New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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452 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER^ September 21. World^Playcrs — RoMror Tumptlnii' "Blick Crook" Uo.: W.D. Newell, iniUKer; Albert UDg, npromiUllTe; P. lUiTT IJeMer, iMnlnnn imraier; K. H. (looilwla, •U|te miuirer; Al. Hurrli, Mage nipciiter; r^Mili MoiTli, pnpenltt; NrU Uaw>rd,eli!cli1cUn; rieo. UimllUiD, tnliuni oleeulciin: nnrcnce Hlliteul, wenlrobs nlalnn; Fnnk gpeorl, miitlol director; Midelloe Hinliill, licille Ktjo, Vers WII>on, Voa- nle TtomiMon, Rillili Krutee, Anulln Ntverliolfer, Tderen 8cliw>n/„ Tozvinu Bclimnz, Iteud Blui, Utde Yonoi, Annie Youiir, flrsM llawll, Nellie lU}, CUrm Btker, Uzzle CaDalDRluni, tienrate Mtjer, NelUe nckeiL Olin BoUer, Aenle llimL Ad* lietlle, Oerloiu ItoirKlero, ThereM Itoijilcro, Aipiee Amwlroiift, IJIIIsn I'aie, Kmllr Uerbtrt, Enllj llunen, lUle Krane, Hedle Btienrood, Ella- hetta Ktrle, Oirol Ulovtr, Molll* Joyce, noreece BilniK, OI>n LoziDzJo, Kile Hoop, Lnilm Uoop, Uaftnur Hoeller. I<ouIm> Freemio, Adtle I'sne, Ann* Deer, Virgloli Junn, y, Hllitud, W. J. llDls, Htennan Wede Vemon Runadell, Ou. K. (Iretaim, K. 8. Uoodvin, P. II, Mebler, iobn Rtirord, Oonale Hlxrord, U. D. Newell, Allwrt Luk, A. Monle, I,. MoiTta, K. Bcliroeder, O. Ilemllton, Ilo;c« Norton, Kmnk Rand, Sidner Ohappel, On- Hainn, K. K. Huulon, V.BiMiiil, II. lUlvbIc, IlieOreatUretonl, A. Uertnod and Nate Howard. — A. t. Poanon'ii No. 1 Block Oompanj oneied lla aeaaon Hept. 3, al Ularkulanr, W. Va.. wlik a Uma ntihu'enugrment. iielni ino Oni perfnnn- ancea giTen al Ue New Opera lloiiw In iliat dlj. Tlie companj alan oponM Itie New Open llouee al Morgantown, W. Va.,t. Blaiie Minaier frcdertck Renoldn Infornia ua lliit llie reperurr (or tlie Kawn will Inoluile "Tho While Hguedron," "Hlie Derby Haacot," "The I'nIIca raUnr,""Unri of Uie Hld- nlibl Ban" and "me HldnlRht Alirm." Tlie rtialer le: A. UUo Dennelt, manager (orMr. Pe*iii>n;Frcder- lok llenolda, euge manager; Kdgar Hunsr, mailar ofproperUea; Kraok WItaon, tuge carpenter; Hie*- ton Bnco, Joliu /amee, aeorge K Mack, Uharklte IUt. Hn. Frederick llenolda.Wlnna Itogom, Kaude K. Gale, vnarlea llunnell, II. H. Ijnton, Frank Cot- ton. Jameii Alloe, Arthur Lowla, Hear; HIiclKll, Alfred Wllnn. — Harte winaon and Rliile Ulark, ibe French nuadrllle dancen, are wim "The Ollhooln'a Abroad." — The New nrttalu.Vt., Opera lloiiio Is now un- der new inanagemcni, and liu been Ihorimiitilj renovated for the enatifng peawin. — Hanagera Bonram A Wlllard Inrorm ui thai Ihelr new >tiracil»n, "Tlio Knglneer," la meeting with iiicceaK, and nitiim daiea are lieliig ar- ranged In lef oral cliloi. — The rrlmniae gnanet open In Ublcago, III., In Ucioiier. — J. Marr; Uoidon, who U managing Uharlea 0. Wllbinl'fl UHnpanj, wrtlea: "Dnr miccea alnce re- organlrJng liaK been phennnwnal. Hiaiidt that wera raputed to iw iiad have liceri good to tho extenltUat the "H. 11. u." rign hai lieen a conitunt dlaplij. (leo. li. Blonl and wire Jnlned at CUjIon, N. Y., Hepu II. Ilarrj llarver, our leading man. waa oallad home nuddonl;, 11. Ii; theaertoimlUneuof hia fonnieal child, and reluned 14. Mr. Wlllard la hulldlng up a lepnialloD tar hlmaeU aa a clever comedian, and be li mcalving encorea nlghtlj on hii olevor aln«1ng and dancing •peclslilea. I have decided to and a full hand ana orchueira to the company. Pior. II. W. I'nwlor, the well known comet MilulHi and director, haa lieen ongaRcd to lead the band. U'e are now louring (Jaitiiia. — Orace lleala ban lirMiRtii an action In tho Su- preme Court or tbIaBiale aialnst Manniier Freder- ick U.Whltne; to itciiror r2.4lb U|iun a claim lur breach of coniiacL Hr. Whiinojr adnilta the en- gagement or tho aclrcm, bui mih thai alio violaied hor coninr.l and did mil Hitend the rohcanaU. — (J. J. KIcliiiian haa gone to Hnn FnnclMo, Oil., to take Uaiirlce HHirjrmore'a place In Ihe itiocknell HUwk Co. Mr. Ilanjinoro reiuma Kaat to licgln re- hoamla or "The Heart or Uaiyland." — Allien Weliiit«ln haa guno to VIenoa, when he Inlanda to nnUh Ida mualral edncatlon wlih Pior. l<aohniakj, one or raderewakl'a tnohera. — Airreil(}haiiilierlaln died Bopi. ii, at hIa borne In Now llochollo, N. Y., from lican illieaae. Tlie dnoeaaod, who waa alxtj voam or age, waa ihe arohlteot whodealgned and liulll tho theatre erected lor HoKee Kankln, lattlj known aa Jacoha'Third ATenua Theatro, which waa doMmyed bj are ifr centlr. lie waa a a. A. K. veteran. — Helen Mar arrived In ihla cliy rrom Kngland SepL II. Bhe avhleved conaldomble ■uccom In London aa a reollailonlau — Kldonia Uonadhina reiMrt oxcellsnt luialnoaa over Ibe mmu tamtor; they phyod Uat aeaain. Their play, "Uyolone," by a. Ilatrla KIdon, h aald to b« a auooeaa, and Boanian A Undia an now paint- ing aeveml new dnpa (nr It. Tho rater: May U Marr, Oertle Norman, Oenldlne Oodley, Dolly Hoyder.a, Uairia Kldon, fl. L. (^er, J. U. Oodley, llariT Uatnlln, Ulloh. Inaerhain, Chaa. Ooodwln. Floyd Hamlin and liavle llamler. Geo. \V. Ilamler U