New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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THE ISTEW YORK; CLIPPER. July 13. IL. IE3 TJ T^ 1W. -A. IL. L HS IT, AMERICA'S GREATEST VENTRILOQUIST, Will be AT LIBERTY After the First Week in October. Atpraieiit with ScvlbBiir St aBl(k'«°Olr(t». Weald Ilk* tehmrftwm rintOluiMaBUcnaalr. I will larut m(««F ■•> »r coBTlBfilniiKhfaa* Aadra»a«p*rrDBl»or SORIDNRR A HMITII'll ClilCtlf. or.OARB OP OLIPPBR. TO WII03I IT M A V COVCRRK^I wlih l( ItBOWB that I Bm (b* lavaatitr aad Orlgtoalor ofthfi nuing ftgunt IB Ida Box. WiiO OAK DISPUTE IT I Thar* more Ihan qna tarc«l.. How man^ dooa thU kit 1 NBLLIB A.T LIBERTY, r SIS Review** Co.. Omiw ■ -a Cum both pIftF p*>1i* UZZIE lAte or Iloft** '^Trlp to ChliiKtowa*' Co., RotMlt** ComodUni|| "A ne^lew** Co., Oalto*! **A IVIld Dock'* Co., la «li«lr Utett olaBlag snddonclnf apMlall^. Al ilnglBf and Danclag floabretlf>| In coajaactlon with Miivi^iE ]!ka:oEivo'S', Irln tinging aad Daitring ■Mclaltf (and Character ParU). BIcCOV SltfTBItS cao b* enitiftwl alooi. If nwitvf. 1(*t« nood priDilnii. BpectacuUr, farrA comailr or neonlied AMJaltj ea. aJdreu 70 E. ItTil ST., hBw Y' YORK, or car* nfCLUVKR* TO FAIR ASSOCIATIONS m mW CITY MIMINT CD. OF FDnmaiiEs thb most POVM DR4W1NG ATTRimS FOR YOUR FillRS. Thio MawB wo hmrB a Mlrctlon of the lanento bo had. Oar main 1 of the blggvat monej ^9 f1petarMB», namelyi THE FAMOUS MIDWAY AND CARNIVAL OF ALL NATIONS. lO. or tlio OrlRlniil World's Pnlr JVIlrncllona. 10, ilSO P1COFL.1C OF* ALiLi NA.TIONH. »nO. IffOTB.—Oar SIroeU ar« a Ac .Inll. of the orlgiaal. The Famoat Midway wai the blBtMsofllceBttrBctlon laetaeaeon* (Ifigblljr eadoraed by PreM and Pabllc. No ob- j«etl«Babl. feataree). A araBd repradnetlOB of a mialDB camp darlag tba ploaeer day* of Ilia flniea. MjpOO aq. ydf. at gorgeoai Bad magalflMnt KMerc aad alioitoraaltable attracllona. Paatairaa elBboraugr»aplaB«of blitorlcaler.Bta, war, art, air. On a arealer and grsBder aesle eTer BItempted tm America. Aa aelaal ontlair of glOiOOO. Two alldlng BBd reTOlTlng Btagea. The entrance to IhliatlractloB will be a reproduction of (he maitar piece Fn arrhllrct, ODldea Oat* entrance to Traniportallon Hnlldlng, World'a Fair. Amerleaa andlpanUh NoTrltirThaatrei aad B handred other atlrartloBi to aeleetfrom. For partlrulanand temi addreaa • OTTO gcnniDT, Hanager aardea Olty Atnaiement t^o., ' HarUwe Theatre, fKallon O, Clilrago, V. t. ».. "WA.3VTEIID, WHALLEN & MARTELL'S "South