New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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362 THE NEW YOBK CrCJPPEB. August lo. AUmeljliuaeblng of their Mli eoibled Uie Bot- tom to win on ASR. r>. KIchola pllched • ■Mng i|*roo, tsd Ilia Aiipport at cnilnl polnti wtt ■DMA. roar riit ilouiile \i\tjt mtCt at » lliaa nhta IHg rhllwlnlplilu liad raoa on (be baxi prtvad tb«in ol norenl chance* of KOrtDi. U>«a plaTadagnati^iiMat aacond bate for ina homa taaB, accepting all or ten cliancei, and aorae of taani were of the MuatloBal order. Olenenla plajed In Una rorm fur the viilion. Vatf led In Datdng. Tlio loDK Hate hill were a hone run bj Looi, a triple bangtr lij Doflo and a doulile bagger III Iowa. L'lisej wan lilt hard and atlhe rlgbt time. fniu. T. R. n. o. i.K.I BOHToir, r. il a. o. i.m. 5 I 1 I 0 o'Doirr, cr.... 4 i a i o o e o o i o 411100 a u II 4 1 oiBunoa, rr. ' TVioi'Mn.rr. a 0 1 0 I) 0 CroM,]''.... 4 u u I 4 0 Clf Diinu, c. 4 u 2 6 1 0 B<irla,lli.... 4 I I H I 0 Rtlllr.M.... 4 0 1 14 3 titrwr. V 4 I I 0 I 0 TartMp. 0 U 1 0 0 Udc 4 3 1 3 9 1 l,0«>,lb.... 4 3 3 4 a 0 Mull. 911 4 0 3 0 9 1 Toebtr, lb.. 4 I 0 la 0 0 llinuLc... 3 0 3 0 0 0 NICI10U.P... 1 0 0 0 3 0 TenMr. 0 II 0 0 il n Ti>Ub...4l 9 a2ll9 .1 ToUll...)} 7 19 37 1) 3 niud^iphu.... 001003000-9 Bottoo.. a 0 3 . 0 1, 11 0 -7 ■B«U4«1 lo plu:* ttf t'Jknmf lo ili* nlotli Inalnr. Eantd nina-llilla'JdHilL I; lh»l'in, 4. Haw on rr rora—1*.. 1: U .3 Oa Ivlu-I*., 3; B., 9. Hlnick oot^B., a. Umpire. EB>lle. Tloie. I M If aw York to. Droaltlyn. Betlar all round work helped Uie llnwklf na lo a TleloTT orer Iho Now Yoika on Aug. 3, al tha I'do Oroonda, In tbia city, when Umpire Uumbain'a da. cUloai OQMil conalderaiile wnbglliig and kkUng bj both Kanw, who MilTcRd cnuallr at Umea, a;. tbongb tbo Tlilioni got Iho worit or It In the loof run. Bboch waa nned and pnl out«(tbe game In the foartli Inning rnr having tin mnch li> ur. Tola n<- ceaaltatad a chanKe In ine uako up of too Urooklj n team, Orlllla going lo nhorl and KouU to centra. Roalo retired at tbe end of tbe tliird liiolog, after ibo vlillora bad made flvo rune, olibough only one ran waa eamod oir bla pllcblog. Clark, who w«a aaUil. tutad, waa bit litrd at llnira,kliliougbonlj tworoui were earned oir bla ultcblog. Ula nuiiponwaHpoor, ■a waaRuale'a. FiiUerlnp«Ttlcularliaaan"oiroa7," »nd bla emn were cottij. Bttin plicbed aiAicUvelj and waa well aupporied oulalilo of Urlllln. Tbelaitar plajad llDClj nolwltbMtandlog hU two orrora, one of wbloh gare the boino team two raoa In the aecond iDBlog. Andenoo aud Van llallicn led tbelrnapec- Ure taaina In bautni;. The long nfe biti were a homer br v>o lUiuou, » triple bj U^vla and a donblt br Daly. ' EiiouRi.T.1. T H. n. 0. a.K.I NBwroRa.T. B a. 0. i.B. (Irlnin,cf. H u 3 0 u a ijllQlltr. rf... 4 i 1 I 0 0 a 10 3 1 i|Uori.|iT, It — . . . - ~ Oil'ultlll'- 1110 0 I' 4 3 3 1 0 1 ltaiii,9<i.... 4 0 I 1 a I Udfl; lb.... 4 0 0 II 0 1 ai>ir«nl, it>.. 4 I 1 3 t a hmUo.... 4 1 0 7 0 1 Hu>il,P 10 10 10 nUrk, p 3 u 0 1 1 ■ IMIlM', u.... 3 0 0 0 3 9 lltaliin* 1 0 II u D 0 Touii....a) a anM a 0 t I 1 0 1-11 1 0 0 0 0-1 Tiadnr, rr.. a 1 3 3 0 . Hhodi.M.... 3 10 13 0 VouU, tl.... 9 U 3 1 0 U Lubmnca, IbO ii 3 19 o n DUr, 3ii a : 3 3 I 0 AiUerwD. ir a 3 .1 a 0 Ii IMIIaj, 0.... a 1 I 1 a 0 Niabi, p a u 3 13 0 ToUla...47 II 14 31 la 3 Bnoklro II 0 a MawYurk I 3 3... •MMklli bau«d Kullar Id Ibfl iilnlh Innbif. Bara«J nin4-Briioklyn, 3: N»w York, 4. Bau on or. nim-BM 4: N. v.. 1. (In hsIli-B., N. y.. I. Blnck out—B., 1; 14. Y.. I, irnipiro. Burohaili. Tlaif,13a. no New YorliH woio licatcu again on Aug. 3, when Iho acone waa ahlitod front tbe liolo Oroiinda to Kaataru r*rk, llmaklrn. N. Y. Toe New York pltobera were tbe eaaltai kind of a mark for tlia Unwklrn lialuiien, and tliej Innkodnntage of tbo ojiportuiiltjr bjr hauiincrlDR out Hloitk'a, doublaa, a triple and a boine run. Hie rlalilng outdelderi were kept binjr cliaaing (be Imll all over the Held, ■nd the thirteen Ibmuiaad apcctalora mw an good a batting gome ua Iuih lirun aiicn In tlila vicinity In aoine tliua. Hiiekin alirteil In lo pitch for Ibo new York*, but laucd onlj ono Inning. In iliel Uino tbe borne loam inado a alnglo, a triple and two ilouble liaggera oir lila dollvorr, netting them lliree eamod nna. loiheaocond Inning llenuanwuaaenl In to pitch, and ho faredovoii wnmo tbnn Mecklo did. Ula Stria of deliver; waa Juaiio Iho Ilrooklyn>ii llklog, •nd thej enmad alx of Uio ten nioa made off bin. Kennedy pitolied good ball and wai well aupportcd Ht crltlrarahigea, ine New Yorka canting all of tbtIr runa. Tuo lung aafo hlia wcmiiJiome run by An- demon, trlplo baggora by Uurnliy, ^'arrell and Trtd- way aud douhlea ur artillii, Bhocli anil llaly. The bailing of (lilllln, Trodway and Daly and the field, lug of Rlioch nud llaly were Iho foaiuree. Iloplr* Uumliam waa lato In arrlvliiii at tbe grouiidn aud (Irlui and Wllaon uillolatod lo Iho Ural Inning. Their vriirk waa aatlafactory. - - HHJXMiLTa. T. n. n. o. i.a. iiriinn, cr... a i 4 < a o hiiIdiIIi, N).. a 0 0 I I I Tr«li»y, rf. a 1 4 I 0 0 iiriocli.ra.... a 1 1 n I I Laoliaaca, lb a 1 oil a 0 inly, Si a 9 4 a a It NKW VUHK. r II. II. O. A.K. Buiur,ir.... 4 u u 1 u u Murpby, n.. 4 1 I u 0 II Vaaruil'D.cr4 U U 3 0 I Ilavll,91l.... 4 U U I 3 I Uoyla,lb.... 4 0 3 • n I 4 1 I 9 3 U G4mll,c... aablap,. Uaroiu, p. ramr, V. Andanoii, U a 1 1 9 a D tniuy, o..... a 1 a 4 0 0 KtoDDilr, p., a I a u 1 0 .41111 . I 0 1 0 u u . a u 1 0 1 u ■iMT V 4 0 U 1 9 0 Tolari.'.'