New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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August 3. THE NEW YOBK OLIPPER. 339 ■-Huncw Edmrt Biiralt wOlpgt ontiapec- KcaKr plN« lo MpiemMr, eoUtled 'ioretno." — Wllbnl ud lUII begtn nttHMla Aug. 11. Id latltm^W, lod.. wim llsiitgtr Banan'a "OUI' ii<vti«r>a Trontiles" Co. Vtoj will pl«7 prenlneat B. Otirlti^ nocommnltd Mi; hl« nira, arrtveil In tbia cl(r iuly -B from KoitUiDd. Wtlla Id London Nr. Cnttis nn one ptrronmuc* oC ".sain'l at Foa«B,'>l)ntib«pl«oin.4 not n Riicceth llo ti*« oeonrod iha AmeilcaD rlRlila n(,"aMiilrni»nin«,<' nowronolng at tbo Ptlli,(a or n am'Tliwtn, I.on- don, and expeela to Utt It an earl7 prodacUoa at IM BUM TtiWTe. tbia cltj. —TW) motion of Manager UeicrJ. Leslie to en- join Camilla D'ArrtllarromalDglng Id ibe Sbakes- peatean featlnl, Ang. 1, Id Sanloga, N. r„ iru wlilidmwn Jolj 29, In tbe Bapreme Coort, CbamtKra, tills cltr. Wben tba oue m» callea couuel tor Mis D'Arrllle nrodactd ibe aMdiTlis of lurselt and nuuuger, and Ibe moUim tbr ibe In- jonciloa was at ont* iittbilnt#h. — Taggnrtand Maol will alar Ibe coming aeaioo In tbeir oifn Irtah comnlj, "MulllgsDl Uubaps." Tne tailoring people have been engaged: Mat. Kennedr. Oraco Turner, Flo. Rowwll, Im Knigbt, lonlae Oart«nd, Madge OordoD, Uliiani Carlilo and IJamond flt zgentld. WASHINGTON. SMftle—SesUle TbMltn«-J. K. Emmeltcoinei *llb "fni* In t Uad llouiw" Jair Hi and ii, "Jane" PHIoMAag. 2 and 3,obd "tte Old ttoueatead" t*U. OanMAY'a TituT)(k.^LtlclUe Palmer and coni- ttan) cdmta July Jt-a. T. J. quinn and n. R. mn^h pilt on "Ijnirood" IMI, to verj fair bul- tKA Lracai I'AiiK TutATBS.—Tbe Fatrlcolo-Klltoa Concert Co. give two pertomiancea dally to good ■lied aadlencea. Tbe Pint llrglment lland profes a higb dmwiDg card at tbls rcaon Wodncaday and BnndaTB. UiDUOH PiBK TniiTRB.^'Langer k Imben'a Band alltacts line cnivrdai TUB NB# QkBat BVUblCAfBSBOA'scann llasd EiT* t*o oXctUettt pcrtoraunctfi lo tbe capacity of ateala. PAom.—Mile. OhrliUne In atlracUni ,blg crowds at8rJ Kront StRel.:;-i:llugh W.CoUnlnghamleft for Sii Louis <ii wbero Me will aUend tbe Cmnd liodge Dleeiin< o( tba T. U. A'a. Uo Is tbe delegaio troiii Ko. tit, t bls city. TacoHk.—At the TAComa Tlieaire J. K. Emnicil, In "IMiz In a Mad llouw," Jul; 24. Coming: ■■Jane" a, "Old Hnneslead" Aug. i. NiKTii Stbir TniATKB.—Tbe KiiDlce floodrlcb Co. played to goo4l hoiiaea during the week Jiiiy u. ••KIcbard ill" and "King Lear'' will be prodlirad In llilaibeatn during (he nrat ircek In Stpienibcr by W. J. File, a local tragedian, ■ ' I a im^ii S|Mhma«.<i^Vt Ibe Andllbrlum "Jane,''> by Uos- lave Frobdisn'a Co., played to fair builncaa July N. comug. Murk Twain Aug. 7. Tui FBOPLB's.-New people veck nf.jhl: Nellie nomrd, Obss. Burton, Klla Ilalli Kind linymond, Tboo. Prlco anil Uaud iJoyd. A HodiRl^V OIBCds, nnder Ibe dlrecllon of Wallace Unuroo and Cbarloiia Llilell, vm etvcn ni Natuior- Inm rark IS, le and 20, to ".H. R. u." biulneas. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. \Vaahlngldn..>Tho last ttetk o( tbo Summer Comedy aeaaoUi MDIVh ciMed July i!), at lUiHry'ii National theatre, was devoted to ibiee changes iir bill, "All tba Oontortao^ lloni«'>ror lllh» itlgDis, "Sealed InatrueiloDs," "A'u Awful Anitir' aud "PaitocM for Lire," each for one night. Tlie week Waa probably tbe best of the aeaMii, trhlcti lias lie«n of nine weeks' diimlloo; ibolast night the bouie waa lUeially packed, and each memticr of tbe National Slock Company was obliged to re- spond lo a call Htiar the lust cuiuin Charles Uoolo, who haa been a well liked nnd cillclent nicni- bcr of tbe Nailonal Tneatra Samnier Block (X).. baa a compllmeatary beneDI exieniled lo him, to inke place at Allen'a Opera iloose, £). rVederIc llond, t'harles Mackey, Uillan Uwrenco, rrancls aierriu, Alitite iobDsou, Iilltle Klile Lower, Kunlce Ward, Wa. U. Doag, W, 11. CoDloy, Albert C. Floyd, John T. Warde, nml a long llat of local favortiCH on the bill, which win mnnde the ihird act of "Caite" ami "Han PropoKea." Uetl Kiddle, Donnelly and Ulrard's manager, has charge of Ibe nmnccinenu. Af ler Mr. ODOte'a bcnoDl nor plajhonm will all re- main cloiied '1111 Die opening of iho l^ll season. Which tbls year occum Aog. 10, wliiOh Is a Utile (sitlertban usual \V. II, Ituplelr, manager of the Nailonal Theatre, has departed for the Now Bogland coast, aooompanltd by Ills wife aud son. Mr. Ilapley will remain away iinMI tbe opening of tbe next aeaton "Heir,'' with a good company, wuiatarton his fourth nbiiiial flnmnier tourwIUi bli pastoral play, "Ybe uid Yetomn," Aug. -io, opening at Wflmlnguin, Del., and will play tliiDugli Uelanare, Uaiyland and Pennsyl- vania for Bve weeka, htving booked lor one and two nigliia itnnda for that pe- riod Frank UcCormick, a young tVasblngion actor, who was for a portion or laut season with lUKs B. Mackle, la "Oilinca' Cellar Door," has aimed for next naaou with DavU A Keoch's "Mown In Dlilc." Tbo memhcni of tbe Na- tional Stock Co. will lie placed iie.<ct aeason u ful- lowe; Alfred Hudson, Charles Hackay and Mre. Ad- diaon Piu go with Sol Bmlth llaraeli, Percy Brook and Joseph Wheelock with \V. II, Crone, Uary San- dere (Ura. l>ercy WInlei) wlih Richard Mansdeld, t'rancis Stevens with "The FonudUng," and Cliartes Urowaer wlUi "The qty of Plraaure." WISCONSIN. klllwaukee.—At the Panorama Uuslo Hall Wllla and Dolson'a "Two Old Cronies" opened July m, for a week, this being Uio drat engagement of a ttgnlar organized compuy at llils resort, where Mratght vaudeville haa prospered for several weeks. HtcrosiTiOH Mtsic llALU—A gcnerous aiiendance ■Waa the record each evening of Inst week. Ttie Kllanyt pictures, which bavo proven to snccaaaful, are retained tor thla week, as well as Ibo Roger Brotben, Maud lUymond and Uargoerlie, contor UoDlsL Tbe new comera ore: lliplota, llorenco n olcouaiid tbe Manhattan Comedy Four. ScnLltz Pabi.