New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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342 THE NEW YORK OLXPPER. August KtMTKH A JliAi.'H.—Tho ircHtlicr or July 'Ju vrtui ni(>5LrAvitniiilr. (diticroof KActcnfitaiiil thU resort \riiH cniiTflMl oil llml tlnlo. Tho l>lll prosentci) wu fully up 10 ilin lilffli hlniitlnnl Riven liorc, And cacli iiini rocclvul IIh fiill tinolu of ii|>pniritl. Tbo K'Mir OtiTilucr^, In lliclr iiiiiilaU rci, iimdo tliclr aiiDvnr- Hnco HiKl round Immnlliito fitvor, wlilto(*»rKO II. Wood, "ilio Homcwimi clltTuroiit concdlan," nmvcfl lilmuirio ho ftclovor IniiKh proNxilicr anaonler lAlnor. Rcrffcro Rnd Uoore, In cliiinict«r chanRcn, wcro veil received, and tbo Cllroer ((uftrlot (Uclii- Itre, UaxwoII, BtiennAn nod Norn) found Utile ifiniaiiltj Id HlDKlnff thcmMlvM lalu llio gfiod rtocci of ttioir KUdlcuce. TTio KffdOPlUMicr TroiipA of Tjroluftn* HIngera woro popular boldovcra, nnd lulny Ufiyor and licr nlckanliiiilcH received frlauso. Oiliora oo tho bill xran: Marlnlta and llcl* onl, irlil) their trained cockatocH;Clalrcft)W Agncir, diiuc«r; Kokin, Jnpinow JURRli:r, and UHiilvel. ecccDlrlc comedian. Tlio Iliiii(iar1«n UrcLeHim fiinilHhed mttHic liofore and aficr ilie porforniiinca and during the InlannliHlon. Keirii'H t.'KioN figi'AiiR TiiBATnK.-lilllj H. cur- ford nod Uaud llutli are al tho tioid of the iilll for the current day*, and, Judging hj Iho applaune ac- i:ordcd their eiTbrta, they will Inng coiulnuo In dc- roaod. Mabel HIIIIbwd 1h crnllied wltli iniklug licr debul In vandevlllo vlUi tbU AngnKemenl, mill her merliorlouK whUtillng contrlimllun war* ranin a bright fiiinro for her In (be now Held. The NawiiH cnino In for miutb applauw, iind Choa. A. Alloii, piirodlBl, wan fairly well rc- rclvcd. Tlio Hurt Htolcn Hang and danced llieni- HClvcA Into favor on the occiulmi uf their finl vlult to thiM liniine. Andy lurr and Fifirunce KvnnH met the approval of tlio nndlcntrr, niid Nelllo Boyniuiir vean Hln favored vltli hearty ap- plaUHO. lIURlioy JMugheny has descended to a Kn»l*:«ine and not at all plcanlng nuiko uji, liiit hie frlcndit onjored hln drnllnry nonn the Icm. Tommy O'Brien ann Clara llnvll met their f:U8toniur7 en- thUHtaaUc grcollnu aiul weru made prlmo favorltee. Ur. O'llrlon oxcciitoi bin aoroliailc foatH wUh iin 'adaplneu that ahvAyn brlngit hlin Into liiinietllRlo favor. Pn-'d flth and Frank (iiilat; lnlrodtii:eil ihclr exceedingly fniiny acl, and flnorge and Kmiiia lllgley contrlbuteil a plcanlng miihIciI iiuinlicr. Walter (IhIo niado bin Unl appcaramto il ihle TCftort, and giivn an entcrlalnlnR monologue, l^mk Kvuuii aim Will Vldoci oirurRU a numbvror IMnHllcfl, and were apphiudcd for llietr irrtgbt comedy work. Tho Hlx Uecu Illrda liiinHluccil h iiiiiilcal akclcli In Itioir cimloiDafj ntciuiUig man' iier. mid Fred C. Oopo diHplajed Hklll In nianlp- iilaUng a lilnydc. Tlie hon<*o wax lArked (o llio full Umlt of Iho niandlng rf»niit Uomlay, July 20, when Iho forrgnlog bUI wiin itrvitonled, ami tbo week will llkdv roaiili In n cifnlfnunllnn of i>m lluiblo biiRloos^ An UHiiul liurc tbo currant bill U free fmin objectlunablo feattin:ii, tnd In In the main fully up to llio Hlandanl of cxcaUoiicuLttiablbibcdat thU place of amuwnooot, CRimiAL OPBHA IIOU8IE Ul'Jlir llAt.I.—TIlOHCrvlCCK of a number of caiMblo enivriulncrH urn cnlUtcd In ihii prcaenl woek'a progmiiimc, and tbctr eifona up* parcntly ;khvo entire ulhrurUon o (ho itiidlciictt on July 'ja, which wbh of nvcril'iu'liig nl/r. Ttio JiTHt lo bid for approvHl wdro Jim KIouIh end fSm\t AVnoloy, 111 a (lormnn dinlcrt Hkctcli, wlikh con- tslncd a Jinniborof good iwliilHund a fow Indtifcr- cnt oQca. Whiiing and Hbrphiinl fttUowcd, and Mure rodomniidud qnllo vlguroiMly ni the end of tbclraol. Ilnrry Fuy pntvcil u rhiverconiudlHU In thu eccoiiiric llnu. and Diilyiind INivurc, In u frtruo unllllud "ilrtdgct'aWonl (:iii'r),"rcrclvur| wnll iiivrtt- cd HpplHURcrnr clover ronicdy work. ltc\onnd Hcno limilo H BHcccaM In tliclr now iicnibnlli: itci, hiiiI Iho AlicniM perfonucd ■ niiinlri*r of ddiing fcHin of baliini'lng. (Iracuynnd lluriidli coniiliniled itictr iiart of tho cutorliiliiniuni lu iinprnrljitlvu iiiidllur.4, Jklr. r.racoy'ii coiiiudy work cntiuiiig bini tofii\i<r. llHiulo llovcrly, n voimll.ti of coii*)lderHliIo abllliy, and lloniley and Cainunni, tiniMciil coincdtHiiM, liniugbl Iho iwrfdrmanru to n JIuuKK*t) I'AiJ^re Mi'MRi'u.—An liilcrctilng pro- grainino waHOiiJuycd by goud niiilliMiccH nficniwn lUhl night of July Ihu bill llien provided hohig liookrd for^llio week, hi curln liitll h^iilp, niic Ifgueil bluvclbU, and KU IK i»tck tlnuciT. itrc ilio fealnrua; l*nir. l>onin. niHuUrlan: I.0I11, gUM ilanccr; Ilallloiinnko Jack and lYnf. Yuirtch'ii I'Lini'h and Judy onioriAlinnont bring alwi liiclndHl 111 llio Iht. Ttin tlilnl and la!>l week of tliu Udy wuiHl HHwynTH wan alio liittuRinnicd on (bni dalr. Tiii^lr drawbig iMtwent nru fully lu ncrordwltb ilii'lr alreiieib and avnlrdii|HtK ThoMlagu pn'unnnmo for lliO week rnllH fur iliu iinrvli'CH of Alloii miil WvHl, John J. Khoctinn. Meeker itml FiimiU, llclon Ibiymond, M. TlionuH tuid linlly and llllinn. Tlio blU thntughoul Im rnrorlainlng, and a good wcck'n IiiihIiiom ffboiild Ito Ibe rri^uir. Tlia exccutlvo nrniT fur ihlRriuAMin In: (U'orgn II. llulier. proprlolor; J. II. Audunton, nianiigvr; (I. M. Jansor. Ruporlntcnd* vnt; A. Marx, Iroaxiircr; oruDt lAfi'riy, Hiage nuiii* Hgor; lludHon IJtiigdnn, lecturer; Will C. Illukey, iniialnal director. I'HUCTOU'ri TilKATiu:.