New York Clipper (Aug 1895)

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404 THE J S J Jj^W YORK OUPPER. August 3i. World^Players — Mtpiger ll*iTT WIIIUd* viltMtliit blaMum with "A BowetTOIrl"titii opened iiK«t*u8plclaa*lr. The coDiptn;, vblch nombeni elghMD peopto, opened In Blosx Clij, la., Aag, 11, lo itendlDi room onlj. Id Unuh*, Neb., *t lia;d'«Theatre, (lie fol. lowlDf three niabu, the wne M%te of *ir»!n c«d- tinned. Tbe pUj In lilatilr ptmlMd hj the local iireia In both dtlea. All ihe Indlrtdoal nemlicni of Ihe company made lilia, and tbe ncanlc prodiictlon and nwenanlcal elTccla are conceded to be wonder- tol. Ttie complelo roeler ot the comjianj la aa rnlloira: llarrr A. Burkbardt, Hark W. Cod/, UeorRO W. ThoinneoD, Andjr Amann. iobii IMj. Mmrd OIIITotd, W. I). OhalOn, J. U, Uwlii, Kd. Oils, R. A. Ollniora, Mai ilnirnian, Clara Tbropp. Uanle linn, Emma Hardoo, Helen Jooea, Oeorgle I.eit£r and Ihe child aclreai, Utile Jeaa. Ttie execntlTe Marr la: llaiT7 Wllllann, prnprlelor; tr. |i. Oliainn, bnaloeM manager; Mark W. Oodj, augo director; J. H. I^errla, carpenter; Kd. Oole, propenica; E. II. Wood, ftdnnce agent, andMax llohnan, nnalcal direclor. — Frasli M. wlllaand llarr; llmwo will iUr tliU aeanon )n Ibeir new coned;, "A Oty New Yorker." Oeo. K. 0111 will lie tbe manager for Campbell and Haittproprteloni. Mr.Olllwlll, the7ataie,iurTDund Meaara. wllla It Brown Willi a nrj HrongconipaiiT. —11 waa In the Clefeland Theatre, CleTeland, (i„ that "The Bcont" opened lie engaiemcnt on Ai^. as ao aoapldoualy. Our iipeclal alepatcb of that data gavo the Lyceum Thoatre aa tJie lionee. — OeattI* I«il«r baa Iwen engaged tbrougb Blaunonda k Brawn to plaj the emotional beavr, chilli aclrea*, lo niar Miile Mable with llarn Wllllama' "A BoweiT Fli«. and Uttle Jew, Ihe — Iloaler of tlio Keough Oomedr Co.: K. M. Keoiub, It. U. Lunlnrg, 11. Webb (AiainlierlalD and wife, Hlnnle llnoki, ninkto Howard, Kine Tbom, a W. Warner, Haro Bbeller, Jan. Buierfonl, \vill Smith. Kd. Rmm, A. J. Wllm, VliaH. Mullen, I'mf. K. L. Wright, band maaler; l*rof. Dan Moore, Iraderof ontaenlra; Kdwiii A. Iican and Nowton Hnrka, ad- vaaco agonia. — Jamea O'Neill, while on hia wa; to liU homo In New I/>ndon, Ot., iiD Aug. 33, fell and luiiulned an loJniT to hIa lineo cap. lie waa to have opened bla a«a«on ZT, lint owing lo hU Injured kneo haa found Itneceaarr u cancel tho date. — Ilenrj Irrlng'e tour, uniler Ihe dIreoUon of Menra. Abbe;, BclioelTol i Una, will open Hcpt. is, at Montreal, Canada, after which tbe corapan; will go 10 Toronto for imo week, and from tbero (o Ihe Tremont Theatre, Boaton, Maia., fur four weeka. Th« company will open at Aiibey'a Theatre, Ihia city, Oct 38. — Mliule mmer will liegin her American tour In tier new play,"T1ielk:bool 7llrl."at Hnchcuter, N. Y„ on Deo. 21. The U.K.Taylor HanagerB' Kichanie, who will direct iho tour, are alnui to organize her company, which will lie ulccteil here. —VrancUi Jonea opened hIa aeaaon Aug. 0, at retoakey, Mich., preaeiillnff KdwanI Owlnga Towno*fl comedy, "In Old Madrid." The company Indudee: Kranola Jonca, (lerald (Itimn, Fiwnk Weoon, Fred Umry, Wm. O'llay, l«IUe Waltera Weason, Bortlia Boutwell and Minnie Itlco. M. K. lUcn, manager; P. H. Morgan, aaainant manager, and Peed lla^n^ ooalcal director. — Oharica W. Wllllama, who waa for many yarn our correapondent at Tetre Hauio, Ind., died Aug. S, at bla home lo that city, aftor a lingering lllrmia, from parcala Tno docciwit wan a venr popular nan, anH waa a menilwr of llio ll. 1'. O. Klin and llio Maaotu. Ue left no family. Tho remalna wore In- terred B, under tho aueplcee of tlie ordom of which be waa a member. — II. It. Feoley, lirolher nl Al. Feeloy,whnaedcatli notice appeared In our Imt huuo, «rlicii iih th>t bl» bmUier waa organizing a comlilnalinn for Ihe nail ihle Boaaon, and lliat ho had already aocured aevonil l>eo|ile. Mr. Foelny Is •olldlnue that llicm pcnpio may be fully advhod of hIa lirolhor'ii ileatti, Iliat thoy may aecuro other ongageiiioiila while there la yet opportunity. —A dlapalcu from Stockton, Ual., nniler date Aug. 33. Informoun that Medley BrowiiHi new come- dy, "tJolonelM Wlvea," wiu auccenfully produced thora, at tho Avon Theatre, on tliat dnt«. ~ Maroua Mayer wrllea from London that during the coming aeaaon he will bo gonoral iiianaier of the Imperial (Irand Opem llouM Uonipany tliat la being organliod to lour iho nroTlncoa, —'-A Second Hand Wir«"lslhe lltleota new play whloh Oliver Byron has eecored. — Holand Heed opened hIa Muuon Aug. to, at Krte, r»., ID "Tho I'ollilolan." He will play an cn- Bagement In thia city In Febniary. — Andor«on Hold baa boon engaged by Abbey, Bebooimi A Urau aa managor for Ulllan Itoaaell's Upera Uo. for thIa aeaaon. — Manager Fiod 0. Whitney haa aecnrod Juliette Oorrton for JauetHacOrcgor, ber old part In "Hob Hoy," and iho will open wllli ihe company Sept. 3, •t the llet«ld Bquaro Thoatro, thIa cliy. — UonmanTliouipaon annouuce* that he will not nlay this ioaion. Mr. Ttompaon will make Ibis dly ma home during the coming Winior. — Managor Pllou will open Ihe loaaon ot "Uiuo. Sana-Oene" In UoTcland, (>., Bopt. a). Kathryn Kidder will appear In hor original charmctor of Sans Uen^ and the oast, with one axcepUon, will ba the nmo aa that of laai aeaaon. — Ohaunoey Olcott opens his aeaaon Bepl. 0, nt Holyoke, Mass, lie la booked for lour weeka at iho Fourteenth ainiot Tlieairo, llilecliy, beginning Sept, a>. Uo will preaoui "Tlio Irliih Anui" and "Un- voumeen." — WUIs' 'Two Old Cronies" Uo. opened tlieir