.'n S 71113 4 Tula1i...M I13<r II 1 Maw Tork 0 1 t 0 0 u 0 0 0-,a SiooklfO 90)10900 -13 Bamrnl ruu^Haw York, 3; BrooblTD, 0 Biwonar- rara-N. Y., 1:B.,3. (lu balu-N. V, 1; B., I. Biniek mH-M. r ,1: n.. t. l^uiplran, Orlm, WlUiu and Bars- nam. Tlnio,lll. Toe New Yurka won on Aug. a, when tbete teama Totumed to Ibo IMIu (irounda, tbui city, l>> better all round work. Quiubcrt waa baited hard attlnioa, tbe New Ynrki dnding lliilo liuulile In bunching tbeir hlla wbeu noeded. Iluale pitubod one of bu inual good ntuca, ibe Itrooblyna making only alx ii^e blla oif Elui In tbo llrat mvoii Innlnga, three of wnloh worn bunched In Ibo aoi-ood liming, aud, wtlli a wild plioh, they ecorcd two runa. At Ibe lieglnulug of ilie cigliili Inning ilio acore atood 19 to ■J 10 fBvor of Ibe New Yorka, and with thia lead Iluale eaaeil up aud tbo UTOOblyoa batted In four nna. Ooiroton uiade bla reappearance wim tlie vlallon after an abaenco of a few data, but bla work waa not up tu hla uaiial alandanf. Murphy played left Held fur the liomo loam and did remark- ably well, Uaaldoa, bo iiMdo two double baggen, ■cored two mm and acnt In anolber run on a Iook Itr lo (Irlino. IXvIa and Kiillcr each made aoise partleularlj (harp llelding playa. Urlllln led at Ibe laL Ilia luroo blti Includoil two iloulile baggera. The other loog aafe bibi were a triple bagger by Van Uallrcn and doniiloa by l.a Vbanoo, Corcoran, ViirphT (iwlco), Davbi and Hiaifonl. >Moai.n. r. a. ». o. "—' teaBii. Helbacb and KcOraw led their reapccUve leatna In batting. It waa a pitcber'a cooleat In which boDon ahould bare be«u evenly divided, but Abbey'a anor allowed HcHabon lo carry them off " a amall margin KatUr, rf... 4 0 0 1 0 Jauu(a,aa.4 u i 9 a Meanwrtb.. 4 0 3 0 3 'aaaivoiDii.T. a. a. o. i.a. bleach,II... 4 0 3 1 0 0 Joyca,>h.... 4 0 1 3 9 0 Uufriahi,lb 1 0 0 10 0 0 Hcaulra,c.. 4 0 0 9 1 0 Ilaaani'oar.m 0 a I 0 0 Abba, or... 10 0 111 3 4 0 Aoi1arK>a,p. 3 0 10 10 To<*U....>l 0 a » 13 1 WaaMoitoB 0 0 0 Baluuiora 0 0 0 . ^ on haUa-W&rtitnaton. I: Ualllnoro, 1 m u m 1T*W,,H«WIII. I, ■MIHI.IVIV. ». ■ ou^W., a. Umplraa, Kwfa and (lanL Tliiio. 3 Qi. The Waablnglona aucceedcd In rovoraliig Ibe alnve reaolt on Aug. A, when tbcae tcninn nict at Waahlngton, U. 0. Iloffor waa wild, la giving baaea on balla, and loeifectlve, iho Waahlngtona lialUog lilni with oaae, eapeclally Joyce aud Abbey. Boyd, on Ibe other baed, pllcbtd wlonlog tall and kept Ibe blta made off bim well acatlercd, except In the dftb and aeventli Innlnga, troen tbe chnoplooa bunched eoongh loglvetbcni live runa, fourof which were earned. UnotM and Bhicbcck did Booie re- markably lino fleldlDg, accepting all oC elxhtcca chance* at aecond iiaaaand anortak>p,re*pecilvely. Joyce led In batting. Ilia fonr bllii Included a homo run, a triple bagger and twoalnglea. The other long aafo blta were a borne run l>y Abbey, triple laiggera by Cartwrlgbt and Aliliey, and donUea i>y Jeonlniia, Clark and Iloffer. Joyce'a batting and thelleldlagor Crook* and Rblebeck, with Crooka' liaae running, were featorea. WAaaiaoiDX.T. a. a. o. a.a.'BaLTiHoaa. r. a. a. p. a.a^ mlii^er.... 1 1 3 4 0 1 iniJIUIH,9ll.. 4 0 113 0 tndpay, rf. > o 0 3 u u llatr.U...... 1 0 0 0 3 1 USaaaatlbl 1 3 10 ■ o Audanoa, u) o 1 o o 0 !Craoraa,aa. I 1 1 • I ? Pallar, 0.... I 0 0 9 0 I ihruiMn, p.. I I a 3 I u aiiijiUJ ) Bnoklin UIO NHv YoHK. r. a. 0. o. a.a. Uiiiph)-, ir.. a 1 a 4 a 0 TIanian.rl.. a I I I 0 0 vaallili'B.ef a 9 i I 0 o iia«li.ab.... a > 3 I 3 0 U<iyla.Ib.... 0 0 3 7 *' a 0 3 a . r>noii,a.... s 1 1 s a o wi|ji>n.e.... 1 1 I s 0 0 Kuala, p. 4 U 1 U 3 0 1-ullor.M.... 4 9 0 3 9 0 TulaU...43 UUr II I 0 0 0 0 4 0 ' SnYork.:.... 3 0 1 ) 1 0 3 0 -13 Banad n>Di-Bn>jlilvn.4: Soir York,). Bw* on ar- loVi-irriiN.V,!. l)o1ull«-B..4i K. Y.,4. HUockoaJ- B..a;N. Y.. 3. Uitiptna, Humhaiu aiij lIUDt. Time, Hi. Waablngton va. OMlllmore. T1ieAVaahlngtouaoui|ilayad the Ualtlmorca al all point) on Aug. 3, at Waalilniton, 1). C, winning aa may pleaacil. The Unlllnioret played wretchedly In the fleld, and tlieir pttchcra, Kaper and Clarkaon, w'eio asyililoR but eifti tlvo when men wore on the baaea. Uoyd did good work In the pitcher'a boa|. tlon for the borne team, holding the ohamplona down to elgbt aafo blta, uiioDgn ot wblcb they could mil bunch la the aovonth Inning to get uioro Ibaii atalsilo run. Tbe long aafo hlu were nome ram by JMiiiMb and Ctooka, aud a double bagger by llaaa- maear, Ibe game waa callod at Iho end of tbo «lgtala lunlng on aoconnl of darkncaa. Wlaaiaotox.r. a. a. o. ».a, " " >«iEMh,ir...a 1 ,loroa,9l>....l 0 4kuri)ibt,lb I I |l(jajil*9ar,ria 4 ftnS>&,lb.".'> I |balback,M. 4 0 Bcfd, f • 1 13 WaakloBloo. Baluuota... —oad ruoi I 1 0 0 3 ill 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 all 0 3 .^ Raltihorb. T. H. It. U. A.l. Kolior, U— a I I 0 0 - KoUr, If... 4 0 0 a u J«nnluiiN«L 4 0 13 4 UrilnK, 9b. 4 0 3 3 0 IIIHWD. tb. 4 0 I I a Hrulla,er... 4 0 0 3 0 0 uaivy. lb.... 4 0 0 in I ~ OUrla, 0.... 4 1 I I - Kjr.r,r.....a. 1 J{ - . - - - TOUU...37 4 BNIA 0 0 0 3 4 4-U 0 U U 0 3 5 '■arnad ruaa-WaMiloBloB.t. BaM 00 •nor*—W.,); ■aHljnor*. 3. Un baui—W.J: B., 4. Blnick out—W., I, raplrM. Tballa ^'itear»andljunu yl^ll^'*» , llalllnoic«aucce)ded In reromlrg the above reaolt uu Aug. 3. when the acene of acUou waa innafened to Ualiltnoie, Ud., itae home team Itaen lielog atieoglboned by Ibe reappearance ot Mo. Mahon, who pitched bla Int game tor the cbam. uloaa Ibia aeaaon. lie waa gTven a reualng wej. MOM when bo took bla place lo Ihe pIKher'a poal' (Ion. That Ilia arm baa fully racorered from tbe lolury auaialuid to II by ovcrwotk laat acaaon waa fully denionalralcd by tbe tact Uiat Ihe \Jtltoni fouldmako unlyalx atfe blta. Including a double bagger by Heibach, which wai Ibe only lopgaafe bli of Ibo game, and alx ot Ihuni were retired on ■Irike*. ADd«rM>n, loo. pllchcil auinrbly, and the .only and winning nin waa Ihe reaiill ot an error by Abbey, wlikih. by Ihe way, waa the only mlaplay jpade to mar Iho olherwlia perfect Seldmg ot boto BiLTivoaB.r. a. a o.A.a. 4 0 0 < 0 0 Kaalar, rf... I MeOiaw, niaaMa,3b..4 i Biodit, er... I 0 iiarar, lb.... s 0 RAtrfOMO, 0.9 0 Bellahoii, p. 9 0 Toula...Ii I 0 0 0 0 0 10 - Ifn 3 110 110 0 1 10 I 0 0 0 3 0 10 3 0 air 19 0 0 U-0 0 0-t Biruck «L''p,^"ri!r«^Siftif/ii Ao».s-*« D*uoii,oiaBa f!? uaniina of iba tlobi to A«f. S. Intlaalt*. la aa fol- KtUor, ir....4 I : I 0 0 Kaattr.rf.... 4 - Jaonlanaa. 