alonzo Hatch, belle Black, Urtnl (toggln, Iiavu and aniil, loldo (lllaos, Asnle Hurt, Alice Ilaymuiid, Buillh aud Cook, guaker Uly (Jnartel, O'Ncll aiidBulherluiid,and the Leigh fluuni. Tilt Uuou TiiKiTUE wUl be managed nexlaeaioo bo Ihe Hire Brothcm, Ihe ownen of the property, WuHrit'a HraKOH. — lo the theatre thla week Mllrliell'a Stuck (»- IH appetrlDg In "Tlie IrUh Rmt- gmnt," with llankaoii and llanley, lUrry Weeka,' .ee 1. Kelluiii, John llrllDo, Mae Wllnon, C'tiile Uavre, Carr auil (Jltmore, ami Megan and Deamosd III the caat- A Hjieclal feature lo Ihe curto hallt la Le Caatro, In liln novelty, lA lllinc; alw Donna, the uiyalrlco- •■■/Ml. . . Wurron Trio, black face cumedlant; Henrietta Ituaclio, aiwlalcd by Carl II. Aiiilttiion, lo alngloi ntid ilsnclog, and Jessie Ilorworth, a gracetii dancer. UAHiitM TURATW.—"Trilliy" began on July 1 the twolfib week of Ita run, wllh an linpiiitjint change In tliu cual. n'llloii Ijickayo liavliig gone tu bead tho coiuiiany which la ikiw prcacntlng the play In Clilcngo, Win. II. Tbniupton, on Ihe almvo dale, made biH flrat apiieaniiico In Ihe lolo uf Brengall. A largo auilleiicu Kalhcrcil to iiieel bini, anil, hav- ing weighed hliii In tho balaiico, gavu lilni eiilliua- laallc racalla. Mr. 11iuiii|Hun hud a ditllcult and tlinnklcM laek lu iiorriiriii, und one which wu ren- <lcrod oaiioobilly uneniiin by the ruleotlon of Ihe Htago liualncM oiuplnycd by hla pirdoceaaor ID Ilio rolo- Without luteudtiig lu any uiuniicrtodlamiaKO lllr. I.aukayo'a perfoniiatire, or ruli lilm uf bit well tianird Uurcia, wo ranuui but n)iret fur att'a take that Mr. Tbniiinwn waa not allowed lo cniilo a now Bveugall In hu iiwii way. Hiicli a roiirae would pruliabiy have been iiiiwlao fiuiii a biitlnCKi ataiut iKiInt, fur the play lina long alncu raa^i-d tho uX|ior1' Iiientnl age, und tho pulillc la iiol likely tu diarard tho bloal 10 which It la nlieaily winlilcd. Therefore ibu ntaiiagonieut la uinlciiorvtiig ut cenaiiro fur tivniuiollliig Mr. Tlioiii|>aon, but no niimt, neverthe- Icaa, regrol a loot op|Hirliinlty for the onrlchment of tho niago. Mr. TlioiiipMin lau atiiilcnt and n thinker, nud hula ao aci'uatomcil to ilio rrealiunot roloa, BUil haa wUely lieeii alliiwed micli luiiiiunlty from dwarHug tinge illrvctliiii, that bo waa evident- Iv nerviuii and 111 at onae Ihniigluiiit the uroaler imrt ut hla pei'fonnanco on lila Qttit night, aud that hla work waa not aalbifaelory tu uluuwif waa plainly ovidciircd liy the deprecatory Hliako ol brail and wavo of hand with which ho met UiD oft npcftlcil i-alla he rorelvod, and which. In Hplieof adrcmocoiidiitnna, ho fnlriy wnii. lie had Hlinnly donned a niity luado ganiient which did not tit eaally upon bliu, and bo frctlcil tlion.>lu. To Imntiw u aliulllo, ho waa llko ii liiity trniilrAl plant Id h givonhuuae that had gniivn tn Ihe limit nl Ibi ulaKaotivlrouiuenl,Hiid had thon Iwen cut otT at tho tup, n ptoucaa which prcaervnl the buHdlnii bin niUbiHl tho plant of the full glury uf Ita powlkllulea. Coualdorlug lilt perfonuaiii-o niuic In detail, we mul thai bit uwko up waa good and thoroughly ajtrocllve, without Ixlng olihor gnt«ai|U0 or toibld- dlng. It waa nellhvr more nor leaa than human. Ilia dloU-cl wna ut llinca tuu prooaiinrni, nnd oc- t'tHluiial arnloncca were aliiiuoi unintelligible, r«|io- olally lu apoaklng up tt-iiir. He whi aouiewhal loo nduudnni In graiun.', bin thin fault waa nillliated by lliat akltlTiil uao of hla liauda which luado throiighiiul Ilia pcrfuriiiauco u moat Iniereatlni; ■ iidy. HlH grrnt iMworaa an actor waa abiiniUint. IV proven l>y ihii itnimcM wliii whirh helieldtbo hiago III SMiiioiil^ of aiwotuio alienee, unil the lifvalliloaa attoiitlitu ho then roinniaiided fnini bit liudlrucc. When, after inch inflnientfi, aitocch rc- luaacil thu leutloii, the applaiw biirat tuo a tom'til that bad Iwn hiilil lu lenipiiraiy check t>y aiiper- buinau iMWcr. With gival akill Mr. Thonipaou ixir- ireiml Ilio lu'H ol vlialliy rcaulthig n|ion Svenintll liy tho fluiiuit uf hla iMyehlo liiire. Ilia work iliivughuul tho thlnl acl wita exrcedlugly Hue. I tho critical niniiirnta when 1°rlliiy'a filoinia aeek ncoKiiltluii, ami bcareih her to give aunic algu thereof, Mr, Thiimiituu, arciii^lliig to aiago illrcc- tluii, aloud with lila Inrk tu the audloiico, nnd nniiuht but one hand In Hrllon lo Indicate hla hynuiitli- control bul hy llio tuovenientt uf that bauil coiiM t>o kou, an u|iuu a dial, Ibo inlghiy nu'iiliil workliiga and atraln that were ao npuily lirtuglim Svmuall'a life towanta Ha end. llbi dciilh oi-ciio waa linpreaalvo lieyiuid deacrlp- tioii. It waa AlinoM iialnfiilty Ibrilling, ao unlbc- Htrii'al, BO iMliaitity leal did II aceiii, anil. In apltoof uatly dlaa|i)H>tiitiiH'Uia In the pcrloruiancc, wo wore, by liibi iiiagiiltlcdit llnlah of hla porlntjal, mado lo leallte that wo were lu the preaenro not only of - •.