New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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AUGUST 10. THE NEW YORK OIJiPPBR. sunder the Tents# Out. UiTiD 8. TflOMis, (or mutj jnn mmi (or Ui« lua P. T. Banium, luti mtt wim racli nccM laUiedellreiTo( blilMtara us tttUooobig,wblcb be bu daureml oo leaa tb»D tweln times *t bU b«aM,at Neir UmD.CL, umbo will iuk«»Fsll am Wliur tanr. OHAHua U. DiTUniDimeilngttbU home, Uk« InurrtU putuog Uio flnUblni toocbot to > toIgiim o( ibon •now atoneii BbonJj lo be Imed. Uirr. B. A. RicBun, (*ib«r of Oto. V. lUcta; •raj, tlio circu ptrforoicr. died raceotif, •ged •erentT-Sva jean. Oapl. Rlcbaidn waa a well koown agnre la ixioUrUle, Kt., baflag been con- neetad wTita ibe Loaimua St. R. H. (or fblnr jean. He lesTe* an eaUle nioed at abool to bli Iktee cbUdreo. TBI Da oisno Ciicciwlll tour Ibe IndUnTer- niarj. Mas. ADA MoOoniicc, ot tbe team Uie McOor- nlcka, taa lonfan, noir with Veltb Bna.' Clrciu, na pieeeolad alUi a pearl baodled umbrella, b; ■n. liuiaa Del fiaboe aod Kra. Bern iloudlal, oq bar Httlidar, Aog. t. Tba ladlea, aRar Ue ibow, bad* imd aaoog tbevelrea. •tarn Bui' Cncua *tu be bold lo EfaiiaTlle, Ind., Ang.'U-M. w» u oar aecood veek In Itie cogntt/, a(ier aboir- log In Cblcano (or Ihree aoUd monUii to a packed novM. Oar baalaeai In tbe ooonir; ao (ar biu rieen big, asd Kaoager J. a O'Brten, wbo goe* •bout intta • esUle, mft tbe comlog Winter baa no leiTon (or blm. Onr genial trcaanrar, aam. Kohn, Obipeoaea tbe aUrer, gold and paper to Ibo perfons- tn eveir WednasdaT. We have s lOon. top, wlib two ML mlMIe nieces, and Ibree polea, and wlien we spread aU oar canraa tbe rural vlsllore aajr "It's ilie real iblog." Utnr Wilson Is our emclent wjues- irlan dlieotor and ilag master, anda ooietborougb orinDlier nerer liieatbed. Ben. Braais la our con- cert director and annoDDcer.and bis tongue hasnot j«it lu ouoslug jndgtog (rum tbe larito crawdii Uiat iisj to bear Ibe connrt a(ter llalsnlng to one o( bis silver tongaed eiTualona. Jack Ualton baa cbaige (ifonrcanns, witb twcntrasalitiuiB, and Ibo top loea up and dom on tlnie wlib ulucklike n-gu- larlt;. We cenalDir bare a great ring per(oimBiic4i. Uur lounuoenl Introduces over (urtf horaesand riden, and aevor (allsto elicit tbeupplauso o( tlmna- Uvea. Hiss towaode. In bar pxlncljMl act, Is dulog mine line work, wbllo Honor and tluipbir, irllli tba iilpie boilzouul bars, never (all to wake 'era uiiand get round upon round o( applause at Ibe llnlsli o( uclr acu Tbese two b0}S, allbougb new lo ibia HI lot tbe eoanti7, ate aa good aa ibe best o( tbero, iai tbeir aot la one ot deiteiltr and grace. Tbe Uarrleis, lu ibeir catrjliig act, always securo an en- Kvn, and Ale« Lowande, wtib tala dancing rope, a|. waja aeiB Itaem tblnklng. AI.Nasb, our HloglDg ckiwn, geiauera. wblle-Al. Feniej, wlib bis (unn; glndla,1s great AL Jobnaon la doing a gnat (our boM act, sod bis riding Is a mtlng nti«le to our progranmie, whieb will tank among tbe beaL Knrybody bas plenty ot mouej, and all are looking towards tbe dote ot tbe aeasoo wlib a conddence ibsi betokens an easy conaclence and a good, (at pocketbook, irUlB FBOII OOIJUB Bun.' OlMCUB AMP MdHO- erie.-Weare progrcaalng flnely, and all bands are enjoying good bailta. Everytbiog about tbe abow U aa Una Iwklogas tbe day we opened. In every loan and dty we bave vlalied we hear uotblog but words o( pnalse, and tbe verdict o( ibe nia«rs Ig: "YoubaveaOneanow; cotne and vlalt ns again." Tbo perfonnera and band boys aro talking luMball again, but Judging (rem tbo way tbey Unp around tnm tbe eiracta of tbelr last game. It will probably amount to nothing but ulk. H, v. Uocum iiied bis new principal koise Satnrday nigbt (or Ibe Urst Ume (itton an audience, llany Ouloe Is lireaklrig Inaome new bones (or a six boise act. Win. Knupple, cornel aololat, Ui s recent addition lo Vmt. UaiTT Sylveater' Uperailo Orcboiin. Ftt-d P. Uarlow'a tnmbone aolos are making a bit, HUd W. U Ooup'H comet aoloe ai« doing llke- wLw. Pro(. A. e. Bauacbor la still teacbliig tbe buyH ihe luanly art o( seK de(eoce. Uta. a. C. Uauacber bandica tbo rlbttoue on ker trluk hor«>, IJIIaa, In a aoleutlOc manner, eapeclally wben tlie bonedoeablsfanoyaldosteps. Pi«r.uarryiiylves- ter baa organized a club kuown as Ibe Rainy Day Boys. Oirl Flexing, Jacob rauUoua, W. H. Coup, llany MolTenn, Wm. Knupple, Fred l>. Ilarlan and Natban Morrla liave lulnod tbe order. It's a bard nutter to ao<l out wuat tbe object or Urn club Is. James Fitzgerald wanted to Jolu, but Prealdoiit :<ylvc8ier said Fliz was too dry to become a uen:- ber. llirBLSVBr i Cabooh Notib.— Ilurlhuii k Oa- iKwn'a Combined Sbowa, now In KanHHS, wbllc dkbilog Ibo elements, are atlll on t-ip, wlih eood proipeda abead. turner Young, Iran o( aldeshow cauras. wbo was Injured by (ailing (rom centre polo at Haiahall, Ko., baa since died In h boFplral at Kansas City, Uu. Some one cut a main guy on Ibe centre pole, wblcb (ell, caaiHlog ilie Injuiy to Ur. Young. A. T. Scott, (ormerly our treaauitr. It now acting as contractor and general agent. Qio. \v°. Oauaobii), generaTagent oI Ucrlbnor i iimltii's Clrcot, bas added two more lililpottcts to Ibe advance. Uhaa. Uinion and Geo. Lawnen Joined a, maklgg t«n meo lu all. T. Oehlnier Is silll In cbarge tt paper. 0. 0. Wise bas recovered (roui a levere Ulneaa, and Is again looking B(ur tbo pio- giamme. Wm. Bobmer b bead llthograpber. Uitxiii and Mack bave closed aiwo weeks' suc- cea(uleogsgeinentwllbBentley'aUlrcnH,lnlblscllr. Oio. Paunto, grmnast and equlUbrlsl, Is onoo( Ibe (eabina wlin 'niuie ft Oo.'s C'licua, Jas. Ikwin, head ttalaucer, aod Delnulu and O'Brten, aoruliata. Joined Jolin II. Sparks' Ulrcun, at Aluwna. Builneat Is repotted to be veiy sactlii(acl- orywltk Uibtsliow. James Donovan, Wh. Iiuokdw, (Iscah Lowandii and Harry Le Ealtango arrived here (rom Centnl America, Aug.l. Sane rnon rum BaiihA Eahnuabt Uiii Sdow.