New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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200 THE NEW YOBK CJLJPPER. Jtily 13. ^Theatricals LATEST BY TEL EGRAPH. ICondax Kisht'a Opulaci ia all tt« BIc Show Towni, GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. #0n the Roads AU ReutM Mini RMek Ut Net Latar Than DRAKATIO. II UnV —UIWaRO, 111., rfDIf 7, IDOMIOIW. A)l«n A IIIH'i l)nuutl«-Ctuon6nl, N. v.. Juir •-11, cap* rloont It-W. ~^»l<l«Tn A YolBfl'* Cooitdr—ClcTvUnd, O, Jair B-ll. Tha Columbia Theatre Malntaint Iti Win nine Load—The Orphaum Attraete Olg Buslnesi-"The Old Homettaad" Still In Favor—The Grove Street Theatre Re- openad-Froth Newt from Friioo. KpKlal DlankUh ta Tba ftn fork Ollpp«T.1 BiM PRiKciaco, Jiilf «.—At ilio Culiimiila Tlietirt tlio nicceaii or "Die Benttor" liu been n (li^ial ta wsiranl tlie maugenicnt In rtminlnii II for the pKHSDl, the Mcond treek of liu run. "8. R. 0." In nlRlitlr4l>pltjeil,iin<] hiiDdroliioI the feiililaiiables, iieillxenl In Miriiring reten'ed wnl«, ire nlRbllj turned awnj. Tlili Hieatro hM tboK far acblevecl a aacceai Uwt can lie calleil phenomeDAl, "Tba En- rlgn" will i>e pnxliiced here iictore Ibe eloaa ot the rrawMT eDgtRenent. 0*1 JiORsi I TiiKraa.—"HieOlil llomeatead" wan tbe allncUon luit evoiilnit, and aUU relalna Ha diaw- lotnulltloi, "A Ulack Sheep" «UI iw produced Jiilr I'l. Ti\w.—"Tar Hnd "niitar" vaa laat night con- llDucd Into lla HOCoDd trcek al thli liouae. ilnniivu.—Ktiinedj and Loienr, direct from Kuropo, Ihe Uiibleman Trio and UlnckMm and Ilarzu made Uielr Unt appearance hrro IhiU nIfrhL The bonu wan (Imply packed, and the applanaeand rocalk deinoniinued the ravoniilo ImpremloiM mail*. AM'Uiia.—"Ilainlel" waa (he clwnco lu lilll at tbU hoiiBO laKt nlRht. Komi—"One of tliir (ilrln" will lio pnxliiccd at the (loliiDibU 19, with llolen IMumT, asalaicd h; tbe Hawley Coinpaiir, In llio caul A upcclally iinniniiy from the oriihoiim anpcarcd iii Charley llall'i Audltorlnni at Snn Itiae, Cnl., lam treek. Tlio liRt taclnded Tiniii Uorrlney. (Illliert and (leldle, Mclnlyro and llealli, Ibo HnlMTilo, Olell aad Pago, NI/ATOK, Mlnnlo Cllllicrl iind John A. Ooleiiiao Hcneca Bwaliu'ri now four act tnelodrama, "lie Hhalliie IMmnud," will lie abortly produced hero. TliotlrovQ Blrovl Tticalro vna rtoponc4l lliy K.J. Iliildon,and "TheUclnroon" waa tbo lollUI priHliicllon Tic Millar llmii.' Illomma U en- imRed iioxtaeaJiAn Trilb rrlmioso,^ Went Con* Inn aoil lUniK, Nclla Haddock andAnlla KlliRciald nra tko new rncea at Ut. rioeiia' Uttinniolb Ten>— Howard Hurrlaon.ror Ihe pant Iirtiieiiyearii properly iriaker at the Tlvoll, lieueflled .i. The bill whi 'Tlio Tiirnod 'Hirlar" and an olloln wlilrh many vnlun* Ifvm appeared AL MoroKo'ii lliom la an miUrely new oivlieatm of nlno aololaia, eacti one of iiiciiia prnfuMr, iliirlnR Ihe daylight houn tliislav WAllcn Ilia added anolhor llicatro to hia rlmill, hnvlnii acciircd Ihe Ban Joao (Cal.) Aiidllor- liiin, the only Itioiiiro In that town J. II. Ilaverly U hero, nreaunialily t^i orgaiilxo a Dilimlrel company. Under too manaKomciit of Archlo I4vy the Imper- ial, UoTOHCo'H nid llieaire nn llownrd SIreel, opened tn II crowded hnuM :i, with a contnany comiin.Hcil of Peny and Teniimoke, l-llilan Terry, I^lnr anil Obcatcr, Juno, milllrent l^kn, AKiice Cirlcr, Joalo lt«yiDi)nd,tbDAIinunla. I.iilii rownrniind Klltlo Klnic Hohnicr CliarlnH Mnirell, -Mutt Tmyera, T- It* lliirw, lladley and llari, Ned NokIoII, the Uct.lcllin HiBtora, Uiita CYalicl. Miillli;uii and Mntnn. and ItoM Olontonro appeared laHt week hi the Aiidliorliim— Thu ll?UdiTliiwlll open IJ....J.K-Knimeltbireheara- lnii a now iilay. Kmc I'ckcrt and I,, r. Illckawlll Jfiln biH rotiipany Kddy McAnlleaiid JakoHlint- iiickaro here. FROM OTHER POINTS. Tha Week Beelns Mildly at the Big Show Towna-"The Merry World" and "The Now South" Entertain Chlcaeoani for the First Tima-Bocton'a Floating Polace a Flnondal Wreok—Grand Opera Prepared (or Phlladelphlani. ISpaelal Dliqiatehea to Tlio Na* York Cllppar.l litkirON, July v.—"llio Chimes of Niirmniidy" ma Rlvoii at UiD Caetlo B>|uaro Tlioatre Intl night undrr (uuii dlinculUo:!. Iliirliig Iho eveuInK tbo Borpo- leltoot Iho opoia, Marie Uiille Ibll, waa taken very III, «Dd no Olio could bo found to nil her place lu tbo t'aat iiiilU Ircuo Itiirphy wan thought uf, brought lu tlie houaa, and wllliout rchcnraal filled the part lu u moat RL-copbililo uianaor. Tlio bualnoss w'aa largo Tlio Floating I'alaco Tlicairo liaa pioven HlOftng voiittiro and lacloMd. Tbo plant la lu tho uiarkot for aalc, nod it row daya ago repreunlallvea of directors appniachoil a IcaillDg ihpaii-onianagor 111 tbbt city Willi a pmpoalllon to aell Iho thratio, tml their plan railed. Tiiii.itiiiiruu, July i>.'-".UaDon l^fivut" waa given at tliD tirauil (ipcra Uouaolaat uigbt, to only fair roiiilli The droworkii onlillililno, whlcn waa poaliKinud fnmi llio Koiirlh or July, drew eiior- inuua crow^la and greatly Inlurrerod wiib Ibo aliuiid- unco at Iho thvaiiea Then, waa a lilg crowd at Ibo lillou lu llio ovriiliig. Thn'Toniniy .\tkliia'^ ijuaiinlui went wlili great eilOcI, and l.nw Uock- Mlailer uurccednl In kcciiing tlio andloiico la acrcaniB of laughter Tliu "While Cniok" Ilur lonMun i^iinimiiy had a gouil hnuao ut tho l.yreiim. (lUBlnv lllnrtclH uunouiiced lait iilgftt that Iho Winter aca:)uri of gmiid oprni bad liecii ilrll- iiltdf aetlled upun. KuiniiNevitU lii e.xpocu-il to linulbo uoniiuiiy, and Algnnr YlKiioa will lie Iho toitor. Tlio He.iaou la to ciiiltrace forty iilglila and tblrteoanullnooa uf ppcra and iwclvo uivbCBlml cunceria. Cilu^Aiii), July ».—A tcrvlilo -.loriu Inlcrfemd wUb liualaeia Suniliiy night, lull la^l night It waadollglit I'ullycoiil. aud all Mir liuusofl worn well paminlj'.otl, The chief uvoiit wan Iho viHinlugof "Tlie Nciry M'tiild" at llio I'liliiiiililn Ilediiced pilceaal the t'lilmgii krvp Itiat Ihium wull illlcd ' Trllliy" iipcncd lla MCdid neck well, uiid llio elioleo rcnia Hrobi>okcilfaralirnil.