•ood actor, but of our who hat few |icera. MauiHOH ^^t'AHk lUHif Oahiiik.— Kniuia, blulc aud Lulu Hull, Nut IlalucaHiid Joe ivtilnglll, IToaa KIdildge, Hurt Ilavcrly aud K'mnk M. WlUa. end Ida IlowotV bold over IhU week. Tbe new fai'et uv Fuima Kraiiae, Sydney Cmut nnd MltM Norton, Jan. 11- llucy, lleiinotto, Ihiny Watauo and Alice Hutch- luga, Ibe Typical Triu and Madam Furtajada. A Hii'itiNUM'Urn lor tlu,:n;waa medJunoai. In una cliv. In favor uf Uwlaou A Jntl, agalnai Kwncla J.Sibiiugg.on properly on Hie M>uih aldn of Kiriy-iiiimti .street, lietweeu l^xlngion and Third Avrniica, wiirre ho la luttlillna a theatre, Tho lieu la fur a lialam-e claimed lu be duo fur Iron aud uteri H*eil In the pouHrocUun ol the playhouae, The I'oninci price waa (M.uoo, of which hat been paid and rcnalii allowancte made, leaving the KUioiiiit Iiir whti-h the ben waa taken ttlll due. AMiHU-AsTiiKATBi! liooK Oardrk.— Thefoliowing perforiiiera apitrnred hero on Mnnday btgbl, July I: II. M. Caniill. Iliia liiiranil. I'auhi and IHia, ametl tieyiuour. Wata<in and liupn. Al. U. WllM, UBi |)Ud Yauland Ihc TiUby Uasceti, NEW YORK STATE. Bn>okl|rB.»The pati week ma not > partlcn- larly bitty one for tbe Bummer rctorta, eapeclally tlie nnt uf door onea. The cold, rainy and dlaagree- able weather haa cauaed a very meagre atleodance, and hat chilled thoae who bad Ihe temerity to defy tbe elemeott. During tho week Joat past a party of aeveial hundred colored peo|ile from "Uack America" vltlled the City Hall hi this city In a driv- ing tain to Bing for Ibo mayor. A crowd, protected iiy umbroUat, toon gathered and llttooed lo the melodlea, while the alsgen tbeDHlvea wereaoaked by the nalu. Whetbor Mayor 8«heb«n waanveneto tile aliiglog or the notoriety It cauaed la sot known, but the fact reiiialiia that be ttayed In bit otllce wblle the Hlngen were pretont. Ai length Ablerman Walth Invited Uicm Into the i;ity Uall rotunda, and there they tang withHumedegree of comfort, finally they took tbelrdepartore without teeing lilt Honor. Tbe re-euininee or the Bcldl On^heatn a| Iirigbion Beach, on theafteniooo of June '.o, waa tbe nualcal event of the aoaaon, and hiuidreila of people look advantage of Ihe halt holiday to featt tbeoiaelvua on Uio boat mutio to be heard lo Ihla vlclnlly, Tbe iiograniDie waa a gooil one, and waa highly en- oyed by thoae preaeol. Beventl new clrcua lenu were piicbcd during the paat week, hut remained only a few daya, when they pulled tukea and anugbt tome moro coogenbil dim itp. AKBHuaxI'AKk—Anaddlllontothe roeal forceiot lUack America" made her appearance laat week In the penuin of Iteaale Lee, a colored warliler of excellent voice. Shealnga-Tuoilld Folkaatllome" and "Tho Cnwa Are In Ihe IJInver" Willi a voice that la cleariy heard all over the Immente park. Bte hat been entunilaatlcally received and the crowd In attendance at each performance compeU her to mpood to aeveral encuiea. Ollmore^t Band, iiniler Victor Herbert, conllnuea to contrtnute Sue Imiirumeuul mualc. Including teverHl tolot. A laiiid ut forty umtiouriue and uanjo plaren are an additional fealuro on tho Btogremuie, osd there honore with tho i|ualnt and fanuatio cake walk, which haa made a hit with tlieaiweutora- Had the weather been moro pleaaant, tnetv la Utile doubt mat "Black America" would liavo proved to tie an Immeuao eiicceia- It began July 1 the latt fonulgbt ol lu BUy- Makiiattan BiAcn-—The ancceat oftbecnlerialu- menta here haa aurpaaacd all exiiectatloua of Ihe managemeiil, and uoutandH of iieofdj Lave wlt- seiaea the dlticront amnaemunta utTurcd Ttie per- formaiicea of "1401" have acnicd a decbleil kuicctt. Therem Vaughau, Mark Biultli, Walter Junet and Mabel Clark cuinliiue to lie puiiular, while Ihe Utile newaboy, with auoh a good ^mIcc, who rlnga "Tne Hide Walka of Now Yorii," la aa gruut a favurile aa any of the iierforaiera, aud U certainly making a good lepntaUon for btuuwlf. Tuema Vaugban't tinging ut "ihiu Hell," lu tho "Tritliy" tceoe, la an- other fealura of Ihe entcrlalouicnt that ttkct the houae by atonu. Tlita hi only uiio of Uie Duniiier of enlerijilnniciiu in be aeon ur hoard at tne ticacb. Souaa't progmmmca Iticlmle miiob line orclio-tral iHUBlu, apocully amnged for tlila bund- Tba lilcyclo track, Ihilii't Itieworka uuil lllco'a Clrcua Carnival are among the many tbluga meiitluued on the big piugmmme, BatitiiTus Uracii Mt'.stc IIaci Seldl cunceria will l>o glvcu hero every evening diirtiig Ibo aeaaon, aud prevlout experlouco telbi what Intereel b takeu In theao luualcal eulorialuuienla. It la a auperb or- ulioatra, and the (irogmmiiiea are prepared with the gnnlcat cure anil will tie exceedingly allnotlve. I'HOsrKtTCAiiiKa —Manager Ackeriey haa taken apeclal palua lu aminglng lilt iiiiigmmme tor tbla week, aud a largo audluuco waa prvHont nlgbtof July 1, and cordully greeted each apeclalltt lo Into. Uany Keeler, the popular llnioklyii ainger, heada tho tilll, and It foUuwed by Larry Tooley, In tuni-y aoiigt and ilaucoa; Nollle Kdwarda, bi aongt aid daucoa; Mlat IVutiueleiw, In tpeclaltlet; JIaUy tVado, tcrlo cemlo, and Came Fredetleka, In Bpan Uh dani'es. NuTiK.