New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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282 THE NEW YORK OLIPPER. July 6. HtnlUealleMlDgaad Umelr teUlDi b«lpM Uw ClocloiwUii u> ■ Tlcurr Jul/1, wbra iha tctat wu »t\lua from (InclniiiiU lo liiuUvlllt, Kr.. ID > con- teat U»t nui UnDlimteil la Hit Ural luK of Un elfbt Inning ud nccoiinl of dtrkneat. Foituian SItebed iMli until aevcnlli Inning, wlien iIm ooM Iwn iKR«n to int liltn tnMj, acorini tn rauitvo unied, wbon b« wM replaced byPunlL HoOrun wu un<tc>dr, and be wu taken ont In tbe tura Inning and weThbigMiliiuliuied; Imt tbe latter wan no Tmprovomeol on tbo former. The loii aafc Mt< were a trlplo and double baifcr bj Emnit, whow) baiting wu a foatare. ClKIMXATI. " ~~ ' ' Hot, ir Lilhun, U HeniM, lb. I 3 1 9 9 Bvloc, III ■ ■ Uiraaita Um contaet, wbtcb waa narked lijr manj brUluiit pla;i hj lioui teaDU. In Uie aerenUi In- ning <liimn and lialr ooUkM wblle mnning after Van Jialtran'a higb llf- to ilmt centte; Dal/ re- ceived a cut lo the moolh and retired, Bbocta laUog hbi place. Van Ualtnn wu credited wltk a triple baiger, and Sblndle wlita a doable. NIWVOH. I " — ■ " " T. B. II. II. A 1.1 LOIIUTIIXB.T. a. ■, 0. 1.1. Miller, rr. Bollll. M.... I i VaagbD, c . i Fonmin, p. i Pamitt, |i... n Prsme. rr... 4 u 0'BrlaD,ll>.. 4 0 D|nianrt,a iMlnier, 1 9 .4010 Muniiir, ir.. 4 Tltmaa, rf.. 4 TuUHt'o.cT 4 W. Cluk, lb. < a Bctirlrtr. c. i KuratLW... 1 I), cum,p.. I Falter, M.... 9 .1 0 aelfln|er.cr4 110 9 olwekh, lb. . 4 0 0 7 I 0 1110 oiHriu, c t 0 0 I 0 1 I 1 9 u O Waniir, C...I 0 I 9 0 u U 0 0 1 0 r.olll04,3b.. 9 1 3 1 I U u 0 0 0 u UcCnarr, p 1 0 0 0 I V Varhlni.p.. 1 1 n 0 1 0 T0UI11...9 II nil BO TiiULli...a t Til a I ClDclGDaU 1 0 3 1 9 0 f-11 i,mUviii« ououuoe—A Faretd nina—IylUl«Tllt^ 3. Bua on l,tll>-Cliiclonatl. 9: L.,0. Urack out—C., 3; L., a. Umfiire, Keeft. Tim*, tJ». BoetoB ve, PhllBdelptala. UaiM on lialla by Hmllb, wlih a tinetr Imnchlng of bita bj tlie liOHionii, enabled Uiem U> defeat tbo rkUadelpbluon Juno 29, at IkMton, Haat., allboiigli tbelatteroutbaitodaiidoulileldod the borne team. Niab bad an ' off dai," and made a number of coetlT errora, lieing clwrxcd with four of Ike alx credited to kla team. Nichola wufreeir bailed, ea- peclallf llf Hamilton, Turner and Crow, but waH senerallj eihcllre. Tlio long Mfe klta wen triple Eanere lij Hamilton and Tkompaon, and donbles l>; Turner and llaonun niu 4 119 10 10 19 13 OnAu.,., I 0 u 0 0 0 AadenoSiU. a 0 0 I 0 0 lialbr.e i 0 u 1 3 0 ISBMlr, p. s 0 I 0 1 0 Totall Jl 1 •34U 4 TM<lf-..a 1 III 13'3 tin fork 3O00O000-3 Brooklra 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 3-3 B4M on arrora—N«T Toth, 1: Brooklyn. 3. Oo balM— N. v.,9:8,1. Blmck oot-K. Y.,I. IJoipIra, Euiilla. Tlino, l.t>. nnelf l«uinf, daring baee mnning and Blnoat tanlilexi HeldlDg on toe part of Ibe Brooklfna en- abled Uiem to Kore en apparentlreaaj Ttclorr orer ibeNeWYorkionJoIfl. Htelo bad eiceUent com. mand of Ibe liall, and woi Terr eOkctlTe, bolding tbe New York! down to il^ eoatterlng tafe hlla. Ituate allowed tbe Brooklfna onl/ eoTon Mfe hlta, Including two Irtple iMggera, bnt be waa Terr wild In gtrlng liaaea on ball*, and no wu wielcbedv aup- ported, (be Brookljna lUTaitablj making their klu after llnile bad gteen a bane on belli or a coail/ error kad been made.lij Ibe New Yorks, and rum would follow. Tbe lour lafa bIta were, triple liag- era bj llrim and Andenon. ThelnDetd work ot ihlndle, Bbock and Corcoran wu a feature. ._, T. B. a HunllUiD, of 9 0 3 Bella. 111.... e 1 n ■olliHn. iL. B 0 0 Tbonpmn.rrs 0 I Toraer. ir... 3 I 9 • 1 1 Boekler, «... s 0 1 Orao, ib.... n I 9 BalUi, p e I 1 mala . ...49 > 1) 34 13 nlUdiliibU... Oil . AM. It U 0 0 4 I 0 0 0 0 1 RonTon. T. Look. m..... a Uci:arlhr,lr. 0 Tonnor, cr.. A lliiiry, er, If.. 0 Rub.aii.... • TiOVOiHi.... 6 Toctor, lb.. > Runon. rf.. a Oanul, c... NldioKp.. TnlaU.. a. n. 0. A.a. 3 114 0 3 13 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 • 3 I 0 0 4 .931341 5 3 3 9 0 0 a I 3 3 0 0 > I 0 7 I ■ • I 1630 40 19 10 ir II e Morpiir, ir.. ruiTUo. n..« u Vullill'o.er4 I Ckm, lb.... 4 0 0 Wllaon.0.... 4 u Famll,3ll... I 0 Kgil»,p.... I 0 KllUoru.. ■ " TotaU. Kev fork.. Biooklya. . - _ - 9 0 I 7 -13 Bamtdninii—rlilliul«1|4iU, 1; Roaton, 9. Bua on at^ iK-P., .1: B..9. On holla-k, l;ll.. II. HITUcko<ll-r., a:B.,l Umplra, Murray. Tlint.lOA. Tkeie teams met June a, at rbtladelpbia. Pa., lain baYing preventeil tbe two preceding gamea iicbedaled at Uoiton, Haiu. The I'hiladelphlaa aui:- ceededlnnyanlngtho nUive rciiill iiTbeaTfand Umelj liattlOR. BilTetli proved an eanj mark for tbe borne team, who liaturt lilm with tre<iaencr, eneclallfln tbe flnt, fourth andMrentli Inning*, wben ther iinde oloren of tbe Iblrleen nine credited to them. 'n>;lor wue nrj olTocilve In all eicepttho third Inning, when the ll<ieton> liatted In Ore nina, four of which n ore oamoil. lielebanty and Uuirr led Ibelr reepecilvo leanu In balling. The longaate Mia were a linmo ran by Ulemonti, Irlnlo baggen by Oroaa, llelohtnly anil UcCanhjr, and doiililea hj Tkompaon (Uiret). llelebaiitr, Hulllran, Clementa nod Tkylor. The liailing of Tbompion, lielehantj and Uementa, with the iiaao ruoolig of llamlllon and llojio, wore featurcrt. t Pnii.!. T. a n. n. a.h. lltnlUnD.cr6 1 3 9 0 1 lloyto,lli.... t 1 0 19 0 I i:n»i, 111. .. 