New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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September 21, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. BIUOBLLAROUB. Am«Ic«'« *'B(« Boont"—iDdUoiipolln. luO., Bo^iL N»w CwU* ZS, Uulon Olir M. SprlflSA^M. 0.* 3». Cotuiii hui Bndf**WoDdMUiiil-BAUi. N- V.. Sapl. ti-V. '•Buck Am«nc»"-Jr V.CItf8«pi. IJ^ BuTf't Aquulnin—Oolamljiic.0^ wpL 10-31. BotUo Blll-BlDKhuDtM, N. Y.. S«pU IHL 1*011 Jenli I». Nowbnrf 21, FAUnoD, N. J.. O, M«vuk 2i. 20. CMooo'a, Blf—TirnoDlnni, Hd., Sept. BftUlmon 31-9D. CuUttft'A. Ko. 1-MoDtml.Ou)., 6tpL 10-31, Bt.Jobo, N. B. S4-Oet.4 Chr/iiloewMmi#-rndUMpoIli,lail..8jpLl«l. •VrftrslriJ of T«nlco"-Dofitoii, Mu^Svpt 10. lodefloll*. Flak* Brof.'-Misroo, Pi., Mpt. lA sd, Warrao, O.. a, 31, fthaipA«M, PAi 25,0. aibtM' HoMum—K«ittao. 0.. Beft. 10-31, Utn'JflUe 23-0. H«rnuna-4)a*b*o, Cao, 8mI. U, Oiiata 19, OfplenR- Knf.NrrrJDL W»Uirt«wo 21, lI(lc»23,Sjmcui» 24,2S. BM&wMerf7,28. JoDW*. J. AUfQAttnr^tfO lltll, P«..S«pL 10-21, Ratti M-27. l(«llAl'--CltlcUD, III., B«pl. ic-at. • LtlU Rookh"-l>elrom Mlrh.. Hojri. IC, Indennilo. llraU-IMIii. N. Y..H«)>L K 19, WaIuhi aj^ Jl, Archiiftbl, Pa.. 30.26. HATkl'MOrieni Hlracl«s—llAllrAX, K. fl..R6|>'.. 18. Truro 10: II Ambent 31. fit Jolmm K. &. N|j^or)Ker*ri,(:hAM.K.~KnnRm(llsArli.,Kf|>l |H,Pat«iis- TlUe lU, 30. Hnrrla BnM.'-Pim«likMi>*lr, N. V. R«|>t. K 19. Ncvhuric aK31tHenu)lon. ri..ZI-2tl, PavDAABlll-DalluTAX.. Sfliit.SI. RncbA-Keokuk. I A^Bcpl l«-». BmllMlorlnit-Ut Bi)r, V. Y., B^pt. 19. UiirrUlnvn IP. Hopklnton 30, Parlrtivtl> 2l>^ll0ni)nri 21, La Patiii- Tlllatf. RmtUi'a. W. K.-flt. Jobo, K R, a«ft. 19-Ocl. 4. V»rt«Ul-<;iie«, Tel., 8Apt. 21. „ . .„ WIUM't-WlDClieilfr, Intl.. HepL JA. St. Utryt, U.. JO, DelptiM a.ColamiHiM CUy, Ini., 31, WAumu £1, \m M*«rt. O., 34. Ada 39l WoosAr 10, Bh*lb7 tt. CrMtlloe £t. WAlU'WonderlADd-WAbAth, Ind .Bept. Ih-31. kauo, O., as-ao. DISTRI CT OF CO LUMBIA, WMhlogton—Ttko attracriona Ust week ni 0DrplAThuua««, UU«D Id lUt owAcr of ib«lr meriiADil proMMTilj, pbccA Amlivv llAe)<,ln "JfAroon." ibr abOTAAlllilB eoni|)«UU>m. IUpl«r*A AcAtJtmy or Munlc tud biff AOdoDlliualAatle AUilioQOi lo plre wulcotn* lo tbiA Dtv And mott A«e«ptiibls tuu. Emllr -BADcker, An- other lUr no* to WAAblaiUD, pr«Mnt«d moii lecAPt- AblrMnL MiUffmvf'B cuncOy r«rc«. "Our FlAt." Mlu BAOoker aaa ilie rerlplent ol muy hooon For her olerer chAncUHxAtlon ofMArfOTT Bylvexler, aihI RApIar a Na* UoDAl wAA welt pAiroDli*! duriotf tlie ounAKrineDt. Bpnager A W*lty*«'^e BlAck nmoi" wu ooi wHi re- MlredAt Alleti'it (Inuiil OMm llouio odertheooealna pwfoniiAnce... Tbe Horn Jollity Co.. in "Tlio KoOak,'* iMila their InlllAl bov lo WAnhlDituin auOI«iic*a, op«alD|t Uie aAAAOOorBAAlon'* BIJou Pteitr*. Tli«y nicr««de(l In •itAbUihlnR UiemMlTAH aim! tto houw In the cooil- (]«nce of Hi* popular priced audlraceM whkli Rnthsred tu the CADAcUy It aodi perfumunceb Al- Reerui uid lila blir ■bow. At Kenun'A Lyeeutn TlieAtr*, wam liMdeil by L'a- thu, tbe AnDltu wonder, adiI loclnded aome verr clever Bpeeulir PAOple. Tlie wetk wu entirely lucceunil In **HZi!L¥AHATiO»ALTiilATKi.-Prlniro« .1 WeifeMln- itiiAlf oonte BepL l6-'2\. Uinl. PrahmAn'N t>'c«uni Co. 33-I& Allki's Grand OranA IIoi'hb.— W. A. Bn\ily'ii "Olil nioiTop*oiU-3J. Mr. ADd Mr*. Rldney Drew, To Coyne Pletcher'i "The Bichetoi'* Baiiy," &29. ^ „ , fUiunr'H ACADKUY OP UUBic—PetAr P. DAltey, In 'The KlrttOlortL-'10-31. No. 3,''^ EisTOrsBuouTiiiUTRB.—Thi Pl»k Novelty ExinTA- »AntACo„ln"ni*niriaiHoDAt*."10.21. ncnxAV'a I.YoiBMTHBATHA.—IlAfiy MorrU" 'Twentieth Centurr Meldi," 16-31. Joba F, neU)n*DmwIagCA^l^ D-sa. NoTiB.~Al Rearei, the proprl«<oroftii* big iliow boAr- laRhljnAmA,bAdtwuv4r>' uDpiAAunc •xpeneocM tiM WAek. which wlU prohaWy linurcu We^hlnglou on hl« mind durioi Ui» remAtnder of hit life. Uie flrit b«lnff the low of blA ffold wnich. Rokl cluln, vlih a Jeweled Knuhtaot PylhlA* cbann, end twenty are uoUAr* in CAih,Allot whlc1iWAHAtwirAci«d rrom IiIa reit pocket* witiiln ft r*w Itoun AiUr bi* AirlfAl In towa. Uii wcouil *xp*rl*Bc« wAi by belns ArT««t«d umler ruincIoo ol liATloffAtleDpiad to ntich A l*Jy*« pocket Iwok on Die itnetT TbelAdjpo4tlvflty Idenililed &Ir ReovAi an be- Ina th* KalltT iwty, lut It taroed not to be n ca«e of mMAken Identliy, ab aII hit frlomli knew. Nerenhc- lAM lie WAA Id a very unp1iA*Ant piudlcAmeni Tor ■ dAT or two, Awl tlie entire week will not M>on b* eOlued fnm UU monory Aonio Lewi*. who bAi bven very Ml with a broaelilAl iiTer for MT*nl w*4k« put, WW Auillclwitly r*coTered to Ioat* hen U fur BnetM, to fill her cMtnct with Hinniter At- kInaoD. ofttaA BowdolnflquRre TlieAtro. la iliAictty, to cTAAtA A part In bli rortlieomliiit production or "In Bight of 8L PaoFc which will b« pnton At liU Uicntr* W...... Qeorge OrAluuD. a WAihlnRioDlio, known In tli* vArieiy proroMlon ia '*Th* Senator," a very olever monoluBln. hAAjolned Honklna' Vauderlllfi BuilUn Bill'* tVIU W*n lAAn AArfr iHMkloic for tlita city, bat the date Ia not yetAatioaacAd lUnAffer XiAtooliu nwHtlDted WaI- In BItcble A8 tiAAJurer ol the BUoo ThoAiro. Mr BItchle *A« coDoecled wllh llili hnum ondir Mr. KaiIoo'i Tonner mABAAAmeoi. ood tlm rriondR or thrwe deyR nre HlAd to welcome Mr. Ritchie bACk Into liU old phce. ARKANSAS. U«t BprJngA—At tbe Open Hotiso tbe bguod wAifbimAUyopuicd hare RepL la Tlie openlDtiAtUAc- tlon war "Prlts In nUad llouM," preitotril liyJ. K. Em- mel'i Co. to a itood ilx*! nadlonce. KaiIo rutoim coihaaSI. Pav-xik Bill*!! Wild VTht Show drew larse auillencea AAtmoonand nlRhi 7. lArsadolecAUonarroDtiheaur- KaBdloffconDiryArrlTed In the city tarly In ili«o)pni> g to wltiiAn tbe pAmile, whidi took place At noon. And our oountJT eooalna w*r* larfely Id tvldeuce At Itoih pertonDADceA, . lilltie Rock,—At tbe Upltal TbeAtrtf J. K. Em- n*t.ait"FriU In a Had IIoom.'' op*n«d tliU houae lor Ji* aaANon Bept. 9, to fAIr bualceai. Due: KatU Putnini, In "The OM Lime Klin." 30. , , , « « „ Nona—Blngllnff Bro*.'I'litoa ia dno Oct. 9......T)i* LliU* Rock Lyceum AaiociatlM Una imrrliaaed rmm the Y. H. (!. A. AlTiriAlr cooirACia bit the ooinloK aiaaod. and ihey will retire from the buuneM. MONTANA. BaU«,«At lfanlre'0 Opera House "The Pay Train" opena for Uiree olRhu Bept. 12. The Webllnit SlateiA Appear 2121 J. ThoiaAa Magulra, IaU treaaiirer or the nTuiteonUi Bireat Thaairo, Mew Verk. U AitAndlng to Jno.llAffulre'a booking tbla a*Aaon, and lu TAr hAa forty-two eonipAnlaa booked Tor hli Bull* And AnAcoodA ^aSuroTiiBATiiK.