New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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, tn n* ihBk ^oaa nuubtia ocotmr <umiM.) Feundtd by I FRANK QUEEN, IB}3.i NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1895. VOLUME XLIIk-Na 20. Prie* 10 C«nt«. A TRUE LITTL E HEART A LL YOUR OWN, ■ UriU>UB TBI NIV TORK CUmi, BY B UWlCli MO WRQg. ntn la mnj • J07 la Ibis wortd for tu ill, There to nuitr > trouble and c»n; Tbo' ■da tBlnloir todtj, jet IberaDUgbt will till, An] tomonow be plemnnt and ftlr. But tbere'a one J07 of Joja tbit will ne'erfedeawiy, And wllb It no life can be lone; 'Twill comfort jon atlll, Id good fortune or ill— A tme IllUe beart til yoor own. UHOBOe. It cbeere na when aad, makes life doublj glad. We eoTj DO Ung on bis throne; Ha better than gold, or tieisore ontoM— A tne unie heart all ronr own. Tbo' we wander afar, jet we sigb to re tarn To the one who noskes life erer Meet; And the clear ttar of Love o'er onr palbwaj wUI bnm Till again we And comfort and rest From the glitter and glare of tbe world we come bank, With steps tbat so weair have grown, And dndcQithewoitli thatmakeaBeaTen of earth A Ime little beart all joor own. When once tis posaeased ne'er caat It asldo, Merer alight It on Life's tnnbloos waj; Hold It sacred and dear, eTtrcheilsh with pride All Its fond lore tbat will never decaj. It will watch o'er joor path till tbe snnaet la near, Tbo' FDrettj>s bUgbt It has knoim; Twill falthfnl sdll be, In jonr atdneas or glee— Tbat trae UttJe beart all joor own. A TICKLISH SITUATION. iDimo poft TQB new tom ourrn, BY D. W. MOORE. Ten jeara ago I piaotlced In Fuls, if snch coon patlon as mliie was at that time maj be csUed pracUolDg. Propettj speaking, I had no ptaclloe at all. Tbe few padenis I had lucceeded in treat- ing during the jear I Ured there belonged mostlj to the olass tbat asTerpajs; and bad I not pcsseiaed a certain knack at handling pea and bik, which placed me In a poalUon to earn mj support, tbe ei- mme smallneae and nncettalntj of Ibe receipts tbat the qiaal exerclae of mj profession afforded me wonM ptobablj hare long abice brought me face to face with the iradlUonil wolf. For a moderate Bum, I bad incceeded In biting two rooma bi an old timble down house. Tbei« was a good gronnd for this, tor half tbe rooma In the houae remained, for some reason or other, contlU' nallj vacant, and tbe landlord was glad to rent tbcm at anj price. Towards tbe end of tbe Snminer I was attacked with a serere UMees, from which 1 bad only Istelj begun to recorer, ind Just then, In tbe cool October days, I felt Its painful eOlBots ntj perceptlblj. One evening—I ahall never forget lt-1 sat bi mj aigs room, burled In glocmj tbonghls. Tbe past, the brtning enccess I bad met with nnUl then, and the edll darker onllook for the tutors, were rannlng Ibrongh mj bead. While I was thna engaged mj thoughts, sHange to aaj, dwelt longer tbau osnal on an oocntrenoe that alreadj dated back aevemi months, and which la Itself waa a small matter—a quarrel wltb a neigh- bor, wbtob, of conne, was nnpKaaant enough, but still not wortbj of conaldereaon; from which, bow- ever, I could not tree mj mind on that partlcniar evening, 1 was suddenlj startled out of mj melancbolj reverie bj a soft knock at the door. Ourious as to whom It could be, I wanlad to light a lamp qntohlj; bat while I wae looking tor tbe matches the knock waa repeated, vtolentlj this time, 10 tbat I made baste to open tbe door. "Who's tberet" I asked, seeing no one