New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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356 World^Playcrs THE JSTEW VORK OLIPPEB Variety an d Minstrelsy August io. — Note* from tlio ytoM ft Fniuibawe Co.: We »n now on rottlo UirouRh Ohio, to ptoj oar Mr <btt« In Itwt Bhite and Wmi VliRlnUk All tbe people (ra well. W« lieve puMd (lie Biinnier In the KmI, en fnr u lAke Ont«ito. iVe had a two wecka' itaj at Hodue Point, N. Y., Hahlng, twining, etc Mr. Pan- nhawe' plaj, "An Jenklu,'' made a Mg lilt there, packing the honne wlili the Bomnwr gieeii. Our rcpertnrr ihli iieaiinn will ho cniltelr new, all iho plat* from Hr. FaiMhnwe'i pen, and Incliidea "Mlghlj Million" (a IlUe cUlmcd li/ a Ucaton diam- ailei, which Hr. F. bai held (or four rean), Uio new Idea drama, cnUUed "The fiirae o( the Hall," "A FaUio Heart." "A Woman'* Life," "An Arena Venue." "A Olldcd Iloggar," "Tiw Wheel of lilo," "The rrlnter'e Devil," and "Under aBllTWlluk." A hiam liand and orchcMia will won he iddeil. and tho companr enlarged. An old memlier, w, D. I'aUon, tomerlT or ItumI and ration, Jolna Uila week, making hlH lliird Mamn, Our now diama will 1)0 piilnn In Octolior, and a lour ol tlio Honm liooked. A novel reatiiro ot Ihia plar will lie a dj- Ing machine, the Aral to be nued on anj alage.thc elDict iMing Invonled and patented \ij Hr. ran- ahawo. Our paper will bo new, and oveirlblng point! to a proapemiii acainn, Uie nrth }earw1ihout doling. Uur recent Ui.iiTKa ad. Iirooght at In over lour hundred lottem. The nater: Froat A Fan- nhawe.proprletora; A. I.. Kanaliawe, ttaga director; F. II. Vrnai, liiinlneHi manager; W. O. Hacaolei, Holiert IlarT1^ llHirr liellmonel, Frank Fentu, w. II. raiion, Allen Fnrd, Uabel Fioal, Flora Froat, Irene Frt^at, Faniiv Fnmi and Jiilla Marlln, plaolau — TDoii. J. Omdy goea onl Iho coming aeaaon In the now farce coiiiedr, "Jnllr OM tlliunu," under the mnuagement of Chaa, It. Ilugbee, who haa en- gaged one of tho elrongeal componlea Ihal appear wlin thai clam of aliracUoiia. AmiHiR tbow of prominence ara: Uairy Uinoni, wlio liai iieen alar- ling In her own pla;a for tho laat two acaaona: Budd Ilus, l.llllau Htinii]an,IlaiTT 0. l.o«ler, llallle Hcf- nard, Jeanne Oravca, W. J. Ilolmoi, Kdna Weat, llarrr lloghea, Orella Rehermerhom, lata with "Frlncem Uonnlo" and "Trcoon" Uo.'a: CDai. O. Wallace, F. Ullnuiii Bcott, W. 0. OU, the Ulaaea Chaae, Hejem, Wllllamiion and Kugler. (leoige W. Hlller, Irauiirerand liunlneaa menager. Ooainmea are by Hlller, and the aceiierr lif Ferrr i lAve. Hie acHion opona ni Hcmnion, I'a., Aug- 20. — FJdon'a U<imodlHiM will open their dftb acaKiii Aug. 11, at Uiinhvlllo, III, Tho comiMn; la nearl; tho mine an laal leaaoii, (1. IUttIh Kmon and Hay I,* Harr lielng fcatnrcd under the management of (loo. W. Ilamler. Tho compaej will Include the fol- lowing: Hay Ijt HaiT, (Icrlle Neman, Jeulo I,ylc, Uliki Vergy Ilanilln. (I. Ilarrla Udoii, llert Carter, 0. W. Thylor, F. J, llllllker,llarTT l<amlln, A. C. Newlieni, Fnif. W. II. Uorliln and ileo. W. Ilamler. Tho ronenory will lie now and will Include "Uy- clone," a now Wcelom acnaallooal drama. In four acta, iiy a. llartia Kidon. All tliepaperuned uape clal. gpeclalilea,aahorelorore,will Ma feature. — At the recent opening of (he new l,yilo Upeia IlouBO, at llainmemiiiltb, l/)iidon, Kng^ Hra. Ijkug- Iry delivered an addrcaa written by Wllaon Jooea, witluh wnH choonHt Io the oohu by the crowded anil enlhualaallo aiidlonco. Ura. liHnglry waa preientod with a handaomo Inuquel, bounil with nblnna of fawn and lurquolao (her racing colon), by Actun Phllllpa, Iho owner and manajtor of the new opera honee. — KenroD Joncn line cloaetl with Iha No« Jollity Co. for the coming waimn aa. loader and roualcal director. Hr. Joiiea baa tieon tocatoil al rieaaanl Ueach. near Byracuito, Ihla Hummer. — Noten fniin Kdwanl K. MIckemon'H (Monal CumetW On.: Wo open our aeaaon BepL e, and are iMwkod for fnr1y-twi> aolld weeka lu largo clllea. Krery Ihlng nlHiiit Uda innmmolb oritanluUon la brand new. We will carry Ihlrty-alx people, and expuotto have tho llnoatdronaotl.inner novel ami licat etiiilppwl popular prlcoil organlKnIlun on the nmtl lleheamla commence Aug. IP, In Beetun. Hr. Nick erwin will oloeo hia ungaounient aa aolo cornellat al Naulaaket Ueaoli, about Aug. u. Hr. NIotennn baa engaged J. II. Fmalor aa nnriiiceM manager and prM nprtaoiitaUvei'l'fof. J. U. M. Fulton aainualcal jillM, ,V]f(i.m,ii,i<u>ll|.i i director, Jamea J. laiughorly aa ainge naoagor, and JoHoph llrady an advortlnng ngenL — JeaaloHao llnll liaa organlaed for the aeaaon, with a company of fourleon people. Among roconi ongagemonu are: Ulllan Button, Frank (Irandon, l>realey II. Frenoh and ora Owena. lUanche Hall leave* Ang. 3, to play leadi with O. W. Woodard Tbia company opeiiwl the new huuio at lUcbmond Ky., July l-J, and abkyeil there duUng Fair week. llualnatH wna good. The com|«ny la l»oked aolld for 1M>&-e, In the large Indiana, Oulo and HIchlgnu towna. — Aetlve nibean«lM have Ingun on WlUurd BpeO' ner'a comlo opom, "IMncem llounle," whbih la now under the managoniunl of II, W. Tniaa k Vo. Tbhi will lie the opening allniclinn at the liraadway la clly.tVila - ' Theatre, thbi city, tlila aoaaiiii. Tho rahoaiMla of the popular couilo oiiem, "Wang," will begin un Aug. 5. Tliey will open Iholraeaaon on Aug. 31. — WlllanI W. Huwinan baa algoed to pUy the lending Juvenile In Kagan and Wlllier>drania, "The Midnight Flood." Tho company lakoe Uio read un Aug, 3\. — NoUutmm tho Uiaham KirlolMi.: Theaeaaon upeiui at Honllccllo, Ind., Aug. t. Ur. Karle haa aumundnl hlnwolf wllh a almngur company tlian over, a naportoiy of all new plun, anil will uae notb- Ing but apeolal prlnllng In lilll Uio atlracUooa. 