New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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296 THE JSrUW YORK CLIPPER. July 13. THE N EW YORK CL IPPER IDE FRANK QUEEN nmLIMIN« CO. (LMM). rROfBiBtoia. OEO. W. EBIIi, Maiciod. BATTIBD&Y, JULY 13, 1896. RATE S. ASVIBTIBIimilTS. Twaau hdu f »M, tiiu tn* nwnn; ■put m odi lieb tUD odk (Mffttm- AMietlmorB pweML li ■Uowtd OS tdTHtlMinnlj wba paid for Uiiw Bunllu lo idrftBca, u4 on idTtiilMDwu mMiuriaf lOO Uoh aUBSCBIFTION. Om w. la adruc*. U; tli moatbi. 11; tbrt* moDlbi, •1. ronli^ poiUft* 8lDxtooopTM,)00MUMeh. OUR TKBMB ABB OAWI. 1b« Ulh, UUi u3 leih (idnrtUbiE) pmw OO TO PBBM ^ MONpAT, Hd Um 1Mb. Uttl ud dUmt PMW «• UbjgpjjMOOTOPI ni«Tonni01o«liiff Fromptlj At4 F. H riMM ramtt br ti^Mi nioiM7 ord*r. ebMk, T. O. Or* dtforncUtandteUar w4 ADORUa ALL OOMMUNI0ATION8 F«r «h« SdltoriaJ or Uw BwIsms D«p«rt»»»t to THE NEW YORK CUPPER, r. o. B« iLBae« or OUTPBR BUILDINUL la BaiUDd—Tfli Ourr» cu m obuliwd, vliottttte 4Dd null, or oar uwu, SoiIUl AluUt 4 Oi., >/>*• euUt SUMt, Birud, Louoo, vbera boosd AIM or UiU pftpar ntj bt iMD. lo PnDO»-T» OUPTO U OB ul«alBr»aUDO*«Mwi dopoi, ir AWBt do roptiB, rwU. 4^THB IfEW VOBK OUPPSa lUliM Mly OBS •dlUoB, sad that U dat tnm ll*w\orlb^ QUERIES ANS WERED. NO REPLIES B Y MAIL O R TELEGRAPH. ABOUWioiwituiBOffnvoTaim. ALLivqmr or too* uovLD wam to tiou wioa Tin umu uuorrafoiiU'rKBI*o«romai. alluttbuwill U IftTUTUBO OUM WBU ORLT. If TBB KDffn OV AVT TIUTWOili OOMFAn U OOCKUfT, um TO ODft tUT 07 UDTM 01 Asoraii FAOL Wi cujiiior tuo Bocra IT uiLoanunura THBATRIOAL, M. AVP llA-imi(UdiDn<« Otifde, pnlilltbad br W. H. OoatJdioD, Otaolootti, O-. will ftiniiah you % ila Uut ■111 pnbtbljnMi your oMdi. Tbo prkoli ihrvodvl- B. B^ OlnclooftU.—I. ir yoa tro > boplnoor, u wo pro* nmo Toa aro, rou may itc ivtaty-Ota dolkr* par w«ok fortbowt. LVocaafumlihcopyoribaKlate. II. A, l1uuburBb.-6«* ouvor to *'M. aho Ma'Mo IbU Imub. B. W.. nillAd«lp)ilA-Addr«a Iba j*rt/ io caro of Tib ourriM. B. A<^Tb« pifty, Id q>ll« or a mloloadloir bUro nan*. U a mta. K. P^UUoL—KocloMtvooiy-llvaeoDU to iho CorrM- poodUiiBMmafT oribo AnMriean UraiutUiV Club. <7 WMlTvODlr-olKliib Sifwl, Ne« York Oliy. , 0. D. B.—Wi baro Dol board nr tbo party for a loBjr ■^ll^butwaihlokboUallro. Addrov Irtior b care of T. J. B., UhiIbtIII*.— Addrou tlio party In car* or Tai Ouppaa. 11. U.K., DatrolL—Ulia lakturof MrvooalJudnntenL 1I.0.T., llutetalDMa^Wa nororUlwrlmlnatoTa Taror or any Mbool- OoitaTAirT RUDBB, WlbDlnRloo.-Ao* oiuvor lo V. II. 0. la tbli luu*. ... I>. K. B., Mawport-Aoo adTortlaunonu In iho oolumni ortuaouprn. , .. ^ II.M.iDifeaJoon-—Wa caooot AiraUb ih« MrtatDoot addrau c»r tbo party, llo bal oroMaila Loodoo, Uoa. OurttraHT Buoii. Loimlo.—TlM aiuaelloo U luanag Iba uaall loaai of Ofalu. H. O. L., \7ai«rloo.-TtiorB Uat proaant no Por«pau|h Bbov. P. II. O., BiHonlUo.—AddrMi thi Lawrvoe* Narally Oo.iHudOOantroBiraottMaw YuihUlly. , . A.D^BoMoo.—Tha play *aiwrlu«n byUarrrP Haw* Roo. U li ooairoltod by Bd. H. Hawiuo. Addmw tho Onl naoiwl m cara of tbo Aniorioan Draniaiuii' Olutt, 47 Watt T«aolyoliblbHli«l»NBW York Olty. , , T. B, Oolumbui.—Wo bkTO not board Irom tbo ibo v tkl Tw.'B.-Tbi party li allra. I*. K. A 8, Phtbdvlphla.—Addma Itiur In can ol IV ■ ourno. A O. (|., Prodortok.-Walob oar route )Ul Wa pubb* n tbaroalawhaadTorwobaTolL . J. W. tL, Bnoklyo.—1. Tbon would probably bo a bir domaikd. X Forty dolUr* par weok for tbo toan. a. J. W. Kallr vtabom Id nilladalpltia, Pa. 4. Addrw lha Uwnim Morally Oo, n and W Cootn 8lr«at« Now Yurk Olty. r. 11-Mow DoDTor.—Tlio i«rty wai marrlsd aod la,lo lb« bMi of our koowlodjji, lUli Tlvlofi In Biooklyn. N. V. U Ham, TToy.-AJdrau Jooapb Uulaod, 18 Hut ■totf-oMODd atrooL Maw York Uliy. M. O., Boclif*t«r.*-Addr«u laltar fo can ol TiiH OUP- II. r. Allaailo UlKlilanda—Addrou Dor« DavlJwD, Id canoTTHBOupriB. ... J. T., BL Loula—AddroM loltor la can ofTui Clippih. tL A. H.. BoitoD.—l. Hoo uiwor lo"M. and Ha."lu tbli iMoo. L Tin work nfomd lo wll) Rtva you tito Id- fbmatloo, uodar lb« boad or Vartaty Aiaau. s. Wo haTo BO kBowlodna or ocbooli lo your city. B. P. M., Uoiuortoad.—1. CuaipoillInD )• m ana thai a MwllloD U Dot aaaily ubiaload. You mtirlit tmu a ebaaoi witb a ulOBtrol ooiu)iaoy. 1 Vau cuuM Karaly obtain a poalUou In tba onhottra ol a New York tbaaira uqUI ioq liad llvod ban fttr oouo llnia and bocuma aiBl- latodwltb tba local braocb oT ibouoloD. 3.Tb«lnk>r matluu x_oa havo rocalrod li corrocL L.L.,BUaoTn)a.—TbowborMbiiutior Uia_pan>-|aDn- knovntotia. Addi««latur(acnnoiTiiBCiiiTBk. II. J. Blulim.—Wa bavo had no rroaui nawi lYuui iba ohow and lu piBoant wbaroabvuu U unkoowu to uo. fiASBDALL, ORICKBT, ETC. a. 0. W„ UtchfltM.—Tbo corraot icon li U to 9. iMlni tbai at tba ood or tbaflnthairor tba olgbili coidloi to Hula K wbleb at)i that, In caaa tbo iMa aacnpifat ibo bat baro niada ouo ur iiion nin* tlun ilio alda dial at tbo ba). tho oconur tba tanio oball boUio total numbar of runi modo. _ A. 0. II., Hlllord.—VoQ an vroDR. Tba ntlotuaaaa lhat a piayar may bo kubotUuiod **tt auy llui*'* or an laulap, anJnol anora airlkaliaa boaucaliod on oaldtubnliuia whlloKthat. P. H., PlilladaliibU.