regutarsoaaoD Aug. 16,atHuulh Chicago, III. Fnl- lowlDg la the comnlelo rosier: John B. Wills, Win F. Kennedy,Two Slitera N'oUlun, h'ntttk Qmluni, Harry Uark, Oeorgo lllce, Uar.el Wdia, Tllllo BInko, Bias tnillla. May Cork, Xoo lliinls, Btda SIOTons, I'hll. Oollliia, mnslcHl illnoior; J. o. Bponcer, iiianaier, •nil Ben Atwell, ailvauoo. ~ Malda Unalgon has been ongsgod for Ophelia for Walker Whllcalde'HongagenioutTu "IUmlet,"at the Herald Squaro Tbeatro, Ihhi city. Mia Cialgon will play all of Ibis elar'a lending fownlo toloa on tear. — Itoalir ot lianlol A. Kelly's Co. In "Ontcastn of » Otoal Clly:" Hauld A. Kelly, H, T. Uuhlcr, K U. (lallaglier, 11. W. I'emlienon, Mark lUcluinIs, (loo. U Kennedy, llarrr McCauiaa, Freil I.. Mloau, llolsn Ileanioiid, Mauile Vhun<lilll, Mra. Anna Inniananil Utile Annie Iniuan. Rosa WllllaDuoulii advanrc, •nd A. 1). Jarvbi, liualiiesH reprcaunuilvo. — Janes T. Kmx, formerly of the (Nyiiiplo Tbea< ue, llarlein, aiiri John Keogan, of Ihe toitm of John and l,ulu Keogan, will put on the roail this Beaton tin lilsta comedy ilmnis, ".Von Mtchreo," wlUi ihe folluwlDgraBI: l.ulu Kergan,Juhn Keogan, James Walsh, Alice lrenl^ Noltlo May and AnuTe Kvelyne. The aeaaon will n|i«D the lail week Id (Icluber. — Mauagor O. H. Ileiin writes sn followa: "My advortlaeineiu or laat week brought nearly three liunilred appllcailons, and onaiiled uio lo oniiagt •n excellent c«m|Muv and a aplendhl band and or- uhotita. Will o|>on -Jueliua BImpkliis' wiui a bund now oumt ol Bcencry and mechanical effects, tod lilll heavy wllb iKwutlful lllhugiaph |wpor finni the Brio Ulhographlng Oo." — Kmll Banrel, Iho well known French vIollnUI, will again visit iho llnlleil Hlalea,Hnd, lieglnnUig Jan. 10, will make a concert lour under tho Dian- Kf suiont ol Measra. Johnson A Arlbur. — "l'ayche'BKnul,"acunKdy,liyCharlea Bradley, will rocdve a prodiioUon oarly In Ootobor, Itosaboi Morrison wtllnbiy Iheh^atllngrule. — J. 0. Ihiir oonlomplates an olaboimie produc- Uon of "The llartoted llrlde," Ihe UohentUn opertlla by Bmotana. — Kate Ocslorle and trigone W. Hanger have been engaged for Ouurtcnay Thorpe's rt>ni|ianT. — "The llloyrle dlrl," a musical oonicdy. In Ihieo BCia, liy M. A. Woll, wai ortglually nnxlurctl Aug. ■Jl, at Ae<l Bank, N. J., by Kcllle Mclloury aud ber company. —Vrwl A. Biilllvan, of tho "A Cracker Jack" Ou., HUulsau account of hianiamngc In Uclphus, 0.,an Auit. ID, to Olive North, of Ihe nine couiMDy- — KiiBler of tho Maude lllllmau 0.: Wlatnmpa. Snollbig, sole proprietor and manager; II. J. I jiuder, ftdvance r«|irescniaUve; 0. W. Dlbblo, Ireasurvr; W. C. Humphreys, umidcal dlirclw; aourse llauklycfl, Boiwrty nuMler; Maude lllllnutn, Alma Ohealer, in. W. K. IMIon, Kmnia l)o W'ealo Fey, Annie Hnberta, J. M. Uonovan, Inlog While, Flmnk II, Fey, Will J. Kennedy, W, K, Halion, K u, llsevce, Ihe Uklckerlng Unarlet, Baby Fey, and Dodgerfleld, Ihe Hick dog. The season, we are Informed, la booked BuUd. and opona at Qouvenour, N. V., I^epl, 'i, — Helen Blithe will oommenco bersesaon at Troy, N, Y,. SepL 13. Henry Myen will direct tho toar. -~ Ohanea>'orTealerhaatieonengageiirur"lluiBan llearu," — U. V. Monon Is doing Ihe part or Reginald Usnks, with "Tbe (Ireat Ihwiklyn llagdlcap" OOh ■nd Alma Harle ,1s eiutcllng tbe soubretle role In that coiiiiMny. — Annie KlngxleT wlthJainea II.Wallo<a Western «)ompiiny tort bla f (Mta. J. K, Aintley) baa signed aeaaon. J. K. Alnaley la still unable to work, owhtg to a severe aliack ot nervoua pnelrallon, from whlcn ne haa been sunV'rtng sinoo Uuil Noiemlier. — Kittle remiimko presenlod her hnsbaud, Hoisr rMmoii, wllh a baby girl, Aug. 17. — Boater of Bherwocd'a Ooaceit Co.: Wm, II. Sherwood, Win. Alton Deniek, Fitok B. Bsnnah, Jenny Otbon, Mabel Crawford and Orsce nimploo- — EdmnndBraham, sxtaapniBneons planlsf, haa relnraed to America, after a ten years' aliasDce, and will Blvs three recitals In Boston, Mass., next montn. — Beasle Bnmws-Robblna la terlnnaly 111 with typhoid fever at the residence of hormother. Id MId- Despoils, Minn. aiDlon A. IloliMns, ovrlng to the Illness of his wife, waa compelled to close bis Ly- ceum llieatre Oo., and haa alfned with tBe Ann- stead Oomedy Co. for this aeaaon. — 0. Bon Rodney and wire (Lndlle Rodney) have rigned wllb the Jacksonville, ill.. Mock Co. — Roster of Heiwood's lielebriuea: Nell Utch- Held, comedian: William llejwood, c. 0. I^opold, Oedl Iremeas, Benlce Belknap, Mrs. W. Uerwood, SIg. Rdnardo Vlalnl, J. T. Kvans nnd Oeo. W. Iley- wood. — Notes and roster of Ibe IJIIIsa imrbam Co.: We open our season Aug. ss, nteylng one and three night stands throogli Iowa, Musonii and the Bonth- em Mates. We will nreaent fares comedies, three of which are new. Hotter: IJlllao Vorham, Birdie Bartmm, KItlleFtancIa Welcli, UlUe Burdle May; K. I» Mapwcll, plsnbil; J. P. Oreeo, Rube WdoD, Wm. Fencnden, and Oeo. Fiands. O.J. Dleli, man- ager: F. I.. Howard In advance. — W. U. Kelley returned to Mgland Aug. U, to rejoin the Oowango Mohawk Co., at l^ndon, liept. 