bi the darkness. "It's l," replied a voice. "Yon will be euiprtaed toBeeni«,nodonbt." lelartadbaok. "Monsieur Oerardel" I eiolabned, recognizing hto voice. Before me ttood the Teij man I had been thinking ■bout ao amanij Juatnow. There was aomtttabig weird, Itaeemed to me. In hia appearing predaelj attbis ooDont—who knows whence—and 1 mnat confeas that 1 was very dlaa- greeabljanrptlsed, for, althongh I bad met bim fre- quentljfor a long time, I bad never been able to like bio, and I could not account for his vIslL "You wlab to speak wltb me,IIonaleur derardet" laaked. "Ufa have a light llrst," he aald; "then I will ex- plain ms presence here." I bade blm eater, shni the door, and lit a lamp. Oeiaidetook oir bla okMtk, which waa wet through bj tbe rain, and dropped Into an arut chair. He bad changed a great deal since I had seen him set ne had become thin and pale, dark rings had fonned under bla ejes, which vert sunk onpltaaant- Ij deep bi Ikebr aockela, and bla bead waa almoet bald. "Yon would acarcelj have recognlied me had ion stumbled npon me bi a stiange ptace," he aald, as be noticed me ejeing him lotanttj. Then, passing bis band orsr bis tonbeadj bs added poUit blank: "TiM last time we met we parted in anger." "True," was mj laconlo answer. "Yon mnatn't think of It anjmon. 1 dontfeel Ike reviving old anaira. I came to joo tonight ■herelj to beg tor tbellar. Friends to whom I could have gona In former daja I no longer have. I'm no longer the man, Hallland, jou ooce knew. Mla- fortooehaafollowed me for a kmg time, notalons bi carda—bideed, I aever was a great plajsr— bntlneveiTthlngelsa, I'm adowntroddeama n a man cmabsd to tbe eattb-pecnnlartU, phjidcaOj and meniaUj cmsked to the earth; otherwise, I Isbonldnotbanconiebersiotoegforibelter. Ton remember Loclasf "Your dear wife r "Ah, fon may well can her ao P' he oonHnued. "Never dM any one love a irife men laadoly, and treat her mors Undlj, ao long aa I was la a psriHon Be paused a moment, then paaaed bla hand over his forehead again, aa If be bad toiKOUan what he waa going to bj, aod mt then a few aeconda wltb downcast ejee. "You sppear to be In great bouble," I aald. In a friendlj tone of voice. "res."beniad«anawer. "HyaOMnwereibtadj desperate enough before the last mlafnrtone tell upon me. People wlu aaj I an to blame for It mj- aelt. Perhaps Ibej ai« ilgbL Well, I don't can t" ne aald thto In aocb a hopeleia tone that I felt aoiryforblm. "0om^" I aaM, "don't give jounelf up to jour bouMea; let them rest for lonlght, and lomomwjou wUI be able to kwk things so much tbe more Bnniy steadily from tbe other sMe of tbe table. HIa anna lay upon Ibe table, and bla obbi rested on them, eo that hit eyea, aa I sal upon a low chair, were almost on a level wlih nUne. IspiaDg np. "Whati" I crted out, "yon M than awake, wllh- ont lire or light 1" He made no reply, but remained In Ibe aame posi- tion, Ms syea died on me coldly. I anuck a oatcb, and tried to llgtat tbe lamp agibi; hut the oU waa eabanstsd, and It wonM not bunk I agabi called to Oerardt, and again received no answer. 1 was tfrald to go nearer to him, aad itood there ctmtDUy looked for ay little More of money, tnil after having cautiously locked the door left tbe hooae. Itstraok three o'olnok as I went down the boule vttd with bunted ttept. For two days tnd nlgbw I wandered along the lelO readi, avoiding the great highwsya, and only ventured to aeek thelter In the most remolo vlllagea. On the tbbd evenbig I Anally crnnsed the Belgian frontier tod itopped tt the neatest public bouse, whan 1 called for tbe latest newspaper with secret fear. Tbe dntthbigmy glance fell npon waa an aniole wltb the beading: "SUTOIDl 1I4D Htbiibioiii DutmtiuHOi." In the face. Let's light a an and alt Icgelher In good cheer this stomy wealber." 