4 UcUiai^ab.. 4 niMion,3b. 4 Bnxlla, ar... 4 Carai, lb.... 4 liUrki. c... 9 tloirtr. |i 9 TouUa.. .91 a 10 3113 I 1 ) 3 4 0 4-11 0 0 0 0 I 1114 1 0 13 4 0 0 13 3 0 U 1 9 0 0 0 Oil 0 0 13 3 10 3 0 1 a I 1 3 u 1 Joyco. Jb.... 0 9 4 0 3 0 Oait'ri(ht,lb a 1 3 13 0 u MeQolrik a., a 1 3 I 10 llua'aaai.Tfa 1 3 0 0 1 a 33100 Rn»ia.Ib...a 1114 0 ■xiiiabMk, u. a 1 1 a a 0 Boyd, p 4 110 10 Tol*la...<4 II 1)34 U I Waahlnsloo 0 1 Blldmoro 0 0 . . - . ■famed ruoa—Waahlnatoo, 6; Billlmoro. 4. Hue on ball*-W.. a: B.. 3. HIrvck oul—W., 1; B., 1. I'liipira, Kaafa. tlma, J.»., VUUhnrg tb. at, Loiila. Hoperlor all around work enabled tbe St. l/>ula Drown* lo defeat the llttaburga Aug. 0, at ritta- bnrg. Pa. Ebret pllched effecUvely, und the llrowna played a abarp, anappy game, the reaalt or which waiiln doubt unill the eeronth tuning, when the vlalbXB bnnohed four ante bILi und tallied three earned runa, Tirlually aetllInK IL Kir and lleckley led Iheir reaiiecilve teama in liatiloir. Tlie long Bate bibi wen a triple liagRor by Ueckley and a double by Croaa. Deaplte hla tro error*, Ciy played a really onillant game. Uevbloy'a battloi; waa a feature. Br. LoDia T. a. a. o. i.B.| riTraaoao. r. h. b. o. a. a. Bro>o,ct...a 113 1 u Uoourao, rr. a u 1 3 0 0 muar,a.... a i i 9 0 o amiib, ir....a 11301 ooolay, ir.... a 9 1 s 0 OiBwktay, lb. a 3 .113 0 0 ']oinD,3b.... a 0 3 s 9 0 auDitL cr... a 1 1 u 0 0 love. rf.... a 119 0 olHiuar.ib ... a 0 0 3 3 0 Kir, aa 4 u 3 s 4 3iunaik •>..... 4 01130 Filii,lb 4 0 u 0 1 0KUai,9b,....4 u I 0 3 I Hainuel,9b.. 4 0 0 1 3 0 Utrrime.... 4 0 0 0 0 3 Ebral,p I 0 0 13 Oiilmloer,p.. 3 0 0 0 3 0 •UoDloa I 0 0 u 0 0 Tolala...4l 7 1117 11 3 Tolala...)) I BIT II 4 ai. Looii 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 a 1-T Mllabarg 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0-1 *BaU4d In place oruinloar lo tbo iilulli iDiilna. Eanwd ruDA—St. Louts, 9:1'liuliurii, 3. Bam 00 errorA -HI, L.. I: P.. I. Oo balU-W. L., V.. 1. Hlruck oiil- aLL..a;r., I. umpire, O'Day. Time. 3.1s. CleTelaiid va* Ijoalavllle. After winning aevon ainlgbt gamcn tlic I/iiiIa- f lllea were defeated by the Ctcvobinda cn Aug. n, ai Cleveland, 0 , through their Inablllly to bat Yuung'a pllcblog. The latter waa rery cirecUvo, allowing the vbllniB only Bve Bcatlerlug alnglei, and bad hlu aupport been perfect tbey would not have ecorcd a run, aa none wa* earned otr hla ptlclilug. Inks proved an eanmark, and vraiibit oiten and at tbe right Unie. The only long aafe hit waa a double bagger by llurketl. HcUarr'a llcldhig waa a re- deeming feature ot the home team'a work. amar. 0. ■ ZAhner, c... ■""•ioliu." Laulnttla... UlaTaUad.. CLVTKLA.'CD.r. H. a. O. A.M. Borkgtl, If., a 1 lleKaao, u.. r, 1 O'Connor,Iba 0 l!hlbli,lb....6 r.liuniar.o... a KoAlaar, ef.. r, llc<i>rr,3b..a 1 (1. T4baau.r^.^ 3 Yoimir, 1 4 3 I 0 013 3 4 I 0 I 1 1 I I I 3 0 0 1 UllilAVILtR.T. H. H. U. A.K. (I'Brlan. 10.. 4 0 3 .1 I • Coniai,3b... 4 I 0 I 4 I Ularko, ir... 4 U 3 3 ) I Ualllofar. rr 4 0 u 1 0 c llcdi«aiy,a> 4 0 0 I 1 u Wrlibl.ct... 4 0 0 3 0 Bfiaclb.... 4 1 I II u tvamar. 0... 3 0 0 3 1 .3 0 0 1 0 0 .3 0 0 0 3 0 J9 3 til 10 3 Tol«U...II 0 1637 11 . I U 0 0 I U 0 0 O-I 14300030 -5 EaniadruBA—Clovalaoi],B. BoAaonomtA—LoulAvllIr, <: 0.,S. 00 ballA-L.. 1; C., 4. Siruok oui-L.,7: 0., 1. linplrv. Javor. Time, lAL Gamea lo b« Played* Ana. 7, rllUbunr ta. BL LouIa, al rillAburg, l>a. AUR.r. Oofalaad va. LodIavIII«, at Clavolami, O. AuR. 7, C'hIcARo vs. Ulnclooall, al Clilcain, lit. AUR. 7, a, Now York m. Wa>lilaRtoa. at Mi> York Cllr. AUR. 7, a, Boaloa va. Biooklva. at OOAIon. Maiu. AuR. 7. ^ rhlluleliilila v>. Ihllliiiiin, at llilUilolphiA, I-a. Aug. t, e. to, PtIuburR VA Lonlivlllo. at nibitiurc, I'a. AuR. H, 9, la Clilcaaa va. uloTaUnJ, at Chlraaii. III. AuR. H, lOL ll. OInelonatI va. hi. LouIa at (llDclniiAl,. AuR. a. M, i% Brooklya va PlithulaliiblA, at Brouklro, N. Y. AUR.H, AuR.a, - Alt*. V. lc[ 11^ BalUiiiora va. Nov York, at llalltniora. .Md. AuR. a, to, 11. Hoalon va. Waablofton, at IIobioii, Uim. AUR. II, Ii U, LoulAlllle VA. ClilcAio, Al LouIavIIIa. Ky. AiiR. 13,13, II, lilnelODAll VA. llilAliiirR, at Ulaclonatl. O. AiiR.I3,IX14,ClavsbBd Vi. lll.LoolA.At Ulavabiiiil. (>. AoR. 13, II, l>, Braokl;* n. WadilgRUn, alBrinklrn.N. Y. Aog; 13, II, U. rblladolpblA vl Ke<>oik, at I'bllAilali.lila. Aug. U, II, U, BAhliBo ra va. Bo<too . at BAlthiiora, Bd. The Chsmploaahip neooril to Aug. 5, Inelwalvai ;itr. BL PaoI Mroll Hiancapolli. Hllwaulw... TarroirAiiie.. TlieracanllrpltyadehainptooAhip «,a"»of thaW»l- om AwlAUbn TMOll«] AA rollow: •'"Ij"-*''•".'R' * • II; DM VolncA, I. At flolocv, Oirt Rama. Uo- UiilacT.l. Bkou gems, (tclocy,?-, Llocelo. I. . . .SSrllncolo. 0: gulacj,!. *'^te««J[; lord. Ii; DMiv.rJ. Al >'lp)™'''J«''!SIiS; a' li Jo»oi4i 6. July»-Ai rcof Peoria, 7:wnvar.3. At Joir si-At JackwAtiiiv, Dm Hpliaa, 1 u;.,''«uoi'- vlllt. I. At PaorlA. IWIa, a; Daorer, J At goloey, am MO. UMnerl ): HiT Joaapli, a. bmodiI aama, q7|dc™ BL JoMu^ a (roifailod)" Jalr 91-At JaaUoo. ?,llf. Do. BolnoA 7; JAcUonvllla,/if "2t,J>""/: n-I'AOrlA. II. AIQu acy, ({ulncy, U at-JoAopb,). Al Hiiklnrl. BockrorS, I: ilaoolo, 4 W ^IX)- AoR. l-AlJmck«onillK. !»■ "ala*^, »v ^^^^,•«''J''l• 'v }i KcorlA. Donvor, 9; rooija, 0 (loifeliad). AoR. 3-Al jACkAonrlllc, OonvAr.a: JacbAonvlUai,*-, *' YfHik}'}': ci.ln.6:l'oor1a.a. Al llalacT, Da; «olMA,e; *ilae/,4. At linikforO, W. JnMP 1, Eackfonl » AOR. 9--AI Jack«nTllbi. jAck««l»llla, ,33; ?"1"* i!?.'"?- I'coril. 4; Unroln.3. AtQolncr,fljjacyi RS!''»L°^' I. Allloikroid. R.«krorl,IO: St. Jolapli.t. Thaitaad- BB oritiA clal.A » Aul. 91 lacloAlvaJUa folloRa: Pooria '■■n ' 2 2 Uacoln 75 al . 