113 3 9 1 nionipwio.rr 3 IKlalianlr. If 9 9 Holllrui, M. > nomtnta, c. 6 Teylor. p.... a TaUh....4> 19 17 37 11 rtilUdelfhU... 1 0 0 loaua 0 u 9 Rooa aamtil-riilMeliihla, II; _ •rrnn-n., 3. Iht Inlla-V.. 9; B., 1. 1 Bonrox. T. B. n. o. A.B. I,i>nt. aa.... 4 1 I 1 3 U Mcdrlhr, If. 4 t I 0 0 0 Itairr.rf;.... 4 13 3 10 Niali,3l>..... 4 U 1 I 1 0 (Hlrfiwp, 31 4 0 U 1 4 0 ruotiir. lb... 4 I 1 lli 0 0 Hanniin, r(.. 4 0 1 1 0 0 lUntal,c.... 4 114 10 Hllvella. p... 3 1 n U 3 0 TaUla....9) G 1417 It U 9 1 0 « 0 1-19 0 0 U U U I—M Boauin. 4. Htao on . —ft., .fc ,"1 ,M,u»—,.. d, n.,,. Htruck uul—p., 3l B., 1. t'mplrfi. Murrny. Tliiio. 110. Tblrteon IniilngH woro niT.eAiarj Iwfiire n re.iult waa reached July 1, llin I'lilladnlphlu Ihon winning 110 TbouipMinM douiilo Niiil nliiglCH hy lUllman, tXemeniii nnil I'liracj. 'fliroo Iwmcm on IwllR, aa- Klalcil by two wlM thmwa and two Mlnglox. allowed the lUMIonH lo wion thrco nina In Inn third anil fourth loiilogii. After tlint CanKy tiellleil down to hli4 work and pltrlivil olTecUvoly. 1110 Phlladelpblu earned anin Intholblnl iinCrofx' force anilThomit* MOO'rt double liaggor. In llio ninth Ibcy tied tbe Roore on llnllman*a i4ugUi, TiiniorSi Iqihooii ballts tiemonta* liaiie bit anil t^iraey'a nut, and won oul la tbe thlrteentli Innliiir, hm tnM iiliove. NIoIioIm wai batteil hnrd, fri|iei:lany hy Thnm^m. riumuibi and llnllman, hut nuinageil tn kuvp the lilta well anart, except In Iho tlilnl, ninth nuil ililnecnili lonliiiK. Tbo long aafo liltn wero doiihlo iMitgura liy Thump- lun and (Jlonieuta, tbo former makuig three anil tbe latter two. Paiu. lUniUtuo.ef.. Boyla, lb ana, 3b llMiopaoo.rr. ltalloan,lb.. KuTllraa,u... Tum*r. it irUmtntliO... naiiey, j Toula. ... PtilUdalplila. BoatoB. .0 1 e 0 . 0 0 It 1 10 3 4 .14 4 1 .0 U 3 4 . 1 3 ■ 9 .0019 3 II 1 0 .04910 .. U 1 9 1 BodnLI. I«DB, aa iiiiny, cr Na>h.9h lAwt, lb Tuokor, lb... Hannnfl, rf... llanioL v.... mrlHila, p... . 9 19 » W a. n. 0. A.a ,09491 . 0 3 < II 0 .0 0 3 0 0 . 0 1 1 4 e .03100 . 0 0 13 4 0 .113 0 0 1 3 » D 0 0^ .. 0 9 to 9> 17 1 0 0 0 3-9 0-9 TnUla... 1 0 [I 0 0 0 - 1 3 0 000 . . - KtlTiad runwllillaiUlpblA. I. llw on erroni—P.. I. Bo4lnB.4. Onballa-1'., 3; H..& Hlnirk uul-P, 1; R., 9. Unirlr*, Murray. Tlnir,l.lO. Ohioago r§, 81* Lowla, Tbe Ohlcagoa apparvnlly had Utile innble In da. teatlog tbo 81. lAiiila Urowni on Judo a), wben ibey ontplayed the latter at all pnlnu. (irlllltb waa In great form and pitched wllh good elTMt, holding tbe vUllon down to (our eafe blui, n hlcb, bowev Inoluded two double baggera. In the Unit Inning he retired the linwnii nn Ihrce pitched lialla. Btaley waa iinllo fteoly iialteil, oapeclally In Ike foortn and aovonth Innlngn, when Iko Cblcagoe aoored olg of tbo aoven nma credited to tlicn. Bone wonderful playa were made. In whlota Hahlea, EYerlU and (Jiilnn look an aoiire pari. Krerllt led la halting, bin three safe hlla Including a donUe baner. Tbo other hnig aafo blia woro a hone run by Stewart and double bnggeni by Onnnor, Ely and llian. Tlie doldlng of liahlen, wllh Kveitlt's ballliig, wen the featurea. RT. LOOia. T. H. H. (>. A.I I OtllOAOO. BrovB, rf. - ivxilay. If.. UiilDa.3b.. iloBnor, lb. Miac... ny, M Dii«d, Sb. Bonner, rf.. 3 0 0 1 4 1 U a 0 I 4 0 0 ii iiran.rf. OllUblen, lA.. a wlimoL ir.. 0 0 Anaon,!! - ilPLtt.... I OIHTorlll 9b.. 1 IRUWAcl.tb. 0 0 llrimih,|).... U l KlllrlilB«,0 a 9 Tolala 0 T. I. a. o.a.B. 9 0 1 3 0 0 a 1 1 3 a 1 4 1 3 3 0 0 4 0 0 lU 1 0 4 3 1 4 0 0 4 3 3 1 4 1 1 1 0 13 1 .0111 .» 7II rr la 3 - 0 0-1 . 9 0 0 1 "01 TU°u)i. ..3l 1 4 K RLLoula 0 I Uileaio 0 0 0 a 0 1 9 KamaO rana-riiiraln, 9. HAartoa*rroi«-aLLnula,9 0., I. On balU-HI. 1... 1 a:. Klnirk iint-«l. L<iula, I 0..4. rniplra, (Inltln Time. Tbe HU i,oula liruwiu were tloolalvely defcaleil on July 1, when Uitlloniilcln waa tatted all orer the lot when the game waa virtually won, Terrr re- tired In favor ofThomlKn, a young collegian fmm Iowa, who pllohed a very go>id ImII, except In Ike ninth Inning, wben the llmwni liatteil In four runs, three earaod. Lauge and ixinunr leil thotr raapeet- Ive teaina In Iwltlng. The lung aafo hlu were a home run br liahlen, triple luggera by liowd and lieoker, the lalter nuking two, and doiiiilea by coo' nor, Peltz, Anann, Uiige, Krerltl and Ilivnataue. a. 0. A.B. 13 0 0 t 0 0 ~ 3 3 0 III I 0 3 3 0 I 1 0 3 1 0 3 3 Oil BB00aLTa.T. L a. 0. a.b. arl>a,et... 4 13 10 0 0 I 3 1 I , 0 3 11 0 0 Tffdaay, rf. 4 0 0 1 0 0 ------ Jnly3,4,1.1.and r a , Brooklyn ra Boalon, at Brock. oly4, A.a'.'uid V.'a, pblUilalphla va. Wadilontoi. >t PlillAilelplilA, I'A. Jalr4, A. a. an.1 r. m . 9. rillAbiirg t«. rHvoUnd. at Plllabnra. Pa ., . , . Jgly 4, A. a. and P. a.. 0, l.lilCAgo rf. (Mnainoatl. at Chi- eaao, lU. Joly4,a. a.aadr. a..a,BU Lonia tl LmlirlUe, al Bl. Loala, Mo. JolTa,7,lkRloelnnAll ra. Brooklyo. al CInclnnAll. 0. Jnlya. 