0. II. Itoaakain ralnnui for hIa iblrdyearaabualnem manager, and la Iho only one retAluwl from but iiea- Hon. Nothing but the birger tawnaani l«lDg bookodi and inucb now lorrltory la oinbrai-od lu Uie route. — Harle Klnr.lo haa Itcon very 111 In Ytohi,Wl8., fnr llvo weeka, but U now aMu lu Join her company at I*iHlrlo liu Har. Knwi Fnlicnum Ih a now mom' Imrof ibocoiu|<any. — Kllcn Voi'koy wii^ exrenllngly Hiu-crmful In a nircnt foucurt niid rvrlial ni l.elaml'H Ocean lliiuw, Newport, lU I. A largo nndleiire wa.s atlracied, — Uawmu Tiiylor, Conant and llarrbun, inauageiH III llio Joint uiiir i>( Lannt lllggir anil Hurt llaverly, III lliiyt'B "A Tiiit to Uhbiaioirii," have Helecle<l lliulr couniany. Tlio following will form thecaat: lloao l,o«,aa Fllrl; Qonrgla llrjtun. Ha Willie llnw: draco lliinrcaa, aa laalicllo liAiiio; Octavla Itarbo, aa IVioy (lay; Sidney lie ( Ibuhlelgh (hty: AKml (Iniiit, aatllavin IVyno; Hairy IliLudler, aa Norman llliiod; ll,U. Uhamlierlain, aa Ihmllay, ami ulhera. Jinwiih Naihan will bo ilio inualcal dircrior, John tloeilcr, pmperty man, and Jnuk 8. Haudford, bnal' uerai nmnager. Itchcnniala will Iwuln Aug. 2I, at lliiyl'n Thoalro. Iliu lour conunencea Bepl. 3, In New Kngland, and oinbnii.-eH a annann nl forty wcoka. Including a Hprliig vlalt to (^lironila aud the I'liclllr 0>aal. — Au opvu air parronnauco of Alfred Vtlller'a ilinie act ii|iero "Ihirulhy" was given July 31 on tbo lawn at lAko IIhuho, Uke (lenrgn, N. Iielorea viirv largo aiidlonce. Tho oiwni waa well rendered iiud waa received wlili much apidauae. A Ital- let, onlllleil "Now and Hion," waa lulroiluceil into the Ihlnl act, wllh Uaudle llevete aa the milit dancer. Tliureaa Vaughan mug "Hen Ikili." Tho caat wan: Haroihy, Ilonilhy Noitun lO'dIa, Uaiid llolllna; I'lillln, Hilda llullluii: Un. mvell, Killlli !<lnch\lr; Uilr llelly, Uaud (Xiurto- nay; Ihtiiie liurden, Mnrinu.linger; (iovirroy Wilder, Oharlea llaaietl: llaiTyHhern'uad,l>aTldTi>nnni-e: Sipilie llanteiu, llaall Ivuum; JohnTupnlll, Al. Ilol III link; Tiini HI nut, Ileniy Blanley; Luivhor, KdwanI M. tVvor. — Ftod Ilauilln, aamiclate manager of the (liand (l|<em lluuiio, ClilMg", 111., la at Iho llllaey lluuao, thia oily, ranivrring fnmi n aeverc eiirglcal opem- Uou recouUy purfomied uiion him. — Ilemian rcrlcl and Ilolla Thome wore inarrietl July'J;!, at Jenoy (,1ty, N. J. Ur. IVrld'a dm wife waa graiiiod a divorce from htiu July IV. — llarrlann HlllanI, ihe wull known iwiig writer, who hi aerloualy 111 wllh llrlgbfa diaeaae, baa lieen niiuovoil l» the Mtaklll Huimialna, llila Stale, by liladanghlor, Un< K. II. l-age. — Jennie trNclll I'ulicr, vlociilb>nbii, bi aunbrini fniniaaevure altork of |tlpiii1ay, wlilcbhorphyel rIaiiM nay wim tiniiigbi on by overwork. 8bo waa laki-n 111 laal KprIng, aud haa not l>«ou able to ap- pear In public aliico. — Winiani Harry will open hIa regubtr eeaann at .Samliiga, N. Y.. im Aug. 'Jt, iirvaentlag **Ttie Hbdng (tcnemtlon" In uew drraa. Ho will lie aupptiiled b; a riiiiiiiaiir uf twenly-dve people, and i,e QraiH Whilv, uutler wbuao luauannKnl Ur. liany will be for the no.xi three ycaia, hia ananged atourei- Icnibng aa far Wert aa Ban Fmnclaco. — Joaenh II. Tbayrr cloieil at aianfa Part, Bur KiiTtitn, AVIa., July M, and haa algncti wllh the I'ar4i:iiii Ttieam Do. for the c^iiidnfieeaon, opening Kl llliidtiin, liid., Aug. \i. — wins. Collier ban algneil to go abi-ail of Flank K. lAing'a lllg llciieriiiiy (M. Kdwln Helvln and I'bll and licmlo Mnlicr hare abn been algncd. — Hiidle llaynuind iVnieily Notea; we open our w-veiiib annual lour Aug. It, at Fanner (JHr, III., and will rany a company of twtnty-two paoele, In- cluding iMiid and im'lieiiira. Wo will tour Illloola, Mlmoiirt, ludlnna and Ohio. — (Irorgo Marion la loactaageneimlatandlieo- ii>i of Uavia A Keogh'a thirteen pmlueUona the ciiiiiliig HcaaoD. — reroy Oatinl, tlie lonner mnalcal dUeclor and compoaer ot (niarlea Hoyt'a colnedle^ haa algned with I). W. Tniaa k Oo., aa mnalnal director of Jeaepli llart'a mualual comedy, "A day OM liny." ■ Canle IaiiIb, underthemanagomentof JobnA. Illmmeleln, will open aeaaon alaitit Ang. u. Han- ager Illmmeleln baa aecured aome escellent time for Ilia allracUon, playing nothing but week alanda. New printing will be need. lUnr Hllog baa lieen aecured ai bualneaa manager In advance. Thla la Ur. F,lllng'a fonnh aeaaon ahead of tkla alincUnn. — W. F. Ilendenon, manager of Dendennn'a Illg Oomedy and HpoclallyU),, Informi na that Ma com- pany haa lieen rebeandng for two wceka, and will open theaeaaon at Teire lianle, Ind., Ang. (. Ttie nimpany conlalna tweniy-foiir peiwie, Indodlng rrof. Uvln'i Band and Orebcatn. Prank lie I.eon la dlrecilug the atage. The repertory eonaleta of ten comedy drsmaa. three of which are entirely new: "The K<lltnr'a Daughter," "A Bailor Boy" and "Hanjula." Specialaceneirwlllliecanledfor the above playL ^le eoUra aeaaon la booked aolld through llie Booth and Kaat. — "A CompUcated Caae," a farce by Uark K. Bwan, waa acted for Ihe Omt Ume on any atage at Cenlralla. III.. Jgly 17. by Jemie Hae UalL — "A Stag Party," Paul H. Poller and DIM Nya'a now inualcal comedy, will Iwproilured by Uauager A. H. Palmer OcU 14, at the Park Theatre, lloeton, Uuaa. — Quatave Fmhinon on Aug. 1 aaaiinied the man< agemont of the Bclilller Thealra, Chicago, III. Tliomaa l*rior, who haa lieen the leaaee nluce Inat December, aaalgned tho leaae to Hr. Frohman on conaldemilon that the latter aaaume Ihe Indebted' Dem of |H,00O which bna accrued In the laal eight montJiH. Hr. Krohman'a leaao nina for Ave yean from Aog. 20. Hie aeaaoo will open about BepU I wllh "Haalcn." Mr. Prior lahea Ihe management of "Mule Ilolilnaon Cnieoe" when It goea upon the niad. — lAulae Avdellc, who auccenfolly toured two yea re ago In HoKee Kankln'n "Hnnawar Wife," naa algiwd for three yean with Seaa, Latmbrigger i UtnipMll, aud will travel thU coming auaaon through the South preaenting tlirtn plaja. The aeaaon of the rom|iaiiy will open aliout Bcpt 10, In tlila vicinity. They will Iravel In tliclr own l>ulln>au parior car. A mandolin orcheatm will lie carried and the Tuxedo trio haa alao algned for the aciiMio. The company will have a line equlpioent of apccUl printing and acenery. Alxiiii twenty peoplo will lie Included In the mater. Uncle Joeh Bpniceby" Notea: Tlie New Kng< land aocccaa, "Uncle Joeb Hpruceliy," under the managementof Have H. Levbi, opena Ha Hflh aea anil In Chicago. Kniira new nceneiy U lieliig pre pared b> Sonman It litndla, of (Virago, and Mana- ger l,ev{a haa engaged a auming oiecirical novelty for tho coming aeaaon. Tlie band and orclieaira will be enlarged In twenty plecea, and will again la ono of the featurea of the allow. Iliialneaa Manager B. B. Waliera baa booked the time for the aeaaon In aome of the lieat hoiiae*. — F.dwln Oordou Uwrence haa |uat piilillalied a necond and revlaed edition of hla raliiablo text book, "Slmpliaed Hocutlon," which preaenla comprohennve nyateui of voeal and phyalcalgym- naalica, and whicb la dealgned lortheiuBOfallwho wlah to perfect themaelvea In Ihe art of exprcaaloo. We have already had occaalon to commend thla work, after baring carefully weighed lia merlu, ami a further pemaal baa coillrmed ogr liellet that It will prove of mueli value alike tii atudenia and lO' alrucloia. Hr. Utwrence la well known aa tho ill rector of the l^wrenco Boliool of AcUiig, at loe Wcat Fnriy-aecond Btreet, thla city. — W. II. Thoinpaon. who la now playing Svengall In'Trilliy," at tlie Harden Tlieatn, thla city, liaa algned a contract wlib Manager A. H. Nlmer for next aeaaon. lie will cither continue to plavBven- gall or orealo a new rolo In "The (IrCHt Diamond Itoblien." — "The Fatal I/Mket," a wcluty dmina In four acia, by Thomaa Wood, waa acted for the llrat lime on an; atage July m, iit Hie llndley Opera lliiuae. Fort Kdward, N. Y. Mr. Wood and wire, Marie Thomaa, analalned the leading roloa. The remainder ol Ihe caat waa Oiled by amaleura. — In Ihe Superior Oonrt of thin State, ou Aug. 2, Judge Olldoreloeve algned a decree gTmnllog an ab- aoluto divorce to QIMe Vorbett from Jamea J. Qir- liett. The decree waa algned on tlie report of Kefe- ree Kilwanl Jacob*. Hra. (Xrliott bi to receive |ft,aooa year alimony, payalileaeral-annnally, which will ceaao If abe marriea again, and which may alan liedecreaaod If the clrcnmatancea of Hr. Coriielt Hhoiild at any time warrant auch a reducilno. She U alao given permMon to reauuie her maiden name, (Nile Uke. — Notea from Bcott Itaymond'a Oomedlana: We olonedourSiiDinertourJgiy27, F.veiymemlieroflho company aecured an engagement through tho Omi IUI.I1BU, and Joined the comnanlea In three daya after we doaed. Chaa. Hcfliath Joined ihn Kmnu Warren Co., Uhaa. Hack and wlfe(Dolly Annnur), the (Inihame Harl Uo., J. A.Weat and wife (Minnie I'earil, the Paragon Theatre Co., Ctni FMit, the Marvin ft Bteel Co., Venlta Irving, the Rmma Wai ren Oo., and Scott naymond. Joined Howard Wall Ideala. — Notea from the Oordon-Qlbney Oo.:Hanaaer A. T. dordon reporta good bualneaa al eveiy town during hla Summer tour. The people of Ihe com- Eany nave had a van picaaant trip, and arowell, eariy and happy. The company now numliera twonty.two people, and louneen uniformed miial' olana In tho liand, and eight In the orcheatra. Hie compaui opened Ita V*\r and Race CiRulla at Jollet, 111., July a, to the capacity of Iha theatre' the largaal opening lu the blaloty nl Hie liouao. W, J. Uadderu Joined Uie company at Oabto*h,Wla., laal week, taking charge ol tlie epeclaliy depnit- nientfortbe aeaaon. —'Tbe IJmlted Hall," Bmer K. Vhuco'b lime tried reallalic play, will open IM alxth annual aea- mn al Wtemon, N. J., Aug. 'JD. Manager Vance atatcH Ibat ho haa a aurprtae up hla aleere for theat- rical iMlrona who Imagine tnero can INI nothing new In u rallmad play. One of IIhi moat elegant uariurcanuverliulu fur a theatrical compauv la the lleatrioo, juat completed for and accepted li Hanager Vance, who will have hlaonira In Ihe car. — P. K. I)e Loate, manager of Ihe Oraml (ipeiu liouao, Haillaou, lud., writee hla bonae la now In the liaiida of the pabiteni, and when llopenn In Aiigiiat all tbo Inalde will lie freahly palnteil and frcacoed, new cerpeta In all the alaloa and the lioxea will lie handaoiiiely retumlahed. IHe wood work will be In white and gold. Hie opening atuacllou, JcmIo Hae Hall, week nl Aug. 12-lt. — F. II. Hathewa TOpRecnm J. II. Biaurow'e hla lortcal roiiuuire, "Jack Ilarkawaf." ou the roar the coming eoaaon. The play la aald to he rapleii wllh atlrring Incldenta and exciting acenet. Tlie two big mechanical eirecl* of Ihe play, dnl Iho ainking ot a full rigged nlling veaael, and aeeondly Ihe naval liatue ana the bomliardment aud fall of Fori St. Julian, are promleed to be the moat nalla- lle acenea Uial have yet lieen placed on Ihn niage. The company that will Intoipnt Ihe dltltrent char- aoiera lalielng aoleeted wllh great care. The aea- aon will open on or aboul Aug. to. On Aug. 2d they will liegin a aeaaon of two weeka at tbe Uowdoln Bipian Theatre, Uoaton, Haas. — Hen lluwe wrtleaaa folk>«-a: "Tlia Min- Y'ohk UMi'i'inlacertaliilya gnatadvortlalng meilliim. I have received 2as Ictlen fnim maoaueia ot opem linuaoa and aeton In re|ily to tho 'ad.' ot Kelly and Howe In laal week'a Irnuo. I