loaoagar.andO. K. Bradbgry miislcml direetor. — Del Radele nporu atmaaaa Aiieol Cluba, the inmii, wtlh "Tho Hldnlitat Flood" Oo. — Kotea and ruiter or the Diamond llramatlo Co.: We opened at Qaa Ollr, Ind., laal week. \V« canr twelve people, and make two night atanda to elan wlUi; week aianda later ott. We have all our own ^yi, and oarry apeolal aconery and aUie aetUnga. Hoalar: Walter hiewnutn, proprlolor; IV. H. Uatt, manager; fleo. II, Ilell, advanoo agent; II. II. Ihil- mer, augo dliaotor; Jaa BwaObrd, piopetilon; John Phllllpa, Ubaa. Ilartan.floorge Newman, Joaale Ho- Oullnugh, Heaale Uonao, Irtancbo Fux and Louie Ohunh. Our reporturj: "Undor fluHrd," "bll- lomU Kit," "rnaun for U(o," "Unola llulio," "The Ameiloan," "Vu Wlieela of Fhio" and "A Leap ti.r ure." Will Play through Imtlana, IlllnuU and Hlaaourl. — Ilennnay Lonylo and l,iittlo Wado'a aeaaon opened very bright In To.xaa. V.i. Joawy. Uemlce Howard and Fivemau Iluwaa havo lioeu ro-eusaiietl. Jennie Bowonjolnalnl!onil(iana. — Ual Uoi and Fred Mueller bavo JolnnI the Na- tional Ooniedy Oonoen Uo. — The nianagora or Uualo Mall, Fmnhrurd, Phila- delphia, IM.. have IHMU having conaldorable iraniilo In gelling hotehi and iMardlng hnnnea lo aocoiiimo- data their porfnrmeni, and have dotcruiliiod to luni the aaaeinlilT tooni Into a hniol. — H. Hnillh, Imelnoaa manager or tho Ho<ln)«nd DraniaUo Ui.. Infimiui iia that l-Yank U Pond and Ulu M. Ilfrlein, nienilion or lhai i-oiiinany, won nanlsd on Boat. 7. — Kdward vmim'a forthcnnilng produrllon of Fnncola Ooppeo'a "Fur the l^mwn" will Ih- exactly the name aa tho one at iho IMeun, In Parta, fr. Ur. ViwiiK haa locolTud frim II. CopiKo tho akcichca or Iho acaiiory and niiiunies. Some of tho licai ai-onlc artlala and ooatumon In ihia country will Ih) tn- gaged on the work. — Tho lloidoya, J. 0. and Aiiriiku, will likely put nut thotr cuin|wiiy,ontlilcilTlia Mulnuiollian Play- era, In Dooemlier. — Hiiater Olarl'a Conrort Kami ami ilrohoaim, now tonrtnt Waitom Now York to ropiinrd good liualneaa: Prnf K. (I. Uark, milo iiwuagvr and lau- ab\al conductor; 1. A. Withington. ouphnuiuni eolo- lat; B. K. Willie, tromlHiue aololal; A. U Johnain and II. R. Notion, liaaaoa; It. Capniii, \v. Bnydor and W. Foilo. altm; II. Ilrtgga and H. llaiiiBn, tenon; A. Ilyde, J. W lllckock, U Hyde, Ban! Illrkock and K. M. Nllco. comola; y.lniiuor and Jiihiiann, drunu and Irapa, and the lllg Four tjnartot. — T. A. liartiy haa boon ongagnl fur iho aoann aa ntoali al dlreonir of "A Oreon 0«Hla Nan." -Frank K.ltfiiiloy la apending hU varathin al t)reace)tt llcacb. Maw. "• )"•.''»''"' ""'P«' a ropenory company on the road almui Nor. i. Tha company will |« aivlcd Taylor'a Ideal llaycn, and will lour llimugh Sevf Joraey, IVniiaylvaiiU and Uhlo. — Soveral incnil»ra cr iho Fowler Thcaira Oo. write ua complaining o( unpniroMlnual treatiuiiit liy Ihe mauageinenl or lhal i-ompany. — Roator ut "In the Foot IIIIU;" Jampi I). Ilnirh- liuion, iiiaiiagor: Ktorctt ff. Dean, bualnoaa man. agor; Chnrlea II. Stuart, analaiiui Iniilncaa man. aitfr; Kooerl U. Jobnaion, treaatimr; HatTj p. Hn- kle, niaator inoohanic: Allxn Bmllh. prvpeny man- Oraon ClIBiirjl, K>l. II. Th-miaa. Kdmowl (i ttf: poughaA-'harloa K. ►tahor, W. A. Nlchola, Ilairlwn SS'ifril^KnJr'^'^ it~ *'«'i'«r, manager or the Onnd Opm Itouae. H«ne«a, Kan., wrilraua that iheoerll Bpnimor ^'Jl'r'l'ii ^'T"?',,'", >•"«"«" at that houae ^tS" i'f ^"'iji' "•'f »"»')• "» "4*- H. 0." algn being dlaplavod ^ -Kinllyllrlvllle,wboba« liecn In Aiwiralla tor he paat twelve joara. rviiimcd lo Ihla owntri Sent. 13, bv way or Ban FmncliKu, Oal. • j ""pi. '•*''*' "■"I'I'ony and John Clark (non pro- rcaaloiial) won matiK^I Sfw. i;i,|n the (Jiiy iCll, Ihla city, A doniun Joarnh Bchllling nltlcUtiliig. 1 i-s^"' llawtborno (tin. Ynuk l^Ulahan) gave Idith to a anil i>n Aug. 31. "» a"> u ..ii:'i.*'!!„'''"T'"".^«'''" «*»™ Nov. 1. In ••llei ky IIIlM, the Orcua dlrl." Iter Kaleldoat'ow Iianro will im one or the afodal feaiutiei ^ — Noua rrom die Maaoo Pamtly Oonoot Oo: We are now In onr twaodalb week, ud bodneai haa been good ever Unce we alarted. W* have not had a obaoga In Uw company Uls Somtner. John P. Mack, of Oola and Hack, ha* a osw act In la- heanal, which be will nndoee with hi* partner, Ed. 0. (Ma, thia FkU. BveiThodyU well, the man In white walka eveiT Balotday niflbt, and we all bustle lor the Old Kguaiti every week. Roster: Nod Maaon, manager: F. A.ICa*OD,W.O. KssoD, John P. Hack, Hra Ned Maaon, Lnin M. Mason, leader or orchestra: Nina Kay Hiaon and Ixinlse A. Uolllna — Plank Forbca. managerof ihe Porliea and Ward Iiiamallo Co., playing an ennagement In Onnd lAdge, Mich., last week, alter qoairellng with his wife on BepL 18 shot her aa she waa aboni lo leave their nam. The hollet struck her Id Ihe l«lt aide, a little above the bin lione, pasaed throogh her body and came onl on the right aide. Wben tb« deputy aherliratlemptedloarTeat Forbes the latter lonwd 00 the offlcer and Ored twice at him loeirectlvclr. Forhea waa looked up. Mrs. Forbea will ptobahiy die. — Adele