7, a, l/OalarllU ra. WaAhlnaun. at t.ou arlllt. ky. Jaly a, 7, a, KL Loula ta. Baltimore, al Rt I,ouIa, Mo. Jalyl,a,(,CbleAao>a. .Vaw Tork, atClilcarii, III , J■ly^ a, >, CUveUnd ra niladalpbla, al CleralaoO, 11. Jolya. a, a, PllUbori la. HouUo, at lliubnrg, Pa. DIAHOKD FIBLD OOgglF. Naw Yoaa. r. a. a. 0. a.l 717 U 1 0 0-1 1 -7 BiooKLta. r. a. a. o. > I u 1 0 0 ahhidk ib.. a 0 1 a 0 1 Laehanea, lb 9 0 0 13 1 u indenoo. If > 1 I 1 3 1 Khoeh, ib... • 0 I 0 I 1 Tndway, rf. 4 I 0 9 1 I Conona,aa 4 119 I OOrliD, a 4 13 9 I 1 aula, p 4 I ' ~ 1 6 34 11 7 Toula...41 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I I 0 0 I 3 1 Baned mna-Brooklyo. 1 Baaa on *rroi«-B., 3. Oa balla-Naa Vork, 1: B , 7. Hlmcb out-N.Y., 1; B, «. "mplia, Emille. Tlai e, 1.40. WaahlBfltoB va. Ballloiere. Tbe BalUmorea defeated the Waahlngtou on Jane ■a, ait Waablngtoo, D. C In a conleet that had a cloee and eiclUng llolah. Twomeaweraootlnthe ninti Inning, wllh men on aecond and third buee, and'tbe leore aundlng 7 lo t In favor of Waihlog- ton. I Two atilkea bad been called on HcOnw, wheA he bit tbe ball to left flcid, aendlngln Iwotnna and wlnnlog the game, llelu and Belliacb led tbelrttapedlTeteami In balling, Tbe long lafe klu wen a home nin by Kelley, and a triple bagger by Belbacta. Hercer wu freely iiatted th^ougbon^ bnt kept the hlta well apart, except In the nfih, ilxlh and nlDlh Inning*, tbe nilion eanlngieveQ of the eight mn* credlbd to them. The feature* wen tbe batting ot llaltz, Kelley and Selbacb; wllh the Held- iDg of aiaaicook and Utlns. Waaaiaoroa v. a. a. o. A-a ' SalbaeLir... 1 0 ~ Joyea, ib— 9 3 Lata** larlaga aad DalBga of the Baa^ baU FraUraltr. Tbe recenily played champlonakip gamea of the aouibem Aawclatlon reioltedu follow: June 23— At BTauTtlle, Krannllle, 13; Nubvllle, 4. At HempbU, Mempbli, t; Mule Hock, 4. At New Or- leau, New Orleana, 10; Uonigomery, 1. June 24— At Atlania, AUania, li; New (irleaiia, 7. At Kvans- vllle, Hempbla, 14; Ennavllle. t,. At Naihvllle, Utile Rock, 9; Naabrtlle, 1. June 2i-At Ailants, New Orleana, 12; AUaala, II. At Chatuoooga, Montgomery, 14: Cliatunooga, 2. At Kramvllle, EyaoavUle, 14; Hempbla, 4. At Naihvllle, nia. June B7-At Atlanta, Montgomery, 0: Atlanu, :i. At EvMiarllle, EnnivUle, 13; IJule hock, a. At NaihTUk), NaihvlUe, «: Hempbla, i, June Hi-At Atlanta, Atlanta, a; Monlgomerr, l- At Cba^ unooga. New Urleani, 2; Ckatlanooga, I. AINaah- TlUe, Mubillle, II; Hempbla, 8. June a>-At At- lanu, AUaila, e; Hontgomeiy, 4. At ObaUanooga, Ckatlanooga, f. Now Orleana, e. At Kvanarlllo, Utile Rock, a; EvanB\1lle, 7. At Naahvllle, Nuh- Tllle, 23; Hempkii, 3. Tbe Handing ot the cluba lo June 2a, Incluilve, la u followi: nawed. Wan. KM. AUiaU 93 99 IH Braaarllla U 33 17 NidirlUt 90 It IX MtnpbU «0 14 19 Ka« Orlaau 10 30 30 LIttU Boek at 11 3) clbAUaoooxa 19 30 MonlfloneiT 91 11 33 .an The recently played champlonablp gamea of Ihe Weatern lieagne reaulted u follow: Jnne 2a-At Onnd Raplda, Indlanapolli, 17: Cnnil llapliU, 13. Utaam'ar, rf 9 Ulaaaeock, If 9 McUolr«,e.. 9 CarVrlibLIb 1 Ciookitlb... 9 abbey, ef... a Maroir, p... 9 ToUla...U Waaklnitoa... Biltlnora 3 I I 1 a I I 1 9 I 1 1 1 I 9 0 0 BAtviMoaa T. a. a. o. A.a 0 1 McUraw,9b.. 9 0 3 U 3 I 3 0 Keeler.rf.... 9 112 3 1 0 0JMnlBin,a. a 3 0 6 9 0 9 OKell<y,V... 4 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 aieaaon. If.. I 0 1 u 0 0 0 0 HradUrcr... 9 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 ReltOb.... 9 1 4 3 9 0 0 0Car*y,lb....9 1 310 0 0 3 0 nurke, c... 9 0 0 3 3 0 Ks«r, p 4 0 1 0 3 0 lloffir, p.... 1 0 0 U I 0 711 a 13 1 ToiAlt...49 guaiaii 1 . 0 1 0 0 1 3 I 1 0-r ,0 0 0 0 3 3 I 0 3-i aonwbf calM oatfor Inurforlni witli thrown ball Barnad mni—WaflttniHon,^ 3; BllUnioia, 7. Baaa 00 arrur-B. im balla-W., 10; B., 4. Wrdck out—W., 1; B., Umplra, Inialla. Tlma-lj). Tbelr Inabllltr to bat ileniiulng'a dellveiy waa the cblel caiiie of WaahliigtoD'a defeat when tkeae leama met on June 2), at UalUmora, Hd., a triple by Abbey and a double by Helbacb givmg Ike Waaklng. tuna Uielr only ran, and preranling a abut out. Mercer narted la to pitah for tbe vlulon, but wu batted for aeveu aafe blu, which yielded four luna, la the thlnl Inning, wben he wu rellitd and Malar, key wu nbiUtuted; but he fated no belter at the handa ot the ohamplona, who had little trouNo In making hlta when they were needed. Jennmgi' batting and baao running wen biWbinl. The aen atloiul catch nt Uie game wu made liy Uaunaear oirokny'a bard lino drive. Hctlnw made eerenl great atupa and thnwa off apparenlly eafe hlta. The long Bfe hlu were triple liaggen by Abbey and (ll^aon, and donblea by Belliach (twice), Joyce, Meiter, Keeler, Jennlngi, Kelley, Carey and Hem. iiilttg. VAaBIKUT0.1.T. B. a O. A.B 8ellacii.lL.. t Joy(a,3b.... A llaauniar.rf 9 Can'rlikt,tb 4 UcUuIra 0.. 4 OUfMock,fa 4 i:TOka,lli... 4 Abbiy, cr... 4 Manar.p.... 1 HalArkar,p.. 3 •Btockalala. I T0UU...JI Waalilngtoo... BalUnora.. 0 0 3 3 0 3 I I 0 0 BALViBoaa r. IL B. a A.a HcOraw, 3b.. IEMl4r,rt... 9 JMBlngaaa 9 KeUerTlr.... 9 Bradre,of.... A ul<aaon,lb.. 4 Carey.lli.... 4 Roblnaon, 0. 4 lleinailni, p 4 0 0 9 3 0 3 13 0 0 3 4 4 1 0 1 3 3 0 0 1110 0 11111 U 1 10 0 U 3 I 1 0 10 3 > 0 0 0 I a»u 3 Touia....