have aecured a tint claaa company, and odCre of time enoii|h to Inaik the enUreaeaaon." — Wllbi and llalpio will be featured In the "lYodl' gal Father" the coming aeaaon. Nat w. will* win play tho part tormerir played by WlllUni Jerome. — Nr. and Mil. Selby Tapideld are In Roeheater, N. Y. Hre. TapadoM haa lieen In the Homeopathic llnaplUU for aeveral weeka, whoro ahe unilerwent a aevere auralcal opemtlon. She la rapidly recover- ing. Ur. Htpadeld haa lieen re-engaged for W. F„ (liimuura "A Ureen (kioda Man," niailng tho Ottb eoaaon lie baa lieen aaaoobued wllh Hr. donnatt' — "Tlie Tiamp Hlllloiiain," a comedy drama, by Wni. L. Ilnwineil, will lie erndnccd by the Ulxon Dramatlo Cluli, of IHxiin, Hi., fur Ihe Oral Ume aliu'o ihopUyhaa been nwrtlten by the author, cari Uackua will handle Ihe leailing role. Time of pm duoUon wUI be aliont BepU It. — Col. and Hra. J. (Irijig Fky are al their connliy filace. Alone Honee, Kaatcbeater. Irene Ackemian ■ at Uke llopatcong. — aiadya Lee la playlna a aeven week*' engage nieol at the Mceum Theatre, with tbe Lyceum Opera oo.. In AUanU, Oa. —J. 0. Nugent and wife (Otace Kenlgi have cloaed wllbBtewuva "Two John" Oo., and arereatlngat their home, In Oanal Dover, 0. — W. B. i-atlon, F. W. Foe, 0.0. >:meiy, William Hlller, WUItaim Wilbur, L. r. Hlller, Oeo. V. Hllea, Walter IMtIa, P. 0. Fuller, Ida Uampball and cnarice Paige have been engaged to anppon Hr. ahd Hia. ■tarry Choate. Tbelr aeaaon opena Aug. 20. Tbey have booked eight ot tbe lieal fair iialee in the Weal. — Ubariea A. HcOialh la wlUi the Kmma Wamn Ou. — Buck Bbelftr, late ot Shells and Blakely, baa •Ignod wllh Uhaa. H. Hopper, ot 'The Valeot Avoca'' for Ihe coming aeaaon. — The Hora-Wllllama Oo, will open ilielr Huon the Dim week In Saratoga, N. T.,wllb a tnll lUie ol new pleoee, and are booked np mid Io June, im. - noater and noKa frem Ihe OwlJ'SJ^^tS'; we are touring along the coa* »'•••'"^,™lSf„ fair imalneaa am) havfng a »",'''V''?5'|J;Sm Ho! a biickboard riile and a clam ""Iffinh.; Jnly 2. ume Cmckell Carleinn la nwklnga hit In"^^ dancea wllh atercopUcon eilMt All well and nappy, iloater: Mr. and Hra. Carielon. Hr. an«^i»-AiMiey, K Victor Hoort. Walter JS^n. HlK^ Jardyne Oiann Dunn, Chaa. Slaaen,Hoore and Burt, Annie Baron and A. A. Halloo. Fanl Uacdonahl, comedUn, haa "J^"™.?'}!' Zo 7/), Ihe Magic unecii." opening at Albany, n. *":-*ln*pin'll«li>nit "'o roater of BJ^P"'!'* Theairerecently the M™'!',r.«fh^ accidentally left out. Bhe win be, a* totore. Ihe atellar attraction »til>'1^' "f'SP/™ -Notea from the FloraSlanlfoMCo.;ttlacom- pany bu lieen oat aince the Oni ot ""J"??; not owe one dollar. Althongh l>i'«ln»J'"^' what we expected Uiroiigh June, we wver rauaco a Mlary day; but the laal tour wceke l"" ™ lieen very/lood, oonecouenily Uie mmm^ happx. Ulaa suillord la receiving many for her clever and conaclenUooa work. Flora HUnlford, Kale Weateni. A Ice K«'JP',5"Vr McClung, Al. F. Iiarcr, Harrv HcDo"'*. ^^J^iV!: Paul Carroll. F. K. Signer. J. 0. Olaagow, advance ageni,andT.U.J*mca. manager. t -Uhaa.A.Ucanith la note meniherof KrtchA llelchle'a Comedy Co., aa waa reported ij™,'"'--,,. - After extended prepamllona Julea Walieni will open htoIieiaSi wllh ■•A'uoney Order,"at Pultoan llU Aug. 17. Hr. Waltera haa made amngemenia to take a numlwr ot newapaper men and bl« trienda oilie opening, having chartered a ,,«B«WCHr for bat piirpoee. Kloer J. Walteia will lie the repre- aenlatlveIn advance. , ■.„_„,„ - Lulu Uailow, a graduate of the Uwrejico School of Acilns, haa lieen engngcrt by lllch 4 HaedcrforHile. Rhea'aComnany. -The Pattin «ma and John lUchardaon haxe algned wllh Sailer* Manln'a Mamniom "II. T. 1-." Ol., for Iho coming ncaauD. - NolcB from lUllry * Oniy'a Dramatic Co: We have licen doing a good Summer bnelncaa In Fgjpi, III., and river towna tor paat ten weeka, and nave good falrdatcfl ahead In thla aecilon, afier which will go through a portion nl Kentucky, HIaaourt and Arkaneaa. Haggle Miller baa left ue to ll« an eugagenieut prevloualy made Willi Ihe Moore * IJvlogalon Co., and canleo with her the best wlahee ot management and company. Al ML (3*r- mcl, after the iiorformance, ahe aurnrlMd the com- pany wllh a novelty In Ibeehnpe ol a cauiclonne aupper. In the dining room ot the lioiel,lo whb h tho twelve inonrtieni ol the comiiauy did ample Juallco, aiidlhoiwolmniciiao pymmlilBnl the luacloua edi- ble were iiiilrkly diepoaeil ot, wllh many a kind wuhfor "Ijtilc Miller," and pwbieatorherorigl- "^"^iio following la a "wire" trom Detroll, Mich.: Com Van Tamclland William smart opened the aeaaon al the Wlillnoy, 4. lo S. II. 0. Tonneaace'a Pardncr' reiiealcd Iih aucceaa of laal aeaaon." - Will HarkH haa Joined Colton A Ryoot "l/iat In New York" Co., to play the part ot lluiatloClieater, and moiuge the alace. - Carroll Marahall la apondliig the Summer at tbe lakea In tbe viclnlly of Hlonearolla, Mlun. -Note*from Iho Heed A noblnaonCo.: Bvery- thlng IH now In readlneaa tor our opening dale, which occun Sept.i. We will cairy twenty-dve people and a band and orcheatra, ualng all apeolal Eiper, andnilrparade will In a feature. William lacknev haa been engaged aa roualcal director, Frank HcQurgan, leader ot liand: H. Irving Reed, manager, and Dave Roblnmn In Advance, wllh Johnny Reed aa aaabiUnL - Nolea trtiin the John D'Otmond Co.: We played a return date at Frof port. III., week ot Jnly2S-27 (race week), to one ot the largeat week'a biitlneaa ot ouraeaaon. We are now In our Hlxty-Ilfth week, with aeven Inaing weeka on the aeaaon. Our uew play, "The Red Uckcl." by John li'Ofmond, hi completed and under reneaiaal. Manager Cmx la now In Chicago dealgning apecbil paper and acen- ery