New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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380 THE NEW YORK OL.IPPER. August 17. laliy WaDl£ Hie ion!!!' WORDS «Y A. J. LAMII. MUSIC KY H. W. PCTRIE. . Ttll li the Song HII ol the Coming Seiion. Thit Sweet Singer, UISS FLOSSIE MOOEE, iDlri^ueid the ung In CMoago thli wtei and It mide I Mt. ■ greil big hH. Send (or lldt long end sing it before H geti to be ■ ehetlmiL II lool( wme perforntrt a jrear to llnd out that my song, ' I Don't IVanI to Play in Your Yard," was a real good liilng. FREE to Uio proltuion. Pleaie enclose card or programme, and oblige Petrie Mysic Gompaiiy, NKWVDRKOirV. N. v.. - 4 K 2>li fUrwl. The Bijou, mwmi mmi Seamn openn in Augunt. Houw All Neir. UfhtAd hj Eleclrlcltj. FlrHt Ciam Or> clieotra. RcHponHlble Munaspoiont. I'rlceH of AdmlMlont 16, 25, 8<>, 75. Now bookinir fur one, two or three nlgli|j4. Addrofw FIIANK DERESFOKI), ^IlBHlnefle Xanager. B.B.&B. PHOFENHIONAL T111INK8. (hlliij Tiir livur caUlkilfilt. a KKDKHAL Hr. AI.I,HUllliNY. I'A. SOMETHmONEW FOIl MANAGERS AND AGENTS. SENSATIONAL MILITARY NOVELTY. IhiuliU OtDOoQ Hb)I ami Uumbtl) PcrfprinaDC* (n«»). Ttit llnl uid oDlj LAUV Oftonun Hall i^tlcliir on Kuiti. Tlio hitiuan rftunitn llrliUs (AJellua). h*w llih. povun, lilucka, unlfuniia nDtl |«rai>lirniiilla fot nirllnlnra ul- Orr«< IIOLTim. WTlilM A^ft. Ilr-trlimr. N«« \'i>rk. WANTED, VARIETY TALENT IN ALL BRANCHES rnr HKOI'KSimi Or TIIK I.O.VIMIN TIIRATRK, ll(i> NIAUAHA ru.NCKIir UAI.I.. (XILUMHUg. O. l>ni>rill>rt «rlbii|illek Ui Iht olil ralittilfl. i'ni|ir.. r I1A«.SKSAUI!K »l«n«««r, II. H. KBLLKR. B.J.TZ&LCiiir2T lliLS!))), Struiglit or Hoavlos, I'Ml BviMu with "Mine Jtiaiik" Ol. koU (N>luint)U l^ntr 1*1, ItiTlto* \>(f*t* Iruu) y\nl Cluu OiHtn. lldrli>«iurt A>lJnf< ail H IM.IXOISHr. micafinlll. BILL ) "CENTRAL ^ TRUNKS*' WARDROBE PROPS. ) <SUT LWW I'Bll YKAll THAN ASV OTIIERa BIMdVH * ia)..tlN. H«»»iilli HmM. l'hll«il«T|lil«. PATTERSON'S TRUNKS. PInl uuftllly, tSt) rlr«la Kiid Wrm to each Iruuk, M iDrli.lH W; S Inch, f«.»: SU inrli. $«. iDeliidlnii a lull lliMlrlcal inu-. 7>^ <l»n|Mii«1al baiiiiul; hki>di1 ijtiallly, Itt rlrsUtnil burn in parti iruiih, 3fi iDch, lA.tS; Si inch, |l7a; H lnch,$l liitltidliK a Kliirli irat. nielal bound. T«rnii cull lo aJvaiir*. V. l'ATri{HN)N A (t>.. . IMN NliilhHtrwU IHtlfclqli'hla. Pa. AUOOUSTKONH E-FLATCOKNETTilAT CAN I)OVIII.G KIltST VIOI.IN FOR MV "U. T. V," CO. 1 «lll |int In U vvrka ihli NMJiiiti. Nur laiic> uUry. Atldc»MKU. r. liAXlA, l,4lt lUk HI . liiiluiilbii>, Obln. CIBGUS CA]$rVASES. AliuiMt naw: Mm. Bouotl Toii; ort Rounl Top,wlUi 90n, O.J.BAKMH, 10. WVtlllnl MirwU gunM OtlT. M». ^ U. MIIINUHBLM, HANU- ■ ■■■^V ^% KAITTIIKMtOP ALL KIND8 IIP ■■■■■■V TIIKATHIIiAI. WIO.I. TUB OLII ■■■■■^^ IIRLIAHLK IIOltHB, lU WKHr ■ ■ ■ U as Mill HIHKKT. N. V.. ronutll)' in ■ ■ ■ VtilvMla 8UMI. •KNI> KTAMf KOII l-Klliti MKT. KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIQHTS IinpniTn) and raJ«o«i.l. tk^nA rorolreulu. UHO. TAVLOH. uoTMl ton iTIIlTBUMt. Kaw Yuik, Hnl« MattufMtnrarMa At*at Olrous Canvases. TsRts of All Descriptions ManifictBri^. M. H. KUNKKL T. IP IViiUn llinxt N«w Tort 017. (■nil ANY HIIK I'KUIIUOrillN AT LOWKXT I'HICKjL Wcltaun. U. r. lUlJII'IIHRYil * ril., 15 N . TlililwnUi Hire»l l'lillii.l>l|'lil«, P» _ Rrst Class Sceneiyi for All Puiposesj Al Iidwril l'rlr*«. Hk*lrh»i «n<l MoiUIa fbmlnhh) on an- |'llr*tloi i. «Uli.l'M H J> MIl.t. KH. SID Will 81- K>« York . Wanted, A Good All Around Psrtomiar THAT OAN li.AY IHUIAK. AJ<lrm> IIR.W. VRHT, UivW>i<4l<i Inil. Hxl.(M., BAlljt l'.O..H«lklOu , ft WANTED, LADY SLIDE TROUUUiE. ALSO, LAUV nORHBT I'LATKn. AdiIlM HANAIIKK.I!llinAUtll,tllllM-lllLITAHY BAND. Ill (llmod AT«ntt«, Cblr«CQ, IIL A UTTLE S0N6 THAT WILL BE SUN6 THE WORLD OVER, "ICanHMHtyogUyMi" Wnnli and Maale hf Chut. D- Bl«k«, lh5 irut t»'>piil*f c>inpu««r aDd arruiKar or mualf. "I can htd* «litraTOB can't And ma. HbntroarviMud tUf rlirliiUiar*, II cAll oul«li«n I am rwr— ir jou look it woo't b« fair," cLc, •te. S«Mt, Mir. eatclif maalc or Ui« itopoUr alfla an<l ilaUi. Atao. lij lama omnpoiar, "TIIEemilEIIERV Ni>w Uing lanc bf rii« popular l.arltona. MR. WM OM VKK, wlUi ClsraUod'a nr««i«r Mintlr*! Ou, and man; (illiar vocallala. with ilic f realMt nu(<:«M. Elllier ul lli« abof* aoaci laallsd to pitifta'., 10 et«. Mdi. Ourinalo nuart«t« ftrv floail tvtr iaau»il. Sand for lIiL CHAR. D BLAKK k CO.. bit ffa*hingt«D Ht. Baton, Maa*. Addraii all oob dlTMt'to onatoatloiu WINTERBURN 166 CLARK STREET. CHICAGO. PRINTING COMPANY. WIN APPI.AUSE BV UnKU TUB NB.r AND POPULtHBOXn, "JUST WHISTLE/' WnrdabrAribor J. BjnIIck; inu*la RtiA ColloD Chaao llatchr vonJa, wlilntllnifrarraln. Exlm ihnt or encoro Temai frea to nrureaalonaU uilnR aonR. Orod *)iUlI«r« <tsMClally LadiM)ftr* al«aya«nrnr*d. U** ibia aonsuid loalia tlie bit ol » llfo ilm*. I'lano copy.porirKli illla fiaRe,40e.; to |>ror«aAi(>nali aandlnR rard or prograniiii*, ^ ARTICt'R J. BURUIi.'K. Uleao. N. Y. I WANT ONE. An A 1, All Around ComcHllftn, muat ch»nge«|»«ol»UlMaBd acU furtwo w«eki. lpa|r«xptta»«aaBdatelrsBl»r>r, aivome fall uarllcalan and aalar^ wanted. N. U.—We plaf oiwra houiei aad atop at hotel*. 