New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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July 20. THE ]SnBW YORK OrilPPER. 309 Nora noa mAL.a. Fiiu) Wam Mnraiuu. —Alf.Oltiaoa huflgned uoomwlluaiid (ttgemu- K«r. Bmwl Hlsui>l*>lllu<>»x oi^""*'<■>*'- lublailxili jsr. TteWtlton Bin.,tlieHobrtiig am-uvl nTamlotlwriKitMl Mrolxtiwlll do Us circoi iic«B« Is "OiopU." TbsKessi^linesrijtU sompl<i«l. Buii«Tsn<lSiiilUisnbBll(llBgUisloi»- en wsrsrswd bjs ttaesulcsl compsoj rortliTa onisalisUoB, 11 !• loft long sn) Is s modsl of Id- BtaaW. Tte tcweiT wsgon will bt loaded onio 'tis csr, snd wtmooc unksdUif. Hr. Field will cam tour licsdor honat, and a tandaoms phaeton, dmwD br matclied poDlea, will be used i>j old IMii Emneltat Uw bead of Us pande, wbllesuiror out wblte inMaD bones will be ridden Fit two Mack kolgbla. Tbe hand of Iwen*./ men will be unlfornud.and k reatuit wtU be made ot Ue music- al concert. Nans fhoii Ai. 0. Tniot Kniio MiKm>t&— Tbe abow left Oolnmbui, O., on Julj 7, (or Hlcbl- nn, Mr. Field scoam|ianjUi{t tbem for a pleuiire titp. He will lemaln with uecompanj unillJul; ai or Uiereabonia, atier wblcb be will be at home. Bill; Caldwell was taken vlolentlr aick ancr tbe perfonnaDce 0, atid Tor a time bis life was de- Spalrad of, bat good medlral attention braaRhi talm MtMiDd, and be njolned tbe companj at Saginaw, Ulcb. Report elates tbat bualDesg Is good aod ereirbodj well. Divio U'Bhun, o( O'Bilen'a Comedians, wbo bai tieeo t»Didbess and stags manager of tbe (Iruud View Park gonuner Tbeatre, Portamoutb, 0,, bas returned to anelonau. Tut HiuiR BMW. are plajing a auccessful en- gagement at tbe Orpbcum,San Francisco, UtI. Tliej opeo tbeir aecoud season witb l^rliiiiviie J: U'est*s laiutrels Aug-1>- 01^ OBSKKr, musical director, has been engaged bj U. W. Becker to funilsb Ibo orcbestm for Ills Kew Atlieoicum Theatre, In tbls cli;, wblcb will opeo the atsaon on Jalj 39. UaxKT 8. OuiEH wiu Dot go With the vr. s. Cleveland's Ulnslrels next season, as was reported. Eddie 0'1>1jx, acrobatic tmmp. Is plajluic su en- gagement at Oskwood Psrk, Aiignsta, Me. He goes with the French Folly Co. next seasnn. HsTBR CouiN, baritone aluger, writes tbat lie bas been succentui singing "The Uut Uilld," "Me a Seat, Old Udr," "Oast Aside," l>r llarrlii, and "You Never Loved Your Hotber Half Knougli," bv Wlimark, at ExpoHlUonUuslclIsll, Milwaukee, WIS. Liw J. Wsiau aND wiKE are spending a quiet Tacallou at FtanUlo IMrk, N. J. IIARXV W, awDBECii Is Spending the Summer wlib bis partiMr, Fred Unroll, at the Clipper Villa, CHTDga rake, N. Y. Tns TnuB UABTissnri BHOriiiiin will close their four weeks' eiigsgeuieni In Sl Louis, Ho., iuly 27, at tbe Uolou Trust Itnol Uardeu, aud leturu lo I'bllsdelpbia, I'a., to attend nheHmbi. At. II. CixntNTS iHD Wipi (Hsiule Rojrd Ulementsjare spending tbe Summer with Msttsud Jessie Schaefer, at Kaiiaui Cltj, Ho. They are iiooked wltb the F*j Foster Co. for the coming sea- son. uiKni CocaiuN was te-eiigaied for a second wcckal Dalutb, Minn., after whlca sbe will teal for three weeks. Will L. Maci, of Russell and Mack. Informs ih of Ills msnlsie, oo June 24, to Emily Warden, a nou- ptoreadooaf, at Camden, N. J. Wu. OHEtN iKD FuRENcs Di VERB, Character aclor and actres, have decided to retiro from the (InimaUc stage to iilay the vaudevilles. Laurbl and Uabvsv buve dissolved pHrtaemlilp. Msude Uarvey la worklngalone at tlie Court Street Theatre, UulTalo, N. Y. TukDauu FAiiii.YOHCiiK>n'KAare fuinilliignsiic. cotsful teu weeks* engagemeol ut Honor's uardeu, Detroit, Ulob. llEUBBirrSWDT, Itio jlonthem comedian and cor- uettlul, was preseutcd, by theI.ellaS.fmplioiiy]Uud, or llaqiiemliue, Iji., with a gold watch on July 11. lie will go wlih the Chicago VaiidevlUo Co. next OHIO. Clnclnnall.—An encouraging sign of the better times upon which we have entered Is tbe renuirk- ntile liuslness done by all the Summer resorta- In- stead ot Injuring either the '/am or Coney lehiud, the Ludlow Lagoon bas simply served to sllmulste pulillc Ibtercst In these delightful ouUng spots, and tbe three are dividing a msgiiincont palronngo while enjoying a common prosperity. At Oouey Itbind there Is an Increase In the attendance or eov. oral thousand over lastyesr'sflgutes, an evidence or tbe encouraging boom that exists, ir tbe utme percentage of increase Is felt In Thespian circles, then the coming theatrical season will wliuen tbe dispelling of tbe clouds tbat have brought miser; to the managers on mote than one occadun during the past two yean. CoiiBT ISLAMD.—The 1)0 Fortest SUIeraand Delve's Uariouetles opened July 16. Last week Little Otga nude a dbtlDci hit Blie hi a very clever child. Tlie Tnunday nigbl musical fetes have proved slgoall; ■uccesaful. August Helnbardt, tbe comet sdolsi, b appearing In coucert wltb llolthaus'Hand. Man. ager Louis K.Nash la superlitlTely happy over the outcome of the season. Lddlow LioooN.—Knelsel's canine wonders and the Imperial Jiptnupe of athletes were the cards It. ZooLooiOAL Oardbks.— The Ci«e Indians arc tUII In csmp and growing resUem. An Orieutal Village win be the next attrseHon a la Midway. Then It Is phioned to give a great plolure of a Boutbern phiu- ution, Uluatratlng life In the cotton fields. KOUL k MIDDIBTON'S MVSEB TUBATRX.—Flvnn and Walker have become great favorites, and the; commenced tbe Uilrd week of their engsuenieot li. Uaynes and Leigh, James Seymour, Lottie Proctor sua Pat Kane were the otbets in tbe olio. Uuslneas Is fair. Oossip.