tor thU producllon, and will commtnee liooklug It aa a one night aland aitracUon, alumaung with "Olhello." All well and bualneaa Improving every week, - "The Fail Mall" (Noriherii Co.), IJncoln J. Car- ter, pronrieior, and Martin (Inldon, manager, will begin the aeaaon of lS9&-H)at the Academy ot Uualc, Chicago, Aug. 11 to 17, Inclusive. - Tho eutenirialiig clUea ot Fennaylvanla. Rend- ing, Scrantoii. WllkcHlaiira. Alleouwu and Al- tonna, are known to theatrical managera aa the "HIahler. or Peiinsylvnubi Circuit," witb John D. Ulabler, ot Reading, Pa., aa ihe manager, la now reprraenled In this city by Iho II. a Taylor's Han- agent' Exchange, l,Zt4 Broadway, when all com- niunlcatlona raialing to this clreult will be attended t>. Tho exchange baa In Its memberahip Uirce well known gentlemen In the iheairical pnteaslon, namely, II. 8. Taylor. Prank W. Conant and John U. (tarrlaon. They are alao managen aud directore of the Jolnttourof Uun lllggarand lloit Havertyln noyfa "A Ttlp to Chlnauwu." TTiU and several other largo eiiterpriaea wni forui the oiitdt of thhi exchanin. - C. B. Snyder, euphonium eololsi, and Jack Mur- ray, inimlionlst, are wllh Totry'e "V. T. C." Co., now lnuriugllllnol& - Ida I4nn Join* Uie "KnNe Slave" Oi., tor a nix weeks' engagemeiii, after which she will retire tor the real ot the anasou. - Roster and notea from lloyl'a Comedy Com- pany: Arthur T. lloyt. proprietor; Uany (I. Adama, acting manager; U. □. Arnold, advance agent; M. U. Aoania, treasurer; N. A. Hartley, musical direc- tor: Pauline Fleichcr, lYlxle Adaim, Kva Hasten, Nellie Hartley, Haggle Adams, Earl V. Duly, W. (I. lirowne, I,ewla Skivln, Avle Bumham, Uek C. Klb- lH>y and Jack T. Wllllann. We opened our aeaann al Kewaneo. III., and mined people awny; the largeat bualneia ever done by thla company. We are boiikcd aolld to March I. lloarga ano Nona FBOii noai Stmu-'s I/)HDO>i etWc -We open our season lu Cleveland, O., BepL !«. The roater: SIgfred, miralc and charecten; HIatera 0* Fomat, opereUc diietlliia; '«'»'"' Chapman, comedy sketch; Four Oenoa Blelera, electric daiireis; Campbell and sihepp, Oerman comedbina; Young Sandow, airong boy; Joun Mono, Iriah comedian; Rose Sydell, bnrleaqne nucen; Uadje Iloward, Ida Stoddard, Lottie LewH, Florence Nonnau, Sadie Olmrd, Clio Vernon, Ruby Bell, Madge Nonnan, Anna Allgler, Finnkle Brooks, nia Watklna, Hoeay Stewart, Kelly and St. Clair, ten plckanlnnlea, and the >;orop»in «f««»"»™ Sivelly.ThreeDeNavaa (drat Amertoin louil, wllh their electrical Hying irapeio.tho most expenrtvo appamwa on Uie rAd, and irilllanUy Illuminated iSthelectricaleirecto. One ot tbo feawreeof tbe act la the lUumlnallon ot their wardrobe while n)ring through apace, and we expect It to be a big fMlure and Jrawing caid. All new costumes are Iwlng made, and we will canv BUapcrb»la«net7, oaldom and eleetrio eirccta. \f. n. Oekiil wUl bo the hurt- neas manager; Wni.Counlhan,advan«i; JooWicPP; siaue manager; Herman Straiws, musical director; Fred Olllsn, eloctrtolan, and Kd. F™nklln. nropoity man. W.l!.Bradaliaw la Hole proprietor. The lime la hooked almost aolld. In week elands, and the mncrwlll all be now and nt nuiny novel dealgns. The Oreve Ulhogrephing Co., ot tHlwaukce, are doing the work. al the Royal Sundanl, and Iho Hvyal Cambridge LAURA BICCAR Waa bom In Wilmington, Del., and received her caillest aluge exporience at llie ago of nticeu when shu went upon tour wllti a comi»uy presenting "For- tune's Fo I" and "Caned Uack." 10 both nt which playnii'. oppcared. llersnccoaawllhlbUcnmpany led * an engagement at (ho OrandUpora House, S l-'raiiclMO, Ual., when eho appeared In "Snow .ako," lu which alio played the priocl|isl role. In Ihla play alio made a very favorable Irapresslon and her Rwcet volco and line presence led lo hcreugage- mcnt at the Tlvoll, where abe next appeared, sing- ing In 0|iera tor one season. She remained upon the Pacinc Oiaat tor tho next tlirco yean*, playing ancli nilea aa Ellfa In "Alter ihirk" and Uarane In "She." In tho latter role, especially, ahe won con- siderable local fame and liecame a public favorite. She suliseqnonUy made a tour ot tue South In Ihe alMve meniloued playa. and shortly Hftorward* eho came very pronilnenOy Into notice while abuTlng In tbo Fast and South In "The (Tlemenccau Cvk." Following her cunnoctlon wllh thla play she rested tor one year at a ranch ahe luid puroiiased In South- ern Calllomla. At tho close of ibat vacation she came East to play the rele ot tho Widow lo Hoyt'a "A Trip to Chinatown,** In which ahe met with inncli Buoceaa. While Oiling thU cngagoment she waa married to Burt Uaveriy, who was playing Wetland Sireug In the same company. She nexl, bi company wllb lier husband, traveled for one aeaaon wim "The Passing Show." She Is at present under special oiigagemenl with Heaire. lloyt A UcKee tor tbe rolo ol IJda Skldilotu, Ihe "t^ucen ot llurieanne" In "A lllack Sheen" tor the lour It Is now making upon the I^rlOo Coast- During tho coming season alio wUl bo under the maiiageinent ol Heeare. Tbj- loy, Oonaiit ,t (htrrlaoo, woo comprtae Ihe II. S. IViylnr's Manager's Exchange, and will elar, Jolnlly wllh Burt llavoriy, Inlleyfa "A Trip to Chinatown," wllb which tbey have Iwib lieen ao prominently IrnlenllHed throughout tbe country, ftlaa Rlggar (til uae the name by which alio hi proteaslonally kiHiwn) owiia a Bnninier home at Ciimnado Beach, Ual. She la a woman ot remarkably nno pttaonco and ot great vlTacliy.aud Is admirably flitcd tor the poalUon ot a comedy star. ILLINOIS Peorla.