New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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289 THE OWEW YOItK OL.tPP:EB. July 6. WAVE FROM THE OPENING OF THE SEASON RINGLING BROS tbo Hhoir that Ktandn on lU own inprltit—Use* no ether nine Uiiui that .oT lis preprleton-^alU under no (Use colors—Borrows notbing Arom tbe past—PredoMs tbe enernr and resulto or tbe actial Uiing present —Uoet) whore It iiloascs—(Iocs when It pleases anvwberc, orerjwhore and all ot the tlBK^AdTertlses llberallj in papers of establlsbed character, but IWES NOT SUDHIT TO BLACKMAIL firom "shadj" papers In or out or the profcHiilon—Is too blg^Ton modem—Too senorous—Too broad-Too liberal—Too prosperous—Toe great to serloasW notice the petty InslnuatlonB of concerns that cannot keep op In the Harch of Progress, and dlsdalnriill}' holds lu contempt (lio KIdlcnIeus, III Tempered, Undlgnllled, Fearb^otten, WblmHlcal prattle of iflsgmatled, Outclassed, Orer shadowed and Orerwbelined Would Be Rlrals. Captivated Bostou and all Kew England and the most unqiiallfled Indorsements to the flattering declarations of Chicago, St Lonis and the West. ProiHHinoed Ererywhere the Greatest, Biggest and Best AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE Packed houses iej and night. Tnmlng away thousands In Boston, and by Its matchless and mighty inarch oTershadow- log all preTlons recerds of big business, great flnandal re- turns and public endorsement. WHAT CHICAGO'S GREAT Said of the 45 ConsRcntlTO Porfortnniices In the ' BREAT TATTERSAIL BUILDINB, DURING LAST APRIL. DAILY TRinUNR, April 14- ..Tlie itto«t ■mllifkolory And oomulale sTtimon ll> CklMEo." U f I L Y TIMBIt- IIEHAXD, April HI—"It ■• <hs bvit einut everama l> rhlcaso." DAIL.V INTBIl OOBAM, April 113—..The taait olrcua avar aaan InOUIcajio." HVKNINa JOUHNAL, April an—"A clroui np te data. The bait avar In Ohlaiiga." BVBNINQ MAIL, April »T— •^Tlia bait einaa In <ha coub« try." BVBNinO POST, April US— "Abova tlia leval ofathar rlraui antartmlniuaiilt.** DAILY DISPATOII, April 10- **Ilt all raiuavlillla Hnail clrrua avar f ««b m ChlraKo" OPINIONB OF INDIANAPOLIS. DETROIT AND TOLEDO PAPERS. INniAN\roi.1H JDIIHNtL. Hair II.—"ATBOTII AF- TKIINUOK ANll NKIIIT I'KliniHIIAM'ICI EVEIIY KBAT UHDRH TIIH nUinANVAHVi'AnTAKBN.iindllK mail' ainniBiil muM not eiiH-rl AiiTtlilittf iitnru Ihu tlitl." UBTRUIT (Vloh.) BVKNIKd KKWS, Ma; r.-'Tlie bfil 6r*r III DflllDlL" IIETHOir KVHNINll JIU'IINAU M>y n.-'TIIK OIH. RI'H mUVKII HI HK TIIK HKlT KVKII8KKN l!< DR' TIIIIIT. TIIK IIIMi;A|III. Hr. IJIIIIH ANU INUIAKAI* lll,IMI'APRII!IIIAVK AI.HKinVHAinAH MUUIl IIF IT WIIKS ITWAHHRKN IN TIIUHK IMTIIR" TIli.KIHIIO I HKK Hair B-"Al |M>I XVOD |...01>lf Hi. lAitilvtl III, Hiiial-iie Hnt. 'Hlii.w Vf.t«nUr. TIIK Hllim* WAS TIIK UKSr THAT KVKll VIHlTKU TtlLSUO." Read the Opinions OF THB ST. LOUIS DAILIES On the 12 PerfonnancMQIwn Under Ciavu During the Month at May In Ike OiMt Metropolis ol Hie SouthwetL DAILY OLOBB-DBMOCRAT, Hav 7—»No laoti raslliatlon of the avolatlOB of the circna baa eTcrbatbra vlallail St-LooU." DAILY trr, LOUIS REPUB- LIC, aiB7 ^"HlBgllnK Uraa.' oltaaa parfbmaBcela aaally the baat avaraaan In St. Loola." ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH. HfBV T—^ha greatest and baai that haa avar aahlbltad Ib St. LoBls." EVBinifa CIIROniCIiE, nay 10—"RlBgllaa'a CIrcni has am- ihatleally alampadlttalf as the eat evarsaan In et. LoaU." e: EVBNINO 8TAR*8ATIIfG8, NEW ENGLAND ENDORSES THE VERDICT OF THE WEST. VHnvIUKSOR NKW8, Jun* ia.--T)i« RlnRlIni Bro- Dipn* Olmit \n k nveiKilpn ihmiiihuuL TIlBBliST THAT RVKII nAMBTO I'ROVinKNOR. TTiej itiM ronte RRiln atiil it«t ftWA)- «lih A Ktitck of ■liitolMta* thai will m«ko Uin ilrk»l vAirnn aivhn Acaln wlili IhAl ilnO fwil. tiiKMvalieil by ad nr«rplui nr w(i|gMj adiI HuhilAntlAl aTieiim*nla nn lh« t\\x*r nnMUon." rROVIPRNOR TRI.EORAM. Jun» 10-"Rlnillof Bn»- tlifTA* AHMniNAllckn i>t Moihl^ni dr«* lnim»n«* ctdvOa. It (a wa«nllAlh' A rlr«n Ami roiuiiUl^ clrrnA. AND A'KLL MKRITH TIIK IMHTIMIlMHItKU AmtORATION lecDnl- nl In itbjr UiA rtilc«U(\ At. Irf^uli. InilUntptillk. I>«lri>tt« TdlviloKMatbvriMi^rAlhla vMr. lDf«iit|iATmb1f tb« biKcUt ftod til* b«tt »)mw la iha wArM." !1b\TP0RT (H. 11 NHWA. Jitn* H.-'-RINOLTN'O BRO> TIIBlUr OIROUR 14 UKOIDRni.Y HI' TO uatb." FALL RIVBR (Mam.) RAIIiV TIMRR JiinA IJ->-1ni- mMMcroada: HUOII A CIRIUIH WAH NBVKRBRrORB RKRN IN FALL HIVRR. TUB aUOW PAR BXOEU LKNUB or TUB BIU.<> NKW BROrOHP RTANDAnU, Juti» II.—"IT WaH NOT ONLY A LAROSR, BUT A BIHTBR, PARADE THAN Btrnun A Rftlltr «T«r put oui bire. ThadRui NRW RRDVoRD journal. Jttnt I4.-'*IT If) TUB RUPBRIOR or ANT OIHOUB BTBR SBBN UBRB tnm thaTunii|«tDUt«ia»DiAr1«, to the i»«rrbnnuo«, to lb« UAleircllnvriHinil of ihs hlppodrDmanio**. N«* VM- font Dwdvd A nll«r ftom U)« At«r«otrp«d *od«, And noly Ahovoo eATth.' It hu ronod It Id fllo|ilo| BroihATN, Ufl hAA TM OAUAA tn r«tt*t Ihi fbcL" LOWBLL RniNINO RUN. JuB« 15.~''Low«1l pMpte li&T* bMu wcuatointd to ■wMriiR br th« BAroum A BAlley Bhnw, TTiat hATA UiouRht It th« "DDt onU VTMl,* AlO^ AUI. Rut It RMIDA IhOTA AFO Olkonl Th« Rlnillna RnlhiTA BhnvhAi rmn R101ITLY N AHRD TUB AMURBMBNT CnUMtUfl OP THR WEST. THB RUN WILLOOirOKR BKITRRs AND DBnLARB IT TO BE TUB AMURRMBIfT COLOBSUfl OP THB COUNTRV." OLOUCKRTRR (>Ia«».) TIKKI. June ».-"I'«>pU *lio hAil romitl their tdMlR ttnm tn«'R. A fl.* ouinL w»r« rklrW ARTOUNDED AT TUB 1UHB.N81TV OP RINOUKQ BROTHRHA' PLANT." IIAVBRIIILL (Uaaa.) iiAZTTTK. Judo 19.—"RlnsllDM RmThitrv' I'Irrui U r«nA(lilr » Krtifrt hiwibvr. IP TIIK Y I>nS'T rOHR HiOKTO HAVERHILL AOAISTURRlfa nOIROTOBRTROUBLBr I.VNN (Maaa) ITBH. Jnne 11.-"BA6ILY TMR BR9T KVRR RRRN INTniRCITT-SaTBr Mutlml br the Bat- mill) A RaUoj- iwrmd^ v^on In ttie|iAlm(«itdAyioribe 'IcrMtMt iihow on earth r'" RAI.KM (Mau.) DAILY OAllCTTR. Juno a.-**Tha looloilrAl ethlhltlnn here «Aa AOiuelhlnK InOollAly AnAr In ihU llDf than ATtr hwfaro >«*n In ihta <ltr. Bimum A BAltAT NBVBIt OATB flUCU A PRRPORMANOB IN BALM TTTAKRfl BBAINB. MONRY. TALKKT AND RNTIIUHIARH TO ORT RUOH A PHRPORMANCR TO- OBTUEH. HINOLINO BROTHKRS ARB SrAKBD!" -- '1 Show U ftCkBowledB«d to be the beat.'* BOSTON ENTHUSIASTICALLY EMPHASIZES THE UNIVERSAL VERDICT. RTTRAfT PROM BOSTON IIRRALD EDITORIAU JuDOlk im-"T1ie proHOt RlDirilBf BreiL'OlrcaA to BoaioQ hit TAptured Uif cllj OQil til It* lurroundloi TvtlenA, Ini1»M. It rtmehtrv UDhoAVB, eicept by r*pti- UtIoD In ARAthfr AMtlAn of the coitDlry. ihAURri heT«Med brftCv^Dnldenble Amnunt of hiRhly tkliruil AdTerllAinR. It hai wnn Itt w«t InU fkr^r on1la ni«rit>. The nAmlA- com handorniUAlo "hlfh AwmpAnUa it !