New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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372 THE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER. August 17. World ^Players — oonipttu rooten of Ctiu. II. tUitcdou: ' KewcM IXtII'ii Aucllon"—Hlldred nddeii, Kilt; AVnire, Ann* Moon, Minda RIdr, KudI« IM Ven, Chilli Bnino, Al. W. Iiecker, W. II. I/mlU, WIUIao Xng* tnd Eddie Bdow. FrlDdp*! dinctn: Adele Amnn, AmelU tartolelll and Asu D* Beul. ualuMtf li; tbe followlDg c«iTp1ieM: Annie Billon, LiicU Coerbo, Rffle Itortwell, AaeunK BwtnllelU, Mtmle lisnweli, AllcuNnten, Allu Runfea, Minnie Bbuils, fMDle Ronnet. Unm Xlelle, Itona OmxU, Htniit WelU, Jonphlne nrall*. Ad* UroM, Miuil linrtle; tad Annl« IHinbtr. BtMdiil rotnnii: The Dons- nil* Trio, the IxinMu uid tbe MIdvel inncen. umoUl MIT: (leone II. Humj, nnemi ueot; Chu. V. Cnmwall, reprenenutlra; W. i. FleMlu, Meat; Hoiei Wlae, tnwiiier; Anrello Coed*, bal- let nuMn; w. II. u>rell«,mue dlnolor; Imn M. nilkchek, mnilcil dlrecior: (im. A. Mincbenler, nUioRimiiiMr; WUlUm Youhr, nmur ewpenlcr; IIUTT riinni, tMleUnl cmrnenlor; w. R. Kaon, sropeitleii; lUtrTCoolage.cnlclnnw: Obat. Otdnu, matter uaniimuilon, and Uni. WellT, caatiinier. The aeaion opana Aug. 11, at ailmnre'a Andlunlnm, Phlladelpbla. "Oreater Tvalira TemptaUona"—Hal Kalalla, Kalia flllliert, IMa Il«xt«r, EUa l,}on>, Hlldml Torrance, Qua llmno Jr., Ollbert garon; and Obaa. D. Vleinlng. Frinclpal ilincani: Ooncal- Una Obluen, Amelia Ilaarignno anil Anna Baldaa •arre, awMad h; Ihe rollowlng carrpbaa: Alice Ahlntt, Bertha llawlraj, Ilou Ketmnr, Rale IMrle, Julia Lake, Madge Tonance, Helen (leranl. Ploia MODilar. Joal* Foatar, Una HanzoBl, Kate Krana, lotde lllckena, Rra IIIII, Haliel llootar. Annie Major and Fkii* Major. Bpeclal feauraa; The Konr Knaalrta, MaUba* n;nieaand Ihe llrothen KllloiL limclal (lair: dec. II. Mumj, general agent; John (I. tfagle, npreaantatire; Vhaa.ll.ineninilni, tresa- urer; Kmeat ItelUr, mnalcal director: Obaa. F. lleniT, ruaga dircclor; Anrallo Ooccla, iiallet niaa ler; Paul D«rt,propaiila; JobnJ. Biadr.calclumi; riank Jobnaon, maator Iraumoitallon; llrt. Ooiirt- nej, coetnmar, and llenir Fennjpaokar, aatlatant gonarml agent, The acamn oitena Bapt. 3, at OH- more'H Andllortnn), rhiladelphla. — Tbe following people are engaged tor tbe com. Ing ataaon wlih Unooln J. Uanar'a Tahou enter- pitoea: Noithera "Paat Hall" Co.—Martin Golden, manager; Ilatile IL nerco, agent; Albert C, Hpimgue, IlaiTT H. noUnaoD, Jaa. u Bnlhetland, T. J. Connierfonl, W. II. BL Jamaa, Will II, Blaiiheni, J. Oonnaia, K. 0. Rllen, Uhaa. Uikln, Ohaa. Moore, Rrama Bnller.Blalla Hafbew and Belle Orabaio, Boutbam "Faat Mall" Oo.-Jobn B. liogan, manager; Bmlth M. Tamer, agent; F/Imnnd Manler, Ollbert B. Hlxl)]P, Will P. Jaokaon, Ohaa. B. Heluer, Uw P. dale, Herman A. ralle, Uairr M. Walker, Fmnli Weed, lloben 0. Ilartman, l«wla J. OamatMU.Nagle K. Jobnaon, Blmnaon E. IV)bart^ Ola; M. Saotbaid. Hau L. Mooei, iJlllau Bnlnard, Helen Vangbn and Mn. N, A. Andennn. "TUe Defaoller" Oo.-E. 0. Kllla, manager: W. U. Juallce, aR«nt: Prtd Mon- lagiip, Tboa. McCain, Nell Hcnilj, Ohaa. Ilofne, Uhaa. T. Dal feccbln. Cliaa. Uwkin, (lea. I> Prll- obaid, battle Allen, Ella V. Drown, Henrietta Brown aod llabj Mooaa. Nnnbera "Tornado" Co.—Jar Bloma, manager: Hart IHrta, agent: Fredailot Klat>i3l, Ogden 8. Wight, W. U. Walton, Pmnk limiand, Oen. T. Haaob, Jan. llarrett, Frank Cbapin, M: J. Oonld, Fred P, Oeorge, Mlobtal Ilwrer. Car- loua Walton, Kama Howard and Uertrade Ljdr. Bouthem "Toniado" Co.—J. II. Hantlaj, manager; Frank linnt, agent; llanr Oiajaor, R. 0. (lupUII, W. J. Ueming, Oao. K. I'erlolot, Arda U Croix, A, W. Somen, neo. Orjrer, Pann]r tiisnt llnatlej, Jen- nie ]M and Ida l« Onlt. — Maud White liaa lieen engaged for Hobeit IIll llard'a company In "l/>ai—34 iloum." — liatrr BeUera, Iba well known theatrical man agar, haa Joined Augiitlln IhilT'B biulnea atalT, and will lie aaaoclatsd with "The tjuaen'H Necklace" ■■otiar-Ballaw Oompanj. — Katie llarla baa been engageil b/ Fmnola WU' ■nn to plar the part of the onlofialnem In "ma Chlallaln,'' wblch opana the aeaaoo at Ablwj'a The. atre, thia citj. SepL 0. — Wm. F. Iloer liaa been engaged bj Manager K. K. lUoe to plar the leading rule In Loula da Lwige'i oomadf, "The Oloba Trotter," wblob will lie pnduoed earif In Bepiauber. — Wm. 11. Cnne will open hia neaaon with "Ilia Wira'a Father," HepL 9, al Col. BInn'a new theatre, Ihe Mootaiik. Bnoklfn, N. V. ThIa wUI alio be tile dedication ot tbia new pUtybotiHe. — Nolea from Hlller * TroaaaU'a Block Co.: We opened at llagaratown, Inil., a, to good bnaluea. we oan; twelve people. Iloatar: OUde Treaael, W, 11. Mlllor, Oeo. II. Hell, Fred Uawlej, Geo. tl. Ileaa, Kd. Hacaj, Bart Yooom, Minnie Tiaaael, Jeotle HcOullough, Oeorgta Uawlai. Mn. W. H. Miller and Utile Uirtetlt. Will play Mr dsiea thnoiib In. diana, iniaola and Ohio, and tbon go Boulbforlbe Winter. - —TbeArmaleailOoaiedj Oo., ll*nd aad Orohea- In will oonalM o( nrteen people, a band of tweln, and onheatn of eight plecca. Ttie following pea. Cla an i»«iinged for thIa aeaaon: Oilut Rob. Ina, Uaatle fuirowa, uweu BartlelL J, liaxlar, Uhaa. Piokop, tDualcal director; W. B. Onup, comet eololat; Eva ]>e Laluo, 0. 0. Amiilaad, nanagar; Will Aimalead, treaaurer; Olaranoe Amutead, bud- neaa manager; F, Armaiead, ganeml agent; 0. Rob- BitagD manager, and Mra. 0. 