*Altbe1W1ieraacletbe Andrews Opera Co., which ha* been here tor the last tlx weeka, will llnlah the aeaaon Aog. 3, and will take a real for a week or ten daya. The aeaaon hM been very sue ceasfnl,and tbe company wUI probatily open up again after their ncatlon Len Wiley, late leoce ol tbe (imnd Open Uonse, has leased the new Comedy Theatre, owned by W. A. Gray and F. D. Kelley. Thla Is an entirely new house and conMlns all Iho modem Improvemenli, and It haa a seating capacity ot ahnul two Ihoniand. It will be opened Oct. I, l<y the "Sona ot Ham," wllh local talenL After that the honae will flay drat cUm companlea at papular pricea. Lem Wiley la an old Iheairical man, aud waa at one Ume a member ot Ilavertey's HInstrela. He haa many trtend* In IhU city and hla new honae wlU no donbt dnd lavor wlUi Ihe pnbUe. Popntar pilce*, Cron ten to Utj ceata, wtD prevail, Buxmi \ UaiUY's Otacca comes Aug, M. niRaVAXo FioaA Bi-ikii are appearing iilghtly 7... - ' " ■ ■ Kojal C«i Theatre, 'l>ondon. Eng. EnwARn AnAVH, tennlo Impenonalor, la spending the Summer with uis parents lu San Francisco. "DOWN ON Till SUVANEE RivgH." ivltb Otty oe- groea and eceneiy, tlio latter painted by John 11. Yonng. haa Ibi flnt pruducilon Aug. 11, at WhIinFy'sOpcni llonw. OetrolL The scene la laid la lira African Jiiiigle, then In the douth, and Uien In New York. The negro la shown In savagery, Bbivery, audThompwuStieeiclvlllzatlon. OBRriB QtLSON was bsdiy hurned at her borne In thla city on July 2B, by her clothing taking Ore tiom a llgliied iiintcli which aho bad used to beat a piece of ecaling wax. She had Just flnbibed wriUng a let- ter and ntier melting the wax ahe carelessly threw the lighted nutcb aside. A few moments later Hiss Ullsen discovered that her clothing was on Ore and she ran m rcanilng Into the ball. Several people In tbe huiiao came to her aid aud ihe flsuiea were soon exilagulal:! d. Miss Gllson waa to have commenced a four weeks' engagement al tbe Uadlaon Stjnare Root (innlcn. Oils city, on July », but ou account of her accident was obliged lo cancel ihe dale. Hat EnwAnDa,lMinlness manager ot Frank Hall's Casino, Chicago, III., was a CLiprsa caller July 31. Iln was at that Unio about u> return to bis duties alter a visit to his Utile dsugbler al hU lomior home, Bath Beach, L. I. Kara rmni rnx 0«iaiHALTn<NBSiSAHJuBii.B( Slniera.—We have euccerded In compleiing tbe ros- ter of our company and luvo alao pnicured original paper. Relieannis begin Aug. 11, wlU take tbo road aboulSepL 1. Our mater: Sam 11. Snonden and Plill R. Miller, proprieion and managera; Clsm Belle Carey, sopmou; Utile Stone, contralto; Jeaslo ()g- dent, contnilto; Oeurgc Cooley, lenor; Fred T. Calroy, tenor; J. A. llagennan, baaao, and A. B. Johnson, planlsL Isiuin Bi.AKCURan Is visiting friends In Philadel- phia, prior to Joining nynii A Shorldan's Olg Sensa- Uon Oo. Tng Ktu-ATiiicxe, tbe clever trick bicycle riden, are meeting with success In tho West. II wVI be remembered that KIliaiiricK was the Ural and only 'cvdlBl to ride down the west atena of the Capitol at Woslilugton, some yeara ago. They ataried from .Sow York May It, making the distance to Chicago, :,ooo miles. In eleven daya. Vacuhan, Martin k HvumKviu.t'a HiNsniBLS open season lo Du (Juoln, 111., Sept. 0. We are In- foimed thai Uiolr season Is neariy booked aolld. Tub DXAno.KS, Ed. U. amo KtrrtB, are vlalUng the borne of Mr. Deigen's parents. In Ayr, Can. Tnx rBRKORMBRB engaged for next season with Fields A Hanson's llmwiiig (Mrda are spending tbe Summer very pleabantly. Proprietor John F. Flolda lias gone to Uassachoaelta, Maiugcr James D. Flyun epeiida hla Ume between New York and Uantaatlan Beach, PhyllU Allen Is at Lake ()nsg- slgamund, Joe Flynn Is at laurel (^otbtgs, Laren- montUanor; iheweaton Blstonare at Sayvlllo, L. I.; Lalor and Chester are at Denver, Col.; Carroll and Hlnes are Oehlng at Wurtemburg, I^i.; Mays and Unnter are at Arveroe by tbe Sea; Oharies F. Qaleuo Isal Onset Bay, Haas.; HcOarthy and Reyn- olds sre farming al Uanandalgna, N. Y.; and Hiina. Josef I^ Flenr sailed Inira llarve, FhAnce,July29. The company will report (or rehearsal Ang. lo, at Waldnianii'a Theatre, Newark, N. J., where they open their aeaaon Aug. 17. Tlie outlook tor botn companlea Is very favorable, and Hanager James D. Flynn has booking arranged far Into Hay, ISM. OotnLLO's Homo OrzHA and Vaddkvii.lii Co. are playing Ibo Lako rosorta of Noribem HIchlgan. Tbe company Is composed of the great Ooaiello, Bob Branlgan and Sadio Steel, Whippier and Ilckeri, Alice Hamlllon, (Ico. Oil, mnslcHl director; Harry St. CIsIr and Oerile ailliert. The (Irsat Ooelello Is sole pioprietor, Burt Oriiien Is general maiuiger, and Tom damson, sdvauce agent. Kahb and Oonlv and FaxD Sumt have signed tor the coming season with (luy Bros'. HInstrela. Frank P. COLuaAX waa given a fanweU recep- Uon nt Uie home at lila iinui In Brooklyn, N. Y., July 10. I'ErBH II. Smitu and liorriK Elms begin a season of nine weeks on Aug. IP, openlug at Uie Onwhu, Nell., BIJou Theatre, aud closlogat l>enver,Ool. Uiu.v Wolf, late of Wolf and SavUle, has signed wllh Whallen A Hanall's "Suuili Uefure Uie War" Co. tbe coming aoason. Zrlla, the contortionist, la Inlroiluclng a new act this aeuaon, entlileil "Tho lioniou'a Frolics," and baa signed vrtth tbo Bartow Uiva-* Ulustrola. Tub KASnx Sistbbs wHl cloae a two weeka' en- gagement al Hoiilnsoo's Casino, Toledo, 0., Aug. 10. Tub Itm. Uorani have algned with Joo Oiiiieu- holmer's "Xero" tor tho coming season. A VAunEviLLB oourANv, Under canvas, nnder Ihe msnagement ot T. V. Ualton, la touring Taxaa and l/iiilslana, Uood builiieaa is repuited. The rosier: T. V. Dalton, manager; Harry Kline, sUge manager: (>. 