—Emma Seagal, wife of Frank Wills, Is home from New York Esther Lyons and her husband, Oscsr Eagle, are summering at Oalllpolls. The Marvellea, who were at tbe Lagoon last week, have gone to Dos Moines, en roii/s to tbe Paeiac slope Jeannle Smltn.Healy was tbe sololslat the last two hundredth musical fete WilHe Qnnger, a ClncUmaU boy, U to be Holiert Manlell'e leading man next season TbePlckl- nluny band baa been lllling • week's engagement at Frank Relcbratb's Garden. Tbey go to Northern resorts under tbe management of James 1). Lee.... Mile, neglne bas been making balloon ascensions and patachuie lespa at Oonejr Island Edw Aug Ui borne from New York, where she received an engagement with Messra. Davis i KeouaU Manager William F. Fenneaa; soon Rues East to prepare tor the coming lour of "Slaves ot Gold." Oiiuries M. ItoblnaoD, one of the sons or tbe late "Uude John," of circus fame, bss Just launched the Josla ll.,a little pleasure craft that will plough the Ohio ClnoU)nall bas dmvn tbe Bru week of tbe coming Wagnerian opeia season, under Waltor Damnacb. Five pertonnauces ara lo ■>e given, commencing Nov. 11, and after that tbo company, numbering one hundred and slxty-elgbt IHnous, will go direct to New York for an extended ■dav. Manager llavlln secured llila attraction, which will add not a IllUe to CliiclnnaU'a musical achievements. The company aasemblea liere for rebcarul about ten daya berore the Orst puUlo per- fonnance D'Amom Is at Uie Monarch Concert llaU. ClerelaadM—The managers of the Summer at- tractions, as well as the sniuecment loving pairons, must certalaly have a friend In the land where weather Is made. Not a single performance bas been k»t or postponed on accnuni of liad weather so far this season, and a raw chilly evenings only have broken tbe record of crowded houses. IIai.T)ioara'saAROBKTliBATRB.—Marion ilannla closed her four weeks' engagement wltb the Mur- ray-Lane Opei« Co, here July T, In "Boccaccio-" she haa made nuny new friends, and will lie warmly welcomed on her next visit. Tbe opera of "Nanon" iraa well rendered but week, wltb Clan Lane In tbe tlue role. Tlie work nf Oscar (ilranl was eapeclally good. A double bill will lie presented week of July li. "Trial br Juiy" will be gtvea as a curtain raiser and will lie followed by "The Oondolleia." E Pain's AiiriiniiBATRB.-Malt. Berry bas again lloted to sncceas another theatrical enuuprlac In leveland. "Ulla Rookb" has lieen the beat draw- ing card of the kind ever presented In Ueveland liy the Fains, wltb the poaallile excepUon ot "The last Days of Pompeii." Is fact, so piononnccd was tbe sncceaa that atrangementa have abeady lieen en- tered Into to present "War Between Oblaa aud Japan" at tbe aatne place here next aeaaon. The amphitheatre will be occopled week of July li by tbe famoualnnea' Band, In their great mualcal and elecMcartlllety sncceaa, "I'eaceand War,"and "A UayaltbeWorid'a Fair." Tbls will also beonder the efflclent management ot Mr. Berry, and wUl un- doubtedly be a aucceaa. BccuD Bbacb PA«B.-Tbe Iowa Mate bnd CKMcd their eniagement at tbls popular resort this week. TLai leave July U tor Johnson's Island. The allAcllou at the Auk week of Joly 16 wUI be UB<s' Band, who wUl appear every atlsnoon during the week In tbe same production as tbey fender at the Ampbllheaire In the evening, Bual. week. f"^ during tbe past Ercun AvBKi-B OrgRA Ifot-BB.—Tbe painting or Sappho Is still on exblbltlon here and buslneea coii. Unuw good. It will remain here tor aome time. The bouse will open for tbo regular aeasnn Aug. :M. COBa.-''Lalla Huokb" goes to Detroit, where It opens up a four weeks' engagement July o. Tbe Iowa Slate Band will furnish tbe mnsic ibcra also. MailoQ Uanobi sailed for Lundou, Eng., July 10, wbere she will Join her huslond. Jack Haisiii, of ■be "Frteud FrilfUoiiipany Lindsay MiirrlmiD, whose luus voice bas lieen ao well received since he loliicd the Hutray.Une Opem Co., was iiianlcd July 8 In Ulti Dragaizl, a non.pnfesaloDiil Uanager Slunini, ot the Clovenind'Theatre, will onen bis "Ilsys and riayen" for a trial night at Lafiiyeiic md., Aug. 24, arier which It will be glvci tor a week at Indlauapolls, lud The Young Lady's llciin'v Society will gh'o a "Female Minstrel Show" si the Ljceum Tbuatre, July 18. for tbe lieiietit of tho hosplui fund Tne advance sale of scata ror Hark Twain's lecture ror the lieiiellt or IheNews- boys' Home, July 15, has lieen amply large enough to assure a decided success Tlie Putnam Su- lens, Fsnnle, LIblile and Uarcla, are spending their vacation at their home In Cleveland. The; go wllh Iho "Spider and Fly" cniiipanr noxt season Ueiule Swutou, or "UniiiM SUIiio" raiiie. Is also vbilUng ber homo here Geo. Ellis, the lillllard |ila;er, died In St. Alice's Ilosplmi bore July t. lie was tbo liusiMiid of Jnsepiilue Sbanley, tho well knuwu singer, wlm died Issi Spring. DiayloB.-At the Umuil Upent llnuso "Aurora." a iiniductlon given hy Incsl talent, was preteutcd Jul; 12. IS aud matlncc, to ralrslzeil auillences. ATULBfic I'AHk.-lnucs' raniuiis uillllary i«nd pmwuted their s|iecUclo Jul; 11—"A llay at tbe World's Fair'' In tile nfiorunon and "War and Peace" at iilghi. In ilie evening the band was aa- auted ii; tbe I'lillbaniinnic Hoi lotv and the I'hiL-nl.i Uubt Inraiitry. Full; live tliuuasud iieople wlr- ncKsed the pmducllnn. NoTR.—Jiihn Viiegcl bi bere In advance or Billy Van's NInstrebi, wliu (i|ieii at tliu Grand Aug. u. The couiiialiy will In nil proiMlillUy rebeano bore. AhroB.