—Ttili rc«>rl conllmiCB to hold llH own III Hpltuof Iho a*iimi wcatlior. Unn* ngor rroutor each week glvoii IiIm palmuR a well HoloolOil pro;(Taminr, nnd koc|H hia hoiiw m cool, by imunnufulocirlr iHim, (bat tho uwml illKcoiDfort iiKondant npnu nilibtnninter tbuiirv going la absent, unit llioruugU cujojiuciit uf u i»crforiniinro laniKdo IKMiUtlc. Tho progninnnu i>rrseidctl July 'jn, for week, rontaliicd many rnlrrlalnlng fcabirc*, ind wna wIlnoMid by a giKHl alloudanro on Uondiiy, Umiw tho opening to Iho ctordng Imur. Kn\ llertolin, ronlonloiilel, wan a mipnbtr boMuvor, and Dan Oollyor and 1>. UtuK, lUnplDR and dancing conitKllinH, fuinid gruai favor wiin ilieir andlonco. Unrluii KIbi, who lUodrlK rtovcrly In Noun, wMri accordod a beany racvpllon, and Mil- dred llowunl, who diini'Od (( ta Trilbv, dhl ^>vll. Uayn and llniilcr, banjohtit, won luiid apphinso, anil Vluin Ibiyiiioni xatig iicvcr«l nogrn lurloillcB well. Kinum Itnlla won land nppUiiM for bor clover damping. Sho Is a iiii*)i danrcr, and bcr gracofuliioiMund llKblnn«t of rttup Muroly plarca brr In tbo fnmt rank of ibb* cIom. othorabnlhobUI won: Jubnvlon and Mai-k, ctnnodlanii; Kliiy Ull> more, wmbroilp; Mm Kviiurt, ricoirh team; ihn Tar- nura, (Mutiody duo; lli>iilyand 8:uuidora, vlog datiiv vnr; Will A. Uaok, romudlnn, niid Hiito nnd llacli, l)nlch duo. MAiniHis .^I'AHv: IliNiF Cahdkn.— llio ontcrlnln* mcnlfurtliDcumini diiVMliiriirnHhM iiy Iho Fur oHl Cliy (fiiarivi, Iho rinnitiHIiUrrH, Kd. Uwmu'e ■nd Nina llarrinrlon, nnd Soinonn, Hollo Ulaok, FnuaKldrblifo, l-:illib >Iiiiray, Jup. F. Il»ev. l/ttllu Wost SyinoiidH, (Mn)ii ami lliM-ltcrt, Flcltu nnd lAiwln, andthoThn'oi^lHiorMLVtulMiii. i\(iAiibKN TiiRATUK.—"Trility** Id hIIII a rvlgnlng favorlle at thlx lioiini. Tho woll canioti fHino of llio play, ami iho favorablo wcnlher vondlihtiiK, have nuiilloil In cniiiiiiuon:^ good biiiibu^fti tlimiigh. itut Iho iwo Huuuuvr iiiouUh which liHrn iwtNod, nnd llio HlMoeulb W4M:k of Iho nin l>cgiin Jidy*.>i wHbnoalgn^of aiuHrnicni t4 Iniero'ii. Casish.— "Tho i^tihinx*' n'nutliix a fairly pn>lllibti> ntmoilon alihlK hnuM\ wboru It i»rgiin oa July *.n tbo (oiirtb week of li.-tnin. AUKHiCAX Tiikathk Kook nAHnKs.—Tho folktw- lug aiMHwrud Iilto on Monday nlcbi, Jnir *.*); tjirn- oHi Wilson, Miiy I.ciyIh. WUI Ciuncmn. MMo. 'Ilieo, Ullc. balalito. Madfo Kllln. FauIo nnd IHkn, Jamco Tborntoii nnd Ihr Living Miihdo SiAiiirs. WoiiriraHrHKru.—Mlii'hi*irAHii>t>k i.o.t'ontlnurs In ibi< ibcrtin'buro. ThU wet*!: Ibi'y |m*fii>iil "11tp Dmini.*' Ill Iho i-urlo linll (litUlca rrnialiis, and llio lul«Tv.-il In ibo ilcmti rlinlr docs uttt iiHg. Waller Hiiitri, Miu bauilt<\« nnd Icalcftt freak. In la Inttfital- liigKHovor. IW. Worib Ihm iiildcd iv nunilicr of btnU and anliimlH lo iho nipnagrrlo. OaKINO ItlMH' (i.\HltKS.—Thirt WCt'k'H Ihl Of |KloplO liifluiluH KhIIo Uimiior, iho Mlinlc Four. MorbMt nnd ('i)li'iuan, Fr\'ddlo lluki'. AiliOKion and IKU-bamp. XVclls and Uidpln. l,l//Io Itorlouii iMly. Oimo ISwroiicT and Ihi* >Mx>th U'Igb. Tna hU'L-ii: IUuhh has giaiiictl a n>nrwalnf(ho Madlmtn S(|uarx* (ianlvii t^>or gimtcu Iu oiim' lo Hell Ibiuont Ilntit*iii.*Tbi< ilunirlcnl KOAAin liilbhparlof tho clly siiitifil Hi>nii<\viiiii earlier limn nuiial, Ihc Allieiucuni hrliiu lhi> buii^o (uukp ihi* Inllliillvo, MiiM of ibu hoiiKcit VTlil 011:11 i*Hrly ihlnnionib. jiur- lag Ihv SuiunoT tfXlcii>lvo alier.itlons havo lieon nmdi« III Krvcul'tif iboni, Hiid Ibey will prrooni a bright ap|H'anin\'i< wlirii lhi*lr door^ htv tbmwu opon. Tlio AiheuHuni o)iciicd on July -y) tit n uimmX Hizetl audli-iicr. 'llio |':aco hiabren rnilrx'ly t'eiio- valril Htid lirlk'lilcni'il up. Sr%vml wtl* of tu-viirrr liave tteeii piii In aud a proMTntinn bo-< iKTnndilrd, with privHii* iHtxra lui rarb Fblo. II fiivorii inon* tbo riHtf ifiinlon (iiaii a voiidrvlllc. AiniHilrooni wlih g.4nlin nliarluil. wlioir ynii onii luliokv miil ilrlnk, H (Mo'iif itir ludUi'onii'iilHoillDri'd by (bo lu^w iiiitna).'i*ii-.i'iii. whii li will mt doubl pn>vpHn ailnir- Hon. Tor bin iiififivd on MiiioUy nighl WAM fidrly Rm>il nnd ifovo Knihfnrllou. iVrrcllo and i'ollliiH. lark favi'vooii'illtur. smncd to plrn^o; I be Aulter .sii4tcni tizing itwci'ily niid wm ibn i-rilplenli* iif to'voiHl ciii'Mir^. Wt'M and ^blt'k, Hpnuaii iDmiMllHiw, wriv mu fitrgoiirn hy tlir tiudlearo. iKi VcAUx Hiiil SiXf. In nuMii-Ai lorn.ahowrd Ibai II cy w»TO rlpvi V iwrfiiruivra. Arthur Went, Alug-n x iv ine 11:111. UMiiiii lliilv lavor. CjirK nnd V.Tlan, m BongH and dani-ca, won Uielr war Into the hoarU of tbo niitllcncc. The niiccom of the nveolog wai prtiliably made by Uaile (iriillth with her Henra ibmnl danco. Ulot tlrldilb proved lo Mnn exrced- Ingly cluTur jierromicr, and wea given land ajv planno, Kxecuilvn malT: H. W. llecker, nmnig^r; II. l)nK)k« Hooper, iMiflnrai miinager; (Ine (iebcrr, orcboHira leader; Art. I*. Sveley, Aiage manngcr. II« M NEW YORK STATE. Hronhlyn,—llrlghton Dcach HuhIc llall-Tho WNgncr festiv al laaliwcek proved lo Ihi even more ciijityablo'ibau wta anildpatcd, anti it wu a pro- nouiiced nuccen. A Uazt analverairyauil a me- morial concert ity lha Heidi Orrhciilrtt are among (he tblngsaonounced for ibU week'a programme. )fom unloUita bavo l)eeneng»ged than for any other weog In Iho leuon. Mine. Janimcbownky, tlio dranaUc noprano, who acccoiuited ber pona- larlty at each niincoulve appearance doling the Wkgnor feailval nf last week, bi retained. Hho will nppOHr on Joly so, wboo a memo lal coo- cort for Hie Unili Anniversary of LUztU dealti will bo gIvoD, wlib a programme eolirelj com- posed or Uf7.i*4 mualc. Wednesday will 1>o the neroDlb Wngnor nighl, and Ifenry BebmHt will play the prt» song from "Die Uclnlenlnger.** On Tburwlay night the Uno progmnime of botcu lead- ing ovcriureri of tho ceninry wui In repratetl. Fri- day aftoniiKtii ObnrlM Omif i-elchcr will piny Yleiix- teinpv aei-ond "Uorccau da Halnii''for the violin, and on Friday evenlug ihe Brmpltony will be I Uydn'rt, In K minor, known uh odorniv.*' A fan- liulo rroiii HumiMrdlockM '-lliinMl and dretel," for orrhCRtra, wUI alao 1^ pliyed on thai evening for Ihflflrat time. UaNiiATTAN IlKACii.—The cntortalnnienia here Ncem to Improve an the scaKtn advancva, and crowdn of penplo atloud each psrforniaDce. 