New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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AuorsT 17. THE jSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 373 RuiM, ins AmouT, cloHd • tea WMira' esgagt- n«gl wttta Um HaBUig Sbow, ind will opto wTlta Hicuon'< Oome<lliiu 8<pt 4, tt Ktmu Cltj, Ho. Uioaixs iMD Lbub titA Bmninil Bunbard litTe lust cloMd • two weeks' eDgegemcst et tbe Iron ner r*Tlll«, 8moiue. N. Y, TBI ABBorr SiSTRS tiere oloaed tbeir Buauo, K. v., eoniniiienL TnoMis HioVADi, lMtae*aoD biutseea minsger of ••n* CoonU VtiT," bu gjgned (or mis aeuoi witb Hsrble i Ouk's HloBirels u piMs end leo- cmi tmot Tbeir teuon opeu Aag. 2a, la New llampablre. fRiNi n.aTANiiTwUI direct (be orcbeeti* et ibe Orsnd Open Ilauae, BoetoD, Hue., tbla aeuon. KiLLY VOUKO Btsrta for Cbloego, 111,, Aug. IS, U> loin W. A. Ilelim'i HlulreK. Rosnit or UBis. T, Wim' HivHoin KoKucn Neno Hliittiels.-0. T. Welts, sole proprietor; DUIj llanK, usge msnsier; n. 0. Brown, bend master; Will UQUIilns, otvbeitn leader; ABdrew Uama, oeome Held, Cbarles IIIU, Jenr Barnes, Ifontgom- trr BniUieiB, Bam Jones, Frof. Mctlnlttr, tuba aolo- in; Simon HcCOT, trombone soloist; Tom Lewis and Cnia I'ollaid. The companj will open Aug. IT, wlib lull band and orcbeatra, Wbbib t ViiLBa' tbree comianles are now sol- IdlT booked for Ibis season. Tbe Vanderllle Club will open at the asletj Tbealie, Brooklrn, N. Y., AOS. 31. Rossell Bros.' Comedians will opeu Sept. 16, at OUnore'a Audliorlnni, Fblladelpblk, Pa., and I7eber A Fields' Own Co. will open SepL 23, at tbe Colambiia Ttteius, Harlem, New York Clti. The thn« companies will plajr manr irglUmaie tbeaim Uinngboat tbe countn. Tbe (oUowInK performen are under contnct: LoUle Ollson, BIllV EmeiBon, James F. Uoe^, Sam Beinard, fflll U. Fox, Geo. II. Woods, Acme Four, OameUs Bros., Uizle B. Haj- mood, O'Brien and Uavel, Blockaom and Buns, Ktiike and Semon, Dnimmond and ittalej. Belle Birlieck, Harem and BellonI, Mecrs Bros., disterj Burt, tbe Fansoms, lAveoder and Tbomsoa, Alber- tosand BtrlraiD, the UoreUas, Kclntjre and lleatb, Hoiwll Bros., Jobnnle Carroll, Hand Harris, Pearl Hamilton and Weber and Fleloa. RepreaenlailTes: William F. Fky, Hex Fields, Joe Vlon and Peter S. Clark. Kaaters of tnnaportatlon: JobnOodj.Cbas. Smilb and Joe WUIIoms. JoiiN BouroH bu formed a partneiablp with Moe. Adellna for tbe purpose of prodaclug an eUboratloa of his well known feat of catching a cannon ball flritd wItb powder from a full elzed cannon. Hme. Adellna, Ills claimed, will be tbe oolj woman doing Bils sort of an act, and If his present psans ate sncceeaful their work should be aiiended with considerable success. They promlae HnoreltTln Its waj, and will aoonbeln readiness to begUi Ihelr seeoon. HowLir, HATII.A^D t Co., mualo pabllahers, of this city, hare purobosed tbe catalogue of Wn. Slafer, tbe director of Hjde ,V Bebinan>sThestT<8, Uiooklyn, Including bis well known aongs, "(lood Fttends, True Friends" (lunc br Uelene Mors), "A UlUe White Uce nandkerchlef," "Mr Heart Re- ntslns With You" and "Back lo Hj Cblldhood'e Home." TbesesongB are In tbe repertorr otieveral promlueot aingera. and, no doubt, will tM beiird honi Ihli seawn, aa will also the new noes Mr. SUfer la now writing for this nru). Tber bave Hido secured tbe publishing rights to Chsa. T. Ellbi' new Bonis, which will be auog h; blm In bis new pkj, "Tte Alsatian." C'aARUT UuMOKD bss been engaged I'or two weeks at Frank Hall'a Oaaluo, Cblcago, 111., and will then depart for Kansas CItj, Ho., to open the Hesaon wllh Stetson's Comedians. The tour will iiegin SepL a, and tbe company will Include, besides Hr. Diamond, tbe three Slalen UeUton, Jobn Raltn, l.ulu Ttles, Usrry Roblnwn and tbe Trocooero <|uartet. U. K. JoHS-goK Informs usthst Qad Wilson bar iieen granted a divorce from Fred Uarkle, wllh pennlS' Nion to use her maiden name. Kelene Uejer. Tni Dautons opened at Uopklna' Theatre, Obi- (ago. III., Aug. II. UariaCoHE.'* la BlnglngIn Cblcago, at ibeOljmplc TUeaire, and plajs the Usaons' lluof Osrdeu ne.xl veek, pTevlou>ioopenlngatllTde&llenman'8,Aug. m. wbere he will slug Ohas. K. Harris' new song, "Uatler than Oold," also "Cost Aside." Tils SjiLiiiBOS will open an engagement Aug. 2e wllh "Tbe Solderand n;" Co. Ttnt S. OuRiB will be a reprcHentatlvo with Weber i Fields' Vaudeville Club Co. tbhi sesiion. CoaaRotnTiND Qbrtii OiLSONars singing the kteai ballad, enutled "I Love You Botb." It has made a bit for each of these well known elngem. Buiuiis9itni UOYTare ncorlug well with their mnl Swlaa bell chimes snd Inll hsts, closing the oMo at aermaola Park last week. Tdb KKtr BONO, "The Teacher and the Boj," br the authors of "Tne Little Lost Chlld,"lt hi ntaieil, promlan to bo among tbe aucceaeca. Jos. W. DUm A CO. are the pnbilsheni. FlBLBS t HlNSOK'S Uhawino Cahos Will bo coin- nosed aa follows: John F. Fields, sole owner;James D. Fljnn, bualuess manager In sdvsuce; Jack Rob- bins, asslstsnl agent; 3sm HIndes, slags msnager; Sammr Qreen, moater meobaiilc; Fields and llao- son, musical team; Joe FIvnn, parodist; Fbyllla Allen, coBtrallo; Um and UuBler, hanlolsts; Jontf La Flear, acrobat; Lalor and Chester, Irish com^ dians; Carroll and HInes, pbintatlon act; Weatou Bisters, dancers; HcCarthv and nsynolds, sketch learn, and Charles F. Oaleue and hia troupe of monkeys. The show will plaj weeks, of which onlj two weeks ate one nlghtstsnda. Joe Flynn's afterpiece, "SuUlvan's FllrlaUon," will close the sbow. TsooAOBBO TAI70BVILII! KOTn.