New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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iiEPTEMBEB 28. THE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPEB. m vntk Btelr wUl ncoeed Dftn Dalf In "Tbe World" wben it openi Ita rMdtonrttKew ^^i^iSS^Wtnm Iha Jw J.SolUnD Co, Id TtTMPf M Mlihwn:" Wt DMiMd oar tum Aiur. 51. Id itoT.r / J . wd far* bwn piftjlar to a nntrUM* lood v^rilud tbon •RtiD tiTOor fortonM In ih«Bnplr« jV: 17* cwTT H>vMitMQ ptoplA, tad th« Nhor Homi .A hit iluinTWT butf. Mr. RulllTtn In addloi to hli ^MUiloD u Uif fwoDlMi of itm IrlitbmiD. BIJoa ufrtmo'i duolOff ffDU with ft humh, ksd D«twoi and n.rifk«>m«dlan,aT« maatinvwllh appnvil. Bosur or i"^"pwrj« i/flolllTtn. Date Wbllfl^ Uarry I^wmw, jk^u Btst. BUoti MIfDoq, Hiool* HaBbet, Flora a rtu*. Naiban r*rl, Frod (Hborat, Tom Oonnui, Carl HhtdM C. W. DfloiAreit, Ton/ Tamer, NIek Daaioood, rhiL Waifihauar, uaaauror; Hat Carl, Ifadai of oreboi- irn. irlib J. Maeraadr, ownaier. AmT L«» comioiocaa bar ivafoa at Batbwbem, Fa^ IICL7 wlUiaDewdimmatlo comady,b} B.J.8mtt,eD- "Harom Seanni." la the ontanltuloo ar« (la- I-riiUt McKaan. Majcla, UUndJ^Edfar UaUiud. Prank Lvoo Prink Campbell, AlfferoDTamor, John fl. Buraett, ilrin' Kaaocdr. Tnak Doana and Amp Laa. _i*noDor," a iTBBilatloQ br lUIaoau, for Mlaa Wal* imib li to liftTA It* flrvt prodocuou 8«pL 29, At tbt Chicago i)D*raHouv. TbUwlU be her Ottt appaarane* oa the buMIe NUn. Id tbe compaDrare Kred De R«U*rlU«, UraotI Hrt.O'Neia AnDiefUilodle, Carrie Sandfonl, and aanTal ainataart. - "The Tvo CoIoDebi" opened In Norfolk, Vl, 34, an<l niMeeded ihence to RoanoKa, Lmebbartt and RletiDoo*!, Va Wm. Ooodall, Prank Brana and hla dauflttar and Lod Btaadon are In Ibe ooinpaDp. _ Maude White wltbdrav horn Robert niUlaid*« Co. at th« doee of laet week, and UarlMk Young m eDgared la h«f place. Bbe eommeoced Sept. 2). -Daniel Frobman did aTerpmceftal act Uatireak, aed one ibet ebould be cbroolded Meant* of lu noTeltr. Thi Udlee eaitaged la "Tbe CItp of Pleaeure" were pat lo coaeldemble eipeoea foribelreoctumee. TMrafhireof th« play Uirev tnem oet of an eogagemeat, anil, to make ririlrlon leu uTen, Mr. ProbmiD took ihelrooetumta »H allowed ibe ladlaijaet vbat theppald lor then. — Clarice Vance haaelgaed witb *^eSllr«r iraddlnc" C^, to play character*. — Louie Hyde withdrew from the A. Y. Pearwn (Woit- ara>Co. 8«pL2l. — Mane Dagmar. wbo waa lo America lo wlih NiDole Palmer, and wbo played Mre. Fleeter, lo "Mt Rveeibean," hw booked a tour Ibrougb tbe BogUu Bfof looaa. (0 plar "A Woioan'a Victory." — "A Trip to the RocklOH'Mi teyiog off thU week la Baltimore, Hd., In orOar tobave a now act raheaned. — Prank Karriottoo baa been angaKad to plar tha Indlag role la the nnt American prodacdoo of rraok llarrey'a drama, "BIna ofthe NlRfat,'' opeolni Oct. 7. — Nolaa of tbe Kloee Family lk>lored Comedy Co.: Baaloeia la air and eTerybodr In good bealdi. R. W. Stlaea, proprietor; Aagoata Hloea, traaiurer: Wn-B- jMlaina,8Uge manaccer; A. L. Andersoa. May Hlnai and T W. Hloc*. who ralolned the company thla week. —TnlU Folu alU for Europe SapL 31, bi ramalii In f^adon forthe Wloter. — walur Adrian haa left the Jamae O'Nell Co. — u, F. Stone haa returned to .N'ew York from tbe 0tat- MO "ijacte Tom'B Cabin" Co. —Cliariei MelvIUa haa gone la aJraneaof tbe 'Two Cotonela" Co. —CoortneyTborpoeloeed nli leaaoD Sept.}), it Troy, y.Y Hedoaenoireornalie. aalnieaded. SaUilee, we are lafonnod, were paid la tnu. —'TtieHomner,"* farce comedy. In three acta, waa traaeniod for tbe fliat time Sent 18, at tba Fateraoa (N. J.) Opera Houie, b7 LouIm ArdeUe and ceupiny. — '^Mr Bon Dan." a domaatle dramas In tlirea acta, by Rdwanf llarrliiaii, waa aeud for the flnt lime on any riaf e BepL 21, at the Pale run (N. J.) Opera Uoaae, by Mr. ''^^U&Ty*FarTelUo!H"^lllle Trixle" Sept.ZB,to play the part of Pete. — WTe Senoonr la witli Qladje Wallla. ' — Uoyfa Comedp Noiea: Uoyt'a Comedy Co. opaateJ tbe new Open Uoaae at Sejmour, la., week of Sept. 16-tl {Mr WMk), ptaylov lo ataadlnft room only. Tbe oora* raoy numMTi twelre people. Arthur Denrerjoloed ta< caotly. — Boaler of 'The Mldnltht WaUli"Co.: O.D. Wood- ward, manager; BaJpta McKay, adrance; I. Franda KIrka. nan manager; W. P. Srhrotli, itage carpentw; too, Jaa. T. McEoerr. Chaa R. Sweet, Will DatIil Carrie Woodwaul, Slancbe lIilL Dora Carlton end BmllrHorB. The couipaay epened at Ba« CHy. la., Ang. 18^ aad report good bualneaa fn MinneMU andiowa. — Carl Brehm'e *TeD Mgliie In a Bartoonr Co. opened the new Baldwin Opera Uoaae, U Cooneaat, O., Sept. 0, tu raponed "S. R. (>." — Prot. J. Bliner Qrim, of New OaaUa, Pa., liu orfraa- Ized anew theatre orcheatra, comiKwed of tka followlog inuelelaDR: J. W. Bypber, Lewie Kerr, J. ElfflerarlD,C. Truahel, Oeo. Bamett, A. BommeU, W. 0. Uata and F. J. Connery. — Beaala Orcolt left Mlnaeapolia, HInn.. od Sept.O rnrberbomelnMeilco. She will raalde there pama- neotljr. ■ _''(^piabiCook." acomleopen, wttb vorda by Baadi W.Foinaa,muilooyNoah W.Brandt, waa produced for Uie flnt time oo aop itaie Se|>U Z, at the Bodi Street Theatre, Ban FranclMo, CaL ^ , ^ — "The AlaaUan," a play. In three acta, bp Cbarlai Erin Vemer. wan acted for the Hret time Sept 1; atBlrmlag- liam, iX, by Charlea BlUa and hla company. ^•'AThoraagbbrad. or Not Koch a Fool aa UeLooki." a comedp drama. In ihrae acta, bpA. H. WoodhuU. vaa preaentetl forthe flnt time oo an v atage Ang. 37, at (he Wbr Opera llooa*. Portchaatar, N. V. — Joseph Hart, Uto of UaUeo aod Hart, madehta debut aaaalagleMarHepLP, la "AOayOkl Bop," at the Prlo- ceMTbBati«,Torooto,Can. . — BotdDeonwIib her trombone aoloe In meetlniwlih I Mccaaawlib tbe Babel Coacert Co. —O.BL BartlDgame wireaua that hahaaiacurad coD' - trol of tbe Onail Opera Hoove, Cblppawa Fallf, Wla, and that Marie Wellealer'e Co opened there BepLO, In 'tM the Suwanea i Irer,*'and pUyed to liaadlng room only. -• MlUle MoOoriald and Charlee Kraoae ware married dept. i. at Ban Pianclaco, CaL — FW Teopleton made her reanpaarance oo the atage KepL a, la "fin," at PnTldeace, IL I, She bia t>eea