— Evenrihlng la going along merrtly.and our buslneaa la excellent. Our abow received aucb a big recep- tion In Ml Vernon, lnd„ that we were rei|ucaied to stay two weeks. Manager'Baker compromised the nuiiarand we sbiyed ten day. Next week wo are luck In llllnola. On our opening night bi Ml. Ver- non, It rained ao bard that Hanager Kllen, who ruua a Hummer gaiden, giving a apeclalty show, could give no penorraaoce. an bInuwK and hia whole troupe ctaa over and uw onr show. Ueaplta Uio (aot tkat the rain kept np all nigbl we enierbilned lieiweeosUsnd seven hundred people. A(t«rour Monday nigbl show our biialneas for tbe week la ss- wired. Eveiybody la well with the excepdon of Art MoDsnlela, wbo Is sodkring (rum a sloniacb dbiotd< er. Our reserved chain arrived tbU week, two bundled laaU. We could have used a (ulleryln HL VemoB to good advantage. Tliora hi uo ciuaa- tloa aboni II, we are ddag a great busluem aui] ate lecelTlog Mlarlea promptly. htnn FHOM iluHnxo's Oincva.—Onr nliicteeatb week was Inlsbed with satliiractory results, ou Ilie lludsea River. It was tbe shoWa Oral visit to that aecUon In four years, and press and piiMlo were en- tbualastlo In tbeb' pmlse ot the excellent outenalii- ment Co\. Bob Hunting provides (or hIa patiuia. Ilobeit IngenoU, the celebnied leotorer, paid hhi annual visit to the show July ao, ut Uobti'a Ferry. Jamea Ohaibtway and G. Devans were vlaltora July St atglug Sing. Uenry Dobbe, late leader with Uie "Lost In Egypt" Co., visited at Poughkeeiisle, s. Tbe Abearas, perch performen,Jolncd ii,at Wiilden, to etrengtbeu the show. The Udells closed 3, to give ballooa ascensions at fairs. Rajans' uiarveloiia back dives and aomereaults (ron the bip o( a twcu- ty-flre (out ladder to the ground Is a wonderful aud ataniing acL He bi pntcdclng tbe double aouier- aault to add to bte acu Mn. Obas. E. Oriffln, wKe or tbs hustling manager ot tbo Annex, bas been on the alck list (or tbe past week, but In now iMlter. M. Kunkelly, the tent maker, was a vUllor July 31, as was sMo U. W. Leonard. Everything moving akiDg smoothly and the tradlilonal spook perambu- Ulea regularly. KOTD Fiou Till W, F- KiBKiUBT SHOW.—We an making a nine days'atop In Hinneapolls on subur- ban lots, one and two days ou a lot. Unslness la ralrandthe weather la line. The Dunlian) Family vlalied onr show recently. Wllllaia Uclter came out lo see his old (rtend, tiarl Craioe. Buckakin Bill atid Ray Farrow, noe ahota, close this week. 0. Jetdon and wire uke tbelr placs. A new aide ihow banner ot Uazle Jerdon, tbe child anske ebamier, baa reached ua, and It la a dandy. Mnnlock, vrltb his wondettol trained ateer; llerr Drayton, cannon bad king, and Unloe, antipodal eiinUlhrtat, are the preoonnced (natures In the big ahow. rro(. Ralos- bnrg, wlib bu mlliui; bsuiro( eighteen pieces, makes a bit .at tbe evening performance, playing the popular overtnre, "A Trip lo Coney Inland." We will be In Hlnneaota alwut two weeks more. Uis. ■larrev bas Jut retnmed to the abow, altera two wMks'vlalL EToiybodyU well and happy at Ibis writing. „ViLn Fniius Joined U Pearl's Show Joly le. Mrs. Ferns (Ullle TlevanloD) and Wiley Jr. will J« Tbelr ladder pereh baa proved quite ataccesa. 357 -A?2?nTu!.J°^"7" ■ MODXLSUOWa. H;ij?55.7'*1? »"> •'"hcd away ibtee bun- tS^lify", 0- "n< »" hungup, S;',S.w^i;,', "»''''»WT0( Ihbisbowi'iSS: day peifomiaiice was g ven July M. (or Ibe bencBt ?.i;ti.?°J?,'i'"L5™-. *«">"•> picnic was given mi i JinSSTJC?","'^ ">'" "lilo. at which aov- £Sl»» .'*"?*'*^""»«"""ed. Hemberaol Ihree EiSS ?I ™' 'h"',''?" ""^ '"><:'>»'«nto cmwil or EJTJ IT °i •'IJ"lnlngtnwns saaembled alwut noon on me picnic grounds that, with one acconi, each and all (avored pulling up tbe big top (or a Houdav arwruoon ontettaliim.SL'All tbowiij licmiKiSVr S^«T?h„*"«!?'"'"'"' '"""'"^ wllllngiSiS aaslat lu tho performsnce and give a comldned Ihow. A (ew people liom WUitnu * UmoSi', Onm, me-nl^rH of LItchOeld ft Uolmea' Oouie'lr £?;:i v." I^'- WaUerM Or|. ">«•>''«' with Bonbeur Urns', colored actors (rom away soulli o( UUtle'a Hue. made op a novel and auccesstul ancnioon pertonn: auco tlio niokulckcni altonrtod laigely and Had J,? ""' '"fJ'"!"* 1" rradlnesa. All who »i eudcd were wel pleajed. aud went homo ruwhig lo be on band Monday nIgbt. Prol. HIU did a" outside aHcentlon beture tlio opeolugut the alio v. .'if."S.'.""^° down tbo Srriauu •ral e In coutniiplailun of lis dlaapiMaiunce. Delia Walker akctch eingeraud aklit rtlnceUm, J.dne? -it li'n"-' "*!'"" P«'""». I^f- Walker aod S i!" ""1'.'' ""I""'' 'oJOIilatMauKir- vine. The New Uneana Octoroon Band, ot Ore Syin^fif*.'*" * oUicrnwnagoiHare irrlnR lianl to secure. Howard Uonbeur It In Ulii- ueapolla, Minn., In tbe Inieiwt o( the show. '""•■'ully. said that "It U a long time between stops.' The week Just ending baa been one o( long I?.?"; 'Vk* '!;"'''?'