Before the War Co., Colored Blailclani of talent to organlie a miliary BroM Band« Matt be Ihoroagli mnalelana, eaimble of plarlna aay mailc ml alght, and not ploy at It. Preference RWaa to thoM that ran doable In ttrlng. Hare alto room tftor a Pickaninny Band for o.)i Company. Alto want Plrat C'law Colarad Talent, 91i*le and Pemale. Blnit b« eipeclally talpnirfl. No room Air onllnary prrfbrmera. Will alio buy a lel of bond nnUbrmta Nn«t bo 6nt elaii In every r««pecl. Addreta llAUnv MAUTBI.L, Boalh Dnrkam, Oreen Connty, N, Y. Charles Kenna's Minstrels. SEASON OPENS AUGa 27. Vonatlle MInatrel Perfbmera, (hoievlaylngbrati preftrredi A I^eaderofUi Onheiirs, Doable Doh and Tubai A BlrletlyTempemteaud Reliable A gent, thennghly aaderataad* the bwlneoa, andrapabeof putting up paper If df; r Uand and .one who , _^ . ^Ired. Manager* tbroagh New England, New York and Ponntylvania aend open time. Bott tharing tornia. Perftormera elate very lowett iaJar# llret letter. Addreia OHAItLKI KBIVNA, BlanaOeld, Mate. SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE TM BROADWAY, N. V., ONH DOOR HBLOW NINTH ST. (Fonuerlr 49 UltlllOD Lane), MILITARY, THEATRICAL AND CIRCUS GOODS. OcM anil Bllror lacea, FtlnRcs, apniiRloa, Hiara, TusoU, UruvtilM, TlRbu, BLIru, rtddlngii, IIhIii, WIga, BiKMMKnd Jowolt7, Thmttlcal, V^iunlrlan and Allilullc OwMli, Coamniiint'and ludgo Hakois'Supplies, yupaud Dannora, UlllUtrr Hiiil floclolj Triinuiliim. Arnion of nil klnda to order. Bond for calluulca. Tha Urroit fimoruiioDl aud lieavlcal Block of tbM« goodntolio foiinil nnjiriiL'te. Clrculam free, tioods i n a- MME FL0WERS,Bt!3 BLACK PATTI,FREOJ, PIPER, Mile. A* De I.eon, Madelalne Blartln and JO othera, In a Grand Spec- taralar Kitravaganin* CASTELLET AND HALL, AT LIBERH FOR NEXT SEASON. AddrMa, tmill Anff. 11, 104 XNOUSH. XlfSIANAPOLIS. IND. LEONARD I FULTON CAN BE ENGAGED FOR '96 AND '96. Oie ol the Strongesl Fifteen Minute Coimdii Spiclaltles Before the Poblic BTerythlBg newlbrneit aeana. A senalBe laBBhlng aan-eM guaranteed. Uoth capable of placing re>|H>nillilv iiarti. iHaaageraoriWiTeroiitnly, Ciirleaqae or apeci- Bity coinpanlea aiVdrvaj LEONAItD AND FVLTON,43 No. Itniaell 8t., Ilu>tOB, Naa^ AT LIUEUTY AFTKR JULY I I, SISTERS MENDOZA. THE MOST FINISHED LAUY AEItUL ACT ItEFOKE THE PUDLIO. MAmvtnnr Ant rUu romMniltoni wUlilna t tlrDns ■rrlil «rl for lltii cnmlnR hmmid rtn xMnuaraiT LAdOON TAHK, Lailltiv.Ky .uiilllJtil) 11; After £.vt KVviNil itT^ ni(»Ko. HI- K(ntl»M