New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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292 THE NBTW YORK OLIPPER. July 13. World ^Players —Notea from Dana * Msrrtn'ii llkjen: We doted * ietaon of fort)r-tre week* ■! IibpanilDii, HJcli., 00 Jone n. TbsMUODliubceiiauleficlorj 10 UN iiuii*feiii<iit.>iiiI,cvDildenDii Ue llnucUl cendlUon of Ibe coDDlrr, tiu been * imwperouii coe. Tba eoUre cominDTiWltb one ezcepiloD, here been ra-engiged for neit mmoo, whicb npeiw Atig. I, (lAabUnd, Wla. All tbe ptIIcliMl clUes of Ibe weal and Nortli nlU bo Tlaltcd neit amwD, Iblnj- tlx of wblcb bave alicad; alipied conincin. A Huminer aeaann of (our wecki will be played In Ibe oopper couDtiT of Upper rcolnniibi. Cliaa. BIncUIr baa Rooe to 81. Joiepli, Ho., for a four ireeka' faca- Uon, and Uom llolliDrt will sptnd four vcatn In Oblcago. IbMUrof Ibf Smnmercompanj: Uae U. namca, Cbaa. D. Harrln, llanr II. FUbcr, 0. 11. U4Tle, HoliL Albnn, Uuj Itoxler, iloticit A. Banica, lAUlae RcnitDK. IJIIIe lleiiilnfr, Maud Ueaale aod Fraocla Mclwood. Mtlla Kdna llcmlni conimunio be a great rarnrlie In Uie Nonli and WeaU Bbe waa ealerulned at Aablanrt and (Iren ■ rccepllon lij Manager Kubu'a dauRhleni. Me and ber mollier. l/julm llemlng, leading Mf, liare lieen ro-cngaged for next aeaaon. Maul Beagle baa alao lioen re-en- gaged. — Nolea from Jobo D'Oimond'a Oo-: Wo bave Juat returned from a lUx weeki' Uiur of Nortbem Wlacon alii, and Ibe cooipanr tboreuablT enjored tbem. aalm Dahlng and liainlngin the beauiirul lake* of ibat region, Agoee Fuller rvjolnod Iho conpanj Jul; 3, at Ueloll, ador a two monlba' Ttcatlon. Tbe coming aeaaon Mr. l>M)rn)ond will make apeclal did- ducUona of "Otbollo" and "Tlio Hod lMkol,"oribe latlor of wblcb be In Ibe aiilbor. Eniire apeclal ecencrr will be carried for botb plaTM. Our naler: Jobn O'Umiond, Krrold Hacdonain, Arthur D'Or- moMl, A. W. OroM, l.ew llotvlr, J. IL Mrllontr, A. II. HcKee, mualati director: Agnea Fuller, Imiliel Macdonald, Kloia Klioo and Jeniilo JUrnDlda. — Ronterof Partiinn A l'm>l>H "U. T. U-" Co.: l-ar- aona* Pool,iirODr1elnrH; K K. rool, nanager; Will I'amona, buafneaa manaKor; IL H. thimmloga, llllio- grapber; J. Z. Uooro, prngramfner; Kuto PartlagtoD, uTonm; Kd. Ilecbell, J, J. Keller, Krank II. 8niUb, U. N. Oardeii, Waller A. ObrjHlai, Ada Otnnon, Anna KL iobii, IJItle l^ura H. Tbrnnpaon, aa Kra: II. K. Ufgood, U. U. Brraiil, W- II. FergiiauD, llarlit Boillb, Janin llocd and 0. A. Bcrlvoer. new acenerj, painted bjr Boaman A lAudbt, of Oblcago, will be canted h| Uila conipanj, — A Ban Anlonlo, Tex., corrcupondent Infomia tu Uiat Waller O. lianklna, pmfowlonalljr known an (Ico. X- Wilton, and Flam Mllcbnll, nf ibat nitj, were married on'lbo atage of the Wiublnglon Tbea- Ire on tbe ulglit of Juno ao. tho allenoanla were Tom Hoonejr, Jemlo Fuitmer, Joo Crullj and Auule Walker. — Dert Ilavia liaa been enguged br Mncoln J. Uar- tor aji advance agent of Ibe Sonthcni "Toniado" Oooipan/ next aeamn. — Addle lAwrenoe biu Ineneiignged forlboauiuk at Kolil A Ulddlolon'a (Hark 8ueet Munoum, Clil cago. III. — Tlie new omra hoiiw Juit ooioplaled bf llio Odd Fellowi of I'nliiier, Miua., wan dcdlcaleil witb Ibe operatic apccUcIo of "Xophnt," br R. W. A«cr- III, on tbe ereulnga of June ZO, 27. Tliore were, we are Informed, one bUDdrcd uail llilrtv-Qve perwiw in tbe cati, compoaed of Uanclieticr, N. II., Hphug' Held and l*almer people. Tlie new opem Iwuiw oc- cunlen tbe |m>uod lloor of tlio now Odd FelloWH' building, and la uiiablo of vp.Uiig hIx liundred an<l nflr peraona- — wni- McAvnjr, geuemi manager fur 0. K. Lutb rnn. baa recelvat now* fmni Mr- l,olbrup, who. with hia family and KHihorliie llnlier, aro now tour- ing Ireland, tliut Uio party will vlHltovery point of Intereat In JroUiid before retunilng Ui Buuland and tbe Uonlloeut. Ul«llol>eroponiin l/iudim, at the Hliakeaneam Tbeaire, oo Uank llolhUy, auppoited hy an Knglbib company, and will leturii to America III timo to conimeiico bor annual lour lata In Auguat, — Manager J. J. Uolcrnaii lufomiHiiatbat lie liaa the Booaoii well booked fur "Special Hellvoiy," whlub will cniiimfrnco lie Kccoita tour Aug. 24, In rblladelnbla, I'a. New acenoiy and a numlier of apeclal fealum bare licen added. Teaalo lleaglp, nnnia liunu, Btolla Amliroiie. Harry Uerooford, Frank Ambrueo, M, HtiMra, J. Hcllouald, aud a flnt olaaa (|uanet, have iieeu engaged. — Itoatetof llio"tMtlleblilm"Oo.: IMn llariclgb, pmprlelor; J- U. HwaOiird, agent; Fred llaibbiiid, Lute Vnoman, Tom Bbannnn, Julm (lllmy, A. L. Uman, U Fellte Haul, Hn. llau llarlolgli. Mar ffiorelle Clalmouu Hum Ululiaela, Lena OuiUh ami t.8amlMne. We are playing llio Uiininior ra- •nrta of Northern New York In fair hualncaa. We carry olx bead of boraei and wagoni, — w. II. llatllgan hai cloacd wItb tbe KlUnwood Flyen, and la niaUcallng wllb filenda at rutaatl, ''—0.0, Tennla, managor nf ilie new l^iinbi Thea- tre, In Ublcftgu, III, baa ong»ged Florence llainllton aa leading lady In hie ponntneot aluck company for next aeaaon. — Nolea from Maoager Uulib: "Tbe Uealruollnn of llenulaneum,'' billed for ten perfomiaucea at Athletlo Park, Wllllanuport, Pa., haa nuido a Mg bit, and will run tbree perfomiancoa longer. Tbe Uubb Ooroodj Ho. will open tbe regular aoaoon Aug, 11, and la now liookod oolld for forty-two weeka. Next aeaaon I will put out Ibe largeal ooupaiiy I ever bad. aud iilar only tbo laijte dUoa. K. M. Vrane will hanme the aiage. and Ooorgo B. BmlUi win be In advance wllb Harry Uubb. All new printing will iieuoed. I am baving apoolal ooeuciy ntlulod fur Ibe plHya: "LAcally liead," 'Tbo Two KIda," "Uraniiy (Iniub'a Twlua," "lloy fruni Una. ton," 'Hlce»M Waif," anil "Halyia Daughlora," allup — . - , Daugh to date coincdiea, hi which tbe U Hi up [art cblldien . _ incdlea, I will lie aeen at Iheir beat. — lUiboaranIa ooniuieucod at Palmor'a TboHIro Itiu week for "lluroiliy," which le to lie ilono at llie Lake Ilouoo, lake<loorg«,nu Jiilygl. Aoborua boa beou aooured fur tbo pruducllon, cuniiHiaed of llie moinlieni of the numoroua opera cuiunaolea now Idle lu tbe city, and a Duo performance u o.