New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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420 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. iEPl'EMBER 7. World^ Players — Itoalor or P/lnnl Nlcktnon'i OoIomI Oobw^j Uamptiiy, gnni) tnlMlarr Innd mi concert orche» Im: KAwutA K. NIckemnn, nole owner; Mn. R. R. NIckoiMD, (rcuurer; J. n. Fmtler, boslnua nun- niicr anil prcm RprcMDlalWo; Jomiili Umdj, td- VHDCvagtuI; W. K. Oolc, •mliUnts|[cnl:rrol.J. U. U. PDlion, mtiHlcAl director; J. J. jtoOKbertf. Hinge illrcclor; W. II. Corliell, TboM. Ijrncli, (Jfuf. K. Ilnrrli, J. W. mm, VnA W. any, ll. I. Wolib, Fred Freeiosn, II. K. Muwn, Klhel Puller, Plor- onoe Hnc, Kn Umi, Unrlo Itarliler, Kllr.atMlli Turner. Uiixlclaii»-rro(. i. 0. M. PoltoD, J. W. Wlllei. It. Preiind, a. K. wiilte, K. l„ Hilton, F. Ormr, . II. n. Hmlin. Jnnien'WHimer, r>ul BInlKb, Frmnk Hill, VI. II. Olio, J.J. WoVm, t'liu. Iieerlirook, II. n. WnUn, U. U. Jnniiwn, W. Ilariler, Uslij Uulldrord, Wclib, drum iiiijiir noil llitlitDlDg drill, nod Hjnie and Harder, Ocmun xkclcli. -John Walilroii la Willi the Ullo II. Krmiinllm- inallv Co. — lluHlernf llic linnd with "Tke Counlrr Clrcua:" Frank'nininnMn,c;iiaa. Jiilinain, II. lUiaob, H. I>. Iljel, t'Mle Tajlnr, JnH. rrcndernaM, Unn Kiel, Nud Dmliiun and Tom II^Mlln. Prof. Fred limtera will conduce the concert and I lirrjr 1^ Hack, drum major, Ute linnd. — Kellr and IIowch' MohIoiI Oomerljr Co. will take tberoadtKI.'Jl. Tlie roater roltowa:Ti>ni I'. Kell/ and Jen Howe. Ilorrlo Wrii, IMn II. Itnwo, II. K. McKoe. W. It. Iliinnrll, F. W. Ulndmti, the Wright Blaten, Jopio WiMKlwHrd and Willie llrown. — Itolatid u. I'Tftv will iH] the iiualncaa manager of Andrew Uack'it "llrlrri Aroon" Co., under the man* ageincnl of II. W. Fresno A- Co. Itolitrl Murk will bo Uie repreaenlailve ahead. — Ilonitheft WHiiert haM alitned wllh Uliaa. Froh. man'a * Uharlny'ri Aunt" No, 'i coinpinf. — Loula Itiiiwcll haa Higiied with tlie llelene Mora Ooinnan;, omnlni Hent. 2, at Haraloga Unrliigi, N.Y. -Wni. Mlirhcll, or Ulichell and lonaino, goet wllh llavlaA Keougli'a "On the Howcry" Co. — The Mabel llilge Vo. repurt good bualnoaa through llio Soulh. Ilcurge dale and Itooa Thoi- bull Jollied the cnnipanj week or Aug. 2it. — UlnnlQ Uraiiiier, tnubrelle. Is atajlng with her parent* at Tatnplco. In the niountalna ot Kial Teniiewieo, — Hen U. IlaiitnioDd goca with Qeo. Honmo Ihbi aeaaon. In "A llapp; l.ltilc Home." — Htella llarniioad Inrorinn iia tliatalie haa en- gaged l> I,. Oroeno aa genoral mananer or her three road coBipaiilcn: No. I, Stella llarmicad I'lajern; . tin. 2, llaroKlead llimieilj (Vi.; No. 3, llaniMead Hie- atre Co, K-icli coiupanir caniea a braai band and oroliMtra. Tlieyupeii Hcpt. a: No. I Uii. In Worcea- tor, Vaai., No. i In Lyiiii, Uan., and No. 3 In New liondon, Ui. — The ).<irliig SiHlort, with Hiimjr A Mack'a "Flonlgan'a IIhII"C<i., wore each preavnted wllh a hlcjolu on the alaire, Aug. '21, by the Uungee 'Cycle Co., ol Indlanapiilla, Iml. — Iloaler ut tliu Nmnia Warren Uo.: HamleUe Iliirr, Uz7Jo Hcoii, Voiiella Irvlog, jKmOfi H. Uaralde, JoliD W, Harry, Furcy Warreu, Oiiarlea A. UcOratli, J. B. Btewart, lleoiTie Warren, Victor Anibony, (1, A. IMker, Henry 0. ItaTla, a. V. Uowu, Wllllani U. Hacher, Obarloa Flahor, Uliarlen A. I« Uomte, J. W, Matbewa, T, A. I(. Nolaon, C. K. Ilotilg. Jamca H. Uaraldo, manager; J. 8. StewKtt, tiuBlnen manager; Charlea A. Im Ubnite, troaauier; Henry c. Davia, atage iniinagor, and Hr. Nelion, proiierUei. The baud la under Hie dircvlkin or Victor Anthony, and H> V. Ilowna la leader or the onhcatra. The waaon waa opeoetl at I^Hwronceburg, Ky., July 20, and a [imiperoua bualneaa la reported. The luur emiinicea he entire Sonlli. — Iloaler of "The Ulilnlglil Flood:" Kaann A Wlllier. luanaiten: A. U. Uumlng, Hgeiil; Mwart W. Amberg, auie manager; II. r. L'tsne, mualcal illnicior; Loula Flagaii, Wlllani if. Uownian, liiiReno Santler.K. tv. Amberg, liol Iledele, Hairy .trcher. W, U, Welohorl, llntry nice, (leorge Wallace, Albert Mlicbell, Ollir Wcat, II. I', Cmno, Qiiaale UaiOner, Alico Itoaelaud, Saluine Kiting, Laura Hantou, Mrrle Bluart, llalay Jackaoii and Mm.L. Ilanioioiid. — Heater or "McUirthy'a Ulihapa:" Itarney Per- guaoo, HI. OeorKB Iluaaey, Oharlea Qomiau, llaiArd and Manlell, llnliert UiiTia, Obarlea Fontalno, lUcb- nrjl IWii""!, W. c. cit, Marguorotte Pernuaoo, Klla Fontalniileau, Grace Ooiman, Ithe* tUaten, Italiy Fergueon,J. A. Heed, bualneu nunager: C. W. ON, raiulcnl director, and 0. P. Lonalne, man- ager. Tlie company opeoi Id Uluehainion, N. Y., 8epl.>. — Hlen VockeyliaaroUimed lalUlacltyrromNew- port, IL I. Hhe gave a number of auocoaa/ul re- cluiaat tbatjilace and at Narnganseit rier. — llosleror llallou A i;atToll'a Coniodlau: John llalloU aiMl Jaa. lleamHn, propilelora; John llalloU, manager; Jaa. lleannui, Inwauier; 0ha8.andy, ad- vance repreiuntailve; F mnk Sharer, leader ol bniaa band and orohealra; Olllu and May vine. Hall aud Jeaale Hcliaoror, M. A. Hlbble, 0. 0. Ileyerle, Fred II. Ilnwanl, John Urown, Peter Orlan, Ulllaii Uarroll and Fretl Tunula, — 1.8. Fotta hu lelt the advanoo or Bella Broe.' Ulroua and la now In advaiico or J. u. Ilendergon'a l^umMnr, the lilcnle. — waller Kennodt nnd hla company have been, we ar« Inlorraeil, playhig to good lualneM. The compel^ la iHuknl aolld iot roriy-tno weeka. Fol- lowing b the nnter: Walter Keonudy and John U. Itenlgii, nraprietem; J. II. Iionlgu, nmiiager; Oeo. A. Hiirrtll Jr., Hdrance; Kdirlii Urowoe, auge man- *»?'