-0'auai, the French mimlo from Follea Bergerea, Paris, baa been eagaoed by Uanagor ZlegfPid for bis Trocadero Vaudevlllea. Bandow bas been honored by a call from the Rmperorot Qermany, and will appear before bis bigbncss, In private, next month, after which Ur. Sandow will aiU direct bere, to begin bis farewell tour. Thirteen acta will be the numlier nreseuted by tbe Trocaidero Vaudevlllea. Uanager Xlegfeld eaystbat thirteen hi bis lucky number. TBI LAlCJr FDBIICATIO!! Of THE OOTnAH UOUC Co. laa UklngsaUietlo ballad, enUUed "When Ills Love Qrew Cold." The publlahen have submitted It to a number of arUsta, Inoludlng Luckle Tburlow, Mlou Rawlaton, Ceo. J. Onskin and others, and they will all use It the cooing season. They have compUmentsd it highly. "Obe's Nobody's Oirt But HlD«" u Uking well and the pnbllsbere epesk of It as a certain succwa. Haawm and Bownis opened st'tbe Orphenm, San Frandsco, Oal., Aug. (, and mot wllh success. They sre booked over tbe Otpheum clrcun. SinraiKD, the mimic; reiiueais us to deny the recent report thst be bad signed with a butlesi|ue company. "KISMET, or THE TWO TANGLED TURKS" A comic opera. In two acts, book by lUcbanl F. Car- roll, music by Qusuve A. Kerker, wss presented lor ino iiBt time on any stage July e, at the Tremont Theatre, Doeton, Haas. The story: tfuaiaphellet, llie late Sultan of Turkey, left a peculiar will In which be decrees ibst tbe Ont ohfidof either his ■ob>Ua«!als,or his daughter, llanudamua, ahould innent the crown and the peraonal property due on exalted personage, but only on condlUon that this chhd ahould be a boy. This propo- BlUoa, made by the Hum, excited great 1n- lereal, and was given so much attention mat the royal children could not dbnbey IL Bo when a girl Is tbe dist fruit of tbe marriage of IIUDidUDuaU) s forsln nriDC^ Ihe li diuulwd u • i"r «M bioosbt np u Uia BalUm a man. Tffa follo'lni "f ' a bar Is btin. but his paranu hara u illi- ("■"" "bn as* F'ri. lor, aeconllns lo aaoUwr cUuia ii Uw ' 7'"- •«»«"' dilU l« » boy bi muu b« ^t^M)*! lo Uie Boiphoma. Tlili boj, Ihtn. Is raacKl u H*w»;"fi'lptlneaiisqueanamonii vomto. Tlietnt "^r^ the nsl dauihlar, b««omM Sullan lo her lata 'r"'^' pla«a,oraran*, and la a vary pfopar jauna panoo, havlos baan broufht up, aa ««n ai bar ajiur brottar, under tha dlrecllnn of auoocha, auparlo- UQilad by Uia BullanValkla. KolalUiiUadlua the .,.1. ronoil BulUD haa Mas riirolih«< «ltJi Ivo huDdred wiTei. be caonot oiaka lore t» ur of ilMm: buLrMllilna llial he la nol or ,?L'''?'^'aa kind ha, Kttmat. anlaru Idu> DaKollaKoos > Ui Ihrae pnoclMllUas, Cliwali, Alslaia aad Moncw, uliaiaby ooaol Uialrpnocaa la to marry lha "baaalliul prluaaa," tod Utuaeoatloualha Unaor poatarlty. Tiro wtha oDToya arrlTo lo dlasulaa-frlou Oaall. or Ho- TOO, and Sun, the Day orAlalera. Tlior Uralan lo Ux ■laaitoTllahlai, UiabwiuUrul prlncaaa(l) Tba iblid an. voT. rtoBi Ulrcaaalt, la hahl up In tr.a mounulna by tWMIlA sne hbi cradantlata aiolan. beror* Dan do Lron, an inata frio Unc«. who niabaalo raacuo him. cmnaara MapraptRjandhla Ufa. Dan da Lion, borarar, ukai Blaea and airlToa lo Tortor with lha craJaoUaK ns hlnaoir off aa lhoCln:aaaUo prinea. 01 <our»« -batuunil prlncau" will nol fall In loia wllh BID, not laarea many vnya of man snd flndl oul kin rati an: uuL on Uio olhar liand. Kla mat. Uia anppoaod Bollaa. flnda bar haarl bnnlni a •pnao faablon. and rana ramplauir In k»a wllh ■ba diahlns yonna bUda. Finally, all nmpllcaUonJ arlUns from tha '^li.up"ara aal arisbtaad all lunu oat wall; Klamat alvoa up Uio Uirona and haeonaa a .V"?*!- "l>oaul'fal pnocaaa" la hiralahad wliMba liablllmonta and ptansttlvoa of a man aad al- todoijba PlaiMa Uio Bollaa. Tliocaal: Kli mot, LItila Hadflcliol; Oilochllla. Hairy Oaraopon: Dan d« Lros. Anbroy Booeleaolt; Ovah. Wlllkm Bckootor: Bum, EdwanI B. Wonlnonh; BoJah, llaloa WaUi; AJoab, Bdwaid H. Catnll; Naaban, Cbarlaa Wtaloo: Abarnlkia, Jaaaaua Bl. liaair; lamadamu^ ^<ln Ralmor: ntMa. Kaonio MorM; Laull, KaUla j^sr; KoDdJIh aal. Habal Irrlna; IWaooala! Ilnala Dnbor: Loaa, Maadllioniaaa, aad IIaMa•^ Ble^id f. PENNSYLVANIA, PhlUdelphU—The Auditorium, National, Foiepaggb's snd People's open the latter end of ihli week, when theatricals will begin to get lively Bgila. Charlea II. Yale's "New lievU'a AucHon" It to be the sttiacUon at the Andltortnm, where H opens Mb season. At the NaUonal R. N. Stepheni' new melodrama has lis Ont pndncilon on any *^^.""'" <><" **>h the advanuge of veir "fetching" paper. Forepaggh's Slock Ooinpani, ff^.*'„'''^f'"» Holntyre, opens In "Harbor Ughts," and at tbe People's 'The Derby Han:ol" U the ansplclonaly named opening attraction. Ilutl. new the post week has been sobcted sllghuy by the exceedingly hot weather. a / / ««> Tbm Buoy.-For week of Ang. 12: SadI AlfaraU, acrotMtandeQDlllbrlat, makes hugnt appearancs P."*!-.?'.''"** <ho National Trio, old favor- ■tea, wtu be seen. HsrKneritawlllappearlnacont4>r- don act, enhauoed by electrical eilbcis, and Qllmoie and Leonard, Una and VanI, Tony and Elmer, fan- tastic dancers, Hanay Broihera, NelUe Seyunnr, llawley and Uoyle, Boyd and Ralston. Borelll and Alma, the EllnoreSlsleis, Kelly and Flugerald.and l.'.f'"-f"* "P 'he long and alitacan bUL The attendance lost week woa very Urge, tbe theatre being crowded many evenings. Tni Lrcxux.