0. Drnce, musical director; Ocorge Tbompwii, maater props.; OcnryWIIaan, tmrniponaUon agent; Frank Ualton, ndvnnco agoul; Bart Lehman, Ben Hums, Billy Raker, Ilairy Held, Olo Uruc^ Lew Nelson. Peart Kline and Ada Kelson. H. F. UtASLV has algned tor Heasly A Co.'e HIn- strela: Ilsden and Fsranger, BUly Sauden. come- dian and dancer; Elijah J. Baldwin, comedian and sketch; J. F.Terrlll, the Egyptian Juggler and dmm major. IIaruv Clabk Inform* us Uial he ba.1 signed with H.J. A W. A. Cain, aa tiualncas manager tor Ola llayilon'a American Yandet-llle Co., wbleu will open aeaaon at tlie People'a Theaire, ClnclnnaU, Sept. 1. Udbllamd Paoi have closed their six weeks' en- gagenienl In San Francisco and Ias Angeles, Cai., and are itsUng at Pennsvllle. N. 1. BLAKCim Wasubuik, ot Wastabum BIslera' iMt beusatlon Co., has been spending tbe Summer wllh tier husband. Jack Crawford, at Coney Island. Lll- Ibin Washburn baa been payiug a vlslito her mother In Toledo, 0. The learn will atar In the above at- tracUoii the coming aeaaon, managed by Louis liable. Hh. and Hr!i. Tng HcIntosd are among Uie btteat engagemenbi tor Isham'a Octoroon Co., by Hanager John W. labaiu. Tlio company pinmleesto tie one of the best of Its kind ever oiganr7.ed. Sev- eral handsome aeta ot scenery are lieVng painted al the aliidio ot lafayaite Seavey. Rehimala iriU be given Ang. 12, at tbe (llyinplc Theatre, Uariem. Hill P. Weliater hss been aeaired lo go In advance. Tub death of Chariea Lorcnberg's three year old aon eccoiTcd In Pipvldciice, It. I., Aug. 1. The pcr- tormera al Iho fVirresl Casino, llocky Point, where Hr. Lovenbeig la eogaged a* leader ot the orehee- tn, and the iiienilien ot the oretaeatra sent a ticau' Utiil floral tribute. Tub UHtqiii Tato wUl open al Keith's Union Square Tbeatre, Uila oily. In a lew weeka. Intro- ducing their new apeclalUc*. Has. Frbd Blace preaonted her husband with a boy baby Aug. 1, Pntu J. STaBaaiNOBn Informa nt that he la In no way connected wllb Ihe Hay Ruasell Co. All the apeolal printing and apeclal scenery to be need by tbe Walaoo Slaien Co. the coming season will be of the liesL Tlie msnagen Informa ua that tbey have spared bo e.vpenso to make thlscompany one of the strougeat sad liestequlppeid shown on the road. The rntter: Ocorge Clark lUallllan and Juan do Zamore, eanal ownera; Three Watson Slsiera, Joele, Leona, Hay: Lowry. aad llanley, SbaOtr anil Uonii, BenUey and Cameron, the Mexican 7.amore Family, WlllanI and Rrown, Jobn snd Edna VIdocq Olark and Kvans, Haggle Height, Blanch Sherwood, Ftf Hall, Rene Stanley, Edna Wilson, Harie Bogtrs, John V. Biyce, Flank S. Pierce, J. A. RcldeL Rye Lewis, Wm. A. Lewis, Irene Lavard, andOeo. ward. Tub CcNNiKouAii Btsrua—Rose and Nellie—are not going wllh Thatcher A Johnaon's Oomnaiiy, aa has been stttad. nosm oy HiBVirt OoiiiiTOo.aMDHAiininoa HlnstieH^AUce Borden, Oeo. Borden, Joseph IMi new b«vj dob acM the Bwedlah atliletea, hjii/i and Belen, Oylngrtngaand b»re; Wm. llarrey, wK Rica, Frank Wanl, Chan. Ward, Edna BIncUIr a EcksU, naiTT PelerMD, Tbomaa F. Molkiy, Manu and Kabel Rnssall, Walter Edglnlon. T. it. Mi.m Florence Feari, Ullle DaUy, James Nichols, j u° Walsh. Daisy Dclmont, Hand French; manager n W. Feari; mnalcal director. Cart Beckman: trna! nrer, U. E. Meyers; stage director, Oeo. nuMeo- bnslneas manager, 0. Oorle; advance agent, Ham Staberg; bnalnesa sgenu, Ooetz k Oo.j advenlumi agent, Albert Nelson; press agent, E.lL Mayo. A. W. Ooii Infornis ns that tie was married totav nallahan, a non-proteaalenal, In Elnlra, N. Y m Tan HOOBI SiariBS-EDina, Doga and Babe-win open their seaaon at the Bnoklngham, In Loolmiir I^-i Aog. t. Babdiho did An Bid dosed Uislr circuit of ten weeka ot the combined Bireet B. R. Companl(^st Cincinnati, 0., Ang. 3, and taaye been engaged tor next Summer, over the same olroolt. Harion and PiABi were algned wlUi Ulacuit City Clab Oo., bnt owing to a mlsonderaiamllni they do not go wllh that company. They are doa Uig the olio wlUi W. 8. Olereland's HInstrela. Patinta doaed her engagement In Nsshtnie Tenn., after Ore anccessfnl weeks, and was the fea- ture last week at the Exposition Hnsie Hall, uu- wankee. _ ■•FoRorVB He, I'LL Coiie noxg," la the nana: o( a new song Just laned by J. 0. Qroene A Co., ei ClnclnnaU. Dam SUEEHAMvrrites thatonacconnlota(erere railroad accident to two of tbe SIsten Davcop>ri, who were to anpport Shenuan and Horisey In "The Palo Klllen," liiey were compelled to caned their Ume nntu next season. Mr. Sbeiman wui lake Uie "Jay Olrcua" again and play Uie variety houKs, commencing In October In the East, (Morailo will bo toured tor tho remainder of the Bummer. Louis Haas, mnslc publlaber, states that he la In receipt otlettentnm A. 0. Lawrence and dec. II. Diamond, etatbig tbat Uiey ai« ainging "rho LItUo Scribbled Note" wlUi snceess. Hamic Sbep ard also writes that "Don't Be Angry, Sveet Sweetheart," aud "Little Baby" are the iiest sooga she has bad Uils aeaaon. Hdriut and ALDgN Will conUnns logeUier the coming season They are booked solid. BgRMABD Dtlltk, whlls playlDg last week si the Falrmnnnt Park, Kansas GIlT, waa the gncsl o( Cblet Hale, ot the Fire Department ot that city. Be astonhihed hla audiences by Blnglng with his back tuned towards tlieffl. A HIKSraEL FIB8T FART IND OAKE WAI.I WU given at Ihe Long Beaoh Hotel, Jnly 30, which wsa asucceaa. The adltlr waa unner tne management of B. F. Underwood. Among Uoae who took nan were A. II. Byrd, Philip Portkick, Ed. Royal, Wn Fralzer, UatUe James, Beaale King, Sadie Sbscon. Home Dill, Roxle NIckleaon, DeUe PhUllpa, Kilty Stoval and the Headow Brook ()uarteL The following have signed wtUi Tims A Hsyei' VaudovUle (>>.: Hayes and WUlon, Toney Dakcr and wife, Al.Waynei Fred, law, E. F. Titus, nso- ager, and Toney Baker, stage manager. They win feature the Renmckr Rose Bad. NoTBS PROH HatiASA*8 HiMsmELa.