New York Clipper (Jul 1895)

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324 THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. July 27. World^Playcrs — Noitiifrom lh» Mnttf] PdmOo.: HiM P>lg< will commcDCo lier fourth RUnlnR lonr, oiider tbe imimKcment of U. A. Howie/, at Homokr, Vk., AiiR. 13. Tlio compinj will Iw ilie liiriie«t «nd bent «nir canted lij Htniier MoMlex, >nd will Indada the rollowlnii neopio: l(i>licl Piilge, iMm ralil*, IKi- tli Wairen, Jeuie Kaileon, Oimce Belknep, Rem Triimlinll, n. (Iiir Wno(lw»rd, Rdirwd Ciirtl*,(leo. Otio, Vnut Horeliniue, Jimoi Tlwicher, Oh*rlea ^Vierhardt, W. W. Neircanier, inu>l»l director; J. WjMIe aiilldlflucli, ftprnt,*iKl, M. A. Hosier, man- •lor. (HirnnerlnrT will cnimlatnr "A H|iitDli>li 1U)- loincc," "Tlie Oilier Oin," "U Clgnle," "goeen Wah," "Tlio lliinawaj Olrl," "Ttie IJIIIe Ixill," "1,11110 Kwpllan," "Ia llclie MurKiicrtlo" and "Wl- lie liiinar." Tliu Mamn In Imikcd Killd U> April 20, aeo. II. .Miller, who ban appeared wllh mncli micccasai Col. Molwrlj, In "Alaliama," l« now reat lUK at Ula liome, lliiiralo, N. V. HpeaklnR of the lour of 1116 compaiiT lieaafH: ".Hincre we left Hlnne. tpulla, Minn., earfj In April, we ha« coiarjd a •real amount of tenlt-irj; lo ■Wlnnlpeii. Man., 3uwn to Farao, N. II.. thronali Moniana and Waah- liiuion, op to HrlllKh Oiliimlila, liack Into OrenoD, mid ilnwii to 'KrUco. and ihen to all Ihe n1ncl|Ml clilea In OillfomU, lliali and Cnlnniiln." TTie coo- lani cauie rtlreclio KaniiaaCliv, Ko., from Colorado KptiiKiii, l>>l.. and illabDiidcd Hfler a ancceaaful Jonrne/. jnim M. Want, of "Uelinonlco'a at BIX," w«B a CLirmn caller July IT. lie baa enitaKcd mile KvanK to anaiimc the principal role, and will chanse the acllon of Iho plar to make It a farce cumodt. Tlie anpporllnit conipanr will!« headed bi Nellie Diiniiar, and will Inclnile lie la Vlirlan, tladgo and Mlilo Hart, tJliaa. J. HUne, K. W. (JaM- wald. Oeo. T. Wllllaicii. and K. J. Kallen. J. B. Cam baa Hlittied ua niunlnlillreoinr, and the lour will. open III Nowark, N. J., Aug.'^1. , ... . . -Mtiiaiteni 6allaiiher, Wc«t and Wittoii bare idubned tiie tollowlDB people lor "O'lloollRan'a HaaiiiiCTudo:" Frank 1i. Ilamae)', IMn Uc;, Al. Taniior, 8abi lliioliunii, Joneph /.loifcl, rbll. hnRllu. Fred lloiinda, Ida llunaell, Jeannolle liupree, Abide UiiKiuroaux, Mamie Itenno, Hamtle Clark and Hoi- lie EcDorloli. — Ilaltle I'oluy haa neRiin an ennagcinent Willi ilie (dock cnmiianj In \Am AnRclea, Cal. Hha opened aa Uia Vounicm In "The damenceaii 0»«e^ , — Clint. (I. Kurd, nianajjer of Ford'a Tbeatrinl AUtacllona, h««enif«»ed Frank P. rrowoii»» hurt- neaa nunaaor tor liu Wealom "An AnierlcaQ Hero" Comnanj. Ho baa alM> ciKaacd limner B. liavla, fiiniwrlT maiwiter of -HI I'erVliia," lo manage hia Northcra Ford'a Drainallc Uimpanir. — W C. Jiwlico gnea In advance of IJacoln J. t^rtor'a new produnilon, "Ihe llefauller." — Krtil Bavoiia, who wh» la»t neawn connected Willi ilMj management of llolHin U. IngerwII'a lec- lun: lour, haa licou engaged lij llavia A Kcogb aa nuulur of iiaiinnoriallon for one of ihclraUnacUona. — Oliaa. L. WHilem waa a Ui.irriH caller JuIt II. lie will nail aoaann go In advance of A, Y. I'ear- aon'a "Und of the Midnight 8iin." — HehearmlB have liogun of "Un the Biiwanee Itlver," the ehilioiHte ana novel darker Bbow Uiat K. J. Nngent l« aoon to pmiluce. William UcCh»ln, Hma. (Xirdella and oihem who figured pronlneoujr In "lllnck America" aro Id the CMt — aiive llrodle will iwgln hiaaecond lour.In "Uo Iho lloaerj" In Augiint lie will go a« tar Went aa Hnn FraDclaco. (HI., iho coming aeaaon. Uverlureii have iMn inado lo Hanagini llavia* Keogh toward preaenilng"i)nlholloworj"lnl/>ndon. — Neller and Wllllaina were Cmitkh callora Jnl/ 17. Ther bavelHHMi tngagud for a new farccuoinod;, "Two (fame lloja," wfilcb will In put out next nca- Min i>r uco. lAsdeger. — The Hliernuin and KcIioIh Co. chiaeil a Buminer a4!auin of lllteen ww^ka J mIjt IS. Wm. Kchula Joined Hbarplej'B i.jceum llicatre Co. — Cola Uorrlmco, laat aeaaon wllh "The Oallej Slave," It apoiidliig llio Hunimer wllh (ilonda at Kouke Ijike, N. Y. Mho haa lieeii eugaged lo go iicxlaoiHon wlUi "Tnu Undof tlielJvlnu." — W. N. (Itady and wife, lllllj llarbonr, Walter Fane and w. (I. Ulllwt and wife havu iMeneugagod for Frank K. l/mg'a ro|wrtorj compaiijt. — Manager Chaa. tttephouenn haa engaged for next aeaaon'a lour of Biepbonaon'a Coaaedlau Ft»d aTliooiaaand wife. Claude U Molt* and wife, It. A. lUildnaoii, lllanuh Bejniour, Mabd Itnaael and II.A.U lloaeh. ruuuphenawiu do the advance. — V. A. Hiinib; and Carrie l.ow have alRned with Chaa. W. Warren for next aeawin. — MouteW. Uwla donlea lliat he liaaalgnedaa alags lUHDagor (or the Anderaoii Thraire <te. — "LIttJe Chrialoplicr," under the direollon of A. H. Piilmer, will open tin aeaaon Sept. J, at Ibu Uojum. bla Thealrr, llmoHjB, N. Y. The wuipainT will In- clude William Ciilller, Alexander Vlatk, Ilanr Hao- donouih, Ueialdloe UuCann, Joliii W. Wllnou. Uerlha Waring. lAUbie Allen, llnrr; l.eonl and rauHoe Tralu. Kllaiul'a IJvhig llctiirca will he exbllilted, and llennan I'erlot will lie Ihe niiwlcal director. — Jane Klriiy and Fred Backua will be nieinbera of Kdward Harrlgaii'a coiniMuy next aeaaon. — Ilolea Uerlniin will aliig wllh the lUMIoblana next aeaaon. — Ubariea II. Ilnjtliaa nnlaheil hIa pUT,"A Slleot Wnniaa" In wblob hIa wile (Uarolluo Idlakel) will alar next neaiwu. .. „ , — Manager J. U. Illll haaengaged t':meil Uaallnga to niai a iwrt In "Mantarui IKwne," Augualna Thimua' play, which will be produced