—The entire conti-nla ot Iluber A nab- liardt'a Caaluo, lu and 1.' t-Uai Ilace, were told at luitilto auction on June thereby wloiUng up tbe careerof tlitt pupuUricaort. Sooio time ago Meaera. lltilH^r A: (lotiluitdt made appllratlon fur a renewal tif tliuir loaao, liui getting iiu aatlHfactoiy anawer tncy (Ici'libHl to wind up the bualiieaa by aelling all tho property lu Ihe (Value tu the lilgheat bidder.... Llghtntug ainick one of the flag |>u)ca on tho grand atrtitdal Auibnvie I^rk, Judo j:, uihI niillt Itto tbe ba.-te. A numtier of tbe oniiiluyea of "Black Amer- ica" were aundlog In a gnaip liiiinedlately under the iHMe, and rack felt Ihe shock- The lluld played along the wlrca cnsnccUsg the electric tightt, mak- ing a brilliant blaze fur a few tecoud-*. A largo rent lo tliu roof uf tho ataud renialoa aa a reminder ot Ihe vlaltatloo^ Blnghamtoa.—At Blone Ot>ent Ilouae Oora Van Taaael, lu Rhcrtory, cloaed a week'a engago- uienl, June Al, lu fairly goo<l bueloeea. ItUKi I'AHk.—Tho bill at tbla raaon thlt week in- cliiilca: Ktoldlng, I'altereoD llroa., UumUo, IX Boo and tho Bennett iJuaitoL AHiNA.—Sella Brot-' llivu* drew big bualoeta 39. Tlielr eireet pageant U a •<'o««'«••"»• JJf, ffi formanceltoDeot nsuaual meilt, the VBtlelyanu excellence ot the different acta <^e»"^»f'"•SS?; eiiprelie. Among tbe feataree worthy ot mcUl mestlon were a snmher ot iralsed auli and aea Bona that perform oomntlcal inetramenta at com- mand, anddo tftcka Uiai are inily wonderfiil In the water aolmal kingdom, la fact, the enUre "bow, in- cluding tbe eeveral aide tbowi, concert, etc., U one which Bhonid place tie Belli Broa.u Iilgh In tne eatlmatlooot (homiblloIn theEaataa Ibeyare In the Weot. Tbe rediicilon ol tho price of admliaon Inucentalt anotberevWenM of aiplrll of enter- ptbie that bi quite pleaalng, etpeclaUy to Ihe woil- Ing clati, tn thete bard llmea- The pregmmme waa aomewhat loletiupted In the afternoon by one of the clowna breaking hit wiltl, and again In ihe evening by one ot Ihe female riden lo the bippodrome ncu falling oir her horae and breaking her aim. A pbytlcUn traveU with Ihe ahow, kowever, hence medical attendance wa«pnjnipl. -.. - -OMiy Bobln- toD,repreaenllng the Btogllngllrot-'Bhow wm in town Itel weeMooklng over the pennd for a dale later on. It la nld that tbla tbow pnia Dp the largeti and htndaemeat ttreet parade known In Ihe whole world, a feature of It lielngtbe heavy wagene, which are propelled bv tteam Inatead of boraea^n tact, evorythlng la Bald lo lie on a acale ol gitat magnitiide....:.Boilklo IMlfi Wild Wea« comea to SeiSemlier, aliboogb nolblngdellnlle can lie learned aa tu Uw exact dale- Tbeee two tbowa and the Itar- nnm-llilley Show are eipecled to date very closely together her e. ^^^^ N EW JEHSE Y. Jenex CItr.—Hubert Ilanllng't CIrona gave a matinee and night performance at Bayonne, to large attendance, June a. The Bon Tod will oiien the Beaton ahont tbe middle ot August. J. I. c.-The«e people are bere for the week: Nan nle Iluttell, Aniile Jewrell, Lulu Wcntwoith, BeUe Tbornlon aud Prof. UoirmaB. Bualneaa la fair. WaauiKoniH.-Uotlle Marten, Alice Wylmore.May Madbun asd Nliia Wllaoo. UUHlneta la fulr. Wii.ti)w Hatxn Inn anu Vahixo.— Bobble Caitun and her daughter head Ihe vaudevUle contingent at tbiareioiL Bnalneta It large. Korii.—lilt reporiedlbat Llllle Menon baeverely tu at her home.Tiew York City UarryHnkle, macblnbit,attheBooTbn bi itie early pan of the tcaion.lanow doing preaM workatWIiteiiUaven. Nannie Ilutaell waa prexenled with a diamond ring by an admirer while at North Beach, NawMk,—Newark Lodge, No. 21, D. P. 0. KIka, wiu tend a delegaUoo ot ooe hundred nwmbere lo tbe annnal convenUoo ot the orderat Atlantic City, Jolyt. Tbeh>dgeirillbeaceofflpaaledbyabandof twenty.flve pleeeaand will alay Uuto dRjrfl...... Manager Fred Wahluan and hit wife tUled for Europe July ■J Tbe PoUca Oommbalonen are enforcing an order prohibiting tbeatilcal perfoim- ancea hi tbe parka on Sunday, Inaunmenhil mutle only, and that ot a lacied nature, wUl be nrmltted. ... .Paln'a tpecucle of "The Latt Days of FompeU' will be preeented here week ot July B, on the baU gnnnda adjoining Hhoottog I'ark, Newb«ra.