-A "vorkot" In crlokat nioani a balltliitullchaafailda tba 'VopplnRcroaoa." W. P. B., AbllMO.— Vol UoMa can bo run oo a eallod i4tlbo or a bantod fbul tiall. OARDS. ANOT, PlilUdelpbU.-A wao onilUod lo "make io«d," and, irftcAniotoacall, tba iMi poker hand woo tlio poL J. P. 0., Ilarlom.—Tbna lavtni ami » pair ol Jaoha l«at thraaalaaaaadapalrorhlORa Tlia hlKliait Irltiku a)- «a»a«ln whan two pU^oia eodi huU aniH band. AMIRIUAH ULUB, Wllkaabam.~lu dnw |tuker, tltoahl tbodoaior.lntbaonv.accldanullyaEi^MHAaa or tuon caId^baluu•l idara ihaoanlatuaipoHdontha botttHy vT thadacb,j|1vlof to ibo oakl plajor a oomopond Idm uunibor orcanlamiu) iTta ti>i>or thoMeb. and bolun aar pujar toblatalt buboan Ml|>ad. Thapia)ortu«honi lliacudt 00 oBPoaod wen d*ali, la the diaw, connoi rooaira ibetn irbadoalroatu. . . » . ^ . . B. T. H., Milwauboo.-D bod Ibo rlihi to nak* Uta mUo DO did. Uio llDilt not boiOK oinoded. Ilan la Ibo do In rull: "Anor iba oaidi hav« Woii dealt aajr itlarar. ilapnparturu. beilnnloB wlih tlio player to thown or tbo 'a<*,' altar oiaklnB Ruod tba aao'H anlo, taur raloa ilio oanio any amount not eieeeuloi the lloili *Ti'TL,**!S[wklj"o.—A wlna Kao anivar to*'Ao)arl«an Olob." Tuap. 41.. IrvlDBton.—FIjInB Jlb'i (lulwt rocord (Ur pmIub DO mile, Id uul aninm tluio, accowpauled by ranalnK Mta, lo IMU, at Tiilmootba, O., Oct. 1 uei. Boe Ciir- rbAnrual ntr I8BB, pavo 4S, rbr addlllonal iDromailon. aiNQ. T. P.N..BttehiDao.~CbarlaaMllcbaUwaabom In Bat- laDd.erirliihpataDli. J. B.M.,0»rtliafa.-Uwaa nported that kuobvaitba IbcL aod It boi naror bean publicly dooled by SuUlrao or bliuwBbaoken. . . T. W. M., Allonlown.—Aaron Joaoi won bora In Bor laad, and cama to ihu conntiy In IWV ror Ute parpoaa of oaalailnii In ih« tralnlna ol' John 0. lloonaD tor hia Aibt whb John Morrlwey. lie rouBbt Hike BcOoola at Ba- ooabarh'a Rutloo, In IW. and dltil two yoan Uior. 0. 0. K.. Brodronl.—John L. BulKran wa» hora lo Boo- toB. UaoiL. Oot. IK Wi; Paddy H> an at Thurllo. Inland. Iiar«h U, nigcBLUiNBOVB. 0. A B., Mow Itaian.—1. Jati aa you ploaw. L II U Immalarul. proTldou you wrlia u|m vnly una aide olibe ■boat 9. Bo much rbraacb |<»aat. 4. Fruni Ova to ten dollai^ IfOTBU. ABMB A 'Cyclb tV, WoTTMl^r.—llavtatl liet that bocooU^aaknton bitda than It, aod rallloii to do BO, A hMaa tbo bat 0. a. Watt Albany.—Wo an wlihnut tba not^Marr data touavorrouquoatloo,Dorliltllb«ly thai an|ono OBB ftiTBlrti Ibo uilbnaatlon. Tub UAh annual UoUyvood Puturity Handicap atAobarrPorh.N.J..on Julft.the cmhI Itlonabaloi 1 oaoh, at twoaty one lardt. Tbo winner luraed op la __lllOl boloiBV If Ina or Bad Bank, Wk, wllh a aoon of IJL which oron woa lied by Work and Jonea. Tttw abol off Ibr ibo hoion aod a cup, Irlnakmini Un blida otralabt, while Work Biioed tbaAmblrdla tboneood roaad and Joo«« the THBHorrlnown (N. J.) Ooll Club hoU a toaraamant on Jalyiibo nla atom not pnTMitlni tbocamlniout ol the amnaenioDU nnr tbo auoadaaea or tbaia<ljao- tbaaUaiaMonBlBBtotbo chib. Tbo nauH o^ tbapbur woa a vIoiarT for MIm Loulao Ponl In the iMdIaa'tounay, ■ rll.W.-" Pblppe la the eoDtaat botwoan man. CHESS. To C«rrB«pMid«BtB* TlBBBT B. DODBBBT. llUbRtfinrat. BsB.—TlaBk too Terrmaeli for Uio aeluUaoa or tbo two ponlaa. tlul ol Mr. Loyd'a OalMan otaflofr bolnir wboDf nnUbo Mr.BU- fcraot'a ooluUon. A« to Mr. Balcbbatm'a otaUmaio, Mr. li roond Itdealnblatoaddto tba alpabUon—^'vlibout plonrof a pleca," olnea Mr. Loyd la undentood lo baro a alnllarpaBle In (mta novea, two plaeaa balof *Vla- nod" IB tba ntntloD, oa In yonn. fl. LoTO^Wa own lo oodb corloilt/lo koow wbethor althir oribooe oolulloni (Mr. D.'i-noit woob) occeido wltb yon r orlBlaal doeln. Joo. ftriPiiiRMB, PlilUdelphIa —A roathor lo yonr capl wo 000 DO amr In your onalyala. Obab. a. UiLBBBO.—Our eootrlbutor Juot anawetad oolfci No. ijno by l..Kt 10 Q aq: aod wo oeo no way lo aroM not* on odd iMa or lha oUtor oteapt to mon B. ihan tbreo ol ibo four moroa load to dual mataa. Wo kond tbo dourod ooluUon wlUi much pleaann. O. fl. CoLUT. Council BluSk—Your ^Welllan" conlaloi Home Bplntad paaoaiaa, but l« oo olTial by uattaadyplaj ai toapoil IL Yoor oppoDODt appoon lo ban InaafDed ba wai ioIbb to cnmplo yon rl|bt op wMh bnu bla foroM. Could Dot your corloui mata bo utiUiod tot a pnMoDiT B Tibblbt, I^MidoD —Mr. Ollbonr aianne ua Uul tba inoioaoryour corTeopendoal did oot Wad to ■aponto tnaioa of Mo, 2Sa>, but an Blmply latorcliaDRaablo noraa or ooa oolalloo, aa t» will ibow noit waak. MOTiOB—Wowlob to lororm our mtoy Boflw dioai frlaadi ibai Tbb OUppbb cao alwayo ba bador Bnllfa, Alnillo A Co., B Mowcadlo Stnot, Btiud, Loodoa. H«r« Xa Aaolh«r or tba many good, very good, ttalon wo haf o la koeplng rorai>oB«lbloopportuDlty. A ropraaaotatlfoor Ttu ton- don Ikmt neaotly loiarrlawed tbo dUUniulibed cbooa Diaxtar and editor, Iiidor aoDibenti comBoacln« wItb tba nuaeUoD—"l>o you tbinh cbaa nU a yoooje nan ror ibarouBhaodtumblabatilaortoday'iliror' ToUiloMr. Ounpbenr npllod: "Oioaa U luown groat nward. and It Uaoinlaupoo ooa'a ■yopatblee to brlna a noUa aad IwauUral aaoko dovn to too lorel or tba Tiord facta uf aroryday Ufa. A dieea pUjor oiadloaily foUowIng all the Inlrlcaelet and poailb(lltlo« or Uie Kamo Uvea lo a world ouUldo our own, loaamudi aa ha bacoioea