rvfrniOitlti nil frlFiiiia. AT LIBERTY FOR FARCE COyEDY, DRAMA OR BURLESQUE, HARRY R. AUSTIN, ECCENTRIC IRISH, BLACK FACE AND YANKEE COMEDIAN, MITH arnONa aiNOINQ AND TALKINU IPECIALTIBII. AaMma aEN-Elt\L DB. MVBIiY, Richmond, Va. No Rnapi. DIa. and Waiilrabe alwr.ya ap to dale. LONDON THEATRE will raopen, Sept. S, under new inanageraf nt. ANTED, High Claaa Specially and Bnrletqne Atll.ti, Nhetrh Teanu, FIral Part L«dle« and AI Piano Player. PRANK J* WATSON, Sate Proprietor BBd naaager. Addma. natll Aug. 0, No. 170 Third Are.. Pltlibnrg, Pa.| alter that, Eiondan Theatre, BUnbeBvllIe, Ohio. P. B>-The ex-iuaaagar, Fraak MeitOB, la In ao way eoBaaeled with thta boaae. Another Splendid Duet. "THE SAILOR'S TOAST," Ilulntlucftl uiloPublfMfa tnoUi«rel«gtDtda»t, for either ina4e or rennle TofcfJi, «Dtli)«l "The Idol of My Heart," TbU U RICDARp ffrAHL'Bjrrett sods, amnied by lilmwirfor tvo rolMA. The enot !■ iBdtKrlbelilyliH. W« ktitlclpaia for thU duett ule ertn Unter Hud thu ttlAtnod br "nieRAllor'MTo&iL" RepiUr price S)e^ but tn iDtrodaeelt quickir to vill wnd ItppilMkl to tnj eddrMeror lOo. PHEJiPS BTOSTO CO. Ba-M La^relle Plare, new Yorfc* NIAGARA COUNTY FAIR, SEPT. 19, 20 AND 21, I89S. AMUSEMENTS AND AHRACTIONS WA.1NXED. ArtriM JOirW T. DARBISOW. Bat'J. Loc>|K>rt. W. V. m m OR m, FIIIEBHUllUIDTeTIIE, Folly eqalpped, In flrai rlaaa bnelaeas location of Cleveland, 0> Addreaa TUB C.Ka OBIIIUNG DOBWINO CO*, CleTelaad, 0> Artiste In every branch of the pmresilon playing one week etanda In Pnlla. and vlclnlt)', and deelrlng to dll dates In fol* lowing week for lodge nndclah entertain- menti,wlll pleme notify uiln ample tine. Comle Singers, Sketch Teama, Mwalcal ArtUU, elca, reildents nf Plilla., send ad- rire«. TUB PHILAD*A. ENTBRTAIN'i, UirnBAtf, J. CHURCHILL, Mgr., 1,IU Cheilnot Sireel, Phllndelphln» Pa. il P,4RTNER WlTfl TO TAKE HALF INTBIlRgT IN A FIRST CLANS nEPRIlTORV COMPANY. TO TAKE THE IIOAD EARLY IN ACOVST, For farther partloalara addreia UANAaER, SS Ricl,moD<l filnol. Wait. Rooni )7. Toronto, Onlirlo, CtntiU. ^ . Managers, Take Notice. OAPT.SIDNRV UIKMAN. lh« Life FarSr. lod UIOKBV KKNKRV, Iho ToDKti Irlvh KM. nlio hM ml liklrtwl wfan ri)r« Kiii>pf>ndei*. Are polnff tn prcMnt one of Ihs runnleM act* biifuro de piibllo—« BarieiK|ue I>ffa RitIdk Act: vlll run 21 iiilnulM. and will f unnetae to ftcop the ftuJleitce In ft iiMdr uproar of Uuihler (or 18 reinsiei; IItioL vedonni v&ninor nUrr. Would liko in Join a flmtrlueconililMtloo for coihIdr