-Hlaco'a Cliy anb Buriewiue Co. la the current atlracilon, having opened Uanagrr Jennoa's regular aeaaoo, 10, wlUi a packed hniat, although It waa the hottest night ot be Summer. Tbe show Is sn unnsuslly good one. Tbe aceneiy and coanimes are new and rich, tbe electrical eirects elaborate and the performers able. Tte opening burletu Is "The City Club In Osy Pstee," Ii la followed by an olio. In which appear Tom Solen, Bnani and Fulton, Fred Bula, Ihe SUteni Hllbnm, Paulo and Illka and (ibaries V. SMmon, and the performance closes with a funny burieua, enUUed "A Templing Town." The MayTtmple Buricaque Company ended their successful cngaie- mentg. Nona. —Fanny Hclntyre plays for two weeks only St FOTspaugli'sThestn, opening 17. She then de- Krts for Ssit Uke City, where she Is engaged as uHng lady of the stock company BnalKn Hanaier F.. P. Simpson Is bsck and In hsmeai lor Ihe Winter aeasoD. He shows a line list of bookings tor the People's Theatre ^Tben the Nailoial opens, 17, It will beone of tbe handsomestlbeairesln town. Uanager Kelly has mode Iraporiantlmprore- menta In Besting arrangenwnta, electrical plant and decorations, which latter are to be white and gold. Tbe large vestibule bi eepcdslly ornate Tlie Republic Rsomed Its Mps u> Cape Hsy II, after an Idleneaa of twelve days, caused by a broken shsft Tliere was a well aiiended athleilo sbow at tho Winter CIrcas lo. Ibli Fllzslninionaappeared Ina ball punching and Imln- hig exhibtilou, Ernest hoeber In challenge wnsi- lliig, Duncan 0. Rosa and Tbeo. Heldke In a wreadlnit match, and deo. Brown and P. J. Orlllln In lumping and shot putting Jamea J. Onrbeit ana his nine of actors played a game of baseball against a nine of local sponlng writeni at FrHnllln Field, Tbirty.tbird and South Streeu, last Saturday afternoon. Hr. Curbelt played Orat bore, and Ibe "actors" won by a ac(nor62to li A new opera, entitled "Tbe Patriots," by William Carter and J. Adier, It In said will soon bo produced here. union Abom Opera Co. Is raponed bonked for Forepsngh's .Lincoln Park wss crowded Saturday night, and Pain's llreworka epecta:le, "The War Between China end Japan," woa a big and brilliant eucceaa Corlteltand Fllzslmmons, who both played here Saturday, met In tireen's Hotel after the performance and had a tow, wblch was stopped by the police. PItlsbnrg.—KverylhlDg la cherry ripe for tho opening of the BIJou Aug, 22, wllh George Thaulicr and Carroll Johnson's UlnslrelB Nelson Roberts aialea that be will open ihe Dnqucne for theses- son of 18Bi-s on Sept. B Percy Cooke, wbo re- cently made a successful debut here In "Tbe Red iJueen," hu been engaged by Jamea 0'.Velll to play Fernanda In "Uonle Crisin" and Lucius In "Vlr- glnlns" neit season Acting Manager Hatir c. chwab, of the New (Irand Opera House, la In iSew York, cooipletlDg hIa bookings fortbecomlngfed- aen Salvlnl will be one of Ibe esriy aitreu- tlnns at Ihe Alvln HInole Haddem Flake writos tbatshe will begin hrr seaaou bere SepL 30, snd play the principal clUsd In tlioSculbera, Uld- dle and Western Slatea Uarie Batea, who has lieen summering near bere, spmlned her anklo laii week. She expects to visit Asimry Park, N. J., Rhortly. 3ho waa a favorite ooubrette here at the Old Plltalinm Opera Houae, afterward Harris' Thea- tre, In Ihe old atck company days, when her hus- band, Ihe Iste Hark Dates, was lesiling man at the same honae Reynolds' Circus (a e.xblblling with success lu our suliurbsn towns and giving great aailsfacllnn. It la due In llomeslead 12 Harry Williams hasnlurned from his vscatlon at the Btathore.... John A. Paluier,press repreaenlatlreof the lluqiieane, hoa lately lieen Idenlllled with (,'anary k Lederer. K. B. Rite and Chas. Prohman Harry Walker, of the Academy of Uuidc, liai re- turned from a Summer vacatfoit Bpenlauoui tbe Canadian Ukes "RuOnss," a new romsntlo tragedy, by Edward lAogner, a well known sctor sndphvywrigbt of this city. Is to be produced at the Xew Orand Opera House Aug. 2B, for Ibe drat time on any etage. and will be repeated at Ihe lanie place ao and 31. The acene Is laid lu Italy, stonly stter the downfall of the Roman Empire The many frlentls here of Ihe well known playwright. Qeorge V. Jenks, bo long of thbi city, but now of New York, nympatbizedeeply with him Inblerecent bereavement lu the death of his wife, who was killed 7 by a fall frem tbe second story of ber lius band's home In Brooklyn Peter Ieony,a Swbis, wbo waa In Ibe employ of Lulu Olaser, Ihe comic opera aoubntte, committed aulolde near hen 7 by throwing himself In front of a moving railway trahi. He hod been 111 and deapondeot toraome time paat. A letter, addressed to Ulaa Olaaer, which be had]utt mkon from the pott oince, waa fomid In his poeaessloD. RcaillDg.—Tomlluson's Comiij Compaur baa tjeen tnoked for the BIJou Theatre for week or Aug. 2< Ue Leon, who styles himself the Demon ot the Deadly Oumnt, draw large ciowds to Mineral Springs July ai to Aug. 3 A charity concert by tbe Uarmonle Haennerchordrawn good sladau- dience at the Neveniink Uounlaln Hoiel Aug. I C. Fred Cope, fancy and trick bicycle rider, will give exhibiuons at Ihe Honnt Penn Cravliy Tower week otAng. 12. MASSACHUSETTE Boatan.—Tha hum ot prepantlon for the Fall and Winter season of 189S-'e Is beard upon every band In our tilg sbow booses, and psinten, carpen- teiB and other Interior decoraton In thhi line are pulling lu silver ahekebi galore. BOBTOH TiiiATSB.