• ''■..!!• ;■•,"'«.niachlnlm; P.O. HeynolAii,prop- onlw; Mliol Itojiiea, Itobccca Uwla, I.. Umt, Y. H. MonliKli, liam lliair, 0. 8. Uweil. 1). lurclay lloiiry l«wl», J c. PalM. F. w. Whlloej, M. Ilrowne J.II. UwlaiHiiU. (I. Iicyimbu. ..onuo, ii":;i^"«J"li'i ^"'w'' ''•>'""»" »ng»nodto aucceed T^iSSJA^n^iiS!" "' f"" - A.t*. iliiiiler liKH wrlllcii a now nlav fur tlin VS"*.!''!""""' l''"l«liiy7nU Je It IhllJcfty """"K"-'"'""' at Ilio Itaificlt Theatre, .T,'"";''."""?!!""" 'won made n lire member or ihe Aoiiim' Kiiiiii nt Amcrlta. - I*.. Iili'iili'liiii. lii hHH aifiircd hla nileaao from Oliarln Kniliiiiin'a "rho tin; 1'arhb.iia'' (Jo am will oiiillniio a lui'inlirr ol A. M. l-aliiiot'a "TrtlliJ" - Iini linniicl (llciij. F. Sinlih) waa granted nii Klwliiln dlviin-o Iniiii Sclllc F. Smith, Aug.» In the Ulllll 111 (MllUlliill l'icB«, ihiK cllj. i.-TT.!*^"?, "i",1"„'"" "'" "^nuig tour In "(llrl Wanii'il," Mix uuw rnn'o uonmlf. Iiy lu N Slephi'im. Hojii. 10, hiMoiiiroal, CHiiBila. - "ltllnlla^" a Inignly, In llvo acia, lit KIwan) Uugner, wna a>^i«l Inr iliu Oral iline on any alaio A^ig. i», at Ihe new (Imnil (ipeia llnune, lliuburg, - Iguacio ilnrtliiciil Imn rpaiguoti rniin Jiwenli llarrt cnninaiiy, ami will cDntlniie to iilay Zmi-Zou In "Tmiiv.'' - Aiiule ItiHwII baa Iwon engngwl in nh«T lead. IngpnleiiwItliNalc. ilooilwiu. i^jirau -~ Oatliorltiu CHrllKln baa been unoageil liv UaO' ager J. U. Illll to iiiiilen.liidy Mary iTiihw In .Vigua. lua Tlioniaa' new play, "Tnu" that u in open tliuwiwni A'pi. ii,at the slaiidani Theati* ttila oltv. - It la luiniiiiiii iiil that Ura. Uiigtry will uot tour Uila i-ouniry ihla i«-n«iin, aHrrall. Illheallh la the reaann analgncil Mr ilila iiecliibin. - Ullly iJiik and Wlllliio Uhartctx were inarrtcd Aug.-jy, lu ihia iltr. Mr. I.Ink aud wllean wllh W. K. thinniiii'K "A (inTii Oomla Man" Co. - IVniumw Iwlungliig to FikhcIii wiimu weto aoUeil liy the ihinionia lluiiao oillclala on the uhargti that they were niiiler»alui-d on the Inrolce. The oilli'lala ailileil duly and a uenaltr aa i;ie«:ribcil by law, wliUli hnmghi iho Ouiy uii lu j-jo.iw). Tlio i-iwiiiiiic« weio Involccil, Mr. Wl aou nten, at ihclr riill rahinitun. To Mtcur« the cm. tuiDoa Ur. n ilj.m waa obllgod tu give Iminl lor IhB run amount. - It la aiiniiiiiiccil Ihii a llieatncal ayndlcale has Iwen roniic.1. or whloh Jiwph W. Iinaika la the n" luuter and iImio C. Miner and J. II. MoVlcker tho aponaora. It l« riirllier annninu'ed that the anocla- llon arlll aiarl In with Jl.ooivooo capital, and ihallia olijoci will He me niuducilon of new played tt,o sclieiueUasjeteimitTotic. ..~ fanager John I'. Blociini Intenili to aend out • J^J^'' - "'"'•I' 'our the Sfluih. Frederick Palwl. Itlchard Mun«.n, lleorBe oSdney Marie Taylor. Jeaale llnmii an.l MinnVe KOgSrh havealwady Iwn eiigage<l for llie company, Alch will ojien Itateaaun (K't. I. *,iuiiii - A patiiienhlii liaalieen roruidlietween Vharies 'h y-,"- *"•' I'- •>""»■'. mo objNt or which. It ll Mated, la ihe ptujeiilon or amuw- iiienl euierpri..-.. W. ii, Manii Unnamed a* the localillreciororthoiiewooiuiiany. - "Aa Yiiu I.Ike II" wiu prrsontetl Ana a? nn VvinlJs.'v!""''"'""»""""'"""l|I^"«l"l».>!latai! ilir'7;ini"'S!'""'' "'lined wim - M. Hiireiice Kdwanla haa mumed from her Kuijipoan trip. Wliiie In Uria Mlna Kdwanll had dealgu. niaile l.y u II..I et His for rTwlSmM h.i "/*n.." Ttiry will iw, II Maald. «ry elaborate with illS ""ei^.""" '^"W'h>« -Siied — Motel from nmnCploDttsOonKdyaa.: We optiMd oar iesaon Ang. a, at Bteph«sa< OMia Iloase, lte«aokeU, ta.. with s denble Mil. ''Oor ■fanled Men" sad "The Flmnsa's TTscd," to a large snd sppraclsUn sndlence. nil li tlie IsgnrhlDf of a new ihlp In me dramsllc scs, and onr ptTMpects ror smeolb aslllog sn teiy bright, ai Mr. ilnir baa (urronoded hla olera little alar, Lena RalBloD. wllb a very erenly tmtanced and op to dale company, ind wo gire an enteitalninenl foil oT bright apeclaltla sod witb s cMc and Tim that Filesaeaifastbestregoing pnhllc. We are booking hroogh Iowa, Boutti Dakota snd the Northern Clr- colt, and with fair luck Mr. Bor will pUot them to aucceaa, nieroaUref ihecompanrls: F»A.nag, Groprletor snd mnnager; Lens Raliton, Hallle oodrlch, Kva OJerde, lyonlas Fmtar.deo. F.. Mur- phy, 8sm J. Mayeii. Ksrl P. Rennelt, lieo. B. Kemp- ton, W, J. lieytem, Fay Leslie snd Msater Ralaton Beiuieu. — lUchsid Obee and B. W. Wilson, msoaglng Marie Wellealey'a lltyera, report crowded hooiea In Bmlnerd, Nrnn., opening Ang. IS, In Marie Wel- losley'acopyrighted ptsy,"On thaSuwsnee River," to B, R. (I., naoy people being tomed swsy. The mater: HIcbard OIm, managar; B. W. Wllaoo, liurineaa msnager; W. 8.Hotklns,adrsnce; J. Ruth Uronaon, atage manager; Will R. Atklnaon, Rogene Phelpa, Arthur Wllaoo, moalcsl director; Jennie Cleveland, Hay I«wla, Jeaale Atllnaon and Marie Wellealejt. Hsnager Obee sddi tbe following: "Msite Welleiley'a Plsyeni opened st liemanw Hall, IJItIt Falla, Minn., Aug. 13, and retuaed to play 13, alleging mlarapreeenisilon on the pert or Aleiander Van Pnug, manager, aa to the lesilog capacity of Ihe houae. They phyed u st Oreaa (Ipora Houae, to a large audience, and were pramplly allaclied by Alexander Van PiBag.tiut not lip 1200 bond, snd had trial eel ror Hepl. t, In Jnage Oaiidet'a ooort. — Mrs. Marguerite Hamilton la engaged with "Hheoandosb." —Osrillr«hm'a"TmNlghlsln sBarroom"On. will open BepL 31, st Kile, Pa. The rdlowlog people have atgned: 0. Ituvsl, wife and child; Dllle uid. rord and llaliy Wsva, and Prof. John Bpellberg aa rauilcsl director. We will carry s complete aet or apodal acenery, making this a fine production or tills popular plsy, — l)an Bhennan, or the "A Jsy CIroua" Co., writes 11 follows: "ITe were csoght In s land Hide Aug. 2a. A large nek killed my wreaUIng pony, Major, nay Vemoo, s member of my eompsny, wsB allghUy wounded In the h«ad. All the real or the comJknT wen iinlnlored." — Koiei from the John U'Ormond Co.: Tbe New Auditorium at Belle Phtlna, la., waa opened by this coniiisny Aug. 2i, with "Fsnai." Tbe hones wsa bull! by (I. Onthrie, and la repleu wltb every mod- em appliance. Including line dreaiing moma and elecino llgbli. The opening wiaa gals evenL The houae wsi ptoted, and a bsnnuel was tendered Mr. U'Ormond snd bis eompsny stierthe show by Man agernuUirie. — Roster or Ihe Marie KInile Company: Marie Klnzle.JwnlePtatttieorgls HIgglns, Kin KInile, Knox (latin. Jack Annan, Cbss. Csmoot, Oeorge Kilwsrda, llarn Norman, Htanley Walla, Albert Ny^(le^|ge Bailey, musical director, snd Chstlca Nye, nuuger. Their sesaon opened st Booth Bend, lad., Ang. n, to reported aundlog noni only for three nighta. — Fisnela Klogden and William F. Oooneaay have been engsged by Onstsn Frobnian ror the i?'}?.J^if^'"" l».,BlsilnB "The wife." "Ohsrlty Ball," "Bweet Uvender'' snd "Amertosni Abrosd,'' Mr. Ooutienay ror the light coraedy psrta and Mr. KIngdon ror leading Juveniles and ^vlee. The Bcsion openeil stonmha, Neb., Aug. 2>. —The Oalllcotio Vomedy Oo. opened iheir season f'C""' *"R- JUajIng the entire week. Tbeysrscnirylngalisndand nrcheilralhia Master of John K. Breouo'a "Tim, the Tinker" ™.. Frank W. Una, manager; WlllUm B. Lewis, sdvauco leproaenlallve; J. Prsncls llsyes, muskisl u.r"'"^) B- Uronnso, WDI J. Irwin, Qto. 8. Sy"'J^'^^'" AhOrew Usiy. P. II. O'Brien, E?J'f^,''*»!ST' 0»«tllver, Winnie Arnold Wbel Tyler, RUeo O'Nell, Utile Winnie snd tbe Tinker (jusriet. — Rice's Surprise Fsrty, In "Mt2," wltb Bessie Bonehiu, Rlohsrd Hsriow,lblsnyl'sUvlngriolura!i s large cast and Ha own orobealrs, sro rehesning 8epj['l" "—"o Bcrsnton, Pa., ,~„'iSl™' ■">'»» "Tl» Ittt- aler"Oo.,ss UB been s.sted, but atsyswitb Davis f Xeongb'a "White Rst" tmtll bs Joins Frank Bush, w^r.^V^'L"*^ Modern Woodman" Co.: Oeorge Klint, A. F. Heimai, J. B. Mellonoogh, J. B. Mur- >by, Leo Twyman, FanI Badson, Oeo. H. Dcrker, iiji-ir ■?■''•'.•, '"J^J"' •^•n>ln«. da^ Bkslcher, w."J.*'?J' V"Sf '"'W <**» RedBeld, Uulae llsveo, nis LsTiloier, Hany Boone, sgent; Uany A. Bnow, manager, and Pstrol QosrtsL — Fredtrlo 0. Hesra has been enasged to pMy obanioier Esru wllb Jessie Mae Hall's Oomimy. Fisok J, Omndon, Presley B. French snd Ucla dale sra lecent eeii|sg«meaiB. »."^"o*'f' '^"'» opened ber season at BnlMo, h. Y., Sept. 3, In "la Belle Rnae." Miss Lewis' re- pertory will Inclnde "U Belle Ruse," "The Oieole." ^If. m'JS.""' "0<1«M*" Arthur Fortoit snd Will 0. Oowper sre ber leading men. Frank JlEiC!?*.?' KF*" Walton. Wm. Rusf, His. Bsnford Orrmtb, Ida Venter and Allska Davis sre the other mAinlum nl Itta nn.n_ \,! . r-. . membeiB ol Ibe conpsny. W. A. Edwards, msn ager; Cbarlos L. Yonng, bnalneaa manager. — Ada Van Ktia will lake out a company ol her own eariy In October, under tbe dlreolkm oT Obsriea I. Vn.,«o I. . n 1. g p^^j red Leslls In ad- J.,. iuuuH mil nuiiaiu wlUi JcifTeyaLewls aa buiilnew manager, and at tUe same timedlreot Miss Vail Etta*s tour. — David O'Brien's Own Co., In his new mnaloal rnrco coiaody, ftoni lila own pen, enUllcd'Tie Odd Mi TJ-- H" "»*"> " l*ntm Opera Hall, CInclnnstI, O., Bopu s, then will Uke the read, iilaylng through Ohio and tbon KiuL FollowlmU ■';j„'^lL"'i.'^V "• King, banjouit snd ImMoees m".!?*?." "*» llo»«,ol>a»ctets; Almeda De Leon. ii'"j"£:i'."!,''', '!!<='-S?^"' UhrtsllneThSiS^ iLirtrnffi '"r" O'l'rteo, Prof. Oeo. EtSi, idv'inJiS'er""" *»«•">■ iv~ I?)'?'?'''''5»">»<«f of 'The Mylca Aroon" i?;;, T"S r*"" Siranlon, Pa., scpi. .:: II. n. Truaa A Co., proprietors: D. W. Ttiiaa, iiuinagfr: lloland 0. Way, busloUs lian- ager; James Vlncoiit, stsge manager: John strmm. ^h?nir'a'?!.i'"£'°'i C»n?i;i, mMter ™. Si. .k'*?. """v reprwcntatlve: Andrew Mack. Ugden Utetena, Jamea Vincent, Oeorae II W*'""'.-^- "««>"• ■'»'"« CallihaSrKrnoy Wllllaina, Kllllo Colonuu, I.Ida McMlltan, liniij iSlIIfk^CTKn ' "eenanind u™"lfi\rj" "lUilangloment" Co.: Hiiae Jllllard, sopisno: Louis u Hoy, coninlto: lUna laaoiie. alto; Oorinne Vance, iiinio; Mlldni) Ani,.|d mcao; Leo J. Ale.xtnder, basa^; K. 8. l«riiooe: Aahliy lUaydcs, counter tenor; UIck An- l"n if??'iS!L°'?"i *■ •^•'am, nunager; ."■,. "»'''!"!•• I'ualnesa raprtaenlatlve, and Clias A. (lanlur, advniu-e. .■^T '■'"Peailve Woman," by iiariy Jackson. J.l.'.'J"'.lI''.'i'°'!J;' ProaontaUou In Chicago, III. Iw.JiS-Sf-'l manager and Uula nereo sols nimristoraud manager. — Chaa. L, Dliwnier has Just Inlthed a Ihive act cninolj. entitled "Charily Cane." — A. II. Knnll and Mario McNeil have been en gage.1 aaa apeclal feature witk Wane's Comedy Oo, In eeteiD). .. — }'• Ilrowne o|iens uls season In "A Midnight iii^ " "'P""""!' }»•, Sopl- ^^ and infoms M hat iho coiupauy will liicluaa eighteen people, and Ji" K'"'-•'W'l'InaUon coach."rhey "n carry dght new dropi, Iwaldeanuniennsast pieces and a pfKilcal entfiie and train of care. The i5t«r pecu look nn» In lie Weal fora pixispetoua scMoa^ KJ^. ,''".',.''