New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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Jui.Y 13, THE JfTKW YORK OLJPPirR. 291 Clipper Post Office gr A nam imon, phlnUaiMiwMa, rr*T«nt ml*lrtti. ^ „ ^ ffon.'*i^MAI<>Dtli 4ihI o(b«n sbovld b«r In mbd thAtmU Mtun. •la. Id liU4tt bttVMS lb* UdIM 8ui« utl Cauda, WM ^ prqMid, otbtnrlH ttw7 M dm fof watdwL lADIES* UST. OfMite, Mm. L. L. Outtno, L*^ iniold. LidU AittlrawN, ADilanoD, (TrUU P. H llillot, RtUU AUI>loii, Pot Andr«xs,lln.Chu. •A'BaUA.'AoDlaL. B«Trilr. If uitl« HeUa. UiiUa B<!ho. . nonahlll, Bml» ■fMkny.ltM* IL Emiiift Baum, Lulo A. UuBoirtoa, BUndit Olirum.!!;/ , ClllTonl, Uiul CunnloRhiianaM Cartar. rfannlo RUrk,LM» , am.''- CUyioOaEteonon Ctrrtr.IioulM CI«Io, Ntlllo CierlfA BUi«l V^TJt, Pfuilloa lilafk.HacRtt CounUod.ETft ColflM,Bluehe Dnrr, QiiMnia I>avC^ BflU Dtrit, BurfU M Unv.JtUoctie MdROJr..lfra.D.F M Coroii Ron )« Bar, Plonon lay. Myrtla Tantj. ItWJallno Utdniond, Alcoa l)a1«, DoroUtjr Da Vera, Loon la Da Vara, Uinnlo Ef ana, Uarla EarL Violat BlUotL Iria Klimpo. MaodlO pdWlie. . KJiMD, Mautla Enianwn, Bva Klacira,— Fmahlln. HUlIe FaiDkndoz, Blanch! Vorapauali, Taarl GerrTiMn D.8. (loraee, Uay, (la^l. Mn. Loula nrifno, Mra. Cbaa Qutbria, tda llajditD, Blaacbe Uaaklors Mariba |l<lgkt,flanl« IliOHD. M»r(a HaDUj, Llola llrlflon, Oanla larkr. Julia Iart,Yrliej Uoni, Hailla I or wood, Lola laaaloK, Hamla llanMri HtB. M. B, Tnmaa, Wwl w, arm, ifa Kooo, Kat* Kara*, Habal KMlar, AddI* KInnlao, Bdoa Karvnan, Cora K(al. Uarf aarit* Lotil, EMnmla ^ Ittihtn)!, D»t L* Couriaf, Uoa Li«onanl.Dom lia Blaiich«.noMle Lalor, Aonla Lalgfa Blatf ra Laoo, Jaoala Lo*«r7. LTuiart tanlf, Lillian LIrlBKttOD, Rulh Lomloo. BAlo Lund, Klaa tf. L. Lomlne, AffRla U l(0Dt,oma Laoe, Ida MoDiolla. Edoa MahrBlatera NllUr. Mra. Lou lAjhev, Tcddlb lanioitlD, FmiI lonlsomerrtRubj llarquani, I'aarl SlimiD, Julia HFtinif, Uaad Hacaulaj. Ruth Panr. Mn. W. B. RuaaalLSUUa ^, Raaae^l. RaliU Rhaa, laa RlctainoDd,Mni.Jaa Rollloa, Kiur Hiibar, Mn. W. Hliodaa, KItUa Ruthdan, Tie Roaae)le,Maada Ruaaall. Emiu L. RIafe, Paarl nariDootl. Ktd "\T, Cb|rWt* .Jram ItalMl, Kerara, paudU Kaloar, Ida KuMcIt Aisr Kocba, Anna Clalr, TloUt 'SiuKonl, Flom MaffTlat, Mra. Tota Bylraatar, Aonla Biawart. Ilaiila Ballon, Nillle B. Rmlib. Maud Bommanlllfi ^ Xdialla (lUirari tint* ■4rlT«ii«ri Trill* Blanar, Aapiita Ban ford Slatara. Bam men, C^Ia ^wjaridartU , RlnslalDii. AKfttka Boow. AdJia SouUiara, Mm. Edvia ilKol, Bvpbia iuthorlaad, Ro«« MInorva, — Hliter. Flortnco Heyar, HonQla "unrnr, EUlih .aonlmdrlAura MfbllFon, llaudo NlioQ, llcrmlo Xarollo. Vlula O'BHrd. Mni.T.C. Ollrlar, Jaaala O'Brion, Mnt Dannie O'Brion, LInIa Phlllipf, MIMrtd Fheipe, Rallle Peek, Hmla PosquMana, PackanJ. Minnie Puraell, Kaio Kroiho. MfuA. Prior. Lllllo OlMar. F^uiole B. airanl, Umraie a II ban, Maude GENTLEMEN'S UST. fhompwo, OliTa ■^Thonai. 0" fborpe, Ada rucker. LlUlan ToncM. Imoaeoa " Alfce - ica, im Teinplp, A Tuland, Trvlto F. VrrtAlIk Mra. "Vlflaa, Bell« 'arren, liniina Wooda, JeMla n'a]lac^ EUiel ffcfllay, Teddr Warren, Maria VrilKon.Llnle Wade. Ddiur tVood, CarHa \rn)l«ce,RylrlaN. wnbur, kbia Wentwonb. Hoae V. irioclieater. Itoae ffllilvUum VVeaCEdna Wblte,h'ellle Wfman,Canla Wilbur. Bl'la Vre*ton, Lillian iCeMon. ItilUe Wamdr, Cor& Wliltlen aiitere YouDR. Laura Mile. idtms Joiinn; Am. TiQUDvloan A!rH».F. Aaron. Eu. Auiilln.J. E. ArmiinDR, fTarrr Applcton.ueo. J. AdaniK, Harry AnderMD, bioart AI«on,Oeu, AlbloDi. Tfaree AdaTnB,71toii. M. ArllOBton, Geo. Anioll, Tboi. A. AlblvD. rror. A. AlexanlvrftTioUo Acker, M. A. narlla. E. •Otfirker. Henry UoUlar. Ud. F. Brmc«.Damr JlAklMn. &usey llaMnlnA Young kurkor, R. A. Bernard, Cliaa. Brutdl. A. K. Ballay, J. P. Bryant, Ed. Bead ford. Loo I a Bojla'a Playara Brooke, T. d. BeKord, Qto. Becker. Lou Bioekfcio A Barn a Bruce, 0. 0. „ BuuerHehi, Waltir Ener^eo. Uarry ■ ' Kasllab, W.F. Unuia, W. 11. )nTI^ hTb )UDliaiaFainllj )eMer/rref. Jala, Wilt DoBpsey, J. J. Diav, Jaa. Decker, 11 any Dovliug, J, J, UeOro.Biit. Donnellr A Qlnrd Dealer, Tony IHavea, W. E. Dareauy, Oeo. Ulion Broi. Dailtlncton. J. D. DoT«m, Billy Dibble, O. yf. Dlion, Ueo. >«cker, Uarrr >ofrnlng, RoMrl )ucroir| thn >ixon, Jaa }oraey, Qao. T. Dawaon, 8uii U. Drtiroe—Ouggler) Oeliuay. Ciiaa. Uacrowa, Tlie Do)le. J. M. DoeWtbdor, Lev bpCoura«r,BdvlD rani^ Clarei 'l£lerle,J. 8. Erani^ Elerl ZaKan,LouUi SIHotr, Will EfflofTi Joe Barnard, Frank Brady, Jaa A. Mrenaan, Uaarloe Baraea, Billy Sudrorlh. UaiTT urtoo, Oeo. A. Hryin, R. W, iihuy, aili>ert a Brady, Ja>. J. Buchanan. W. L. BonlOD, John !£. Brme, J. II. W. Blcnloir, Kruk Buckley A Snydir 'MuBleT'* Cu. Beuvut Ben E. Burton, W. E. ortDuitlka, U. & Boliannon. M. T. BMikaon,fUy Berkdl, Cliai. Beckley,aeo.a Boveo. L. a Barry, W. U. Bcti«, Herbert BeareTK Billy Black, Jaa. K. Byrata, Jolin P. Harry, Blcliard Ham»tc4dJr.,U.ll Burke Broa. Baum. yf. a RaUaln, B. M. Bunarnekl, W. E. Ba«r, Loula Uusli, Uennaa Uaretta,— BlMluT, Edw. E. rvirbllt, W. D. ^CoUlnt T- P. Chealay, ll.B. Campbell, J. \V. Cooroy A Fox Celllnii*R«)Doldi Cllppeni, Tno Curran, Jum. Caulk, W. U. CoDoera. N. D. Cll«lll^ II. V. Cubuni, A. J. tllark. W". F. Clay ton. Frank rariDlt, Olarcr i^oclay. E. F. OoDlortA IfM CounriRtitrwDi. Oirrar, Jnbo *Iljmor. Irwin Cwyoe, Knak Ca«ey, Joe J. Cfvgic, Fote Croueit, Ralph t:ainpb«il,Wui. Coiuaiovk. Nat C'albtrt. Kranh Cliirord.Oraou Carpna Broi. Clarke. W. T. Couture, VVin. Cocbrade, B. B. Camarvo, Cba*. Cooklln^. t:ulhaiiai, Vf. B. Om1w«1I,K.T. Crmndall. VIILJ. Clazaitl. JtilBA CaiDpbvlUWIUli Oaoaan, C. Carr, eJ. Crutbir*, Uro. A. (Hiatuny, J, W. i^haTronU Carroll Carter k Black i;arlln, HoU-rt CUiraal,Dlck I'-olbert, Win. F. CUrian, J. D. Clioitin, Ueo. Carroll. Lev CandeUACarlelon Cnnia, T. J. CroMi,A_ W. (*UTk, ButtO. CoODOr, Frank •:aaDlDgiuai,w.C. •'arr, T. L. Cooper, F. C. Col|io«.aro. E. Chtrn>t, br J. A. De HoMi, Ed. ^ Dawion*. Tlie Dolu A Lenhur iteluore.Ow. K. ■ hihiTifi MayDeld Ueaom. Arcbie DavU, A. H. Dacloa,L. pf \Tltl, M. BiilUKi Harry Ediaona, Tlia IfannloB^ Harry Enerlcb, Ueo. UUIa, Max Euierrou, Ben W. BlUworUi, Bbner EBRelhardt, F.J. Bmiuett, J. B. ffraDH,ueo. Bhno, Fete EckertA Berg Vly nu. Joe Forber, Mods. PantDD. Uanry FteU^ John F. FIbM, ALO. Fiemlnff, W'.J. Ptinn A Bherldu FtTTla. Wiley Prill, Dolno Finioo, Dan Flyon, John A. Freeae, lAvtence Platow, rrloce French, A. B. Fruklyn, M. J. t\>y, Dave Ftrgu too, Terry * Vi HUSVIJ. i Foi, W. H. 1*01, E. L. Pi;ni>, Matt Fonl, W. B. Fuoie, Wm. Foster, II W. Prteman, W. W. Ford, Ollnt. 