New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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201 THE ISTEW YORK OlilPPER. July 13. KtiTD'a Unioh H<)i)iiu.-Ba>In<m wan verjr Uf nt IbU boDiK Hondaj, Jnir a, wlitn to tUmcUTe hill ol niletr renlle)] from tbe niuil utMr oliugo oC Mil. Al night all llie leati were Oiled Id nplio ot iho humldlijr thtt prevailed oiilol doom Tlio nr<l apimmnco at Uila lioun of Oeo. Tbatcher, )ltnT(iliroll,llie Blxicn IfavUionie, Adellu Ifanl- ilnaand thoTtinellllon Urotlien and tbe local In- tiodncUon ol a tketcb ij Obat. V. HeombT, addi coDddenblo Intereat to tlie corrent btll <i>r ibe resular natnu of tbli bouie. Bmltli tod Camp- hell, a bnce of exlnmelf kIIIt young men, won qntck aaccca tor tbelr oroUeiT, and Albortoa and Btimm, two adepta at liick and fancjr dab iwlnglng, wen Juailr accord- ed oncli applauHO tor Uielr downUgbi clever work, dec. Tbatcuer and lUrj ailtoll made lioftj of trleoda, and Ue Three Mllon Oroibon proved tbem- Mlven to bo clever ttUetea. The Tbreo BUlsn Ilawtbome made an ezceedlnglj ravorsUo Inprea- liawtbome made an ezceedingij ravorsuo unm- Hmlih and Conic, the ronr aardneiv, Uenie Her- nlon wbon tber drat appeared In atrlUb and at- noide, U Feilla Adolaldo, Alonxo llalch, Uulole C'KXTML iiraiA Ilovsr! HcBio lliu^ An au- dience iliatmied thli rtwtt alooit 10 an uncom- tonalile degree aanemblcd on Jul/ R, and paaaed a favonblo venllct upon Ibo lilll preitnled for the cnrront week. Wn. A. Mann and Hbortr Ileale; firoved IbemKlveii IhoroiigbiT capable of holding he atlenllcin uf ibeir Hndlinra tor a miicli longer Unw than km nlloued them, tiul (UUagberand Weit, In tbelr droll aketcb, "Tbe Colonel and I," were cerdlnllr greeted anil regreirullf taken leave of. Tbe St. Felix HlHlem wen aim welcomed In a manner whir.b ebnwed that roucb waa expected nttbcm, and tlielrtroik pmvtd tbat tbU expeclaUon waa well founded. Utbera who contrlbiiled verx capable effoitH tu the work uf tlioae above meolloneil were: Tboa J. Clark and Violet fK. Clair, Itomalo Brm., Vrankle llajnca, Ibe aairlaona, Wm. i. UlUaand Frank B. Morton. CieiNO Roop OABDEN-.-Tbi! people appearing berc llilt week are I Jizle'Ueiloiii Half, Annie Han, Hmlth and Conk, the Fonr Oardnetv, Uertle Rej tiacUve coitomea, but uielr cbange In ninent brunihtvrllblt a 10117 danpener to tbe applauae tbernadprevtonalyaronied. Blo/clecloibeaarelll- HiiltadtoUelrphviilcal makeup, and their mnilcal alilltlT far eiceeoa tlieir adepmefti In Itilng to ap- pear acceptable In the aulia donneil tor the clnilnfr portion or tbelr act. The yonng ltdin ring vcrr well Indeed, and tbej lulljr earned tbe applaiuelbejr were Hccorded while beconlnglj alUrcd. Adelliia Hoat- ilna, a joung Italian atrl,wnn cmeldcraiile auceew by hor vocal edorta. Hbo U favored with a pleaant Hinging voice nt generoui range, wblcb alvcHevl- •tenco ol careful training. Cbanei F. HcCatlbjr, alilr aMiUted by Dan Onoiinlnii, IIom Core ant ntbera, put on an amuning aketcb tbai found mticb I favor wltb Uie audience. Edwtnl and Juele Krana | Offered a new nkelch, not quite up to their prevlaiii oirona, but nevenheleiH amuetng, anil Bwlft and Cbaio repealed their pant inicceta In their comcdr inuilcal act Cbaa. Bnvle and Carrie arahnn of- fered an entertaining aketcb, and Uobby Ravnond nnd TbOH. Wolob did an acceptable aerial tnm. Grant and Norton were leen In (a cotnedy iketcb, uiid Wbltnao and Oavla eeaayed a pariidyon a pop- ular play. Tbe bUI ibrougbout leemcd to anrord a generouri amonnt of arauMineiiti and tbe audience vrai nolavetie to oxpretglng lln aallafactlon In frt- ijnentapplauje. OisiKU.—A company under tbe maaigemebt of Ilany Aakin proaented at Uilj houne, on July a, "Tbe Bpblsx," a comic open, In three aclii. book by Wm. Maynadler Brown, and muilc by l«wla B. Tbompion. Tbia work waa tint ptenenled In tbia city aeveial year* ago, at tbeHlarTlieatre, bytbe Ilaaty Padding Olnb, of lUrvard Unlfenllv. Mneo that time tbe work baa lieen rewritten, ana baajuit compleud a tncccnfnl run In IKmIoii. It waa greeted by an andlence unuMially largo for 10 warm 11 night, and upon tbe whole It made a dltUnctly favorable iDpcoealun. It It by no oieaiui a great work, and, In tact, crlUrally conaldcred. Ila nulla are many, but In nothing doea It otimid, and ntrtly, l( ever, la It dull. Tbe autb<ir of the Iwok la entlUed to aomo credit for the legeiida lie bat Invented, and wbloh fonn tbe l>aalt of tbe atoty: but Ibe edldco he baa reared ihen- on contain* too mnoh of old matettti, and la not autnclently ebtbontle. Tbe lyrlcn am not worthy of ptmlie, and tbe ditloaue Ui maned by the Intro- dacUon ot many ancient punt. The Biithor, how- aver, dceerreacommendation for bit iklll In making tbe third act wiual In Intereat to llioia whioli uro- vode It, a feat rarely acconipllibed. IIU hippleiit olTOrt, however, la the quick and unexpected llolali, which fumlabca an altogelber agrtcntile aur- prlto and dlaplaya a pretty wIL The itnry of the work having already appeared In our ttolumiit. It IH only neceiuary to Mtato that It hae for Ita pnnclpnl ibeme a love epl- MOde In tbe life ol Uathor, the iptrtt ol tno KTcat Bphinx, who, allbougU the la ton tbuiimnd yoara old, haa retained tbe bloom ot yiHitli, ami In Bllll a beautiful and faacloatlug woman. Mr. Tlioinp. ■00 hat fumlthed a niuidual letting for the work whioh atn>rda coaatant oojoyinent lu iiptte of Ila siutny faults in toiiie portloni of hla work be tbowM that ne la not without original Ideat, bulilieKreaier part ot ble tcor* la renilnuceut. He haa. however, Holeotod pleaaing ibenioa, and bin work, wlihout Itelug at all commonplace, poiacttea tu uuuaual amount ot mtlodio ohanii. tilt inualenVtuaie. bow over, It tupetlor to cither hit knnwiodKenr akill. for union ol hit work la ol vory fauliy cuuatniciloo. Taken at a whole, liowover, ilie work laenJoyalilOi and In Ita elieot upon au audience will vonipaie ra< vornblv with moat ol the recent comto oiiema. Tdo caal might readily be ImpiQvetl. Tbe aecimd coiiie- «ly rolo, enlxuated to