New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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ao8 THE IsTEW YORK CLIPPER. July 20. World ^Players W«rtl la • itmDii npiiir for tba conliic loar o( "IklmoDlco'* »t ," which licRtDHtt Newtrk,N.i., Auf.71. MdUa — MmiKitr IHck IJlUe, of Iks Hirle tanger Rx- lrmvag«ii7A (V>., bM engmRM RlUle Mrtej M4 Oft- Ha RnRarn for llia coming Muon. Neltlo Von Dlag Kill liem) lha cnnpanT. — Maiw^ar Jolin H. — Tlic NoitIn Tlicmni, Nurrtiliiwii, !■»., will IwglB I g™J ^ IIH MWHoii HapU -L lUrrj K. WKlnn, Ilia iiro- „J;,,7;;]ii j^^Tiifo'iiidliruiV coinSnj, which iirlctor, hu umingoil for cflcnalvo »llcnlloiiii, „||l Incliido, aniong oltiara, Om. WlUluna, K. J. which KranowprogrcMlng.lncliiillndH nnwK»ll«rT IWI'm ami iMIa VUUd. J. aCkn bu atgnad u and Iho con«ln.cUon of hHi.daonie 1«XM. Tl,c»<a.t. •":L''«;;;i,S'"Liiila Wila" Oo. cloMd a aauon of Ing cnimcllj will ho lnrrt»acil, anil Iho main niior fnrtr fourwea»M»lAHbliiul, Wlii.,Ja1j 4. Mr. and will hare now cnahtoncd chiiln. Now raipoia, Mra. lUihliln* win apend th« SummaratUialr home drapcrlcii iinrt dccomllona will fnrlhor cinlKllUh In I'MlailalphlJi, Pj. n„_^|..,. lho lnlorii,r..f Uiehoii«. Tlw alaio will l« v«hII; -^2^'yS!Si SS, X^T^^ In, aniVnra Inotcd up for tho acaaon of IfXMS. — T<inj HiilllHn wntM rmm Iho lala of Han, un- I Vaficean" Minstrelsy AM Aiuii KomTT Uwt la declArcd to he a *oiM Imur Id U» daiing fealurca la promlaed *a nne S iheblaWlDlerfcaniwi nn tut B.F.KelOi nrcaii It la of tocetfn oilgtn. Tlia Ten laiait atinke nt m! ner ara hooked In UnglMd for another iar' eonunenelng In BeptMnher. Br. KJIIf/J^^^^^ |i„aii mahcii. of the (Mjnipla Quartet, eenda the return 10 Ihe coopanj Id Aagu.1, afltr (lalllng hia pennavllle, N. J.: "The Quartet pn>- ' - Bo'iMTm^b Sm jnat p«I.IUl.«l a nor.l, on- «„ted John Prcea wllh an eight tool "^8. "'j « tilled "I^MaSlFU-l^SiaTo'll-W^ t»« »«ta«r.lalng on JulJ 3, and unfurled-Old fllo^' -~- - _ Oorton Jr., Sam Lee, Fnok Uulld,Tom K<a(. John KIninlon, Chan. n. Larkln, CreKcru air ternrtae on ihia drcnll comes from lioaton, Uui.,|. the ahape of the eogigoment of a poitlon or iiie it. moua Boalon Bjophoor Orchet<ln tor Ur. Kcliii'i theatre In that cliy. jAa. F. SULLIVAN AMD PRIR H. RTAN h«Te |||«. folkiwlng piofeaalonala are uie J^^ckcd the neck of a ket of beer. ™i»{"P» .Ji^.* .Tramlwirat her Bummer liorae, Ceuue- gJ;Sj?,Keogg|,, Randall, Hulllvan Aol.ltocl),*;™ •"'J I.: Ollle Mack, of MuinT "'I,«''<:'' "nSiged h| Wch A llatrle for their Toler Uallcy' MeJ^K., ah, of Madlaonrtllo, Hf.i O. (Hank) Emer J°«»«'=rA ^(,1,, oetk,' (or next feaaon. We com- Joa. Oort( iu;"Flnnlnn'i tall;" Win. O.Wanwi,o Sin«iJhMr«l« A»g.lJ,ln B«««»,M%.a^^^^ "f.'of". of Iho niOHl clalKimto aconcrj nmil oniinanla arc known in rarr;. HoMnan k lAiiilla, llio Clnrago accnic arllaU, are al woik upon an ciiUrclr ni;w oiiint nf aioc.k acencry, and thor will aim) pmHili! a new drop curtain iif liandimnio dcxlgn. Klro new dnwliig miinu will In cimHinictcd, and all con. ronlencea for Iho ciirofnri of "10 profcminn will lie Kuppllml. Millo (I'llrlcn Iihh licen engancd aa liimriiMainaiinrer.BiiailiealHiio will holncliargeof "^.'[[I'llolaon, manager of Jolin II. Wllh' "Two Old CronlCH" Oi., wriun Ibai hia u>mrMiiv haa Juki reliimeil from a aucnwriil Iniirnt llio ■■aclllc cuaal. The lonaiwt Jump of Ihn acawii waa fnini I/w An- Rclea, Ual., Ui Han Kraiichivn, a dhlance of four iindrcil and iilnolr-l»n nilloa, and llie nhiirk-at Jump wan Iniin Allianj. N. V., U< Tn>j, a diHiaiice of all inllci". The compHilo nnlcr of llio coninai. John II. Wllla, Al. lioliKin, Ueorgo i'owari, William Knnncjli, iwn llari, I'lill. Olllnii, Adillo U«r<lcn, Three HIM«ni llcimnn, Umlao carver, rnulliie lllack, IJIIlan Ularkc, IImmI Wclla, and William R. Ileno, udvaiica prew agHii. — JiiMi|ildiio (Mneniji la Ijring III In Iho Woinan'a llimlillal, HUilnr>ird,<:u — TI10 now n|H:ni hiiiiM JuM cfiinplriird Hlltliirra, III., lif lien, iliionuil waa »|iciK'il iin Jul; a liy llio Hhcmian A KchnlH who plajnl, wo arc In- formed, li> Iho uapncliy of Hie hnime. — Wallor Hlobinn, comedian, lala of the "Hllver UnHik" (X>., iiiiilpr tlie manageniuni of liarry C. Ilualij, rliiwil wllh that company July 6. Ilo will rrat unlll Hcpl. II, when ho will play the pitiiclpal part III hlH own muidail farco,"Tlio ilayacedHport," which waH wrilicn hy lilm laalHcaMon. — Clint (I. Kiinl, nmnagorof "An Ainerlain Mem" do., liaHengagcil Frank IM'niwott to manage hIa tVeaUjm "Amortcaii lloni" Vti. Good lima haa lieon iHxiked for llio ailmcilini, new and apoclal acencry haa iKcn propamt. and a Hining Mippnrlliig cnni' inliy la lichig eliK'KwI. — (IciiTKO lliickler gucH wllh lluliorl Downing noxt HOAwiii. — Hadolino rilcawni nalgrieil ftnni Iho Wlllam k (lloawintki. July 4, und wlUniiiialii In Hareloga, N Y., unlll Hoploinlior. — NnicHfnmillioNaiiilolllllmHn Un.: Him Hill man, Mlas Uhialor, Moanm. SiidIIIiiv, While. Iillible, Kennedy ami lliiiiiphreyHaruanenillnii tlio Hummer at Carlhago, N. Y. J. M. Iiuiiavin hiulieon enimgcd aa leading man. Tim anawiii of IHio-wi la Imhikc ' aolld Ihmugh Now Ymk, New Knglaod, .New Ji'.rac; and I'euiiiuilvanla. >'iiur new playa have liecii added 10 llio rapori»ry, Iwu fnim tlie iMin of K. K. nam, niaiiagor of Iho Oalle Hiiiiare TlieHIni, Ihia Ion; »no tlinwnr> nf May M. Waril. ami one of Mr. Ilonavln'a laieat anixeaaca. Wo will earn apcclal nconcry for nearly ovary ploiMi. — J. II. W. Ilarria waa a Uurraii caller