Dnnnd Holt has bnnghi suit In the Court of OonnKin Fleas, Ibl* city, for an ataclale divorce from Clarence Rdwin BolL — Kllubeth Marbnij, who has been In Europe loraome lime, haa returned to this coontiy. Bne slatea that Un Manrlsr baa given her loll power to arrange lor the prodacUos ot "TiUby" In France, and abe say* thai the piece will undonbtedly be pro- duced In Paris Ihla Winter. Paul Pouar's dnmad- zailon will probably btaaed as a roiudatloororthe French playj — "The City or Pleasnn," It la aiisonnced, wlU not go on the rad at the concloslon or It* ran at the KmplreThealre. Mo*t of Ita dalea will be filled bv "Kismet," under tbe dlncdon ol Uaivr Askln. il. Ilolh will iM the bnilnea otnaier. — Paol M. Poller caUe* from London to A. H. Palmer that "Tiilby," a* producea by Beerbohm Tree, In Manchealer, BepLT, achieved a grand suc- ceaa. — "Miracula," a spliltnallatlc dimma, said to be the work of Baitler Campbell. "Ihrouib the hand ol I. Itansom Banlora," la lo be produced In this city early next nonlh. — Notea fnm the Lillian Dnrham Co.: We an Blaying to a nice boaloeaa. Mlaa Durham and Mr, reen an iDU pleaalng Ihelr manr patnns. The mambera of the coopany an filling ihelr parts nicely, and the spemlally work Is a big feabire. Two new people Join in two weeka, which will make the show Blnoier. Mtrabera ol the company played the local baseball team at Pnlrle du Obleo. la., and the aeon was 14 to 10 In ravor ol the Lillian Durham Oompany. — We an In racelpt of * h>ng letter, signed by lormer menben ol the Keoiigh Comedy Co., wbeia- In they complain ol unproleaalonal Inatoeni tnm the management ol that company. — Utile Hhel Uallon baa closed an eogaiemeni ol twelve weeka aa Little Lord Fanntleroy. — The papera relative to the divorce proceedings which Mi*. lAostry la about to biiog agalnat her huaband have neen forwarded Imn thla diy lo Ban Francisco, Oal., whore she la a legal resident, and where Iho action will take place. — 0. A. Byrne and Aithur Wallaok are th; •noM recent claimants to thaco-aulhorahlpot "Theareai Diamond Robberr," now playing at the American Theatre, this city, which is adreitlwd as being the loint work ot E. M. Alfriend and A. 0. Wheeler. — Uenry Dlxey receaUy bnnght suit aialnat Aubrey Bouclcanlt to recover t300, which amount Mr. Uliey claimed ho loaned Hr. Boudcault levenl yean ago. On Sept. 1 Mr. Dlxey caused the an»t of Mr. Bondcaiilt In Beaton, Mass., and the latter agreed to pay tho amount at the rata or tii per week. — Hosier and note* from the Frank Tucker Co.: The company opened their aeaaon BepL 9, at Three Oaka, Mich, we play one and Ihree nighi atanda In Michigan and Canada. Roslar: Fnnk Tucker, pn- nflelor and manager: Alice Marblo, Marie liens, Klhel Turker, llanr J. Jaxon, Jamee Turner, Wal- lace falwr, Robert Ely, Billy Clayton, Robert Fox, maslar ol pnpertles; w. n. Naah, musical director, and lllllle Botlon, In advance. Mr. Tucker doea not uie an advance agent, aa his llmo Is all booked from season to aeaaon. Bonn towna twelve yean old to thla compaov. -Manager will (i. Edmunds, of Ihe "Side Tracked" Co., says: "Our company this season, under mv manaieoent, la better than any pnvlous season ot 'Bide Tracked.' We havea amng comedy production and are pleaalng Immensely. SL Loula, Ho., took very kindly to the ploy, and toraed onl In good numben In laco ol hot weather and strong opposition altncUons." — Hoatsrnlihe BalleyA OrayDranutlcOo.iOba*. B*lley, pronlator and manager: Tbo*. Clark, ad- vance; A. 0. Weaver, Loudon HcOoimaok, 0. W, Bolden, R. W. Ha*l«n, Lillian Onvea, Lonua Omvea and Maude Boude. — Tho John Blapleton Co., under the dlnollon of (liistavo Fnhman, Includes: Paul (lUmon, Morgan DIbney, llerberte Sears, Oeom Gardner, Wm. F. Counenay, Frances Klngdon, Wm. Lewis, Bennlc* Wheeler, Nellie BIrlokland, Inda Palmer, Zelda Paldl, Mertdatta Ferry, Mabel Strickland and Master Jess* Hay: Jamee Bhosgranln adnnce,andThoa. II, O'Neal bnalneaa manager. — Llnle Melnae la playing aa Vkilel WUda a Ikiwerr girl, and as Trilby, In the Tlllby QuadrlJle, with Blanoy'a "A Baggage Check" Oo. — Pauline Aahfoid has been hnught back to SL I Aula, Uo., by her huaband, Arthur B. Ijnda. They wore accompanied by her lather, E.uickeraon. Hr. Ijnda win remain with hIa wife until she enUnly regains her heallh. — Hooter of Oart Br«hni'a"Ten Mights In a Bar- room" Co.: mile Ualford, Uaby Wava, Kitty UnnI, IJtUe Mabel, Ben B. BUnohard and wife, Fnnk Honilord, Wm. I«onard, Obas. IIsum, Prol. John Bpellbeig, musical directore; 0. Dun), advance agent; Hen 8. Blanobard, elage maosger, and Carl llrehiii, manager. Tho aliow opena Sept. 31, at Con- iieaui, U., opening tbe new Baldwin Opera House. — 1*. M. lAdennan, ol Ledeman's Orcheatn, waa preaente<l wllh a gold badga on BepL i by bis inualrjil Irteode at Meaaint Beach, Syncnse, N. Y., al Ihe close of his lonrth season lien. He has Joined T. D. HIddaugh'a Musical Oomedy Oo. aa orchcAira leader. -.Suieeliom Oliver Byron'a Co.: Mr. Byron began a prellmliiaiy season of six nights at Had BankTN. J.. Sopi. 10, to give a tarariog ol tho reconstructed yenlon of "Upa and Iiowna of Ufa," by Mra. Bynn. complele and posltlva succen. Oerbnide IHun Heglll made a pnround Imprenlon as Ihe ruiollonal heroine, and received two curtain sails. IJimel llairymore nado his debut,andgstiiad many laughaand applause for his work. Ths old mem- bora of tho company did their old nana wllh snc- oe•^ and nrarty all received an ovsoon at the final ciiruin. Hualnesa Is excellent. The ngular season openain Iloboken,N.J.,Oct7. a<"~ •~«'u — W B. Chilatie has signed with "A Sailor's laaa" to phiy tho part of Rennle Bentuiiio. „i';k'L"4'1S". ¥."