In Buinilo, N, Y.. Dept. — nrliea Kobortaou liaaeugagedCharieaOoghlan 10 play the rule of Hercullo In "llameo and Juliet," wllh which Mr. Ilulieriaon loleiidH lo oiien Ida aea- aon al the l.ycDUiu Theatre, lAindou, Kng-, In the Fail. — IJIIIan Walmlh, who bi lo tour next ant son un- der tin umuageiiieiit of Ualley Avery, will b«gln wllh a triple lilll, but later will be aeoa lu a three act coiuudy eullllod "Tlie Day Afier," which A- K. iMicaaler la wriling for ber. Kiedulok do llellu- vllle haa lieon engaiieil aa lH<r leading laiu. — li la annoiini «l ihat Julia Nellaon and her hua- liand, Fn-dfriuk ttm, who are coming over lo auii- iHin John Hare lu "The Noloituiia Uix. KbiMiullli," imipiw III Hiar on ilralr own account hi thli couulry tlio fullowlngaoaaon. — "Villon. Ihe VaaalHind," la Iha tlllo of the new toiuanllo play widen lilla Skinner Inlonda lo iim- dui-o iKixl Hoaaou. — "A Hiag Pan;" will In tlio lllle of Ihe comedy now lielug wililon by Pniil M. IViloraial Illll Njre. — niadya Wallla, under Iho niauagoiwiil of Jiihu W. lliinne, will n|>eu liiT ara-iun Aug. M, al McVlik- er'a Tlieairo, Chicago, III., In Clay U. Qreene'a now veialnii of "Fanchon.'' tin BiipL 'J Ulaa Wallla will avpoar In the drat imHiiicllon of "Nubraaka," a ucw play, hy Kmnklln \V, Iaxi- — Ilolwn II. Maulcll la ncgidlnling wllh Kalharino Lucille Fooie, an Kngllali aclrvaa who reconlly ar- rlvnl hen, lo lako ibu place of I'harioiio Uebrena aa bla leading lailr uc.xl aonaon. HI* llehrvna haa ra- llniil leiniainatlly front ili« alago on arcwint nt III liealib, and la going lo lake a inp Hituth. Hr. Hau. tell will open hh* aeaaou lu l.ow«U, Uaaa, on Bi'pt. ■J. miller tliu inauageuiont of K. A. Ihinta. — UaiMgcr Waller A. Mvomiure, of Iho tlaa Itoll oiniull, liifomu) UB Ihat hIa Ihoain al IJma, u., hat iK-en euUrelv reinoilellcd. Now acata, carfieia. draportea autl uloclric llghla have Iwen Hddcil, and the Hlago haa liceu uinon rvlarged and Improved. The aeaaou will open wllh Itllly VaiiV Mloalrela, Aug. I.>. Manager liveniaire haa ahw Inuvd Mc- Unluiugh'a IMrk, Uuia, aud hi now building a Suui- mer ihoaliv — A. K- Clover, of NalotaltniihM, |jt., la erecting anowo|iani houae lnlbatl)wii,nudox|H!ciHiohnve 11 coiiipltdcd In lline lo open Ihia Fall, — Uariaiid lladon Inforuin ua that bla auli agalnat Manager K. J. Abraiiia for aalary, whlob haa lieeu In ibc llolwkon IN. J.) couru fur ibe pait two year*, waa docldcd In favor of Hr. (laden, July la. — Niiiilo DminallcOo. Notea: We an paialng Ibe 8uninHT ideaimiiily lu Ihe lUack llllla llnaliieea la good and llic weaihor la ciH>l. Vina Nolile and the Abeam Slaiera woro euteriahiod while lu litfad- wood,8. Ihtk, — I«<in U. INilarhek writca ua aa followa: " 1 am aiieiiding niy v-arallon al Allanilc Otiy, S. J., and will tciualn nnlll ivhcanwla liegln (or Chaa. II, YalB'a noweat 'l>evll'a Auction,'wllh which I will lie luoalcal director for iny third couaeonllve aca- BOB." — Ikirotby Kent U aiiendlng tlie Hnnvuer al lb« home of her uioilier lu ila vvrhlll. Mam. Uin Krul fiaa lieeu eugaged by liavia A Ketigh for next aoa- •OD, — Qua Rohike haa lieen engaged by Manager B. K. nice (or next eeawio. — Mule Holnieu baa l>eon i»«igagcil for next aeaB<in lo tdar the nde o( Violet While In "A Uag. gage Check.'' — thition Vane will come lo America to aoperin- lend Ibe Ural pixHluclloii u( Ida new play, "In BIgbt of til. Paul," which will be pr«Mnte<l at Ibe Bow- doln bQuan Tlieatra, lloaiou, Haaa., Kept. t», — W. Allien F. Tlacy, huBliand of llatUe Bobell, died Jnly IB, al Wrtineld, Maat., fremcontiinpUon, The d(H*caaotl waa a pivmlnent pbyelclaa In Weal- cm HaHaacbuaclbi, — Notea from the Redmond OtaoailoOo.: We an In our tfty^ecoDd week, and bnalneiB coDltaoea Eod, all Ihlngt oenaMcnd. We will not clo« mit mmer, bnt will add a hud and orcheatis lo the Fall, playing all Ibe larger towot throngb Nebratka and Hlnneaota. Mr. and Mm. N. T, Nelaon and FiBOk Undley Joloed na July 1, at Tecnnaeb, Neb., for the remainder of Borainer, and alao for the WIgtcr aeaaon. RoMer: Rd. Redmond, Dfopilelor and manager; N. T. Nelaon. Frank Pooa, lud. C. Bmlth, Frank liadley, rmf. I. M. Bandoakj, Edelle fledmond, Harguertle Caiman. Dot Hay and Maaler Clem. Reomood. We will add lereral sew playa lo oor repertory this Fall. . — l/)uleBaer baa been engaged at leader of or- cbealra for Ibe Colombia Theatre, Batten, Mam — Manager Jamea F. Wood Ui tpendlng bla vaca- tloB In Ibe Bine HIdge Mounlalni- — Ida Molle and ibex Mecnaker have liolh lieen engaged by JelTenoB, Klaw t Rrlangcr for Palmer Coi'a "Rrowolen." — Kalrlna If. Perlet waagtanled a divorce Jnlf 10, lo thia clly, from llennan Perlet, muilcal di- rector. — Ilenman Tbonpaon and Oeorga W. Kyer have wriltcn a dnma entitled "Our New HInhilir." — Orrin Jobnaoo haa liecn eogaged by Mantgera Palmer A Knnwica (or an Important role In '"ITie Ureal Uamond Robbery." — Frederlo and Minnie Beward ckiaed Ibelr aea- aon Jul/ », and ate apending Iheir Snmmer vacation lu Ihe Adirondack Moonlalna. — Hra. Harriet llolman and ber ton Alfred Intend alanlng another llolman Opera Oocnpaor. They Inlend to lake '-Tbo Bohemian airi,''"rne (irand l>ucheaa,""Tbe Daughter of the Heglment," "Cln- denlla," "Fra Ulavolo" and aeveral other operaa, cut them down ao at to ptayaliont one hour each, and play ihem Inpopnlar priced houaea. — Manager Pole, of New Haven, Ci„ Inlenda tu bnlld a new Ibeatra In Ohntcb Htreel, that city, oppotlle hit preaent playlrouae. — Heaara. Abliey, BchoetfBI A Ormu haveaunouno- ed that after the lonr of Barah Bernhardt next aea aon they will