Waller Allen, la not very bU' moroiit, ami It would be well to conildar more thoroughly tbe vocal deuiamla ot the role. In hict, with agood baaao In the part there woukl lie oppor tiinlty lor giving needed variety to tbe aolo num- liem. Laura Joyce-Uell alto addt nothing to tbe muBlrnl eiltooUvenota ot the work, nor la there any Infection In her comedy. Itarle HlUatd, however, who had tbe principal alnjilug role, luado a very favorablebnpreealon. Bbeliatapteaaltgvolce.or Sood range and conaldeiable ne.xlbuity, and alio lorougtaly deaerved the nunierout recallH abe re- ceived. Uer voice la not oteveo quality Ihnxigbout lu reglaler, but It la partlcnlarly good U Ita upper note*. Edward Buveua, In uo priuelnal oimedy role, won the boniira ot the octaolon. The author baa given him very little materttl to work -with, but tlr. Btevona U thoroughly capable ot creating a part, and hu work In thla role bad lieen catetully conaldered, and vraaottxcellentODlah. It waa a neat and well tuthilned hit of obaiactar act- ing, and nuerly devoid otbuOoonery. A.n. Klugtley aiid OhnaUe lloUonald were blatrloolcally and vocally oapaMe, and were In allrei|>eotttboroughly acceptable, me work hi well let and prettily ooa- turned, The ebonia la large and quite eSbellvo. The opera la well tulted for the Bummer aeaaon, and will do well II Itmeete wIltaMicreaacoinmenanr ate with lit deaerta. It waa ttaut catt: Prof. IMsynia, iMwIn Btevena; TbU, Walter Allen; Neferkeia, A. 8. KIngehsv; Neolanobo, Carl ilnrlberg; Ur.nilmnliui, Tallinadge Baldwin: rteoeha, Laura Joyce-llell: Hhatra, Obrlatle Holionald; Anatli, Hyra Nllea; nily Itoleiny, Kale Trayer: Fanny Rameaea, lAulao I-ojneet; Ilathor, Harte Hlllatd. Iltoctoa'B TugATnK.—The cool teupeiatnre and excellent programme provided at tbb Iiouae liad the enbel of nearly milng Ibe auillioiloni Jely a. Hcveral ol Ibe nnmben are old lavetltea at tbit houio and met wllb ilalletlng rccaiillom^ KItle Adair and Waller Vunderllp, In abnMc; IllUe Kketch ronclnding with a preliv dtuce, were recalleU; Ibe Four Kmperom ol Mude, In their dfleclablo mix- ture ot tun and mualo, added to Iheir popularity; Mllmon and Meiton caiiieil beiny Uiighter; Made- line llarahall aang and danced; Meleonia, Joggler, Hhadowgrapber and preatldlgliateur, pirated with hU work; Claudlue produced teveial novel dincei; Ward and Ijnob'a act waa avpteolatcd; Ulc. lUr- llnl'a feata of contortion w«rc uitciaatlng; Kennedy and (Juinn, In l*'elr comeuy act, proved to bo good eiiiertalnoia; Aldt Armour, uitlo chancier Imper- Honator, looked and auted well:Cbta. II. Btanioy, Faiuiy Bu t^UIr, llergere and Haoie, and AUaa, a df xtrona Juggler, an alto luoludctl In the bill. K09IKR A ui«i.'a Though the bill oUbred hen for Ihhi week la not a aperlally allnoUvo oll^ eilll It aened toatliael every Urge audience on Monday night, July 8. The American debut of Boiiorlta Balud Matllurz, .M|ianlth linger and dancer, an- nounced for night of a, did not occur, through, we won Inloniied, the non amval of aonie of thoMdya rnatumea. She will appear later In the week. New reaturea of Ibo piugiaiunie tor Ibli week tn: flarry KViy, ecceuuio coiuodbiu; Fielding, the Jiingtor; Walton and Ilupne, comedy akotcti: llutb and Cllilbtd, lu their clevor aketcb, and tUrtellt and lielluul, with their pertoruiJng coekaloot. Thou who bold over era the Bitten Meirlllea, llatlvet, OlalretM Agnew and the Kgier-Hclntr Troupe or Tvnletn aingera, who gained ue beariltHt applaate of the evening tor their tweet MngUig. Tbe mined ooekatooa deaorre a apeclal woni of coniuiemlatlon, aa nothing better lu Iheir way haa been seen It tbIt Cltr llaranl,Ma7Je King, Ufyden and Mitchell, and the Leigh Bitten. Oawin TaRiTRR.—"Trilby" contlniiea to draw well at thla bouae, although the atundance U tomtwbat Injurloualy affected tiythe beat. It be- gan on July a the ihlruwnUi week of lu run. Wm. II. Tliompaou U now doing excellent work In tin role ol Hveiigall. UADtwN Hgi'AU nnop aARiiKX.—For Ibe week ol July H Hie amiiaement la luiitUhcil 17 I'hIIIlM Allen, Johnnie Carroll, llcnneiin, h'raiik Uuin, llrooka lien- ton and Uaaman, l«tlle (IIImd, freu RIdredge, Tonalad*. Fnnk Uwton, ltulh,I(otl!a liu Couraty and uutlale'a canluca. NEW YORK STATE. BraoklTB.—The Bummer ahowa have had a hanl lime Uirlvlog llila Mawm. Rrvnllilog liaa 1>UM tRaioat Uiam, and tltalralajr In Ihli vlriollr liaa bean el pliorLiluraUoo. Kvan "llluk Autertra,'*Uitbc'loriliein alt, will loava hero to a rewtoore darn. While Iba aliow haa iigt mule a mlDl otniooajr,It larlatjlwl llha« notloal any. Maoliatlaa ami BrlKliU>n Haaeliaa, vbeie enlartala- oieDta liaVB liean Tar mora attraollra Uila leaioii Itian aver barnra, aie Dol ilolna tlia runfalDW bualniiM amid- iialwl. Till Indoor plMHaan lliooiifyonea llwt cUiiii lliar liava not l>aen alTMIad l>/ Ilia lail waaUtar. AHiilima riaa.—Tfia panonoaaee In "Black Anar lea" la aa Inuraallna aa it la ualiiua. (tloRloa, ina- air, Ttrlatr and aquaalrlao parfonnancaa (o vt innka up llte lilll. which la a Inna one. and liaa liaaii car*- fiillr anaofoJ. Thnta are a iraat inuir paiaooa la boih llila ctljr and Now York vlio havonol a««n "Black America," and ItUla do lhar raallia what a Iraal titer are nilatlnx. A vlalt ui Ambroaa rariu alinpir 10 witneaa ilia nairm Ilia ai aaaa In tl»« Honor (tiiaUi, wiui hjfl rabUa, cntlon iireaaaa aad olbor atlimctbint. wuuM ainplr raeay aor iMlraon for tbe lrlp.noltoinaii' '' niliaK(«atanunArnmeat that cao beaaannowhara Id thla eounlry, Tfia public ahmiM bear lo mind Uial Uila weak, bfRliinlnD July anarlea" lo tbia Ticlntlr. _ Krouitda and the dallfntrul aatt orar Nav Tork la Iba lart of "Hlact Tlio accaaalbllliy uf ib« Say rmn Uia fool or Whilaball HUaak and Uia iiiaoy aireat car llnaa and tlia •Uralnl railroad ID tnia city ihuuM bo a graal iDdacemaiit to tlia l>oo|ile or Uila vIclDlly. A batlar antarulnmant at ao cliaa|i a price will not l»a tiod Mon aaato. Tba piO' arafiiuia la hi Uiraa porta. Tlia Ural Ua roocarthy Aa- char'B iiillltary band^wlUi rror. Emll Aacharaa conductor. arafiiuia