0. Freaie Broa, Famunt.JaK. Fl«iiilDtf,K.Q. ruuicris W. B. PUber. J. D. FUnnerr. Wm. Kaher, a D. yitzpairick, llany FanruaoD, J. U. >1iilier, IL Finn, Fatrlck .nrniaa Hroa. OllkH,John II. Ureen, J. D. tirohain^erd dllbert, W. A. Uoyc, Ifmett aregory, C. J. Oal) eao. K. J. UliHun i Mblbun Uyr^a, Boy dllbert, 0. Uontry, Henry UrieTeH, John GulooeML Cbaa. Oroeabeck. U. W. UoruiAn, Thoc. J. Uajlor, Boljby dleawu, Len drehim. H. A. drcen, L. L. OruDachIo**, A. UarUnd, Joa. Uuiniao. W. E. Orlrtin. U. £. Ullben. Ueo. Uataa, J. A. dtHHlKtadt. L. M. Ur1'>«oM. F B. QnuBjaan A May tillleu, Tli*'!(. A. OarUod, K. A. Uoir, I£d. M. (loitoa'dMluat. Hernnaoii, l^ J. I hue. ( lua. lllll^Hlll Harden. Joe llorno. Tlioa. p. noliba KoroetlUl) Howard A Bland llaa we, Albert Hayca, Oco. M. Hooper, U. M. Illlibard. Oeo. W. Hubln. Prank B. Uuntlniton. Fror. L. Uelgtit. Fred D. Hy (To, a D. Hargiarea, C. E. Uanoon, John T. Uaidlnf A Ah Bid W. Hart, Mark Uomevood, Harry HurleyLiIoward Hove, Wall A McLeod Uendorton, L. U. HuuMc A Jordan rain, Wu. Irrln, Jaa. Her, Burba A HandaU Ining, Robert linnoi Burt Judfce, Wallr JohiiHoo, Carroll Johiiaon, Fnir.CLA. Jeahlnp, O. A. Jerome, Wm. Judaon, Dr. W. Jone^Dr. F. M. Joyce, Jai. JODB«, II. J. JeiMpi Hanr Jordan Family —arL W. F. Kohnian.W. F. Kean^ U. L. Kennedy, J. W. Kelly, Joe Korton, Lort Hellogf, P. B. KumCJ- a KeUy,JoeT. KInary, M. L. Krleaol^ Fror. 0. Klog, Jaa B. Keaoe, Jaa. E. KIngbom, a W* l£ldd,aeo. M. Klrke.J.P. KrIlanI, - King, Frank J. Keller, Tom F. Kelly k Adiby KeOgL Thoa. J. KenLd. M. KeadalL A loir. T ane, tlarry •MLealle. Oeo. Lynclh a B. Loder. Cbaa. A. Laaraoo, John F. Lerenr. Dick Lcntoo, Prank Latona, Frank LaMoite, Claude Latu,auy Lalia, Lea Lawlir, Wm. Mackey A Oroli Mahwile, UantT Moore AKaaebar MoRland. B. IL Menmy, J.I. Maeheaid*, Jaa. Manull, Wealey Mnl Mata*p. ] Merriit, Frank T. Morlanr.w.A. MortoDjl.AOuaale HiaoLT .a MiUiirW.J. MonuoD, LevU F. iaaon,Uan Hackle, Ja*. B. "anola, 0. J. alien. J. B. lATiini^r HsiMirn, Blchard Meeker, oeo. 7Jelaoii,Ed«anl ^'Nantao, Leo Nahl A Bradley Nolan, J. J. Ralaoo, Ferry NlfhinvUCo. Nicho|aon,J. U. laeharAt^. lavoa, The lavell, Vllknl tofion, Al. lortoo. Merle lewborougbJBIlly lTaekeTTlllr,Wni. f onnaOi — lewinan,^aarlN Oakley.Bd. Oabom.Lleut.B.0. O'NaiU, Jaa. —rrince, J. D. Fotta,The 'Partner WanM" FajtooLPotee Fotier,>red J. Fllmmar. — ■oweiai John T. ■aliefli J. T. . >ovdr«.dovahl Panro, UT ralmer. Law Pitta, B. R. Parkrr A BeUrdo 'ation. Joe 'nucott, Pnuik 'atlentoo, Ueo. Proio,— "atUr^i Pad^T igbome, L. W. r(>i«u>n, Jdhn Poaey, Jarob Power. W. II. Faulus Ell. ~,ulBler, Oeo. '■^ fey Broa. □ortou, B. F. Oulbil,- tlorton,Frof. Frank □ nilln, Blcbanl QarcUu E. D. Ullben. Clia*. Uoman, A. T. KHbba. Henry D. Hardy, Cbaa. Hour. 0. D. UalL Tom HarL BlUr Harmoo. E. U. Uaaaall, Pnuk UalL, U. W. tIarriaMi, nu(b Howe. ProJ Ha*erly, B. llo*lgkrna A Ltltli HU«OD, John T. Henry, III ilaynesA LI<Klte HaaUi, Oeo. Hard log, Cliat. Bonn, Eddie Legse, C. W. Lliire, Dick L* Hoie. Uarry Lainar, Fred Lug, Bd. Aa Lea, Prof. Larry Broa. Lennatd, Harrr La Roy. Nat Lafaiotte. A. D. Leddey, Tlioa. LAUioUie, fltere Lee, Victor LouU K A. 0. Lee. Wm. Logan, Ed. Undley. llHTTy Lewl«, J. 0. La Heaat, Uarry Vmi, ll. V. Lowlr, John l..e Roya, Tlie LoTw, valentine E. Lauito.t, Harry Uok, Bllly La Birmnge, H. UvliL J. Leverlnv, Jaa Lerli, Dave B. Lorratt, Ed. cUrl J*. J. B. •lU-Man villa, oeo. Uelnite, Wallace McCllDtock, Billy Magaeai.J. ^, Mutiar, Julio J. Montalae, Clarenoa Meeker A Mttk Borrta. F. M. HakAn. Dan McElror. Jjilin Marka,lL If ooewyo, — McKae. N. .\. Maaon. L C. Uutlar, Ueo. licKanUta,W. U. KvKanil*, Albert lac. adH. Mawn. Jai. F. VcDoDourb Bror, Hack ley. Arthur Hy«r^ h. a.U. >Url'jD A l'«kri Hbolgutaer/. JaK. Volloy, Major J. Norton, Joim A. doQttemt.deo W Biliar, L. A. «IUar. Won. Marahall, llany " o.A. lorr, Cllftoo iiaS3.To. lac-laauiar) ttrftif, Mark '^aicbaalar, Babt Ra«l, J. (I. umalo, Haou Wstr. Ralpu lunalLUvJ, Rallly.Frar. (laiuoar) RIckalU, Oto. Robenaofl, Fiuk RolUraLChaa. BaTao, Uck Ba<liUa.Bar Rankal/Trail l(raa,l)ad Ihlilall, Al. Hka. Blllr IlaiUUIaa.aao.C. Ba«l, aTh. ■Itchla, Joiin 0. KaSujl^fiiS Wad all. A. Haaaail, «■. Dalilal, C. JL Kaara'. AL BADd, r. w. Boian, Ed. Hkhanli, Al. Raiili, B4. r. MtiianK mck ~jdar, Pnd jce, uto, T. Roblnxon, a Rudd, Anlior Richards Vic. Utcliie,0*o. Renlger.J. H. Smith, niil U. der, Ed. S(lill1lnf,W. a. SllTo. MoalcAl «eeleff, C. W. lhnlUi.(bli Dandow, Eugene BaitoB Btoa. Bvan, Muk B. Sinclair, Walter Belui rancher, F. BaAen. A. iaaona Harry 8a turn. Uarry Slner, Bock ihinlla, L. F. QieKloo. Harry HIcanL - Hautalle A Ewera Bali Dger, Herbert Sonon, Cbaa. Biieckman, J. A. Riein, J>4in BiraaMt P. W, BanderiiCbafk 8weliur/ITm. lUoman.Win. Btowe. John F. Bmllb. Johnny Snowr, Oeu. U. Hiowiea, Bd. BawulKJ. A. ficuble. ueo. ^nlviqi^ Richard Stewart A allien Kparkn, Oeo. M. Awan, Wm. BpaUluR, Will Rcofleld. — Rtrnuv, Ham Bon, Qui rnioinpaoa,aeo.O. ^Tbonipoon. La Dipaon,. rripp, Pmah Temple, Dr. W. J. robin. John P. roubay, Jaa. Tbomion, Jack Taylor. Tony Thome A Oariloo TtmTalla,MoDa. Thotaf, f. B, Tarear, HobL, Thatcher, Oeo. Trawbrldink C 0. Thnt**i«, If. T. Trautmaon, Bd. Tre^ham, a D. rucker, II. K Tbnti)a< Leo. F. Vaii,Bnir Van DaVaBUrB.C. VIcirlalaTlla VaokCI. Vanala,- v.nDoonaniiKaa] TlokH^ H. R. VlclaialIa,H.* Lasim IfaKallMiClut. Wair'jitell «Umd. E. C. WIUlaiD^4riii. Wrirtt,P.T. irallkk, Jaa. V. n lUoa, Alai. HIUalttTlioraa VlDlar. Bull Wack, BoaaiM Walibar, II. r, Walion, W. B. —>liJ.W. ^ 1^, Jobn I. Wolloiu, Oua Waalal,hT<l Waf oa, nabart nblia, Jaa H. Wllb A jarraa WaUarLalllh ffanl, Bilvara Wllllaina.Cart WeaJar, H. B. WiDi, Dm. U. nlll^alll^H. B. Williama, B. luf Hpwanl i w.) Vbaatar. H. R. KmLAI. U. Wallt,/.ff, Wilbar, A. IL WIU^ Joho B. Waat, Wallr WakiD, W.B. WlUon, Jaa. Wbalaa, Joltanla Whiw, U. B. H'allaca Jr.. T. K. Waid, IIUTT Wanar, Soillh Wan, Fnoh Wllllaniii Otiir Warnar, Ban R. Wabatar. O. H. Ifood A riaU. WlDUnnota Broa. raid.'J H. VattOff. B. P. jai-as."'