-- ."Mtilc llMblnaan Cniaoe" liuila big hoiiHo lam iilgbl, aud will lie alilo lu hnld lla iiwu wllh ('UiiiiHiilui; ailraelloiia. "The NowS.iuth" opened i<i iiindomlo luialneMi at Mc- \lrker*a. It lacka iinveli.vaud a raw niliercascii' Halt III Ito a Hiiecca-i It 1.-. mlher chilly rm- ihe Nrtiauile 'IViii|ilo lliHif (l;ii-ileii Tliore waa an luiiiniiinis eniwilal ilic Il->iikl:i4 Buuday afluniiioo. when tho boat lilll In the lilsli.ry uf Iho houre waa prctfiiteil, t^. Uii'W, July ii--"Kr.i ninvobi," handMiniely Hlaacil, WKi |ireaeiili-il lo u cixindcil liuuno at riiilg'ii I'avc last uigbl, Helen llmraui aa'/eilliia waa a decided aui-ecas, and Win. rniclle aa >'ia Iilanilo cave the elurai'ler.fiill and vigor, Jonnne Bykoa niid Frank liealiuii aa lh:pn> and fllHcnnio wunaiicccai l,Tdla YeaniaiiaTltui li thoatlraoilun at Ibo Hoof (iaidon for Iho njcund we^k. Hlie waj cnibuiiaiileally received laal nluhl by a fair houao. Ii. \V. Hull wai well reerlvcd, aud 1bel.orli)|(BUienigavoa very nrellyoihloltlouof dauelng, which nuglit the aunluuce T^mit*e lUil;, tho pop-iIar Suiiiiuor SHixleii, pninil-iea to rc- .ipoa touiiin\m* ulglit fur a M eek on tlio co-opcralive |iian Siiiiiirbaii P.irk ilbl a fair hualnem yealep day, aud tho Hit uf altruciloiis abould ilraw well. MiLwtvuEa, Juiyv TliK Kxp-jalllun Mnalo Hall liogan inv week wllhgiwl alleuilaneo "l-'alka" IlMiilied lull week at Bi:hlli.! I'aik wirb giMid Bun ilay liii'-lur'M, and "Rlrnile Glnula" cuininoncrd laal oreiilug with iinod houae.'., roiMlilerlng the cnld wcallicr... - Thn Faur.rauia Uiiale Hall opened Hi ■ei'OUd week ivlili good reaiilts. Kanhas Cm*. July u—The Keonior Stuck t'o. gave an nl .I'.naxi luvm-uiailnn of "A Nliliniuuier Mgbt'a ll.-ram" before a li!g lutnout liiii nigbl hi Valp aHaiui Phis. IOWA. Variety and Minstrelsy TaaHoaaow Minnm have acortdahlloaBjP. Keiib'a coollnnoot perforoaoce clrcoll. TSey c».'.«n,b:...n£'jg»^J^t.K-^h^^^^ l< 1II Bah>"-ClikaRO, III.; Joly 7, ladalolu. A , a ^'"aurioa'a Lyrauni 1Ti«a'ln>^fll«uidrCDa,'wTa^ Jolya- a, Bmklfa u-n. Bdbr Dninalle—Mound Clly, III., Jair *-■>, Ool- "bUcb aiMiV'-Ooiaba, K«b., Jaly 10, Baa Kranebin>, nai. lA-ir. "norilar"—ralOKuUi, Ky., July 10, Wllllani>l>arf, «-, tl. Cialbaoara Cnm«dlaa»-4o|iUa, Mo-. July lO-n. ' Onlo'a rUyani-Morrlatowa.N- v.. Jolya, lodaOollo. CMIan'a, I'l'K^-'M Kay. loil., Jgly 111, wilprllla ll-U- Dallar'afltvk—Sao Praodaeo, fw.. July a laatflaiu. o'tmaooa'a. Jotia-Madlan, WU, Jaly a.13, Du< liDiiua. la.. U-ai- X<ora'a aimm«rau>cb—Balllnwre, Ud-. JnlyB-U. KniaiariDUiawa'a-llnKklra.N-Y..JoIr>-l3. Powlafa Jack-lATaraa, MlaoWnly 10, Kll»onli ll-n. FraaUr Hlork—Hen Fnuielacn. Ca].. Jaly a, Mtflell*. "inr'-Maaliallin Baacb, N. Y., JulyS-Aar V. Gllira A Nam Kock-Bt. Faul.ll Inn.. July a-n. aibaay-noidon-HlaTf 01 rolDI. Wla., July a-U. Ai>- riUUl^ U-S. Iirlaa a VaUma'a—Taeoina, Waah., July A-ll Halt Rioek-Fort Wayoa. lod., Jul( a, tndollnlla. IriiKia'aCooitdlaaa-Hllu Illy, Mm., Jaly MX Hllllngi la-a). T loiluy'a, Joha B.—Uaarlalla, Tai., Juir lOL WIclilU -Li Kalla 11-13. I,rc«oni Tlitalra. Kro1inian'a-.Tacoma. Waui.. July 10 Lton A nraenwakl'a-Monlrtal. Can., July $-13. "Lll'la KoliloaoB Cniroa"-.CIilca)|0, III, Joly 7, Indofl- Itfapiiallaa Heacli BUrkT-Denryr, CttVj July ^ MaBolla. 'Mairr tro,M"-ctilraao, III.. Julr T. IndadnlM. , Vallenal Tlieaira aiock-Waalilnmou, 0, C, JalrH, In- -1^ dannlla. Nallooal aiock-I.lule Hneb. Ark., July a-l.\ -Is 13. .1. 1 laail la-ld Haau Onii 19,0. -Ifuhuiiua. la, Jaly a-ll _ , ... .--.jT-.ij. Iilcaao, III, July. _ ■" Tiiu FranciKo, <W , Joly oak- national Slnefc- ••.V«» Uoolli"—... fitf^M llomattaail laail la-ma "On tlio Folonic," No. 2—INUabunt. Kaa , July 7-13, IllranI 14-9). parton'!, Hanlar-KljilD, Oca., July B-13. la Oiaoda * la-la lliimk ainckTliaalre—Iodanauileoca, Kan., July H). I'rInDlO'gay-lliiina, tVyo., JulyH-l.l. HawliUH Ifr-m QitM.n'4 Hloek (>Hit|«oy—Uoutreal. Can., Joly ft. InOall- nlla. plaalinrtComfdy—Alehlaon. Kan.. June flL luHadnlla. AV juyinnnd'a. Hcoti, O>oiadlaaa—Itodirnn], IIU July H- 13. FrMpon l»-ai. HaDforll'^ Waller, fllnck-n&n Pranclaco, Cel., Joly 8, la- dennllo. .... R1nvart*B Park—Duliuiiao, la., July S. ludeflolle. HiHwner'ii. Oecll-lAiamla. Wyn., JiilyK-13. fllianiian * KehoVa—Uendou. Ilk Jnlyfrls. nuiiNa .mi "HI KleMilna"—HorTlalnno. N. v.. July ll^ fjKaHaTllle II. Do Kalb II, Ilenaon 13, II. Cnllon la, ilL FariabTllle 17. It Ffllby." Nn. S-dilraio, III . July 7, ImleOolla. -N. Y. Clly Joly a lodennlla. ■ " " Pat ■ Trllliy." No.'l-N. Y. Clly Jolr B, Indellnlle. ^Hfrlll - ~ . - .-. iTTorfaToin'aV^lifoT" j^aiVir'a^'lm^ III.,July U^Car yJ llovlllell. _ . 'i:oi-l«TDni'a Uabin," Wlllierrll A Houd'a-Willlanuno, N. v.. July liKOnlnrbill. yillaraOueo—Uululh, Minn., Ju>yK-30. "garner l^iiicly-Ralberrllle, la., Jnlyl>-I3, MII8I0AL. Aiiiprican 0|wra-1)uliilli. HInii., July a^. Ani|r«»il)|>erB-IViirla. HI.. July a. rnilellalle. Aliel nnera-lndbinapnlK loil.. July H, InUeflnhe. r;i>lloF.|Uani Oiiera—Oiituin, Maaa., July a Inilellnile. CaaiiMltelln 0|Mra—Cliarlaaton.fl. n.. Jnlya. lailnOnlle. (%>nreld-P*T«ony <)|«ia-N. Y. city July a loUtanllo. Ilill^rt OiMra—l.o«all. Maaa., July H, Inilrnnllr. llolmaa Koliloaoo ()ii«ra-Wllmlo|lon, Dal.. Jaty 9, In- deUulto. IllnrlcliV Opera—Phllailelplila, Pa., Jnlya Indallnllo. Iluoaarlan (Irpiy lltn.!—Ilaveopnn. la, July 11-31. Inncp.* Hauil-Hitiralo, N. Y., JolyB.n. Intra aialA llniul—('lar^lanil. n. Jnlr a.|5, KllliraVa, Lllllaa—Tnleilo. O.,jolya-13. "gl.<iii.-r'—noalop. MawL. JulyP, Icdedalla. I.Ai.relJlill I'aik Opara-fleianlon, Pa.. July a, Imlanmia. Mllion AlHirn Oiiera-AllanUo Guy, .^'.J.,JulyK,lodefl■ >lll^rav.