ta hi Uiraa char'B Iiillltary liand.v,H.a iw,.cHu„/% J*an w..c«ind—Tbo dioral portloD of *'IHuk Amarira' ~ny In a grand eoDcart, ooniluctc4 Ijy Wllltain Mi- In m-btrli Ilia rollovlDR take part: JobaJobaooo uaruila. Ham iilDRtauio and iitiartata. Ulna. and ouda witli on oM Caahlon»l Cordeliaaail iiuaruia,a _ _ . cake walk. I'ait tlilrd-A cniiipaor or Iho NIolb U. H. Uaralry, Id llialr iiiualcal rtita aiw drill; Charlaa Julio- MID. Hrutaxiue oioluUooa: croa* cootitry rlile, by The All Araaa< ChaaaplaBahip Waa contended for at the gtoundt of the Kew Jertey Athletic aob, at Bergen Point, N. J., on the Foanh ol July, and the compeUllnnii wen the inoat niuall*- factory ol any ever held for Ibe honor. TUa waa due lo the fact that tain tell heavily almoatthrough, out Ibe day, rendering the track and grounda nnot for Ural clati pciformancea, redudog the number ot conieaunia, and UulUng the specUlon to • few hundred enthuilaala, who failed to detlre any en- inyment fnm their ontlng. L. P. BheldoD, the cnck Jumper and all around athlete ol Yale Unl- venliy, waa Ute In arriving od tbe gnnnda.and wat denied the privilege of conpeilng, which de- tmcled greatly from the Intereat felt In tbe reaolt ot the compelltlon. Tbe managetaent wen willing that be tbouid compete, tint the other enii1ea,recog- nuing the aupetlor ability ol Hheldon, nfured to content, and lie waa compelled 10 he a tpcclator. The reaull of tbe competition wat a victory for John Ooegrove,of the lUdgeOeM AthleUi: Olub,of Altsny, with a icon of 4,tospolnu, leadleg tbe aecond nun, Im. a. Carpenter, Unaton AthleUo AaaoclaUon, by over three hundred polnu. In addlllon to the cbamploo- tblp evenbi there wen handicap track and leld coiiteata and football and baaebtll roatchu. Huni- °'*''' ALL AKOUNO caAiiiMii:«aitir. one AbRdrm aanl« mn.—Woii by JghoCiiaaruvc, RMae- flatt Atblallc iTlob: 1.. n. Caipanirr, noalou AtblaUc Aa- aoclaUon, Hoind: II. W.HiowD, ULWraiiO Y. U.i:. A., Uilnl. TiDia luv. tVoD by a yaid, aana dlltaoca ba- taraan aacooo and tfiln). ... faUtna rA4 lal /Ao(.—Won by Daniel I^na, Hoauio Atli- talle AaxKlaUon, SIL Mo.: ThomaaHltlury, Xavler Alli- lallc AaaoclaUon, iMouil, StTL li^la.: L. A. Carpealar, Boalon AUilallc Aaaoclatlon, Iblrd/Jtll. 4%ln. Xunnlae afuA iuatp.—Won by Jofca Uiarore, BUia- llU AlblalloCloD, ULV4ID.; HIcbaal F. Rwaaoo;, lavlar AUilaila A«aAelaUoa, atcood. SO. 31o.; Oaotal Lung, Boa- loo Alhlatlc Aaaoclatloo, Iblcd, tn. le.'4io. Ualf mUe woJi-.-llaad liaat halwMO Jolia Coaanira, RldftOakl Atblallc Club, toil lilcbaat F. Bweaoay. Xavler Atblallc AaaoclattMi; L. A. i;arpeu)ar, Bo?loD Alblctle CloMhliil. Time. tin. HKi. , _ ,,. nroidnti lAc tca Aoaiaicr.—tVon by Daolal LooiL Uaa- toD Alblalle ABuclatloii. aWL CKIa.; Illctiaet f. Bnraafuy, Xavler AlhlattcAaioclauoD. aacuod, IDt.Tlo.; I*. A.Oar- paolar, Boaloo Alhtotlc Aaaoclatloo, third. SltL 3>«ia. fiAe rouu.—11. W. Broao. MouDt Varaon T. M. 0. A., aiiJ JobD Uoaimva, nidiadaU Alklaltc Club, tiaa lor nral place, 7n.ltKlD.; L. A. CarpMiur, Boalon AUilaUo Aaaoctalloo. Uiliil,Tn.eijlD. ^ Out AuAilRrt and ftpniry vdnu Aanlle race.—Won by JohnCoigruro,KIdiellaUl AUilatIc Club;L.A.CarpaoUr, Uualon Alhlatlc Aaaoelalloo, aacnod; II. W. BlonD. Mount Vamoo V. H. t). A., thinl. Time, ll^ii. Won by a ayani, two rarda ami a hair yaida balveau aacond anij Uitnl. rarviaintr Ike e«a teeiiiAt,—Wuo by llionaa Blattarr. Xaricr .\tnlatle Otuli, lUrLtin.; Jnbn Coaimro, llbtao- aahl AUilallc Club, Hund.iait.ltMlD.; L. .1. Uarpinlac, Boalon AUilallc Aaaoelalloo, Uilnl, lln. II Uln. KunnliHi OnHul iuaw.—Wnu by Jobn l^iaKnira, RHlae- teU AlblallcClu(i,tm. Illo.; II. W. Brown, tliiunt \ar- DiiD Y. M.U. A., aacomi, KIL lUiilo.; I,. A. Carpaatar, Boeuin AUilallc AafoclailoD. Itilrd. Ull. Bin. , . Out mlU nn.-WoD by L. A. CatiMOUr, BoMiui AlliloUe AaaDdalliin; 11. W. Brown Mount Tainon Y. >l. I!. A., aecond; John t^atrovo, HtilBertaU Acblatic Club. Ihird, Tlnia,ain.eoi. Won by tbrao yaTd^ two yarda balveao aecond and Ihlnl. , , Bcora liy pohita: John Coagrore, lUdaeCaU AUilaUo CloK a,ue: L A. Carpanler, Bcaloo AtbtaUo AaaoclaUon, «,Uia: 11. W. Uioao,ULVoroonY. M.C. A., Xsa: Daniel LomI, Boalon A.A,>,eM; M. P. Hwaaoay, Xavler A. A Its. OPE.H EVIiNT3. Oik Aundnit pdnU riu.-Woo by K. W. Boldlor. Kaw Jaraay Alhlatlc Clab. acraldi; Wlllbm II. Raaa. V. U. C. A.| ajtiyda, aaoouo; Oku Hlchota, Likawood, N. J.,eyda, Coanera Kaar De<k«t mIOtiom. Tbe Joint field meei Ug anangtd by Ik* Wotetaler and Huffolk Athletic Clobe was held at the Oval, Worcetler, Uav., on Ibe altenoon ot the Fourth of Jnly. and Ibe nin did not prevent an attendance iatnnmbeied «7 »»rty fear thonaand peno^ The gnat featnre of the '««H'«,'":i'^S,'> "I'S nee between Tommy.l»iinfg, ol Kew York, and OWrin^w.o{fon™i(iei|uak«rClty,whlclireMl^ In a very eaty victory for tbe former, who lloUbed a nod twenly'ave jafda In front. The beat race of the afternoon waa at one bnndred and twen'r jarti. In wblch 0. J. Welen and Tommy Bnrke bad It tilp and tuck down the iiretch. tho former nareiy win- ning. The tlmen credited tho winner wllh even Ume, Summary: «.1.. b i one Aanilmtomt li<ynl» periu niii -Voii by B. J. B arara. to.aU AUiUlJc ao<l Krlckat AKpcUllon : T. K RoraoTBoaloD AUihillc Aaaoctalton. acrale i, ««o"<'ijj- M. nanaaher. Worcoalar AUiUllcRlob. 'hlol- J™*! «/KaiHcr«».ebamploD>lilporWo'c«atarCooDty.-Woo r J. J. McUuihlln, W. A. C. and He Ana- — .. Ht"l»"lUW »l«,UU««a, Viwn V,™,!!,/ ,,.,0, Uf euhirau Jui-knya on thoniuKlibrad Kantachy heiaait; aa- Mult at anna by colorod boxera. Mailani Vluwar lo Iwllail^ aaalilad liy llio (luanau; buck asd wloa daodnji and "Toll" flelila' Miaepaktn and Koaawuod tlrcliuura, bla- tiirli-al picluraa wIlli rliont atrad by auUra mronaor. and anOa wllh "Home, riwaot Itoma," by Aacliur'a AanO. MA:niiTTAM naacu.