eoaMD, or hur Trom llnrt rluR Ttriei; liouiit*. We carrr our own vpeelil KOliery. Addrew, ell Bittnmer, OAHT. BIUNP-Y IIINHAN, LlfeSaTer. Coper Iilniid.N. y. WANTED, FOR R£^£RTOIRE, HloRlnR and DAnelnR Soubrette. Iloavx Man, Hon toAil- ranee eixl \'\%y \'m\k, and otiier UMoful ]'«n|i|«. rieno PlA>er, ImAj proforred. Pull iierticuUn in ttnu leller. Woiltinni iny lArge nUrlec AddrOM UAHVhV4T10- DKK. l.amfrfi'm'^lniiiBlnwt, l^oulsrllK Ky. Lady and Gentleman, General Business. Matt aing raedleyat ntaat be acton* Slate loweet salary. No fares advanced to atnngevi. Addresa HARJIY B. LESTBR, »<The Revelera,*' Saginaw, MIcb. Eo. Anilorton. wd addreat MuithaTomaerecnie. COMPANIES WANTED. 8I.^lPaON'S aOOKIRO BXCHAfrOE, IMSuuth Flfleentta, HI. Lonls.Ho. MunefteninenlinH detee In ao., II).. Iowa, Kan., lod., end Ky.. aOdrve^ aIkito. Ceo ImoIc artd mute your corn- 1>4DloNct>oe|>erlliaii you can liuy eiauipe; 80)Arilc)M« inuHN under contract; nood lenii; atralobt bookloa. HrrtCtiUM AllraotloDH iraolld rorRane and Fein, Sept.0 to IT. 6|>rlnnnekl. Mo.; Decorali. Is.; Ilcoderwop. Hy. WANTED, tepley'sLyconm Theatre Co. A (Initd fttmnff B-KlAl Cnmet I'tayer to double Mcood tIoIIii. Kllile Trniiilmiie tar bftnd end orchearm. I nlw «anl Tliroo tluml R«i>«rto(n Actorn aaO a Lndy for Cher erierA. Slate very hiweat aAbir}- end al) pardciiUni Id nroi letter Sieas r«npl« tnuii lio able to report li*ie Inr ro1iMr>ml.)iily )l. Sraeoatf wcekn. Ralary oirryThura- dar. AddreM CANTOS. MO. WANTED, BANJOIST. A men tliat oan tlap; aod onterialo a crowd on the urvet; vofk vlaitdf. I i«y |IU i>er we«k and eireDkea. Drlnklna. iiiadilriaorte1llDai<oonle«hat you know elmut mr )>aal. neu, not iPlemteil. I herohad all I want ofthat kled. I vantatnaq tliat can act the itenHflmanaiHl work to my InKrcMt. Hliuelloii lAJtia aelonr * clrecil In ihrMveart. Addreee InKrcMt. Hiiuelloii lAJtu aelonKaeyou want iL lleTeoot i-.L—vMrt. Afldreee DR. 0. W. WHITE, W. y. Mwl.Co.. HaitBielnaw. Itlch. WANTED, QUICK, BPEOIALXr PEOPLE: OnniAillan «lio Aan »lnv. dance, play banjo nml orvao ■ml intt on an«r|ilcc<«. Al SinRlnc and Danrlnn Soult- milp. Lnily I'lanut wlin ran dll apoolaltlee anO work In ecu. i.