— The opera company proseot "Ttia HIkado" tlibi week, liegluDlDgn,audlntlio Pavilion are tbe Mexican Trouhndouni and Slgnor NIcula liordano, a musician, "linafore" was wellaltend- ed, and John UcWade, no old Park favoille, who made hta flrat appeannco with the present com- Stny U, was warmly welcoiiicil, ■The CUImea of omandy" w|i| be presented Ang, a and week, Btanuahd Tiibathi.— Upon Aug. 4 this House will bo reopened, under lis old name, by Crrll Noniiun as a melodramallc and vaudeville nouie upon tbe conilnnous show plan. ' Tlie bill for the arst week locludes J. c. Cullen, Elsie urer, Uorke and Weit, and the awiu in tbe vaudeville portion, and John A, Sleveui' "PasaloD'a Slave" will be the drams. Nans.—W. IL UarlOM hai lieen relnlaed as man- ager of tbe Wonderland Museum, and la at preacnt supeiintendlug llie Improvementa which ibe boiiso la nodergolng. Manager liarton aiaiev tba Kanon will open Aug. 2.') ilorwiii and Rowera left 29 for San Francbico, tel.,lo open tbeuipheum Managera wills k Uolscn will carry a band and orcbeaina wlih tbeIr 'Two Old Cronlea" Co. nrit season Manager George 11. Mcohil and wile, of the Ward A Vokea Company, was here If, on his way to Detroit, Mich. F'ond dm Lao,—Walter L- Main's Circus showed July 2t. to good liuslnen, iwih nfiemoon and even- ing. Coalng: Aug. 3, Al. U. Field's Minstrels. INDIANA. IadlaBapolli_aood sized andlrncet continue 10 be tbo rule at Wlldwood Path, Tbe blU for next week Includes "Ollles Taylor.'' "Pinafore" and ^■lolanthc." The enlhiislaailc receptions given ihe Temple Company nightly imive that tbe llist exnei 1- iiient at Summer opera here la a nccess beyond ex- pectation. Tbe people who compose ibe company are: Edward P. Temple, Uarold Diake, Charles Uontlngion, Charles Hhackford, 0. Byran llrowne. Uougberty, Ada P. Walker. Mliicle Emiiietl. Qrace Undxay, Josle Hart and iitbere Heasn. Moses i MclMuald bare organized a stock company lo present a Htrlfs of dramas at Rioad Illppla Pan. commencing Aug. 4. A new tbeatrr, with a aesting capaeiiy of twelve Variety and Minstfclsy Qm. II. fauBou iHD witu are the giients of John T. West at Willow CUmp, Caygga Lake, X. v., rusticating pravlous to commencing relieanals wlili the coinpanyi *hlcll opbu IliB etastin ai L'llca, S. r., on Aug. ». tir. CirUnd, -Jie manager, suits ■bat Ibo conip.iny will In the Bimngesi ever owned by tbs organlzAilon known as Prtmnwe ft Wen's MInslrela. W. n. West promises a geuaiue novelty. Another apecUl feature will be tba addition to the company of a pickaninny band ol aliteen plece^ nnder the dlrecllon of an Kiiropean leader, making three dUllnotmllllsrVbsUits In Ihtir ik»val parade, ot whkb Ihey Intend making a reanire ottt aeason! UiitBY OILSCKT Cims, baillous singer, haa "pi^.wltb Ully Van-« Uloslrela lor next Jeailon. LiCnLAiBBAMnUAV are recent adilltlona lo the Oaniellta Valdex Vaudeville Co. John Amis, known aa the tieilbia Adimla, In- romia ns that lie was married to Mile. Ilarenco, wire pettormer, In l.flndon, Eag., July 4 last. Tdb PiBR Ol'iBA lIoirsB, Iron Flor, cape May, N. J., opened lis praenl /fsson July (9, nniler the man- agement at Harry U'Bsia, his sixih season, Tbs nesting capactiv Is 1,««, alage wlib new scenery. Mr. U'Bila Inibuds piaiing opera and comedy companlea iild vaUdeviUo ,it<aple. The ntnlcomilanv: llanylnd LUal Iriiala, Frank du, Cllas. Uuolap, the Krans Uroa., and Matey and Holmes. Slimi AND Dl,A.\CIIAaD A.MD Ll PiTIrE AXCIIA are aumnwrlng at Waveland by the 8ei. Uertlia Blancbard celebrated her twenty-sixth binbdayon July^JS. lliBOA. Mm boa DUbllshed "Oet four Limps Ml.'' add It U being rchcaned by Uailge Kilu. Bella flold and other singers. "Tho I'icturein My Heart" Is alBO ttsued by Ut. Uat. Ults W. lIoilAH IBb tfiki, lilay nr«nl«orUi| are spcodlnlf moSumWerat lilitnuc CIIV, N, J, Mr. Ilogan hda been l^-engilged lb go ahead of lUca .t Uanon'aUoso lllll Boirisb Fblly Co. May Went- wortb, having fully recovered her lirallh, will play tbe viudevilles,,opening at Kellb'a l.'nIonSiiiiare, tblstlty.AliU?, . ' ' DaVb MabioS' has wriilen a new and catchy aong. "Uary'a the Ulrl tor Ue." It will be lutrodnc»l here by aeveial leading minairel and other compan- ies. llABtow Bbos.' Uausikicrkt HiNsniiM will open their regular aeason at llamllion, Il.,jnly3l, nnder tbe management of Daall HcUonir. Follow- ing Is the rosier: nilly Rarlow, Jim Barlow, llany Ward, Fred Markliain.T. (1. Derry, brry Freeze, Billy Fmse, Harry Wesley. Kella, Ollle Young, 'Three Caaaails, Yeado, ii\ Fevs anil Ailsilp, Will K. Nankevllilli Arllibr la Bohl, Tllos.^Crocfait, Bob Price, W. A. WaM, fllaoiTlluwatd, Witalit Vinnard, lUiry cnrlslv. Prof, ll K. Ulldrtlli, aIp. Muger. C. A. Russell, K. J. UCnkee. A. Keunuriy. T. u. llll- dradln, W. A. Jackson, Rmll llaiick, Ulto Klem- hollz, FrAnk B. Tri\cy;i|enelal ageHci Claud Lurig, second agchr, and Joe lA^rence, ilrogiamnicr. UB.Asn Mas. Jamrs IticnMONnare annimcrInK ou a farm at Sangerrield, N. Y. TTiey have algned with the American Vaudeville Co. for next aeaauii. IlAOi'i: AND liii,gro.