1 donU ate amateurs, bill po»l«n, tabberaand klckera, Addretiqalck UILLY DBNNBTT, FarabapU, Mlnnaao- ta, care Egyptian Heraetly Co. Atb Annual FonlKnTonr Trvinaodoua Biiicow Evsrv- whero of RDWA A WOOD'S GRAN COMfAMIA UE MIMTEK- lAH V NOVEIIADER now «o rout4 Utrougli Uriuil, Bouih Ameilra. WOOD ^'"^''''''^ Prulldlxi- The ('amouB Ventrlloiiulal. Cnill ttiB AlrWftlttfr.and Com- LUM| |>aDrorPorfl|{n Arllal* rorolin addrMa. ca/« Cooaal N. AmerTcaDn.Klod* Jioelro.niiull. FOLDING CHAIRS Oar Catalogne anil prlcett It will pay. GET The Buckeye Fdilliig Chair Co,, Warmn, Ohio. w> r*T frtlglitaTen*li>ra- Parties WlNliiiig to Buy AT THE VIRGINIA STATE FAIR, To be held at RICHMOND, from OcL 8 to 12, In- oluilve, will please address below. Would like to bear from lovtral good shows. L L BETTS, 703 E. Broad SL, Richmond, Va. BARGAINS opera'chairs ffo ilvaya liiTO Uiam, lo l>oi]i n«« aod iixuod hand KuimU Adilnaa ANDHBWS-DBUARKST SBATINU CO.. lUH Bast lOtIa St., Kew York. (I door» Ba«l of tJnIoo ftniTa ) ,, Willi* WIMwavfi*a Nvw W«llt bong, " MY LITTLE ROOF GARDEN GIRL" I'liopKaiioxALmpiui kbkb for mm-. DHnilK.'ITHATION II) UKNTH. WM. W. UBI.MIIE V. 117 Vuk Ro». W»w Yoik. Showmen & Stroetmen S3N0B OK8 SlOOperlOO songSneeiSiBOo. perlOO; $4p«rl000 Cash with order. Samples lor TEN CENTS. HENRY J. WEHMaN ★ ★ * 130 and 132 f>«rii Row, NEW YORK. BS and 87 E. Madison Slreet, CHICMO. Morrison Show Print LOWEST PRICES onEtRTH ErerylhiulBBliowFrlnt- Ini Lllboinphlni. ritlorl- il ft Ulcck KnimTlDg. Tjp. iWotk. Olvi Work. Small 'DacealU. WriU tot Frina • t JlprtnlON AVK oerffoir. • moH, mi THE OLD RELIABLE A.M.BUCH&CO. IE8 North NIntt SL, Phlla. "rrompmau aSpKldlr." "Oool Worka CarUlntf." AT LIBERTY FOR FIRST CLASS CONCERT CO. MR. FRED M. ROSS, IIANJd, MANnOI.IN AHU COKSKT KOMIMr, AMI MRS. FRED M. ROSS, riAM.1T. AJJw P. M. KII:M. OMKkir. N. Y. CIRCUS CANVAS, BEOOKD HAND. IN UOOD OONDITION. On* DfL, OM lOiJt^ 0D« UiM, ooa tttiVJk Wril* for nrleaa. JAMBBHAItTIN * 60N, a and W EJQhMood atmt. BMton. Maaa. "Lite Is One Grand, Swost Song." "A inuuinovnl Mint"—t^iai. B. VarO. Mthor o( Baod JfbkjtA OD." 8«nd mvi uid wot. to KHlAlt DBERINO. III JoTilaninD 81.. Broaklyn. H. V. TEMPLE OPERA HOUSE. 8MtlntCAP*eltr hXX PIsBtj ofoMn datvn. ABBRDEBN MIBMISSim. D. U. llC<JUIirrnK a OO, Uananvn. WANTED, LECTURERS, or Man Who can be^niafiKhl L«elur«r«;l)lahaalur|iald. TUB OKA I*. HAWVKR MBDIOINK CU.. UI Colofido At*, ChlnRO. III. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. BUITABLB FOR MBUIRINB, ETC.; UIPT SHOW FUB- IIMKH. Illualnlvl oalAkHna m*. ■ AUETT a UHBR. Id B. MadiM BU Chlcan III. Wutet, to Ctrretmt illk Huifirt of Bool amaiOoapuilw. Ail)naaHnaO.I.R^earaaLiFrBB THE REAL THING. ft The Instantaneous Ethiopian Success. So Dlffcrotit From tho Rest. "I Love But You. A b.antlrul walti aonfi <■•*< ^r"' •■■'•■y catch on Willi the public and inakrahlt forthealng.r. PnrM.lonal copl« FREE 4>F CIIAROE, fOJ prornalonalt only. A llmllMl nDDilwr or orchMtntlon. lOr. each. Bentby thepabll.hera. RICHTER & HOPF, I.OIM TlllnU AVENt'B, Wevr Tork.