|.ana OiMra—t:leveland. tl.. July A, ladaSnlte. Oriole Orcra—ra-ao, N. D., July 15-3). I'fknOtT.a—Uaorar, (.nu Julr a, IndaBnIla. rneiia'i.r llm-..'—llarrUbunr I'a.. July S-l}. ftinlttnlKblerA* llrclio^lra- ' InOellnll^. L Slnon Mand, lla., July t. Temiila iipara- lnillanat.olla. Ind.. July a, lodeanho. Tlia Milni-N. Y. Cllv July a. Indallnllo. rlirta'a rave Opera-m. I.'luK Ho,, July a, lailoAnlle. Wilbur 0|tera-ai. Paul. Minn., Jiilv R. inilefliilto. rulinta VaiiHnrllU—Itallla Moanlain, NaT., Joly U, Aor- I'lln 11-1.1, r-alllii II. 13. BIka 1117, Walla M, l>. IVIilloCniok"-l'lilla>ltl|ilila, Pa.. Julys, lndallall*. UlfBTRBIiS. lliyanl 1 Hirala-a-Tlilar River Kalla, Mian., July It-D. Fleld'a. Al. ll.-Ml. Cleuieaa. Mlcb.VJuly Vt, Fllal II, Bay Clly li, Kiiat H^ainaiv 131 LaddlaaUB la, Manltta* W, TraTOiaa City 17,1'eli.aker lekCbaboyaaa N. Ilallani A noonolly'a—KaMooit, Ma., Julr Id. Labae II. Fa>l Xachlaa l>. Usehlaa ujoaaapott IS, llantagtMi 11^ rlMnynitd 17, MlUbridio Ml KHawonb l»,^r Harbor ». ouujiiaigi. naniuin A Balky-Toledo, O, July 10, II, BaUer II, A.lrlao. MIeh.. 1.1. Ualroll It. aialhaiu, lUn., \t, IL Tlinnua 17, BraniruTxl Hi Haiulllon la I*ort Ilo|ia ». Hakar i Famlatt-Ml. t^mnel, llU, July ais. Clatk-a. M. L.->liiil>iinla. Ark.. July IIJL Albloa II, Canltr mil II, riuyj 13. HI Paw l^ Uuo It. DiK-k>. Sain—Paalonvllle, Pa., July II, Baarartnina IS, Beavpf Aerlnii 13, Bannerrllle l\ Troielvllla la, Cea. leivllla 17. llamtalon'a-^tTa. July H-Aur. 30. Ilarrla', W. II.—Andonuio. Ind^ July 10. Kokrano II, l.oianapoR It Crown Point 13. Rbleaao. Ill, la-tO. Klrkbaira-BliHix t^liy. la.. July 10, II, La Man U B'.onn lH-\ta 13. i:lioiakM \\ Klmldon 11. I.- <''a-Uoailae,Ulcli., July II.Doerflild IS, Maraoe LI. M'lii'a—Feniu« I'alla, Mluii.. Jolt lOt OroakaloB 11, Oral- t-^u. H. II.. 17. (Irmuil Porka IS, Parin 13. Wabpaloo ta New- tiniil Hyn>ll(-alo—Tai-onia, Waab.. July II, Heal lla IS, Vancouver, U. 0.. II, Nanalino U, VIclorIa l>,17. New tVextnilnaler 13, Aalicrurt SU. RliiB|i|i8'a-^prlnga«M, Maaa.. July li^ Ilnly.ihe II. AtJ'i.1 U. Kllrlibun: LV^orcFHlar l\ l^iliu.*r la, I'llliflfId 17- Ilko'M-ManlialUU lloaol., N. V.. J-ilya-Ailtf .11. KcynoljK'—Na«|wn, IL U July lIX Lowell, Mhm., 13. Brrlliner A Htiilth'a—l.aWa llmao, N. V., July \9, M.tnl luv, I'a., 13, La Kayavllle I.V Bnarka'-rliyaliiini, I'a., July II, Prvwloiu L\ koarlni; Ki'rliiaa la, IlelliTarabura I*. A1i>hiii.i 17. IK RlulellaA Nire.'a-t'^naan.Cl .July 111.Crval lUrrlusloo, Ma» , II. Ilintaalonlo IS. Lao 1:1, Cliatliaiii l^ Rl. .lullan'm llan-HrouBliloii, Pa., July lu, tllll llnll II, Hrinwileo IS, 1.1. Wabh nroa'-Mlllou, Pa., July \n, II. BalliK 'Imya 17, lleonelowa l.\ Milleralmia IS, Kllulwllivllle ICWIII lanivlQwn 17, la, LyhenH 10,10. Wallace—Kluraura, CoL, July 10, Colorado BprluKa II, Itanvrr IS. 13. WlolerClrcua-Plillndelpliln, I*a., July IVZUL HISCELLANHOVB. HulTab. Blll'a Til l Woal-Banaor, U«.. July |a. Ulack Aiu'rlra-aoulb llroDklyo,N. V.,Julra-lt,Uoalpii, Mna,... W Inaeditile. Baroaind A IIIU'a-Urld|«waler, N. 8., July MII, Liver laail IS, I.V llirlallao'a, Mllllo—Porlland.Ora, July H, lailtlolle. Oallioiin Balluan—n.eiabura, Taiiu., Julrtt-IS. UanailUn JnlillroBInrrra—La Pone, lad., July 10 Hldil. ■rail iniv II. ai. Jiwaiih is. Heutou Harbor l\ll. Ilnllaail WV, llralid Hewn lis Mnakepiu 17, Ornotl RaaMa la, llakltni.'a 10. Cliailntlo snt tl. Cuup-Ullarnukee. Wla, July ^ IndeilDlia. Do CaMro A llranllianWMaron, tIL, July lO^Tirtun 11- 13. Harannati 13. IndellnllF. Ilyde'a R I).—Mai, Ind., July la AUiaoca 11-13. .New Ili>.-.I.%-I7. Ileliiia-Ontnlla. Wla. Julya.lS. Jono*', J. AacuMln-Bradlonl, Pa., July ll-l.t, Rale- inniira 13.17. I.Kiie Slar Harry—Taiiiwi.rtb. N. II., July a.lS I jilla llookli"—I'laTflaiul. 0.. July ^ IndeAaila. - ■ Man. July e-I.V . . Jy 111. Tlioitipn.ira—nlounillatt. 0 , July 10. l!oilri«.i.>l>. R. H.-Kalniiiiunt. loil.. Julv 10, II, lUa ('111 13, 13, Kokinmi l\ 10. Rutalatllhi 17, Uoyloilowa la, KnTilklon.ia*' Wr.ilaho'a New ll.-leaiu Muaeaiu—flcaan View. Va, July a. ludadnlle. Wallv irefideilaml-Rlrlimenti. Va.. JnlrR-ll. St'ntiueiuian'a-Riiltnlh. Vn., July 11-13. Mr*, lien. fam. Thuml.—Wlunl|.ea. - IV.inahl'H-lliTW<l«Ta. N. v.. July lU. RHODE ISLAND, Council Ulatra.—Uu Ibo tirand I'la.^a at Lake Maoawa IheTyiuleaa XVarblera an,l I'lilraao laj'rt' Mill. urjBaad ealarkalotd lama crowd* duiloa llie w#gk ciiil. luRJuaeaX Uaoaiiar Htad piviiilrniapooj llupnrat. Irartlon. durlug iiie fiuniiuer The Wallaco ClKua dpav lair all kI^ T.ic Dew lilft lop t-elou|loa lo il.l. aliu«* preioalad a sorry api.c;irauce I\\>di llieortrcia 4>r altuirivine eneouatervM al Onialia. Tliublil lM..anli auiiouoeo llie ruaiiiifuf Ibo Hiiouui .H BaUey l^iiia,but Di. duel. KlTcn XV. T. lIuBcan,rUinilni III be ao nilfniii it nKriil liir B.iinuuiBailey, wa^ reeeol- I) errviitod inr Iniublna ladlea an Ihe aliaala. I'red t.'ilikr. lu cliaraetil atlyaiioo oar 7^0.1, arrlred liaraa* all idi-n-Miaro-l btni a^ an ImpQBter. DuaoanwIUalHi l« ,^ .„ i.neeeulnl Inr olita'nlna iiiooay uailer lalaa lurroaios ha . lima. Tha hoaaa will bo nmler Ibe uianaaaiQ.«l or Arm. Iiavlna .t-caroil nil.ano^a in>m local i«nloa wbllarefro- I r. t^afo. ~ ^ " -- f eniiDg iiiia.cir lo be a cinua agooL — " - Provldeare.—The \YeitinlDaler Thcaire waa epooeil July I an<l weak rot Oiuane and acouipanycf aixclaby people. Tba abow waa not up lo the uaadarvl by any nleaQ^ niht the >io»lneaa waa only fair tlie Kea.ondoan llie river la fully opoocil, and al LYeacant Park an.1 Hociy Point Ida allraclluua an on. AtCrea- ccnl I'aik "Pliialoio'' la iieliicputunbyn cipabla eniii. i.anv. The ihubIo la niinl!.ti*il oy Krerea American Hand nr.-lie.lra. I'alronaaa baa beau duod ainca Iho 0)«nlDic 1 II Hoctv l*nlnt Manaiar Harrlitaloo ha< .u encd bN Cailiiii arbl nitara earlaty |.oo-,.