!,*«".'"'"• >- Walteni, of "Und ?i,'.}''S„",^'"'f.' Si»."l«l«irapha toTuiCupTkB UiVh '"■ <^<Sf*'>J opened at Delrolt, Hlch^to big bnalness al both ponofnancca. — The Crow Blstera' Comedy Oo. haa been nlaylas to good buslncas since Uiey opened, Aug.lj,atihaf & Si"*} ,°'"Sf' '*■ I*"™" "Il Oaf S^'. "o ntelpf were said to be the laimai or any company In yean, noater: Jnle F. 8")'Mfi inanager; J. Karl Uanrlngton, WUl II! Crow, A. J. Cole, Fnd Lewla, Lloyd Hoore. J. K. liiinUar, ). 8. a,w, Mra ITS.(iSwTbeiSa.ofl phaandNellleCrow. and Elsie We. — Notes fiom Ihe Omham Rarie 0».: Wo an now '".."ll'.u""''"'.''"'' » larboalneaahaaeg- celted the aame bookings ol last season. MartW. <f''nhI?'J£lIP"''.if ^°'J>f wn*"*" la place of Cha*. Hack, who closed last week. The com- llMli!,!l?iIIiS''J"''"(""(''••"'l Morythlng la promising lor e successful season. Mr. Harlefi devoting moat ot hU Unie lo a new pUy. whlehwUl welvo^la initial produoUon In fiutJuliMo.™ ■-II. W. Pamberton has been compelled, throsgb ».^utS^?;'.,%'vS.TO'* !»"ir«'''^'^"^-^^^^^ by raoent ohangta. — Kdward B. Nlokeraon'a Oouwdy Oo. haa Ihe lol- hiwlng executive SUIT: Mn.E.E.Slckenon,ir«as- urerri. B. ftaaler,bualnessmanager; jVBTbrato agent, and John Hougheity, Iiait7maiage°. — The Onnd Opera nouse, flrand Rapids. Mich fXfi'"^ * (l»rwiod7irMw under ihe msnagement ol Brady « Blair, ihe Srm T\>l*do, (■).. and E. D. AUlr, ol Wbftney'a Onn Uouso. Detroit, Hleb. Oiln sialr, who Is liil^S "e^ good"" 1™"'°'" 'l""* •>»• been „tZ<f^^ I**?''! • '"PP""* by Okilioa<a company ttrT-Jf',"v."i°«the rosier: FraS f2l'"'.J"l 0»riton. manager: Blanler J. Rosl iJ!!i. :ri'il?"J"-'^"' l^man, Rmn! Homsand Ada leartnglon. -Jack Undo has severed hlsconnccUon a* bnri- rhTTSrST,!?' "V" ■^*," Md l?liSi« that he will take out > company of tola own Intha near lutnn Icom Detroit, MlchT ■Stta noalilon Of buslnee* tnanainr. Be nn<°! fJSXv^oS ftSSlninBanrGj ch^rtag. mSnW. bu'iiKIhiie loles wS* • oheslnt Prol. Vincent F. Iiolll, nUalqU ujrMmr, JoeOTPendlJlon, second violin 0«». Wolff,*loU; fSi oSo bear «£rl Wllbar, HoUi; Chaa. Web*t*r, ^Sk^^TtomtXi bhas B. McKay, uom- bone, ani KTH.Voniiay, '"?°2,!S^W.'?;nmait>a — Bart W. Wallace la again wllh Kade lanmen's Co.. mating bla fourth season wllh her. _ _ ^ tester of the Mr. and Mil. "ol*" Wayne Oo^ Robert Wayne, proprietor ""."^aBL^nSi JSii, Urd, bnalness msnH«r; '•.^8«""<>Mi "KS maiuger; F-OayleRIgg, properties: l^UBntMn- bachoisa agent; FnnkBnoman.J. IrvlDgSonth- irt,Valtw *Uaon. Osro Mlller..Mii Robeit FM* AdeUo, Emma BsUsbniy, Nellh> Kanehard and Pntew>r iFenunde Holund, musical director. Their aeaaon opened Aug. 24, at Deuwar»,0. — lUuilce Freeman has been secnred by Manager W. 8. Reeve* to play Jack Dudley, ln"Banda Acioaa "'—■Manager J. A. Tnlla npoito vwd bn^eaa for "OldTenneaaee." __ — At Artlngtan, Minn., on Sept a. Prof. Enoes Sandburg, musical dUaclor for &e HaiUe tuatm Co., presented Manager F, 8. Pntnam Willi a beanU- '"iflK^rta ot good bnsUeaa come from Ihe Minnie '^^^teateraid notas horn ttaa Btiaobsr Cb.: We an doing a goodbualnea, *nd bava been out aU Summer, Maater H*iieUle* U doing some clever specUlue*. AlUe spooner U wUuIng thefavorot the piasa and public wtlb her Zoioogo Dance. The nat«r now Indndea F. a Bpooner, Ed. F. Summers, J. H. Lewis, I. U. Bessy, Jenr Keanan, Jimmy Doyle, Fred. Dnrke, Annie Darruon, Lillian Ames, Vsrauonway, Nannie Bpooner, AlUe Bpooner and MaraelUcs Bpooner. — RlchaidD. Lewis and wlfehan Joined Dick P. Sutton's 00., snpportuig Albert Taylor In ■Texas" and "Hontgomery, Otadle of the Oontedeney." — Chas. E. Darflns haa atgned a* general agent of the Justin Adama Oomlo Open Oo., making bis second season with this organuatton. — B. M. ScMt, for lh« past three seaaons with Jane Ooombe, Is now In nls old podUon ot press agent at the Bur Iteatn, ClevelaDd, 0. — T. U. winnett has been engaged a* manager ot "A oirt Up lo Date." — Ja*. Domont and Delay Osproo, memben ot John A. victor's Ooiapany, wen nanled BepL U, on the stsge ot lienderaon's Open Uonss, at Roksmo, Ind. The bride and groom are aald to have been the recipient* ot seveial preaenta from memben ol the company. — Roster and nolaaot tho Josle MUla Oo.: Joele Hill*, Agaes Cirtlon, JnllaOny*on,0iystal8LOIalr, Baby Hand, Wm. St. Olair, Banr Long, Jack Onpp- land, Fnnk A. Newman, WlUs* B*ll,TBddy Visard, John B. Voaa, stage manager; Carj H. Anuden, tieasunr: Thomas Osborne, advance sgont, and