ODROuad Id a purvoU tbaidomanda all lili aaarglaaaod fcnowaDo llnluUona U ibarpoai tba wlu and oonducon to applleatioa, and tl)OM, markotaMaadTantaiaalatliovvrld of moB abd alblra." *'Bat U than no tonptailMi to oror mdoltooea, to tbo natlactofihomonaarlouidDtleaol lifor' 'l cannot ooa that than U any own tootptatloa than atucbea luoirtoaoyart. MuolcJudpd u tbo penult of Ibaamatoor. may aiaa) away mon tlua ilian la quite iood: butabo dan mf itaat tbo muilclaa baanollMae- Ited Id a oplrltualor noralwoy, ibourh,of couna,ha may oot baro baneDitad In a punly Aoanolal noaar Wbitl wUta lo maka dear U Ibai ihan anboaaduto tM obiaload loibla Ufa beyond and aboroUieuian accum- ulation or iroat rIcfaa^ aod I know no art wblcb ftlrao lu votary a Urxer ihan or tbaoo than cheai." "And wlut do yoa Jndfa to ba lu Inflaeuce on char- aclerl" "WelL I tbiak orory prafaaaloo loaraa lu loipnoMon. coo only I—■■' ' I coo only ■peak In a very lanenl aonoa, bat I aboahl aoy tliat ilio diaat playoria onlloarllyagood arvuarond a dOM reaaonar. Ina wlderaanoorabould oot that cbaa bnodena iborlowol lira, and otrongtbaoi tbo power ol poaalntloi loto motlio.*^ "What tbon U Iba gnat rlrtua of ibe gaotor* **Ai appllod to arary day lire, I obouM ay that iba gnat virua or cbaoo Ii lamporance. Cbtaa piomotaa bniporann In all tblofo, wItb porbapa ibo iloglo »Boap- tionorUia ga»)0 luair. lodaod I baTO obHarred," coo- tlnuod Mr. 0., bla rkoo niailoir loto a anllo, 'tliat whetliar adioaa nioellaglabao placeloalloanaouoruD- llcanwd bOuio, tbo waltan an not kopt very buoy." Blodera Ckaaa laatntclor* With Roouloe ploaaun wa bara to ackoowMie the noalpt or fort If, Baclloo 1. M. V. /. True, tlia deny baa IMOD loDji, but llien appear at loam pbiudbia roaaooi ror It, and Br. SuIdIU lapaau bla fklr oiTer to nftind to bla au>Mrlban thoir caob adronooa—ir thar roqutn It. TbU "Section" pnaeou ibe onalriu of "Siaouton'a Kl'a (lame" and the "(IIuuco Piano.'' Tbeiliatnd at>le an Iho ooma oa Uia twuod Vol, Part 1, but tlia typo InlDRaalio largerwakeatlio analyticaloolumoa Look a llulaenwded togoi Ota on a pace> Then an llie name briar but MtiarBolory eipUoallooa of tbo acopa and ob- Jact of the colunina, or groupa oT colomno, aod Mr. a. Itaa Iniroducod a now and uaeTul ohoiactar, a lltUo Hquato, to Indlcau a manly Iboonilcalty prafinbla gaaia. to dlailngtiUb a tanulnailon ftom "+." a winning roaie. Tlila la or mom valoe to atadaaU lonn may at In the Buunton Otwnlng titan an Brty*(()nr Tormal varlailooa, anpplemoniad by a raot namberin ibaNotoa. and oiRlit Roniaa; Id tho Qluoro Piano, rortr-alnhi van., al(bt gameo. Bnongb, amply ooongb: and wo have lo repeat Bro. Maaon'a eauiloa lo tho ambltlouo young an- Uiualoai, lo bawanol miataklnt"cnDinlDg" lor loan* Inf. ounelvao, a wrltor oan'i give all ovoo ol iho boat of oTerytblog. In tho Oluoco PlanoweanuvatodtoMr. BulolU'o gTMt gama at "lAoga'a (glorlou*) Aitaob" va. Ldraipool, wllh ua aaperlatlva added value or bla owo nolo*. Mo reader or ourreot choaa hiatory Bood bo lo- forroed or tbo almoat ooeortDg critlolana ibai wan lauocbad u Mr. 8. aa Ibo game woo poaalng loto lu laUr ■togea. Wby, one would have auppoiad bo woa boU to bo f n arKcHlo mortU; but ben ha 1% wlloa bla own koit. .Brachuro, Lailcon Svo, pp. Vlll + i-Ai W. Biolnlls, Room O. No. a Park Bow, N.Y. Olty. WIU giva tbo prlco wboD iDionuod. BolatlOBB* or Bo lama . .0 to bar B 71, etc. ^DlffiOLUTION" OP PROHLBM t,(Ut White. Black. I..Bt>iKS.orQSKtoR9(a) -CJ K-Kta K-Ktog . B-Ktl 6..Q-il KtS-f B-Kod e..lM|HA-|> l^RS BY QUA3. a.OILBIka. l..ll-0a,iTK9 a..uKt3iti+ xia B« + I0..II-H1 ii..K-iia II..KMJI> II..II-IIIX II..X-BJ K-KtH k-bT K-Kaq K-Kt K-Rb) P-Kl r-Bt While. i(..q 100114 IB..K-XI.II ia..K-Bt II..Q-R> 2I..H-B (a) OrloKtSkuc'r. BUelr. K-RI K-ar K-Rlq K-RI K-Rk| K-my KtlWTW Binc) tl..R-KH*| a..K-ll\,mt U..B-KI4' >..Kt.B«+ a..Ku(iirdii+ K-m S..KI-K Kit r-KIJI ..KUBg+ KmoTW S..KI-H7dl>'f KXKt V^tJ-B.^- Bxl),mue. Bmmu I., lad 3... olli.rDOT«« m auMMpllbl. to A pnftt vtf laly ul chAona ud tmi.- tMlllooik liut llM proMu nqulru ibe Mllr, roito, wltfa lb« evG«pllOD or Iho tvo 1*. ob Iho Q R HI*. (6) B,iiL ir 1B..K 10 R llbAlulmalacu b«fomd iQ l«rDlT-nto« moTM. (c) Elc Wtalt* muii loM . moT. Mmewhon iloog h«r« lo onl.r to lUlov Ifa. ooollbUooi of Iho Black KIOK tit bring bloi lo hli Q Biqon O... ponoluloi yhlls to pl>yll..BloK< + or BHD (IAMB. TWO KtS vu. ONE r. MX LA bu, WILUAMH. 9..K-RM )..K-Kll I-.K-HO) .Xt-KIBi J? KMia K-liT.Bt K-Bt Kl-Ka KI-KI7 e.KtoKlai >..K-RI U..K-RS II..K-RI lt..K-H«l U..FnKiT«A U..P morel 7..K-B»i , '^TliU kmil or MKlloji U AlvAjri T,r]r eDUriAlatDg.''— Kl toK« K-BT Kt-(tr Kl-B> XuKtb HI-B4 HI UAtOI, BAMITON n rBRRia-L. R.W. ■ Q lo R 14., or B III B 4 4, do*i Ibe bu.lD.AA ur MR. HBIOHllBLHH BTALEMATR. B3 rioK4 H-R< l<-QKt4 l>-2l> ...HtiiKtl ICq-Kllq IL.KUBaq H..I'-<}S IS^rxB it..i^Ba IS..K-HI II..K-Ktl r-B4 P-Bt B-R> tf-Ub r-R i, Aod l.'