3D DwMolD.A 77 41 a n«nv*r TU » 2 QalncT Z5 5 2 KcklSnl 77 SS 41 DIAMOIID VIBliD OOSSIP. La teat Baylage bbiI Dalnga of tlie Baae* ball Prmternlly. Tlia laceellr pUrad chanii^onililp cadioa of dio Bail am LaiLRua rHQllad a« follow: July 3D-AL amnion. Hcrmatoo, 19; Syimcai*. 1 Al WllkoAbart*, WltkethArrv. 10: RocbfAttr, a. Al rrovldwico and HiirlnRllfhl. fnln. Julr 91-At k*loTldalc^ Itril innl«. rnvMciic^, 11: To. roato, 1. Haeaod Ramt. PioflOcacA, 4; Tunmto. .V Al BprlnRflaM, BiiRalo, 4: BpnoallaU. 3. Al Hcmntnn. Ifj n- cuH, 7; Bcnalan, I. Al WllkoaOArre, Koclitilar. .1; trilkaAbari*. 3. AUR. I-AI rco<IUonco. nisi nln^T<, roato, II; I'mvldanea, L Kccoad a.iiiic. t'mvlJonro, tl: TtiioQlo,4. Al BprlnKa«M, niAl uaiiio. SpilDiBcU, III: BiillAlivk. Bcniad tanis, BrtlnRaeld. 11; biiUAto, II. .\i Roiaoloo, ertadnso, ,^; Bcrnnlon, 1. Al Wllkr«l*Arrr, WllkoAbArvo, II; K«baAlar,3. Aug. 3-Al VntvlilNin., Pnrldsoca. 19^ BuITaIo. 3. Al BprtnRBoM, llral f;Aiilr, Intllanaiwlli nl;ic- K3 at 83 m at . a *«,(« ((BU.V ■ — Onad luplila 81 SrS£^iSS''.ft'ii.W.r"S^.2iSn'S!ft.'t- toaa: I .va .13 B 4 .«g LooRlabbd.... u ! i 'IS »?-r?^ui:;::::;::::;::!| S S :S Btdoay H 'I 10 .IM JAcksonviila.. 9L JOAcpb ...7a ...70 49 eo M .e7i .100 .fjo .4U J73 .9(7 IhArtcenllrpUjad chAmpkindilpnniel ofIbaTalaa. Rouilitni Levloo rssolloJ a«_follow: Jjlj ir-At Dallu, llAllAv91; llouuoa. I. Al Fon Woitb, Port Wonb.«; llalratloa, 0. AtMieniian. StilrmalMt; aaa Aol<>nlo,ll Al Rliravapon, AoaiIo, ): "'ravspon. 0. Jnly »-Al DaIIaa, DaSaC 31; llousloo. I. At Port Wonh. Port Worlli. »; OalrttloD. 0. At Sbamaa, Bltaimu,); aan Anuinlo.4. AlB!>iatsiioit,8lirtvapoi1.3: AuMlD. I. Jaty JI-AI DaIIa^ PaIIaa, It; Atuitln. 9. At Flort Woilli, Port woiili. B; lloiKioo. i At Wtaraan, Sbanaan 9; UaJn» lon,.\ Joix 91-Al Dslla". DallBA. 11»; Austin, 7. At Port IVonli. Ponb Wonli, I; IIooaioo. I. At Bharotio, aalros. Ion,); Sliorman. 4. AuR. 1-Al Dall*^ Uallu, 10: AOMiD, a AlVort Worn.. Pott Worth. II; Uoostohl ,Ai8ur. innn. OAireAUtn. II: Biomin. 4. Adi. t-At Daltaa, Dal- lA«.ll:ilAlta«ion. 1. At Fort Wonli, Fori Worth,); Ban Aouinli,. 3. At BhoTutaa, Auulu. 3i\ Shumaii, 10. At anroTO|Kirt..Slirorepott, ): llousloo, 3. Ibcilaadtaiaf Iba clalu to Aui. 3. lodnilro. Is aafoltowa: n'on. LM. nrcl. ... 13 'raoact BUI ■> laaclat*. " VIckeiTplt«l»4 two I*"" •C'S*ISL'iS.Sht Uea 00 Jnly 91, at Watien, Pa. In tbe Ural («ne he hSd the Wr Oa*le. down to 'o" allhongh the Wamnaweie beaten it 6 to 8. In the aeund gune the Kew Oaalle* nude oiUy thiTie aafe hlu and were beatan by e to X MoranpreTented Ihe Mobile* from S"?"*"?? than three (ate hlba off him on Jalr 30, at Mobile, Al*., the NaaiTllle* winning by «to 1 The Bhierepoit lean, of the Tara-Sonthern LMgoe, waa dUbanded on Joly », aid leorianlzed again on Ang. 1 The Andenona defeated the Loganapotla by 4 to 0, on Jnly 28, at Loganapoit, Ind. Tbe loaoia made ODlytwo site off Coon, while the Tleten made tonr offThomtoiL D.HorkrIaBd held the Hew Orleaoa team down In tkiee aafe hlla hi the fliit ot lb* two game* played on Jnly a, at HewOrleana, U.,the Bvjna- vUlc*wlonlog by 1 too. Tlienctorenudeonlyronr aafe hlla off Hecnnat Feehan prevented Ibe Shrevenort* from nsklng more ihan a aoUtair ahigle oir blm on Jnly 37, at Sbrevepott, U., the Auallna winning by «10 0. Uuot belpad Burshaiii lo olBelate la Iba New York- Brooklyo ivuna Adr. I> at .the Polo OimndA, ibiA cliy. Ute romarcoadoairhTniieUto baaa dedaloo, and ravj •olln aaltsiaellooi'tba Ullar devotad ,bU lima u soriloR tialtArromatrtkaa,buth*be<*nia badlpaitaad oko to a •blla. Bouile «u obllgaJ to "Pat tlitni acrou iha ceo. In of Ihaplaw" u> gala callod atilbe. Tbao, too, aevaral vary foal wUa war* alloaad to 10 aa wo banaia by Borobaffl. na "Elks," eoopoaad of performaia nalillog to and araund Tonkara. ilofcaled iba "tloUeta." of Yookan ly 19to), oa AOR. 4. at VontarA, M. Y. Iba faauraa of Ilia ■una Wan tbo la<dlni or Abel Balioaar and die U<e raanlojrorcbria J. Daltao. of lbs Elkn. sa<l ilialaU na orjoaO'BrlaaaidJlmmyBooahAn,oruis(lolrara. Billy Wallaca, of B. P. Elba,Mo. I., B. Y. City, aaa uuiplra. The CbtcsaoiclaalBaatI gaina KbaduM tor Abr. t. at Chicago; IIU wu poilpoaad on aeoooatofadianiAna Dallas PorllVorlli... ilAlvasioo Ahaiman flliravsport.... AusllD .» Ban Antonio 31 Uouslon 39 .m 94 n a .769 ....33 31 II .oa .... 13 la 19 .M .... at 13 1) .UH 19 It .981 .390 ■nioiacanllypUycJ clitmplonslilpfatnajofUiaBoolh- •m AAAoclslloo reasllod a« lollow: JulplB-AI MoMla, AllAnta,e: llobllo.9. AlN4»Orlaaiu,0ralRaino,Evua. »lllc. I: NetrOllfauAa Bccpnd gam, NairOrlaaOA, 1»: Erao>vUlo.a July »-Ac Mobile. blobllM); Kaslivllla, J. At Honti;oioi»y, Adiaia, 10; BoniiomorT, 9. At Raw UiloanA,No' liitaanM; BvAosvlllo O. Jafy SO-AtBo- tillA. NAilivllle, 1: Hoblla. 3. Al MootaDinarr, .HonU Romcry. ll:Allinu,l!. Al K«« Orlaaoa, EyaaajllU.S; S'a» Oiloaiis. I. Julr 31-AlHoblU Kailivllla, 17; do- blle.l. At Uooluonisrr, Moattonao', D:Atlanu,). Al if Orleans. ETaosvlllo. 19; Now OrlAaos. 13. Aug. 1 -At AllantA, AllAnla. 9; Hoblla. 8. Al MonlRpoiarT. KTaiiivllle.7; MonlKoinorr, 3. AlNivOrlBaBA.NavOr- lcaii>. II; NaaIiiIIIo,). AoR.t-Al AUanla, Atlanta, 13; M^lillo.?. At llonliinnurr, KTankVlUo. 4: HontROmary, .1 At Naff Orlnina, Nov Orl«A0^ 7: NAahvllle,o. AuR. 9-At klonlaomirr. MontRumofT, 11; Evansrllla, a. Al Allnnin aii,rNow flrlonoA rain. Hia AUodlogoriba clubs 10 AuK. X Inclusive la aa foDoni: Jtescd. ITM. Xort Area. ErABSvlllo 79 41 r .aw AUAnia HI 11 B .as; .lAAhTiiis rt 2 a .at* Htw OrlcaaA 79 9) It .111 Hoblla 7S 31 17 .3W UuntKomaiy O 91 It .379 Tbo rtcantir phyid cliimplooBbtp niaes of tbe Xew KoulAnd LaaKus rcAuIicd ai follow: Jul; 39—At Bn^ek* too. Pawluckol. It; Brockton, 9. Al Fall RIvor, Pall Klver, 7: Na» Brdloid. 