New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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284 TMlLlTOJbiW YORK OLrPPER. July 6. LkIs or irorra "Trip to Cbtnalowii" Co., HaiMll'a CoBfidlaBi, "A Berlsw" Co,, Chai. A. Lodsr "On lb« Go" Co., la lhair lalait aIngInK and danolag apeclally. Can both play parta* 1HIS8 NELLIE, Al Singing and Ihinclng Sonbrotte, in coiuunctlon with BZLLZE MoCO? AlTD MZXTXTZS MoEVOT, PlrA „ „ _ , _ , . _ rroComedy or KMaanlMdHpeclRUy Co. lUlIk Ht., Nnw York Clly, or J. J. AnMR'lnONO, 10 Union BqaAre. ncCoy HUUra hav« ffood printing. Irlib Coni4Mlf Mk«*lch ArlUti, Good ftlngori and l>«nc«n, AddroM 7^ K.- ^ Can both plnjr pBrt4. Light Comcidxaud Character Woman. At Utifrly for aoit Mason lorSpoctacnlar Kar ~ WANTED iron It '} JAS. McUUGHLIN & GEO. F. CLARK, Sola Proprietors and Minigers. Al IIiiHUIns Advaiic4i ond I'rMs Airenl, Two Irlsli CoinRdluiiH with Hlrong h|M!cIuI- tlos, lllock Ftce Mun, Mau fcir Cliaractcni, Man fur Eccentric Trump, TuoFlriU ClaM StubrcttCH Willi HtruN;ii|)cclul(lcfi, Woman for lilildy, mid C'lmravter Woman, Al Mualcul TrHiii, llorp 8oii|f and llanco Team, Flrnl Uiish Ii-IhIi llogiilper, Proixrljr Man and SIngv Cnriieuter tlial underatand their linalnoM. All uiiiitt b« up In Ihetr roHpocllve llncH and du Htruiig H|iccloltloii. WANTED, Foil HAM) AND UKCIIEHTKAi Am Al IiMiIrr, Clarionet tliat double*. Cor* not and ytocoiid Violin, (.'urnetthatdoiililcs, Eiiptioulum and Troiiilione, Tuba and Doable llaiM, Flute and Alt«, Freneb Horn Had Alto, and Al Trup Drummer and other rauKlclanH irrlto. All people muHl bo HMoulh face fur pnradri ThU Hhow Is backed I)/ brains and capital. Addrciw McLAUOIlUN & CLAUK, Caro Howard & Doflo, Oar Represenlalive Agents, 7(1, 7H ll(>arborii Mtreet, Clilengo, III, Addreia all oonmualcailona dlrsotto . - - . • WINTERBURN 1GC SHOW^ IS| PRINTING CNICAOO. COMPANY. WRI8HT-H0WARD GO. A So, I Lf>ai|lnp Mitn,giKHl llravy Man, CoinodUn, two giiMl HiiMlalty PiMtpl**, A Na> 1 BoubrptlP l*> hrad uur Cniupanxi inuit NIng niid I>nur««| olhi*r u«rfiil |h«> pie. Wp |ih>' all ttuppiiarri aHfr Jolulng* ■tale ago, wulglM hiiiI lirlglii.ttvttrylhlng la lint Inltvr* Urlii*Ar<it In July. Addit*** 13. 10. witiciirr* >fuoHli<i« IVIu. BARGAINS IN OPERA CHAIRS. W« aUvayi hM»-e tlinm In both new aad ■ftroiid linud uumU. AdilrrM A!VI» IKWK-IIKMAIIKHT HKATIXR CO., IIIH Kaat inih st„ Nfvr Voik. ()| I>iH»r« KfiHil iif I'nlnii Hqna r * *.) AVHMa.'