bring no more French playem to ihia couniry, aa Iheir Tentuna In tbia line have not proved proQlahle. It Ib announced that Beerinbni Tree la to do Paul M. Poiler'a play of "mibi" after all, and that Mr. Poller baa been aaked by Mr. Tree to aupemte Ibe rehearaala In London. Hr. Tree expeeiB lo produce the work Ihe Drat week In Bepiember. — 0. D. Jefftiaon, KUtw A Erbuiger bave abtadj booked Iwenty aeven altraouona for their Bonthera thealrea for Uie seaaon after next. — Frank W. lAdge will direct the tour of Ada Uray and Ohariet P. TIngay, next teaaon, corameac- Ing In Bepiember. MrTlngaT hat told the Kogllati rlgbla o( hiB play, "A BIrange Wooing," to Waller Ite) nolda, o( Ihe Tbeatre Iloyal, Leeda, Kna. — Hoater n( Jule Wallera' "A Money <Mer" Co.: Julea Wallen, Oeo, R. Hoalta, Robl. H. OallUrd, Prank KImore, Ohaa. 0. Oabome, Will A. Baron, Hobert Irving, Hlobael Nagel, V. II. Bond, UhiUc Llewellyn, HIa Miller, Ada Waller*, Klnier J. Wal- ler), general agent; WUIF. Oardner, lllbngrtpher. We ot>en oor aeaion Aug. IT, at Pnllmto, 111. — Minnie Palmer haa cabled IheTaykir Managem' Kiobauge Ihat abe will begin her aeaaon Dec. 33, and will arrive In Ihe Untied BUlea wllh ber com- Kny the name month. In ample time for traoalt to n Ftmnclaco, Cel., where ane irlil probalily open In her new puy, "Tbe Bobool airi-" — Hurt Ilanrly It aummering at Bath Ueach, L. I. — Uura BIggtr la In Ban Franolaco, Cal., wllb lloyt'a "A Black Hheep" Co. — Nolet from Marie Wellealey'a Flayera: We have nlayeil live weeka In U Ctiiaae, Win., lo crowded lioiiaea, and have turned people away aeveral tloiea. We are now playing I'^u Claire lo big houaea, and have diaolayed tbe "8. IL u." aign for an enlira week, we remain here Uiree weeka, and then play Winona a return tiaie. — Ilariy llnwdler haa been engaged by tlie II. 8. Taylor Hanagera' Kxrbange for tlie lanor role of Norman Blood, In Uoyi'a "A Trip to Chlnalown." Tlie company will be beaded by i-aurt BIggar and Uurtllaverty, — K. K. Franklin, who hat been In Ihe employ of Manager M. 8. Rolilnton, of BoiMo, N. Y., for three intra, will tbIa week cloee with Mr. Hoblnaon and ]ulu tbe forcea of Davit i Keogh. He wlU go In advance o( "Un Ihe Howen" next teaaon. — Hra. U. K. Newell (Nlnen-a Mlbln) pfetenled her bualiand wllh a tialiy boy on July IT. — Jacqnoa Mariln hat been re-engaged by Cbtriet Fnbmau for the "tmarieya Aunt" Co. — Rlohard Hariow, of RIce't "14*2," la tn Paila, Fr., wbeie he will aeoiiia new gowna for tbe role of ri.| wunv uo will nouillv illlw gowiu Isaliolbi, the Daley uoeen of Spain. " bat t " Ibe coming teaaon. - Kdwin Wayne bat been engaged by E. J. Nu geul to play a pnmloent part In "The Stowaway" ~ie coming teaaon. — Notea from ScoU Raynood'a OomeClana: We will cloee a Buccetttul Bumtser lour July 21. Tbe oniire company hat algned (or neit Sommer, open- ing June M, 18M. We will be booked aolld In the larger lownt around Ihe lakaa, playing a good many return datea- Moat ever; one hat aceuied a good engagement through the "Old RellabiB-" Hr-Hay. mono will do adranoe work unUl next June. — Jno. A. Ulnunelein wrttaa that he will have tbe Mio iuanagemaot of ihe Idealt, In rvpertorj, the oomlug teaaon- Howard UaU and Beatrice Karle will be (eatuivd. Tbe company will be angmenled by the addlilon ot a laud and orcheatra. Tbe Bea- ton opena at Manadeld, 0., Aug. 20, — Maud Qllbert, In compaiiy wllb ber huaband,/ It camping on Marion laland, Mich., (or ibe Bum mer. — John T. Hanton and WUIard and UaU have algned to ulay prominent paria with Hanager Bur tloet "Ollhooley't Troublea" Oo. They open on Dickton A Talbofa circuit, hi Itidlaoapolu^ Ind., Aug. 11 — The Carrie Loult Co.,under tbi nianagemento( Jno. A. Illmnielelo, opent the teaaon at (Inlk>ii, i>., Sept. a. Among the people already eugaged an ilariy £IUog, IVanklyn HItchle, UraonH. Dunn, Verne Aniiatnng, Jae. F. Keely, deo. A. Ott, Ihe one man oreheaira, and Uabr Maude Wlnthrop. lla- beataala will be conducleil al Kelleya lalaiid, Ijtke Krie, where Mr. HImmlleIn owna a large Summer naort. Die company wUl preaent tn enilrenew npertory. — Oiin T. Hurphy, aiiUior o( "Ivy Lea(," "Falrtea' Well" and other phiyt, baa wrillen t novel, "Tlie Miller o( Olanmlie," an Irith alotr, whlob haa Juat lieeu publlthed by 0. W. Barker, ul Madlaon Street, Cliluago, III. It makea a volume o( over two bun- drril pam clearty printed and lllutitated. It la It- sued boui In delta and In paper. — D. Philip PhllMpt, advance agent o( Walker Whilcalde, who haa lieen III at kit noiiie (or wveral weeki, Informa ua that he la well on hit way lo re- cover bla health, and will lie ready (or bnaTneaa at the opening nf the aeaaon. — A caakoi conlalning an lUumlotted addreaa, Bubacrtbod by the BrtlUb nieinbera of the theaulcal |ito(eailon, waa preaenled U> Sir ileory Irving, In Ibe Ijceum Tbeatre, lxindon,on Ihe afternoon of July le. Tlie caakel. which conMna lOO ouncea of gidd, bi nf exi|Ulalte detlgii In ciyatal, wllh twelve gold Ionic colurona. Tbe preaenraUun apeecb waa made by Hr, Bancroft, andHr. lr\'lng replied. — Jake llottntbal hat arranged to ukeoiituigliy Bell In "ntr and Tariar" next teaaon. — Hanager IHckUlU^ of ihe Marie Banger Bx- iravafcanMOo,, Infonna ua ihtt be baa aluiott com- pieieil iHKiklng hia company for nextieatontbreugh Ibe medium oT bla recent Ourraa adretllaemeiit. — Reed ,\ lloldtttoii'B Company will be made up aafollnwt next aeaaon: H. J. Ilaed, manager; Itave Holilnton, tdvance; Dolly Wallace, Klberwalbtce, Oon Manlen, KIIU Umont, C. U. Ilantoo, L E. Pepper. John Heed, W. U, Conover, Oeo. QlblM, Blllle