—Tblaweek'ablll Ineludea Llllle HAin- Illoo.lUrie rk>r*nc4 Doyle, Ih* Wllwo Bl«i*n», Millar And Boaaell, Pyne BletAn, tovbreueaj Prank Rice, Addia Hiatah. BAlley BUUni and Baal* PAlrdeid. MorZ-Tbe Addli BUt«n^ oow flillnff An eonaeraeot At th* Cadtto. Uila dty. An aidor* to the youuKCalirornlA aetraawbo ivcenUy inAtrlHl Lord Bliolto DourIam, aon orthoNAinQliorQa«M»burT. MISSO URI.Haw>P *gft *M-J 8priBglleld.-«Nl8iroiiBdr, mldd reader, did falr baalneu ai th* Grand BePt. 1^1^ foliowlnff J.K. Emmei, wbo opened tbe bonae ihiaeetaon. with aiandlnff room At apremltam. BIchaidi*PrIaglo'AMinAireIa»mel7. TuvBiLDWi.HwIll opeo 111 aoAMHi 18, with Kat e Put- nam, aupponvl by Uerburt OAwthome, In "Tho OM Lin* Kllri." PoUowlni ibliAUrAqlQn will be home ulent mb- ktrpU ML oader ui* *a^r*laiot| of .Tpa DuhlM- WoTiff-WV A. VUeo, fonnoily with CuUiano a Com- adiaiurbaa ornnlzAd a ip«c(Alty compAny,, which wlU ■lT« ItA InltlAl p*rfonnAoce At Lebanon. Mo., oi 10. 7.....A.0.RlDRllDff.orelrcu r»a*,waa Uiteuflh on IS, bllUniT th* (own lor Rln|ll*ff BrDa.Bbow,«lilch comes ^ CANA PA.HBwi' Memi Hsml|t<)B.—4t Uio qniid "Cbarltj'a Audi" feilt THlitM—Ti« o[»illii|[ irook liuljlooti burinw. For itpl. UtniHtf ek: Onrxl, ftoll Mhi |(Im> Hiek .ml iMklr.PoUnBioi.. Bl.irarlaaDil Half., Z<Mlii Moon tod Tlol.iu. <4m*lMc.—Al Ue Acailemj or Uuslo Prot. Ilerr- mmog It Ibe opoilnl .itnellDn ScpL IC-ia t.iiiIc- villi oomjwnr now pl>7lDg ihr aomtMl ^ililblilon KAli|SAS. Xopelia.—For U19 Irat'Uiiw in nontlu bolb ttpanMiUM wia b.op.B Ibl, weak. ATT.. a|U!tl>"UowD 03 II16 SuwtiiM RlT.r"con)«f |^t^^.CfMk|Froni)ihaI}tiilAr4Hiailo (>p.rm (;o, conei LMTemwerth.—At Cisvtonl'. OnDd Open llcu. "BMi ofk ruUwr* h«l > latg. bvln.u Mpt. t. CoBla|:"Ilown « lb. HawuM Klv.r-' 19. "A Faiud Calr* l7,<*Th.Tcrudo"S EmMlCiAvronl tacoMda B. C. Dmvla aa loeml maliM*'. MASSACHUSETTa-(8e« VH» VA] Taantmi.—AtUie K«« Ttutre Un OoniuiiB cam, BMtt Id "Tb. Ollhwlr'a Abntil" to a nnall bouM. "TewD nplea," 13, to lap kaarj bMM. SlaiaoD'a "Uoclo T^n'a.QOHii/* U.inaniooaaDil avaoInK, 10 Calr ratura. Cqmloi; Wallo'a Con.d/jCo-,.WMk ol |*> Ifi nH.ruit. Bln>lB|h>Di.—At O'Dileii'ii Open llonn "I>tA<nRa>b"<M Mr boiloua BrpL II. M. Clitrlw II. Ttl4'>"0.Tirt Aialon" umlaii 19. MnL-Btmimt Btlkr baa odcd tba cllrwilh Mil- mn^tt the Tents# Wl WD. NOTO nOH BOMBBUa Bus.' NllW HODII. SUOWri. but ItWM the poonw week we btrs li>d Mnco we UieblRtopMoure from lliedog>,ud anoiber oue MDie rate tbe tent, .nd WM fouuJ neit mornKj tbe troupe of trained dogt. who nn It do?rn .nd wonW bare nnde ahort wort of tbe mucot It It b*d » DDinber or vliliom bare oilled. On PHd.T P. K. Ueacbam tnd wKe, ind Malile UeMb*m, or r<oil*, lU., weraguerts of tie sbow. The; open Bept. 1.-. r,'."'!^'"°7«'^*>""'- Broncho l^ini lino ntiendedlbe ihowki tbe mm plice. Uo l« wllh Ibe 8ve«t Medicine Co. A. (I. Bonbeur lUended the tUngilog Sbow *i Waiarioo Iw week. Hereral don buve been .dded lo ourdioir, IncliiiilDirnoiinild- nnt grefbound thit Is being trained rorbbth lenplnr. A g«l» di; wu held nt TrtMll SiiMnUT, KDd me lionbeur Show wan the principal tealnre, and waa adreitlied In Iho pngnmme Isiiied by lb« cillcena aa au exiia BlImcUOD. Hobiirc Konaizo and Kllit, bla wire, will aign for ISM. They aro now wllh Pricc'n Floaling Oiera Palace at uamlloD, Ky. The newapapeni wherever we ahow give the company and ihecxhl. hlUonavery rttUerinf noilcM. A new iHM hono lent bas been made for ua and will be put la um nil. week. The old one r, t.i bailly torn In the ry. clone at KiUiigtOD, la., laitaeason and wai palobert 10 do a poitloD or ibo leiaon. II haa becoDie 100 email (or lbs Increaalng uack. All hanila are lu good aplilla and lieollb, and the gboat walks regu- larly. The scenlu rcature or ihia show, under ihe nanagemenlor JImllonbenr, Dukealt unlike any other tented exhibition on the road. Tom Jenenoii cloaed his eogageiaeot wlU the ahnw huii week and left ror bis home In Uea Uolnoi, la. Sloan Edwarda will remain wllh tbe llooheiir Siob. UII Ihey close ibelrMAaoD, Uci. 16. The Bnndoiw will close their engagement Sept. 21, BDd go to VhlcoKO, III. The 'illker family will stay lo Ihe end of lenilogsea- Notes Fion tus lUKaa A Kibsdart Urn Siiotr.- Our season is nplilly dnwuiK to h cloee, anil wo are all gelling ready for Ibe Kail. We an now In our tweDiy-dnu week, and never bad a brighter or more proepeioua seaaon. Not a change, not a lUs- nppolnioient, nola vacancy occurred no far. Rverv- hody who cloees wllh IliU show on Ucl. t opened Willi ua April 9. fro had another record breaking week at Hnrlon, III., last week; we were Jammed, and all Ihe boya were kept busUIng, sealing them to Ihe old cry; all week: 'Take the high seals." The weather we are liaving now, hot days and cool uighis, makes eveiythlng plcuoant under our top. We send them out happy, and Iher return the same way. Vn. Choa. Udker «leorgla Kamhan) on Sept. 11 celebnted her iwenty-Hrai Dlnbday. The whole company adlonned to ins hita Side Uotel, and had lota of goo<l ihlngs and k good Urns generally. Qeo. Homer and Lulu WaUac«nad all good oiTera (lora Iheir "adv." In OLirpan, whichahowa that the "Old llelltble" la sUll the performers' friend. Uanagor Baker Is gelling ready to store away his ahow. In fact, ws are all baslUng. Noim fBOM USH Rmm's ^uikn Oitt r. r. 8bowa.