—Sloe .1 Dalmnn's Dog and Pony Show ciiiiimeitced a four nights' ciigHgciiient June lu Tno Academy of Uuslc remains closed uiiill Aug. IT, when Culenun A llcagler's Ulnslrels, a new or* giinl/atlon, gives Its lultlnl iierformaiice. MISSOURI. St. Loals.-."OIIainiis,"a new npem, la nn the bills lor lt.i drat prureAUoiml prwliicllon at Uhrig's Cave week or July 15. Tlio roinsiitlc upoiu of "Pia Dlavolu" drew gowl houses lust week, and Wm. Fniolt In tbe title roloiiuilealilghll. Itwasln- comiumbly tbo bcsl pcrtormaiice or tlie Otvo's season up to date. Umiok THi'sr KookGahiisn and Uasiko.— Oeonce Hclvllle, Hanilc Conway, Mcliityro and I'uylor. I.a Kuse llros., Utiu Suoiieiaw, u. W. Hall, llclle Slsw- an and MariluettI Bros, Tbhravb Park bus reiipenod under tho mansge- iiieut or Uen J. Williams, tl. W. I'rcihiy, pniprioior. Uru Williams' farce comedy, "Harried Hen," will lie produced, with bitempenlons liy Jaa. A. Itdlly. BIlHsTrio, Air. LIstun and others. Winter (Iahuen and Cohchrt Cahk.— Ilaitle (mr- doij, Uzzlo Arnold, lluglile Ui^Naiiiiy, Hot Fisher, Belle I'aitciaun, lliirio; and Tiuve, Com Frauklln. Uiiric Ilraiit and l.a Tblo sisters. AI.IIAUUHA Palack Tiibathk.— Tbe Fields, IMIlo Meriiin, Ulln ami llccil. Sisters Kibcr, Uliinlc PhI- nier, lbs Klicnis, Tllllo Collins, Frank I,. Uay snd stock company. UavANT'S lliEATHK opened July 1;| with the rn|. Inivliig people: UcOird suil i;uii/.dlles, the Grays, Munbi and Wrkcr. and Ulllo White. GuEiaip.—Terraco I'ark, the most popular Summer garden, has come to grief. Creilltora pressed their clalnw, aud a rocelvsr bas lieen appointed. A ouw luanagemcnt Is endeavnriiig to retrieve the popii. Isrlt; ot tbo park. 'l1io former proprietors have si.-irted a vaudeville show at Ceniml Qardea wlib good performers Suiiuriian Park lo enjoying a fair iHitronage at Its free show F'raakM. Bvan, ttdvsiico Qgeiil of tlio Itellly-Wllllnms Co., hi spend. Iiig the Bummer lu the cliy. Kanisis Clty.*-The weailior lies been very cool tdr the last week, snd bad one or the tlicuires been open a good week's buslucns could havo lieeii rolled up, but as It WHS tbe parks sulfurud soiiwwiist. Faikuount Pauk.— Tbo Kenipertituck Compau; irave au **al fresco" pieuenbttlon ot "A Uldsuuimer Mgbl's Dream" last week, to big houses. Tlie per- fonuanco was a lilg hit In every respecr. Mr. Komper's thorough Knowledge or sUife manage, went wsa shown ui tho way the pruducUon was put ou. Tlia forest sceno called for rounds or apptiiiae every night. It being inadu esiKcUII; atimvlivu wltb electric eirecui. Tbe company all made dia- tincllve bits, Ur. Hall, us Bottom, being tho especbil feature. Pmlae Is alnodue Mr. Wagenhalls, who es.Hayed Lcandcr, It Isilng bis llrat appearance lu four seasons, buevlal mention Ui also due tbe Ulaaes Abell, Galutln aud Itowau, and Messrs. Robs, Charters, Johuslone and Uunbar. The stock company was assbited b; Miss Ualliert of last sea. sou's "Friends" Company; Paul TSyhir, or the KeeueCo., and Bust t.k)nuers, or Rliea's Co.; abu UUi Frli2, a local anwteur, and a cburue from the recent Paxton Upera Co. Tlie comnanr will remain two weeks longer, nresenilng "The llream" tbb a-cek aud "An You Like It" next week. Wasuikuton Park.— Tbe Fl;Iug Jurdans and Nel- son Suttere attracted large crowds. Uu Jul; is the New York Upera Co. will opeu ou tbo lake In "Ulllee Tiylor." 'TROtlCT Pauk.— ITardlng and Ah Sid pleased fair cruwds last week. TUKATRE (MuiguB.—Ulna f^irtou, Retslaw and Puego, Tom Fe;, Hose Unify, tlie Wslbice Slsteis, Bessie Vernon, and Jerome aud Alexis. Business Is bl«. KovBLTY TUBATHB.—Adklns and Woolwonli. Flu. negan and Gordon, L;dla Temple, Hike Wluileu, Uodgklus aud Leitb, Uscar and bsllle Kbcms, Oeu. Devauty, HcOan; and Rena. OLipraRiHas.—Ulsslanaliigllowauwlilgoto'Frla- co at tbe end or the week andjiilu the FrawleyStock Co., wbere she Is engaged to pliy leads The . _ j-j^ . ... it, ureset Mra. WIntbrop." Jeromesud AloiUbavemade Kemper Stock Co. oiiened the l.eiuolbb Guera House, atcullllcothe. Ho., on June 27, iire8eniliiB"riiuiiK a success at the Comlque Ilattle WalUce, ot the Wallace Sisters, has gone lu visit her sister In Denver, Col OscsrCiiiran lakes the ibigemau. agenioutur tho Noveliy, beginning tbu week Tile Audllorium in belug entirely relllied ror next sesson. anil It Is rumored that seveiHl siroug shows have Isicn iHjoked t'lui Aiwll, or tbe Kemper 8'uck 1^1., IMS signed with Uodjeska foruext season. CANADA. Blontreal.—At tho Theatre Royal the I.;ona i OmeDwald Slock Coiiipnny had fair bouses for week or July B, wltb "Lltttle Km'ly." This bouse closes for Hummer season 13 and reopens Aug. W. SoiiHSH Pare.— (iuod bouses prevailed here lor week of 8, wltb Vsllsska, C. W. Wllllanw, Uuulta and daughter, and the Xaniom Family. Reulned fur week of 15: Ueers llms., Carrol and Issdell (ti- nier, llelioc, Kronen's viewa and tbe Hon "Wal- lace." NuTBS.