Ohariea B. Hajstesd, msnsger. Our aeaaon opened Sept. la, at the Wagner Opera House, Lorain, 0., and our route Is booked solid lor ihlity-llra weeks. -Tbe Boston Quailat ban signed wiUi "me passing Show," to do theb' specialty In the vaude- ville dub scene. — Rosterot Rico's Snrpilse Party hi "UW which opened their season 11, In Bcranlon, Fa.: JeOOnion, Klaw A Rrlanger, maoagen; Edwin H. Prtce, director: Richard Haalowe, Lewla WHlIams, Roes Snow, w. R. Sealer, William Toipey, Fetar Onrley, Edwin Jackmsn, W. 0. Donglas, aaroney lambert, Otnrade Rutledgo. Bessie BonenUI^Fanny Byrnes, Sadie Bvana, Rmlly Balto. Anna Thompson, WUl T. Carlton, WUIIe Dnnlay, EUle Darla, Bla Craven, Jessie Haines, Joele Shearer, Lottie Bennett, Annie Johnson, HatUe Tayhir, Flennlls, Jennie Ayrea, Jennie Corulyon, UU iSastnlle, Nellie Bliss. Nellie Msnb, Ttlla Carlstaad, May Ewlng, Hab Osrdeo, Ida Rodderatll, Amv Haddei, Madge Buckle, Jn*. Une B*Ito and BBcUe De Mar. — Taylor's Ideal Plsyen, In npeitory, wUl open their season about Nov. 1, onder the management ol H. w. Taylor. New and aneclal prtndng will be used, we an Infomed, and the tear will be through Now Jereey, rennsylvanla and Ohio. — Roster of Fanny Rice's Oompany: Manager, Dr. a. W. Pnidy; npreaentaltre, Fnnk E. Hone; mn- idcal dlitoior, Bdw. Tlontlnl; Fknny Rlc«, Alice Vincent, Reba Uaigbt, Helen Sanford, Nellie Ber- wick, w. u. Flizgemld.B. B. Wlliale, Herman Erenl and John J. Connelly. — Arthur J. MoWatlan ha* slgnad wllh the Felix Vincent A M. B. SIreelar Co. — WlUsrd w. Bowman has Joined Ragan A WU- ber's "Midnight Flood" Co., to do leading boslneas. — AUna Alien Mathews writes that sne I* mak- ing a success as Fadet, In "lanohon," vrllh aiadnWalUs'Co. — Dora Miller PhUUpa haa been oUlgad to decline eaveial omra lor this season, owing to the Ulnesa ol a near nlallve. TENNESSEL Variety aad Minstfdsy llAibTllle.«At tbe TbutK YendoiiM Al. a PlaU'iBlf WTilUMlAtlnlteuM 8«pt IS, U. ud draw IwRvtuilftncM. Tbo imptloo ueonled "Docto" Du BnimMt amouoiMl altoott to ui ovtUoo. Tb« boot* will nnulndwkuoUlOcL SaWksn Uie nniUr mmooviU be InkunntAd with Reodenoa'e "SIbImiI" Co. Ttie work of Improftmeot ti roIbk MMdlljoD. ud Ibe open- iDft nljrt)t (IM houn «UI look u oeet aad brl^i ta eu iliaeirelDilieSoaih. Xtuser Borlo le koMTerv buar «IUililst«o liouMoe, ud ttr« be fi bdIdr to mueUtlj Uie heel MAeoa erer known (o NealiTllle. CepL Jack narry.orareen«tU,Oufr/A Boyl^c•ffleup irom Nev Orleue II, NivHiaoyiO-—llMaeuDDatUiU houee wa« uihered IH 'i'^'^** ^^^0 end Mr. ud Mie. Drew, (n Coyne Pletdter*! new i^y, 'TtM Bedbelor'a Bebr.'' Tbe e^ uodence the epenlnw olibl, BepL 9, vea rerj nod, bat fell off coniMtmblj 10. Joho KernelL In "Hereddea'a Btopenieot,"otDe 11.11 to blrbuelneu. Wllh the com- poor (e Phil end NetilePeten,wbo ereCaroritM heie. Uea.Joo. B.Oonlonl«etai«don the "Lwt Deje of the voaMtntj" li, to e Urfe eti«eUuc«. QUmore'i Band Il the attneiloo 17. "Down loDlile"conieeaail. Tbe BlJou, 10 oonpleie It the cbaoge. Wofkbu been nlu o« Terr npkllyolnee Jul; 1. and wb«B the doon won ihrawo open to Ihe poblle, 9, It praeented a rerf noraet- Hnm MOM tHl Al- 0. PlltDBlO WHI» -SS^lJrirt^fW trf car W«M«»»t»VOo. ?;P?*^,!f7.?S»5bS. Tfi4r o^^»'2^ nIghUy with l^kfadlaakid I SS^U »a^SM>mA bn tbe baVls i:lh:b|| >*bnrk,m.,BepCl«.. lAK WOOD oloaetl ■ voy rarnimfiil engsn. I atrava. Iva apiwaiaaca. Tlia dmraUoaa Ihroashout in wblla and told, unokad bin aad Ihm allh llfbt blua. Iha MlllDf and walla an ouwrod with anridia - ShIltlvyal'oek'lUihoiJartoiaorblie. Thai llshl*! •oUralrby •loclrtoltr- Oa iha aiase la tlraly saw ouUt of icaoeiT, lha woik ol Robsit ol Na« Ortaana Oajian OraaA Homa-Tba prallmluiy aaaion al Ihla J"'!?.^^^!''*"* •l"'"' Cswihom In "A Pool lor Lock." mu aaw placa aSoidi Hi. Cavihon and hla laadlos aoppoit. Aaoa ,B<ickl*y, an ononanltr to bitn- duco numavouamosleal apeelalllea. lha atieodaooa lha o^aloi ollbt laa vary laiga, bat aot lo |ood the aacsij nMlo'w"" '"' *''* ' " ™>»'- , '""^^^*P!t D, Ua la ban ansaclDf for tha pcodao- Uon or Paln'a bl » op«a alrapaclail a, "Afflartcnv'^A ,Ch»ti»»«jB«_joe oawihom pleased a fair alud aodlaooa Dau. II. lIcKea Kanklo eama U, to a vV^ Jl. '^I'.l'-J'' Tiflby: A Ones Oooda Man;" B. "OiirrUL'' o«o. Oonloa wlu Hva a HetoraXI Baulaomiaaloo BMn" amUaood loT^-" ■' will move loAUajila MICHIGAN. Dslmlt.—Al the Detroit Opera Uosae Bdamllh Riiaaall phyi "Aa Bvaiy Day Gu" aad^^ba lUi^ Bapt ItJl -Chavl,,'. Aiarlad van iSlrTSSoSi «fa '°JTJ*n °' btfi'eak. bol Boifi "A BbchBh^!!!!,!!} offthaUinumlplatho Uhat batrrnobm DdtTiS laT'-'iSS'lMl!"""-"'** "•W"."o"l>r.Syn. Waiv^BT'a ua^RD orsai Uoosa.—TTiia »Mb UadollhaVdalshlSan." lii^ ••o, ihSS^ A? J.I.'I' y""^ ."a" waoh IhJwiSSroSSa Oo-atanlororalvowaaka'ansiavDiaaL ,«"'«»"••• Buriaa xaaivBa-Tbla weak bm T Mailwtah."btl .. CAriroLTaaaras.—Iho enntloiioa8*howihli«Mkin dadaa tha loUewloi varlalr aniua* na^K >»t!l!S wosoaaunaJVaaAras 'n Hoasa-Corio h>n- l^oalrnva Modal euu Bn«lo5r^i^„ .r'JS; an a teatan everywhere- D»™ Src?u5f;!;oe.iai l* mawnr a hltn tf»;i'ik».1!k.^?