\pei:tcd. A alar caat uf nrliiolnala It lieliig aeoured, and tniuiig Ibeiu bi Mwaril II. (Vivor, wlio will play Ibe Mrt of Lucbur. Mr. Favor'e work In "Hwl" waa ex- cellent eiKiugb to wairaut Ibat tho nun will loto nuibing In bla baiidt. — Roaler of Auilnrwn'a Tbottra Ooiupauy: Kale Wauon, llealriou OHiley, I'bronia U lloaurKd. An doraoii, W. N. Uooley, W. Ilecto Todd, Honile W, l«wl^ Itoyce Alton and llarv Uollaiiil. Tlio coin- mny Itundortboanlvnianageaiontof Kd. AiMen»n. Huiille Uwla will lie alage inauagor, l>ror. W. M. Uoulof, vlollnbit, anil Uralrrlce Owiloy, pUnUI. Kale Walaoii and KA, Andcraoii will Intrtidiico now aliiglug and dancing apeclalllea. Tbe aeaaon oncnt Aug. t. — Uraon tHITliM, irbo In to play Ihe leading mK a."ln llie Fuuibllla," whiea lliat upwnid of tuny werka' liovklng haa lieon aeonrad, wltb a great nwiiy wook aland*, uinlimclug lbs enUro Doiiineni 8latea,and Ibat llie play ha* Iwen entirely rewrlllen by the antbiiTM*, Adrlalilo l«lgh (Hni. Onion Olf- ford). 8be ha* added aoiiiu puwerfnl clltuaxoe. — KYaiik K. Uing auil FmuV Mouro have diaanlred CrUiprahlii In tbe luaiuiKcnieiit of tbe Uuoro A vlnmlone Oo. — (Jllnl. <l. FonI Infonutiialbat he haadocldod to lake out tour allrtoiluna the cuiulng aeaaon. Ilia "An Auierloan lleru" Uointiany luia lieen un tbo road conalanll/ for tbo paat two ynm wlibout cliia- Ing. Ilia ttoiilheiTi repertory ouiiipauy baa lieen out thirty elgbl week* Itae'patt aeiuoii. ItM.h of hlaat- Iraeilona will be IhorouKbly «iulii|ied wllb duo ipeolal B(«nery and priuilng. "Au Auiertran Hem" will lie made a apcihil feature of lu hbi Nuitbom and Bflulboni lepeiloiy eomnanlra Hume ctcellent Ihuo ha* iieon nocurod fur all of bbialirectliiua. — Aniung Ibo rttcni oninigvniL-nIa for "TIiu Mid- night Flood" ara: Alli-o llumlaiHl, W. W. Ikiwnmn, Kugeiie Manllry. Ixura ManiKii. I'oto Unlgg, llel Itodelo, VbHu. Wunilcr, l.uul* F^agau and (luaale Uarduer. — Alox. Wynkowp wrikH fnim AllanlloClly.N.J., Ibat he la iirganlaliig a repenory cunipany to Uke the toad alioul Kept, it, and la iirguUailiig wllb a prominent play vrlglil fur a comedy. — lloeler and Nulmriuni Itio Johns. Undray Oo.: After a alx weeke' atay lu Ibillaa.Trx., Ibe cniunany la again on tbe nwd. We illd a fair bualneaa liiilie IXallaa aluck. Wu litvc iimilr aume i liangra In Ibe company Ihe pntrnl iwaww. Juan llaldwln baa been lelalucd an ImOIng Juvenile. Tbe rwtcr now It: John B. IJiidtay, pninrlrlnr and manager; Juan lUldHin, Frank JutUce.lllluiii llunr, IVrcyMcKhld. Ueo. Clarke, adraiK-u; Killib UiHlny, LmioMa IJnil- nay, Nra- Nanidold and Mnaier Ftrtlille Nenulolil. Ilur iiiment mute Irndn iia up ibningb IVInradoand Ibo IriTlloiln. Boino new iiroulo will l,e addrd aboniv. Kvenlmly In gootl hrallb anil aiilrll*. — Nalbau Fmuku, Ihe iiiiitlml dircrtiir, niid Cur nella lluppeii, Ibo daughlerofa brewer lu llila diy, weiTiiiaiTli'ilat I'atrniiin, N. J., July i. Tblalalbe rirwiu** aervud rxciimlun Into matrlmoDy, be bav- Mg been dlvorred from bla drat wife, Gdllh Kd- warda, a pntfenakinal. -<'»y- ^Hallabiirj and Madn Beftiind bare reached Iboir boiiie, Ibmklyn, wla., after a lou and fairly pnwptrvua aeatun ihrau|Ii tin WeaL — "Flonlgaoia Ball" notea: Hnmy and Mock will open tbeir teaaon Id Aognat Willi a atroog con- Kiy, made np aa foUowai Otaaa. HomT, Ollle ek, Oeo. n. Fdeilck, Clajton fS- While, Dart l,««lle, Obaa. Iamb, amcle Cnmlngi, Edltb Newtnn, U»nle IMan, Myrtle Loiliig, BonKa l/Ming, Mlna (leoell, Hlla Uxon, Vbiceiit HInnelll, ronalcal direc- tor; II. A. Wlckbam. advance; Hark Davia, Ireat- orer, and Prank T. MetTlIt, manager. Their well known Irbrti farce, "Pinnlgao'a Ball," baa been "gingered" np to date bj Ibe author, Oeo. II. Emertok, who will act aa attge manager. lie- heanala will begin Aug. 6. at lodlanapolla, Ind. Enllie now tceneir will be can1ed,and there will lie novel Idetaln tbe way of adrertltlng. Oood time baa been tmoked, Inelodlog twenty-acfen weeta In clly boiiiei, and covert a laiillorT ranging frain Button to Ban Franelaco. Manager Frank T. Mer- rill Joined the B. P. o. P., June g, and Ibe S. r. July a, at bla borne In Delrolt, MIeb. Mnmy and Mack are going to Introdnce a boileaiine on tte bicycle. — "The Ootb)n King" cb>Md a aoccetaful engage- ment of one bundled nigbta In Cbkago, III., Jnly a, and waa followed by Manager Dndy'a prodncllon of "Tne New Boolb," Dtlng now pfcaenied In Oblcago for tbe Ant time. Joaepb Otiamer, Pbube Uavica, RcoitCooper and otbera of tbe original caat plaj their old porta, — George W. Monroe will be aeea next aeaaon In a new laagbler provoking comedy, enlllled "A Hap- py Utile Tlooe." Mr. Hooroe will be nnder tbe management of Roliert n Monroe, and l/eupold Jordan baa been engaged aa bualneaa manager. — Tbe Meade k Allen "Pltaaant Boiptlae" Oo, baa been out four monlba and report g<>od hutlnea. Ctrl nemnann, tba vlollnlal. Joined at Wella, Mien The company are playing return datei. — Rlce'a ''KM,'' under tbe management of 0. B. Jeoenou, Klaw i Ertangerind Edwin II. Price, will begin Ibi next aeaaon In Now York Biale eariy In Hepierolicr, wltb a caat led by Beaale lluDeblll