—II. It. Jacolsi bi In town, working on Hie K;IIuilnsries uf a new theatrical scheme, and bas d several luoposals ror sites ror a new Ilieutro under consldemtlon, lint so far has noi coinu to any deflnlto anangetiieiils. It Is bis lutenilon to niD a ruor garden uu su extensive scale In cuniiec- tlon wlib bis new tbeaire Tbe memiHinor the tbostrtcal profeasluii In general will lie sorry to learn ot tbe aiiddoii deuin of Chris. Greavni. prf>- prclor of the Liverpool Hotel here. Ur. Ureavcs was p4ipuUriy and raiulllsri; known aiiKsig ilie Eroressiuu as "pa," and his genial dbipoHllUin, liid lieariednesa and urisinlty made hli huUHe Hie favorite resort or tbe liest class. His di-atli was iDstantaiieous, the result or a revolver accident, and bis runcral wss one ot the largest ever aeeu lu the city The oif season iif the Academy of Music has lierii signalized by tbe eutr; Into Ibe matrimonial slate fur the third tlinc of Its lesMie, Mr*. Thumas. Wheu Ibe besolirul Mlw Madden was niat a bride In Moiiireal she was given away at tbe aHar by tbe titled owner of the Acad- emy of Music to an Englbib oiTlccr named Keunedy; her second biisliand, tbe htte Mr. Tbotuss, was made bapp; for twenty seven yean, and Hr. and Ura. Murphy have now the best wishes and sincere congratulations of a very large circle of friends and weH wishers. TatMto.—At tbe laland Knot Garden, during the week or July s, owing to the cold weather, iiuslnens was ItghL Coming July 16: A. Lorraine, Tom Xaso and Noma, Dnncan and May, and Hamaay and Rich. MASSACHUSETTS. Boalaa,—A mlahty boat Is npon as and onr streets, Unas, highways and bywaya awann with ChrlBtlao Endeavorltes, who have coma to stay irlth us ror a week. Thalr coming haa made hiialnesa gooil for our few show bouses now opeu, Insomnob as they are not avetae to Indulging In the Intwcent amusement of looking at the "freaks" tn Austin and Stone's Museum, ur enjoying tbe reaolng IndU' eoce of a night at the Castle Squaie, where tbe pat rutiage lus lieon lunuenae. THKHOKrTiiBATHK.—"Klsniel.ortbeTwol^imled Turks," which was pnsluced July la drawing big busliiosii to tbls bouse. Tbe theme or tbe piece fai a delicate one, lint It bi not delicately bandied In tbe llhretto, antl the lyrics are rather conmionplace. However, tbe public Is pleased, and Ibe coifers of Manager llany Askin are belnir well tiled. CASri.B SguAHB TUBATU.—Manager E. Roae'a Summer aeaaon ot comic open hi proving a Idg success, aud wlU, no doubt, continue In popular favor for some lime. For the week or July 16 Mr. Koeewlll present Wallace's "Uarilana," with tbe fullest strength of the Castle Square Opeia l». In • ilnr the cast, and with a scenic and costuming adoru' meat never \ietan aurnassed lu Boston's annabi of comic oiiem prvsenlatlons. Next week, "Mariana." "Tbe Chimes of Noruiandy" drew excellent buat- ncM hwt week. KBrrn's NewTiibatib.— At tbls house, for week ot 16, Hsnager Keith bas bonked Bessie Boneblll, Kd. M. Favor and Kditu Sinclair, UulUua aud llen- ahaw, l>reM Eldrtitgn, Swirt ami Chase, AlliuriU aud Banrani. the Hawns, the Homalo Braa., the "IJnger Isinger Liioy" Seitette (iccund week); UlonH and Bums, Jobnaon and Mack, Annie Wl|. niuth Curraii, Uogan aud Uleuroy, tbe l« Uoyne llms..lleorgc Plerx'e (mlinlc).and WarrenandUialg. The Itoaioii Symphony Orclieatra perromiem created a duller last week In musical circles, and during Uio bitter |Mrt or tbe week tbe house waa Ibmnged tlirice dsll; with lovcra of genuinely artistic nnislo. They sro lillled for tlibi week, and lu fact to tbe end of tlie season—that Is, It Keith ever has an end to bis "couUiiiiousshows." AfsriH & SroHB's MfSBtiH.-Hansven Stone and Shaw Billl keep puuiiding away at tne putdic, and their blows are surely telling. Judging from the lin- inensA cmwds that dock Into tbe boiisedally. Tbey nlwajrs have aomething that will Uckle someliody's. If nut evetylKHly's, hankering tot i|unlnt smuso- ments ou the stage of their lecture hall, lu the theatre pivuer aiuppy comedy sketches are pre- sental buurly. For week or 16 they nntiry lovora of the aenniilonal iliut Adollna Hanson, tbe stivng woniau (known as tbe remalo Haudow), will begin a brief engagement at the bouse, also Astarta, lllu. sluiilst. tiigeiher wltb a troupe of comedy muiikeys and a nock of highly educated pigcous. un the Hisge will lie Swan and Uampard, Sheridan and For^ e>i, Dan llcagsu. Cole and Curtis, the llullimnks, Eileen CaraplH:U, Tom Unint, Frank Calbert, WII- llsiiisund lbirton,Cliartesll. Deao.Jamea lllnglisni. Baker and lla;es, Frank Kenned;, Has<in anil Hap. ley, Eitle aniitleyaud thoT^illiotHlHten. 1'AI.ACB TUBtTHB.—The principal annoiincemont ai Uaiuger AuiUn'a house ror week of 16 Is a new, bright miudcal travadv hy, Ueado and AIMon, en. tilled "Lliilu LoubHi,"lnoueactand seven scenes. Ill the variety divertlsenieul an Bani'l Burt and his uaglc ladder, the Adams duo, Hasier Forbea, dan. cer; Au/o and Leo. tbe I'abico Vocallstlc Trio, iluitio Petara, Kltle Albion and Cora Williams, Hor- giui, Adaiiw and Peny, tbe Pnbtco Trio; Phil W. I'etem and Gus Hills. The ptessanl .Mummer biyl, "Swinging In the Ijitio," lieglns \bi second and hut week, and as a uovolty will Isi given a buriesiiuo callcil "lllsckcsl Uoshin." Nin-tx—Thaiclier A Jubiuwu's Big Minstrel Com- Kuy will open the season at tlie Boston Tbeatre Aug. , and 10 "Hglit Bclbi" will be presented. The house has been sntlrely reseated snd handsomely dci'iH'Hhiil tlirougbont —Hansgerduo. K. Lothnip Slid fsmll; anil Kathorlna Kober. of Ills slock, ara tniiriiig III Irelsnd Jay Hunt, uf Uthntp's forces. will uiaiwge tbe Grand Huseuin, Washlugmu aud Hover Streets, next sesson Irene Unrpby lie- sldea belug a capable actress Is also a notable "eiiKtgency" one. Slio bas lieeu called upon twice In this cliy at a mliiutes's nullce, once at the Uostun Theatre and last week at tbe Castle Square, and lu both cases It was go on wltb- oul rebeaiwl and make a pranounced bit Joe Oil's season will open lnCbeb<ea,Haiw.,Aug. IS, snd during tbe llrat part of tbe FaU he will pUy tbe New Eiiglaod circuit The llowdoln Hijuare Theatre, under tbo management of