*<>ii« S i.i?JS.ri<in> tii«niallwlthhla narveloos soprano, fe!53£toirtSttllt cmuom^ S.'JSS'M u^ddflU snd "W*t»im«lon»," sn being laceivea WuhanMiue nightly, tw P**™" ^".'''•IL'fS ta^iBet^^W"."* are doing enpertrtyle. Bomrt aiid O'Brien an wonden to theBouthira peoplei tbelracita|™^l,and thWMJ hSiwencondnlBbtly. The BraSien Mohrlng ua Sui suBkrHgtiom a cold. TO* o«««<* ".'^Si Sdeed. The newspapen In eniT d.'T »• ^J? ^^prononnca ilie show the bat ntfMttel coo- paivttiat ever vlalted Ihelr oltr- Ton wUl hear ot naaUthiDugb the South. MuLLiNir AMD UKOOiii Opened Sept ie, at the Oenlnl opera Bonse,tbttol«7. „..,t.t. am Hiu received a caMegrsffl slating that his Eonpean peifomera sailed on Sept. 7. Among them an &« two Florencaa, Anl and Ino; JOne. FloHiele and mt. 8. SIvaaa. "J- t™i. eldes opened to big hnslnee* Uinngh OonsecUcnk Bto Kew York Stan an »i pnMht ";»2^;J'£? wUl open their season st Waldmsnh'a Opera UooM, Kewark, N.J. Bany BUI I* now bookAg time tor the seawn ot ISM^ tor the TsnllT Fair Bpeciaudar Co., pissenllng the talest FuilseensBllon, "A Ollded Yonui," tnuaated from Ibe Fraacn and rally ebPT- lightsd. Mr. Hill states that he basthns tar booked Bomsot thsbest houses, snd vrlll tnmlslia nveU- Hon tar elceedlng the nntont nn Dt burleaooea Nnm IMS wLuAkB will play as Isr Wot as Kansas Oily, and Immtdlataly ninm lo New York, when they nave important engagements. Thb union TatiTBi, in VMor, Cd., Is now managed by Smllli A Tbompeon. TBI FOLLOwixa riBroiiiiBS gave a show at IM BamlltoB, OnL, Inane Asylnm to IMO people, while pla^ln^ at Uw Star Theatn, In that clt^: Welch Tb« tMn* finfttM taste kB sMtitineat wtit tUn<a nnroiu Oontiao^ now jUjlhg at rl Joseph,Me. . *tFltt*hni Tdiak Wood oioaea ■ voy rarnimnii engsn. men! atTnmbelUig Elver Fuk, Fa.,havliig been re. umed (or Ihe oloelog week. Fum T. BimBAV teqnsM na to stale that him. salt and danghtar (Vella) chxed with the May Flake EngUab Bloiidssat Fatsnoo, N. J., owing lo alleged non-payment ot alariea. Dioi QiBDiiD, of tbe Fom Oardnen, sends the following: "It bavlDg been mmored that I had been ouaalng for two weeks (rem the Oaidnir tnnp^ IwlsEtn slate aacli Is ttotthecaae. lag wllh the Oardner ticnpe, wbo are ptaylng with Ona BUll Novelties, and have only been away one pat- fonnancs, when I had to appear aad sign some pa^ju* Is conntoUon wltb my decaased alsiaiia Di LMM, the eleotilo wife walker, wUI open si Ocean Tlew, Ta., Sept SB. Oavlfibld ft RiokgOHS, nsnsgoi of the Wal- dorf Opera Booae, Fhr jtoclraway, L. I., N. V,, cloeed Ihelr season BeeLli. Dortng the Sunnnr nUtoldl^dssIbglethr^blltlu^tteekheana ..SM5!?*"V^' Academy of Muatn "ma TBB0atas.-"8l Flaakaid' and Welch, comedUns; Nettsr and WliUam*, the bitok toniuta; Mnipbr and Raymond, skaloh; - - - OaMeBcott, the Bowery m .ted, atid Clam 'weryglil. Bepanled, an Adama wUI hereafter work Willi ner hosband, BUIy Rytoid stotere and oahle Beott, the I ADAkS ADD HOKTILLA haves Madden. Lbw F. IHaiionp, ot tlie two Diamonds, was pre- senled recently vrllh a gold K. of P. button by Jsmes B. DoDovan, ot tbe two Donovans. BiiLT Piuu„ of Marlon and Pearl, willsa that he la ncovertng rapidly trem Injoiles received by be- ing assaullsd recently. MssiL r " iiL OTAiovY imles as follows: "I was very Sony to resd sn Item in this week's Ouftes shout Mabel Stanley's arrest and sentence la England. The aitlcle slates that she Is a virtety peitonner, but the statement Is a mistake. I am the ortglnal and only Mabel Btanley, vartety peitonner. The woman msnttoacd In that article was a chorea singer." Jdlb OiBiisoii Is endeavoiiag to make Will Haidman's song, "Memories ot Old Mew York,'' populsr. O'BsiiN, JiNiiiiios AMD O'Bbibi hsva cloaed a snocesstol engagement of elsht weeks over the Hopkins clrotut Annu Hut Is producing her atnactlvs singing speclallj wllh the Boston Howaid Alhencnm Oo. •nlB season. Bhe wlU Inolnde several new songs Hi herniMitorr, neervtng her "Snnivan Chowder" aa Ihe pins de rolstnua. Ber wardrobe will be eiceptlooallj handsome, having been designed and ~iade tor bar by May Boward. JoeirB Han, bratber ol Annie Hart, and family oelehiated the advent ot his flral son and heir at hla home m Brooklyn, Sept. 1. Hla Han and Joseph Benneeey, ot the London Theatn, New York, wera thesponson. An excellent time waa enjoyed by all present. Mat Luois pnsented ber hnshsnd (Ohariea Ha^ Eaves), ot the Fnncb FoUy Co., with a baby boy ipi.t. Oeioi and Rbtnouis have doeed a aucceasful engsgsnmit on Ihe Hopklnsclrcult,andanappes^ ligat Fieanan'aT1ieatre,asolmatl,U., this week. Iu»Tm orni Fmmob Fou.t BDausQim Co.