|p. Tba i<i'i«lc la tar iilslie.ll,y Kelili'a Oi-aia llmuo orUic.ira and lha Taau. lullTlia,-iiri. i>rvlie>lrx of Taiiuloii. Ma>v >>.cr betoie did HixVy Poiul otfor a.i oiauy ultrarlluLf. PaipiurkrS.—Tio theolir lonuerly knowu aa I.jlliiDi-'^ tiTand U|.«ra Houaa ba^ laeo ka^ tiy&io tUol.iin Ivr ten yaata, ami will undarioa tlKiniuab uvei^ haullnt. II alu oa radecnratwl and aupplied with oew ac*aeiy. cbatra aud bexa*. Tlie coale or ptir%t will be lalied.and nooa but flral claMcombloalloluwIII lw.|El\eo " ' naawlll konnilcrliio uianaaoiO-^lloriTin. TrtaaarerCbv. P. i'nUla.ortlial*nrMepce I Opera llou^, la aoUIni llckelaal rreaeeal Park. AvO, FiuoNona.—The ALO. Field Real Neiro Hlaainla choae the naUon'a blrtMay for Ibeir opesJog at Coliinibni, 0., and sever waa a day moi* Ally eboaen. Althongh Iha wcaUwr waa mm, aiid eicoralona and other altnclleni nnner- ona, Ibe Kegroea diew to ue capacliy at both aner- nooB and night perfonnancea, and alandlDg noni waa at a pfcnilnm before Ibe curtain went up. Hie openlug acene ta uf a tropical obaraRler.reprcKot- Ing a luanaloM and dower garden on ibe Biuiwaoce lllver, and U lermcd "Away Down on lb«Sna»-aneo Hirer." The acencry la rcallallc, me uianie and lanioB ireea lielng r»tf oaiural, Jeaamlne bkia- aotmworeln profualoD, and. to odd to Ibe eiRcl. UN boiioe waa perfuoied with leaaaoilne by a me- cbailcal contilvanee. Tho Ireea inoTcd aa ir In a KDlle breer.*, and the perfnme waa aeem- ily watted from Ibe Ireea aa the ear- talQ weol np. Tbo overture la of Ibe Irpl- cal Bort. The drat (ulo, by John llncicr, "lllDgliig Ihe Old Village llellH," waa en- coreil. All Ibe end nongs and the comical work of the Untpart were well rendered, bul tba ballad Ringing did nm meet wllh ao much rarer, tbo bal. tada lielug liadly aelecled, thongli Ibe volcea were gotKl. The Uagitolbi ijiiartet nng very BicrJy, and ibeCbanaatonSboiilera. allheconcluatuu or iheOnt pan, made a dlallnct bll, eapecbillj Uclnloeb. It la a new aiyle of aiage work and went big, the old camp mcellng aceno arouaing the audleoce lo a bigk plicb. I'rof. Blmpsoo, wllh a well execuied medley aolo u|iou tbe trombone, opened ihe olio. Cicero Heed and anna followed In an act eiilllled <''B Hee You Do IL" Theee people were nerroiia and did not do Ihemiolvca Jiiallco. Harry Fiddler d>il a lum of very good Imllatlona, hit Inpciaoua- llon of Cblneae cbanicter lieing the ikiL Mr. Fid. dierlook well. Neat came Ibe feature of Ibe olio, ao far aa iiealum goca, lermed "Tbe Pbaninm Paiiol," The auge draplnga were black, the liertormcra, aoine Iblrly In number, were chid In while, and tbo nurcblng and drilling wna done In perfect lime, under the glare of calcluma. Tlie an. dience could not gel enough of thla acl. Hilly Jack- eon acured IiravVly, and we rememlior no nruro comedian who iloe.aa moroculertalnlngtuni. "llio Kailiem' I'IrnIo" wua anuilier of Iho bin acta, lieaulirallyalagedand well iierroinied. Tbo laick trlug daiiring wiia one ur tlie big hita, and Ihe pic urea "1 lioiiie lire In Ibe South note not only preliy, bullnie to naliirv. I'ror. ftlnn, lb«carlca- luibd. drew eome idctorea Uiat wen highly en- joyed by the large andlcnce. Andrew WUIIami did IhoUme honored rrogaci, and did It well; he hoa added oone comedy bnalneaa to tlieact that civea It addlllonal zeat. "Too Dark Town Mgade" waa the cloaing act, and It waa a blaze it tau rnm ■tait to nnbili. Tlie luips nod mbibapa of tbe cuunlry flremeii wero taken oiTlriio to luituro. Tbe waletDielOD acene waa funny enough lo oukt an Indian htugb, and iho leaone of ihe inmatcB of tbe bnralog bnllillng wan another ildlciiloiu part ot Ihe act, and Ihe audience .showed lla appioijlallon of Iho fuDiiy Bceoc by applauding for two mloiitea after Ibe ciinain went down. Alinetigh Ihe weallier was Ihe hoiteat of tbe Summer ilie nudlcncea never dimliilihed In alM uiiill the end of ibe engagement. Hub. Katr HicnBLKNA, whow voice has been heard lo Ibe inolmpolliau operatic prodiiclloiia, baa lieeo engaged for ine 11. F. Kcllh contlnuona per fomunco circiili, nnd will niako her debut sooa. SbelaihewlfeofBlg. MIchrleiui, who hu also ac- t|iilreil faioo In Italian opera. Will. K. Nasksvillb, Ihe aucccwfiil author ol the latrat aonga, "Jiiii and NelP* and "Hemorln or Home," which rcccnily won n newapaper prly.c, hoaalgned wllh Ibirlow llroa*. Jllnsirela. TiiiTKAMOK Iliu. AND Lawkbkcb liafldlasolvcil partnership. Billy Hill will beruarier work ahinc, and haa signed wllh a romblnnilon for noxtacaaon. TobBIay npsSELL Co., Itobt. HIchmond,manager, haa algued I'bll. J. Stessengr', K<uy Clemenla, Rcce Leille, Uav Harding, VIolei Wllaon, Joalo Law. rence and Cbaa. KIdred. Uessni. Onrgan and Rich- mond will apend a part of July at Paichogue, L 1. Tub Spesozb Dkotukiu oiicned at Uanover Faik, WUkcsbann, Pa., July e. Hattib WiLKaa, prima donna, la a recent en- BsgemeDt for labam'a Uctnroona, aa bi a*80 Billy Jobuon, colored comedian, together wllh Madame Flowera, Fred, J. Piper and nthoia. lliLTON Scott Infoma ub ot his marilage lo Leah Boeruui, profciedonally known as Famile Oranger, at Camden, N. J., on July 7. Ohant Pahihii la having a ancceasful aeason at lUrer View, on Ibo Potomac River, near AVaablng- lon, 1>. 