Hoy, u. Wtlkin, Wm. Blakney, F. Mcllurgan, K. Patlennn, J. li. Doyle, Jaa. I. Hoe, Artie KeTley, Frod Wood, J. V. Scoenfcit, Percy Bunnell, P. M. ifiW, (leo. F. Ktlley and liauy Howe. Tbe eeaaon opena Sept. t. — Hanile Barren la apending ber vacation In Ian. raaler, Pa., wllh (Hendt. — Mairelbi Forreatr goea wllb Clinon t Mlddle- ton'a Company neil aeaaon to do leading builneaa. — Billy IJnk, tbe Cbartna BiBlera and Rdwina, dancer, lutve algned for next aeaaon with W. K. Oomian'a "A Qreen llooda Mao" Company. — Sharplev'a Ijcenin Thattre Oo„ under the man- agement of Bbamley and Le Uoute, open thoir aea- aon at canton. Mo., July 24. Tbe toaler Inclndet: LuolhtMony.Gva Benton,liamaliaist,A. J.Bharp- loy, Fred li. Le Oomla, wn. Kokohi, Janr llenefl, A. M. Haitb, nmiml* Waldrtp, Frank Fleaber, Vic- tor a. Kreyer, Fred Rreyer, H. U Clark, C. A. Mcdln- nlt. Iioulnlc Kniolo, R c. iiennetl. O. A. Lawrence, II. I\ OriOln, Lou IHnmon, Fnnk liaini, C. A. Clark, Maaler Pvck and Utile Bonnie Bell. — Joe U. (Ilaagow bat tigned Uie Flora Bumford Co., tor Ibe Hununer teaaon, to do the advanoe. — Commodore Foot* Joined Ibe IJIIIan Reach Oomedv ivmpuy at Cbletgo Jnly it. — Will II. Barry, who la managing 1 ., nra' . Chicago, 111,, Una Bummer, baa tieen relahwd by managlna Paln'a "Blonn apectacle at OoQatum OardeBB, arty, Ing of Vlckabnn ' Chicago, lU., m Manager H. R. Jacobt aa retldent mtnagarof tbe Academy of Moalc, In Ihat ciiy, (or tbe oomlog aea- Bon- — Francu Jonea will open bla tear, lb "In (Hd Madrid," al Petoakj, HloT,, Ant-». H- B- Rlea n II manage tbe tour, and bat tigoed P. M. Mofgu t > do me adniKe, — Jai. a Hackle opent bU aeaaon Aug. 11 at Bttb, Me,raB ntoal, miking the UiWj«" .«'•!»' iSSS'. Iliwriteatbatheiflll pl»T''<>ijin«>'<>'^ Door," and will carry Ihe atrnngert and "** e™- pany he ever had In tbo play, Including Ignite Ban- Ford, Trtxy lUmllioo, Unre Tborw, nelmore and Paaanelena, Iteri Allen, Mamie Ilargrravja. the Ofltbam nil (Jiianet, Fred Uarey, John P HcI>OB- ald. II. R. iifoaeler, Harvey W.Tbompaon and Jaa. U. Hackle. Tbo acenery U all new and entirely new paper. The ronie la all liooked (nr ihia, the alxih year. Mr. Hackle lieglna rehearaing at Tuny Faa- tor'a Tbeaire, thiH dir. Jnly 9. — Hoyi'a (ioRiedy Company will open the new Opera Ilouae at U (larpe. III., Aug-. , . -The lie Vcre Comedy Co., Ktale lie %ere lead- ing, will produce tho following repertoire: "Tris^'' '•uncle Joah," "Nohla Oiircaafand "C<pl. Kate," the coming aeaaon. The company will open at Hatilngt, UInn-, and pUy ibe clilea along the riv- ei», traveling In their own lioat. -The Rlnehsrt Comedy Co-cloaed Ila Bummer aeaaou at Atcblton, Kaa., Jnly 13. Hoc. RInehart and daiighlera an reatlng atSu Joaeph, Ho., and J. C. Murphi la at Kanaaa Oil. . „ .. ^ — Chat. II. Oreeno hM algned with "A Failed Calf" Co. — Tom Drown, whialler, baa been engaged lo pUy Joahiia Falletie. Ibe anial. In "A Failed Calf," for the condng aeaaon. R-lltb Boyt hat iieen engaged for tbe name company, lo play Dollle Freokllii, a type writer. — Manager <l. A. Hill, of Allen A lllll'a Company, Inforrotua that tbe compliny will begin an engage- ment at Waleitown, N- Y-, at Olen Park, a reaort near ihat town, to give Ila llrit dramatic perfonn- ance. HInnle Beward haa been engaged lo strengthen ihc company. — Charica F. Jerome ami Clare Bell are Ibe iBleat engagemenia for "Delmonlco'a al Six." — Msnagcre KIIU A Beamon, nl "On the Pdo- nac," are iiegotuilog (or a lent lo which lo pUy (almand reunlona this Kail. — Manager Joe De Uync, of the Ideal Comedv Co., Infonna na that tbey are touring Indiana with some Bucceta. Tbe company hicludea, among ollierr, W. U- Wright and wife, Llllbtn Jackley and Zola Huley. — nichard Hume waa tendered a benedt at HI. Clemena, Hlch.,Jiily22. — Chaa. W. Yoong haa laien engaged by Man- ager Wm. A. Uredy lo appear next aeaaon In tbe company anppotilog Roiien Qtylor. — Hanager Kd. R. Bailer, of Salter A Marten's "Uncia Tom's cabin" Co., Is at prcent In Peru, Ind., preparing a car for Ihe tranaponatlon of bla company during the comlngscaaon. Arrangemeota have been made wllb Boaniau A Ijandia, the acenic arilala of Chicago, 111., (or an elaborate scenic etiulpment of tbe play, and It bi anuoonced tbat apecltl (eaturta ot the production will be two horses, two mules, three biint>9, two oxen, two donkeys, eight Bhelland ponlea aud six hlood< bounds; three bands of mualo, white, colored and lidlet'band;atroupeo( aevrgfa sbeulere, plckanln- nlea and Jubilee slngera. The acting company will he caretully aelected,and a good all 'round produc- tion lapromlsed- Al. McPbali will lie general ageut, with two aasltunrB; Donald Mortlian, preas sgeni, and Jaa-Tbonipann, treasurer- The lonr irlll begin Aug. JD. — Hart W. Hanley waa a CLirpnt caller Jnlysa. He Informs oa that be haa arrange for Rdwtrd Ilarrigana lonr of Ihiny weeks, which will tiegin at Philadelphia, Pa., RepL 'i, and which will am- bmce tbe wide extent of couoirr from Ihe Ailanllc Ocean to the HIaaltslppI Itlver, fnm ForUand, He., 10 New Orleans, La. All of the large cltlet In ibla lerrltory will he played, and alao Ihe best of the one night aranda. "UM Uvender" will 1« tbe aole nifariog, unlets Mr. Ilarriian should delennlne to preaent hIa now pitv, "lly Son Ihin," liefnre Ihe close of the aeaaon. Hr. Uanley lain hiauaunlex. cellent healih, and feela well Bttlided whh there- anil of hht laliore In organising the company for tills lour, and In secnring ths iMokluga which aund to bit credit. — I'hariea ti. Clarke, the well known life