^'IMtvivp** rimw \VmIIi boilg, " MY LITTLE ROOF GARDEN GIRL." l>Hnril!>W(IN'Al.<HIIMM KHKK PIIH HTAMf. l>Hnril!>W(IN'Al-<»»'IM KHKK PIIH HTA IIHIUIK'ITHATIIIN III CKNTH. Will. W . IIKlASKV, ilTJ^itkKn*. Kr / Magical Apparatus, Tricks, & IIIHSlORS, Etc. Now, full)- llltmrmtatl tHK>k c«l& lui((iB,BVvr>'(lilnv ttiUnta, I'krKtr irloki rMU)(i«ue Prvt. MAUT1NKAA(X>., — ATfnu» , N «w York. NaiTrrl^sTNBi 100 Page Pictorial Catalogue, will) iileturoi ut Iwulliitf (•nirwiniuU. L«tMl Uurupttu UUTvlllU. niAdlO, Mvi'tmil ■lll'lt Kill! Kltll'tflitnlUftlUui, U)< V n I.K KOV. linaUiiirlBinwL Hwlnn. M»m SHOW CANVAS. Uulll ut unlar on riiiirl uiiUoa. Writ* lor rarUcularl IllunlniMO caltliwia Irea. J. IV llOHS . (M., IIIAIw«l»r»u. Dtln.ll, Midi. Circus Canvases. Teals of All Dascrlpllons Manatactorei!. M. W. KUNKKLY. IM fruiln Bipim'1.W»w York Oiy. NO ■ Now Than, Igr Lelttr HMdil llvwiTk III* b«,t oa »arlli anJ .!)>' l>,lce« tn> Itia 1oaa*t. B«n.l Tor lilu (*«i«liiiusiif t^llvr llMiU An<] V[l»lla;lll>>.^rHANkillVKHEk HI TliiieK HulklTilf. Naa Vnrll. Oirous Canvases. AhiiMt 10\\. nnA fiOlt HounJ Tom; 9X\. ud TMt- HiiuihI Ti>i>N «lth UMilUi: lUUn. K»uud Top, vlUi rxl, KanmCltj. Mo. t>. J. HAKKH. IIM W. TIttnl Hli HEFNER BROS., UANUFACTIIRERS OF HOT IIH HALUmlia, I'ARAIMIVTIW, Eta. AOCENHIONII KAUK B? LADT MR IIKKT. BTUBOlll. Mltll. LADY IUVIN6 HAD STAGE EXPERIENCE AND A IIIHIU KOrKAMI VlllrH. KuilM llkn lul<>llll>,i*n>C<. ur Uniiiitl.1 IV., H,.IUI>|4 l^tlll,«lll•■ OuU-, KI.BAK'OKBr».NK. M locinl Blrwl. AllMhany, 11 Wanted at Once, Baritone and Clarionet l'LAYKItari>TRun]ni*r*««*oii. A«li)r»w PRRU lU'NKKL. Baiiili tmu r Kulonil I1i ni>». M Mwukx* IV.. \M*- Advance or Treasurerr iTJi-nS^ri^^ .ncM. Btata KuawaiianL |r. T. K ,tir» ■■fOLlrl'liW Waatel, to Correspond with Matagers of Good .If im IXitnranlft. A.IiWm MlaBH. K. R. car»nLirr«ll. UlCIf TDIPVt niniSMiiisii iiardo and nine ■Mill iniuKOi iiTiiEH THIoxn, lOcUL, wlUi Una iNok. AOIIW JUIIN ll,BUIIBlDLBll.0laTaUBl,O. SEGfflAN & Wm, 110-112 OREENE STREET, NEAR PRINCE, LaraaiL Ooa VEll TIIIJL liouia. WlaA NKW YUHIC. tn and Uia PU6- I lururw KB lhao aaj oOiar ...r»^. wIClB. BkABDS IRoaclal Caubioa), lor nito, tlXU and UAladlat tUO, o.«na see miit oa our pr.oiUu. TlOHTH (oar on maka aad Im- ix.ruJ), In CoUoD, Sftc Iraducad rroiD •I.IIA-, haa?r fulL laihlooad GotUfB, ai.TB (waar baltar Uiao •3j(0 vorwtad llahll: l>ul nailg WoMad, mo; 811k. HWI aod ttiO; ■loal Allk.ViO. WaearryaOahaJoiiloaacliqualllr aad alio lo Itock, and make lo ordor In rourdaji.. KaJdod liRhu PffjRA*^ PAINTS, l>OWURHH and BiIhKT COIIK. IWaarauUa»ii.arar(lialI. A l P '-^ Utlno I|J^au I.IOl. ' U.TS; SATIN - parb. Bl>l.LTON ^ „ , lOc a yard) u> IiKd. da.ji. Oliaoiiork Lac*.. OoU Olmpo, HtoM*. La£•^ Conla, Bulllnn riowara, *u. M loeh HATINH. In erarr tliado. 