—ThB nuinerpua aninaoiiiaoia boia are fairly noil altandad by the crowdi w)io cu lo lha platanro raaorl ovoty aOanotin ant aroalna durlDH Ika naaMiD. Tliara liava bean aeraral cbaanea niaJe In wlilcli locliidaa Die rellramant of PiarOMi Vanjclian. Who haa baan,ldantlne(l wlifa Uio pla«-o rnan lha Ini^pUon, and IheenRaaouionlorUia Abtfull glalen^ whoaa luiiiia am] luaDdolIn dueu are niakloK them maajr friamla ainona lha auijloDcaa. Waller Jonaa. Uaia Mmilh. IV. II. Bluana, Yiilamlo Watlaw aa<l llabel Clarko nmtliiua lowlii wnnn raTorfniin thoawllencwa. At lha circua lha alaia Ibta weak era Kna Bertubll. Ika davar c<>nuirlluulal, and Atclda Copltaioa. Uie woman wllh lha pliyalcal davalopoianu or a AinOow, Ba. alitaa llioao Uiora ara lha Schrode UnUiara. Uia HI|. funla. the Baooocka. .N'allla Roaa, Uio Loandaa.Talatl anil Uia ckiwna, and Uia wraaUlog pony, faliranraa'urka la anoUior raalnra Uiat la vary allracnva and dr&va a larea parcanURo ol the crowda. UaiiiUTOX Bbacii Milan: I1aij«— Tlio Rtldt concani al« protiounrcil Ilia liaat ever Rlrau In thla rlotnlly. Tan new BDlolilB bava Ivan ailded UiU weak. Tlie anlaia- mant of Lilian lllaurall, whii la aald lo tai tlN baal of llRht niiara aopranoa, waa a Diaator atnika. Hhe vt» baarllly walcflinail on bar dral appaaraocot. aaaba la a prima ravorilo In thtaclly. laiii|hiM Wiufclar.whn liaa an cxrallanl rapuuilhin aa a iilanlai. wilt make hiadaliat hero nlfht uf la. Tliat la lha aaMnd ayiti|ihuny nluhl, and Uia ayiiiphony will lie klnurt'a tnllilary In U nildur. Tlia pnitninmea for the faallrat on ZS, II ami S. Inchula muia nno alniara than ware arer beald lo n Hnmiiiar faallral of the aurt boron. -A-THLETIO. Oomlag BweBla. July IS-Prlnlara* BanaToleot Aaaoclatlon annaal ptcnlo and aUdalloapDrla. Bnliat'a Harlem lUvar farfc, Kew York OIV: July IB—iDlemaltoDat Ramea, Ireland ra. Bcollaad, : blTn.'n. July w-LowalKllaat.) Cricket and AlblaUe Club open I'ltv. IIAI analenr eamea. July al>—Mary Mutual I'und piciils and Raaiai^ Lion ruh, Kaw York Oily. July Metropoliiaa AaaoolaUuo of the Amatenr Alh- lal^ Union annaalehaiBplonahlptlaU inaallng,8yr«euaa, Sporte la Pblladel|ihla. About live tlioniand penona attCDiled the annual geltl meeting ot the (^athollo Young Mon'a Archdlo- Unlon, of PbUadeliilila, Pa., held at Fnnklln Field on Saturday afternoon, Jnuen. Theevenla formlug tho lengthy progremmn reiultotl tn tbotrn below: On4 AuNitpel ynnlj mn.—F. X. Fan*, AOBvlua 0. 0 won; JamaaO. Maiv, Da Ralaa' Aaioclatlon,Baconil:J.J llarklna. Xavler t:.t;.,Uilnl. Tiint. Ila. I'aHlnp lift lAof.-D. A. Williori*, Anaalna 0. C, woo, atn.4ln.; Tnomaa Flood, Bt. Aloy*ioa.l, I., aocnml.XUt. tin.; J. A. llraUlay, Da Balaa- Aaaoclallvn, Ihlid, Xlli, Tiiln. ilm uUt bicyrtc ratt J, c:. Mannlna, Ua 8ale«* Aaai' olallon. nrat; H. P. Kaarnay Jr. DciMlaa' Aawclallno, aecond; K. B. DnRau, Da Hataa' Aaaoclatkin. tlilnl. Tliiia, tni.aiUa. KiinnlNO bratft juMp-J, A. Meailnn,ArailODila L. I., dial, ltn.fln.: K. J. McKalR, Annilua iV i:., amnd, till, tin.: P. McUIInn, Do Balaa'Aaa,M:ltlion,Uilid, Itn.Sln. nniaumtrrdandriontlirMintf no*.—Jama* A. Ilara. Da Balaa* Aaauclaltiui, Ural; B. tl. I'rmil, Acutemla L. K.. aaaind; J. J. Ilarklne, Xavler II. 0., lUlid. Ttino, »Ma. /Mtrmllr r«a.-J. J. Holy, Acadanilt I, R.lrai: Wi|. Ham V. Uulan, l>a Balaa' Aaaoelallnn.aeaniJ; J, A. Uo- Davlll, Xavler U. a, Iklnl. Time. tin. Ila. Jtffei, fliyeadiHBip.—R.J. McKnIi, Anaalna C.O., nm, 911. tin.: JoliD A. MaOllnn. Aradanila iT B., aacond, BMt ]in.: J. t*. Uelanor, .Vavlart:. II, ulnl,3Bn. rm altaa bicicia mrr.—J. O. Mannlna. tie Silai: Aoe- datlun, Aral; M. P. Kaarnay Jr.. Ila Ailui* Ataodatino, aacond: J. V. Campbell. BL Itilllp'a, K I., Uilnl. lima, am. taia. MNafntf Alpk Juaip.—John A. MrOlonll. Acadamla L. li. Brat, tit. tin.; O. A. WIthan, Anaduai:, C, aacond, tn. Itln.; Tliomaa Flood, Hi. Ar ^ * in. tin. >l>Hr amJiTd ami Jb/fv imrrti rwH.^. 11. Doiao. ba Hataa* Aaa., nral; P. J. Mlkin, Anaaliit n U., HCiiml ' M. Daly. Bu Mity'a I,. I., thin). Tlma, kia^a. On/aille rwik-J. J. Italy, AcadeaiU t,. il. «nl:H. H. Karwiak, IK galea' Aaa., aecond: William Yobla, BL JoAditni'a L. 1.. Ihlnl. Tllna, ftm. le\a. One AHHftml ami Ivrnty anrtli AaruTc nw.~P. W. Mai. wall, Aninluat*.. C, dial: T. J. lUieraina. Oa Balea'Aaa., aacund; J. P. Dalaoay, Xavlarn.l'... ililnl. Tlma,tKa. nm mllM afnrlc nur—J. V. l*.aiiiH>all. HI. I'lulr'a ?>. I., Biat: J. 0. llannhiK, IX Balaa* Aaa., aocoml; U. P. KaaraayJr, Ha Balea* .Vva. Itilnt. Tima,tlni. IM|a. .*&ii-t: nicF—John tkonnally, Xavlar t'.. c, flrai; l^ler Mona, K:. Uaiy'a. I. 1. aw<ind: P. W. kaawrll, Anmloa C.cTuilnl. Ttiiia.W'.a. One Mita rrliia ntor.-M. R. Karwtck. JaniaaA. Ilara, Btieraan aod Winlani V. tlolan, mfialea* Aaa.,nral; ■ ■■ >lna, ■ • ■•- ' " Won by II. P. Loohn, Ellabalh Wllllain Waller, Newark, IWi'da. Time. IL.,. One 01 He UcfcCr nice Alhlatlc Club, tyja; t, „,wum ,,u,ra,, ..«->■>, aocoiid; Prederlcb Bliano. New Janay AUilallc OluK aomlcb. Ihlnl. Time, 2m. 31a. One mltc run.—Woo by Andrew J. Walah. Xavler Ath. lallo A*oclalloo. icnitcli; A. L. niwatrKk. Inttltuta AlblaUo Club. Uyda, aacond; Waller llTppla, New Jrraay AUilallc i!lub, tjydL, ihlnl. Time, au. 3lka. Jlnir Mile rvN, for norlcea, acntck,—won br B. ManTal, eilaabalh Athletic Club; MIcbaal llaTnaa, i.i. Ilarki Darrk;! Tueatnk.— Tlie popular burlii^ue, "Tbillhy," liegan oa Jnly 8 Ibe alxlli week of Ita niu. II II now In excellent ehape and la drawing very good bouaci. Klvla Crxix, who now hat tho rolu of UUle Willie, baa pitiven accopuble In nuiny reapeeta, but abe plainly nbowe iliat abe lacka knowloiige ol the reiiulnmonu ol burlcuque. AMRRICAII TllRATRB ItlWP IIIROIM.—Madge Kllln nude her reapiieareuce on Monday night, Jnly a, wllh a collecllou ot clover tonga, and Jtniee Thorn- ton wat again In evidence In hU entertalnlii|r mnno- ItiRue and orlHlnHl aonga- Olhera on Ihe bill were: 'Amy llyan, Nellie Kmnklbi, Ked Mnnroe, Thotnaa liiaii. will F. Iteuny, Kdwardaand Kemell, aad tho Trilby Dancere. wuKTii'B Mt'sttiM.—Tlie uMnagtment have novelty thin week In a reiirodiioUon ot tbe wa) eler iTOCutXoiuan conducted In thla Bute, ihowlng Ihe rieculcal rbalr, batterlea, etc. Other tealurea ut the curio hallo are: Donna, tbe niytleiy, and Mme. Claln|tbe white Mahaliiia. Tbe Ihcatn attgeU occupied by Jauiea Itankton, llcCabe and Knuiel, l^baa. lUynioud, llryant and Hark, and MlleheU'a block Comiwiiy, In "KalbleeD MavouiMen.