~Tbe Academy of mualo It cloeed, (he aereral tTreuaoa and ul ber tent thowa have come and gone, heuce the only ainiiaemoni bere at pretest Uat Bandiit'a ■■Halt Way lluuae," wheie Charley lull, wbo, tome Iwn ur tlirve ycara ago, ran a muilo ball on Uivadway, thla city, luia recently built asd tilted up a nice hiile concert haU and ganlcn. Al< though reiher dlataiit, loeateil aa II la on the out- aklrU of the city. It la eaally reached by llieNewbttig, dreng' Idtke and Waldeu trolley ctta, and will uu- doubirilly prove quite a pleaaure rcMrt, eapeclally (or the iKija. It ihoatteuatncoontheopenlngnlgbt, July 1, La auy cHteriun lo go by. Haggle W'ett, I'aunle Kelley. Harry Perkiiit, Jerry Cablll ami Thoroat Cunningham are Ike people working there tbla week, with Prof. Albert Kuera aa muUoaVdlree- tor The Sella llroa. pitched their clly ot teolt here June ■», and gave, without excepllos, Ihe beat clrcua peifoimtnce ever teen In Newborg, and we bare had aome good ooea, loo. It wai Uieli list appearance here la about flneta ytsis. DISTRI CT OF CO LUMBIA. WaahlastoB.—The only playhosge open In the Capllal Clly, Kspleyt KaUoual, bat a "cinch" with lit admirable atock company. Tbe company pi«- aesled Illos llouclcault's "Forbidden Fruit" latt week. The comedy wat preceded by a dramaUe aketch, cutllled "Un AD lidand," irrition by J. W. Junet. Both ouruln niter and comedy met with genuine approval, aa was evidenced by tbe enthn. alaam of the large asdlencet which gathered uight- ly to wlliicM them. HeapHe the toirld weather Hap- ley't NaUonal la dellgbifutly cool and pleaaant, made ao by numeroiw large electric fast which bave been placnl throughout tbe booae. The lilll tor llie week ot July 1-e la "Itarbata," at a curtain niter, and "Partoeis for Ufa." Hgbtb week, 1-13, "Sealed Inttnictlont," by qieclal petmb<lon of A. U. Palmer. Norm.—Elale l-ower, a prominent child aclrest, late of "Tbe Prodigal Father'' Co., la ratting at ber borne In tint city, piepantoiy to her next aeaaoD'a esgagement wlib the Noes Jollity Co., which wBI produce "The Kodac." JonnUe WIU and bit daughten, Joele aud Vlonle, bite of "The Uaziler" Co., Imva departed by Ully-ho ceach from Wub- Uigton, II. C-, to Qtpe Hay, N, J., vrlUi the IstenUon of giving enterialninenia at tlw tmaU towns en roiiM Jamet Kearney and wife (Anita Rotbe) are retUog at Ibeir home to ihlt city, and will nJoUi "The Faiul curd" (Muipany at the opening of the coming aeasou Tbe aeveBty-ilre foot Ferris wheel, at Marahall lull, a river leaoit near Waoh- Uigton, hat been completed and Is a gnat succeas. MICHIGAN. lKg„"'8?t^JMSJ?,A....Xn,TnL?r- den. being In tbe profetiloo- aeteuaul, SrSMrdMu^nK-u'^ S«»tMMnS by iSlittke. Uer hooband, wbo h la Canada, lias •^2p:"8«itLV,U.ewell taown »ng wriur. dledreoently.ln the cbarity wart of St. fY»ncl» IlSnuTibls city. Tie deceated, wbo »" fourySre of age, waa at one Uiuo one of llie bc>t KVriSnSwubtrBoDga ID ibUcou^^^^^^^ hU liert daya he wat a very proline "ri'";, few mes have produced a greater number of P«P««f BuuSSSaT He made aoaie money from hla tonga, wbHeKenI of them proved moat Pro"'*"'<» '',! Doblbdier. Among tbe mott popolar of Mr. Welly's Munan ■UyPreity Ked Awe," "I'™""'? IHiwn to the Club," "Far From the Old llomo," "Bring nick My Uddle to Me." "A Hoyt Best ^■riend iTlIU llotber," "Utile Uarilng, Uieam of Me," "Hirbl" IJghUAre Shining," "»weel Ureauia ot liolber and Home," 'Tbe Dying Olrt't Meaaage," Md'ThS (Hd rSiiIo Bridge by Ibo Mill." He dW In very poor clrenmatancem having been f(>r yeara of Inlem^le habile. The rcnmlua were liileiTBd ^"uS^JvV»;SI?t'"a sc-tlbib mntlctan, dle.1 July I, In (ilaagow, aged Beronty-tbree yeaiB. Uo vis- ited the Unlud Hiates (Ire yeara ago and made a lour ot the country with a choir. Jomx Farrox (Top«ck), a varlely peijonner, died June •i4,atAUantlot1iy,N-J-,aIteralong lllsets. The deceated, who waa thiny-elght jMrt of ago, waa of the team ot Jennie P-agan and Jotio lamn. and waa the wife of (Me. M.Topack, ot Topacksnd BleeL Uer husband turrlves her. FOREI GN SHOW NEWS "Harold, ORTBg Nosmax CoKQum'."sn opera, Intbreeaetswrttian by sir Edward Halei,mntlc byFtedeilrril. Cowen, waactlgluallypiodncedJnne n, at Ooventoardes, London. .