'I'maa wet and cold aa a dog's ncee," be aald, holding bla banda over the (ire. Ton come trem the ccnolrj t" I lamarkod, aeeing cbky on bla iMola. 1 came here tbls afteracoo from X—, and aince then have run abont the dirtyatreeta wlthontaUabi- Ing my end. I tbongbt I had one friend or anoUier here, bat 1 nade a mistake. It's my own fault, bow- ever. 1 chose my friends myeelt, end ought to have known what they wonid (»to me when such a olala closed In npon me." Saverel tlnies I stieinpKd to tarn onr oonveiaa- Oon 10 more pleaatnt sabjecu, but he slways re- tuned to Ibe same theme, and 1 Anally let him talk wliboat IntcmpUng hbn. After awbUe bis excitement subsided, and be fell Into a sullen alienee. I am poor, Oeraide," I aild presently, pnlllng ont my pockttbook, "but —" "No," b« bnko In, "I'm not In need of mooeji Only give me shelter for tonight, and I'll never an- noy yon agaUii TbaVa all you or anybody else can do tor m« now." HIa be^ fall npon hla breaat,aid be appeared to belcatlattaongbL Aa I watched blm, wllh the lamp light playing upon bis festnns, a strange feeling of fear came me. I began to regnt bavbiglet him la, and tbe l e u ie mb ranea of onr last msetlng roes up before gatai. Ithoafhtotthawocdthsbadmadenss of, snd lb* threata that I, In my exollenMnt,bad ut- tared In a pubUo place. One wild thoogbt okaasd another, but mil I grew tfeepybydegreta. I toaghl against It aa long aa I could, tor I waa really atnid to go to sleep while he tat them. rtltgae mut ban ovtnome my will Anally. I staitsdaaddenly, with a keen feeling of cold, out tt tai sleep, which aanst ban lasten savsnl honii, for Ika Ira bad honad down aad Ibe lamp gone onL By the faint Ugbt that ealered lbs room Umgb tkawtadowilooaldtes howOanrds atead ktaa nndedded. "Perhapa be'a unconscious, snd I mutt Meed him," I thoogbt, groping for my lancets. Suddenly It occnrred to ne that I had laid tbem npon tbe table before Oenrde'a appearance. Iben, aa Oerarde peneveied In hto atlsnce, I oe- csme oonvlnoed ibal be bad taken bis own life. I waa 00 the polnl of bnnylng ont snd waking tbe Janitor, when tbe thougbt alruck me tbat I would lie charged wllb nnurder. Ibeeltatad. Weakaned by alcknea, and made nervons by the previous exoltements, I could not tbaka off the ihougbL Only too well did I remember now how I bad ibrBatancd, In tbe presence of othen, to revenge myself on blm, snd I was well aware that thto clr- cumatance might pnve fatal to me. I OnsUy appnacbed tbe UMe. Itwaa Just light enough now to dtoUngulsh ths objects bi the reom, snd I aw at once that my ssiplclon wu wsll founded. Oeiarde had made uaa of one of my lanoeto to bi- nict a deep woond hi hto throat RU anna bad fallen npon the ttUa, and Ua ohln rested on then to lbs potlUon In which 1 bad tssn It upon awaking, Bt was qnltc dead, tad when I bed tsit hto face snd handa, I was tailated that be mnat have dlsdat least two bonn before. Inlhlsfrtghttulalbutlon tbe danger tbatlbraal- enad ma tbrnat itself ao vlvtdly Into my Imagination that I waa as If panljied. Tbs tomsr quairel, Ibe tact that Ibe bislrainsal belonged to me, end tbe wound was of sack an us- common nalore that It would reiy probably be at- tribsted to tbe praetletd head of a pbyslctan, aeemed