.t) It 10 ii.i(i-q6 4..KI-4)S t.lMllltl (..lUKm r-Bi i..i>-Kit r-Ht •..B-Rh I'-<14 -- While, without btvlng loet or itloood A llbgl* ntD, ll uaUiuaM. ig. H. D.r Balgm* Ro, lt,01ll, BkowI Prlte Id Chm JfmUAIir'f Tbiid TonnAr. mn AOITAT HOLU—bT DIt. 1. ■OHR. AiKRa, 7, Kj. QI«^,^(^i||^gB^K»«,«^.rR^ ^ t t i AtiBi qa, qK^ KBK. IR, qi, ab<I7,ir4. while ooDtpAlAialoiAle lo Ible* noree. PrableB No. H.OU. wiimt, WhllA compeU niluAle In ell BwreA. Brisflet*. We AH It AaMKAd, AMAiealtr with Asthelllr, Ibel •TAryltvlBf mAiter who ua atat vob a biiaI mlwKA. UoAAl «UI be la ih, llita At ^aUUia. Well, It Ikel'AaoiVbit UtheoMora envd ot Maaer ma nab. lag lalo oouipAay ebate Ibey do aot betaagr Ibe NUwr TbiiMT !• ooea lo Ibe vorld, bat oel; BriUAb UDAUaia Aia AllglbWtoukt lha i40rapoTtheB.O. A. >n>. roUoch reckooA It mir laba moe inobla u lott ODl Ike boM.)M«"BrllUbAnuteoiA."......Mr.aio- lAlUr Tialla hll "ohl laotuckr boiDe" ror Uw Bumuwr, 10 leton 10 tbia cllr, aa nported, lo Ilia Poll *• belleren Id Um laureat Atletblot lo ebeaa poniAlti. IMA. r. mMaKlaefldaDUrorournilnd,.AadhAic«Dia Jelletothe noDI lo tkii mpKL It iiata ooAtlt bAir or h. ttmlAtlADU Id Ike recent MtoliallAO-riilUdalplili BAUb, aU In one litu.: Ib.n CAne as InlaieUliui mmt or ibA eaieer or lha Brooblio C. C, Unnli llla.liAted ■llh portnJU ol lu lAAdlng IDAO, And Dow eoDiae um Cllr Club, wIilicouDIarr«lt prAieolnAOU of luimnula. Tba Sumioar oullog raallilllei ol Uie N. y. But. AeaoelaUoo At SUoaelela. ere loomloi op ah Um IrAdlDg lleaolD Die Deer rolureor AmarleiD ch.M... ...A Dun. beror .lhar thlngawlll liere to mAtariiliie lolo tern*- Ihlog Ixuar UiAD mare on diu barore wo U> ■barn We cad ODiy .om np Inu> one (ftmxmpli Uia DAnMRoT two cb«a /alabrllla. who bare receoUj been called bi Uata u*. D. K. LAIta.]oDf a prooilawit And TAhiad mantber or the Edlnbnni>i 0.0., end B. Pion, of Copeobagen,l0TaDlorof tb.gainbltUiAlbeanhlaDtma, tu a Doted compalllor Id tba rarlilAD loteiDAtloDaJ unrDAi or '17 Tba UIavow 0. C. bu aIcoukI raAChal tba ceoluiT or aDrollad manbeia, end la pnwerooa Ip a.trr wAjr. John Huu.ll la At preaent lui''wlDalaieal" Diamber. ammt He. *,ei<t. At ieoelh we can lalrl/ aAr we hATA leadMd glrlDg what hu beoD od oer mind end baada emaineeIke com- pletloD or the McoDd nme, tIl, the gioAt Diatdi br uie- (nph. Parle ta. Bl PAIalAburg. We rollow Tic BrUtlk Ckat MsfOMbu^ wllk Dotje bj Bar. Dr. Raokao. TtaU mAUta wAA begno April U, IBM, ADd the preaeo t lenia wu decided Is Noieaiher. quEsra r oriMNO. WUle, BlAcb, PDflL et Fetanburg. l..rKiQ4 Plnq4 >..Elites - 9..P-IS .P.4B4 Jii-BH» ■Kt3 Kt-Kt s..qxi d.q-K 7..K K KKt-8J q B-KtMa) P-KS P-qB9 While, Black, FatIa Bt. Patonburg. ~Btoq> KItuK9(i) B-Kk) KKt4)S R-Bk[ ^R-B«| B-KtS B-B4 BX BI Kt-qt Kt-S» .R4 + PX P Kt-B3 ■nyn Et-homA .lKui:g</)P-KB3 ..Kl-bl.4 Klt-XMp) I. .K B-qito) •..K glxB io..q»-K«ii) II. .P-IBI l]..K-Bn, i]..gxBiap l4..a-berBS O-KBIlri i9..q-»9 p-qKi9t (a) CoDUarr to ue priDc plea ol Ibli opanlog, which reunira tba q B At Et 1 lor dafaiKe aa wall aa attack. Teulgorin, howerer, n«|naDU)r Adoplad B to Et ft ta. Bulaiu. (0) qtoKt9 la pArbApafUU atroogerDOWtlunAtDait tsOTe,oonipelllDR B..qto Biq. WhTuft..q St to q 3 la iinpi ImpoitADt; ror BlAck'a Q B night If AUowad to renMlD At B 4. EIXB + oqita Qii-Radi) OR-BI ■ B-q«i Mari MgDAO) become troDble- (c) aomt.. (d) It wouhl be unwiaa to OAAtle on the uoprolected E'a aUa; but, avldanllr. While bad now raMlred on a Una ol plarwhico AbADdooad caaUUig. Por Black*, iwelr, qP X P.tallowed b7BloR9|ImpMilblal B loQ9l|k>okA preretable. ror the teit 10.. onlj loeea Ume. (0 Uaraa Uialr V •<<lo •err weak; q to Kc Jl Mor caD wa eee anj reeaoo ror Uio AddlllonAl weikanlow or thenaitDioTa: wbrD0IU..KtU>Kt9:16..PtoqR4(IO. qtobar4l (e) Waa It Dot more lo the poipoae lo cliAllMige ax. ol qa, or bring ontEBr "llWeUpWadI ICBIack >)..KtuEt4; »..q to Rt, Caailea: ll..PtoK4,alo. Block's aacverlatopmiectq Brirn..q bx Kt. ebx B;a..qxB,qxK ki: end AlM to piATonl q to B 6. (/) AhaIo T.ry good; not oolj tbraetenlnglo X R P. wbieb inajr could Dotdo berura, nut alaolnoeltAlDcaM to enlnp Uie adrarM q. 10) Per the Uilrl lliiiol but Kt to Kt 4 waano better; rorUiaa q to Ktl and White mutt aquAlIf wla AP,alnce ther wouU tbraAtan bolli P to K 4 end B x KL (ID TbIa apaeOIlT lead, lo a leatpoalllon: BLACK (Bt. Prtemburgl. WHITE (FArl.). More made—BUok S..Kt lo R a. P.rhApa thai war« AlVAld to X P. on Account era. JC lo B 3, bringlnic Ilia otker Rook Idio acUoo: but Aft*r9B..PioqKt4.wedo But aee what hArm could be done. Tor Black's q would Alwaia eacape bjr q to B 6. (A) Becanae (hey kue Um Kl (Ooedoea notAllogellier ncogoUe the bend or Uie cooquarororsielalu Id ihla lama.) An AlBulDg BU IVoDi Uie laiU ATuora mvUa, balwean BIgoor Pr«r. 0- Puolol and E. Ollraii In tbe annual lonrnap or Iba ctaaaa eirelaataeooa. OIUOOO PIAMO. Pror. PuclDl.>K4 t..EKt-a9 I3..KB-B4 4..P-q} s..qKt-B> (..CuUea 8KI-B9 B-B4 KKt-B9 P-q9 qw-Kit Pror. Puclnl. Mr. OIlratL T..PtoqEt9t PtoQR] P..RPXB RPXP IO..KKI-hUb r-KKKI IL.KtXBP KItXPII II..Kt X q. ADd Black AD White IJ.." nouBoed DiAle In rour niorea. ir White 13.. Kt v R, q to Kt>:l3..Qlo RD +,qx<)l 14..B 10 bla 7-f, 4 X KB: l9..Ktxq,KKtx Kl.andl9Uck ramAlBAwlib Ui.betler gADia; And ir II. .q Kt X Kl Black uAlea In three, etc. To CoffYvepondeBta. Da. Tlion Tou Ate entire!/ conect. Ibe rule dli- Uecllj aiAtes UiaL "Tbe pleyar bU Uie powar lo either huff, compel the teka, or to let tin place reeiAln on Iba bcatd, A. DA Uiloba proper." Dm. ScHABnH.