and Blchaid Uanow. — Oanle Kder baatlgoed wllb "A lUde for Life Oo., to play Ibe leading aonbrette part next teaaoi — LeeJ. KelUmand MyiaOolllna ate playing a Bummer Blnek engagement In the city at Worth'* Tbeaire. Tber bare been le-engiged for next aea- aon irllb Harkallroa-.plaTlog Canada only, toopen Ang. 10, with Ibetr new play, enllUed "An Irlab Uuurljblp." In tbe falrocene a live donkey and cart, pig*, duck*, etc., will be on tbe alage, wllh a real Irlab piper. Tbe acenerr It txlng painted by Boa- man i landU, of Chicago, HI, — Warner Croaby, wbo It at piteent npreaentlni Hamilton 8. Oonfon, mualc pulHUber, baa algiod with Eugene U'lhiuike aa mnalcal director of "Tbe WIcklow FotUnan" Oo. — Malcolm Douglaa la WTlUng acme new mntic for IMmer t'ox'a "llrownlea," which reeumea lla lonr, iindor the management of U. B- JodCnaon, Klaw A Erianger, about tbe middle of September. — Nolea and rooter of "On IbaPoIomIc," No. 1 We an at preaeni playing In the natural gna l>eU of Kanaaa. Botlnett It nir In apile of the hot weather and mlo. On July 4 we hong out Ihe B. IL 0. tlgn for Ibe Drat time alnce reorganizing. It wo* tne biggeat buuae tbe town bad aeen for three acatoii*. Tbe rnaler: Walter FJIbi, ounaier; 0, W. Ilonian ataltlant manager; IL U. UcOoroiack, preaa agent Jaa. Ellierte, alage manager: Minnie Ablietl, mnalcal dlrectrcw; J. E. Illcbaiui.ascnl; Ray F.ld- ridge, carl Caldwell, Mae Uaylon, Lolla Caldwell, E. Jame^ Knbl. Kllkitt. Utile Halde, Marter Ray, lUby Kari and W. K. Flnley. Everyone well and happy. — W. N. amy and wife ckiecd a encceaaful aeanon wltb the Moore A Uvlngaun Co. hut week-end ara now at Iheir homo In Milwaukee, Wl*. Tliey will leave in a few day* to npend two week* at a lake lu WlHcoiudn that 1* not on the mnn, butaald to befull of Onh. — Geo. Clifton and Kilward Adama ara in Ban FthucIico, Cal., spending ibe Bummer niontbn wltb tbuir felt*. Fklward Adam* will reiiim to F,<uny llavenport'a Uompony next aeaaon. — Olive Norib baa tieea engaged aa leading laily ofBlnIrA Mrolal'H"A VrackerJack,"and Fred A. Bulilvan baa lieen re-rngatcd aa leading heavy. ~ Edward Kraupa baa flolahedanewmelodrama, cniiiled '^0 Signal Tower." Tne coei will reriulre twouly people. — JaiiioaO. Ihivi* will manage Sherman A Mnr- iaey't "l*aln Killer" Co. tho comlog aeaaon. James R. Adam*, ckiwn and comedian, who la now wltb the lUugllng Uron, Show, will be of tbe company Uo atatea that Htnler Waller Morgan, bla Ave year old nephew, made bit flnil appearance In tbo ring aa a ofowii, recently, wltb the lUogllng Show. — Gua Hniiio Jr. haa tigned wllh Obaa. II. YaleM "Twelve Tomnlatlona" Co. oa principal comedian, cnria llnino Jolna Obaa. II. Yalo'a newett "UevlF* Auction"!»., replachig bla bnUier in ihe part of Toby. — Will K. Oulbane luforaia ua of bit mantage, uo July ll,at Neoabo, Mo., to Cleinenilna SI. Felix, of .Sow York, who will ttar next aeaaon nnder her huaband'a maoagemeuL — Hoaler of tbe Urtole Opera Co.: Oeatrico nine- hart, Uddle Ulnebavt, Rlia llairlngton, Helen lie Kitre, Nellie Woodt, Anna Fabbin, Emily C. Grave*, FUnnle Omvot, Oeitnide llayea, Uattle Clark, Harry Ilavlea, Robt. I,ell, Jack llendereon, Prank Rlda- dale, K. L. Grave*, Wro, Utoka, Fred Ualbla^ Ar- thur KeUum, J. II. Uallad, advance rapreaenutlve, and Burt I'arka, mualeal director. The company, nnder the management of Parki A Oravee, la reutod thnugb the Uokolao, toward Winnipeg, and report dohig good bualntta and cnjoylag a pleoaant tnp. — John A. Victor la bnty In Indfanapolla, Ind., nwkiug proparaUona for uie opeulng of bla Own Company lor tbe Winter aeaaon, wltb a repertoiy of three playa, liioliidliig "Tbe Almanac," a farce com- edy, by Will U. Marine. Mr, Ylclor wrilca: "We open Bept.4, at IMnvllle, Ind, Eveiylbing will be new, apeclal dealgns of piper, new acenery, a new 8rime oar and a new company of elgbbien people. Illy two of laat aeaaon'a people hove been re-en- gaged—IW. Iloniy a. Hopping, unalcal dli«ctor, Hiiit tNlvo Norib, eoubntto. — Edwin Uordon Lawreuco, direebir of tbe law- rence Bobool of AcUng, tbla city, baa In prepara- tion a worti to be enllUed "Siudlea in llramallo An," whicb will ombiaee acenoa mm alandani playa, wltb aualyals of the cbaiaolera Ihorein, plot of each play, deaoripUoD of ooalumet, explanauoua of ubtoiire wonit and phratoi and coploua atago dlraoUona. Tlio work u deiiliaed for Ibo uae of dmniatio aludonia, aod will doubllcea be In de- mand. — Tlin Murphy baa completed airangemenle whereby be will alor noM aeaaon In "A TDxaa Hioer." Ilia company bis not yet lieon euipKed, but Walter Turner bat been aelooied lu go In ad' Vance. — K. J. Ilonloy, who liu been in ill health for a few woekt, baa gone to the reaortaon tbecMaiof Maine for a period of reet — A concert and mualrale waa given on Jnly 4, nutllnee and evening, by Madame Belle Cole, Prof. A. II. Knoll and HoMell UoncentX). — NelaoulAwliwta a UurriR caller July t. Mr. Lewbi tequeau u* to comet a iteleuent which a|t- Ktred iccenuy. In which he waa rredlied wlUi Ing tbe biiiband of Agnea H. Thorpe, whom, ho aute*. bi not hit wife. — Manager Daniel Frobman boa engaged (trace Xliulall, Fanny Addlaoo, Uertha lUrUelt, Marie Bbotwell, iluwlanil Uuokatone, llowaid Gould, itot- lou Bel lou, W. II. Woodall, ArUiur Lawrence, A. Mc- Lougblln, C. V. Fhioklon, 8au BiiUicm, E. Waliera and Jobn Baird to aupport R-U. Bolbem In "Tbo Priaonen of itenda," a new play. In a prologue and ' aula, to lie prodnced at (ho L tbla city. In Augutu • Lyceum Theatre, — Aribur F. Clark, who wllh Kirko l» Sbelle will next teaaou auuage Frank Uaiileia, In "Tbo Wlxard of the Nile," la