* ■uu i> ■■■■■»■ > . B'wiaih «^ BAiTB A^a nra«i _ .J. A. MclHvlm J. n»|4iinnHi aoJ J. Me- I UetiftB, ^kTl•r Oa U. Mc<>nil: TlinnvH niblir, J. D. lUHIa PD, T. F. lUllliH umI WIIIUbi Ttoblh, BU Joublari, L. Ilithl. T[u*,<ui. TiiK Yali Univkuutv rwiiMl irbediile (oT itae FMII catuuAlffQi BO uuw Bmiigcd hy lUiugar Fuoie* In u rollowM: Hopt. Ma wllb THullr, in llAmnnl; Otil.3.wllh llrown.M YntpltlfM; Ucl. ft. wllh Ibe Omceni Aiblcilo Club. Id itrookljo; (Mr. 9. nllb Ambtnt, Id Now 1Iav«d; Uoi. IJ, Klib UdIoo.Id AUadj: Oct. le, iMnuKinth, lu Nc\r lUven: Oct. 10. Ofttiige Aihleilc Clnii. lu Oniui«; Oct. -U, \ViliUiu.% •t YftiQ tIfUl: Oct. :u), wllh IteruuouUi. In SprloR- fleld; Hov. wim Wiitl IVMal, nl \To«l l*olDt: Nov. 0. wUb Uivwu rulvcmllj, In l*nulileuce; Nov. 33, wllh Piiaccton, In No«r Vork'. AyofaVlKli )trMO*vonl •\hlb|i|iin l>(»|tr««D Uioa«»- p«rt •■oniivpiurn, JtnuilnktaO.ifH ilnnloA, rvD- ilUuttoatoriln fptrlil ■lltmellABJi il Iht uouit §•*- llial ol Kcitlll'^ i-Una or rhlcftcv. IlL. dd AflSaS. A tiinrAmtfhni itaurkt, iUt«i) Jiilj- (.mm thai on ihtt iltu il*t>TO K. Nolan, of ttlvonUa, nut » ranli In lt\ft. Ke««lb>w in mt Dial If iIm npott la ini« Uio Ilm* U Iho fkaiMi rtennl nrthailbiuM*. It Uttfo, how* • await ruiUior InfMnulloa bofrntwaHowlBfUio ■lory. br HtrlMH ». ..•u.e^., Ml—-«.ia n..>.«a.v -w.aib; Ulciiaol IUtdoh, fortii Ainbor WhoolnoD, ucund; WIIDud F. Rr«n, Xavlir AibUiIe AMOclatloD. tblnj. TItiio. 'Im. lU. Ont Uunind yanU hunlU root.—Wuo by W.S.Dero, R|t||t«aokl Aililotle CluD. 8rila: Fnok 0. Mtrtlo, No* VurE Uliy, Ayda^ mcodU; C. il. Cotitii, Ayd*-. (bird Tiiiio, 1(»?A«. . . . Tm Mllei lUfeU nux.—Woo by II. P. Lnohn^ KtUlbilb AllilolleUDb, KUj-di.; PrtOarldc Slullo, New Jon«r Atb- lallc Rlub. acnidi, aocoml; rroutfor Kluw, ElinbaUi Whaoliuvo.SUjda.. iblrd. Timo. ftm. U^a. Itatf mUe nm.—Won br Charlea W. Kooaa. T. M. C. A.. «|>ila.: A.B. Ualbr. Nav York AibMllo Club. VTrdiL, aoo- ood: 11. BaDDlaior, Naw Jarioy AiUletlc t'lab, SVda. tbtrO. Tint, 201. a>*a. Ont ukUf. UcgtU mtt. Tor loral rUota.—Woo bjA. J. Walkor. Bajoooo: ILHluwi, ilneavlllo Wboaloao, aac- mill. Tlma. tel. 51<i4. OMarier nite nm.—Won bj Brarati I*. Morfaa. Ambam Collogo, IM* ; K. A. i:ouutb^ icntdi, a«aoil; P. W. Baldlar, Mgir Jaraay AUilatio iJlob. lUjda.. Uilid. Time, H.H Caiubrldge Beata Oifbrrt. Tbe annual dual Held meeting iietween the ath- lelea ol Oimbildge and Oilord Unlverallleii came on on the gronudt ol the tlneen'a Club, at Kenalng- u>o, l/indon. Eng., on Wedneula; alternoon, July 3, having been putlponed troin Uie <lay ol Ihe annual boat race between the tame uolrenlUet liecauae ol the extremely cold weather pienlllns at that Ume, and lor tome time pnvlonaly. Tbe leaalt el the poelponeoient wni a great talllog oif In attendance. The weather wna perlcct nave tor a alight wind that blew acnes tbe grounda, and Interfered tomewhat with the runners We append a tunioary as eent by cable: OncAundml yaiiil ran.—Tlia four conteainola, Jaidaa and Marua, Uafoid, and Wltllanil and t\'Udlng, t^m- tirldaa, got a caidlal aurt, but Hayae Rot die lead, and kaiHlt uulU Uie tact tan yanlavhan Jnrdae want lu tbe fruni, and baatUaioa by oloelncliea. Wlldlnawaatblid, TlnicluMa. i^lilnii Iht HvfHAr.—Wataon, ef CambrldRa, too bj four Inoliaa, acorlnnsllt. IHn. NannJnif AfciA juMji.—Wen by aanllnar.Oirnrd; Lob- bock. Oanibndia.aacond. Oaiulnarmade afL Bin. one mlu ntia.—Lulxana,.Canittr1d|«, won aaill)-, hi tm. ir«a : Hallibona, Cambrtdn, aecnwl. iirtir AiMdrerf OHdJiirtg inntanta.—Won br Kitihartien, <!auibrWi;«; Joruan, OxIOid, aacood. Tlnia, Ida. HunHi racr, taijda—Woo by llaklay. U.*;loTd. In M,Sl.; I'llkinKton. t^int>r1dta. aeeood; BcaiE, Otianl, Ihlnl. mucins lAc ica AoMMrr,—Ilobertaoo, Osrotd, won, ltliU7ln. JTHnnlnif faiw Jhmp.— Mandalioba, Oanibrtdae, won, tin. Mln., Iiaalint tbe raconl baM by C. H. Vry, (Jiford, lllt.lW ram nl/<* run.—Hone. CaiubtUga, woo by UOyda. In Itni. Itfli*. t^ubrMae camail off Uia bonon, vlnnlog dre eveota toOxtord'alour. aa^M ; Tbei Inalitwle Athletio CInb, 01 Newark, X. J., held gainea at caiodonbk I'ark, that city, on Satunbiy altcnieon, June 'JJ, and, Hithongh nIn tell heavily during Ibe aliemaoii, tho prognmme waa niu through, unil tome gooti ipon wn.H ntlorded the apeciatora, although tbe time au- uounred lor the cveuta li woiibleui, beuinu of donbta ragardtng the correct uKonunnient ol the heavy and tllppcry track. S'juimaiy: One Anmlml aania ruiL—Won hv C Wladaian, .Sallnnal Tutu Varal^ ^a1Ta^h, e>ita.; H. Uoera. Kaw Jaraar A. C ],%]rda.,MCand;li. II.Baldlar, .Saw Jaraey A. 0., aomtcli. I luia, Ida. One mile ntat rocc-Wni tiy J. Rnonan. W. J. Ilealar, P. A. BnUlvao and It. J. Hctiwariruilirar, loalllnlaA.I!.: Uia BL l-alar'B V. M. C. A., UaUailila. N. J., aacond. TInM, tni. Ita. iCfvAt AaniJmt onH rlaAfa latnff ran, Dovtee.—Wen liy R. A. Byma, Naw Jaraer A il.; w. Lu^tiln, Newark V. M. t:. A., aecond; P. \V. Oelaner, .Xnrlar A. A., Iblpl. Time, tni. I0>. /Vnr Aimdml ond Ibrfr lonra ran.— Wimi hr W. llaRter. tr. HL akiialiiaV. a. II. A., Nnwatt, tJyda.; F. N Ita.v- I!, A., alfda., aaciairt: 11. Unnalater, Nrw Janaj A.i;., Il|da. Ihlnl. Tliaa,UVa. One ulla nui —Wim by A. J. V'alah, Xavler A. A , acrilcli; A L. PIttnalrIck, tnatltnia A. U., UydL, Hcond. Tiina. tm.Saa. AuanlneAliAiaaMi—Won hr Rairana 1*ann, Newark T. v.. IJiUi.. wllb an actaal Jeui|t of fitL n';to.; W, L. Dniinmood. YorhTllla A C., acnirh, tn lUia., aacond; J. K. Holt, a 0. N v., |i,ln., tn. >>jln., third. neo tafl/t Mcyctc rac-a.—Won by J. 1*. Blone, Catholic rl'jb, J. v.; E. H. Hart, Calbolle Club, J. Cn lacond. Ttnia.;ai. tia. i*lie Hacir Ontlng. Tlie annual picule ntnl garnet ot tbe enploret ot II. II. Utcy i Co., under Ihe amplceaet Ihe Uacy Mutual Aid, will lie held at Uun I'ark, thla city, on Salonlay, July 30. coninienclngat i r. M. The tol- loirlng creoln wUI be open to all aiiiatcnn, A. A. V. rulea to govern: IQO yards run, handicap; 440|arda nin, handicap; hall mile nin, novice, open lo all who have never won a prl7.e hi arun; halt mile run, hnndlcap; one mile run, hantllcap; one mile run, scratch, champlonihlp ot all dty ifioda hotiaea, tor a solid gnia medal, all ceinpeiliora clliible who have licon employed In the houie tnoi whirb the' enter at leant two ronnths prior lo gamea. The lol „T a. «i.wHM..