8ouia''J programinea f:oiilalo a great varlely of brIlllnDt ran- Hic, which In highly eujnyed by the ihouimndii of Invcra of iiitiiilc who attend each peifomance. lUi-cM *'HOJ/' which Is drawing greatur'ctowda Hour ilianat Hie alnrt, Ih continually adding new fcalurea lo Hut already attractive piece. The laleat addllloD Ui Bemle Honfibltl, with her diameter aoiig*. which will l»o added to tho i>p»:lili|es la tho MaillHon B(|iMra (Inrdcn acono. A\ alter Jonea. John Keofe, Votaiide Walhtce ind t;urrle llohr remain. "I4irj'> will Ik) taken oif for tho wcok livglnuliig Aug. Vi, tor which He Wolf Hopper and bis company. In "Hr. Syatax," havo licouengaged. Tlie ninof "14'Ji"wlll bo rt- Buoitd OD Hept. tA\wr Day. Sew fcilurei are added to tho bill ibbiweekailUce'nClrcuicanilvHl, tbo ltiH(alrc«, an acmballc qiiarlor, rrpUulog ihe BrliroduA. Alrlde Cspllalne remalDn I be nlar fenture ofihOKhow, The UorriR ponies nro ai.<ui rcialued, Hn nro inaoy oilier Interesllog featurea. rnln'a Ore- worbH aim continue to drsw tboannds nf people to wlUicM Iho grand Ptpeclncle deplcUugtba war be- tween Japan ami CblDS. Vavi. liomN'ti Cnurss.—A largo msjorllj nf tbo great cruwd>) who go to West Urlghtou. Conev Ii4nud. pay a visll lo "ShooHug llic Clmies.'' Krery one who lakes a rido on IhcmlA prea- «-iiird Willi a IHilo iMdgo, on which In printed "I bavo Hhot tbo chutes at CoDey Island," and nearly every ihimon yon niuet wears at leaatone uf tbeae iHidgcH, an Indlcallitn of the popolarily Inro which iniit nport ban sprung. No amiutemcnt ibat tian been lUTorcd St Ihbi iioniilar seaside resort bas ever ntlruclcd inoro iKopie or become more popnlar Iban ".ShooiIng Ibo Cuniea." UuflTAlii.—At tho Academy of Mu>lR Cleveland^ HrcaiiT MiiM-lve MInHlicbicomo Aug. &-T. which ilato UHio beginning of Hie circuit racoi. Tne regular Hc^wm npoiM Scpr. 2, with llnyca new play. I.YiKtiy Tiikathk.— Ward A Vokca open the rrauiHriioaRnn licre Aug. 11, wlt^ "A lluu on the Hank." C'UI'ltTSTIIF.KTTliKATHB.—'I*b0 UOW PCOftOO be;;lu« al thU liooho also on Aug. IB. (ifiRAN Mi'sic I1AI.L.—ThiH resort rconcncil Jnlr20, pnliRhcd aud liivlHug, wlib Iho fnlloirlng fidks: Lew llit^vkliut. AdiiIo Sulla, Cora itonit, Monohind Hack, Co rlu ScoH, KKilo l.csry aud Uitrlo lUrc-y. ISNiLS* Ham* Imd two pretlvArormy daya at Crystal Hcacli, whioh. logelher wlili IncoiniMt^ic arrange- nieiiiB for sut'h a porformancn, omile Hie nojonrn un<wUt<fiiftory The public rtmcens given at tbo dliT^reiil i-l'y inrka have Ibo o«H nnwailays, aod nohmly sLiya down towu band coiicort nights. ^IviisceIlaneoos# DlnghMuiton.~0'KabeM JapancM Troupe drftw limneime crowdi to llosi I'ark July 33-'.T. .VoTKS.—Ctrvcland'n BJInMlrcln aru iMtokcd In ap- pear at tbo Kbiue Opera llniisn Aug. 1A I*. II. Uur|)>iy, triip dniiniiirr, funnerly of linrlow Ilnia.' UliiNirclH, lias been engaged nr tho Uaker-:)evcrMon (Irchefiini for the Mnson I6iti-'e, tn )iUt hi Huns IMrk ami Mono njtoni Uouso Frsnk K. HcNlah loft for Chicago, ill., the past week, wbero ho wHI lulii a dmniaUc company. Ur. UcNIsh will not do blark face IhU season HogartiuidO'Urlrn, mil- nlcal team, abio left for Chicago, where they will nil an utigaaomeiil for two weeks, and then Join Ihe Al. FUdd'B MiDslrclCo. for the neiuon Cutnpliell and Huanl, musical team, an cujnying a much necdodTwiwUhthelrfrteadsIn thU cHy Clia9. Uonlnier, loading man for L'onw Wyion, wan In lhl4 cItT lliojtast week Mr. Sjofortl, rupncsent* log I'aln'H OroworkM display, was In tbo clly Ihe pnal week on bUAlncxa Win. K. HenlKon, tho popular Ifvanurev of ihe Hione 0|>era llouf4f. In sn- tterlntonding tbo sinirs at Kosa l*nrk, whore ho wHi boplcaiHMl (o mcotaU bis prnfossloDal frleuds nod treat tliom wlib pop com nnd itcsnuts. KoTM raoM PR l.i.inn rj\ iiJ«)5 MiMfrnsw-Wo Mi Klinii«.N. v.. M«y a. ThU U llio Mivenly pilUb lii«o t^%w Cnliiiitli, I'A) we liave n.rMil Dis pftvllir'n In. ilovn Iho Rut«. iliruuih Uldsli dap. \U in now oo iho ralurn. tfolRgln ihv voalofUis 8(tl«. \\> hananTll- lon aoiin.. Ml. inMdIt pio^f. lin^a transportailbn rlx«, a hind wiaoo.tlBhl hM«i of rtn* liirMi-B aod tl tadTnoce ukgnn. invirrofiiioilinv: JiDoa P. b* Tand.proprl*- tnrand maoigtr; John Il«Ver«.idr*n«; KdwtlU ftone. llcket iBcnl; Do IaihI llrtM.JimD^ Md Uaalel, coiim- d[ui4, Tocibnu ood (laoc«r«; • Iih". A. iwviuo. Mincltir. tIanciD? HoJ cliamelcr crnntdUn; PIn'X tVamo, leiwr vxalUi: (ia« Hrornlof. I^iw; 1.oaU thi Qu«ii9. Iea>ltr of htnil. Willi clRlii nlte**; lUnil Oook. iMoarof prch^- trar<rnh pUc«i; J'lhn Crmlitn. (ntpa nml tUrkwIn; w. Z«lita.«i|ui1lbri-.: lotl bam: J«in«« K^rittr, Id tliorg* or cuvam; r.Buni', prop«nl4«; EpIimmH! trman, li«ntBUD,, •iHl W.Hiov«r,lncliinr»oreouiiiioi. lurveiTplwaani aihI piiecoulul aeoioD will eloi« H*pl. SL Honr. I*. HToa, of llrds'tr^edr i.o-. writ** wfnm iAaco. loil, untlar dv of July t\ M rollowa: ' tlxion itroT«<l Id If nor lunotr Utvn ibU >«aaoo. U 0 wfO b lM lioro for ilirv* dtf« odIj, bui iiie p«o|i)« will noi hit ti« dn«rt iinUI w« alHiw ibrM olilili longer. Vo iura«l itMi|')»A«Kr lilt nixhi. RDil arMjr Hntl«MU for looiKbt KOd lADiurrow nlgliL PoaHUilog iliU nicer liap|i«Ded b«- DTvIn UichlvurynrihUihAv. Waaranr»lcoui«0 orery- vlt»r%, and b g bu*loo<i liour fortune." TlIK Piiuiannuil Mr nt llii tt«U i;ooalr Fab Aiioela- tlon will iM l»«M at Ualloo, Tel.. Oct a-ll. LuMHlcrr. ^li«]owanplo»t ood nicronaoMr, will bcflD a titur lit N»w YoTkaui* earlr lo RoiiiMii*r. KoTW run* THI Wtouixu Wild Wien-.-BuilDt'H Willi hu boM T«r>- flno pIdm IwvId| HtinB iml opfo- ulilon. RTftrrtiandiiMR tho bnnler aod In ili* imr- Incot hoN bo«o pUyo-l to very Urgs bndncA*. «hH« nooio liftvo bMu plieooDienally big. At lUrnijuei, N. II.. ibreo p«rromi«nc4)i bid lo tM i:lT«a to uconniMala ilio crowd*. A number ot MamU liar* nov«r hvi n t-nn^. Ralarki nra r^d In full wcahlr. and Ut« »oaion U ilreur ao OMured »cc«**- We will ittmilo la Caoodl Tor K^nio time i>*ion golniiH-Hiili. . . NOTKft AVfi KoarrMaoK Tohuvkonh CoueDvCo.-l-. II. ToiDlloHon, noli |<ru|iriolDr; J. J.Owsoi, maoAitDr: roii. II. Moray. DiuBieU iliracUtr; II. Hanntiud Jr.,id- Tuc« r«rreMninilT«: u. Kawmao, uiMior orpropenln; H. II. Lynion. II A. lamir. W. CanlH C)«rk. J. llow«nl Ilanion. II. B. McKm. R 0. H-trlrmm. Choo. Huwanl, ClisR ElUworlli. Hftml* EUrrilt. Mabal llireiM, Chrluy UolKor, Eiler Kuhnar, Krankie Cray, llio lloonim Cblkl- ran aod al«iHl and orefa«itrmuffuurtaan. OurMaion npf na Aog. 19. W« will cairy rpoclol Manes and new paper. .Siirnt OK ' IiAHKtwr AaBHii-i."