to me to be aafflclent evtdance to condemn ma to dtaib. Besides this, I felt blood on my Angela, and aotteed that oy onoi ware wei Ihioogb wllh Mood, and my clothes rtatited with tbe sams la vmrloas plsoea. Intbedlsnacfed oondlUon Into which I had been iftrewB I reaolved Inttandy to Inks to tight, and get Into a fofvlga coastiT as qnldily as pcariMe. I let down ths window shads akaagadBijololhaa, "iMki Friday Monaleur Fiona Molneii, Jsnll»r at No.a KusHtOrnlz.Psrta, knocked at the dour nf l)r. MslUand, who lived at the bouse, but fnunil, In bto suipilts, Ibat the genlltman bsd not rtmn yet, althungh It waa already ninn. Frtgblsned by this drcDDMance, he bad the door iirnken open, and the coipae of a Hlrnnge nun was discovered In tbe room. Death was evidenuy csuasd tiy a wound In ibn throat, and a lancet stained irilb blood waa tniind on Iho lalile. Tlie Immedtate Invosllgslbin liy the police elicited lhat Ibe name of the dead man was Oenrde. Blgna of t struggle were not vMbto, but susplcloa poluted st once to l)r. Ualllsnd, wIki had dlsappeaied without leaving a Ince." And further down: "As we go to preai we learn that tbe mytlory tluit auiTounded this aOhlr hw been cletrnd up liylhn dtacoreryihat Monaleuraenrde committed tololils. Bhoilly befon hla end he had coaAdcd to a friond bla detsimlnallnn to depart Ihbi life, and It la thought that Icaaea at tbe card table, and the tear of being arretted tor a forgery In Belgtnn, dmve bin 10 the act. The ground for Dr. HsIUand't dbi- tppcaraaee reoialoa, meanwhile, abnuded In dark- neas." Tbank Ood, the darfcoeaa did not toil long; tor, tfler my mlad waa relieved of tbitlsrrfiile burden, I ntomed at once lo Parte and gave my evidence. Out my next aisp wu to look for other apar^ menu; for 1 fell only too plainly that It would lie Impossible for me ever lo occupy ihal hoirtble room IM their conntiT houses, except In the case nt bo- redltaiy catatea, Fiench women olawrve Ibe ulmott simplicity to fumUblngL Fine and Ar wood, com- Mned wltb Ugbl iteds-ln the viennsttyle-angan- sniiy used la coootiy snd scaslds placst, where the FsrWana psai ens or two montbs every year. Un- like lbs EogUata, wbo Uvs In tbs counliy and onme up to to vn oa occaidons, Ihe clllient of tbo Ftencb capital can wllb dlffleulty tear tbenwelves away from thdr beloved dty, even for the tlx weeks of latotoiaUj hot wtalhsr. THE eiOYCLE CRANK. wtins:* rot thi saw tohk rtlrrts, BY AKTIIUR mNdLAIR. It was Ibe metrytbloyollil Vpnn hit flIIUng wheel; llo llknl In'rtng bit Utile lioll Anil nitny mllot;<'l. While i>fi Ibe lone peileirtrlsn lie nn down at tbe hoel. lie kept up well the Jolly pace, Nnr Maokened hto detire; lie novor once got out ot hrealh, And,wliy,'do yon Inquirer Twaa the machine be mle, not he. Had a pnenmailo tire 1 He nnver lilleil on hit way, Rnt ah 1 be lolled snd splnned. And, like lo alty iinthlng<wen The llniM be Iwrhort and shinned; Allhnugb each nrehln gnyed blm, sill He rode slong tnd grinned. A wtnilertiig pblliisopbor. Ilia betit could bumps revosi. Vet be observed Ibat "IJte It all, A wheel wllbin a wheel;" Anil, sii Ibe pedsia nn bo tpiirred Wltb nimlilo ine and heel, llo looked a very oomot as Ailiiwn ibo^tlnct ho dsthad, And nover toemeil lo care a snap llnw many Inea ho tniaahed; Out nf bit nisd tbo driven all Tliolr.MKrUnd horaot btabed- Itat bo mutt have tho right nt way Waa hU emphatlullireg; But onoe upon the ragged road lie met a sudden ensg. And, like a good Amertoan, l>ald; tbo "n*g." Wliere wnt tho