0. At present he has Ulaerva, tbe strong wotnos: lletr UhitL Speedy, the tower Jumperr Enoch and Uenilce Nala, to enterlain tho pniillu. Ublbkb, daugbter ot W. II. Bmlth, of tlie Olg Foor, la (penning her vncalloa with Brellna Dooghedy, at llawihonie, N. J. Lauiiel anu Hautby have been re engaged for anolber week at the Panorama Uoalo Iball, HU- wtokce, WlH. POLtiB lluLura, tbe Iriali Dnoheaa, la vidlling her bustainiS, Qeo. W. Oallagher, general agent of 6crlb- nee li Biiillh'aClmia, ami Iseujoylog Iienwlf tbniigh the Adirondack Monnialiu. Ulta Uolmea opena Willi Tony Paatoria Company, Aug. 3. Lyiiia Pibrbb, who la at Uaili lleuch, L. I., la ea- teitalnlngthe resldente there whh her renditions at nation's "Unly Ono Qlrl In tbo World for Ue." Fold and Umllon'a "Sunabluo ot Piiradlae Alley," Uaur loe Levi's "Airy Fairy Lillian," and Nat Maiue'i "Uayro, Uayin, Cuim Tell He Tliut You Love Ue." U. I*. Cui'P, Uie former iiiunuger of the aciii Thca- tit, Haverhill, Haas., hoa token tbe iiiaoageiiient of tbe Haverhill nnd Lawrence Eleclrlo li. II. Cu.'a aiimsenienta. Uinnib UcEvoy will nut work tvlth her hiiiliand (Ulllle McOoy) next scnaon, as elie wUI again travel iviuiherdsuehlem. the UcCoy Sletcra. lllllkiUc- Cor will double a-ltb a male (lerformer. KnoiBCui.LYBRbaaroinmcd from a visit lo hIa relatives In Dalllmore, Md. Tint HARBim, doniile cluii JUKglera, are eoluurn- liil at .Sumtoga, N. Y., where ihty are prapailiig a new eiimoily acl. FiiED 1I0S.1, manager for Ixw Wnoihvanl, writes that tbo bluer uiailu a lailloou asceosloD from Hnthcrbood Park on July 4, and did not land In Lake Krlo, as re|ioncd, but lauded nil rlthl at llncra, o., elahl miles fruiii Clevctaad. KniVABii KRNbAii., Ihe ivell known adrniico ugauMa enjoying hinurir wllh lluby Mailoii-Ken- dall at .\iiliiini, N. II. Tbo biiler has licen n^-cn- gaucd for Ibo Clly Cliili C". for Hie llilnl cmuieeii- llvuKeu<uui. KUTCM I'KOM llllVAKT ,V KU'AIN'H IlMlll Cl.AK) I'audovlllca.—Wo will not clo-<o our S'inimer tensoii uulll Aug. 31; then wo lay uiniireu weeks aud open our tegular scnwui Sept. 'J;i. DuslncKi haa been way ainvcour expeclallona. I/ioula Ibidluu andMra aicCullough Jollied at Ucluloab, Ulnn., Jnly 4. Wo gave our people a rvat night of July .1, when iho en* lire company went loUaple Like and enjoyed them, selves hugely. The following la our maier: Uobby IMyani, Frank Swain, Harry Sanlurd, I'ony Itorton, l>nf. Slicmuin, Chua. Conger, Leonhi llodloe. Addle Wood and KdnHtlcCullough. Our band: Prof. An- ilrews, Jna. Firezo, l.ew West, Ned Oouke, I'elo flonior, ^VIII lllfie, J. l.ulzwonn and Cbas. lleatiy. Tbo band donneil their new uiiirorm for tbe flret lime July 6, aud uur pamdo bi now sumotblng wo can be iKuud of. Cbaa. Couger liinilahca us wllh tlieOMi Hbiiabu! encli week, uud tho lioya luuk auxlouHly for Saiiirdny In come. HaiihvC. liiBi7.nnd nire(Lubiliun|r«ccnilycele- bratod the roiirlb annlver..dry uf ibclr wedding. AibA AuMuiin will shurily Jnlu hlabel Cbarilcre, loproiluee a now specially,onlliled ",Mobetnto IlAlO." llii.L ANU llci.L KSlled tor Kogland July 0. They nlll rcluru In September to open ut I'loetor'aTbra- Ire. CUAhLKB Wrar, the well knoirn moalcal come- dian, will reluni tu ihe proresslonal tanks, uud wlib a new panner, under tho old broi namo of Shariitey aod West, will 111 ongagemenla. IliRTUA list Ml, Ihe "Irish Lionel," bin gone to VInoland, X. J., where she will remain until Iho mid dki ot Auguit. • INB MIci'aKKB'a "Sireol rrcliliia uf NewYork'i will laiuni t' Ihe scenes of their nm success, U. F. Kellli'a New Union S<|iiarv Theatre, IhU clly, late Id August. Lew Doekahider, Lo Clair and Leaile,aud a hair a dozen other big one*, have alieady been se- cured eicliialvely tor tho Keith circuit next season. I.OTnK tiiLSON has Introduced a new soog, by Fold and Unailon, antlUed "The Sunsblat of Wm- dlie Alley," and It baa pioven an aiuacllon. 8Le aaiig It four conuciiilvu weeka at thn i^asloo Hout Uurdeu, iliia cliy, and Inlands to feature It mxi seaatui. Shu Is also singleg "Henrlella" and ".■iiat ua If Sbo Didn't Kuuw," liy tbo earns com- poaerv. XlABii: I.iN'niLN'. ul Iho learn of Uullamy and Lhii ulu, will.'.- workluK al Ibo Cuuit BlRCtHieativ, llaiTak), N. v.. Ism neck, waa preacnieil trilh a iloral inbiite. AU'iiiBCAPtTiHireapreniaun Ihe Kelih rlivull lu Oclnbrr. "Star TUAT Kuiaa," a comic song, by Ibave Mar- tin, la aniig tgecllvely In "Tbtilbj,'Ut ibeOaiTli'k Hitaire, Ibia clly. UAvBTRiCtv, ihnnib atUI vei7 HI, la itcevaitsg slowly, Is Uaytos, Oe Pb SKr^tli'h^ViJThiy vrlll rensaloanolher SSmlbf'rbelr New York rwppeamiMwinoecnr Aog. 6. for a mouth, at ibe nnfonBsnare Tbealre. Wofld^Players monlb. Tbev wlh go toTKu'a noatre. KaVllaven, a, for ™'iJert5° and will then Join Uopklna'Tnsmi- •^irSL^icn" u^mJbcu." hylUcbnrd 11.Uarter, coronoserof Ihe'-llrplaioph Uatch,"elc., Iscaicb. h?g on nli ely lu New Vi.rK. Ii luia been plajed by KiyiM'a Klghlb Heglmeui. the »"d limrdaiKlBer- llniliofl'aBandaIn rurioo" parka,and Wallerllogere wmaooBlntmdncellUiCeulrelFark. KonBPBOM TBB Canadiah JPBiiJi SiMjaa-- w5?3?aun Jeeung wllh siic(«ui Wh 1^^^ lod., TT. T. Caiy, <»meiU!». and haltan Warner, slide tiombooe sololit, each pnrchaaed on lnatns. mchL Jlmmle Ughlfool, the boy bssan, to allU aur- pitatng Ihe beoplo wllh hIa voice, ' Au,"k May, the well known liariione. wriiia trob Boiiaio, N. v.: "Tbe Waaliburn Sleleta and ^irinmaking a bit with ,Tbe Uel e of Palo' snd 'Only iioe (ilrr In the Worid for He.' " IiBiiKBTto, coniomonbit, haa made his perform- suce BI Iho Hadlana Bnuare Ibwt Qarden, this clly, an attractive feature or tho bill. UciMB AND Tbni-BT liavo been la-engoged for Ihe llentt-tenlley Co. for nexlaeason. Ttou ANDJaBiBfiBBhavecloaedasiicceastnlsca. aon of les weeks In Cleveland, 0., and bave Joined KIsenliarlta'a Eenaaibin ot NovelUea, now lonilng Ibe State ot Ohio. PROF.T.J. HAPB.whohoBtor many yean fur- nished tbe beaaiirullllDslreUonswhlcbharebeen iottholeaatauccesslulpaitot John I>8«oJJ'J« S'-JSralrF-WlWal^^Vat'^^ "'l^.'^iU'"l^i'D^V?SH wm. t^m Uidrsummer borne In Om»t Bay, Uasa., that they are mJoylDg llKmaelvea bngaly. Tbey go wlUiCbaa. Slumm'a Ilaya and Ilayera" next season. CuA«. OBAiiAii>a brieat song,''Jnala8 It Used to Ilein luysOone Dy." and "Tha Bowery Ball," by (lolton, will be added lo Inez MeciirterV repertory when she appearaIn Ibis cliy anin. Ini RtWBUWIII Blng Joa / Casey's new song, "Flshlng-Flsbbig ror Wbslf' at ,|;e/Jf«'l«;a lloor Oarden next week, and T. J. Iljan will slog llany H. Mlller'a new Iriah aong, "I'll ^ot do Oul With llellly .