4ic, (Oc and IIDO aranl. Kluiaiaa, ValraiMna. Valroli.TINHBL DRVCADIU, WVVL">i. DAOaBIU, with and vlUiool )' .TKWBLjl (In aatUoi or with holoal. A FULL. UKE OF THEATRICAL JEWEUIY. I.'ATALOOUE, rniOES AKD ETBRr LirORllATIOII BKNT BV MAIL OOODS SEKT 0. O. D. DErOHITB REQUIRKD ON ALL ORUBRH. NEW OPERA HOUSE, WITH ALLMUDERN IMniOYEMRNTB; «l«eirle llur.t, «l*Kiii fcut ID<1 l,OIX)o|>ar« elikira Kiiko, V^TO. Baohe Auditorium, Wollsboro, Va,y HMvAf l»fll«MU Cornloit. N. Y., inil WIIIIant*port, l^a. <:ount]r Mil, vhli nuny Rood io»'04<«idrsw imm. Flrtl Clui Attractions ol All KIndi Wanted (or Seaion ol '9S and '96. AddnM DAHTr A UARTT, Maoa»r>, Niccaiaor. lo r. A. HOBLRTa. "YOUR FACE IS FAMILIAR" TUTllE'TROPUAl).** &iid Ui* fut HddN » itoul liak lo four dikin or lam*. If you liATt a |ood portnit cut of rour»«ir for tiailuDory nnd tdrtriUIoit. Wt niAk* Uio rtihl kInO rortl.ll). All hlodacir eutt lor thow priDtlnit It ftdiacittiDt. Writ* CHICAQO PHOTO ENORAVINQ CO., m Hiullion Ri.. riilraflo. FLOOD'S Park Theatre CVBTia BAY, A. A. CO., Ml). WANTED AT ALL TIMER. RKHIOIXIlllCKIIIINll AND IIAM:K ANU SPECIALtr LAIIIPA TlltlMAH MAOlt. Manaiar. CALL. will .anil viiu liir Sc. atainii a tt l*AUE I rATAUMlUB, lelllon all ainul UynuiaAla, Allil ■ ' - ■ - roll Tllll U lilia l^nrai Oaliara. tl: laalliar ulr., Il.w nicycllM., Athlatic and Ovmoarluin Gonl.. Wiini>] >ull Tlahu. II; fequaa. ~ nanra. I'uiiiiM. :bo. and OOo.; LaaOiarLaaplna Bhfitp, Ho aura aud Mnd cilor aad .it*. TanuL II «l,li nnlar. balaiica C. 0.1). B. U. CALL, m Main Bl, SprlGtllalJ. MaM. STOIIAUE and LEASINU ofCADS. roK KF'KT. Ooo U(t BaiiKSH Cat, Ono Adrnrt|tlufi f4ir, ono fiOfl. CoftCh. On0 rrlvHU Cftr, vulublo Tor uukII ■^iRipAny. In flns oruor. We haro oilaniUe r«cllllUi lor tlio nttinm* aod cara ut cant, undor cover, el rewookble Walehman on iliity al all ligiira. NK.\V JKRHKY CAR RTOKAUR ANU RRPAIRCO. Lake Vidw (l-HUrvnii). K. J., U lotlfb fVom Kfw York CllT. on Uie Krl> Ht. STEAM MERRY CO ROUNDS (lallepInK Hones, line iBiiMirted Or- gans, Attractlro out- OL Prlcea on appU. cation, ToraiBoasy. KOHMAN & EVANS, Lo ckport. W. Y. Send for FREE Samples Letter Head. 