- Taunt, Harry Z».5-. Zahner, Joa. B. gtmrn. — Kom rtos W.O. Aiitsrt Bia Tu Ovrr Bhovb.— Tbla ll oar leaib vMk oat, and baalneaa aeema le b« on the lnei«*fe dallr AltboeghwehATehadDoleiaihattflfteeB tlayi it rtin ClaGthar O^lnri the ahov la plailog ander aucb a lueky charu that It ainyd ^Hn oflJnil Ib time for ttaa peifonoaaca. Lett week, at Diion, waa otir tiS- Qirvtek,aa<laucfa crowda of people ware eeMem aern bafore oitdfr the aane alted lent. On KiMay night, the only dull night of the weak, oar maBagaradrertlwO a gned amai"ur conte4 Ibr Taluible oa*b prliaa. Twelre perltiripcra ent^mi, and it pioTid Uia lacceaa of the na- " , Hf t-b o'cMi erery arat lo the unt waa flll»il, and _ . - - Hp t torr nnRpar i«tl •T«T7bodr. the Btc«l«lft^ Man' Bnt prltei, and Prof. MkkeUohn, MpH. alai tuned away. The romance and aBrv. dollB Qoanet taklni magitlan, tecelnd . _ _ _ the ronpany hare got the bicyole crate, and alrana i erery member oaa rl^lea wbeeL We an forming a hirrrlaclub and eipect Id bare uune gnat tf^n belon the ■ eaMn le orer. On 'ul^ ihecliUenaor UBalWln*lied our l«and to lUMlng rMhn val aI a pEMiam, Many people *«n ' — iUat ^ul •T—*~ , ig Bnt ._ magitlan, tecelnd Uio aecona priie. Tlie nienibeiaof ake r«Ttin,— Jme tta* the reiulr. illlriale Jarry DaahlegtoD. onriiaaillng advance agent, ■ dolDgMfiite mhH ftbrk iiliead. llle IQI .«heet *iand« make a eeaaalkn. (for rttrnfAfir remNifla khnakt un- changed alace the orenlng, only two chinKU HMng made. <htr tlilrty mlonte eomady dnma^ and C«i>i. Amant'i ihootlnc an proring agreal feature fur the con. cart, and ruily three-iourtliR ol ihe audience nmain for t Chaa. P. Wlbon. onrboaaranTaaman. Ka« laken titir lit with an epilepiic flt reMnily lail bernre Irarliie down time, but eeeuetl te bw all rignt the nail day. Every- body with tble Phow U well and happ;, and the ghOMt ■Ike regalarlj ererr Baturday. Kotm Pioil tpi U5ia('i Tacniviun a:id Royal Harlonaiia Co.—We ate turhing Rerada Itt Ailr buainew. and will work UliJt dnrleg AugeiL we an flow in our aneenihveek. Our pToprleinf arid rauagar. J. Ilubar, will put ft boat altov on the Ulnourl and HIaalMlppI HlrenoeiiBfirlBg. The OU nllable le hard to net out hem, but xre aeldom rolai n neek. Btuart (;iarh la In vl- vance. Cait RinxKT Hisnax la on duly at Coney laland a« a llfeaav^r. ThIalnbU laoth aeaaon tliere. He will pre- •ent a new aliUw en (h« toait next ■earn. RCMTiR OF Pior. FomLtd i^tl J. T; Farn Ftmn Buaee. now louring through Nluouri. to npohed gned butlneia—Proi. Foatelle, rnwhor magician: J. T. Kay. evord WBlkerMd iwordiwallower: HlanclieZelka,inaka rnchanlnM. and Haairr Freddie, gla>a dancer. Thp aboTB peoplo doMd wlih the Lellwlcii A I'erry Hliow, at Table Reek, Nab.. JuneS. PHor, F. W, BrooRST, high rope i«erromier. la boohed OHlO.-i9e« Page ass.] lSt«Ht]BBVUle.»JUrtlB* Nicklo MfttB ttioin gavB oxcelleot ^rflinnantva Julri Manartr Voglr. of the Gliy Opera lluuie, kit B. to attend ilio Ritlotul Hill FoaieraConveallon at Deifoii.Ulcli Fnnk Wat. BOO, one olilie former proprleinraiif the London Theaire, liaa i>ccuTed the Icaae, and In Hie fatunt will conduct Uiai liouiie alone, opening hi Aukuhi Tlie B. L. Klnne- man ((how opene fl; for tliree lIay^ under oanroa. Daylon.—looeft* MIlltArr Dand Trill glTO a con* certJub'H. at Atbletio Park A protluetion nfAn* ron" goea on at the Onnd Open llouae 11, lor two nlsiite. MARYLANa B«lllMore.wnie 0ummer CooNdjr Oonpitnir, wblrli liM met wltti aucU well Jeidrved lucceia at Fonl'a Open llouae for tke peat alx weeka, entered upon ita aevenih anddoal week July 8, prewnting "ABadielorof AriK" ittd"Mr, X' lo an audience of good "Flak Dominoa" wtH bedowo 10, "AlltlieCnmrorUorHtinie" 11, *>Ct)loolat i:a\-aller" It. conctodlng wiih *'Dr. Bill" U. Tlielndtrklualineuiben of the company have nearly all aaublUhed tlieniielvee la popular ravnr. notably Anna Belmont, Maode OdelL Uanba Pord, Wlillara Bernard, Barry Uoito and Alfrod Iliinptoa. ARKANSAS; LiUla Rook^At ttie CttpllAl Titeatn Ctiarles EUIoltMlawonger,Dlnd reader, canaJalyS, lofalr bual- OM At Olonvood Park the .Vatlonal Stock Co. week ofS, In repertory. DEATHS I N THE PR OFESSION. AcacBnN Rbynolds, a neiDber of \V. A. UimdyM "Tti«CoUoalUnff"Coinpan7,wtilcbwuflUUigHn en- gag«meDt at KoVlcker'd Tbiutlr«, CbtcAgo, 111., died or nstrlUs In ttatt clij, Julji. Ue leaves a wife, GroTeBsloDalT knovn aj Haft BaXw, who nstdes In ilB oliT. His r«nutni aniirod bere 2, And wer« borrleil 6, In Olvmry Ceoteteir. Ttio dec«Ased, wbo ma bom lo IhiDUn, Ireland, fortr-dvo jesra b|0, came to UUa couqItj In 1673 and Bdcurod an engage- ment wltb Ulon UoDCtcauir, whtob he beld for seven Teaia Ue was aubsequeniljr a member ot \Y.i. Bcanlan'a Bupporti and plajod comedif rolen In varlouH compaolee, amoDK tlie number being "Uaa- ter and UttD'Und "Hon of lite Ulll." He was a member of tb« Actors* Fund and the Acton'Order ofFrleDdAblP. ^ ^ , «. . Uauricb BBiimuHT, an actor, bom Id Clodn- nail, Oa. tweniy-tbree vean ago, waa accldeoUj drowneil at JsBe8vnie,Wla.,Juno 9a Ue wai at ttaoUmoantomberuC a companj playing nt Hay- dower Fark, a pleasure resort, and bad attempted to make a trip ID a row boat. Ue in some way lost bU balance, kU Into ibe wster and was drowned dulta near the shore. He bad been for four yean tipon tbe stage, during wblcb time be liad been a member of the couiwnlcrt playing "Bravtug the World." "Uc(JlQty*8 lllsbaps'' and "Maloney'a Wed- ding." ITrb. Emily E. Cabpbbll, widow of tbe niay- wTbrbt,B*rUeyCanpboll,dled,at ibe borne of ber neXw. Dr. jf A. Oortbon, in ihuiiburg. r^., July 8. Bhe wssbom April 4, lUT. at AUegbeny, Pa., where she lived nniU she was mafrlod. twenty-flre yean an). Two cblldrsD, Robert and John Caiobbell, vDo last season directed tbe tour of "Tbe oalley Slave," enmvfl her. . ^ ^, , , Bybvx 0. Bo«iina, an actor, died at hia kerne In Ihia clw on JulyT, ftom Uie reaoUof a eiroke of panhraie auVtalned BItaeo montha ago-aod from which he bad naTerrecovend. Hewa*ln hta BeTeniy-aliih