• ^-^ » company, ntDduolnii .Uioroiigbl, renovated, inierior !,i,1„k"'"'w'"' ""S '««rtof In terra colts and silver, whicbuukeaa handsome appearance, first clua melodnnia only will be piTHluced. '>™":»" — John U. and Uule HoUowell are meeUni wllh .!:;.„*?'''• "•li'o". alter an absence or almoal lla-mSSiv'ulT.'.vi'lio'!'''*' ~»n Wltb — Cbas. lAinhsrdt has rslutned id America after a tour Ihreugh Jtance. lloll.S?tebriam a^4 fliV inany, and has Joined -nie Spai^ olQte" .irhVl?;^fL*'';l*",f!''"■•»'" <•'»< »« baa signed j'hSii'oS."^' '"" "««'«"••> '•K-llllVltb Itaitir "JiSJ'lf.S'-"''"'"' ""iMCneco. la. -Note* from Iod Oirroll'i Ilftjcn: Mr.OarroU hu booffbt mm biB Hrtiwr, lUf BaDkwD, tbe wl InierefttbttHr.BubioD beld, and tbe coni|»o]r wlllberMncrbe known u Ion Ciiroll'fl Wen. prewDUDg ••Q"«n'« Krtdence." itie rorter of tbe coaipiDT: CU\T TniUe. letrtlog tody; Idm Mc- Oftoley.Elhel CT»7tOD.Ap« cmwron, Ohiirlei V. Wlldnck, lijole Worreo, waiter Vm, Uw OleMoa, loD CfcTTolI, nuiuwrMdwopiletar; Lew?le«»o, RtMe director; PioT. P. 0. ftrsdeo, maric«l director, andVIII i. Wlldrtck, ftdnnce repreeeoUilre. Tbe comunr ll booked tbrongb New York, Peosijln- nlft.^flw JerBey *iid ConiKctlcnt. Ethel Cieyton, tbe child lUncerp will be restored. _ aerence II. Oeedftii hu been eogtRed topley tbe Ietdln|he«Tyln E. RRoeo»idimiDft, 'THe weit- ermr," noder tbe mtiiAgement of Ooodrlcb a llend* rIckeoD* ^ ^ — Noiee from tbe Allen k nni'tCo.: Webegtn ibo foortb week of onr eogtfiement Id Wetertowo, N. Y..flepi.3,ftDd bftre oext week tbcre. meklnK llTe Id ftl). We ibea go on ibe roed, nttkiog ell week MtAndi, and play (wo or three felr dateA In mil section, and tnen DO East Tlie compao/con- RlHU of: Haile Allen, Emma Shewell, Jennie iDRm- ham. Dab; Hand, Frank Allen, iw. ). Winter, a. 0. nanlironelc, Oeo. R. IsCDl.J'an Inmham. Fred U. Allen, Prof. Watts and Oeo. A. Htll. nusinen has been uniformly good all HnmoMr. We expect some new people tbe coming week, wblcb will add greatly to ibe itrengtb oi onr show. — Osceola, la., has a new open bonse. It has a sealing capacity of eiRkt hnoilred, and eleclrlclly IsuseaforllgtiUng. Tbe honaewssformallyopened wllh a concert, by local talent, Ang. 24. — "Tbe Kldolsbi Flood" opened seaeon In Cltu- ton, N. J.,ADg. 31. — Clyde BradtiDiT, plsnlst, and Wlcb. Ingnhaci are now wltb Rdon'fl Conediaoa, bavlng Joined Ang. 12. MINNESOTA Bt. Panl.«Tho UetropoltUn Opera IIoubo opttiHl lUmuMQ Aug.B. with ^TheOld llrnnaMMil," lo T»rT ROal IniiilntM. It beM tha bo»nlii3»-ai. CharlM II. llopp«r. Id 'The Vsla ot Atoca/' coidm B*pt 1-1, "AblwinR" a>7. and lloyt'i "A M llkWhU« FUr' spP«ar« rorUieflmtlDieS, Forooawtfk, beloR tin week of our BUI* pAtr. OiUFD—A MklMiinmer rai«, «lth lirlng plcturei,br ouritoclttr pfopKhw heU U19 boanlR 9^1, tor tb«tMDr* AI ofihe RkDlBt' lIoiDd; iut«oiJaDc« Uni*- Th« niniUr ■MionwIIIOMD I, Willi "Tlie Deriir Wloncr" 1-1. "AupIi Cllr" A-T. OlwlM Wtllln 0-10. BoDinA.—For «Mk of 8ept.l: Wlllltniii aod Carlton, Rabj KnlsbL JameiWoodvlllvu Hloole Puchaul, Mil*. Boto, OMHte B. QudDer, 8im YsnrKBd tha Mock: Cloa- Ini: Bakir asd tiTon, Bojce and CllOord. Bualaau coo- tlDDeai>lt- RiNfiMiiuBRm.' CiRCt'S tanad peopla awajat aach Mrfontianc* Aor. T7. TUBHiHMiHOTjkeTATx Fiia op*Dfl OO Ilia fiut« Fair arouDdaai llamlloa, ihlaclir, 9,raroDa wMk. Dalalb—At Ibe l,Tceum tbe Wilbur Opera Co. ■r« In itiaUrt WMk ofUialr lonaanntamaaL mhAum haa bMowell nilad nearly arerr olRht and at Dw tiiatl- □MM tha tania. Tlis t>til wm chaaRod iifarlj arerr niRlit Ths D«it aitfactioD will tw Charlaa U. Ilonpar, In 'TTi* Vala or AToca," for ihe Ont Um* haro, Aur. 80,3t. It will mark tbaopaninR of th* Pallaad Viator aaaano. "The Okt Homeataail" comei Bipt. 3,31 TmrLi Ortfti iiol-hs wm lit di> Aur V, when 'The Par Trmln" wan Ihe offerioR Tk« iiouwvaa lophearr and falrlj gond. TiiaPiTiuoK 00 tlialilll hu had iDod housaa tha put w*«k. Jarn Hut, niouraL aoaBaatrle* Lao (Hn. Hart) aialhf priaelpal atiractloDa, with tha UodarKround Ra!ln«tl peopla. Tim Parlok Tuums.—TheraoplaTor iha weok ara Edmood Welch, Jamaa WoodrlHa. Kraak HaiaelL Al Ror. Mike Dolao. Chaa. Wilwn, Jolio Preaa*. Hellla Alfeo. Dot Goto aoil the reRotar atock. Tb* raiptlar Frl- daj nlRhiakiTa conlaat thin week will be between Cliaa. WroQ and J«ao Hanoon, raalbenrelshtji. CiiiriL-^leorKeTbomaasnd Annie Mack wen marrloJ on the 0am of the Ljcoam Ttisitra raeeotl/, darloii a porfsnnaaee of *The Vanbooda** br ihe Wilbur Open Oo. The bride aad irroonaro iDamban or ifaacompaor, and Min M«ek Ihodb of tbe ilflas iilciurw KomIoi a Siabat lUiarwu BiTeo bj tiia OiilaihBinin;**CIiibBt Iha Temple TlieperroimaaoewuablRaucceWi Jerry Hart, oow of ih* PaTilioD, laaraa aitei thlaweek aau rom lo ChleoRo toorBuiia Hart'aMio- ilrala. Mm. I Ian goae loNev York Cit)' u nu eajtaae- nentJ for tlie Kail aoU Winter awioa. MICHIGAN. Detnlte—Hanager CampbeU, of tbe Emplie, la aatlided Uiat cMtlnuouaabow perfomiaocea are loooey raapem. ilia new lhaatia, 'The Capllol 8()Dar«," wlU be derotad entirely lo tbta daaa of aotartalDmeniJ^ and mn lo ooonectloa witb the Uopkina clrculL MeoagerWeb- aurwili kMk oAar thla houao, vhlla E. W. Connaltr, fonnerlr mansjier of Uarrle' Tliaaue, Pitbibunr, Pa., will bavechermof in* Bmpir*. The Detroit, wlthoew (otarior, flpiahed IQ iiihi, U Do*r than OTer. Tbe oifarlng UiIh week la aire to taopt tbe atay awar*. DmioiT Orau IIodsi.