0. Aimataad, U Erarythlajr M geillag ready tor ibaopeo. North Bend, Keb. Manager Armitaad Infomu ui thai ha la booked for forty weeka thnugb Ne- braaka aod Ranaaa. — Olint 0. Ford cloaed the aeaaon ot bla nnartoiy oompany Aug. 8, and In iHiay raheaiaing hia toor attiBolluiia for Iba coming aaaaon. F. p. Pceicoti will niaaaga bl< Weatera company, Homer R. IMiia libi Nonhem company, and (Morio W. Jackaon will handle bla Buntbem company. Mr. Fonl will per- aonally manage bla Kaatam company. — Nanagar John II. Ilogera anired lu Ihia oily tioni Ruiepeon Aug. d. — Hia. Obariea 11, lloft (Caroline Mlakd) It ai neolod to lelara to the rliy on Ana. In, lo liegin la- tiearaabi of "A 0onlan>od Womaa," Mr. Uoyt'a new play, In which aba l< to Mar Uila aaaaon. Tbe piece will In produced In Uuiralo, N. Y.,nn Bapl.». —Helen Htiivray, who reccniiy appeared wlih Ihe Fnwley Co. al Ibo Onluiuliu Thealie, San l'mni.'laoo,Cal., tailed laatwock rromtbatoliy for Auatralla, — "lYIIIiy" la lo be pmlurod In Ban Fnuclaco, Oal., on OvU 1, by Iba coiunny now ureaentlng the l>lece at llouloyi Theatre, Chicago, III, — Will H. Barry baa realgned aa laneml agent ot F. 0. I^'a "II. T. C." Co., and will Join Bailer A UartlnHi Oo. Aug. SO, lo play Legree. — Hilton Bllver and Ada Hpaika have Joined "Tbe "ailhooley<aTniulilea"Co. for Ibia leaaon. — Harry I,. Hawilna and wile, laia ot A. Y. Pear- WD'a "Hc«<il" Oo„ mourn ibe lota of tbolr IllUe daughter, lailnllo, who dlod Aug. 3. — CharleaT. Alilrloh, Kilwin H. Ilyan ami Keiui Jonaa, iniialcal director, hate algoed witli the Num JnlllUea, In "Tlie Kodak" — "Aa You Uke li" waa given Aug. H on the lawn ufUieBleienKManalon, <;aii<]e Polai, K. J., Ibcpro- oeodK of wtali'h were given lo lln noolh Monument Fund. The iwrfonnauoe, which waa amnged by Floreuce Oenlil and italpb llowanl, waa oxcelleaL The oaal waa Ollod by piufeatloiiali who voluntoitd their tenrloea. Thoae who lookpwt were: lloaalind. Utile Walnwnght; Jaouaa, likurence llanley: Or- lando, NalbanleT llanwig; the llanMied IMke, Kie- lyn Knna; liuke Fredenok, l':ntine Lawb; OHTar, Uailton Wella; iy>uabttone, Frederick Bond; Adam, Kmett Ellon; Le Bean, Cbartea Montallh; HllTloa, ileniy Uougbty; Curin, Logan Paul; Amleiia (wlUi Bonga), Arthur Btanfonl; Jac<)aaa Uu Bo^i, Arnold Ueevea; William, llawley Fnnoka; Euitacha, Her- Initcatr: Ubarlea, the wreeilar, Montgoman imng tlelhi, Iwbel Pill l«wU; I'bivbo, Hilly Jamca; And roy, Aoty Lee. — Ilolnrt Noll haa been re-engaied for Ibe lead' Ing heavy nUe In "The While Bquadrou." The eon opana Aug. 1, al New Uodfoid, Haat. — Tne now Qmntl Upem lioute at llynioulb, Haaa., will be formally opened Aug. -a, by Waller Kennedy, In "BatnjMon." Hanagtr Beula aavered hia oonuoctlon wllb Ihe Hurlii Open lloute on Aug. 10 to aauime the managenienl of tbe new bonta. — Manager Cmtrlat H. Pope la In the city, engag- ing a oonilo open oompany for Iba now Ortenlal Theatre In HI. Loala. Among Ihcae wbo have al- ready algncd are: Tillla SallTnger, Annie Hyan, Henri llallen, IS*. U. HauiUioiiTw. II. OuUenitn, Fmni David and Bon 1,odga. The houae, which wHI be davoied oxduilvaly to oomlo open, will open eaily In Beptamber wlih "Madjy." — Manager John II. Huaell. wbo waa taken laat Nuromber to a New Jeiaay Banliarluin, hat been i»- luoved to Bloomlngdale Aajlum. The pbyelolana repon that he ahowa no algna ot lopiuvamenL — Waller Allen baa Iweu engaged hy the manafe- mcut of the Knnk Danlebi tlinm Oo. to playtbe chancier of Ptoloniy, Ktngof Kgypi,ln"TbeWltard uf Ihe Nile." Ileheaniala of the piece will begin at once. — w. U. TbompMin, It U aniiounced, bat bean nn- ablo lu Bocure a nieaae from hit cooliael wlUi Ohartea Frohman at a maiuber uf tbe Kmpin Thaalre Wiirk Coinptny, and wlu nut In with A. H. Pklmar dealtcatuu. — Hotea froa Oolhane't Oooedlana: Colkane't Oomedlana oloted a Bomniar aeaton ot nine weeka with Manager Haven, of Joplln, Mo., on July SB, the ff■ttwoweekt■bDIlaeaal>elngTelTlar|n. OnJaly they opinied ihdr rrgoUir Fall and winter waaon M Fort Boott, Kan^ wllb • conpaar of elghlean peopla, beaded by demenUna HL Fellz, and made op of tbe followlng^paopla: Edna Haobeth, Ailne Coleman, Andrew Fnreyihe, W. A. Nixon, Fred Nixon. Joe Dembig, Fmnda 0^een^ Richard Hos- cilef, w. o. Yonnaa, A. A. Kennedy, J. 11. Ovnnn, R. W. WIIIU, II. W. lloge, Kaneat Brown, Harry Cheater and II. D. Uaven. Ttie band nninban ten men, under the leadeiahip of W. 0. Yonnga and la a feaUira. <» Ang. t. at the Baldwin Tbealn, Bpilng- Oeld, Mo., we bad the pleaaare ot opening to ine laigeal Monday night hooae ever played by a itper- tory company In Bpiloglleld. and that In the face of a hard nin. The company It booked lolld for forty- three weekt. meronulncloileaibeprlaclpalUnte Bontbera clilea, twelve weeka being fair data. Win K. Oalhane It lole owner and manager; Ilany Haven, butlneaa manager and iRsaiirer, and nicb. aid Moncrief, ttage manager. — Nancy Hclotoah will make her Amedcan debut In comic open atthe Broadway Theatre, tbla city. In "lilt Excellency." Bhe hat been tinging at the Bavoy Theatre, In London, Eng. — Obariea li, Uoyt haa neariy complettd bit baaa- Iwll play, and haa decided to name It "A Runaway Coil", at gyncnae, N. Y.. wllb Oipt. A. 0. Anaon and Alice Evanateatnred. Tbe play will be teen In tbUcliy during December, at tbe American Tbeatre. — "A MIdanmnier NIghl'a Dream" wia iilven In tbe open air. Aug. a, at Hollywood Park, long Hranco, N. J. Tbe parfonnance waa a good one. Tbe caal: Tteaaot, lieniy A. Weaver; Lysnder, lieniy JewcU; Dementua, J. W. Albangh Jr.; Kgeua, Verier Clargea; Ulppolytt, Hiaa Iloberuon; iiamla. Ucila Hodann Colllei: Helena, Nellelt Reed; Fliat Faliy, lleatrioe Maitlman: I'eaa llioa- nom, Haaler Obariea lloIKe; Moth, Matter Frenk Harley; Huelaid Beed, Waller Horilaon; llnilom, Edmund D. Lyont; Qnlnce, William F. 0«en; Snug, Alfred