„H,—■ —a A. A.i Jara Delanar, W. A. 0. aad BL Hul'a L. A. A-, aecond. lima, "tine Kile Mai roo!. chauiplonililp of New Eniland- Wonb/Bugolb A. C. tr. P., Frank Kowe,A. M. Haulloito« aiHlW.J.IIoltandl: Worcealer A C. iriank Blielow, J. M. OaUwhar, T. P. U (Moor, JanT Hen) Un), lecond. Tina. Soi. St^a. . „ ^ n™ aiWca Inlmullonnl ra»».-Won by T. P. CjonaH N. V. A. C. i Oeorae W. Orion. N. T. A. C. and U. of P., lac- "«»unlS/ikrS'i«»l>.-Won lir Prvacla Oinoolly. Iloalnn .,dln, wilti Ift.; L. k. Brennan. ». A. I!, |iiln .Bacon<l,tlLI(l);ln.: W. U llalland, H. A. 0..tln.. ihlnl, tIL IMn. .. . . „ o a o xlt Annilml mnla ran.—WonbiTiiiiiKaano.S. A.r tjda.; JameaA.HuwnrL Buatnn.»)jd«.,and A. L. \\ rlllil. Newton. Il;da, dead heat lor aacanil place. Tioir. lij. 11". Our mllr UrttU mce.C*laaaA.-W«n lij John P. (^lef, BL I'ant'a L. A. A,acntch;OllrarParfeaulr. W. A I.. alfdk. aacond; W. J. Wtiaten, fli. Panl'a L. A. A., tOyda. ^0*i?£-™^-Woobf M. J.Derle.B. X.C. lOOyda.; J O'tVinnall Dnidiaalar, hlyda, a«ond;J..t.Brilrr,aouUi Boaton A. 0.. eijda, tblrd. Time, ani.21ica. The BBgllatt Cbamplonahlpi, The annual champlonablp meeUng ot the Englbih Amateur AUileUo Aseoclatlon was held at Ihe gronndt ot the London Athletic Club, Stamford Brtdge, London, on Salnrday eltemoon, July d, and exclteo much Interest among athlelen, a:< the team that will rapreient Ihe London Atblello Clnh In the contest wiui Ihe New York Athletio Club It to be lelecled on Ihe merlti ot the men lu theie perlomt. encea Conietinenily certain eveula on tho pro- gramme were wnuhcd with more than uiuar In- lenaL Tbe mile race was by F. R. Bacon, holder ot the mile cbsniplonshin, who covered the dialanco In im. ITS.. tieaUng the Kngllsit record ot 4m. IB^a, made by w. 0. (leonie In IBM. \V. E. Luytena, ot IMn- bildge Unlvertlty, waa aecond. Tbe hill ndle race waa won by E. 0. Bredin, Lon- don AlhleUc CInb, In Im, tiH»-\ K. S. Ilonn, prtal- dent ol the Cambridge llnlveixlty Athletio Aasocla- Uou, tecond, four yanlt behind the winner. Tho lOOyita. race waa won by llndley. the preseut champion. In loa.; A. It. Downer secoDO. Tbe I'JOyda. hurdle race wus won by Oodfrey Shaw, London AtbleUc Club, Ihe holder ol the champlonablp. UU^ Ume wan mxt., betting Ihe Rnglbdi amateur record by Ka: W. J. Oakley, pnid- Ident ot the Oxioid Dnivenlly AlhleUc Clab,aecnnd. The nnarter mile run waa won by w. ntiherbert, ot Cambridge llnlveralty. In 4»fia-\ E. a Bredin. tbe bolder ot Ihe champfonahlp, waa tecond, a yard behind yittbe rlicrl. CompetlBg In the Ilaln. Tho winOeld (L I.) Athletio Club were not deler- nd by the rain that tell almost wlUiont cessation from holding Iheir announced gainea on the alter- noon ol the day we celebrule,and a tair alzed crowd ot people gaUiered lo nltnen tlie competitions. Bnmmary: one Aundred ynnfa run.—O. Brugmnan nrat. 0. RIcke aacood. Kroeberand 11. Draper mnnlogadoad beat In Uilaoranl. Time. Kl^a. Nunnfnuftnuit jon^i.—Hlcke tral. Ian. Bin.; Brugguan aacond, IflL CUL: Proehar ihlnl. i;iL >ln. Two Aumt/Td and Iwrnfy larda run.-Bruggman dnt, Blcke aacond, Pitiebar third Time, tia Baraloga'a Teasg CbriatlaBa. The membera el the Yenng Ven'a ChHMIan As. soclaUon ol Saratoga, N. Y., celelimted Ibe Fourth ot July by holdlbg a Held niueling al\Yuodbkivii Oval, when a large assemblage wllncBied tie work. Ingotr ot a progrnmiuo embracing seventeen i:venta. which affunled a deal ol pleasnn to those preieni. Bommary: Out Aululml rtnll ma. lie. elaai-I,. r. Baker. OI;n Pall^ won: A. R. Hniitb. Allanr, aaeand. Tlma, Ila. lu. rLa£-Wllllaai Wellar, Atl»nr. won; Cbarlae llelcair, Waterfonl. aeamd. Time, lOKa. One aillc aierM race. ooilca.-W. O..Oatlvfnler.Tn,i-, won: W. It. IKinner, Albany, aecond. Tim* 2io. ISa. nubw Ith ihm—JmtK XcLenn. Wc<l Trey, won; John llamlluin, Baralopi, aacond. nrLJHIo. r«>»«ndfcdoiiillirolliii«i><l«r«n -I..£-, nakar Albnny. won; L. D. farnielea, Allianr. aeconj Tlme.n;,a. One hunirea iferis blctxle race.—Cltortar Huala-d. gjrawan. won: W. Toltir. (Uraluca.aacood. Time, lu'^a. r*n>tflno laa AaatHCr iWIAouJ turn .-John Noi Ion, W c^t Truy, von.nrLato.; Jauaa lleteno. Wast Truy, Hcond, "ftie Aiindrrdonil iBcnTy innla /inntle iw.-Low P. I,. ElMniailniiar, BclieoarinJy, woa; Joieph Btaplea, Bar.. Iuti.aac"nd. Time. 17)4;. One mile run-John K. TonnR. Albany, won; Waller Lapbani, Ulan Pnll^ aened. Tlnifc Sni. lha One Mile blewcle race—trailer Hide, ulvn Falla, won; W. J. ToMan. Barntoea, aecond. Ttln^ 2m. 3;a. Ilmnntna hloh Jaalp.—Oaofga Wllann, Rnralocn, anil f,. D. Paraalaa. otAlbany. iladann. tin. Jtaiinlnii tonoil J«»|i.-Ia. D. fnnnelee, Allany, n,in, IBft 9ln. //at/ mile bicfcle nwe.—IV. J. Totteo. Raraliica, won; W. 0. oatrentar, Troy, •ecaiid. Tliiio, Im. II'Ja. /We mu/r.-Frpil J. Bliull,Tn.y, won; L. IV Pamicloa, Albany, aecond. Sit llo. ■ , , . One Htte rWiiy, Ibof men.—Won by default by Ranl(i;(a. Time. Im. la. rao ailto Mcyrfc mrc, relay.—^ ou liy dalanlt liy ftara- '"J'llilk tanner oirind by the Oreater Sanloiia nltlzena' Cninmltlaa to Ihe aaaoclatlon acorlna llio larKaat nt poinu In the 7J0ydt dnih, hamuiar Uiion-. pola rnnlt. blan Jump an.! one mile mn waa won by Aloaoy alih IIpolnla,Saraloiialecond^HJ; WealTri.yiblid,6. TaKttcoxnco.vTrar In Ilia match liotveen tlio pmrea. atonal Rolf rlayera, "Willie'* Park Jr.. ex.i-hninplou Enalaed, nnd -'WifUe" Dunn, the proieaainoat ot lha Bhienecock IlllUltoirninli. lor a punaorjIIM. wsaiiUycl on Ilia llnhaor the MorTlaonloan IN. J.t Qolf Cluli i>:i Balonlay anernoon. Jnly OL and. allliiuoh the waaili.r waa rar from plenaant, Uiarewaan Rood tern nut ol ilio memliera, taulaa Includad, to wltuaan Ihe contaai. Tlio reault Ola keenly played match waaa victot)- for I'ark l,y rourbotea. COBdNO BVBNTS. Julys, ut II—Uenlay^n.Tbainea annualamateurreiat- la, Thamoa River. Ecc. Jely lO-nnnienot Yacht Club race fur ipeclal claa.