3. At Lo«lsuio, Bangor, 7; Lawla- ujn. 1 Al ronlAod, AUKosIA, 5; fonland. I. July 3D— Al BADcor. Lowlsioo, B: Bsnitor, 7. All otbargamaapn. vonlsdliy rain. JuIySI-AlBanBOr, Lawlaton, 19; Ban- uor. It. Al Now B«]ronl. Paatnekal, 13: Nav BadlOld, b). At I'rurldMKa, I'All RIvar, 11; Brockton. 1 (sovao In- iiinRy). Al IValaivlllo, AuBuita, H; PortlAod, 9. Auff. 1 -AlAususla,L4wiiion,l; AoRostaLa Al bAORor, Ban- aor. II: I'urtlattd. 8. Al Naw Badford, Pal] River,); Haw Hcdronl. 4. At PaatuckaL Bracktoa, 17: Pawlackal, 1). AuR. 2—At AuRusta, Aujiista, 8; Lawtatan, 0. At Ban|or, llAURiir. 19; Portland. 7. Al Pall Ktvar. Pawtuckai, 3; PaII ltlTar.3. AtNsv Bodford, Naw Bodfonl. 4; Break, lua, 3 tl*B lonlnRS). AuR. 3—Al Banaor* Baoaor. O; AuBUAtA.1l. AlBruckloo.NawBsdfordTU; BrodtoQ*). Al 1.SWISIO0. l4wlAloo, 1; l*onlAad,0 (too toolOM). At fawluckot, I'Awlucksl. 7: Pall RIvar. e. Tbaalandbif or Ihe clubA to AuR. a. InclaAlra, Is aa rollowa: FiMoi irta. cm. fvcL Pall RIvar 73 U U New Bodtonl 73 41 31 lUnior 71 31 W PAwiuokal 71 SI 3) Lewtstoo' 74 s as .an BrackUB n ai 40 .411 AuRUau 78 31 47 .97 Ponland 77 31 47 JBO Tlin raceolly I'lAyad cbamplooalilp BanMoI Iba Inm and on LOARUO raaalted at follow: July O-At Colaron, U'Airan, 13; Cflonin. &. Al Daonlaoo. Twin City, 9: WlieoIlnR. H. At Now Oas'.Id. Oral Raaia, nmuklln, 8: Kan • -AAile, a. aocoDdRAma;PraBfclln,8:Ne«CAjlle,7. July W-At Dannlson. Uhnllna, 13; Tvia Ultr, 3. At Frank- lin. Kniiiklln. II: Niw l^lta. 7. Jolv 31—At Oil Oliy, Wlioolluc. 13; Oil i:Uy, ^ At TlUuvtlla, Twin Ollr, 9; riluarlUu. 7. Al Warraa, Brst Raaie. Now Canla,a: war- ren, 3. Hoconil aainr, Wanwo.); NawGaaUa,3. Aua. 1— At UN CItr. (Ill Rlty, It: WhMllna. a AlTllnsvlUa, Tltna. •Ille. II; Twin tnir, 7. At Ifnrran, Warran. 8; Naw CaAlle, I. Atie. 3—At Jsmaftown, NawCaatla. 13; Calann, 1. At ■III I'lly. Oil Ollr. •; Pranklln. I. Al Tltusvlll^ Tttna- TlUa, U; WtioellBR. 1 Al Warran. \Tsrran, 19; Twin t^ty, I. AuB. 3-Al Kianllln. Oil Oily, 7: rnaklln, 4. AttlniA. villa. Wliaolloa, >: TttuaTllla, 1. At Warran, Wanfn, 7: Twia Ciiy, 4 Tlia standing of tba duba lo Aug.), uolu- alvo, Isaafollova: naan). iToa. Ion. rtra. on Clly It 8 3 .73r Warran. II 10 4 .711 Pranklln II 9 4 .)» .Vow i:Aitla II 7 ; M> wlic4linR II 7 7 Tlluirlllo It a 8 .4U Twin City II 4 10 M Oliron 13 3 10 .ta; Tlia Tccontly I'lAyM championship RAioaa of tbe rauO' sylvsniA Btala Laarae laAullad aa follow: Joly 30—Al lUirbondnK Altanlowo. 9; Carboadala, i. At llailatan, llAiloloaL. 7: LAncaster, 8. Jnly 91—Al Altanlown, Allaa< town, I; LanoAtar, 3. At Carboadala. Carbondalo, a; Itatlelon.l. Aug. I—At AUaotovo, Alt4Db>wn,7: Lan. cAAiar. 1. At Uorbonilala, Varlwiidala, 8; llailauo, t. Aua. :—.\t AlVontowo, Laacastar, 8; AllaBtown,0. Al INirbonilAla.Caibondalr, 8; llAslclon, 7. Aug.3—AtBa- ilebui. Iln^latoo, 31; Csrbondala, U. Al Lancasur. A|. lantowB. II; Lsocnitar, 7. Aug. O-At llailaton, Uaala- Ion.); Canondslo. I. Al Laacastar. Laneaalar. 10: Allan, inwii. 3. Ilia standing of tba clubs 10 Ang.); Inclaalve, IsAAfuUOWA: noML Ton. Inlt Ard Oatlondalo al tl 14 .811 llAtlslon 39 :i 17 .881 Uncaauir » 17 19 .in Allontoan II 18 31 .49 Umpire Bnraliam lload Rnreoran ta for onaaUonlng oaa or bla dactaloni in die New York-Brooklyn game Aag. ^ at tbl Polo anandr, thla «lly. Pllcliar Bulay baa mcalvad tba naaal tan dayi'nobee of bla ralaaaa from tbe BL Lonia Club. Tba lodlanapolli team made only foar safe blta off Ooar on Auiri al IndtasapoUa, lad., tba Tern Uantea wlOBlngbyStol Bain pievaatad the followlog chanplooiblp (ana ol tba Nattoeal Laagua and Amartesn Aiaoolatlon from balnRplayad: July 30^'Bcalan n. Baltlmora,alBoauw, Baaa. Bntohlaon pravantad tha St Lonia Brawnafrom mak- Ibr mote than four acalt4rlDg alaglaa off blui oa Aur. 9, atOblcago, IlL, tba CbloafoavloBlag 8 to O Tha InoAldaa doraale* the Tomnloa by ) to 4, In all Inntoga, Ana. 4, al Newark, N.J. Iba loaera made only ihraa lafa blta off Dowd. Tbooiaa P. Soma, who waa relaaaed oa Aor. 8, by the Brooklyn ClatL baa bean signed by the Naw torka. Tba rormar waived iba taodaya* limit claua*. Cartad bald tha JackaonvUlaa down to foor lafa blta on Aur. 3, at Jackaoavllla, IS., ih* Danven winning by a U4. Kem pravantad tha Batlla Craaha froai making mora than Ihraa aafa blu off blm oo Aug. 9, al Owoaao, HIcbn Iha OwosAOa wlonbig by a 10 0. William Clark, who played tint baaa la a few gamei for Iha Naw York lean, has gooe ta bla hoaa In Pannsyl. vanlatoiacovar booiaa Injury racelved a weak or two BfO. Tbo Lancaalera made onlv foar aafe blta off P. Pox on Aor. I, at AUentown, Fa., the Allentowaa wbmlag by "to I. Tba ClayloBs defaatad dM Rlvaraldaa by U to I, an Aug. l.atOlaytoo.N.J. Tbe loienmade only fonr safe blu olfBoiery. PItcbar Ballay babl lb* Atlaataa down to fonr safe blta oa July 91, atBootBomary, Ala.,lbe Bontgomerya win- ning by 19 to3. Tha Bavarty Athlatka made only fonr aafe blu off Dsnay on Aog. ^ at Bavarty. N. J^ yet tbey aucoeaded In dafaallag Uia Clarmonta by 110 X Tha BrldRBtona made onlvfonraare hlu off Btapbans oaAog.XatAUaatlcClly, M.J.,lhe Atlantic Cltyawln- nbigby9lo9. The DellartawnA war* baaten by thaEaatOraanrtllaa br 7 to 4, Aug. a, at Eaat araearllla. Tbe loaera made only tbnr aafe hlu offSplak^. nrat Rama. HpiIuRBald, II; Toi\^nU\ 7. Bocond Rainr, BltrliiflnaM, II: Toronto, 9 (aavon Inoiiii:*). Al Hcrantt.n, BcrauTon, 8: Hocbaslar, 4. At WllkOKbAirr, wllkasMriv, a; 8yiacuaa,4. Aua. 4-Al rraT(dauc«L UulfaKA; Prov. iJaor«,t At NoobsAtar, Mochastar.): HyianisA.I (sari^n tOBlnas). Aur. a—At ProvklsncA. Bniralo, B; I'rnrlilanco. 8. At Beiaatan, Olal laiuj. Bcnuitoo, 9: Koclioalar.». HacimJ aaua, Bcranton, 17; llorbailvr, I. At WIILm- baira. armeusa, la: WUkasbarrv, 3. Tba AUuidloR ol tba clubs 10 Aug. MncloAlia^ls safolloWA; napnl trim. IctL lYrrt. »fl{3{Li;::;;::-=3 J! S Si BntThlo V BorantM w ifaMtkwUr ft^ TMOBtD W Hi* muUi pUT«0 ebtmploBihlit of W«m- w»ukt^ 14; b«in)lL Ta aVMIdmiikiI «, MlnnMPoflN lUj lllna«A|>oll^ Mliini*r«ll\ 11.