-We open the season at Hanltowoc, Wis-, Ang, 24, and will call reUsarsal for Aug. U. Tbe company will number iblrty-Ove people, and we have signed some of tbe best In the buslneaa. We will have a plckanlnnle band and quartet whlob inil be teatnrea. Our nea nnlfonns for the parade arrived. Eddie Oastbruhb writes tbat he waa mauled lo Grace Leona Pratt, a Don-profonlonal, at Hexlce, N. Y., on Jnly 28. Alf. Hbltoh, bsTlng returned from a succtasfDl tear ot the English Provinces, wlU shorily Oil a metropoUian engagement, rendering bis latest bui)- get ot songs tTprcal ot London coster lite. Tbe UtHNiMoaAiu, Jerry and Louibe, have bee« laymg oir In Chicago during the Summer, and will commence their season the latter partot this montk. UORHis AMD aooDinN, comedlahs, have been en- gaged for the Vanghan, Hariln i Hamtrevllle's Ulneirels. WUInnl H. Weher, vocsUsi and fenwle linpereonalor, also opens wltb uls company Bepl.). uioaiMB and Lbbub, knookationt comedians, ste at the Iron Pier Pavilion, Byracgae, N. Y.,thls week. EnntB O'Dbll, oontoilloDlst and acrobat, played tor the FUohburg AUiletIc Oluh last week at Flub- bnrg, Uaaa. Bertba For la rehearsing a new dance and bik- ing leasons In vocal mnslo. BOBBT Braoo, late of Stock's Huslo and Haide Co., and Harry HaiUn, kite of the "Colorado" Co.. have nearly comploted a new farce comedy, enlliltd 'UoDuggln's Blnomem." ArrsH a long snd aeveie IIIdob from lung itooue and la orlfipe,Va» EUiel, baUadlst, Is slowly recov- ering lu Toleoo, 0. JiH DuEOKT, aouUiera comedbtn, vocalut aud dancer, has signed to go wltb Lou Beck's Uliib Class Uiiutrels the coming season. ^ , Franx T. Uvmbs lutonns usUiat be waa married to Julia Ruppell, formerly ot "The Bplderanil Flj" 00., al Sonlti Uoacb, N. v., on Aug. 1. UoiiiL Ladow will close wltb Hnllen A Eagleton's Star Specially Co., on Aug. 10, and, after spegdlng and reeling two weeka al Waterbnry, Ct., will open with ChailcaKenmt'sUlnalrels, Aug. 2«. Jodh and LizuE HcUowRLL bavo signed wlln Manager Kd. Bbilr, to play Uie two principal parts In "A0raokerJack"Co. , , . , HiLE- PETRBiKV, who will be a special feature wllh Ous. lliu's New NovelUee, vrtll, tho coming season, show the public something uew. Thla per- former will Introduce aome orfglnsi conionion irioka upon n latety bicycle. 0ns Ulll will l»ve,» new mm settuig expressly made, In which nis clubs, baunere, seuiag snd blniselt wUI be III up by dectridly, while the house wUI bo darkened during his acU Lew Uawkhis will lie a tirosg feature wllh ibU company. AU petfonnera have been engaged and Uie ihow wUl be stronger Ibin ever. NtnES mOH TUE K. H. lUu, k Donmcm.v Uis'< sriiKUi.—This company, under Uiemauageuicniot Frank A. Owen, wltU David Owen In ndi-suce. closed a most auccesnful Sunmer season «t U8hi wceka In the State ot Uaino, at BooUibav llarlair, Aug. I. Crowded honrea greeted them In aluini every town ond the performance gave tho greaitti of aaUstactloa. lloU K. H. Hall and Tommy IMO- nelly mads Inslanlaueons bits oveiywbere. The eesson opened most gnllCylngly st Orono, He., June 12, tbence to Uie western part ot tbe State. » ooit- stock wss Ihe only town Iwoked In the Ftovlu«». Tommy Donnelly, Qeorge Haasell and Emcit Ulg- naul will leave tor Columbus, O., lo Jolii Al.d. Field's Ulhitrela, and Clarence Rummell and Tijuimy Carey go to Dayton, 0., to rehearse wlUi Hilly > sn s Ulnsirel Co. E. H. Hall wlU make a two weeka' visit In Uallowell, Uie town la which hewaalKiio. Other memberaof me company have nturncii to their homes. . , ,,.„ Rusna AND NOTBS From Barlow Bros.' Jiw- nlOceni Ulnslrols.—We openedourscason July 3i,at llamlltou, 0., after a week ot roheanlng at Ciiidu- natl. We have tbirty-two people wltfi theshow, and a band of sixteen iiloce*, nnder Ihe leaderablp ot It. E. HUldreth, wllb Ollle Y'onng and UUly Fin-u, who Introduce tbelr lightning trick baton fuggllng. Everything looks favoraWelor the most prooiaiiie season In Uie hlitoryufibcBsrlow Bros. Som"X- cellentUino haa lieen Iwoked up to Uio mlilil eoi Hareh. Ourpaper Is all apeclal and very atuacilic. The rosier: BaallHcHenrT, Billy Barlow, Jamca lur- low, Harry Ward, W. A. Ward, llarry Wesley, rrei. Harkhaui, Bob Price. Haitbam and Beny, Preete Broa., OlUe Young, Hons, itella, ^WIH Nankorille, Arthur La Hord, Thos. Crocke t a d the Trocadero quartet. The baud: II. E. lllliln b. A. F. Hager, J. II. Illldreth, Arthnr Kouneiy. J-"- WblUock, E.J. Hankee, W. A.Jackson, Dllly llsn" and Jack Tenlson. , David O'Bbibr's Coiiediams wlll.opcn their ara- non lu cmclnnaU tor a hrlal performance uud <*<'» rehesnul of Hr. O'Urton'a farcical eallre, "The iMil Followa." They will pUy (broogh Ohio for tbe pnaenL Tbe piece wlU be Interpreted iiy vamio- vine peifomiers. A late addition lo Ihe compsiij » La l%dte Richardson. Ueniy E. O'Brien will be stage manager- _ NEniR AMD WiLUAim havo spent Ihe pan t« wceka al Ilockaway Baauh, pievlona U) tbe opening ot their aeaaon. _, ,j, HORELAMD, TBOuraox AND BOBB are at Becinc Park, Fort Wayne, Ind., Uila week, and open at llop klna*,CMcago,tortwowe«ksAug.4. , , . HAREr La MARB AMD IDA OUJIAT hATS JolbCd handL lliTog Ward has Joined Ul Benir's NlDsoeU. OoooAM, KAsn AMD TAPE An repeating their lor- mer successes over Uie Keith clrenlt, Uielr third inp thbi seaaon. „a HADOB EUtS, AHNIB UART, BELLA 001^'"°, oUiera an aald lo be making anccesaes witn inr aong. "Oot Your Umpa UL" Salt Laha Clty^Frot. Genlrr'a Pony and lug Show opened a week's engageneBlJalySP nnder white tenia, and to good WONBEELAMO oloaed II aftar a pitrttaMe BoDner seaaon of open.,TIM hooaa win leopea aboBi Bepu 1-