\ny More," ror ihe lliai lime next Sun- day ovenlng. at tha ume place. /. A.WESDFBWIll go In advance of the "While Crook" next season. . ANNIR WaLTJIAS, llAZBMIan«BllAKDA.Vl)FlOfS i Walsb are Ihe latest addlUons to Ihe French Folly OomDSny. HbtsWullman la lo pUy leading hoy oartaT Manager Usrgrsvea was In Ihe city last week, arranging for Ibo opening ot iho Folly Com- pany early Id Seplemhcr. „ , ^ „ "lUMKi.-niB -At llnlon Thaaua, Victor, Cel.: The Mon- laaa Trio, May I,«w|..Eddya Brol., Ltdia lloia. Uiiiry Md Bbell. dVRmo Maile, Uie Webhera. Maude I^BIaocll^ Rliiil ud Oenle njon Al ihe Caalao. BoUo Clly, Uon.: Colllaa aail I-,"»o^ F'aa flUlera. Flay Pieoinan Carno Broa.. U Ro« Blalem. Lorralaa aad llowall l.lark Trio. John II. PleHlne. aiai™ llorrnano, 0. L. Ill ror, PeaVl Laland.Slatera Juno, llie Jii»lyn|i arid B«liTl,l.irk. AlUuveraalot'a Pafllloo.AilinlleClty. N. J.: Tbe Wood Rlaiara. Maagle Daly, drove and Ailaiii:.. Terry and ElSer" SmwiJ ae». P. »lorr*y aoil Kllly !(•»'; ». Sto. lore Vale. Slalcra Meuroe. Peall Ionian. To-n llorroo, Pannle Orancer and llie 8lieei:ina .....At "i',Few «i Tboatit.8belKiyaaa.Wla.: Uuea and Mhlar.Lulu Tlilei. WriahlRl.tenClta.lellna Porreat, Tliroe Nieni tn. nliaa. Hart and PalaoyLaarr At ibo I .irk Pavilion, Clove. land, O.: John and Llula McDowell, J,ni Oanaon kully and Uonro, Maaslo Leo Clark, luiymund ami Volcli, nn.l Albert Daailn«u>n.... At CarlnnV ihealao, N "vwirt Newa, VaT (llbion ami Mobium. Maud IlnvK F.i|itk Ia llarr. Molila Vaoahn. Annie Walaon, Bolla Oolfimiii. Sjdle Sanda, Jol.n B. Diinon, J. J. Mark and Sc<llle lJ nial Cliniiu. ILLINOIS. Clalcago.—Wllb only nliout hiiir ot our houses opoo, aad aood alliaellonr, bualueaa for tho paat week baa boeo eacelleot. "Tba Merry World" opeaaal Ibe Co- lumbia, aod llieogcct will prol«bly be lo reduce llie pat- looage altbe oilierliouioa. Manaaer llendeiaoDovidenllv oxpeciatl Uili, lor lie baaioductd Uieacaloor pricea fnr "AIIBalia" dorlDR iheSammer leaaon. "Llllli Roblnaoo Cruua" atill lalloa ancceaanilly on Ita neviieHi for bual- neaa. "Trilby." at IIooloT'a. acvma able la lioM Ita own. Moch la ospocled or 'Tba Merry WorM." anil If theao ex. peclatlone era even rarlly raallxed tbe oocaarnient will be rely nroniabl*. Tbe UaritnicTeiurlo RoorOanlen la aiieb a comforrable pNco lo apend a warm cvcalnR that II lanlwaja well palrooUed, and 3lannKer Pair Iv iireaeiil. InwIliaitatrona wllb aa excellent enfenalnnianl. Hop. klna* Tbeatre la kept cool by meanaof lonio coblnaia troduclna mecbanlan. nnd In Uila way llie euOIencoa are apt couironahle. All lliloiia eoneidered. Iha fcuilneaala Rood, even IbouRb llieia la a rrioRe around tho clly oront. door aatortalonieiila. . . ..... ,„_„u .. Ilool»r oTH«AT»K-Clilcaiiolakeablndir to'Trilhy," and vary large audlaoceaenjoy ihe plai' nlalilly. aa pn. aenladbyA. M. Palmer'a company. WHton Lnckaye'a Inipeiaonationorsrenpall la vary mncli ailiolreil. and tlio work er the oUioraoT Uieeonipaoy la coniniendablo. It la one of Ibe moat pnfltablo cuffaaementeor llieataaoo. and drawa an exoelleot claaa of pacmna. - coiCAOO OrkaA Uoesa--Manacor lleodeiaoa liaamado araJkalcbaoKO la Uie acale ofprlcoaat the adcaao. aod the egeet oo tbo attendance la remarkable. For Ihn Sauimeraaaaon the pricea have b*on radocad, ao that 31 buvaUialMataeallQlhabouaa. "~ Rxra Keadai baa luado [| Maud UlmeVa loosa are rery popular. "fllDbaiV'vlllboaaatoat on tbe rt«d la Sap. teinber, ami a comiieuot coopany la belos eoRaged for Ibatporpoae. , . „ troLOUnu TiiRATnK.—AOar a abort vacatlcn llw On. Inntala npona July 7, willi CtMTj A LodOTara "Tlie Monry Worbl." Tbe uanpany came on rnnil Now Vni k liy aapodallralo, antvlna Booday mornlna. Tie Coliini. bilk liaa boeo put In flratcbuuonlerwhllailtrkdurlna Ibo Uat moolh. aod llie coming or 'The Morry WnrU" baa been elahoraiely adrenlaed. RrHILLBR TnKATUS.—"Lllllo Rnblnaon Cnaoe" coo. tlooea Ui bo a alroDg attraction, and la drawlny Urpo an. diancaa al each lierformance. Allele Famiiiton. Kailla . « .. — —Noleafiom BawteBe'a DiamaUo Co.: A paiiiai list ot ourcDgagemcnbi for tho coming year con. lalna the toUowlng peoplei Joa. W. Olrard and Harry Dewier, Fnd. D. Monroe, Tbny West, Uargs- Rt Tennani, Winona nridgea, Baby June, Oeorsia Dean Spanblhig, Frank L. Kent, Emll- Koennecke, deo. U. Miller, John A. Ualibcwa, Ceo. A. Paika, Cku. P. Ycnke and II. Uailoo. The wotk of palm- ing an entire set ot new scenery for "Fanst" hsa Just been compleied by ClaRnca Bennett, who bss coolmcud loalago ihe piece wllh every effect ihai can be carried. lUgtals have been Rccond tnm ihe owneni for the production ot "no«edale,""PhiinU" and "MIdnlgbt (Aall.<> Onr dalea for Ire Doaihs are all booked lo large clllea. Mr. and Mia. Sawlelle have ninmed from theirvacailon, and are eojoom. Ing at PlymonUi, Haas., combining pleasnra am, tbo work ot organizing and peifecllng airaoga- mcnia for the comhis Beason. —Notes finm theDennetle.ClilpmauPlayeia: Tbk organlzaUon will Inaugnnte tlieir aeason July u, playing Ihe Summer resorts ot Maine and Ihe maii- Uoie provlncea, wllh a carefully selecud company. Tliey win bave a repertory ot nlays, pmduced by no olhcr company, embiaclng '-llnnied Down," "Tbe Falal Secret." "VIda," "The Plonceia," "Tho Han- Kr," "Oyp," "Seaaanila," eic. Borne of these plats ve been before tho public many years, but only lu tbe clllea. Rxecullve alair: VI. T. Bennelle, mana- ger; A. Z. (ihlpman, alago manager, and w. 8. Waid, treasurer. — Manager Geo. Mlddlcton Hums states that ihe fact of his having recelvetl o fortune ihnngb iho dealh ot a reUllve will not alter bis plana for next season. He will personally manage the Davis Opem House, at Plymonlh, Mate., and slUl maln- Uilu his inleiest In ihe newly organised llrm of Fraalcr A Uutns. who will have three melodreoua on Ihe road