-Bualnes8 lias bten falrali season and we have been givhig good satlsractlon, playing In three oightand weea sisnds. Mr. roller has been making a bit wllh bla songs, and John Crosaeu, talking and singing clom, bas Been winning favor. Albert UiankeoUeld, lioy coDlorUonlst, hu been nuking a lilu Ue astonuhea them all, and hhi ny- Ing Ting act caubes them. Frank Wesley, In bla buck and whig dancing. Is taking then by storm, and our Jubilee Slngen aro all doing line work. JoeU.Smllb bas made a success In lihi llabo act and alto wllh his halned glraifo, Jargo. Wm. Bry- ant, Irish and bhick fococomedlan, cloaed wllh the show Aug. 91. KsUe n'blie, the child wander, per- rorma a clever act, Juggling and slack wire walk- ing. KoTia KBOJi Baktsuiis a Kihu's .Show.— We are Bllll loarlog Arkansas, ttnd a few sunils more will land lie in ixiuumla, where we will remain unill our season comes to a close. All tbe people are en- joying good health, and iho show Is doing a good business. Ifr. Bonelmes has Jurt returned rrou .Mt. Lonis, bringing wllh hln Ove cages of wild bcasia The man In whits walks every week, and, of course, everybody Is happy, as money talks. Nona If ton Hauiltos's Oiacits.—our Java sea. son, now drawing 10 a close, has been a auccessfiil one. Tids season has been rree from sickness anioDg the compsoy. line. Aiuotia, high wirsand glolie,JoloedreceutlTandhas beeDaauccesa. Ttie UDbysistsni, bloycllsui. Joined at Bauivla Aug, i.'i. After BauvU we return to Singapore for a nhnrt season, thtD Fenlog Bept 2ii to Oct. li, and llan- gooD, Uiirmah, UcL 20, lor four week.<<. The wed- ding bells have rung ouce in onr lliilo colony dur- ing oar Java setuon. Ihe "Old Reihtble" looms up every mail, and, after Ihe Oolonei ssraplea the cargo II coniains, wllh anxious hands wailing. It goes Ibe rounda to the delight or all. axo. S. Odts'd UIKCin, according to a ueirspa|>er I lanigraph sent to tbla ontce, coHapsnl at ulierrr rails;, N. Y., on Sept, -(, Lack of panonago U said U) liave beeD the cause, llARiir H00HB,ibe oldclrcns sndtiieairlcal agent, hi spending a few da;s wiUi his friend, Kd. Way, or Rochsster, N. Y. Floyd Tkovsk, of lbs Three Trovers, with tbs lA I'earl CIreus, Infornii ua that bo threw his ankle out of phKs Bept. 7, wbUe doliig their aot, Qewill be QDAUle to work for some lime. KtnWtl KSUH Bp!fTLI(r*SqUi FAHIIII):(.0 DiUHrHV ClH- ciu—UualnoM liailncreiwl ulim ilio vvnlber bamiii* o«lor. RobLWhltltkflr.fMroquoMrlanitiHiininir, ln&biirty Duu. 111. newriitvnHrallio Ducmwa, tlillli* and Loiili*. flyliis' mpw. arllMU; Addle O'Brlvn, LliUio, Oirritu, wlravalker; MII«.Z:ioo,bnlaoelnK lni|w. ThapMPla rclalnod aro llob«rt Stkkner Jr., Luulan l)a>fDlL Kaiillue Carr^ lJi« L«Tau Brn»., Joho Fiiatar, Low Whitukf r, Fnnk KoDnvb.le, kanroii ami Etun, lit UoIHh iind Val- lora. Vioi. Mchalfer. III. Judgw Patolhr. Marllnlio Lv- vinde. Col. B. Daniel Boone. Now bcoi for our Huof Oanleo Concrt: iila Aualn, Dick Baml*. WU] firanlfoij, Florrnco Deroro and the RIck.l.. Pearf Poaur, daiish- tor of Buporlnleadotit LowKoatar, a popil of Manliilio I.ow.iiile,wlll nalonlali thonallToiasaprlaolpalbanback ridor Die comlnf Maao). Haoaiffr Uciitia; ^va tlio Wlalorclrcu4 la ao aamml eveal, Martldbu Lowaiidu. U)o Bratlljari oboiapibD tiarrlcana rlil.r. and )ila Tour hurM act, laa nnaiealure tnoir allow. Addle O'Brien, who Iih. bMD on tho alck Hat for Ui« paat too da;a, lioa fullr rv- oovored andjolned tli« abow aialn. NOTtS raOK J. W, OOODMICU'S NSW AM.SIOAM WaOO.Y Slioaa.—llavlnjr lraT«led,a]J over tbe fiui. or t)u0D0cl|. rk! I , Vrr qboiuick pnpHeior ooa oiuasor; Fonl.'Cly. mer, laa04rorboail; raoniu Lcddr. iMOer or orobaalra; cut, throoah Rfiode laloBd, Into KoaaachuMIM. llipo or. Into Kaw York, liare wear.down In l(aw ^artay. Tli ■boa haa oot plat,d to qae luaia. day. Ll.t or pwplo; Jaa. W. r)oo((nc}), prQprteior and uanagor; Fold. Cly. Hi*. C. A. Clymer, froot door tidiat tmkar aad manajtor . .... .__ ... . _ . ii^^i ol candy privlieiu: Bdna I'lyiner, rvHorvcd aau tlua taker; Jack Luc;, fooan canvas nian, whh alglit aaalal anta; i;iar.oca Appol. boaa hostkr, with alateoa head ol Uia nuoatof honoa and four sislatanu: Qua llotolon, chlarcook, with Qoaaasliiaqt, and TIdi Haan. bouchao. dalltrnitii aJnll loanar oT ilroportlaa; Valvloo Bro... ~ Schoeklfr, Pfof. T. .1. R«;niond, Air. Ilalati, Ui. /j Uie HUtora (,1;n]tf, ChOL Biodo aad J. T. Ra;iiiond. . Jno. /.an on, KENTUCKY. LoqbvlllA.—Tbe araod Armr RacAmpment lUAda uai weak a'ltmlA oh*. The thtatraa w*r* w*ll pat/ooludanariheflmiwoalRhtaor th* eneampnieDL Macaulat's TuiATfu.—Al 0. PloM'a Biff UlnaireU UBeth*rorepartoriaitw*e|(,drmwlnic lalr AadteDC«a. hi lecture! alyen ti llenrlr Witl*Viotr |ML irand .ee. J. B. Oorooa U «»r9 w*il Aiuuded. ^PlneRir*," by A local cenipany, wai rendorad At lOAiJn*** II and li. to ffood bouAa*. ailmore'* BAnd ooniAi W. Bmlly BAAcker. lo^ar FUt," 10-31. ](*au]iicTi:iirLi.-^«ITr*yaXj«wUpr««ent*il "Li Belle Runw"and*TM Cr*o!e" u> fair aodltnc** th* for* part or week, with lncr*aa«*'l patfDDiK* the lAtl«r part Next atlmctigii la iMfld lleiideraMt'a B^ifATacAOM Oo.; lb •BlebAil." . ■ (liuNP Oi*i!iu lloinii.