<ea. Loos laland Round. July II—Kaw York AtiilaticClub apeclal nUlng nftatta. Lone laland Bonnd. _ . _ ,^ July U-LarcbmontTadilClnb aacond ipeelal race for SKt and SltL boats, Lonji laland Hoond. July u—AtbuiUo end Lnrchmont Yacht Cluba* Jobit an. onal cnilae comojencaiL Larclimont, N. Y. Jnly 13—Uempaiaad Harbor Yacht Club aanoal ragaua, Loot laland Bound. Jnly la—Larchmontand Allantle Yacht I^luba race for firat elaa.a aloopa nnd cuttera. New London, CL July 17, IB—National AaaoebiUoii or AmauarOananaa of America annual regatta. Saratoga Lake, N. Y. July 19. g>—NorUlweatem Ainatour Bowing AaaoclaUon annual ragaltia, Eanalraault, B. C. Jnly SMtaa Clin Yacbt Club annual rasalu. Long laland Bnunil. Julys—RIveraldaYacht Club nee furapoclalclaeaea, Dniaon Rlrer, N. Y. Jnly 37—Indian Uarbor Yacbt Club aanoal regatta. Long laland Bound. Jnly aB-New York Yacht Club annual crulM ooni- nencea, Olau Coca. L. I. REGATTA OS THE SCHVYLKIli.. PnillHif I6h jtor.—BruRKmaia flm, STL; BnaQlog lec- onil.»L4ln.: RicteUilid,a/Ltin. rAraidnelOa aowaier.—Pnebar ]lrat,7tlt.; BruBgnian reeoud, 71IL: RIcke Iblnl, (BIL AanmnokwaJHaip.—BrunmanBratttlt.Bin.; Proeber eac0nd.elk.3rn.; RIcke Uilnl. taMn. Qnnrler mile wiu-.—Proetier fint, Bruggman aeoond, RIcke third. Timhlm.JIa. One Mite run.—II. Drapar flrat, 0, Downing aacood, Proalierllilnl. Time. Im.eaa. Time. 7m.B7)>a. -Hnrdo MacKentIa, Raolag at Ridley Park. NotwItbslandIng Ihe disagreeable vresther that pre- vailed on Ihe atteraoon of Jnly 4, abont flftcen hundred penons gathered at lUdlij Park, PhlUt- delphla, Fa., to witness Iht aeries ol atbleUo tporhi amnged lor the occotlon by the Ridley rtrk Fleld CInb. Tht pngnmmi embraced only track orenhi, and the condlUon ot Ihe path eiectoaUy spoiled Ihe ncea, which resnlted aaabovn In Uie summarr: OneAHndmtvarifanm.—J.B. Mulligan, O. A. A,-UII., dial; Pnd T. Aenabaw, P.a R. Y. M. <J. A.,Bn., eecond' Tlma. VH'. Junior one mile bfcpdc race.—W. B.Avlae, aeratch. Bret: Douglaaa Robartaoo,ei)ida^ aecond. TUoa,3oi. ISSa. J/nV mile run.-W. V. Kelly, A. 0. a N., I<)na.rnrat; Wllltani J. HcUngblln, A. A. A, »yda, aecond. Time, Zm. 1^ One mile wnll'.-II. Foi, P. A.C,XIa., drat; W. B. Pel. teniianJr.,ILr. P. 0., lOa., ■acond. Tlr - — rtfoAundmlnndlumupinr^jnia.. " Uu., lyda., fliat: Pnd T. Byda., aacood. Tlma. S4^ /burAunttratanrfibrty vnnfa run -.^lllbioi Buchanan, B. P. P. C. tiydr, drat; P. B. llaUtgan, u. A. A., Uydt., aeconJ. Tlme,B2*aa. Owe Billa nin.-Wllllan> Reala. R. P. P. 0.; cgyda, fliat; WlUlam H. BlaaonatI, A. A. C, flyilL, aacond. Tlma,tm. ZbL /Amnla; hlfh Jum|i.-P. T. narahtw. P. a R. Y. H. 0. A., 9ln, dm; Muido UacKanUa, Vo., tin., aacond. llalahL tIL Hatmtiv tread yump.-Boben T. Lyons, N. T. A 0., Sin.. llral;llunlo UacKenile, Vn., Illn. ' ~" lane*. IMI. 7,'iln^ The Sumiaer AtUetlo CInb, a Brooklyn oiganlzilloni composed of pupils ot the uptoim grammar scbooli, held an outing and sports at Sumner I'ark on July 4, with Uie tasult shown lielow: Onekwidrediantf run—Won by J. J. Tteraao. acnicb; O.J. Waaiorrell, l)d., aacood; N. Pulnaio. Xyda., tblld. Tinm, ItJ^a. rien Aundmt and ItBmlg yonb run.—Won by II. B. Bandaraon, tyda.; R. J. Waaierratl. tyda., eennd; L. U. I'unor, 7yda., tbinl. Tleie, S)(a. >liur Awtdml anajbrIK ynnla run.—Wen by J. B. Elliott, Rcratcb; K. D. Atlertan. tyda., aacond; U. M. Vutnaaa, lOyda. tlilnl. Time. tm. SKa. , aecond. Die- I lonlDi u'ntrh evenin nlll be open onli to employee ol H. II. Uacy A Co.: 100 yanli ran, ia yardi tun, 4>i> yarda run. thtre i|iiarlcr idlle run, putting shot, Illb. and tuunlug high Jump. Prliet will be award- ed to nnt and neomd In each event. The prizen will be un exblblilon In Uacy'a window atler July I. An onlrance lee at any cenia nusl accimiisuiy entry lor each event. Kntrtet cloee July 10, wllh Alex. McLean, Beenttry Uaey Mntnal Aid. Maci'a, Bl.ilh Avenue and ^'uuiteentbSiRei, New York. ijnif mile ran.—Won bi tl. W. Daulelbi, acnicb; T. W. ' VaiterTall, tSyda , Ihlnl. 'by Poiiar. ISyda.. aecond; C. J. TlnM,2in.tSi^4. One mile nan.—Won by U. W, Dtnlalla, acrmtcb; P.J. Bitlin. Ityda, iccood: u. C. UllUD,BSyila., Uilnl. Tti Im. UI(B. Nunnlne AloA ywnfi.—Won by K. D. Allanna« wntdi, ML Kin.; J WaatarTell, sin., aaeoi ' " ~ Bamlaiaoo.eln.. Ihlnl,4IL IKtn. Pallino lAc t» aAoL-Wwt by L. a Dnlty, Sft, 91k Sljln.: 11. U. Janklnaon, tin.. H«nd, B/fLiXihi.; u.o, Milun, Bcntch. third, an. eiiln. BpoHa at Ihe City ot 8mohe< A serlea ot 'cycling noes constilnted part ol the iporUog portion ol Ihe celebmUoa ot the Fourth ot July at liltshorg, Pa. The racis wen held at Bchcnley I'ark, Iho dellghiral biaathlog spot ot the clUzens ot that bniy city, aod then vraa a large aa- lemiilage gelhered aronnd Ibe track. Bummaiy Onekundmtinrdi ran, norlca^—J. Kalater. nnattacbad, Oral: J.A.Ctawaon, K.L.V. M. A. aoeoad. Time, ll«a. (Me aatle Mrvcle race, novice.—J. B. JobBaon, P. A. C. Ilm; W. U. t^leUlag, uoauaelied, aecond. Tlue, ~ ^unntne ermd Jaagi.-Prank Bnraatt, 7. A. 0., fliat; J. U. HchlUlBi, K. A. O, aeeoait. Ulitanea, MIt. Vim. OnthmunA Hrtaran.-P. W. Jarvia, p. A. 0., Brat; J. A. McKenna. P A. C aacood. Tlma^ Win- racv.-Wlllte LadUy, K. B.C.,egydL, nm; W. U. Potatal, A. u, Hyda, eacrad. Tlma, b. Siennlnti klvkJump.~JohB Gnlaband, F. A. 0., dnt; W. l;vana, P. a. i:.. aacond. Belabt,*trL 7In. naif mile titcfclc ratf, boyanodnr twelva yeara.—Arable Wiulama, P. A. C nm; Bam Lidley, unatloebed, aecond TlmCk Im. S'.a. Ualf mile raa.-K. B. Power, P. A. 0, Im; R. A. Bur- nt! aectmd. Time, Sm. ISa. nviwllca blractc nicr.—UO. Voone, A.Cn diet; W.H. Poaatal, A. 0.. aacond. Tlmctm.B^a rsea Aantfmlnnd rwrn/yiMnti nm.—P. tT, Jarvia, P. A.;J.H.EIy,W.aiadJ.,nn>nd. Tima,9UB. Oa'ailleu<iatcrTuv,]:<0da<a.—J.B.Johnaan,P. A.tX, Aral; Joaepli Mayer. P. A. 0.. aacond. Time. Im. Sta. (Me Annamt mid timry Ktntr Awrdle rwc—41. A. Jamil, P. A. c, niai: T. M. Re*l, a. 11. L, aeeood. Time, W(a //of/BifreMcrtterwe. hoyaanlar flnean yaaiw.