~lJld Dot aee tba "LaAtle" yaL 0. L. BLAXDiH.—Hope you bafa ad aojojaue trip. aoImtlOB or PoellioB No. M, Vel. 13. PaelUoB No. IV. Vol. «3. wbiusi 3i9oaMBaa)« While to plAy aad vId. amm» Ho. IW, Vol. M. RINnLB CORKER. Played lo Brooklye raoADtly belwaeo Mean. Maawell eodDePleeaL Mr. MaiweU played blacka. II U 10 17 4 8 r 14 7 II a la II 11 II i> la 9 a 9 u B I a II M I 14 II la B 19 an 14 19 B II a a II la la V a It la gi o a BB a a uii 179 aoB 9 u 13 17 17 a n la u a u II 31 a a 17 la 10 a ii 10 ir a Ho) 9 13 M 19 W 19 11 14 II 19 M 19 19 a DflWB. a 10 a II 13 tt 3 7 a II a H 14 10 II a (a) Some yeere ago Joba Boaby, Id IV Vaf, gaTO tbli AS A aUODg llDO or AltAOk 17 ti a 10 a II an ii a BB 14 9 14 D 9a BB a II BB »u 19 eao a inb) ir IS u u u a a u u la a >r ii is n ai s a 17 13 aa BI9 ai lou M 19 I a la B 31 a ii a B la a u 14 9 s a i ii Dtawd. (tl a 19 19 M »H au 149 a 10 u 19 s D a 11(c) la ii a IT HU ail lau lau 1 i 10 19 4 0 II li DtAWD. a 9 a 4 a''^ - a is 9 u MB as la 13 17 Mil 913 UKI a IT 48 13 17 la u a 8 MM 17 14 19 a 13 a XI a IT 11 a II i4 9 Mil aa MT ai uu TN II in II la 9u DimwD. Hawa or tko Ouio, Ibe leeeat match belwaaD a Hiaet taem tnca tbe fwwty^kltd Btieet Bnach oT the T.H.C^aBd oae ftom Ibe Ceetial BiMcbtorBiyoUya raialttd to a.lo- torr rorBfooklyD by Uie acare or: Brooklyik »; »** Tort. 9r^iaSi8?.....0. V BUBdlD. Uie Doled X^wAikeBpen, la' DOW sSmmariog Id Uie eeaterB pen ol IbjaeckDaalU De ProAsL or BmiklTD, wItb fbfflUy, la doe In tbe B^rkd^nllliu. H^,» tlio U»>. <^ nibt. £r Bmblrflllie dlrtctar ol Uie cbeekrr daMrtDWBt of nc&MIC w^U aooB be Id the moBBIAlnaor Naw.aamp- AhTrTT/.TAc (TAroBlcteiacvnifA aAfl llMt "Wf lie mey diAllenn ParHa ror Um world'a chAmplonahlp." end ao OiiUti UM on. Plr.1, Willie tiaa no ahow 'Jib Pertje, end, aecondly, lha chemplonahlp IlUe l> not boM by Parole. Ooly a aporiou. UUe I. hll. ae O. P. B.rb«r fe tbe rigbirul poawsaoror iba wortl'a ebamplooahltha.. log wwi It rrim Iba man Uut WyUle kMt ll to.... ..Wjllle la uurlDg Uio Konh or En«Uiid. RecoDllyjAt Waii llenlanibL he won ai. drew B, end loAt 1 .Dr. ScbAA- rar. In A almollADeou. elblblUoD At KewArk lecwuly. won 7, bin 3, And diaw3 .Tba H,""' '"'TS'IiSlS hATi cbADtad UMir place or maallBg Itaa 841 Broad Btraat to No. OO or Uio ume atieeL when lUey bare much BnemuAiuii T»c pnicnon Proi baa opaoed A checker columD, coodncled by MeailL KODlgomeiT end BeDdaiaoB JAnaa P. Seed, ei-cbemplon or Uie woihl. eipecia u leATO New York ror OlAUOw, ScoUADd, OD July 37 Oa wrllee ihAt be eirerad to play Fomeroy Id Pblladalphla about Um middle ol July, asd Ibeo leATDOd UiAl Mr. P. WA« Away lor Um Bummer. Tbare mey be a diort match ol twaaty lomaa belwaaD Mr. fieed ADd Mr. PrIaaL THE TURF. Old DomlBloa Joekar Clob. Judo S.-PInt race-Porae 13a^aeUlDg,>liADdaBe heir IbrloogA^^umAD, ICB. fiam, 5 to I,wod; wbiu Cockade,a, J. Moore.atoft, aecoDd; Cal(ita,9a, R. Kloic Stol, Iblid. Tlme,l:»X BtcoDd race-Puiw OM br two year olda, aalllng. hair a mik—Bepton, IO, UaId, 3 u 1, won: Sir wmlam. 108. Muiphy, I lo t, ae^nd VeMa, n, B. Eiog, 10 to I, Ibli4. Time. 0:30^ TblM lacB-Pune 1300, aalllng. ala and a qucttr nirloagl- Padia. Uio, Congdoo, a to I, won: CalechUm. 1(0, A. Mooie,3to 1, aecood; llaiel, I0\ Murgi,8 lol, IhUd. Tine, IMyl Pourib race—Porae BSD, aalllna, all and A quATiar birlooga—OoluBibua Junior, 100, ATarr. 7 tol, won: l.llUa Braro. IQS. Ilarbur, 10to 1. Mcoad: Ulb- ograph. lor. IMIahanty, 13 lo I, Uilrd. Tina 1 :IIK pTiUi lAco-Pune lED, aaUlog, all and e bair rutlooga- HAtT<<,n,NaArT,fttol.woo:SnDallD,g>, r.McDeruou, I toa, aecond: Perli^ 109, DulTy, a to 1, UiltU. Time. 1:34. aiilh rAce-Purae lUO; aaUlDg, aaraa rUrlonga- CbalaAa,10l,MDiphy.8taL won: HAiAa, m, Neeiy, U to iVaraiDi: Weat6lde, lOO, Noatlaad, 7 lo 10, thlid. Time. 1:31. July X-Fli« race—Porae lellint, OreTorloBgA-- Boo HAlbeur, 100, CuXu, 8 to a, won; watch CbArm,lQi^ atiaaburT.l to 1, aecond: UeadllgbL 100. Kaeiy, IS to 1, Uilid. Time, I» Second moe—Putae StSOL for two rear olds, oDo-bAir nlle—Uera, 101 Hen. 8 to 0, woo: CbArmA, I0S,NeAiy, B to ft, aecond: WIsirul, lOS, Muipby, a 10 1, third. Tlma, OMfi Third race-Puna lllill ror maldAns, Ala ADd a quarter fUrloDga-Berono, BB, Nearr.3 tol, wod: Cody, a, C. UDrphy. 8 u> 1,Mcond; (^uln Bob, or, Dunv.a m S, third. Tims, \M)i Pourth rac*-Pune luO, sailing, ooa mlla ead a alaiaeath OallAlln. lis, HaAiT, 1 to 4, won; Paris, KIT, Dufly, 9 to 3, aecond: OlaoAll 101, HArrialO to 1, Ihlid. Time. IMH. Fifth race—PoraeBUO. aarao furlooiia—Touog Ma- geota. HU A.Mooi«,ato^woa; Laoto, NT, Duir^, Mlo I, , Pair PUy, 109, W. HotrlaT to OiUilid. Tlma, I:S elilh imce—Pane BISO, ■ailing, fonr end ooa- liAirrorloDgs—Taacrad,a, R. B4Ddar,3to I, woo; Kaian, 107, Nanry,! to 1,aecond: CbAlaAu, 107, Marpby, 3 to S, Uilld. Time, IMX. ,^ „ ,„ _, . ,. „ July4.—PIretrace—Pune EBO, aeUIng, Hi aod a kiir rurloDgn-Cktecblam. 