—"dhennndoAli" aeenie<l lo bo Ihi proper aitracUon bit week ror the TAterAjia, for ih*f OIkO the faouA* At (vtry iporlonnAnce. Weak or 10, Uie ColuntbiA Opera Co. TllU AvniDB.--"A Cracker Jack" cnusht roo<I ernwila rnia lb* b*|tlniiln|i of the wefk to Ua olow. the omrt- pany niablnt 4 hit dy Uielr oliTcmraa. week of IA, '•Ptoyianq rtnjArAt'' perfonnin toek part Th* nanAff*m*nl pi army 01 etnplojeato AUAoaioib* waou or thelrpatnaji. Heat* and rafmabmaouwar* broi]|bt to any on* that oidared. and tbA CAlLaw*re Daffl*raua, otco lotfa*"«e« aBAboan." The BacklnihAm Ia usdvnbttdly enililod 10 lb* recoil of raoninic to* loaReat ptrromiAnc* In thia ODDOt^. "Sogtb BefofA the War" la tim ^U^a^^lo^ Iffr NiW QiN ToutAl prvtABU Ihe fbllowioff n*w rkcei wuh or 111 wblu ana PUbum. Wlnol* AdAffla, Oco. P. AmAA,PAri*r Blalaa Hoon Blatara, Boa* 8l CUlr 0ail tb* renw Btock. Tb* bualoiM Iaai week wa* the tArnSi lAiba *ilM«Dca or lb* booM. A eoBtlauoa«iLoir¥Aa Alio glren at i bU boiK, _ i- D JElAWAgE . WllmlBfton^At tb« OniDd Open lloiue "OhATkf'a ABnt'can* lOABd LmtIii'* *^p1der AAd Ply* n,Asdlioth plAjvd to|oo4 boaiAA. PrImroA* A Wett'a VinAtrela. li. did a tic iiuilnNA. "A Qrten Oooda Man" oomei 10, awl Carl A Uaawln, lo "Alker Klor," m BiiffU.—Tft0Trani»C»iitlo*ntAJ Vaud*TllIe Uo. oMnad 9 birtlie«e*k,bai iiir ctmi'lnAtlua WAAcanefled Cy Naa- aear Beraaroid ateH.- AL R«tr**'CoD*OlAna orfna 10- iC N«^s4oUitr Oan-21. ILUNOI& Chtoago^ntDObmbljr bot weather bu bad t bAdeiTMvn IbeatrioAl baalo*** dnrini lb* MMw**k, ■anaii>n are coDtUant, h*%*T*r, ihnt th*t« la a cnoj ■oA^on In Atot* foi Uieni, aad aa aooo am the waaUw ti*- <om*acool*ouu|li. ao thaiAliUnit In Ath*Alr«wlll net ^.^^yfrofuniar^nod b«*|o*MWlU no doahlconi* to All or the houaea ihAiliaTa aiinrt lona which merit paliOQ- aff*. Tlie Toiinla, ronnarlr th* CUrk Hirtat, cloaed lu dovm laai «**k aAer a brltr lir*. Th* honaa lUrtad oat wllh bhfltt proapecia and a rrleodty wonl nnm All of lb* jocal crttlci. Maniberaor ih* proiaaalon whobeHere Ia hoodooa aao the like did not baT* much conMtBc* lo UI* Abllliy or tha T*nn la to mak* a auccaAA rorihe bona* hAaner«r br*o ahia lo ruQ much lonitpr ihea An alffht dayehirk. Itwaflglrlaffa jtoml perfbraiAnce, and ne^ Ited a balur r«t« than to dl* at tb«op*olQ0orui*. ■ will open A twowMkb' (toLi')iiiuTnKATBa.-"TbolfA*i»i*r»lara" w*a retired Rapi. ILAiierAiuecaaanii run oruire* w*«kA, And. op*a injt le, tJio aui* couipaor aIII preaant "John *' DreAnu." TUEmptrvCo. haihail arerr p|«aaAnt aonffAmaai at Ilia i^lumMa. It vlll end wlih thIa weak awl wlllbelol. ^^ved by D* IToir llopi«r. In "Dr. Kyniai," which opoaa OiiirAiinnrRaA lloraB -In bla new play, "Tit* (llob* Trotter," Mr. Ilci«y, ramlllarly called "OMTloa*," hea ih* be«t Uiiffli larodncer ihai haa be«n ae«n la (Oilcan ihia aeaMio. Mr. lloey [^ofceuraa,iheoentraieiniiaibntth* uihara of di« cttiAMttir are viceiitionaUj clanr, Ada AlaKAndra, am the lluicn mrani, belnri panleularly cood. IlitpUVrtTllKATAtL—Tba L)'Cf um Block Co. plA>*d "Tba t^lui lryBall" and 'Tlie Tli«",U«t week, lo kwhI ilx^l hi>uHca. Tbla week Ihi* wrar men "CliatU) 'a Aunt" will ruu)*ltaekiuraw**k. Adallehaaa'" onsnpeneotS. Ui uiLLKi: riiBaTHtc-lkclinr, llit>uiii||loiAii, iipaitaal iW KchillfrHiiiHlay iiIhIiT lorait ennKi*meiil or l«o wifka. * M»:ilcn'*«nd "Frii'ihln" playati to omlpnitr biia|ni<«s --l;>«lnK N. Kcllar U A iKt'oUrallrAetloii In LlilmffOitnl *m rrulinMy Urmv InrKf auillitum. UrVirKaH'n TiiUTHi.—WllllAoi U. Crane and hUrtmi IMiiyati- Ouhiicn rtirnhitrr or HioliuMitm Al McVlcbei'n Willi "||I« Vtiff-M VniUtr." On thr pru|r»aimoa thi* BulhonlilpurihlKpUyUcredllodloManhaUortiin. T1ii> play la lurtoly n iranilAikin or L*AT«D|r»'a "Urr Gobi paiilon." ahlcli waa Um prwlnml by Uennnn eonipily C0Di|<anlri, many reura nm. llKAMi OrKlu lim'HB.—OlIaBklanercloied htarnRBKP- tni'iil H, and luada a uftoi liuprvulon with hia new play. *'\ Ill0l^ ilitf Vnpiboiid.** OpruiiiR Id, thr RuBliinlAiix will fflrp a weok nrupciA, Pre<«niiii|i **Koblu lloM" tin* ant part orihp Kffk and riniloit wlib "Prince Anaulat." Mamnio Boor Uahuix.— The principal aitneiltin At llw i>b<>l KARlen thU waek will be Keontdy end LorwDx. In their nlitd rmdlof: tol. Pome or the bed of the \-arIoiy i>«n(inner« ere reialiied.and amooff Ihe new onoM that will tte are (lertrude Itaynpa, Ibe CuontDBbam gmtn^l, KlMv Wolf, hanlRtj lleUeilA, TitcAllKt. TiiRATBB.—Tbe irl*h c()medla^^ Conmy nod Fi>x, will preMnt "O'Plarltf'it Vacailno" at the LIncrhi. tiMoliiir vlih A Sunday loallne*. "In Old Kenlucky" ■•lajm iM |<>od hwiaari Ijwt we*k, oliMinK N. "riAyx abu riayen>'* vltl n)>*a 23. lUVNAMKKT Tiibatrb.— "fhp rollon King" pUyed to r«lrly aiH.i liou««' lor ih* w*ek endlaa II, end will ri'llownl by CbarlAM A. Oanluar, lu "Oarl. Uia Prlie Win- nar." A imuM nrTyrolian 'Inmrx, and a fiptcUi act bv ihtt Kuiuloy clilldrrn will be r*Aiur*a ol ihe perinntiAnc*. LAwrenc«IlAnl»y<.p*oitO. m "David Oarrlck." llni>Kl»'TniUTHB.—MarlvDraaalar arered Ahlg Ml In bar rxperliiiental Api^varanc* In raitdarlllo laai we<<k. If ll wtrv Dol forotbvr *D|AB*meotA ahe wooM pmbebly n id Ihia titrt vT boainaaa Aluerallre dokl Inr bar laleBta. TliItw*»ktlipprPi;niiniii*laclud»aM*rlo and Dunham, Plimn and Errvl, KoklD, tb* Ja|>an*«e magician; Wu- nonetio, ilancar: Conwall and Rwao. JbIIa KelLr, Vera Winrb«i«tar noif oUiarv. The aiock couiitany will play "HIchAelHtioioir." llorKin* Tbutbh (\Ve«i BiOo).—For ihla weak ili* rluclpairpAlutet will be lb* Hloile P.:ur, Mile. BlAjta, lirao nAckatiA, Mci'oy HUterikJohn Aod Nelll* llaaly, prIuclpairpAlutet will be lb* Hloile P.:ur, Mile. Blelta, Tlirao nAckatiA, Mci'oy HUterikJohn AOd Nelll* llaaly, CrAwronl Bm., FonirBont Broa.. Marka and Hllllkao, Rexo*. tbe hainao top. Tbe ainck ciiiui>Aoy will play •TheffueaorBln." AeiUBBY or llihiir.