New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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396 THE NEW YORK OLJPPEB. August 24. Now crMtloRtlilifiuecflu •rtrj •rcnina at ili* RHliRE PALAOB, LuDdon. H«vaO(li wenb. Al»itlut«ly Uia Ulb of LoodoD villi Ui*lr orlK'titl «cU I'nijirlrUirK, mUKgara ud ftjt«iit« InfluO to M, lind ««cun Uili jmat D«r«laetAt (ine«. Tke Onir Act of lis Kind on Earth. HAWHCOVB HKAUrV, KLKOANCB AND TALKNT OOMBINBD Umler lh« ■u|»erfUloo of AL. MAHX *'NBKO,'*«lio CAR Alio In nnRittfti) wllli th« a)mv«. Ad- dnuSL«1c4at4r I'Jnu. I.«lc«Btor R-iuRn, Londoo, Kiift- Uod. nonipllrii«nU tn il) my rrlfoOit. At lirr«rty Iroin AiKiit 30 and onwAnla. Pi>r nt»nnc9 ft|»ply 1o U. J- Hltchloa. E«i. mtOftRvr Km|ilr« PaUc«. ).vridito. Thre« Bhttl poflbmoralllmr »ct nn lisnJ If nciulraO. TAOKLB Till*, YOU IMITATOHj. NEW THEATRE AT rmoiiiA. iitc lEMH. WILEY . . GROUND FLOOR. Ssitltg 1,250 People. Lighted b| Eleclrlclli, Filling onli Bofld Atirictloiu at Popular Pricas. WILL OPEN ABOUT m. I Addr«M LKil H. ^i^ILEI', B.B.&B PllOFKSHIONAI. TUUNK8. Koilil for noM niUlogilt. •a rKDKHAi. nr.. AU.KariKNV, ta. .BALDWIN BROS., Lading Amnurit of lh« WorU. INVENTORS OF THE PARACHUTE. ARB NOW OPUN VOR BBAHON OP UB. Alio uiAuufketurani ur M ItlDdi of DtUoooa ((luorUnl Air). ri«ml Tot pHc« IIU lo BALDWIN HHiW.. V.O. Hui 111. guUoy. HI.. U. H. A . GEO. WAMBOLD AT^li MOIV, LITTLE JOHNNIE. AcntlttUo PoatiirlnB, IImJ tu lUUnce, l>oiib)«H iit ft8wloir«nLl HiiwH »f KniiorMnuUit, KiUlllbrUU Uadciiir HiureL, Tlir«o UIoIhi*, Mutlc V.jv^r, iwu flr»«i Art*. H*imJ»r«w.Mr^if CAIHO. Ill ^^^^^^^^^^ loi Morrison Show Print LOWEST PRICES on EARTH ETorilhiDK In Bhow Prist, log LUbosraphlBi. riturl- •I * Olcok Eur«Tla«, Tfpa [Tt'ork. Qrod Work, Bull •poaiu. WrIU for trim OETHOIT, - UIOH, BRASS BAND InitruiuvitUt Uruiuii, UoiroruM, Kqulp- iiivnii Tor BAiiiUtml liruiti (:iiri«. lAwtM rrlcM ororiiunl«l. PIiivrauhiK,«JU IIIu» Inilun*. maH^frrc: It rIvom fUinl Muilr Uiil lualTitclliiita fnr Aitial«ur HaqO*. UYOS A IIICAIiY, li)-Zl A<Um< HI.. IrhloBBo. m THE OLD RELIABLE A.M.BUCII&CO. 166 North Ninth SL, Phlli. "l'rou)|iia«M&H|»«cl«ll,v." "Owl WtiriiafarUiBtr.*' "STANDARD TRUNKS." 