July II. Mr. Ilanlai|iililnl Iho iiiliilaliy fur llioaiago aliout three nioniha iigii, when he made hli pnifcMlonal dohut al Hail Pnniclxn, Cal. Hliii:o that lime he haa played a nuiiilierof Mluiaiid lilawnrk haa Iwi'ii highly cunmieudod. Tlie nliject»( hla pieaont vUlt Kaal la In make anungeiimiila for hla work during the cnniliig aoaann. In which end he la In ncgiilla Hon wllh Hovcral iiiulmnolliHn iimiiaRi<rK. — Managera Itlrh A Maoilor have aliiiieil conlracia wllh llhoa In dlraot hor lour next aeaaon, when aha will prceonl "Juaoulilno, Kinpreaa nf Iho Kniiicli," and a naw play, "Nell (Iwynno." — "Klaniol,orTwoTangledTurk»,"acoinlociponi, the iMMk liy lUchiird F. C»w>\l, llioacnm hy (liia lavo A. Kerkor, waa given fur ihu lint lline on any alago at Iho TreinunlThrairo. IkwUin, UaaK., July g. — Nollle (lanthniiy haa dccliird nnt li> aall for Kurope, liiil will remain In Ihia country Ihinughiiiii tho Hummer, arranglnji her iihiia fnr nuxt aeaaon. — Julia .Uarioffo.Talior win Inaugurate hor nuxt aeaann at MllwaiikM, Wla., Hopt. wliti a revival of "Henry IV." ll>il>L Ttelwr, her biiahaiHl, nml W F. iiwona will lie chief In her aiippnrt. — "The (Ileal INaiiioml Itnlilicry," liy A. U. Wheeler and Uul. Alfrloiid, will lie pnxtncoil HrpL 3, al Uio AmcrtcaD Theatre, thla oily, with lllaiiclie Walah In the principal female mie. — i(iieenle Vaanar lorncli, <in Juno H, liorame the molherof a giri lathy ihat only llvud iwcIto liinini. — Manager Kiigene1\impklnahaii engaged Minnie IHiproo (nr Iho loading coniodr mIe In "lluniiab." — Manager A. M. I'alnicr lina engagnd Herman Perlet to write the nualc tor the coniudy Paul H. rotter and Dill Nye are al work upon, which will In rinduced tlie couiliig aeaaon al the Oanluii Tlientre, n tbia dty. Mr. IVriot will alao be mualcal director of "Uttle Ohrialopher." — Frank llllma haa l>een engaged aa niiulcal d|. lector of Frank liaiilobi' cuiulc oiain, "Tlie Wlrj<rd nf the Nile," during the cnintng avawHi, Ita Brut upon the road. — ilagar Harold la apendlng the Hummer luontha at UmyiTuiiH, N. II. Hbelaongagcd Inwrillnga play, the auenoa of which will lie located aiuunil the Aualln Uorhln ISirii, In the lllee Uounlalii foroau — Mm. Frank lloal, nnidiwlunnlly known aa l/inle liOaler, waa admliloif In lt4H>rmvolt llnapUal, ihia clly, July e, where alie uiidiirnenl a aerioua aiiislcal operation and la now aluirly m^ovorliig. — Nmeafniin "Tho IaiiiI nf tho IJvInii'- (».; We have Jiial engagetl (Jhaa. W. Travia to iilay hmvloa, and our oomiiaiiy, whtuli Innhiilea Ohaa. Haaon, Harry WeliaUir, Frml'k Haynatd, llolon Curlette, AliiM Slniiig, Mi> tlunhwu, Mra. Uwon Hartuwe and KlootiB Mi'leiun, la nearly cuuiplole. — lawronoe Wllllniiia haa algnod wllh llavlln'a aluok. In Uhlcago, 111. — Tho vaat tor the Haratoga npoii nir .shakea- peariaii feallval of "TI10 Morty Wlv« of Wliidanr," Aug. 1,land ^ on the lawn ol Ilia (irand Uiilim dor dale of Juno 8, an follawa: "Tlie lour of our ■Iriab Vlalmn' cktaea hero uinlghl. It b< the Ont Ainertcan farce comodj thalever vlalledlhlaliland, and Hie week haa lieen a veiT prolllalile one to all concerned. Afur a two weelia' holiday trip to Ire- land I retnm to America. Tni UurrM I received laal week went the lull round of Bam llagiie'aMln- alrela. and the ciy 'I'm next wtlb (bat CurrgH' waa beam on all aldca." — Helen Ibilieriaon la apendlng the Hummer at her iHime In Hprtngnelil,Ho. Hbejolna one of Chaa. Krohnian'a companlea next acaaoa. -Tbo Pnwer Ucoa.'(kimedynpen their afihaea- aim In Amheralhiitg, (^n.. Bent. 2. The company llila year will Include Pied u. Power, manager; llerlien Pnwer, auge manager; K. Bleve Power, Ircaaiircr; Frank Cullen, John lliidol, Ja lull, Kllen Kemp, llella Cnwlord and Irene Fletcher. — Hilly K. Mack haa Joined Uora Van Taaecll'a Compnny. — FretllAmarr&iucnhi iwtodenylheiecentreport lliat hlmaclf and wife had algned wllb a reperiory company. - Ctm*. K. lllancy'acoDiedy, "A Daggage Check," will have the fullowliig caat nexlaeaaoa: Jamea T. Kelly, l/>iihi Hartlnetll, W. H. Bully, Vbaa. A. Mor- gan, Jamea A., IJzzIo Halroae, Uda Clark, aud llio Nleholla Hlalera(Anna8aDrard and chorua). Waller H. BulUrlleld haa the management, and Bd< die II. WaUh will gnahead. — Will A. Ihtimw haa lieen engaged to play tho (leniian comedy ptit In Jule Wallani' new play, "A Money Order," next aeaaoo. — Uhaa. W. Tenia haa compleled a new comedy drama, enllUod "A Johy Bacbelor," la which be InlenilH to alar next aeaaoo. — lUiaternI the "Negroitn"Oo.: nniahel Udle, (tilharine llonil, ItomthT Negrotio, KItlle Ungley, Franklin Wbltaao, Oeorge Perklna, U. W.Womar, U. U Womar.Tkayermawartand J. n. Ncgmtio. — The paat aeaaon at Uthrop'a Opera ilonae, Worcealer, Maaa., haa been the moat aucceeaful In Iho lilauiiy of thla popular playlioune. Manager Air. T. WIIIOD ha* already booked a almng llat of atlncUooa for Ihe coming aeaaon. The liouae will lie entirely rennvaled during tbo Hiimner months, opening the aeaaon Aug. W. Mr. and Mi*. Kdwin Houghton and John K. Parkea, aiipported hy their own comnay, open Ihe acawn al Harlln'a ilper« Houae, Klointon, Can., duringihe fair. Ihemanagenient.wearelnfonneil, lutvo ulreaily liooked tweniy-two week*. The reper- iory I'-onalBla of "llaaty Marriage," "Uonio Crialo." 'I.lgliu and Bbadca of New York," "The Octoroon," "Tbo Klug'aBcal" and "rnigel and P>rglve." 