„„, "TBiOirjY aiRi," a revbied veralon of Balfe'a IbeBohemlis OIri," by Uni. Ansle Cnsnab, wat pnaenled for tbe diet time June 12, at St. George's laU, LoodoD. "MuxLE." a one act comedy, by Pierre Woltrand 'Oonte de Noel," asd a play lu ooe act by Maurice Boochor, were gtren tbeir nret producilon June 11, at the Oomedle nascab. Parla. "OunNiOA," a lyrical diama. In three acts, by Plem Oallhard and U. P. Gbeutl, with mnelc by Panl Tldal, wat produced for tbe lust time June 1, at the Opera Comlqae, Paria. "ZwBi WirrwRR,'* a drama, In two acta, translated from tbe Danish of 0. Esmans, by 0. Uchlensuln, was aoird for toe Irtt Ume to Uerman May 28, at tbe Dentacbesneaire, BerUa. "An Atxbaoi Uak, or Bow tri Atzraor Man Became tbe Abnormal," a comedy drama, In four acts, by S. X. Courts, was played tor tbe Ant llmo la London, June 13, at the Opera U)uili|ne. PROFESSI ONALS' BUREAU. WanU of M«Mg«n and Perfomwrti Open OatMi ttc-See AdvertlHnwnti* DRAUATIC. bouf6«. Tti«7 wut to htv frcin diniDsUe people ond naitoluR. .Ptuk UkttvcIL comodlAD aol elianeloni, ud Mr*. Vniik llutwoU, cwmcUre uU old womeo, on bs en- Detr»lC—Tbutilul ntwt U very ec«rc« Id thla aecllOD, tbe WooderlaDd tielDg the only amaiemea reaort c»t«rlDf to ibe pobllo. WONDHHIXNO TRBATHB AMD Ul)8U.—CUrtO IwU; Ttw Auiugrapb HkloDwl Hito. Tuutn: UtiarlM Merrlu, tDa FQiffuaonii, Fodu Donl Biotbera ud BBLtHK'8 Qaiiokn.— T1i« Damme FftnUy of Un- alcUns. HCH.irs.-Julj iMIarauin A Ballej Clrcua.. K. N. iDDee* lum gave two coDcena bere June 'U, at tbe i>. A. U. tirouoda, and drew large audleocca. WardA Vokes are (lie flrat logo iDiorefieanal bereJnlj2»......TbeUctroK Open llodaela bav- IDH tbe iDterior ebllrelj reconatnicted. ItwUI be fluubedlD llgbt colon nnd have aaewdiop cu^ UlD. Bagloaw.—Newtil's riavlllon Tbeatre baa done fulr buKlneM tbU week wltb tbe Tenoeasee Jubilee Concert Co. AM tbe atlnacUon. Nekt week UcKwoD, tbe maglclau, will appear, In conocctJon wlib a Bpectalij performance. INOIANAaHiee Page «7.l Indl»Bapoll».-ConUnuoua peTfonDaocos re- ceived a aecoiM] falsi blow In this cltj at tbe Orand week of June i4 The llmtpeaaonof Hummer opem erer given bere will open July 3- TbeTemple (fpon Co. baa beod engaged, wlili tbe foUowlng CMi: Joaephlno Koapp. Tellul* Evans, Uanile K\'ana, Kdwant Temple, llarold lllAke, Ben Lodge, and oiben. "Tbe Mikado" will bo tbe opening mil, aud "I'lnarore," "Tbe (iraml Duo:ieNae,*' "Fra UtaToln •> and otbor popular openu wUl be given later, tbe programnM tu be obaoned seml-we«kljr. Anabgeuienia have been Uualljrmadeloac* cure tbe Innea Baud for a concert bere. "War and rvaco" aud ''A bar at Uie Worid'i Fair" will be f:lveo Julr 0 Frank Totter, tieannnr ot tbe hirk, Lt apendlog bla vaotUon In the NortLweat, IOWA. DnbM«|De.—Tbe UrAod Open lIouM fai dark for tbe Buounrr Oomedr companleaat Btcwait end HbomtMrc Parka are giving performancea nigbtir Walttr L. Uatn*« Clrviia sbowed lier« June'ir. glvlnfl two perfonnaacee to tbe capHt llj of Ibe tent. Tbe abow waa flrat class In eveir per* tkiilar. DEATHS I N THE FiR OFESSION. CiiAB. W. Uuiiuv (Kred'lc E. Copland), a Ta- rieij porfonner and mueger, dledllajai.atUen* ver, u>l., from conanmixton. Tlie deceaned waa an (UiglUbman bj binb, but bad been In tbla countrr for a number of jeam. lie and bla wife. Krla Uow- ard, under tbe teen neme, Berkeley and Uoward, were well known on ibe rarletj siage, having played Id Dwat or tbe leading T4ude\Ule bonaea la tbbtcouniry. Tbelrbutajipeaiancelntblaclij waa made at the London Tbeatre ibree rears ago. Bbortlf after this engsncnent lir. Banel^r waa obliged to go West for bla bealib. He located Id Pueblo, and beeanw levee and nunager ot tbe Columbia Tbeatre. nis falling beatib, bowever. conpelled blm to abendon ell work. IIU rife anr- vlvea blm. lUvKoei SVMiint. a BpeDlab dancer, died June in Chicago. lU., from aplnal trosble. Tbe de- ceased, who waa twenij-two veare of age, waa bora In Wllaon, N. T., and bad been npon the stage for tix jcaiB. In ins she was In Parte, Pr., where ehe DMde a auccem wlib her dancing. PitoK. JoflN dbUlix, a maglclao, died Jnue bisbomeln Buokner, Ma,after aleoglllneaa. Tbe deceased bad been In piotestlon ationt thirty leara. and waa very well known. lie letlrcd fn>ni tbe botlneM In IBW, owing to falling b«altb. He leares a widow and one daughier. RUTB TEOnmv (JoDca). an actor, died Jane 18. at Buibto, N. Ym from lajarles ncelred In faUlng from a awing. The dfoeaetd, wbo was twent;>ibiee yean o( age, bad ckMd bla waeon wlihtb«Ro»- UcBrlde &od flfoa, upon vboM act Ui* pwf 1«5 mu. mented lo BaUerlBR itfma, oan tw ennnd for mh The DlJou Tiiulr*. P^lennn, H. J.. olTen adrto(a|;tvtiK (Id* loan4cU« rnmlilDtUon*. MaQtcer BtD Leavlu i.f boohed HTtnl IcMlInq &tiTicuoD> fitr neit ««4ud. O BHen and Reddlna'M act |i well 1lke<l hj ii.e "Brlil»heni " Tber areengiKed at ibe Palace Tliceirv, Lftndon. fur three monlliB. , , _ a « ■ PelD Killer** Co. for neit aeasoD. He o(T«ri bli oew Mntntiilniff