—PnuK Priaaaalt, n. A.C. acratdi, flrat;Sam l^lay, nnattacbad Aiyda,H^nd. Time,tm.lie. one Billa UcVrle ntcr.t:n rbiaa.—W. II. Psaatal, A.O. Ural; Jacoti Mayer, P. \. U., aannd. Time. Iw. ai>i;a. >lnar Amtfraion't Ibrfa mritarwa.—R. A. Btamtt, P. A. C; J. A. McKaana,arniod. Tlma.lO<ia. r» aalKa ak-jrlanuv.-R. D. B. Brace, & la.T. H.C. A. xuvda^ nrat: W. u. Mtoneimayer, P. A. CtOyda, aet ond. Tlnl^ an. llija. Good AnateurSportDeaplte (he Warrlog Of the Elementt* The Cup and People's Regatta waa given Ua an- annnal nnoiral July 4, over the naUonal conree on the SchylkUl niver, at PhUadelphIa, ra., and, while Ihe eeven nIn bad a tendency to tlampon the en- thuslam and lessen tho crowd of ppectaiora, il:u events were well contested, aod fair success 01- tendcd the day's Eport. There were 00 records ua- snlKd, nor were there any remarkably cxcliliig flnlshea oaldn from the contest torlour cured sheila, a spurt near Ihe end by tho New York Athletic Crew, making then exceedingly dangtniit lor Ibe Cnacentcrew, who Inally galued the victory. Sutn- mnry; HDuUe irvtll/iclU.—Won by rennaylvanbiBarua Clnli. Oaorga W. Van Ylalt nod J. o. Juvaual; Toreniu Rnvini.' 01uh,J A.IbimohrandA. BuaaelLaecood. llrAr'alVrry B. 0., J. 0. Kalay and Charlaa Ceee and I'aasalc U>ui CTlub, Newark. A. McCoy and O. T. l>ooe::aii. did ui.t flnlBli. Tlma.9m. IQa. Junior /bur onm 9t9C.—Won by amy'a Parrv B<nl Club. B. V. llyan (bcw), i:liarlea Bxley, E. 8 Pranhlln. II. Honaalian (atroka), Jnaepli Lnwa (coxawain): Weat I'lil'a- delplila B. t!.. II. AlteniutJr. (I4n); >'. t.oair, Lullier MarUn. William BUkabnrn (itrokr), A. II. Bla,'tl.iirii coxawalo), aecond; Dauntlaaa Howlng Club, R Ulllor bow). It. lleroN J. Koine. II. Paijecn (almke). G. II. ^ndeiaon (coxawalo). third; PnlrmoDiit Rnwlna Aaaocla. tloo, Wm. UcNabb (bow), II. Covper. P. lleck, Edwapl NtklU (atnke), 0. Ultdiell (coxawain), rounb. Time, lOm. iburoamt i/leltl.—Won bytfaaOraacantaLWIIIlamCiirry (Iww), A. v. Dnnbar, J. B. Dnnaline. Wni. HcKaarrr (atnla): Now York A. C. W. II. Plnkoey ibowl. K. J. Keana. p. W. Itowant. J. Cmwrorfl (atrokc). aaconit; lu. allliila B. C. Newark, W. L. Kelly Iboiv). E. J. Uanier. Owen Pol, Lochinar (atmko), lliltd. Time, Oni. 17a. Palrmount Ronlng Aaaoclatlon dropped out hair way down tbe Btnteh. .<to>lor ainolc acmS.-Won by W. B McDowel), DeUwira Boat Clnb.ChlUKO; >'r«d Croaier, Vaaiiar II. C, wcood. TIno, lOoi. Junior l(npteiciil(l.—Won by (1. P.Ecley.Oiay Peny II. .J.;(^per llacber, Ptilladelpliln Barso Club, lacond; Clannca Narlan, AUIanta Boat Oluti, IhlH; Harry ScetL Peonaylraala Hatca Club, raurtli. TimOf lum. Ila. Ititr oaredaArl/a.—Won by PennaylTaola Bareo llluli, A. _. Ininham (now). 0. B. Dli (al-oke): New York A C, P. W. Itownnl (boa), J. R. Cmwfonl (.|rnki.|. aecond; lona Boat Club, Paul E. Iluneker (bowl II. I*, blrcliall fairokel.'thlrd. Falimount B. A.. H. P. Bionnah (bow). E. J. Roller (atroke), .topped rowlni; aOar Uie turn. Time. tdni. Ila. „. , Junior eioAX eoret jArlla.—Won Mnntreae Boat Club, Lincoln ClUl (bow), W, PIraian, C<lwnn] Auar, J.Crew. fold, J. lUddamuK. Uaorffa Fraaa. Jamoi nail, E. Mark- lay (alroke),Oeonte llartilnun (coxawala); VaanerBAal Club. Charlaa WeMnr Ibawl. Mcholaa Jeonlglcn, tl. Cnig, Philip Hcnlnley, i. r. Uelner, Honrd Oreamar, 1). Uoaarty, Piad Cniaen (mrake), L. C. Aral (coxawain), eecond; American lowing Club, A. J. Hcflahnn (Dow). D. A. Parren. J. McOIannatli. 0. LoaBlir. P. Lamly. 0. Dot- ery, C. McCUnnaih. <1. U'Domiell (atroke), Jolin P. nilali (coxawalo). tblnt;Pnlmountltowlng Aaaoelalloo, Jampa Mcbooakt (bow), Wlillaiii Arni.tronK. J. Baylor, JoMpti lllraloboUiaw. John niermonL Clarauco Harear. Cliarlaa Fenneaay. E. nonnotly (elnke), 0. Mluhell (coiawain), fourth. Tlme,Bm.&l ^. , Senior elau oaml lA/t/i.—Won by Trilon Boat Cluli, Newark. Pnd Holt (tiov), Clinrlei llaillleld. C. Rnwn, William tSiia, Mr. Hlhia. J. Davldlon Jr., John CaillaK B. Brink (Mroka). Harrv Caahlnii (coiawal'*); Palnnount Bowioc Aaaocbllnc, William Brownell (bow), C P. Illlle. ■aaa Jr.. (Tharlaa BUaneor. Joaeph Pnul. Janiea Lynch. William llnoTar, Laula uland, Jnlm Roowdon (atroke), l>. B.EUiilre(C0Kewala),aeeond. Time,Bm.O'ia. TIao' IVeiv Rocbelle Yaelit CInb Sailed Us tenth annasl ngalta on Long Iiland Bound ou Saturday, Juno 91, eloveo classes being represented. The dey waa dark and cloudy, wllh occatlonti rain, and mere waa enough wind 10 ml the nils ot Ihe liuie tellowa aod make the race In- tereeUng. The coarse tor all boata above the 3dlt. claaa waa over a distance ot twenly-lwo nautical milea, and lhat for all lieats mil In length and un- der waa seventeen miles. Bummarr: OABIX BLO0P*-<B T(l OPT. rack/. Owmr. flain/d linie, COrretlMllme. Tta<|Da....Com.H.Aadraia.. Vl.tOm.lOl. Banebe«...Vic« Com. II. Doe. cker » W 40 sua CABIN RLO0Pd-3U TO UPT. ll.W.Beecher.n. II.Bavara... t 17 01 S 17 01 OABI.V BLO0P8-2> TO JUTT. Water Lily.U. BIrrall I OS 12 VAWLS-a TO SOFT. .II. P- Boolb 3 17 U OABIN CAT8-3> TO ayt. .W.BU<warlh 3 II <8 S VAHIN CATB-O TOaPT. .E. Lamban 4 14 OB 4 OABIN 0AT8-XI TO DPT. ..U. Mou 3 tl a S CABIN CATB-aiFT. AND UNDER. 4 M OS 4 OPKN CATB-a TO 9PT. ..P. PonU 3 41 II a M. ll.Claib 3 M 42 9 OPEN CAT8-30FT. ANO U.NDER. II.I,.CiinT 4 0< M 3 .n. w. vaiiL 4 Ot n 4 U. Lambilan 4 01 30 4 BPBOIAL 3tPr. CLABH. Tanuen...W.aeuUBrekaw. 3 4S 41 3 Ceila. U.A.aeutl 3 U la 3 4 01 11 Polly. Bary Twillibl.. KlUla.. Addle.. Terrapin.. Mak".... Ondawa... a 49 a IS 3d au BATiniDAV, Ji'iiB 29, was Indies' <lay at the club house ot the AtbnUo Ytcht CInb, at Bay lUdge, I.. 1. The club honse eras lllled with genUemen and ladles, and Ihe event ot tbe occasion waa a regatta over a Irlangnlar conm of lire aod a hall mile, sailed oveittwlce. Each boat teas reqnlred lo cany not Icaa than two nor more than six women. The abirten were Uie a:oops CliocUn-, Fengnln.and Ponlto/and Ihecatboats Juanlta, Ktbel aiidTabltha. The l*eognln waa Ont home, tollnwed by the Mhel. The real ol the boats dropped ont ot the race.