2. —"Hie wicklow Postman" successfully opened llsaeason on Aug. It, at the Ponrteenlb BireeiThe- Ire, ihbtcliy, where It atlll remalna. KugeneO'llourke la again the atar, and is now snpported byBetilea Oetard and a capable company. The loor will be under the management and pemonal dlrecllonofW. F. Oroaaley, who promises thalnswrealnrnawllllie added that will make the atlracUon even a stronger drawing card than ever before. — Prank Bush will uegin hIa starring lonrin "Olrl Wanted," the new farce comedy, by H. N. Stephens, In Montreal, Can.. Sept le. In tblt piece Mr. Bush personates a own who aasnmea alx dlDeronl dis gulaes, two lielug fenlolne. — A nine year old colored girl who can whlslle wdl has been discovered by Mtnsgert liavis A Koougb, and she sppeara this season In "Down In IHxIe." — Nellie Maskdl haa been engaged to play Mollle McCus In Walter Banford's "Btrngile ot ure" Oo. -Notes from tbe "OUbooley's Troubles" Co.. fSreryUiIng Is running nlcdy with the show. We experienced some hot weather daring onr Dayton, O., engagement, but opened at the High Hireel Tbeatro, In Oolombus, 0 , to a cool ansmoon and a packed bouie. Tho fhowgaveaplendid aallafacilon, and we are rapidly Olllog onr Qme for late In tho seaaoD In tha large diles. Wlllard and Uall are re- pealing their hit, and are ons ol the strong feat- urea with tbe compaoy. Joa. Uamnm waa pre- sented with a cane by C^olumlins frionds. Our oompauiy now numlieni seventeen people, and all are well and happy. — Jessie Atkinson mourns the loss of her father, Wright Harris, ot Boone, Vs., an old setUer there, and well known lo the profession. — Wsnen B. Kncraon bts been re-engaged by Messrs. Abbey, Schoenei A Oran as trcaanrer of the Ulllan Ituasell Opeis Co. — Frank I,. Whluier and wife and Baby Hoy have rejoined the Lillian Tucker Oo. — P. J. Kennedy and Bealrtoe Norman (Ellzalieth M.McCormaok), memlieraof W.N.FreemaD's "HaB- road Ticket" i;a., were married In rtusburg, Pa., laat week. The bride Is the dsnghierof Annie Mack UerlelD. / — NiDa Qennell presented her liosband, V. C. Minnetle, mntlcal director of "Hnnlgan't Ball' with a boy baby on Aug, 31, — KIlUe Rhoades, under Ibe management of (leo, il, Abbott, will open her regular season In repertory atl'ltlalon. Fa,,aBpi, V, — A, Y, reaison's "Und ot the HldnlwhiSun" opens lis season Aug. 31, at Albany, N. V. The ros- ier Includes Rdwin Bsrbour, manager; Ohaa. I,. Wallers, Imtlnesa manager; t. J. Wesson, advance agent; Vavo Harnett, treasurer; Wlltou Taylor, stage manager; Paul Manltee, (leo. W. Walieiv, Kdwin Franklin, David llanolioll, Ohas. Rnlllim, Fred Stacy. Utve Tenny, Albert Poller, Hrw. Oeo. Wallers, Ada Lyilon, Belle Btoddard, Lulu Harbour, Jexale Lester aud Mamie Seplo. -Manager John M.Ward opened hinseaaon ol "Uelmonlco'a at Mix" at Newark, N. J., Aug. 21. The company Indudes Ndlle llunliar. Belle Vivian, OHIO Evans, Clara Bell, Madge and Lljlle Hart, e. J Dallon.Oed.T. Williams, P. W. Caldwdl, Chas. F Jerome and Ohas. J. BUne. — Hosier of The American riayeni, under the management ot Hellenz A Andrews: Klla OobJcsu, (liiBlave Neavllle, ()ueenle lltallngs, Oeo. Weaver, Fnnds Neavllle, R. B, Clausen, ^%va M, Conway, planUt; Chaa, E. Udleitt and Clyde II, Andrews, praprletora and managtn. Our repenoir conalBls of "Caprice," "Wanted, a Husband," ",Marr1ed for Money," "(Jneena," "A Cokibraied Caso," "Oalley Slave" and "For Riches," Our roule Is booked solid In the larger lowua We aocured all our people through our"ada,"lnTui CMi-riH, Long may II Bland, — Hay VomoD Joined Sherman A Morlaai's "Jay Circus" Aug, 2t, In Cripple Creek, Ool, ..T.'l'*' ■Sf" TrlKl"''*-, BupponinB Kay Suilth RobblDs, will open tho season at Wilmington, Del., Aug, a. Following Is the rosier: Fred Bobblna, sole manager; 8. B. Rlcaby, sdvancs sgent; H. F. Uoce, ttsasnrer; WllUt Norton, muncal director; Lew McCord, suge manager; Hugo Csnnun, piop- ertlts: MaySmllh Robblna, Uenhs 8L Clair, Angle Hoasell, Oladys Lee, MUdred Forrest,Joe. J. Hackle and Oeo. r. Watson. — "Uncle Josh Spraceby" will open the season at BaUvIa, lU., Ang. ih Manager Dave B. UwU baa engaged Burt Uodgklns and (Irace Lelib, ilio well known skeloh team, for leading parts, oiher en Ksgemenls are: B. S- Walleia, mil II. Uali^mple. U, B. Illanchard, Venetla Irvlug, aiss. Ilokap, Itlch- atd Ilotho, James Duncan, UaJ.O'lAugliUn, May Vernon, Arthur Jacques, Fred A. Archer. I'rof. Al, B, Onalos and Prof, Chaa, II, Itoacb, — Uavld Atchlsou has signed wllh Olay Olomeiit's "New IKimlnlon" a>,, and lUobard Atchison has signed with Oonny A Fox's "O'Flstlty's Vacallon" Co. — VIralDia Richmond (Mrs. Jamea 11. Browne) and IllUe Katie Browne are the guests of Mr. and Mis. Oeo. Stevens, at SI. Joe, Uleb. — Itostorof "In the Fool llllbi:" JamoH U. llutcli- luiwii, manager: RrereU W. Dean, business nan agor; Uhanee II. Stuart, aaalstant business man ager; Robert M. Johnston, treasurer; Onou Clir- ford, >Ulw. II. Thomas, Byron Bpaun, Edniond O. Bunougha, Uany J. Ilnlmea, Harrison Colby, Mar gan rhillpa and IlarTT ?. Floklo. The naaon opeus at Wllkoabarre, Pa., aepL 33, — M, (^iiipbell, nnprleior of the Eraplro Theatre, ueirolt, HIcn., bi bnlldlng a new home, the caplUil Sijiiare Theatre, In that city, and will open about SopL 1. Ue will transfer his conliniious psrtomi- suces St Iho Kniplre Theatre to the new houie when compleled. — Hosier of theexecuUveaUifafTbeEuilneer: llarnaou A Co.. ptoprieton; Bertram A Wlllard, uunaien; Frank A. narrlman, bualneas managor: Hob. O. llolUnd, tnssurer; Oeo. M. Fenberw, music- al director, John Udendthal, mage eaipooior, and W. J, Owen, propenlea. Their tour began at Ihe People's Thoatre, tbia dty, Aug, l«, when we gave the ixwter of the cast of players — Hurdle Baniam haa Joined the Ullbin Durban Oo,fora •honseaaon,previous 10 the opening of hor regular tour. She will next season aur In a comedy Uiat la being written especially for her, under the managenieut ol Albnrtua A Bartram. — Addlne Mardon, soprano, bile of Wlllanl Bneu- car's "UlUe Ticoou" Og,, will alar next season wllh a