<tninrlionliiandTni)>ii. A))mii»t rhanneepeclalllea rorone «cek. Addieaa DR. K. R BARLV, Falrmoni. MInnewita. )Ynnt4Hl, An Engngomont With A V ARIRTY OR OTIIKR BHOW TO DO RI'BdIALTV', ITrset- llni and l.iniuit llPAvy vrelahth Wtll mrel aU f^niera and wilt rorielt iiieeiupuDtniulary If I do not defeat all n)>pAnenta. Addrru IIARRV PBCm^fiKT, Ivtler known an VOt'NO RANItOW, rtieinnlnn wtvitler. core of Yonor Mfn'a lnHltut». tO BoiT»ry. Hew York Clly. O. JUDD MONOLA. Via, I'm therai^t with «TOrT dhow; li'a not h^nl If yoq'Te kqi itie act, yoa kaow. A FIRST CLASS AMATEUR, WITH SOME FSI-KRIFSTIL WOULD LIKE TO JOIN A OOOD CO. ran all* llriil rUMT«ri>rvnr«. AOilreM WII,I.IAMHt4 rillHonBL.lo««Cllt. la. Lady Who Can Make a Good Front, Rins KOMAH RTAMIINU. DRIVE TAXDBV, Bl&. B(c AJjr»M JAV l-OOK. r«ni. InJ. JAT COoV t m. TYPE WORK, BLOCK WORK. THE REAL THING. mma, «n|k« wt Owehu lo*i«tt« I* ht- tan; Stagliig Dutlig ComAui, and FmmI* BarHone (or R«per1onr Co, AllmaatbaAl.aad'haraaMidwardreba. SeodftiU Nation ColUaa, Arkuiw ATa and Owao, B.F OOrroWwrlU. AlUnlle CUt.W.J. IT mm m the comiig seison, KARLGOEBEL AND WIFE, VIOMN AND PIANO. WooM like 10 kau Im lepaltoir eonpanlw IlJ« plonir or Bu.lo tai am. WaarabolhaiMri<Dcad in Uw bo.laM«, rallable uu) no kicken. BaUtr to rail Uaiea, tat .aia. AOdraia all Ull»n KARL OOEBBL. JitkMD. TonB. WANTED, FOR Henderson's Big Comedif Co UrffS, rood lookloRFOaojclailr rorlieaTleaaod charaot- er Aleo flni daMnien rorleadaand lieaTlea. rrersr- •Dceslveo maawliocao doable In hrau. Bend photo., loweMealarr.eic^firctlsKer Maud nonet)^ wrlienulck Addreu W. F. 1IRNDER0ON. Ko^eno. led. Do Ton Need Money? BHODIiD TOU VISIT OHICAGO AMB NEED MOMET, PI.EA8E CALL AT HEYMAN'8 COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. We wlllloan IVoia tl 4o 910,000 on Dlamenda, Watchea, Jewelry, Seal Ganaenlj, aad OD anr arallable collalaml. 1*> BAST HAD180R BTBEET, Dreroort Hotel BaildlBK, Cblrago, III, n.BARE CUT THIS AD. OUT AND BBIKO SAUB WITH YOU. ^orOirlitiis- SMHAfl & WEDi, t»-n2 QREENE 8TRECT, NEAR PRINCE, NEW YORK OompletMt Block of ^. 3than aaf other CeUlogae}, lor > tedleaftUQ,neiTTOS OOe^made ua ,. r'^"^ ».OHTB (oor own make end un- CrtedX In Cottoo, fiSr. (redoced |1.10): heary (bIL ihloned Cotton, tl.76 (wear better than nOO woratad tlaht): bast irrmde Worat«d,tUO: Bllk.«UD aad •I.OO; baatRllk, VM. WecaiTT30Bh>deelD«Adiqaell^aiidnltB Id atock, and make to order In foordar*- Pedded tlahta ^^i.Afi%, J5K?Bfigf2d «f ' areeoleasentarorthe U.B.) Perfect Iml- "feBRR ».75: JAWDALB. QRBASE PAl CORK, ( Wea n UUODSATm perb. Bifi ilda. 1 . _ SATufiL In OToiT ■hide, iSo. 11A •LIS, ii.lOper*. , nBe. a jwt) to lino. deep. Opeawork XAca^ Ool Bi mlda. I.aoaa. Cofd^ BoUloo Plowen, elo. iIOK FfUTOEgrroro IVIa.daep . _ » Iii3 flOc and tl.OD a