year, and madebUnni appeanneeen the atAgela Phlbdelidila. rirwherehewiaborTi. Hie atageexperiencehailljan laTTeaciilng, be havlni at varioue timaa APPwwd In SmTailaeeoppBfilng £mUi aad Bamttand fcodjeeka, MweUaamanyotherconipaniiaofleiianoto. MawMfpi nrie»D yean atage inaoager or the Academy of Haalb BulUlo. nTv^ The nmelna wen inwired In the Acton' F^!dpk>t in Brirgreen<Ceniei»ry,ihlerli>-, Julyf CMAiatu OooDwix al one ilmo well koowo In riSuid^S In the CiiyUotplu^ ■rj«,"'°-iLV "'"i^Z" HliUrt eomwrneni waa at Uia Un^no TheUrt, llameburg, M. T. Ue Ud been manager of a nombar ol CMAHLtU OOODWI JcaKdlcd In Uii lart eorni !SnSSlXaii«lw«Tora"Ume"r;^r;r'ord7e7 Tii7Jtn,8^ He waa forty yean of age at die time of bli death. „ E»»A EL-^idUT, who. ten iaar< ago.wta i|alte waH knTwo u a aoulintu, died In ihta city July 7. at the age uf twaoii- dTO. Beveo year* ago alie became tbe wife or JM. HIcSdii. a noQ pnM^emienil, and had not appeand "'ALBx!L<iDKa*C'A°M05S.wholufl for fifteen yaara been ll.aorSeairftli»Ur at ih. London and PalaceTHeairea. HlLouI^ Mo., died orcontumpUoo In that city July 4. '"SiT Rln-A.\'Va*5elr nerfonner. died Julr a. at the lioTne er beF*parent-. koVt B.aud BUen A. AmiMmai. IterSieeUr.Mau^oriieari diuaae. rae waa a aUur of KliSTAfinairong,coiiiedlan.aad waatwaolyyeara of *15lis Alici MoaKiX*,rormerlr Alice McOinlef. died al he>R«e, K.DO. Kev., July <>™Pnj>l «f« iJid tbliiy.n»a yeara. Deceaaed waa bora U Bacn- SSte.raL.aii4liBaBh«r eai^r when ftntiean oM. Ulllie oM American Tftealiw. Ban Fnn^kro. with the SlBbnuS WerreU W-ien' combloaUon. making a decididb^t wlih the big hearted Biloara,who iu their •SuiuVluu aiwwarwl Tuck.kln tacka of |«M duat the UtiW tot, end aha lo fear ran ciTlna u> hMinot'er lo the wingfc «»• ••1 "bweutf, a member Of bar rathaFe eeopwy. ibe Orii^wdMeOlnlo H^nTiiv uMtuacblU actnai was ihepet andxavorlte ^'ihe»SciSlol5l" w'oa loTaTJibewtntto KtorVraU.MHHnlej.or the Bob and Eia MtaifUy #11l9cellaneoas# I r. «, , _ ._, . , ._ ror MrarallilBli rope eRbihlilona (loni the Peabody Hotel, BBiii. comnencliig July B. - - - JhHtH, who hai^ieeo the comedian and bualneu tnaoiliar or lido. r. WoHlt'ivncertiui'i V>M Weat Co. ror tbe paat llii«a Waibn*. Hott^l wlUi Ihnl c«iint>aoy Julyl Mr. raikerwlll gu to hi* home In Mil wauiee. Makausb Ji'LM VAXnpertaaateiJy bualnenand gootl weaUiar. The entln oetdt lanow ooini>leit<. We carry NTco people, SOIL wall, 13x13 etage, acfnrr)- aotl cannpT, uae one horae rig for ailraace erori. and catrr our peop|« brnlL Oorroiter: Julea Van. manageranu proprietor: .... ^UlliieBerie, aeteml . and iJuirh chanr. ten; Jolea Vao,veotr1kiiiuUt and comedian. Wd |iUye*l .liltoDaild BerletlrvHi and ladder^ ai|ltl and rabiaat; AL Rrana, Irlah and lJuirl toctowded tenUJuly i tumbig people away at night. Oor lady leciORaa haodlea the crowiU lo great advan- fnin le Ihe but week nr "lllack America" at AuihtiMe j*ark, South Brooklyn, N. V. The ehow o|>oiie In Bo*lon 00 July Ift. HoenH or Tig Cowaor Bi:<n u-ith BurrALu BitL'n Wild WeAL-nWm. Bwaener, bandmutarand euln comet; eorndUK Joe J. Browne, Joe Wabdi and John LennanI; clanooeUi Wnt BhenaMFi Chrfa. BdiatliOg, N<diahl Per- kini, (leo. Balcomb aod Wm, Dorecli; ulccnlo, Frank R4kl;larltone. Then. HDrpliy: altoaaEd. Weber, John Uowanlaod Wm. Welbi; trmiiuonea, Heo. Fence, John Hheppanl anil Krntfat Lehreni; Uiha-, Fred Biuea and Wm. Prank; drama, Ed. Bynder and f leo. Turner. JODS A. AvgRV, for the p^i ten yeara in chanre or Ki>hl AMIddletnn'n laurwitJtinClnclnDail, 0.,acc4Hii|ianie«l br Ilia wire, has bwp vlaiting New York rriendailinpartien dayp. Nr. anil Mra. Arsry will go lo AUautIo Oliy, ff. J., for eereral wweka Hefdre rdiummg Ui th^ir home. A CORriUtSl.l|liyT WITll TitR (ItfnUlfRAHT KKuw Band« tbefulluwing: ''Bncloaed yitu will ttnd iimai;«nime(>rthB long eat exourelon nule or Uie aeaaun. IriilBd Irom Mana- ~er Uoalhaart'a No. 3 car by John R. Itayiuood and l%aa. JolTiDan. on the Bangor and Anwetooh a a, vli: Front Rcboodio to Caribou and Ft FalrneM and OI«liuwn tn OroenTllle, making forty thne loa ne billed dii the roail by the above men lo three ilara. Twelve humired and 'iur riiaeu or paper were pniiad nn ihia ronto." RoeriH or bilvail a Tiiohaji' Bidb Hhov: Ralrall, magic and dn act; Utomai^ Punch and Tentrllfxiuiai, Belle 3lorrIu>n, aecond eight; Alice Zoeandlier den or wenty-aeren aaakaa. aad .Mck Olynn, mualcal aaand Ire roeeter band. Tlie aliow will tour Canada and tebe In all Ibe principal ralr*. Wahavea rVontol ten double dechpalnUpiia. We open la Drochvill^ Oot., July 13, ^rtjake llireeday aiaoda, makiog all large townalo MOKTMH OK SwiPt BhOH.' UliiTMb MuXhtkr Tim (.'awT Bbowa.—llerbert8win. manager: John Bwlft, tni«urer; Jaa. Hicka,agmi; Proi. Clyde BrlltliiKtiaiit, leader or the "QltTlien Bli" Band,ernreitioutli I'iaceii; Hliiip lAon- anl. boeehonller: TlieBnM. Bwlit, Herttert, Julin, Adalph and Uniar. g>'iiinaatB, aonbaf, aerlalUt«and comodUaH; Clurloy Luo, cluWD: IHck i;ollln^ clonn; TniiiUoUlna, IrUli comedian and ilaneer, and Major Doime, gun aninner and IkBoy rifle eboL Tliera an alx head of aUvk with iba ebow, Un Dane, an Engltahmaatirr, the largeatdog thai breAlhea,lai|alte ail atlrmotlon. Aa thte la abackuooda ■liow, and we an out for money, orerrbody work« nn caneuaodetu on the lot. We hatau't liean packing tliemererya-liireibuitlie'liow iiianagea to creep along, and the clioat walka regularly. Bliow opened In Batea- town. lli.JunelO. NOTsarnoiiUTiia'aCOMaDT Co.