<< havo illanlred partnemlilp. Wallr llelslon has signed with Uulendes A Mills' "Zo Zo" Co. pun. AND LomitMaiiLKV Mick send pngranimen end pmMs noilces of Iheir complete success with Harry lllckard'sTlvoll Co. In Meliioiinie, AuMrallu. ■Tney are engaged for ilirea months. PkBII ANUkinoM, nllb CleVelsnd's Ulnsirels; will ijng llntbani's "Allct Voilr Wand'tliig. Coliiii llnine,''aiil Bylvtaier IIukmiI nlll dilg ■■Tell He Von UVe Me Sllll." llELRN KMiiLiiAKnr AND MAY RAYMOND relumsd from South Aniericri losl week,Milllogfrom.Muru- rallK) July I'l. Srliuniauii'8 Cumpuny aslled fruni MaracalliuforTrluldail July 0, mccilng the Oardn<*r Ctrciia at Ciiracoa. Their atcrtninr, I'rlnce Wlllielm I. ran aground near Ija Ciilm, but wh4 ilonicd oiT and pmcueded wlihoiit daiiuige. Sirliumiiiin^i Compnny will play I'eiu, llnizll, Cnloiiilila, Central America aud Mexico ni wiif homo. Illg liiiriliii.'D has been the rule, The Tavlor HIslera arc doing well III their specially. Ulile Kaiilocbl, the hIx year old Japanese girt. Is ilie hit of the abow. lUigolonclta'a duni'lng H a fealuio, she having entirely recovered froul lier aiiack of the fever. llacliM living piclarea are bIm a lilt. Uabsy Fi HohnU Is with the Irvlug Uros.' Conceit Co. SkBLLY'aM)Ka,"1'heFiceoh Ibo Usrreom Floor," Is aald to bo having an excellent salo Juiit now. RlTil lliiriunN boa returned fromsnroail tuupni llie Heoaon wllli the WashlHim Slsicra' Last Menss- ilon, nnder UuUi lloiile's nisuageaienL IIahkY Foy, comedian, was married lo KInrencc Clark, la'e of lloyi'a "A Mlik While Flag" Co., at .Vew Vork, July a. Mr. Foy bas signed wllh Davb A Kcflgh for next acatoo. NSLiJB .SKVXOl'R le singing "I'm going In Tell on Yon, Kalle,"atltiei:nlnn BiiuaroTheatre this neek. and nas made that mng the featiiro of her act. Hhe la having aome new dreaaos oi|ieclally deslgued for the song. FlySn a EltcniliAN'.'i Notaa. —Ttie Clly Hporbi Illg Show and tbo Big aeuealloii ate fully ei|vl|>p«l and begin rclieareaUi soon. Tbe priming for belli eliowa Is entirely new, and heller than It ever was. We have already over alxly peoiile engaged. A novel acenewlll be shown In llie Illg Sensstlon, In- troducing over llfteen cicoles anil octoroons. Ttie following an alienily under conlracl: The Four Nol- sou Slstcra, t^rmanollle and Lucille, Mackey and .Walker. Larry Smiili, Wren and Ualy, Llillau Ian- caster, Frank Ilall and wife. Prince Flaiuw, Usck and I>nnn,Snyilerand Buckley, Omeaga and Cor- don, Jnlleiia >felsoD, Mile. Xltlelia, Criisle Bhertdan, Lynott BIstera, tin Mlases Bmllb, Raymond, Iky- Mr, Bawyer, Bates, Blancbard, Uorrls. the Mar- leti SIslen, llllly Fairel and wife, Eaton and Wealbeia, Stella Wiley, MalUe Jamas, lleialo King, Nellie Vancey, Rdlth Ballay, Kellle Kaun, Lillian Daisy and Roale Caaton. iieo.Mityand lieo. Onlibi.«, mnslcal dirtstora: Jack Fjust aiul J. U. lUmes, repittenlallvea; Matt. J. Flyiin and Plill. Hherlilaii, sole iffoprlelomand mauagrrs. jAnni R. St'LUVAK, of Sullivan and IKan, and Joliii T. Rice, of Wee and llayward. have Joined bands. B. S. SnwABT's lutijo null Onilav Jowml for the monibsof Augiistanil Heptemlxir haa Just reached US aa we go to jtmn. li cunlAlon the uanal aiiioiiijt of Intciesling and iDsiraclIve reading for all per- foniiereuponihelnaimmcDtiiof which liirtais.and valuable exercises for mudenls. II also conialna four pieces of nioslc, one of which Is arranged for tbe banjo and guitar, one for manilolln and gullar, one for bnnjn alone, while the fourth Is a gulinr solo. A special feature of Ihin oniiilier la a colored annplemenlary sheet represcniing llie M, B. Stewart lOJilo. rim Special TUorouglilirTil llanjo, used liy Alfred A. Farland. I7K- Jounn'l tu nubllahcd by H. S. Siowart, at Tit and TD Church Hircet, Phllsdel- plila. I'a., and Is nolil at leu centa per copy. OLLIB Yoi'NU. Indliin club expert, was engaged lo sitenglhen Ihe lilll at ilie Ludlow Ugoon, Ludlow, Ky., Jiily ii. Tbe following people are also iliera Ihlsweek: Usidlngand Ah Sid. Ulle. Olive, Uelene SInane and John C. Weber's MUIiary Band. Ilsroim of coollnued good business come from tbe Pavilion Theatre. Iloljoke, Haas. The pro- gramme thbi week Includes Morton and Iterelle, Nelsonia, Ida BIddoos, and Kennedy and i^ulno. tloOKlxua—At Seibrlalil I'jrilioa. (Iceaa rily, ll>l.: B«Mle Carroll, liiTrvBuollfiif.UwPuIlinso, Kltlw Nit Kr.UhtrUa KMli. Plortnw.&leania, Jolm B. Itfrum, Llllr WeMoo, Rich. Varlur. Kail* THnper. Jnhn kalUj. a'alier Naatbtw and Edward Vooait At Uliod Park TbMtt*. l4*IMoo. M*.: Itollla BrwhK. Bartuo tod Wlll- Ttaaan and Ju. tracer Al loil*«: rH\» BlahiilO. MiM oaani aod Alhrialit, II. V. and taiodred and slim- da n ImprovemeDtr.ianow lieing elected The Park Toealrc opcna Aug. i, irlin "Ibe Smugglers." James Eden, of this cliy, baa signed withTim Muiphy, In "ATeiaaSieer," for nexlasason Sam Pickett.of tbe Paita Iialaiy OlrUOo., la In the clly. The company w)IU real |ieyp week .of Ang. 5 for reorganization. lama, Ja». Nrarar, Dot lUaaan aiid Jm. Kat»r . ...,.At M lilo (U) Opars II<><1»: IHva Blafliiid. U ■la ICftlcoinb, Win. dMk,.WiD._p;iML Cliu ciiiir. Fnnk l»iwtittiilito(O)0p»rm 11 , ..^ • , ll*. Won] ud Cralf*. Iloaanl aoJ Albriili . B«wU Lm. Chi*. II. Ktsv KiMt MkTtT. Xfolli At lli* Rtuirrr. "* " L - .V....— .— .ir«Kil«nD. Unnlmnd E\enlt,tli« NcAvovA llro. 1*. Murphy iitO Kltlr Kuivak. Mtrk Ann* II. Hurei, Ltule Adiiii*. Vtf iritMHi. Adm Pah awl I^>i Htuirrr AtOuvtrostor'iVAt-lllon. AlUnllcClij, N.J.: McLMoand Hall. Dm***,^ LInl* Jnlinion.^Hrova Hr<*^, FUymaoiod W«*UIi. Jopla " " * " UcAvoya. llro. " —*— ■irbftv. RIII7 / Iht Ellloll Pi Narphj'aburto^iu*, "Thtl _. .t i, . -- BuloD'* Tlicilr*. N<>*l^'tt .N*wft,\a.: Tlia Pour leftiMO- lltr*. QorotRn as'l VC^^x. Killr u*l Hi. nuirt, LllMe Tfmnp'oa. Em« Kl nair*. iMDaon ami Mtlboun, 8«dl« lUndiC Lllirs Hthn. N«rl« CIrtJ. Bubbj Utirmr. CblaouD, AQUA WkUoD. Editfi Urair, Honstnr Ptnn. Hunt* Uinv ind Mih* AnUerMo. Al U* Ktil ITwhlDiloa ID. C) l*i«Atar* R«««rl: UIoro. Win. Vol h«rt.J«BaleLom(a«. Will ToAU L« Hvw* aod T. Pre-I Joow. At Ui» ^rtfvlck Ttititr*. Kfwrorl Vtmp, Kd<1le k» Wr tiM'iWB lairaeivj iiassi'fsi RrhuMVI ABi| Alim Clfaoo, llarn _ _ TT •D' Pearl Rrbtfvr. Killlo HotinM Belk r^laman. J««I« Ru> Mil. Barolca IUIdi. pAtri Uirh, FteMa BLaaoa. Z^lia RMd. »l* Pamll. JoOa Im B««. Hollr BAtrr. tfim H^j. dill and Jebn Mich At lb«P*v|>lv'aT1i^Mr«,filiBlfir. no WU-: Tmii P. MairiMayao'lAnni* B RIcfi. Al. New ton. Julia Kelly, J«>2Dle Rub«v. ChaiUr ll.inanii tb* Tbr»* Slnnrhta At thM Picint Oitrlfii. Tolwlo, O.: D« Van and lla&HW- Wi!r Jarbt^js. pearl A'Mirap*.ilt«Har ilera R(Mtr'. Hvlla Loci«]ab. B lly HabtDr, LfdlaHar mbOtl. KlU i-uli:a«. Wallvca lUrry Mnrilaa.Win. Murahr. VlolclKarl. MairiMHulib. IIUicHiraraad .Vallle McPberuD Al noMl aPirt Tivtre. Canh Bar. Md.: Ma« Baltlav. Tamn and Mack:. Ko*a Jaaaoatia. Lwulae Uatlud. FrukI* UHarr.Lva KelfftiLMiodaMlironl, IUrfi<» nifttr^ Llui* mil. Pbi Ras vil, QmM JUck, Hat Kannfdr, J»QD*ita LlUord, lUitri-laa a«d Monia, ud Mad(«OoitfoBs Clipper Post Office tadond for *ieh Mtiar. aMllnrpk oTbuHna rtmowad tif tba penoo adJnaW ahould b* ilvto, la onlar la i>i«Tant muuttfa. NoTiL-pnlwicuta nd otb»T« rtwoM b*ar !