—Walisre aBlomS die foartli aeak o| iMir««a«(in.anil boAlDi-MliuBlcMdtd our muH*.taiigulnq«i|>oriktlooi. In llie la^of arlrcus *mr Olid nlille taol upf^'^itlon,aod oihoroat door airncllooi wa hare bcrn tooUoe ti>e ca|«eltlei of ilieitw. Uur MrraiparHia Uooeortl«m(M noval et ar iBlrmlui;^, end IB canMoit ntucli public hihI pnM imtlco. Billy CM- well, who «ti lalen laddeoly lllai ili* dOMorotintolani- bu^ o., enfragomeat. Itoa rully reoovired.aod rrjolaou naai lUuttaie. UsHd. HarryAVatera (ll4Stap>,lD lilHoy- iDg *|>eciaHy. U en aildrO fcAUr** 10 Aor ar»t van. Our iDurtn Ulirifvan will corir a period ofttirao n*ek«. Itar- InKUieaiiiittiit UenoinliiaeJulys. Tliolrini-eraturaln Ihe rp|>er ranln^uialiiH been on the raia|«fo (lie root two nwfkt. and orertivUhavebMn iDdpiiiaoil- Norn KROMl'Hur.WlU:OTrM HALUW.fUKIUNIUTIO.t. —DeHOlte bad efathor w« hara met with uopanllcled •iccasa Uih acMoo, aod are now Id our Bilh wtek. him Ma'Jiann, wlio wdji racooily Injtrad while mftkloc an ax- eeriklon nl (lie Floe^ neJir Hkri«ihiU Mom., nude a me- coMfiil OAceDvlon July tt. I'lor. Wolratl Uogalo with u^ having reiunicd fmin llteWe^t- Burt tUrgeet li a recent aod valuable idUitlOD to our cemiHinr. to thrae week! we ftorl for die t^nidllD blrv Prof. AVulcotfa fuurhorM chariot reelog baa cnaled a decided ocotaUtn In that country I'Ror. IUaHTU.Hii.]fK.aldtil by Mile. La Belht.will Ap«o Ills rei>OD at Hdwaukoe, Wla., Aug. it, and utur Wiaconi n, Ii>«a md llllniln. lIllToM A FALKrt' "I'jiHUiH or Fl'.x" la lourlrg lha uiouoialDH for Ihe Buniuier. We li^ro iteeo oat (our woohiN aod every perrnnnrr feeM ha|ipr, aa Hie ulmM comoi aaregularly avTHKCuiYKii. Koaiar: Will a. IIH- loo, cunjurar; Cliai. Kales Jr., loitninieDlaUil and TocalUt; BIII7 LeiloBtnD, roraedlan; AtntM Rcvlnric clownJiiHler; Ciiaa. BclhlnDii, reainkMiubit; llirry La Ituaan.l lilii t«rionulDg docs, Harry Tnatclitr, plimlHi, and Jowpli Dtrlit, (a ■dx'aoro. B. H. riKHo.v. ceDonl cnnirariiDsagintorBairMlo ItlM''! WIH Weill, nirltli nrrUal at Cleruiand, O., Julj Vt, linoil a Dumber u( leUcm on*! tel^tramalrntii lili dnldrftn, lirandchlklreu aod rnendit conjiniuliling lilm on liaTing reached lilaslxtioili binbday, (lili beiog the aoniverurr oriila birth. .s'uTDi nioN llroR'HCi>uiciiTCo—Oar hnidnMi Is as id Impreiulon toLeginlo'B _.. _ _ . .icelved. They reiHirt f(Hn\ liuMnrM ererjnhere. Our "«d." In tliia iuueofTllifrLirrKHlacomminrlDg to cauM us loleel ilatiarpd by oiTer* tiiide an lor Wloior rnrnKeBieatP. Tint CtirrxH li Iho irua luelhnl and Irlend nr ihe Perromier, Jt'LiM Carm, wlwlsalKohlA HHldletou'N lluaeo. i:lil- e»Ko, IIL, with hla Irick (tear, bni lieen engaved tugo ibu coiiilnff Hwn with "TlieSidevalUorNav York." HuffSH or OuiBl MumkUm: Tlioa. I^trrer. (aiuwl lunn; I'earl CJnr, make ciuioer; Jeonle. a Bt« lom«d Mteoi*; Walinr Dertir. wood Hhlitler; <leo. Wainon, gtit<n dancar: Prof. Backfe, llchiolog akaich nrtUt; frvm Car- Trot**, black art: MibeNoliui, bnx«innTNHmao,wl(li ikree BM-I (anra. aod Jtioea LMvlin. Ilck«t svUer. AHTUi'H "OHKi-LVba^kftlbe UoDtaaaWiM Wast,and iHwItiitliellarriaCiicukBtiiroaMi, |>ta]rlng lo tlieoaud aid diibit hu e|>«clsll)' In the concert. MiMtRLLAKKOCNMiiua-a.—KtMteraiol notes of (he lUns- ma'Indian NnJicInt) Co. No. 1: We are now inurlnif Haulb Dakota. Our coBt|«ny has nsljr been OTKanlLed Itrn weeks, but In (ha t«o weeka ve hare done a brae liuplncA*. We have lha «(TfHiM»t medicloe cu. nu« (■■ur ntSoulh DakoLt. (mrootflt la brand new. aadcun' Charlea u*«v«mnk«ai bliien bv one ol her m wnaiBN r.oi or. bidi; >»»ii." 'jcit^Pt.rta5M .a iivUn Aubrev llanr lAno, aay verooo. oen "mhSr iMifi.BicUn. W« I 'MOI" Olil. moii.«oJ «III "Krrlrorlo.;!.lario«Ihf(fiDHr.... Ko.l»lof M'\\t p"CiiiTmZ.!,;'yir,., fill' '.'SSr.'iariV Iirl.ilni wcli: L~>D WlltCfix. buck fin tMnwl .n, "Jj Hilr ll«U n»iiii«ll'« EKKIrIc, IWU rKJnten Co. Imi jnif a. Jo. r. iTiiiiiJ. »iio iMi 10 Join Biiir llmon IflOlan IMMnt l-o., Nn. St: Or. >. Ilnnl. pro- iv.lif Bil flumll .ml John Tnltlit. Dr. Uon liiil a IViroi , w ffim .iwlh July 14. II. .n-l Hl««'on w.™ "ot Dr. Rl Uoo »h««. loon I" "I'''"* 01 • Uk., «oO. DO boil. «r» In »lr1il. he .''I""'*' III. db«tnr btcAin. oili.iiilo«l .n<l 1t.<l MOk one.mlien RIowoQ JdiiipffI In Iii..l'l.i»d.ftorliiinl wik mnurrod la 10. III. ilro. oInR m«n to Hiorf. PENNSYLVANIA. Nvwburg,—Tlio Acileniy ur Mtislo Is clinod nod Iri iiniloruolttK n poorrrtl miovalliin, preiiar Ion for llionHtiliir KmII iiiiil Wltiiuriciuon, irlilcli \rlll lipfflii Itoro tiiriy In HopUiintier. Iti iinlcr to ic conioilrtio llio Mrif Iilnl, iif lioirevor, Uiii. HBorlliTlorwIII, HBunml, piny h ntinrt prclloilonry HwaiHi.lirKlniilnit Aim 0. n'liliflocrcaTliilchoritnil CmtlUnlmMiit'ii TwontliiiliCunitiiT MlttMiroLnmiho Klintriloii. Hilly Jcnmio-ii niusliiil conicily, "Tnrx "ntlili'ii,'* rolk>iir« 10 Biiuiliiy.'4 Concert I'nvlllon milt (Union ruiiortHu.xrcllciti bll^l^rllHttlo|M«lvc«li, Dot st.itloj, CIadi Ibirtoii Hint John Hhcolmii lio* liiiriliuilmwiiiimnlii. N>nrrA'-ofJulyjuaoilwcfk: Ainilo DitrlliiK, UaikIo KlUvortli unil f>lilla Uimii. IViIii'h iltvwiirki I'Xlillililiiii III Iho Coiiiiij Kklr cmutiiln'.M, inol A'ltU lllicml pdimiiM|xo,Hiiil Hlilioiinb nr brli-r anniUun pnvo llic licnl or MilrirMuilon. Ttjo ilhplHV wiu wlhiOjU(.tl liy hi Ichi ."i.tMO Ucioq-A (leu. UtnlQer, Will SaiiiucIi hiiiI Turn Ulrmo, ur Iho ArHiloiiiT or MiiiOc foivcH. Iintko cninp uil re* liiriiiMl hiinio lAHt weok, nricr Miimuicrliii; ntr nnd uii In tho ivIliNor tho Kist iiininilHlun Noihlnit ilolliillu rnn Ito Icvrnrtl yol aa In tlii' v.\acl ilatua or llio lltlTC lilil ttfiit Hhna-H. vir,.; Iliitlalo Mill, lUniilin. Ibilli-y anil tho l(lii|illiiir llniii., wliirli aro Hid In iio iliiohiiro IholHlloritari nf Aiigiiat nr fnrciiarl or Uoplcuilier. IIAIbttny.—IViln'ii nretrorkM will lio cmillillcd AUK. 'J anit .1, nt riraMiio l.<innil, Aliuny'a Slimmer n*on M U»lilwNl.l.^katlcuri!P,onlhaRTUui)rt/i of tho l.ako IliiUKC, "lliMnllty'' will Iw aiiiir July ;ii ami Ank'.lliyiiniiiiliirntnnifi'wlnnnl people. .. Al Mnratnjia tbo o|ion nir ii|mki>.«pran>iin Krinlml vlll lir itlvi'ii on Iho liiwiiiif Ihotlniiiil I'nlon llolclAtip. 