raid. □8, DAaaBIIg, with and withoni JareU. rioshei,^ SkwE^'iIh Mttl^jToVwIlh holul^ A FUIX LIRE OF TIIEATRICAI. JBWBUIY. OATAIXMIOB, FRICEa AHD ETSRT IHrOBtllTION BBITT BT KAIL. oooDaeBKia o.D. DRrrarra REgoiRED on all ORDERS. DriVBAB THEATRE, DUNBAR, PENNA. The only ehow honaa tbU Iowd lias OTer bwl. PopaUtlon or 5.anto draw rroni. A pay roll or Ave tliouaaod dollAn (|5.on)) twleaamoDtii, Uthand 3Dih. Now rsady to book for lliftoomlnir aeajum. L. D. WBIR, Manajnr. AddrewNO.CP WBHT MAIKBT.. UplontowaTt'ePiia. STEPHENSON'S COMEDIANS-Wanted, Qilck, A few OOOD RBPERTOIBB PEOPLB to compleU the eompaoy. At Leading Ladj, JDTSDlle Mao aad Oome- dlen, IManlat end other uHni) people. Salary MDffT be lowas It U RURB. WselfataaJe. NohrfHadTanced to •ixanstn. Addreaa ClIAfi. BTBPBBNSON, WeatftthSL, Warerloo. la. P. f).-^31lntBobblos,LulalIayp)oaMwrlto. Haoagen ■end open time. PROF. BERT SARGENT, BALLOONIST, OPRM FOR BNUAOEMRKTa SINOLB ABOKKDIOX OR SEASON. WonM like to Join acorapaoT. 11 OAELBTOil rLTUaverh III. Mya. WANTED, A GOOD COMEDY COMPANY FOR FAIR WEEK, COHHENCINQ BEn. W, tS, GRAND OPERA HOUSE, New London, Wis. DIOKEr A LDTBT. ProwSetort. FRANK E. LONG WAirrS FAIR DATES la Iowa, MlBne- sota, or Dakota. Also Heawy Man, Boa- brette, with Good Bpeelaltles, and other nsefU people. Also Plaalst* I paM aalarlee Id fUl) DO weeks laat Haino. Bipeclto do toener peat. A^^ra" ORESCO. Iowa. Wanted, 6cod All Around Singing and Dancing COMEDIAN, who playe banjo, with Rond tpeclaltlea. Booiereaud maaberaMTo PtAiDpa. Harir Decker,wrlteor wire. Addreaii J01IW FRANKDH. Bhi)oh. Ohio. AT LIBERTY, HRST CUSS BARITONE Double (Telre) TrainboBe lo Orchealrm. ReRpomlhlemaii- aiera only need write. Addreaa J.M. 8ARJBNT, fft Fourth Avenue. Terre Haata, lad. TEMPLE OPERA HOUSE. sa?&Bgf''^'°dS'*iig>»ysA''Sia'' MEDICINEMEN, $5 STARTS YOU; WE FUR- NISR m'R KINDS Or HBDICIHES, »oogh to Hart ion nicelj, fbr 19. Samplai, eto.. Sflo. poiftnald. BLECTRin RKMRDY CO . QalncT. III. A BARGAIN. A 60FT. ROUND TOP, WITH 40FT. MIDDLE PIRCB. IflFT. BIDE WALL, TUSH POIE, In Rood coDdltltD, Tor lAL Aildreu 0. g. nETCHBLI.. Earl.llle, nilaola MISCELLANEOUS. MAGIC UNTERNS WIHTEO IIARBACU kOO,m rllben BL. ninailaWa.'