Flahar; Flnte, George Boniface Jr.; Biarve- ling, Guy NlcboU: Bnonl, lloiace Uwla: Ubercn, Jennie DIckanon; Tllania, Oirollne Hamilton; ruck, Lotda Alter. — Manager IHck Uitle haa completed amnge- mantaforlbe toor of the Marie Sanarr Kitmva. Sma Oo., which beglnaat Indlanapofit, Ind., Aug, Neule Vor ■" " ihave Ibet ^. Kendall, Ollle'iSii', May Rlp'ley^ennlo r»r\', Klity Naule Von Bleg will head the oompany and ^... have Ibe tuppon ot KlUle Ripley, Canle lloaere, the Bitten Bayley, Fay Uall, Maade Otirlck, Llllla nemwi, uiiie iiaii. m»j lupis;, douum mi,, muj Van Pelt, Badle Ryan, Hay Rvana, Geo. Kelne, Harry Ootlana, John Ntnford, Wm. Gallaiher, Tommy Lea aod Barney iiall. Prof. Kline will be motlcal director. A forty weekt'aeamo baabceu Imnked, which will Inclode a vlalt to tbeFaclOc — "A Fool for lAiok," a farce comedy, lu three acb^ by John A. Bteveus wat acted for tbe niat Ume on any alage Aug. a, at the WaukeHba, Wit., Opera lionae, by Joaepb Ctwtbome and hbi com. pany. — Gertie Palmer will play the Dancing Obi In 'A Man About Town" th6 aeaaon. — Oeo. 0. Fnncit left tbe city Aug. 8, In advance of John Kemell, wbo opana bla taaaon In "HcFad. den-e FJonemenl" at Norfolk, Va., It, — Geo. II. Hamilton haa algned to do the advance for MaUie VIcken, In "Jactiulne," Her tour I>egtn8 at Oaleabnnr, III., Aug. IT. — Tbe Katie Pnlnam Oo., producing 0. F. Daiey'a play, "The Did Ume Kiln," Includea, In addition lo Ihe.alar: llerben Oawthum,_J. T. Kllgonr, li. II. Emery. J. A. Devlin, P. 0. FIndlay, Leonard Mil. chell, R. H. Kimball, Biiile Fonwer, Anna Wtlaon, Eleanor Wynn, Jua. I. Devlin, treaaurer, and Will 0. Wheeler, manager. Hebeanala will begin at Ben- ton Uartwr. Hlob., Aug. Z3, and the opening per- fonnance will be given In that cliyAog. 39, and tbe engagement at ine liaimarket Theatre, Chicago, win begin Ang. 91. J. T. KUgonr will play the pan of OipL Norton. — Marguentta Farguion goet wllb •'McCanhy'a Mitbapa" next aaaaon. — Robt. G, Penick, miitlcal dliaclorof thePriogle- Ha; Co., oelebnied bla twenly-lint blitbday at Evantton, Wyo., Aug. i. lie waa tbe recipient of many handtome preaenli. — Ohaa. H. Btavent, ot H. Price Webber't lloaton Comedy Co., It ipending the month ot Augnal wllb KImer U.Kelly and a naity of frtendBatOunp Ho ghetla, BUver Uke. nTh. — B. J. Tiemann U wllb the llenderacn Kxirava- gania Oo, In Obloago, III. —Matthew Uime waa a Ourria oallor Ang. I: Ha Inform ut tnat ha hta not left bit brottaen to Join tbe "Bolder and Fly" Co. — Maria Wclloiiley't Playen an repotted to be do- ing excellent butlneaa for their third week, in Winona, Minn. The repetlllon of "On the Bnwanee River," on Aug. t, waa moat aacceaatni. Richard (Ibae aod B. W. Wllaon, managen. alata that the 6. K. 0. aign waa diaplayad tor the flnb time In one weak In Winona, when "The Danltaa" waa preaent- ed, with Marie Wellealey aa Billy Piper. -Mabel Walab played the UUe role In "Lonl Fauntleroy" at the uceum, Patobogua, L. I., on Wedneaday evening, Aug. T, and received aliiiod- ant applauae tram an audience that coninlelely fliled ihla pretty Utile place of amuaement. The bonon ot the peifoimance were ahared with the Utile alar bv Obariea Drake, wbo aaaniiied the char- aetarof Uobbt,lhe dealer In srocerioa, and ipaed- lly became a favorite with toe audience. J. D. walab created a favonble lopreailon In ihe unat. motive part ot the Itari ot Doilncourt. Long walla Intween acta, and the entire abtence of muelc, de- tncted greatly from Ihe pleasure cf Ilia perfoim. aioe. — "Down On the Buwanee Hirer," a fantatllcal miialoal comedy, by R. N. Biepbent, waa given Ha Oiat produnilon Aug. II, at Wbluioya Open ilouae. Damn, Mich, -- Big. De Novellla.lhe ninalcal illrtctor, will be with Ua Fnncbi Wilaoo Open Company IbU >ea aon. —Chariea Dnkei^oouedlan, haa been engaged for ibe aaaaon with "Tbe While BUve" Co., under tbe managemeotof the Campbell RntberB. — Kdward Uanlgan't "UM Uvendar" Co. wUl Ingln reheanalt Aug. ]>, at MIner'a Fifth Avenue Theatre, tbla city. Mart w. Iltnlej, manager of the oompany, Infoma ua that bbi route la booked up for the aeaaon. Hr. Uairigan'a new may, "Uy Bon Dan," will not be produced notll IKwember. NegoUaltona tor the lAndnn aeaaon an oir for tbe pietenL — Nolea tnm Amertca'a Big Boom and Wild Weal: We cloaed our tenting teaaon at Union Ulll. N. J., Aug, 3,loblgbualne«i>. The company opened In theatrea al Rllaabetb, N. J.,Aug. 1, and made four one night tunda Weal to Toledo, 0., wnere we opened at the Peoplet Ttxaire for one week Aug. II The company nnnben forty neoplo. In eluding Praf. Weniworih'a famout cowboy Ittml and onhealia. Col. U. B. Wllllanu (Wild Burt) ya the pait originally played by Dr. Carver. - jere an twelve Indiana, including the Deer lliw., the obamploarougbrlden of the world; twenly.avo head of Intlted and buoklnii hoitea, two grialy bean, and aeveni otheritrong loauirea an uie<l in Uia production. The maoageaeni It aa followa: Kdwin Klroy,aola owner: Edwin P. Illlioo.mana' Er; Ilany want, adrance nprcaeotailre; Win, ibar, ataga manager. Hanager Klmr nyi he la lug to take tbe entire producUon to Europe next onlli Spill -^iU P. Bpaaldlng, planlat.ofBpauldlng'tBwIaa Ball HIngera, naaaooepted a pimilon u mualcal di- rector wllb Edward W. Knwnon'a Fkrce Oimedy Oompany,Inalnning BepL I, It New Kngland. — Ileo. F. atrt, of Ihe "Senator UHJiady" Uclu- tonua ua that be vraa manled on July 1, al Saleni, lU., to Ktta Aakren, a aonbralte. —Obariea Wbalen, eccentilc lYHnetllan and danoai, li wllb the new comlo opera, "Klanei, or Two Tangled Turka" —"Gllbcoley'a Troublea" opened at the Park The- atre, lodhinapolla, Ind., Ang. 