<i eu3i a 1 000000001-1 00410303 -» a Btookadile baiud In plue of Miterkay. Bmid lau—Waihlogbm, 1: Baltimore, 9. Bue on arnr<-nM:B..l. Oa1>alli-\V.,4; B.,3. Uniplr>,lle. DoaiU. Tlnia,l.U, Heavy batdng and fanllleu Oekllng enabled Ibe BalUmomtowtaagaloon July 1, when tbe teauu luel at\Yaahlngton,D.C. Hercer proved an ea<y mark for Ihe vlallon, who took, advantage ot Itto fatten tbelr batuog avangee. lloiror,on the other band, pllohed aneaeoUve gametbreughoat Ciaoka wa^aplked In Ibe hand la Ihe leveiiih Inning and retired In favor ot Uoyd. Iloner not only pitcbed good ball, bnt led la batting. The long aafe blia were Irliile liaggen by Hcculre and Kelley and double* by Oanwrlght, Cnokn, Kclliaw and Jen. riliiga. AlKI WiAiKoroNT. n. a. o. a.b Ralbadi. 1/.. A - Joyoaib.... 4 lluam-ar.rf 4 OArt^rlatiLlb 4 Hcauln,e.. 4 QUaaeooVia 4 i:noka3b... 3 Bord-io ■ 4 WiiblnaioB... BalUnen. BALTiaoaa. r. a. a. o.a.b. McOraw,3b.. A 13 13 0 Koeler, rr... A ' JaoalnaaL aa. A Kellw, I?.. BrodU, cf. 01iaM0,3b.. 9 aany,lb....A curie, 0 9 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 110 0 1 1 10 0 13 10 1 1 I 7 1 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 A 0 0 Uotfar, p 0 I 0 3 U 3 11114 4 ToUla...4S U 18 9 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 I I 0-3 1 1 3 0 0 1 7 0 -O Eamad rvna—WaahloaloB, 3: BalUinore, 9- Btao ou ambi-V,3. On baUa-«.,l:B., 1. 8track.oul-n., 1 - " '* 'ma,lb. Bnl. Umpire, HcDoOaU. Tli ClavalaaA ru Plltabarc* The Clevelaadi oulbatted the niUbnrg* July 1 al Cleveland, U., and wen without much eOOrt Young proved a punier to the vlatlore, who could do Utile wllh hli pllohlog, except In the fourth Inn- ing, when- ihereanM two of ibe tkiee rnm end. Iteatotham. Ihe heme team tonnd lloie mnble In Siting Hart, and made hlu wben they wen needed. The long aafe hlu were a biple bagger by Young and a dooele by /.Immer. Dr. Lopiii. BfKWB. cr... Ilooloy, If... uolnn, 311 . Copnor, lb. PeHa 0 Bly, Bi. lkiwd,3li .. Miller, rf... BreltenatXP 4 H. II. 0. A.K. 9 0 U 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 119 3 0 4 I 3 10 1 0 1113 10 4 113 1 4 113 3 0 4 0 1 0 II 3 I Toula...37 HL LouU I ChlOACO.. CHiriiio. Ryan,rf |iAhl*n, AM... IMckir. b .. Anioo.ll Lanie. rf.... Krcrlll, 3b.. ! lloiiAliilr. 0.. rarrj. r ninnilini, p. TnUla... 0 0 0 T. H. a. u. A a. 9 114 3 1 .V 1 3 3 0 1 a 1 1 a I 0 9 13 9 0 0 9 1 1 1 t 0 1 II 0 1 u 1 I I I 0 0 u. 1; urn 4 1 U 4-9 - 0 0 -17 ruBA—81. lAiiiK9:l^lrAi,^ 11. Ilea* un arrur*— CS. On lialla—K, 1: i:.. 9. BTnieb oul-w. I*. a:c., 1, Unplraa, IUItIq and Antlrawa. nma, L3U. Brooklyn va. New Vork. Theie leami ployed a clo:« and InirreiUug cvn- teel on June *), at llrouklyn, N. V., when Umpire Koulle called the gauie In Ihp ilnl half ot Ibe nhith Inolig on aeconnt of nIn, with Ihe icore lUndlng a tie, each ilde being creillted with two ninr. When the game wu atopped diihug the llm half of the ninth Inning Ihe New Yorka had a man on third and one on aecond, with two oul and Foller at tbe bat, but a huvy nintall nut a atop to further pro- ceeding*. II. Inark aul Kennedy boih pllched great laUl, and wblK) the latter received tbe tMlier anppon the fonner waa very effeotlre at crillral ■tagea, when any kind ot a aafe hit would have Riven Ihe home team a uwdble victory, ThU wu liartleularly k> In the Itlh Inning, aa, when Ihe Brooklyne had three men on the baaa* and only one (Hit, he retired tbo neat two men wllhoul a run V*li| icvred. Kennedy aUo did good jiltohlDg all B. B. 0. A.B. 113 0 3 13 1 0 10 9 1 1 19 1 0 0 10 0 19 1 3 14 0 13 0 0 0 10 1 Pirraauau. v. a. a. o. a.a noaoTaB,rt. 4 0 10.01 Baner, tbi... 4 0 0 1 9 0 BKblay. lb.. 4 111110 HuoiaC cf... 4 13 0 0 SoilUi, ir.... 4 0 13-00 nnaa, aa ... 4 119 0 0 Olbuiaanjb 4 1114 0 Mwnit,<... 4 0 0 1 1 0 flllt, p 3 0 0 0 3 oaaint* I 00000 .Tolah...a> 6 71111 t t«lalf...ll 1 IS R 14 1 rllUbull. 01030000 0-4 VteTfUid 1 1 I 1 0 I 0 1 • Ballad for Hart In Ike ninth Inning. Eamad moa—puubura. 3: OI«rrlAnd,9- Baaa ua ar n>ra-P..l; O., I. On baUa-P, 3; C, 4. Bliochonl-P 1. Uniplia, Jovoa. Tlni»,tb. Hi* Ckamptaaakip Record to Jaly J ladaalT*. OLaraURD. v. Barkau,ir... 9 MoKaan,aa.. 9 miluTlb... 9 Il.Tabaan.lba RUka, rl a Xlniner.c... 4 Mnilaar. cf.. 4 4 Young,p.... 4 t«lalf.. BAua Baiamor*.... riiuban.".. aiaralul.... Cueago Ctnelnaatl... BfllAdoliOiU. rooklyn HawTork.... Ualavtue.... 011004 lOlt. Gamea (a ka Played* Jaly 9, Waahlnguin la. Flilladel|<lila, at WaahlBltoa, D.C, July X CUralaad ra. rliabare. atinarakBd, O. JolyXLonlaTlUan.4:ln«tBaAtl,atbottlirllla, Ky. jQlr X I, A. a. and r. B., New York ra. Baltlnore, al Kew YorkVlty. toii,»; tun Antonio, 6. At Bhennau, Bhninan, J; l)aUju.a. Jiine»-At Port Worth, Port Worth, la; Sbnreport, At Oalreaion, Oalreatpn, 13; Anrtlp, 0 At Uouiion, s*n Antonio, «; noiudoo, 4. At HUeniian, UalUa, lO:Khermau, 4. June 29-At Dal- Un. l)alla«, ll:»hrevepori,9. At Fort Worth, Bher. oau, is; Fort Worth, 14. At aalreatou, Oalvealon, 9' San Antonio, 1. At lloutton, AoaUn,&; Uonaton, 4. The Handing ot tbe club* to June 28, Incloalrc, la aa foUoira: fUved. Ron. Lna. " 4 0 4 3 rrrrt. .COD .eco .en .