blnyclo lie rodor Alaokl snd where was hot flo, aikainiing Ibe lllllo atan It tliey that tnnn cnn see 8IIII whirling nn tmni cliiud In olonrt Wllh wild npldliyl <ir ctoih he o'ur tbo tpectnl nwon Ollnili mnunlaInN tippsil wlUi niowr But why cnniindrams (In I ntk— Who.can the tiiswer knnw; llo't gonu, Ibtt wild liloyole creiik, Alati tcir w(h)eal or wnel A SUCCES SFUL EXP ERIMENT. Tbtt iiian yonder with Ibe tour tecs looka like a temperance lecbirer iir a problblUunUt," tald Ilo- aok to Tomdik. "I'vo a notion to atk him lo take adriuk,Jutl for fun." "Go ahead." llojBck approaoheil tlia auapeotod leatolalerand ■Bid: "Will you Join me In a gtaw nt whUkey, sirt" The man addnsaed frowned allgbUy and made Ihlnreplyi 'Mr, it would lie Impnaallile for me In Join yon In a gUaa ot whiskey." "Oh, I nesnt no odbnoei I lieg pardoD," began Ilojtok. Hear mn out, tir. It ynu plosM, I wsa slnut to My, It you htil permllleii mo tn gn on, thst it woold lie Inipoasllilo tiir nn Ki Join ynu In a glaa ot wbls- ky, liecanao Mich a gbua wnuld nut hold ellher <it ns, not Ui ipcak nt iHith, even It It wen advlaalilo for ua to enlur sqob rmnipod qnsntn, wblub It to not. It, however, as I Infer In lie tbe case. It wss your pollle snd buspltalile Inieiillon lo Invite me In drink aa uiuoli whiskey ss csn lie cnntalned In a gisai, colnnldonlly with your partaking nf s almltar ijiianUtv nf Ihal refniablug and oxbltonling lievar- age, ynu lo defray the etpeuaas ut the tame, I am ready Hi accept yniir Invitation witliniit further do- lay." Whereupon tho two moved tnwarit tlie lisr, tnd Tomdik Julnod them lliak. BANK OF EW CLAND SA FEGUARDS. Tin tategutrda adopted liy Ibe Bank of Knglsni Uipravnni iliat insUliilioii Mng roliiied are about aa lliunirigli and i'.iini|ileta an biimaa Ingenully anil nMr.lmiilMD can devlm," atyi Uervin O. T^idd, of ManubcHlor,F-ngland. "Hanntarilnoniarnao nooly lialanced tbat a rierk, liy preming a knuli under hiM leik, ran cloM) them Imdanlly, and thoy cannot be opened ogalaexcept by tprrlsl pniceM. Tlie bullion deparliiiont In nightly auliuierged In aevonl feet of water liylhn totUinnt mtrbinerj,and Insnme nt Ihn titnks tho iiiilllon dupsrtmont bi connsclcd with tlie intnagor'M aleeplng spariniaiih,iio Ibst sn entnnce canniil lie onscled wllbuutaetlliig off an atarm near thia pcnwii's head. It ■ dialiiincal nitlclsl during tho day ornlghl nlioulil taku uvun one trnm a pile ot a lliniiMnd nnverclRuit, llio wbnieplle would Instant- lyalith, and a pool of water take Ma place, lietddet lelling every one In the olllce know ot tho Ihefl.— JJpi^naMt Mtt. _ WOMEN VOTERa la Fnnce the women teaoben elect women memhen on all Boarda of Education. In Sweden women vote for all elective olDoen except Rspre- stntailves; also, IndlrecUy, for membere of the Up- per House. In Ireland lbs women vote for lbs llsr- bor Boards snd Poor Uw ansrdtant, snd In Belfsai for maolclpal offlcen. In lUissta women honae- boldera vote tor all elective offlcen and on all local roaiura- In Hntaod tliey vole for all eleotlvt offlcen, exerdtlng tbe aame privilege hy proxy. In Aualrta-lluogaiy, UrnatU and UalmatU ttiey vols In local electlona In penon. In Italy women vol^for menben of I'aritaiiient Wonien have DUBlclpal sootage iMih In Otpe Oolony and la Hew Zealand, tcetand, tbe Itle of Man and ntoaln Ittaad bare full woman tulfnge.—iMncrart Mmuitt. ViiiM Finwuv.—"Vholley pnrsned a nimb« ot ttiidleaaicoUege, didnt bet" "Yea. Bspmasd 'em, liDt I don't think he ever caught np wKb atr,' -(MoniKilMnnl