■ caltd that aU btlatK «lkriil iRR%ii the UnlMd Rtatea and i^anada, mwti be ^nytifrf, olhahdi* tiiay an not fur vanlcd. LADIES* LIST, llavtborn, KMiir iO'Co0Dor» Pimarta llaathomt, Violet 1>a«4Ut)lna, IUrlovt.TrUI* ' llirria, N^lllo 1 llto Ritiar* ^Amukl Kdllh Alt.lnM<n,)laatl not, i.llliao artOD. Oanl* i Bohee. Mar Balalor Ua« Rn'an, Blaocb* Boll* 811 ten Brui-e, Maud Balehellor, PaullH Burtoti, BUneh* TerTloa, Ulllaa Brlfita. Addle D. ujulew. Mln BroTQe.NwnDa BlakOaHaiDl* Burrauiba. Ida Braildun. Nvllle Baraa« N*)lltf U. Burton, HIU Beckviih, CUr» Beloivnt, Anna Bamii. Emait Caly.LlllUn Carrar, LouU* Chanc*, Aoaa ram>D, BobbI* i^aillDiiictD. Ella Cailotu, — Ctia^itr, Alice Clatloo, Benla Cliefallfr. LillUn na>t*IUo, Victoria Coao, May CuoD iQRiiain |Ro#r Oonklln. Mn.Jn«. W. Olarh*. liydU t^rroTllM, Rn. J. rVa^fobt "^y ^Dorr. <|ue«ale Ihi Bnavy, Utp. f>elinore. — Datonpatrr, Dol DouRlMrty. Marie onion, Hanlfl D arrow, Btlle l>«e. Mn. Malt 3li, Lilllfto >0(i0TaD. MiaJ.R Dotvnif, Halllo Emeraon, Baud EllDore, Kal* E*tli«r, LaPdtlia EoUUI*. — FleVlinR, Pautio* FIthcr, Dot PlureDce, Kva - roy.Ad* ^,, (Irabam. EUle Uraofier, Faotil* Ullbarl, baud (lomian, Prinkta tlrtrilrn, Hay <lould, Cirqa ilarTBV. M Blaorl Haywood, Llnll dfQKhav, Brlta Itayvf^.MaBd Harf*r. Haudtf llublD.MIlllo li«f wood. Lola Jonia« Lllll* Jddd. Ba^l*«l. JibMO abler* Klaf«lle, Mlnal* KlloaJlainloB. Klmlialli JennI* ^Lo4*«, Amilla L* Cli*Tatl«r. Ada Lamoni, Cartl* Lo«*li, oeDeriaTo Lowry.Ullfrfo LudovUl, Luttio UTarole, Carrie LoDMale, Lout* U Take, Mollle L«nBanl..>ir*J.P. La Vauol, t^}rioM LottI, Bono I* Lalor, Aaaa Uanliail. Lillian Jlonroh Blatan Uct^iintovri Wloal* ManjQ*, A JI Mc«r»iio, H«rtle HaDnlDRj RMlla Uoscott*. Vina BcClmid. Hn.P*U Barbie, Mr*. W. (I Xurf r. AlfWd UnOr*; II ra** -I^ralutr. Kiiile rrlm Haul* Parch*,— Pa«l, Hr«.V. M. PDmeroy, lola l'«lnteri fUUio RiiMlLTlnilo RIalia, MIIp. Rocknian, l^nllne RABdoliih, Rett a, ja«i RIchBonO, Uatll* U Rodirem, Kidll RjtjMouil. Blanche RanMiy Hiaivn Hwiney, Katie lUflrllfT. Carrio RoonByi Mai llo aaaaoul, Elvira O^. Clair, Kanni* Jlnelatn Eiaina BylToaler.Aiifil* E. BaAMiol, Ailellua Rt*wart, Belle Roymour, UaoilU* rti<eoc*r, AUl* Btrad, Boitha Btnckton, Klla iflt*v*DiL Caaal* tfulloa.MnL Itiutf. Hra. R. 1. al«rtfn^ Pwrl lisraao, Kinina BIncUIr, laily Italy ihe. Mini I* HL Pellt, Ira. rtamweiu Unta Taiall, HihA run*, Mavbm rhoroioq, Valllo JllrelU, Ml ra HaiHlnta, Cko. Hiir«an,Lnnita B. MllcbalL liiiOHcne HorUn.Julia Motarl.OIII* HlntuD,(l*r(lo Madlwo, Mtad iiMrdaiint, KaUlo McCarthy. MnLO.P. NorloB. Lola Newloo, Main«rll* ."Vearoma, Violet Nowall, llaitle ROUOD. flolllo RiehuU, Matil* /Vkar, Nellie ^r^deo. PAnol* O'BrTaa, Mrv. T. C. "TioD, Helen Ifa, Hrit* aiior. rratn Tirene, — VaUeM^nnellta ▼ VoDllay- Wouda, Mm. Wyaiidmie. Annie Wf ar, Cam* ffarln*. Baillia WeiIa,llaaol ffainn, ElU ff lliOD. Bra. Jaa. riieci. Umo. Valr. Aooa Zanoal. Nariuerit* fMun, Miot Mlia, HIKi. Allaire Urua. Albtrtx, Pr«d Aoilion, Hobl. Alton, ilarl V. Alk*ii.H|io(t)Bvoo(1 AuKelo, B. U. AtblDi, Kay AnOtnon, Myleii AII»«D#, I'rioc* AletaodarATiall* ArnuU; A. R. Alflia.- Allen, Him H. Allen, n*u. W. Ailani*. Ttiad M. Advil. E. H. UUaey.Cliaa. ■^^Him*. Jwhn K. Barnll, V. t;. Halky. tUiii Brnwllct, Lew Heroard, Uom IlKCliio, Muliaiiinl HrMukiv^ Curney Hauell, PIMM. HeuUey, llillr Hyorlry.J. B. U«u All, llaMAO Jludianan, KobL Beoneit, Paul Buriurd, Hldoey Heach A Boaera Bemard. Otiaa. Hllii, P. K. Uouclcaull, A. Bloiliaifl, (I. \f. Bnic«.DBii Buekey, Or. K. L. B<i)d. Julin J. Burnis JotiD Biirlvu A IXAIiua Beaiuar. W. VV. Boyd, L- C. Buikr, Prank Brown*. Kdwiii Brady, B. H. Hkindoll, L. D. Bvlmonl, J.C. Hurohtxrt.(;. D. Uatll, U.K. , B«veri<lK«iU- ^ Bretrnttr, Billy Raker, Ira- "Bonner" Rov«r^ Rllly Bradley, Harry Hul>b,(loo.U. , BaMwio • Maltlll* -a Ball»y. riia^. Barker, Itldiaid Banktr, Edtr. If. Oe»a*lli, J. W. LNiban, Mayer Cardln A Pratt* Cuughlln, Jolio Coniolio, Dare tjole. Hob UhrlNiio, Prank Cn>oIn, Tim Collina. Bryan Cannon ALoiooln* Curlla A Uordoo Crowlay.Jaa. T. Cullianr. W. B. Clancy, Joe i:rodoc — Crane. John H. Clork, U. K. CurtU. W. B. Cllekner, D. L. Coll Inn, P. L. t'olTlile, Rurt Cabin, J. P. CuoDcr, Will L'lair, llatry Clinon, llowarxl t.-allahan, C. B. Cbantber*. W. R. Caiofbell, Willi* Cameron. Wni. Craue Broa. Oaaby, A. II. Clark, Utincan Cr*w A Blum Cole, Uoo. B. Uunnlnitban, Jorry Carror, Dr. W. P. Conner, P(Td Cannon,JV* Collrv, H. Cti*»l*y. lUibort Cook, P. T. ClinorO, Leo- Clhuot, Cli«v. I lavenport, J. C. A/LMlaruiu, UlcB Dawaoo, MIltoD lJafla«K*uu|b DoBwa*. Jolin C. Dockatadtr, Low Delcoma,— Dollar, Ueo. Dareiiiiort. J. W. 1>* Moiir, Umi. UeHliailor, Win. Us Plllil*!. Joa. Da C«>iua, —, Ollbaa A Wade De WIM, Louli IMUurA ^ IMbrlinoot mw*y A Pol ly iMooy, W. y Ulcklajoo, H. P. D* Leon. Prank Ulion, Walior Ulll A UouKlaa D* Keoio. — Da Mult, U'lu. pkkaoo, Ctiae. Durr. Howard D»Un,Jaa. E. IhifT/, Prank Dae I', Ben Daeeoiry, — Dalr.U.k. . DadJy A Karb>w D4Tcnt,Ti<ni. DuberlyAMarOoU Dlambod. Clia>. Uri'its, Carroll Uibour^uf. D*tai''.Dot • UoyI*, Pawy Daprtt, Ciit>. Ee*r«lt. If. u. Elllt, Arclii* EmnuMi. Ci>aa. Erne. Frank Keoratt, Wa. 0. Rmaraofl, Hanr £daaid«,A.i. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Klllawoal, Tom KlUnit, Harry FranIl;w.J. Balerbruok, Kr«d EdiH'n, W. B. hlllnwuoda I'layera Kiitcrwn, II«d KIlia, Arckl* B'lWMfdK, Ja.^ nitllih,M4i'TU- Kilwanla,i;. fi. 'pieblp.J.i*. Pit/nraU. Harry Pabloan IJuaiUt Print A PanabaiTo Plyon, John A. Pui. W. II. Plllail, - Prank, UubaM Piek), Al.fl. Fifii»r, P. U. Pll>{«trick. Ham Pl>nn, Jo* PraMr A Pop fannlni[,Tiiiii PMiar ACrxivell Parley J.. John Proem. Lawranc* PalrTlioa. J. Purd, Oirk Plaftn, (lllbert y«niua Hrua. Prtftor, Btaf e B. Parnll. Loula Proy. Ji4io Pairao, Barney Plaliar, Biter. PloMis Jolin PIdier, Pbll Prmilor, K A. PelUit. II. K. Prl«drIcba.UuHUr Prancli, A. B. f^erc*. LouU Ploranco, blllia Palcou, HdW. U. PoMor, II. W. Ponulnis W. Poy, Detkl Planer, Prank I'. Gruve, Uave ilnbnclil, Ed. llruDadiloM, Artlit Uieoo.HaiD Orluini. J B. Uroea, C. P. Irawl, JrlTorMiD, C I). Jeaa, Jobo Junker, Will A. Jurdao, Tmii Jay. Mrypf Kalley, K A. KitMaL J. H. KkIioo, Clilr Kennedy, M.J. (.C. tennedr A (Julun Kamt, H. P. Henliisly'i) I'Uyan Hoenrtfl. Prank J. KluK, Prank KI*io, lIuMav KeyM, llubeiL Klutf. J. H, KaiiilalL K KalJIb.H T. P. Uloeajriw U. P.t. lintden, Horace yHrua. ..'inii.ll.P. (J)lnlur^ U. 8. Uorduo, J. II. UarUod, B A. (Juodwln. JohnW. Unniiao, Jake (laijou, Lou UalUfliar A Weat Uaina, E C. (Jerinvn, Jaa. ■ lao. ifuvii>ln.Tbo«. iJ«irnon, Bert Ur«*D«, L. L. UroM, Uarry illlintrra, Majnr 0«kl Bottou HIU Uiimo, R r. Oillllo, Johnol* (JleaafrD, Laa- (JoriOiO, Thoa. J. UaunU P*rcr Ullbcn. J. E. Ualea, i. A. OoMen, BUI/ Uatdaer. Jack ilreea, Ed. J. ilarlaail, Jaa. Uoo IT, Wm. ilairoey. Jack iiale^ WUUur fluimo, J^o UlliMrt, etna Hluhcoek. KaymoDd llawortli. Jua. Iladley, P. E. ilunilof. RuMoll lleelay. if. P. Ileodaraon. AL riaidlnir, Oiaa. Huiclilna*. P- M. lIlHh, C.V. Ifarrlaon, Bim UUOllDR, Lt»t Hawk(na,Bldn*y Uaaaoo, Uiaa. (or p.AU.) Hoinlley, Pnd Hliaapear. M. Harvey, J. lluiLu, Aody Haotllteo, H.A. Had I*. Prod iiutcblOB, B. p. Haltau Jolio Hanlnn, Jae. llllO" * " HamiUun AOIyan Hub*, p. W. Hall. Win. HopMr, Carry llarStr, Will Henley, K E. Harkiw, - IIUJAHIU llaanl*. J. H. If ofaD, feJ. B. Iliaaoll, Praob Ifarn*!,/. R. Harlliaa, W. H. Il*cfc. Pl.ll llaaacbeU Qeu. Mowarda, — (or KalUdekl. L«iu(a Kendall, PrnRlwii KrkHeLI'iul. Khid, iTeo. Kelly, J. K. Kirallr, Arniilil Klrkliaid,A. C alonl, Arthur 'Laaraiice, A. <!. Llitle, Dick Lanpley, Prod Liivojoy, II, D. f,«wla,J.C. LewKUeo* LoTBniuo, Tboa. UndtUy, Jiihn J. LaCuori, Artliitr Llndlay, Ali»art ■■awKMi, Jon. Loni*. Pmiik Lawrence, JuhD P. LeuimU Ariilvu Uitao, A. l>. Laveir, Ttmy * Umble, P. 0. LaH-rlt A Kwain Leuol * Kverell I.a Motile. Hlave LeIirliUiii. Uarr)- LwnanJ, Hcott Loo, Princ* Ua K«aoe, Harry Lannnl, Uara Uoiloy. Prod LoaUkT, Edward La (,1*do, Louie Lot looB, Til* La Roae, Harry L> b*ru»^ Tony l<o«ir*v A Praucia Ldt*. Lo* laa Hue, Eunne Ur. KobL R. lAwreoc*. A. C. Lund. Larry LM,t.T. lAveiider, Tom l^rtUa, Uoo. (brknwrd.Cltaa. ^Merrltt, LouU Manin*, Eddie Markliam. Hanr HclluKlt. Ed. Mcllaboo. Waltar Mack,KuB*n* Uatilneiu.(]aA. MBllhewa, P. H. Mark, W. L. Henll), Cliaa. Mortimer, Prod Hobrlni, Win. MoDrot.Ooo. «Uc<>, T. K. Miller, II J. McHuwall, W. H. McKeoilo, II. Murray A Hack MIIUr.Laraieiur Moolun. Ullb*rt HUea A Inland MtCaU, J*rr. Md-'oniilck, A. HlUard. — Morjtao, H. B. McOillkuddy, Cbaa. Mack, And raw McDonald, Harry Mct:oy. W. H. MonoU, I). J. M**k*r, Uio. Hack. W. If. McL«(o, Billy MigaldB, llarrr Morrlaaay. T. P. HianluH. J. H. Mofluoa Kid Maffulr«,T.T. McCano. ileo. Morrla, Wm. McCaitliy.Cbafl. BocarUM. Mark, Tony Uarii. Al. Mulicahy. D. MacKId, K E. MoriaB, Ur. J. ?. NcPTiea, Cbaa. HcUorora, Archie Blodroii. P. W. MUUr, Pror. H. H. Banal I, Harry Meyrict, Harry MIteltoll. Jav.C. MoCalo, Jeff. Myallk, CiiaA. Uaharm, Jack Muntrar, Ed. Back, Sott Nelioo, Low .SntI, J. H. Nankarl))*, W. E. lliin>ii,H.E, fflBMD, J. Hvrftor, ia«. R. HodKklo A Uitli Huda»D, U. B. HodiIdv, Koirt. floHtn. B. P. fUr. Borb* A A HaadaO llrwlo, Prod Irvta, Jaa. Irwio. Win. Jame^ Loala iarrhi, P. h. .fafcetkua, — BlchoU, Cbaa. Bnbka, Mllloa Narlor, Prank A. Vefaoo, Huo t(oUn,J. J. KorriH, Pror. C. I. Pi>arEUM}Kew*lf. U. I». eelaonla. Prank ablAHradlcy HaiHnalTrlo ~ l«a.aiU. -rert/>n, If. FL rpDay, Wm. Oabo. (l*o. H. (PBourk*. Prank '••■on, r, r. Tjn^ p. W. idtn. P. fi. I, J. I'. . . Hlthan), Bd» n Kltdall, J. A. S*el*T, (Itaa. W. iWlLr. A. I.. MivatlQRer. P. J. RullUan, Jaa. U. rii. i:ialr, llhi itiniiralnj). Hi Alirrr*. lai larry n'DeP.Prnr. Lou ^acra Pintltp rrtlllaJr.Atm. Pf*i*'oll. r. " {•rrlok, " I aiirraoiv jacv Pratt, K. PhllHiaA NanMn Pearra, *\ 1). PaUnt liriM. run', Harry Peek. Mx-a. Palmer. Jot.n l*arn^ Ren P. Pierce, B. P. Pa lam Rmi. I'raTOla, Ed. Perry. Bii. K. vi'^" '•• l*alll>D, Wm. Piinii, Itlrhard Quaker tMy giitrlei Rnats Wm. ll««d,K<l. RajiiioDd A Welch KittbU. M. II. II) ao. Bam Koblaaon, J. H. Hoaalraa, rh» Raynnrr, W. L. HetnT A Walthnf Itoiatrtf. .SeUno tianuiiiip. Knbi. Huaal*y,Ja«k Kubblna, L. RaDktn, Aody Rice, (ten. T. Rniwiit;. J, Rire,0. W. HanoA Pohl KlfHlelL Cha>. A. R(t!i«nlt*rp, Ma*i Rowland. AUrrd Riiwa A Henia RaDdolith.J. W. HayookU Kro<l K Reno, W.H. RaiillllanJIw. C. RowUml. w. lUieaiii. M. J. Rlc*AKlm«r Hoifonl. KInier Kobbln*. Prank A. K.»«o.if.H. nitkti. All. ltlchanlii,A. M. Kadmnnii, Bd. RuHoll, Sam Kuild.- Koblnanr, (1111 llndnor. Prof. lUlldDl|>l^ 0*0. Ilolllni^ U. W. HoberU A Alton Haynmnd, Pel* Hamlnlrh, - (ol It (I. tUt) ItOfOI*. E'lwaitl TiiRHR la A Ultar at IImn ullire fur l'ol«r H(>KUinan. rl.tri;t*at, Prf it P. !tt4nl*r. U W. ,<thRtrhrr, l'(i*«. .