aald lo have hllen aole heir to an eaute valued at (50,000 by tbo recent death ol bla grandfather, II. 8. Ferrer, of Keokuk, la. — B. HHIor Kent haa been engaged to play Ulllo OUIee. In "Trilby," at lluoley'a Aealre, Oblcagn, 111. — I'oari Flyllngc waa tho deleudani lu a eull fur tlli8.M lu Ihe City U>iirt, ilibi diy, July «, bivughl tu leconr tbe \aliie of aomo furniture eupplled for her uae In a play. Tbe pnpeny waa returned In a dam- aged condition, aud tbo dealer waa avrerdod a Judgment for tbe full amouut of the oUlm. — Nellie HoaelHid was granted a decree of divorce fium Geo. W. Monroe, of "My Aunt Uridgel" note, at Yanklon, 8. I>., July t. Craelty waa alleged aa tbe grounLi for Ibe action. — Mia. Mlnnlo Madden Fiste haa atgned a con- tract wllb Hour Gitenwall A Oo. to ator under their uianagement for aeremlyeare. Hanlaonaray Flake will adapt a French play for ber uae, and Ibe tour will begin In Qetotior. — JnUntBleger nianod to tbla country July i fiom Vienna, wbere be baa been for a year under Ibe tninlug of ctpoblo vocal inttiuclura. He baa IKOO engaeod for two yeara by Manager Geo. Ed' wanla, of Lnndoo, Eng.,and will open at the Broad- way Theatre, tbla city, In Ibe rrinclpal liaritone role ofllllben and Cair'anew comic open, "Ula K.<icel leniy." — "The BatlaiHd Woman" la the title of a new play upon which Ohts. II. Hoyt la aabl to be en- gaged. Tbe theme leUt of the potalble reanlta of women controlling polliica and pnbUo aiMn gen- emilv. _—Frank McOormaok has aigned trlth DaTia A Reogb<a "Uovm In Ualo" for naxtttaton. Uali at bit home In Wtahlsgwo, D. a — Manager GutiaveAmbeig haa arranged for an American tour of tbe Seblleraee Tteotilcal Co., an orgnnlialion eiUielr made op of Otrmon peotant*. to negtn BepL w, wllb a dve weeit' engagement at the ntropolllan Opera Honae In thbi clly. The com- pany haa been ealabllahcd tor a nnmbcr ofyean^ and baa a repauuon In Oemanyand Anetn*. U will eoDprta* nineteen people, and lie repenory will conaltt of nineteen pityt, which will deal wltb peat- ant life aod ooitoffla. — Manager Henry 0. Miner baa cabled lo Mana- ger J. Cbaa. Vtvia, of the Fifth AvenueTbeatn, tblt clly, that 111 hcalib will prevent tbe pnpoted Ameri- can tobr of KItnom Dnta, under hit management, Ihe coming oeaion. lie tdda that a lonr may be arranged lor Ihe tetoon foUowlng. — Ulle Akentiom doted her aeaaon June 93, at llallfax, N. 8., and will apend her vacailon at the reaorla near Ibis clly. tbi next aeaaon the bao re- engaged her entire compony,and bi planning to add to ner repertory "A Woman'a Vengeance" and "The Story of a Orioe," two pbtya of her own compoaliion. — Ed. nectett haa ilgned to nl*y Tom wllh Par- sona k Pool'a "D.T. C."Oo. next aeaaon. — Olia Netberaole irlli produce for tbe flrat lime, at tbe llollla Street Theofte, Bootoo.Mato., Hot. 18, Henry Ilamllun'a dmmatlratlon ot Proaper Meri- mee't "Camen." — TbeMoon Alivloggtone Componyckited, Jone 3>, tbey eeaaen ol Bfty week*, dorlog which time they bave nliaed but one nighi. The aeaaon, our Informant eta tea, haa been aucceatfnl beyond ex- pectation. Tbe company will open their next tea- soo about Angott It. — A stock company waa formed In Walerkm. la., Ia*t week, lorelmlld Bnwn'a Opera floute, in that city, at once. Work baa already commenced and will be puibcd at fast aa poaalble. Tbe theatre la to be built of brick. —Tne Sheridan Aodiloriom Co., at Sheridan,Wyo. hot organized, and will soon begin tbe conttmcilon of on andltorinn. Hie alage will be 40xeo, ao aa to n*c the regular alze of portable acenery, and room enougb will be left In rnnt lo aeat one Ihoueand people. The captlal atock of tbe compooy la In abarea of $U> each. Olllcere have been elected, and tbe fouowiog oboeen aa a board of Iniatee*; L II. Brooke, K. Oilletle, J. 0. HItbop, B. F. Perkioa and 11. A. (Joffeen. Much credit It due J. 0. Bbibop, the originator of tho ocheme, for bit penovennc* lo bringing 11 to a aucceaaful lasue. — Bruce L. ntldwln, wldelf known In the circni profenlon oa performer and monager, will have charge of tbe adverilalog and routing of the "Eve- ning wllb Uickena" Co., wblcb open* In Chicago in Beplember. Oeorge Day will lie ibe conlmcmr, and apeclal acenery ana poper will featore ihe Tenure. — Tho "In Old Tanneiaeo" Co. will conaltt of Iblny people, headed by Eonieat llonn and Nom Allen, and Include, among otbera, E. I,. Uallon.Uay Forrsat, Button Clarke, Jonea liroo., 0. A. Craft, Hotter niuicber, Ai. Wiiluma, Alice Bmlih, G. Tripp, Haute Clarke, Prof. Levy Payne and band of twelve female picanlnnles. — AI. Teeley wriiea that bbi aeaaon It nesriy liooked, with all week iranda. Tbe aeaaon opena In Nonltlown, i'a., Sept. 23. — Nolea from Allen Alllil'aCu.: We have lieen doing a veryaallofaotoiy iHialneaa in Nonhem Now Y'ork Ihe entire Summer, and ara about atrengtlien- Ing Ibe allow for the Fall and WInlcr aeaaon. Wo will ahorily alait for our regular trip through New Jersey anil tbe Roat. We are on tbe St lawreiice HIver. For Ibo next four week* and during tbo month of Augiitt we will lie In Ibe Adirondack*. — 0.0. Stocking will pilot Ibe Oiraer Comedy Co, tbla aeaaon. Ilbi wife, Bewde H. Spencer, bat aigned wllh the aamo company. Time, Mr. SlooKIng wrilca. It nearly all liooked. New paper and apeclal scenery will be carried. — P. Bumker hat signed wllb Ruiaell and Hay'* "The Hold," to do lead cumedy and manage the euge. — W. F. Ileiiilcraoii, manager of llenderaon'* Dig Comedy Co., aliteH tliat be It booked almo-it aulld for noxt aeaaon. Ilia repenory Includes three new playa, bla own property: "A Sailor Hoy," "U*r- glna" and "Tbe