^ur tenting aeaaon liaa ao lar proren even belter titan we hoped Tor. We ar« lurnlog people away at almoat arary etaiid. The ahow la making the Dlfgeat lilt It arer made. bveryl>odr wiih Ute ahow le wdland happy. Our unuug aeaaoii will dvae early in October, wbeo tlie Ollt Eniert " '" riiott aaauin, rloalng allar tlie hnlldari. " ■ • ' ,li - I.eolaandMan' agar Uyde will plav a fewKajiam ilalea nnttl arter ihe Leuin eeaaoo. Tfile will be iho tint time we have worked elaowbeta thin with my own compauylu lime year*. Pniir. a C. I'ARUSU wrilM aa rnliowa: "My attriclion fur the rain la nearly omiilied, atid will conalat or aer- eral good porferwMra My "ad." In laii week'a Curraa brought nie oaarly one liurwired leUara, and they are Mill conttng. Tbe ooiai«oy wlU numlfer nine people, three honeaaadaUoupeor Ant daaa iterlormlng dog*. We will play iiioatnf die large ralra. ^t^rtiiig nut about iiie mldilleorAuiuft. lihalltakeatmalltentfluuili in ilia Winter." HiacKUaNiuvfiSiiowH —Notaaaod mater rrnm Yucca Adeartillng Co.: Tide la our laal weak Id the Cnm- berUad Valley. We creaa Uie Blue Mouetalna and ■lart for the WeaL Oor lop la In nice order and buaioeaa la ralr. lane aail May Verona are dolna Uie act of their Ilea', and everybody la working hard. We do nothing bat oftlce bualneaa and rree Ntowa. Ko change In People ao rar Koaier of lite Arablaii MtdlcToaCo.: Dr. Will Judnn. proprleloranJ manager; J. K. Mrera, itaga manager: Dr. will Judaon, lecturar awd llgnlning tooth eiiractor; Harry Burna. black face eoBMlTan and conionlonlii; J. X. Mytr«. Oemiao comedian and airoag man; ItobL J. Wllion, ma- {leUn, Tocallat and blark art; JoIiodIo Onliaoi. .rlili comedlBD, daotar and musical inuke; Joe Deinp- iey, chancur comedian and dancer, and Muur B4m- i\-ortb, alack wire and alleaceand r^n. Our biaaa bend and etnng orcboaranna leature. Claude Vorke ar^l lime men have cbargaof the canvaa. Weare taurine New York Rtatatagoud buflnea^aad openlnRyracuae July9, for tlia Hammer Fnr. Airrwd Belley.nuinagar or Klckapoo Medlcloa C«u Ku. S$, on bet all ur lilm Mlf and_Uamra._lltnY . Bitiro and Lew ^Hanclieaier, Ig with the _, - - —, liamlMinie pair of Mdhl goM mcbto liuiLm^. made Kreuoted Prof. F. L. » hIa cIooIbi llggina, ilie reDirikxiuiat, prior with that cotit^anj on July .10. wfir - MlWsf S'lWB OF TUB iHwiB Brob. Brow.— Weare HOW In oiir ninth wo«K armind Hew York, and bnal* nesa la itclter than ever. 8oV4nt addlllouR baTO l>e«u niado to tbe Ulg ahow, among tbom IrislUg the Mrtat IHrcro Family, HwrnArvolouaKigllib aero* UiKtllrlr fli*t arpeannca with any American cirraa. Tlierjmlly coniSiaoffoar people, and do two dletlori acta. Too ctonnahaTo almatrdnglKtnnl the rbn makeia One la John iTonorlir. of UaJJen and L^inikally, the fkinoy Triih colllelllBn^ wbu made hia Initial howaaaelown and nude a hli. AUo Ibe youngeai rlewn In lha worU, Tlddlealnka, who la only nine yean oU. add hu donDBil ihe while palm, working with oiirUadldif eloWHt Pranh Bryiin'. Oneofthel^iuna in our concert la Nrfllf flurit^ whohaa lo napondloaeveni encore* In hrrrlavrr randuloll nf lln|vptiUr new anng», •The tiamea M> \Jt^\ lo Play" and 'i.'aprlee." Prank Hltilebnn*! ha« been «ecur*l aa ouulde anrtonnrer, ami IiIk nioludluua voice can be heanl a Mtirk anay< The i^Lirraa npreeeniailve wllb the ahow |a ike Rote, who llndly ■uppllea ihe bora with Ihe popular Jnuntal. Late- jr wa hiToltati >avaml vl^dora: Among tnaui won (Inii IJIIL C W. Wll|tnl1l^ Tliouti* Harry. Hrilieo ami Hill, raltenon llroihare and nunieroua mher profeaiinnaU. \|lDlTil>Ril. N<rniM FHOB TUB WaHIIUUHN BIIUV.— U If now eloTcn we<]ha alni*«! our opening, and during ibitt timo Ibo \\ lUhliiini ahnw has ettjoycil a prurperoua bublara, aurcly aa titOi'h aa ouiiio of the uiote pratoDtloiiii orKnnluiloiia. A good advaiicr, ntiperly handled, UMI8 of a|icrUl lUboirraph luper, aviihly poaled, glittering alrrel pande. lollnwed by a flrat claaa perronnanre, ai-nunta liir the aocivM or iho allow aa rnr. Otlifr ahuwa, and IhU »r\'tlun ur llio couoiry le flill nr Ihem, iiave uaM orory knon u iiieaui Iu iliaart iheadvanraor ihUahnw, imt io dato iho Woiii. Itom dhow haa beon the flrvI to oihilill lliia aeAMHi In any town or olti h» LBrnlayo«l. Tlia ahow la now Morklui toward thol'ana'iiarl rnmiliir, ami once there the ehow will reap the beDeltia ur R well eaintd repulallon. In the two |iait wrnka we pbired In nine Iowbh, never Itrfun nailed hy a rallmad ihtiw, and a Urge hualneaa vrai Ike reaull. R nre lha ii|VinAg four mora cage* of aniuiala bare lieen aaiilad !•» Hie ndleo- tlim. which Rreaity iinprovea an already «ril alocknl me. nagena. At UaruIaKr, Mo , noitto frauiliilMil acent Imd ronlracled for liil«( thaw auntrltot l^eii nnd gnti-oTloain aupply lereraJaliowa. ThetnaiiageiueiH haaaurceotleil In di«poalnKoranuiiil>ernrgratlera »hu Weia ritll>ining the ■liow and cauilitg mncli trauble. Tltara nre unlp a hfeir down lelt now, and their lime la very »iitiru Jul>-4«iia ipeol 111 ItATcr, Me., iitd 8ell4 Briia. had eteryinlng In jighleuvarad wftli their |>a|>er,iirtl excepting ilioUatlt- Inira Mil Itnarda. Notvlthaianding Ihe npftnalilun, thia ahow. like all olliera, tmil im l^annor day on llio Pmirili. tlie HAW canra*, rerelTBil h»tweek, Imtka very iiMl ntnl (•trillahea Rnipla r<Hiiii Oir (lie hlpiwdrotue ncea ami WlU Weat )>eKunnanre. Tlie I'Inw Hrothera, in thrlr Mrlal perrl) bhiI t^l|>t>'^ trK ollcit munda uf a|)i>lauae. eaiHrlally to order, alao a uoli|na K. ur I', pin. Tlie proieMor vaa "kDocked a twUler," ami rorc*d llm '"woodeQ lieadt" to napiod Ui Uia hlndne«M uf Prof. Bailer and ibe lieva....Hoiterof UnltPdHtaroaMedicine Co., B.: Milton Welch, manager; Mn Katia Welch, ireai nnr;Dr. J. H. Colly, lecturar and lightning tooth ex- tractor; ileurge Breia, vocallat and dancer: John Hoi> eon, Ikrce pruducor; JoUo llaaaell. aUeh wlreendjug' gler: Ihe WekbM,Mllt«n and Kalle. uuilcal and ehHtfb. andLonIa Eogllil), vocallat and comedian. Ue are In our afcond week at I'tockeUa Tel., and bualneu U good. The glioat le a cnniUot rallar eriry Saturday night atier the nliow. Our Cuma coinaa regularly. Milton Wokh la making a hit wlUi hia Rooben Mualral Aci. le (Wiring three encoraa nightly .Heeler or Oresnn In- dian Medicine Co., under Uie iiianagofnanl of Hr. HilL prot^rleloraDdiiianeaer; little Dr. Bill, treaaurrr, ni (oaring HtHtiiwaal Mltaourl.: Prof T. \oe«, the mi Uut DUkeaihlnga mere; Jamee W. Allea, blnck race comedian and acrobttlcaoBgaad daace; Jaa. D. Maildan, IrUh coia«dlan and irick clog dancer: Chaa H. Kabe. leailerofortheetnand baajolat; Frank M.ArnoH.chief or limonarte and reanut lactorr; UeM^. /aQekou. hot* canvaa raan ami teaintt*r. Indiana: ader Linle Bird, Cbiel Deerrtfit, diier McManaa. The man with Uie paou made er white paya ua a vUll erery Bnoday. Tlien a 6nod *etaloa lakea place. Dr. Harry Bradr Juei elt for omrado to raaData bthI lec'un fur liealy 801100*0gooJ.. .The FlilUlpaPamllyliaveJaat — W.J. KcGonald'a Xn.J Electrle BeitCo. They will lour the Eaiiai-Q Biaua wlUi thelrown company next Maaon.. • Koaur of Oregon lodtao MadiciDeCv.,No.X: Dr. A. IJoyd, prorrietor; Dr. Prank Colo, lecturer and looth eitractorj Will BonglitOD. mBtiagar, black facr. Ir<»h and DuU-h. and hia trained dr«i; Mra. Will Btnisiitoo. in vluKo eok", mbhl read lag. iiiaglr, aecond alghiann aonn aud dani^a: W. U. Suodlah. ontanlai, black ra<-o andHuU oonedlan: Harry l-ee. cluba. rlage aoJ trap*; ludlaoa: Big Pate aiid LUlle Badu*r. We are flayiag MinneaoU to good bualoeae. ...RMUrornrefon lodun Medicine Co. No.M: Dr. A. Lloyd, proprietor; Dr. Frank Cola, Uciurer: Will BougbU»n, maoaaer, end W. U. Hundlab. atage manager. Weare touring Mloaeagia lo )l<«!