-flieldpn, Ptank Sinrrelt. l>-e :*Ctir rhpr.R. :ir-tiiiit. riank ll RulllTan, R. J. droit, —(tvrman) smioD. niek V. ■««airvrO. J. B. :1va)o^ llarry Jotniiif r". Prank Amllh. UrnilerM>n 4kaliy,W. II. Uc. :leldeaalilcker. „ l-all* tiiillr A Xwirq S(llTr,.tittin P. Mtpplirna, (Inint Spencer, i). W. Maow,<l*o. II. fkhntftlrr. P. m. AmivWill KtUnilM»f,Tli« Hrott, If.fa. Mafhriy. - Hiiiltb, II. D. Hlirhlnn, llany ^|•arl^ - i"( R A Daler) RtantpT, J. Prnuk ' Iftiliv A Nmire Klii'iUr, Buck At. Clair,-<»r Itkhanlaru. itierrnP, W. H Slioy. Th-a. ilrhuninrher, P. 4.H I. Joe M Van. Chaa. Ml i:;alr, Harry 4win, pan Hio<rarl,l3Rl. !inyilrr, Cbn*. K. Mtn^n, niCAr 1*. riniall. Prank A. TiKker, Will Ta>lt>r, Prank rhalrlier. Hen. ThOBt|*«<n, Ifeiiuiin Tanfttar, J. a. Tucko. llao. P.. rrler. a B. Tboeipvon, R. H. TliimiaiioAHiinnell tumar. W. Y. ralnr. J. M. Tlionie, Prank TA>ltir, Harry Tajlnr, Jntia raU>r, llro. Taylor. Frank Tbflmpetrn, A I. Tarry A Klmar TAkornwa. P. VomiKi, Tarl Vau. Billy VanDitoinuin.Nrnl Voirlhlil, Itrniy VrtVlarp', Tlif WitUatn-, Trxo. Wiriel, P. r, RV'l, Km. WallliioAbiJaa H>»U H. f. . ur|iliHiti4. liriMle \Vn)n<* (Uibl. Weil. W. H. Wa»»n. W. B. '"illlaiii*. (.awrenra n'ttnlhutl. lllrtm WIlMin. V'ranrli n'A>t, J. H. WllliiT\l.4niaa 0. WlllU. M. T. h. WnlliifiL n. la. wiiuhi. H. n. Whiimao. Fmoli W>'ploir« Cotumllana Wliilo. t'liaa WiltanIA Hall Wallnrc. P.. II. Walii'tt, OrTllla Wrnlw.Tlh, P.W. Wallr.J- K. wm«. ,V. M. Wrnirrl, — WItlnrd, Jiv P. WlilioKnak Dill Will*, J II. Wirkiiilri'. Will*, tlvi. W. Watil, Jitlin Walla, tiianlry Wonlley, llarrr WhIiM'lo. Wakin WihhUA Wt>cdM Willi. Hilly Wllli4ui>. Mail Willianie, HHir WaifTbury. VA. Wnrli>n, Jraa Warrrn, Hrniarl Warble. W. IL Wliilo. Clian. W«lll4,J. It. irnrk, ftuvt'fia Wiil.urell.ti. K. »iar, Praak XKVIar, .HIS YniiBK. H. ft. Vatn. Him Vnune. Kraitk r. y.loRhtr.rrur. f.i " tiPl> /erpalli. KiMlo ]}(em«r. Klna /eitnA (Hrul ralunt, — 7Arro, J. W. MINNESOTA. Oraooa, — (PDolTWo. pataaBell RlDgaia 0*0*11, Wa»«r Nlnn«»l»ollf.—At Kolil A Mlililloinii'rt I'Mlm-p Muoiiiii, for week coinnioiiuIiiK JnlJ '-'[■.nro Ur. nitd Mni.C'i J. Kimtontml ihtlrdou iifittmki'ii, MnJ. LUiln Finffcriitil wifo, II. Ilmwne, Albhtl (mitKliiith). (Ho KuHJi, iriloiirko iiitd niinioH, llrtyirn anil Olitunl. Prvd Hd NooiiiHl Nfllli) UnUulro. lliiHltikAalMralr coriAlilcrlna Uio MnvMt, NtiTCH.—Tlia IMlAco MiiMOiim U HiO uiily Hai'O ur Ainiiaonioitt llial open, e.xrf |il lliti l,Hkn lliirrlul I'avlllon.KlwIilultatKowHikxMOiii in iw Hie iitalii Aiirmclliiii ciHTH l4iul!U)'l*liiiin|iMin la rirmiUitK lier vaniilon At h«r homo In ililx rliy ciiarkH M. Fi>ni«, whn wai Mhiiiifily lajumf lU lli* KIkH' Allniitlr Cltf rfllUi|Hr. I« mHII nuilliii'it In tiln Iimiihu. Duimia.—Tlie Tcniiilo (Itiem lliiUHoniirtml Hn jmimrurllifi Aral Htiioiii Diiltiih vt ilin tirlnlv Ojhta Co., Ill "A*W ISwtM,*' Tho linitM wmh ritlN.r wrll (1lle«l, Thti cuiiiiinnj liii'liHlcil K. I.. (lnivi<a, prank Itdlwlnto, llitrry INvlii, Uuld. I.gil, Jiirk UiMHiitritnti. Wm. Illckrf, Krcil Miillitii!<, Jrj-M II, Kiillnii, H.llorMMi, Arlliur Kollum. Coltllii HhlnciiHrl, lli-alrlco Hiiliii-- tiardl, ItllM llarniixlun.Aiinn KaUtiii, NVIIIn Wturila, lltilou D'Kallo HDil DtrcrturT. Hurl I'urkH. 'Haul lUMbB" wnM mii.g 'i:, "I'lniifnru'' iiiiillncn 'ii. "rtinUja>M:oL"'J4, itlahl,"Thn rhlnicKur NDniiniMly" •jb, "ClrorlcClrnnn" 'M. "tiilvrHo" a;, Tim liiialiu xs linprovcil RH tho wevk mlvniii-cil, TiiK LvcKHMiHiUrk HilH wvrk, Tliu Wlliiur Oiicm Co. will pUy A roluni cnf[ttRonii!iii hero, n|triilitii JV. Tbo hnnlontfi ut HjIh roiii|iaiiy wan very lanro when Uiey were hero Ui» Ital liaU of Juiio, trhcn lliu llvliiu plrtiirtii waro iho ilmwIitR nirJ. Tub I'ayilioh (Hi iliohlll Inji Imil auoo<l iilll wcnk or TJ, wbli:h lot'liiiled: UllHu Ollvn, In JuiTtflliiFri <■■•• lliiiiiley HlAlom, In kmibh nml Uuirut; \u4ilin. cUttnir(er(iAnci:r;.S||irr1cil, clmtucler liiipnmiinttMr. nml Ihinllnit hiiiI Ah Hid. Tho clly IjadiI m)pi roiiieH In ror llM aliarunr iipjilaiiHO. Thn wriUliiT haa not l>coD iif lUo khul lliAl tfnoaffer aMnXMinUr vhhU fur Uio bill Ui|i. July linn iii'mlr iioMiril iiuayuiiij wu bHve lull i>i)ly a luw wurin ilayii iliirliiK thu iiioiiMt, hut Iho liufhiciai kun licitii fair. I'AKIJMt TllBATHE llBH fur 11)1 Altnii:Ui)IIH WCrk rif July -il: Charloa Wllllard, Jlllly HaII. KM. Wcli-ti. Frtink Naroy, I<Ia Ih^rttiA Arnl thurcKnhr rrmnln Alnck. On iHixloK lilRhl ihohuiiHO 1m |mi:ki:<l, biuI lliAllJioDce or twliro a week, on tho iitlHTiiltfhla IjiinlDaw It Htbt, lull It la plckliiu up Hoina tim prrH eotweek. llarrr Fanwlrk.uf IhHiiUi.iinilJIiiulnlL Mphl^relBhl, nf (klironihi, will Ik: tbo pair lo put up thulr lianiN A. ^ Hi, Paola^Al Mm l!elri)ii'd"'*'< 0|Mm llfHiMi Uiu WllliurOpen (A). liailKimal IhihIihim w*ok ur '^1, lo nperiorj.HiuHvhiK plcturcH hHII l>elii|iiho di-MW' Ing rnnl ur Hie enlRrlalnineiii. tt new acrtc-i IwIiir HivuD nach week, Weuk or w lliu coinimuy will clt>i« llH OfiffAKaiiicnt At IhlH hoiiBO 111 ropvrtury. Tlio bouiowlll rciniln cIomhI rnrthrcii vuukiiAiiil will Often Mm rCKulir iieAaoii Auk* '^t with "Tbe Chl llnmoflUad." OHAKD.—TbiB lioaw la Hllll clOMd, AWilllnff llto openlnR of ibe rrtttilar hcawhi. HvOBOA.-Kor week of vu: Tho UmhaiiiH, kllllo Morrell, Welch ami Kraiiriii, u. li. iiArrlnvr, Haiii Ya (Rcr and tbo nlratk. CtuklnK: Tbe tlufkn. COBO rAHif.~Tho Btlniclluiiii ul itilH favorltorc- Hort fur wcok nr liavo Ih'HIi llnmk'a Hcmnd lli'tfl- niODl llADd, of CljICAKll, III., ADll HDIIIO llf IbO BaiKlUW TmcAdcro people. TTio mieudaiico bun tmun vory tariie. ^ MICHIGAN. #Under the Tents# II. K. llAiiUAK. minnccr nf llm o|>cni hniif a at Ul. Vrrnnii, III., aciiclfi iho fi iKinitiu: (I'Mi^eliiiii ami Iknalry wcm to hnv^ Mitriieil ti rlrnia horo on July hut iivrliiit lo It nro that tiHtk plarn nn PrklAy, 19, Itii-ywtll hu rutiipclletl liMlofer Hiolropenlniiilrtto tiuiil Ihcy CAM m'ciiro ft iiowoiiHII. Tlio bilTWhtit nilJoliiliiR Ihe one uacil by Mirni an a flnmiro hnniti wichl llro on FrhtHy uighl, nnd itcroroanilhlnff cniikl lio mvnl Miv HtorHflo liiilhllnff ruuRht Ann evorytltlntr wba drniiitjt'il. Tlio lot hrtil heoik lulrt out ami polraem ird, mill Iho iciiiairrro Id Imvu bornputupnu Ihu ri.