eo* gicwlliy Manaser Rice to play a leedlai role In 'Bx- celalor Jr., wblcn will be produced la Norember, In thla cIlT. — Nanette laaeelleawaM granted an abaolote dlvoroe from Joaepb VT. Herbert, SepL 23, In tbe (taprema court of tble Stale. — n. J. Laalla batabandoned hla Idea of laklnr onta company to praaeot CoUler'e opena, "Dorothy^* aad "J>orU,'' aod naamaotlfled the people he had eogoied. ILUNOI& CblcagOi^be week b&fi been notable cUenj on accoanroftfaeraconl breaking b«aL Under aach olr- curaetancea It le not mrprlaJng that the buMaeae at the theattaa aboold be worao than bad. AoBsatln Dalr'i oompany, with Ada Behan u the atar, comee bera tbin weekiand aodeir people are pnpared to KlTe^tbem a line aadlenoaforaadi perionaasoa. A peraail of Ute liat of tMople eagagad by the rarloui Taaderllle hoaaaa wlU idiow ihattber« la a dlepoaltlon to ■'double no," and ler* eral good people an aaaooncad to play douNe rolM tbta weak, which doee not Indicate a profltaUa eondltfon of the TandeTlUe bualoeaa. Ontableof Mr. Oalr'a company, De Wolf Hopper, at the Columbia, aeema to bar* ttte beat chaooe for good bouneaa In the near lotare. FBooLiT'e TutATRi.—Ada Rehan opena b»r aeuon at Uootey'aZL Her flrat appearance will be aeCoaalB VaL In *^e BaUroad of Lore." Later la the week abe will play Jalla, In 'The Two OenUemtn f>f YeroaA.' Hatordu alght abe la to appear aa I^r Taaile In' iknmi for BcandaT' Tbe eogagemeat la for two weeba For the nait week of the eogasemeattbe plara will be MW- *it'a Oraam,''^"Aa YoaLIkali" and'Tbe muamer Hiinra uraai-. . -. . —. - Iteming of Ilia fibnw." "Cbarlep'a Auat" playad to a Ulripiood baelnvea, olealna Bumlar oljdit. COLOMDiA Tuaamo.—' Jobn^-Divama," aiuiouff admtnbly praaented durlog the week by the Emplr Tbeatfo block Co., did not make a faTorable Impraealo Uiera wlu be B«rtJatt aod Mar, }t*Qaw »\iunL r^ ^*.^1^^^.'.***■^^cCl«'lud HelTiliiTMS^iSey and RlcLCoowcU and Swan. TbeltoaihHMealMktoni- pauy will praaaot "Michael Btrortf." OtTMPic TuuTM -Tha Poor Brotben MartiDaitl baaJ £iJi*?J?ffi I" ""f'ft*- Othan thai are «. rued Iflclado the Cragg Famllj. acrobate; Mra. Geo. Tom Thomb wlU be eeeo with bar haabaid, Coaot Micrt aod Baron Maarl; Chaiira 0. and Madedoe Kllpatrick .1.^**"*,. l'"-*-* C*9iNO.-*Tha Mikado" will be aung »_«™PM»r beaded b» Aileeo Balllnfer. The Taaderllle p»rfonpaace will be rumlahed by vAnk Ap- oihara. Cora Beckflth cob- tinuea to Hoat la the leak. LTcicK TH^'TBt-'Trola" drew Urie honaaa to tke Lyceum, which haa gilocd pruUy In popalaHir aader ^TblBweek the chief atinc- tlon will be Hlla Flora, the tranatermaUoD danetr. pUien (hat will appear ar«: Inoitene Oontar, AlbloL Juggler: Mlu Bepity. Orwlta and Bowera. tbe Bland «*■ lenaofl Nelllo UcOulre. BaalooM baabe^n a«eUentat the Lycaum alnce ihe openloic of the laaaon- t^^^' J/CK'8 OPifci IIotwt.-Tbe Borlaa^uen will Plar "IJ* Forty TbIevM" tblaweek. The rompaDj will belifaJed by Bmma Warde ud Sldn«y Basra. To Uia aMdaltWK will be aeea: Joale Ongory, Cleaena aoil Barnes, May LovloKton, Bra Tbaichpr, Uanaedy ao«l Qolon, Clayton antrLeboan], lu a akerch antltleil'Tbe Singer and thaAnlHt." TaK OHPnioe.—The pmgrmmnte at ihe Orr^ieai tbla weekwlllbe fomlabeO br Klity Mitchell, the McC«m, Oeorgle BmeiT. Oberyl. Lena Braca^ihe aiaaionl«. La Fettu llazet iloa lligRloaW. B. Hticb«ll WlUWhIir. Thereaa La Mar, Loreur Atbertin, theflariv Klatera, II. Fatennd and ihe aiock eorapaay. A farca. anUUetl '*Jlm Jania. or the Rrigaitda of Paatbentto," la In prapatatlOD. II la the work of Arthur J. Lamb and li n.Thial^ Baal- neaa la rerr goo«l at the Orrbees under lu new Dama and managsment. PAHKTHKATRit.-'TheRlral Nelglibon" la iheiltlaof a farre vrUteo by Dick Konmlna, which will bo produesd by (lie atock company thla vaek. Tbe apecialt>e» will l>e liinilaht<1 by CbarioRMerriuaad Jameasbeldoa, Slackfj, wire walker: Flaherty and Ooaoora, Baiioon Slstera, Lil- lian Btacli, Nellie and Carrie Tndgen. Bony A MiDPi.noM'H Claik HTRiiT Hl-uom.— The Crotain Orcheatra, Mohaimd aod llalL nind readtn; LdIu YouDg, electrio wonder, aati H. W. Crow, ilaaaaaier, will be featnnt In thecariohalL Tlioitage performance will befomlahed by the atock compaayof Tarleipper former*. KOPL A MiODLnora Olobi Umavs.-SJgiMr Oallatil and hU troupe of trained monbeya, HIalto, atroag nan, and Prof. Shemian'a achool of geatM will appear in ilie curiohall. lathe contlnuoui prograntmeoiTaudaTlUe will be apeclalileH by Cloud and Karahaw, and Andy Adant. Wuira'a Loximn Dihb Uvaicu.—In the curio ballwIU human --loll, eleetrio vomaa; Moai. Victor, lamp, and Hannan DnytoD and troape ofperforatog eat*. In the theatn Mile. Aotonlo Veneri, Oiria Lane, Perry and Hall, aod a new tdltloa of the Hid way. .Nont*.—Tom Prior waa la town SsDdar. ue reports bAialnaaa for (he "LlUlo Roblnaoo Cruaoe^' Oo. aa Utter than he eipectad to Ood It airistlne Blaming found abuntlarlnberdreulngnHniat Uie (^do oiie sight laaiweek. She hold him until aa oiHeer oune aad look iim awar Nau BallsburT' anuoaiicaa (bat ha will bring *'Blaek America" to thla city during the aaaaoo. "Human llaarta." Hal Raid's play, will be Men at thi Acndemy neat Sanday Piof. Olaasoo, the bono tamer, will eoon opca at Taitenaira. iy*B engagement was the taut aoeceaafUl of their Tlalt De Wolf Hopper opena Sept S hla annnal two week^ engagameot. and will praaaot "Dr. Byntax.** CitiOAOoOrUA UouaL-SaTernl chaagae luv* been madaforthe better In the performaace of 'The Olobe Trotter." and It la now a varr amuiing perfomante. TLe lUtea and bdslaaH of Mr. Iloey and Ada Alaiandra bare been Ineraaaad and a nnmber of addltloos ban bean made lo other rolea. Boalnea hasbeaoTarr good. OiuNDOniuHouu.—Tha Boataolaaa vera oafortu- nat. In baTlng aocb hot weather for Jbalr opentog en- ■aaameat la tnu city. Bailaeaa waa fhlrly bmhI, but not what the Boeionlana eipea In this dtp, where the nem- beraof thaornnlnUon bare a ireatmany admlran. Hoyfa "A MlHc WhlUFlag" cornea to (beOnad thle Sunday erantog for two weeks. The eoppanp hu been Htnogtbeoed by the addlUoo ol ClaLzeM Affiaw, the Mabrait^ who le tranafarrad from Woman" Oo. to thla prodaetlon. BCBiLLkR ToiATU.