226 N,9thStMPliila. Kim tiiiKllly, 'JV) rival, miil liiirf'* ui pkoIi Iruiik,» hi., «<lU;Xllii., •£^:ailn.. Vi. liirluilliK 1 mil UiwtiUal lr»\ IK ■Iwii'.'ift'Mlfcl Iwuiiil. In nUaiica, _______ (I. HIIINUIIKI.M, UAS'lt. ■ ■■■ M g% KAimiKhU UK ALL lilNUil (IK MMBM>J TIIKATHirAL Wilis. TIIK (ILU ■■■■■2% KKLIARLK llllimK, IIS WKHr n ■ U Mill HTKHKT, Ml v., runiKrlr in ■ ■ ■ riirvHllv riiriML BB»U HTAHI" Will I'lllUK I.IHT. KIDD'S PATENT TENT LIGHTS ImpnivHl *itd r«iaMHl. fVioJ rorolrouUr. UBO. TAVLUB, titoT*! UiW iMItrSlravt, N*w York, HnU MMuffcelHTW mJ AtMt Circus Ganvasosi Teats of All Descrlplloas Manifictirat M. K. KUNKKLV. IP fciiim N«w Tom OII7. CURA MILLER PHILLIPS, at Liberty WK BKAHON yi-t, anncM*. Okl WnnnQ Mil nM»i«l Hutliie.^ ill KBiioTU>In>, i>r Kllu 011J i>i>li»ll», lu "Uucio lom." I'ennuioiil oiIiIck MIlmleH. Mlfli. (L»ii»w»«ro.) WANTED At Oiico, E-Flnt OLAHIONKTANIU'OHNKT I'l.AYKM. Ad.lroM BANI> MARrKR.N*t'"n*IH«tUUr«' ll.>iii>. Wl». L0N6 ISLAND GUY OPERA HOUSE, STEtN- WAV AND JAMAICA AVKH. AU tHilr l>iwln» la tli« ciiy. A iHt|>uUr |iricr Ct>imiliulUiit liouBe. Juit iv- ntt*d. Kiiruimn \»un A'UU*^ H. lltmAK. M>i>M*r. WANTEO AT ONCE, TUBA AND ALTO PLAYER. AlnTKAP IIHI'MHHH. OlfTU. K«l»« K."illi Tor WInWr. al latlor. MAllHV MWIHH, Coliiinaa llftll. Kiicliaalar. M. Y. ruU jiartlcuUra In Ural latlor. Priillaget For Sale on the Onwnds of Wire- URAlW Ktixulllon (>cu l\ 1\ IT, K tl lUwklofttlll*. tift tlMud tiHxrUiolty for iiiil<li«rkilracllnua. Laai imvoii ft KnuO BuecTKL AJtlrvu Urii. r«t<>, 1U« klu«viU«,iU. WANTED. AnflAGTIONS FOR THE WIRtUIHAm BIIMSITKI.V. <m. I^ It, II and IK Ad- diM W. M. TAYUIH, llanklnaTlUa, (la. DR. WHITE CLOUD SELLS THE CHEAPEST, HKHr I'KT I'l* INUIAN UKDKUNK..) «n lha niuktt, liar nitna, ami (uralalifa all llUioimiiltIo anil lirlntlog IIM. Wrilalilui. AlUllllUND, lud. 8p E ISIUID SIIIE NARRASANSETT PARK, CRANSTON, NEAR PROVIDENCE, R. I., 8EPT. 16, 17, IB, le, 20, 21, 18B6. OPKK H A, H. TO 10.30 P. M. DAILY. Greater thaD all other New England Fairs Conlilnel AlKBdance IHM, 0 Bmy; I!IV,evO. KitlDlBtrd AtKBdBBca ISU}, 0 Dmjri, OTor 100,000, A lUcli Htrvetit for Faklni and Sbownen. Apply lat PARK J»llr. » A. M. to B.31» P.M. The Bijou, WILMIIIGM DEnL ScoDon opeiu In AuguKt Hoiim All Neir. Lighted by Eleclrlclty. Tint Clniui Or- cliettrm. BcDponslble Management PrlcM of Admlndoni 16, 2S, Bo, 50, 76. Kow bueking for one, tiro or tbree uighta. Address FBANK BEBESFOBU, Bualuew) BCauager. AddraM all ooamimloatloiu dlrcot'to WINTERBURN SHOW^ PRINTINR 166 CLARK STREEr GHICAflO. COMPANY. SUiAdoubI KotwIguTour Trauiunilnu* Sucvaua ({v«rt> MliDm uf KOSA. A WOOll'H (IRAN COUPANI \ DK MISTKM- lAR Y NOVEDAOES. now an rout* UiniURti BrulU Boutli Anitrki. ^OOD th«Ttlool«d Pr«uldl|il- Tli« Padiouk VvntrikMiuIiiL Cnyi ilioAlrWtlkwr.ftmlCom- LUnHf |iaoy orPonlitn ArtlitM Forclgo Aildrou, c*r» CooRiil