aavor, famlllariy known at "Cap" Clarke, who haa ap- peared upon the alage lu aoroe nf Tline. II. Davis' produclloos, waa again Iho hero ot a daring rescue In the surf at AUanilc Cliy, N. J., on July », when ho atvrd tho life o" ' beyond her depth. — Hanager Frank Bemford, of ibe liijou Theatre, Wilmington, Del., waa a CumH caller July 22. The house will open Aug. 20, and during ue seaaon companies win plav fioni one to three nights at slandard prices. Hanager ller«aford hopca tore- Btore the Itouse to favor wllb road manageta, and as tbe lesseahlp Is In ibo liands o( Olere A tiamplg. Ila, o( Philadelphia, Pa., lb buMntaa aflkln prom- lu to be condncted on a eiibalanUal haslt. Uurtng Ihe Summer the houae haa been eollrely raOued, an eleclrtc plant has been added, aud the stage and Bcenlo equipment haa been completely renewed. Only Ihe Iwtter clatt o( atlracilons bave been bookeil, and the time (nr the leaaon It well Slled. — John J. Black will open hit teason In the Utie role o( "Old Rube 'ninner," Aug. 6, at tbe Academy of Music, Flsbklll on-the-lliidaon. The company will Include: F. 0. WyckoK, Otto B, Blocb, bTa. Bllle, 3. M. Upon, Unn N, Klloi, Alma E. LevU, UUIan Black, Josle Hltcbell Vlckere, Prof. II. a. Barker, leader o( liand; WIKord St Auburn, ad- vance; Wm. Ohldesier, agent and pren writer. Tbe company U under the sole management o( Hatty R. Vlckere. — Hre. Scott Raymond, who bat tieea In poor . health (or some time pati. Is slowly recovering, tnd Hr. Raymond's relallvea wonid like to know bit ad dreta. — Veva H. Oon way hi spending ber Summer vaca. tlon at Troy, Kan., ber hunjo. — The American llayers. under Ihe manageiBent of C. K. Holleni and U. II. Andrewa, will open Aug. sa, at Fremont, Neb. Tbe roniBaoy will comprise tan peonle, o( whom (lualave NcavlHe, Jerry Uer 7«llana Ihibiy Haaon bava already been eniaied. A repertory. Including "Seven Come RIereu," 'The Oalley Slave" aud "A. Crleimted Case," wUI Im given, and a tour o( (ony-ntx weeka has bcon ar ranged. — Frank It. Jackaoh, (or Ova aeaaons the BherilT In "Old Jed l>rDuiy," will play Ibe teadlog role in "A Oi«en aoods lun" tbe coming aeaaon- It It the part playeil laat aeaaon lij Paul DreaMr, aa a Qer- man, and Ibe play la now lielog rewritten to admit or lbs change In chanctera- — Oeo. U. Fenberg, inualcal director, goea with Bertram A Willatd'a "Tlie Bnglneer" Co. next noa- aon — "In a Big mty," Ibe new play In which Rolien Qavlor will alar next aea win under the nunageinent of Wm. A. Brady, will open tbe ataaou Aug. It, at Fall River, Haaa., after which an extended tour of the larger clilea will be nuide. Tbe company will Include: Al. II. Wlb>cn. Allle Ollbon, Chaa. w. Young, rannle Bhmdgooil, KUiel llanlnginu, Fannie Oa- liourae- Aa an eilra aitraciinn for tho dni week Jamea J. t^orlieit will appear lo an axhilililon of boxing. — Nulea from J. iX Lewis' "SI Plunkard" Co.: We cloae our season of two yean steady on July 21, at Bagtoaw, Mich., and opvn the coining season, Aug. 10, at the People's Tlieaire, Toledo, o. The com- pany will lay off three weeka al Ml. ClenHiia, Mich., Prior to opening teaaon. Hansgtr Rob Mack la In Indlanapollt, Ind., booking Ibe coming aeaaon and nulogshow out wllh printing. — Fttderio Beward writes in THi Cupriicltlm- Inga priorright lo Ihe lllle, "A Modern Hepblsio," which la alto the lllle of ihe play In wbkb Uelcne Hon will alar, but adds lhatbe will change Ihe line of bla Dbiy. He li summering at SL Hegia ftW; N. v., and Is al work upon a new play. — Morgan A MoNulir are amnging time for a tour of "A Trip to tbe Itocklet," a three act comlo opera, by lou Arnold tnd Hon. 0«o. Morgan. Kaihe- rine tlenntloe hu l>een engaged aa prima donna, and Ihe aeaaon will open In October. Week sUinils and tho larger Inland towns will lie played. Yafiety and Minstrelsy OREGON, IMrtland.—AtihsManiuamUraud Daniel Fnh man Lyceum Company gave three perfotinaucea to crowded houaea July 11,1] and la, preaentlng 'The Otae of Ilelwlllona Buaan," "The Amaiona" and "An Ideal liuaband." The Ibealn will be dark week of it, after whicta J. K. Ramell wUI lie ie«n XI and 23 and "The Old Uouieaiead" week of jg. "Jane," by Ouatave Frobnian'e Oompany, wlU fn|. low. CORSUT'sTauTai.—Fnnk iUcon'sBUtck Ooo- panv pretented "After Dark" week of 8 to good bnslnem. "Burr Oaks" was put on It. rrepaiaUons at« being made for a spectacuttr production of "Clodenlla." AMRivma.—Once Uyng. LlbHe Blondell, Clara Bdward^ Kdward BlondcU, Dollle HItchell. LotTH.-Borrhert Ladlea'Orcbetlrm. Motaiia's Nxw Tnunx Ooaioi'B.-Variety con. ilnnea. Nora.—Flank w. Bacon, irbo btt for a long lime been tbe manager and part owner of UielllgibitA Waldnn Dnmado Oomnasy, baa poicbatad ue en- tin mitral la tbe oompaubnB [be otherownett, aadltUDOw known at Rank Buxm'aStonkCom- JonN D. HorgiKS haa for mtnyyean been widely known at one o( tbe moitenierprialng tnd taccen- ful managtra, mainly of road companies, bnt, never- iheletw, wlibln a thort period be bat bloetomed out aa a moti enteipilting boomer of popniar price amusemenlt In ihe hualling West. Whea he opened the old Pope's Tbetire In BL Loolt wilb a cooilnn- oiia ptrfonnance dire failure wta predicted, but, at the event proved, Ibe pnpbdt were enilrely it tea, (orlo a few weeka ihellmofthe llopklntcontlnuont boutea becameamostproOltblelbeaire, Iben amt thePeople's. In Chicago, III., a veritable iheaiilcal morgne, where for yean dltaater bad Uen king, wllb diaadvaniagea of kKsllty, and at euch a house a toccets waa achieved wltlun a tingle week, and one tbat bit been growing ever tince. Qulia