11 A. Binmg la Iho IiualneaH manager. — Fmncia l«l«Hlle la linalneaa manager of the H4'.hulwrtByniphiiny dull and Udy(>nait«i. Mm. Uiiadle (lladle Howell) la Improving In heallb, but will not act fnr a year, at leaal. — John 0. OnlUKi Infonaa na that lie baa ahoul llnlalied Innklng the lour of the Carrtngton Com imuy for Ihe coming aeaaon. The people engageil an far are: W. F. Ilmmliia, Ohaa. F. Neaanm, llatry Weeka, Uliaa. T. Iluiroigha, Marie Woeka and Mamie Freilcrtok. The alalf will be Ohaa. U. Haphiin, proprietor; John U. Cnlton, manager; Dudley Faniawoilli, repreaentallve; Harry Weeka, alago manager, and Uuaa. Uumiigha, propeitlca. Mr. Haphun la now at Aabury Fark,pulUng the llnbdihig Inuchea In bin play, "Across the Kbhie," which will have a plave In our repertory, Mrs.J. UTromlHill, at her Bummer Tllle, Ind.: B. EaglUh, lok, Arthur ., „ the PoUer-Bellew Co.; Trumbull "MoNnlty's Vlilt" Co., and Fanni niram,"Oo.;Hlella Dcan,of "Mnnl „.„„ , ouum. o.... nene'Tramknll and Ulllan Oale.of ".\. <;ork Man 7,,, ouuiivaHIITv HiN8n»«ia closed 00. meycllDB U tbo fad, and they report bavlng a .i",';.",^„p„^ j,„ 4. „rf„™„ good time. • _. w . . ^ 1.1 Oi-B. A. WuRXiu., the Punch and Jndy pertonner, - Will A. Baron his mgned with Jole Wallera' ''A ^iS'^^^r^„_ magician, gave their Perform- Hnney Order" Co. for tho coming aeaaon, to do JJJ„',7^ft"^,|,, Park, riitahurg, Pa., July I, and Herman Bmallx, Uio (lorman comedy part. Aggio 1 i^j^ ^j^^j^j „,g|, ,|,,„um,|„n act Dann will retire to ptltite llffc Mauoi OOKnoN, of Ihe team of Omega and Oor- -SMK.niiasell writes aa followa: "1 w"'"Pjn " preaenusd her hualiand, John A. Morton, of my aeaaon ahont Sept. I, snd li»v« e"*^'* ^e S'„"^'„'^^tf Bcn.ff, wllb a haliy hoy reccnUy. ,1^ V._Lennox, alao tho ■!{^° %. ucoowiN. who has been seen upon the sintu.'sr.ii."&Ei": ^^s;"JS,kM i i .>..Noribwest ^ ^ ^ irforty 7«k...->-> ""1 »nT .b»sa band and ^S^li'^f^tiShXmmV^^ t'tj.m^^^^^ ,,iS.^^^'?SS'^i,S^^!Si ^Zi^S'^S^ - w"n e Rowkiy Infonns ua lhat ahe wasjpanted „^™f. -12^ w«k°al?Sg«SSH? " «Ke falJce orchestra at in '^^^''i^Jpm^Xzh an sbaolnio divorce from J. II. Itowtey In cllcago, EfiSni uiSnMoona MInii. Entertaining aongs were sung by the Slaieia Ifcn- "., onJulyV t^i%™ bTcK' "ate one of the attrecUona del, Carroll and ftwla.Palay Bartelt. Barney I'lynn -"A cracker Jack" Co. goealnlo rehesniataat Pa°n™»Slctid™''War iSotwM^ Janan and ^» '"^i"«'J5!'^ Detroit, Mich., Aug.«. and opena Iheacaaonat UeJ J^^,^ •^J'J™^^^^ n,, ,111 open, JkipL 16. «»n;|I« HaiTT tiandd w« p^ dance,0., Aug. 19. Tila company will l*,under il,:"!,,,^,, cox'a "BrownleH" tor nextaeaaon. Ure bicycle out« on his birthday, June 30, at Ihe ao(e management of John C. Fox, and will nave cuBBiDASmraos was unable to anpcarat Keith's houae. _ , . as a feature a llUle .Urkvland of twelve pleMS. „n account ol lllnesa. 1 er engagement M. F.BkASLr f" •'.P^'* gJ'J'™* »'"> The caat la composed of Boxle Slepbcna. Olive SSrJLon ^SiSon^^ Flaeher for Ueatly * Co. a Minstrels. NbrtbTMira BrookTEogenle Adams,John McDow. '"Jjj^,"" PSXwiiniavelfgSd with Corbniild A EDDii Wesioh, comedian, and DaUy Wade har, dl, Fred A. Hulllvan, tort Atchlnaon, Mail MclMn- Kmplre Bxlravagania Co. for oeparated. ^..i»„ , nis, J. Wiu»n liwyer, l*w Wanier, K. K. KUawonb, ^ir,i„ ,d 1 h»ve In prepamSon a musical Till aiibrns (ffg. ahd Mihkie) are plaving»to,, Oeirge Fjigle, Chiriea 8. Dolman, Willie Jonea and JJJJ,,'?^,"'!,will prodUce wllh thatcompany. I weeks' engagement at the Bes Beack hilaco, Cooej Harry Oorman. . ,„ I vbnita tho Driamo Iranaformailon dancer, opena 1 biiand. . ^ ^ _ , ^ - M. J. Hoaa la eoiagcd at Blimldt's Pavilion, YnV^iiJui'pavlSon; Ihilulh, Minn., July 21, aiid Mahix Oibabo cloaed a four weeks' engagcmcu AtlanUc City, N. J., ma'klng bl> foonii attaon Ihcro. ;,tt?rtHr°M thriKrthmi parka and Kiof gsrdena at the BIJou TbeaUe, Norfolk, Va^and opened ce -F-U.»Ulr baa called rehcareala of the Ward "'"[P'jJ^ ' " July IS stBarton'aTlieab™, Newport News, \a. sad Yokes Co. at Delromfor July », the season '°^,gro°S5;Ho raoKBSioSAisareaummortngat B(''iYAHDMooiuanW ngaiwoweekj^ opening In London, Ont., Ang. 16. Besides Ihe SL Jam» U I halhlnff.n«lilng, crabhln^^ ment at the Iron Pier PaTllIon,8yim«»ss,N.^., aiid iSpnIafatatB, Ihe organliaUon will IncludeMaurtcc "fe'lnMoVidadam haleJily are making» success wlUf their new act, enlllW rty. p^ge'Tony WlllUims, Joe Kelly Al. r^J« ISrlon'Oua IIIII aid wIfe.W Far- "A Summer Boarder," which was wrttlcn for Iheii •>--— ''~'~" ' _|iL>_|f, ■;,|„|„i)on»iii,«n and wife, Matthowa by oeo. H. Bmerich. I5id l^toSs W llatn Smeron and wife. Joe Spartia Tub Db Macbs, who bare been laying off during ind wilS willlo cSller. Charlie Mc/lonald, Joe Ihe Summer oo account of the lllneia ol Minnie IN - "■ "~ Mack, win play again. Itoag CoLBUiN (MBS. PHiu amssiNnsB) hu slguod irith ibe May Riiaaell Co. for next »uon. Phil. BUesalnger lia«_alB0_slgned with the aame (iio. j. riiTBa8,0P PBrew, IticB Ann Ooonwui, Is ' — Harry llnnman haa algned to plav leada wllh I'aniou A Pool's "Uncle Tom's Caliln" Oo. They open their aeaaon eariy In Bentemlier. H. K. Moaoley haa secured ClatH Thropp'a com- edy, "ijiicon Hab," for hla aUr, Maliel Paige, next aeaaon. — A dlanatch fmm Ran Claire, Win., slates that Marie Wellaaley'a llayera, under Iho management of lUchard (lliee and Bert Wllaon, played 10 the capaclly In lit Crmie, Wla., for live weeka, opened In Kill CUlra July 6, and continue there for Ihls week. — Kind Mnnimer, manager of Mortimer A llar- rell'a Playen, wrilea aa folkiwa: "I am maklni Rrepantlona for my lour next season, beginning al