-"Tbe Bowery dlrl" eouiaaorer iToin Iho Alfaanitira,and opooa at ihe Academy with a S<inday uailnae. Kext (lUy will be 'Tlte New Boy," *liIclio|iena±!. BualnoM wAa Tery gtriul 1a4 week tor Tony I'Aitor. At.HAMHHA TiiBATHB.-ToDy PAAtor And h(a com|«oy will play el Ihe AlbAiubra tbla week, vlnr* they opan viih aBfludar nailiiaa. Neit aiuaciIoowIII be "BheeAn- iliteli," which retaniA rromaweekAtLoulaTni«,wher« It reapadA rclihATveat durlna ihetl. A. It. Hr. PaMur Imn AO excelloDi compiuy wlib hlin, looludlnff Verna Victorin, Hill)- ClIITunl. HAude llttlli, Tliontu 7>'HrieB and Olara llavll, Hlnna and Binna, Uerbert BOtl Camo, WoiMl SUiara. th* Alllaona. the Valdaraa, SJalor Haacll. OLTMni'THKATHK.—A airong hill la frei^nlad for Ih* patruiiBut Ih* Olyiiiitic Ihlawtek. In alilHi ih* follow. Ing peo|>lo viliiMkv lart: Ham and Kluy kIon«o:tb« lltianilan UJy bariUiae. Oyorl JulUkA; iluVlan. Clial fant anil (lo^ao. MUtf. Kltantle, Harilet And May, 1*0- rellA HroK. Loalna D«inpa«y. Mc<noiMl and Melvllla, Harry lIaallnga,lllluioi« and Hoahall, Barney and Hita- Pell. Beillia Waanur. Wella and Munror, Alb«n Morffan and Patiunand Woarar. KHANK llALi/HCaatNO.—Cora Reckwlih couilouea in fa* tJia ttaratincilan at th* Caaloo, In liar Aiieupt tu auy In the «Aler ten lioura a dav for fully daya. iiie randa- vlllo itrusrAmine vlll l>e rnmUhaa liy Prof. Klyuo, Rhaile* H owert'a HiBatrela, the LaMii>ni PAiolly, ihA Tliroe Honoi, llajiieH AOd l.taaelte. Pun] and Lewli, th* RyAna,Biniita Vood. Havkl Loretla, Varili and Pb>nliif, Mw llrnraoo Hialem and Jennie Slavarl. I.YCBtiM TiiBATHi.—TrojA haa acored a Ml At lli* l<r> ceuui, aod tba place Boaina deallned in hA\f a prpaperooa OAreer under the thonewmulr liall ayiiimi. tYirthla wMk Tmla will aitalD be ihe diler aurmeiinn. And oUiara on lite pruaraaiine will Include BinlihAttd Cook, Bland riwian*, iilA llovall And oihera. Hah T. Jack*ii OI'BHa Huvka— Forty peopU m III Appear altbe Badlaon8U*«t Opera Hoaae In thecAat of "AUauIm Ellen" Ihla aeak. Tha lAAillnR people an* Annie Adtky, PhTllM KulTell. I.0IU Porlte^ Onille Darenpoit, Lillian .Nalwn. Mam I* Kant, Uinalna Itekl. Amalte Peara. ItellA MiirAl, (lua Bruno. Janiea Biurula, h'lwly I^a BUncbe aad DlAoa, tho dianellon dBncar, PiHK Til RATH K.—Ttie prturraniiii* ihla w**k will be far niHhod by akomJ lUtoTTRrleiv people, Includlag Tnivn Hlaler*, tnnrlM Halinoni ami Jack Willlama, Ada H. Dovnlr.f'Jirroll and Kane, Mile. Aubelu, Oeorge Waat and Jennie Kwwler, Kiliel Uray. Tli* atock company vlll preaent "I»v*and Ruin." TiiK OHt'nKrK (ronnarly Knxel»-~Tlie proKranm* fi>r Ihli WMk villincluda llieTlir** Marmua BUlef*. Allen, Aldin*. AUa. Prannlr J. Bryi^ot, llulolnaA, Cbullla, lluion Rlalcris Orlando, LoreitA. Aopelioo Braa., Pannl* Voider anil OaUa W- I'Utr. Addril to tbla llat la the rtock coinpAoy. Bualiiaan undar lb* o«w nuoARamBt la vAiy Rood. KuiiL X MiDni.rro.n'aCLABKSTRiRrMi HRDH.—Rlaho, aironi uiah, elll Iw llip chlerAtlrmctlon lo carlo hall, llrfcn, hvlnff akololon: Prof, IfomniAo, inaRlrlao, anil Tnlro, woffi rarver. will alao appear In thg curio halL Thi* UAge perri>niiABc« will lnc|udB t^b 'biuaI tArkii hill. KoHi- 4 bliiiDLtvox'riOLOBRMimROM.—MvtiAoiid and Hall «lll glr* A iiiiDd reedinK acU Mil*. Etii*. aoAk* charner, AndMra. Ilowlloo, ihu leopard woman, vlll be 111* featoroa In tha corlo departntrnL r>n the aujc* ilirre will b* a continuation of Uie blR Htdvay dioc' ami aTaudevllte ahov. - " Wnin'H LONur.v niiiBMi-Mii;ii.-Porrh*w«*bb«ffln- niBK Id Ihe bill will be funilaliod'byAloo. woman luaal- ciaii; llrrr Jariuondon^r, nerntrmlni Uen; HaMar Uaryaud hlainioeddoca. Mile. Budinell, Ui* lrDnJa«*d woman. And Uona.Th*ouor*.humAa aalamAndar, who vlll b* BMn In carlo hAll. In tb* Ui*Aire thA ontartAlnMnt ADd Ike Mldeey. Tb* houae vlll not b* open oq Moolny, owing 10 Aliemtloni In profreaa by wlildf It9 ckpaclfy will be Increeaed on* fourth. NOT»i.~-*l*avn Tkkct 91ti" wlUi Ifdlth Eltle a* the alar, will lakoii 'ool by A. D. McLean hi a couple r>r week* Mr. ami Mr*. Taher come 10 MoVlck- er** Oct. 7 Tbe Hoaaow Mldaela bATe b**n *•- oort«l by Minaffor llo|)klna And will aeon amar at bla thaatrea Ilojt'i "A Milk While PUg'*rolluw«i):*Ilpi. clil*a, . buHlnoMia r«tterlbaiiltliAa been at Any time hIdco tliA Hprlngof IfiEO. UalBCTs—At Ihe Kmplre "kh9 Hltfer Unloff," BopL 14, pUy;d v> felr bifalbou. *'81d* TrACk*d"dld well Ql CMreutvd'a* MlnatreU had |ood boup* U. "Trllbt" conea 16. "Th* Dtraulur Itf. 11. Lettln. tr*aa urer; w. O. Ilowanl, doofkeei>rr, and T, arUoea, Aaga oianager, hare be«a r*taln*d by the new manAaVKVtl- Epik HiaiB cooilnaee to draw well (oniiMJUTthe warm wtAiliar. Ttali WQck'a p*i^:*WrvA CocfrAn, HAien And TItua, Agcb HilVlntt, WlllUmi ind Oaifttoo, the L^iTTio.Mud Vk*^ rriAli whlUuAO. Clipper Post Office 4^ A tuMm Drmon, plAtaly Bddr*AB*d, natt be lodMl lt>r eacb toiler, Aod ihe line of boatnana rolloval by iba perwo BddraMd BbouM be giTAB, la order Id pnTABt mlalak**. Jfam~i*ie(te«toiiAl« ami oihAn aboBid beer In mlod IbAt All l«tt«i«. *t«.. In iTAnMt between Die Unlied ftai*f ABd nhBAda, mvl tt ffrvatd, oUierwi** they are not (br- LADIES* LIST. FMrla.«-At tbe Orand Open Uoase "A Uowtej Olrrdlda fair bualoata BopLA. OloTeUad'a MlDitra'a I reiT lArge houi* iC - - Dindoua uaalnate "Trilby" 2P, ?l, ' Diiuui ail •*.**»ak Kaniu^ky' DerftCar.—Al Ibe Poweii Oraod '*A BUck RliMp" canieHipt.9. And plAAAed a good liouae, aod A U. 'aimer** 'Trlltiy" Co. II, lied a uooil hopari- La»rt*RCe iBBle/; 14 ••HInbad" W ;'A;abwj.A'.' ^' mrValA«! ATocA*' u, "A n-.Mtry Olri" W ~ t T.. , BliM|nldgatt.