— Ike Oelsenberg, sole pnniletor; Ohsrles K. Bar- gnves, treasnnr; Arthor T. Goiman, agent: Prol. Ed. A. Meyers,modcaldlisotor; Wm.B. Ward stage managar; TOm I. Mack, masterof pnpertlea: Mme. HcKee, oostnmea; Annie Waltman (iMds), Oiscs BUL Annie Pelan, Pauline Bradahaw, Jennie BUI, Sadie Lane. Haul HUdebrudl, Ulilan Belmont, Flossie U Van, Jaa. Hack, Oeo. P. Hnrphv Jr., Scanlon and Stevens, Eddie Oilell, Oertle Keith. Campbell andO'Brlen, and WardtndBndbnrn. The ■how opened at the Cljmpio Theatn, Uarlem, N, Y.,B*pCs,toallnsbi^no£ Hisna aAVBtxiAD, magician, baa cloaed a euc' ccaafal engagement at Hall's Casino, Chicago, III., and IS booted for a ntam date then. TBI PiMnum BioTBEBS, Eonpean aorobataand Sf"*. ^."55^ balanceiB, have snived heratoJ<>la Zlegleld's Ttocaden VandavlUes, ot which Eunne Sandowlslne star. Tbe company open their sea- son at itae Chicago Aadltortaa, OoL 7. Udwlg Afflann, the chancier Imperaooator: A. E. Haul- man, the bloycllsl, and O'dnst, the Fnnoh inlmlo, have been secnred by Hanager Zlegf eld. Ai. Waynb, tramp contomonlat, cloaed a sacceas- gl two weeks' engagement at the Casino, Bea Isle ..,'^'!?*4,'*1?'F P«'*onner, played Ust week In "UUa hookh," Ci Baltimore; aid was n-engaged for tour weeks. -•*«>• Billy Hill, acrobatic comedian, received - seven Injuir while playing Is CUiclnnaU, 0., which will lay him bp loraome lime. BvaHirDouoBttTT requests us to deny that he ^^eimged Willi the Oazman Bnnpean Vande- Wu. A. MiLViLU Intonns ns that he haa com- ¥letely reormnlied bis road company, known as he BJoa EntenaUurs, for this season. The coE^ °"lie'<>l>ewbg: Oeoige Marion KfJS'lfiS ^ line Price, Anhu? W'Vf' •£? Waiera, Robert Shields, Prof. E. F. HIce, Wm. A. UelvlUe, wtib 8. A. Dilrtaadvanti^ Season opens ScpuzsinBolIlatoo, Ham. . Tl»,KiLriTBioni,Chas. O. ami HadeUne. wera MlMi'SSli. °' »""»«"• sitt Fair at OpooAH, Rand and Taf», the Calilonila trio, ro- Mrt eucceia over tbe Moon clnnlt,and also li 0a°n°?ito;^'*" in linntl!! Jl^JSJilS"'"^ S' "I?''••Ullle itndents, reppiito good business la South Dakota. „iJIS5^1fi^li*'} Sr°''»'"»'"'<=»'e<»»edtans, hsvlng Sj.<i««l*illiJbeLlUpoilans, wUl open at UaaoSr Temple Root Oarden, cSligo, SepTa. "'<'»5<''"FS Oabnivsl okiaeil at Hanhaoan Beach, Oonei Island, on 8>pt 7, JSHj^Hg " » ^V- !»• 1" iuMfuSI^SeS"'.^ SX^vM Olob at me TYocadero TtaaK^Atta^lta, Oa! Jn'iSiS'SiSS.""'""^'' •onlwMe andmuslolsn, TlSrxCi'iar Sepu 23,atthec«al TDirioioSnoi Taio wUl ramm to the New Park deiphia. Pa., which commenoed Bent. la, ' n^SSS^^^." ^^"^ »" acoompUshlag the ?£« taM^'lJ?'*"'?.'*'"™' Otm fiouselihSc 2?^l^»?l?'T?,?^^'*'"' «l»tlieOaIetrThi tteiAMklyn. Atthecloseof ihesnsonotRuHii Bros.' Comedians the leam will s^raatort ani^ tvi^JbS^S-'t <* Uie ljcenmlbea- 2S;a£ oflS'-'i^'-**? ,"""."wess tttty la Se career of Ibe new atyle ot peitonnanoa at thai "ortinn ot the moslc hau sSem S !S^Sf»\52!.C?J°- Behssrecoastmotedtliehonse 55fiI^SI?*"."*''i»'»" muu.the newdSart 8!SfcS"nS£Ui" '~«^^>^- Mr. Hlchltionf ttorkejl togeiber In ilieir hew tck ShtlUed^^lJoogah llalf ft)fl.>' W. Cahlljeld thadt hnlte a bll Bnglnfc "Doolln alia Ula BUii" and "PniOr ieanieSlaueiy:'' Ibet art booked ottt le Kellh clrcnll this sesson. Bislir AjlD Habt play Omaha, the kellh clrcnll this sessoD. Bislir AjlD Habt play Omaha, Kansas aty Ball's Casino, Chicago, III., tor two weekt: RgKn AND Edwabus Closed a twenty weeks' en- S.gement at the Seabrigbt, Ocean Olty, and go lo e Palace TiKair*. Newport Mewa, Vs., where Oharile Rentz has been engtged m take charge ol the stage. MANAOkB Jos OrriNBimiR's spedacDlar pro. dncilon will begUi lis Int sesson OcL a, and win t« completely eqnlwcd In all depattmenta Tbe ros- ter: 0. Oosaanne, ballet master; A. Flel, musical director; P. 0. Wood, master mechanic; L Oroaa, master ol transportation and caldnnia; A. Mlnch, iroperty nan; H. A. Oasaldy, eleoWolanj Maurice Jacobai hnsUea^ manager In kaTauce|LoglaHs^ tin, programmer; Fish and l)nlgg, DongtaasAiheh ton, Flisgerald and Kelly, Floience Edwards, Hails BanletTllai Adama, the Honree BIsteia, the Howe aisistssnd Itande SouttaerUnd, Oon Collins, Ullie Prior, Mlnnls Flortncei Ethel Woodman, Bthel Bus- ter, Maude Kelley, Hadge Kbfe. , •Tams's A Kiss in This Lsnrn Fob roc," Ji T. Boagsj'a new aong, la onlj Are weeka old, and It Is reported has rawned live thousand In sale, l,ioo being sohl In SL Loots. Ho., alone. "Hsvi YoD A Wbuli" a new bicycle song, pub- lished by 0. A. Domnan, of Mllwaokee, Wis., Is Isst becoml^ popnlar, being song by several leading vocaUaia. Thi ZiRRTAi have dons well wlUi their Snmmer engagemenu In the Eaak Ed E. Zeralia was made a K. ot P., ot Nonpcr.<ll .Mlie, this oliy. nceouy. LOiB RoDHBtOBTi of Rootetort and Hav, tiac- tnied her left foot very serioUaly lait weeki whiw playing an engagement at the Opera Bollle,isU)< ria.B.T. Oio. H. Di Tni, who hai. been the stage man- ager at the Waldorf Open House, Far Rockaway, L. I., the past Summer season, wUI lemme his posl- dos aa asalstaat manager of the Eden nieatn, Fateiaon, N. J., when that honse open^ Is October. WiLOB AND WBLCH InfotiD ns that they are meet- ing with snccem Is HamUtos, Can. LBLis AND TINLIT, Ot the Beuz Bantley Co.: Hark Hurpby, of Ihe "ThrUby" Co.; Annie Hart and Ohaa. B. lawlor are making a bit singing "Doolln and Bis Bike" and "When Yon Love Them More and Men." Hons FIOIC OOLBKAN A BUOLBB^ Hiyiniii&- We are now In onr flllb week and the Ibow Is run- ning very smoothly. Frea notices prove that the show Is giving BsUsfsotlon. Prol. H. 