'cfilSAGO. H'e do KngnTlnB, rnnllntf and UlectrotvplDi CROSS TH^NTINtl CO.. SM DK.^KHiiUN KT., Qr^atttjt nnil Lnleat Luadun Hurrt«aa of mny Song by Amerlran Coaitpuaere, "I LOVED HIM. BUT I NEVER TOLD HIM SO." <*i<i<lrB |Hi.ii>atd un rerelpl ol ion rvDla or i>taini>a. llUWAHtt A <X>.. » Or»i( H^rlUiP) Ht.. L^ndou. Una., ur Ul'TClA KiW MUHIt: tH).. l'imi|lih»T-l». N. V. 'Bring Backihe Answer' A Bung that la fket wending Ite wny to tlieftvnt. A eurv winner for eomebody. £aay lo eing, pretty words and catohy luualo. Soaig, Or.t Huag and Oirhvetrmtlon, lUc. O.AV. LANK, Glouceiter, MnM. IJIf l/^C GOOD WORK. WWlViO Write for 8UUK FITS. Estimates. ANTIIUNV BUCII, _ m b.ulh mataoUi Bua a l. I'lillad.l|dila, Pa. " PATTERSON'S TRUNKS. Firpt iiu.lltr, eu rlT.i. and liiirra tn aach tniok, ..0 liirl.. HUH; II inrh, BdC: JD iiicli, M. Including a lull llir.lrlr.l Itay, 1^ dorp. Hiatal Uiuiid; Mttiiid uualllr, Ifi iivrUand liuira lo oirli trunk, S Inch, ,tt Inch, 11.71; ISIncli.BltB, tacludliif aHlnrh tray, ni.lal Iwund. Tamil ra.h In ad.anra. c. PATTKIIiiON A IX)., m N. NInlli Biratl. riillt.lalrlila. !•«■ _ _ _ _ ^ U. NIIINUIIELM, MANU- ■ I ^e n I'AITUHKH or ALL lIlNlltl IIP ■■■■■■V TIISATHirAL WlllB. THE OLU ■■■^b KKLIABI.R IIIIL'BE, lid WKHr ■ U nth HTHKKT, N. Y., Icnuatly in ■ ■ B^^^^ irhrvtllaHtraaL BKNIk KTAMI' roR I'KII* LIST. WANTED, First Class Repertori Coipan) Pt)H A LHANV. MO d.ta. BapL I and woak. K not Al dnti'l an.war. Coni|.anT allh Land liial.rrad. Ad. diou w. A. III'NULEY. Albany, Ml.wurl. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. fH'ITABI.B >t}R MEUinlNR, ETC.; IIIPT BUUW FUR- IIMhx. Illtiitrala.1 rauloaiialraa. BAZtETT A I lIEK IW K. M»dl«<n BL, Chlcailo, III. FOR SALE, 244 FOLDING CHAIRS, PERFECT nUKIIITIIIN.rA9TlNUII HI,t.'K ANDIIILT,NAIIOOANV rrviAII, KSIIHAVKU Nl'MBBB PLATEB. A A. rBNV VEBB T. Biniliamloo. W. Y. bKIaAHOiaA LBllAL ruRREHrONnRNCB KOUCITKD. PRBU rrENDLBR, Attomar. Uuthria, Oklahoma. 3 NEW ONES! wnniKiiiuir Ry J. Ed. LAiataiAN. A B9w muk and dance Uiat can- not in lu balnu n iraintodouB lilL CloTer Id erory line and brimful or bright and Uklog muilc No audleoca la Mf« aitalDHt it. "im\ imm, umi OH" Hy riilLll>OlilBLV. A lullaby nr cndle mdr, and one ol liie Oalutietl and tweeieit that liu been liautd for mm/ Matoea, Buo0 hIiIi Rraat aucceaa by Hlaa Maud Kt« poena. MAYS« YOliiiniiimiiT. }9 1'^ , llrtfiy DOW and lurjirlafog v«Id. In tlia liaoda or a MiubreitewliokDovNliow io handle beneir It U a lure thing. Thare !