«At' tfte OrmDd ptren Itouw Mumrank Hacktatifr«apL7;toA-fooiVboMfl. .alUl^" ■iii"p?rih'i'^-? Y;'°*^ '^•'':!^»''- UA "^--^ - CONNECTICUT. , played i_ n*u9.And"MlArkAmerlea"ta bla relvmr IL U«rfforil^At Proctor'i Open Uotue W. a AudV*wa,ld "My WIte'i Priend;' alU be'uui (dMffe flrat iluie In IIart/erd6*bLl6. ''Ubaaaoff mai^wiue* 11, liUea, In "Jotaphln*. the tmynm ofib* Pr*Dcb," M; "A VAfrRat* aiaeb" m HurrtMro** "PAoit" tl,PAliD*r Coi'a''HrowDla*" S-ti. COnrtaaRT Tliorpe prMeqiid a triple bill 9 to ainall atundnnee. ■ PrlmroM A w«it'a Wo* Mrela pUr^ to H. B. O. * 10. I^ "< 1b*nt>." did Ml baaloaanlZ. "Wana" did An> Mtaelli*UialDaaa II. "PablM H^inaol" tlW ?^Irl> wall Ul^ •Hi* Wblta ftiuailron" lud a u>p haary hou>« li W. UTalcolt, f(;riii*rly''or Uie PaTlllon Tliealre. l«A**a Id to take ehArga ol the lltital Mb0oi>o]r In Nev llATao Tit* Ranl'ipl L/*lKe of P.Iha, Ho. 19, ran an lUaniBa^d alrciric tar wllh braaa Lend ataHit bieo, Aod coocerlo vlll be K(r*(> In ■obnrbao tovua twic* a week. Aok*ntnro,Vllle ^Alloo Blai*ra Atharten, OUl* AKion,BttA AeaUo, AnnI* ABdrav^P«ailB. Adnmik TooIda Anaoo. Ada Arnold, llaarlaiu Barka, Riwa Rahler, AraI* Bi*ihloa.\allle Baaby, llaomU Hun, Ilia Baagla, Maed* BantaBsMlllIa BarryVviriInU Bnn, AunI* Hart. Mia. H. II. BrAdlium, Paail HurtDO, RIU HnchAoan. J*iinl* HaHoB, Mr*. VhAA. HArioB. Job* H*cb. Alio M. QAmarop, Tatdin*. Tilll* CjAnaer. Ihiiile JuantiaAMIrnatte Johnion, Ltnl* JoaapbIn* J*romB. ^lUlan Oarllnron. KIlA ~" " (dealer, Florence Clifton, Jeaa I* CaaleUo. Mm.Vm, tniambara, LlUlan Cli**t*r, I.UlUn Claira, Haiffle CuBolnghAui.Koae rarituo, Hatllo tlieator, Alice inAtoB. FmlA l^w, B*ll« UiAiiiploD. MAinl* '^ml*. May H. DarrelLLidA Oerano, LlllUo Uorar*. L«0BA M l>* Witt, Janoy Doloraia, Hlaa Dolffvronbir, Prlooeai Daly. Uui* U. Uiinn.Kltila IMIy.MliuV. DlereBbacli, El 1 EiiR*lh*rOt, MUa Edwarda, Aonl* tarl*. Bay tlt*lor, Kmo Itlawonb, Hay EiM, May tTAna,KloraBc* R Sraoi, TriRl* 4c. ~~>lojdManI« Prvran, Carrl* FaaAaa, iMoraA Pllbam, Ray Perre*, Laura '~,rABl,Liilu UktTer, AmellA arasfllla, Ntlll* Gaykir, Hay Ulimur*. KItil* Uoidon, MAy QllinorA, Anol* UioMr, MIoRle A. OiMMlrlclL Mamie Uuldwiiltb. IllUa am, Ada buuicUa, Marie :on. Alma KIBU, LlllUn Qnrer, Minnie n ranger, Pannl* Urira. Lena ailbert. Addle (lllwn, Louie ETrer, Hmma '-iHowe.Uolile llAllelLHn.John IIAria. Mabel Hill, Nellie llohUM, I'DllY Ilea*, Lena V. Ilngbea, Kloaale llevard. MIklred llart^iUdl* llamiun, LaurAR llnwHd. OllTn ll«Aih*n()n. Jiiii* liaM,lfail* Howell, Ida Iluleion, MAbrl mil, Annie £oni*n. I'AAil K*nd2l, Beul* K*lly, JullA anil KMna. Mama Kiln.. Maml. K. Kapahn, Jannlo -kJLwIlo, Boitlna!«, NVIII. Lark.llF, llUI. Lar.nile. I'anio LMnanl, Flora Lor.irl..Miit«. LmIi., Fanblo Laooanl. Dora Lorraine, Asalo Lm. Mlncrr. lAvarno, Ullo. Lawrsnc., RIU Laiiniin, lion P.rlna, LodI« F.arl. J.uni. I'ouar.KalhlM'D Park, Anna I'arelral, lMb.1 Prior, Lillian R!ioTlln^Klllla HiimU, Mv lllrtM, Vlrola Rajeila, Lllll.n ninl. Vka Klnlia,>lllo. Hiiuoll, Virol. UltacANallT. hojr, Mlul!. K;an, Lull) R«) uiikia, (lanriiO. Hyaruid HUlrrrt uriiioiHl, Maud H»>oulil., Hvlinr Hoirra. niaudl. KuMlLFItirMicvJ. Kuawll. PInVIa Ha<oD, Un. F. ^niilb. Ailill. Slnslclon, Afaiha HiraiMllioiit, Anhl. Holla, Rnili; tictitl. i:arrle Alaod, Bollha Kalrall, Hall, HuillK Haclirl Hi.waid, l.ury Hahant, — HoarlM. Nina Miarwoftl, Kalalla HwMl. Kalhryn i<l.(:ulr,Hi.lla HiMn.Oarrl. Kj>rlna.r. l.ola '|Voi< rtalll>< ^Tailiir, JdII. TiltolD, lianlii Menon, Fay McATo;, HIniil. MorTl^ Kllllo M.rto '7. milnnll Lnniar HaillKii. Marl. Maailleld. May Naafullo, ViD. llandialljlad.lln. Barton, Dill" MinnMICLM HUfn. Maril. lt,Wu - •""Al» MaidM, Aildia HuQn>.,i;arT(. Banln, Jglla ll.ail.l1. Kiial. MMriiAn, Hanlo kanliall, Itonla NrKeon. llalil.L. Mllford, Nainl NIcholaKiitara Nnrloii, Lulu N.IUi,- NlchoU, HaWI Hall'on. Carrl. KalllKsn, l.uoy Qakar..K.UI. . Arthar, Qeo. Arthur, J. F. Aiiimaiia, J. H. Ackor. M. A. AiniiioaaUl.rlao Tflo Archw A Allan Ateiaad.raTTSUe AUiu, V. Ailana, Chaa. AuaUo. Omo. K. Allan Jr., W. B. Alaar,, Jo. AiidrM, Win. Alwaid.A. AakiD, B. F. Allkan, HmlU.wood Ali.m, O. AUiaoilar.Mall AidiMa, R. Alblal, li. Allllla,- Andnwa Of. (la, Ail&l'vllii Ailw, Artlil. AnlJngalall, Prol. U. AuBlIn, J. K. Ilw. Wm. B.(l.LI irowD. Prof. ' 'Bay lis. F. Brawn, tUataoM Bam.. A Martin U alironl, W. II. Baiiallo, - lork, til. lul, Fnnk iurk. Jack lolM, llairy llttll. Finl my- Bryanl, C. II. Boakltk. Frxl Haraonl, llanr Barvord, (Jtiaa. B«I10B,J. 11 Bowara, Frad V. Balaont-jAi.' Brttuau'UuiT, BiunaniWhaelar Bunlo., J. B. Ball lloo. II. Ball*;. ThoB. BMlr.Thoa. B. , lublor, Pnr. lanrain, i:lauil ijiT^^T"" Sarr A HrAnA Irawaur, Billy luv*e. llArry Bak*r, W. II. luckty. Pr. ^. tSScI^CUvwiri l*rry, BujenB BunbAui.0. D. Bleod*ll.C*|iL L.D. llreb, John P. Iryioo, PreU Burrell.OM. BtJJLftod"" roau,Uum*y 'O'Brien. Addle O'Hrltn, Kate U'BrI*it,Mni. T. V.. Pierce, I.}dlA Puraell Kate I'AniBenMr^.tfar) GENTLEMEN'S LIST. CAUpttalLJ. \V. (^nnor^ Frank Miree, J. '««eT. Jm J. ■urtla, Dr.lloward i.'baiiiiieD,—("IliiM Allow") Oiillcn. W. R. 'amw. n. Ft. Thouiaa, lliMa Taiiipiay, Htk Trevaniuu, Llllle Tnia*hlor,Mville VanUalan.May tl Vane. Ilelon P. Vofkay, KIlMi VInloo. U>itla Tirartoiiliettr, *' Mantuarlte Wood', Jpai)« Wnbher, l^rrla U'llllDtr, Mn. A. K. Wallarf, Annie \Va<le, Triita Wlllliina, tiertle Whlla, Tetkle Werrpn, Hrm While, kaud WIIIIaiHi, tUrtruila Wad«.Mr*.T)Hia. WUMIOII, IIUNM W*alam, l.llllr Willlama, .Hallle WahirlRht. KlU Waiilwurlh. Mny Won, Kltirno Webb, pjiima WillmiiT Wallhir. Waahhum.lloMId WaM, Malwl — ■ -Ipiif I, Mil ZAfa, — /Mwn\, Martliiarlle Delaware, M. Uavli, \t. II. Duncan, t'- II. OqUop.A. U DiAUUOd, inina, Ourrow, W.J. [>*ll*a, llnriwTl llullon, Wni. l>*l*t-aa,T. II. l>oeUtr,~ Deuluii, 11*0. t! iSTiiT'T-' Dalliin, K. It. Uwyer Jan. Dar*. Tmi) llaRniar, Pranca* UmIaqA L*oh*rr Owyor, Kdilln u» \Ai5j. w, Doy)«^ Til* De Duuraey.Kilviii DATlilain, J. W. Urane.UrAnt Deviln, J. P. DeTor*, Ham DeWlll^ LuitU BardAy,Ed.C, BlACk, JoboJ. Bdab. lleruiAn Byrti^M, Pn^o^ Baoa, EdlAT BorchlDi, Prank Brabaa. Louli atalB.illanb - Oarhloe, W: T, Jail ,W.B. Uoak,Wm.