ow lloslon, 111., Bepu 10. Bball cairr twelve peo- ple, alio a land and oroheslra. Jewel will he the alar again next aeaaon. lam having a new piece wrtllen for her, entlUed 'Vic,' whlob will be our penlng bill, and have algned aome good people." — Kilwln Olllionl haa been rsangaied as husl- iicaa manager for Flu A Weheler'a "A Breerj Time," making hla third season with Hut oomr ^ Kny, an account of hla nacne from drowning of a young lady al Cape May, N. J., on July I. — Ihmler of the Liberty Hlalere Uoiucdy Oo.: Park- or and Honald, aola nianagon and proprielora] John IJIierty, slajm manager; Qeo. Davu, leader ol iHind; James Wbllehouse,leader of nrchestn; Male Uwbi, Woevlo Parkor, Helen Blackaiore, Marie Whltohouae, Mamie, Nelllo, Kn and Ohariolte IJIierty, wllh Chaa. WhKebouaa and Kd. W. Illack- mnre In advance. We open our Fall aeaaon abonl UriolNir, In Penllold, N. v., and will play through New Kngland and the Kaneni BOiles. - Will K. Atklnann writes us thalblimell snd wife anil a pariy of frionda aro apendlng their vacation camping at Rmhoral, Minn. — Irrlng Bwarihnal, llie coneillan, who was with Ihe "Hew Ould Day" Co. last season, liaa algned wllh the Ness JoUltlea, In "The Kodak," for cnineilT pari*. - William lleaalo; Jr. and Wllllan Ward Pell Aii||> * null la, i>u aaiv in <■ as ^-i iisnim wi>)i>u ■ « i< iiiiieiii iiowaaus . •atiii 11 iiiiaui 11 nsia s wii lloiol, u coiiiitlolo, Alul liicliHleM IHi Wnir llnutor, Imvo itiiliihod thoir foiir ftol comodj dmiDA. "The Ibwo OoohUn. 0«mni« ll'ArvllIn, Mm. John IWpw, ' " - » -—. . lIlAiinhe Wnlnli, AdMo lUlotilo, Uharlcri llitrrnn, Kii- UvM Onm>iii1u.Thci)4k)ru llHiaUlnii.Oi'ontelH) Vuru, AllMirt lAii)C, K. J. Kvorlmiii mitl V. W. LliiUor. Win, Hojniour will Hliifto (ho imHluctlitti AntlJ«nioHW UoiTUuoy will iimniiKo ilie liiiMmw mThlni. — TUixMigli llio HiiililmiiinH wonlliiLT tif ft Tvooni iMmiininilCHtlnii nHH«lviHl from Jiut. 11. AilAnm we wore M Ui hI«Io (Iml lio wmk iimlrr cniitrai't wllh UftUHRer Jm. 0. Diivlii fur Hlioniwn A HorlA^y'i "I'ftln Klllur*' C(t. Ur. AiUiiu iiuw wrilm im llml ho will hAve lit) tt)iino('tlMn wllh iliMli-timmny, btii ' " • — •[ nunhmilmn, "rniUwlit, * for wlilob Uo \i undor will lour In IiIh iHir.Hl irtrk ur IHoo'M VIhU lit Kiinlnnil,* coiilmol wllh Mr. IhtvlK. — Kirk llmwiiKiKl KiiRonolA lliie,or tho lUliV will A YuuiiR Vo„ Hiiil lUrry ld(trTlKt,(tr "Tho Wlilto mntfttlntu" IN>., nro piwiuUiik n riKir wvuku* vacH- lUm Ml lUtrky Hlvcr. on Ihe l«t)kN of Ijtko Y^c. — "Tito iH'Mirnciloiior llorculKiKtuin,** ftl Allilollo l*Hrk, WllllnmHiKnt, I*a., olitrinl iv miivoiwriil pin of llilripoii ntKlitH wlihtml mln. TIid IIuIiU Conioflj Uiiniiwny will oiton tu n'niiltr HMuunt Aufr. IP, Ht lAnoMUir, l>. CntiR lu>jrl<tton rvnmliM wllh iho ooiniwiur, iimkinit IiIn ihlnl m'Kiutn. llAiry lltilOt will uoinivo wuckttiihpftil nf Ihu ntlmollmi. — "(nrl Wnnieil" In llio lllln fliwily h(1<ii)Iim1 fitr Iho rHrco ciiniuily. hy U.N..Htr|thuns,ln whlcli Kraiik liiiiUi Id tn Hlur tho cniulnff WAHttu. 11 IikiI Ik>oii In- tviiilcil lo itAll Iho x^ecv "Tlio llml TliliiKa — The t*nin|wny hrniU'<l liy Vonilc I ahi Um liowd (ur vlRlit wiMikN. Atiil Mini l<rp Iiam pono in SAraloKA, N. Y.. (o vMl n'lnilTniHnil tnko n umi'h ihwiUmI rctd Aflor A lonR wKwiit tif forty'lnn n'lvkA. The com- |Mny In ronrffniilKlnit ftiiil will n\vn Ih Aiwltii, IV.. aIhiiH .ho|i(. 8. Hu'v will (*any n tmiiil luul ort'ltnt- im. Homo now imvo Um-ii Adilnl to ihclr TiMwrHny. Tlioy will lotir IVntuvlVKDlH, Now Yurk Ami Uhln. — ChAH. 11. HuyiVnowMt |iIat, "A ClTlIlxrtlOon)- nninlly *' will hAvo ttit ilmt iinHUiotlon hi tho ChM* fiinilATlioAli\\.^it Kmnrliioo.iVI.,rnrty InlHioiKT. — llAitAtirr K. J. NiiBont lAATmnRliiB for ihu lonr nt "On tho 8iiWAnco Hlver,*'ft now iiIaj. hy U. N. 8lo|t|ii'iu*. — llAiiAiror ChHrli'H l-'nthnun hnji tnirotifcitccl a new oiMtHHly by MnU'oIni \YnlMiu,cntl(Uil"Tlie llAvcmvf Omtuni," which John Drew will ptvlmt>ly pnHluro next AOA0on. R. F. Trerelllck Jr., npneentsUve. Cnm'Mnr opened aeaaon of 1$06-M at lloniellsvlllc, N. v. Jul;"- Cakroll AMD Lewis, Ati«r a roar wcckn* enRAftt. ment at the Camp Htreet Thoaire, Dallas, Te\., were ouRAffediror Uie Aeason.lo produce ibetr hurlmiuea. Nril UTonviiLp. tho Yankee ComedlHu And mimic, iB puttlDK In ttio summer with Ueywood's Celehniles, wboAre tonrlog tbe Suamer rcwrisot jCvI, Jobnny -..„,, —, — RellnunD. T. Wllnotl Eckert, Arthur K. Deapin, Harry Urey. CyniH Rlddell, (illlitm Leacoclc, Mag- le iMUy. I»iUe Uoore, Emma nerjr, Inez Kud. Com _ >«r)lA)e, IslllUn UainRrd, Ulllan WArtl and Hny | ?ii,ie"'i>|;niei'luker. itora^ Ed. Connelly Werdon. Oeorao II. Klcolal will In Ihe l»u»^neai J?J'*-^giV. Kn^^^^ wife. JoVspArk«,S«dle managcr.AndtaArkBR.SlurelewnidotlioidvAnco j^ne. Mullen and Dunn, Monianue and Went and J. work^ •'ARunon thoItonk^^wlllairilnbepliiyw^ | i*no^«'":« — Sconlo ArtlHl Chaa. F.Tlionipson liaii Inelcom- >toted the suenerr for the Faurol Opera lloiiiie. at ima,0., and haa under contmct a new etock of Rcencry for tho OperA Houhb at WapakonoU, O. and iievenU otbem Id that vlclolty. — J. Alftiwielleandwlfe an guemn of Oeorgla Ifeao n lor next neawn to lake out their own com- RtnpptDff atAtlAnilcClty, N.i.i Rud U mAkIng prepa pany, alMut Sopt. 10. In a Mrrnn toTiiiClippbb from Parle. France, dated Jnly 1, Andy llngheertya: "I anlted hereio- .—secure a wonder lesnspaiildliigalbercouageonuieahoraot Long Snj^tl^S/'eiWiiriJiSre I w^'t io Ti^TT'-^yMm^S^: .Companv: j.