recenuy he btt come hilo poaaeanlon of another Chicago theatn, tbe Slandard, on the West BIdt, also at tbe lowest ebb, which win be opened iritbin Ibe next four weeks. In Bi. Uinls, Mr. Hopkint will, by October, be tbe leaace ot tn en- tirely new tbeatre and roof garden, which la being bnlltexpreaalyfor him. Tkeia will be located In tbe magnllcent Cenlury Building now In course of rrectlnn ou tbe tile of the former Pope't Theatre, Ollvt, Nlnlb and LocnttStrcela. HaKiom TONY tABton ntnnied from Eorop^ July 13, with mauy Important contncte In hit poa- seealon, all In keeping wllb the spirit of ptogtetaino he haa conllnntlly mtnlfested. Tbe coming season al hit tbeatre, In tbit clly, will be made Important by the appearance then of a number of perfonnera well known lo London and ine Conllnenl, augment- ed by a ttrong Hal of psai favoiltet, bolb of foreign and local note Bessie Bellwood will 111 a six weeks' engagement wllh Hanager Piator, tnd be baa alao aecured, (or her third return, VeaUi Tllley, Ihe accompllabcd lmperaan.'iior o( London swella. Among toe other Important foreign coniracta be has made an tboae calling (or the ansearance here o( Ihe original Paqoeielte, Vtau Vicloria, Marie Kendall, Collie Conway, Major Newell and the Oa- llna. Hanager Paalor'a road company irill begin a aeaaon o( eieven weeks at BtUabelh, N. J., Aug. 6. Ills theatre In Ihhi city wUI open Aug. l«. BILLT YouNO has Ofpied with Manan's Ulnttrels (or next reason. Mu-k. Vbxa write* Tat OupriR of ber tocceaa at Kiel, Oer., where tbe la peifomlng t new ladder acL Has. FxANK J. CuMaiNos and ber ton are vMUng Hr. and Mr. John Moran at ibelr home, hi Chi- cago, HI. Hr. Chimmloga la managlog tbe HoUhi Opera House, Hadlton, Ind., tor tho Bummer sea- son. ADDix Hoou la spending ibe Summer at Rote- vllle, N. J., trilh her mother. Jerky Samupoho baa algned for next season with Ihe "Senator O'Ondy" Company: Lorn HOLLYWOOD It spending tbe Bnmmer at Pawtucket, R. I. Oanklliau baa flolsbed bis engagement iritb the queen and Crescent Boat Shorn and Is aummering at Chicago, III. Fbahcu Ubbbirt, now wltb Luclera' Mloatrcls, WS8 recently ptesented iriiba handsome gold watch and obalo. BOB EminT will next aeaaon produce a oewdiH- roatic specialty entitled "Our Ihity." Ue will be as- sisted by Kittle Bmmeu. JOBM iRD Liaii HoDowBLL pbiyed the week of July 1 at the Park Pavilion Tbeaire, Cleveland, O., aud are now at tbe River Side HInemI Bpriugt, De- troll, HIcb. Oil. HLXtR ako Wai.tir Hiixih bave Inlsbed Ibelr tour wltb IlaU's Trained Animal Show, and are aummering at Canton, Ho. RixroxDiNnCuiruiN an putting a new act to- gether (or next aeaaon. Nans PHOH BILLY Van's Bio MixsmLS.—We open our season Aug. 14, at Ihe Grand Opera House, Dayton, O. Our roster will Include: TVim Lewhi, Swift and Chate, Rowe and Renz, Siawart Mslen, the Fatblon Four tnd Edward Ilonn. A (cature o( the parade will tie tbe dbitloct coh- Mining of tbe different teclkina, 01 which there are four. Wm. B. Curtis la general manager, John W. Vogel, adnnce nprcnenotUve; Dan IjiiTnlan, In- teriocnter and atage intnager, and Robert Car- mlol ael, musical dlrecior. WucB AMD Wblob appeared week eodbig Jnly 13 at the Conn Sinet Thealn, BuOklo, N. Y. Nom moil Biu.T Casad'b HnnnuLa—Wi com- mence nheanal Aug. 10, and open onr teaaon at the Cenltnnlil Open Boose, Plymoolb, Ind., Aug, IT. The company will travel In ibelr own ear, whlcn la now being palnled Uwlde and out It Isamnged with kitchen, dining room, twelve berths and two state looms. Ths company will be composed as foltowa: Blllr Oaaad, Cbariss W. Langatallf Chariea Ouad, Frank ttetd, Clarence Qiaad, James Catad, While and La Motbc, Johnny Phllllber, Chaa. White, Wllbert Wllllama, ll. 0. Woabler. J. A. Dougherty, Maaler Jamet Dougherty, B«tt Uanla. Uco. n>gle, Cbarlet Fioglt, R. F. Ordm, A. Aeraen,!^ Aereen, Dave A. Ryan, Harry Dodtri,11iomaa La Rue, How- anl liurtey, William Walker. F. B. Wood, Ed. Etney, William Hellemt, Chariea (Sooley, Johnson Hill, J. Harry Blak^ Mat Tbomat. Hay Ratmoxd, of tbe team of Boglebtit and Raymond, hat wriiten lo Tea CLima (rom Man- caybo, B. A., Inlorming ut tbat Helen Engleban was taken very III while oiling an eogageraent tn tbat town. She has to (ar recovered Ibit tbey expect to aall (or tbIa couuiir on the next steamer. BilltBamdbbs baa signed (or next seaaon wltb Bcatley'aMlnttrelt. Hanaoh Uabby Hoatis baa engaged (or Ibe tourof Ms "Twemlelh Oentniy Haldi'ru,, follow- ing: NelUoDeCouney, Leila Trimble, OlartceTeiTT, Nellie Dunn, Hanilo Klcbmogd, Leonora Wilson, Hamie Irwin, Hlle. Paaqnelent, Abble Csrilon, Bat- Ue Pond, Jane Daly, Banr Bmeiaon, John T. Han- aon, Ooakley and Oenaro and Uana Alhrech, mna- Ical director. J Bamit irlll be Iteaaurer and F. V. Qrimtb agent. Hany Motria and A. H. WoodbuU are managere, and tbe toorwlll begin atPred Wald. mann'aTneatre, Newark, N, J, Fiblds and Lkwis will play a return engagement at the Madlaon Square Roof Ctrden. Uils oily, next week. Tbey have algned (or Qua Bill's New York Store (or next eeaaon. Eta ABBsnioNo (Hra. Fat Rellly) witbet na to state thst she bi not the Mlai Armairong who was reported as being engaged irith a (emale mlnatral Inopa. ^ Wbbxr and Fiblds have nearly completed en- gagements (or their thn« companies for the coming season. They have under contract Ihe (oHoirlog people: Hilly Emerson, Loltle UUton, James F. Hoey Bam Reraard, Will H. Fox, Uosle H. Raymond, tbo Meera Broiheia, the Burt (tlstera, the FRnsons, Lav- ender aud Tomson, the Morenos, Uarieito and B«l- lonl, Harguerilt, tbe Riia«ell UroUiert, Drummond, Buhley