13. vrilb the following people In the cati and olio: J. I*. Leaiar, Ubarlea Wll- r4M,Blll)t Hall, Joe Uanum, Hlltoa NIver, James Nvana, uanla Jaokaon, Aila Hortlner, Fannie TlumhuU, Haa TtumbuU, Inei HcCloakey, Ada Bparka, Nellie Il<niy. Caatellat and ilaU: Frot. Lnita, mualcal dlrecior; Ed. H. Knut, advance; Will It. Burton, manager, and Hull A Treyaer, pn>- prtalois. — II. B. WUber, who haa nasagrd tbe Opem Ilouae in Cambridiebon, Pa., for the (sat font ai aona, baa leonred Tbe houae for a temi ot vaan. — Ohaa. B. liawklna la aogaaed b* A. H. Palmer and Bdirla Knowlea for "The Oreat Ulamond Rob- beiy.": — Jeaale Chamn baa ilcned with llivla ft Reogb for the "Ruah Oily" 00. — Malcolm Wllllanw baa bean engaged lo pUy the leading Juvenile pan in "A Yenulue Yentieman." Beaton opena Ana. 3&. — Quail. Welnuen haa tigned to play HobL Tlck- eu In "A Rallnad TtcktL" — W. U. Uaaklna wrilea: cicae a aacceafnl Bummer tonr. In advance ot Ike vetemn, John Dil- lon, Aug. la. 1 have attended to all booking, and BO money haa been loat on Uic venture, aooelhliic nnuanal for a Sumner toor." — Hie Vondlu and wife (Utile Mnrey) have tigned with canle Unit, onder On nanagvaenl of John A, UlmmeMn. -Nolea from the Bnbb Comedy Oo., OhaUange ../^ .tS iwl^^.whlcb ooena lit leaaon Aug. Band and Orcheatia, which "P*"'"-s— .kt. It. at Uncaater, Pa. ,«»'»«•'^""Jl'.t ^lSt Bcaion, will have the laweat ">*^}JiS^ tlonaever under hit management. JJ;'T""IV are on bit ilaltand acUng compiny: Jeo. H- Ilany Bnbb, Oeo. 8. HalOi. B«nZ.S"l','^°ii«™ Hajton, John Gud|knnit, E. M-"•■"i,'!-.!; "'SlSi Alfred keley. Barton Wllllanu. Craig M"™. ""* Ilangertleld, H. I. Wabh, Carfle Newcnmb, UHlo U Hoae, Badle nedcllffe, Eunice fl^^i,^, "^TJ." and the FJ Hore Stalen, Jennie and Challenge Band of teventcen. All new pno"»p,»™ one aoUd car load of epccUi 'cew'T. wll"''f 1™ iMwked for lbl« teaaon In llnil dam bonaet, one and two week tiandt. , ,„ _, — Hr. and Mra. i.a» HcCord (Bertha 81. ClalJ have algned wlih Manager Fred «?»>>">«'o«SPR?S Hay Smith Holiblna in tlie miitlcal wp^ily!'"'H" Trlxle." Mn.McCordUitopUjrthe elw"'"'?'!; and Introduce her ainging tpecUllles. «r- wlU play tbe cbancter heavy and manege Ibe "t!|jdwln Btach and wile (Fnnklo Wllo") are anmmertng In the Rocky Mountalnn. atthe home ot the latur'a pannle, Monte Vltfa, Vol -Hotter of FlU 4 Welaur't "A Breezy pine" Co.: E. B. Flu, aole proprteloiand manager; Ed win Cllgord, bualnea manager; Wm. C. Le Fon. agent; llanr Martin, E. A. Tbomat. RpUrl ManaUeld, Ilany Roai, J. H. Taylor, Phil Rado, Tony Muipby, Hay ftylor. lltMle Norwood, May Olanger and Kathryn Webtier. Tbelrieatonopent Aug.H. — The Tonillneon Comedy Co. tre reheanilnB, and will open the aeaaon Aug.», at Columbia, P;., vvllh twcniy-nlne people, land and oraheatre. They vnii carry Hpeclaliccnery. . — 8. A. 81. Cjr bat okned hit Bummer aeawn, and will open hU nexl louralnntSepL 1. — " no Bloomer Olrle," a tiice corned/, will Uko Ihe mad tbe lint part ot October, carrying tweiity people. The router la: lltnj Lewla, manager; John liuiari, ireaiurer; B. A. Clarii, tlige manager, and Heniy Hof lo charge of propertlea. They an get- ling out apeclal awnda ana window work. -- Fnnk 8. Davldwn bcglnt hia (cnlh eeagon at Cuyahoga Falie, O., Aug. U. AllleSouUiwlck, Wlih Uomlny, Addle Dean Brtgm, II. S. Uapner, A. K. Vamey, F. R. Urigge, P. F. Croaliy, Cbaa. lane and J. K. Veiier comprtac the party. "Old Fanner Ilop- klna" will be the play uted. ^ — Edlih Crollue will tur ihli tetaon noder the management of Fnnk Burns and U. Makowlu. — Jotle UIIU liaa been engaged by Managtra Slu- an and Marahfor the 'Tennetaee'a Itrdner" Co., to Elay Ihe heavy part, opening at Qnnd Raplda, [lob., Aug. 12. , , — Manager Uck Feirburrilca: "I have received over three liundred antwere, ao far, from my "ad." In laat week'a CurriR. There la no denjing the facts of your medlnn't value." — The Woodward Tbealn Oo.v^l open their alxlb leaaon at Sac City, la., Aug. \i. The rotter: J. Frtncbi KIrkc, Loula Uorrtaoo, Jere Cunkllog, Will Ddvia, W. F. Schnitli, Prol. Bam DriaUck, Hatter Fnnk Woo<lwaid,O.I>. WocdwanI, Cairle Wood- ward, Blanche Hall, Hon Carlton, Emily Horn, irilh llalph McKay In advance. — Hotter of while band with Salter t Uartln't HammoIh"U.T. C."Co.:Jamea Dclan, liader: J. J. Olagey, Omni Woodt, w. u. Tbompaon, Bert True, Elmer It. Ocrman, On; Caldwell, R. U. Trea- bam, U. H. Woodworth, Elmer UygranI, Will J. Cheny, U. E. Luu, II. F. Moellcr, Itairy E. McCoy, ("red Dolg, i'. 0. Van Kleek, v. Henri .Sinn and JameaA.Hcllonald. — Henry E. NIcklIng liaa Joined Oeo. Noble'a Dnmallc Oo. — Edw. U. Ttiomat bSH tigned wllb "In Ihe Foot Hilla." — The Dalllmore and Ohio South wcalem Railway have arraiigod to put on a train lietween Cincinnati, U., and BL Loula, Uo., on or ainul BepL 1, leaving OInctnnall after midnight. A tlmllar tnln Eaat bound leavea St. Loult al 3.oo a. v., irrivlsg in Cin- cinnati at tl.3i A )i. Tnia tervlce overcomes tbe necestlly for tpedal trein teivlce In either direction between thota two polnu. — Fred 0. Uoey'H Slock Co. added an exirs week to their atay at the Eureka Springt, Ark., Audltort- um. They win take tbe road, playing the larger clllet In Texta and the Boulb, In a repertoiy in- cluding "Hon Cicaar do Uaxan," "Tbe Three Guaida- inen," "The OariUil Spy," "An Iilth Hero" aud other pbiya. — B.B. Underwood will not lake out hit comedy company thIa aeaton, aa waa Intended, at ba-naa aecnred the management of the Orlaell Opem Houae, i'ennvlUe, Ind., and will put It In good order for ihe aeaaoo.. — Notet of the Flore Staolford Co.: Alice Kemp Joined at OleiiM