1,mill :i. on llio lln*! nlalti vlll Im Blvrn an oner, nllu otiiK>;n, Willi CnniUle It'Arxlllr. signnr Cmm- |i4i)nrl, n chonii uf Hrvcniy vnlons himI l.iiinl'a Or i-liciiini or foriy plfrct. "Tlio Mi-iry Wlvw o( H'liulAir." u'llli llo Wiilf llnpiwrns FalMair, will Ix lilvon llio fiillonltiK ulfilit. On Saiiinliiy artemoun, Aiiif. :i, a clillilrcn'iilawn laiiiKMl will Iw iieUI, ana In llio uvciilnii ii Slmkiupvaniaii Imll In cnninmo will rliiM* Ihu fratlval. Tho ailalr U under Ibo illroc. ikin nf William ijryinoni' aoil iimiiaueil by Janiri W. UomsMy. 8ynir«ii».—UiiiTato lilli'd Wild Wear i-ouim Aiiff. 1 Uanncor K. 1>. llciinrMT. or the llaaitlilo Tne- Hiiv. la In New York I'htiiU'n l*1iimb«r. for many yrani lunnauor or II. II, Jarolu' Thralii., has n- nlBiiod William A. IMiilrh h |iiiiiiiikoii anu. triirojwni In (MwrironDil Kniion l.utp Vmmon, lalp or "TIio IMvato liccittarj" i\>., Is In Now York. CANADA. Illaiiirpiil,—Al Hohiiier I'ark, wMk «r Jiilv •11, Iho Horin llniihern. Knuieira Vlowa. Iho Ttim IhJeo. iric L'rcnlM. FtrlilInt, and I'luf. I«>llc, nlih liU innipo nr ilofra, nuilo nn a lUvnR hlli, and dreir larvo niiillriii-iv. iTio lilll Inr Iho weok or *J0 In. I'ltidra Kaiu Ulchfl^na, Pilnco U'Kanc'a Itnyal Ja[Mnr.4« Ttiiii|« (iiriecii In niiiitiierl, who pcrrcnn niany iMdVrrnt art^. II will Uo the ilKt oppearaace lu i',inada of ihU iroujip. lUHM'M » lUiiKY'H Ciiiri'ii, nn IJ. <tiTW Ini- menaorioads. Dm In:; Ibo foor)itrrnnnnnrcafhPTV wvtv (houaaiiilH or prmoii, unalile tn Ktl iQalite lln rativaa. hrsB In ladliina,aiHl wo aiouMklnpa BOod Improfulon villi III. public. Wo mid. a llylna vUlt toLciriido'. (:om«ily Co.JuIr in,aad T.nlio4rtllvncolv«l. ITi.y Toronin.—At the Naiul Itoor Rardrn liualness for wc«k July li \ta^ blir. ThU plaro of amuuinrnl bad now l**i*onip iinli. imiuilar nii'l I.. <iirei l<» nwel with ilnani'ial aiiivos., rnniliig '.hi. Addle Irving, Biillcy and Mihw, A. liiitlcr, KIwII and Snliana, lUch ami lLnm.aT, The iHnit mnrctta aiv well liAtmnlxctI at cai'h imfomianrr. UAiuii')i.k U.iii.kv'aShuw I'uiiiraXi, .1.14 or a aifl. ronnil lop, with a 3jn. mlddlo pllcr. Malal wilb .loratfrl ...Uand f'lldlng Cltalr«.ani1 I.IIbIiIH uu witli riiiirlnrao Halo iHiin.r.. Ilnr Mia. In ajxIA. .Ilh llvoMt.orK.Dery.Dd winitm. (lur oilica loBt 1. 3li3l Allorili.|icopl.lioanlalliol«l.. Itoiior: I>r.J.M.Con- don, pniprlrt'ir; Dr. W. K. BI.WDrl, iMIurer and mtli.. Bar; 111. D^r Slmera. Com .ml Ida. nongnaiid Jaacei.nd .UIuan;0«.DB and Uo.lvn. Je*.e ami', luurli ral n)nko«; Hon I,on||, Mack raciromiidlnnandjaocer; rmf. 11 iiry l#i UnO', tnp«i^JunliDK and duln; 111.. K>«wart, ..irmanl and Miubrail.. aod hror. Kiaok Kl»*l*, mn.lcil dlr^lor. Th. In laui .n>: Law W.lla Wallaacd Alrafd nflljiKbailnv. Tli« IlayBIUoriJuiood July 15. MnL Htowail ntnk*.>oo a'conilonR « Hitoiilay, nmktnii pnracliul. drop. alio. Il.r ballooD dm Jack inake.a't«DMra« .rery oth.r .v.nloir, cuiiIdk hi. pntarliut. looi. rniin Orina otf pUloL aod i. a ara.i dravlnaranl. Dr.Condnn aod til. aire paid unailaii •111 lutSuDdayand «.r« pIommI u> MovoirlMily look. Ins liappy. Tno dorlor li airaoBln? nnw to imi out i .\*o. 3 romitany t-i n|..n In Sliiaourl. Tho RrnI llial ilra^w la alilio U a .01. visitor each vMk. aod Ilia ol<l ro1l»i>l* Ci.irrBH.lvfy* ml* lo tin on Sjiuiday mnnlnaand U ■lnayAw«lmnio....Hixl.rurOr.Koo I'vii.n UHlleln.' o., Nu. 4: Dr. K. Unuil, prD|irl«liir;J i^l. Paul, inioaB.r; Dr. U. B.Ilcniiaiii.'ec:uii>r; Mia. I'.H.B«olani.Mm.Iaul, planhi and Italian harp .4i|nUt; l.lniu lloi, cbi'd prr. rornior; rnn'. J. i:. Kam, mind iMdtr and uinaldan: lllllr Hr.BMnr. ecrrntrio and black be. cuiiwllan and U. II. IU)nrad, niunlril cMnwlUo. Dun lloyc Join* lln minpany Jul>' «. ThU ruiupanr |< innriiid Miulkcm NiunOHil. luB'^O't liuiineiu II. T. Kfrrlia^ ckixfd allli llr. i;. J. I1illll|ia. and will .tart a company on Ih. n>nd Anp. I. oprnlnp al RuphTlll., Ind Unfttr of Ibo n.Dll llMllclno l'.o . No. >: tlr.noo. tl.Klckler, ll.rTTaRl Doi adaniK. I'rcd Uarlloe. ll«o. J. Pux.y, Pop Adaiiiaand lUlll. Adam*. pUalil and orcanlhL hu cool. In ttlillo allli llil. cnniiuiir. ■« l,*ot riir nion.y .taiy li*n uilitulcH. Hu.lnoM Dir. Kn^trr nr lir, T M. Sa>nmirM l^•D^on anif Itrnirdy To.: llr. T M. Htvinan, |>ioprlvlnr; K. II. tjt.nml.ld, mob. htnn. anr and cuuicllaii; LoT.llco ami Clirl«l,.|<li«r, t.nxl. oil |imriini,cni; UjrI.. An>lui>riin. ..iIhUm; Iriurlm hoKm.>I. n.fc|>ir.ndOiimr...par. 0. Mt'nti. In rliarco orcAHva., with lIirM.Md.Mnl.; ffni. l'i>iiilo, InvMrs" iir icr.|illun lonl.: Unrk H«)niour. In cinrB. nf iilllc. Willi i.uaMlManl.. We ar«Mlll plnjlnest lj«inl.. Mn to I>IB liu«lne./. Irfiul. Miiilili. ner i,f|r.te waiclmtan, waiawaulinl l>y a RanaortouBh. ao.1 luolly burtlir lie- Ins .truck liy a Mime lliift.n Imni i«IiIihI. llo I. iloInD wi*ll. In aplu or our l.n;.« r«|«ellv «. caniiiil .cctiiHnin: dMe Ih. crn.d.. w. vlll remain Iniii. Lonl.all Sum. mar ItnMrr ot lli. Ulnnclonka luilian MrillclneOo No 'J: llr. Willi,, Wuir. iintprielur; llr. J. \V. Oral an, niao- agar; Dr. Reill^ltiud. I.cluier; Anna S.cel.oraaHl.i ;HnL Willi. Woir. Hra. M. llraheui. l*rlnce.t WamuL- Hilffhl Kyrr. Niiunllitil. il-r. am. Vii. T.ny ClilH., vunlM. ruawl Rouj, ni'i.lcRl Inl.^tl .inl. t\ Wn bar. a WiflD niuiid Ui|>, a cookluR leol, 1 wo draaalDR roou and aniilh'. toni. W* mi'limi Ihb «• i,.,r>iaiu Inva to auoil liu.liiw nnd llie alio*t valka racolarlv Nuic. Irmi llr. Wliiip U'lilf. Mlimainnka Indl.ii ijritV cine To.. N-yi; Wi» have cbiwd a .ui ce>»nil lour llirnuBli llie black Hllla. Up are now Incalnl nt fMaaiuont, H fl and In ar.v vecb.w.ulll UMkeaJunp Into In.., altera «o«ill (luitidl-Ulewith on. or liiitmhiir perlie*. TIi. ivnler cunwl'l. or llr. Wliitn Wnir, |i>i<i>ri.liir ami etan. acfr; llmnoi Hill, May KlieMon. Llill. .Nina Hlicklon. Then, flerc. ilHi Sim* Jack O'Rrl.nand (riil«ri<nnalntf KIk Houeiulihornialllh liallw Jlntlrlnei'.! N., Ml, liiiw al WrllinB-on,Mo.. l,irlwowN>^.; Dr. UUItlleinn lancy rllle iIhiI .'