N. Aui«n04no.Hlod«JMtilro.Bf»xlL FOLDING CHAIRS SET Oar CaUalof ae and pricu. It will p»y. The Bockeie Folding Chair Co,, Wamai Ohio. W pay frtljlit tTtrywhpr». I'iirtlc8 Wishing to Buy AT THE VIRGINIA STATE FAIR. To be held at RICHMOND, Iran Ocl B lo 12, in- ohralve, will pleiia tddreii belew. Would Ilka lo hear Iron aivaial good showa. L L BETTS, 703 E. Broad St, Rtehmond, Va. CALL. will MBd Tuu for So. BUm(i a 91 PAGE OATAUKJUB. talliDR M kboul a)mlu«r^ ^AOi " „ >uU Tlitl._^_. . --. WblUCMfU Oali«r«,|l:luib»rault>,|I.Wl Btoycllmi, AUilello ftod QrniBwlani QockIi. WurM«a Pull TiKtiUkfl; .Equwi. Rhlrt^ W: CiuiTU Pi:inni,2Ao.UKieOo.: LuthttrLMplDK filiDea, fUO, B« tun tod •eod color ud ■lu7T«rvii, 11 with onltr, btUnc* C O. D. R. B. CALL. OM>lQ 81.. Pprlngfl«ltl.MtM. Showmen & Streetmon SONOBOOKB..-. ■■■*} opPor lOO SongShe«is,aOo.perlOO; S4perlOOr Cash wlHi order. Samples lor TEN CENTS. ""?3^0iiidY3TOnVNl*Y0*RK. * 86 and BT E. MadUon SIreel. CHICAQO. BILL )'*CENTRAL **PROpf i TRUNKS" COST LEB8 PBK YK.MI THAN ANY OTIIRR& HIMDKH A M N. H»T«mli HirpBt^ I'lilliiUlplilfc. l**. PATTERSON'S TRUNKS. riral iiualltr, 33U rUou and buna to oach Irvnii, » loch, Wii); 9 looli. tt.tS; 9U iicli. InoludlDi a lull Ihaalrloil (»»y."a doop. "lalAl bound; aajood ijualltr, lu rlToUaodburTa lo oach tniiife. SB loch, St Incli, •I.Tt: kl lnoh,ai >\ Inolulluo alucli tnv, noul bound. Tanut In adtuco. C. rATTIiHSOII A m., la K. Nlnlh Blroal. fhlU.lall'lila. fa- PEOPLE'S DIME MUSEUM, BUFFALO, N. Y. Mo» booklnn (Or aoaaon W and W. FInl dnta Vnuda- Tlllo I'ooolo and Cutlu Hall Attracllooawrlto lor datoa. I'uncli and Jitdr Han vanlod. Addrau l'IItirLB-8 AMUBEHEur CO., Boi XO. HAVE YOU BOOKED MT-GZLSADpO. Lart* roiiBdo l>ulMlD|tud«TBTTUiln)i iMximluit lodl- ctt»t |.roipTom muoo. Wrlw A. K YOl'MI. M*ii»ii*r. Wanted, Partner, LADVORdBNrLBHAN.wlUi fTum W lo%M. 10«0 Ecl|tlii»d drmiiiBaWlUt ipwlBl p»p«r. ♦10. yifaij of lltutUmkvd, KiporlMicrudiiBMHAry. OolfthoM DKtfatBboToauiDUBtorrvHtly monBp Biid niMDtnf b>i» lBBMi»*wl wrIlB B. BAHRY. IHloiBr. Iowa roH ANY 8UE rUOIIUCTKIK AT UIWEST TRIOKS. WlIU UB. D. O. IIUMI'IIRRVn » CO., I& N. Thlfl..onlli HiraeL I'tillvlolHita. Fn- WANTED, LECTURERS, or Men who can i«nK)dLf<lur*t«:lil|hMlun>ald. tllB DR. A V RAWYKR MBDICINU (XK. 101 Oolondo AT*.,<-hlcico, HI. WATCHES. JEWELRY AND SILVERWARL RUITABLK FOR HBDldlNK, ETC.; OlrT BlIOW rUR- ItWKH. IlluatratrO r*uluaoa Itoo. BAUBTTA IIIIBK. IM B. Ilailla.