—Manager Kugene Tunpklna spent oonslderable money during tbe Hummer months decorating tbla houae, aud It inaent- ed a very bright and new appearance Aug. 10, when Ceo. Thatcher and Otrroll Johnson's Twen- tieth Century Hlnatrels gave the opening per- formance ol tbe season to a very large audi- ence. Tbe show Is a good one and the cont- Gny nomben some clover people among lis meoi- rs. Tbe entertainment opens with a tint part scene entitled "Tbe Electric Pabice" and cloaca with "The Sldevrslhs ol New York." Neit week tbe Dvme Bros, come hera with their "New KIght Bella." Cabiu Sqdau TniUTRi.—Satorday evening, Ang. 10, marketl the one bitudredth consecutive nenoroianco of opens st this house. Usnanr Hose nas found bla opera season highly prodtaale, aud will probat)ly continue It until Sept. I(, perhapa longer. 'The Orand Dncbess" proved a msgael weekols. "Amoriia" Is announced for 12. UOWDOIH B^DARB TuxATRB.—"LoBtlo N6T York" played to good bualneBi week of i. Waller Ken- nedy, lo "Samson," comes 12. Week of 19, "The Brooklyn Handicap." THKHOKTTaBATBX.—"KbBnet,orthe TwoTangled Turka," played Its farewell week, lieglnnlog Aug. t, 10 fair business. "The Sphlox" will ntum 12. HowAUD ATUIH.ROH.—Tbla houae, which opened 6, enjoyed good attendance durlag the week. For week of 12 tile bill Includes sn Egyptian balet feotl- val, led by Hlle. Eulalle, foUowed by the Trilby quadrille groupings and an Amazonian allegortrsi mareb. in the variety show era Tom Hyan and Hay RIchAeld, Jamea Flrnn and Hand Walker, Ueo. and Hay Lundgrcen, Fred Warrcn and Allle do llablan, Joe Uoirard and Ida Kmeison, Kay Waki Ireland, tbe Bamit Uroa., Habel Uudaon. (lus Rich- ards. Teslle and l/ird, Thomas and Wabms. Bro«)ks and Dsly, and the Howard Comedy 0>. In a wind np Uetch. Karm'a TiiBAni.—The management of tbhi house announce for week of 12 the loUowIng speclsliy and vanderille stare, In eoojuncllon with the memben of the Boston Symphony Orcbeaiia, whose concertB draw crowds to Ihe boose: John Thomas, Smith and Oook. F. M. Hall, Will II. POx, the lUsnhone Shdat^ NelUe Walan, ihe Oahf' onla Oomedr Trio, Ihe Bexton Brao., Bedding an) SUiton, Ihe Waterbnry Broa, Chos. Robinson, nanler aad Jairla, Dllee and Sidney, and T. P. (Inutf the pbenomlnal one legged dancer. Ai-snK k Stoni's UrantH.-Heaam. Stone i Shaw advertise s strong bill ot noveltlaa lor week ot II. Friaurily they hsve In lh« lecture hall the famous horse ■■Oonner,'' also the iMcola family of Neapolitan Hlnatrels, tho Henules Oordoo and other novelties. On the stsge will be neeb. In hourly shows, Jennie Honllo'a Irivky spaniels, Balsly snd simonds, Kennedy siid giilnn, BIsten (loldamltb, Anrx) snd Nonnsn, William II. Watts, Stewart snd allien, Ihe Burke Rroibenit Harry a Banlett, Edgar and Curran, Chartes H. Iiean, the Francois Troupe, Ihe Tanakr Family, Tom and UtUe Lake, WliUe Willie Wilson, Kalberine Ko- blna, Ollle Deamonda and the navolU Urolhers. Paiaci TaiATBL-F^irwcok of }1 Uanager "Oua" White pbicanls "HIas Beacon Oanlner's Pink Tea" sa a ourtsin raiser, together wllh the iiuHe«i|ue ot "Shrlllbe;'' also ibo llrat appearance Iblsaeiison ot Janiits B. and FSony liouovau, Irish comlques. In tbe variety are lillled Horrisseyand llcaley, Thomas J. Clark, Violet SI. Ualr, HIa and Jules Oarriaon, Howard snd St. Clair, Geneva Aniell, Joe llarrimn, Kllle Albion, Cora Williams, Joale Kmeryand that Erime comedian, tins Hills. Buslncasat Ibis houne as Improved very much since the sdventuflUis While SB manager and his arllsila lobby dlsptsys sre marked features. Orand Hi-SBun.-Uanagcr Ullirop's South End hoose opens 12, with "Tbe Uuigtsr," sugcd with a strong cast and dltlngly scuned and set lo the vaadevllle show ere some very strong drawing cnrdB, among them being Carmanelll and Lurllle. Horion and Slater, hlsk and Wallnn, Aids N. Ar- BMur, Ihe Do Wolf Slsteni, Geo. Kane lOennan comlone), Mia Oaytnn, Wm. Uoura. FrenBle Daly, Jel VInceul, Frank lUley, and Ibe Grand Huseum Co. In liiirle^ue and comeAly spcclaltlnt. Lyobux Tu kAnK. -Once more to tbe front coiuen the Ijcenm Theatre, again with Geo. II. Batchcllcr as leasee and manager, who announces bis re opening lor week ot 12, tvlih tbe American Comoily Ijiiartel, Klrairys Grand lUllet ami a good varioly bUL .Vtn^-llehearsals of "The Night Clerk" liogan at Ibe llollls Street Theatre last Uiinday Tresn- iirerSaul/. Hamllburg, iil ttio Park tlieatre, whh presented by his wife with a baby my on Aug. A. .Frank TanneblU Jr. waa In town last week. It Is Bald that Uanagere Atkinson and Calder'a production of "In Sight of St. Paul's," at tbe Uowdoln s^pisre Theatre, In the near future, will tie one ot the moat elniiorately stageii pfodnctlons ever mounted In thUi country Msnager and I'nprietor Geo. K. Lothrop, ot tbe Howard Atbenicuiu and Grand Hiiseuiii, was at lost accounts In Auisierdain Tbe (Innd Opera House, with Its experimonial cuntlnuous "revolving TsudevlUe eliow," will open IM doors IB for tho sea- HOn of lsB3-n, under tho inHuagomeiit ot Uanalleld Jl Mageo Frank (I. SUmey. the woll known niUHlcal director of this city, will conduct llio ur- chealiu at ilie Oraml Open lloiiae during Ihe com- ing scamn. Lyna.—At Ibo Lynn Ttiraln iho snksan for ItDVa 0|iens Aug. 16 wllh Cosgmvo k grant's comedy. "Tbe Ibizzler," to bo (olluweil by Tony Pastor It, Joe Oil, In "Tho Siar Gazer," 3); May Irwin, In her new play, "Widow Jones." -Ji; "Tlio Whito Squadroo" 24, "Eight BelU" .'