.d l«clMn.r; Rillie Culllns loaonE.rand lilacL Tam ci;uiM|ian; Mrt. Ulllie Coliln., lou.kal tier rnriurr; llie K.alona Jo ail<l HynL armliuJcconiedlan*- aml ibiealiidlaiui-rhl.fniilllDRHear, PiToniw Kpiiim; tlcarwlih a parpnoi.. All are proiperlne I'ror. JuIm \enion and wire, wonder vnrh.l^clol«d a ithiti.Kli .Na. lion Medicine iV InTbia. Invert Mlrli..lo rUlt relalUe. lor.abort HuiiiiiierTacallnn.aodan.TeiiJoy Ids iwuwraV. •It llahlDa aad boaliiiBon tli. WIma.lii Kiter, Ihey jAlnoil the Divcniain. KIrrinc Rbl<rula.nswho, uod.r a«i\7JraDiasar«aliuvlnfi io packed ienl«everr niehL TtirulIuruntroruiBatlnicl Ih. nalireaanil llie aliow l« RlrlnR p.llaTaclliiD, nii»l.r: Tli. Iurriipcrt«. muilcal milnr.nela, vnipllelopi: Jet. r. luienimr', Mcluraraoil luolh .iiracloi; IV|. IUce.p.n, arrulai'lc pon< and diDco: rror. H*h. mui^llauand J.intler; Mr*. JiiloiVer. nnu, Japinca nia^ic, aplrlt ntda.l and lulnd rvader,*aod Vaivon, T.nltll,.iu<.i, Unjoltt antl eccentric voniMlaa, KuMeraBdn,iie. ur Ihe Hora.n Kleoiile DeliOo • W. .re tinirloi; wlicunain lu ewxI bu«loea*. Tbactinil t«oy conalu* t.i Win. Bureaie. iKlHiwr; Olio Mrl.t.r .laelt nira on»l llBhiropa: Maaier Waller. cuil„ril,>nUt and skill dancer; Lynn Vn]*', mudcal act; Wm. Riir aa.v coniedUn, vivalliL acnibat and d.ncer, \ml Mra. W. HarBM., M>uhiaiie, Wa made a lour hiindrwl aillea jump rnini ADoha. Ulaa.. lu i;ai>'aJe. Wla, Th. mm iii »lilt.c«tn..r.BuUr.\.ryBBmIay, TliarLlrPBR ceiatn UB everi HiluMay. J, a Beiaoia and Frnl Kiyaiond i; n,r.r„*l'«;' 11 r'" o- "'" Arililao Mrdli ln. IV: llr. U 111 Judaon. pmpn.lor ami nianaier: Jolin K*. Mrara. uaaa manaier; Harry Honia Mark flM cme-llan; Jobnol.llraham. tnUicuineillkiiandniuilnilaiok.: Rulu, J, Wilion, maalcian. rocallai and black ikit; K. Ilycr4. nenttan rouiedlaoand atrunaman; Jia llciii|>B«r chancier conieillaD amlilaocer: M.u. Boaao lb,.li*ccw In mn, JurelloB .ml wire. Tlile laourlomlti WMk lu Jrraciiw, K. V, .ml buMn.*. I. eood \ol.« Imm Ki'enllilira Molpio BMiMlloa ot Noi.IIim ; K. It Kl««ii. banh, o.r.r>iid iiiintBar; Mr-, K H Klwiballh. beaa. urtr; nor, J. N. Mumiaa, Irulfroforcfafatia; BubUar- PlilUdol|>bln.—All llic plicnof ninnstnicnt Ucre h»To been ilolDg n goml liualDcaa. There aro only Ihrto of tlifiii, but or iheM! ihrco tiro 1i*tc de- cIdodDolto uloie at nil, and llic third Is forteil lo clow to prepare fnribo Wlniersucon, ORAM! Opiska llorst-lllnrlihs' Grand Op*!* Oo. closed lln succeialnl Summer (eaimn jnly 2T, in R lilaze of glory. Tbotbenire wan Itlenilly packed, and people were turned Bway. "I PagllRCCl" Trovalore" wem ilnn, and never with more epirit o.-Hiiccea>. All 11)0 tivnrlun were recalled at tho end, and IHrtotor lllnrlchi, ot coaiie, na requlied to make B >pi e.'t. Friday nlgtat the house vat al.«> crowded, wlea "l/iliengTlD" wu produced for ibe UntllmotbU aeaaoD, wlib Uarron Bettbold lb ibe tllleiole. Tni! Hmoi'.— Tlila tarorlta place of ainaaemeDt Is ?laylnv rlgbt along lo Ibe capacity of tbo bonae. be llitio Uojsow Hroilien aroalremendoitiBucceu and are to remain for a Iblrd treek. Ttae Other at- inciloiis this week are well up ro ilie ueual bigb alandard and Inclndo IheThteo Uawtliomo Statorii, the Tnrce Uonozntiaii, the Drothera Lemoyne.Natilt l)« (Mnraey, Srmonda, lliigbea and Raatua, Klliy Clayinn, Iho (^ilirninla Tllft, Wlllelt, Thome, (laylor :tiiil (in J, In a Bkclcli enillle<1"An Uptown Flat;" (ioorgn (!. Au itlii, Urcban and Riymonil, the Fenion linibcri', IhtrrrandUiaoon, FoMcraiid l«irL', and Uuriay and Alden. Tilt Lyceuu.— Uanacer Jeniwn'a lime (or dos- ing vu a nionUi and a half ago, iiu>,as be la not the man lo let any Ilood tides lupii lilu, be decldrd to remain open aa long lu It pal^. Ii liaa paid all Snnimer, nnd lie now decldeanot to close at all, bot leu his andlencoe go lu under the HCniroldlog lued for Ibe redocomilng of Ms theatre and Ihe remodel- log of the entmnce. Tbia weeic the May Ttnple llurifiique Onmpany Is the Allraclloo. Notes.— Tlie ilino for reopening H.iinc of our tbc- atrea Is npproachlug. Tbo dalea and atlractlnnr for tbo Ilrsi ulvhla, ao far as iisccrlnlned, uro aa fol. low; Uniad, Scpi.», nlih Prank Uayo In "Pudil'n- hcad Wlljon;" Chcstont Btretl Theatre, Sept. i, wlih Kdaanl IlirrlgHU, In "Old lAveiidcr;" Uluti- nut BIreoi upeia lluiine, Sept. n, nilli imiiert liown- lug. In "Helena;" tValnui, iicpL 2. with Moricnn aod Amold'a now comic opeia, '-A Trip to toe nocklcfl;'' Park, Aug. al, with "(Vang;" Audlloilum, Aug. 17, with "Tho Uorll's Auction;'* Arch, Sept. '.wlib Max lloKDlicrg'd corapanc; National, Aog, 11, wlib the nrKliKoduclkinot- It. N. Stephens'"The Wblle lut;" Forepaugh'H. Aug, II. wim "llarliorlJklila:" I'enple's, Aug. IT, with "Tbe Derliy Uascot;" Stand- ard, nromlilySepL 2, with "Tb« Drooklyn Uandl- cap;" Lyceum, Aug, lu, witli Ulaco's Clly Club B'irieniuo Co.; Uiiaeom. Sept. -i Caibeiloe Qermlne and Itobert (IrahaDi oppear lu tt.e ca.t or "A Trip to tho Itockloi," al the \Valoui, Sept. 2. Uai Freeman Is stnge man. aaer Joseph Jetrenon, Uodjeska and Hlnole Uaddem Flske are bonked for the Walnut Illnrlohs' Uraod Opera Co. opens at the Academy InN'oremher, Of uenraseiit comptsy Onllle, Ud Puenlr, Ulchelena anil perhaps olhen will be re- biliicd. Alfred liogerlo will bo Ibe biialneo man- ager Orlpitc Patmnul playa a limited eogage- mentat Forepaugh'a. Fanny Uclniyre will proliaulT Ih tbe same Mrs. Hary J, Heed, widow ol J. Itolaod need aud mother or Itobind Heed, tlia well known coiiieillan, dieil nt bor residence In tbia clly Jnly JI. Ilor late busliand, ramlllaily liDoini as ■ (lid I'op" iteed, WII8 connected witli ihe Walnut Street Ibeatre for flflr nlx yean.and waaancteeded br bis son, Qeorge w. need. iin. need's other sur- vlvlii} children ai« l,^nrH Reed, Florence Heed, Liana Pennnyerand Virginia Unce. neiulliig—W.B.aoTeland's Unsilve Ubislrels have been booked for Ihe Aeadetnyof Untie for Aug. 'JO. Qhanii Opera House.— J. 0. Itondenon'a "Die Idrabi," a now tepertotr company, will open Its eea- aon at Ibis hniu« week of Sept. 3. and then go on an eitonded lour ot one week Mands, PatabnTg.-rawnce Dlll'a Wild West abowed here July K, tu tplemlld bualnes', and lare nnlveiati sailafacthii. Tbo big show proven oooot tke best ctposlilons of llto In the tar West ever seen bere, Ibo concert was highly crtilKable, and tbe side show wos excelleot Annie Tbonpsnn a well known acir&u residing hen, entered enll anilnst Ibi lliinliirg Tnciluii Uimpany, M, for i.