=' gonewl hiisllo on sll aides, uut In Ihe Proylncea long Jumps cannot be avoided. Ooort or even (air towns are few and far Imtwoeu. Advices (ram tbe advance are to tho eiTect that tbe country Improves as wo advance, and all o( un, back, are llvlug In bops. Buslneis has been exceu- tlODally good, but Canada Is not the United Sbktes. No I (ar rroni It-nol (ar In dbiiance, but a trouien- doundlslauco In the rear In overyibing ebw. Tho show bail a peculiar experience Ibu other ilav. Wo were actually asked to alay out «( a town on Sunday. Ii was not n popular vole or tbe IKiiple, but a Utile abir ciiainlier work ou Ihe Em or me preacben and Salvation Army or ow aiiwgow. They conspired and tbo ntllroa'd did tlie resL Wc Suudaycd out In the wooils and spent tbe day lliitenlng to the pauer ii( Ibe nin dropsnntheToorsn(ourcars. TlieSowausgowbolfl keeiKiti aud utueni, who would have pmnicil iiv lisvlng tlie Ihow lu town Bunilay, were pretty warm under the collnr, and It la sura uiniiey that wbeii an. iiiberidiowwautatoapcudauiiUay lu tlut town It will know the reason thereof Uonireal lallDm ara doluga iilKl'ualncfsalKiuttheahoH'.audlheRi will lie H gniud drriw parade wboo we atnke that rlty. CoKlun HcOiire and wire are recent aildlllimabi the MISSOURI . St. Iioula,—Aa Uio altlautloii nt Uhrig's (kve week ur Aug. i "The Utile Duke" will he pn-tcnted. The opeia or "Amoribi" Uut week crowded the Pa- vilion every iilglit. Nellie Br-igtliia, In the title role, was well ni:elvod. while the otiicr momiicn or the conipuuy were notrorgoiicu. UxiuN Tiii'.tr Itooi' aARiikS'.—Manager Taylor provlileil gniMl alliaclliiiM last week, and In cmiM:- ilhenuo did a line iiii-liiess. Kur week or r> ho baa iionlicil Jtsslo Templcton, Hyde and Parclval, Km- gniu, Dcajtoiia, Ulluert Farley, Tom IVard, Matlle lAJckeltalid Pmncutrt lie MoTu. fUniiK's Aluauiiiu I'li.aci Tiiiathi.— Clement and Boyd, Uclnlc Bixie., lloae Mitchell, Jtiinlu BUikely, Tllllo Vollliu, tho second week u( Htclda, aurlal King; Keli^rn.", Ffatik L, Otj and atook cn. WlNTSK (lARUSK AND CONCSRT UAVt—Uailleld aud Ulbsou, tbu Uom:iitH:ka, Dot Flaher, Ptill. Ep- atein, l.lxile Newman, Cotu Fraukllii, (;iia4. It-v- uard Htid Kmma llcdniAnd- UaYA.srsTiiKATHi.—Miirria hiuI I'urker, Hunay and amy, UcUunl aud Uoualcs, llulUe Uatdcii, l.lllle Wblloand Uliinle Palmer. SvuuHsiN Pahk did a good buslnesi last week with a nilnstif 1 show, anil preaeuta a good vaude- ville show this week. TSHiucs I'AHK had a E"od list or aliiactlons last week, and Ihia week preaenfai"A Tin S<ildlt;r,"li). ictvpened with Mpeclaiilfs. C'ENTHAi. U-mnuN onicrtalned rair hoiinea last week, aud will present much the mine vaudeville lillltbia week Tiik Usi.LKVi'E bi a new vaudeville tliow that started last week with luuul talent. Uossir—Tbo Kaher Shitrre. IJzzIo and Violet, tilled ilio engateiueiit o( tbo Diayiont laat week. Tlicy are daugblera ot Jacob K-itiw, who waa (or ao many yeara raunrtgor u( ilicairoa here. Tiils was their Ural iippeiimui-e In puidic outside Ihe Talace Theatre, wulch Is iiuder ihu iiianagoment of thoir mother. Thoy go (ram hero to Chicago, and open at tboOlyuiplctheteAug. Is ThearandOperallouae Is belnir handsomely relltted, and will open Aug. 17 Willi Al. Splllk'a rai:liiK drania, "Tbo Derby Wlu- ner." Too llret rebennal o( tbe company preaent- Ing tlic dnima haa been called (or Aug. a Viola Arthur, wlH> nude a lilt last aeason as Nellie WIII- lanw, the Jiiekey, In "11io Derby Winner," U tbo drat of Ibe cnmiwiiy to put In an appearance. KIrt t^illioun, aiaire manager at Uhrig'a cave, has gone to Join Uio "l,liilu Kolilnson Crusoe" Co. Oeorgu McBdauua, iiiaiiagvr or the Grand Upcni llousu, la expected iMck tnlt week from Now York, where he went lu iKwk open Ume Man* akcr McNeury, of Utirig'a Cave, Ut recolviog pre- putials from upciu and vaudeville coaipanleHfor the flubliinu of tba sewn at tbo Cave. Tbo comic iipeta cliiaes there in Uiree weeka, when Uio com- iMuy dUijaiida to nil eugagemenia (or the acasun. Win. Pnisitii will Jnln ihe "Itoli lUiy" Co., Ibe Utle lule o( whlcli bo created. Nellie Umgglns goes to Now York uextweek bi Join "llory or Ibe lllll'i Co., lo which the niido a lilt last aeaaon as a eoubreite. "Ucailllian'a Hlibapf," under the manage- ment of 8. R. 'ntylor, o( uie ltoo( Uardoii, led here last week and opened to good bualnem at Kllsiierry, Mo., Thursday nIghL Manager Taylor will Join the comitaoy at Chmnila. la.. In Heptembor. lie will alao bave on tbe rosd "O'Orady'a Mishaps," which opens at l,ehanou. III., Aug. 'jn. Tbia company wUI prcaenl a guod atro g (arcs comedy and cairv along ilieir own band. Joa. Douglass will bo In advance, bum Wheeler, stage nuuager Tuma Uanloii, who lias been uut ot Ibo call or Ubrig'a Cava Co. (or aoveral weeka, baa t>een re-engaged by Manager UcNoary, and la lu tbe cast or the uncra Uibi week. i:. J. Uenley Joined bis wife, Uelon Bertram, here this week William Uluuk.bite tUBUsgerof Ihe Herald 8i|uare Theatre, New York, wu In tbe city lAitweek Tno sixth blenolal co'iventlou of the Theatrical Mechanical AsaoclaUon was In aesalon boni Ibo OmtOve daya o( last week. Tbey wero royally entertained aud bad a pnOUble meet- ing- , KananaCltir^Vartoty has taken tbo piece o( tho legliluialeat the Auditorium In Falniiount Park. McsHia. llowo and Uoraii bave made annogomenta Willi Manager ilopklna bi send eight ur nine clever turns every week, and Uioexporimentpromises aiic< cesa. Laat week's people were U'Briun, Jenntngn and O'Brien, Beruard Uyllyn, Reto, Ulckey aod (Mo, Musical Qreeu, Nelaon Brotbera, Criterion (luartet. Thbi week will be an enUm change o( bill, and next week Billy iUco will put on a minsinl show. Wasoimoton I'Aik.—Laat week tho Kow York Opera Co. put ou "The Flrntss o( Penzance," with (air eucceas. TbIa waa the last week o( Ihe com- Kny here, as they bave decided to go to Honslon, K., to open anew audlloriiiro. Tbe three weeks' season bas not lieen a OnsncUi success. It seema Hummer opera la not a go ben, no doubt lieuause tbe old repertory Is always given. What we want U aonietblng new. Clever tpeclalUes werelntioducsd between t1ie acu a( tbo opera by Oeorgla Brygbion, John WiUbtnis and Aniiabelle. Otlcedo remained over (or a week, giving bU pralsswonliy Uibt reps perlormance. Tue Ihinbain Family are Itooked an Uie next uuuloor atiractlon. Taooer Pars.