•i. and ",t Qreen Goods Han" 31. When tho sfasuii cloactl In June Managers Dodgu and Harrison liegan a care- ful renovation of Ibe theatre, and so ilinreugbly boa this work been carried out that tlio patruus will hardly recognize II. The nbige lias iieeti ci)Ul|ii)od with more than double tho amount nt electric lights of last season. The whole sugo scenery bos liocn renslnted and sn entire new set hss licen added. 'Tlie auditorium has not hcoii neglected, and the ciilire house has a pleasing freshness about IL HMic Hall Is also owned and lonirnllcil tiy Ueasra. Doilge .1c Harrison, ami ibi-y lutvebHditio house repaired and lieaullileil Ibis Hiiiiimcr. The scawiii at this house will oiwn SepL 'i, wllh llimili A Kiidd's"Old WoriO,"wbli'b iilayaa week's engage- ment, lu llie future only ibu Ihwi niiern anil biir- lesiiue comnaules on tho roud will epiiear lirrc. Gosiur.—Norrls llrns.* dug and iwiiy show playod herab, 9.10, to good biisliicas, and thru wrntin Safem lore three daya' engagement Harry I'. Goes, SBSIstant treasurer at Ihe Lynn Thratn, will act as treasurer of Hessrs. Dodgo k llsrriwin'a Norwich, Coun., theatre tbe conilng Bfason, and Uldle W. Donohoe, of llibi city, will have chargu of ilie out- side advertlalug work there. Lawell.—At the Ukovlew Tlieatra "Ulllee Tay- lor" has proved a big drawing cnril nnd played to large bouses- "Tho Uoscoi" la the next opera on lite Hal, WILLOW Dalk PABK.--AI. Andcrson'H (>)lonil t^ticen Co. Is Sim drawing tho people, and will remain auntber week. OPBitA IIOL'i(B.-Coagrove k Grant's "The Daz- zlor" Co. open the aeaaon at this houae Aug. 17. TiiR iNDiA.v Saowa Co. Is doliigs One liiiHliien here. Olsk Forrst.— Arion. aerial blcyi:llsl, cornea 12, for week. I'nln'a "Fall of Pompeii" drew largo houaea week e nding lu. Pall RlTer.*At Lincoln I'ark. during week of Aug. 6, large crowda were entertained by the fol- lowing people; Osrdin and I'ralte, Kelly and Pbelan, KItlle I'naer and tho Ulgglna Brm. Aug. 7 a con- cert waaalven by lllll'sNew Uedfonl UanU; s. Rich's tamouB Steamer I'riacllla Ihtnd. Week of 12, Aii- derson'u Hlualrel and Comedy Co. NOTis.»lt Is rumored lliat Col. Austin snd A. U. White, of the Palace Theatre, lloiton, Han., will ahorily open tbe Rock SIreet Theatre, furmeriy known as the Columbia Allaire lints., club awlngen. are pranilclog a new act, which they will pnton this aesson. BprlBjgBald.'Tbatcbcr Johnson's Hliislrebi practically opened Ihe seaaun at Gllroore'a Uourt Square Theatre Aug.v. to large business. The com* panywaa well received, the speclsllles lieing on- UHUally good, coiislnling of Ihe tlallln Bbdera, Geo. Thatcher, Haniza and Amn, and Ihirker and Richie. Booked 14, Touy Pastor. OHIO. CIsTelmBd.—Boohlnga now Indicate that there will lie an early opening of the scoauii ot llH-ui. Uoslaesa here seems to be much belbir, and a geo- enlly prosperaus year Is anticipated. The rumor still continues sa to a new hiiuaa wblch la to Iw built at once. Nothing dcllnlte, however, can laf leaned. liii.THORrn'B Garsin Tiibatbx. —Tbe Hurray Une Opera Co. played to large audiences during Ibe past week, giving the "IJIy of KlUareey." Tbo company la now losing some of lis inemltem, who are going Eaat to Join their companlea prepantorr to tbe regular aeaaon. Ily special rei|ueH("Amorlla'' will lie given week ot Aug. 12. Ei'cuu AriNux OrsRA llofax—This la the laat week of "Sappho," Uu Houcbell's lieaulKiil paint Ing. Buslneas sllogelber was aatlsfacloiy. The house cleaning la stll) going on sod the drat gun of the sesaon will lie Ored 12, when Flold'a HInslrebi vrtll be Keen. Pars Pavilion.— Boalnewi at this nwirt aim con- UoueB very good. During tbe past week the new faces were the De Greatis, gymnasia; Toii-Ksm, Japaneae tanlalahit, aaslsted by Nunua: Alma Uouib, conUirtlonUt, and Teed and Teed, Oennan come- dlana. Chas. Diamond, barpUt, will lie niellar at- traction next week. Euclid uxacu I'abx.— Com Beckwith, awlromer, and tbe Great Western Band were Ihe altiacilons the past week. BaniaDelll, hypnotist. Is tbe special attncUon week of 12, during which time he Is to hypnotize a boy, keeping him In tills slate for eight consecnUve dsrs. CUBL—Vivian Ogden, of Cleveland, left for the t;asi during Ihe post week to Join (lusuve Frota- man's forces Oscar Olrerd, cimedlan of the Hunay-Lane Open Co., abw departed last week, to Join the "Hob Hoy" Co Kdwin HllUiri llnyle and Selena Feller Hoyle, together wllh Hauager Arihur C. Aralon and company, will laegin nbear- sals for Ihelr new play. "Mexico," at the Euclid Avenue Opera Itouee, IB Hargiicrite Wuerix, rlollnUt and proUfge of Jobn D. Itockefeller, was manled at her realdence here, 8, lo Celeailn Wehrte, a BOO-profeMlooal. The couple left at once and will make an extended tour of Karope Ilarry P. Hums, treaaurer ot the HurTBy-I^ne Open (»., and bbi wife, Ida iMter, departed past week for .New York, wbere they wlU Join the IM Wolf Hopper Oo. Hiss l«iter ibis year Ukes Ihe role of the sleepy giri, aucceedlog Jennie OoMtbwalie. One of the features of tbe "Uly of Klllamey," glren by the Hurrar-IaneOpenOo. last weak, wss tba Irish reel snd Jig dancing by Jeienilab O'Uoa nor and Fred Crooks. OaytMS,—At the West Bids Show OnnDdB the production ot "Sodom and GonwiBh" liy Ihtytoo neople was tsiriy wsU attended doting the week of Iti no, Ang. I-B. Although Ihe spsctattilar faalinea were poor, the Hreworka were op lo the (tondanl of Pain's prodncllooa. Orahd OrisA llai<aB.