■ a llttU daoce at ihe ead. frofetalonal coplai od appllcKtloo. Orcheain parta, It) c*nta. OLaVER DtTSON COMPANY, Ul TO Ml n'ABIlINOTON ST., BOSTON. N.wVDrki Phllad.lpblBi C. H.DIVMUN ACO. J. B. UITHON & CO. Mamie Barrett Heavy or Eniotioual Leads, 01(1 WouieD. EASTERN COMPANY PREFERRED. RESPON- SIBLE MANAGERS ONLY ADDRESS PILOniBl'S IIOTKL, SL Lonte, Mo. WANTED, DEAMATIO PEOPLE For Kepcrtory Co., Musicians for Band, Al ComcdlaD aoil Soubratte with atroDfr ipeelalty. Also uUiar itoiilo In coiiiplaie cd. TIioh nWta tlie prereranco who (loubli lu b Dd. 8«aaoo opena Auk. Vlwe aa- ■v«r. villi lull jarilcular*. WiLL II. DAYIB, MRr. Boi 3,SU. RoatoD, Mam. Waft TERRY S ELMER y« Eccentric Comeditn, Burlesque Enchanler, IN THEIR ORIOINAL NOVELTY DANCING ACT. We do all orlelnal Mcanlrlo DAKCiNO up lo date, tail ItUUKIUINAL WITH Utf. Rolh play parta. Can been- uaunl for u«xi eaeaoo Tor l^irco Coiuody or Burleuuo. AdJreia 616 V/OOD BT^ llilladalpbla. Fa. BOONVILLE FAIR, SEPT. 10,11,12,13,1895. H. McCLUgKV, Bwsy., BoottTlU., W. Y. OthAuDual PonlgnTour Treniaiidoua Succoaa Ev«ry- , vtliore or RDNA dC WOOD^ / HRAN COMI-ANU 1)E Ul.fTBK- f lAH Y NOVEUADKS. now an \ r»uio throuKli Antaotine, South Aiiierl<'B. jf yifooo.""™"!.*?^';'*""'""- tJ Tlie Famous VonlrilcMiuUL A- Cnill Uie AlrWalktfr.andCom- ' CUIM) )iADy of rorelnD AttUta KurvlKo addren, care Cooiul N. Aui*rTcaDii.RlodeJaDelro.BtmxiL FOR SENTER PAYTON COMEDY CO., ACTOR WHO CAN ACT. Miintb. rai^ald. of playing .oma Itada. Kalary niuit be l» ktrt'lnK with Ilia llmaa. LonK anKiaemanl. Prao trBntiHtrlation alll Im* alron ftiiiii any Mluouri Rlrar |»loL AddioM BRMTElfPAYTON, La llrauda. Oraaoo. Responsible Lessee Qood eecurlty, fbr elegant theatre bow In proceea of erection al^l. Lonls. I«o«atlon centre rapid transit | seating capacity, MftJOO I modern conrenlences and flre proof. Heady Oct. Addreae M. ill LTO.lf, P. O. DoM 3UH. St. Lonla. Mo. "PROFESSIONALS," JUST THE THINQ. '*Slie Packed Her Trunk, Then Left for Cincinnati." A enrehltilOCi Bend programnae. Deal- en correapotttl. DHOBNINU df PLECII810J>nbllshen, Conler AYe.,I>nhnqne, la. I>ir> YOTJ Tti.t w. tan ampnlir yoa with aartlilBi IB sar lla. 1 Tba.^a ILUVBIONS. THICKS, HPKCTACULAH RrPBCTS, aad SPIBIT- VALISTICPIIBNOaiBNA. BwoarMlalorr ot MaKir aad Maglrlana, aad anvqaaf. Ml rat-a-loa fn«.fk.rulaka.aiap aad roar — Td. CIIAll.L,.BVRUNaAMBdtCO., Boi BOI. Chlc»KO. III. THE OOMINO POPCI.AH BONO. euc.aa.flil nhatarar Bunul 'THE KINS AND QUEEN OF HEARTS." Pror. coplealUc BDtlAR DFBRtNa. 