— Tin's Msrioneliss and Carilii's Dog and Monkey Show. TiiiATU Ooaigvi.—Nina CUIlog, Tom Fey, Qiace Wallace, Hecbuwand Fuego. Bessie Vernon, Hsiiel Wallace, uuaale KImore. lilgglna and Hllllgan, ilat- tle Wallace. TbU week "Jewe Jamea" wlu In put on. Manager Walker uwoa tbe original mannacript or Bid O. nances' version o[ Ibis piece. NuvuTY TuiATRi.—Flnnegan and Ooirlun, Ida Merrell, Clementa and Boyd, 0. It. C'utblng, Hay Meirell, Wonb and Msnhall, UUIe Norton, 7«na Arnold. The living bionie suiues wen pnl on last week aud scored a big blL Uurpsnisas.—Wm. Wamn, (or tbe past nineteen yean ireasnrer ol the Oostes lipera llonae, has been appointed bnslnesa manager ot tbe Ninth Btreet ThSttrs. Mr, Waneo U one of the beet kaown Iheattlcal men in tbe United Slates, and wlU no doabt ptove a valnabie aaiolaltloa to Muager CUrko's(orces Unn Conneaa,o( laat teaaon'e Rhea Company, baaalgned wlib ■■AUbama," to play ■r. Armstrong. Tba aeasoo opens Aug. la, at Ihe prand Harry Walker Jr., ot Uie Tbealn Oim- ique, was presented wiui an elegant gold locket, July 17, in honor o( his twenty-dnt binbday 'T°U ?<l<>lere waa billed to give a balloon ascension at Iltitmount Park on 'A and advorilscil that a donkey would be sent up. Tbo buiuane omcera In- terfeted, but allowed a aoull boy to go up. This proved so very succetsTul that Ibe donkey wUl be allowed to make lbs ancenalon this Sunday Jaaou Hatekln, treasurero( tho (Innd Open lliiuae, and Lloyd Brown, treasurer o( Ihe Coatea Open Iloute, who bave been a|iending a week In Chicago,' accompanied Wni. Warnn laick hotv laat week. /.»« lialben, or Uat aeaaoo>a "Friegda" Co., will play Mm. Stockton, in "Alabama," tbo coming aeaaon ike Peyton, o( Peyloii'a Comedy Ui., arrived here laat Monday "Pop" Christy, who haa been lu the City llinpllal (or the paal three weeka, hi cunvaloacing, ami waa iluwn tuH o one day but week Matlle Keene, o( the ■■eyloii Cuuiedy Co., loll for New York to Join Pear- eon's stock Cu UaiTy Jackauii haa algued with tbsUilo KiaiiaeCo Wm. Lllllr, ex ireaauier of the i;iaiid Dpent iluuao, and last aea«m with "A Cork Mau" Cu., will be inaaurer ot the New TonuU Tbeatn, Chicago, III. Ilo will have(urhlaaaslauiil Richard Amnlil, who acted in that laiwcliy here. Will. Dell, M-aaabllanl tivaaiirer u( Ibe COales Upem llnuao, la cashier at Ibo Haaoiilc Hoot (lardeii luCblcago Manager Frank Monroe's wife and (ainlly have gone to Uiloradu .snriugs to apond tbe muiiiu or August Manager Ttalle U cuupletlug arraugeDieuu (or "lu Old Tonneaaee," which tiatta nut (rou here InSepiember Manager A, Judab, of the ursnd, bi expecieil bomo (nan New York Ibia week. Tbe buuKoupena II, with JueCawtbome In Ilia new play, "A Fool lor Luck." PENNSYLVANIA. PliliBdel|ihla.—Matlern ihcaUlcsl are at their lowcHt ulih Just now, but the Udn will begin to tura at the end i>r this week, when the iorceiini opent Ha reguhtr aeaaou, aud by ilie end or next week It will be ciinilng lu atrongly with tbo iipenliig ot the Na llonai, Furepaugh's and the People's. TiiK Buoi-'.—TliU hi Uie last week of iho lloaaow Brotlicra, aud these wonderfnl lltUe fellnwa have certainly bad a irememlous aucccsa. Sadie Cuab- lusu and llori>ert IIoIciiiiIhi, In oiHiraUv aelccuoiis; A.o.liunain,thoventriloi|Ulat,anilltomaloBrotbcre, ucrubatt,are In Uie liiu,aa are alao tho MIdgleys, liol- Her and iiyaiiia, Cbariey Cuss, Redding auiT Stanton, Olyuipla (Jusrut, Cbatlea K. Unpewin, Flan and tliiigg, Morton aud Mack, Carilu and Clark, and the l-uiir PUieni, John J. Kenncily, (Jeurge Harhler, i/Muuru riaiMiin and CarrleTliaielier.lii "I'yKiiulluu and flalatea Up l» Dale." ljul week'a lilll was a apeidaliy niiiartlve one. lu addition to the Ibauow Hniihert, ilie Tliree Ixuiazeilaa and ilrothei-a l,e. iiioyoe were exceplloiutlly good 111 their acta, and the Three liawlliiimeillslcranndNuUlo lie Cnuraey, whu aaiig "Uiie of riiu Ualely (llria," pnivcil lo lie IhiUi acuvawri and nliigers ot a bigli onler ot meru. Uualor-aa. or courae, was good. Lycech.— The May Temple Uurieai|ue (Miiipaiiy conUnuvH until Saturday umiliiee, nnd uu ibturday night Ilie regular aeasou opens witli Uluco'a Ulty dull Uurleaiiiie Cu,, which waa very aiiccemriil nt IhU liiinae laat aeaauii. Uiihlucaa the |Mat week Ima lH!eli kOvd, and ibu Hliuw given well up to luo Bbuiilard. Tlie now derorailiina ara Hearty cuin- pletcl and will probably be ready tor tbe opening night ui the regular seasun. NorEa.-"Tliu Utile Plillllea," electric laiaeiiall, cuiiiliiiie at the Walnut Tho slock company at Kiirepaugb'n, which njieiia next week In "UarlMr Mgliia." Iiiciiidea Ueorgo l.uariicl:, Fauuv Mclutvn-, I'riplio Paluiunl, Jenlu Uululello, A. W. Stliari, Helen llenuiiHHii,Cllironl lieiii[Moy,Juaepli I*. Demp- acy.Jiiwpb Dowiia, tlaorgo lAiiiwny, Ailcit Demniul ami Martha KuilkdII Max Itowiilierg lias en- gageil lur ilie-atock coiiiiMiiy at iliu Arch, Jane (liaitou, leading bidy; Jaiiioa L. IMIy, atagu iiiana. (ur; Chira liaiubert, AngeU .Segallnl aii<i Nanette Aiiwcll Intheprodllclloii ur"ATrlp lu Ibu Itiick. lea," Sept. -j, at tbo Waliiiii. Katiierinn tleminino, lliiiitiH Wtiko, i>llo Kllla. Ituiien Urah. Made- Irtiiiu IhinlMirand Charles KIrko are to itiipear The Bltracllons at Klveraldo Maiialnii thla week aro Aubto Wllmiiib, aiiprano: SIg. Ueaiinliinl, leiiur; SIg. Sauuul, liiua; lltir. Sutiiiliali with ills Punch and Judy abow, and Pairy'a Drcliaim At Mn- coin \'nn, Pain'snrewurka|iucUcle."Warlleivveeii Chlua and Japan," and tliu iiiiiwrial lluiigarlau Uypay Hand aro the Hiirecilooa Sliuuiliig tbo clintea and liallimn aaceiitlmiri iit Waatilngiou Park. Manager P. F. .S'aali, ut Ihu llljuii, turn returned (rom bis Siiiiiiiier vacatlun at Ailauuu City Fred Uuwer, llarry l>aveiip<irt lunl Alice Hneiwrd are retwrteil aaengaged (ur the tllrani Avenue WUIUiii II. llalluianisaUrTliig bhi wire. Uura Nel- aou Hall, 111 "Our Uoya." Tney played Aug,-j, at North Wales, Pa,, anil ulav l^iitiulo 6 unit Doyles- towuo- Tbe company Includes Uiula It. Orlael, II. J. Ilaalan, Jauiea Lackuye. llartr F. ,\datiia, Wal* ter Vincent, Airred Allen, Mary (niaiuii, lielle Fen- ton and (inu^e laidnuin. Ptltabuni.