—Reheanala an progivss- Ing dally, and evetyihlng la gatUBg ahaiied np for Billy Van'a Big Hlnatrels, that open this houss Ang. 14. They Intend to ont on sn origlDal apeotacnlsr llfst nan. The oUo laoladea Howe and Renis, Bwlft and Chase, StewanSlatenandBIUy Van. The aw- formance will conclude with liddleHoran'aaoveliy, rndilrd"IbeItanceoftheSeaaona." Thenatcrot the company Is as foUowa: Wm. II. Cunis, manager: John w. Voegel, geoenl repieoentallva; Honon Dare, nnna agent; W. Clay Waldorf, fontgn repre- sentative; Donald llarrigan, treasurer; Horsman llemdon, contracting ogenl; Dan tlnlnlan, stage director; Riibl. ("amrcbael, mualoal director; ram Lewis, Billy Vsn, Kddle lloran. Master Webb, Stew- an Slstei*. Swift and Chase, Rowe and Hsnts, Dan ijnlnlan, llany Olllieri Caaile, Alex. Cameron, t«a- my Carey. J. W. Unatlaway, K. J. Devannsn, Hnrt Kpler, J. P. De Homis, Reuols Tbnialea, Pico Oslea, Hanunau llerodon, Pete Cannon, Donald llarrigan, Clarence Riimmell, L. B. Diamond, W. W.Hcott. F. F. Iltmll, Tom llayUnd, W. D. Smith, Harry Kla- aell. John F. Hnion. J. V. IMIley, F. B. llerriok, W. D. Henetee, W. 0. Waldorf end Hurion Date. Pars Thrathil— This houae opena wllh "Glll- hnuley'a Troubles" 16. SouuBHS' Hoki ToiATHR opsns Sept. 1 wllh Flunlgan'a UaU." Toledo.—At llohlBon'a Casino for week of Aug. 11, the following bill waa pieaanlad: Bark Ben Achmofs troupe ot aonbatlo Anba: Roberis and Allen, vocallsw; Ihe llempeeys, botoImIIo comedy Blare; lUcbord O'Ooiraan, eharaoter dialect come- dian, and Ihe Burts In aketches. rxoi'Li's TiiRATBC.—Ths prsllmlnaty oeataon opened week ol 11. wllh "The Seoul," a typical drams of lite In the far Weal. SlaiabsaiTilla—At Iho City Opera hniiae the demreton are at work brightening np thing* for Billy Van'a opening, Aug. M. Tun LONDON TnuTHR trill lie eoilrely new from Ibe front door lo Ihe rear wall. Tho new aoenery bl veiy imtiy. A fnll oraheatm will be one et the new (catunis Intrmluced this noaaon, whioh opena Sept. J. Zaneavllle. — Billy Van'a Hlnatrels open ScUulix'a Opera Houae tor aeaaon Aug. 23 Frank Todd baa JolBOd AI. 0. Flehl'a HInslrels Herb Hebilngis wllh the FOnesI Comedy Company 08 musical dlreolor. la^a MICHIGAN . Uetrollt—WbDnsy'sUrand opera House was the lint house to open lha season. "Tonneosee's Parri- ner," with Cora Van TsMiell as the aUr, pbiyed week of Aug. 1, to good buslnesn. R. N. Stephens' "On tho Suwsnee Hirer" will he gives Its tint prolua- Hon 11, and this will be followed by "The Defaulter." Omi'HBLL'H KiinRBTitgAT>i.-Thla houae iBskeH a departure tor this aeaaon, opening Sunday, Aug. II, wllh a conilnuouB show. The new liualnesa nusnsgcr Is K. L. WalMler, for several yesra paat nwiiager of Ihe Peaeey Optra Houae, at .'IIouk Oily, la. Tno Empire Is now connected wllh the Hop- kins continuous performance olreult, embracing theatres In Hu loiib. Chicago, <.1nclBnall, liushurg and Detnili. Tbe bill tor tlihi week Is "Slrloken Blind" and the fallowing vaidevllle spechtlllni: llllly Emenon, the HsnhaUan Comedy Four. IJrjJe andVlnIo Ualy, Bernard Dyllyn, Halsiiiiia, D'lleril, Irene Rice and Ihe Kllpatrioks. TiiK DirrsoiT opens Isle in August with Kellar, magician. WoNiiBRUND opens week at v>. HCRAr<i.-Ward and Yokes, who have lioen re- hearaing bere tor the post tbree weeke, opcD Ihelr show. "A Run On The bank," at l/milon, Mich., It. .. .."A Cracker Jaok," wllh a now feature, "aUtile dnriiey Intnil," will open at DeOance, I)., Aug. 19. ■♦■ Naglnaw.—AI Newell'a Pavilion "The llavellen" Slayed to good bualnoss week of Aug. t. Gavin i treetf r pby a return engagement week of U. TUB AvAnRHV or Ht'aiv win open It, wllh Itorhiw Uniihen' Mlnatrela. "The Defaulter" followa IB. N0TR.-Jack UcAullire gives s spurring exhibllinn Arbiter Hall, aanbited by local Ulenl, jBckaM,-Pawiiee mil's Wild West gave a good eniorialniiient In two Immensa audiences Aug. 1. Bartow Bros.' HInslrels ooms U Wra. Wsrmlngion, msnager of "The Old llomeolead," and Hike Tobln, ot Jarolis' Theatre, Newark, sre spending Ihelr yscaUun here. ALABAMA. Blrmlagkam,—O'Urien's Opera House ha« lieen thoroughly cleaned and repainted Inside, and IH now ready fur Ihe coming sesson. Kaht Lark I'Akk.—Ths H. A. Reach Comedy Co. closed a week's engagement Aug. I,Uifalrbuslnraa. LAXkViBw Ui'iRA Hoi'BB.-1he HurcskaOptra Uo. opeiu 11, for one week. MME. CEORCINE VON JANUSCH0W8KY Was bora In lllmuelz, Poland, but qulle early In llfu removed to Vienna, when ahe received her educa- tion. Her father, who died prior to her removal from her nuiire place, woa George obm-Januschoir' shy von WIssehnd, an officer In tho AuslriaB army, and afterward adhitlngnlshedrdllnr. Her mother, Jnlla Hotthay, llanntssvun KaUlebrunn, hod a floe voice, wblch would pnbaMy have won tor herfame upon the stsge, bad not her consUtuHonal timidity prevented her nom thus aeehlng Isurels. Her two dsugbten Inherited ber vocal ability, and the auD- Jeot ot Ibis sketch nsng In a church oholr when only seven yean old, and, aa she advanced IB yean, frequently wig In amateur concern. Her profes- sional debut, however, which ocouned about twenty yeare ago, waa mode aa an actresa In a dra- malic company which pbiyed In Htultgari, Ug< mnringen and Ulm. Owing lo her vocal alilUly however, she wss occasionally given email aarta In coiiilo open. The tolloirtng season ahsplsyed In Oraiz, snd sfurwsrd In Vienna, at tbe lueeira an der Wcln, where abo succeeded Harie OeMUigsr. She neit went lo the Sladl Theatre, In Lelpslo, where sho was Iho soubretie for two