<l^boaIa»*;; Farform •n: Will Beuilltoo. W._ H. BUiidltlj. Tlin Heaver. .J. A. flullar. Amy St.Cir. Indiana: Cbiera Rainbow. Llttto Traa and a<|oaw and two pappmae'. One of Pruf. Bough- toq'l italtiid doge, a large NewfMndlaod. waa taken elck a rew daya >Inc« and bad to be abot KENTUCKY. Loulavlllr^At Central Park Wm. Uorrls aud ceirpaoy fava two of'fo air perforoancee, July 1,2. of '*AiYou Like It," nndcr-hB nanageraeni of Jamei B. ORmp. for Ihe benefli of ihe Udlea' Flower Mluloo. NiirUiaTBCanB.-The fbUowug dmU wlU eDiar- lalB the patroDi of ihia hoaaa wejek orjefr B: Larry and ABole 06«era. Miaur and Ada UMey. Al'oa Teroy, Don Bima, Ella Komaa. Ada Wait, Katie Maya, Mellie Parker aaduiarwfalaratKk. BaeLaeulefair. #Uii(lcr the Tents# , _ , _ jn'h__ , ami an olten aimken m by lha Inral proai aa llio lH<at In Ihntr Hue. Tialy llainiliMB le alan liaaTlli; anlV'*)"' hia womlerriil leaU In hnraenian»)tl|i. furn llornar la mall agitntainl gaaenliillilly man. Hud linnt. cwllloim playnr, entortaliin the mulllludeii nr ponplo an hour each erMiing iMhirn Ilia inu»«urti o|tena. the Inch Jump flrpiii llioBprlal Ivldrr lially wloe rur l^avL llallry much iiraUe. AaffioO gahoallzliia (yniiitlienethe la Immrdlaicly ntr- niiinilnl by K bery rf iaiIIm wlm an anxloue to rnngmt- ulate him m lila Nurraaa aa a lumper and drawlna canl. The captain ii drra*ed In ihe ngulatlon llreiiieo'adtajw. n mo rrguiaiiun htviiivii ■ uiww, Ith red ahlrt hlii* inxiMra aitdcap, aa ara alao many or JO conian men. It ofleo liaii>ena Uial aume yf lha work- ingmen ara aurroondcd by crowd* nl liii(Ul"lllre peophi aaeking htrnniiatlnn in teianl to iho cavialii'a r«at llle. in whifli raaa lliey are onon Pialavtl anil coiu- pllbientod ftir iliiHt ult reala afcniuplWied by tlin cap- lain hliiiseir. Tim new ranvaa meaaurea IVti. riHiml luti, wllh liireo 0un. luidJiB plecoa. Nanaiierir: livn. nuiiil lop, wlili a tdft. inlddlo place. Kt>att>r ol lieaitaofdii<aTltiieiil4: Juntos Whtien, ma•lo^^rrallTa^ mil twiinly nviMi nMlalanta: TiinmnA PairdiU'K xiirer- Intenilent of aluck, tini*iwi Bwlatanl'; Jamrtt MtilrlilB- Min, ciipi ill Hotel irlluie, wlih tno avalaiaiiu: .Hiir- man Itclcblor. atii'iTiiilriiilaiil *>\ rerri^liiiienl aliiHla, wllh tlx HMi>ianl4: IUt|ih i:mu«ii, iii.-ia|iT«rtTAni>i>nMa. linn, with nrif en a*aUlniil«; Ihm DaK au|wrinli<iiiruui ur prirllage rar, with an iiiillirillr<l iiuiniMtr urpilnma. Tim alilri^Hiw and mii«aiiiiid»|>artiiiiinLuttilar llm dlrectlirii III Prof. Hclioldlf r, Ih ilnlui a |4iDniimniial bualnru. Tlio Tiirker Lllllo HIantHhuir railing to maiorlallie in Hon gi>r. It* ailiHTiiwd. ror July S, i, MX uaait u|>en ll«<U. llAVB FHuu TUB HUH HiiowH -After nearly a furt- nigbl of guud liUHlhcM lit Uli blgan we hnvo ro- turned ti> tbe Muckcyo aSiale, and aro rrpeailiig our fiimtei Ritcce.'tiica. Wonpoiit iho "gloriuua Kuiirlit'' at Kivyetlc, o„ witero a IiIk local uelobmiloii vas alio In progteBK, ami hh ii nwult tho idg tup wan packed from hIiIo wnll to ring bank with mn- plrlDg, but oulhtiHiiiidU-, Itnmnnlly, Hie ticket wagon having UiauPpeodaalfAatH r. u. TIid e\eiclaea ofute day. oralloBK,ate., ueie given at 10 a. m. umler our canvaa, our raammfiath Imou, under the leaderntlp nl Fnr. Floyd Whitoey, aldlna Hie kval l>attd la a ml loumaiiiini. wlikli pruroil a ran treat (o all pna«il. Conireairnan J. A. HtiutlianI, of Tulfdo, the orator ol Ihe liiiy. waa "Ur gueal al dintiar. t^ivora were laid rur nnr, and Hm talilea gmanwl beiiealli tho iuiiirlea oriliaiiaMon, bvaiilD Imlng heavily L-nnke*l wllh niiee and llllleo. iinlwiniMl with iho Amnnran ruktn*. CongTOwaen Bnulhard iiMrtd a *liort a|>eDrli nrr«>ngratii< latluB III thocimnuy.whlrh waa ulily anawrivi by Ad- Vance Manager <IUN Uud, who had paid uaaAiiiig vlilt tft"calebTale." TliolonMr "Aiiierica." "Tim Httcn'wiir the Miow,"and "OurCougrevalKnal nueM" worodmnh aiinding.concluding Willi A "Hip. humh," and "Tinee tlnei litre*," which mwlo llio wolkiii Hag. Thou rhiiico llavanaa wore paaied lonml. nnd lha Mrly hrubo up. Payatto tanlto tiM> horn* (>r wdo cornntflat nd. Hkkar, hia ralher balng a weallliy coiilraclnraH well aa ono uf lltii "rllT dada." ATtor Ihe eraning »huw tho liaml eorrnede'l Mr. Illckor, «hiiri»iMitiiloil !■/ a neat aiwh, an"l con- rludedby invltlDg Ihn aiirannnnnloafrulUlion. ami Uiey ' didn't iloalhlni:'' Mnga,Muriel and danrlug wen Hm Older uf the dny. or, raiher, ur the night, ami Iho Jolly roveiiendld nnldlM»ane till a lalo liour. It lauretu aui* UiKl Ihe "4lh," IW. will iKiiinIn btng In the iimmory of all or ua. Mabflger Hnn ami ProaaAReni Htanley De l/mioand wHa tAobn rrlplMTidwlo. rr»ru Ihialilar, ()., I'l. toaea tlie Ramum-Hailoy Hhuw, and wore lha giieaia ur KlalTony llainlltan. Tonyidwirred that hia Ilia had n made a bunion by ■■bucklnR" Iho KliliHIaga in ihii Kaal, and now, Ihal lie liaa in it\t\mn ua, hla ''cup la rull. Plo>d Whiuioy, nur r>apiilar bartd leailnr, haa Itruiiglit uur huge muilral nrnanlMtlnii lo llm hlgheal |>nlntorperfec* tlon.aad ihelr avonlnii itrpel ronmrta, ron)p«iaed en- tirely or rUaalrnl ntnalc are n fnauirn ol the ahuw. lie la alaowritlog the luudeofa new upen, and urcbeMratlnna fur two Mioua by Hiaiilay IM L^u/ii. wlilcli will he plareil in tho hRmU of a woll bniiwn Now \ itrk publlali Jenolo ladille cirUta'glvIng way. llvrcotiliiowiediiea^ liownver, nvedherrnin Injury. Wolut\eonly had iwoilayaofhatl buHloeaf Ihia aruaon, which la HKiaklng hraliy well agaiiiat the hard llme< cnliinaiatu and raimnlty liii« lera. (hiri'Oly alltar iiueailuo If, "t^an Uie llckel wagon rarry It all whbiiiit hreablite the api Ihrb i" Tom WAHriRLulnrurmauatlial ihaRladd llrot.