* «»nO ttopWu. P. At Kl. i'Ml.m.l1ttl,fB;T4rM Ittulft,*.. Ju f K*"'" iliy»K«tt*i:lir>: U»iroli,4a„ Al MlVttikt^ lodliii. 11: MllvtQkM, T. Al WlBort«Us BlnnMroIK l*rT«n» lUnlfc I Al Bl. I'tnl, Hi I-huI W; llr«n.| R*PM«.T. JulrM-AtKMtM av. nm ir»oif. kuiwi Oitr, 6;IHiroTl, 1 RKornl a««». Kww-.i-'V. IN- ftKplJf, 11 Al BL rMlTBt. Paul, l«TT«r» Uwia. T. ATlaOlkurolli, iDdUoApolik, )»; T«m lUui*. I. At 4t llir reconlly ptiyiil (luinplon>hlp lunMOf thtUlch' lc«n8lBlal.«iiKU6 raiultfti u folbw; JulylU-At Bat' il(> i^noh, KnUniKioo. IS; lUlU* CrMlr,8. At Lui'Idk. laimlDi, n:Ui<P»ML7. Julr a>-\l BaUl«CrMk.Kala iimtiKK f:t: lUtllo OtmIi, l At UdpIbjt. Luiliu, XI; llvroMO, 11 Joly 31—Al Btlll* CrMk, gilimiTno. ]0; UttltU CrMk, 7. At lurtint. laanalait. Ii; Uvouo, 9. Auu. I—Al AOrlui, A0iUn,7; LkOllnr,S. At Owouo, C; l-art l(itr(tn,5 Auf.l-At AJtUb. AiJrUn. 11; Lan. p4it3, 0. At ()«o*iio,Oietiut, 9; BfttUt CrwlcS <*toT«o IniilDf*)- AllVirt lIuioD. KRUiiiatou.0; I'ott Uuno.a. Aur S-A1 AdrUo, Adriu, M; XuiiDp, II. At Ovouo, Uni<«a«.K: HAtllO<NMk,a At Tott iTurOB, IftUlUlun, ll:l'ort ilunin. 10. Tli» iiudloi; of thecluhito Aai.a^ luclti»)v«, U tl MIovb: rsatid. nm. loit PtreL Adltui U » 14 .71) K«l>iniK«> U S» ifi Ma I*Mi*toiT U S U jm OaofPO .M 14 aj .411 Pnri liurno &] 17 V JtT BttitoCmh a li 9 TtiB NctoilrrUl^l tliuiplondilp iitmM ot ib« Iowa l4R|u* nmlted u follow: Julr 9-At CtOu Bapldi« i^lirltA|>l>l^t; Oi^amwk. 1 At Uobuvas, Ihiboqafi.*: HuillDfioo, (a Julr SO-At C«]u- BApldBkOitxinwOl; Ocdu- R«p|di, II (tttTM laalnni. Al Dubaoa*, Do* buna*. II: Bartlnmn, 7. Jalr SI-AI G«dw lUpMt r«Jtr lUpldit, 0; Oltamwa, 1 Al I>obau««, Dabooii*. 10; nurllDxtvo. lolitnlonlaik). Aaic. 1—At (Mar Bkpldr, RiiTltDttoo,e;C«IirRApMikL At Daira4tHi,(mnmvft,Sr llutHif|tt«, 7. AufT. >—Al Otdu Bftpklf^ aarllDitoo, B; r«tiar IU|>ld^ft. Aor. S-AtC+du-akpUl*, Borlloirton, i:nikrlUiiid«,^ At Uobaqut, tHbuiiu*, B; Ouoan ft. Titt MtDtilDi orUi* clabt to i«v.9, tiitlauT*,U u fol- io Dubuito* » 14 M Jm UUiiuvK 14 21 •) Biirllnaton 44 S SI JO CtdutU^IO*. « m n Aft TTif thkinplMi»hlpffaui«po(ihi BmUn AaUitr At- Mctttktn, pUyid oo Aoc 3l kI l*r«tPMiFwfc. ■nokbik N. r.e rwull«l u loUo«rBUD«r, B; Au, 9% Btmtl pnTNtAQ Ihe NtwCwtlai fnmouhlnjmon -iftsfoor ure blu oiTIiIb od Aog, l.atWtireD, ra.. ib« Wamni wlonlDir br H tol PItcbir J on] AD ftlkw«d the Wbtelfnipi onlr tvo uCo hliKonAiir.2,«tTItuiT'llle.l*ft.,ih« TIIutIUm wtDDloi br0tot Tb* rnoklloi'tnid« oalr rodr ufbhltiofT Fulorlua M Angat. KtOll Olir, P*^ the OUCItjK vionlag br B to 4. The HtnfoRlii defatted the Wetetboiyn by U ia i on Aag.a,al Ilftrirord, Ct. Roger CoDJor, Uteirrelused br lb* BL LobU Clab, pUrM flnt bM for tb* Weier- burr*. . ORIOKET. IntorwatloBal Grleliet. Prepantloiu ai« b^og actlrel; oiade tor the In- lamatloiial matohea la September next, when rhlla- delptala inu liare tiro teama ot EogUak amataoia bidduig tor local patrohagn at tbe aame time. A alight ohaogo haa bem inaao Id the team ot past aod praaeot coUogtaDa cogilDg oror onder the aoBplcea otthofooraaeoolatedclDai ot Philadelphia, vhlch It IB now Bald WIU iDdode V. Mltohell, oaptain; N. F. Onco. n. A. BtGdd, H. M. Itarrlett, W. M. Horn, higmy, C. K. IL WIU»6,a. I>. Robloaon and, propa- bly.tV. \V. Lows, of Gsmbrfalaa Uolrirally. aiid F. A. H. A. ArfcvrtgtiL F. II. B. Canllla, V. 0. Ilarllsy f. alll,«roaroiilVnlTanlty. ThIa taam Is bookod to salt Aog. 31 on tba ataamar 81. IjouIs tnm Soatbanp- ton. Eng., and wlU play Iba oriaotog noia 8apt 2.9 and lafalnii aatrang Not York oUrao. ^^rom Uils city, tba strung Bnphsh ooltaglaah vlu Joumay to Torooto, OoL, wbara tbey aia scbadalad to play a team aalectad rroni ah it 9,10 and II. The flratBaolelnPblladal' C|anada. «apv 9,>° ■>• '"'• flrat BBine In Ptalladal- pbla, Pa, »ltl b* played Bapl. O, lland M, on tba annndsal WlasabtcBonoriba rbltadalDlilarlub, againu Halaraa rr ' .t _ tit« It naat th SapLliSaB . , _ treatrblladalphta. nislhlra malcbor ihesarleawlllba played Boot 17,98 and on tba grouoda or Uia Marlon (nuD, at UaTarford* Fa., and It may be dooldcd lo play an United fluiaa elaTaB aimtnat tba Tlsltora. Tba oibar taamorai|llabanialaarMale«tadby Ksnaalh MoAlplna, and conlOH over under Iba anaplcaa or Ilia Oamianinvn Iphlarlub. againu Halaraa taparaaatlni ihu dty. The Bngllah lean It meat tba alaran lapraaenttog Pblladllpbia agala 8apL 1^ 81 and S. on tba |^Bnds or tha Babnont Club. IB Oatairlo va* Chicago. A team of Canadian erietatai*, caoulaid i,y r , nyoaa, ot Iba London (Ont.) Chsii, playrd a s«,|„ 7. Ira gaiaea last naak In Cblcair*. til, icoiinB sa no. bmtaa aaeoaaaloa ol Tietorlaa. ne opealOR coaioa tookplaeaJatyS.vbaa die Ontailo iKelra difdrtV picked (^IcaRO Kreira, captalacd brlLA. Ilcllixn *. va 10 lUkUiotaialaorueniai iDafng. ll. £,d i\7 81 tor Iha rlAltora, nh la W. BaUtar, •It" ,j'J.f 01 lur in. aiajiura. n. Baui.r, witn 43 wa* n blgbast soonr for Ilia bono laam. Tirelre aho pUi m I!! aacli alda July 80, when the ranodlua lust nuaiM ? daiiat tba Wanilai»ra, acoHng » total or Itl ilr li ilckata to KO In an one Innlog came. J. h L alKd bl llBo ronn for II, nol oat, and htlwd it! lallora U) win anar an eRcltlnr llalsli. Tba CaosdluS doraatad the St aaorie leun by fta in 9J, tbo U)iil<rt uS Oral binhiR, July Jl, T. t».Tarry batllngnn 8i»ai foiS'S 78 nini. AnoUiar victory was siorod by Ihe visitors An? ' wban lliayKored 101 loUiaPubnisn'atnlalnr IB Inning lania. r. C. □nkllnilitm.vlih Uruni - bighaac scorar Ibr tbet^nadltna Tlia coodiilia! asrortliatcl|itookplaoa Anii. 1 and9. •hrnlhVn.j I.a ona I Ibe I cnntasloftliatrliitook plaoa Anil, land a, •brn Ih.&i adiana eontaadad wllli a picbod team or Iha Clil^ clubaand wonaAally.lharaapecllTB lolalal,elnE- Oot^r? Ill and 180 roralgbt alcbaU; Chkmlo, 170 and Ul ^ Three centurioa ware scored Aug. J, In PblladiM,!, a., and alclnlty, each bataman than accooit>|Iih-d ihT! .A akA *A*Ana4 llnA Alois mm^m^^ awt •!