-N. Y. WONDERLAND MUSEUM, MILWATJItEE, WIS., Will Reopen Aug. 26j R.fltird aart nwwiy drcoralMl, maliln|| It the flnvat iBUaeuin In the Weal. Carlo Hall altacllona anil atag« pMple w.ntod. Srw ftecea to Ullavaukee preferred. Nam. loire.t aalary Ont tlDl«. Privilege In moaeuni to rent. Adilreaa W. n. MARIOW, Manager. WANTED Tuba, Double Bass and Strong Cornet FOR 13 AND, AND A PROPERTY MANa wire AL. G. FIELD, as Per noate. WANTED, FOR II UOOD SLIDE TROMBONE, DOUBLE STAGE. Ciiii use few iiiui'c Musi- ciuiis that Double. Address A. O. FIIXD, tt« per rontc WANTED QUICK, FOB Ck W. Warren's Co. ol Flayers, Hood (^insdlaD villi fttronx R|>«ciall]r. Alio Han for Ju- vodIIsi and K«D>nl butlneo, lu douUo alio lo bud. nc«l U Homo, w|r«. Addran i:ilA9. W. WARREN. Colouibua, Ohio. Krwl Ballar. »Ugo dlr«eior. otb of Park llotol Liiicicr^s minstrels. A Rrst Class Clarionet and an Al Cornel Both to Double In Band and Orchestra. DH. U. W. I.UKTLEV, Uaaanr. Vorcaalar, Uaaa. AT LIBERTY. Ollle XXetlford, eiNCIINO AND UANCINO SdUBBKTrii. I.KOKNlrES AND nut's' I'AKTtI; Oai>1 Breliro., AnVASTK KEl'KESKNTATIVK BUSIKES9 UANAOEK OK TIIKASUBKB. Tlioionihly axi>arl«nc«l and colu ■•at.iil In aver; Iioe or xkt riiow bu.loaeL Hirldly aobar mil nllable. Uoly lolnl anKll ngaiiieDL Cad tola Imoia- Aakl i;iie,ra. AT LIBERTY, Addreaa JAMBS SPEARS, IJ Slanltenl HIrMt, Boaton, Haai. AT LIBERTY '95-96. Art. WITTING and DAVIS, Wattle OIVSDIAK. IMIARAITEIW. HrnoNii R.riuisd rfkci. Al.Tr.nii'ULAHEUi'iia NIUll HIILIBT. I'- 8.-.LIT0 manarera eolr. niKOINn EOHBIIETTE. IK. IIKMUESDIIJUVBNILES. HXI'ISHIBNUBD I'EOPLK. ni:LIAUI.B>WEI,UYK8l MAHIIABBOK. MK. II mil im SEnuiEi [ SAM SAGUES, TIIK BOBKK. BKLIABLB AKU lUrBTI.IKO AUVANCB AOhST. Ttio of ri<r.r«iif«. BAH HAIIUKB. Illiililan.l B.ach. K. J. PERFORMERS WANTED WUU OAN 1)0 TIIHRBOK MORE irRNS WlTIt MKUICIKB tillOW. \\> llvo 00 lot; ahos ubior canTa« I pay r^ry imall ul arlMt but Fou gri li. Uan'l urita If juu Uwio or ar« a kicker. MuBl iiiaki> youraeir K«Qar»lIy uwlul. We lutk* Ivowoekauod*. Nn R. H. faronadvantMl. UH. WIIITK OU)Ui>. Richmond. Ind. ORAHAM£*S STAGE SCHOOL. Rat. IW. llalllAVOUia.St. Laul^ Mo. OpvDlhayur 'muod. INiitlU caa onr»r uiy lima. Poahloai a«cur*d ■hanroiiip«t»nL HTAUK DANCISO A RI'KOIALTV. Baod or call lor flrcitUra. J. g. URAIIAMB. Trloclpal. NATCHITOCHES, LAa OPERA HOUSE. Opan Tlm< «llh Ilia AwtrltMi Thtmtrlol Richapgo. Y01IN6 AMATEUR, A JOLLY, FAT UTTLE fellow, irood all aruDod dancer, fair »lD|rrr, wouM Ilka •ullabia uiiall i«ti iDCooMny. Join at ouc«. .