*Rr' FUTURE WIFE AND HUSBAND Per thounnd $100. FUTURE ro.. TV R Thlrteenlh flUeet. Hew Tork. OPIUM Uorphlne Habit Cared IbIU to UO dan. Ito pay tlU oared, l>r. J. Slepheaa, Lebaaon, O. WAICTBD, BLBO-RIO RELT HANAapJtfl. " Ffw ■«>r'« DMrte latale. Tk«y «m nU twwly fnl, ikMaadmeaTelMilitepe. ElECTHIC APPLIANCE CoTB^ltuNOyOWrKAHSAS. OS® EDMUND E. PRICE, Counselor at Law, HEW YORK CUPPER DUIUMHO, B AHD n OBMTRI BTRBn, Nn* Tmk Cll*. rnetlealaaUlhaOosita,OlrU aBdOitmlaiL tadal aUaiiUpa alTaB to the eoBaotloaor atilaa aad dVbSof ^ klad^ lha miwalloa o( amamaata a^ atbar lacal THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURERS BILLIARD and POOL 7 .^B E3 S IN THE WORLD, THE BRUNSWIGK.BALKE.C01LENDER COMPANY, No. 860 BROADWAY, NEW TORK Newest and moat elegant stflea, with the UNEQUALED MONARCH CUSHIONS. Billiard Materials, Clotli, Balls, Caes, ete., of onr own nanaftctare and Im* portallon. TUB BRUNSmCR-BALKE-GOLLEaVDRR CO., ObleaRO, CloclaDaiL, St. LoeLa, Bin Pruclsco. IDDI'TPAYACENTm SEE IT. OorlstcatUnportMlBlonfl puzzln diamond expeita. You =aQnotdotccltfOiaiboj;eoulne.TQ Inlioduco tbJs now stono we will Bood for 3D days this ilnff or stud byoipressaO.D.fortLfiSa Voa .evAmlM. IfDTt cqeal In ereMraoeelo a jMOricAdoa'liablL ireailafaccotypay Illie eitoi Ontor qnkk hnA mwua bifc ffua Ord«r All rkaiWa OUa<atnA Fr*** i^KHUbJOBBUiaco. W Haiaole Twpto, Okaio. OUaeli* OOE. YONQE A OO. MARUPACTunciis or WALKIKO OAHEB. Importcn o( OUTLEBT. HaTOtbelaiRcat line ol Jewelir.Ko- Uoiu,NoTeinoi,&o.atloircitpilc«a. . OoodiloiBtmlineOiADCllanecnBiid ^iinbiOaiKlUckgaod KDirsBtendaU • ipcclalty. lIlDitt'ld Catalogue fieo I 700 W»alilii||lon ««. 8T. tWIIS. MO- A. GOODRICH, UWYER, ^"STii::-?.'^?.:'' Ia,il and qqlat. Bimachee aad facllltlea lo olherBme:. CimiQC HUHBAKD OB WIPE niOTOR rUIUnC EirijES. 19 PERI AS. PORTnNEK. Plei.l0». FlneBireat BatuiT.W. pnOTOnO..EdM.Pa. AnnriBii FUn Hofte Shot irillbaworabr Plrat Unna That ial4 Two BflBol'a. land for OalalORn villi PricaL We rafer by pannlialon to DR. J. n. KoTor, D.BCOTTqpiNTOif, W.aBEjn)BltKBOK,_„ AMERIOAN BARD riBRECO., Newaik, D<L 'Bip.0.t „ ebinaa pnpald. Catalogue of jtami, vatcheaand Jewelrr &.. l.«ailHOoleT«niple.Cblci|». firea. iQtaniatlonalaaiDC ANXI-HXIFF 3 AN ABBOLUTB NRORffilTT TO THE Alhlele, Beiert, Spertsntn. Sold br Dtunliu BponFai wnlaa C Dealer Cyclist, Tinrlst aad Bill Hon eOeaclooa In BTRE-SOTaBNINU THE HDSO'IB E. rOUOERA A CO.. S W. Wllllain at,.N TO BE POSTED FtE^D THE CLIPPER ANNUAL FOR 1895. OONTAIMIMe BECOBDS I!« ALL DE' FABTIENTS OF 8F0BT, niCLDDDie CHBONOLOOIES FOR Xm, A<)DiTIC ATHUn C, BACDie ADD TBOT TDCe KVKNT8, BASEBALL, CHICKKT, BIL- LIARDS, ETC RECORDS OF FAST- EST TIME AMD ALL BEST PERFOBB' ASCES. ILtrSTRATED. Price 26 Cents. A.ddross THE NEW YORK CUPPER. ■MWTOaK.