-'^S'Sei^ STu,^^"". Company: Ulllan Longniore, Mahcj Blanley,'Florence Pnincn, Oonnul Qiutzen, Hi. Oalhigher, Uel Tnnn, W. II. Smith, Jaa. Jackaon, llany T. Ilealey, Bd. Wllhle, Ur. Uanica. Hr. Falrcblld, Ur. i(iilDlan, Harry Ucr- nard, 8ani FUher and Henry Morton. They open their aeaaon early In Scplenlier. The acenlo ef- fecb4, elc, will lie carried on a iliiy foot car. Henry Morton Is BOle proprietor, llany T. Ilealey, manager: Harry Ilematd, manager In advance; Sam FIsner, asalaULnl agent; Kd WUble, etage macblnhil, wllh Iwo asalalanis, and W. Muulgum- err, maater of properties. — May Dretonue writes oa lhat nho baa retired from the aiage, and Incloaea a notice of hor mar- riage In Milwaukee, Wla., July t, lo rrank M. Welii- hold, a business man of that clly. — Notes from "On the rotuniac," No. 1: Wo have licen compelled lo cancel several dales on ac- count of tbe late lofoado. On Hunilay Inst we hail Sum a Hears, aa the nlonii when at lia height iilew own the ciijnnio and tore Ihe Un roof from Ibo hotel, and rolled It up aa neatly aa It could have lieen done by hand. The Iiouae waa dienched hy water, and for a titne the old nupetMtltlon of an open umbrella was forgotten, aa the only way the roonia could lie reached without a thorough wel- ling waa by raeaiia of Iheaialrway and an open uiu. lirelU. No one harmed and no losA to the company. Manager Caraon, of tbe Ohetryvalo Opera Uouae. aaya: " 'On the I'otonaio' hi Ihe atrongest bill that haa over played thla btmae." — (^alr TutUe la Ihe owner of a valuablo saddle horse, a recent gift from her father. — nilly Harhla and wife are lesUng at their home lu Madella, Hbm. — Olive (XMlldge, souhniio, who was wllb the Hay Yokes On. aeawa of 1894-i, baa signed wllh ' Old Tehueaaee" as leading soubielte. — The Calllcolto cehiedy Co. cloaed a Uilrtj^lx weeks' tour of Indian Temtoiy, Tens and Kansas on July 4, at Clay Centre, Kan. Tbe company will reorganize and begin next season's lour alwut Aug. 13, In Mlaaouri. tm star of the company, Nannie CalllcoUe, has gono lolowa ona vlall to hor parents. Manager J. W. CalUcotle will vbdl Chicago snd 'Lansas Cltv, lo airangs for tholr opeolog. — Mrs. A. W. Aiken will put hor late huahand'a ilays, "Tbe Black Diamond" and "The Driganda of iew York," on the road tho coming aeasoii If aho can make favorable atmngeuenta bi that eillict. „ ahow, which has never lieen aeen In America. Tho performer la Orioa Ceaaarin, and hla doga do the most wonder- ful and aunllng tricks over aeen. I have engaged him for thiny weeka, at a very large salary. I have alao eccured the greatest female venlriloiiiilst In Eu- rope, Madame MarteHno Iloele, who doesa wonderful and original act. I ahall rail on July e." Nuna FKOM TUE Maiiahi HiHsniBts.-The laieat arnnlalllon lu Ihe company hi Ihe original Nash- vlMo Students, elRkl lu number. Mr. Mahaia In- leiids making a atmng feature In the free concert given dally by bU company, "' be erected each day In the moat promlnont street of the cities that they visit, and a pcrfomisiice nf pleaaing plaiilailnn and old lime melodies will lie rendered. Illllnrd Ucower la ptacilcing aome new and dlillcull tricks on tho hlcydo for Ihe coming season. Our No. 2 company will take the road aliout Aug. 20. Ilici AKn Klvsh, who do a veiy comic grotesque bar acl, madu tholr nnt continuous performance company aa buatncsa manager fnr ne.\t aeaaon. Wu. S. Li Vau haa signed tor tho coming sea son wllb K. Oaldwell'e Colored MlnstTela aa prlndiail comedbtn, alao lo do a novelty act and manage the stage. Tni McCabb Ic Yoimo'8 MiNgruis, under the management uf I.ew Denedlcl, are all ready to lake the toad Ang. I. They announce a strong ahow, and the greatest noreltr for a street pamde lo the country. Tbe mater: i)an D. Allmore, J. Arihiir Unburn, Low Baldwin, BUlott Uroa.. Ilowaniaifino, Unyd J. (Illlinore, Ed. Nunn, Jas. Nnnn, W. \S'alker, Q.SIlaman, U. Harvey, W. Bromley, C. Ilolden, Jaa. Moore, Billy ReynoMs, Itoy Ulsnd, llendeiron and Snilib, Dave Cole, E. Smith, Dan UcOalie, (I. U. Hack, Oeo. Nunn, Vesulla, an elllclont orcholm, sextet, snd brum liand of eighteen pieces, all under ibeaupervlslonofthe veteran, Lew Benedict. ) 10 UIO iieo aiiKcn | TUB OOLUKSIIII03., late Of Thatcher k Johnaoii'a A portable atage will Mlnslrela, and Teddy Slraonda, of Abe Uavlifa Hcntz^ntley Co., are anmmerlng at the Continen- tal Hotel, Narraganseu Pier. Toi ToBiTRB Cokiqux In Canton, 0., ckiaed July a, and will reopeu Aug. 9), under Uie management of H. II. SulUvan. Haiiob Davis baa closed ber three weeka' engage- ment at the BIJoa Theatre, Norfolk, Va. Fbakb 0. Itics, formerly tepr«sentallve of M PItTSlmmons' Speclallr Co., Is recovering from s appearance In New York this week at Keith's New auiiglcal operation, and Is no longer connected wl b Union Sqiisre Theiitre. Capu Olori's Pavilion at Allenllo City. Uo wUl llARHY E. Scorr, innslual expert, was a CurrKn spend the remainder of the Summer then. .. .•- . . . I UiBtUOVARD AHD LIONA (Bl,AH0) IIOWARnatO culler July II. Uo l4 working alone, ami has signed wllh W. B. Ulereland for next aeaaon. J. I). FOXD Ann lOTTII! I)A Vehn liiloim US lhat they were married at rii|iia, O., on July A, touring throuRh Indiana and Illinois. FAnsuv AND Bbyvour are spendhig six weeks at „..v .™.....|,.