Rdllor's Iiaughler," for which special acenery bi now under conatncUon. Tbe rosier Include*: L. E. Waliera, W. N. Bmilh, Andy Adtmi, Frank lio Leon, TTumen Jobneon, Edwin Cuabman, I>. II. Ilabliena, Ckrrie la Hoyno, Maud llazleli, La Belle Ledlo, Maieuo, Mm. Bellemore, Utile Friday and Itaf. Lovin'a uniformed band ot twelve pieces. Goo. II. Price, tbe dlaaolvlng view entertainer, will go in advance to boom the otmc- tlOD. Tlie Beaton opens Jnly 29. — Uwrenco Evalt la lumnwring at Turner Farm, Silver Uke, N. Y. Hr. Eratl waa wllb Katberinc Ruber and Lolhrop'a Slock Co. but aeaaon. — 8coU Raymond'* Ooraedlona have Jiwl entered llllnolt aflera lonr of Wlaconnln. lloeler: Franklyn llowaid, Carey Fant, J. A. WenI, Charile Mack, Hlnnle Peart, Hlllle Barrett, Dolly. Armour, Venlla Irrlngand Scolt Raymond, manager. — Ben IL Warner, manager of the Warner Com- edy Uo., wTliestbat bla company 1* playing to good bualneaa for tbi* lime ot the year, and wllTaUy out all Snmiuor, playing right up to r«lr daice, which commence In August, aul of which he bae bbiibare. At Fairmont, Mluu., June 24 and week, the company did an excellent business, turning people away three nigliU In the week, tbe company not only en- joying big bualnosa, but being well entenolncd by Ibo clilzenaot the olty. — Jamea F\ llohin hat been engaged aa band maalar for Salter k HanlnHi "U. TT0." Co., and is Ihe Bummer at Pern, Ind. Mane Uurrougb*' application for a divorce from her buebaud, l/Oult Has*en, was, ou July 0, again refused by the conn* in San FrancbKo, ual. 11— Hanagera Ueuck A Snyder hove booked Walker wbllealde for a brtof engagement at ibe Herald Square Theatre, this clly. In tbe latter daya of Sep- tember, to do a round uf Shakctpetreon and classic playa. — Manager John W. Dunne hn* engaged Florence Wlckea to Join the cnmiMny which will aiippon Ubidya W«illi In ber coiiilug producllou* ot "Fanchon"Bnd a new play, "Neiiniaka." llio lour will beglu at MoVlckct'a Tbratre, Chicago, III., Aug.!«. — Note* from ibo Crow Blalen' Co.: We played at I'rairle Clly, la , Ihe night of July 4, to on overHow- Ing bouse, and will play the Orangemen'* Celebra- tion, at Doer Rlvor, July 13. Tne regular acoton will open early In AugusL Tbe iwople re-ongogcd ore: the iMvi Slateis (Lenno, Uiplui aud bellle). Elate Cole, J. Kari Uanlngton, A. J. Cole, Jole F. Switzer, 11.8. Unw and Lillle Stewart Swltzer. J. Etri Barringtou waa made a K. of P. Juno 27. J. F. Bwitier wua conaldembly bun lu a runaway July i. Uo was thrown from a carriage, ulriking upou bbi bead and alioulden. lie waa cut about Ibo bead and face, collar bone fraolured and two ribs broken, lie la resting very well and expccis lo be ready for the openbig lu AuguiL — Harry A. Itosi, comedian, haa tigned wllb FItz t Webaier'n "Uieer.y Time" Co. for next aeaaon. Itlaaald IhatLaum UIggar made anexorlleni ImprmaloiiiiiBL Paul, Minn.,ln tbe leading femlnlue role lnUoyl'a"AUiackBhoep"Co. She only received tho part from Playwright Uoyl two daya previous to her appearance In tbe role, studying ni nNir«, and wllb one nbearaal upon her arrival Uiere, Miss UIg- gar will reiun to New York in Angual lor rehearsal wllh Uojt'a"A Trip lo Cblnatowo," In which oho will aUr next season. Jointly wllh Burt Uorerly, un- der tbe management of the IL S. Iteylor Hanagera' Exchauge. WASHINGTON. BeatUe.—At the Seattle Theatre Frobmania Ly cvuniThMlro oioivh July a, II, J. K. Kmiubll^Tr. CuapHArt TnaAraa—T. J. Qulon A PlArsoce Lyteirn Oo. Naan a iraek'* tninaenient 30, IQ "StontibeataD" and 'A Nbtbt Oir." lo a b'l tioiiH. LaiCHi I'laa TKBAvaa.—Tlia H. K. Tnach Slock Co. la dolnx ftlrbanlaesaln "tlovn IlieSlorio" nllh Ooorhllaai anadillllDnal allractlou. "Jllchitl BlrogolT' dM fairly well Tvekoin Uahimix riNK THaAvat —The Maileao Qrtlievlxm, AnDilmuKtudllnai|{om«rj,aQd B. B. Baker ami Milt. Ilnwafd otollaue. UAa Ho. i.ol Uie Kewarndlcale IUlO»^ arrived June B, Willi Cnai.lIeUon Id cbaim, anU fbl. Norrlik boM hiH pcMar: Jobn Maabr, llUioftrmphdr; W. & OenolngloD, Kolaf aatat; Ja#. Savaxe. Jolin Uanon, Oeo. Lakt, •n i:oiwII/, Billy KInh. Ollg Ufflnnld. Oiunt aeliolii. Hairy llnrk and Jim Uuipliy. Tha abov cornea It. ia,—The Tkcoma Theatre reopena July lo, . team ITiaatr* Oooipuir. Tbe Lucell-Palmtr OiiiHdr conenti, J. K. Eaimelttl, "JaM*>aaL ttixm Svaaav TasiVRS—Tnubadour HaadDllo Com- rally 1 Tba IIIgglB* WahlroB Compeay oomaaarAr on* -mm. Nair orkat HvaoioAva Raova oonia II. NEBRASKA. Omaba—llnyt'a"ABUck Sheep" will be pre- nultJ ai B«)U'> Tb<au« JilrdlO MtaaferBor a*Bi,eftlioo«wrnlahlooTba*tn^bta retamed ftom-t loDg nay la .Naw Vork, whan he aaceatdtd la booking a atnagllseoraltraetlonilbrUMntwtbtaln. Tbalnun will be opoead Aai. it, <llb "Iba Mtaqitnden.'' £.5- niaaaijr of Ike Bovd, U bllftw York, boeklag taiaOlona fbr bia booas. Variety and Minstrelsy MigiogR T. K- MilOO U BummeiIng at Bath Brncb, L. I. He haa completed amngementa for the next aeaaon of hi* Cliy Clob Co., which Is booked aolld for forty-two weeka. Special acenery, con*la^ Ing of Ihlriy-two pieces, la being painted, and new wardrobe will be nrcd for the opening, "Clly Club In Gay Paree," and Frank Uumool'a new burieonue. The foliowlni people bare thus far lieen engaged: Fannie Eveieu, Ruby Marion, Carrie Fallon, Mil barn Slttera, Anpblo Rrb, Ollle Alherton, Bertha Douglas, Ooi* While, Mllltn Nelton, Hands Wright, Julia Myem, Era VTileon, Marie Overton, Edna Mel Tllle, Ohariea V. Beamon, Ponlo and Dlko, Bany Bryant, Tom Nolan, Fred Bulla, Tom Rooney, Ed, Miller and Ibiben Fulion In ndvance. Itebcaraala win commeace July a, and tbe aeoson will be opened In Ptillodclplila, it., Ang. 10. BirxT EHimaon, the veteran minstrel comedian, boa liecome Impreaaed wllh ibo growing import- ance of the Touderille buaineaa, and aa a leanlt be haa signed for next aeaaon wllh Weiier k Field*' Klodpal company. Before he opens wllh Weber A olds, however, he will make a farewell tour over the B. F. Rellh conilnnont performance circuit. niJIcxsoM AMD HtmHS luve Juat lllled fuiir weeka St HI. Qemona, Hleb.,and opened attbeOrpheum Theatre, Ban Francltco, Julys. Ro<mA>oNaTBSFSoa IliLLADASiiBnAn'stXi.