(>ldrr*H K. rETfiHS. SUThrvop Bu. ChlCAfo, 111 mo Wints I Usidil Youg M M Pliis l^na,wlll<mnj|inii and OuMlaic Itlab R|«el<llla>, villi uiian. Boll Rlii>a Daaelna Bpaclalljf Wardnli. niaO JABB.'I MACKAY. lOCaolralBt., Uaalnl FUb, K I. ATTENTION, Fair Assns. and Expositi Do you want to make monej and at the same time gire every one of jonr rons l«n Umtsi la ralae the anioont paid by them far admlsslont If bo, secure PRINCE HALLO DAVVIES' MEXICAN SHOW (VILtiAOE-XHEAXBE-KITCHEIV), Th.only M.>l«« BMhlbltloa P"»y'»B »»' f.'i^SS.VK^r*"''''.''' Ol.i, Zr m..i/a »mtt nB« of the rerv fow late worlo'e Fair aitracilone tbot recslvi^d ii. «d"™m;" of P««. TherSa'a W. Palmer. ThI. I».«». Enl,n.l„„'?„ (br oVenbadow. the fckenllractlon. that are now Inmilng (he connlry iha, comparlaon la odlooa. OPEN TIME, Aug. 26 to Oct. 14; Oct. 14 to Dec. 31, ATLANTA EXPOSITION, Addreaa tbr term, and fall partl.alan, CLIN J. VAN SCOTER, Manager, Caro. Mioh. ^XTEIVXIOIV, com:i>a.tvy! ■n. I.adlM and aentl.m.B of 111. EDWARD HARRIGAN "OLD COMPAIN Y 'M'lll« Aaiemble fbr R.h.BiwI mt MINER'S 6TH AVE. THEATRE, NEW YORK, At n A. M.. Woaday, Ang. 19. lavs. M. 'W. HAMLET. Pi What Others Promise We Fulfill. TiS THE TRUTH THAT TELIS-THE ONLY OSE. -\Kr A n\r T E ID, For the Old Time Minstrels, Leader of Baud and Orchestra, Muslrlann to double Is brew and siring; also one HIeh Rone or Wire WaUer for outside attraction, Perfonnen that ular In band, write. Address B. KODINSON, Qrand View, iN. Y. CAIETY THEATRE, 3V. Opens its 6tli Seasoii Sept. 3, '95. MRH. AGI-NE8 BAKRY • - Hole Prop, and Mnnnei-r AV. H. BUCK - .... - Bun. Mniinuer NO PUKnKO IIECES3ABY. THE U0U8B SPEAKS FOR ITBELP. K B.—WoiiM ba plaAaeil i« recaira iilioloaorTaudarllla for mjr thealra lotibr. THE MEMBERS OF FI£LDS & HANSON'S BMWNN& GAEDS will Report for Rehearaal at WALDHANN'S OPERA HOUSE, NEWARK, .N. J., TIIVRSDAY, AVO. », at 11 A. M. JOHN F. FIELDS, Sole Owner. THE MIDWAY FAIR CO., cHicAfio H, B. THEARLE, President (INCORPORATED.) OTTO SCHMIDT, Manager. Fair maaaReradealrlng the greate.t money maker of the .eaaon ahould aecure OHt World'. Fair Midway, which open, at Syracn.e, N. Y., State Fair, Aa,(. :inio3l; ProTldence, R. I., Sept. 10 to 'XI, New Boveltlea wanted at all time.. Aerial anil Tra- pel. perfonmen omitted. Addreaa OTTO SCHMIDT, Syracuae, \'. V. WASHBURN ALL PERSONS ENOAOED 'WITH SISTERS' LAST SENSATION, Pr.HntlBC EXTRAVAOAMZA "FORTimA, or THE PRINCESS TOUCH," will report fbr REHEARSALS at H. C. MINER'S EIGHTH AVENUE THEATUEon HUNDAV, AUG. IS, at II A, H. LOUIS ROBIE, Sole Proprietor and Manager. ELEGAINT, REFI3VED AND ARXISTIC. (VAUDEVILLE DUBUT). THE WHISTLING PATTI,made at K.lth'. Vnlon Square Theatre WMkof July Carry my owia acconpanht. Only flnt olan hoaae., AddfM. ROBERT ORAV, 084 Lexington ATenne, or stlO Wett lltth Street, New York. Millie Christine Wants, For Her Big Fair Gronnd Show, S^?!