8. Mony ed us hut week at Logan, 0., and onr orobeatra gnat featnre of the abow, as we are Ihe only mlDMRl show cariTlng a Strug qolntst In an or- cheatn. We also have a lint class band and an making a strong feature ot onr parade. Tbe sing- ing la good and aU the ballads sn new, bright snd calehyi Hany Robzart, double voice vocaUst, re- ceives nnmenos encores emt Ulgbt. Bnwn and While, mosloal team, are certalnn artists In their Une, and well deeem the several eocoree which they receive. Andrew Cooper, Osello oinb msnlpn- lator, has got a strong snif novel act, and receives well merited applanse. Ibesongand dance, under the dlncUon of Hr. Smllli, la very well received, end VaU and Oaaowsy, In their gnat aot entitled "A Honker's Uollday,>>ara closing the show and sending the people amy weU sanalled that they have seen one of tbe best mhislnl companies of the season. Manager Colsinan has been on the sick lUt tor the past week, bnt Is geulng better now, and Is well sausOed with the ebow and with the business he hss been doing In spite ol the esceedlngly warm weather. jmi OLUTiBB sends a leiter In which she takes ns ta task for staling tbat sbe was appearing last week at the Slandan Theatre, St Loula, Mo., Hi a brce. Hiss Olllvler states that she waa festnied at Ihe head ot a house show nt nadsvlUe perfoimeis. Mabis SANon Hons.-We an Is our Iblrd week and eveiTtblng Is moving nicely. We an playing through Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin, then through tbe Northwest lo OsUfonla. All sn welL Allen and Allen, and OaUagher and OoHlns are scor- ing hits. TBsasnLLSmsis hare closed with the "OUhoo- ley's Troubles" Co., and ntsmed to their home In Indiana. Fabmom and Wbloomi bare dissolved partner- ilp. Norm nioMTBi Obawfobs Bbos.' Bio Docbli Minstrels.-Thla company ot twenty whites and twenty blacks, with two bands In the itreel parade, wUI open their season hi Chicago, III., Sept. 32, playing mostly week stands m the West snd coming Eaat later h> the season. Tbe busi- ness slair compriars Stcptun HacHaogh, owner; Punch Wheeler, general manager; E. F. Benton, bualness managsr; Edvmm Bmce, prea agent; Solomon Oans, adverusing agent, and RnsaeU Roes, programmer. The white band, composed of four- teen nualdana, hi dlreoted by Bmll Kllmert: tho while orchestra, by Oharles PHnentaL The Web- ster Brother's Colored Band and Orchestn, twelve men, comprise the colored musical ronUngent, In addition to which there will be elngeis, bnok and wing dancen,aorob*tsan4l comedians galore. The four drum msjora are Oliver Rednor, Lem Ander- son, WaUace Hack and Prof, BwllL Nona noH Bablow Bbosl' HiNsnBLa.-Notirith- standlng tbe eilreme vraim weather we sitll con- tinue to do a great business, as In the terriioir over whicb we have been tbey were aU hungry for a show, snd II anything catches them on an opening It Is a mlnstnl alnaotlon such as we have thu season. Onr Biat part aeWng b admired and comtnentsd on In the newspapers, whUe onr ringing la the talk ot the towna we Tldt. Arthur La Bold and WUl E. Nankerille^s singing u very altraoilre. OlUe Young's club aot goes very strong. Hons. Zella, direct rrom Paris, In "Demon's Fnillcs,"lsthe greatest act ot the kind on the road. Ttiat peonUar comedian, Bany Ward, baa a hndgel ol new stuiT, ot which the audiences appear never to Ure. Harkham and Berrr, hi "TheOntj Huslelsn," doee the show and send the audience onl in a humor that nieaks weU tor the Iniure name ot Barlow Bros. Ms. KBITB'aSkOOND EOBOPBAN IHrOBTAnON Will be Ihe famoua Viennese troupe of slngeie, dancen and musicians called the nfuy Family. Tbere are ten people In this troupe, snd they an said to do an eoUiely new and oharaoterlstic specialty. They nil from Uavn Bept. u, and wUl open at the Dnion Sonan Theatn eariy In October. Nom raoH RATNONn'a all Stab Vapdstillb Co.—We opened our season at Woburn, Haas., Sept. It, and wlQ continue playing Haseachusetis tor two weeks of one night sund*. We theif come back to Boston and Uke boat to Tarmouth, N. a, playing Novla Scotia to Prince Edirarda' Island, ne oom- paiiy Is booked soUd tor thirty-three weeks. Tbe roster Fred A. Raymond, proprietor and oianager; rnd H. Smith, boslnesa manager; Emery Jacques, nrasnnr; Pnf. Frank KoUy, mnMcal director; Rank Uater, stage manager; Eva Raymond. Leon* Kslson,Bonnie Haeel,Enuna DeasBDanldug,the SmlUia, KaMsr Rddle Clark, Frank Lester, Fred A. Raymond, Dtok Wilson and Major BngUab, Brat JOBDAX, buck dancer, haa Just Unlsbed a seven weeks' eiigagement on Uie Hopkins dronlu Be Oyasa on tbe Keith circuit Hi October. nXaSL^.^^,' SUten, ha* left }5»,^*5„»«<»wUlnol work thl* season. Belle U aoU wUl do a aelcb vvllli her hoaband. Wood TDOtpe. ..Jji.'^ AND BABBAS Write ooDptelsInf of unpro- JSS?.?M,H?*"S«»' ^- Eth. manager of Smjlbis Opera House, Onnd RapUs, kloh. MAT OumoN.ot oooke snd OUnlon, ahaiisboot- I?;Jl'i^"5 "l? *^ •*> kUrer mellals Jhe won awae recast ihootlng toomamentof asobenken- UrwBAiBB AND Bam BOTDBX have bees eogaged topnt on tbe abow atSe m^SSC open Hones, Oneonia, N. T.