—Kellar la doing a fair ebare of^e boaln«u aad wlU contlnne for aaotbar week. 'Tbe Spblai" will oome to the SchlUerO. ^cYiOKia'a TuiATM.-Mr. Ciane'a new play, "II a Wife's Faiher,*' haa made an aiceUent Inpraatioo, end la edliorially endoraed by aome of the paptr^ JHie name of Harlha Morton as author of ihta ^ay bo longer feppeanoo the ptenamnas. Il« engagement Mta two iaeu mote andwAl be followed bp JulUHarloweTaber. lUiKARur TB»iTiii,-Conroy and F« open Sundar with a DtUnee and wlU oontlnae throatfi the weak with "OTlariiye Vacation." The compaop indudea » niun I . nuilaiu' "flafMrna'* fol her'of ciaTor Bpaclaltp people, niolona' "Soparba" fol- Iowa, openlnc v LixooLXTiung.—"Flaye aod Fla7en" lR the iJtle of a production wblcb opaoa at the Llacola wltb a matinee fAcKkirT OP MtTRlc-The New Boy" will be prMeoted bp oneofFnbmaa'seompenteetblaweakattbe Academy. BertCootewmbaTetheprinelpalrole. „ . ALiAUU TaUTU.-'*8bfaaadoah" came back Baa day for a wealL daring which the Oolomblan Sooaraa will pertldpato Ui the perfermance. Neit weak 'Tbe New Bof" will eomeorer from the Acadeop. Miaovio Roop OABDig.—fflth the oercarr trying to flod the top of tbe tnbo lo the ihermoottan all the week, bualneaa baa beaa men than auatly good at the roof g»r< den. For thIawMk KeanadpaHLoteni harabaenre- uloed Id thelrmlDd taadloaact. Other feataree will be furaUbed bpLIUIeLa«rel,freTlloO|TaaulkmalBt; Florm HaatuutL Aooa Wllkea. Oettnde Uajaae aod othen. BoHiaa' TBUTU.'-For this week tbe principal tiactioa at tbe dowDlewnhoesewilibe theappaanoee (•riheBoaeow MIdgeta. In addltloa wUl apsearaeorg* Bnna, Bam and Eltty Morton, Oolden, Cbairutand Got- den, LoQlae Denpeey, Scbaaffar and Meata, B«i& Ihe ba- maatop;MeCoynitarB,oraetoaadlUynoUa Tbeatoch ''ompaayftom the West BMe bonaa wIDbetrauferrert down town for one week and will pUp "A Mod Hanlagt." 4iBlno7^At ttae EDDplre Salur and Uaitln'a Uncle Tom'a Cabin" had rood batlneaaSepi.dl. natlnee and olgbL 'TiUby,'* Id, dnw a brge and enuueiaadQ audience. 'The mfaulter" had a well flllad houaa 19. Caaaila'aMlaatnlaeoneaM In oppoildon to Barnaul A Bailey. Bpooner Comedp Ca 28-31 EORir Ho0U.—BaaInesii cooilnues good. iienleCodi* ran nmalns another week with Ihe Demello and Anondo Specialty Co. Decatar^At tbe PowenOrmnd Lawrence nsn> ley did not appear on Sept. U- A telegran from Loula to Manager Baloaaauiad tkat Mr. ItuUy was 111. "Sin- had," UkoadagDodhooae. Oomlag: "Atat>ama"2&;'The Vale of AToea''24."A Boverr Qfrl" 2V "In Old Ken* tucky" Oct 1, "A Modem MepblHo*'3, "Charley'a Aoot" - BolandBeedS. Bloom In gtam^At tbe Qnnd Open Uorm Lawnoce llaaley playid to light bualneaa SepL 17. Bookings: "SI Perklna" IL "Tlie Paaelng Bhnv" 2i "BIrdnoi a Feather" 31, '*A Bowery airr2fi, "A Boacli of Keya" 27, *1tie Vaie of Arota" 3n ^'Charley^a Anni" Oct 2,*^ie lliiiilet"^. MAS8ACHU SETT&"( See rage 471.] Boaton.—The wum weather duriog tba past week depreaaed the theatrical bnalneaa here greatly. Few 01 our hooaaa bad anything Ilka their average re- tarn^andaUofthemweraa good wapfTcm doiog abig «eera bualneaa. UOLLU Bntwrr THkATU-^Beglonlog B«pL23,ve are lo bare the Ont Boston preeeatailoaa ol John J. Mo- Nally'e'Tbe Night Clerk.''preeenteil by FaterF.Dallep and nie company. CamUle D'ArrlUe's engagemeot waa Tory sucoeaMiuL and cloied tl witli a good aoues. BowDOixSquaRKTiiKiTiB.—Lewis Monbioa'R eogage- msDtattlMBowttoUBqaate iblaaaaaon haalMenooeof I he raoat succesafbl he baa erer played iii this city. Uur- Ing the early portion of tbe weak pant he preaeoted 'Auat," aod oa iba eraolng of Fndap waa meo In ■TorioVa Lore." Thla week *e hare the big melodrama, ■Special DellTery," and oest week Manager Aiklnaoo will produce "In Bight oTBl Paul'a" CoLtnuiA TiiKATRi.—Haaagen R. M. Oulick A Co. an- noBDca lor thla week *'The (Iraater Twelve TamptaUooa." C*haunoey Olcott'i bualoase In 'Ttia Irlih ArtUt" laat week was only fair, .\estweek, "Boirof the Ullla.'* BOHTON M iTBiiUH.—"Tbe Fatal Card'' haa proTon the big ■omp at the Museum, whan Ita aecood week beamn 23. Tbe nnt was marked by a notable aucoasslooor aitUI- aocea composed of our refT beat cbw of theatra|oer«. TRavoiTT THUTna—Lllilaii Busaetl'a laat w««k here opeaaiS, In "LaPerlebole." The bualoeaa was ipaat dur- log her flnt weeks, and the dose of btr aagigemeai promlaeatobeabnUlautene. Week orao^ Ueoiy Irrlng and Ellen Terrp la npeiiorp- BoeroH TUDATHi.—"Bonnah," with ita apKtacular splandonaod floe acting, continaea to dnw big bouiiea 10 wetoa'a biggaat theure. UIhod foralong ron, lu fourth week beginnlug ^ ^ CiaTLi Squari TiiaATRB.—"Harlha" haa proied audi BUGceaa here that Manater Boae haa coacluded to run It second wiek. It la onelp cut, and Its moontlng la i^Ric Tbutu.— Thoa Q. Seabrooke Iain the last woek of hla aagagement hare, fn "A World of Trouble." Tiie play has met with good luecaas^ Meic week Utia Skin- ner. In "VlUoa. UieVaaaboDd." ^ .... Kbitu's TakATM.—Oa the llatof atinctlooa here this wesk an: I*llr Post* Alckle faplialne, the Amaricaa '*oor. the time wllaoa Broa., Dolan aad Leah»rr,0*Brltn I llstara. Juggler Fielding, Bryeni aad Blrhmuod-CaudeU and Cariton, Prof- MariTBe, Oreeoant CUb Boiteuo. McCarthy aad fteyaoMa, Hat FaraaiL the UlaakColllas and X*aimeU, the Comedy Trio and I'rof. CarUala's Dog OiuND OPXkA Uorak—OoBtlnaoDR perfornuncee of a first class diaracter aerre to keep Maoanr MansOald'a houae lull Itom two V. )i.(oeleTea c. h. Ue girea a good TaaderlUe and specialty ahow, and thla woek he praaeau XarftTwaia'a comedy anma, -Tom Sawyer," and In (he olio be anaoancMi the Elliott Pafflllp, Adolpb Popper, Romulus. Ad. Bymao aad EUa Berger.. ^ , ^ , DurtK'nNiOBBb-Ooioi.—Then laoo lack of boslneae hen rrocn Monday nooo ontU the doatag Ume Satur^lar DigbL Thla weeiE Manager Duna glraa In blaeuriohall. Mono DeLkano, human lalamaiider; BaaateUa, with the win hair: Frol. Slngard and hla Bgrptlan black art boaloeas. YouogUertnao, •troDgDao;Weatem Bill aad Prairie Hay and Mile. Jeanala. on flgtiter. Oo the stage an Rlcbford aod WamboU. LaPotlteCyr, Jaonle West, Bulla Thonpaon-ColllBi aad Connor, Con Armatroag, Dare Burdeita, Blla France, Oeo. Nuyae. Bnlnartl eat >er|ln, and Llllle Edwaitl'a tnnpe. of f ' Uoward ATiiR-fJiL-i.