*.~''"'" "i"" "I"'. mllAlila toropan air; Soake ChamarwUli aaakaa, r.rfonnlnic Uoak.)-; anJ niid., Boo.lar arrtiMUa, Oypar Bud. Fraoch Follai Daacar,. Fdddt Ualch Comnllaii who la a aooil kinscr, ».cl» Ani.l. All muit b. food draatera aaO nntdoaa. Fair rioudiI work rwiulraaliuRUInr. No nIalitiliowA Lvnf.n- KaRaiuaot toKoodpaopla. Sliort ooe lo oUiera. BummaraaUriaaaDd aiMDaaapild .lt«ryouJolD. OpvaSfpU. Do. Moloe.. Iowa. IfadoaapliotollFOUhaT.ajiyaodalate lowe.lutary. OaornQrmol..Oeorga Kaloeniiil .rita. Aildraaa ' ' .. . witti IroD akull -_1 alate lowe.l utarr. Oaorn Qrmol.. Oeorea 1 r. B. BLITZ, car. of klllia Cliriillne Co, Halaoa. HonlMu. A. D. CAMERON, A REAL ADVANCE AGENT, AT UBERTY. Cao baHeomlbr A.<lr FIBST CLASS UANAQER, d.alrloc a compaloiituil ioll.blaAg.Dlorrun'aipa'l'"«l>r *ldr«alnj IK BHOAD ST.. FrovlJonte. B. I. BIG HIT. By JAMESSR. HOMER. SUNQ WTTII GREAT SVC0E8S DY CALIFORNIA QUARTET, J. E. FLYNN, ANNIE GARTER, WASHBURN SISTERS, FINLEY and BURKE, MISS BENNEH. Prof^lonal coplea on application, oi^ oheatm part., 10 c.bu. OLH-ER DITSON COMPANT, 433 to 403WASHlNfTTON STREET, Boaton. New Vorki Philadelphia! C. II. PriBOH A CO. J. B DtTSOK 1 CO. PEOPLE'S DIME MUSEUM, eUFFIILO, Ni Y. "ff.' if"''!"" '''.'■-;*^9.'* f I"' ''•»• V.iida. T^lla I'aopla and Carlo IIUI Aiuacllooa wtlle for daua. ruDChandJadrMaowaaud. Addraa ">■•>'oa»v FBOPUe AMUBBMBWT CO., BoidB. ODD FELLOWS OPERA HOUSE, LAWRBKCBBURO, ladlaaa. NBWLY BBBODBIBD. FULL SET MEW BOBNEBY. lopiilalloo, ion; Mjcllr, «0). ,8<M. oranlot. tin.; depili,tlft.: rliKiof lon,>in.:wi<lih.>in. iriiibatudr Bapl 1. Oolr uieaira In Ilia cllj. WANTED. Kiat cUu •'"•."Ion. oolj. Oood opeolo. allimcllOD daalrvl. IIOBWB EROEB A FBOBBT, I agd Manainrm. AtUbirti.lerPinuNterTriiiliRK Engiga- MBNT, rim CUu Biperiiooad LMd«r ud Amnnr i^N.J. <M&T»aaanp«rt0l»o(muale.) tviolin BBd plftno). loui, Loei Bnod NEW THEATRE AT PEORIA. LEMH. WILEY . . Manager GROUND FLOOR. Seating 1,250 PeoplBi Ughted If Eleclrlcltii Plajlng only Good Attractions at Popular Prices. Will OPEN ABOUT OCT. 7. Addret. LEH H. 'WILEY, Manager Comedy The.tryj_ AT A No.l Bkelih T»m, al» Three GooJ Al' Aranad Bpwlalty Pmple nad One F'nJ Clau <;om>dlan, who 1. capable of I>b<* tlngonnn.rplTCea. Salary W.*"' Ma.h.r* or Imooh.r. or woald be l>'>^ fbrmen cicted at alghl. Wire f^^'J^Zl MADDEN AND LOWRBY and SICIi.»> write. WlndBOfa Com b^ Wlsblng to Bai Prtillegas for Side Stioit iilnul llinnftaiMl. far KriH* •PP'/.' u. At Hi* BIr Oruu nnra,OambtrliDk. w..-.,..-, ,^ UDdutMlwnhuDOred UiooMixl.ror t*rm« TRIMPBRaOemn Cltr. IM.. or R. li.TIIOBAJlJH chMlCTbonr. CucDbrUiHl Co.. f*. WANTED. HRST CLASS COMEDIANS TOJOINIIBD.CO.ATDBNISOK.KAN. tu,. UB. E. F. OOLXIN, koliawk Ind. Mal-Oa., P."!"""'