<uu .373 At Kaoiaa Cliy, Kanau City, 17; St. Paul, t. At Ullwankee, Hllwaukee. e; Binneapolla, a (eleven Innlngi). June 21—At Detroll, IMirolt 10; IndUn. oUi, 0. Al Crend lUpldi, Toledo, 9; flrand ifUM, a. At Kaniu City, Kann* City. 12; Ulnne- apolU, >. At Hllwaukee, SL Paul, 13: Hllwaukee, 7. June 2A-At Detroit, Detroit, 8; Indlanapolli, 7. At (Irud Haplda, Toledo, 13; Qiand llaplda, a. At Xanaaa City and Hllwaukee, nIn. June 2a-At lietrolr, Detroit, 10; Indlanapolli, a. At Greud Raplda, Toledo, t; Onnd lUpMa, 8. At Kanaaa aiy, Kanau City, a; HInneapolhi, 9 (ten lo- nlDga). At Milwaukee, hl Paul, 7; Mllwau. kee, 1. June 27—At IndUnapolU, IndUn. aiMlla, 19; Detroit, 0. At Kanaaa City, Hla. neapoUa, 10; Kanau City, a. At Ullwankee, Hllwaukee, 7; Bt. Paul, 1. At Toledo, Toledo, 20; Omnd Haplda, 11. Jnne 28-At IndlanapolU, lie- trolt, I: Indlanapolla, 7. At Hllwaukee, Kaiiaag Uty, 3; Hllwaukee, 2. At Toledo, Toledo, 12; Onnd Haptda, 6. June 29—At IndUnapolla, lodlaiapolli, ~ Deinit, 0. At Ullwankee, Hllwaukee, 0: Kaiuuu ly, 3. At Hloneapoll*, BL I'aiil, 22; HliioeapulU, 31. At Toledo, Toledo, 11; Cmnd HapIdH, a. The aUndlDg of Ihe cluba lo June Ju, InclUMvc, hi aa fol. Iowa: lodlanApolli Kanaaa oily Ullwankee ai. Paul Detroit. Volado Hlnnoipolla OralHl Raplda ne recently pUyed champlonablp gamea of Ibe Eaalera I/cague reaolted u follow: June 2S—At SprtajQeld, lucbeater, 0; SprlngOeld, 8, At Bcran. ton, ffiat game, Bcmnton, 7; Toronto, i. Kecond game, Bcianlon, 4; Toronto, 1. At Wllkeabam, lluOlalo, 8: Wllkeabam, 7. At ProvMence, rain. June 28—At Bcranlon, Bcnnton, 4; Rocheuer, 3. At BprlngOeld, Bprtnglleld, 10; Buittio, 8. At Wllkeabam, WUkeabam, 9; ByncoM, 4. At rrovl denco, rain. June 27—At I'rovldcnce, iTorldence, 2; Toronto, 1 (live Innlnga). iiUicr gauiea prevented by rabL June 28—Al Bcmnton, Syncuae, 2; Bcran- tou, 1. At Wllkeabam, Rochealer, U: M^Ikasbam, a. .VI I'rovldence and Hpilngtleld, nln. Juuo2»— Al I'covldence, lint game. Providence, 16; Uuifalo, 0. Second game, lirovldence, 0; Uumio, 0 (live Innlnse). At Bcnnton, flnt game, Bcnnton, 12; ByncuM, 11. Second game, Bcmnton, 10; SymciiHe, 8. Al Spriiigfleld, Aral game, Spilriglleld, 8; Toronto, r*. Second gamo, Sprtngdeld, 9; "roron- 10, :i (Hoveii InnlugK). Al Wllkeabarre. Ilouhciler, 0; nilkeabam, 8. June ao-At lluOklo, Bogaln, I; Toronto, 3. At Providence, Protidcnce, 3; Spring- Bold, 1 Al Hochcater, lloch'ciitor, 12; Byraciiae, 11. July 1—At Rocheatcr, Kocheater, 12: Byracuac, 10. At Hprlogfleld, ProvldeuM, 7j BprlngOekl, 2. At Toronto, moraing game, Riidalo, IC; Toronto, 9 Afternoon Kaiiio,Toronto, 11; Buffalo, 7. Al Wllkea- liam, Bcmnlon, U; Wllkealiam, 14. Tbo lUndlng of the clubH to July 1, Incloalve, In aa tollaira: /IdieriL Wm. Loa. ttrrt. KriDiAald to 31 17 .00 oridoao* to a) 30 .900 Buffalo 97 31 :a .an mikeibam to 71 zi .9HI ..10 31 21 .to ..43 34 29 .« .. 9> 11 31 aa Toronto 91 19 39 Jr7 The recently played obnmploneblp game* of tbo rennaylvanla State League reeulted at follow: Jnne 31—At Allenlowu, Ailentowii, u; Hatletoo, 9. At lancaater, Lancuur, 7; Oaroowlale, 4. At Iteadlog, Reading, 8; PolUvllle, 4. June 20—At Allentown, Alleutom, a; Ilazlcton, 7. At lancu. ler, Lancaoer, 10: Carbondale, 9. .\t Heading, Reading, 13; IVittavllle, 10. June 27—Al Allentown, Allenlown, a; PotUvllle, 8. Al Reading. Reading, 13: OarboniUla, 7. AtUncaiiUr. mla, June28-,u Allenioim, Paiiarlllco; Alleotowo,o. At lancuter, lluleton, 4; Uncuter, 2. At Reading, Reading, 12; Oarliondale, 7, Jnne 20—At llaxleton, Uailetou, a; Allentown, 0. At Lancuter, Reading, 0; Lancaater, 9. At PolUvllle, Carbondale, 7: Pouasille, a. July 1—At Uazlelon, Uailelon, 1; Alleiilowo, u. At Ijau. cuter, Reading, 11; lancuter, a. At Futuvllie, Carlwndalo, 29; PolUvllle, la. The atudlog of the cluba to July 1, Indulve. la aa follows: PloMd. We*. £«it .. i3 0 4 fleiaalon llailauw Reading Pottarine.... Uarboodile.. AUeaiown... Laaoailar... , 14 19 11 11 11 raa. .m .971 .998 .117 .3a4 .964 The recenily played chauplon»blp ganici of ibe New York Bute League reaulted u follow: June 21—AtAmaterdani, Amilerdam, 11; BbiBkamton, u, At Oloreniellle, VJmln, 23; Olovemllle, 12. June 28—At Blnghamlou, Boheuectady, 4; BlDghamton, 3. At Klmlre, Olovenvllle, lu: KUnln, a. At Johiia. town, Anutcrdnn, 7; Johnalown, i. June 2S—At Ulndhamlon, flnt game, Ulngbamlon, a; SckeneC' lady, a. Second game, Blughamion, :i; St'kcnec. lady, 3. Al KImlm, drat gauie, Klmlm. M\ Olovei*. vllle, a. Second game, Klmln, 7; Olovenvllle 2. At Johnalown, Johnatoim, 12; Anuterdan, 4. June 20—At Anuterdan, Amatenlam 7; Johnalown. At Klndm. KImlm, 19, Scbeneoiadr. 14. At Olngbaln. ton, DIngbamtoii, 14; Oloveravllle, a. July 1—Al Amaterdam, Aniateroam, 14; Johnalown, .1. Al RIoghamtnn, Uliighomton, 0; llloveravllle, T. Kliitira, tk'licnectady, 13: Kluiln, u. The alaiidliig ot Iho cluba to July 1, Inclualvo. lean followi: _— — ^ Fart. n jm 13 .tea 3) m :i .4«r Oalvtfton... FortWonli.. lalUa loaauo Iifraan Sao Antonio. AoiUo Bhreriport.. nrrrt. I.OUI .730 .7UI .un .too .BO .so .ODD The recently played cbamplonihip gamea ot tbe Weatern AaaocUtlon reaulted aa follow: June 23- At lie* Holneo,De» Home*, 3; Jackaonvllle. I. At IJncoln, Lincoln, 10; Peoria, 9. Al Omaha, umana, 6; Kocktoni, 4. At 81. Joaepb, Bt. Joaeph, 9; Qnlncy, 3. June 24-.U Lincoln, Lincoln, 7; Peoria, 1. Jone 2S—At Lincoln, Lincoln, 8; Jackaonvllle, 4. At Omaha, Peoria, 7; Omaha. 