\oai dam- ap s. On July41 woof ber front teeth were knocked out iiy a collUlcn nn tho defendant compuny's line. .... KhIc ockletton Lippa, a wcUknown vucalUt, was gmnied n illforce from ber husoand, Harry NtUino- aun Uppa, berass Voia(lia,c,aSniith!ilileslilot iiliielecn.elonedJiiiy'jawhb llaok Qanible. of the PawneelUllWIld West Show. Her molhcrhad a wamiit bnned for Oambleon a clwrge of enllring a minor, and thry were liolh token Into ciiMody at UashlnRion, I'a., 24, and (hunblo wan locked up. The glri'M mill ber codHcnled to withdraw Uio charge agnliisl (l.nilile If be would msnr the girl, and Ibe inoiber staled 3; Ibat they had been marrledanlbo last named dato Hairy llavb. who luidionlr lo r«ipen the old llarrla' Tlicain) with a coDilnnous perrorniauce, bas sdopicd a novel method or aelect. log a name rnr Ibis latest aciiulsltlob to bis list of pUros 111 amiisamenl. On Aug. 1 ballot boxes will lie placcil nil the street cornem, In wblrh every aniusomcnl lover may deiiosit a slip of paper bearing hIa or her name and aildrev, and Ibo name that ho or alie deems the most nppmprlale for iho new ImuHi, but iioao of tjio names proposed nuitl coiiialii more than seven let tern. Oil Aug. 8 Mr. luvls will select from those IKiipnaed the naiin ho likes hesi, and tbe pemon whnbaaaiiggeatnl ihonaino rbnmn will receive a caah i.rlie of fin and an onler for a Box on tbo opening iilglit Ubarles V. Ynuog, tbe well known comedian, who fonnerly tnado bU hone lieie, wtlics that he liaa been engaged by <7m. A, '■Al lgLliy.y lie will appear la iilack face, Sctlli: ncr ,V Mmlih sLIn nslsduelntblscllyhiaboularort. iilgbt... . l-roprlctw diaries I.. Davis, of ibe Alvlii, u cxpraird homo from Kiirope In alnul Iwo waeka. ......Harry Itavla will open bis new (i'nind 0|Km House for the Fall and Winter sea son o ISOJ-IH, Kent. J. witb "A SlltSTd Ticket.". ...The Ullou Tbeatn hi •"peUtJd oopen Aug. :■ a large aniiy uf workmen Is busy at Uarry tvilllanu' Awdemy of Smn J tbelioiin 111 abapo for lu opening, carty in AugiitS ......The Art Society talks of aitiblUbing »mnm. lent orchosiia bere, umler tbe dlittuon of freder- Uk^Arcbcr, an organKi, who has b-.en employed to pbiy the big organ at tbo now (Hmegle Mnsl/uaii SfS'..!!? ""^''iL'"!!"' "> ""-"isguemnMif^id »' »a),000 1110 dlieclotv of tbe'big Ueutcbu ^'S^H'",- "ifrolu July, ifKMnS ed not to give any piue for an engliial comnonliloo bono of ihiM siibinllted having rains np toihe K: ijiilredsundardnf excellence, with the excemion Jliiulla" I'"'°5"iJ »oS C ALIFORNI A. ..'^* *"I»>ea.—The Uurbank Thtatro htid f> Ir •'"l;,"<'le"co'or''rbeSumyfoutu,'w«k"ndln^^ n^'i,:,'' 7"". ^""i'eMof Wilt" ji-2T.r.::.'{h; Orphcutn Is doing a good ishlauiunNr buaJneta. endlngai, feopleopen ng-J2: TUllelloirlS(-y,IlkKt. riiaVi^V'^''«»»'«'^""'«rt.M(Sl'^^ K .h. K??*- Astmyia iDcl ided ^'<>°*>lll Uaigaiet CbaloierabitltiUntaith* country buuie 0 her ptitnta, itar lbls"v. laiNois. Chlca«o.—Two IbealrtB dioppeil out or the business for a short Summer vacation hat week, Ibe Columbia clotlog with "The Ifeny tVorid," and HcVlcker's wlib "Tbo Kev Sonlb." Kach will ic. open for Ibe regular season Aug. 20, Tbis leaves but three houses open down town, the Chicago, llooley'a nod the Bcblller. Ot lbs vindevlllo bonsen then will be tovenl addlilons wllbin tho nexltbr.e weekf, and Iwo of uiem will open wlibin a week. Tliese aro the Olympic, wblcb resumea from tbe ilr<it vacation It has taken In a imat m'.ny years with a iiittlnee, Aug. 3, and tho Slandanl. which will U: opened hy ool Uopklus Aog. 4. Eacb of ilie>o houKes hns been relltted and put In excellent order during the oloscd perlud, and when bus. ness Is rPMUtiied vlll present an allrecllve nppenr- ance. Tnls Is panlculaily tnie ot tbe SUtndanl, iiii. on which no expiDse bas been spared 10 make It au ailmctlvo rraon. UondltlonaaniviatlycbaoEedon Ibe west side since the Standard was bntlt,and li will now have a much better and larger pairoDsge than It ever bad befnre. a tact thai Is fully appic. claied by llto new inanageiveol. AM nf tho ontduor enteiuliimenin are doing idg biitliien and new tohene* of that natore are being developed cuch week, tbe btteai being iv Of ly acta eleclrlcal park lu lha northwaai socllou of the city.- IIOOLEY'S TUE4TI1E.—'TVIlUy" (»>ntlnuts Us won- dorful success at lloolei's, nnd will contlnno for four weeks more. Tbo record that has lieon madi> for tlie tonr',veeks of tbe engageiueat, which closed Saturday night, ehoirs that tbe production has broken all icconlassft money maker. Tbeluator "Tniby" will lie teen Aug. 24. CKicaoo OrcsA lloi-BS.—"All Daba" Is conllnu. Ing to diHw hirge bouses, nnd niucb of the siiccesa ot the performance la doe to Ilia clever work of Bxn Kendall aul i. 1. Uurke. Hr, Kendall la new to exiravagana work, but has become very popu. Iir, He has taken Ihe part assigned bim (All llaxan) and recooiilrucKd It so iliat It la now entire- ly different aod niucb more enteria'niiig than for- merly. XHhs enter Is Finglng well, and baa lu?I signed a cnnlract with Ur. HendeMon for next sea- s di. Tbe Tiliny ((uudrllle bas been reMved for a short time. Floin Kvaiis, who appears lo this, will toon leave Ibe oomiiSDy, 10 lake tue part ol Cupid In the "Sluliad'' Vn.. wblob tir. Uendereon will abortly send nut on tho road. . COLUMBIA TtiBATBic.—"Tbe UefiT AToFld'' closeil at tbo i;alunibla July 27, and 1110 liouse will be dark until Aug. m, when II will reopen for the regular Fall nnd Winter aeasin with tbe Kniplie Tbealrs CO., In "Tho Masiiueradnn." Oilier plays will bo proiliiced during ibis ongsgeinent "Tbo Uony W orid" failed to meet pnpiihir expeciatlons, and waa not continued as long as bud becu or- langcd tor. SciiiLLBHTiiBtTHB.—Thei«coadedlllnnut"l.liile Itoblnson Ciusoe" Is biking veiy well with the andtences, and Iho Schiller Is well lllled at each neiformance. New songs, now liuilewjnes and new aketrhos hy Kddio Foy, Marie Dressier, Adelo Far- rington, Sadie UcDnuald, Frask II. White uud otbcm of tbe company make the second edition veiT bright. llcViuKBK'a To BATHE.