—Cliaries'a l/Hidmi Shows ox- hlblled 111 hina, a suburiMU tuwn, nrteriiiiuii and night or Aug. 3, and lurued iieoplu away, it la a apleudld abuw, or the good old (asblouod, onu ring, wagou type, and will exiillilt In aumiiiiiilluK tuwus (or several daiatn come Tbuiiina F. KIrke Jr, manager o( the Alvlu Theatre, who lias iiecii ao- Jounilng at Atlantic Clly, N- J., la now In Now Yurk pertecUng arraiigeiiienbi (ur next auaaon at the Alvin Tho llartwell Slaicn, ot Uila city, lett bete 4 to Jidu Chat. II. Yalo'n "New Uevll'a Aucilrm" t;o. In Itilladolplila. Tho muvo- niont to ralae an endowment (end u( $2o,O0D (or a pemianent armpliuuy orcbealra honi, under Uie dlieclion o( Kreil Archer, organist u( our new Carnegie Mualo Hall, hi being uualied vlgur- ously Joaeph U. Biell, director uf the choir at the Cathedral tor aevami yean* lawi, aud one of our beat known local tenon, will aliurUy take up bbi iierauuentresilience In Ihjnver Tlie advertis- ing brigade or Uugalu Bill's Wild Went la here pre- paring (or tho coming o( tlmtaliow Hept, 3 llairy Davia' Kden Muaee U lining thoroughly over- hauled prenantiiry to lis opening (or the coming wBsoo. Itlslielng entirely repaliiiOfl, rcdecuraten, reupliolatercd and stocked with new aceuery. Ueorge V. Connor wUI continue aa Mr. Davia' acUng manager f;c4>rire Thatcher aud Carroll Joboaon'a Mlnsiiela wFll o|wn the lUJuu lU WillUm A. Undy'a "In a Big Oily," with Robert Qaylor, will (ullow 2S The Now Worid's Museum Theatre over on tlie Norib Side, will appear lu an entirely new dreta wlieo Ibi curiain rings up (or tho aeaaun or KIK-O. and a boat o( palotera, upbobileren and other arUaans are bard at work tnere. Maiiagor liarrj Ilavia will devote thla houae to an almoHtconiluu- oiia round ot liuriewiiie, as experience ban ahowD that that la what Its palroua want, though a vsrlelF Abow, cuuiedy dnma, (arce cumedyor comic opoi Day occasionally lie pretented. Tlio price of aa- mltnlonwlll continue at ten cents. Among the Improvements wblcb Manager Harry DavU la inak' log In bis Nsw Unnd Opera House are a newly riled lobby, new decorations, new acenery, dressing rooms and toUet rooms. The toaUng capacity wlU lis Increased by one hundred new chaira, and Ibe seatsin tbe psniuetclrcts will all lie made lo (ace the atage. Tbe aeaaon wUI open Sept. 3, with "A lUllroad Hetet," which wUI lie fallowed In rapid aoccesnlon by such atlracUonaaa NatUoodwin. tbe Damroacli tipem Oi,, "Princcas Uonule," Olga Nethennle, K.ddie Foy, etc A poatpuoemeiit UU Sept. 0, or Uie sale o( Uie East End Theatre, to BtUafy the claims o(creditore, waa gnnuid Aug. t, by which time tbe credltora, who are nuw In pos- aesalon, wiU have perfected. It la Ihonglit, the (nr- maUon o( a alack company, to which tbey will Imnater lbs property. A neeUng or thoao who ha vs already liecome atockhiildeis was held 3, and tbe luUowIng board or direciora was elected: Allieit Braltwelter, U. U King, Wu. IL HtnugbUni, K. D. WUt and W, T. Powell. These dlrocun aulwe- quenUy elected tho (ollowiog onicen: President, Aliiert Breitwelaer; tscntary, C. (> King; uesurer, John KeUy. Ihe (Joveruor la to lie peilUuoed (or a charier (or ibe new oorporaUun, which Is lo In called tbe Katt Fjid Opera lliniae and Motel Co., and It la prolialde that K. 0. Wilt will i>e aelecteJ ka uansger Chsrias 11. Tale writes that he will employ one hundred and twenlv-seven people, iiia (our railway can or bUownsud pay |3,T0u weekly In salaries tor bis "Newest iiovll'a Auction" asd "Orealer Twelve Temntatlobs" Comnanlea "Tbe Ballet n( Uls Folllea'' will be one of the princl|«i (eeiurea or the (ormer A woiider(ul neUinor- rihoils is beUg made liy Mtnsger Harry liavia In be oM Harrta'Tbeaire, which be laahortly lo leopen aa a oonUuous performauce bouse. It is to have an enUre new (root, iirilllaaily Illuminated and ona- meiited. There are to tie new enuanccs, a band- aorne lobby, eight new private boxes and a new gallery and balcony, and new -scenery Kd. wina, aenaaiioiul dancer, write* that she bas lieen re-en||igjed (or BUly Ooman's "A Oreen (kwda ■BB- uua mwu, and that the company wlU open at Mewpoit, B. I., 23 NeU 8dillliru( Bcillioer * SmlUPs Ciicns, who baa beea here Uie past week. le(t 3 (or WlllUmeport, W Manager IL M, aullck,a( the lUJou, bas nturaed (com tbe aea shore Manager Sidney IL Kills has engaged Ihib. V. Ferguson, John 0. Kllhiaod C. a Hawkins (or biH "Ununio Scolbtnd" Uo Raynolds' Urciia Is billed (nr Wllklnaburg, one or our auborbo, 10. Manager Harry W. WUIIania wiU open hU Academy or Muslo M. Wllkeabam,—The Gem Tbealn will open the aeason Aug. M. Tin IbeaUe haa been Uionmghly nnuraled and Improved and will ooer unutual at- Inacilonaai popular prices Frank Daniels' new comiR open will give lis Inlllal perromuince at the Unnd Opera Houae WUkesbam Is liecomlnga ravurtio place (or tint performances, aa Ihe houae has tMsn invariably well dlled on such occasioiv. it hi Bate to predict a lilg hoiue (or Mr. Daniela, as he la agreat (avorite ben Mnale liall has alwut completed tbe seasuo'a bookings David I. lloonu, ex-treaaiirer nt the Urand, and lately nun' Bgcr or one n( Fruhman'a Houtbeni attrartloiia, and Ills wiro (HIancbe Moiillon) passed a raw weeka anioDg rriends here anil at Kliigslon, acrosa Iho river. Krle_At New Park Open Houae, arier iino week'a reheanal, W. s. CIsvnIand'a lltvater Has- a|vo MIntlreN gave their Inaugural pnigramiiie tn a hniite packed In the doom Prtir. A. II. Knull and Mario McNIel, comet aololala, bave lieen giving cuiicons at Massassauga Point wllh great nicceaa. MASSACHUSETTS. 