-,v. , Crescent Park, K. I., and open at the OipbeumThe- Tub Aubhioan Knot, Au Waykb, Is a feature aire, San Francisco, Aug. 12, for fosr weeks. They Willi his now coincdr contonlon act at Oonnanla go with Uatry Williams' Own Co. the cooling aca- Park, Phlladelphlu, (■a., whore he Is engaged for ian. three weeks. llARHY NinTBS, of NeUcT and WllUanu, after a aevore Illness, has sgaln Jolneil Ills pariner, and will ahorily appear In the leading New York vaudeville theatres. Lkw 11. Oarboli. Informs ns that be was married In lioaton, Maaa., July 10, to Maud Kllalon. They have algned wllb the Night Owls Oo. for next aon, In conjunction wllh Chas. E. Udell. P. 0. LOWBRV, tho cornel ankiltt, Knnk Kirk and Al. Walts Iwve algned with tbe Naahvllle Students. CUAS. F. KDWARhs, In bis new black face mono- h>gno, mied a enccesaful engagement recently at Tnmhllng Run, tbo new Summer resort near Fotts- vlUe, Pa. Last week he scored s aiicccsa at Ollf ton Uclghts, Fort Washington, Pa. At each pUce he dllB a return engagement In August. RBS8IB GiLncRr srrived home from London, Eng., July s, and will spend the Summer In Uaverhlll, Wu. L. Baibr and Editu Randai.1, have Jon cloaed a week'a engagement at Kobl It Hlddletoiil Mnaeiim, Ctnclnnau, 0. CitARiJisO. IlvoEclosed with tbe AndrewaOncra Co., and has algned wllb Thatcher i Johnun'a Min- strels ns comeulst snd bandmaster for noxtseaaon- JoiiN W. Dt'BUiBR, Chief Uhoul of Vampire nooet. No. 2, of Chicago; 111., during bis visit to Uie New York Rnosl, No. 1, niesented Chief Ohool John M. Tomer with a magnlncent Ivory skull and gold embroidered cane, emhteraallc of the order. LI OuuRB AMD LB8MB havs nnlshed eiigagc- menta at the Hsdiaou Snnarv Ruof Cardcu and Cenual Opera Uonae, Ibbi oily, and are now taking a test. ., Laurbl AMD IlARVBT bav« dboolved partnership. - wllh MaiicI Ion al their ranter will itA^-jioMn AMD Wux;ii have signed wllh tho Amer- ican Vaudeville Cn., headnl by Ua llnyden. TOB ALUAMBiu VAUIIKVII.I.E1 clflsed July 12. The following were wllb Ihe company: Morriaoy and Itleb, namard Dyllyn, Hoiiris and Bowera, Hugh Einmlil, Hoslcal Morgan, Ada Downey, Biirk's Dog Ulrcna, Joe Hardman and Prof. Iloebe. En. Iloasas waa married tu Iill7.ahelh Wengen- Itnse nf the West," which they Intend to produce Ibo tailor pari of Septeinlier wllh a company In' oluding IJIIlan IhMd. — Mr. and Mra. Jas. K. Mills ara aponding a gnoil iiart ol tholr vacation maklnga liloycle trip tbrungh Iho Biimnirr roanria nf Maaaachuaetts. — W. 11. Paul llndaon and Marie Blair are apend- lng the Summer In Oblngo, III. Mra. Hudson ' taking vnral Inatinotlon from Pref. Knwalakl. — John W. Hart, owner and msnagerof tbo Kena- liigtnn Faintly Tlieatro, Phllndelpbia, I'a., la reaillni Ihe lioiiHA with new carpet and nalnilng Inside am nut. When opened, Aug.24, liy tlio Kennedy Playora It will lie a cuniplote change mm laat acaaon, and Ibo atlntoilona thla coming season, Hr. Hart says, are the IkwI In alx years. — Koinntnn A IMrilon'a Comedy On. upcned In JackHoiivllle, III., July I, In the open nir.and repnri luniing nennle away at every porfomiance. The rosier: Uatile Ooodrtoh, neo. K. Koiapton, C. II. Ciirilnn. Alphnnan I'hIllltH and 1,oiiIb Kogers, wllh an un'healiH nf fourteen pieces. Ilur regular aea* Hon niiona Aug. 'Jl. We have aevorel fair In llUnula, after which wo will play only uiwiis of Iwentj Ihou- aaiid and upwaitia We have new plays and now iwper, also now and aiMM.'lsl scenery. — "Cliarioy'a Annt" haareachcil Pniliigal, anil la nllrni-ilng large anillencca lo an linnrto iheatre iin* dcr the iianui of "A Madrinha do cnariee." — Kdwar^t llarrigau has returned rmm Europe, ami Iiitenda lo go nt once to hla country realdciico al Schixmn laiko. Mr. Ilarrigan has coiiiplolod hla now |ilay, "Myiion Iian,"and will produce 11 on Ihe r^iad next aeaann. He la nognllattng wllh Aiigualln Ihily lu prndiifo "Old Lnreiidor" In litndon. Eng., next Siiiimier. — Jiidite Ilaynor haa denied Ihe appllratlon nf Al. liayman ai»l I'haHoa Fmhnwn fnr the dhwilu. linn of Ihclr nannenihlp wllh KdwIn Ruuwlcs In IheOolunililaThratre Biooklyn, N. Y. — Wllinn lACkayp, It la now announced, will unl liegln hla staring tour nnlll the aeaaon of ltM-7. — Charlea IHcksnn, who will begin hla Innr Aug. m, at llnyt'a Theain. this clly, In "Olhcr l>eopleV Money," haa engaged lleorgia Wellea t« play the pan ol Marjory, ihe Ingenue obsraclet of the com- edy. Aubrey Rnnclcault will play lbs Hghl comedy LAURBL AMD IIAHTBT uaYOUUWnw Jack AMD Rosa Dubeb, In company with «a Pariier, an spending a two weeks'vacation at U mountain homo In weat Virginia. Mbw Panior accompany Mr. and Ura. Ihirke lo New York, where they open Uielr season at the Central Opera House Hualo Hall, July 32. , _ , Jbbhy CUMMIKOIIAM snd his vrife, I/iulae Omnlnt- liam, have not aeparaled. The former haa douliltd wllh Joe Nestor for an Indellnlls time, but will shortly resume work with bla wife. TUB SVLYESIBB RUSSBLl BUHJIRB SPECIAtTY OO. . „ ...„-_ , opened St HsnhalllIsII,Asbor7l'srk,N. J., July I'i, roth,aiion-profes4oiial, of NewYork,atBl. Hiiraus with the following people: Clarence Powell, conie. ' dian; J.XertusJoneSiOonlortlonlst; IrvlDgSciiyler, InslninWDbtllBli Prof. Cbaa llalloway, gullari« ; Sylvester Rnasell, contra tenor, and Prof. w. ii. Lang, leader. Edward E.SmlUi U Uie tnancUlreii- reseniaUve. Framob La Hab, profeaslonally known aa Frances HcNulty, and Frank a Fowler, of Uie Ihire Bros., wer« married In tbla clly July 6. CBARLBS NAsn has completeil a now akeicn, which he and lUlUi nordon will preaent the coming season. The latler will alao alng several new aonp of Mr. Nash's composlUon. ^ , „ , Tug WDAiLBYS, Who Style themselves Uio "Boju Musical AtUats." after spending a abort vacation at FIlchburK, Hats., vrtll open at Keith's Union bquaie TliciiUv, this clly, July 2L Oblib Hsonnui, of Uie Maddoro skeUh tesm, lias mat recovered from a aaven Illness at ncr home, lu Alglen, La. , ,„„ aALLAOUBR AMD QBipriN bavs oepareteil. Wil- liam Oallagher will work wllh Hartj W". CnUlna Tboy have signed wlUi Dick Mule's Marie Sanger Oo. WASHINGTON. Spolaano.