« » l4Mg Tlireec Pa., ud vtciDitTi DMJweo una Bccooipiithed ihii feat for Ihe Mcood lime thin muad. w. W. pog^tii^ mpd* 181 niniorthe toiiUof 9J cmdltad to th* Beiatuu in ODBoUhcd contort with iheatrauato»DZIoB«ri ahA hadpatooSSror UieloMof twow(ck*u at ihoiimk^ dnwlnittampa. J.K NIniMorciL lo •linom TauIUmI Ibnn. IC; rooi of the total nfiri. naJe bj iho Tlon uuT affaliutilie P. fl. H. toani. tltoUtlerffetUopttforiiMioM ofMVOOnlcktiaa Tb* third cenloiy VB«n.C.TbAr»?I l28ruD^QOtout, Itb^lng th* cMer coairiliotlon loiu tola]of 211 fbrflvo nlekelii.mKl*bribe Ucrloo ebrsiL and enat'llnstliattriiii to derMiiba Warn«*1aT«n.«ha bod prevlvuhir bc«o dli(M>M*d ol fura total ofiift. The Balmoot Club, of I'bllaJelphla, Pa., placed ikrM •lerenHen ih« BeM Ang.a, «hea each Konda crtdluttb total agaloit tlieir opponenta. The •xlilblllon cootm Willi Ihe LnnidownoOiulL nlildi uitde tviaWof n)iadaL renilicd IB BTltiory for theHelmoQitMBi i>yftD Inalnt and 9 rant, thank* to Paeey't Tlgonm* lilttlor rnr 97 or a lotalolllT. Tit* other two faioea vera drmao. B«Ibobi maklDRfttouior 2St to HaddonleU'iilIB fvr nve «[ck. «tf, anil another*leT*a of B*liDmt»lllnp)6S,totUba lleorge'l 127 for fire alcktla. A. U. wood, wlUi U and J W. Hulr.wilh SI, were the hlKbe^l Bcoren aRalnmha Iladdonield team, while A. 11. Orehaiu, wlih fii.did Uh beu agalnat tbe Be Oeorge «l*Toa. An*:eroaoriheN*wJ*ra*r AihlMic Rlub metwlihi ■Imal defeat Adk- 1 *t KlMablckoe. I'hIladolHili, vhto tber cootendaU vlih a itiong local taani. TTie htt«r taued flntLAO'l artormakiDg a toialor3l3rorll*e«lck- *l«,d«clar»d the Inolog cloaed. The (bUffoAiurtni th*prolOQffedatandmad* br n.8.Pati«r>oo*od W.W Noble, who pat on ISO runa In pirt«ni«nhlp l»etor* iImt were vepamled. Tlie Nov Jaiaer team fbiled to Bik« mon Uian atotkl of (B lo the flmt lonmr a^ontTerr etr«et(re bowling brU- nuodniia ud 0. B. PaiunoD. lite former capiarlDg DO fewtr than aereawlckeuit Mm coat ol ODlr 19 raiu. N. P. Drue*, who baa th^ beic batting aroraie of ib* Canbrldgo L'BlTcnIir eI«veo, ha« made durlnx th* itn- MB now termlDated acore* of m.not tuUllfiand IIP P.HItcheUaod H. II Marriott, of Iheaaue el*r«B^wh<; ruk thlnl and foarlb In the baUIog areragea. and C E. K. Wllaon. who lead* In bowllor. logelhor with N. p. Dmcf, will fonn a airongiiuirtetof the Enallth t*itn ibit vlalu ihia ollr In BepteuitwrnesL Ultchell made 191 aod lM.DOtont,ud MarrloU icored U3 for the Cainbrldn elereo. Tlio cooteit for tbe Hallfai Cu^ tlie emblem of tb« local chADnloniblp of Plillailelphia, PA..Iiai t«nnlut*l la favor or the Oemiaatown Clab, of that cIit, «iih a record of eleren tIcIotI** end «nedefeaL (I. s. Filter- •on. oftlio flennantovD Clu^ raolii lint lo the huilnt averages with C. CoaCMoT Belmont, Recood. and J. g. Klna,orTloita, thlnl In that rfttpeci. B. H. Orticar aad J. A. Ring, of III* TlogK t040i. load In boallog. InIok cloaelr followed by 0.0. Brooke, ol Herlon, ud n. ft! PaUeraoo. Ofllrooe diamplooahlp cooteit of th*N«w Yurk auo- olailoo look plac* Aug. S, tb* flrwl elaTta of ihe t;oluBbU Club, ud thoaecoDd eleren of th* NevJ«n«er Atbtoilc Club then being achcdnled 10 plaraiCentral Park. I* ibU city Til* latter preMnfad ooljelaht men. bat ihejr man- agw to acor* a Tjctory of 97 lu SO In an one IboIdr ciuie, iMa lenU being oDtlnlf dueto £. J. Darrell, who KorM U for the Kev .fener team. Tlie Ottawa elarea vlaitcO Uoatieal Jolf 1 and plajid the local eleran. neaUos wlih adeFeML Tli* toiaUwer*: Oltawn.Uand Gl; Montreal, A3 ud 33, for three witkaii. A eurioaa faatore waa tbai X. O. RrlMov* KorodUof the M from Uie bat made by Ouava lo ihetecond InaiDc. Til* largeA total yet made la achnmplonidilpconiait of tb* Chicago Aaaoctalloo waacredlted to tite waadrr era, of that dty, aoTeral weak* ago. they ihooputilagon SIO lor Ihe Ion of ion wlcketa, orvrhlrli K. X. EiUarda acored )Z5, not out, thIa balng ooaof tbecomparailrair few ceoiurlaa conplled by Caoadlao crickeian. M. n. Cobb made 107 nina ud C H. BUUeznaaora toulof 369 credited to th* Kev Joreey AihlaUe Clab. against Ute St. Oeome Athletlo Cluti, July M. *i B*rc«n Polot, K. J., thepalr putlInK on 17) in partnaraltlp ror t)t* third wioket. Trie Br. Qeorie team made a total 01 iV, Cobb capturing aeven wkkoia for eoly 3r ruoa. EloTu plafem named Martin plared lit* BafTalo ream, JalySTBatUodiHlo, N. Y.,umI tha former voo by SotoU, theiouUoftheflrat Inning P. O.Manloandhlathree aonaaod aeTeo ne|4«wa made up Uieunl^iue wlanlni team. TI10 York Roail team dofaated lh« PhfcntiTille *!*r(D by 117 to fil,-ibe lotala of llie Ant loolng, Aug. a, in llilU- d*lpbla. Pa. W. L. Freetaod acored U moa for the wlo- DOT*, ud bowled aereu vlck*ta at the cost of ooly 16 ruoa. The unnal Inunutlonal maidi between alerena repi*- i*ntlng til* United Siatea ud Cuadawill b* pUyed Kepi. 5,6ana7. atToronlo. OnL WHEELING. □aford aad Cainbridiia Unlraraliloa. Olnb. or jHilUdalpbl^ alio conslsu nutniy of oaal aad uibmoror'— sail SapLl ,ionalsiaor .. . . hllmll. I P. LaTason.Qower, IL, O. LeveawKlawer, II. Vi. prnaant meuibara _. „ niataan^edulod lA sallSepLT.onUieslaamarParis, for thtabtly. atpraaaattonalsiaoru.M.J.Woods,L.O.Y. BalbanI, R. & Lacaa. IT. P. Whllmll^ I>. r. Warner, otbararanilnaBtamataara bavo besn lovltad lojoln Uio taam.bntaaratnodaflBtte rapllaa haie boan racolvcd mm Ibaa. Tba Ivo matchaa anaaaad to be playad oo Iba grounda of the Grlmaatown Club at ManhalD, In Pblladalithla*cDnnicl *lth Uia dataa sdisdolad for the ^Itwonmaa with tlia olbar TislUna team. On Sept. S,IIaadO IbaKnallabamalMra vUl contend withan alaran orPblladalplila aniataara.and onBopL17,2} aad lOtbaBnBllab team Till inrat an ateran aalactod frooi Iba past aad praaant manbara of the UolTarally or