100, A. Moore, eren. woo; Pilate CblaClOr, Delahanly,atol, aeCDBd; OUO, 110, W. UorrU, ■'*-' ..BecoDd race-Furae ISJO; ealllog, baira mlle-Mlaa Bowser, KB. Waihbura. I to U wao; Bir William, U/T. Murphy, 3 to fl, second iCarpeDler. IIB, Zellar, 10 to 1, third. Time, 0:OK Tblid rac*- ParM KOi, aaUlDg, rour aad a haUfnrloDKS-^aaleTaral, KB, DAMbADty, 4 ioa,woD; Canon, 107, UAm, 3 to I. see- a lol. Uilid. Time, l:S S'll rou ood; Mlaa Stnart, ItB, WAahbum,a to I, third. Time, OAlk Fourth rac»-Pune IzOO. aalliag. odo mile— Mirage, 111, W. Morrla,7 lo ii, woo; Arehbkhop, 111. Fits. aimmooa,4 to I, second: Cheddar, 140, Morpby, 6 to 1, third. Time, 1 :ll rinh iAce-Pan« lUO, all ADd a liair rurlooge—HIppana, lOB, Canon, 11 lo S, woo: iDdIa Babbar, IHl, Dwyar, a to % HcoDd: KInnasoUk 110, Mer. rick.Stol,Ihlnl. Tlme,l:23 SliUi race—Pates 1301, rnr inaHlana, Are dirlongw-^uhnny P., lu, Yeller, T to 5, won:Name,lU, UeaAii.a to 1,aecond; OlorgiA B., lift, Msrrlck, a to I, UiInT Time, 1:06 July a.—Firs'. r^ce-PurM 8100, selling, sli AodAbAir rurlnnga—India Rubber. 134, Dwrar, 4100, woo: Jagglar, 131. Morrlasoy, 10 lo 1, aaeond; Parrsna, 131. WAahburn, 2 lo 1, third. Tine, IJ8 Second race—Pun* lan, aalllng, all and A i|UArtfr nrrlooKA—Fair Ploy, 110, W. MorTin.0 too. won; CblanAlo, IIS, A. Moora,2u to 1. aec- ood: LIUMgnpb, IIS. Bander, 13 to I, third. Time, 1J4S Tlilnl nce-Purae llflOL aelling, flra rurloiij , - - . ige— Saplour, lOr, W. MorTl^ Ito 3, won: Marla,9l, EllU,a>ta I. Hcond: AI. UaltoDboll, WK, Penon, B to iTUilnl. Time, iM PourUi race—PuraellSO, esUlBg, four ead a hair lurlonn— Kabui, 110, NaAty, 4 to a, woo. RiAna. nan. 107. WAiliburn. 0 to 1, aecood; TatDBaDy Hall, 107, NMl, T lo \ Uilid. Time. 0:0r PIDb raco-Purae IISO, selllog, ooe mlle-Kcllpaa, 114, W.Horrl>,3 ua, won: Oonialea, 111, I'ODgdoa.lfl lo 1,aecood; Bllaaid. Ill, Panioo,flO lo 1, third. Time, I:fT Slitb raco— Parse llSa sailing, six sod a quarter Ibrlonga—Uarria, lOr.Neary.O to S,woa; SIbera, IQJ, Horpby,4 to 5,sac. ond: Young Magcola, liO, A. Moore, IS to I, tJiltU. TImr, 1 _ TraUiBB la OeriBBBX. TlioliDttlogine«UoglDBerllo,aer., waaconllnDotl 00 June n, itm bolog a goodlj Btieodaocc. Tbe Uambaig Dilza ot 1,800 marka, 2,400 metrei, waa won bj Star In 4K)1X; 6ol* aecond, Staadeland tblid. Tbo Acuibos prize, ot marks, i,400 motra, waa won bj Max In 4:98; Uabllog second, TTonbells Ihlid. Tbo Lobongrln prize, ot 1 JOO tnarka, 3,000 metres, waa won by XBUett In tMSi Sober, 2,726 melRs, aecond; PIpiUD, 1,700 oaliiea, tblrd. Tbe Sionka prtze, ot 2,600 marks, 8,400 mMres, wu won by Klober In Qreena second and Alexia tblnl. American bones more tban beM (belr own on June 21. lltniT Flelacbmann't Sbadeland Del- iDonIa set Uie example wbcn she won tbe Paulabora priieot 1,400 marka, tbo Drat erent ot tbo day, ajid Lyander WUkta suatalned bis erlnnlog tonn In tbe Free Uandlcsp, Tbe aommartes tolloir: Tbe Panlo- bom pilie, ot 1,400 marks, 3,000 neirea, waa won bj Sbadeland Dclmotilii, la 1:03^: Boiyton aeoona. Sola Ihlid. Tbe Reconl prize, of 1,400 marka, 2,400 Delia, wu won by Eddie Hayes, 2,H0 moires. In 3:61^; Kleber, 9,4to menva, aecond; Clsi* Hsddl- ■on, 9,41ft oetna, italid. Tbe Ulls prize, ot 1,900 marka, wu won by Tronbella, 2,000 mettea, In 3:49M; Aatuaer, 2,0U metres, secoBd; UegUng, 2,000 metres,tnlid. Tbe Pie« Handicap, 1,10amarka, wu won by Ijaander Wilkes, 2,911 meirea. In 4:41; Alexia, 8,023 meu«8, lecond; Bzooks, 8,on meues, third, Tbb Vlnlnla JookeyClab'aofflclahilield oaefaloD, July 3, at BL Anpb, ror tbe porpoae ot conaMerlog cbargeaamlnat various bonea, fockeja and owaen. Aa a reaalt H. Otlgle, tbe oimer, tbo bone Qoaner- moater and Jockey H. King were ruled off for pull- ing tbe bone In tba alxtbisce on June 28. W. Hen- neaay wu Used tit tor lutertering wlib tbo Jookeja on Qaletj and Quartermaster In tno ame mce, and lleniT Oonnon and tbe bay Ulj Dana wen ruled off tor Ibe pulling ot Ibe Oily Is Uie iblid mce on June 24. JootBT Wiuii Simia bu beenreleaaed from eua- plclon by the Driuab Sodeij tor Ike Prevenilon ot Cnielly to Animala In connecUon wlUi tbe obarxca made tbat be bad ncontly drivao lo deatb tbe American troniag bone, DIllT A., In a recent Jonr ney agalnal time tiom Newmarket lo (Jambridge, Eng. UiBIOTLY wu driren by Andy HcUowell against his record, 2OT>«, at SLJoaepb, Ua.onr a good ■rack. Tbe eibiblUon wu a iipleodld one, Ibo borae psolog tbe mile wlibout akip or break. Tbe quarter wu made In oai)i; bait, lauxilbRO-anar- len,l:a«x,andmlle,2K)9. Faktaby, drtren by Ed. Oeera, woo Ibe tree tor all tnt and 11,000 puna at tbe HlniaapUa Driving Park, July a. DInclum, driven by Jlmmj IHialln, won Ibe aecond and toortb bnib Flntaaywoa Ibe Inland tblrd beata, In im, tbe beat Ume tor Ibereoe. SriBTiii PnnNOiu, laat week aubleoled aome ot Ibolockeyatoataalaotdlaolnllneatoakley. Jock, eya Newoomb, 0. Leirla and L, Hoden were aacb Oned tia, and an aaaeaament ot $lo wu placed agslrat Jockey Ulackbnm. Jockeya Ross and (kl- k>py were an^nded bidallnllely. Ida, a pacing mare, wu tbe eabject ot a dlacna- ilon dunnc tbe 2:2t class ncoattheOenUeman'a Driving Furk, UalUoore, Hd,, July 3. Bbe won tbe liai two beau baodlly, and wu Iben beld op, for wblcb ber driver, llall, wu anapeuded and gned. Tbe new driver flnlabed tbe noo, wloiflog eaiUly. TUB PlanttUon Slakes, for two year olds, colta lo tanr mib and miles mU), penalilei and allow ancea, wu run lor Jnir s over tbe flvo tnrtnni coune at Newmarket, Eng. J, Fuiier'a Cklokan won, Donegal aecond, Longfonl Lady