and BIrbeck, tbe Aoii e Four, Including the (lamella Ihnihera; Hlocktom and: Ihirmi. and Mc- Intyre and Heath. Weber and Fle-da will produce a new act, enillled "ITie Scbuslzen KeaL" The Vaiidevllle Club wUI open at tbe Oayely neatre. Bnoklvn, Aug. si; Weiier and Fields' Own Co. at Ihe Columbus Tlieain, Hariem, N. Y., and Rnnell Broihcre' Comedians al Pblladelpbla, Fa., Sept 10. Time Is hooked aolld (or tbe three attractlona at tbe beat hooset. and many iheatret an Included In the route In which they will be tbe flnt vaudeville companleaihat have overplayed. Mylk) Morris has aecured niy O'llam as a part- ner, and they win produce a new dramaUc akelcb nextaeaaon. Mlasb'llArahaerecentlyarrtvedtrom Ireland wlib a good pru(etBlontl repuiatlon. . ^J'^,i'',S "AweoN'sDRAwian CARne wllllnclode, besides Fields and Hanson, Joe Flyiin, Pbylllt Al- ton, and probaMv Rice and Elmer, Ihe Rube and the Chinaman. Business Manager Jsmes U. Flynn has contnoted with the CalTcrt uibograph Co. to (nralah the paper for the new comedy, ana the time haa already commenced to bebooked. Tbe comedy company will open their regnltr season aboot Aug. m, In Now Haven, CL The I^nwlna Oarda open iid 11' Newark, N. J., then pUylog Fbllader phla.pB.,at theAn(illoriom,and ibence toBiTX«. lyn, N. T. Tni t^lmonnl Park Andliorium Co..operaUng the new Snmmer tbeaire at Fainnonnt PaS, Kan* sascity,Ho., will begloaTandevllleaeasonJuly 0. Hromilna having ndied from the pnfenlon. si*^ "RomTOi'MtmrRii X(rrD.-o. U. Knanp, KvJ."itf°J' "0 Umolbe, Hi^ SSS^v"'"^, Boawortb and OUw EJll*iJll?:ir^*^'!P"'WewUlcatiT iwenty-ive people. Our Beaaon opena the Utt of Aonii. Ttie BIX Ouv Bniiheii will bave new acts. MOKTAOtji and Wor opened at the Hadlton Bquan Root Oaiden ihli weeV THey banlmprovid Ibelr act materlaUr, and an IntiidnclnB £v«S novelilea whichanhlghlia. " "'"™' Danixl I). EMxirr, the Teieran minstrel per :S25f, oompoaer of tbe celebnied song, "IMxIe's Und," vrritn us tbat tbe varinna newa paper statemenu coneeraing kis poverty and dla. SS,!iT„7*i^??i.'?S""'!?"- »n««i»i«tthe beiievolent Intent of such annoanoenwata, but Mates tbat tbey nefertbelM do hlo hamT He tar- i^lS^C" «»«» notn thai he It engafed to nnl dortng tb« eomlBf teaaon wllk iToTFMdtHla- tmia* Hons nQM arm Hill's ENTiBrRraia.-Tb. k» Tork Blan and Ooa Hut's Noveiilea mattrtiiS plated, and two ttronger riHupaolet than Ibe aSS will be ham to Bod. Gii< Ihil and wl(e an mrrtng at St. Jamea, and lUny IIUI ha* Inu ^ turned fiom Athinllc Clly to attend to linain>!r Fled J. Hobcr, who will he Iho hnalneas mtnawrVS Ihe Blare, la hard at worit npnn the new piece hril 10 put on. The following ire tboae Ihnt far >. gaged: Mile. I>etrea4:u, AnX tnd Ino, the two Pkf' eiicet, Hlle. Flanzell, Ihe American Macs, the iZi Oardner Bros., UlUe Sunbeam, Bonnie Uiiiit Hawkins, Obariey Otae, Ltalle's dog clrciia' Umi them tnd nanla. Con Ronu, McOtle tnd IhtulSI' amy tnd Conway, Spamw, clown Juggler- nSi, and Lewis, Swan and Bamlard, Fleldt and lu Harry Hill, Fred J. llnber, Joa Weeger. Ike RoS' Oeo.BtanbridgeaodS. lyirttcn. Harrt LiorOLD AND Locis Silto, wbo btve bM„ tpendlng Ibelr Summer racallon at Cbnalal^ Snlpalolakea, Ct., will ahoniy leave ihoie reth»; and Tint Atlintio Clly, N, i., for a few wetka oVte? to opening their eeaaon, RenL 2, In Uilt clly NiuuFRAMKLYN Will pftT the part Of Wild K» In "The White Crook," next aeaaon, commencing Tub AUBkBBinns bave signed with Hessn Rio and Barton's comedy, "HcUoodle A Poodle." Frank CiniHiiAN entboslaaUcally vrriies ua thai he Is making lbs bitot bis life In "All Babi." which Is now runiiTng at tho Chicago (III.) Opera llonie Harry a. Ehrrson has signed with the Honb and Woodhnll (Ambulation (or next seann omn Ing Aug. 28. Tna HOBARS (liOlt and Don), dnettlats, Intoim ui that lhay an meeilog with success In Savannah Oa. ' 0178 BtNis has been apending the past few weeka with hhi pennla at Providence, R. I. He goes wlib Ihe Coleman A Ueagler Ulntuelt the coming ita. ton, to do monologue. Tbr Bbadyb (James and Jennie) bave nlontd from the Wett ™" Prop. Oiorob Locibart, wllh bla herd of per- foi ming elephanit, tnd Bllllo Btriow, English cone- dlenne, will be two of tbe foreign attnctlona at Proctor's Pleason Palace, thin clly, at lu openh» Beni.J. ^' Mabbl Allston and Vbroin RmtBi Inform nt tbat tbey have retired from tbe profession and hire opened a hotel In Leadvllle, Col., wBlch It known u The Clipper. Managbb Jobn a. Fltnh, nf the London Oaklv Olrie, hat arranged for an entirely new line of paptt (or next teaaon, and irill alto add some original ad. verthUng novelilen to heraM thecomlngol blaat Iracilon. Receot engagements (or tbe company in. elude Dot Latbrop, Jennlnga, O'Brien and Jennlnga. Ten7 and Maggie Ferguaon, and Keallngand Lord Tto acaton will begin Aug. 10, at the [jcenm Tbea- ire. Philadelphia, Fa. - TBR DuMONu BBoe- Will be wllh the (ollowing mlntlrel comptnles during the coming aeaaon' UatL, wllb HI Henry; Lew. wltb Al. oTyield, and I«wRnc«, with BUly van. Wali.