Pana. sylranla- ItlapoulblarorUoiuoBalocalalarana. CaMdlma Cricket. We ackBowledf e the racalpt Irom 'tli, Bryant rrbiUaR and PabllshloB Coinpaay, of Toronto, OaL, or Uia lataal coBlxIbBlloo to cricket llleralurt, a bandsomaly prinlad and neatly bound rohima antlllad "dixly Yaaraof (Tana, dlan Crlaaal." conplled and adltad byjohn B. ttall. aac- ralary Canadian tfrlebtl Asaoclallan,and H. O. McCnI. loch, of Iha Tonntn Crichat Clob. conipllara of Uita rahiabla book of rafiraaca bare anecaadad In brtnatnir lOBaUisr In auoat nadabla rorm aa account of Iba clilsr aranu tn CaaadbM crlakel dnrtna iha past alily years, tontbarvllb tbafbU ^coraaof all Ibanor* ImperUBl matches iBclndbia ihosa of Inlsmallooal sarlaa botvaoa l^aaada and Uia United siAlaa. InnaklnBtblsooUactlon 01 sooroa as couiplau as poaalblo. Uia coiupllara acbnov- ledii* UialrlndtbtadaasauTat !lair YoBaCurraH for Us aolslaaca. AnioOR other allmcttta faaloraaof tha Talnma, abtcb «n can coniniuad most warmly, may be uianUMiad cliaptarsofiaintBlicaBcaa by Uie Kar.T. b. niUUppiLT.o7>allaMia,CoL M. W. trilku, rradarick Olio and olbar *all baoaD rataraa crtchalara. Tbe book coBUlBBSTtpaiasaadlaauihelllilirdwtUiopwaida otslitjt foil rafapbalosa|nTlB|aorpratiilnanl(;anad lan crtckalaia. Tka Metropalllaim DIatrlet Le«gae. Hie Brooklya CInb, ablcb Mill lead. In tba pannaal raca of tha MativpoUtaa DIairlel Lasipia* mat with he tiat dafaal Au|. X at Llflnntsn*8btan Iitand, M. y. Uia home taualbaa rareralair Uia naullof Uia araodlai *" 'tolala noloat, laapaeltnlr. ^0.0. Vao with a. and J. PlanuOT ■IU>H vara UisebUrKoran OQ babaltof UiaBraoUin laam. At Proapacl Park, Brooklyn, on Iha wnalar. laa Ma nb al t a n taan dalbatad tba New Yorb eleran br WIo <X Iba Ulala el Iba Onl InalBa. J. Adams' bulina aad bowllaicaatarially roatrlbuud to tbarlcloryacoradbr the Manballaa Olnb, ha maklna B maa, and lahlua flra wickaualtkacaal of oabr • ruaa. jTSaaalby, altli n Bal«et.ledtabalUBKrortba«lnn(r& inaleTeaor tha Hailon OlubdaftetadtbaBtDaTld'a lobbym tiir. In acne laalagiana Ana. a,al llarar. Ibrd.K. .P. V Bjlur nadaai inSlbr theMartoataw. and vaa tha hlfbeet Boarar. Aqk. 7—South Bead (Ind.) 'Cyda Oob toumansnl. Aua. ». l(l-Chlca«o au.) Aalocla-^ ..— oumaiiiant. iciated 'Ordlnii Olobi Aur. 19. tt-Hbinaapalla (Ulnn.) Limited '(^cla Olab lonmananL Aui|. leL 17—WlKoaahl DIrlalea L. A. W. annual meat, Hailaalta. , , Aur. 17. U, l^Araataur toumanant, ehamptonikip of the workl, GoloRna, tiemany. _ . AUR. \t, D-llllwaakee (Wla.) ianclitad 'OycUnRinaba tonnanaaL Aur. B, S-ML Clameiu (NIab.) Wbeehaea lanraa. meaL Bliolilgaia Stale Meat* The Michigan State meat took place Jnly % 13, at Battle Creek. Tbo perfect weather aod gtoetal Intertst drew bift crotrda oa both daya. Summary: One<a»c. BoTlca.-John WIMar, BitUe Craak. Brti: Joa Bloom. Datroit, aecond; J. 0. Tan Mala, Kalamau>o.uilid. Tine. Jni. no*. . naif laffe, Rlata chaaplonshln.-Ilalph Sambsrc. l^n Huron, drat; II. B. Morrta, Vasair. secand; Uarr/Btoltot. Ann ArtMr, third. Time. In. ISKa. , r/aVoiUc, open, Olaaa B.-Coaper drat, Bllia second, fllmaibtid. Time. lui. IIM*. One BiUc, Claaa A.—Welur drat, Coi second, WlUsr aiuc, Claaa A.—WeUar drat, I Time, Im. IMS. . .. ^ rvo ailtcs, champfonshtp, Olaai A.—Sam barn llrat.Hann aecond. Tlma, do. la. IMonllo. Claaa B.-Bllaa, IMrds.. Ont: E.C.JobBspn. llOyda., aacoBd; I*. C. Jolinion, Vojdan Uiird. Time, <m. Sis. QUdrtcr mflr, open, Olaas A.—TlansbolK drat, Parker aecoad. Rauibera third. Time. 9Z9ia. , One aifle, tandam, Ckm B.—Ran and Bonlar AraT. Otn- barf^rudBronnKCond. Levy aad fiaary third. Time. Ont mltf, opcB, Ctasa B.—Ball Iral. trooper aecond. B. f. Jobnaon Uilid. time. In. Mis. One aalfr. championship. OlaaiA.-.flaubarR0ral,PUas. burRBtcond. Time. 3tn. eMa. , One ■lie. open, Olaaa A.-Cala«ll drat, Wllaon sacoail. DonUilnl. TIno.Im.TV. . One mile. Claaa tt -BlgVy, lUydL, IlKl; Bllaa, nyda, aacond; rattaraon,l(»yda.,Uilid. PlK nna. Olaaa V—Jonas, MOyda.. Ural: lla.ii«r, UDida., aaeond; Moorland, irayda, third. Tina, Itn. lefia. Among tbe Bfonnona* The largeat race meet aver held In Ubah wis tbal at Ihe not Bpringa track. Salt Uko City, July » (rioncor Day). At leaat four Ihoiiaand people vK- nesaed ibe tollowbig lolereatliig events: Korkt. oaa mlle.-ll. J. Janaoa woa, B. 7.. lUrtaell aecond. Tl^l^ Im. Ski. Ual/mllr. CUai a TreUa voa, U. E. McCiaa hc- ood. Tlme.lm.Mis. ...,*> Onc.|Alnl nUc, Clasa A.—A. E. Ilrda Jr. von, II. 0. Jea- aan second. Tlma,ll<<a. , One Bi»cl:Si claaa, lJlaiuB.-T. 8. Jenloa nn, Jaints D. Park second. Tboe,Xm. Ita. „„ „ On<Bilie,cbuaA.-CharlaalliullhJr. «oo,H. nalllnioo and A. B. Itrda Jr. Uod lor aocoad. Time. In. Dlis. OncaiU&lilaaaB-ll.B.llcCfaa won, D. IL BsBaba* sacoBd. Ttma.lm.iKa. ... , One Mile, itraid, Clasa A, unaaiad, eaab nan ridlna abna.—II. 0. Jeaaen won, n. IV; A. B. Ilyda Jr.sacoao. OacmJlr,c1aaaB,lnTltalloa,8ahLakerkleK.-«ao.L. Wallarwoa, FraiikTbatcbereiKDBd. Tlma.In.•)<•-..„ Jaiiiaa D. Park vent after Ika Utah racnid* Claaa B, dying ilail, paced, axd eapbirad II la >m. UU*- iHil T«B ThnuatBcl Peapla in slated to have bc«D pi««nt at the oatloiial clr- colt meal ot tbe Dayton (0.) Dlcjole Clab, July Ftcdnias' Tic lory. In tin two oUta haodlcap, was o tha aeniaUonal order, IM golag thiongh hii leld lo grand style aod trlnnlog haadllj. Maiph/ also got home Irat la tbe two mils Up laca In itcoid uae forthataortofracee. Summarr: noVntlr, open, 1^ B.-7«l(br drat, Cooper second. UcLaod ihlid, Oaidlnar roonh. time, |- One miu, opan.Claas B.—Tan narrac caan, von; L. c. Jobnaon and Rliby, 01 asrdlaer aad Dacanlr. tnilasico, iblrd. Time. JW' meaalKi, CUsal.-^ns, Hljds, von; HcLaedJWds, aaeond; L.O. Johason-OhaL. Iblid. Tlma, neonUnlop.ClaaB.-«nrpliy,7polnta, voa: t^};' ilnl^ aannd; I. O. Jobaaoa, 1 polnta, Uilld. Time, one mflr, Dr.BloWB , open, Olaaa B^ardlner von, BeU leeead, Uilid. Tlma,lBi.^