* l.'Ircua diaiiamladln HinaiUld.l'a., July3.and hIII reorganlu awl atari not under the management ol Ueu. Ilicli. NEW YORK STATEaH Heo I'agem] Uomilo^At ihQ Acndoiny uf MubIo the atitck cuiopany la meeting dth a fair palronigealiwiniUr price*. Title weeh'a dramaa are "Tlie Uolden Ulani" and "Dr. Joktl aiul Mr. llf de." ClaTcUnd'a MInalnIa ara an ttrly iMiuhlng. iNjrHTriraraTTMaATHr-I'anpla bore Uila week ara; Mrl^ll and DanliK llU.ii "Jliy (Juartn. Prank A.lllrard, Han II. Cook,ll«nrt V. Wbm. Ujior •- l*lk». >*»^»1'"» Pranka. Alb-n and Waal, JUm Italy ani| Willie Kua«)ll. WuoitLAwy HKArii-Tlila rowirl awima iiioro popular . lua ovvr iiil<* K-iiiiiiier, and vauoevllle iiaiertalmiionte have been arraniod lor. .. ^ Umtrtai. Iikai'Ii.— fTrawdailnrk nvor to thli t^nadiin Wirt, lunaa' gand lallila woek> raid. libit 0. Ford waatadraBBilo people for hie raureiHu> itilaa. whleb halanowbookbg. , ^, TliajaanbywiilbeeeenoeitReaaAOla "ATeiaaBuer." Tbe MtCnr BlMen and Mlnnla MoEvoy an at liberty (hr HMt eeawio. ... . llaTT>- K. AniUa. ckancler eomadlao, wllh alrung ^^rh'tfllrntiecLeTwarMa^framiilf people (br hla Woihl of ^Dramallo people an wantod btW. f. Ilendaraon. Oell ml DnnflafrAnanandHllI, ALTntap, Marvin and Til- itd.llatry R. Uaiar. flhatpley'a umm ThaatraCo, irharlen Rtepkanaon, Alei Wynbeep. mok B. Long, Onw Blatant. Harry It. Vlthera, Joe Wlllfama. At Libert/: llany Cbeaier.W. l„ Rlcbnead, Cbarka ... MoOntn, C. llroaaatan, Ralph Den«n)er«, Canllna Clora, Itfida Ron. Ja«. T. MoAlpin and Thdly Foster can ha eagagwta NTIIOAU llamdioti fl (tonloa baa laaue*! iwn new aonn eniliM l.lUb* Rett Hal" and "Rowing Itoate with MoUlV* which liewlll auppty tuprnrouionala (or ten tenia each. "BlMlBg lioivntlur rallar Door" can l*a onlered tnn IheRrmtka A liantuniX . _ ........ 'The lUiinr'a Tnaat" nnd 'Th* Idol nr My Heart" ara two nawduelt*, pabllphed by the Pliolpa Muair Co. a A. ITamn kaa three new aoag ivblloatlona Ibr pn> loaalnnaUatianvaolBfarh. „ . , MuUclana are wartlo«l by Hao. It. Bdbh, Mnalolaa, III, .^anrr. Dr. BiimHo Prank. J. W. Oummlng*, Walter It. James Andrew Hyn<i».jril.We»i,I*aekanl, >>etl Warreiia AtMbeny: Katl iioabal ami wire, Frad Kopaiatf, J. M. Rarlanl. Frnf. II. B. Butllh'a nryM|t»-„ 'MrFailden*R Dehui" la intblUhad .by Harry FopparA RdniBack the Aitawer'*and "A Falher'a Lave" ara auNiU<>d bv tl. W.». ^ . tLiteaaiid Rotidia adiartiae ihrMnewaoBinL now being randlt*! aurcBaaniliy In "The Mernr WorM:" "Te41hy trParrail." "taora Your Mtlle Blaiar" and "rtweetlieart ■nil Bwairt" aroten CMlAMtch. , ^ ^„ , 'lulling M.kWr>raB be aecurad ttmx lha pabUahar, W.I'. ITUm». . . (lenrgo H. Fi>«ler, niealraldinriur. can be AnnR<sl. Will J. Haiika wania In ttur aantnil hand uxiiHinnoa. "Tha lUinpDIth nf Nnw York" atid "Trilhy*'an pub- lUheil l-y W.N.H»etlAtV Ihimiwa' Teulnn Ladia^ Hand can beangageJ lo give 0. W. WATraii waitta mualciana and dramatic peonle. KitwnnI U.Omia haa publlahe«l "Hwlnglna In the Ham- iitiirb." Meaafi. Whinark A Hi>n« have aecurau tho two laUal Netwbaiw.—The Acailomy of Uiialr In ctuflCd for the flu tar, act will reopen fur a iirnllminarr »oaaon Aur. (t. wlUt flworge Thitclwr and Carrfli Jnhnmn • Miir ■treU Hanilf>/7a Pavilion an<l (lardea onened lu luoil huaiiieai July L and, alUiougli l<H:at4d pn liie o*- treVuaonlaklrlaurtliecliy.rnitlnuea luiuae'. wlUi Iberal ■•atrixiage. The iiiaoagaiimnt waa Mfiuawliat dlwo- reiiad <>u ilirttpenliig oIrM by Maggie Unat and Harry PerklnH dl»appnintlaa ai tho iaat inumant. They were rarlacetl aaturaclArilr, howorer, Ihe following niRltr, by Frtid Barr aod i;«rTle Pravert. who liokl over Ihia wreV. tngelher with Jerry IMillL Tominr Cunnlngliam and Prof Airrwl Klwra. New arrlrala: Emma Ravelle. UoWeAIUnand Faddy Uah«r Nothing dadnlla can baiearnpdaa vrtteganllni; tlie»wtdel«imriiof Bur fala HIII'B Wllo Waal Mbow, lha Rinullog Htoa.* and the Haruuni-Ballay Khnwa oalua to a nilannder»iairi]. Ing oo the l>«ri of ytur coriaa|wiid»nl. It wa« aialcd |a>l woak lliat (taurge ItubluMiri wan In |rmn ahead lA tho RiDglIng Broe.'fUiow. ll ueine Ita Itad aevtred lila ton npcuonwllhlhima fewdaya erevhwa anjl wt^ iIi^H '-'i niul€ Weal in aaaunie thirge oi UurTBlo Bill a aflranialog car. BlnBliBtnton.—Utmliit:R)i al How Park Ibo paat weak wTa oirewllnilr Urav. Wrik nr Jul/a, P^tarMtO Brua, Ww. Do Boa, Mfjrrla ■ tne Magnolia tjeaiui. Utlca^Aiiiuaeiimila of all kinda aio vevF dull hare. FrIeiroM A WoU'aMlnalinUwIllopen UieirKaaiM here Aug. 17. PROFESSIONALS' BUREAU, Wwrti of Muiaim and PsrlofiMrt, Optn OttM. «te.-«e* AdvtrtlMmtirt*. DRAMATIC. I Wllliaiii., Clit.. NrPhan ail<t Tba Taagla TliMlra.Chlcatii, r»nimlr llia CHrli tuaa Tlmtia, lia. Uan lai.a'1 W C. O. aail 11. \v. laaal^ ami (Ml. rrafrU,. AllratlloDi ara nqf baiuii twIiaJ. C'oDililiiallin. aia Uini IxMkol at lha l!iii|.lra Tliaairt irolroU.Maai. InrWinanrW. Il.lliliuil- , ,. Jm. ti Pari', tif Hcr.Dlon, fa., qlfaraf'^r ..laan InUratl In JaiaiiH AHami'ipaalMliinia.'TrolaclcorllWaVliil to Fuolaa*!'" HimpaM'i Flclianna (uralnln. Ii«ikl<i|i. tut cnBl'Ulaa aaO i>itip\9. iDut «rllli>fl Itr John T. Kall.y. iiaot.l)', -Nlia'a Unly la l-„rtlii((lltl"a1lt1 "If Ikart. Ci.r-■ ittar ii alianiitlrul aliiry anna wl... ... . .. •Ill lata lliapUraKf lil.poiinlir »Ufn"« "I l,i>0(Tn Km' ., Thn Mr. Krilar IkliikM lliolllill l.,h lUlilnil." Haota. Wliniarli liara alxi III DrvMnnita-coroleanni lif UllMll nnta, aulhoranr *'l)it. hi, My )litohl«l>arry. Ihi." aitlllla«l "1-ul MaOlTal Huthln,'* jiri i:Ti»«.tirMltaui'aiiuTr1ly.