Chas. V. Atklii. ion, will Iw rvopened Aug. 3 with s jierfiirmance uf "Liiat In New York." Peter F. Dslley and his company will liegln reheanatls of John J. UcNally's nuw farce comedy, "The Night Clerk," at the lloUU Street Theatre Aug. 1. Ur. iMIley Is at Uatb Beaub, Jeuiile Yeanisns lu London, Eng., and Uanagsr Cbarlea J. Rich at HIsscoDset, but they are all sUted to lie ben on that date Ma; Irwin and ber cuiiipaiiy iwgUi rebearsahi of John J. UcNally's new farce comedy, "Tbe Widow Joiieii,"st tbe Boston Huseum July '22 Waller Gale, tbe llspny Jack or Dennwn Tbompson's "Ulil Homestead," will appear at Keith's New Thea- tre 22,liuteail ot tbls week, as previously announced. Ttiomas McCslie. who Is testing lo Boston during tbe Summer, will play the title role In "Tbe Uefaiilier" next aeaaon capL W. II. Dally, the well known ud Vance agent and liualness manager, has Just nlunied bi B<Mtou from New York, wbcra be imnsscteil a large aniouut of liuslneM In a must satlsracury manner for a theatrical syndicate uf this cliy The interior of the llowstrl Atbena-iim hi being completely renovated and Improved, un. dor the peraonsi aupervbdon ut Manager Wm. McAvuy, and wlU reopen eariy next muntb wltb a big buriea<iue and variety enterlalumeul.... \Suub bi Ufe," an American play, with liiiariiuht. duns of Iilbi of farce comedy and conjlc opera, will be pnsluced In Boston tbu season. Tbe piece bi the Joint work of Wm. GUI, of "Adonis" fsine, and RolMirt Eraser, ex-cluwn.and waaorigluall; trritten ror Fay Templetiin. II will be alaged here for a run Chas. F. AUilnaoa, manager ot Uie Uuw. dola Si|uare Theatre, baa obtained from Ibe rity a leaae of the old Publlo.Ubrary building, on OoyQ ston, near nemont Htreet, wllh tbe opUog of pur chasing tbe property In tbe near future. Manager AtkliiBon Is backed by a syndicate, and will run the house as a lint clan one In all respects. Fall niver.—At Uocoln I'ark Uie lAvenlierg Sisters, J. W. Hatringmn, James Ncary,CaI. EHh and llarrr Ulltiert i;sutie enu:nalned the palroos of tliht popular resort week of July s. Cunceru were giveu by Ilou|ier's steamer puritan Band In the atteniocn. and Hill's Baud, of New Bedford, In the evening of July 14. S'uTBS.—John E. Uaney left, July II, to Join the advance stair ot Heynolds' Circus Ileyuoids' Circus came e to crowded canvas Hairy Caaue, during bla engagement at Uncolu Park but week. Included In his reiiertory a baritone sonjr entlUed Itecidlectlons," the compuslllun of Wllllain P. Uarlaud, a local favorite. LiVBP.—The Lynn Theatre la now In Ibo banda nf tlie carpenten, painters, decoratoni and elec- tricsl experts, recclvlug a generous ureiluulliig, and everytbing will lie read; for the opening, which occura Tnunday evening, Aug. 16, theatlracUisi to be "The Uszzler." Music Hall Is ahio under- going extensive renalre. This house Is to lie light- ed tlirougbout wlui electricity, and tbe stage will receive two now, complete aets of scenery and a new drop curtain. The season bere oiieos HepL 'J, Wllh Rudd'a "Uld Wurid." Heaara. Uodge k Harrison, the tnanagers of tbe Lynn Theatn and Music Hall, bare secured for a term of live yean a lease of tbe llroadway Theatre, of Norwich, CL, wblcb hi to lie run In connec* tbin with tnelr Lynn houses. Mr. Ifsrrison haa alrvad; liookod a numiier of Ont cbiM attractions. Tlie CuimecUcut house upetu Aug. 31 Tlie lliiifslo Bill Wild West Hbow caine II and did a Idg biislneasat the two performances Gbarlcs K. UHik, the weU known theatrical maaager, has Uken charge of lintel Nsliant at Nahant Ueacb, and Intends Introducing novel featarea during the Hummer llerths Gisidwln and Maggie Uyas, ni|iisUc acroliatii and cbaUenge buS; swlwmen, are ul the hotel at the piesent time and glreexblldllomi dally. Lowell,—At Ukevlew Ttieaire "Ullvelte," with Florence Glltiert In the title role, waa rendered week ending July 13, to Increased attendance. Oord weather still alfecu business. 'The Bohemian tliri," with rnbel Batch as Arllne, wlU lie auged 16 and week, wllh "Falinliza" tu rollow. Mba Balcb bas Just recovered from a two weeks' sichneaa, AI Glen Forest llerr tiranada doea wire walk- ing 16 and week Kcyiiidds' l^lrcus showed here 13 to good liuslnesi, but heavy rains prevented larger attend ance. UTAH. fait Lake Cliy.—Wondettand Is the only Kace of amusement sullcltlng for palreiuge. orton Stanley's Buriesque Company li doing "Oo- lamhos" to avenge fair buaJneaB, PE NNSYLVA NIA. nilladelphia.-U may lack variety, but the constantly cool ennlngs we have bad until now make one of tbe pleaauras of life which the stay al taomea find acoapiable without tbal aplcs, not to mention tbe theatrical managen who an leaping a rich bar\'eat while tbe aun doea notahlne. Giund GrBRA lIoi'sB.-HaDager lllnriobls taappy. Business la good and he dncsu'liayawerd alsiui cloalug. The pregnmme fur tbU week Is "U Sonnamlmla," July 16; "U Qloconda" It, "l.'Afrl. caluo" 17. "Bohemian dirt" 18, "II Tmvaion" l», ■Travlata" M, tiutlnee, aud "Faust" a>, al nigbt. laai week the performance on Tueailay night waa nohkble. A. I. Ilullle appeared In "Ckvallorbt Hiutlcanna" aud "Pagllai'j:l." Thumby night's audience was abn very enlhualaatlu ovur "La Hon. iiaubula." Nina Beruna.Hunipbreya was Ilie Am. Ina. F. MIohelaua'a Elvluo was tbe beat thing be kaa done tbia aeaaon, TUB Uuoii.