<l qaja.wy.- ,,lirlaiIe*Paati gaillito. Add Obr Cotteo, Lralar t^ollifia, Bryan Clark. W. K. Curmll, (ffjrl*. (W-UIL JM.P. ClielqiArfi, llaroWl CaTumi*, J. A. llraceyA Htimuli ilrfeii, I'luH. ,S. tllllPii, ThuH. .\. lJ^l1e^ II. M. lell, Kr«l lattlinr. Matt Holpln. W. J. NbmI. la. R I lam I Hun, A. llnhlxyA uvAi 'lAriwell. JoKii Unigaii, w. II. leywiHHl, Wm. llhioMlao. II. Ilovanl. Ilri>awiit IlMllllt, J. II, mil A Mill Uai^llilil.lliaa. lliiltAn.1, Krwih. lUnii, I'm! J. Ilarlly, Jaa T. Ilaary. ilanMrilr.J. W. Ilaudy, F. K !!">»r. lir. j. (. llilClll.\Tillla MamiN, Frnnk llarlnrt, Krwl T. Ilaiiaoo, Julio T. Ilanli., Tun ilow. Jr, Nui iluwor, Ftailk ii'wkr ™ ll»w«{I,_ luntiuir. imtr Family Oatar*. Wm. Ue UaMru, H. l>uDai.llA, Loula Ulllol, J»o union, lUnr ErarJTFrank la HoM, I'ai. Uoualwrty, li. A. Uurla,JulinB. i>ockilad,r, Iaw UHUMt, WlU j^jatoyflVrlK OiiAhVlarrr A. Uarii k KmuiIi Uale, Or. Wni. Eddy, Will. klISl||!ij?,'4. U. -..j^'o.'t. Bdwarda, Win. Bhiiiiunie, Will Kllawoilli Juhq Edward., Illiqi\ MB. ForsuKiu. W. ). FrMioal,t1iarl.r FIrooJIallJ. -»tb. -"WW Ixr.MoB-. ji,/«ilinP. ProhDiBS, 0. Foreman, Eduar Ford.dilaUU- Pognlaln, - ' fe- fliMor;. U. J. "llCrar.J. U. (lorUoo, J. Il.rn Utiua. 'l,«k- ' lla«.l^l.ll|^ l^iUiV I HIT. Hobl, iBterai*a lunUr, l>r. i;. n, lluward, JnliD It. Illghy, JbliQO. llailley. Wait) rianderwiiL w. il. jlStWHk llirifii.luD.M. J. iiaororS, B,l. Il.rwoiid, Alio lllil. llM. A. Ilalir„nl, Kdnln ii:?o"r!tV"'* >iii.. lliiiuM, Frad llawl.y.F. V. Iloaly, Wni. H. 'r»io.Ft«l Irraua. T. (L Iniiia, n.p. i'oUl, t V. J.rjiia lAtoila laruBte, Victor lo.iona, O. II, ii.a,W. II. Juliao, Prwl ]oul4iln, Truman uqie, Juto Jorlo a U. Huae JuQa., OJcar "■am, A. 1:. —KolWj.M, Kuwl.jrll. Kln!(,Jolio II. TAralaMJbai. AJLur.,ll.u. W, ^o, llaru 'V;'. H.' , liarry DpooIuA<IIII.IIB Aoy.J.H. . arc; Louiho.;, J. p. LowryS rr,;.aau taelr.r, Wni; rlruiain. Juhuiil. IKIIar, Mona. 1lala,Ue> - 'feu ,UwU W.ll. ft,*, A. N. lAasTMlliar.'Jaa. lA.rMRa. A. q, (m. Katr ilairi^ Maolall, Roboit MaalolU,- 11 uloanaD. J. Uivre, lle«.W. ShiaHa,-^ Boffaa!;!!^ Moro, A. D. lie. Millar, Larualt. Mailbawa, W. (!. Muirlm>-,H. r. H.lrlll^ Frank Mo;, ll.l:. HurallivHax 8arodlihmTba prton. Bam Mlllliao, Joha Moili.r,JUinW. Meoro«.NM MoKm,II.K. HaxwaluT. J. Mrlnlyrr.T. H. HrBalioii^ Tlie Miior.. Wn. HriUi;,II.K. Uurpny.Jpa. R. Morrla.llil.>;, Mark P. Honcayii, r. N. MatllD.. Uill. Mct^ulnn, W. K. Marrow, Jliu Harab, K. B. MwilHrrall,ll.t>.L Marioa, rraok HcWaila, Tb... MBrrlaoii, Lolah Maao, llaaii; Mart^ Bob HaUiawa, p. J. Hirlowfi, J... Habar, Pbll MtV.y.J.J. Mack, T1ii«. -Mlltoiit, Th. MQir.hlll. K.I. Honii.J.II. Llllls Mnrtlaaoy. John MBliarv.W. A. Me(»i;7l<.ll. Marry nna. MolynMul, V. I-.. Miliar, Knaon. L. Mortun, Jiiliti A. Mlliar,>nir.U A, Murphy. Frank Maiiehwitr, Itotit. MiHire. \V.i. MMk.r A Uack Miirpli;, Padiiy Mack, l:uuil K Moore. Ilao. II. McUahiiii, IVallor Maihlaii.Jn.. UclluaaU. Ilarr; M.ltlllo, <V. T. Muro, i*rlHC« Uc<!ralll>. t1ia«. Haaoii Un Bark, lul. I!. Uarkhain. F. V. Bnrrl.' Ponlp. UualUr, K<l. BalrlllaSMa; BM!i>rnilek, Ham Bllla a Klwanl^ Mnora. Kaymoit —awaUWllUnl N.|t^>lll^J. H. VawalLV ■I'Naitnill ._. KffhniaD, John DbwiII, L B.(I.I.) NalJ«in, Tiini Xiirrli, krrl IK' O'H.illy. P. Ilaklar, UIck tliauoo, J. llllT.r, Ilarr; lI'N.lll. Fnuk iriUinnur, F^lwlu povuo, John A I'lrwrd, Fr»l iHuntllo;, w. A. Pioiicult, KilaiuiiiljKliaw, Pat. PeiehlDS Bros. HoBkeil Oiek PrTea, J. B. PiMUa,A. PlulnB,r.J. P»ll|o;. Bd. Prior, t W. l*T*oUe«, Ilarr; PmL Ilarr; PoH.r, Ilarr; Plaoo A tiwena Pall.u,J.b Proatoe, John A. Pulhnan, lllioa i*.rla.,1til. ■artol, II. II. 'trn.r, CapL P. ■arker. Will I'aalor, Juan F. I'ldieoaJI. R. /^nloDfTlioa. Vgulsb;, RoM. nuinoDil.T. J. ''•Illcbalda^ (lua Roiiilyo, Rob How., Jolia HaynanI, Ilia.. Hoowlla.r, WanI Robaoo, Sliiail llotall. Bill; Klaioi,«. H. Haluhan, n. \T. HoM, 0. H. H.III;, Pil Koioala, Haauai Haod, Prwll <obluioo.T1in< timiilo. Wallar llulihlna, Frauk HIchaida, lUrt; HoMiloa, (lliM. Hoymnod. f J. Hrianlo, will lulll;, I'ai Hainaay, ■•. II. Huuali, BilrMl.r Kobiatl. Harry Huaaell, FrKi A. Korara, Oeo. W. Koaaltar. Ilarr; H.;oolila, Jaa. HA;aionil, J. K. H4ll;,Ja«. A. Kaaaus. I^baa. Il.ianlo, — Hoyra, Ho; L. HaD>lotpb,ll.H. Ratolih, Hl.wart IKrhiDoml, Bob Slaalun, Pala Itamw.lla, Hhi.. Hlia;B. A WiiNm Hluwa^ John F. Hl.wart, J. 1;, Kharwund, VV. II. Ht«la.m "|r.T."r.o. ricott, Mlltun Ibiillli, II. A. Hrolia SIdonI KalLa, >niaa. HIiror, J. Hiiillh A FullH HUUr, H. F. Hiiillh, J. P. Nadaanil, Win. HL i:talr a JarilBl. Hllllliloll, F. VV. ManliHil, DiH-lor Mieoki rnuk Hohlll.r,J.T. H«iniiu.r, I). It. Mwoo, Ftink H. Hwuan A Rurk* Hllnaar, H. V. i<o;dorA Huokia; riculd., titv. Ha, illalToiO, ilarr; rfponrar, tl. W. H.;niMUraFamHni HaalonI, K>l. Hiarr, L. \. '■mllli, J.T. 'Uwyar, Frni H. lUillllns. W. II. IUil.Ua,J. II. teill, Mllliiu flun BitM. Aiaa, Jaa. P. Hoiw, Pnr. II. .I'monla, John II. Blaofl, Archl. Aiarldaii, Jolin J. itebnni, ilarry Hhannao.Pmr.Wni lUlnmila, F. Sliall;, \V. II. dwaot, K. K. ittuart,— 'flttWOBse Kir.r" Oo. Soadar. Bli. F. ' T..I. SmlUi, John P. lllnuaa, S. {Unfoftl. IKictnr Hlniia, F. N. rtlHiaa, Anihmaa riomi^on, /.ulii Sparrow, II. tbwiDiarii, Fr.