company of nor own, — Hi«ler of Anderson's "Jolly Old Chums" Co., whloh opened their seaaon al Hcianton, Pa„ Aug, :M: Thomas J, Ontdy, Budd lluss, Vkrrte Lamoni, Ulllan Bllllnuin, Eilna Weal, Jeanne Oravea, llalUe Benwrd, Orolla Bohermerhom, Ttlils IXiloiiiaD, MlBMss Chass, Kualn and Wlllhunson, lltrry (I, Lealer, Harry llualiea, W.J. Ilolnos, Chaa, u, Wal- lace, F, Clinton Scoit. Miller and OradT, propri- etors; C. IL Bugboe, manager, and A.K VjUL musical director. — Tho Chaso-Loster Theatre Oo. opened ttielr season at (Mlumbiis JuocUon, la,. Ang, n. The tustor: Helen MInkley and Claude Ollllngwater, who an featured; Oeoevleve Slanley, Joale Snlllvaa, Florence WihmI, (leoroe Kendall, o, L, Ulokman, Fmnk Hoblnaon, Will T, Litter, Olenn F. Chaae anJ mr. U. W. Van Uyke, — Tho A. o. Babel Oonortt Oo, opens the season In BoUvar, N, Y, — Tho new Oretgblon Thoatre, at Onulit, Neb,, was opened tor the Orst lime Ang. a, by Uharlaa Fnhman'a Oo,, In "Ibe Maatueimdets," to a paoked hODBS. — Adelaide Leigh has spent tho Bummer with friends In Philadelphia, fa., and after a pnlonced Ulnsas, caused by nervous prostration, la now con- valescing, — We are In reoelpt ol a neaUy bousd work bea^ Ing tbe title, "lively llaya," which oonlalna ten farrea and comedlea nom the pen ot Tbomas Stew- art lienlaon, author or lumetess plays and savei«l novels. II bpnhllshedby thetnUior.who tta weU known pnbllsnerot plays and amnsemeDl hooka la Chicago, 111. -Rotes from Cnlhsns's (tomedlaiu: Manajw CalbanawWMs to deny that Colhane's Osmedtans dJiSd St spnngiidd,iio. T«» » ;= iJ5 of nineleen people Mr, On bene advanced fares aiM oonM to elghuSnot then, only one membsr ot company paying bla fate on to the ahow.and that, InsiMd 01 ts telog indebted to the P«Pl«. of them were In debt to bim In dliferent amonnij. We played lo a fair week's bnslneaa at HprlnglleKI, In fact, the most ownoy ever played U) stand compsny at the Baldwin, The cause of the shake up Intho show waa a personal sneonnter be- tween a msmlior of Uie company and Manager Culhano and the leader of orchestra and nana, F.very salaiT due to member* of ihe company was paid on Aug, 1, and Manager Colbane bts recdpia for same, Thsre was simply a wholesale dltcharge and a rrorganlxaUon, Manager Culbane reialning Ihe enilnaoilng company, wuh the exception oiw. A. Nixon and Alytle Coleman, We have wllhns now such wdl known people as CleuienUna BL Felix, Edna Macbeth, Andrew Fols)th^ Joe Dem- Ing, Oeo. Waldnn, Francis Oretn and ftlcbard Uniicrler, Home of ihese people have been vrlib us for are and six yean. The company ss reorgan- b'^d opoDed Aug. II, and, whtt Is mors, we ue playlDg to a good business. On accconnl ot dls- cbarilug ihebandMr. Oulbane has canceled aev- ersl fair dales, but the enliio Soutbem tour will be played exactly aa booked." — Hobert Wall la now aaaocltted with John J. Btbicbier, proprietor ot tbe Sundard Theatre, PbU- addphla. Pa., In Uie management of thai house. — "Spider and Fly" notes: M. U. Learllt'sspeclac ulsr, "Spider and Fly," which was In the main re- organlTcd In Kurope tMs Summer, will be In every way one of the alrongest exiravagtiuas on the road Ibis sesson. The organization Is a large and expenalve one, and has Men moat carefully se- lecied. No expense hss t>een spared la lu reorgan- Izailon lo bring tho new prodncilon for the coming aeaaoo up to tbe highesi standsrd of excellence. The company compruca fnrty-flre Rnnpean and American pcrformerH, as follow: Dawn Uridlth, prims donna soprano; Gwendoline North, conirallo and burleBf|Uer; Violet Leslie, vocalist and dancer; Ibe Balambos, electrical woudera; Jno. W. World, dancer and panlomlmbil: uo Uarvey Bres.,mnalcal comedians and psntomlmlsis; Adele UsrtlnelU, chartcier change and dancer; Ihe Big Four, In- dudlng Smith and Martin; the Polnan Twins, IJb- ble end Harda; J. M. Ilsll, eccentric comeUlsn, vocalist and dancer; Ceoigla Putnam, the sum- esone burlesque stsr; Belle Travers, vocalist; Jno. P. IIIU, eccenulo comedian and sisgs director, and a superb ballet ot alxleoD Eogllah character dsn- ceis,1ndudlng Ethol Kennedy, I^ura Imber, Nellie Oray, May Massoney, Maud tlolbke,RdDa Wsllon, lotdia Kenney. Annie Barney, Lizzie Hamilton, MauloBmlih, Hay llurtOD, Lola UeVoU,Julia Rup- Kl, KilUe Rusaell, Pauline Kaferle, Jennie lluppel, le.ClarlceCarddIo, Premier, under tbe dlrecuon of Big. ItomfO, Introducing Ihe reigning novels, the "TYIlby Dance." Tho new and magalDcent scenery Is a veniaUolrtumpbof art. The gorgeous costumes were made ibis Hummer from special de- signs by a celebrated French cosiomer ot London; Ihe bngbi, caicliy musical gema sdecied and arranged by the eminent composer and direcior, U. R. Mathews. The text has been enUrdy nwrltttn. and Iho whole producilon crowded with novduea. — "In Old Tennessee" notes: This pisy opens In Denver, Col., Sept. 0. There will l>o over Otiy peo- ple In Ihe producilon. MaKeever A Flois, mana- gere; <X>I. (Mydl, buslnesa mansger; Orent Reld, Erogiammer; Fred Bmlib, llthograpber; Frank herldttt, stage manager; John I^e, calcium llghbi; Belle Black, wardmbo woman; Wm, Oillbim, mu, slcal director, and Oeo, While, leader ot band. We trevd In our own car, carry a pickaninny band snd ten burros, for street psrado, s drum corps snd a carload of scenery, — The execnilvo elan ol "Tlie Jay Clrens:" 1), Sherman, proprietor; E. O, llaynes, manager; IL U, Brock, advance reprcaeniaUvc; Harry Moilmy, treasurer; Al. Edwards, lender of Iwnd, and Kd, O'Connor, Btage manager. They haveJual porchaaed a combination sleeping car. — W. L. Richmond has sued s Western rellroad for dsuiagca. lie setsfonh In hiscompltint ihat ho mot wllh ponuaueni injury to his spine In an acci- dent on Aug. 10. — Kllzalieib Ue Will Kennedy hss Joined the Schubert Bympliony Club. — Uany K. Daly, comedian, has Jdned J. C. Slewart'a 'Two Johns" Co, — Ueorge M. Fallh requests ns lo slals that be Ui noi insmed,and coneequenlly the Uib, Oeo, Faith menilonedluiheatilcal colomns Isnothlswlfe — Following Is tbe roeter of Ihe "Birds ot a Fea- ther" tOy which opened ihe sesson In Uma, 0,, Aug.SS: F, W.Slrob, manager; j, B, Fsnchor. mn- deal direcior; KlddesM. Psge, stage manager lola "™- ,ti"„^"'PPi Horence Ungdon, Helen ■furrey, M, Van Veghtd, Will A, Eang 2S*5Sii:?