- We are louring tbeprorince ot Nova Bcoila for tbe Hummer moatbs. The rosier: R. I>. H. Baroaiead Jr., Wizard of Ihe Norib, and bla palace ol llluslont; Iltrry Hills, piclures in the oir, or fata morgana; Ulchtrd Hoines, comedlin and character change, Inlrodoclng elglit different cbaraclsre, and hIa dancing apeclalllle*. and W. Il.TnlbnIt, comic singer and lianjoitt, alao abadowgmphlst. Arthur Darn- aiead Isln advancp,Carrio Howard, niiieical direnor. nils 1* our flrat week out and wo bave done well conildering tbe bard limes in Nova Scnila. It Is very doll here ihia aeaaon, the liest attraction* hav- ing done no business whatever. Major Eyouaii ho* signed with Violet Cameron's Otllant SIxly-nlnih Olria for next season. Oairk Ezras baa Just closed on eight weeks' en- gagement In Boaton, and boa returned to this city to play an eogtgeiiieoi In one of tbe roof gtrdent. DOLrn COLLIKS, of Pnrcelle and Oollln*, waa a Ourrm caller Jnly2. The team la workingln Ceniral PennsylTanla. To> HiBsm SOBAiFXR Axn Mom closed a aiiccess- fiil engagement at Moore'* Wonderiond, Detroit, HIcb., and an realing at ML Clemens, HIcb., Ibe guests of Mrs- Kick Norton. Gusus W. Monroe, the corpulent comedian of "Hy Aoiit Bridget" Co., makes his ant appearance In conllniioue performance next week, at B. P. Kelth't notion houne. Tbbi engngemeni, was made by llealdenl Manager Pynes, of ibe Union Square, Btwhich Iheatn' Hr. Honroa will appear July 22. jonN W.Jiss AKD Eo. HoNcniKi'F Will form a partnerahlp- IIARIT uuTXtH bat Joined hands wllh Fred PeloL UONNIE Mryrii aenda news of tbe death of her father, Jodgo S. Meyer, In Sanlo Cruz, CAl. Tbo renuina were lakon to Cleveland. 0., for burial. Mlaa Never did not know ot her failier'a talal ni- nes* until abe received iiewa uf his death. Jos. 0. llrnnBi, of Smiond*, Hughe* ami Raalun. will work wllh Ullc* IViakley, uie of Bums and Coakley, alter July 2P,lna new bbick face act. The roLLOwiKii have nlgned with Ulcbords A Pringlo's UtnaireUforiiextneason: Billy Kernands, Eugene Illllmnn, Robl. Vernon, Neil Moore, Uoliby Kemp, tfiimh Craig, Jalron, Plckontnny ({iiartct, Reeao Bro.*., Ilrown and Thomas. Jaa Ijxcy, W. u. Teirr, I>. ■>- nice, Jolm Riueon. S. B- Fouler, Wni. Lacy, Jo*. F. I.eitcli. Crescent Clir (Junrlet (tVatin, Oollfn*. Uecker and Woolen). \f. C. TIedn, Jobn Terry, Owar llndgc, W, A. Riiaco, business msns- ger, wllh O. E. ItlcbanlH, sole proprietor. Tbeir season opens at Ibo Alhombra, Chicago, Aug. II. They travel In their private car, Georgia. LAViiAN,tbefaclallst, Informs us that be buried hia motboron July 1. BTAOi Manaobr Frahx B. Svmi and Superin- tendent E. Z. Oennld, of II. F. Kellli'* Union Square Theatre, BUrted on a two weeks'vacailon July 8- All Ihe Union Square employe* receive a vacailon tbiaaeoann. lAUiat Boh'D, of the Waiaon Slaters Co., bns gone to Ooalia, Nell., for Ibe .Summer. Ollle Waliera ha* gone home lo ObicaBo, III. IlEimiA For la spending her vacation in Chicago, Hna Riu.iR JAOiaoN (Jessie Vance) U stopping wllh friend* In PhlladolpblH, I'a, TniTDKm ANNivRBSAHV Of the Origin of tbo con- Uonoin peifornianco waa celobmied In B. F. Kellh's four play bonne* July 6. It wo* on July e, Itii, that Hr. Kcilli llrtt pot Into cxecnilon bin Idea of an un- broken peiformance at hi* Oist ilosion theatre, which waa colled tbe Gaiely, and whcro Ibe show ran from 10 o'clock In ihe momlog until 10.30 at night. Tin development and Imponanco of Mr. Kellh'n bright nolionnccd hardly be referred to now. lAV AND Famnii i.esije bovo loparaied. CavBTAL Hadelsinb, the ninoieon monllis old daughter of DlUy Pearl, of Marlon and Peari, baa been adopled by ber grandparents, nnd in the future will be koown by bor moiber's maiden name of Dannor. DAMSBiRiiAN baa cousolldslcd with tlioDavos- KnSlslen for next eeoaon. Mile. Davenport will equal owner In "Tbe Palo Killer." Olllien aud Goldy have signed. nuHES AND K>ii.r. tbo Dntch knockabont come- diana, bave closed n successful six weeks' engage- ment at Oonuer'a Imperial Theatre, Coney Itlsiid. PSEDxniox W. Kehno, tho acrobatic Rube Jug- gler, bos closed a siicctasful eeosan over Ibe Proc- tor k Moore Orcult, nnd Is realing at bla homo In Fon Wayne, Ind. Gits. BnuKO Sr., who has Just roluroed from a trip around the worid, goes with Sam. T. Jack's "Adamleas Eden" Co. at principal comedian. nARRV WARD, mnnniogulat, baa been re engaged wllb Harlow Dms,'Mlnairela. Ho la apendlni ibe remalndor of lila vncstlon at Ml. Clemens, tllcb. Hr. Ward will fealurc tbo Pasmabt next season. OLA llAvnxN, contralto aiiiger, tbo so coiled fenisle lisrtlnne, 1* developing her vocal powere at the Cincinnati Oollego of Itiialc. IDA SiDDOKS. who hot Iwen seriously 111, has fully recovered, and la plaj Ingnn engagement In Bostoo, Haas. CRA)it>AU.ANDCLtRR Inform II* Ibat after they have mini In four week* In (Mnple Greek and Piicliki., Col., they will rest for the Summer. Korxa Akbkt g. E. Lomnnp'g imeton Extbr- prtace.