1 culobrity OeiloH.—>Tlio "conllnuuiia perfnrnuiiice" pUn, originally Inaugurated by it. F. Keith, or IliU clly, a|>peara to Le on tho gain hero. Tho lalest tii tall into Ibie In Ibis reapeot Is Ihe Uraad llpcn llousu tho msnagenient o( which, Geo. E. Maiudlehl aud Geo. Mr, I'. Uagee, announce that Ibrlr boiwe will In opeueiKur Iho aeason u( IMA-t wllh a dlveral' Ued comedy, vaudeville and apeeially aiingaUon n( the vciy iiest data they can aecure. This Dinvo Ui a ndlcal Innovaliou In Uio condnct o( Ihhi popii. lar house, wblcb lias always lieen noted (or Ibe preaenlallon o( high class meloilrania and olber ntlraoiluus, whiob, throughout tbo pro(eaalon unpcdally, gave the Unnd a well deserved co on that score. iSownoiH Xqi'ABB TtiBATOB.—Tbo arib reguhir dmiuailo season o( this very aiiccowlul West End theain waa begun Satunlay evening, Aug, 3. when Manager Ohaa. F. AUiioaoii preaenluil "iant lu Now York," Tho draiiui la old In tbbi oily, hut It la alwaya "a |iuller," anil ao Manager Atkinson tniind It nn Satunlay nigbl. it will run during week or s, and will In lollowed week or I'J by Walter Kennedy In "Samson." Oabtli SqUAHB TuiATBI.—"Ollvelts" waa put on last week and drew rslr liualneaa. Tlie Idli (or Iho rreaent week ut A will In Odknhaob's "The Grand hicheas." TaiBUHT TiikiTiu.—"Kismet, or tho Two Ikiigied Turks," still pull a taut nIn on publlo (avnr. Tho iHMiao atiiiwa a crowil at every per(oniianue, ami the reviacdodlilonn( Carroll and Korker'a oiiemUa eximvaganxa, wblcb was presented laat Friday uvu4:liig. la an eniineiiily bedtllng Imnmveroeiil upuii Ibo urigliMl rondon. I'aul West, who haa (or iiionUia Ih eii acUiig aa press agent ror this hunae, and la a well known iloston newapaper man, has Ivan aucceeilod Ity Saiiil. Kreeilmau, who now pre- aldra at tho prraa desk o( tbo "rnniont. lluwABP ATiitN.KiiH.—TbIa lluw honorcil old Weal Enil houae tvopoiia 6 for Its arilelli aeawin. It will reiiulii iiiaier tno oonlroi or tloo. K I^i. ihnip, or Ilie Unnd Uuaciiiii, ami other New Eug- laud aiiinaoiiieiit enteriirlMes, and Ihe liualneaa niati- agtnieut will atlll remain In tbe hands or Win. Mo- Avuy, who has acted In that cajiacliy tor yenni ror tianager IdUirop, Ihe Iioiko haa licaii rotiimbihcil ilipiugbnul, and now It luiiks, iiiterioriy, as bright aa a new oariMt For tbe opening week, Aug. li, tlio iiiaiiagenicnt niiniiuuce the eugaguiiient or Adah iUcbnH'iid, many yeara sgone a noteil augo celelirtiy lieie, whii. Willi Iho linward (»., wlliap- iicar In "The ih-llt," a travesty uiaiii tho "Clilmea m' 'la-iiianiiv." Mlaa Kluhmiiud will have the support It tlio well known young nolro«, Nonna Wills, and iiiher giiuil iwiiple, and a raiialug week la looked rur iiy tho iiMiisgemeiit. in the apecbiliy nhnw are lljan ami lUichndil, Kiiroman and Weal, lihi lliia- ■uM, Maiii'l lliidauii, ilatue Wswaril and Tuiiinilo llllieii, Flyiiii uiid Walker, May Wahih Ireland, Jan. Ii")le, Mallei Slaiili<y, Ihu "Great" Hlkart, Tboniaa aed Waiaou, llnaika and Wylle, While ami Wlllla and llio lluwaril Ciiiiieily Oi. In a apedal wind iip, KsiTiraTiiEATHB,-At Ibls huiMii, wcuk u( c, the vsriely nmi apeclalty Mil anuoilllccil oinbracoa tlio nanioa oi; illlly Emerson, Bam lleraard, Aluujcu lialcb, llariiev and Marguerite Feigiiaou, Naplur uDil Mnr/olln, Ihily and Duvere, the Iteed llirda, ttio McNiilly Hlaien, tho Urei'.ian niatuo, MoMaliunn; Icallu anil Teiillo, wIro walker,Ueorgo Auatln;J. W, llarriiigujii, minilc, and the Wlllhtnia Trio, In a ploaaani iiiiialcal art. Tbe Boston Syuiiilioiiy i)r- chealraailll Lonlliiiieabilieahlgdrawlng cardlioru. l'At,Aci TiiKATUK.-Uaiiager Una Wliilo haa ar- ranged a very clover layout fur the palniiia uf the I'alaro iiila week- The bill Incliiden Julua and Ella ilarrfaKiii. Ileuova Ardel), tbo FIlKgllilaiii Fauilly, Helen HI, CUir, Murvliy and McOiy, Law iterroll, riioniaoii anil Uimiiell, Jaa Uuwanl and Fanny UI, Ulair, III liiiriosijue: Jualo Enter), Eltle Alliluii,Cora IVIIIIaina and Ilua Mills. Tho ihiiwalau Inclmlos two very lively liurle«|uon, and Iho enterlalniiienl III lla onllroiy U a gomt one o( Ita olaaa. Ui,AUk AUKHICA ciiuiioiiea l» draw large audl- eiirea and li giving bihhI aaUataeilun. AinriH AKii Muni's HiUBUM,—Tlieaavage wulvea . Stonu and Sluw'a houae during tbe |iaai week have proved a drawing card, Muiu, Glllieril'a per- rommiico with hUi aavsge colmrt o( liaK laiood lirutea la a ibrillliig uno, liul ho abowa not Uio allgbteat aymubiiu or (ear and koips thum io per- fect aulijugatliiii alallUoiea. Tbe niyateriuua As- lartoia ihurn (or licr btat week lu Uie lecture hall, and on iho alago are Edgar and Cumn, Johnson and Dean, Florence FJonn, Eddlu U'lloll, Leonard and Fuliiiu, liiilllo Urooka, Johnson aud TbiimHun, lie Wuire nialen, Fux aud WanI, Kntuk Kennedy, tho HIatora Want, Jiawpba and HoseUs, llonley and I'aget, and Hnihera llensoa. .Sorita—itoroiiliia, ilio atning iiuin, coiiioa to the Park Theatre Aug. Ifl The menibunurtbecuiii. paiiy cast tor Jiihii J.McNally'a "Tho .Sight Uterii" will have a run droas ruhcaraal at the llullbi HIreel Theatre II They are Jennie Yeamans, JuhD II. Hparka, Frank Tannehlll Jr., Uerirade Fun, Freda Deiww, lUyrouuil lliU:bcocli, N. J. Sullivan, lllrtis Dyar, lUU Emenuii, liiynipla <liuirtsl, Hugh