«i Rt.. Oiknatt. IIL Waatei, to Conispead titl Haaigert il 6e«d ttrani OoBfulaia. Addi«a Min 0. B. B., onnOUrrlB FOB THE "TBOCADEEO" THEATRE li CONCERT HALL, ON THE MIDWAT OF THE COTTON STATES AND INTEKNATIONAL EXPOSITION, Commencing Sejrt. Ending Doc. Specialty Acts of All Us, Sensational Features, PEOPLE FOB LIVING PICTURWt. BRONZE ANIl NARBLE STATUARY. 3VOTK. THE TROCADKRO THEATRE la man- aaed br (he VAVDBVILI.E CLTB, of AIlBBta, aBd lacorpormtsd uader (ho Hlala Latri of Georgia, and will be (he main reatare of Ike Amainaaant Depart- t of Ihe sreat Expooltlon. Dluea- iora(aa«,4UiaO. All thai uiodorn con* learea or the lateal cOBCart lialle. Ca- uleBt of (he alOBiol veBleah ... . Iiaclty. OBe Ibouaand. Addreaa ronaaaanlcadoBa to A.. H. OI^A.YTON.„ Polaom'a Hotel, Atlasta, O ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1 NEW eiLLISS i CONTINUOUS rEaPOBMANCES. ♦ ♦ WANTED, : I Dramatic People, : I FOR STOCK CO. * ♦ Address ♦ ♦ ♦ C. P. CRAWFORD, Manager, ♦ Kannaa Cll)-, Ho, ^ A DRAHA IN FOUR ACTS, 80LE PROPERTY OF Oliver Byron. Enltfrvd In LlbiairlBn OAcs In Wa»h- Inqlon, D. Ca, by OUv«r Byron, Acconllng to AcU of Coaareas. ALL RIGHTS nRSRRVED. ATLIBERnAnERAUG.20, CHARLES A. WHITE, ADVERTISING AGENT. 1 palm all alvlaa of Arllallc WATER COLOR SIcnaoQ Wlnilova and alrrom. I am alao an ax|>orlcnced auuil arllaL Itaaiionalblo iiUDaKaraaddreaa LoAvaoworth flt. 0 nialia. Neb. ' [ Write (or Our New llluslrattd Catalogue- j i I Red Book Sent Free. :;"6olilsinith's Make Up Boxes.";: I elwm lna7*J aillta /*Aaaanavlnaani T»at> 6lu lD:t7i4, wltb CompuloiBDtTray. LtacorttcdTin Uc«nU^ ■I *'witli Lock Bod Evy . . UceoU^ I [ BoAnietod " Uc«dU . I " " HtDdle,Loeh ood Key . 7ftc«nu , HIilpfHvl oo rvcalpt o1 prin. [ OREATESr VALUE POR TUB LEABT MONBY. ^L60LD$HllHJR,6tliAi,c(K.4lstStiHi!wYQit Larieal Thaalrlcal Trunk VTorka Id the World. AT GRAND FORKS SepL 17 and 18. Free Street Fair. E. C. CARRUTH, Sec'y, Crand Forlis, H. D. CHAS. W. OTIS, EXfBRIBNCED ADVANCE AOB.S'T urBUSIKERS HAN- AUEK. Bober. rollaMv anil famlliBrnlth all territory. JuHl cloicd nllli Bulbh) Bill 8Jiowi. AdJr«u ST. JAMEfi HOTEL. BnulfoH Pa. WANTED, Solo Dornet, FOR DARNUM & BAILEY BAND, AddrHB CARL OLAllt. Baodmawtar. ai par rouia. Wllllu Wltdwrave** DMt Walls 8on«. "LIVING PICTURES IN THE GRATE." l'ROFES.