—Plynn eEdwaitl'Ntnnpe or female mInacrelA. Plynn k SfaarMan'a Big Show la on hen thla week aad giTaaatwent/aot showof varied foaturea. InthoTarielyponlnsanBeoneuaadDawiey, HUe. VeradeVore, Llnmla aoO aillet, buUle and Harry tuMelL tbo Two WaUera, Hose Weat and Van Cogan. Med Veat, Kltua U'Noal and tbo MoVlckara and PallfK Com pany of burleaqucra. . * Falaob TiiBATRJB.—Uaaager White promUai a floe Hbow for week of ZL lie has billed :CunniAghain and Htaley, I<ottJe Baymoad. Pearl and Manr Htoier, Nellie Uarllale and bar doB elroua, Caitellat and llall, HeUoo Sinclair, tbe Duo DumoDda, Moacnef and Jaaa, Violet AUcoata, Con Williams and the boaae burletia company, the show doting with tlie musical ilurplece eailded *Tbe Qondollan.^' Avims a Bron'B MtmsOM-Bea llleka, known as the "DeoTerBtaepU," la natoelihtoKcnwda daily aod ntgblly At Btoae 4 Shaw's bouae. The man lea wonder in height and you are appalled at the Iramenaity of hUatatnre, aa- pedally If you oalr itaod ttL Tin. jguraeU. Then an alio In the lectun hall a aeon of other norel faaturea. JV" ABruiPpBwrBUPB,plalatyaddtMed.niatbe locloeed for each letter, and tbe line of boalaaaa folkiwad bp tbe penon addreaaed abooU be gtran, In order to preieoi mlatakea. * Non.-mfMaiooala aad othan aboaU bear la mind that ail letura, etc In tnnMt batweaa the United suiee and Canada, MBit tepnvoid, otherwise they an not for warded. A fhley. Pearl "■Aleene, Lent Allen, Katie AlbioD, Etta All ami. Clan Allan, Annie C. Arllogton, Ariel gh AthluD. Dotrit Aiken, Mra. A. W. Bureeite, Bdoa Bellool, Bleaa Burke. Kittle Brown, Norma Beck, Alice M. Haaka, LlllUn Bnlthwalia^Bmllr Bererlr, Daivy Batclieltor, Patiliiia Run. Iria Bell Aanli T. Ramit. Kviiia Brawn. Nellie Blanche rxl. May Hedolt. Uara Keaho, Con. Bonou, B«lle BalaUr. Mao Bart, (leorgle Behler.MUaA. BavMea, Jewie Belmont, By It la Caaia, DotUe Carman. Belle Clay too. mnnre t^ata, Marr Clameaia, Kit. r^iwell, OIlie < ^leau, Belle <'ase)-. Hay • :u>rbiey, Inne ^lalr, Oonle Carlos, Laona Caldwell ~ " Croable. Carroll, Bawl Caplun, Adelaide Carre, I'aalloe Comstock, Annie roniianline, B. Clark. Mvg(e L Camill, BmiIo Clayton. Preda (Garten, Oeo rgle Uianco, iooa Clinton, Esale Carlton 6Ut«re Cody. Lllllaa ~amll. LoKle — Delmir, Pay De Wolf. Marie Duna. NaUle Dubd. Mlaole >aly.Hloale >owoay,Lo(tle blamoDs. Nellie Jarlaa, Bertha >etty. Maud Mugla^ Barban }ale, Qaeeole jaavaa, Mamie DeVer% Jennie Deao, Violet Mrenport-CIan }OBOTaa. raoole >entomHn. o. 0. DaTcoport, Hedge >eagle,HaryB. >«liuar,JeanBe Severe, Lillian DertirTHar Esrle, Belle Edwaitia Llllle EaKlotoB, Ethel Bmmett, Ormcte btmor*. Edhh KIUnl,LineUa and on tbe stage, la bearlj ahowa, are: Foatar and Lewis, Bmma Cotralr, Smith and Beegan, Ruth Llwlogitone, the Unoa Duo, Uarrr Barrymora, Suun Val^ Tom Weeioa, L U. Dean, Praoklln and kadeli. Charlea Sager. Mor and Flaherty. OoUloa Bltun, Mark Milfon^ LotUi :omp«ny pnaeoc "Hitiarney," in woico mibb iwoer waates too doal chaiactars of Kitty Barke aod latheTarieiyblllan Knitebart aad HarmoDd, a snti Wotdin, OUoa and Lang, All le De Beblan ■an and Flaherty, uouios amern, Jtara aiuoni. boiue Jamea, Eraas and Oordos. CUele Deacon, Haolay and Tata. OBAKD Hcvnx.-Waek of O Katharloe Bober and Ihe stock company pnaeot "KllUrney," In which HIae Rober Impenoaates too ' Terry. lUiat aa ••v.wHv.^'— ~ m- — uS riM Wuno. Pnnt V.UI. K.llr ua (.-ouon, TIUI. WMiaD.wloDl.a*bsiiilOu)lu^. LTCIDM TilftiT.B^Fer wNk or n MUMir B.UMlUr uo«u<MUi.Loa<l»a.l.irni>l.,MbTaii»D*. MOTIS^*^M Ulorr" U boot.d for Ui. CoIuddU TIi.- tb. un. boiiw n»t nooUi, u4 wlU niutnt "HtIm 'tS> Niihl Cl.ik" iMTti lh« Uollll It 'lU lour Stw BoilADd. TEXAS. OslTMlaa_it UnUn'i Utacol Tbesbe Hur» Wrtwr, H.Uk W.ber, CijOo OooM. Cbtrtci a»t««, Aik B.ou.rl rt*i Woar, Uou Uulai, fl<'?^ D»UFl)rAiir,;"t«4 Ooluoo, Mif ioillli. C. U. H.l- °^SrBa?c° "Bl.'!ff g.0> U bUM to OCU S». A.a.(lB.^IUlletl'B Optn HooM, Orlgabj k woi^mSwiUimlB, Willi J.L Inm.L "lurkut Tm OiuT BiMiuTi IBOwa m 4.« b.ns. Clipper Post Office LADIES' LIST. pllban, Ray <^ Fran h^ Julia PUk, Hay Fuller, May Foley, John Fultmaa, Lou Play. Mra. A. Fnnch, Mr*. M. Pouter, Alice i,Bmma . -Jillla, Ko<e Qanloer, Ja», Qrelum, Mabel (irar. Jul Is Ullbert. llattle noniawL HIM F. nrorcn. Marie 01VI ay. Ida Oulchard, Jonnle Ullbert, Baulo (Inyann. Haaale (1 ranger. Fannie TTyland. Hainle ^llaTTeT. Maud nanmaBiLIIIlaB B llalbdy. Bra Ifaailnn, Plora llaysaNHrs. H. F. Hunter, ancle llervortli, Jeaale Hani nun, Joaephlna llolcam, Doll/ Uart, Mra. Dr. P.A. llall. Lottie Hall, Enuly llaaaoa, Uertle Haaa, Loula lIoBley, MluRJ. HaBsao, Marie Haalllon,tleorgle llovard, Emily HIgglna, Oolta Hart. Hadle £Hhaui, Bellle F. 'ohruoo, LInIa ' Johnson, Beriha Jemme, LHIlan Knicer, Mamie Kramer, ABDio Krauw, Emma KeadiU. Beanie Keanedy, Lillian Kopahu, Jeonte Kemall, Dal ay ~ ,ewla, Anota B. 'Le^ Minnie LorlBgton. May 8c. Laao.Hay Lao alflg. Madge Lilford, Jeanatte Lower>', Lllllaa Lowery, Hae Lee, Julia Lloytl, AOBle UBIaaclM,Floe«le LnneJ, Jennie LfAlie, Bert lea LlirorO,UiaaJ. Ut*, Laon Lltt, Mn. Jacob Hamy< UoJa J. Honrne, Luey Halnhent, Mite. MartunerJeenleV HIntoD, Oenle HoDtgomary, Ruby Houta, Bmma McOarty. Aoole UcHanUee," Manlae,' Ue. Minnie Levloo, Hra. D. MotUMap Mardeo, Addle UcCdllogh. Jeatie Manner*. Once MoMi, Iry Hanjuom. Pearl Maher. A gnu McCIoakey, lotx Martin, Linle Martiera, E. siayhew. Alice 3fay, Leah Maacotte, Vina >,FbiU - Mitott, llemle Kewfll. Deaale NortoD, Masil NsAh, Floeale price. Kittle A iirher. Don PreBilce, Mrali.C Pryor.Oerrte IVarl, .lenole Feail, Mn.C. C. Palrerr. ln*t i*onJ. llatila Bfr^ (Carrie K. lie*, luft Rayuend, Beiuie Hay, Kittle Rodeo, riiarbitie ItWans .Nettle Roetalle, Narle Kamsdeo. Dalay Keno. Carrie B. Huwell, Flo Koland, Rrelyn Roberta, Katie KoBlt. Von HMBler. Ilia Kitdilp,Mr«.aeo. Kahoui.MlMU. Qoitt, Nellie ^8a Van, Mamie nylteaier. Trlaie Hianley. Mabel duroBs, Marguerite J. Bchumana, Belle inew, Mine Roalhero. Juliet Rwartt, eta In fltrong.Cen HUrana. Pearl Hlierwflod, Maud Starr. Leah Rylreatar, Aoole B. HmilBK, Aoale Henna, Mile. SI, Clair, Vlutet Stanley. Dot Slater, Mr*, (leo. Stewart, llaitle Bheffer. Minnie RaoaonI, Klvin Balti, Canle Hbryock, Belle Bbearer, Joaie Thomaa Ere Tuul4 Melllo TbonipBon. tllire Taylor, IraiteBc. Twroer, Victoria Templateii. Hay Taylor, Julia ~-eulo. Alice • Vetldar, Fannie Vane,Tlille Vara. Mile. 