rorwle. , ... Illll ind IIIILconieily uaeieal artlite, cube negoiUted '^McCoy Sinter* ud BUI; HcCor and UlDOle HgBtot eu beeDRMed for Tuce comidy or ipeclAhr compear rorDexl'ceMHi. _ . . „ , TheRiBrTheetre, DolwIieD. N. J..oRen open time lo good-fomiilB*!low. . , , , ^ , jMk anil Rom B irh& Id Iheir uolriae boiloff Hktrdi Morad hltn el Mooiml. Tlielr ict an bCMea loKtir ^ ViVlhfniM conllnae nieceferully la their ■unlloR ■rrleleDd perch act TlieKlckapoo lodfaa HedlciQeCo-mtlielureniuii wrTonnere lor Uielr numeroue tnTalloR coiBpaDleit. KatharineOjle«.wtiwe clobJogKllBnaetleoaaofUie blm at Koiter A Blnl p. can Im enitaced for neit waaon. C. ConMantloe caat^aclioew dancea, vlth novel coii- '^IL^runtlle can ofTer pr«fltable AonmereataBnmeai-t , Nev York Hiiy to Itrti claea tpeclalir act*. Good Specialty ariM cao secure dates at Uie HonrO AOienKUP.BoiUjn.MlsK. . . . aiarlee C- Biutnm n«uceia (hat all peonleeagaged for U"PUis and Plaren" Co. and UMlraddrento Leon- ard D^lmore. Prospects m«iq to be the biiglitf it for ibU ^^^ate^KaUiiDiT noKilee nil ih* profenlon aod maniMni latlnhlmMirare retted all rlabta to the tlUe. "BUck Amorlra," ami he varae ererybody agalan tin unnar- ranted oitv. lie cxlln aiieDtlvn tu oo« lDlrioit«Dteoton hln rlaht*. with reoueti to desUt rVom furtli»r viohitloo*. pft)f. BbleMa itelou Hiervorilcoa viewa to lUudraie ""c.'ll. Ken ell DotlAen rpeclalir people, booked at hlipa- YllloaTheaue.ftaKlnaw, K.B..MIcb., that ibey ar^ un- ^ Job'a and Nellie HcCinbr can U eossRed. OUICUB. RlnKtitm BnUieve' Clrcui lies ennittl for Ibielf Ihe dU- tlocUon orcomloy Eaiiaod rttaiteriDu to tbewlDdmlie allow Idoln htllierto eiMlinir. The BoaUn anil Vrw Kniland itreM In Reoerml voice the teoUmeot of tbe teople In prooouncins U the blsReei aiiJ tMtt show that lae ever been Men In Botion, rnvldeDce, Lowell, .Seo-- lort aod other New EoKtind eltle*. and tlaniorlou for 'utare vUlub/ itila orinuiHialloo. Thoibo*.efterapro- looged eogaxemini In CblcaRo, came East, nnkuoaa un- heard of Dymany.and eiimbllelieil Iteeir atonceaiilM World's Onaio^t, tunlDR people away at lereral of the p«ifonnaorcalDthe Huh. It Is Mfo to urthattheeo- fervrlplna (iDlniet ol ehnwaenvlll tour theconilneoi •very soimon hereafter. lo<t«ad of hidlna their llRlita un- der Uio "VVonern" bodial. JfrJo cnn ife iigrured for raaoria or tide Hiovp. i:lrcus poopio "rc trinted for thoClilcaRo Itoyal EuiIUli CIrcuii. ... , Doc Olbbs vsnln side sliow people. (leo. W. Ilsll Jr. wants circus people. Freaks nre wanted br Charlen Andrw for the RioRlini; Brothers Bide 8hov. niSCELIiANBOVB. Atlract'oo* ra» book lime at Open llouw, AlUoj-. Ho.; Ilapltl Rallrooil Co., Detroit: Upeni llouw,)lcCon nelUvlUe. 0.; Opera lluuie. IlolOen, Mo.; Upera IIhim, HeUe PUme, [o«a; Cayuia Lake Perk, Senvca Fslb, N. '.: Put In Hv I'lADd, O. ForBale: PoMloR diairs, by A. A.Penrresay: klseto- ■coper, by F. Fnuofelter; tnck lior«e, hr Alex. Kendall; tenL by Ur. P. U. Miller: orcan, by Blilmek Brethem; aolmaUu by W. L. Ualo, Donstd Bums, U. ilolle and AnI. Dial loiportloR Co.; maRlC t>y C. L. BarllDRame sod \X. U.J. Bliaw: rooster orcueitTK^ br Jobn II. Sparks. At Liberty: E. O. Ferfuioo, uent; DvlRttt Ctapp. aRfnt; Barry Biting, agent; OrliUth Uorsaii, msdIc ^'llady balloonlrti can lie engaged throogh Bmlih. Ue)man'sCo!laienl Loan Bank, Chicago, oiFera ready nuney on pmtsoobI effecte. „ . „ , AtimctioQt ar« wanted for the New York SUle Pair, (lyracuw, N. Y. PriTllrgea are also uiTered for ale by nieo. H. Coleman. . . , , F. M. WoifalU lamlidi scenery In eicbange foradrer- tJilng prlvikge oo diopcortain. Jeabla's Pouy UippoOmioe can be engaiced. lAursot Uowenl mtniH a tAlloonllL An aitracilre noveliy Is wanted for au open air concert "koUIok ehalrii are maiiufaclnroU by tlie Buckeye Chair Co. ^TeLaaRhllo A Clark can place drtntatlo people, sped \ij acts aod musicians with their "Seostor O'Ormdy" Co. Hanle Barrett can be second for heavy or enoilonal leade and old womeo. Joeeph 11. fllaler wante a niannnr. R. J. Enrood. Gipsy W^snle snifRuby Krwood, raluable aoquUltlone foraoy coiDpaey, can be oecured. TVR Heed k Robinson Co. want dramatlo people and DnelcUas. - "Okl Tenttassee," a new nnilcal comedy. Including many novel foatures, will be toured next seaaon by Alex ander A Ttalle. Hansgera can sscare this atlncilon. Atiraciloni can secure time at tbe Bsche Auditorloni, WAllsboro, Ps. Drwmatio people an wants*! by Wilt II. Davla. Sen- ur Pay ton. If Ilk r A Treu«I.S. A. Hl Cyr, Ke<>uRhand Lonburg, llamer sad Mctfowen^ R. 0. WIUiatiiF, Jack Cai«. J. C. Bockwsll, B. E. Wright, T. H. James, Oeo. W. Love, Clisae aod LIm«r. AiLlbenr: J-H. RIdiisond. Kellle Howard, Billy