next seajun. Al tbe conduslonot nexr season Mr. Iliima will iinit ibe protesslon. — lloyt'a Comedy Co. open the eesaon Ang. i, ai. carihage, HI. UaiTy Adams will lie acting manager, and n. H. Arnold advance npteaentaUre. Bhinrbo Morgan lies signed tor chaiactore and lenerel bua- liiesi. Tlicy will carry twelve people. — Ileiiry Lee aallcd from London, Eng., June lor Jobaniiesiinrg, Bomb Africa. — IlaiTT Dull la apendlng a week with friends, "cropple" hitnllng, at neau fjike. Mo. — onaa. J. niam has been engaged for the Ciinis i Siono Slock Co., attho Academy otMo)lc,nngaln, N. y. — Ilarhlna' Dmmatla Company pbiy la Yamonih, Me., Jnly II, 12, whero they close sndslartforNew York. — Julia lUng goes wllh Mario Wolnwtlght. — Robert Urouet has iJgneil for "Uiiie. Sans uone." — (leorge A. J. D. John.ann goea wllh "Ronnlr: Scotland." — Hamlo Ityaii has signed wllb lUkny WUUams for "A Doweiy OW." — J. D. Hobcrta sailed ror England July 6. — Manager Chos. W. Chaso Informs ns that Mabel Kaion.alsler lo IloUlcUenaiUOhase.abilJohu 11. Nicholson were marrted nnJulyS, atUeolonllar* lior, Mich., at Ihe country ncatof Col. II. J. Beniard. Hie bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. Klcholson will tmvel wllb Ilclllo Uemaid Chose next leaBon. — J. Aldilcli lAlibey Is engaged as lending high biirlbmo .if Ihe I^ceum Opera Co., at AUaniii, Co., ror --^Ix weeka. Tlin season conimciiceB July I-'i. — Nell Scully lii'-s signed ror next season wllh Lincoln J. Cartor, lo piny Blephen Craiblnrk, In "Tlie lleruulter," tho part bu created In Cb|. capo. III.. In tho oilslnsl proiluctlon, opening at Dcirolt, Mich., Aug. 10. Thos F. McCabc Is ulso en- gaged, ror Ibo iliio role. — Tlie followingbaveslgned with Stahl.VThorric's Co. for tbe seniron: Mr. and Mrs. Baldildge, hlzta. Favno, Alice and Eihel lleuton, verMllIe Jnvcnilcs; J. It. Crotnwi-ll- J. K. Ueiilou. Leo Uoera and IV. J. Stonlnglon. The Bcutnu Cblldrcu are doing an origliiul gymnasilo dance wllh consldereble boc- cess. — Rosier of the Pringle-Hay Oompany: Joliitnr I'rtngic, Ulck Cregan, lUtir English, Prof. Rolii. (i. Penlck. musical dirueior; Edna May, Sadie Cirpiii and Mao Vernon. Tho louio lies ihiough lo ilie Paclllc coast. — J. J. Nolan Is doing comedy leads wllb ihe llay- inond Uouicily Co. — Han Uarlclgb Is no longer wllb the "31. Sicb- bln.H" (^mpuuy. — TIio Nallonsl Aayiclatlon ot Tlieahrlail i^iugo Employes opened Us third annual convenilon at Uosion, Maaa, Joly 8. Lee U. Dart, ot Chicago, HI., prcaldentot iho organization, waslu tho cbalr.and the session will conilnue duilng the week. — The Dencvolent PnilecUveOrder ot Elka began Its Iblrty.lfih annual cerflonatAUaiilloClty.N.J-. July 0. Edward U. Ilay, ot WashlogloiC U. C, (iiand Kxalled Hiiler, was In altendance, as well at nil the gntnd onicen, including Oiand Secretary' Qeorge A. llcriiolris, ot Saginaw. Mich., and Ibo lioard of grand trusices—I'eier J. Campbell, of Hal- llmnre; Wlllard K. Vuiidonjllp, of Boalnn, and J. W. Laube, of HIchmond, Va. Two hundred lodges were repreaentcd at tho ae8.aloii,repi-eacnilDgabout3D,0ia> ot Iho 'Ji),uaa total niomiiershlu. Tlio pregnmiitc conidsted nf an address or wclconio lo iho Elks by Mayor Sloy, or AiUinllo Clly, nnd I'ost E.valted Ruler Samuel E. Pcny. These addreaaea were re- Sued to by ilmnd Exalted Ruler Ilay and W. li. layers, ol Pblladolplila. Tho latter la a leading candidate to succeed Mr. Ilay aa Onud Exalted );ulcr. Atier Ihe address and replies, tho ilrand 1/iilge held lu acealon. McUoaaldand Oeorn Ueaoe era dotnieexcalieiawoTlr, ' " Orea^lercoDllnoevtodlrldolbe bonnrawllli W. II. Ilainlltno baa lieen added in Hie coiii- WISCONSIN. uny. ami vlll In luuira kIoc Iho pari of iha pirnto kine. MoVirKRH'0 TirKATHK.—"Tlio Cotton KInf" hi' at b»t coma do«o (rout hta llimno, inil Trltl l« nilksVan) thU ortitloR by "Tho KotSouDi." JoMph R. ariniurr vlll h^xm tue loailloff r«l«, and vlll af>litod l>r I1i<rbo DatIu. Mawmc Tkuhijc Roof (iAuncx—Hi* Ci«tt«tan« ^111 contloHo III lIcM opon. An laiewilOR nnw conior h 1IertallrliiiK,wliOwlllpnp^'itt n iiioiiolorno «IUi niuklo nrruced by ftlcbnnl RikM. laCftibn, tha n4t<»Miitnt*t» will r«ay on n bow tnatnunant. Lottia \foH fiynioatl* titadvahlllaal weekanO bMlMOO rr pnqtgetl. ]lui>Ki!(H' Tiikathk— A dm cUmIiUI ot viudoTllla la jrTartd iliUivrcV. n lUi Miiia uninlilo ptrlnnDuni mraly itaaiion Iho vaudcvllhi Hlait*aOiitl wma aronuklnit lliair llrat nikrpannro (n ihk data nf (int«rlaltittient. AnioiiKtlielaUtfr nn Alliort Umuchlu, IliO bnovii teiiur, and Lu<:IUaKaiintlrr', lormorlyoi Iho HoMonUn^. M.a.nil )I)Io.<IiiUia1 will gke nilamonalnttoii of ili«(r piivcrln UioQclil ttiiiarafrnco. Olhar ]tmTt*t»( iho bill «ill ba fiiroli^ietl by l(op)« ami KoniHitb, Kavnion Hoor«.arom Kraiia,CI«*t)tn.J«Dkluaaiid jM))4r.nuiin aotl PcbMaCarpcnUratHl >lpiiror,aii*1oilipr«. Wllh Ihe flcM pntetlcaliy lo llMir, Ilia llopliln»U Oolnennuhruq btt*lo«w. aoil, wllh a T«ry Mv hIikW ci)ra|«iir aod e\c«l- loot i>i>erlalil«*, the Miiorialnuient runtliihed nwrliatlm auccfMlhitltrvcalvoa. Thlnv«ok tho alnclc mmpany will prcKOnt llany NaradlUi'a pU>-, "Hanch No. lu." riiiNK llALL'B Ravixo.— ARor K fOaPOQ of forty-MTOii wooktaad tvodarHihe Catlnu clowil < for llv« vMtm, durlnit which It vlll ba rapiAd«lMlaAtliat|«tno>tortho pUc« will anrtoly kouw It vlian li nopoai^ Rondar eroulDV, II. iliO hours will It* rvopenad rrtrooaniyht to plraHau >>l«arOfl ftbeneat. It alionM l{it Ultil lotho sidewalk OD that ocraalnii. Tor Ihrrw \% iin mun ontirleomi gentltiitan In lUt buil09«« than Mr. Ifdwiuda, ami tha MtnuUcliT of Iho trulno la lanrtly dur to bin connecilun villi It. I'AMH TiritiTRK.