'nrilUrd, i .._ " Welch, Jennie lUrd, Allle Wllaoo.Un. L. W. VThlte, JeaaiB White, Katie WViTPtorrle WlUiarna, UaUy WI|aoo,Anole 0. WooOe, May hrooi], Knrgle GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Alwnailiy. Billy *»-Ayreii. Jan. Adslohla, Dell Armes, C. \V. AUeni Weet ABma^ Wm. Adamv llarrr Allen, Wto. B. Algere. Heaur Aadenoo, Lew la Appel. Prank Aleiaader. T. R. Armatmng, V. C. AUHtIo, (Jeo. Alhoa.F., , , Aaiaao. Lull wig Albert. Lew ArmbreclitfOeo.ll Andeieoo, J. W. DellFort 0. U. A>Baal, Prank Balu«nt,Uarry BrybM. F. Uetla,ll.K. Brookea,Ueo. BaMelt, P. M. _ Baker i liowatd Buleoa, Pred J. BUkr.lI.M. BeriianlA Uwla UrigK* BtoK Barotrd.aeo. N. BruiBleyjClaIr Bortw. W. K. Bernard, Junlua BurtDO. W. E. Bennett, Bam Blalr. B. H. Brock. A. L. BuooelLUao. flrigga,>. H.. HrlMi^ Charley BelUIeo. U. Uaraes. BlU Barioa, Joe Burton A U'AlfflS Banoo. Ceo. Blalidell. K. B. Brooke, T.B. Brady. J. J. . Bailey. A Kred Boooey. C. A. Blochaom A Borna Itrahaa, L. II. flamey. Uarry Brawn. R. T. Be«r^ Aodv Bruwoe, J. U. Bngg, Bob Boier*. Pred 7. B«ll. Honeo Bloodell, U.K. Bartnm.U. 0. Boeere. Ullly Burke, J. F. Balaly A ttlmondH Bail), Ue«. A. Bnwa. Ueorr D. BUkely, Oeo. Baonacka, The Bryani'a tJUMblowera Bucey. B. D. BuruMi. Oeo. Beon, Ed. L. Ben rani, C. N. UnUer, A. B. Baneillet, Alden Bama, Uarry BMad, L«ny Brawne. &I. O. Belmont, II. P. Bryce, TlUotaiia Bradley. Alfred Birke. W. II. Balden. Harry Boroham, 0. I>. Brown, B. U. Bagbee,ll.U.,, Buckley A Holder Olark, Kogene Con, John Clark. Ilarrr ColemaoA Ueaglei CnIae,C.M. Cenlan. Joe Chlpman, A. B. CoirigaB, Prank P. Coyk, Oeo. C. Collins. Dolpli CampbaU, Jo*, cook. Prof. M. J. Campbell, Dr. J. P. CariioB,Bam Oorrlell, Chaa. cook. J. R. niark. BlUy F. Carroo, Geo. Courtrlghi, Wo, Curtis. U. P. eiarh, M. L. Coooora, LarrF CII<iuoi,t*beT. Carroll A Kaaa Card 10 A I'nit Catolle, Chaa. Carlisle, K. *}. Colli pa. Oeo. E. Ct&wiey. John CbalUa.U.w. Clapfer, Jobu ClarTl^.T. Coolak Ula Cnia, J. H. "^"-"•wiUroi Cteneoi. CUp Callahan, Jox. Coach, iieae Oook A Uovaid Cnlllrao. F. II. Cberlff. liadl , Campbell, Wlilla Caner. BoOaad Clark, oeo. a. Claytno. Frank CaiflPlwII. Knbl. L'urtlR, Billy Crutly. Joe CbevrleL Ifmll i^tIho, CharUt Coleroao, Piaok (fUBOlogliaai, ^^•lle Calllcoito. J. W. Coahley, M.F. ryrr, H. A. ^iMminw, Joe Diereobach, r. UUmoDiirWilllo Daiiy.T. D. Uavia k K«ougb Uevine. Aiax Uowolng. W. W. Ooughetty. Hugh l>erolnit. Anhur l>anbarOp.Co. Ualley, Oeo. X. Uuwoa. Hartln UuuoTan. Jaa. UdBcaa, w. A. Ualltttt, M. F. Holland A Howard y. Cilia, llarlvw, Kr»«l 1'. llartHii, — lIoBBOHy, J. F Del Fueg4s- LH HoH, EdwHRi Uwyer, Kddle KHiglasH, Pred }erauDa.K. J. Uougau, K. J. Itow, E. D. Daly, Thoa. D. ■ >rez. W. E. tun, E. H. DawMM.daui D'Eata.11. AL. IPIlnuond. Jnho Daney, B. K. Daaruora, Bart Duer, A. R. DaahlOBtoD, A. P. Ulion.ll.a [)e t^iir#ey,CapL Uaahlanton, Alrla UeOraao, ll. uilloD. J. A Harry IMly A Deren Unw, U. F. DaTeotrr, Oeo. ~inlie, Oeo. W. ■Brans, Eildle Eaaman, Albert KldrldR*. (J. E. SImore, Fnok Bnglhb, llatry Kmeraoo, Ben W. Bmmona, Praok kcUtarl, Fred KHUi, Chaa. lillavonli.Jach Uger, J. [Tana,II.W. Estabrook, C A. Viauk Braoa. Oeo. Iiui.iai, UUH llodiibloeA Leith lladSvU, Harry IInBl».Pniik R. lbde»C. il. llaiiaoB, <:haM. lllll. Dr. Ilalnea, 11. A. Meorp.lll ileiinlDaway, J. llowardAKiiivrxun lluwani, Jus llelatos. Wally llawlar. I'ruik V. Ilarrlno, Jan. UawkiOB, Lew lUosbaw, V. E. Hart A Bawin lloyL,ChaB. K. Iluwajd, Wtll Uaonor, Ben llughii^ Andy llubiiwA waidron llaulej A (Ireen llaalltiKis Hairy llaynan A LeiRli Harbitria, Jarrr HauMMi, John T. Iluinton, Art HartA WaUloK llarfay, Jean Hillnuu, Ueo. A. Ulniaan, CapL K. lUrUaao. W. II. Ilarlnck, W. A. Ilanber, W. Harris (iiianaKer) Hupping. 11. Hatw, J.H. H*>«WHl,Chaa. llumar, Bain Han, Wm. J. Huftbes, Larry llarrl^<^ H. 1r««oD, F. O. Inmau, Uarry '[d,D. w. n. acksoD, C. W. Jooea, F. II. Jonw, (). D. Judaun, Dr. Will Jordan, Prank Jordan, J. W. Jerunie, — Jackeon. Billy Johnalnn, A. Jl. JaiflOR, T. M. JuUae, K. D. JudKO, TiMld Julian. H. JuliOMin A McKap JUOSH, 0. W. Jorviiie. W. Jarreia, Tli<« Janke A Cllirord uallry.J. H. <^KreyerBros. Keoi|Ki>u, Hoo. Keanedy, I'. J. I?rol>al A Toner ' FalkaL Uarry Plynn A>a]kar Finn A Haci Palih. (leo. M. PamU Fred Penman A Weal FreeiDsn, F. W. Fraaseo, Ed. Konytb, Will Fly DO, Tom Ford, A. U. French, Prank Plan A Wesley FerguiMD, H. V. Farnum, Jas. FenloB, Johu Freeze, Larry FeDlOB,J c. Pbnn, Jaa, Plucenld, Harry Pean,Jacub Poy, K'IdIa Pagao, J. P. Guaraaey.W. 8. olltron..C. Oardaer, Praak A □ood nao, Arthur UarUoer, Fred It. (Jaffnay, Jack Uohlaa.LouUJ. OuyatteANeilUe Oiguan ABeyer lininacbloaa,A. Oonloo, A. B. (lardnor, Jaa. ilaUagtter, Ed. Urlmea.r J. OaUsiher, W, A. Osvioa, J. K. Uuneug. U.U. (JordoD, A- T Ooallanl.LoslBH. OiUlDgbam.ALJ. Uallagber, Edw UIMap.Jaa. UriHwoU.B. E. riridD, O E. Urera A Renn Oarao, Jaa. H. Oreao.J.B. Uoir,Ed.H. Uatta, Ed. M. Urlfvea, John Uailiti' " " ktll. Dr. U. Unr, Jaa. Uasoey A Barlow firaper la, V. K kleboet, Odj iJoMao. Horace |Uonloo,J. H. ilJovep, John P. QlKlllDl, Ten llcweD, Frank B. Uiamao, Capt. H. Lnnlne. Wm. Ledilr, T. V. Luetiar, Wm. La Hooih. Silly lianRilon, llany LanaUnda, B- R. La Rue, Eugooe Harra, Jim «egve, CUytoD <ymao, .V. J. ,uck, tWi La Roae, Joe Lent. Ueo. K. Lronanl. tliaa. Land.Jaok Lladley, Ilarrr MMk.rAMiet II.R<ll,Tb.o. MMk.JohD r. UtekUj.W. ■cUnOi, T. r. ■■yn>nl, 0. MoBrMoiLioiiiw UoKm. Aoily MlU.r, ilw. fe. MnlllMOi Ju- Monon A K«T«lls McCaldiwo, K. r. Hunoo Jl Mwk MotriM)', U. J. H&nlotlll. Urf>. MallltJlJ, K. J. >lllli«, dun MrUtniolil, llul A. IrXtoom, K., J.A. Mu.lMr, I'ror. C.A. HoKroOk r. T. UcUni.rn.H. B. Munh.,Joiiiinr Muloii * rwl M»o, iltrry Uifitr, J. \V. McLwn A Hill Muoo, W. A. Mtlonh J' I.. Muirtir. 