>il(t«TliiK day. Tliclr loftri cun* aUia ur Iho cnnvart umH. litpwith Mft.nihldle plerc, llilriy lennibit n'hh. ilniwlnR nmm Ami riI llm llflhti; In rai'i, iiolhh-tf wan mvciI hul Iho polei*. Hiakca AiKl fitli^. Tiivy uro urKoHallng fur k now uiiiui. nml, If iHtAitlitp, will (rj Ui p.ot mil In Unio lo niako H (vw fair lUlrn uiiil mo H)|'.i|i ihla Winter. .V UuollnvHI iMi Rirun Hiutuifiir>unaioinnii«ceiAlii Iho o|H]iit huuMC, *.1i, hy iho Iho (crfonnrm wTiii hid bvio,rtwlalcd l>y l'ir:il lBieiii,H(icrnhM'liIhop\*p funncra wbo nio lu-ro, cni;Hf;c(l li> ii|Hirt »Hh llm aliiiw, will Mcok (iihiT riigAtirtntiniH MiiHI Mw(i><a ihtrlrtchlu.i aim) Hi>a<i|cy nrrMii)(o Id (i)wn. NllTKM KKIlH lltNriNl.H' I'llU l'il.—IlllalUCffl tH Art BiMhlAMCAU i»t* o.\|wi:ini. .\i (Irconiwrl, Jiily iD, \V. \V. Ct>tit mill Mih. Jniirri IhurhliiMun nml family m-n ilMliiRUlrthftl vUlUitB. At Hiialiluir t^linn. IMitiuituil nitil iir, Um. Jai, CiHik. roilrcil ciiuri* irlHii:!, vrro vlsllnifi. l>iir new pantilu conluiura wutti pill till ni YuiiVcr<,-a.'ii, and wcni ihvlnlk of tbu liiwu. Krauk Wvlaor nml Prank Ihiyntnii, uiuhUi- aiiM, chtavil 'Ji, antt Jainm PrriutiTiinat himI VViii. (lariioy Jiihicil Ibn miiui ilalu lo llll (ho vncHiu U^. Tlio llnnlluH lUu:*.' llyhitf loltiin nul li Iho tulk of Uio iiailvi^a cvrrywlicni wu apiionr. thiraiinrx Ih nno of Ihu MlnitiKwt llf \U kliiil on iho loml, niiit ht Aitly prr.Milcil uvrr hy CIinh. K. (itiiilu. iMvoiMa* luliii Hiid Hlfu'iirldlnuAni.HArplenillnufi'nimi's wHU t>i)r "Wdflira Un-jtimi,'' tliMi«. WIIIIhiiia \a hAiul- . llDK thn ilritly pRiicrauinio In a nuiHtrrly way. (hir coterlo nr I'litwna, headett i>y our tfonlitl iii>iiiA|ter, HjIi lliiiiiiuir. Htid alily Mitcitmlrtl hy Jithn J. Mnriuy, Urn. II. l/iwtT/nuil Tmuniy Umhlcn, furiilHliva au nliiiiiditni'n uf iiicnhitmi fur ihu Yokclii. Jnko IWy kCi.'p:« our huiidrril uild huail nf ntix k In llnft comliiloii.aud J. VV. Kt-llt*y nlwayH hiiit ercrylhlDf; roAdf un Iho hit In ihn ciiuviiTt ilr|>iirlinL*hl. All liamlt I'oiirrly oivct Ihu lh.i> UKMAiii.Kun Mm weekly apprnrencc. NllTKH I'HIIU St'HIItSKH A' SHITII'h t'l UCI'.-<. — A(. lUuirHuK Ami wlfo, or iho lUiiKllnir Hlmw, H|i«nl n (lay wUnurtlaaL wrrk, Aitd. nrii-r litukluic ihu ahuw uwrrATchtlly. Mr. IlluKllntcjcitd nmlmi-iimitiliiicut orhnvlnKlho Ihicai wakou mIuiw lhai hu hua Hrni Hhii^u Hiu ilayii nf llio HIiiuiIiihh ou wuBiinc, Wo iiiAilo our Ural nliiiul hi iVniMylvanln la*«l wcok, lifhiR Ihu lint llitin ihlH Hhow Iirh iMion In ihn Hiahi HlnrounrilrAiymr. UiwrH.tturlliiiur.V riiulih luivo iMiih licun nwayfiir a wtck. Ur. Murllnirr wvni h* Willbiui<|Hirl, I'M., Htnl ahliijicil iliuhrluitdu hi Pliu- hiirff, and lUAdn h ntllniNil cuniraii lo nlil|t thu cn* lln< Mhiiw iiu.vt Httinrdny. Mr. Hnilih In In I'llltihiirir Willi Iho ailvanro, iiro^iMiuihnf for rrvidi irrrlhuy, whiuli IH lianl tu llmi. (lur imnlni'.'n l:i Ihr t'alakliti wrtH ptii>ni>iueiml. nnd Ihn i;rniiial vrnlUi wiia: "U In llm liiTU'tal mill Im*nI t:lrni<t lluit wh:i ovrr hi lliu * CalNklllH.'' SmKH PIHIM ItKSTI.KV' KAHIIIO.NKn COIWTUV (Irvua, Nuw York I'liy. llualni>M rtiiiilnnea tu lin rikhI, ami fdilmrt Whlilnkur, 'inir cipiifiiUlnii niaiiiiHvr, Ima Ihu anuw iiiiiuHik ah xnu.'tllily nx (jAiihu. Hvir>iH;iiyN happy. ThoKcnti'iiiiin wnli liio wlillo iif-rkllii |Mi)H lilA ri'uuliir tvrckly viah. Tlio htlhiwdiK tictv ruiTH jiilnnl lliH wurk: Thii llnmtK HlHtuni, IMiIiImuo, lain 4ir Ihn Clruua HAlAMtonhky, HI, ri:irniiiirK, Ihiwiia, wnrlil re* iiittriii'd hnml lialaiH'ur; Kmuk Kniniicll, Prcnuli clitwn; >hirRnrrliu iinini/, iiml llnhi. l,i:n, jiir* ifliT. 11in riilli>wln)( nllt n<maln: hiiillnu Cnrrc, prhH'Ipiil itariilMtrk rhlcr; Mlln. /an*, ihu Aiiniht ■■ginaiw.—Al NowellU Pavilion (lio llernllunt, lo rfpert'rry, bHve drAwn finu hoMWH Ihlu week. J. Kdox HavIu and M. Ii. .^irculcr. aiippnrted hy Mietr own company, lieRlii a weok'a iriiuAKOiuunl Jolr-.v. UaH.<<1'HA IlAll.KV'HClHCCri LOIIICH AUR. H. ri, Ctay. leiuco auiI munRer of the AcAduniy or Muftir alDce II wu imlll, nnd who Iiah i»wh Uio lend* luR0ianARerlH:nrurlhlrly*flvu yCAm. mllron fnun acllro llfu Aug. I. "fflrlo" Hnm Ih aevkiilr-alx jeaiA at Age, bihI haa a hi»al ttt frlemlN iliruiitfixiul tbo connirf, who will wlihhlm iimny yturHof hap- ploeM and well cAritcd ruki. Itli nut yut limiwn who will tiiAiUKO Ibe A(»ilotu/llitt runiUiK mahou, htilir (ho pniillcUBtelACiinanllLil Trraaiircr Ifiivld ■on will Im the iiiAh, an bo la vury iKipular with ihu palroDi or tbe hiiiae, I>elrolt.»Wuiidcrlanil ulnicd July -a fur b lirlit real. And will reo|ieD Aur. iu wlih a iAtt hill HADager Uuore lr*vert fur New Vuik, where hn ex- peclB lo inikfl III* headuuArleni perinaniiDlly, hi ot' tier 10 lie In loncb wHh tbo l>e*l Kurn[ienn nuvelHeA tbAt Arrive and liook Dicdi fur Ihe aiUBf.iinictrcitll. UAiiAgcr HUlr. uf llie Wblliiey Omuil Orwra llouae, \$ iDAklDir auiiHi luiproTeineiiu fur llm coin- lag AeAAOo. putihig in a patent vcoillatur hi llm rear of ibe aIaro lud many uHier nuudcil etiulpnwiiU. The ooaie la l>eliig rnlFr.<miii;d In llBlitAOd iMly deatgua, Tbe Ural aIUicHoo loupcn will ite '*TcnncH*cb'A Pardncr," hdluwcd hy l>avlrt \ Keuifb'i hlff produulloii nr"Oii ilie Hiiawnee lUvcr," wblch will IM the flmt tliiiu Iho ideue U nriiienled un any Haie PAWoeo Ulirn wihl Weit .Sbuw li ifooked for two perfonmoceH July31, GEORGIA. A<UBt».