• ^I'V'f " »»• itaotlMi at nn ATdlnarr lnio<vTtuo». NOTItlNa AP* prSaohiko it in BXCRLLRNTB "An fcBRN imORR ThB 0»NVAROP TnUK RUMMBR BN- TERTAlNMEKm Tlie whnie eEhlhliien To adnlrahly or> irmnltttl, from the point cf ihi entrmore of the mod pro- eeAaitm. to thkt In wh(<ti thA perfemiAnoM eod amM the «hlr1 of f TclttmeDt thAt aiteodA ihe riclnir of the hertM end the cherlote round the atoa endoMd bp tbe ipeda- toriw Tilt ApectAclOiilurlnffthlB period, laellke negDia- cent and lotplrlei. • ■ • The olrcue l« tlwAjt a do- lltht In lu eeaAon. aad It Iim nerer boon Aeen In Boaton under better auiptoe* thao It U nov ippoiTlng." BOSTON P09T, June 38.—"RlaRllnii Broe.' OlrcuA did flomeihloB U»t niRht that ha* oe ptecedent In Uie Malory of einlbltloQi InBoAton. In tbefeoeore moet dlM|n»eehle itAie of weeiher, ^lllj ntr, wet end mnddT ■U*el«,eod feHTml uofftTormbteDoiA.(chad Ihe Iftiveat Ktiendaoce of the week, eicepiloR WedoeAday Dlpht. when oeoule were tnmed away hy huodradR. TlltS RHR/ KH JiLL RBCORDA AND ADIM A THIRD TO TUB OALA YOP NEW RBCORDii WHICH RIKOUNOBROS IIAVBtiBTUr—'TheOni olihl record.' the minr nlfht neonl' end tbe 'ahopper* of weOoeaJay •TeolnR.'' BCkRTON TRAVBLRR. Jiioe 37.—" • • • BUT WHAT A niRPURl ALL TUB RKffT VRRB PLAIN. SIMPLE LtTTLB BIDE SII0W8 COMPARBD WITH H*. HIpm- ilromoA liATo been to Bottoo, hut ooooliko thii. The InimnrUI lUraum hea dUplayed Ih* fr»At *n)ont* fthow for tin edIflcatloD of the lanabltaaiA or the Dub. but even he hed no direr like Speedy. RlD|llDKBtoA.liere AO fkroulAhone the 'weAllhor Ormue or ot lod'ln the rlrruA line, that th#y CAN WITH PBRFECT RAPBTY I.AV RACK AND SAY: 'MATCH IT, IP YOU OANI BUT VOUlUh*^!" BOSTON ADVBRTIHBR June ir.-"WbAt*a the mat- lir with the circuvr NoivlihataadtDit the ihowerr wiAlheryeAieidayanenimo, there vu an ImmHae Au- dience present at the nialloee p«rformAnce at RlDtlloir Rrnthen' ClrcuA. The bit ehow haa (hirly raptared Boa- Ion, and It mlRhi nmAln here a Mrmaaenl Samner Feat urei, playlDR In an unpraeelenled builooea. If tba llAttir- iat opInloDK beAxd on ill ildea maj bt acteptedw a criterion. 'That* tea cerulo cleanneai and £oUh tbont Rlaillai Rtothen CircuA which lTTe«titlhlyamaU to BoMoa an* dlraoea. And thar* la an element of'co* and entbaalan AtKint the arrannmeota lualde the arooa that prore tine appetlcen for tbe unrlralled bead ooDoart and olnoi perAumaiKe. "LaaiereoInKpTored A record breaker. Evldenilj Boa- ton baa vona cirtua mad, for thara wai Derer before aeen In the elty'a hialory aueh & ateady puab for the Interior of tbe 'bit top' Id Boalon'a hlitory. The RlDgllnftadoubt- leaa wlihad for once In their Urea that Ihey mrght a«at SOlODO people at one time, Inataad of about half that num- ber. TheaudleoceUateTenlDKwaR a thonuithly repre- aentlvaone. Tlie mapnilflcent arena villi lu thouaanda of opera chain aoil uoree of boiaa looked like aome atu- pendooi irraitd open hooae under a cuvaa dome. It waa a moDtter outponrloK of eocletr, Mamplni with Iia aubauallal appTDTal the moat up to date, artlatio and altomiher chamilo^ clrcai that haa erer been aeen here. Hoatoo will certainly count hareeder 00 an annual nalt rrotn Rinillnf Brothere'Sbowa. And them la Kolnir to be trouble irtbey fall to coma. Tomorrow erenlng ter- mloaiaa the preaent ennaiteDianl.