yean. Imme- diately fallowing this engagement ohe came to America, her Omt engagement In Uils conBlry hav- ing lieeB glren her by Adolph Nanendortf, of wlioa she Is uow the wife, and wbo was at lhat Hum man- ager of theOenuanla Theatre, uow Tuny Faslor's. Sne remained fur ssvenl Bcosous ths aouhrette ot Mr. NouendonPa company, sad Id isiia she made ber debut In Kagllab comic opera, at the MJoo Ibe- atra, Hoatnn, Mass., singing In "The Beggar Sin- deni" and "A Trip to Africa." She waa next en- gageil by OoL John A. HcUaull for the Ckalno, la this city, when ahe sang In "The Utile Duke" and In "Prince Holbusalem." She temporarily retired from the slags at lbs close et thbi engsgemsnt, and devoted two yean lo study, and at Ins end ot that perioil. In ItW, ohe was engaged bs Hr. SUulon lo slug ths mhior dramatic rules during tha aeaaon of German opera atthe HetropoMUn Open llouae, thU city. The fallowing season she wsa engsged, along Willi Xelle IM Lussan and Pauline L'Allemand, as one ot the prima donnsa ot the Boston Mesls, irlth which company sbs sang Marguerite, In "Faust"' Hichaela.ln "Uarmen;" Leonora,lo"llTnvalore,' and Agnes In "Der Frelschuetz." During Ihe two seasons next foltowlnjt she appeared with Kmma Juch'a company aa Fidelia, Druenbllde, Veoua, Elizabeth and Marguerite. In IMI she relumed to Europe, wbere ohe made a starving lour, appesriog In Hsnnbelm, Wlesliodsn, Bremen and l^gue. She was slso offtred an engagement In Vienna, but was olillged to refuse liecause of her then exlothig eontiact with Oacar Hamroetslcin, which compelled her to leuratorthe 111 fated aea- aon of open under his mansgement at lbs Hanhat- un Open lloooe, this city. In tha Hpring ot ISK> she want lo Vienna to Uka the place ot Halena at Ihe Imperial Opera House, then ahe met with giest succeM, and not only won high renown as a singer, but eoiiied for herself a reputation by her wonderful capacity for wort, tor during the two oaa- sona ahe amg there she not only never nlsoed a per- formance, but was always ready lo supply Ihe puce of any one who was 111. Hme. Januscnowahy la at preeent under engagement aa one ot the leariing draiiiallc prima donnas of the Abbey * tirau Opera Co, tor the coming seeaon at tha MstrofOhlan Opera House, tbU city. The rules ot which aha laer olsUy fond ore FIdello and Isolde. She has quenily aong the Latter psit wllh Wlnklenann In Vienna and wllh Vogel In Hunlcb, and was lo luve uing R wllh Jean de Heazke In Ixndon, hot owing til his Illness, the performance was not given, and their Joint spnannce In Ihe work wiugrstoccur during next Wislsr'a sngafement. Moe. von Jano*. chowsty reeeoily ntutned to Uila cooaUy and baa ainoa taken |aH In lhajfajperJ'eaUraj.^gUa noder Anbw BekU'a Brlghloa ii^u, whenahswlU again ha heard la eeaeanlaterln NEW YORK CITY. Lut Woek's ■weats.—Wllh Ihe advent of August we have been called upon lo endore torrid heat, and IndloaUons and prognoollcsUons foretell a continuance ot Inlensely worm weather far inlo September. Thus far Ihe heat has tieen boBeOclal to amiuiement enteiptlsea In this vicinity. Inasmuch sa II has bioreased Ihe total ot recalpla; for, while It boa dimlnlahed ihe attendance atthe few thralres that are open, It has greatly Inoreasml the liuolntsa at the nol gardens snd st the ouHylng leoorls. Although Ihe new (^11 snd Winter Bsason has really begun open Iho load and la doss at hand In ihbi clly, there Is IIUls pnllmliuiry hustle hen, and Bummer's diilluesa remains pracihsaliy unbniken. Two theatres have thrown open their doora, one of tham, however, for a prollmloary sessiui only, but there Is lliue credit or pmllt lo be gslned by snob pnolpHanoy, and nnanclal loan to some of Ihe par- ilea concerned seems Inevitable The oonllniird pertomisncos tor Ihe week ending Aug. 10 were; "TNIliy" at the GARniN, Oerman Opera at Tbhracb nARDRH and "The Sphinx" at the Oirino, the one lost roenUnned ctoetng upon that ilste The Automatic liasoliall exhibit continued at Palurr'h Tbiatbr Irwin Brothers' Urcns remained at PItiy-sevenlh Street sod Eighth Anniie, on Ihe West Hide, and llenlley>a Country Clrcun, at NInellelh Street and Kint Avooue, on the Raat aide Variety enlenalnneiit woa fur- nlahed at Ihe Union SquAHR, PHOt.'mR'a and tlio OlNTRAL OPBRA llllfRB Slid the (OllOWlSg lOuf gardena: Kiiivraa.% tliAL's, tlie HAniwN HqitinB, Hie Ahbriuan and tlio Casino At Trhbaiv iiah- DBN tho Onniled-Ferenniy 0|nm Ko, prsHcnted 'Olnme-Glrona" s and d, but owing to Uieeiidden lllneaa of Oaria Englaender "NanDn"had to lie aub- alllnledl. The following evening "The Mikado" woa prsstnied, and It remained the oilbring throughout Ibe real of ibe week At Ihe Htand- ARU TUBATHg, on Aiig. B, Celller and Htephen- aon's three act comedy opera, "linnjihy," irsa presented by tho i^omiwny, under Iho manage- mentot lleury J. ImHo, which was ncenlly heard In Ihe same work uihiu Ibe lawn at Ijtke lleorge. The houae was orowded. but, an the audience waa Utrgely coiuposeil ot protosslonala, there was avldenlly lluie money taken at Ibe box offlce. The venture was uertalnlyan iinproiiiUIng OM,aiid may Justly lie olssaed aa a piece of folly, for Ihe work not only lacked tho charm of novelty, bat had never enjoyed muob popubirily In this rlly, end Ibe tllbrt lo make It a aucueoofiil allraiiUoii hero In Ihe nionlh of August will probably reaiilt In Itsaiiolal Inoa. In spile of Ibo employment of electric fans and other cooling dovlrea tho