— Wa*k of S«pt. ^ "Tlie OM Uoneataail." i««t weak Keller opened Ihe aaaaoa of till* houBi>, and, JadgloR frooi the aiitodance, he la 11111 a bia laToriUbar*. Obarlar'a Auot," eaU Oila Uarlao, (n WiimiT's OiuHD oniu Uouer—Tbia week 'Two Old Oiooiea" plajetheOntnight; "TtaeCottoo Kloa"ruBa oot tb* waelt. lAit week "Coos Bellow" plared trie ilrtt three nlshUi lo very R«od alzad hone**: Toor Pantor dolaliad Ih* week, DnaralloR the beat of Tuidevllia talent Neit week,'^On th* Boad." OiMPSiLL'H Biritii TatATHB opoos ihs aejuoo ihla week, wllb Sadie llanos lo "A KantuckjOirl." Nut week. J. a LewU lo "81 Plunkaid." OiPrroL SQuaaa Tn bath i—The oonUnuoos porionn- IDC* Ibla week laclud* 'Tb* Two Onbana" and tlie fol- Hatdon. Burt Jordan, ABg«la Swom—FoDr, Bobert Hor -an, ood Ihe McCoy Butara. WoHDiSLiHo THSATRiiKD Mniii.—Corlo holl: OroUie Bntben^atiooRmea: Hehl Bros., oreheaira; Paraello, nr«kloR,and tTOf. KenlRan, rentrlloqalaL Tlieatre: Pat RalUj. Swan and Bambanl, Howmnl and Bmaraoa, Furoeaoa Buroi,and Broth*r*8nauldiDK> NoTK.-Joai*MlllahaJi retlrwd noin the "T*OBeaae**N Paniner" Co.. aod learea for a 8ouih*m loor with a new coropanr, laielr orRooiud, ptarlDjt repanorr. Obarlea HHaieadwIll maoaR* Ibe ntma, and Gary U.Aroadea wiU look attar iba Onanoial eoO. SafcUAw.—The Academy of Uuale opened for the rweular aaaaoo Au|.:H, Holaod Reed, lo -'Tlieroli- ileian" baloR Uieotirmuloo. Tke hooaawubeautiruilr decorated with itowera. uda targaaodianc* greeted Mr. Heed. "Old liomeatuwr'comeaSept 10. NKWBu'HPAviLio.<(TMiATHBhaj b*%n Oaik tliin wo*k, iMt will reopen R. CANADA. hint la ntdlDHi for m» OHolna, llipi. J. rnilaitck ■pd hli rampuij h>Te bron .nmnJ for III. one. nu «Mk,aoiS will (in«oot -Ktinonnaa^" 'Hi. Llpri'ii ToroBto.—u. B. SMppard haa iMeD leliiatalod aa muMfor ot (Iranil Open IIoum. Tin (holr ihMre hu iiiidera<iieannnloT«li4ullnit. Tli..ii.rtorhut>Mn nwiDUd uiI Ihe lotador rnlwoni«], iti. valtlai aad taUrlDa looma h>T. Imo rKOaalnieKKl uid aliri. chMklui mm for bloydwbaahMn idilnl la face sTr. huilooe .T.rrlhlna u pluw hli puioaa. Th. ''','""„T'""epaneJ 8.DL t br Sol. Xmltli HnualL wlio »in proluca a n«» plar, "An Br«Fv Dar Km.'' T1i«t» hi. bMa a Urn hi vane a.). forth.«aR«Kvnnt. Tuiono OPBit ITollia.—"IXIroonlco'. it ai7' cun. Aux. ajl, aail lo a r.rr tarn hn>lnn>. Comlna, 8«iL S-T.DMUcCnhr. rmjcm; THa>Taa.-11i< wort oo ihli iliwico hu hMn hurriad ahmr. and Mininr (k>Dnilly pnmlHi tnty «°>I Inn WMk, am] Wilt ni __ _ HouUi." "Itanion and l>rlhlaa"and •The llooal.litnk. Boas HraiBiNo rnnrrAl TaaiTaa.-For iii«ny wmbu p.«l caipnl.i^ palnlwa anil dKOiuom bar. bMn n- ■aaMlmnafoniloaUiioU .VoorCl Miim Inio > mod. ""a't* Til. oulir lobbj hu bra dkui bMullfUllr dMontkl bj BociMki Konil. Now catnl, Klnl ind frmolna hir. mid. Ihlaahudiom. linur. . rrlQclptl ImproronHOI In Ihe iMture hall In thi lira, obwrtuoiy which bw bo.B neciad tor Iht bill«i.ind •hleh coninanda in iinibalrucltd view of Ihi Mac.. In Iho ihMlre 111. .iM. Jiu bMa .iiUiard, uid Hi. walli dKonlMl «lth Iho nnal ofpUl. aliM niliioni. Tin Ma»n tMii.niB.pi I Wllb Lrpch and Jiw.U,Jai. Bwi. I.)', Wm. Biniky, IMIir aoii illuin, Lu.^ Hhirn i«.i"'*.""' and ll.lrllli cKf SSt." ffi LMi, eiortit Uotnniano and Jo. WiMnn. ToHoira lauaa Roor fuaoaa.—Thla raiorl hid nn l?I*SiS"?f "^i' "!.■*'»■ f^'' •'«' ""'I. ".^ III, Prof. Edwiid^ ttoianl riolch.r, lb. Duaana and namnajano Hicii. n^7rf.!,v.r6iw'i!irji''iiy'Ai;¥s;.'s,'i JXi^S!!!!i:.°"'"'' *"»••'•'° ""'t b»ilna»at eacn penormMre. Nnu.-^. B.8ucklln| hM been raarpoioied u mm. aaar for ¥u»,;i nSlo Hall IrSf^mJ!! win, '•^'I'l'i '-"J-y Llinlwant lliSrao? K^rbpurttk tibu plan 8«pl. 1 Tin n.w frinnu Tbtilnwulnfonnillroraned Aua.Sl! rnntui Variety and Minstrelsy ALABAMA. »J'lSiilItt.t'^:.-*' "'Srten'a Opera ileiue He. "^t-"".','","".*-**'- "«■»•««» ot AipL7,upoptiUi Dlil^" hid 1 pKkid bonar. Wim* l.,wm D.av ■ * But Liaa Piai.—mr. a n. Toitbloiioa'a baUoon •Kit?"!."' Sf,,"™ *i I'l't ii»«*la« M SKSlliS^ iM'^SLrEr-."'"*'^" KdocilliZyBiblblUoB did noni baalorn w»»k of Jl Th. niM Anoua R'.'M,'*!"' '""IK? of tbT " era °J bond uj th. nopanj wu allowMl lo (o wlu, .,"!?*•'?;"*' ••'>MI« Hieaire "Menkdilen'a Bkmamoal" omwl IIm aumAai. x ud U to cnwjid Nota-Tli. rrlncMi nwua bu bun nwudlu ami liBowiMdi nv th. eonlSfJiSSnVu taT! iSiitt; (wacllr or.boatlJmud «lns!^ il!>.?oeL iTida! tb. muaiamwt ofur. lloo»«, ofHew t">^ '• Hi»rn Ttoa rni At- a. Fiild Bio Whiii mn- Btnla.-Defpltatlie heltew Mad or ireatner, and a MTera oppoiltleD, we plared te aplendld biulDeaa In Cleveland, 0. Tliniadaj nlglit, onr opening, ire bad a packed tionie; a pajlDit one, too, tcit HlUa paper. The magnltcent paiide made a iieat lilL All alone Uio line of march we were applanded. IndlanapollB gn» na a great reception; l»>loa; eiceedlngljaatlsfactoiT. Oar pande mere caUed foitb cotnmeDdatorr notlcei from Ibe local prett. Tbe ebew la goloi aplendldlj now. Eveir act la (Gil of giDser, nnd tbe peitonnance go« wlln a daib and tUd ibat U eibllaiillDg to tbe Mifonneis ant andlence alike. Al. O. Field la aUA anfttlng fioffl a aevere cold tbat ba< eetued In ble tbroat Oeorge Fatteteon haa recoTeied from bla allgnt In- dlatnalllon, and the Btoiben Patleiaan are ginng a magnltlcent eihiumon on tbe ban. Tommy Don- nellT, Alf. 8. Olbson aod >'ell O'Bilen an bliung ibe audience hard wltb their fn-ab, np In dale wittl. cinna. Olbaon'a "Ua Ba Ftmllr'' la a gitat bit, u la UonnellT'a "Ho fflabed He Waan'i Where Ua Waa." O'Brlen'a "Negro to MUwankee" la alio being receleed with great faror. Field and Uon- nellT, In comical aonga, are Immenaelj nopular. Onr alDgeiB are winning Tolnmea of pialae for their aiiperb rendition ot their napecuve ballada. Tbe aextet ban acored an Immenie eacceae by tbelr anperb rendition of "Onwoed with the Temneel." Wm. Rowe, In bla giacelnl dancing qieclaltlea, la lecelred wllb marked faror and approval, aa la also Ibe great dancing tonroantent. Brothere Uorhlng ai« doing a qilcndid act, which la enllrelT new. "Utopia" haa acored a tieraendona hit; Itla received wllb greatapplauae and laughter nightly. All the boya are well and working with a will. Our avant ceurleni, Oeo. Irons and Ubitt J- HldlngB, are doing lively advance work, and Ibe nstlvea are np ana walling onr arrival, lien Akin, of tbe Bamom Show, waa a viritnr at IndhioapollB, aa waa B. I'dauni, ol the Orphenni Stan. Both were Im- nienaely pleaaed wlib the performance. Our new car, UbilB, la tbe anbject lor many compUmenlaTy remarka from onr railroad filenda. uncle Dan Emmett, Ihe oldest living minstrel, la In splendid health, enjoying the trip, and Is being greeted wllh itcepiloDB amounting to ovallona nightly. We ara In Commbna, O., fair week, and they are com* Ing for hiindteds or milea around to Bee tbe great mlnBtrela. TiiiCurriBlBeagerly welcomed bi all. Nona fhoh Luoibr's UnaTiiiia—We have been out all Summer, playlngallot the principal Summer naona In itae New England Sialea, and have been doing a aplendid builneea. The three Loelere, Chaa., Hantattlieand Joaeph, Uie blind cometUBi, aaalated by Fied Palmer, In ibeir new act, have been aetting the towna oo Ire, as have also the Delmannlng Droe., Archie and Den. Itosna or Paop. HAturoci's OBcaDnu, wltb Al. a. Pleld'a'Mlarkeat Anwtlca."-P.H. Hallatock, leader; R. Ilaywood, J. Haywood, 0. Haywood, 0. Alston, R. Iionge, Wm. Preaton, F. Simpson, U. Waliera. NlTia FHOV Tni HiNBS Favilv Oolomd Oohbdv Co., touring the 81. Lavrrence niver, through the Tboosand Islanda.—We are now insllngat Aiexan- der Bay, srepailna for Ibe Winter season. All ara well. We eojoyed a nfty mile search llgbt excnr- Blon Hp Ang. 90, pasalug through the loat channel. Attended a cake walk here 33, Angneu lUnes and Wm. Qlenn winning the cake. J. w. lUneelsstlll Id the hospital, slowly raceveilng. Uino AND UvNnAH are again together, Frank Harlo havlDi arrived from F.uropo Aug, tt. They are playing uie Bopkloa circulL Ulll HiaouiHiTS bu gone to Mt. Clemens, Hloh., for ber health. Rici'a Oitious cloaea Its season Beiit 7. OioHott Pabur has returned to the vaadevUles, and la playing at Ihe Qrand Opera House, Boeton, HasB. Eabkdt Wilson la singing Ohailes Oiaham's latest, "His Fond Hopes are Burled Here." Law Palmbb, vocallsi and mimlo, who baa been qiending bla Bummer vacation on tne great lakes, Infoims ns that he plays his opening data of the " ~ son Sept. 23, In Oblcago, III. BtLLT UiLUR Joined the Al. 0. Field's "Darkest Ameiica" at Waterloo, la. Hart AND WiiLiuis have been engaged by Oeo. U. Batcbeller to play his eIrculL Harit Sihfson did not go with HI Henry's HIn amis, as was reponed. UOWABD Fowns, Chaa. Udell, Kd. Ketr and Oeo. Kerr, cotnprislnir Ihe Bectno Comedy Quartet, wore one ot Ihe featores al Koeter A Blal'a, tbUi city, laat week. Thla week they an at Uyde * Beh man's, Brooklyn. N, r. MuiiB AND HAOK Opened for two weeks at To- ronto, Can., Sept. 3, EuwiH Ward, — dns, hla maniage on Ang. 38, In Srrac Agnes Tnohey, a non prorestlonal, ot Biidlon), Fa. Tni BaowNiNOBare playing an engagement over Ibe Uatoheller olrooll, and report anccea. Qranto and Maud, eccentilo high wire dancers, will open Sept 9, at Koaur i Blal's, tor two months. LiLUAH RAVsnr Is very sick at ber home In Syia- ouae, N. v., wllh malarial fever, and was obliged to cancel all engagements. Fay FSmiR Kom.—Kelsonia vnil, on Sept. I, conclude a two weeks' engagement at tbe Bygela Hotel. Old Point Comfort, V%, Reheamla for tbe new Flay Foster Co. will begin SepL 10, al Ihe Unique nteaue, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Ibe regular season will open al the eame honw SepL 31. ItwlU b« Ihe eUth year ot thla organization, and. It good booking, good printing and a strong show are es- sential quallDcallons, then this irlTI nndonhtedly prove the beat paying sesaon In lis blslory. Time is nearlv all booked tor this season, and some valnebie time Is beld for itM-tt. The peiformances will be divided Into three paila, viz.: Pait I, farce comedy; Part II, high grade vaoilivllle; Fart til, qieotacle. WiLTOx, Ibe contorUoDlst, reports success wlUi his frog sot In Ihe WeaL Oi't^xn AND ALmra were re-engaged after tbe llrat night at the I!iectric Park Theatre, Kankakee, IIIm tor another week. Tbk Uorbi SiioiTRto,ObilsUe, Pearl and Cbtlatle, cloaed three successful vreeks at the Forest Casino Theatra, Rocky Point, near Providence, R. 1., Sept 1. TBI rouowiHo la tbe offlclal list of tboae already engased to appear at Ihe Orockton, Haaa., fair, which Ukea pbce OcU >, 3,4, t: Alclde Oaiiltalne Uunbam Family, Alboa Troupe, Harlo and Dnnbam Judge Brolhere, Mile. Marguerlie. Tatall and AbaohL Hnmalo Brotbera Slaieia De Van, Burton's Dog Circus, Max PelUnglil, the BannaobB, Uarvlgati. bump Juggler; Joe Uairls, Edward Maxwell and Fi>repangh<B Original Yankee Fanner. Hiua AND Raybond bave added many new fea- tures to Uielr acL Ui Witt and Dunn and Tlllle Vane bave closed three aucceasfnl weeks at HIddletown, 0. Tna WniTNir Dnob., who have Just Onlalied a auccesaful engagement over the Orpheum clreulL In Oallfomla, have retnned liist to njoln Rice i Barton's Comedians. Enid Uayo and Harry Kniuut began an engage- ment at the leland Oarden TbeaticUwIatonriire., Aug. 30- KnsriR OF UtANDiu'a Critbiion VAifDtnLU Oo.