0». r. UeuWool Vmi Hut, Wlllnll Mtck.<:iiai.T. Iluw.ll, J. 0. MoDMIIo, riuk 11.1(b)' Bnu. - MoKm, II. K. Mllu, I'. U. aonn, J. B. Muvl.o. Hlchuil Humr, J. K. Uohrinn Hroi. torriMj.a.r. .•iT.ll..l!d. Muiiiaor, r. MonoU, O. J. Uuivhir.Ueo. r. HoUmulO.Jotaa Mouuny, Hil. A B.rry Hour, UiM. U. M.IUud, B. J. Hurry, J. W. MofnHor.T.J. Hkloo., L rimok Hclolyr*. Jiw If. HoDio., N,<1 Hurphr. JDL HeAiillir., J.r. Uuhunra.ll, II. llllir, Um illub.ll. L. 0. lleUua.r, B. J. Uumnir, tlioc Muk, Joliu r. ■•rUM, liddl. Hlillb l'.rl Hllu, Piddy ■uN.b, Johll Mty, Um. K. ItMjD, Kr.ok Mick A Anouur HorrUAOomlwIii Mdoiir., RubL >by. Kranli ». Aoily Moore. Larry HerrlU, Lliu. Muri>br, Muk MullF, Ju. H. Monoo. J.J. McKarlMiil, — (or NIckl. HIioH) Miilirioit.W. M. M>ck, WIllurK. McBrlil.,Jiilin Hrtlor.ra, J. A. ".lunl., K. Norrl., rUroQ, chvL L. Nawiiiu A Monro Null, CvDi. ;<«Mio A M.yoinl KlDIIMIill, Jiilio '.ll.r. Juliii M. -laKOoD, Krucl. K«iD«ly,Meio|ilil. KMilrIck, Burt Kwii'loo. K. KhkIiU, Kil. KnyuiljorK. 11.0. KdC, J. W. Kgrli, 0. II. ICIi.r., — KHIiy, <Ii». Krooau, A. T. KrllA, lUjlivrt Kil.»l, Pmr. C. U.lilptoD, L. A. MtUr, Wm. (Uli,- <,ill.r, rrad Koni,u. II. J.rry 'L.r«w, Cliai. lA K.>io. Uarrr Lawla, Joa. II. U farr., II. W. U Bar, rrank byoo. JaJ. Uoo, Harry Uvlojauio., I. Uo, Cliaj. [AG. Bur Harry LIUU, UICk l>l.k, Billy Loooanl. Jaa. F. LOM, I.A. Loor.DC., H. C. Lo lUaof, Hairy UllMOt, U Hoot, r. II. Loiaard A V'aDOM LulHirtui, Tuoy lit,]. W. Lo LoD«l*, Paul Lowry,— _ Lwoat. II. v. LOT.loa.. Cbaa. LaulLKd. UBaia, IlaiTT , Llrloa.UHH.CIirli LaanloD, Uarry Ufllo, W. A. La riaca. Mooa. Locl.r, f rod Loooanl, M. r. Loo, L.T. LoflloD, Frank Lyon, Uoi LloyJ, II. r. NaUau, Loop Nararro, Sltf. NMdkam,!). N.lton. P. * IIOM NIolaaiLMailln Nonu Broa. Npran,E<UIU O^^ill^oo" Ci'. ()«Ma,n. u. UToollor. bd. (yertoD. ixa mcoikc. U'BflOD, Bilillo Urlon, Buni.v Ollnr,Tii,u UJ.ll, P. »•. Uaa.ii,T. ">artr»o. II. l^ilon,JoliD A. Poyoo, H«li P. foarl, Billy l*Ay(uii,Jaciu«llno roarc. A Bnrn. I\tw«ii^ KronkH. PoAlc Koa..l I', DIek I'bllllM, Chan. ruiiiii«, w. II. I'ouluik lul. IMImao, 11. II. rirpoDltriiil, L.c i-oiUm, Joik l*raiuplo, llany roarwpi, A. Y. rpckhuu, H. W. l*arkor, Biui IVtiito. BIHr rrlfo.Tbo,,. I'lPOUT, Will I'ttiinnlll. Jtw Frico.Kd. It. I'rem-vK, ¥A. ralrrHtn, Kinlle iul|ley.Ja> ■{oealre. P. **Herero,t». W. nice. Chaa. li^uteolionte, E. ItayiwklaOlrouB HtcuuL R. HIceABIpier Kail Ulan, Ueo. 0. Hanee. Frank Huealer. Jack Koaalr*, K. Itiiwlaiiil. Ud. ltoas,llKir>A. KuaMll, I'rtir. rt. KkliniuDJ, Hnti Kobtrlaun, Ji>hii Kueielt. II. t>. Kalilithto, Doc ttalclHli. HtvAsn Kayuiuud, Pred A. Kuyce, Ed. L, Hap, tlharley Kallgan. U. A. Hoaeoberg, Max Kuuak), Pred Hogen Kil. KIce, Billy Hub*. Lob Kaycnft Bmn. Haymoml, T. J. Houalo BroM. Haiti ' Holh, Haymnml.T. J. Hot, UU. L. lloMnMNi. Preil W. Koinall.iHro'. Karen, Dick neyituld*. J. A Lnun Ramiey, (ie.1. Keimonil, l>r. HoblBiMPO, Htuart Hayuiuul, Dr. P. KuMelLHM K. Hand. iHill "ly, JofaiiJ. □llTenL Lew ^itelJa.J. II. Bte|>hetiP. Hlcikhen titoue. U.W. BcaittoD A Hievena ritoue. Juno Hinllh.Tliiui. K. rtvyiiinar, A. J. Bliayne, Kdilin Houlhnrfl, Hon rtdiuyUr A Smfi\ Bw*nc«r llnu. Hllrh AXenii Hulllran, I*. J. Hcoii. Ur.M. A. HurilliX, Karin Bbekluo, Pr«l Hekliin, 1). C. riublaluii, Jiiliil rtpuoaar, CmII Mkuwall. A. Houcrout HiuM. Haamen A flurk Silver. Jaa. rteutheni guariei Hpeady, Canev Rammer*. C. K. ^Uto. 0. K. Bhaw, Veto tkhlllinii, I'mf. ('. .Stenaou. J. I*. KieTeoa,)!. K. Smith AMeyora ttl. t:Ulr, II. r. Kylrov|*r, liarrTT DrlvMter. Brd. H. .twraiiiuii. Harry ittrauae, Kr«.t W. Ki\illh, Wank 8. (itfol)»y.t;. \V. WiM'^l'.T." Kinnir«l, Ht. ttf«rBit,J(ilin {teely, Ckil. t1iN<. Sehilllny, W. U. Bherldan. J.J. Amthworili, Billy riinlth. Will. Hchtiuurhvr, V. Hherwwil. \V. II. tthtiiili;. Il..\ rtweet« Al. (\ 'Paylitr. A1t>er( ATnif^ B»rl Tviaariti<«r"t*it. Twrnpr. W. Y. Tnwelr. — riiuiuls Tdiii Thet>iliiris K. H. tlHiniMn, 11. K. Teylor, 11. W. rhiintrium, I,#e l*on A Hiintiell ThonKon, lltrry riiaM«>, K>l. Thiinipeitn A Collins Thuralnii, Howard rrary, HiVn rrimian. Ctia>. TaheiAwa, P. TIlOltlHWO. .Ilihll fr. — Villi ninr, Harry VolVliiii, - Van Auk.n, Ilarrr Vttiui.n. H«rl Vobtnamt, II. V.niuu, Hl.aarl Van, W. B. Valvlnu, I', r. WIIIIDk, A. K. >fllB,ll, W. W. VVInt.r, Joe J., Karl \V«l.«r, Krank \Vant«,irll,, yi.nk WlllUul.Jidiu B. H-.liI,, II. I,. WIlM, Hal Ward. I^nk Wllbnl.niaa. Walta. Cl>a>. WlU'ii, Jan. W lU Mau or H<trn*ii" Wlilillar, ll«o. Wal.rliury.llMi. N. Witrloo, JM4 Wllllalus Tlixi Wou, \V. II. U'oolorr, \V. II. HTolla. W. R. Wo.k^ Harry tVhl|.|i1«, Wallii VVoTflor, lieu K. Wykoe A McParUiio WoiTon, llnrlMTl Wllivn. Hnu\ Vromlr, .>.!>. Wl.iol, Kr«l WlllT.uiH, llavp II. Wobalor, (I.,,. II. WliniUr. Sam WanK.r, l.lnfiml WliUlUr, Frank L. U'.blwr. J,>hii T. Wlllianiii,lV. H. Wdibsr, Harry Wiiiior, Jidin \Vp.!,Tttny W'ibl, Jiilin Wlllanl, <'lia>. n. K'tji.lonnl. II. A. \\*«.lon. Hall Watil, iV. T. Wulpy, W. II. lVIII>iir,rlali.iii:«K. Wbli'i'lorA I'lcbart Y1,11111. r. »'. Vaaii, KraiikH. Viiiiim, Wniln II. r>ii>, i!. II. V.i/ain, — ^/..ra, I'mr. i^luiiiirminn.s.n) MINNESOTA. Hlnneapolla^At tlio amml it[Knk llniiHii"A Cootenlod Wumaii" U aeen Hept.DlMM "A Milk While Plau" did a Kotnl tHiatnexa 10 luSI. BiJOU UrBHA llnunK.—(lie lluw*irk" will omii Ji lur a week. "DoKn on tlie Hawnnoe Itlvcr*' cmion it. "Ititnli Cllv" wsMwrll recoIrr«l Utuai tan-BUK>LlTlKUl'aHA Hdl'iiB.-iIlHilyA WkIIIi hnil fair houaaa IV-'JI. Nu aiiueunceinvnta luu uiaile fur tJie futun. Kuiil. A MliiliLBluiCM I'ltarB Mi'hivh.— Por 23 and week: Prince l.uieani, tuldaot; JInJ. Ueinl, iiii«lKitl;KMiii Pant, whlnller; Allirenn. nkflnlun. ami Hio r>iil<inliig nn iho feiaaea: Mloitl* Pancliaiil, AriimtiniiK ami I'lirur, l.llllan^arab, (llerer Camili. J. 11. I'rico and lluiton Comply C(i. TItflatunilanceltralr. NoTB.