—Al the Audllortum Daniel Vrob- man's Ljceum Theatre t;onipany uiiide Ihsir Inl- Ual appearance In this city July A and 6, In "Tbe Wife" and "Tho Cfa of llebelllons Snssn," playing lo S. It 0. business. The company came heredUact from New York Clly, and la nndor tbe penioiial dIreoUun of Hr. Frohinan. Coming: QuaUve Froli- man's Company, la "Jane," 20. PBorLB'L-New faces week of R: Rd, Dolanand Bruna and Nina. Itemaliilng: t^liaa. Bnnon, lleta Uough, Florence I'atlerson, Kittle Edmunds, Ida Slninia, Hay Cori, Sadie FalrOeld. Will 0. Baker, Wm. Monse, Walter nml snd Frank Thompson. Noras.—Jack (Julnn.sugemanagtr of (be Audi- torium, waa tenuored a rousing uenoflt by local talent July 2 Capu Paul Walib had his back broken In making an attempt uallde down a t.uxi feet long log olinte In a lairrel atOneiird'Aleno lAke on the Fourili. lie aim aurvlrc^ but there h BUiall hope of hla recovery. VIRGINIA. Norfblk.—New pcoiile at Ihe llljoii Theatre week of July It: Manlo Oom and Olrem Sbdeni. Held over: liarry and Peari Schafer, the Four Bur lona, llalUe Palmer, Uaiid Uavbi, Ida F.sscR, thirJf ileiTO SnrnHnd jSl^lifi? "hii^^^^^^^^ I rtoicli;'i'~i:"To"i liSiwijIliirVoMgViT.Uh; I Mwiy wl'^^ bi'ia"iJiwTiJ;"tidrin ihe illKo"' gSSd lieorge Hnnin and Jonn wner. Hiislness y^,,^^^ f^,„„ „,„, weathers, and Colo and Wiley | SIrnmonde ft Ibown. _ „ „ T3.iNBwORi«K«Hl'S.t.«.™i,ln,i»todraw|™JiV%"^^^^^^ " " Uo>i, WAS a CLirrsH callnr ntcently.aiid reports good liuRlnosH wllh tho Irvin Urothen' UIg Urcus, wllh which Ito hiu the ptiTllcgee for the Summer. Mr. Itoao le olAtcd orer Ibe novel advcrllHlng BobemcH UAiiAger lllll hAR Bocnrcil from AiiAiralla, and tbo , .«,..ia, miu r>i.u i*«...j,..H..'»w, —— Advance work wlili tho Mtmiigost epeclaUy company largo gold medAhinlghior July 0, by Usniillcld i'"*>ftOi over controlled by thAt onicrurulng uiAUflger Is No, m, II. P. 0. Klkii, as teidlmonlalti of tnelr cni' twund to keep hlmhualMug. ileveral theatrcA will cIcntHervlcca In Iho lA'ehakii'oitnstrelperforuMniTi bo vtelted hy the »how which havo never played which wan hllhly BiiccoHBfol an a benclll to inc vaudovlllacu)nUnAUi>u» before. Tliesouonopens lodgo. Mr. Riillwrtnon hasgooeloCInclnuAU, about Aug. 20, cioM a contract with Uarlow Bros, for the comiiiR Uason ihu UoNkOKscnil the fnltowlngannounce- ment of a tloublo nianiHge: **Clir II. Trice, of Mason and Monroe, And 0. Umdioy lUco, formerly of tho rrico Itms.. musical cometllAn^ were inarrle<l In JCAnnciltt. Pa., on July 2, Cllf II. Price to I/>u1ho I'loffinakcr. of l*llisliunt, and U. Umdley lYlco to Lydia I'lowiiiAkcr, of JcanDcllo, both being non* pmressloDAbL cut II. mc« and wife will spend the Chnrch, June X. John P. FiBtahs' DnAWiHn OiRna will have ss a special feature tbe four Valentino SUtena from the leading muelo bAlh of London, Eng. Thev ara mid to IM excellent BlDRen and dancers. DanidaH these ttiere ar« engaged Uamll And Ulnra, of ISRt seAMu'n llydeV OomedlanB'.McOanbyand ReynoldH, Die fun* uy CaliromlA Hketcn teAm, and the beadlluee of tbe commny will, of conrae, Include Fields and Hanson and Joe Flynn. PmprlelorJobnF. Fields baa already (rtarted booking bin comedy company for tbe season of 'MM>T. Tbe supervision of botb shows will he eninisted to innKs I>. rlynn, wbo has been Ur. Flolds* bufllnem mtnager for tho past foor years. Fannii Hoka, a lUttor nf llelene Mora, tbe female liarltone, will shortly make ber continuous perform- anct. debut at Mr. Keith's Now York house. Tbo Kawns, Uulh and Ullilbrd and O^Brlon and Usvel roappnar at this bouse noou. Katie Rooney Is ab)0 among tbe early iwoklngs. KoBURB ANuCiuruiN moum the loan of their In- fant son, llany U. Kosura, wbo died uu July lo, In Chicago, 111. I . Katoh a Wbatiigk^s CoLOHin HINOTHBiJi report Itumij^ lUiaiKSiCT hAs, for Uie coDvcnlenro ni I i^P^^F * li'iAljicBS at Kohlur*fi l*aTlllon Tlie«iro, | ha patronn, removed his otilce In ttiU city to .l/—'^ part. And Mr. OlckAOD will anpear Aa llulchlneon iliinpor, of Iho Cklcagn Boam of" * * ilil to itoa MTlotts vliArmcter rale. — CiHinney Ttiorpo has pnrtibAwil fnun Ocll Hay Iho AutPrtcaii rlghlii for "A l^tntuiulnio He- I —Tlie dliticulir between l^lulla Hendn ami hoarml," In which hn romiorly playr*! with (h<)lal^ fUgmu I/'oiicavaiIo hart conio lo an unexpot led lloslna VokoA. Mr. Tlioriw sUt haaaonCAOi play endluK. M. Hcudeabmtmhl acllim aialnAi slfinor : tH'lliia IhiUni, eiulllrd'*A ItAgrtty llehcarml.