1. At Bt. Joaeph, St. Joeepb, a; llockford,«. At Deo Holnea, nln. June Uea Uolnea, Qulnoy, Ilea Holnea, 3. At Lincoln, Lbicoln, la; Jackaonvllle, t. At Omaha, iimaha, lo; Peoria, 8. At St. Joaeph, Roekford, 12} SL Joaeph,]. June27-AtBt Joaepb. Bt Joaeph. i; llockford, 4. At Dea Holnea, Lincoln and (Imaba, min. June 28-At Uea Holnea, Dea Uolnci, 9; Ibxk- fonl,3. At St. Joecph, Peoria, 3; Bt. Joaeph, 1. At Ltiicnln, Lincoln end Onuha, nln. June 2B-At DeaUolncs, Dea Holnea, ;; Roekford, 4. At Lincoln, (juliicy.l; Lincoln, 0. At Umaba, Omaha, 4: Jack- ■onTllTe, 3. At St. Joaepb, nln. Tte aunding of tbe doba to Jnne 29, Incluelve, la aa follotra: Plamt R'on. im. Pira. LloaU * S !! -H foorU 48 3D 19 .as Omaha... 49 19 11 .977 Deakolnoi 49 B 31 .90 Jiuloey 49 O 31 .478 ulnn«IUa 47 ll S .404 Roctrord <Z H 2 aLJMOidi 4« 19 » .317 The recenily played cbamploniblp ganea ot the Iowa League reeulted aa follow: June 21—At Bor- llngton, Burlington, 10; Ottamwa, 8. At Unbnnue, Cedar Raplda, 12; llulioiine, 11. Jane 24-AI Oalea- liurg, liuliuque, 14; Ualeabnrg, 4. AtOtlumwa, Oltumna. 7; Waterioo, 6 (eleven Innlogi). Jnne 2* —At Burlington, Borllngton, 13; Dubuque, 4. At (Niumwa, Oitumwa, 11; Cedar lUplda,2. June 27— At Uiirllngion, Burlington, t; Dobuquo, 2. At Ul- tuniwa, oiiumwa, 3; Cedar Itaplda, 1. June 28-At Burlington, Dorllngion, 8; Waterloo, 4. At Oltuin- nn, Oliumwn, 7: CaUr Raplda, 0. Tbe itiiudlng of ... » Dnboquo Burlington.... rodiriUplda.. WalMlno Ottomwa Tie recently played cbamplonalilp ganica of the Inter Bute Lengne reaulted u follow: Jnne 2^At Oolnmbui, Coluinbua, 23; Flndlay, 12. At Kenton, Keaion, 14: Wheeling, 7. At UmaJJina, 13; Twin Cltlea, 7. June 2)-At Colnmbua. Flndlay, 10; Co- lumbna, i. At Kenton, Kenton, 10; Wheeling, 1. At Lima, Twin CItle*, 14; Lima; a. Jnne aa-At lleonUon, Twin Citlea, 18; FlndUr, la. At Kenton, Columlina, 12; Kenton, 8. Al Uma, Wheeling, 8; Uma, :>. June 21—At DennUon, Twin ClUea, 9; Flndlay, 3. At Kenton, Kenton, 0; OoluDbui,3. At Uma, Wheeling, 13; Mma, 11. June 2S-At llennl- eon. Twin CIttea,«; Lima, 3. At Wheeling, Wheel- ing, a: Flndlay, 2. Juno a>-At Oolnmbun, Column hui,2; Kenton, I. Tlie aUndlDg ot the clube to June u), indUHve, I9 aa followa: itayrd. ITon. lotl. Ftr (t Reob>n 11 7 4 .AM rlndUy It 7 4 .m Cobimbna It 7 4 .SH Whaellna 10 -9 0 .SJl TwInUlllia II 9 li ' .419 Uu 13 3 9 ,330 The champlonahip game* of the Amateur Aaao- cUllon played June 20, at I'roapect I'art, Brooklyn, N. v., RBuIted aa follow: Kidney, 0; Wyandotte, 0 (fortelted). I'roapect llllU, l.^; Reaolute, 14. .tilna, 17; lAng lidand, 4. The eUndbiK ot Uie cluba to June ■£), Inclualve, la aa followa: rtaiMd. iroa. lotl. rtra. eidnor 8 .1 0 i.iiu LoORlBland 7 » 4 .tM AIlM 8 4 4 .on Vyaodnlla 7 3 4 .139 Praanect llltl a 3 A .ra Reaolile. 8 3 0 .33) The recenily pUyed champlonahip gamea of the New Kogland League reanllcd u follow: Juno 24— At llrocklon, Brockton, 9; Fall lllver, o. Al l^wla. too, Auguita, 0; l^wlaton, 4. At I'awUicket, Paw- tucket, 8; New Bedford, 9. At Portland, Bangor, 0; Portland, 4. Jone 2S—At I-ewlstoii, Lewlaton, o; Bugur, a. At I'orUand. Auguatn, 8; Portland, 7. June 28-At llrocklon. Fall lUrer, 10; Brockton, 2; Al l.ewlaton, LewUtoo, II; Bangor, L. At Paw- tncket. Mew Dedfonl, la: Cawtucket, 9. At Port- land, Pontand, 12; Aiiguma. 1, June 21—All gamea prevented by mlD. June m—Al Bangor, Oaugor, 10; Portland, 7. At Brockton, Drookton. 7; Paw- tucket, 9. At Fall lUver, VtW River, t: .New lled- fnrd, 9. At Watervllle, Augnata, 8; Lewlaton, X The aundlng of the clubi to June 38, Inclualve, la aa followa: naprd. Fill RWer 4.i| Nav Badlbnl 43 Bnteklon 4* BAOlor 44 Pawhiobot 44 PortlAnd 47 Ltalaton 49 Aoguna 48 The New England Aaaoclatloii aUnc<l a eecuiiil nartot lu cluiinplouHbIn aeoHon on Juno -24, with fourclulMin Itaedeld. Tbe reronily nUyed gamea multeil u follow: June 24—Al Haverhill, Haverhill, 10; Lawrence, 1. June 33—At Uarerlilll, Naahna, 4; llaverhlll, 1. At Uwrence, Lawrence, 8; Lowell, 1. Jone 20-At Lowell, Ilavcrlilll, 14; Uwell, 8. Al Naahna, Nuliua, 9; lanreiice, 7. June 21—All gamea preventeil by rein. Jnne 20—At Lowell, Law- nnce, 12; Lowell, II. Al NaHhiia, Naahna, II; llaverhlll, 7. The aUndlny of the cluba to June 20, Inclualve, la aa followa: pumi. Won. iMu rtra. Kaakoa .1 3 II 1 mi IlATaiblU 4 2 2 .eoi Lawiaoc* 4 2 2 ,901 LowaU 3 U S .uu TI10 recently played champlonililii gamea ot Ihe Iron and Oil League reaulted u follow: Jnne il-At Fmnklln, Waircn, 9: Fnnklln, .'i. At New Caatle, Htnavllle, 10; New CuUr. S. At Sharon, Oil City, 3: Sharon, 3. Jnne 29—At Knnklla, Frankllu, 8; war- ren, 9. At New CuUe, New I'aatle, 0; Tlluavlllo, 1. At Sharon, Oil illy, 7; Sharon, 3. June la-At New UiHile, N'ew t'utle. (; Wamn, 2. At Sharon, nln. June 2i-At New laaUe, Now I'aaile, 19: Wnrren, a. At Hbaroii, Bharoii, 8; Tltuavllle, i. June 28—At fmbklln, Tltuavllle, 10; FninkUn,u. At Sharon, Wamn, lo; Bhamii, fi. June 2a—At Fniihlln, Fmuktln. 7; Tllua\-|lle, a. At Shann, Wamn,o; Sharon, a. The aundlng of Ihe cluba 10 Jone 19, In. cluelve, la u followa: rraiied. iron. aliove meoUoned cinb* ot robbing Ibem repeatedly of games folMy won by them, and In coiMeqneocti bu lieen releaacd In the Interal ot liarmony. 