<ll()KAL (KIPIKS FRLR FOH BTAUP. OHCUUtTltATION 10 URhlR WW. \V. DBliANEY, 117 Park Row, Na» York. cmcvs GAinrASEs. Alnoat naw: 10ft. Round Toii;8Drt. Round Top, with 3DfL Hhldla: lOtLtt'alla. Chaao, Juldiaaa n. J. BAKIIR. IW W. faltd Hlratt. ganaaa CItr. Mo. THE HISSOURl VALLEY OPERA HOUSE (N«wi. Mlwiurl Vtllay. lovft. Hlllr lUnuon. UuitRvr. I'opulatloD, 4,U(V. BMtlDitflOtl. BlAxr opeulnK. W; dsplh, tt; TlKfluglnlV33>i^- Kuraliihed up to dita Id frvry partlculAT. WAOt«d. Iln« f;kMallnctIoai«narO«L I. RMiril A DKtfBLU ITo[>fUtor». A First Glass Lecturer at Liberty Sept, I, For Uuwuini ur ko Al lloOIclii* (thnv, Etoctilo Belt Co. pwftfrrtd. UK. KHA1K. Appleion. Minn. WANTED, FOR SEPT. 4, 5 AND 6, MlNCTHKLTHOUFKa Bar ud Trmwi«T«iin Crclonmft orOelty*l»unr.»M A. H. MWlV.K Oberltn, Ktii. PARTNER WANe.-Y0UN6 MAN WITH $150, 'at«r«Kl (n « THk r RIr aucwA in Kui lo lak«li&iriat«r«Kl (n « bttf lllu>K)0. pliyloK the Pkin ' SotiUi. RIr aucwA in Kurop*. Addn>M BL MVBTBIItO. IPI Boqih HfclM^d He. irblf»Kn. Ill, "DEAR LITTLE NAN." SOUO BY I'lllLLir WINOATK. PROF.COrY FREE. BLAl^KMBR IIVHIIHX). 1'. «l E. InillanaBI. (nilcaio. Properti Han Wanted for "Llltle Trtile" Co. PUr pniftll ptri Kntt do •troD|C kp»cUUy. Pt«r«r ft Dortlir. Al»u Juf emir, with ■itufiH »laiilQa«i>ecUlir. MaNAOEiI •'UTrLBTRIXIB 'l'O..!»Worth 6ilieL. FhlUdeli'lilft. Pa. FAIR DATES OP£N....AnRACTIONS tXIRWKBKnrBErT IC^TAyiED. Haad'aOpol* .iouw. Uncaalar. Wlwn.ln. J. II. KBBI). Manaaar. HYDE AND LEOLA. AJJiraaltB FimaMlo Btiaot. FhllaJalphla. Fa J OB PRINTEI VAN F«HEIDX, COppat MMaa MM GEWfU IT.I TO UT, ]i US AM'SE, M. E. ED. AIMEE THE SINGING, DANCING, FARC£ COMEDY TRIO, ORIGINATORS AND PRODUCERS. WECaANPROYEIT. Krery woitl apokan, »wny aong w. ilBg, la new mni origlaal, W. all pi.^ reaponalbleparta. HAVE AW Al COMEDY AFTERPIECE. Wonld Ilk. lo arrange wItltapMlaUyar Fane Comedy. AIM have flrat olaaa Comedy Dtbibb and Farre Comedy to lell ow let ob royalty. OLYMPIC THEATRE. Chlc.go. in. MARIE WELLESLEY'S PLAYERS Have played (h»«i weekj in Winona, nnj Sf"''^' 1?* •"••he* all recorde Ib my Ivro hanaee. O. F. BVRLINOAUB, Blanager Oread, Eau Claire. MaBBHeTo with cBpaclty ona thoutand. Badjpepniatlon twenty thouaand. In Iowa. Ilirnola, ladlana aad WlacanalB, REND OPES ^IBIE to • ^ OBEE d( WIL«0(I, Managen, Brelnerd, Mloneaota. A Sensationjo Bewilder the Eiie. WARREN. BUNKERR, THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD DOiNO SENSATIONAL DANCING IN A MONSTER DEN OF LIVING SERPENTS. TlieuDlyKClul'lhe kind erer aKouipUHl witli toooHier iieri'eiit''- A hlRlicluii*«uafttluD,wl(h uikculDceDttrarO- nilM. Tim imly MrMiitlnedftiiM vtlh anauloo ■erpeaiN. WARHEN llUNkEllK,9£lN. Vein S', .Uoainoutb, III. K. U.