—Mr. lAihrop. during bis visit abroad, baa made conimcta wllh some of the liest taiont known to the vsiidevlllo stage. Wni. McAvny, Mr. Lolhrop'a manager, le siiperinlcnding tbe many Im- provenienu now being mode at Iho Howard, where pUalereis, carpenicn and riccomloraare being kept exlremely Iniay. The Grand Huseum will uiidergu many allenilnnsand Improvemeuls,and llspslron* will scarcely recognbu tbo bouae when presented for their Inspecllon, The now manager is Jay Hunt, wboae energy has earned for bim the puMllon to which he baa ticen ekirated. Geo. L..OiigNKRi, hutlnea* manager ot WbaUen A Uirteirn "South Ifefoin ihe War,'' wrilca to The CuprsR lelling ot tbo pleature he la having doring bla vacailon in Ihe heart of ibe Cotshlll Uounlolns, where, wllb hi* wife, be Is enjoying Ihe bospllall- lle* of Manager Honell'n Summer home. Hr. Chen- nell incldeolally remarkn that all amngemenls an completed for Ibe next season, and says Ibat tbe company promises to bo the best ever engaged In tbe presentation of the pleco. Till SiRTKHS MannozA hove closcil a successful engagcmtnt of iwn week* In Kanaa* City, Mo., and are at Lagoon Park, l^nclnnall, where they are till- ing a two weeks' engagement. TBI Blacr HASCotre, Al. and Mamie Amlonwn, will open their season at tbe Howard AtbcnRum Boaton, Man. Wh. II. llAHitioii, the grand opera basso, bos lelned the continuous porformance ranks, and will be tiearri In the all doyond evening thowa. July 23. atKellhtUnlonSquareTbeatre. - w Vtni«T N. Ub Vol was morried to John Jooeph Ftannery, profenlonally known at Uoword Powers, on June IS, In Oblcogo, III. RosrKs OP Poin.utN A Viotorblu's larERiAi, Merrymakers.-Tbe victorellls, I'oulbiln end Lee, Chot. Fuller, Hoorice Tncbmon, Lola Poulloln and the TbuRllo. H. Tuchraon it bnalneas mon- oier and musical director, and Obas. Fnller la In charge of properilea. Mat Wai«u, isle of Boh Fllzslmmona' Oo„ and Frederick Ireland, of tbe team ol Mlica and Ireland, were nurricd In Chicago, lu., on July I. They re. celvtd many handsome nreacnis from their friends. CUARUa A. ALLBN, wtio wot Joaeph nortt first partner In Ihe variety biitlDCM, nuies hi* vaads- vine roappeamnce la a fonulgbt at Kcltb'a Dolon Begin Theatre. Wu. OairpiK AKD Edwin DoRoia baveBnlabed Iheir ibiee months' engagement st the Empire, London, Eng., and are engaged for all weeks u tbe BstabUthinentBInmeotAle, Munich, Oer. SouiiiMi AKD BiBTKNi havs Signed wtlh tte FieiiohroUjOo.forii«xl John F. Pinja bos secured (^arlea F. (bilolie'a Irenpe ot iralued nnskeya for next aeaaon for hIa Drawing Csrda Oo. He has alto engsgtd Joeef I a Flour, the French acroiMt, from iba Folllea Rer- geres, Paris, Fr.; HcQtnby and Reynolds, Irinh comedy tkeb-h, and Ukir and Cheats, the Sia Pianclaco team of lilab coracdiana. The seanon opena Aug. IT, at Newark, N. J. Tne atar of the company will lie Joe Flynn, who will alao play the leading pan In ihe afterpiece, "Sullivan's Flirta- tion." InslneHi Manager James D. Flynn U sllend- Ing to tho prellnliiaiy dclalla of the printing, which will be lllbographcd In four colore by the Calrcri Uthograph Co., of Delrolt, Mlcb. Dot Lomnor and her l.iltle daughter, iienricil*. are apendlng a few weeka wllh MUs l/uhrop'n father In Sooili Hancbealer. Ci. COAS. K. Davis, Irominnlst, and J. E. Gray, cor- nelllatj have signed wllh Coleman A Heaglcr-* Uln- sirels for next arnann. They open In AngoaL TBB Wateriury Broiueiis, muslclant, have formed a parrnenhlp with Charirs Kenna, come- dian, and will next seoaon produce on original comedy mnslcAl ocL Woterbniy, KennoondWoter- bnry will he one ot the principal features trilb ClisriCB Kenna't Hlnairols, opening lo AngoaL Tub Eukoke BurtRS, who were among lost week's performem at Ihe Conlnl Open Uonao Music Hall, wen erroneously msde to appear oa the Elmore eislere In our last bnoe's onnouucenent of the list of altnacllonn there. HR8. Jis. Hanlin, wife of Manager Lanlln, of ibe SUnilonl Tbenira, Puclilo, Col., died In Ibal clly Juno 28. ilARRT AND PSABL SOAFiR havo Jost Closed a tuccessfnt engagement of leu weeka around the Virginia watering places, after an absence of seven yeore on the Poclilc coosL PiquBRBrrz, ihe droll danaeiiar, wriiea from Mi- lan, Italy, that sbe Is surprised lo see announce- ments of ber appearance In the roof gardens of tbla city, snd expresses ber contempt of performeis who trade upou ihe d.iuo and rapuioilon of otbei* Mne. Paiiiicreite will play In Noplrs, Italy, unill Aug. 3. she will Jolu Tony Pastnr'a Company in ihia clly In October. Ehma Wesnbr, who was known oa a song and dance performer nnlll her marriage to Tbeo. c Lefovre, when Hbe retired from the stage. In 1801, commenced an action for absolute divorce through her counsel, J. F. Hllllken, In tbe Superior Court, Jul; 3. • WATBON AND DcPHEE opened In the American Theatre Roof Oorden, tlila clly, July 1, and were re- engaged for Ihe week. Tliey are closing tho olio. Next season they go wllh ' O'lloollgan's Masque- rade," opening Aug. 26. Cora Hoott w*r a ci.irrsR caller July e. She rc- Uiiued June 26 from her lour Id Bonih America wllh Scbumsn't Vaudevilles, where Ihe company wot en- joying pruaperily at ihe lime of ber departure. GEO. HBEKRK, of HBEKBR AND llAOE, WOS O rER culler recently, and Moled that the new song, "Uo, IMno, I>o," dedicated b> Ihem by Ibe Cregg PublUblng Co., Is 0 hIL Edward Lbsije informs ns tliot bo bos purchased a bandtome Uueeii Anue colbige on Avenue B, Flal- bush, L- I. Mr. and Hrs. Leslie will make It their home for the future. Maurice Baob, of Tbree Ko-Daka, Is apendlng the Summer roontlui wlib his wife In Philadelphia, Pa. lAJuiiiE Blakciiahd was presciiled by her utbor Willi a lot adjoining bin nursery ranch, In Spokane, Wash., OH a blnhdiiy gin. Horeland, TiiOMFtUH