**'J'J?'S' ««n<filcks, Harry Reynolds bd, ailllgan, and Kd, Coombe, agenu — Paul L, Aiken Inlorens us lliat he will star this neason In Ihrco ol the late Albert W, Aiken's ''^'ISS^, H"' ^S"><'» of New York,""Le Men, chard' ("Tlie Police Spy") and "Tho Black Ub>- niond,'' Special paper has been prepared, Mabelle Ledle haa been engaged for leading suDDort. — lloetor ot the Madge Tucker CoToaskdl A Bell, Diansgers; Madge Tucker, Vie Mauk, Joale Price, Joaeplilne Fox, W, T, Qaakell, Darrv Dell Cmrk Conistock, ll. M, Hooper, diss. P. Price; CiSi C. McOregor and I'rof. Bulord Curtis, musical dl, rector, Seaaon opened to good budnees July a, at Ihiuvtlle, HI. The repertory Indudes "Utniere of a Great City," "Tialu Wreiken," "Hijeh iJooey,* "Courl Iloyal" and "The Mounhtin Wall" -Jenulo Plan and J. Knox Oavln doted their Harlg KlDde Co. atSouib Uend, Ind. Marie KInzle will elar under Uie management ot Cbsa. Nye this season. — Wm. C. Andrews, lu Fred Marsden's comedy. "My Wife's Friend," will be asslsled by the followl Ingplayera: Albert UvluRtlon, U. Iteea Davles, W. W. Hum, William Fairbanks, Julius (Irieliel, Mscey Uarltni, Earl While, Marlon Qlronx, Minnie Monk, Slid Aniolnelie Walker, under the mansgcment ol Ibilph Howard, — Uortle (ftswford has been engaged lo play tho Hsgic gnecn wllh "la la" tbis season, and Jennie Bchiiman will play llio soubreite rele, — John K. Miles has signed wllh Alexander Bal- VlDl. — The Uolmet-Itoblnton Opera Co. dosed their leaaon at Wilmington, Del., Aug. 34. — earner and Black and lien Ilsrt rejoined WUls' "Two Old Cnmles" at Clilcago, III,, Auir, 3S, — Kotos from Ihe Ue llaven Co.: Minnie Us Uaven, at Kent, O,, opened ber Qnil starving tour Aug, 19, lo fair business, "Pavements ot Parts" was Uio opening bill, followed by a now play, "Sire and Wren," by Jas, I", and Win IL wibwn. The In- lUal prodiicllun, we are Informed, was a genuine success, on Aug, 33 ibe Inlllslpertonnance ot "A Uoosler Heroine," by John A, nazler snd Kugtne Wood, waa given, Tlie company. Including band and orchestra, numbera tweniy-ibree people, many of whom wore engaged thraugh Tus c'urrin, oor epertory: "Pavemenu ot Paris," "Nora Maohree," 'Sire and Siren," "Among tho lines," "Batlerv B " 'A Hoosler Heroine" and "Jack Starling," — LIIUo Alllo Flahor, formerly trllh ue "COnntr mi" Co,, Is reailug al her homo In Providence, -Mrs, Bam Char1ea(Annn M, Uulnn)has signed wllh 0, K, Ciillabtn for "Coou Hollow," lo play Jean Bccbymer, — Buckley A Wlnion' "lotiei7 Ticket" Co. opens eaaon In Rochester, I'a,, Aug, aa, 31, — Dosterof the "Mexico" &,: Royle A Hender- son, iwoprlolom; ArUiur C, Altlon, manager; Thos, J, Myois, liiiiSucAi represenbiUre; Wlllism W, BItt- iier. ilago manager: Edwin Hlluin Royle, Selena Feller Royle, Laiina Henderson, Harry Allen, Fnnk A, Tannefilll tir-, Wlllism W, Blltner, I'hss. llaynes, Frank Kollv, J, 0, (irlitlih, U, 8, Orinitb, Onuhni l^ns, Hachael lleane, Wni. Humphraysand Oenrd Anderson, Their lour beianal aeveland,0„ Aug, m. — "A Worid of Tniiiblo" Is the title of Thomas U, Seabrooko's now comedy, by llsrvy and KdwanI Paulton, It will be produced Sept, 0, at tho Park Theatre, lloslon. Mass, — KdwanI J, Hell, long IdentlOed with A, H, Pal- mer's famons stock company, la an Innate of a re- treat for Jlie Insane In llantord, Ci, Mr. Bell Is said lo oe slowly Improving, but there aeems to l>o IllUe hope of his ever recovering his lesson. — Julian Magnus, manager of Marie Walnwrtght, annoonrea Ihat Ihe lolloalng people have been engateil for Mlas Walnwrliht's company: NaUian- lel llanwig, lunnn Hill, Jownh /,ahner, Cecil B, Magnus, Gooiltey Blein, Alfred Uiimbam, John Bor- den, llatilo Rumen, Qertnido Elliott, Julie Ring llorelhy Thornton, Kale Bioniieysnd Fitd Meek, JTAH. Salt Laka City.—Ibe Sell Uke Theatre opeotd It*dfml«Aus.n,M, Willi IIotCh "A PlsekShesp." Thli or«DS ihsHMKon for thlibnuie. .'•."."'.•.■"rS.-'t'',VsodeilllM CUM for l»o Dlibm IS sml XI to fair bunlous. OSiKa—VhlB Ih)iim liibslnadMvnIad throoshoal br J. a ADdervno. an«l |>ii>inliM to prsMat a tsit brtstil spMsianc* S«rl-16, •haa Uu nw alaek mfai alu mats lu bos lo ihs Bait Laka public- Variety and liinstrclsy At. 0. Finn NOTB.