191 Joralaaifto Rl. Brooklyn. N-Y. OB PRINTEI VAN F'L.BKT. | THE HITS OF THE COMING SEASON. BE THE RRST TO SING THEM. TflE TIME flE LOVES THE 5EST. J'J J I ovs Ua • > reuod tlie D«n m Do • rta, Do • rii I O how I tovt thc^ Sec me si tk)r. fett;. CHIMMIE FADDEN CMrak VtMn. dM'i pat m nyl., Dai'a wot ok Bow*!), (nu my.. JOflNNY REILLY'5 GIRL la I. Wc'rs Rot dl-vld*cd by o • cctnt, By kaj or mile* a Kort,. ... Ow Sues iritii Oitkittn Puts in Free to Proressionals tuH ^ f THE S. BRAINARD'S SONS CO.i i» ^abash av^ CHICAGO. XTOTZGE! TBS 01TL7 MAZnZ • ABAGGO, AT LIBERTY JULY AND AUGUST, For Gardens aud Open Air Entertainments. We wlU b. plraaad Is hear Arom (ood manacan. Addraa UAZVZ it ABACCO, e«B Colambaa Avenu., N«w York City. B| Pavin "ilncle Tom's Cabin" Go. En Route Tbrough Monlaaa, Woshlngtou, Oregon, California, Etc CAOPA-CIXY OF THE CA.1NVA8 NIGHTLY! NOT A LOSER SINCE THE OPENING, BIAT 20. Por Fall aad Winter B.aaaa, Willi. Blngen aadOmd'Tam" ly for Toi ■lag apwlalty. Fnrea a >OWKIiI. tt IlARKER, Olyaiple, Waali, . F. Kryer, writ.. WANTED ■ People who donble In bnaaa, Lady for Topey | mnst slog and at. H.aa. I'laii.t tf-M '*Tho tttnat do alnglng apeclalty. Fnrea advanced to people danc«; Child for Eva.'irho hnown. Walter 'Wllaon. E. F. Reed and I HAVE A GOOD THING. WILT^ YOU PUSH IT Aa I will d.votn my tim. to BHERHAN dt IUORIBEV'8 "Pala Klll.n" Co. darlog SEASON IHOS-ve, I will aall an lal.nit la JAB. K, ADABIB' latut Draiaatio Trick Panlaiulne, "PROTKCTO, Oil PICO'8 VISIT TO FUNLAND." Thrm (3) g.tor HpiwUl Bc.Bury, Including a Trick Traaafbruatlon Bv.n.i Trick B.t Hoaa. and Bat Staff Pn>pertltia,Trunka, Bow, SpMlalVrlntlBB, .to., etc I liav. th. (kinooa Clown .ad Comwllan, JAS. R.ADAMS (Bm|Hiror orsillla), undercoatiact for th.abore compaay. Addrea. MANAOBR JAS. C. DAVIS, Bcrantoa, Pa. UP TO I5A.XE. HILaL and HILI-., THE CELEBRATED COMEDY MUSICAL ARTISTS. » MUSICIAN'S, 12 "VOCAI^ISTS, S £>E:RirORMS:it8. addrwa, car. of CLIPPER, or A. P.V., lOU Waahlaslon St., Cbloago,Ill. R.garda to Scanloa aad Kllroy, and the O^Rf.lla. SPECIAL NOTICE To ]>f anagei*^ aiiid I^erformer® IlnTing pennanentty retired fVom the VnadavlUe Prof»salon» all contracts which managers and perfbrmera may have with 9lroh*a VaadOTllles are hereby respect- rally canceled. F. W. STROH, Ptroprlulor 8troh*s VaudevlUes. ATT LIBERTY, For Joint EDga«ement, GIPSY WARDK, ALL 'ROUND LEADB. Ona of tlio mom vomtll. BTARB Id Ilia prolaulon. FloalMClalllaa: etaiantwanlroba. THE NATUHAL BORN COMEDIAN, B. .T. EBWOOD, A TBUE PEUNEATOR IIP ClIABARTEK PABn: A.SINOEK AND DANCKR PAH EXCBLLBKCE, »llh loul. ol apaclaltlar; A TUOKUUOll STAOE UANAOEK, ud TUB LITTLE AMERICAN PAVORITB, KXJBY EB-WOOD, POVRTEEN VEABS OLD. BOMB BOUBHETTES. B0V8, BINOINO AKD DANCINU BPRCIALTIEa Oanoolbaoi' colled lor bar apa. Wa Oo tripla, double and aingia loaclaltlw. 7a own ilia wall known faica comedy. "Rlh- NINU WILD." Pino priDtlnR. Aildrau K. J. EllWOOD, New Phlladalphlt, Ohio. "NOT A HAS BBBlf," •'OR WII.I. BE," "BUT ALWAYS UP TO DATE." THE REED & ROBINSON CO., BAND AND ORCHESTRA. Clever Child, with SpMlaltleaj BIbcIdk aad Danclag Comedlaa, Character Ileavy Maia, Dd Vlolla Doable Barlton., 'Cello to Doable, Horna, FInte and Piccolo, Doable Clarionet* Other ai^ Stat. loWMt aalary flrat letter. W.payboaid, 8EAS0N OPENS Addreaa TARRYTOWN, N. Y. WANTED, nil Peopls, write. SEPT. ft. A Now Face, with New ideas. At Liberty for Next Seasou. WM. G. DE VEAUX, In His aWirtli Provolcing Musical Act, GENIUS PERSONIFaED. Poma of tliB loalrumaau lie parrunna ao aiicceaiirullr od art of ao tnilrvb' norsl atyla. and aomo or tLem were nerer »M0 or heard or before aicept with him. TLe entire mualeal ao'l aiiiuaemaot Reloft publlo, u wall aa all muilclana. ou|bt tu aee thU uuaieal Reolua. Addreaa CI Wed NflwloD Btreat, BoitOD. Mau. At Liberty for coming events. John and Nellie McCarthey, ai7 BAST lOTH ST., NEW XOBK. MAGIC TBICE JIIGGLmG GOODS, TKNTBlLO^inSr AHD JUDT noUBBB, BVTNOINQ 0LUB8. Bead BoaaU In nampa for SB pana Mv<. IK- Ion.. aaB.^[aa(wJa(illBiO«da.aaba,Tat,ii(lo«alalandINuchandJudiFI(uiMbaa. OOLUHBLA MAOIn TBIOr HrO. 00. Sn BoweiT. »• SUMMER LEW ADDRESS, BAKER and BOYDELL. MANSION HOUSE, ATUNTIC CIH, N. I. WANTED, FOR ATLANTIC'HIGHLANDS, N. J., A LADY OR OENTLBHANTO MAKE A BALLOON AfU can.loo alioui BJih July. Riala larni. and partlcubn In Brat Icllar. LAUBENTIIOWARD. Alluitle Ulilaodli, N.J. WANTED, A 600D SHOW FOR SOHE DATE IN JULY AT OPERA HOUSE, McOonaalnlU.. Oblo. UlAar gwd ditaa oeaa. Band and orchaotra oODneclad altk boiua. WISEMAN A MATBON, Hana|.il. EBsetl and Mack, Coaiadi Sketck Artists. TOCALIsra Daacaia and Muilcal EntatUloai« at IIMrtr rormadlcloa lantUiow. and Bamniar rOMrta. Addraa. EBMBTTAMD MACK. IT. Bowan BL. Bo. BMIOO. IIM«._ WANTED, Ftiala Saspstn, TattNil Ladf, MAIUOKETTB AND PUNCH MAN. AND nTBEB OOOD siDESuow'PEo'pLB. 'fob BaLK PA1NT1N0B,TBNT«, _ lBM,Waprtaaala.O. UBUHB AltD TBUNU. D00.01BB