>'Tlinfi«nia8lir«1 llainiatFI:a ll.r Vol," ahirh ViHin Tllfrr «"'n will inlioiliica. ■■Only (Inn i: III InlhaWoilil for Ma," I'lihlUlinl br 'hnai alw, fno u» Mrnii^f, Willi iitrhn.lrallim^ for len ranlfc ^ ALaainlar l,«.aaTJ «anu a fluaranua affnnl fnr lila nilwrl.l iiparaOi.tUhlcIt alll Itnaluca Hiilil n|ioraitno\t '^Sy^raulliii." i-an lia onlerwl fyotii J. H. W. Uf mo. (lAu) HiKii'k'a laliul lonr, "Vmi Don't riiHl a (llrl. T.Uo Mr ulrL Kvory Uav" lia. Itial liaon liuuail In tho pntr... ■1,41 liy llniiry J. Waliuan. ll I. igi In ilain ami contain. ,'ali.'by Tlia i-niroulnn will lia •um>IIi,I (Ma. nr. clid.lrm arTnnKi.n)aal> of lliraa ullior nlli. aioaUo IuIhi ■d Ituni Uni aaiiia pufallilnT VAHIBTV ANU MINNTIIRI.i. Il^laanil Baliman waot aradalir acu Sir lliair nnn.k- ''"viVuVilia acucall iNink (Inia at tliadljinploTliaalii*. "VhalSokapoo loJIoo Maillclna (ii. ara hmklna iwln ror lliair ailiailliltii oinipanla^ Thar aui'plr KlrkapiHi ramvllai lo Ihiiia wlaklnil lo nmaalta tonipaiilaa o( ttialr ""iiiNnatloni anJ aM" ara naolail l.y II. W. llntLrr fnr lliaaow AllianvninTtiralta, llarlani, Naw Vurk, wlileb "Hlfu'nil' iauilJIllla .Itraallnna can Mcuia tin, at Uia l'»i,rla'«Tli.airn,Hliirlnnall. WlllUni rnllar, Umi, can ba ..onrrl fur 'lUariol, nr "K™n';'j"wl?.';n''hM ."nni«l ennlinl nf lli. L..1I.... Thralra, Hl«iil»"»"la, U.,aiia wania iiorlnrinuia aial a '**K»imUv aiiil (Julna mnwllana, can l>a aillaRMl, Tim Kantaa, haro wiiin nnan lima AL<I Hakia wania iiorfntin.ra, murtrlana ami »ln«Bn< r,.r ki. wblia anil eoluroil inlnMiel eonjianla,. Jaa^lTllr Wpto irawanla.ll.rJnhnl'ranklin.llr.ll J. IIVK / Snirekim Jlr. Ji» llaniialt. H alt jtclh.n.l.l, J SuSi:.iirm:("v.Vhlla.(lnn.lH«,,»rlu^ JJadlcln. '^AhJii.'rtrrTlia |-ooi«liKk^i1iarlai William., YiiiiiiK "'yYanV i'. r'afr"»anu l»irl««iua nr rparlally roiiililna. ttoJ? f'r Ilia iiaak. Ill Bapu J aiij I, al Ilia Tliaalia Uo Liuo, "¥?•'inhinoolh BnlliaraTrln,cniil.«ilnnl.l<,Mn.ljatlo . JninMlniUla. aln„ can lia aliaaaail allar Jnlv lA. ' M«-Irlr aS llVrmikl. ha.a .llina.1 wllli Jolin r. riaki n Drmwioul^nlafnrnaitaaaMn. Viaak Kalo, cMilorlluolal, oan b« mnrail for m- 'llarrr Uartall wanu cnlon.1 parfnniiara awl muilolaiia or"lwilhllafiira lliaWar" l"f. , , CkiTKiiiina will nwii • Hh hi. niliiMral oniiipaiiy Au(, T Saat 111 all liiaiif liaa la wanl«l fnr lha aaiiia. Uonatil ainl Kolliin rail ha wcurail fur neit >wn>ii In '''^ll'„;^;l.7^K'n'on'^'^h'n»aarlala«l. .all 10 I. ... caWlooally alron«anil darlnK, ran lin.ii|i,«a.|. (^iilillnlanil 11.11 ara at lll>a,rt» f"' naal u>a*m. (JlL Kliln.y Iliiiman ami Hlckay Kaiinaf «o lia Mu' td lor nait aaa»o to praluca a bunlialila liarlaii|Ua "'1'".I.'"J>.'w. All.n, T.nltll<).|»K at iraaant wlili fciiliwr A Minllh'. (Illciia, I* annKil. lia cUlnu in kaVa Irlllaaloil Uia ilalnl nmra. In llin I.11, raiilala warn, duioara aialnil Infrlnmni on liar '"{r « u«"vaau., iiinalral couaillan, oan ba amaiiail. l!a'iln anil TauUr, wliii« tonililyaol waa oua of llia kn?^ Uia lliali'teallar Ro. but Maaon, liata > faw opan aSw^ ftt. R"i"ai. Tliay ara ra aoi.itad by Han.Mr ''?llu'N"*S?.o'or^!Ii'a tlataelor lm|iar-.iialor, can k. «ii at Fr^u"''Srjalra, N.« VnrJ. Ihl. ...W. Kli. JilHaln liiibal Cluirllai., atoul July W, lo iirmlaco a uaw ''»anel»i''la laniilil at lha Downar Miooj. (Sifra«o. ThjAiIi'rleuifiakilyillrlawlll opan UialraocouJ wa. '^■'iwn^ miMia. wlUi lhair Uiiihahia akalcli, lllaia 1*01 la," ara at llliarlr. »-iiilou,oo,altreluUJu|il.r, laiua. a coni of liiUroil H"'n'iryrrJ'"i5?;rt Coinn^y !•.«. ran I- l-nk*!. „ ^ » lihnip iSaO lipoiad ol hla Inuraai In lb a Hlo«k. iM^Mtra Brockton, llaia. canca nil all daia. ■^W VSa linl" ran h. a."""! l-"!- mllra. Haw Vorli. Si"* S;raoVi'nl"r.MllV^a"ltllr,nor,, »1 b« t.«, ... llio J rarontrScla-l by Waoaiar Jinla. L. Kariian, a.>l llTraiantBttracllroraalofaaDailaaaaon, AllhnratM li^SSh.n l"T.i". lba 1100.0 will liokl niaf « alaht liuDdrlS dillara' Bon a of Iba .tronw.l ,anda.ll(aconi- hllialloi. are alra»ly book«l, but a.Taral Hood dalaa la- '"l.'ri'M.' niliolc. uil lha malara Ua Kora.l. iluaill.l.. "ilbSAKd Horfram, In lhaIr caa Eo »»n al llia Uoloii Hiioaio TliHlra, Saw rork, tbla TSil:'i°S.'S^:!«rV".?,^ r, ran l*l«,ka.l loroK. '''Vl»l?'-'f.''!J2;-,ood.,«l.ll,arl.f..r..a.. '5/y..Ko:,Vii?.ca,,lia..i..,ad. ,^ , , , iJi'r.y and dnS'iall, PI""MK'« •"•nl'"» "••'> uiiiailr aalrli, .raal llliarlf for lia.l ■a""". iKiai.ii niKl Impiaaronilfoil a»occtMfiil«n».«anianl "X"|.Uy*.".ld'wJir^«l''.lrn>u.lcal act, can 1, «. "i5!ooalto,roolorlliinl.UranliaanM«a'l. Ilirry Kiij'a a«t la»W lol*» hit at Koaur* Uial . iJil.waak. ^ oinova. TiKi Four I.UlnialnnM ara al llbarly m Join a i|i»l "'("iKO.MnHa.ra waiila4lirJar Cmi A i o.,Ua...W. 11.11 Jr..\..lin II. H|«rl., A.J. »''J"""-,,,„ W.lrii Bioinaia aaat wnpla lo aU •""'I™'- . John tnwkiw. ulkloa r|.i.o, ale. can t< aanira.1. JtniaaHcanloa wania to buy clrcu. iiropaity. HIBCRLLANBOVf. Allracllooaran l«>ok llmaal ()i>aia IImm. Alblim. III.: liuobM Pa. Tllaalia; .MaaaiaCouolr Fair. LoekMil, H. y • firt'ail fl|«|a "nuM, T(aw l/indno. Wly HUlliiian Jtij^Jc mil. FlalollaM. " J : «llap.r. <lpara IIooh, ^aw "(>.*t!l%!raltnctl«na can liook tluia at Fllchburi Fark "'il Lll-irlf;KJ«ard Kaodall, ag.nt; W. F. DaaNlt, ad- ranca. For • 7 R l*.Vt«l;.°'w11l iri'irau'lV^a rt WlT. B., laUnd.o, Mn.O.II. Flillll|>.: " aw, C. M. Voiili, Uol, br II, ij. ForHala: "Unfla.Tom" ouldl, b» Mr Bi c by (1. t. Kullln,.i;a, W. ll. 1. Wi Kii)arb.r« ami (Vilumblan Trick Vo. Haiihall: but air balloon., liy ••Balbxiiia. I'llrlltila. will ba (liau flaa at Ful Id toruuldooraxblbliluDa. <: II U'laaltona ollara a lanl oulAI, wllh acan.ry, irirk hunaa. cotuin, illKa, ate., for aala. Tkoa.d.Batarcanbt -nKanail aa bu.lDau mina,»r, " ba HJiySlo'Appiianca Co. racooiiiiaiKl liio ElacUlo IB- "iSa aanlan i;llr AnioMioaDt IA<., of Clilruii. Oil" irarlloaa fnr lliiiBni.r rarjirt. "Vl y Uwav ** "A mnlna iriiiip -ml "Faalanna. a Mrlaa 1 r hltuTrtal i^paanlvlbar allractloni, eaa ba naiollaud mi llaiaol'al' anoooiiea. Uial ba l"»,'»»,'»",'>T«l!'!" ,lSy.Allil.loo._t.iF^..^-..W..«^^^^^^^ Tno 11...- Frtiillna l». can lupplr la"?rbaa/1<. A wi. i li.llaiil lVr''"u''^''*'!?'•■^•"^'"^ or laiii by lli. C. t! 'l-biloii Brawloii Cn. "ror. Kn lurmni. bilb~olii. J "J ■tlio N.w iMn" l« rnoinmaodrd aa a |a ■tllL. . 4lvarlbnnant. Jiand. laipular (iiibloor W Mib»r-lar«lllborMlloraicha»MJlllmal» BallSinaaiall.lMl«aia famUhad by froTh. H. Ilglrhl. B.5 and tba Haw York Balkjonl*. ^ . ... ? II llallariiaa.iirara bl. ralr »i<iudiU, ate, at »fiIo«- fltkl, No., for Mtt,