^ I laf^mcAVAllo nn Ihe gronml ihAi thencone In the last act of "I'AgllAccl**—where Ihe actrvm Is ntur- (Ifmt Ity tbo hiulMiiid licfore tho audience—wms bv tH Ilo wlkl pniliAlily itnMlure Uilh plAjunVxl M'Akoii, — Th(t ChitAic lirMinatle l>)., mi|i|Mirilng Hr. and Mrs. t'hthitt', will oyru tholr aniiual tniir Aug. 30;, wllb A nnely unlfitnuoil imw liaiid auU ttrvhestra and HHonilrvncw rrpcriory. - (Hlte llAlfnnI, lUby NaiiA and Cmr\ lirehm have rehininl lo Krtr, l*a„ Afior vlvttlng friends al lAke* lakcn fr^mi one of hU workH. It has twon pruven, hnwDTor. that the Inclileni occurs, sulitfAnllAlly ihe lt<MiMiuel'A oiHTA, **Taiiar1n,**pr\iduced lo mi. So M. Meodes has withdrawn his procfc« Agaltvi 8lgnor l^eoocavalto. woihI, ctiAuiAuiiua And JAthMlown. N. Y., to pr^ — CtiArlea J. HlchntAn has signed as Mm. Lang* pare for wxl soaannV work. Mian llalford Is bai^ iry's leading man tor nexl season. Inga iipw ittmrdywiliien.lnwbtch she will bafeau — Richard Ooldeo la verrlU at a Iboiel Id Albany, urod UD.xt HCAwiu. I Ha T> well. AtOi^rahVibw Cyreao Is ptvving to tM quilo an Atlmclliin. SADIE CUSHMAN Waabomin nimihighsm,Gi)|[. llermuBlcalabtlliy { ytiM largoly Inhorltcil trom her mother, who waa a | prufosslonAl Ringer. Iter parenla came to Ihle conn* iry when she waa ihn^o ycuraof ago, and locateil I Id lloslon, Mass., In wblch city tbo child was roarcil and Mncaieil. Wbonsbo arrived ata sultablo age Abe received Insinictlon In Inatrumriital and vocal nuiAlo In tho New KiiRland ODnRcmtory of Music, I In ibAt city, and at Ihe ago nf llftccn Htie made her I pntremlonAl dodnt with Ibe Dennett A Moultou Opera Co., at HaIoui, Ma«., playlog luluor iiatia. She ivniAlneil wllh ihnt compAny four soaouns, and I Tub Faktas, poroh and aerial port"'™'!'"'"„ closed a six weeHa' engagenienl In the Western Bummer resoris. . „ KBity ixn BVAK8 are oo Ibelr Harm In (Iraiiite. °ai:i<Ct>LDBBimii. comedhin, recently with "Ul'lf '* Uiid,"and Fred lb:niy,nUiIele. Peck's ixilo for nuo aeason. The following aeaaon she Joined John Slehwn's Opera Co.. playing aniall mlea In "The Mikado." "Kuiklygors," "iMncem Ida" and "Idnnlhe," and acting aa an iindonsludy for the prima donna, Helen latnont. Tbe next aeason she waa wllh l.ydht Tliominon, In "Tlie Iiasiler," awl Ihen followed an eiuagenient wllh J. C. Slewan, I ISaBOD. Hanaubr p. F PaoctOB has secured tho son-W« of K. D. Price aa business msiiager of Proct"' * neaaure Palace, which la announced to open about Slxhh CiiBsriB O'BRiBN and Flotrie Cheater raoum Uie loaa of their brother, WalWr BInns, wno reoeoUy died In Leeds, Eng. . ... „, CAIT. W. W. Pvmaii. nroprtetor snd manager oi hor next fallowing eomtgement waa wllh Aiklnann'a renwiiidcriif the Suinnier at AllanUc City. U. Ihnd- .. ..v.n...,.—j.... llad liny" l>>.,ln which ahe played IheUlle Icy Price will alay In JcanneltoiinlllAuguatandlhen the Theatre Oonlnue, RIohtnond, Vs., was a cur- "" Join tv. 8. Clorcland'a Mlnslrela. Tliey were the re- ren caller Jnly 11. He i«porl« thai his last aeascn, ciplrnbi of many nluahle presents, especially from which closed a fonnlght ago, was more than unu- tbe LconanU ItnarteL ally snccessful. Ue la here enjoying hla annual "- Nuns FniiB luR. Uitat A ItANnALL's Smvin caTlon, a potUon of which be alwaya qiends In tuu , Mlnalrela.—We are In our flfib week, and buelneas city. k* aUll continues tu pUce us oo the right aids ol the Hcasis DOHBntLi haa tempoiarily ramined lo;ne ledger. Chaa. Yogi, our leader, closed u> accept an vnudovllles, andlsthla weekplaylngatB.F. Keiin. Wllb Whom ahe ijaycd leading nnsa In "Tlie I'>1 | engagement at Indbuapolla Lu Elldn also closed New Theatre, In Bnton, Mass. Put Rellly, who nu Men's l^uii" and "The Two Johns." She waa next | !». Uiir l>and b one ot the features, wllb Ollle managed and aUned wllb bis own variety show inr gageil by n. F. Keith tor hU operatic pmdurllona. snd In thla rapacity not only appeared at the Union Snnaie Theatre, thbi clly, Imt ssalated In opening sll of Mr. Kellh's houses excepUng that In Pmridence, H. I. Mi« (^lahnwn dalnm a rriwriory of alxly op. eras. Iniring ihc early pari nrihesea)aniiflliK).Maht waa with Flank W. ilanger'a "Bunchor Keya"Oo. Hbe lifgan her career upiin the vaudeville aiage In June, imit, at the Hadhwn !iquai« Rmf Iianlen, and. In connection wllh her rariner. Herbert llolcombo, un- der tbetllleufCuali nianandUolconl4, haa alncelhal Umerenalnetl l-.i\audevllle, and they have presented their sketch, In which they bave become famoua. In Ibe best vaudeHlls honaea In all of the principal clUes In IhIa countty. Tbey jtve a Klned and la aU respects excellent nnaIcalpeiforaance,and Ibey ara oonssqnenlly greally In demand, Young at the hntd wllb the liaton. We are at pres- ent In Ohio, and are meeting with lots of opposition. Mm. Ibindall (Ruxene Uellman) tai making a bit with her Triliiy dance. Joe Her, brother of Nick Hit, waa a nteanani vbdtor 10. We spent an eiijoya- idc lime July 4, and played lo packed tenia on that dale. I.iN-rouiASoaiiinTreimrt baring cloacdathree veara'engagement with Rugene Tompkins'"lUack Ciook." lisHONio inn PiKTUR, who bsve been very sue- ceaaful 111 lUigland and France, will make their American reappearanc« Aug. 10, at B. F. Kellh's Nsw Union Square Theaira. W, 11, llsmlllon, tbe liasao, has Joined an opera company In Chicago for Uie Snnuner, and bis eniagemeni al tbla honae haa been postponed onUI SepL la. managed aua Riamu wnu uw wnu .»».»■/ ■~ neariy twelve yean, wlU nlay bla Irst engagen rni at a aalarrthe week after next, on Ibis conilnu- oua performance circuit , .... Roam OP TUB ORiumaiTINNissnAN Jcsitaa Slngera.-Sam Biiowden sod Phil Miller, propleion and managera; Pud T. Carey, J. A. "sgennaii. Oeorge Oonly, A. D. Johnscin, Msdarn CUra, »" Carhy, Jeaale Ogden. Belle Ston^ II. K. McUUan. bnaluen sgenL , , _„ Kimi MOBTON, of Bam and KlUlo Ho' binh to a baby giri on Jnly II, at ber borne, IMtrm. Wf''. ^ ,. |„ BmiB Oabxou. aong and dance perfonne''' BalUmotv, Md, wlm ber tdka, disabled hy rbcu matlsmandnotatils 10 work. ^ _ OHAB. WBtoi AND win BIS Spending the Sninniu at Ibelr bome bi Detnlt, Hlct.