-The AL 0, Field Big Whits HiDSirels made their InlUal bow st Newark, 0., Ang. 31, pUylng for tbe benefit ot the B. and O. R. R. Employes' Central Clob. Tickets were sold along the line ot the B. A 0. R R. from BalUtnore to Chi- cago, III. Prominent olllslata from along the Une of Ih? B, A 0. attended the benedt, occnpying sine boxea. The dob bouse was dedicated on tbatdar, a public recepUon being hdd,to which everybody was Invited, Tbe club taonse and grounds sononnd- Ing It were crowded all day, the band of the min- strel company furnishing Uis mnsla In tbe afur- noon, II Is needless to say Uie bouse was crowded from pit to dome. It would leaolre another perform- ance to accommodate thoss who purchased tickets to sld the boys in furnishing ttieir beam Ifnl clob hcnse. Several hnndredwho held Uckets conk) not getln tbe house, Indudlng late arrivals on excursion trains. An Impnmptn concert was gotten up In tbe pub- lic square, 00 the hand platform, while the mlosinl performance was progrtsdog in Ibe opera hoose. The crowd vras entertained with recliaUons and songs, boUi senUmenlal and comic When the cur- tain went np on Uie Court ot Momns the company was seen grouped on Ue stairway leading to tbe palace of Momns. II, W, Perrlne Impersonated Mo- mns, Oeorge PaUereon, the BroUien Mohring, Uio Eormloa and Ed, Cross represent the Knights of the Conrt; King's Jeeler, Master James Devlin: King's Psge, Nsi Wlxon, Barry J, Boirard, David J, Andrada, Oscar Mlchaella,], A. Shadrick, Ed- mund Davenport, Fnnk Tood and Edward BleOsI were attendanm upon his mlrthfnl majesty. Al. 0. Field, Tonunr Donndly. NeU O'Brien, (Aarles Rencn, Lsw Diamond, P. B. Thompson, Doc. <tnlg- ley and Wm. Rows were vlaltors to the royal Court. Eroeat MIgnanI and bit symphony orchestra were Ihe conrt musicians. Master Devlin's baton drill caught the vast audience. NellO'Bilea opened np the fun wllh his "Negro In Mllwankce" song. U. J. Howard ang with ulling effect "Sweet Aotoln- eiie," after wblch Alt. B. Gibson told bb highness, Momus, about some other royal personages. Then David J. Andrada sang '-When the Bun Ones Down." He received a weU merited encore. In tsponae to the encore he sang "When Uie Olrl Yon Love Loves Yon.'' Tommy Donnelly's exceedingly fanny song, "Ue Wished Be Wasn't Where He was," mads a great hit, "Only One Olrl In TUs World For Me" was enngirlth feeling andeObct by Otcsr Mlchaella, a baritone vrltb a superb voice. Al. 0. Field com- mented very humorously on this aong. Thompson and Qulgley danced ibemsdvta Into favor. Oeorge HaaseU song "Ulaca" irlib ran power. Wm. Rows Introduced hU medley swell song snd dance, which made a hlu Tomniy Donndly and Al. 0. Field sang "Groveraod Uncle Ben" as a duet The sextet rendered a Bdecllon from "Lada Dl Lommer- moor." Alf. 8. Olbson'a acreamlng farce, "The FtlUiful Watch Dog," Onlshed the Drst part. The baseball march and clog Introduced twenty danc- ers, opentngtheollo, Wm. Rowe condudlngtbeact wlUi his Inlmllable pedal dog dsnce; this act was one of the biggest hits ot Ue show, and Mr, Howe received a curtain call, Al, 0, Field and Tommy Donnelly Introduced their duologue, which met vriUi favor, Bogert and O'Brteo, In their mndcal act, In roducrd an InnovaUon wblch went big, after which Wm, Howe's original song and dancs, "Watsmelons," met with entbnslssuo ap- proval, GeorBeHassclMbsmaleraiiLBangsevsnil sdecdons from populsr operas. The Pstterson Urotbere came next; their act was one ot Uie big hltsof the evening, "Utopia," purporting to be a buriesqne drcns, was nther a real one. as there was IllUe ot the boriesque featured In IL Ibegnnd entree and the water carnival iras rery funny and kept the audience screaming wlUi laughter. Tho Brolhore Mohring introduced their great act, wblch went big, as did tbe Koirulos. Then are a number of lino leapers and tnmblen with Uie show, and when Charlie Rencb Introduced his riding act on two ponies, people Imagined Uiey were In an old fashioned circus, with the Rubes, with hay In iheir whlskere. Ihe red lemonade, the peanni man, Ihe Ucket sdlere, concert annooncen, and all the other attaches ot Ue good old Ume clrens, Tbe whole performance moved amooUUy. Aside from the show being too lengthy, but liuie rehearsing will bo required u> makeTt the strongest minstrel performance Al. a. Held ever gave. Oeorge Patterson met with an accident In endeavoring to nuke Ihe somoreaolt from the end of the bar over the wall to Ibe oUier bar. He came down wlUi his full weight on hbi heels, and Uiey are badly bruhicd. David J, Andrada has not been well tor severel days, hut he, too, la convalescing, Al, 0. Field has a heavy cold, bot la working away wllb au bla accustomed vim. MHS.M1Y KiRkrATnici (Hay Msley) Is sertously mat her homo In St. Lonhi,Mo. Ths Meleys are attending thoir dck dstsr, FiSLDsA Baksok>8 UBAwnioCiHne opened Ihelr regular season at Waldmann's Theatre, Newark, N, J,, Ang, IT, and, notwlUunandlng tbe Intenae heat, they had a house packed to tbe doors, Ths show caught on In great shape, snd bits were scored by Fields snd Hanson, Joe Flyna, Weston Slaten and ,, , open- ing night Ue perfomance was. Indeed, splsndid, Sam Green baa charge ot properUes, James D, Flynn handles the buslnesB mteretis, and John F, FIddslssole owner, THS Two JUDom vrrile that they will be com- pelled to postpoi -e tbelr engagement wllh tbe Al, Reeves' Spedalty Show for two weeks, on account ot an accident while doing a double from table down to feet, on Aug, 33. Nons raoM Biniow Bros.' MiNsrBna-onrshow hi giving eaUsfacUon everywhere. We are attract- ing marked attenUon, Introdudng as a noveltv tour drum majore on parade, while our fine ccslumes fairly glluerlnUelrmagnlOcence. Mens.Zella,who was specially engaged by Manager MoBenir as a feature, la certainly a wonder, and Is creating a furor eveiywhere wllb the company. Jiox Fsinr will manage Flynn t Sheridan's Bis SenssHon this season. * UisnMos ANn HimoH hsve sepantad. DiBTO. Gatnom begtn his season's work at To- ledo, 0., Aug. 25. Rici Ann ELaxB dosed a snccessful eniasement atAUanUoOlty,N.J., recently. o'-™"' KiLLY AMD Sr. CiAiRB havs dgsed with Rose