AND Ovsil bo'vo JUBt closed 0 two weeks' eiigagemeut atUozart Park, Wheeling, Wesl Vs., and open at Electrio Pork, Kankakee, III., July 16. They will go lo tljo I>aclllc coast next season. Tns rtatesirkt made to un lu writing last week by Sam Dcfsauer, that be bad liooked James Thoni- lou's Vaudeville Co. for six weeks on Ibe B. F. Keltb circuit for next neoiion. Is explicitly denied by Uie inanaKemenI uf that drculL It Is added tlittnocomblualluuaare booked, or will be booked. In tbe Keith liouses. RECETENOAaeiiBKTa with tbe (^rmellia Valdcz Cu. are: Lo Uhcvoller Sisters, Ada and Ulllan; Vic- toria Vtslelinn, Ulnelia Vcreon, Harry J. Matliows and Prof. F. M. UcAuley. LEoroLDO FHEU0I4 scuds nowB of his successful Uinr through Suutb America. IL 3. Tasrbh bos taken a female portner, and will go out wllb O. O. Uall's Fuiimokera next season. WxsroN, club expert and slago manager of Sanger's High Class Vaiidovllle Co., closed June a. Nick MuBrav, Islo of John L- Snlllvsn's com- pouy, oud Frank llurlon, late ol Palmer Co.x'h "Brownies," have Joined bands and will sail for London, Eng., July 13, where tliey are booked at tbo Alhombra, Uahpiko asu An Sin report doe tnccess In Ibe West and SouibwosL The blier had quite a reccp- llon at Kaiuna City, Uo., bla home, uu July :! Ulle. Olive, tlie Juggler, was presented wliti a gold mounted baton by tne Second Roglmenl, of Kansas City. LOU, Ibe Pereinn dancer, 1* at Kohl i Ulddle- ton'a Huaeuin, Clibago, and ban been ro-engaiicd for on Indellnlle period. NOTD rnoii II. Sciiuuann's Vaudeviu.b IXi —IVc are nieellng wllb miccess In Venezuela. All ure well except Oora lloutL who has relumed to Amor- lea In |ioor beallh. Englobart and Raymond, In fancy rino sliooling and feneing, are big feolures- In four weeks we will bo in UiazU, and we rotorii homo about Christmas. ToB Flbtciiers, comet dnettlBts,are spondbig tlie Snmnier ot Sen Qlrt, N. J. CABTEtLET asd Uali., after 0 successful season, win rest for Ibo Summer oi tlioir home In Indlsn- opoUs, Ind. Notes anbktthe new Tennis Tbeatxe— When Ibe Tennis, fonnerly tlie Clark Street 1 heotro, opens on Aug. 18 Chicago will have one more fhmtly Uiea- tre, aud line lo lie proud of, as It wUl be tbo bond- Honietf conilnuous performsnco house west of Bos- ton. Tlie present lensec*, Charles 0. Tennis, Clnr- cuce U. Peoples and Dora Wiley Tennis, bave leawd tho thcairo for dve years, and are renovating it from lop to liounm, lioih mtertorly and exteriorly' Thev Kill have the highest suhiried vandevUle per from lop to liounm, lioih mtertorly and exteriorly. Thev Kill have the highest suhiried vandevUle por- fnrmors and a Orel ela«s stock company, with u weekly change of dmnias, presenung notblug bnttbo lieat'. Among ibe people olreooy engaged for the Tenuis Sbiuk Oimpony are: Florence Uiin- ilion. Flora UcKee, Ltzzio Monlgomory, Qeoign bird, Thoma* Kcugh, Andy HoKceondAllan llnnip- ton. The Williams Trio, Swiss bell rtngeis, vocalists aod iniiHlclnnA, bavo Jiiiii closed a eucceatful two weeks' ongogeinont at Lincoln Pnrk, Fall lllvcr, Mna<i., and bave been re-engoged for two weeke lu Auguit and Scplonilier. Tliey are resting ot Ibclr home lu Fail River. A couRBD rnunuaioNAL CLun has been organ Ized In Uslllmore, Ud., wllb the rnlkiwlng enrolled OS oillccra nnd mernliere: II, R. Morion, presldciii; Jobn Oavbi, vice pre:<ldenl; Will Gross, O. Miirni)'i bob an!eii,Kid ToImiii, Alf. Uamori, Tom Oniper, Joe Petcnon, EdwanI cuoper. Hawk Edwards soil Ibe .Mbamiim aud KA.Mem Spring (juArtoL Tlio lieadquancre are preparoil for tho nccpllou of pro- fessionals when Ibey visit that city. I'liii,. AND Bessie Maiibr are at Kohl k Middle- ton's Uiimiiim, Hliinespoils, Minn., tlils week. Ar.-G- FiBi.D win hove two inlnsinl companies lui tbe TtMil noxt scsaou. Tbe largur ot tliese, which will lie kiioirn as tbo Al. 0. Field Minstrels and UtopU, will consint ot sixly people, all uf whom will In while, it will open Ib< season Aug. 17. The other company, the Al. G, Field Heal Negro Uln- tirebs conMaUng of forty gouulneSouthern negroes, reprctuiiiaUve of Darkest America, opened lU aea- aon July -I, at Columbua, o., where It iiloyed to largo business, and where Its cntliiudssilo rocepilon gave pronibHi of a successful career. Uai'DE Uatis bi at tbo BIJoii Tboam;, Norfolk, Vs. UIss lidvla will open at Ihe Paluce TiicaIre, Clare- land, 0., July 22- Gboriib K. Roobrs Jr. will oali for l/):u\on, Kng.. on July 13, to loin hla father, who bun been In Lou- don some weeks. Kdov Siiaynr and bis wife, H-u Wonlcn, mo ejieridlug tbe Summer wllh friends ot Red llaii^', Tnt Two Sr. RBUioe ara meeUng wllh ancccss iii Olovelond, O., where tboy are oppeoring with Pnlnc^ "Lalloh Hookh." • At Frbd. Scuwabb's Colombia Garden, AUanilT Clly, N. J.: Adam Sblira, comettlat: Anna Itblnr- bardl, operatic slnirer, and William KoliU Sr., ill- rector of tbe Hussar Bond, ore engaged this wccK- ORECON. Portlaaid.—AtOordray'aTbeotra IbonigglnaA Waldron Dmnalle Cnmpaay did a good bualneaa waek •f June 14 Tlth <The EMIata of Hannibal Roir*." "May Blonwm" «m pal on Jnly I. AxiiarsRa—Lll'l.r niondell. Lou Vouiod. Onu« Layor. Edwanl Blomloll, ritire gitnler ami Malwl RtMle. UHTna—Tlia Uurcliert Ladla^' OrthentB. ' TlTOlL-Banlia ganoct, MIm Ralky, SlualL BloKr Bltura La Moot Slalani and LlUlaa Maaoo. Hoaaran'sKtwTHRivRaCoifiQoa—Tariatyeooilon**- Noria-RoMrt Blal la at pranat la Rav York f:llr irpretMlllnR Maoaaar lulllt, of ibe Manioam OnM. l<-r lha parpoaa of oagmaloE a eeoipaay of varialr Pe"'"?^ an. n* tliaatra will pieaMt vandavnit Mrf»nnanc4^ loi^ Uuw Boalha' ataaoo, wllb Ikeqaaal eitaEta o( bin