-Uamr and llollle Woodward, Drltcolt and "VV,\!f*7, Otnpbell, iMuard and Kelly, Hackey and Illll, hanT U. BlondeU, WlUlam Nelson, mu- alcal direclor, and A. C. Oameron, advance agenL Ivan Uavui, who has been mnslcal director at the Lycenm Theatre, Chicago, III., for Ihe past sli yeara. has signed for the aeaaon aa musical rilieo- tor of Hanager asm T.Jack's "Dull FIgblfr" Co. He has conducted the rehearsali tor all oT Hanaser Jack's road companies. , ''VS^J' Orsnibr, of the Lyceum Thea- tre, Chicago, III., has decided to conduct bis bouse this seaaon on the plan of the EngllabmiuUc balla. ft'iilif.Si^'''!??, 05»''«f''Ma«to euge a number of comedim, following the openlngot The house, for a penod ot three weeka, a Btnng Block comnanr being alao under engagement for the season. Di-aiNBS Hanaobb 5io. L. Obsnnblli intnnns ua that the aeaaon at Wballen & Matlell'a "SontJi Before the War" will onen Sept. le. at the BncMni- ham Theatre, loutovfile, Ky. Tbe organlnaHoii wlU, ho auKiiincea. Im abonger ibis SMson Ihan ever betore, the companr Including nity neoDle as TfeaSsngements seem blight tor a succearol outcome. iS^V? UciNTBA go to Atlanta, Oa., to IIU a WondBm!^ "Wment with Bodiar's *ortd of BtNNBT AND OHArVAN Sn Dlaylng a two weeka' eniagement at the Onnd Mnaeum! BoMon, Masa. Their new dancing aet has met wltb favor. HJigbeT "■"I"''' 'onneily of icarpiv and j!iilft'S^.S:.'^"y"^ • «"'»«<' pianist,died recently al Uamwgate, London, big., trompnen- liphold fever at bla hone near Port Jervli N. Y.. ta slowly rMowlog. aiidSeSro!^"" HO, vaa,, BopL J, iuwiH Ward, proteaalonally known aa Geo. Har- t, ot the Martins Family, gymnasts, Intorma na of maniage on Ang. 38, In Srracuse, N. Y., to TBI ooKioonBA teld cenSinesto snpply notable rtcnlia almost dally to the noks «t tbe oonannons nerfomance sian. Mr. Keith's honees were tbe Dntlopnaant featnm of thlsBoit, and they have loat made an aecenlon Ibat Is llkelv to be talked about In Lilly Feet, who will openoo Mr. Kellh'a dr- cnltBeptTa/at bis Pblladelplila houae,the Bljon, and wlA afterwarrti appear al the Union Square and at hiB Boatoo honte. A. W. F. HacOoUIn, who haa bad hla own light opaia tionpe on the roid for many yuis, and his wife, FSODle D. HaU, will also aooo appoirBtEellb's. MAHAOIBS LBONI i BnRRT, Ot UM Udl««< ClOb Big Bhow, were OLimB callere Ang^L They ei- blElted a conuacl for the aeaaon wltb Barr and Erans, also a letter from that team canceling the engagement, which tbron a new light upon tbe teleanm received by Tu CurrsB, and noted In our last lone. In which Barr and Evans dsnled that Uier had signed wllb this show. On Ihe Btrengtb of their contiact, signed last June, the special paper whloh bad been arranged for by the ■nanajiement Incloded Ittbognpha of Ibe team In qneslion. Tbb Wballxvs, Isdy InslrnmentalUitB, at the completion ot ibeIr week's engagement at Rocky PoIbV, nearFrivldence.R. I., were reengaged for enotberweek. , „ « . Harbib k CLABi'a Umsmn NoTis.-One of our perfoimlng donkeys net with an accident and It waa neceaiary to leave him behbd. The rest ot the company are well and have been playing to packed houses. Roster ot advance autti Tbm KoWade, genenl agent; Hsny White. Ilihognpheri Oeo. Ed- wards, progiammer, asd Fred ifoiton, window Ladrikt B. Coaaa has signed wllb Leonl i Evei- eu as mualcal director. TBI rouAwiNO Isapartlal list ot special featnres appearing at Oanada'a Great Exposlilon,'Tonnto, Onu, Sept. 2-14: Tbe Athoe Family, Elliott Family, O'Kabe's Japs, Tknola, Hlllle Tninour, Btsoo CIV Quartet, Citpo Bros., llDBhlemBn Trio, Andne and iTolden, Nilaon, Teny agd Kelson, Signer Baldanza, Quaker City Quartet, Coinellna and Taylor, Dixon, Howera and Dixon, w. 0. Oarden and Ultle Bar- baia, HcKee, Clara Beckwllbjlemlce Nata,aap- taln Oeoiga Whistler, Hsrle Walton, Ihe Korns, EmeiT and RubbbI, DsTlIng SIsten, OkUeld, and Meeker and Hack. A new feature will be shown In the shape of an aanalle spectacle, under sn- perrlslon ol John Ls Oalr and stage direction ot BTPercy Ulll. Mr. Hill has bookedthe foUowlngaota for the Montieal ExwslUon, Bepl.lS-91; Sle Hassen Ben All'* Arabs, Ramta and Arno, Bark Ben Achmet Tlonp^ PilDce Leo, Prof. Carllele's Wild West a^ tnctlon, iheTtuee Zolas, Robinson and Brown, Dot PuUmsn. Alias, Lnln Ronlnson, Karl and U Dell, Frank Bsto, vanola, Fletcher and Bill, RlUott Family, Nelaon, Terry and Nelaon, Bison dty Quar- tet, Dixon, Bowere and INzon, and Ijnne Lee Beecher, with Mile. Helens Riedl's Royal Oonrt Ladles' Orohestn, CBABua Kbnka's lUNnuiB opened tbe season Ang. 3a, at Sharon, Htm. The fouowlngpeople are vntb the ibow: WaterbuiT, Kenna and waterbuiy, UIgglna Bntbets. Mona. Laden, Oeo. E. May, Harrr FIsber, Harry P. Smith, J. R. Vlnlng, W. A. Hanson, Jsmes BoUer, Oeorge Kronse, Walter PnnUceand Brooke fenton. A novel street parade, wltba strong braas band, la a feature. Budnesa reported to be good- ^, Joe. 0- HvoHBa haa Jnit concluded a ancceoral eegagement of live weeks at AUanUo CIO, N. J., and opaued on the Davis cinnit Sept. s, for fonr weeks. POLLii Houiia cloaea wltb Tony Pastor's Co. In Mllwsnkee, Wla, Sept. T, to open with Hyde's Com- edians In Brooklyn, Sept. 16. 