—Tills act Uduly patantwl, and any InfrlOKVinenU will be rullydcnllnlilitotlioekltDt of Uia lanr. Man- aceraoDilcli clan variety liouna ple&ee ukeooto ot thU no» Nlirncilon. CALL a Th« latllM tanA gnntlvmen engaged wllh The Ladies'Club Up to Date Show, For aeaiOB 18115-UO, are requeated to report for reliedrvala, MuBduy, S«pl. ^, at i P. M,,an itaa. or the OLVUPIi; THEATRE, Harlem, N. V. AehBowledge thii caU promptly by letter to Ueun. LBO.Iil &EVERETT, r^re or QlUea Prlntlaa Co., Wt^tt 1 .'h Utreet. New York City. CONEV ISLAND, N.Y., AUG. IB, 1899. '^SAVE YOUR DUE BILLS." "Evealbeman «l(li tlip Tanlastlcftl inualcAl (Dalrumenti retuud to become tedloua aod iDfuud heroic doMaof ■loKer (n(o bl» act. Ilia oame 11 UEBrUIB KBMNEOY, let h be recorded." Etlrmct, DETltOIT FREE PRESS noUce. . Lew Dockiiuler'i JlDstnU, aaaaon of 1690-4. Tbli Memphis Kennedy Ii atlU wlUlBg to do the right ttalng at ■alary pro rata. PanaaneBt addreie, IHT EABT TENTH gT..I». Y. City. ii £3X3! Sweetheait Loo," By RIOIID. R. ILINCH. Tlili ioiift la eapeclallyaJiutted to the proramioo, ud U lo cftlcliy tUat «e mar Mivly promlM )ou a hit wldi It bend Ktaiii|i and profraiimie aoO receive & nnna you cau uee. KREEI . WAVERI.YMU8IC c6. OiCbealntlDD Wc ' - Mlineipo|[n.lHon. FOR A No. I REPERTORY COMPANY, Vereatlle LEADING LADY, SINGING aad DANCING' KOUBRBTTE who caa act HAN for JUVENILES and aome taeaTleal Rand pliolo wMcli will be rrtumcd. Rtou lowaataalarr aod all paitlcuUra In llrat lauar. Peopla who alos ora- rarrod. Al«< «anl food lIUBTLIKa AdENT. Aildn anod IIURTLIKU AdENT. „ 'J'ilfii.^'iM- I'.'?'''"' NORRKD, UANAdER FRA.VK LISDEN. MHyoJIcalo Block. Mlnn&applli^ Minn. FIRST GLASS JUGGLERS will nnd ORiniKAL ud CTAHTLlKa airacla In oar CAT-A-LOU o( THICKS and ILLU.'<loy'H. Fna for Flok Rump nod your card, UllAS. L. BURLINOAUE A CO., Boy Ml. (ailcaao. III. WA2TTED, mimm dwn FOR WILL COUNTY FAIR. Concaatloo. to lot Three nioolna rvoa each dar. Boot ». Ml II. It IS. !«■ J. B. RALfn'Rom.Joll."nlin;: WANTED, FOR noUiison's OU fa Minsliels, ARELmBL^HUSTLINGPiiOGRIIMMEtGEIIT. state iBWHt ealarr. Addraea DOCK ROBINSON. Orend vl.w. N. Y. WANTED, A PdsIIIoi as Properti Mu or rROrS and a unall part hr a Tounv man atrlclr aobar. Addreu ' NSIL McAVlMaB, Bai IML Bhtllon. CL 6ass-Lo«est Prices, Best Wort-PirDdlet, This 10x12 Camping Teat, S OflocM Double FIIIIor Caovoa, eonplete vitti Po!o* aotl ViDt, PEIGE $6.85. Delivered at anF ftviflht depot In Chioago. GEO. B. CARPENTER & CO., UANIIFAOTimERS, iM%-SC08 S. Water 8U«el, CIIICAOO. HOKOLouuia nRBiniii m. nRBTniiKH, , I0RUBH1CIS,SD AFTBItPIBCm BT TUB BanlKhBL, KaaToik. FOR SALE. The Beautiful Electric Scenic Theatre. Omnd Court of Honor of the