<l Khtnnoo, Ilarr; !lun Broa. Toni«r,\V. V. Tonaar, Km. riatue;. Juhn T. Trawala, — riicliar. dan. Tr.loar, Arthur runnaond, Ja.. rorry, Uilea Trior, 41.11. t*. rlioMAa, Loii F. r>lb.n. Jack rruDian,t:ha.. TlDa«v,U. F. Tahar. llaiU rmwllf. I'ntr.t. Vocal Aoliir Vail. —(v.iil.) VtilitO). Jiilth VId.lU, VIr Van il«yiir,tr. WMl, T»uiy Wwlay, irany Wllllanvs will'" Wiiuuda.1 Buir.hi WaliawVOIia.. Wllftui, J. W. Wallani, Wm. n iiliukar, Kiiht. Wall. ||M>. p. VVabbar, Harry Wllllauia. llrhf. Wont, Wall; H'hitll.r, II. II. Walker, .laa. IVall.n^ a H. tVllioo. Al. M. Wall.ns Jnlo Kml Wuolaii, II. H. Wyiikoun, AlOT. Willlama, F. II. Wrilhl, P. T. Wjlllauia, llnrrr Wllllaoia, U.n Walliill, Ikivo Wllllaiiwon, W.f. Whllna, Billy W.llu>ian, .r.nn W.lrh, tl»>. T. f'" ilibar, Jidiiv laull, Al. Wolrh, J.J. Walwn. Ilw*. Wllliinl, U.ll. WlllUuia, Hilly Walkar, Ja>. Walloii, Uav,| Wllla.Jidiii Wllllaniji. Jm, Wiiniu A.T. IV^t«In|lnii,\Tiii. Wonl, W. II. Wi'lU, (tail. W.bbi.r, ilarri li k' Wha.lor, II. K. YaOKar, Bill) /loirolil, _ ^/.luiinor, Ihiii, ' H. ZolU,- ioiar WIS CONSIN , n..^7.^:s.r„rr7iijE^;ff^,:'rri,''''\^^ Hllwaukoo laUaalrlai KxiwaUlo-iliBiflli ! . .^l L iiai'park III. ?m5u!L!:K,"'",^f. -»"""'»"""in. ao,ii "*'Vu'n«'ii'i.Vtel!;:^"f."''"'r "I't'i "")' IT—""-I .ll.l,l~V r,5iIL„ SS?^' „ *"'! Laai WMk w.. l^io}^\£Lr,'*1*! '*.'i','"L*"lr' "'' 'lia w™,k rtTTUan SnSwiap^' l^l'""'" Ihmpany, lu •Trlll.y, -r.' iiil't!Il.l!il.'i';*.""""'^rff"'' '■'"•' Pn-lucll ' lli I. lL«-L ','?'■''*'"''''?,■.'•"'•''f'''l"l"'l'"l'''''i'«l'" li^uiii.; I"."!.'' "SS"", • b'l'"' ""ll'alile al iwiilancwiwt wook. *ni. iMIau t.r"UaiHl waok „A0.\0I«V lir Mmil\-H«ldl. Uiaon a «>. Ill •■! Sl^liSK 'r •-''v'i»ni''iLir'b'' bW!. hi lir: M"?I*)??i'."''J''."?'"*' <«ara. TUca A FiirMar-. 1 WiiiiDaKLa«DMiiniin -F..rlil aiid >..k. mrh, l,.il 'f".',"','l"''l" 'ii"': i.»iii»iii N,.iii;. Liiiri. rini. .hiu: 11,1. hoK I.,..,; H,y. fiololl. .nil l,iilii,.|ln. I'll,'...!,., Miako I'lianiifn.; tlit~i loiunl I. , i|,„ i'„| i,),,, r ilrk.ii II II. IHiw III wa\, ll,i,ii.,ni,iw,i|. iiiliilaiu,,, rlrrit.alHl LoK Pabiioi'. Piinrli ali,l Jinly. Thi-alri. .1 Klyar .lid«i.«. 11. II Jllllyr, Ni.|ll. J,.hn«-i, IN. I',„, ri"'.'i'''t;W""'.'"""'''.'''* ''"Ill""'' >"">•> Milt,-... Ili.rin jdiLlilu.. Loi.ll. Hliiiin,!!. |la.|.r ;,.,„ tviili i.«il, Juir, ( 'Ur. a I.;iiali.h.llla(ki^lhnllllitor j,,l".'' i tVi, lllu.tniliii; w,iia .till llriutf idriuiv. II. I'lUJiS."-S"*"!.''"*" "IHWilalli-i kiiii.ii ,H II,,. r'.r Ui!7«.!!k ' ""IWl la "ry ,|iili.|ly aiiiiiuiir,N| „'i,b"'"!!'rtha ptana nirManai|.r(l. F. Mllk.r'aUu.l.< lall wa VliiB Hrlaolad. Willi; Il la nol cortal".T"c (Irviil ATanao and FuurUi Ktraot.. HoJI. Ilajuuir^ purllkA Haalo luR llilaManilii.r, liaa.una inUlnalliaail, (I., tniccMtt Ikn uiaoaiaiiiaulurFra.uiaa'a 11m.Ii. ■Unanu A.luua Brown ia aaiKOIa.! Ipiui. ahiirllr if** u "S.'"F'"' P»ai«<ruiniu«li llilanlv ^111 '.'■•'"'.•lar Loun Waclimw.Trill. Pab.1 lliMlr.. will liar, la.nly aln« puA iq lila atiirk riiiniw i 5^?iyf°l'r.''"t.wS'^ KaJolrti <lpol,F'l' 71T.k f 'iiJ*}'''";*'''' ""•'' Tlia wiM opaiialk.i. I .llh lU. *nl Amajiloan iiruluclliin u[ Wap|..ii." Lkaitoa lloralti.or llorwiltaud Buaaia, UTn llrtt Baa Claire,—\| the UnntI the riillo',rini a|. irauliiiD. war* ravntMlwIUiiiooil hooaoa: tUbf. 4.'Tno • M Iiuiii,.uad|'>l>-Buab mt;;" ll,(IUdY. frllll.M'J ••Faiil U^l •■ UUuloii: II, 'Tha Toriia.ll.',''Il"'A Tin r". *55. ' I*.JullA Tiartow. Tal«t| dhhaulo Mirliio Nora—Krwlartoh Bancroh, ntkolalaa liaa dacMnl h, laaka h a i> naUiiot* boi., aul la Uklnw a mi l!P,^°?i.'','f l" I""'""' '•" IWlllUK clllaa In Ilia lloil«l lUaMa and ror a alwrt >aa»,ii In |..Hr iluii, Bn.. NaioimtuDa ora pMdln. lor a anirn witaMl. ad lour or Kmo^. t^*!".?^ "1? ^—'^t^iii'iiam UUp.UanHniiin ;"*.!'.','¥"'' !"?'''?!"'""' 1'ialllwwan.l.r.nliiir. iriiiii aiii *';.''i?'f. 'U'""'«"Vf >i. "uiiooay- IOWA. Dm MalBee.-'Tlio opera Umirw hail (noil , .... - "A FallwUlall" 5*'1!'*.V13'". "P*" "»"■• Murray .11.1 Matk'a ''inanlnaa|lali''wa, ibi atlraclloi. ilioinllin weak.a«|ili./w»li. BookfiiM aro: At Fi«upmo, it, 'nrf''..)?^ Iluallar;" JJ, "ll.alc.7;" 2 "l(rUi«)." Al Iho Uraod, "A luotJi ol Keyal' cuniaa II. Wiuuiauaii waa opanad b; W. W. Boore llia wu woakwllha alroo. raudarlll. ai«>w. HamA. Ilaibw N "lanaiar, aod tUm wi.rklni Imw ol lb. Imuaa baa l«oii illral; iwr(aali*l. Muahlaaa waa .oul ilmliii lalr - ......-Aiiiarltoa' «a* .Iran nl.lill; at Aihlotlii ui ilia I—tfM cai.jeU;ol Uia pUc. Maiia«.i. • inlai^limlthfEWal Uia llraod Halunlit; uKlii. IHr|lutaaH-Al the (Irani ".Vil Mtl«" woh 1Mp<._eioaiaraaau.|iaau aniiiiate timllona WMk Park Futiar !,''*,*^blai| _ w,..|,BT« mew.ion■ aallabclliai Ohu. liopHr .tiilo-) tiro ai. waU ilUk ■iKla . (U.I Kiipraa^oa. We ara to irara 'Tllll.;" n. n... in *i'-..i'—■'■•^comaharatL loan la T1^, ^w ^^".'.^.■'".'••MJ IS'Now li(*anrTh»lro ?M.V?.*'lf'««'*';,'XeanaaMi». Tl.« Ulinlwo'iulo .T'ls"? uif aoowinlarad a ai«ll or aw. kfc'T.'-Si'.vi Vtf*»}J»I iwuaiiBi h..0M.. iiriaui'* Vi!,"V;.r''l tKM^piiitayBliht audlance 11. "Ili« l(|«T«Mnuwa,-At the (Mew "rinalUBiili ■a'''U .lae ,hapl 10. "Maaica" ll, Bciloail BmU Bi' n: ■ (unraoll aurocted • rair hoiuaiil hut Manafor j'. a r ■■"■ft'-f.f^J"!' ™ l««aolea. "lut Val. ol Aruc*" baU iiibl bualova 11. Dabauaerv'iha tl*A HaU" hoik B fair tiinM Bapl. t. (.'Molea U. Ibipper," la 'Tin Tale o»" .f^u' >U|M4ifwAt Uieene'e Dpem ttmn. J|''ll< A. Hutfl, linWlUk UliI kw>l InialDI-u ML u an.1 ^'Ct. •■iliiilivlW'lt bl lMU fo r 17. "AIIHlJU>'^iaii..l't SOU TH 'cAR OIMmT Cliarl«alaii_A( uwent' A<:x«nii i.r UiiHir "UaikwU llunla" 'Oww wail Hapt. A "Um ll<,il'. An. Hue," 11^ li.f\4|uud huuio. Jit), VvalAWU cun.. 17, l\