tblrd. Rick, ard CToker'a Moniank mn foaitb. ALU aiaited arnlnat ber time at 8L Joeapb, Ko,, Jnly 4, iiefore tolly fonr tbouand penona. Tbe lime by quttan wu u tollowa: pint nnansr, 0:3I,>;; bait mile, IK>91{; Ibrte-qnaileni, lOiii; mlle,a:01X. TBB Prince ot Walea Slakea, ot lo,ooo aoTenlgu, aeoond bona lo ncelvs too aoverelgna and tba tlli3 hone 200 sovereigns, at NewmwRtu Kng,, July 4, iru won by Benry HUner's Le Var, OUca eecond and Hr. miner'a More (be Wlaar UM. TBI noo for tbe IMil nala at Neinnarkel, Big., Jnly a, nanliad In favor ot Mr. FBIria'a ooonaa^ Santsue U aecood, Vmgo tblrd. M. F. Dwret'a Don Alonn Inlabed ronrtb. A. Cluon bu lodged a oooplalatwim Iba Jockey Oinb agslnit W. 0. IJaly for aUeged vkriadon ot ceo met, glowing col ot aa afieaDMot lor Ibe laiTUiea ot Jocxej Keef e. BACUa AT fHaKPSHKAD BAT. no aecond noewal ot Ibe Long lalaod Handicap, tba nonlng of tbe Venal Stakaa, and the contest 01 talrir good laMa In Um fonr nmalBloc laceawerc (be magneta Ibat drew a crowd of about fire ibou. aand penona to tbe Coney Island Jockey anb'a Hack al Sbeepakead Bay, Jnly 2. A aplaodid aeM raced Uie tag tor Ibe bandlcap, and tbe Inlao or Iba race wu veiy exclilog, reaolUog In a bard rongbtvlcioiT tor Ramapo over sncb worthy con. lesunts u ar Walter, Slater Hair and Uizaronr. Id tbo lutnce Uie riden all kebaved ItBdl; at tho poet, for wblcb Ones ot 126 ncti were aasnncd sgalnsi Ibe full list, wblcb Uicloded Jockeja Mldg- ley, Keefo, Oriinn, lAmlsy, Fenn, Uarrlaon aud Overton. Bommaries: For two year olda. a awaepatakca at BIS each, wlui 100) added, or which IHO to Uw secoad aid IflO u> Ua Uiird, w'c^SSjQ'th. I. Emouooal, by BanaUoD-KlUr lor- ber. 110; loul Kaere I Cambridie Buble's b. c Yaakae Soodia, 113; i .u a Orerton 3 A.U.AD. U.MotTU'ch.cBrlab.ia;7 lol Paoo] T1ffle,l:(B^ For three year olda aad odwahi, a aweepstabaa or lis each, with iSoo added, or which llOto aaoond and 130 lu ibira, aalllog aUowaDeea,oDe mlla aad Uitee-aliteeBUvi. BrawD a Bogaiar b. b. Dally America, 1, by Tronkadour- SuBbeAm,1l4: aua. BelHl A- U. a D. H. EosTls' bnpi ch. c Paladbi, X M: a Ui 1 Mai UIrab3 C.E. amlUi'sb.h.Candalabi>,a, U8;Ilo I....DoiasU9 Time, 3 At Tbe Venal Blaket,rortwoyearoldBUleikofUOAack. goanDlAod CA»b TAluA, tVm. lo ibe elDoar tljm, to Um aecood $3UI, eod lo Uie Iblrd IIKI, dra rurloega. P. J. Dwyei'a b. t. Aalom, by MAlln-Toache Pas, UD: a tol Donelt I J.J, MoCtff.rty'ach. r.RellgIOD,IIO: 7 lol .RelXI SrookdalA SlAbb'a b. r. Uoa I Lore. IVT;Ito U. BeegAo 3 Tlm^ 1 ax. For Uiree year oMa end vpwArd, naldaBB, a awe.p- slabaaorlUMcli, with ISD added, or wblcb (MO ui aae- ood aod ISO lo Uilfd, ooe mile. W. U. Forbee' br. o. Baiellon, 3, by UaiaUiat<h.iasle. KB; au4 Urimo I A. U. a D. H. Monle' hr. a. Tbe Swata, 3,99:3 to LPeno 3 MarttuDaly's cb.c.Prlmroae,^ 1(0; 4 lo Beaaan 3 Tlme.l:a)i. TbeLoDg IslADd Handicap, ror three rear olds aad up- WAld. guArAoleed cash tbJba, lt,oau, to tba wloMr 11,10), lo the aecood laeOL and to theUiIrd llftfl^oDa mile eod A lurlong. Qkleoo A DAlf'acb. b. BAraApo, S, by Runuynede or FODUac-ADDla P., IBM tol Oilllla I Ooecb SIAhle's b. h. Sir waller, MB; 1 u 1... .Doeaetl 3 OoughAcn StAble'a h. g. PaeeemAksr, 4, HJB; 8 to l..B4lir 3 Time, I Ji. For ibree year oUa aod npwAtd,A aveepstakea of lis OAcb, wlui laboadded, or which 11(0 u secoad And lU lo third, all rorhMKa on turf. ODugbAcn Bubla'a ch. m. Luaue, 0, by Llnden-OIaem, KB; 8 to I KUgler I W. 0. DAl«'acb.h. VAplAlnT.,t,iaO; a lol Raid BlomtoD StAhle's b. b. lIurllDahani, 4,1I3;7u3.UiIiUd3 TIme,I:IIK. Upmid ot Ibree tbonsand entbiulaals made the Joniney to tbe track 8, to witness a mild progmmoe ot extras, and alUiongb Iba card wu banen ot stake eveuta, tbe Oelda, wlib two exceptions, wtre ot good aize, and a majortiy ot Ue ondbgs wen closo and exciting. Outsldeni keld the call on tnis at tbe win, but one tavorite lodlng Ibi Held In Ike rear at Ibe closo ot lb lace. Tneaurorlsoot Ueday wu Batbampton'a qulok Jouiuay, irlUi a aiabte boy up. In tbe foDitb nico. Summariea: For two year oM maldaoA a aaeapuahea or tn each, wlUilSOO Added, orwblchlKUtoaacondADdtaio Uilrd, flro furloDgA. ODackBuble'ach. 1. FAjcloalloo, by SlrHodred-AUrao- UoD. lUB; 8101 DoggeU 1 P. Lorlllaid'a br. g. BahaaUan, 107; ft tol arldlB I Ouughacra StabU'a ch. c Sir Pater 11. 110; 8 lo 1 Uaolluni 9 Tlme,l«l. For three year oldi and upwurd, a awaapatakaa orilo each, wllh 13410 added, or wblclillOlllo lecvDd and 110 lo tblnl, selling allowADcea, all rutlooge. Blamloo Stable's h. h. UurUDBbam, 4, by Klog Gahw. PlaylDgnelds, 113; ft lo 1 UriOlD 1 0. B.SmiUi'adi. m. Derfarxllla,!, 110; lOtoT. -Doggell 3 P. J. Owyer'a br. c. Declare, 4,113: a to 1 Tanl 3 tlaa.l-.UH. For Uiree year olda, maldena,a awaepalahaa orilO each, with lai) added, or wbldi $100 lo the sacood and ISO lo thethird,ooeBlleAnd aquarur. Haroua Daly'a eh. c Primroae, by St. Blalje-Woad Ylo- 1.1,116; SUS TAnl I Pr^BessMahle'scb.g. Laoldala, 111: 1 u l....