World's Fair playing to thotisaiids of people daily on the Board Walk, Atlantic City, New Jersey. THIS ISAMONE/MAKER. For tcruu, etc*, addreia D, H, HU5T, Manager, AUantlc City, X.J. WANTED, FOR A SEASON OF 52 WEEKS, TLoroughly coiiipetont "TOM" ACTORS That do not play wbiskey for llrst place. Address us per route. ED. P. DAVIS. Opera House FOR »A.IJE. GREEN'S OPERA HOUSE, The oDlr iheatn la tho oily of VINOEHNE& Io<l, will be olTered ror ul« at publlr ^udloo BepL 7. lasd. Vlncvnn>:< liaiapopuUUonor I3.iua Tlie OpcrmHouee haxa mi- iDg capacltT or I.OD, anJ a fuse 79 feet by 41 reel. bikI 5 reeitoi^TMlroD. Will be aokTto payMcuntvtlebia not contrtcted lo connectloa >iltb the houM. For ileullto lofiinaatloD adJreae OUARLEflQ. MoCORD. TrmHee. VlDcenoe*. InJlana. YOU CAN DO IT! Tha pnllleat Uilng In (lie Arl-and 80 EA£V. 10-INVISIBLE MAIDENS- 10 INSTANTLY BIATBRIALIZED, Al Ihe will or Ilia pariomiar. In tuU ilOK and al',>';d,»° llllbL The INVIilBLl! MAIDKN9, complfle, with nu [oanicllona, toHel har VflUi caulogue ''f ollior Npremc* a.olFBEI'ynD.fortl. »•'''{^^"'.'"'i o M»Rlcnl Hliidla. M anoarfar «!.. (a.rolao'l. O- ENGAGEMENT EXTENDED AFTER THE FIRST PERFORMANCE OF JEROME AND ALEXIS, THE FROO AND LIZARD At the Great Hnmner Reaort, LVOLUW LAGOON PARK. The biggeat hit ever made alace It. opening. . ,.«.o JEROIIB AND ALE»lg.. "A HANDSOME LAD AND LASSIE," Dtsorlptive Wittz Song and RBtnln. Daring treatment of a delicate tbruie. hat the mnlt will not offend the ino'i fketldloao. Worda by P. J. DEVLIN, mu- •le by HORACE H. DABLER. Fra« to profeaalonaU aendlng pn^ gramme ancl two cent atanp *t>"'J'?*!J'" AddTM. DASLBR'S MVSIC IIOIIHE, 18 aiath KUMt. PllUbnrg. Pa. AMERICAN HARP FACTORY, JOLJET, ILL. OEKTLEMEK: lam eimduauon I'.''"'''" Harp, from Ui. PMbody loallwto. E»"''"V'i Md.andharlnKloal mt harpbr in. ■'°":.i i In ona of youra, nom. lour moolha aco. a» ■ cu noirchoorl^dly recommand (he Amarltaii llMpaefaraoparror(oan»r«Iall U«'P>';!S a porlect Inilnmanl, rary .aay lo >»n'- 01 KondfrAilToluma of tana, b«ldaaIhoptic.halo» (h. rMctaofanyoao- Tonra unlr, „. MRS. T. O. PAUL, ot th. Paul FamlW, aLnnaanolla. mn"-. Tie Alward Electric Belt Co. Wests a Bor ConlorUoolat,NualcAl Ael,BoT Jaralar aodothtr alao a Doctor, who [a a mdiinu. lor olAco in— DR A. Alward. hoioI yar»ic>. ctiMo. in— FOR SALE OR RENT AT A BARBWII. THREE ''^i»OU^^^*^0^r»»l^^^^^ BRBPOilnBLE FARTIBB OUtT WRHE WANTED, LeadlngMaii ami Other People FOR RBFEBTOIRB. BUU aelaiy In Bret l.'i»'i Afv**/ board. E. M. LBROT, U7 nlckarr Blieat, Bnllalo, >