Fallt. ThIa la now an evenly bal- ancod repertoiy company. Uur atay atoiena Falla proved 10 bo Ibe l«nner week ilnce we hive been out, altliough we bad llunaio Bill and other altrec- llona agalual ut, and at AiiaUrdam we played to one thoutand people on our opening nIgoL With tbe exception of ibree weeka we are tnoked aolld till the new year. At Glcna Falla Mlaa Slanltord re- calved a hnndEome baakel of out flowen. Our route layi Ihrongh New York, I'enntylvania, Ohio and New Jereny. — "Old TenncKcc," the Southtru comedy drema, opent lit tftaon at Cbllllcclba, He. Sept. 2. Tbe company la under Ihe niaDtgement of J. A. TreUe, wbo bi tole proprietor. Tbe rotter: Jack Iduda, butloeta manager: Heniy I'oppen, atslatint butl- neaa manager; C. T. Hart, ttage director; Joaeph Snanaier, alago ranwnier; Win. Blrdtell, maaler ot pripeniea; Ileo. Ilunier, electrician; OlUe Oollldge, Verona Ball, Alice Flalier, Kmeiit lliwan. Din Reed, Jamea l> Boutberland, w. U. Cnti, Ueo. Jonet, Hlutch Jonea, J. w. Jones, Will Jonaa, Jamea A, Taylor, Lealle Tripleii, Howard Thomaa, luiph wm- atcad, J. A. Ilenitey. Will Oulaey, Jamra ilariman and Maine (;iark. Tlio company will alto cany a female pickaolnny b.-ind. under tlie leaderelilp ot I. eroy Payne. They will tour Utnada and the F^ten Btaiea. — Ulllan silllnwn. cbaiacler cmnedieiine, has- algned to go wlih "Jolly Uld Chiiinii" Cc, under Ibe managenienl of HlUer and tlmlj. Tbeplecehaa Ineiiljrougbl np tu dale. Tbli uMbs Silllnian'a third aeaton wllb the picco. — Nolea from Colet "U. T. C." Co.: We bBva Jutt returned from Northern Ulcblgan, where wo found eveiylhlng ilouriahing and bualncs) waa cxullonU Rveryone la well. We are now mute toSjuthera Hlclilgan. Cbaa. li. Cllne, lightning zouave drill 1st, la the tealure of our concert and p.iraile. Orin Stair and wife paid Ibe coDipHoy a vltli laat Satur- day. Aftor the performance the onlire company ac- companied thorn to Qrend Ilaplita, where Ibey laid over Sunday and enjoyed themadves. — Llr.7Ja Gale baa Joined Jiwie Mae llill lo play obanoun. Kalbiyn Dana, of llie "Merry Worid" Oompany, entertained Mlaa Hall during inc lattarM engagtmeni at Ohilllcoibe, O. On D. Owena left Ibe company Aug. 7. — Kulalle Ueunell. lalo of (;ordroy't Stock Co., haa Inen engaged by Lawrence Hanley. She la a gmduata of the Lawrence School of Acting. — RoaterandnotcafromtneNoiuiJolllilet—ItotterL II. Nota, proprietor; Ferd. Noea, manager; StanL. Ilxley, buHlueaa manager; Kdwiu H. Hyan, abige manager; F. Koiiyon Jones, mualcal dlrecior; Loubi Wendell, matter ot propenlea; Cbariea T. Aldrich, F'erd. Noaii. IMwtu H. Hyan. Frenk Noai, Uaulo liaynex, HIgnon OniroU, Cbaitotle Nets, Helen Rosen, Banba Noes, Irvlog Swanhoul and Little Elde Lower. Our tour beglua at I'niontown, Pa., Aug. 30. Tlio comedy haa Inen rewrilteo and atrengthened, aod tbe company onlarged. lla\1ng aecured tevcml woll known and clever people, we can eafely tav that It will In one of the tirougeit allncllona of lit claaa on the road. We are booked in week and tbico night tiandt In the Intt hoUHCs, playlog but a few of the drat claaa ooe nlgkl ttauda. Uur printing It all new tor ibli aeaton. — Haggle Wcjilon baa Jutt relumed to tbe city from Long Bnnch, N. J., vrliere ana has ipcnt the Summer. She aaya thai her printing it among tbe Onril and avciytbing looka well tor the aeaton with 'Holonry'H Itanle." Time It all tmoked. Tbe Ful- ton limneniand I'eleCreIgg have been engaged for tbla company. — I«e ,\ Ttomplln have leaaed lor a lenn of yean tbe Tiuy (0.) Open lloiiaa. They are bariugit re- moitoled and ivtet with entirely now tcenery and will have Uielr opening, wllb tbe Ullbkn Lowla Co., ScpL It. — The company In auppon Geo. \r. Monroe In bla new comedy, "A llapnr LItlle Home," la now cou' plete, and Includea: Slobolaa, Hany Hollo, llenry Stanley, Senator Fnnk Bell. Geo. W. How- ard Jr.. Geo. 1\illnian, Hugo roller, Ben Hammond, Pant Uibio, Margaret Filipalrick, idalene Oolloo, On Hacv, Dorothy Drew, Joatph liutnpldl, Lydia llolmao, Itelnlto Can and DIancb Chapman. HC' hearaalt Ixgln In tbit city on Aug. s. UTAH. Variety and Minstrelsy DimcAK CUEI lends the following: "It may be of Inlereat to managen tmveling Urongh Michigan lo know that then la a tlaraio agaUiat allowing children under ilxieen yean to tnvol irilb any company lor exhibition P«n»<«». »» »»|{" •iveiconacnL and a manager la guilty In the eyea S'tbe la^S bitaWngibls liluteft he bia any per- Mn onder Ilxieen jean of tge wllb him." A copy TthliiiamioTiinlbyMr.Clark, reada aa foiiowa: ■ Chan M. IW, P- ««<:•'• ™e ptople ot the Biaia of Mlchlni enact: That any peiton liaylng Sire cottSy or conirol of any cblCl under dxteen SlUt of age.who tkall eibibiunto or employ, or ibTtlmn appi«niice.gtve away, let out or other- wlw dlrooeo of any tncli cblld lo any penon, or for the voSSn, tervice or occopaUon of^repe or wire wSmS, gylnnatt, contortkinKt, rtdOTor acrobat, dandng or begging m ">j P^w .whatawvar, or for any exblblilon dangerous lo tbe life or limb of aoch child, or wha tbaU cauae, procnre or em?"™?? auch child to eognna theitin,and »ni penon wbo ahall receive, hire, employ, uie or extlbli, or have In c tlodyany tnch child for putjoaes menUonedln bli Bwilon, tball bo guilty oramlidemeanor. Penalty: Fine of not lea than iweniy Dvo. or more than nfiy dollan, or Impilaonmeot in connly Jau tor not leaa than ten or more than thirty daye, or both." Mr. Clarke bat rtcenUy been a aniTerer "uLUufifjtsbii,wllo of Ludano TtUIH,la very tick In Sonthem Otiltorolt. Eo. n. BMiON, formally of the team. Van Uor and Barton, haa regained bbi health, and la now at "uir BikKR rejdned hit partner, San Btdell,ln Baliimore 12. On Aug. IS, Mr. Baker't bIrOiday, he will invite bla frienda to a iiag trolley excuialon. TiiB HxuDtnioiu OniniHAL Buck Diiuono Co. will open Ita teaaoo In Ktmas City, Uo., Aug. 24. The rotter: Annie Hendennn, Higgle kirk. Annie Hound, Agnea Brown, Al. Ilarrey, R. Flemmlug, L, Salt Lake City—l^rof. Ueiilry'a Home and Doa Show clotetl a wcck't engageiueui Aug. 3, to unlfonnly large builneat. Ho repona baring good attendance all tbruugh tbe Ooiontdo cireui.. Nom.