Mack, I'eitr ilaiidall, Wllllau Koiiugh, latwrauce Hboeliaii, WHIIani Hliinila and liana HtreeU Manager Isaac II. lllch, or Uio lliillla Btreet Thealre, la up among the Adlrondacka, aud will atay tbero dnr* lug the remainder ur tbo Summer toason The '.yreiiiii Tlirslre will bo upeued I'J Maiugur Geo. K. Lulhrup hat wound up bla coulluenbii tour, and bi exincleil lu lluaUiu aliout the middlu of IhU niiiuib K. A, Itoinrta, (or yeara wllh Clisa. Fn-limau Slid Clias, ii, Uoyt, is couduutlog Uio re* hearesla ii( "The Widow Junes." Lowall,—At Ukovlow Tbeairo "VaUiillta," wblcb waa ihe aliracilon (urnlalisd last week lir the Ullben Opera tvi., could have run another week easily, Flureuce UHlnri eaueclallv making a hit as Vladlmer Hamulloir. "Dime Tsylur" will be stsged Aug, 6 (or week, UiBviKW FABk,—Tbe monnler wliale has drawu lilg crowds (ur two weeks, and oloaed 4. Willow Ualb Pabe.—AI. and Mamie Anderaoo, the He Widir HbMcra and a concert company bave "lad large audiences (ur weak ending 3. IlLBH Foaiar,—i'aln's tosctaele, "Tbe Fall of Pompeii," will In preaenisd here i, tor week. OrsBA IIOL'BB.—ThU house opens a preliminary laaou IS, with Cutgrove'l "Tlie liazzler'' Co. Lawtenee.-'nie Opera House will open Ihe sesaon Aug. 10, ivlUi '■The Uaizler" Ou. At preseut thehnuaelsuudsrgolagstburough rvnuvBtlou. A great many impnivemenls wlU be nude, aooog wblub will be tlia addl'loa n( a Udlea' room, wbicn WUI have a woman allsodanL A corps of palotera and saalBlants an working hard to have tbe house ready (or the opening ulgbL Charles Walker, ot Boatnn, MsM,, has repaloled and coispleteil all Ihe aceoery al the boiiae. The (ollowing comprlie the eartybooklon: Aug.l«-M, "Old WoiMi" if, "KIghl BslU;" ao, "Oreen lHwds Man;" al, l-aulino 11011." D.V., uv, vwv^ti wiwAH iBail, SI, • auiiuo ■■■II. Ui.ti< FiiocHr.—Pain's Ruina a( Puuipeil wiU open on the taill grounds week ttt tt. Vail Hirer.—Al lAiicoln Parii (or week ending Aug. 3, Alex. W. WUson, Baby lluU(ord, KeaUng and Harris and Pni(. Cbarien W, tgdrelve'a Aqnalio Hhuwgavo ooe o( Ibe beat eaterlalninenlsafUie leaaiin to immense audlsocea. Coocerls were given iirlUch's Steamer PrtscUU Band and UHl's Hand, A Nsw Uedroid. srumoDO and sveulog o( Aug. 4. CouHina.—Prot. N. Ilarri* Ware, (ormsriy o( Uunisir*s Msletr and nijoii Thaslie, has been en- gaged as s planlat (ur Ksllb'a Boetoa Tbeatcs, OREGON. ParUwd,—At tb«Man|aMa Oroad i. K. EauBtl pcsasBled '-rrits la a KadbooM," July 31 sol a, lo (air bnalncas, "ThoOld Homestead" began a week'a oniagomnnt 'jg. "Jane" will In occn Aug. s nnd d. MarkTwaln comos«, and Iho new Vaudovlllo Stock Uompeny will inaugurato Ita aeason on I'J. OuBORAY'ii TUIATBI.—"M(e (IT LKc," liy tbo Frank Bacon Stock l>impany, inwliicrd rair liual- uei« week o('Ji. Thnapeciacuiarluirlesiiiie "Clndor- elU," was put tin m, wolingBMNP.-lllsnolio Diinn>)i, William Ia Unnt, ('red lA Miint, Sadie Dewey, Julia Winchcll, (iraolu i,ayng, ticoige Tnixell, Sweet Usnonicrie, l,ou Vor noil, llalllo curk. Aniiki^hsb. —Madlo iiowey, Cliira tMwanis Anilik Flltgerald, lliillloMltn;iell,1iioiSt. Mar. laiiVBR,-Tno Pacino Ellin orchwiim, llralrico Lome, siipraiio. NoTt.H.—Mausgrr lining, n( Ibe Hitniuam Unnd, will present his prugntniiuca tu tho patrons o( tho tlie Incaira Ibmiigh the nmlliini uf a alxloeu page illttilmlcil luinr, called rfii> .viuut-, tho Ihlnl nutulatr or which baa liial lieoii iHaiiad. 11io paprr will In laaiieil every ItaiiiixUy What waa tumiitrly Moa- tiurg'a Now Theatre lJunilquo, In thla clly, liiu Inon reiltie<l, leonenoil and rvclirtalono<l, nnd l< now known na Wnmlorlanil. An aiirai'llvo variety pni- gnumio isoihireil forlcn ami In'only iK'o cciila ml- iiilaalun. NEW YO£K_CITY. I^aal Waek'a Kvanla,—Tho paal wvok waa la luunt reapecla Ibe diilteal of Ibis dull Summeraoa- ann. Allhoiigh Aiigiiat lias come, usually tbo iihmI uncotururiahly tnrxlri «t all tbe niuntba of tlie year, It waa in Ibia Inalanco nabored In with leaden akiea ami bleak windt, and ilin>iighnut the week tho daya have been aitlllclently i'ih'I lo tiMko lirUk oxerelno ilenlmblo, while tho iilghia linvo lirun nlMOliiluly cold. Such cimdllloiu have naturally injiiroil liual- neaa In Ihu roof ganleiia, iinr havo they iiialrrlally improved tho atlondancu wlllilii Ihn tow open llira* Irea. Amuaenitiit eniorpriaiH at the near liy^linre teauris likewise aiiinireil, aud It hi iinw pnilinlilo Mist Iho Siimineriif laiu will gu upon reciml aa a monaco and warning In ibn liiiiirv iiriijci'liira nt open sir amuaonKnl onlonirlara In Uila vicinity. The dull, iioaa of Uio week waa jatrlly rollevcil by tbo clieerful Miunda ut pruparatlnn fur Ihn coming aeason which Is now near st liaiiil. Itehcrtranla ot new plays have born in imigroaa si inniiy ut Iho ilioatrvH, and arllaiina of variuua aoria havo lieon linay In tho annual remivnilon ut lliu hoiiaes. Henilnm ot tbo pniroHaluu who havo liccii eiijiiying Ibe vacation daya have roturiicd lo Ihu olty In (orco, and tlioir hnuiibi lip liiwii, liicliiilliig tho agoiiulos, an again Incoming crowilcd Tho conlliinoil auractloua for Iho wouk uiidlng Aug. S, wrro: "lyil- liy" at Uio Gaiiiibn, "Tho .Sphinx" at the Casiko, llornuin opera at Tbubaiii IIaiiiikk, niiil lUiiillay'a Uiiunijy Ciroua iimler canvas, on Ibo f^astalilo Vsriely eiilerlainmout was nimlalioii nt the tiNiiiH rtgUARK, I'UIICniB'H, Ilio UlHTBAI. Dl'BBA lilll'BB, and at the rullowlng nail ganlona: KoHiiiiift IIiai.'h. tho MiuisuN Sgi'ARi, Ibo AUKmiiAM nnd tho Oasikii. At Tbhbaui iIahiiiii Msmigor Hicharl Hon. liutlili qiillu iiilldlil lilliMcir 111 lavish pmillgHllly. Ho far iliiriiig Ihn M-aami the Ciinrieil-Kureiicxy tIpem Co., tho aliracllun auciirml tnr tlila reanri, liua been pnwnltiig two ujivraa each wouk, but htat week throe uireringH were aniiuiiiired and given. On July 3U, :ei, Mlllia'ckor'ti "Thii llegger Htii- iteii" waa given, lull ylrliltil plaru July Jl, Aug. to Jiiliann Htraiian' "Ilio neduiiimiia" ("Tlio llat"), whinb in lurii waa aurcei dnil, Aug. 