—Uaeuf Iheiniiotliiipuruiii liii'lneMlrnriaaclluna In Uieaiuuwuienlllno that Jibh iioen cuiiaummated liarr< In yean waanwie knuim last work lip (lie ■uutiiinca- nieut tha*. the (Ir&ad ripen Ihmre waa to lio r«iii(Hlalr<l atunceand conrerted iDltininrea. It latitaitHltliatJncuit Lilt lia« purcliasad from tha Hyndicate i;i>. (hatowna the (Irand tho Lyceum Tlivaire, which haa always lioeiia burdon upon the HyadlC4l«< V-u., l<ir |IU,tfU, mid l1i«L Uie (Iranil'ii booklnia fur Ittyfi arn tn bn iranaforml to (lie Metmpolltan. Manauer Kcott. vftliecjraiul and Ht. PaulMelni|M)liian,wllll«atllin1ielin aluurMnlrni»blluo. St. Pnal^At Iho MelmpAlllan <)|icm Hoiuo Julia MarlowQ-Tabvran'l hor hu!>tM«hil, llulM-ri TkI't. and aupport, hate liad a very gnoil bualnoM nuali (irHopt 17, and aC'irod tlieir iirMt*at drBinalla aiicceaa In tliUcliy. "ACuiitoBlcd Woinaii"eonHiM21i'Mr ciiti wrnh, Immiu lie llratpreMnlatloa IntbUclly. "Meilcv"cuiiiuatf fur uoe week. UHAKD.—"On llie Boaery" I'lajeil tn hlg huBliniu 10-ILf The houae waa diirk tJie raHtufUie wevk. "(hiwn m Uto Suwanee River" come<tt-:U. Tlie titaiiHR**inBiitRlv«iiiiii datai for rest irf week O. "Tlio f>eraall«r" ruirira SI. OLTHric.-lloldlni orer aeaklJ, F.IvimI simI IjMntirra. AmuDKlheoea peopU for TJ arn lluwan), [AiiKl<*y.<'r- cuttj Leon, Tanner and Onelta. IIumIsom bui ijcnn very Botiioi.—For week ofZl:H(arln arvl Itlcklln, Mcflarlliy aod WllHania, (irace Wallace. MurrsM and Wl'il, Ham Yager and tlia atock. BuMlneu^ «o«h nf IB, «■« iIib iNmt evareiperleiiced In thlahnuae, due, t^iliai"-. tuita imlrig fair week. DMiatho—Al lUe'Tcmiilo Opem Iloiiao (llailyM Wallla appeared Hej»L 17. li*, In "Pufirli.yii," \n inlr lrti«l- oeo- "HutliCllr"iiail fair liuBimiaN II, ll, Hiovn llnidlo caioe2D. 21. ia"<)>i the Buwerr." "Ttm liuraiiliai" rumm* fict.4,A.(;hleaRnMIHuryBnn0 7. "Ihn War of Wnallli " U Tlie Parlor Tloairo Itu for ila aliiarllojia ll-IV BflhLy Carroll Jiiltii T. I^(wer^ Kdnmiul Wflch. AiieH. Lillian UarUiior and Uia *inrk livlde Hu*ln K*to a concert 19, at "Tirner llall ixafellhuaHn MMiiauer Aleianiler, laie of Hie l'a*lllMi, lia« 4«|ertwl li>r ciilcauM to lake cbarie of a iiiliiHlrtI cumian) Julia MarliiRro. Taber cviiieHto the L)ceuDi Z). Jl. #Under the Tcnts# KoTgS PKrU RONIIBVIt BHU«i.* NBW MOPKL iillOU'H. Tbo 8.11. u. BtgD In amtlQ In mgutt. Wo itro iinw tnwomlDg ft roiiDlry whore iho I(<iDlionr llrwt.' nitmu In a Rrnonym of Aucccsit. J, II. nonbriii- tovV n dnr uif (o vlilt hla old frlenile, Chnrllo nitd Ixtlilo l^ollHirv who bavo WAnn htartn for ttio nhntvo men, ami nro ooDirorUlihr bcHIinI In h beimitfnl country htuno. Kmnk Ulalr, r pmporty man, wiitto fimilntriho pfrforrnlnR iloipi in Ihclrplitcvflrcitily nr Iho evonlnsM porfomianro, WM rHn'Mliig Ihn rlntrii ting niitl Iho mpo w»lkor, !*Kt and unlor. who Mcein lo tte JcmIoub of ench other, whpn timp Sol iDlo A norco wrenglp, tiiil In itllciniillnff tn pan lem lllair rocelved ft deep MtooiihlarlRhiHrm. OHiialng Iho miMl Inloniu pain. A doctor wnti mint' monodftndtio la Retilng fttong nicflj, Imi oiimnL tiM hla ami. Dedit WHlkprlH iniidtlhtg for a now Mrpciilliio noml tiAorc, in wbluh sho will iino it wtilto Bilk veil i*onlnlnlnff nbuiit tbirly janU of allk. ftml wortr H OIaUori wIHi aii olfoirlo light mi her rorahoiid. Tho InrAndeicent lamp can br worked At will Bml IIkKm up Intomilltenily an Urn roloni rliAiigo lu llinB(eruopilCBneirKlA,(hooU'rUlo ilnrkonlDg when llio ikiironi aro uraii nnd llplii- lug or ilAiliIng oQ wlioii Ihov luo HUbHlliniotl fnr n**!, imcn nr jtilliiw piojetMloiw In iiliimliiBii* Iho dttitrftr, Tho Ummloibt aro hIIII iluhig ihplr itini^t luft niftnnor lo rllrtt numds of ftpplAUKi*. .SInrtn KilwAnU* lfi*M wlAm cam hint rnlhtialnHilo pmlaont owry pUii* vlnKoil. Tito llnnlioiir llmx. am noHollAilitK forthe jHinliReo of a frtnii f«r Win- (ori|imrtfni iirftr Ut. Auburn. TliftiNtrn will Hr comiumlAto Kovunlj'flvo lieail nf homoit. At IV^riu, Ind., theMHynror ttiu rlly gavd \m luTiiil!*- Blnii to Hliow 111 A Birool, eo lhal wo could titirti iim toiiU nceror Iho liitalueMantlnvldeDl uminnorDin town, wlit?ro wo rouM Im mnvuhlcnl to iliottCKt clAAi of iiAUtiiiB. Tho Oomitilnalniior nf HirrrlH railed IIpim tlio niantigcr aotHi ntur tliOHrrlvnl or Iho Kliow. Aflor UbAil blot'kaduti llin Hiront fnuii Uftlu to Iho noxt BirtHU back of n, ami onliin^d ihn tcniH pulled down, hut after loamliiir fntni Hio iiroitorlj nwnoTH that tfioro wah no klok I'lunliig fminlhein nnd 11 wiu foond ihAliliit Unyor wni for II. Ilm loiilB woitt up, ttuil Hta ImrMOrt In ilio Btnliluri iif tho Inttf BillAcoui wrro iniitrlnoiuMl iiy iim rIoNdlj nnt leuu till tho cloito of tho Miuw At mid- nlRht, A dODMly paokoil crowd AHAHiihli'il In fntiii uf thoniAln outmncelong itfforo llio dui>nt woio 0|Hn nud ttipy lutgorly iMiiiiflii tli:kobt wliuii liiu lHt.\ WAN uuIockiHlBml mini tlio tenltu ItHUliiHMU'jiiiH clip. TiiK'i'BH le Bhnosi ab wt>lcomo am dm "aliiwr' tliHtwAlkM roKularly ovcry Wudnriulny. Itruh kkom <1uixmah Hhus.' ClHrUrt ano hk\- AKorlo.—UimlDBAii U vary ftood, nnd thun far wo litivolOMt hutono perfomMnco, ftml ilmtwiui nmk Ing ft forty mlloii Jump, with n ferry to cmmt, Wn arrived ailherlTitrftt10.3i»A. u„ hihI Uwmh v. u. lAforo the logl wftgon croaaoil. Tlio cugo;!! wcni iholnMovor. Wo ruaoheil Inwn atioutHl.Nu'clnck. Tho town wax Jammed with a gmid naliirwl crnwil. When ihoy baw Iho elophftniH, ciageH, oit:., vtiniliig, tlioy Iiegaii to ohcnr. Thoj wore JulillAiii. hh wn woro tho lint out of Ihnu bIiowh ttiai whu Ahln in tiuko Iho town. Wn put up m llirro imiIo dig lup. Tliu moUBgurio tont ftinl ndOBhow worn nut up. Ttioy liAd lu vluw tlio anlniAlH In llio njion nlr. Tito lout WAB pBokutt whon tho porfurniAnru lirgAii, luitl (lioptrtiployoUed Ihoiiutolvoa hnAtw. Fred I*, Ilitr- Un, inunlNiuo itlAjur, idoAed In ancoittft WliiiiT'rt engAgoiuiMil, and O, (I. Uutlr. Inlncil. I'ror, J, K. jAtnili'H Ulllinry Uand, adiI IW. llanyHylvont«r'H UrclioRtJA.Aro VAluHble acnuUlilodM, Wai.trr Main Knriw.