—J. It Kogoia, aanager of the Qnnd, baa ntumed from New York Clly, having engaged a atock company wltb which to open the nouaa Sept la. Popular pUya will be prcaaaiad al nopn hirpricea. (1. Eggleaton, Vinton Otlxirn, Ben Dumetl, Kirk'Will Langfonl, Archie Bmwo, Fmnk Birk, Lawia Hendenon, proprietor and manager, am Ilany A. Ony, genemi agenL Itey will carry a band ol ten plecea. In unUom, and will tour Iowa andNebiaaka. Hob Prici la with Bariow Bros.' Hintlnla. BnAoimo HiHcoisrtB Joined Prof. HiggtOB'Star Spedaiiy Co. Aug. 12, now touring Upper Oinada. Kimi NoTxa.-Tbe Eggw-Beiaer uoupe of tyro- lean Bingere hare extended ibelr original conlreot for the Kelih drcuit, and will make a tlx weeks' tonr over thote houtcs, imklng their New York ap- peamnce during December. Ttiey have succeeded In amnging by cable a postponement ot their En* npean datea. Lew Doctalader will reappear on the clicuil early in Bentemher, and will appear In New Y'ork and Philadelphia only in Hr. Keiib'a the- atrea. He will not play in Boelon at all daring next Htaaon. The DnietHlvlerea, the French dueiiisu, make their leappeannce on the cireult, where Iboy have a loig eogagement, opening at the Union Squire Theatre. EauA Wmo.i complains of rtcoiring vaiy nn- profeaalonal Irenlment from Harry Uiark, now manager of Ibe Park Pavilion, Fon Wayne, Ind. PiABL Mabquix infonnt ut that aha has canceled her engagement wlih Rice ft Baitou'a Roae Hill Co. to accept an engagement wltb the "A Milk White Flag" do. • Tinsr SmoKOS, LllUe Larkclle and Ibo Comm Broa. were tendered a clam tiake at the Uawlhumo Hotel, Provldeuce, It. I., Aug. T, by His. John Ken nedy, whoae guesia they wen. Hamaobr Cbas. U. Biuku wntea that everything Is In rcadlneat tor hbi season ot "Playt and Play era." Hit company of teventcen people It coro- Mela, Kcenery Inlebed and caper ready. He left for Indisnapdia, accompanied by bia wife, on Aug. 11. Rehearsaia commence 14. New addlHoua u> ue company are Uamle Kent and Biia Ruiaeli. Mualcal Dlrecior Herbert Dlliea It with Delmoreand Wilton BtOnaaLMaaa. Nona ntoH aim T. Jaci's Crbole Co.— This com- pany will open Ita aeaaon Aug. 34,ai8amT.Jack>8 Opera Houee, Oblcago. Over nti; people will be In- cluded in the organization. Though dmwing cards have Inen retained, many new faces have been added. Including a coips of native Intlea. Mr. Jack bat bnt recenUr relumed from Ibe South, whither he went in eearcli of freah material tor bis favortle aitnctlon. In talent at well at In beauty. In vocal atnnith aa well aa in Isrptlcborean tklll, the company It belter fonmed than ever before to Ruauiln lis npalatlon. Mot only baa it a greater number of pertormen, but It will present a muiUpll- cliy ot feaiures and novelties. Several tela ol aceoeiy,iecenllydealgnedandpaintcd,depictlnglhe luxuriance of ibt Inplcti paisdbie, are calculated in create a seniatlon. The new coeturoea include varietlea never before worn on tbe atago, aud are exiiuUlIe, laitetul and cotlly. The organization ihlt aeaaon will be under Hr. Jack's sxclnalve man. agementiSnd It now reheanlng under hit pereonsi tuperinlcndence. it will travel in tbe new palace hotel car, a handtome tpeolmen of Puiiiiuin work- maneblp, and dtted up irith all modem conven- iencea, lighted by electricity and heated by aleam. The company la compleie end booked aoUd tor over forty weeki In tenliory that baa invariably proved proOtable. Ridge Waller, for tbe paitiwo teatona preaa npieaaniailve of ihbi company, baa been promoted to tbe boalnest msnagemenL 1. Harebeig, tonnerly connected with theatrea In Waablngton and Philadelphia, and tor a number of yearn ivlih P. T. Uaranin, hat been engaged at ad vance. OZAV, the Jugiler, has algned wltb Marble i Clark't Minttnis for the coming teaaon. MavoFimciidenteathitthe bad algned wllb tbe Harvey Comedy and HlnilRl Co. Notis kboh iBiiAUt UcroBO0)is.-Tbe engage- menta tor tbla company are now compleie aud In- dude: Hadame Flowen, Fred J. Piper,Hr. and Mra. Tom Hclntcsb, Uadah llien, Uatlle wukea, Haliroy llros., Tom Brown, Belle Davit, Haggle Urooka. Billy Jobnaon, Uaria Roberta, Shony Hay, Joalo La Uoulba, Mamie F.menon, Ed. Furber, Oogglni and llavis, Hollldar Sltlsn, Muiltt Fisher, II. 3. suf- fonl. Ed. Thomaa, Stsiia Uuny, Alice llackey. Wil lie Fonl, Florence Ellsworth, mile Rutaeil, Wood- iiui Manbaii, Hadame A. DeLeou, RIdore VVahon. Maltle Gnham. John W. labam, aole manager: WUI P. Webster, buBinesarepreaenbtUve; Prof. 1. u. SiamfonI, mnelcai director; 0. P. Peck, elecirtdan Uariey May, maaler of tnntpoitaUon; John Walahl lUige caipenier, and Hable Bedford, in charge ot wanlrobe. Tbe aeaton will open at the Olimoio Theatre, tbla diy, Aug. 2j. v'juipio Nona Fiox nit HkKTzSAKTLiy Bdiilisuue Co.