111, call Jnallceto lUte that Italy Nanlionoii nnd p*lu~ liking umpire, *ad perfectly gulltlcasor tbo ch*rKe> whicli emanate from clula uoalile to win uu tbelr uierliK and make this "ilmc honored" charge dm bu oxcnao for Ibclr lack of ball nhtylcir. Secrebiry Woodall, who haa lllled hla uiAco ulih credit, I. alio accoacd of iiunlpniaiing Ihe umpire* In tbi- Interest ot the Itlchmond Clnb,aiid poor llair again come* In for a good "routing." I'realdent will bai been unmotcltully acoied by writen from tbe abovo clUu, blithe litata thelr*llly ulkwith the contempt It deaervca. Al a meeting of Itie league behl July 29, at lUchmond, Va., Ur. Woodall reelgned, and John C. Small, alio of Richmond, waa elected tn aacceed bim. It U uaelea* to atate that Jenlouay la Ike not of the preaent trouble. Richmond baa been playing pennant winning ball from Ihe elan, and herconataiit vlciortea cagie tbeae eerebeada nu little worry. Bunding of tbe cluba to Juue 20. In- clualve: FUim± TTon taa. rerci. Richmond 97 9 18 .ei| Lynchbant AO 39 31 .(r. roitamonui CO St a .631 rauraborg 10 37 O .410 Xorfolb 18 W » Mi Rouoke 99 t) s> W. H. Terry, of the Chicago team. In recently speaking against the wearing ot epikea by ball play, en during a game, aald: "1 really cannot aee tbe one of tbe apike lo a ballplayer'* shoe, and I king for the day when It will lie done away wllh. Yon might u well arm a man with a pltcblork when he goes ont lo play tbe game. The pitchfork would not be more deadly. 1 have alwayaargned Ibat Ibe aplken were altogether iinncceaaary lo banball pUylng. They don'c uie ibem In football on account ot their deadlines*, ondwbyabonldtber beuaedln baaaiiallr A rubber aboe, grooved or rongbened like thoeentcil In football would, to mv mind, do Juatuwell u llio splkea, and there would be lets chance of laming a man for life. I have been eolked many time* In my life, accldenul'y, uaoaily, hot sometlmtM Inlenilonally perhaps. I tell you thoae aplkei cut like knivea. They are uaelosa and dugeious." TheOUCliya defeated theShnrons by3to2,jgoe 21, at Sharon, Pa. The victors made only tbieeaafe blu off Uopklna, while tbe losen nude seven off Brown. Brodlepnvented Ibe Wheellogafrom maklogmore than three safe blu off htm Jnne 2S,st Kenton, o., tbo Kenton* then winning by 10 to 1. Cart held the Uonlgomerya down tothRoaife hlla June 23. at New Orieans, La., the Kew Orienna team then irlnoing by 18 lo 1. Duringa game of ball between two colored teams. June 22, atT>)rrell,Tex.,Pa8Cball ADgler,the twelve year old aon of C. A. Anfrier, waa atruck In the back ot the head by a foul ball, from the effecu of which be died In a tew minute*. Tbe boy wu wateblng the gome and got too near Ibe batter. No bUne waa atuched 10 any ot the pUyers. Young prevented the Chicago* from making mora than tour aafe hlta off him Juoe 27, at Qevelaud, 0., tbe Cleveland* then winning by 4 to 2. Ala meeting of tbo offlcenot the Lowell Club, of Ihe NewEogUnd Aaaoclallon,Jnne 2e, at Lowell. Mass., H. J. Habonv wu mado manager ot the team In the place of Lampron and Meade nlleved. Belts prevented the Springflelda front making more than one aafe bit oif bIm June 10, atSprlng. fleld. Has*., Iha Wllkesbam then whining by a to 0. Tbe Yale Unlverellyteam defeated tlie llarvnnl UnlvereliynlnebyS to 0, June at New Haven, Ct. The loaen made only two acratcb blu off Car- ter. Ilrlslow prevented (he Anstlos from makhig more than two safe lilu off him June 21, at Uaivealon, Tex., tlie Oalveaton* then winning by 7 too. Tlie victore made ooly four aato hlla off Lougley. The Fort Worth* defeated lite BhreveporU by 6 to 2, Juoe 29, at Forth Worth, TOx. The vlclore imido only two safe hlu off Keete, while the tosennwde four off HcAlllster. A apeclal meeting of tbo Soiitlieni Aaaoclatloii waa held June 30, at Obnuaoooga, Teon. Prealdeot NIcklln occupied Ibe chair and the followlog dele, gales were iiresent: E. 0. Bnirey and H. L. BIckanI, of AtUnU; Charles Itelt and 1,. D. Drewry, Chat- lunooga; A. J. Clark, Evuusvllle; Oharlea Frenk, Henplita; Dr. R. U C. Wblu and Oeorge StalllDga, NashvUle, and Henry Powers, New Orteana. Toe Evanavllle tmnchlse wa* voted to the Evausvtllo nasebalt .tasoclatlon. Chniles ReU and L. U. Drew, ry, both nted strong flnanclally, got Ihe Chatu- noga'a franchise. NuhvlUe's claim to the forreltnl Same from Utile llock wu not atutalned, and the Isputed AUauta-Evansvllle game wu referred to the Board ot Hanagtra. The ElUabelbs defeated the West Ends by 4 loo, June 39, at Elizabeth, N. J. Tbe losen nude only two sate hlta off cure, while tbe vlclore made tour offHclangbllo. Ortnilh prennted Ihc'BL Loula Drowns from mak- ing more than tour ute bits off bIm June 30, at Chicago, III., the Chicago* then wlnnlog by 7 to 1. The Lawrence team defeated Ibe lAweUa by 8 to 1, June 29, at Latmnco, Has*. Tbe losere made only four aafe hlu off lAtmpe, while eleren of Uieni were retired on strikes. Oonovcr prevented tbe Kentoria from making more than four aafe hlu oif bin Juue 30,at(^lum- buH, 0., Ihe ColumbuB team then wlnnlog by 2 to 1. Rain prevented tbe foUowtog champlonablp gamea of thoNallonal League and Anetlcan Asaoclalloii from being played as per schedale: June 29, Oeve- Und vs. Louisville,ntClevelaud,0. Juna27, Balil. more va. New York, at Baltimore. Hd.; Brooklyn va. Washhigton, at Brooklyn, N. Y., and Boston va. Philadelphia, at Boston, Mass. June 28, Boston vk. PblladelphU, at Boston. Thompeon prevented the St. Joaepb* from makiog more than two sate blu Jane 23, at Bt. Joaepb, Ho., the Peoilaa then winning by 3 to 1. The Ottumwas defeated Ibe Cedar Ilsplds by 3 in 1, Juno 27, atottumwa, la., the loaara making only tiro safe hlu off Welch. Biirrla held Uie Cedar lupldsdownto three safe hlu June 28, at Uttiimwa, la., tbe Uttuniwu then winning by 710 0. Tbe UontgomeiTS made only three safe blU oil Horeet Juno 23,atAtunla,aa., Ihe Atlanta* then whining by a to 2. rnuklln oil oily N«w Caatlo.. TttUBTllll... Warran Bbamn II 19 IC u Ftrtt. .SII jia .V* .471 .471 .411 mmlia. BbighamloQ.. Amatardain... Bahaoactaily.. (lloraraTllla,.. JohBAIowB— miM. . 4* . 41 .433 .401 The ttceotly pUyed champloiislilp gnmca of tbo Taxas-iionUienn League reaolted u follow: Jnne '21-At .VusUa, Au.iUn, a: Saa Antonio, 3. At Ual- laa, Dallaa, a; Forth Worth, 7 (len lanlnga). At Uouaton, oalveaton, 11; llonslon. 0. At Bhnve- pott, Shreveport, 7; iMierewn, u. June 23—It Aua- Ua, Analln. 12; Saa Antonio, 4. At llallaa. Port Worth, 8; Dalla^ a. At Houatun, lloualon, 10: Oal- veaton, 8. At Sbreveport, Hhreveport, 10; bhennan, *. June 21—At Analln, Anitlo, 1); San Antonio, 3. Tbe Bnt part of the champlonablp aeuoi ended on June 24, with the clula itandlng u foHow: Won,Utt.rtr<L R'naloM nrrf. raUaa CI II .791 Shirman.... B 91 .i;9 Bbraraporl . U II .711 Itonalon.. . II 3) J,i> FonWonb..39 B .MAualln 19 SI -3D Calif lion... 31 11 All 8u ABIoDlo. It 43 .UK The aecond aeaaon began on Jone 29, and the re- cently played gamea reaulted u toUuw: June2&— Al Forf Woith, FOrt Worth, 9; Sbreveport, 2. At Oalrceton, Oalveaton, 7; Analln, e. At Hon«- toB, HooMon, I; San Antonio, 0(tea Innlnga). At Bhennan, iiAllaa, 11; Bhaniian, a. Jane 28—At Fort Worth,PHlWonh, 14: Blinvewrt,T. Atilal. volou, Oalveaton, 10; .VusUo, 3. Atllonatoo, Uous- Thc recently played championship gnnie* of the Utchlgan Slata league reanllcd w follow: June 24 —At t)wo»o. KaUnui7.oo, 13; Owoaso, 3. At lan- elng, Unidug, la; Port Huron, 11. At Adrian, Adrian, 7: Baitle Creek, 1. June ■^^—At owoku, nwosso, 1;: KaUmaioo, 4. At Unalng, Lansing, 31; Port Huron, 1. Al Adrian, .\drtan, lo; Rattle lYeok, 9. June 20—At Owoaao, Ralamaioo, 7; uwoaao, r>. At lanalng, Lnsslni, 14; Port Uiiron, 4. At Adrian, .tdrian, 0: Datile Creek, June 3;-At luitle Creek, liauie Creek, Li; Lan- Hug, 13. At Port Huron, Port Huron, 9; Kal- amazoo, 2. Al Owoaao, Adrian, 10; Owesao, 2. June 28.—At Batile Creek, lanalog, 22; Battle Creek, 9. At Owoaao, Owoaao, e; Adrian, 4. At Port llnron. Port Huron, <i\ Kalamazoo, X Jnne 39-At BalUe Creek, Battle Creek, la; Unalng, 19. At Owoaao, Adrian, 17; Uwoaao. 8. At I'ort Onren, Port Huron, a; KaUmazoo, a. The standing of the cluba 10 June 21, bicloalre, Ua* followa: Flat*, iroa. IM. rtra. Laniing w tl I .7x1 AOilAD as 19 7 .731 XalAmaloo 37 19 11 JUS Osnaao 0 lu la <ur BalUa Crrik 37 9 19 .Q Port Huron 37 8 19 .aa The VlntloUHlate League, which baaa) lied along In iibicM wolcra since 11 wu Uuncheil, April li, u threatened wllh tnrbnieat seas. A hne ud cry ailac* from Norfolk, Portnoulb and Petenlinrg agBlnst empire Ilaly, and aeriooa charges are Uld at that unluttnnatc a door, lie la iccuaed by the CRIOKET. INTERNATIONAL IHTERC01iI.EaiATE CONTEST. United Blate* va. Canada, Tlie fliat Inlernnlioual content Ijetweeo repreieut- alive eleven* ot collegians ot tlie UnlUd Bute* ami (Canada commenced July 1, on the grounds of ibe Oermantown Club, at Pklladelpbia, Pa. Od bc- countot going to preaa we anobllged to defer ontll our next Inue tbe details and full score. Below will lie toDiid the score ot the drat day's play: FIrat Inning. U.NiTaoBrAraa. Racond Innloi. D. U. Adama c. and ti. Wadfvortli 9 B. UoodminJr. c. (lold- aoiilh b. WidiTorth 10 A. U. nroehlo, run out— 1 J. N. Uanry c. Wadaworlh b. Cooper 10 ootout P. II. Olirk 1. b. w.,b. Wadswortfa 0b.WadaBortli.... 0. LlppUroU b. WaUa. woitli 14 W. Thirar b. Laing 14 H. 11. Braira b. Cooper... 0 II. II. nicliardaoD, ran out. 0 not ont U. rr. Uueil, not nut 10 b. Vadavortb.... A. 1'. Morrla b.Wadaaorth I ByeA,f: ligbjoa,! 9Le|brof ToUl so Total Oa:(ada. A.P.n Martin, not out J. L. t^iuoiall a Itlchiplaon b. Morrlf J. M. Laloa c. CUrk b. Morrla. W. R. Wadaworth b. Ooodmin K. a acoklar b. uoodmaa U. H. Rofaiab. Ooodinu W. It. CuMiar c Rnwn b. Hotrla P. OoUiuiltb b. Ooodioao J. II.Dooglaib. CUik. II. Boollbaa b. Clark D. F. CuipbaU b. Clark Byea,ia:l«gbyoa,3; noballf,4 Total ... 7 ...0 The liongeat Partnenhip an Ilec«H. In a match betweea tbe Royal Mnnsler FuaUlen and the Army Service Corps, pUyed Jnne 12, at Cumgh. IreUnd, a new record waa oude for the longest partnership for a irlcket The record wu made by Ckpubi cute* and Pilrale FlUgetaM, of the Fnillleii, whopniooeeiforihe second wickei. The Ainw Berrlce Oorps batted Bnt and wen dis- missed for 91. The FUUen a«it CapUIn Dales and UeuL nntchtauon But to the wlcket^ and the Utter had made 38 ont olu on the telegraph wbea