—"The N'owSouth'' extend- ed Its eogAgomcDt for awcek longer than originally Intended and doeed 3T. ttcVlekor'a will remain dark uulll Aug. W. when the reguUraeiunn will be luaiiguratod hy Gladys W'allls lu a revlscil edition ot "Funchon." M.isoNic llnor ainnEN.—Tlie laudevHIe bill at Ihe pior garden will bo fuinlsUcd this week by an excellent llsl of pcrfonnerji, Including the l,e\1no)i, Flalkowsky, aniuial Imitator: Little Irene Franklin, Do Uessel, ebiy modeler; lieatilce IM, De Venux, Jerole West, Fhirence Towiitcnd, hlllj Laurel, J. h^lgar Jobobtoa Tlila Is Ibo eleventh week of iho loof garden, and lite veniure baa proved a Mtccess fur Qeorge Fair. lIori:iNS'TUBiTiti.—For Ibis neek C^l. Hopkins has secured Lew Uocksiader. Uclniyre aod llpaih, Johnson, lijvouport and Larella.Uogen nnd O'Brien, Clayton, Jenklni and Jasper, Fmocls Bryant, three It'ua Urns,, Uelte Snundcrs, rrof. Abt,Ulie.)loresii. Tbe »tack comptuy will preseut "The (lalley Slave." Blaliotate prepiratlons tire being niude liy Cnl. Ilopkloa for Ihe opeolng of bbi neir West .side ibe- atre, formerly tie Standard. This wlU take pUco Aog. 4. Olympic ToBiTnE.—Thbilianse will open Aug. 3 as a high clam continuous variety perfnnaance house, wllh the following programme; Matheivs and llulger, Dliou. Bowers and Dixon, Ibe dan- cing Rubes; HDe. Rlalla, aeusatlonal llto dancer: Ibe Two Aintilcan tftcs: Irlab knockabout team: Haggle Claire, aerlallsl; ihii nogeis Btotbor, Dutch comtqnes; Joe Hardman, nionologiilstand vocalist: Uayuin, Jenkins and Jasper, In their biirie«iue rlr- cns; Kdward Mtell,nnslcal comedbm; QeorgeII. Adams, the well known clown and paniomliiilsi, and bid family of tour. In tbelr rural sketch, en- tlileil "A Country Tonvr;" Klla Uoirls, venirilo. inlsi; lUchle >'ot and tho Vedder SIsleni, Myer Ooben, Oiliromht baritone and originator or picture vocalists; Lllif Deun and Miss Jose, coniedy akelch duo; Dan llarrat, Irish comedian, and Uaudo llay- inoud, anubratle. The okl scale ot prices—leo, twenty and thirty contt—will prevail. Pabk Tiiutrs —Tbe proiramrae at the Park ibis week will be tuiulshed by Itetsa aud Swan, lliitli aod Fteinlug, Hose Sydell, Ilamgan and lliack, JeaneUe De Falner. Unbel llazleion, Sophie H'nlioii, Mr. and Urs. Dick Kummlits and otherd. Uuslorss Is good, KUDL A UniOLCTOil'S CLinK SniEBT Ml-SEIiH — A boxing kang iroo will be tbe pilnclpnl auractloii Ibis week. Prlace Liitgard, tbe Oklahoma uildici, nmaloBfiiranot ier week, as does alao Prof, King, tbe paper cuttai. KoBLAUinnLntiN's OLonx Mi'Biuu.-A irouiie of Hawaiian dauclog gina will be tbe cblet atinc- Uon this week. Other nninbcra on tbo progmninio will bo furnished by Moulo Ij> Blanche, simng woman, and "Me and Jim," a comical pair of box- ers, one a skelcion and the oiiior a fai man. bMiEL's!<.—11ilaplace liascbunged hands once moro and lloberl Ulel, of Portland, (ire.. Is now tbo proprietor. Enill Stotssel will coiiUnnc to do tbe liootliig for Ibe lioiiso and will acl as slago manager. Forlhlswcek tlio prograwuie will bavo for lu ubiet faalitni Offenbach's "FaBiieiette," n'lili for lu i:blet faalitni Offenbach's •■Fagiieiette, Kinll Stoessel lo tbo teiior j^. It wiis given last week and scored a suA-es... The vaudeville feat- urea of the week's pmgraninie will iucludo Mllson's Aerial luilet, Utrlu tIebUardr, Hay Vernon, Maud Deity, Ilonio Moore, IMmev Iteynobl^ Ford llros, Umlne and Stevens aud Ullllo Stevens. Ilnslocts Is very good. WutTB'd liOSDUN Dims Ut'dBvu.—Tbo prlncliHil stage attraction will he tho conlinualinn otthe Uld- way Ihince, which boa been sucb a auccoss, and tbo addition of a Ttllby danco by a half doun clever women. NaTi8.-Flllbcrll Marchelll, director of tho ballet In "Ala llaba'' and oilier ot Ur, llcndersou's pro- ductlons, Isaway on a vneallon aud Ills dulles are being neitonntd by Signer Ulancldoil Ilav- lln's Theatre reopens Suuday, Aug. 4, with Hilton Nnliler, In • Una and I,uw.>i. Anderson, Ind., Paiia, lll.,ond Uarlon,(l., will all have new Ihealics ready fur opening la October Uartha Irmlcr bas liecn unable to appear In her solo dance In "All llaba" for soma days, and tbe work has been well done liy Mile. Fevaro The Acadomy will re- open Aug. 10, and on tbo tollowlog day tne Albom. bra will reopen John A. Hiovens' uewplay, "A Fuel for lAick,"wlll be produced st WaukeebaAng. S. Joseph Cawthuraa will star In It nr.vl season. ■. - Usnager Uonderson bas engaged William Uroder- Ick to tako tbo pfaice ol llewy N'oman, who went lo visit Ithi frIebUs In San Fmnclsco anddeclrtediiot to come back Joe Engel and Kmll Stoeasel have leased the Imiietlal at Ureveland and will tun It aa a "Trocadeiu," opening Sepl 10, TEXAS. Ilouilon,—Houston llelgbls Tbodba-TumUiw den's Alcazar Opera Co. opened July 2], for tbelr Iblrd week, to excellent botlneca. I'.IUCB TiiEATHE.—Untlness has been only fair, on account of the lulento heat, Tho people lor week ot22 were: D^ " . . Williams and I ?.?.?? "V" ""I Ilowsrd, Do Ivy SIslert, W llilains and Adams, Wiley llamillou, Kulh Llncolu, Jnsle Flynn, KetUc ilawyo, John Kellller and LHas. Tales. LoxDOM TiiiuTRi dosed 10 fop tbo Summer. Will reopen In Sepiember. TaBcaunu.v>HiPbi>nlannit loutnimoot al Wlaibl. 5?^'aoB-.."«" conrlodeit on Joly It. when lb. doubw diamplunalilp wta won by W. ami II. Baddalay (boIJap). dtreailaaW.Y. Bneaa and K W. Lawls(challenitan) by Uirja HU to ona Ilia acoia lUidlaa 04, s-7.s-l. Tli. .,'",,""!.'•' champlonahip vaa won i.y Mli. C. Cooper, d.lwlint H as JackaoD by in. aal. to toe.—I-S, S-C. TUB MaMula ef Oiigerlo. lli. Briilah AnIiaaaMtor of rnnea, aoiueilTae llneeraur or Canada, hu .rllt.o totb.Canadtan markainao, llacliaiM, coaaialo- Iiy £lR '*'* """"""'aill'lneallDgalHiB. Tut dnal onlal In th. tlntka at U>« UBgvcod, ataa. baallng U. 6pnr^^„.iA'Xi IT oJ iha riltoilnit day lloT.y—• • ' — • - -• Dl.Bowl ■ , _,„. . Ug Uov.y by t-< C-i, t-<t«-!. iffJ'^'.W p!»1«' w. A'.'uni.d'"irr dialLMWoSTen- whlcli Ui. latior von tbr lha aaeoad dm f. beat-