- Tbla thow will open teaaoo at Long Branch, SepL 7, Proprietor Abe Leavitt baa engaged for this nduoa the alrongatt and beat company ever under bia inanagemenL Cbaa. Loveoberg baa written an origtoal burielia, "Tvrtll Be Club," which will be uted aa a Bret (Mri. An enUre new leriet ot living piciurea, and a blcyde song, by tour Udiet on wbeeii, will be among tbe teaiuret. Oueiuraca and acenciy will be new, rich and eleganL Company Includea: Collins and Collina,Teddy Sliiionda. Lealle and Teiiley, Frank llowie, Lottie KUiotL Edith Ia Monte, Clan Slnptou, Hay Osboroo, Marion Blake, Hay Sylvester, Floatle SL atlr, KIIUo U. CbtrieL Violet Grtnin, Uelle Baker, Eva Euker, Oertle Hay Nettle Heckler, Hay Raymond, Cow llcdmond and Alice Holmea. Eiecudro stag; Abo Lcavlit, pro- prietor and maiuger; II. F. Baymonr. biitlnest tnao- agar; George Anntlnng, tnaaurer; Teddy Simonda. tiage nuuagei; Wm. Jobnaon, leader of oreheetn! and Fmnk Uowk), matter mechanic. Ilaemomi Fboicu Follt BcHLDqiig Oo.— Scsnlon and Btavent, Want and Uiadbnm, Annie Waliman, Eddie O'Dell. Ed. Miyere, Genie Kaltb, Fknalo \Salch, Hazel UlidebrandL Lottie WllilanuL Annie Peten, Gnre Thoip, Grace BUI and a choraa of tlxieeu; 0. E. Hargravaa * J. E. UcCluakey, aole managen and pnprieton, with Arthur T. Gonlon In advaucc. John W. Kiuv, "tbe Rolling Mill Han," has algned a coutncl to appear exdutively for twelve weeka in F. F. rroctoira Ttacatna. Tbla vrill be Hr. Keliy't Ont engagement for contlnuoue vaudeville. Haggle Cline, (he liilmnlan chanteiue, euccnmba to the alluromenii ot Ibe conilnuoaiHbow, and her Ont appearance In tbla fonn of entenainment. In Ibia cliy, will occur at Piocior'a, Aog. In. Jaaia H. Didbam, tnpeze parlonner, hu left the Goodrtch CIrcua on account ot the ilcknan of bit momer. HAHAaiB KBOKB.S tailed lor Eonpe Ang. 7 wtih Keynl't Eleclrto Creolet, alter eight weekaiaucceta at Sobmar Park, Hontieai, Can., Uking with hbn Hiaa Ratab naoililon. OIlin Rutaeil, Meola Booker, Cora HIU,AlniM BL Clair and lilUe D'Lma Dca Jean NoTxa raoH m Tbnkbsib JoaiLU Coxcor Co. —We cloatd tor the Summer al Cleveland, O. Hlaa Pnaaer and 0. w. camder will ipend Ibe remainder of the Summer with tbelrSoutbcro frienda; Hiai Brown and HIn lUiey have relumed hom^ and Manlnett and rnnaer, the mualcal team, have tigned with Ibe "In Old Virginia" Oo. TnB Kodaks, Kittle tnd Uturtce, were at Ocr nanhk Park, on the Delaware River, lut week. Tdb Lmu Burn sitraas btve Joiaed their two yuuoger brolhera. ' Kuitn, Mbiioam vAqvno, aanda newa ol bla tucccaa In Cripple Creek, IM. Nona noil vaa Al. O. FuiD'a Bio Wnnt Hia .jela.—Al. G. Field arrived at home a tnm a tii. Ihrongh Wlteonatn and Michigan. Ho vi-iiJa "Datkeat America," and nporls aveiything lo ium condition, the perfonmnce giving excellent mil!! faction and Itie receipts more than lauafacinrv in the managtmenL Hr. Field haa add to PairnM BUI bla pt^te car, "Olxte." Tbe car win i« „^ by Hajor Ooidon MUle and wife, R. H. Smiih and wife and the treasurer of tbe Pawnee Bill .ShdJ at a tieeping and busei car. Mr. Field waa n>iali< entertained by Pawnee BUI aid hia company and enjoyed the hotpltailty extended to bini nrcaiiv Ht reports Ihe bntlnna aa somelblnf; pheimmcnii while ha was with that company. Nearly all or ihu company nported tor rebearul Ang. t, umi from now on until tbe opening, 31, all will be liuoiiinir Tbe wardrobe Is nearly all completed, ali,, iju acenery. Tbe new car being bnllt by iLimn A Smith will be ready Ang. 11. Hr. Field rulnn it will be the handtomest car ever Imiii i„ show pnipoeea. George Bines and Uany liiiiion onr avant couriers, bare depaited and an Hnnaiinc- ing 10 the natlvea along the line the coming or ihn biggeat show aver put out by this company, ttak to be need In (ke afterpiece, "I'toplii." vat tonnd to be faultily conttmctca and htd to lie wm backtoObtcaaoforallentlona. Ttie dealgncm and bulldere ot It nave agreed to have Itcomnieieii and bers tor our opening. FndSletel will dive from the eititme height of ue lies ot the hlihett niaic inio tbe tank, and a regnltr water carnival win in m. tiodoced. Cbartea Bench vrill Introduce a two poor carrying aa In "Dtopia." John E. Calvin haa liten appointed general preas agent of the Al. i;. ivid Hg White Hlnttrels and of "Darkest America" uho and wlU alternate bttween the two companl». WvuB AND Samfoxd tend the following: "ive celebrated the elghleenth annlvereaiy of onr mar- riage on Ang. 2 and entertained iialte a numlier ol prolesalonala. Wehadapleatanttlme,andamung he toaita was one to tbe Old Reliable, Titt CMi rriT which waa responded to by Ed. Kelly, the comcillan! In quite a aeriont vein, for he had not recclveii his OLirrsR that week by mall, eo he had lo ride eliihi milea In a bnckboam to bonow mine. Wo would have tent you an Invitation, but knew It would nnlv be a formaUly, foryoucoubl not leave bnalnem to caU on a coapn of actor farmera way up in Now England. Among the company pnaenc were: The Hattbewa Broa, Lizzie Otto, Emmi Kenedy, M. Kelly, Fdix Hardy, Utrn Fonett and othera." AOHS Oiuucor will uld a new tettnre to her act this teaaon. She wUi cany a lady, whom ahe win hypnotize In full vleir of the audience, and give > coireci repreaantallon ot Trtlby. Ults Charcot will be a tpeclal featun with AI. Reeves and bb i>ig show, commencing Aog. 3t, at Tony Paator'a, ibit city. Tbe Original Ttree Gaiety Oirit have signed vrttbthbi company. ALBBBT Dasuinotok hBa clotcd a three wctka' engagement at the Paik Pavilion, aevebind, i). JCLIB Hackxy wrilea that iihe hae conlracied to remain In London, Enii., all ol next Winter. Bart. 8. GiLMORB Aim Hllb. Uolorks FsBKAMiia will open their teaaon In Chicago. They are now al Mr. GUmore't borne In Weaten Pennsylvania. Jahes J. UORiON.otHononand nevdio, iiaiKcn engaged to produce bnriesnuea tor the remainderol the teaaon at tbe Pa%-lllon Theatre, Udyoke, Hasii. Hiss Ravdie (Morton) la enloylnga much needed rest at their home In rblladelpnia. Uaster -Frank Wuitvak, trick viollnlat tnd dancer, wiU open at Ihe Tennia Tbealn, (,'hicago, III., Aug. IB, tor one week. NOTBS PBOU FRBD RlDEH'a NlOBT OWLS OO.