*' BOSTON HERALD. June t7-—"It «aa with no foUn- tlon ofdamafflDit BoatoDlao pride ibat the clmuR people Aadlyahookihelrheada at late comini to the RIdiUdii Rrouian' dhow tan nlgbL Tenta have their llmltA- Rlnvlinic Broc* tent bti aa It l)i.cAanot look at nooh more than 11,000 mamheia of lha hetaan family: • • AT flllORTLY AFTER S O'CLOCIC TUB TinRBTB RE- PURBD TO COVE OITT TO THE KOflTONIANS WHO WIHIIKDTO RPEMD AN BVBNINO IN TUB MOST BN- JOTABLR BANNER IN TUB WORLD." BOOTON TIBRALD, Jnoe 2).—**U lieelreuaderold of all exttaneoui and outalde (eAtnrea, and the perfoTmanre rlT- n updA r ibe bl|t unt IB TUB BEST BVBR SBBN IN THifl mr." BOSTON OLOBB, Juoe &—''With the beat ctreeaaTer _Sonday, vpraad ihelrcaaraa tor their pro- dlgloui tenia, and completed their tilamphal entry by caoturina tbe whole lowD yetlerday. 'Vood ihlnfa are alwaya apmclated In Boaton, aod the RingllnffA Tlehty deaarre all lha imnl ihlnita aald (n pnlae of tbeir effortA. To befln with, thay made tbalr bow yea- tenlar morning wlib the b*pt parwle erer »« toour crooked airefU. • » Tbe writer Toleea tbe aeodmeoU of aeTeiml of the baat orltka In Boaton when be aaya. un- reaerredly. that tbe RTNaLIKOS* le tbe beat droua; by looR odda, tfaateTarTltlied Boetoa." BOSTON JOURNAL Joae M.-'THB BWOUNfl BROTDBRA IIAVB NOT ONLY THE .qSEAJMT WIOW ON EARTH, BUT TBE OBEATEW SHOW THAT EVER WAR ON EARTH, ao<l one that will aoon b« U popular In tbe Bait an It la In the Weit." BOBTON TRAVELER. June ».-'THE SHOW OP- PERBD BY THE OLD^IHB BARNUH A BAILRY CIR- CUS CANNOT BBOIN TO COHPAjya WITH THE KJt- OELLBNT BNTERTAJNBEKT OfPEBBD BY TUB BRO- THERS RINOLINO-" BOSTON P08T, June a-"The aecond day of the RlnnllDg Broe'. mammoth cIrcuA haa come and ttooa, and theaggreitallonofnp to dale Ahowman monairmtad toIanecwwdAof Beaton p»pl? »Ji'^ Ahow la all |t In rearMonted to be-NAMBLV, TUB BIO- 0B8T 8U0W ON EARTH." BOSTON J0URN4L, June TT.— "RIo|IIdb Brolheie Showa bare ororad record breahen In Boston. m« Dlffhtthelo«dclrcua record waa b»«»«.«»"'T.r*?w'- IncludloRthe mad atand. waa occupied by eljhla clock. At AIS the aele of neau waa dUcontlnoed. end many would be patrooa Tetaraed relacuntly to their boroea. • • • T^itm lihutoneTenlH In »«•"»") "'^'JS the Bluillor Bho-A. AND THAT » THAT tHEV ARE PAR SUPERIOR. IN ETBRYBEHBR TO TnBBARNUII 4 BAILEY CIRCUS, AND. IN PACT.TUB BEST SHOW IK BXmTBNCB," BOSTON OLOBK, JunAty.—"Therebare been clmiAaa In tbia cltT. and thare am liable to be e<™»f5 "Ifli BUT THAT ftlNOLINO BROS. HAVhATTHE PRESENT TIMBTHBORBATBRTBlIOWOr TTS WNOTHAT WAS BVBR 8RRN IN THIS TOWN flCABCBLT ADHrWOPAR- ODMBNT- And auchacrowdaa waa there UateUiht The people alnplp coold not be aeeoeiraodatBd lo the mam- motb teota, and were tuned away." The people of the Cast and West have spoken. There is no question of rivalry, for rivalry is para- lyzed. Its ranting, Jealous and underhanded attacks only emphasize the unquestioned supremacy of the WORLD'S QREATEST SHOWS.