Sy- ddl'a London Belles Co. JahssSdbihan wUl be Ue stage manager at the Odeon Theatre, BalUmore,Md. gw«uio Madob and Fiud GRASBuuiT JoUied Kalblldd'a Orpbenm Bun lu ClnclnnaU, 0., Ang. 34. Harry Btniwoimi, Harry Leopold, Oeo. ninck. Loula SUvo, HoMahon and King and the Clbner Uuariot have been enjoying themselves at AtlanUo (Jitf, N. J., during Ue sast two weeks. btt-A lluDDLisniK bas returned lo her home In ZaiiesvUle, 0., snd has undergone a surgical open- Uon. ScBUTLKR AND Nasb, after Spend hig the Summer on their farm at Edgorton, Minn., resumed work Aug. 3S, at the Palace Museum, HloneapoUs. ARTnitR 0. HoRiLAMD hu boguh. In this dty, Ue publlcaUon ot TTif AnUrr, a monthly Jonnal de- voted to the Interests of the B. P, 0, Elks. The number tor tbe oumnt pionU bears upon Its UUe elected (f, E, R. ot the order, OUAB, U, Ulakb a Oo,, mode publltheri, atsTS Washington Street, Boston, Msss,, write us that an edIUon ot ten UoDsand coplea of Uielr new sonr "1 Can Hide Where Yog l&n't Find Me." wlu be readv ihia week, and Uai they will Uen be able to All all back ordere, Krm Howard, of the Howard Bisters, has been very 111 at hor home, PhUadelphla, Pa,, bnt Is now convslMcent, and rejoins "rommj" (her sister) FiRRv, Uie frog man, will agahi be witb Us "BouU Before UeVar"thhiBeaMD. OiRA OoLUNs, who has been passlag the Hammer at the seaddo resoris, working, wUi return to Uls citv In Beptember. BlNM AND BURNS gO lO EunpO St US ClOSS Ot Ult Tony Pastor season. Ardsn, contonlonlat, Is playing in engagement at Brncher's Summer uarden, Itocbester, nTyT^ MAsrsR FBAHk WnmiAH, vlollolst and dancer, dosed on engagcmsnt at Ue Tennis Theatre. Chl! cage. Ill,, Aug, M. AL, HODm haa taken the sUge management of the urpheum Sun for Uls season, /•r^'f?'.??''!!?' Pisnager for R F, KelU, and ■A^P'bl Ksltn arrived Ui iBls oily from Europe \?AinRi(AR C. MSDBOLor and Mary BeUe UndAv (non-prefesdonal) wen manled Aug. 31, in Jersey (Sty, N.J. The ceremony was performed by JusUce of Ue Peace Oelger. 0. JoDD MoMOLA bas bees Uklog a six weeks' vs- rauon at llonesdtio, ro. Hs wliibes to sute that he U not booked with Marble A Ckrk's HhMlnls. mm wma mlmtm^ TBI WiLUAJU TRIO srapknlni» retan eonae- ment at Uncola Park, FaURIrer* Miao. p. F. HAuiH, Ute ol Uatptn and KcOolie, has Joined hands wllb Ode Ball, late otUwHaUa. OEAi. K. HAnm writes Uat bit tonis win v. nag Uie ooBlDfseasoB by the foUowlngweli kooM doMO: lasmne Comer. Vniin u.,£i_ t!"'*n lataepe Ola Hay Mnrtt: Howoid, C . Ailtur K- Deagnn e Conier, Ndlle Ma^lrJ J«7 . n. CbosTlIonrtti, Fred V,rSi2l' Eddie Olmere, Albert Hawtborw. A, c, liwrSS" Jsmes J. FSBlen. Oeoige Gals, M. w, Rsle hsiw' JenllM, oeo. H, Allen, Alice Carle, oS/^Siu Rose BydeU, Fanny Everett, Blanche Shcni^ Oerfnide RnUedge, BmUy Pean, Irene "y^dw^' Francis Hartle^lldvlUe and aetton. Maim, nij: Barton, O. Lote SUver. OnyaoB Blslei^ McvS! Btoters, Maud Rnnond, Al. BelUnan, Unio laiin!r A. T, Monan, Rose Wbichester, Jessie oinvS' Florence dlndley, Flonnce La Cellos, Thec'k'il'h' Wan, Leon 0. Nlef. Maud WolkerCarrle Bcbr ciuT A, Pusey, Lotde KUIs, Benha Wagner, BruhTS' mond, Jeanette Bums, lew Palmer, Amr LnTu Edllh Undtsy, Cbas, W. Unrauir, Hany JcSJ!' Banr Cooler, Hay Adams, Tbos, J, Rioicv v r' MInnelll, Jesrie Vlllare, two Roialdos, Uiiijn siui man, Bert 0. Oagnon, Anna CHslley, Chss. ir' Emesi, BnitWssner, WUIKIIroy,DollleCnie j>i£ W., Mr. and Mrs. Uanh, Mabelle I'oiiv n? PatUson, J. Frank Macanley,Jeanette Roiteiie Bui DaU, BeUe BIstera, Lettte U Vyne, Mark isntiu die Roes, Ed. 0, Ssinneon, Belen Q>nrtland Vat cita, Oeo. L, Moxley, Eddie Odiun, will j, Wsinu' Oeorgle Oomstook, Ndlle E, Bnlib, Pureell and £1' llns, Florence Wealer, Pauline Barvey, W, j, Aiin Fsonle Davenport, Oeorgle Cbsrtres, May iioei Priorie Gates, Marie Maddlne Wheeler, Kmrnt^' rest, MoRoMs and F.vans, Daisy Wade, May Vemm May Kennedy, Peart E, Andrews, Chas, u, Utnh' Georgia Irring, Oeo, H, Lukens, Ceo, ll, Ua- mona. Mile. CanUa, BunneU and Allen. Lann Poi Sadie MUier, B. R Bulherlasd, Sol. Ilan, Cbis! Tnwnsend, A. W. Handy, Rose Mitchell, Uoiiie Ray Benha Kellog, Emma Oallea, Fted E, Teny, P.f UoyI, Irene Cnig, Rnby Knight, Carrie Weller' Maud MUford, James R. Homer, Margueriie Rna' La Petite Rose, Nellie BoydeU, WlMlamsTrio.Uouie Dimple, Jennie Leon, Ulllan Chtmberilo, Joe Den- ning, Alma E. Lewis, Ous Arthur, Hairy Fsntll Jule S. Stnat, Barry Havlbi, Nellie Diamond, Oa' hmde Fort,Eiaie Beck, Tony WUIIams, ailbensLu- rock, Tlolet Norman, Venella Ir^g, Uzde Jobnaeu Bertha Kallog, Hay Loveland "Sherwood," Xelie OerUne, Tom Bateman, Edvroid U, Winn, Belle Brown, John Grieves, Edward Warren, Kdsln J, Price, WUl and Aggte Barron, Birdie Vaijgto, Mr. and Hn. Wm. J. Wells, James B. Ravmoad, Primroae Quartet, Ited Solcombe, Welcii and Welch, Irene Wairdl, Marie Rose, Doia Cnn mloB, E, E. Wright, Lawrence Helm, Bcanlon Urea., Mrs. L. B. Newell, Addle SInsrt, Hellle Burnt, Louise Gordon, Julia Caibonn, Emma Joyce, Jennie White, James McKermao, Neule Aobrer, Trixle Sylrester, Julia 0>leinan, Vivian Wood, H. ValenUncBssd Uawthome, Dottle Dellmay, Qiayson Slsieis, ion Knight, Mrs. Dr. While wolf, Tom SUan,Vltter and Wall, Ella auseron. Nana Brown, Rlcnird A. Wlld^ will Hack, Dick Chanirell, Jo; Schuyler, Hasde Uarnsos. Loin Uartell, Marie winson, B.E. NIckerson.llay (nuum "Stoort," Dot Fleber.Fled w, jemmetL Ray Bankron.Mae Eroe, Frank HlcUe, Mrs, Laum Foe, Ohas, H. Baxter, James Dalloo, Ada Fags, Marguerite Grosbenk, Cbts. lnneas,Tom and Joale Carr, Barry Rose, Dlery Twins, Will F. Borion, Ursul