—Tbo Utile Hoasow Brothers form Pro- prietor KelUa's great allncilon for tbe currrnt week, but Ibe whole bill Is an excepUniully struug one, and hieludes (liiyer aud Gnndwin, Charira A. U<der and lluby Lyttnn, Richmond and nienmy, Hamilton and Glynn, HiiUlb and Qanipliell, Hlimlo Lee, tbe Donovans, Hayimmd and Welch, the Kvans, Allen and Weal, Jainea A. Chase, Silnanu and Henon, Ihown Unubera and the Lundgrueua. Crowded bouses continued all last week. Tub LvcBt'M.—Hsnager Jeniiou makes a oliango this week by Introducing the liuudun Spnris' lliir- lesque (Xminany The perfnnnance Includes as a Bret part "The Ulnomer Club," an oils with Hiirke and Hart, Frido and Orinin In a sketch, »uilili-d "Fun lu a Husic Sboii;" liiinn ami Hack, Ida Howell, Ruse Isie and Alice Isisllc, and cuiicluding with Uie buriesque "Uur Minnie.'' IIuiIiioim waa good last week. Normi.—John Dolman, who waa a tiionilwrnftho Arch MtreelTheatre Block Cmniwoy, uislor Wlirai- ley and Drew and Wheatley and Ctarke, In the 'U's, diedalhbi bouio In this cliy, Balunlay niglil, agcil sixiy llve yean. Hr. Doliimn waa pniuilueiit In his pturessloti, ami bsil a bs-al rapuUilluu ot being without an e<|ual In his lluu ot tbo cuol and pollnhcd vllUtln. For tho past twenty lean bo bss been a pnimlnont mainber of tbe Phllailelpbla bar. Plltabarf.—Hanager llany Davis, who hi al- ready tho lessee of Uie new tinnd fijiera House. Harry Davu' Eden Husce and tho new Worid's Mu. aeura Tlieatre, bas leased the old ainuBrinont tcm- ph> ao long known as Harris' Ttieaire, and U re- inodoling and lieauUlylng It. Ilolspiitiluglnnew seats, new scenery and iww decorations, and will open the bouse eariy lu Senteinlter lor continuous dramatic, iiperatio and variety perfoiniances, Imi. Sinning at twelve o'clock noon each ibty anil C4in- nuing llll eleven o'clock al niglit. Ilu slates thai tor hU now boiuie ho will eiiilnrlydlspeismwlih posUin and Ilthtigrapbs and a4lvurilse only In Ibo newapapera. As tsith Ibe conUnnniw perforaunre and tlie proposed tnetboil of exclusive newspaper advorilaing are whully untried bere, Hsnager fhi- vla'new denariure will \» wah;bed wltb great In- teroat Hanager Wlllbims, of the Academy, Is at Atlantio City, N, J., wllh Ills ramlly Aolliig Hanager Thomas F. Kirk, of Uiu Alvlii Thratro, left July 14 for a tbiee weeks'sojoum at AlUniliiUlty, alter wliloli he will visit New York and Hostiui aa Uie gueat of several of the nmnagen whisw atirac. UoBs havo lieon Iswked for tlie Alvin nus A. Wurvell, Punch aiul Judy porionner, and Prof. J. Lawrence, magician ami lllusloulsl, gave a pleasing tiorfoniMnce at Hcbenley Park on Iho glorious 'ourih, asthey flld at the same iSactwin tno mnhi occasion last yair. Tbey have ISMin oitgageil hi uii. b'riain tbu luiiwtes of Hie various orphan aaylnms on llio ocrasloii of tbo annual ouUiig leiidereil Ihrm by Ml*. J. M. Unaky Tbe BIJoii Tlieatre Is iHiIng tliorougblv renovaUHl. I'awnee Hill's Wild West exhibits here at tbe East End lo. Hanager Harry C. fluhwali, of tbu now llrainl iHs'ra Hollas, relumed II from New York, whitlirr liu bad Iwen to Imok nltraj:iIona ror noxt sesson Hsnager Hldiiey II. EIIU, or thbi city, bss Hoveral new atlractlons for next season lieslilos bis eUlMs-. ate imsliictlonof "llnniile Scotland." Among Uieiii Is a new operalta, lbs scene of which In Isid In China Carrie Ksler, s<iuliretie. Is roHlIng sl her home here, and baa been engageil fur thu liwlliiu aoiHirelte part In "A Hide for iJre." Uaiiagur II. W. Williams annoiincos that be haa nmdu soniu excellent bookinn tor nextseasniifor the Acailuiiiy. George A. D. Johnson luw lieeu ougagcd for Bonnie Hcutland." The KeysbmeCnlosNil cir- cus showed bore at tbe Kasi Kiiil, 13, hi exi:c|. lent liuslncaa and gave universal satbifaotlon. Thia organlcallon aurted only a few weeks ago as a wsgou show, and bas met wlili audi grallfyliig snc- ceas tliat It will berearter imvel aa a nllniad show. .Nelson Kulsirls, the new iiusnagur or t:ie Iluquoaiie, writes that be will lie bora Uils week Usiuger TIics. F. Kirk, or the Alvio Tbeatre, an- nounces Uiat that bouse Is Issiked sollil fur all of next season Eugenie H.Hohnilili, daughter nf Eugene Si:buildl, musical director iil the Now Grand 0|iera House, aud or the Caslisi In Hclienloy I'ark, was nutrrieil 10 m U. U. Atlerlmry, of Hie Atierbury Glass Company, one of our ukhiI proiiiluiiiii niid wealthy manufacturen. Aitaoaa.—LaslweekHlimnonsA Blocuni's Hln- strels gave lUIly eiitertalnmenta at l,akens>nl Park. ..Bumiln Bill's Wild Weiitlsannounce<I for Sept. ...Tliere Is no deOnlle lime aet as yet fur Uie ojMinIng or the ElevenUi Avenue llpcn llunse. Manager Hyera says Bnil daaa sUrantlnns an Isiing IsKiked for Uis coming seaaon, and that thu prelim- inary opening will occur aouM lltae In lalbir jsirt of August .lurry Uavla' li<hin MiuHie will o|hiii In August and will be under Ibe local inaruigeiuoni of UsrtKlmtiaH Edwin Young will tako cliarire or the llarrlaliurg. Pa., h<iuse. aud will move Ins tsmlly tberu this week. He will sbKi have sii|HirvIs. biu uf the Allouna house Hanager Yuuiig Is re* celvlng coiigralulallons fnim his friends orer tbe recent arrival of a now daughter to his iHiusnhold. K, Dane Hmlth, or thu IJIIbsn Kennedy t;«inipaiiy, Is apeudlng hbi Hummer vacaUun wltb bU uaraubi In IbUcIty. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. WaslilBgloii.