^oe 0. Ziene basrvslgncd from tbe "U'Uooligan't Uat- querade" Co. tnd accepted the position ol ireU' urer with this company. Gordon aod Uck, the mii- tlCAl team; Mile. Eugenie De Lorme, French cImd- lonelle, and the Four Sittera Vaughn, In a new dancing novelty, entitled "The Dincing Uruiils," ire among Ibo recent addlUona to tbla organlui' tton. HiNNiB McBvoY, while bathing at Atlantic Clly. broke one of her toes. The accident haa coininlicd her to lay oIT three weeka. and the waa ob;igeil In cancel Kalth'a Boston Theatre Ibbi week. She will not be able to dance for tome time. Eduar Forbvan akd Juua WBsr preteiiicd (or Ibe Ont Ume tlieir new act, enlllled "Two Sides ot Life," at the Howard Atbenoiunj, Boston, Muis.. Aug. 6, and we are informed that It wat an toslnn- taneouesuccesa. HiLAtma, Ibe Ametlcsn dancer. It now one ol the Unique Trio, wbo are ehorllv to appear at Kciurs Union Square Theatre, IbU city. NoBMAN, the frog man, gave a private perform- ance before pbyalclaDt on Aug 8, In lioeton, Han. Gtra. lliLL Norm. -Uanager HlU haa Becurvd one of the best and mott expenalve featurea over with n road show. It la Mile. Petrcacu, who le lo appear with hit New Novelilea. Tie toaton la lu u\wa about the laat week of this month, and tbe show is booked aolll for the eniira season. From Uay m August, last, tbe New York Slan and Oua. Illll'n Koveltlea wUl be cunUned for a tonr to CailtoraU, playing all tbe leading theatres ot the WeaL Nans VBOM TBB Oakmblita Valdbz Ol.—The lils- tsre La OhevsUer, Ada and LUllan, arrived in llils city Aug, 10 to Join the company. Alto Ada Ua;, Ban Le Olalre and Uany and Hay Uddl. Conlran to ramora, Ulit Vahleii wlU leave with the company. U. E. Oritwold, our agenL loft New York, bsvliig tbe handtomesi paper and photo tnmos that could be procured. ALYiDO, Juggler and crayon ariltt, la playlog a longeningenienton UeacbLawn,Oalvuaton,Tl:x. J. A. Tbbrul. co',oKd Jnggler,hat dbiaoived p«rt- nerabip irith J. H. Hearde. UOWARO Powbbs, Ouas. Uoell, Ed. Kirh aku Geo. Ken, compilslag the Electrio Comedy (Jiiartel. have Just concluded a succetafui eogagemenl over tlie Keith dreuit, and an tbia weak an auracilrc leauire at the Oatino Root Oarden, ttaiii city. They have tigned wllb a well known organization for ilils Tub niw Oasino Tobatrb In SL Loula (foniicit; Comlqne) will open Ang. 17 aa a variety tbcmre, under the management of G. A. Cok). TUB Grano Lowib or xna Acioks' PaoTicnve Onion of America la now In tetalon at thi rnoiiui ol the New Yom Lodge, 113-146 Fourth Avenue, ilil< clly. Delgatea fran San Fnnclaco. Cat.; Si. 1,01111, Mo.; Chicago. lU,; Hoiton, Maaa.; Now Orieana, U., and New York are in atlendance. Ida Siddoks, Uany Leopold, Louis Sllvo, niKl Williams and Barton have been tuccetatui at iho Udyoke, Mass., I'avllton during tbe paattwo weeks. J. J. Morton, of Morton and Rsvelle, baa been en- gaged for a ebon sesion to put on opening acitand burietqnet. Uavlih's TniATBB shd tbo Tonnit Theatre, Clii- cage, lU., will be conducted on tho cohllnuoui|ilnn after Arg. 19. CO,Tennis Is making dales lor theae houtc& NoTBa ?ao» HcCabb Jt Yoimo'a MmsTRBis.-ii": nols hss been bombarded by tbla compauy Hnii every face weare a bright amlle, knowing Hiclr eHbrts are being reranied by aplendld butliicn. Wo have a novelt; In the lady minatrei, l»Uc Ronaldo, who panulea in the same cottuuio tt Uit men. Oeo. Spaika adds luaira to Ihe uli:iii parade by Jupgling aWlnobeaiarrilleglittering wim eleoirio llgnta, wnlcb producea a bcautllul cifcci. Law Uenedicl'a sppcarxnco caUa for an onllun "i every performance. Dan AUnian, monologuisi, Kiir- priaea performan and audltora by doing cue ol ihc neateaituma aver teen. Bella Honaldo'a ballad In tbo flrtt part, wltb Master WUIle Hunter llonalili" choraa echo, giUns Ave and alx encores, (^jbuiii and Ualdwiu, musical eccentrics, would "make any Ium that foUoira them, as tbe laughter cauatd by their ludlcroua exit la an elegant reception i<>r the next acL Clorlug tbe ebow Ui an original ami unique coucepUou by the Two Ronaldoa (U. 0. Mm" and wife). Their make up Is oa "crazy" aa mliul* can picture, and when Geo. Ilonaido makea bhi sinp tor thfir Onlab a yell giira up. Habuubuitb lur,ot tbe Kay Slatert, has men auuering with a ipralued ankle, but Is getting along nicely, Abcii and Edib Ubrton, paredltia, have dl>- eolved paitnorebip. AMOHQ tbe ipoulal features engaged by H. ren r Hill for Ibe Expoaliion at Toronto, OnL, are: The Ha^Unettl^ Vanobt, Eillotl Family, Huebleuisnn Trio, O'Kabe'a Japaaose Tnnpe, Nelson, Ferry anit Ndaon, Anaree and Odden. liuaker Clly qiiariei. Blaon City ltaanet,Blg.E.Baidaoza, Darting SU- tere aod W. C. Gaideo. TBB Nashvillb stddbkib opened Ang. 9, to gow bnaiaeta. Rotter: P. T. Wright, proprietor and manager; Al. F. Watta, auge manager; Ida Lrc WrtghL Madam Smith, Nettie Qoir,Jaa. White, J- Slewatt, E. 0. Uretu, Jackaon 11. Heanle. ITM Wooda, F. T. VIccaa, P. G. Lowery, leader ot band: 0. P. Alexander, leader of orchcatra. Tub WiujAiis Tito, reDned vocal and Inslni- mentaliala, have loat closed a aucceaaful engaic- ment at Kellh'a NtwTbeatn. lloaton, Hata. S. li. UBLio Jamct Wolficale, Baxter Re|nol<l:< and Jamea Thompson, luiieiclana, lalo ot the Ncn Oreat ByodlcaleSbowa, have tigned wlU R. Ctld- weU't Colored OperaticHlnsucU. which begin their tonr Aug. 27. . JoBN T. Bbbrs hat illttolvad partnenblp with ine GlideUaTrio. , BtjR Pabkbb add Jas. A. BBAor an engaged ai Hanhatun Beaeb, Denver, cm. . , . Emma HOBRBn aad BeUa Wliilanis have Joined