hiiiiao was iinilonlably hot, anil even Ibe prelly iiiuslo of the iiptra tailed lo nilbi«l aallafacuirycnmponsalloii for Ihreehoiiraflr luriiire. The work was fairly well aiiiig, Iho bulk ot lha hoiiiin falling to tho male luliiclpah, Don>. thy Morton, lo whom waa cumsillltil the tlilo role, was nut originally selecKal fur Ihe task, Tbla fanl, well reinemliortil by all wlin are In- terested In dmmailo happenings, seoiuuil to have been i|Ulto forgotten by Hiss Uort4in lienelt, for ihniughout Ihe enliro evening ahe asaunitd and nialiitalntd a self Imiwrisnt Ixariiig lliat was by no iiieana JiisUaed by her parfomisiics. Her voles hi iinniiialcal and her mollind decidedly bad, Hlie aoleil with conolileralile s|ilrtt, hut with llllle dla- crailiui or gnUh. lu striking contnut to her por- formance was tlut of Hauil llolllsa. In Ihii inlo nt Lydla. This bsdy sang woll, and lier aeling was marked by sruhiieM, rednoment snd grace. Her Bleler, Hilda llnllliiM, In Ihosiiuller nils nf ptilHla, also sdiuiued borsoK wllh much orodlL Ubartes Haaaett easily won the principal liooors. Aa usual, he acted very Indlttereiiily, but he aing uharmlngly, and rarely. If ever, boa he an thoroughly illspUyril Ihe delightful i|uallty of liU voice or the aklllfiil- neaa of his msthnl. David Torrance Inlh asiig and acted wsU. Ilia voice la very luuHlcal, and U not only very ploaalng In aiUo niiailiera, butltlsut Hist qiiallly that Is especially valiuble In vnnoaned paaoages. llaall Teuton abai won honor, having tued his line lioaa voice tu much ailranlage, anil having fairly won the ciioon awanlml hlin fur his aliigliig ot tho toaat song, line of tlie chief taullaof tho oiwra Is Its biok of comedy, and upon thia occoalnti the poverty ot Ihe work lu llils respect waa only made more appareiil liy ibe futile oiDirts nl KdwanI H. Favor and KdllhHIoclalrbi supply lliadellcleooy. What Hr, Favor hnowa alaiut comedy la of rMlcu- loua proporil'>ii compared lo that kuowledgu of the aulijeot which haa thus for eluded bis grasp. The ohiiraa bad lieon well aeleoled, and did eRbcUve wort, and moat of the conoeried numliera tor the principals were wall rendered. The oiialuui- Ing was saltafaolory, iHit the euige sellings. In spite ot the reallsUo everRratna, wsre liy no lueana Imprestlve. It may lie »e>l tuauigast to llie property msn that atafelo of a country ganlleman Is England It la not cuBioiiiary to nerve punch with a cheap wooden liandlul tin clipper. Taken aa a whole the production Is nut alrung enough for Ibis city, and at nu time would It give pnimlso of a aiio- cesaful career. The cast:. Dorothy, llorolhy Mur- ton; l.ydia. Hand llolllus; PhlUls, IllbU llollinn; Mn. Privett, Kdltb Slnolslr; l^y Uelty, Maud 0>urienay;Ue»flfoy Wilder, Chartes UasoeU; Ilarry Hherwond, David Tiirrence; Kiiulre Uanlum, Uanll Telsiin; John Tuppltl, AI. Ilulbmiik; Tisn HInitt, Henry Stanley; Ijiroher, Kilwsril M. Favor Tliu PgOfLR's TiiBATRg opened Aug. 10, wllh Waller lAwreoceUi "FSblo llomanl." Fnriher menllon »t thU event wUI lie found ebiewhera lo tbla laaiie. AtGgRiiANiA liALi„ou the lluwery, OB Aug. a. Hie Hajori and Kapone Italian DraMstlo Company pre- sented a three act dnma, written by B. Ceainlielll, and enUUed "Per L'IMure,"tbe Ihema ot which was tbe recent hilling ol Ikinwnlco Oaisldl by Maria Rariieri, now under aenlonce of dcalb for lbs mur- der. At tbe cloae of Hie dnniailo performance Klobie Gamero, aHpaulali dancer, nude her debut In IhU country. Tbo entartalnment wait ilnn for the lieneHtof the condemned wtsiun. HANAuas llaiHHiuii CiiNBiBn, of Ihe Irving Place Theatre, arrtre<l In IhiB city Irian abroad on Aug, 9. While lo F,urope Hr. Ooureld engsged l..<leli|. ner, leading man; OuaUeFolal, who wOl pbiy gIri rotes, snd nanceaka lluai for his ceiopanv. lit sl- BO secured Ueorge Engels, a celebnisa 41eniiao comedian, tor a two weeks' engagement at hIa house neat April. Tho aeasoo at the Irving Place Theatre will open Oct. 1, with a new play by Huder • mann, enllUed "Tbe llaule of Ihe dulterniea.' TbU will proliably lie fiilbiwed by llauptmaou's "Tbe Wesven." GUier new plaia he has are: BnhiMinthau's "Ths Circus l'e<iple,'^ PhnilppPa'Tlin Thorny Path," Undau'a "Tbe Venus nt Mllo," Fulda'a "The Comndra," and "Uebenabllgen," by the author of "Fallen Angela." CUHXD Kmpire, Lyceum, Abliey'a, llroadway. Filth Avenue, Gairivk, llljou, Huyl's, Palmar^, Daly's, Star, American, Academy uf Huilc, (IranJ Itptn House, Fonneeotb HIreet, Jaciilia', llaritm Opera llouae, Oolumlius, Paator's, I.011U00, IHyiii* pic, INiris', Irvlna Place, (lermaaU. Thalia, Wind. our,Adler'e and Hiner's Ikiwery and Eighth Avonut, Mbbbrs. Abbbt k Hnau'h uiont recent engage. menu for tbe Helropolltan Opera House Oo. fur this aeasiin are: Hme. I^ila lleth,* soprano from Vienna; llerr iHbi Walnnefer, leiior, and llerr Bchware, liaaso, wbo has already lieen hsaM hera, all ot whom will appear hi Ibe Geniian perfonn- ancea lo Imgiven during tho Winter. Thoisas W. Kbbnb will lieiiln hIa aiaaoi at lbs llsrlem Opera Houss on Sept. p. Tna Buoii, It U announced, will beraopeoed early In Heptemlier by May Irwiu In her new play, "The Widow Jones." I11LI.A Fox's Co., In "Fleur ds Lya,"al Fahntr^ Theatre, wlU Include Ida niihugh, prima dotuu: Kale Usrt, Jeff De Angelbi, AH. Whelaa, Halvllle Blewsn, Uharles Dnngoii, Uuites J. OampMU, John t. Dudley, Kd. Knight and laora WalMterd, wltk Fred Ennia, mnalcal dinclor. The epaia It now In rehearaal