0. W. Oallagber, hiiaband ol Mlaa Boloes, cloaea with Scrlbner i Sollb'a Clicna to act aa bnalneaa manager tor Uyda'a Comedians. UiiTA Rosio Intonna ua that abe was granted a divorce from J. R- Tiast on Ang. 2>. BtLLT Biu, opened hlsBeason at the Buckingham Theatre, Louisville, Ky., Ang. 3«,ln bis new acro- batic speolalir. Adblisa Mardin, (oprano, la playing the Hop- kins' clicnit. Hlia Kartlen will take out an opeia company of ber own thla aeaaon, opening abont UcL 1. HosrBBOFDiOBAiT'aOii) TIKI MiMnita.-lI. R. Wllllama, manager; Smith Sbowalter, bnabieaa agent; L. wmiamstpiogrammer: William Rent, U, B- Ttiomton, Wm. u. Holleran, Wm. R. Matthews, Fred Woodhall, BUly Deny, Lesbo, Nat CanHeld, Wallace and Ohimer, Ed. How, Frank Price, Howe and SwUt, and J. U. Weaver, The ahow will open Ihe season Sept. 33. As WiLurr and Thorhi were abont to leave on Sept. 1 b> fuimi an engagement at Fennyvesay'a BUou Theatre, Blngtaamtpn, N. Y., Mlaa WlUeU waa taken dangerously III, thus compelling them to can- cel at Bhon notice. ROSTBR AND NOTD rBOH BBAOH t BOWBRB' MlM- STRBLS.—We opened onr season Ang. U, at Belvar- dere, HI., to a packed imalneBS. The snow Is drat clan In every remecL We travel Uiouroimcar, wbloh la seventy feet long and lilted np with eveiT. IhUig that will add to the comfort ot the company. We nave tbe itrongeat company ever carried by Beaoh i Bowers, oar band and orebeatn la Int olas^ and nnder Ihe able management of Frank York reiNlen each day a One concert Ths singing Is of a high order, and we look forward to a moet nccesstnl ssason. The toeter: Bobby Beach, OUs Bowers, Jas. U. Stnait, John Freeman, Billy How- ard, Reta Pnnser, Joe Oomes, Buns HoverBon,aeo. D. Lambson, Ed. Btown, Oicar Bltlegorge, Lou Evans, Oeo. E. Rlchanlson, Fraud York, Fred Tork, Joe Norton, Frank KeeMe, August Kenelzger, Slave Norton, Lew Kenetunr, Adolf Oldtord, A. B Honold, and Billy Wateis. rred Bowen, list agent; 0, L. Kellogg, second agenL Roma or Sam T. Jaoi's Extrataganea Oa, In "Tbe Bull Fighter."—Agnea Evans, Nettle Huff, man, Rosale Drew, Hose VanghniPhUUpa and Rob- inson, Kltile Palmer, HIlea and wataon, Hay Inn- ing, Ella Engalnm, Llllle Engstrom, Madge Dairell, Alice Desmond, Ada Valentine, Ema Fields, Helen Kd wards, Agnea Hehler, Mamie Raymond, Inez Crelgblon, Hobert Vanoelsn, Ed. HoIrl^ Onarles Oasddey, master ot innsportatlon; James Bowen, In charge of calcium Ugbts; Frank A. Logan, gen- eral annt; Andrew Hess, assistant annt, and Chaa. H. WaldroD, bnilnea manager. The com- pany will ean7 all Ita own speolaTscenery, stags Beltings, etc, and opened at Sam T, Jack's Open House, Chicago, 111., Sept. 1. The route extends from Denver, Col., to Boeton, Mass., and the attrac- tion Is, we ara Infomed, booked solid for fony-fonr weeks. BiixY WoLPlolna lhe"South Before tbe War" Co. at LoulivUle, Ky., Sept. is. FiOBiNOB Wbslsv haa beonveiyUl foreevenl weeka at her Summer bome, at Blue Anchor, N. J. TbbThbbb Divwia opened attheSherbnoke, Can., Exhibition, Sept. 3. Tub rRRFORiiBBa working at Motrlson'a Oaatno, Rockaway Beaob, L L, celebrated the closing oi Die leason by giving a straw rtde. AdIamondrlDg waa placed In a watermelon, and Bub NelBonwas lbs lucky duder. Prof. Fred Yonng tntnlshed mn- Blcforilio evening, and everybody enjoyed them- aelves- IIAIUY MVLVZY haa Just dosed an eight weeks' engagtmont st Robmbura's Park, Dubuque, la. HOSTiR OF Wads A ■cOakibb's Oolobbd Hin- etnla.-We are playing In Oonnecdcnt lo crowded houses. We opened in Noank Aug, 3S, to 8. R. 0.. and bsve been pIsylBg to good budneas sver since. Koeter: A. Wade, proprietor; T. McOatter, mana- ger; Al. K. Santera, Interlocutor and atage mans- ager; II. E. Wheeler, musical director; VIotoita Wnnlham, topical aonga and dances; Fontello and Miller, buck and wlog dancen; Jas. Bmltb, tenor, and C. E. Wheeler, basio. NiLO Uaslbt and Mab Uabt sn Ailing an en- gapemsnl at FJIcht't Oarden, Denver, Col-, and irlll soon lirgln two weeks at Omaha, Nel>, Wm . BniRMAN, wllh hie trained goats, and Uazle Bherman, dancer, have flnlahed their engagement atOerelsndjO. -w-soiu.uw DnAiLBYSiBWABr haa been re-engaged aa stage manager at Frank Uall'e Caaloo, OhiSgo, Ul., but the booklnga for tbe bonae will cont£ne In the bands of Waller J. FUmmer. •> "^^J^ QUABtiT will cloaa their season Sept.•.at tbe Iron Pler,AtlandoClty.N.J.,wliei« they have been engaged all Summer. Manaobb Loma Robu, ot the Washbnm Slatan' ust Sensation Co., has engaged Jules Oarrlson, ot the OBRlaons, to stage and produce John A. Stroo- benrs comlo opereiu, "Fortnna, or tbe FilBoeaB TDngt." TBI Jamb Family opened tbelr aaaaon Ang, sg at Kendale, Minn. Boater: Stella James, Beasle Bil- lon, Hanle James, %no T. Zoss, Ned Jamea, Jaoea -id Zcaa manager*, and J. D. Laiudon In advance. Roei DUBBB, wife of Al. wTDeoker, who haa been Bertonslrul, la Improving. Iks* engage* ■nent Sept T, st Foiteaqne's FavlUoD, AtlanUe ORy, H. J., and open oii the Oavla' Eden Mnaea dronlt spt 0. WM. Lib Roy la playing a two weeka' engags- nientatlheEdenMBaee,Onaha,Neb. Tbb Nicibl Plati Tbio, nnlohlson, Zaaelle asd Tanner, closed a ncceafulengagamsat at the Oa- tnlt TandavUla dob. TDB AOOIDBNT to OIM Of the JOdgSS, OB AOg. 22. «d not prersnt mam fllUng their euafsmaiit al the Unique IheaHw, WUUamsbuig, N. T.^laat weak.