Bar- bour. B%mle Usrvay, Eleanor Stones Andrew Leary, Gbarles Beokwith. Orsce lAngdeo, W. H- PlunkelL An opening sitractloB.aDil others for later dates, an utM for the New Otaod, Pans, III., by Loo Roley. Powell A I'srker want Tom people la all braacliesfor Lord's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. Robert WsyiM waatj ditmaUe people for hli repertoiy compaar. Fint ctaai oombloatlons era ofTered special (ndoce- meoUi to book tlie Nuuo Uall, Lowell, Ma*a., npoite>i to be a first class tbive night stand br Manager W. II. Four new eongs bar* been Issned by tlie S. Braloard' Sods Co., Cltlcuo. They sr« enUilod "The Time Be Ltfve^ ihe;H4stk'' '*D'*ri«." "Clnmnile Fsdden" and "JohttBlsBellly's airl,** aod can be lecured fteeby pn foe*l6oali. V 'Bhe Packed Her Tnnk and Left for Cincinnati' published by Broenig A Flechslg. "Tlie King and Queen of lleann" can bo ordered for tea carta by profeMlooala, from Edgar Deerlng, author or '-Mr Dear OU Home." **The Old Chufch Cbolt** Is Isiued by the Horray Muslo noa«e. Tbe Haxan Muxle Co. can soppl>* copies of "Let Hs KIm Your Team Away" free to iiroreulonals. 'RrlDiBseh the Answer* Is advertised by O. W. Leae. When Bsby Goes to Sleep" can tn orderetl from Emil WuUcbnerA Ron. *'I Loved UlD, Bat I Never Tokl film Is tbe tllleof a new song Usued bv the Uutcheu Muuc Co. Uatnlltoo H Oordon haa publlthod iliree new «onei. whicli hettconimsadn toprofrtsloiial TocsUuias hits. "Tlie Other iMy." "I>o Vou Keaomher, Lorei" and "Ab, aweetbeart Mine." csn be secured for ten cenU cacb with ordiestn paiii. . MnilolaniLanFsnied by J. a. Henderson. I'nf. D. M. Bums. Will U. Dsrip. Momn sadRhenmsn, 0. P. Brawn. Tliel'eirle UualctUt. sdvenbo fournaw songs which Iher supplr rVee to Hlngst*. At LIbenr: Prof. L. De Onise. Bessie UlUon. Bert lag I— RiibertL^ Camilchaalwanto ntuslelsas for next with Blllr Yan'e Dig MInetrela. Ueluleln A Allen want alngoTS to aend for ihelr latest publlcaUon, "Hey I See You Home, NeUlei" a new waltz ong by T^B. B. Allen. Ten coDft inr rrnTesalonalcopies. **CDroe Gather tho WIM Ftowem With Ho" Is the eaiehr title 01 a new pong iMoed by Harry M. SUton. The pah- lleher supplies this soog, wltb ssvenl othen, to singers, for ton cents. Ccrl Clair wanu meilclaas for Uie Bsraun A Uall«y Band. "My Panlios." publldicd br J. If. W. Brne, Is betag sung by manr promlaent vocallsu. Proresilooals can get It for ten cents. Harnr & Miller'* Inten descriptive ballad, "Denied llnm«,''aad Ueone C. Kdwarda'^ntory la seug, entitled "HsiKiy U the Bride That Die Ken Bhines On" can be tiad free ey prnrssslooahi from H. J. Wcbman, by oendlog card. A few prorasalonsl ewles of "Altor Your ewles of nllltelL sirel people. Tbe shnw wlH oren tbe laltor part ol The Royal Pur gustte^ flUlng a sacceufol ei ment oo die steamer Republic, can be engaied fo free Wand'ringa Come'lions" aro niW "Do. My Dloah, Do," (a pnblUbed by (leo. A. Craggs. VABIETT AND HIlfBTBBlJI. Hsns and Abaoeo can Im ongnged for Bummer ooter- taluaentL Uigh class vaudeville ncM are wasted for cootlnuoas perfomtancee at the Olrmplo Theatre, Chicago. Terry and Blner can he engaged. Tlie Edoa and Wood Company of Novelties la tourbg South America. P.W.BiTOh IssnHaootlce cazKellogaUcontnotswlth managsn and performers. Baker aod Bnjdtll an at AlUnboCily for the Summer. The Nelnn Family of acrobsta can fin engtgemeDts^ Barlow Bras.' MInai rsis want a musical tAin aod mln' . ... jyj^. , . . eogagw- Republic, can be engaged for next J. W. Onbsme taaches sugedsocing. Rice and Blner. muedy norfsontal bar team, an liberty for next seasuo. VaudevUle combiaaUoDs and perfomers cao secara datosatlbe New Atheeoram Tbesira, llarlen. New York. Maaager Becker wants to bear ftvm aa Al orchettn ol six plscea, loclodloa pianist, aocastomed to variety huilaeas; alio a cmu stage tuaoag^rt whocao put on afterpieces ir de>ind aod labsadywlththebnub;the Uttar Dnfemd to tbe runner. ttpeclaltf people an wanted by PraC Alftwd Bailey, Wlchltt Jack. Concert Uall, Loodoa Electric Co.. B. Moo tello. Dr.W F Mooroe,FTmok Wood. A. J. Dahl, Dr. 8. Rnodon. Dr. D. F. Spencer, Ed. Annontf, W. Illtespear, Cbsrlea Allen. Al Liberty: Bmmettaad Hsck, nypooilo- Nahl aod Bnillei bara aaoiher Doreliyin "Bllgolbrin.' oon«lBUng of tableaui la poHihed gold and silver. TliV noveh^, sa well as the llvleg btvota pictans, Wlllsey's Congresa of KovtUles, headed by Bheatell and Uont aD4 WU1» ' - and dates In Westam Hide A Behmaa want Bnt eUas speelalUea (or tbe wees of Aog. M. Tbe BL CtalnaaaoQBce tbal they have sigaed tbr next WHEELING. Jalr S—ToaritW 'Ojdlng Clab lourDunut. F-ilmos, N. J. Jalr 4--CoonecUcut ]>WI«l»n L. A. W, D«t« Bridttport Jul7 i—BlJighftait«D (N. V.) Altalttio Aw-cUtloa unxnv ^Blr 4—Btltimora (Hd.) 