—At Ibe Ijcenm llerUrl Halbcws' Humuer Upere Co. cloacd the Ural weok of Hi en- gagement Joly 7t. (m Uie opening nighl "H. II. o." uartU were dUptayed wben tho dovn were npeped, 'TIM btaek IfurMT" wea pret^ntAd for Hie nm three Digbli, tod fur the lAkt biir of Ihe week " The Beggar ttludeoi" wji pUycd. Vmc^ iierfciuiance WAAwlioe«ie4 UT houiM of imioeDM propfirilohH. July M Bod vi "IndlAOB" will tie preBenicd. Tne AdTADCe MAl B li griftQ. ARKANSAS UllU n«ck.—At rileowood J'ark C'hirlCN Mllott NUwoDglo, mind rftiler, cime Jul/ 24. lo good huBlrteAt. Due: UcKee flAnkln, Mr, bihI Mn. Mdoej Drew BOd cofflpBoy, week ottt. lllll. Ullii, o'llrlMi, May Hlimnri, .SfldmlaH riliniiii)). Him KlyiiiK llrtilliiTH fji Vuiih, TIiom. MrliHlli'i. (Nil. K, liHiilid IhHiiin and IiIh ihm nf riiiir IKirlnriiiliiK lltina am n finiiim wlih Iho hIhiW. HiiIiI, WlilMakiir cali'lifH llm AutKunn* wllh IiIn linn ridlni/, ami Mllo. t^rm rniiirH in f"i* hur iduini ul Iho iijipmiiiu*. Krnitk KnniilicI miit l^m WhIiiukiT, rtiitviiM, kciMi lli'i iiiiilhimrn hiipiiy, Mr. Il(<iill)*y piirrhnaud rmir iH-aulHnI dnhldn mm Hrny liuracHlnNl wufk, and Miiriin l.(iwandu iNlmMikluK Ibem III for a fuur hur*) iiul, (lur rlrnna him tTuii llin favor nfthuiiuiilti:, nml raHlihuinldu nndlunceH iiro Iho iirdnf m ihn day, Tp hi July -Jil wo hail lllvnii idii''lriiu poiruriiniiiL'nM, inchnhiiK Ihn Iwnulll Mlvrn Tor lliu nlirk l»ldi«' fnnil. 'J.Vt>;j jiriipln, In* rluiling rhihiriji, huvn vMlvA llunlluy''< (M«[ Vnth- loiied i.'iiiiiilry t.'lrrux. NOTf-yrHOHTIIKWAHIim^HM HllilW. - Wm. .WhIuii haa hn'ii hijiriK uif wlHi A iMnin liaiik, hut Ih work- liitf Again. .M.'PiuifMiit 14 nil Ihu Hli-k IIhI, and iH IrtyliiU'irrnt Ni>w Vork. Wn imnr liiivo ono ur Ihn HirtiiiifKHi riding H iiiwa In Ihu niiintry. I.iiiihi WnKh- huin linaHdiluU a R'hmI tuirmh Iinnlle mci In Hin IIhI, whllolhn prliH'liHil ai:I, iloiiu hy Kracln Wuah- hum, and llm iJirryinic Art, ipuin by Win. Klhhht ami Hradii WitMhhnni, win nmrltr'l Hiiplmirtit ilally. AL I'lyiiiiuilh, UiiiN., iiiir nxiiiiiMiMi ai-rlAl lathlui* truck WHH run Inioiiynnu nf Ihu iiOdi-mi wngmm Aiul hnik«n, an, hi urdur lo riiiihlmirpninil'ai. Mr. WHahhnni iniiiln nrnniKfiitciiiH wlih ilm owner uf iiliQ nf llm hirgu hiiiliirHH hhi':kH lo hiivn Oaplnlii Hallry divo frum tho tun uf Ihu liullillug Into lliu ni:i, nlnitiy rent Ik-Iuw. Uny HrookH, iaiUH»ed lady, liAN Again Juluud Ihu hIiow, aHur aii llhinut uf rmir wri-ka. Junn O. Mc'liuhlliT Iiah fullrbHrgnur thu muiiouni,Hnd Jului llnilni-yund CIiiih. HuilHi riuiji 111 Ihu ahokiilM uf lliu Ihnmga who \Nt thii itdu Allow (iHlly. NEW JERSEY. Jeirae|f' Clly.—Kvcry(hlnKi|Ulcl iihiiig Mm rrgn- lar llivnlrlciil Itiii*, mid Ibo «-iiiiivrl K-w)rlrf, cuulcil hy elrdrlcHl faiiH, Iiavo evorllitiig rumliig Ihuir WAy. J. 1. !>.—Hidla airffml, Ihdiy Uuitfi nuHr, llnlHi Ittol, iKiru l^iinuii. WllllHtil ami Ihiyu nnd I'mr JimnkoHruHit-hidMllii Hinhill ftirihlH wcnk, WAHiiiMmiH.-I>t//Jn Anron, Uay Uurrla, l.llMo AdauiH and IJ/olu ,S*elriiin. Wii.fiiw llAVKN I.SK.-thnono, Kr^nk Coiroii, Jtuahm. Kmiik llHlnr, Harry nml JnH«ilo MMrldli, Wm. Krlly Aiid KttA lo'oiui. N'TKH.—iinionu, aHcra innat Niiccciurnl wntk aI Willow Ilavuii hin. will n-iiiAhi weuk of July tj. HliD haM Hlunod wild .^niii Duvoru rurHovoiilrnii uiiu week HlAiidH. Ilur iiorrliy uoxi hmimui wIIIIioaii ArnMu JiiKgllng art Ilmry Tlukln p'lrt wllh .Idellim l/Olgh, In "In llio I*'(Miili|lh<> n^alagu iiiiichliilal. Tliui:unipHDy uiHuiaul ItMiMiraliT, N. \ ., Hupl. VI Managiir (Irdrun Ijimrii |nih1 iia n vlall 'ju Ml hitcrerti iuaiiaKi*rii In lila nuw iMiriahi ndvur* llAing mulhml. ^ lluhukoni—At Iho l.jrlr Ihn dcriirrtfuri hn\u Hielr it'Airutil Hi piHlUnii to do Ihe Inirrlur work. Tim L-Miiimclora uro ul work liiilldliig Iho wing to hu UAi'il AH A Mrcno ruoiii ami drCMnhig ruoniH, oii ihn imlnt Plago Mwra. UHd nnd HIM nn dnlngiwo iinw Hircot dropii, Thu now imtiHln will liavo rnrHiiii* Jcrt a a':Miiu fmni "Ihmi Hlovuiml." KTAH TiiRATHK.—Kvi'iylhliiK Ix niovlug Along ■iiUHJihIy. tlaiiAKiT Wonlliil ha-t Hrnnni hlH cx* ecullvo ulmtf, ivhicli will i.-omprlHO AllHirl Hchlllnr, ireAnurer: Orniond Vniz, mw ni ihn Hra Iknrh I'lilAt.-o, I., h adrr; Hurry Klcliardx, propcrllea; I>c<i /jiinrreHa. mIbko mHiiBier; Wni. Kifgrl, MAgo t-arpenltir, hu'I Kfl'llo Kluck. boail duor keepur. Fiyun And HiierhUn o|irn iliu homm Ang.'.'I. uml nut Hhrriiiaii aod Morrlxny, a rnlatjiku hy my Inroiiu* ant. lMrBnuf^-K<lii« Uay, .Mamlu luvli, Imily ur- fetlauml Kulh llidl. Iliiiilii('a>i In fAlr. NofRH.—lywder W, (,'. Uurrlaiin Ih locAled Ht Coney hlaod MhiIo HrhmliH, wire ofMHiiegcr John Coliigaii, or ihc Imperial, Inu taken n HumrutT trip to llHUiimrg, (irr. Hhn cxikcIh lo rciuni In HcpleinlK-r Uo/AhfrfMa hua nut yet fully re* cuTcrtd Ihu iiM uf IiIh i:yfi, Injured laat w-mmiiiaI Ihu old llljou Nttllto fldwanU han J( Iho Tauilr.vllie rAUki Uainln Hlamoml und Carrlu ItovAflhttVOjrilnM halida ror u Hlmrt lliuu. Thu former li laid up with a had faco iwvllliig. fffltpark.—t^ioardUray, who managM lheox> blhltloii uf I'Ahi'A nrnwoikN whkb w«H given hero net oral wecki ago with Miimi uiHul anceeiiKjintiai - rAUuctl for Ihe reltirn or tba cdiuimtiy with h nnw DreworbA HpeciHclr, ontitkd "Thn HIuho or Vera CrtJK." TblH eniertatnDmiit will iw glvim In thn «ame Malromteelylaaviiio oilier, uml whi ucunr al Waverly Park durliig Ho: A««k of Aug. la! HADAger Krrd Waldmaiin and wife are aliircunt at/fpplug In l.«iodc>n, Knu-. with Mr. and Mrn. K. (j'lfn', H r.> latter t cing Mr. WAldnunD'i Milter Waldmami')) ffperu Uouku will onen for tbo rogulai* RVBMm mi Aug. 11, wllh John V- Kleldi* Dranliig VMAi A (loxon meinlKiiH or Newark I/idgu cf Kikf went over to Jeruy Clly llelghht, July 3i. and gave ll'ibett NeH a geuulnu Hurprlne, IbopArty Bpeut n inoit cDjoyAlile uvcnloa, and After a kuh* ibaullal HUppcr were entertaliwd by Auguhle Mo- reau oa the planu, and wllb vocal Helooiloiu bj Ueaara. Wlilllle, McUoverD, llumpbreyfi, lloliDefl bqU oiberB.