(lriltlD 8 M. Ollpla'a b. c Tom Moore, IIS: ll) lo 1 Uamllloo 9 Tlm^^:li». For three yaer olda Aod upeAhl,aaweapAUhaeoriItf aacb. with Ifiin added, or wbldi IHU to aecood aod 130 to third, OBB mUe. Marcus DAly'a b. b. Imp. BaUiAmplpn, 4, by Uanptoa. TbaBALIB; Utol H.irmllh I J. J. McOaSertr'a cb. m. UalOB mchob, a. Ill; a lo 6 Helm J. R. a F. P. Eeene'a br. r. HobiaCS, lU; 10 u T.Tonl 9 Tlme,I:d)<. Tor two yeer olda, a aweepatekes or 110 eeeh, with liO) Added, or which 110010 aecood ADd 100 Ui third, Fuiurily conrae. J.J.McCelTerty'ab.g. MacBriggs by StfaUimoraOru. wlD,IOr; I to I Reiri J. MeUuihllo's cb. c Pnuler. UU: S u I Tanl 3 P. Lorlllard'ab. I. Beiear, M: 3to I. Kaei. 3 Tine, l:KIX. For three yaer olda aad upwaid, a iweepetakes of 110 each, wlUi lUI added, or which SUM to aecood and ISO lo third, aeUIng alhiiraneea, one mile aod a alxteanth on Uia turf. Oiiarlaa IlaAa'a ch. c Intenlly.e, by Sit Modnd HIroa. ileUe,HB;8tol Peoo I OneckBuble'a b. c. Deanlayar, ^ 110: t UI. ...Ooggelt 3 Badu AdIu BuMe'a b. m. SaloDlca, agid, lul;7io I L BeAgsD 3 Time, 1:49. Tbe closing day ot tbo aucctaatnl meetlag wM ae- rionaly mamd by a downpour of laln tbat paid a visit to UilsnoUonon Independence Day, bntnerer- tbeleaa upward ot elgbt tbonsand penona Imted tbe alonn, and tboy were well rapakl doling ibe tun- ning ot tbe ReallzaUoD SUkea, Ike biggest nee, ibua tar, In Ibo racing year. Tbe Inck wu boot deep In mud, besides many pools ot water stood Ui lbs atrelcb, conauntly nplenlabed by tba titqoent abowentbat prevailed durtnguieafternoon. Tbe beavy going onaed consldenble acntcblogand u acooaequeucelbedeldaweregeaeimUysmaJI. Kee- nan wu tbe tavorile In Uie beitliig for tbe Ids mce ot tbe day, bat tbe Del Honta Butile's candldaie, Bright Fbubua, landed Ibe prtze, wonli 180,1(0, af- ter a botbalUslntbealreuk. ACUieatanOiomweU eel Ibe pace and led the Held by conaianlly locitaa- Ing lenglba uoUl drilUo, on Keenan, aet all for Ibe lead In Ibe baokalntcb. Juitu tbe rear guard entered Ibe un BeUr, on Brlgbl Pbisbaa, began riding wlUi all fours, and wu aoon gaining npldly on Uw tavorile, wbo wu aalUng avray tor borne, me Ogbi Uien began In eaineat,and wItb atridea tbat covered greatamounisof ground ike big coll began bammaring down tbe favoriuhi lead. Half way down Ike atnicta Keenaa wuaverbauKd,ud by mucb good ridUig tbo goal wu reaobed wllu Bright Fbuliua a bead In Uia lead, Keenan Icadlug KlngAitbur,Uilrd, by elgbt lengliui. BommaiT: For aU ages wblcb have sianad eod sot woo durlBX ihlameeUoK AaweopatAkeaor llOaach, with SOUadilsd, or which tlU u tho aecond and 110 to the Uilld, Fuurllr coune. Banu Anita Suble'a b. c Rel dal (Urr^rea. I, by Em- peter or NorlOU Clan D., 1X>: 8 lo 1 .Tanl 1 MHr. UAnweU'sb. c Uenwall, i 113: a tol MIdgler I Adola SIAblA'a b. b. AuralUn, i IB; t ui I Pson 3 Time, 1:13. For Uireo year oUa, a aweepsukai of 113 each, wlUi ISOO Added, or which IKD lo Iba second ADd ISO u Uie Uiltd. sellingellowADcea, one mile, oo thetorT. Onack Bubla'a ch. & DoggalL by Tha Beid-Bosewood, UBKiaiol ." Doiielll F. 0. Karrldte'a br. cCom Cob. 97:6 U> I...C. Oarrlinn.J P. LorUlaidlb. e.Aprll FooL 101: i tol MUgley 3 TbBe,l'.ITM. Becood part or the DoBOle B.eot, for two year olda, wiDDenorivoraceaori],QOOtor ooe or laborer iba VIni BTODt, 4B eitra, DialdaDa oerer haf lag hem placad aecood ror a neb or 83,0(Dk aitoead 8ft. l£a pndnce or maiea or alalUona whldi hare not prodocad a wlaoar Eriorlo Jan. 1, U9IL ir DialdaDJ al Um oraurUBl.Al. iwad 3B. of bothTtB, u» wlDDer to receln HOA the seand ITM ADd Uie IhUd tBH Fulerllir coDiee, ebool three qoAitan or a mile. P. J. Dwyefa ch. e UADdaprIng, by IlaoorerKy FaTor. lie,IB; loue -wwVii J. JJIccStSailr'a ch. c Applegala, IS; I to 1 Uair 1 Tbae, I:I9>^. The RealliatloD BUhea lor Uuee psar olda, loala of 1891 ABweepalaksohytlMroUowlBg leaiiacureeBbacnplionj: For heraee eetaced as roaU by Joly U, 191IXD eech. IW forfait iraueck out by July IS. USI,aDd oDly IS ir auock out by July la, ISO; ror boraea eniared ea yearUDxaby JultU,U«a.wbn Uiealabea ahab ba cloasd, lEU each; tllJOIonall II alruck out by July U, 1894; al] alaclan to pay aao adiUlioaal, aU or wlildi eball bo lo tbo mcob. ADd Iblid boieae, aa lurtbar prevkled; flie Couay IUadJ Jockey Club Ui Add tlO,a>); Uie secoad to lacelre W» ortbe added meoey and twelblrdsortbeataiUngmenar: the Uilxd lljODO or tha added mooay and ooetblnl or Ui. alaning money; colta lo carry IBB. aUise sad geMIogs 119b; noo.whioen et Any Umeor lk,ODU allowed 4b; ol mU,7B; oril.U)0,HI»; liADdlsia ADd sallloi racaa Dot ieckoned u race.: the produce ot mAree or ata>lloos which bATo not produced a wiBUerprlor to Jan. I, iaa,k> boAllowadlb: orboUi,SB; ODemlfeandQTa iarwoga. Dol Hoole BlaUe'a h. e. Sriibl Pbirtiua, by Felaauo- Buff ADd BluA, 113 Balir I OldaoD a Daly'a cb. c EeaOAn, m arlOa 1 J. B. A F. P. Keeae's b. c Xing AiUiur It, III Tanl 1 CtomwaU, CoDDolaaur, (^uotsr Teaor aad Dolabn also raa. Ttae, tMH. ... BattlDg: PiTB lo 4 oo EaeDao, 7 lo 1 agalaal Bright Ptmbua,eulOooDlorTeBor, la lo 1 Coanoijeenr, 10 to I Dolabra, U to I UnoweU, U to I Klsg Anbar II. For two year eUa wbkbhaTe atatlad aad have boIwoo dorlax IkU meeUog, a awaepetakea or au aacb, with •»> BddadTor wblcb lUD to Uie aaceod aal *10 lo Uis third. Ore rarlooga Baaia Aala Blablafs br. c Basilie, by OADo-Cakaa Qeeea-IUiatoa IH**] A.UTo. aHorria- eh. c Briah, US: 4tol Pidd 1 Jak, UL OoeebBttble'ibt.f.tflialalaTlla; Hlol.... Dogtetll