'Orclo Clab tMnumeat Julr 4—llereuiT Vi'Le«lmMi loTinuii«nt,All.Dtowo,rA. Julr 4—Tooraunentat Dor.r, N. II. . „_ Julr 4—I'rcta 'CrdlnR Club toorutnuit, BuOUo, N. T, Julr 4—TDunimjii«otiitLouliTUl^ Kr> Julr 4—S(tr 'Orel. Club tnirnunwl, S|>*DO«r, Mta. Julr 4—Wuthl. Fuk Club UHinumttOC, 8outb Fiwlfll' bun, HUL July 4—Soulh Oimv. (^r. J.) FlbU Club ImniuiuL Julr 4-HudMD (N. Y.) Bicycle Clab toaro*in.Qt. Julr4—l^m«r(HiM.>'Crcl«01abtouruiiiML _ Julr 4, ft-Anow 'Orcle Club t«urawn.nt, DuboI^ P.. July 4, fr-Cenury 'QrcUnf Club totifiiuitot, Srncuu, Juir 8—RlTSnlde WbMliDeD tonnun wt, New Tork. July 6-U-L«.iae ol Amerlcui Vbeelmto lAuael meet and cnUDplooahTp ncee, Aabury l^k, N, J. Crack Raeera la Canadm. The trlBnKulkr cootest betivMn the pnteiBioDel riden, Jobo S. JoboHoii, Welter Saoiier tnd neiry Tfler, ror a puree of tl.soo, heat two Is ttitte mllo heats, van decldeil over the track or Ihe TOtoiiih (Uot.) FeriT Conipauy, on Hoadaj, Julr I, thoiiMiDil people turning out to wllneea the ainigiilr iwlirecn these celebnited ildera. The uncli Is con- Binicleil o( iKWDla, ami la a quarter lallc In rlreum- ferenue. Tlie roiiiesi waa one ot tho keenest evrr wllaeaaed anywhere, ami theepectaton were highly ilelliihtctl. Itie riden were paced hy Weliion aiul U'Cniinor In the mat heat, oml llnhiheil n fen liichm apartliiloi. stus-. DuikluK Ihe fualest mile ever rlililen In coiBpeilUon. Johnmn vas llret by less than six liiones over aanner, with Tyirr a half frUeelM leoglh In the rear. The aecoiul lieat resulted the mtne "my, but tho llmo wasskiwer, lieaiuse Ihe taDdcm could not pace fast onouiih. Tlie lime -Jm. IKs. Tyler, paced by Sanger, mde n lult mile In one mmuie. lUcbardsoii rode a quarter mile backwards In 6T,'is., breaklog the world's recoid for this ntyle ot golUR. SaiiRer won a halt mile onea In Im. t03.,Hlih O'connorwc- ond and Watson (;olemao Uiird. !j-iigcrwun tlio mile lianillcap tnm acntcU In 2m. li.'is. SARDB.N, the English anuuinr rider, on Juno 3d, at Fulucy, London, nxle a mile, nylng start, In lui. 60?js., which la iioir tbe English record. On ine tollonliig day, at CaUord,a new cement track, he brake the tecorda from two to ten miles, as lollow: Two miles, 4u. Ks.; time miles, em, 3;>s.; four miles, 8m. llHs-; dremliee, ion. is.Sia.; six miles, llm, 20*i«.; seven mllee, Nm. zss.; eight ana, ism. u?is.i nine ml,lea, ism. M»s.; ten miiai 20m. Kb. Tuk Tourist'Cycling Club, ol Pateison, N. J., hte ncelved the largo number ot ta enines for tie meet lUal la to be held nader Its auspices at ao Olltion race timet on July 3,4. Theie are sevenu- nlne entries for the mUe and a ball Clan A handi- cap, which, ot conne, will be ran lo bests. Tbe club has atnnged to accoDunodale eighteen tnoiia- and perwns, and have made amngemenlswlth luc Erieltalltoad to run apeclal tnlna from Newlork to the tnck. Till Qoodman handicap lotd nee waa held at Tonawanda, N. Y., on Jnne tJ, In the evening. Elgnwen riUeiB surted, and the event, which wan witnessed l>y a largo crowd, waa won by «. i- Oardel, In aim. l(».; Thomas amy wcond, Injrrni. sis.; Otto Stcgber third. In Mm. SB.; Fttd K ine toonh, lo Ma. 60s. A. J. Bundle won tbe tlnio prize In Ihm. sa.; lien Vlercland second. In bm, lis. \r.O,\VAiBON,r, UlsbOeld and n. Dance, ama- teun, mado a aucceaaful attack on Ihe Ivs miios triplet record on tho occasion of the Uatleisca i oiy- technic InsUtuie's annual sports, at the PutJWJ athletic grounds. In Uindon. Eng., on June 16. xno time by miles was as follows: Ono mile, am. 13'.s.. two miles, 4m. 33SS.; three miles, 6m. 6«,sa; four miles, «m. ai^a; Ove uillea, llm. AiHt. UoumttsT Ui'SBT proved the winusr of • iwenly- four houis'bicycle mco that took pl»" •«'*™,; Fiance, on ygnday, June IS, and In •chlertojr the TictoiT ho broke Ihe record prevloualT iu£e by the Engllab endurance rider, Bborisnd, by W-ll" mllesrTlnnt's toul being 61S miles. Ue rode -oo mlleslnsih. lorn. 64s. & (!. WHiiKiiriT added lo his repntatlou as a speedy and enduring bicycle rider iiy cojeilDg m« hundreil mHea In 4h. Mm. S4;ia, at tbe Ueme llin track, Louduii, Eng., June 39. 1. WADDtxuTo.v, amataor, hi a trial agslnsl the fifty mUes Nonbem road record. England, on June I',!, succeeded hi doing Jh. Jim. 46s., healing C.«• Bchafei's ngures bj 3nL 29s. F. T. BiDLini, en Jone lJ,todo a tricycle ojer lhj Oreat Nonh Road, In Bogland^onebundled miie> In 6b. ISO. 67a, Ibnt rodticlng W. Brookbanu re- cently esiabllabed record, 6h. Sim. ns. ARiBia w. PoBTBi, according lo » ilJSJj't from Waltham, Mass., JnUl. rode one nUs from » niliig start, paced b7 a qnad.. In ID. 61MS., al place, en Mid date.