—Tlie dellgbtrully cisd weather of last week waa conducive to gissl buslnntsst Hapley's Nalloiwl Tlieatre. Verplnnk-KelgliHuy's comedy drama, "Heakd InslrucUons," waa uiiaii ef- recUvel; done liy the excellent nUN:k cn. Fur wuek July 16 "All tbe Coinrorls of Home" Is on, and It wUI,'ln all pndalilllt;, be Iho last pbi; presnniwl. It lielng Uiu eighth week of Ihe Hummer uimud; icaaun. Hanager Haple; ina;, hownvur, tbniw In an extra week b; way of gissI measure, and tliua end a most delightful atsl, sl thu same tliiie, pniDl- alda Hummer seaaun. Tbe NaHonal will Isi thor- oughly pollsbed uplielweon nuw and tlieoisiulng of tbe regular aeawD, which, by Ibe way, will isi a lltUe earlier than uaual, vli., the last week luAu- gusl Hauley's Academy uf Music Is iielog over. hauled lu all IM department, and will Isi reaily ror Ibe FaU opening In aidemlbl shape Allen's Grand Gpen House has lieen In Ihti hands of Uie decoratora fur the past Ihree weeks, snd the management pnmbies some great Impnive. menta Isith behind and before the riwUlghis The lease of Ihe BIJoii lias lieen rellnqnUhed iiy Urmund II. lluUer, Ihe loanagur of hisl season, and several parilesareuegoiLaUng with tbu owner torlu At the preasnl writing W. H. F.aitnii, who was furmeri; the resident nwnsger of tbe house when It was In the Hsrrfs, Brituin A Dean circuit, lias the liudde track. He bas associated with bini lliissell C<ilsgrove, who la uow the geneni manager of the UuIonUI Beach Hteamiwal Co. Meain. Kaatiin and t>>legtove wUI make a bustling pair, and the busi- ness of tbe bonse will receive an Impetus If ilior are siicceaaful In aecurtng tbe leaac. J. K. Hlras- burger Is another anpllcant for the linuso Kernau's lj;ceuni 'rbestre Is receiving lis usual cleaning up during tbe mlilaunimer Interval Tlie gn& sleel trams uf the ura;eue Hiiusre Uisira House la nuw alnnial completed, and a large rirn:e uf arilaaiM ara employed In tilling In lliu 11000 and brick work. The opening of lbs house Is auiounci^d for Sept. 36, but from Ilie present siqieamnru of tbe structure II will be almusl a mlncHi ui runiplsle 11 In Ume A compUmentatr lieneBi hi Charles Ooote, wbu bas l>een the leading cumedlao In tbe NaUonal Theabe Block Un. during Ihe laut Hum- mer, hi announced lo take plai» al Allen's Unnd GfM;n House July '£i Tne Ferris wheel at Mar shall Hall cnnUnues lo draw lilg rniwils llerr Blati and Minerva closed al Hlvervlew 14, and Speedy, the diver, opened there on Uie sanis ilate. llarry C. Bualiy'a Hllver Cruik Hperlally l>i. are sUU at Colonial llaach. KENTUCKY. conUo onen company Whalo OU Gus. and capt U, o. Andrews wore ben week of July i The Lucltera were at Ihe Andltoriiim t "Ilap" UtUe, a eiraun clown, hi Uld up hem with a broken lag. He Is Improving. I«alsville.—New faces at the New Gem Thea- ter week of July is: Harry Hooper, tknny Starr, Uaaler llauoy, tlllo Davenport, Ella Nomuin. Don .siemni, Milan Raymond, Nellie Parker, Kallo Hay and tho regular atock. Itiudness Is fair. COLORADO. DeMver—Tbe o|ieiilng of tbu now VAiidovllIe Iiouse, the tirphuuui, tiiuler the nianagenient or llualavo Waller, was tho itMln rvout of iho week or July 7. S. IL (). was the sign Ibn opening nighl. Ur. Walter has bad tbo lobliy aiut fnuit nllored and iiowly ilpi'oratuil, so It pnwnils a Hue appearance. Uanager Waltur slates niiiio lint Hnt classalliHC- tloiis will lie iHHiked at this hiiuso. Ei.nx'ii llAHiiENS.—Week or July 1: Heln, Mill J. Craiiibill, tbo Uclhinniigh Trio, Prof. I':iliuna<l Hnr- llii's nluraicd dogs, Knm, Win. Canoll, Ed. Nral;, fMiv EvniLs, the Soniheni ijiisrlet. llnslnoM gmsl. HANiiATrAS IIBAi'il.—"Woman Ainlnst Woman," b; Ihe stiK-k coiiinany. Is pliivlug lo |sick«l bouses. UByriii:).-N. E. A. iiierllngs In this oily tbls week biw iiniiiglii about lu.ww stnngera to our ell;. Slid all ilui plsrcs of nniiiseiiicnl nre cniwilcd. llerr sinrk, a gn<st favorHu In this rIty, oiioned tho CHsIiio. nt Oilorado Hprlngs, Juno Willi a Now Viirk orrlieslni. aiul niado a great hit, Purhln.—At Ibo llniiiil "Alniiania," wllh Frank U. Hangs lu Iho leailhig r^ilo, will iw pioseiilwl Jul; llANi.iH'rt .staniiauii.— As nnniuiiiccd last week, thbi resort wss In ibiuger or Isdiig cIomuI h; thu iir- iler or tbo City Coiiiirll, itui It wss not snticlisiteil ilisf tho slop wonhl Ihi lakeii liiinuMllaii'ly. How. over, on July 1 thu lioiiso wsa siiiuiiiarily rlnseil. Ur. llanllii luid Just iHsiksilsuvorvl s|Hn!lsIlli>s for two iiHilillis til come, ami had askeil lliul1l;Ciiuiii*ll bi albiw bliii llll .si-pi. I iwroni cliislng. TiiK Wallace Hiiiiw dbla gmsl Ininluess huro a. Fa4Hab.wrhe Audllorium, a new Rummer Ihealn, waa opened July t, wlili a gwsl variety eomeanr, and received luod patronage. Tbe houae wui he dark next week, but wUl be nopned wUh a Leadvllip.-At Ibo Westoii ii|Mra IIoium "Afai- liaiiis," July II. playcil III n cniwdud liiuise Al llolibuir.lll's Ussriil tills week: JpriSlu wlllln, Isitllo lisliilnir. Win Itiigrn, Al. Turner. Ikn ihdiliiian, Frvd tlolHoli snd AnilyAdsius liuslness Is dull. Will. K. Pw'klll, III clisrgs of Wallsi'n'rt Circus esr No. -1. Willi a laruu riin'o.Tillloil tbu t<lly s, Tliu sliiiw Is iillliiil for ir, Mnt. ilco. Ihilthwalto, a mslileiii of this city, liss iitildbihflil a ihiw i*>iig. NEW YORK CITY. I.asl Week's Kvenls.