>roox and sjuoNt were tendered a beneot lu Bmdbura's Opera Honee, Feterlioro, OnL, July 18. Jaa Wallbrook, while peiformlng an acrobtilc specialty with Dan SImona, spnlned nla ankle, bnt tfilnkahecan work In three nr (our wteka. Hr. Wallhrook opena al Tennli Tbeaire, Chicago, HI. Atig. 18. Eb. DOBEBTT has dissolved partoershlp with Sam Maydeld and rejoined bla old panuer, Bus Oenuy. Oeo. H. Harris hss signed as huain'ss manager o( Andy Hnghca' Boston Howard Athennum Co., (or tbe coming season. Tbe tour wlH open Sept. 2. O. H. Ktnm, the Juggler, writes to The CLiprcR as (ollows: "Hanager Chariea E. 8obllllng, of Klltcb'a Zoological Oardens, Denver, Col., was no- able 10 use me a second week aa contracted, on ac- count of selling his open season forward, but be very freely and generously handed me two weeka' salary for one wcek'a work, and told me to lake a holiday wltb bbi compllmenls-" John T- and Frank Cain Intonn oi of tbel molher'a deaUi, at her bome In Plitsburg, Pa., Jnly 1. She was the wife ot J. L.Oaln,bite ovocroflhe Oem Theatre, Bradford, Pa. CHA8. P. GALLnTE, Wllb hU tnlncd nionkeya, l« milng an engagementat AnaUn A Stone's Huseom, Boalon, Haas. He will remain there until Aug. 13, when he will Join Jobn P. Flekl'a Drawing Cares, at Newark, N. i., for the season. Tbr Fay Foster Bhow has lu Umeneariy sll filled for Ibo coming aeaaon, and Its priming Is bet- ter than It ever was- Tbe (oUowlog speclaiuca an under conlnct; Tbe Deavea, msrionalies: Dalley and Hannbig, Boweiy Husenm; Alias, tbe Juggler; Clarion and Grant, musical coniedlant: Ctenienu and Boyd, akelch team: Neltonia, In Treweyum; Jno. Marion, comedian; Millie Cerito, a htdy wbo kicke a barrel and Ubie. and Hlle. Juno and a cborut ot eight. Lew Oram will be leader ot orohestra, Sam Btnut (Ottb yeai) In advance, and Abe liOvy, tong hooka and "propa." The "(ale of Jam," an extravaganza, will cloae the entertain- ment, and wlu be a decided depanare in lu way. TaESieTERSCDHNiNaBAX bavoJuat cloeed a four weeka' engagement at the sea Beach PaUce, Coney laland. Nona PRoa Mabaiu's HiNSraELS.—Haile Simp- aon, comet aololet, bas tigned, and will be teatored In tile street concerts. BDS wUI alao do solo work from the stags. Jas. R. Johnson snd tbe Naabvlile ({uartet, Oeorge L. Moxloy, lanor singer, and Lewla Jonet'pickaninny band of twelve, have tUo tigoeil. Falkr AND SxaoK bava Juii oloied a six weekt' engagement at Ban Francisco and Lot Angeles, Cal., and will open at tbe Madlaon Sqnare Rwl Garden, Ihit city, July 2a, for two weekt. Uabkl SnLLaAM hat been engaged for an etrly tpnetrence at the Union Sqnara Theatre, Ibis clly. Tbb will be Ulsa Bllllman's dsbnt In vaudevUle. MiLraA WiLSON'aHiMBniLawin open their tta- ton at Saginaw, Hlcb., SepL 2. Tboie engaged thus far an WUIls H. Emery, John Orabam, Fiaok BenOeld, tbe Mather Bros., tbe Three Bcoa- Loyd, Ed. Rustin, BUly Sanfonl, Jay Frederic, Sam Bow- man, Lew Bottwick and Prof. Giiy Roaayln. Narru Dr (XiDRaxy, who bat Josi Dnlabed a toe- cesttui week's engsgementat Madison Square Roof and Central Mualc Hall, la now playing Kelibt Union Square Tteaire and will alto appear at all of tbe theaiRs un this circuit BhewlU reiorotoHsd. Ison Bquan Root Uarden tbe week ot Aog. 12, and will then go Into actire rebearsals wllb Uarry Hor- rlB'"TwenUeUi Centoir Mtldt" (or nextaeaaon. She bas already made several coniracu to appear at the leading vandevlllehooaeir In Uveipool tod Ix>ndon next Bnmmer, and -Intendt to pay a abort vldt 10 tbe Conilaent befon ntunlng to America. Hanlry, Uxian and Hanlby, farce comedy trio, an tutnmering at Fox and Green Lakes, Wla. They exi^t 10 rvium Eaat In September. JoRH T. PiiwRRs, eccenBIc comedian, writes ui Ihat be opena a aeaaon of twelve weeks nt WeM Superiur, wia, returning to thit city, whan hepuya a two weeks' engageuientat Proctor'a Theatre. Katbkrinr Gilts, cIu1> Juggler, and Hargncilie. conionlonltr, bave signed wlin Frrderick Bancroffa ipcolacular pnidncllou ot "Maglo," under Ihe niao- BKOment ot Clarence Fleming, for tbe aeaaon of isw-e. Edna May It performing through Ihe West In ber kaleldoacoplc dance. Johnnie IMngle U hrr man- ager. Oanrllran, maglcltn, who appeared week of July 16 at Kohl A lUddlelon'a FaUce Muaeum, Hln- neapolla, UInn., atkt ua tor tbIa further notice, as bhi name was nUttpelled in our laat Isaue. JouN D. HorKiNS, Ibe Wesiere conUnuous per- formance manager. Informs oa ot a grievance he haa against S. E. tnjior, tbe manager of Ihe Colon Trtisl Hoof Oarden, St. Louis, Mo. At HrTkylort reiiueat Managor Hopkins engaged several per fnrmen to open July 21 at the roof resort lu Bi. Louis. Allhout adequate noBoe all the eugtge- ments insde by Mr. Hopkins were canceled, and the root garden management denied all nnposal- bUlty, alao ntuttng to pay Ihe pertonnere upon Uielranlnl atSI. Lonls. Adolph GiproRD baa signed wltb Beach i Bower's Mhiatrels for tbe oonung season, to play In tho band. HcOabr a Yotmo'g Minbisrls, nnder tbe mantge- menlof Lew Benedict, will open Ibe setton July 31 stCbampaIgn, III., It being race wtek Ibere. Our Informant writes tbat tbo show Is complete In every parUcnIarand equipped wltb tho llneatot every thing. Our dnperiea and stage setting an tbe iieai money can buy. Our nnlforms for Sommer paiadcs an neat, bright and dreesr, and for FaU and Winter Hanager Benedict has lell an order wltb one 01 tbe largest nma In Chicago forcoaia that wlU sur- pass anything ever seen In aimlnslnl parade, nt orebeatrawlD bounder theleaderablpot Prof.Ld Munn, anlsted by able and competent musicians. The hand will march nnder the diraclorship of J. ArthsrOoborn. Tbe quartet ot sUcinloed volco. nnder H. CHfton, while ibe comedy will be la the hands ot Allmon Baldwin, tbe EllloU BntHeia, Rty- noldi, Moore, Le Roy, Bland and otbeia. Our titeet paiBdewUl Introduce Hme. Veatatlat wllb berbl- oyde, beaded by Lew Benedict J. Harry Bukr will join Dllly Cttadt HlnilreU at Flymonih, Ind., Ang. 9. Barry and Balub Walkhr commenced a two weekt' angagemenl at Moon't Wonderland Ittt- In, Dotnn, lUob« Joly l«. HOWABS AW Alton bare Jntt okaed riz oontbi In tbe Bontb and Boolhwett