—A kK-al toniHy. antltleil "A Bunrh of Jayp^" will be prcacDieO Uiln waab. Hp«ri*ltioa will bn iin««Dla<1 liy Martyo and Kak^r. Vomon Rtilara. Maud W>likti. Klivntl anil tViU. tl<0 Maniaitm Mr. and Mrp. Ku^1ln^ LllllaLA Uvti nnd oiharM. UuilnaMlaiiMM). Kohl A Ml|iPl.tniiN'H fTLAUK .SlHItKTXt-HKl'M —.V (IIU moTWer aihl Tarlou^ Icnar atiracliont In the anf nf mtakaawlU fonn ihadiUrp^rtnr ilie ahow b lliitcnrlo hatllhlaweok. Tliauaual Wnttf |taoplewill fiimUh ihe atJWapfTrnrmanra. (iLDni: UiMi ) Uvletvfx will ijeihecblff ■imcilnnntthatllobolhlH wcoV. lit |< k rrfnrhiiian, who laaMit liitperrlotia lu palu, and lit i«[d tn allow on at* inntlanl to Itottonx on hUmhiu. Un llie >ta(» at the f;bib» ihpre will ha Urleittal daecos nnd otber riiiiillBr reatur«ii ol ih« iitiiitaiiiii KU|;n. WniTk'aLo\D3.'v DihkUiukk.— A iroure f4 alx Orko- lal dancani ar* m ninte tt«\n San* Vork. aoil will optn at thUplacefl. A roQTHnilon orfai people la In pr«para(lno Itir the atrlo ball. Ba^tnfrh Bood. CxutL'rtrAViLlu.'*—Tlio bill ttiU Tfok InrlndaNCatTle Tutelit, Hat \>nion. l»hfrwood. i haa. E Colhv, (ign. W. Mnniib, Blaktly'a I'l iktmluDlm. Lillian 6Lai'ttai btOD athlfil to the itoch te.iipanr. Boaiaru l« ruoO. KOTIK.—TheCollHutn lianlena. whera P*tn'a "Storm- iBffol Vlekabom" la iilvan Divhily. U allimuInK* vaty iar» atiandanca .. .Eunka Vuce taaa bttDaeninQ i>Ti)avM IlendarMMi. Tlia term* war* madabTcaDia, ||i«aV<uic«balnf la (tootb Afrlrs u Uia lln>a. Bie will ftTTlTalnahnotantooih HfleoaMom will •larnniit y»ar In Robert J Donotlly'a "MoiUrn Mephl'to.*' T1i» C(int|siny aitfavaJ to FOpport bar IncloiUa llelfn Rur- **n.fUiBrHan Rtock. Emiuflt Corrlcao. F.«ila Utailiofr, Wliilani DavMn. Prnok KriHlrlc^, Emma Pl«ld and Hiir«le Uamlil iHvlJvs Oaorce (Uill« it Improrinc tito flm» Willie III* Ulviuidc la CH>*4d by boIdm nnl i.i (>tetrotlln« rinult llr«. L'lWaa Bnikbirt-nrckwL will arrlvit fmui Ifamr IUl 'o Join liar lisaKiBil. who law|ih"Tli« Mrrry World" CouipacT Artlnir (ui. lirldtr, tlia draniatic sgeol, will tfo RiTfu li itfOfAi 31, at tba Lincoln. ^ PtorlBa^eVltlieTatKruacle tbo Al«l (ipcm Cu., <thl^ baa t-aan Iwrefor tha l.t>t tlirva waakM,liaa cone lo loilUnapolK Ind.. havlui nnUbad tlrelr aofanroaiit liera verr Mccawnilly. Tbr Ao^raviUpriaCo., nblcb willftimUh lhe««aion of Rnirmarorara. oiwnfd July S aadhfeTOdiawn cmvdHl Utiw* •raTTBlilit Inqot* Bud cornea 1^ 7. TbatdTaJicaaatoUTfryUrgf. MILwBukM.—At Echlllz I'lirk, tided by tho clear wanu arcDlOBiof laal ncek, tlie a)taDdaDco n«H vtry Urge. "Palka" waa prcMWted. Tbla weok,bnilu nlnR Jul) 8. "Glrorlo tilrona" U ihe bill, vlth JoaevlilDO fltsutoQ rn tha titlarolr. "ftalrt pDaha"lMdownr<'rHaail uoak. Ill the vAudoTllle i>a,vllloD: Llnccln EJwood, kWo Oiguerra and otliert apiraar UiU week. K:ct'Ui<iTio?i Mtftic Hall.— Contiiienclitit 7: Unonattan Coniody Four. Iho Tnkatawa* Ja'P, Use Locirer*. Meyer <:ohQD, rioMcn. Chtlfant ainl Uol'lon, Oranjeau and Hay. Iho Dunliaui Fnotll}-. Innea* Band drew wall Riled liua«e< lul week. Vot U and w«ok the tiow ratal ore ryrese, mt. Tiirooiir. U-idoH lllibilldi', thu Kllmtdcka. llowlK atHi Duwera, and llvint: plcinrei'. TANOitAHA Mrnii; llALi.—Mooauor J«An Brndynrorta tint hla Ural woek haa |i«oq trerldcOly MtUfKCtoo- Openlnfr?: Howard and Rmertwn, MnriPjcA, Al. Mooni**. iWih .Newton iva>l Twrl AlaxniHler. lloU overa: halwn uid Hna.Arhiin, l,turelan<l llarvoy. 1^ Sflle Adel^ ACAliliXV IIP >lr!*ic.-W. K. iHvIa' "Uncle Tonia Gabln," iiiHiiai;od hy Uarry Wobbar, come C, 7. but Uia wrutherwnati^ttnrsD. . . NoTKH.-^nivr'a llo>iilCliTUK, wllh Coop'aIior»«', haa >anuililbltliittinthecltyror iliopaHt iwoweck"!"* tiui:lnofi«. T1ioyOeu.irtnlKnotl will piny Wo'i >yiu-> "IwoOld OmnlaV'Kcoch'a"A rrolnar'antlJ. C. ; nrt'a "Two JobiiV arelii Wlii^ooalii thi* wack rorna Comodlaiia aro iiioeilnH with AurccM In Iha a^'tirihcni WItcfrnaIn waierine rr>«rtii ManagarO. K. M!ll<ir.*\f Brhllu IMrk, waa In Clilcaco laat week AHod U Hvl- husliio^mniincerurtlit) Academy of UiiFlr, wa«iiiani«u Jniia v In HiriMta Rlmnloy, of IlofTalo, N. V. TENNESSEE. NAtlivllle—At Qlcnrtnle Park raplDlA U UIUdr an Indrflnlie enctfemoni and h dnwlni Urgecrondo. OUier aiirmellone are piomUcd, an 1 Ihrre l« aDtti* ^ aavtral aoakaor Ruroiiteropoim, aa well ao oP'B /t'' Krr»nuancanr'*Aa Voii Ltko It." OoJulr l Will A- «eiKt»nk char(»4>r the RIJou for Jerteraw. KUw * t»- HuKur.aiiil Itwilllia known aa the .Vow Maaoulc. »rK vaa hiinieillaielycotntiienrtd, nnd tl will ba remoacini Ihniupliout. .Sew rcanery and a drop curtain l«loietl, and ihe t^lilni: thickly atuddcil with, not ll|;liU. Tite opcn^nt will )>e about Uie pthldla orBep tember. butthe attraction haa not baao asrecd ai»n. Alleu Fox nlll be tieaaoror.and ilte oihor niantienoi till r<trco will l>e llie kime na at tlie Van'lome kMl Mr. KoilaaowtTManrar at lhei»a«b*llpark......Tii»" li an air of ociUliy K"»l[nic the \aiiiloaiJ. and abcti Iho hnu'o U opeDod for tlie f*' •on qaltt a ininiUr of liiinrrsTeiiiQnti win la noticeable. ArUita atu al work iHlnHnic Daw a^^o- ery. New carpota and driperica wju be imooB intpnvainenla. Mnoanar Boyle la In Hew York. •"I'l leiHiruaTery MnoRbookliitf. The opaalopwIH i*"'' Utter i«rt ofrtfpiinilter. wiUi "AUddIn Jr." (Hta^ y.fct. who waa irataurar of iho iiraod Opera llimM laal aeaai vlllActlnthe «aniecawcltr for tbe Vaodonia. ".*, ii ba aaMaied by Deo Atdilaon Tfe Oraod Opaim HtH<« Uuodarthr Hamemanaietoaoiai ih« Veodoine.an4 vui open early In Sepiemher aa a fliat cla««. poouUr pnca Inuia JulluH MttiUr, who waa fonnarly tbe isaoacfr of the BIJou, liuow treaaarerof iQBai* Bind. m il CANADA.-iStw I'Age 2»[ Hainlllon.-Owliiit tnn faUIng oiT In alieo'I- incj the lif.-idi Vavllion li:iarht«pil. Maatqi r .Mftgee o>n- leiiipLilv) o|«ii|nc; .-t Yauilevllls b< u»e hilli.» elty. - '--y; Jiily II. at brill ifiJL tho Tlilnaenili Band wl" liy Un. ivnwkh. Krotth voMlNi, and a Mch pT- ItriiiHn • will It* "nderisT^ VIRGINIA. Nerfblk.-At Ihe Bljtra Tliealr J, J«J », Hanrsod raarle Sharer aad John, LotUo^ Mar. aid OUiaaeelonoo, Baal neaa la fair.