—Tliiit slono whioh was especially notlcrnlilo iliiriiig llio past n'eek was Ihe Ini:n*ashigilulliirssciiiisci|iieiii u|Hin tbu iiisliiriiig of Hiiiiimur. Evertbliig Is ipilul slung Ihe uiillru lluu, (Inly a coiiijiamllvely few tliualroH givo Tiirili ellhur light or siiiinil; tbu actors' ravorltn huiinls have a dosorleil Iisik, and lliore are liiil low signs or nullv- lly aiiHing tliu sgeiu'les. Httrbily has |imrtloslly alialiiloiwl lliralregoliig for llin iHiiica, slid audi- ences at thu few o|S)li liiilisus urn iiitsilly coiiiihisoiI of translunt vbiliora to Uio ututni|Hills. News IIkiiui colicnriiliig tliuslrli'sl alhilra aro gniwllig sranui, unless wo slMMiliI iiieliiilo III siirli valegtiry tlui ul- rilslolis of prrss agents, Hlixloiis In pntvii li; gllt- U^rltig gelientlltli-s llirlr lilies lo tlio |sirtllliiiis llio; hold, IliisliM'Ss litis iHiitu sallsrsriory uxropt In lliu nsif gsnluns. wblcbliavusiiirunril isirniissor nights aliiioniMllyi-oid—Ttiuroniliiuiiilslinintliiiisriirllio week eiiilliig July i:i wiirti "Trllliy" nlllio iiahiien, iK'rnian o|HiniaTKiiHAC'R(lAHIixN anil "T1iillliy"ai Uiu Mahiiick, Hid one last lislllisl rlisilng ll|sin that ihilu Variety eiileriiiliiliiniil wss riiniUliml al the I'NKIH HgrAHK, PHIHTIIR'S, the CKNTIIU. IM'SHA lliii'SK, and at Ihu following risif giinbiiu: KiinrKn A Dial's, IboCASimi,the AuEnhrANanililiaHstiisiiN S4411ARR Attliu Casino, on July h, whs |inisonled "Tbu Hplillix," a cnniln o|s'm, lu lIllTO sets, Issik by Will, Uayiimller llniwn and iiuisle by l/iwls H. ThomiHuin. IL met wltb a rontlsl nH'ejiUiin, and while It did not recelvn vrry bmrly pmlse It esca|Hid sovero condeiuiisiloii. Froiii a |sipular slandpolnl lis iiierils are siiilk-Iuiil to coiidoiiu Its fniilui, and II will iIoiiIiiIuks jiniru a very satlsfsctory oin^riiig for llio miuiliiilur of the Hiinniier season Willi only a low ilsys of pro- Iliiiliinry warning tbu run of thu liiirlosiiuu, "Tlirllliy," ni llm IIahril'k Tiiratsk oIisusI July 1:1. Ilessons fur Ibn usriy lurnilnniliiii or Its mniniisilliaii csreur aro nut rliisriy a|i|si- ruiil, ror llioro woru strong siirfarn Indlcnlloiis of saiIsrsi:lory iiiisluuieiultlio liiiiisu;liiilMr, Hsiis- lluld's ways are Inwrintlalile, ami lliu mpldlly with which bo rusolvus Is mil; oijimlled by Ihu culerlty wllh which bo altera his iliitoriiiliiaiUin. HUH, as most or blssiiriirises sro or lliu sgns-alilo sort, anil his )iiir|ssHsi coiiiiiMmdnlils, wu will psilenlly accept thu pn^s^nl dlsup|siliitiiibiit, rcallxllig thai the pilli- lln loss, whilii not IiiHiiisldcralilv, Is trilling com- psreil with thai or Ihn niuiniinrs of the comisiny, who aru tliiis deprived ul a plpumliland proHlalilu eiigsgeiiiiiiil. For their Iisis al such a Hum In the Ilium bi pmlstlily no roiiioily, and for Hie ovcrlhniw of tliuir Just lio|ies nii liuiiest ailinlmlon of Ibo llnaiiclal falliiro of the iinHluclIon may abinu cousiltiile an uxciise, thu ruaiaiiialilbnoM of whinli dupeiiils ii|Min Ibe initiira of Uielr con* tracis and the Indemiill; which may havo lieen oimrod Ul thum Tho one biindrelli |Mirfonii. ance uf "Trilby" al tbe Uahuen Tiikathx waa glvoii July lu, anil was coiiiniunHinilud In the ciis- Uimary niniinnr by the prusenlatloii ut wiiivoiilrs. ... .AtTKuiiArKnAHiiEN tbu Ouiriuil- Konnczy i>iiiilo tijHiia Co. coullniiwl III prrsuni "Her V'ogelliaeml- Icr" until II, when linelilsicll's "la llellu Heleno," under the llllu ul "DIu HcbiHtiie llelnne," was siili- slllillcfl as tbu allractloii ror Ibo ntiiisliideror lliu WMik TiMi iiuwsnr Ills ralaijiliy which Iwrel the Elks Slid lliclr rrleiids iil Allaiillo i;it;, N J,, wiis received III tills cll; wllh iinifoiinil sorrow. Tlie bapp; rviiuliiii of tbe illsiriinlani racilniis. which was eiructeil sl Ibe conrnrunre Ibiiru, woiilil have riirnlslieil isrrsHloii roriiiiicb n-Jolring bail nut this dire accident broiiglil Injur; and isiniuinuhi ills* alilllly lu soiiiu or Ibisui wbu bud galliereil bi- golhur III pniiiiiiie the gisiil woik, or to rurnisb olioer and gissi wishes to a iioblo oriler saved rroin dcslmctloii, and jirt'serviul for a career or usefulness. Itoiiewod isiacu bss roinu wltb sor- row and siiirurlng In Hs Irein, snd mny Ihe nad niuiiiorics Hist linger sIhiiii tlibi iislal day of Imr mony ndiiionlsli Ibn iiinuiisirs ot the onlur ot the full; of esrilily slrlfc, slid ila ihclr isirjsise more aiirvl; and sli-udlly lo tbo niialiiiiHuii of His inniiial blCHsIligs Ibal aro llic lialiillimMelis of Ulmrlty, Jua- tlco, llroiherl; f/ivoand KIdellt;. Hanaiier Hilhiihk Ims arranged ror alleralliina and liiiiirovcniuiiis to bo iiwdo In Hie iiialii entrance and Idlili; or llio Aradeniv iil Himie, to Isi com. plulcd III tliiiu bir tliH onciiliig of Uie season, Aug. iu, with "Tlio Hporting DiicIiim." ToNV I'AiniiR arrived lu this city Jul; 13, fniiii Eiiroiie. afliir an alsience of six weeks. JouN Jaixie AaniR will rxiicnd a large sum ror alteralloiis bi tbe stage or the Star 'llieatre iirloru that bouse Is rco|sineil li; Hsnager Nrll liiirxcss lor the season. The Al'AllEHY III' HI'BIC WUI lie lliu s<:eNO or a aeasiHi or liernisii opera iliirliig Msrt-li. I sue, 11 the DBgotlalloiis now iMindIng iietwcen WslUr Dsiii- nsH;h and Hanager E. fl. (Illiiioro are cuiisiim- ■uted. Hr. Ilamruscli had li'i|s;d to arrange for Ibe appearance of his conijaiiy iii ilie Hetrotsillian Opera lloiiso, but tliu rental sHked wss iirolilbHIve and caused him bi seek siiollier stsge, Tlieilorman Opera Compatiy, as lias alresily been announced, U neari; maife up, conlmris bavliig lioen signed wllh FrauKlarsky, Fraulelii Tcruliis, who will not Join thecoiii|siiiv iinill Jsniiary; Kraiileln flailski, llerr Oruenlng, llerr Deinetor l'o|Sivli:i ami llerr Emll Fbicher. Ttie reperbiry will Include "Tristan snd laidile," "Hie WalKiire," "HIegfried," "INe Uotterdniiniieriiiig" "Taniiliauser," "Isiliengrin," "Die Hclsterslnuer,' snd "Ttie Flying Dutchinan," liy Wagner: llcotliiiveli's "Fidello," Weliei's "Her rrelsirbiiti:," and ■TlieHcBrlet l.eller" (In KngllsbJ, by Walter llaiiin»s;h.