'J, 3, liy aiioilirr ut Slraiias' uiaHlurpli^c.i-a, "Tho ilyiaiy llanin." At I'Ai.uaH'a Tiibatiib, on tlin nlirr- nooii lit July M, n niivol aniilmililolit mdleimi waa put In upvralliiii fur llio tliai ilinii, and with I'lmald. eralile anccuaa. itlaiiiiiiiitiinirtiln liaauiuiil oxiillil. lion, wliurain gaiiiua played liy Iho N»w York team Willi their cuiiipetlliira aro rnlibriilly rupniiliiceil by diinimlos whiub diipllcain Ihu iiiiivi'iiioiiia or Ibu riiniirrH, and by eleclrlu llgliia, wlilidi, alilnltig al- luniaUily lu Ilin lialida ut liiiliiuvaldii llgiirca, allow Ibo clmnglng liicalliina ur iho lattl, 'I'hu llireo lirollicra, O, II,, Tliuiiiaa and Juaciih W, Juiroraoll, aro Iho projuclura nt lliu I'literpriao, which la an- noiinrcd to cuiiilniin fur llirrn wrcka, (laiiioa played In tills oily will In rii|aiiileil iiilloiiinlli-ntly at niglil, Willie thuait pitiyiiil away fruiii limiiu will, by iiioaiiaut lolugniphlu ruptirl, In aliiiwii hum during lliotMiignwaiif Ibo gaiiio A nowiiiiiiiruiiiunt rs- aorl, known aa tlin AriiaN.Ki'ii, lunnlcil uii Onn iiiiiidreii and Twiiiily Mfih Hircot m-ar iaixisglnii Avenue, ilarloiii. u|Hinoil July 'Ju aa a vatidu-. vltio houae, under lliu maimgeiiionl of li, W. Ikiub- Futlur imtniluii or thhi nvunt wan iiinile In uur lastbuim irwiii limlhuia' i.'Irriia tijaiiicit under canvas, July w, on KJgMli Avuniiu, IhiIwccii Fifty- sixth still rifly-aovoulli Hireeis. OiDSBU,—Empire, llumid Siiuaru, l,yi»uni, Ali- Iny's, llniadway, Finii Aveiiiii>, llarrtrk, lilJuii, llnyt'a, Piilinor'a, Daly's, Hisr, HIaiidanI, Aiiirriraii, Acadnlliv or Music, Grand fllH-ra IIuiimi, FuiirlniillHi Streut, I'eoiilo'a, JncolM', llarlrlii Oiaira lloiisii, Ooliiniliiw, pastiir'a, 1,1111111111, Olyiiiiilu, IhiriH', Irving Place, (lurUMiilB, Tlialla, Wlnilwir, Adlnr^i anil Miner's Ibiwory and itighlli Avenue, TilNY i'ASToH will play a liiillilHirur ruiiililnalliilia St his ilieairo thla ainaiiii, Ihn llat Ilicluilllig aliiiing uihenWuliernnd Fielila.Al. Ib'uvua, llujiiiliia'l'ratn- ocoanlcs, Uio iluaiim llowani Alhuiia-iiiii, Jamea Tbomhin'aand Una lilll'a World nt Niividiiea "INiuoniv" will IM proaiiiiied ut lliu Standard Theatni Aug, a, Willi iiiiich iliii ntinii rant which ap- Iicarud lu tlio oporu at l^ko iii;orgn July 31. Manaiibh F. C. WiirrNKV haa reliiniml rriiiii hIa llahlnganil liiiiilliig uxpitdliliin un l'rlni:ii Kalwanl lahinil, atlll raliearwtla uf Ilia "ibdi Itoy" Iki. havo lieuiin at liio Herald Hijiiare Tliealru. Tfiu nuiiipniiy will oiwii the sciiaiiii nt iiila hnuao Sold. 'J. JllLim tM»*H/., lit llliigau, I'niaalaii HUnla, liaa Ineli eleeUHl musical dlrerlur or lliu AriiillHtN;lrly to succeed i^nk Van ilor Hliickoli, who roalgiieil auvural weeka agii. Mahaiikh J. WksLKV iliMKNiji airrlN Having the Fuurlooiilli HlreoiTnuBiru reiiuvuicil ami liiiprovcd fur the upliiiing ut Ihu aeaMin un Aug. lu. Tliu uiieii. lug aUracUun will la) "Tho Wlckluw I'lalnmii," with Eugene O'lUnirku and lletiliia ilerani In Ibo caat. Ht. JANin' Hall liaa liecii Inancd liy Alfred K Aaruna, wiiu annoiiucea thai lie will iiisili It bs1!i Gaiety nil Hii|it 'J, with a nuw Imrleaipio, Mas. ANNIE YEABAioiliaNlnon unuaged fur "Ibe Great Dlaimind llnliliery," which Maiiagera Paliatr A Knawkis will proaeut Hupt 'J, at tbe American Theatre. RhlllABIi liaa ailccciHlrd III hauJtig aevoral ot lila out or town eUKagumenia caiicviM. He baagiiiie hi Nswpun, it. /., when iio lolonna Ui apend a tunnlgbt lie liaa unniiunoeii lt,it- bu will pnslucsaoveral new plava at tho llarriuii Tliciiire during Dctulnr. Tho Uonre. Hnllsiid will login Uioir lour in "A Han With a Past" at this liouss Sept. 'J. UUABLEs Fboiiuan liasdeeldeil t<i open Ibo season at tliu Kinidra Theatre un Hupt. 'J. 'flie fim play In In given will In 'Tlin Clly of Pleaaiiro," a dnma In llvo acM.triini the Froncli. by riwirge ILHIins, the autbiir of "The IJghls or l^uidiin." Tlilaplay will Injireaeuled In l»ndon al Uio Hliaruiniiy Theatre III Nuveuilwr. It waa pertuniieil on April la at lllr- mlnglum. Eng., fur copyright piirWMa-s. Tliu cast Includes: J. II. UHinour, J>w|ih Wlieeliick, (lharles Howaer, Kllbt pmctiir iKIi, Enie Hlinnnun and otben. Tbo Empire Htnck Cuiiipany upi na Ibt aea- aon In Ksnsss City, Mo., Aug, la, GiLMUEEftToiirEiNs Commence tlii-lr next aoa- nooatthe Academy ot Miiaic 011 Aug. :si, with ihii proflucUun of Ihe spectAciilar nKbalraiiw, "Tlia HporUng Duohess." The caat Incliiilisi, aiiHiiig olbsr, Agnes Unilh, E. J. Hatcllire, J, ILHIiHlilnrd, l^ora Tanner, Atl<» Flalior, W. II, iiarciiirl, II. A. Kolnria, Fnncia Csriyle. Mahaiibk Ciiabijis Kbiiii»an has selected "Tito Oar Partataos" as Ibo ttllu tor ilio French farce "Hotel de IJim Eichangr," which will lai produced al Hoyl'a Thealre, Kept, 'A with a i-mi wblcb In- olades W. J. Fergiiaisi, Uo lillriclwlein, Joaeph Ifumphreya, Jamea tt. ItarruwH, George llackiia, Odells Tyler, Jiaiephlne Hall, Hia. E. J. rblU|ai, Marie Gordon, Clara Nurtiui. Wiillain Hlilrtay, Uula llendrtcka and Clisrtca Green. UilARLSii DicisoB, in Edward O, Tuwne's comedy "Inher People's Munoy," will In the opening altrac- Uun al Hiiyt'a Theatra, beginning Aug. Ill, lie will be BuppiittBd by a company including Aubrey U'lncl- caiill, Thiimas M. llunisr, Giiatav Yorke, Auguitmi llalbsok, Aioiiio Stevens, IJIIbin ilurkliart, Jlelen TlBcy, UeorgU y*\\n, Alice Thill and Vlfgiiila Ayiea.