WUson, Nina Beasos, Msrie KInzle, glide RsBdolpb, Chas. Pierce, Moore Sletera, Dora wuey, Neule Black, Hadlej anif Hart, Claude U Holie, Barry Johnson, Eugene FoUard, Bob Mack, Dcisle Davis, Chapel le Slstere, Arfhur Williams, LlUle Mor- ris, Osmond Oordon, Ella Dnnltsr, SL Felix Blsttn, Oeorge Scohie, Jesse Young, A. L. Fanthawe, Lacy SWSD, Hazel Scott, Dell Stevens, Mildred Bariier, II, A, Hughes, DeUa Foster, May Jeunlnis, John G, Price, FTIIz E. Boone, Lcnise Langdon, V. B. Wheder, Wm, E, Golden, Marie Madison, Julia ilsr- Ua, -Wood and Beadey, two Ruasds, Ulllan Htm- sey, Nellie V, Small, 0, Foster Moore, Mamie Uetle, Kltue Cummlngs, John H, Rapp, Jerry Benel, Fted NIblo, Uzzle Earle, UUl and^Ul, Harry K. Fib-- banks, Harry Pntonm, Mark Leslie and manyoihtm. Mm. Mart Bbbabtdn, mother ot Ted Dreton, character singer, died at Rocktord, 111,, Aug, 33, ol fatty degeneration ot the heart. Dx HsLLO AND Amondo havB jdncd hands, FOAME H, JONU, ot Jones snd La Fearie, Inlonnt ns Uat he has begun a suit for divorce In the Chica- go, HI,, eonria, against Ida La Pearls, Oboboi Mabbb, msnagerof tte Anortcsn, wiltes us that tbe American roar will head thdr own minstrel company this season. Mr. Maher aisles that they will cany forty people, snd will opeo lo October. Mr. Haber wUI manage Ue company. The fabm PROrmr ot James Donaldson Jr. lo- cated on the Rarlian River, nesr New Bninswick, N. J„ was partially deslrored by Ure last week, Ihe bams, outhoosss and stoUes, at well as baytlacks and com bins, were consumed, several vtlusMe headot catUe being roasted to deaUi. The bones were saved. A bot air baUoon setUcd on a bay mosDd and caosed tbe conOsgratlon. KzitB'a CoMiDiAMS, Brass Btnd and Orcbctm aratotirlnglbrough Indiana aid Ohio. Itcetetof company: Bany Kerr, proprtetor and manaier; Ftoiik d'NeUl, stage manager: John HULadnice agent; Prof. Lewla, modcal director; Smlib and lOere, Irene Waohbnra, Fnnk O'Ndll, L. V. Bock- bun, Fruik HIU, UtUe dip CNelU and lleableCtay. Banliv AMD JABVis do uot go wlU Uw Msy xus- seU Co., as tvas repotted. _ SmoNDS AMD lusnis open at the EmpbeTbeaire, Detroit, Hloh., Sept, 1. 'fiiey will Join Whalleo A MartelPs "Bontb Before Ue War" Co, Sept, 33, at LoslsvUls, Ky. NOim FIOM (XlUMAll A nilOtfR'S MlNSnBLS.- gDetplts the hot weatber onr busuiesa has been very ood. and Uie show Is giving conplele aailslScilon, urtWlntera,tenor Blnger Joined us at Welllngwn, 0.,23. We played at Norwalk during tbe fair there and did a tergsbusiness. We]olnedinihelrpartdo snd out a big figure on the alreet wllh our new snlis. We have a Dne bond and orchcstre. GBOBUB W. GAHAOAM Isfoms W. W. Ddsncv, he publisher ol "Uvlng Pictures In Uie dreie," ilist UesonglsbelDg sung by him nlghUylo (our and Sve encores. ^ VERA, eqnUlbrlst, is playing ber tist enmo- ment alace her return tram Europe at Sohmer nn, Montreal, Can. . , Tat LoTiNBixa SunBRS an playing a two weess engagement at the Forest Oosmo-Tbestre. iwiy Point, R. 1. . Ella Wbhib, ths woU knows male lui|«n«»»; tor, has mads ber home at Orange, N, i-"" Tatber, eighty ysan oC age, recently sulforel a Btnke ot apoplexy that has serloosly impaired hit reason. DoLLT Datu Is pasdng her vacation at Ue Oar- endon, Brighton Beach, ^ I, EowAss Olabbiob, the well known bsnlone singer. Is at Uie Sea Beach Folsee, Coney laltn<l, u charge ot Edison's kinetcacope. Bo reporta tbe len- ouB mneas of bis wife, _ Lauba MORrnHBX, song sod dtnce performer, nu been spending UeBnmmer St Coney lalsnd, Ida WAUXBS,ot the Wslten Slaten, has Jojwd bands with Daisy Deane, Phabe Waltera I* nai- ried to a non-pnteaslonol and bos gono to Uc.xico, Annie Waltera la irltb Rice A Barton. . „,. Famht Fobrbtbb was Ue recipient of a goio watch, stodded with briUUDts, trom nuiiicioai friends, while at Oonsy Island. „ ,,,,, Nbil LtTuaniuiappeaiedweekol Aug. llaiini Cliff FavUlon, Dnlaib, Minn., wlU the llcr*«~ Co. The local press pronoonce kls Ysnkee Bpccl*"' and monokigue the best ot theklnd eeenihcreins long Ume Flo. Shrs wIU hereotler be known aa no- uoo- do. She and Jensle Lever open at Ue ulympic Theatre, SL Paul, Hlno., Sept.2. ,, „,.„ HODOktMS AND LBtrn 10 with Dsn B. Levis I < cle Josh Spraceby" Co. Mr. Bodgklns Is to do locic Josh. Bablow Bbos'. N0TBa.-We are now In our (ourib week, snd business sUU conUnses to keep iil' to ™ stendsnl. We have one mow sund In MlchU«"; and then go back Into tbe Buckeye Stale. Aii"" slng,Mlch,,ans Beegs and hlaenilre comptnj tended Ue performance. The boya havo orgsiiiMJ a dub called "Tbe•nek TOcto," wlU Harn viare as president, OlUe Young secretary, and Bob rn» treaannr. Harktiam and Deny are nutking s n > wlU UeU musical act, enUUed "A OnJ siclau," and Arttanr la Bord Isslnglug "Ody Girt In UiU Worid for Ho" with great wcce*' *1 Bailnaw,Mich,,onr bandeacotlea Ue ball teainou| to Ue BTonnds, and tbe boys wluieesed a «rea> game of balL cuude Long U doing great won m adnnce. , . TBBTHBXB HAimNim BB0TO1B8 h*"'!!*?.? successful engagement at Bchmer Park, Monirv"; Can., and WUl open wllb Csmcroas' Opoiatlc {li» SIRI and Vandevllls Oo., Ui FhUadelpbla, wben Uey wiu play an Indellnlle engsgemenL .. MtoaiB CUNB bat entered Into a contract wiin '- F, Proctor to play aU ber New York engagemenu this season at bla Ueatres, _.,. .^i, .rt TBB DAUtw Bmot. report sotcess wlU J'" St Ue Buckingham Tbeatie, Lonlavllle, Ky„ "sek. . _„ R R. BLOoini, Uie wsu known mlnsad t«*''^Si sketch writer aod Intetlocntor, so losg coBneciv° wllb aaneniss' mnsnsls, niladelpsU, ra-. <• Btdonsly Ul at AUontlo OUy, N. !•