—Kvorr nno nrouiul ihn "(Imiiiluxt" iNKcUhiirulonHlliiuly.AUd Ihn almw In lunvlutt alouu ntcolr. Our now ndillihm In Mr. Wlicclrr, whu is ilouiff "Itiilw" In Iho pnrailUHinl t1ownIiiK< Hn In iimkTiif a hit wlUi Ihu iiaIIvch ht tlio IfiW HiAr.SlAtO. U. J, ItrAK, fonurrly known rm Uatt. UlCAnlo. hnitpurchHHcd n linlnl In Hdltiutp, I'a., und Iikh n: tlHrd It wlHiAlllIn* mudtiii liiiprovuiuiiiiix. Tim *>()id lUllnlilo'' CHD BlwiiyH Im tm«u lit tlio nillco, Ur. ItyHii InfdrniH uh. JiminCuok wrItoHlliAl llarry NiHtro and Kd. Ihir liorxi HltAi'liiHl tbn HKyo Olrniia, Hupi. in, fur fmi Hnlary, and iIiaL llinHhuw U In tlin linndnof Hm Hliiirtd And In m l»a wild nt altiirlirs min jTi. NirritH PKOU IIONIIICI'H llRIIH.' Nkw Muoki, Siiowh. —HalurdAjr iiluht, Hejil. 14, wn wrruaimlu in.xud lo tho utiniML In iirciiDiiuiHliiin ihorruwdH, ThuMKt liiK i.'a|atrll7 WAB liiontaHftl liy extra NlrlhHora ntnl innro Inmrds, but illil nnl meiit tho (toiiminl, and Qvury AVHlhibln foot of Htetcu wbh (iikcii up. liui* lady roiirorllttniT iiiAiiiirucinred rrcitiu uuudy dm ■ lltgalirlvr liitorniliednu, and llio iKmploMiiiipjK'd It nil up In (on mlimloH* Unto. A full imit grriiind Mm frniid conrcri, nnd nvorj nno tinjoyml (ho Hlinw. Iiu IlmndniiH worn m t*ii//;Hiri wiili iho idir nudi oitco, AHWum all tho muniticrw of Hiu romiiAiiy, In- oludlnu tliii Wnlkur KAitilly iinil HIomii f;dwi(niH, ur- roiiitlo cofnudlniiH. Hc(il. Id wn hIiuw aI our uld Winter i|iiHrtuni, wlioro tbo llouhuur Unw. uuiiio Ih Miiniulout lorall nnt a Iiuho AUiHuuro, OnoiiHniHi moro And llio lotithitf mmoh rluiwtH, and u nuMt plOBHHnt AUd oiijoyiitilu wijoiim iiiidrr ilm wlilio ii'iiiH rvKreiriillycuilM Vt rwuuinwnru when Uiu liluit lilrdH dy iioxtHprlOK. ANNA WmTlinHvinWHlwIlh lllngliiKllroH.'OlrnH cm acctiuni nf HI liualtti, uud bi luyliiK uir nl lim- linnio In KaiimrtCHy, Uo, NtrrKri phoh'h (.riMMtN HnnwH.—Kwryimo In hiippy nnd wu gel Ihrcu Ri|UBro iiiunlM dully. Ilintl- miMConlluuce lu Ihu mtnoold cliAiinul,AllliniiKli wn junk lor Ihu lil(( dayM. Knmk AhIiIihi wuh a wi-l- cuiiio viMltiir Ht MuidiAiilcnliuiK. I'lt. Ur. Iioh liuon HUifurtUK f'lr wvirfMl iUts with rhiiuiiiBtlxiii. Now oinlhOH arn cunlnu III dally, widrli duunii-x ilto iivar BitpnMiDli of niiollirr Moaieiit'e nxpurlnnco. Tim liaiid u ni'Arly All iMnkOil wllU hml i-lnioi ntlho- Wliiicr. .VoTKHrnriH HlKTI.BVri (M.O Fili|lln^Ki> (,'iUi'ltM.—Tlit VIRGINIA. lllchmond.*'TIia While Blava."nl Hm Acad- emy of Hualc, Sept. 14, 17. I'loaMl fame aiiiHearna. "Thrliiif" was iivne a oinllal rntfjillon IX, If. 'Tim LlinltedHall " A '-Htlilarand Ply" II, U. "TwoOlonola" H,77. Loula Jamei 30, ttcl. I, Joe '>n 4, 6. ItlcuHOXii THBirBB.—"LoM I'aradlM" waa pTNMiitad In aiDoaldiannInK BiU\o*r 9>, Uf a thorutiHlily com- ■•eteni company, liul Die suillanc«e aere iiusil, 'twlnjc tn Uioeairemabeat. 'Unan orMfe" ZJ, U^ PtrTHAii'nTHiATAicroJii'jCK.-'ii^niniia: l/luHrMlh^ Annie JoliOM/n and Frank Buirf*. llualuea^ conihiuwi ' ^'rJJt Bhopl' f:iRi:ni cumaa 'X Builat't SHra WiW Weat Cot. 4. . Norfolk,—At llio AcBdemy of Music "Trlliiy" played toepleodld l/nalaeaa Hepl. 16,17. "H. H. 0." mark- loirUielropenlOKDlRlM. "Tha WbiU Hiave" i.leiMti a wed filled IMUM i>t "The Ijohi Paradlae" i(iflu«i«l 31, aBcouot«rloii die lintlajit p|«1I wo faav* hail lliia year. dS' spite wliirliUiay haA fairawllaocfli. Houhrl: "A Trip U> the Bochlea" SI-OcL 1. "Al*m Joelln" 3. BlioU TliBATHB.—new r>e(>[>le esah iff U are: U4y WalluB, Boima Jackaoo, lUale Farrall, aid Brinks and Brooks. Haalsaaa fair. Burraio Bill's Wii-iiWKRTfomasOct.ft. NOTB.--Jobn LsiiiueU, lurmerly «ltli the BIJuu Th^sliH. haa acceptfd a poelMon u alage uiaoeKer at the Htiaif<4r'l Theatre, Porijaouth. _ ^ NEBRASKA . Omahft^At Boyd'N TlieAtni Oladfi Wallli, In "Panclivo," coneaHept. 21.25. HtUod Iteed waa bore li- II, aad played to bl| buitoaaa. CBBIUMTU9V TuBirBB.—A. H- Paiiaor'a Company. In 'Trilliy," OMoad a three bI|Iiu* tniaeMoeotZS- Oleva- 'ji_-r_. — ...... ..-...-.j'lj,^^^,—J, ■ niu/a OMOad a tbrW aa.^,,,.* «>.bv| land'a Mlaitrelaeune V. "fha PauioK w- •>, Coltoo Ki0X"C'^Ht.S, "Cuoo llolUiW'* 3-0. "rlie Derby WlooeP* did bl| b-jalniw I5>1«. ' Tbe UusHer" hw\ %mfX honaea I'J'ZL McaXB.-TliU report haa htdrrowdo'l houua tLa (asi week. AtlrarlloD*: Pre4 How*, fa', Utj. A\. liaaarfO, tranipareot Turk; petrlHed owi. Prof, poeielle, snake cbsrnsr: Hardy aod llania/. Id inualcal •keirhe<: Moil, aad Aoole Um, aoajti aad dasce; Hart and Walilotf, ■ketcbee; tha Mf/DUirefioa, diaracter vucalUia. MtnEa.-Paine'«"Vlckaburt" drewlante au'llenreaT-lc. Baroaia'a CIre in eotnaa n. The ladlea' Mcycl* run did not drew rery well peat week Thi Aja> fa'r ia a blf sBCceai. pliiiw la lii>:iHiiu Ha iiwn, nilialil«rln|r Hm Iml ' Ktilnrl WlilltAhof, our iwiutrntnai) iirrariiii, \»%mU\*y%-* iiaiial, Hlid lia* llio rtmia ruhlllliif aiiii«(llily. Tim imtr fftuoa ll(i>* worh Hio: Tim Maillriloyi, Kih-lo ami ItipHn. dniiltlii Iraixii*; KIuqiIkimJ KiiUuuia, liahliilnii ilrltl. ait-l (A»Im(o, nn lli«i lilj|liwlr«>. Ttm Au*tin HIatnnt lt«ti< rn turuMi fur a wnsK.and Hll«. AuRlIn ■■•imaraiui tfiplniiiiiiii rty. I'aoiiln inlal'ml aie: Hnliwrt t«llakM<t)r, l.*tiilFA |iti Hnit, VM. K. HsnUi Uuuiiil tu>l Ji*lin Pnaiir, Prank K*<n iwl. I.*<w Whiiuker, JuiIko Pnully, MnrHiilio UwaikIo .'I Aililla ti'llrieii. Ktr uiir nnf H*'dnii OfUCTi. nick lUirilH, tlin Klchi>l^ AiIm AuHtlri. AU'iea JuIiim. Iwllailt>t: Harry Wnnrnr, bah|it Hulitial. nmi KI<(rt<iii-<> Ifavvre It la a MiUleil ra«t lliat IliiiillNy'atlir'-tiavlll Ih> ancliurwl iiii llniorlway fur ilio Winirr. Fsnlhin rnrm, iiur (•rliirl|«|lHirt)lMck ridar, lin<itriii-k ll rlrJi. Hlinnni liiarrltiil la«t waah dt Tli'anoa Hrura (tUfn iirurnutitnnn. Btnloit in Im wifllli lull a nilllluii dulUro. TIib liai-jif coitttln liato inno Hifuih 111 Mr. Bnira'a liuriie- Wo K" >n HPHiIilra nii\l WMh fur a two wmk*' aiay. Wbi^ii llH<m,' Niitkh.— Unr 'iMMm rlnawl Rojii. Zl, al |jiiira4ler. I'a., Iinriiro laiBB innllenci^. Tim niiiini ii> rn1|tiMu|tliiiilay ■eiailnitai^t tu tha Tity l.'liarliy Fnii'i. Tim awuuju liah lt«an a Uaanclal iuccom, anil intlniin nr. fhlnnt <MTnrr<vl In nltlur (lur i<arai-lii>riialla or pi>"i>lf. Tlie r<j)ln«lii« la Hia rtMUir iiiMoiliii rli»lin( •Um: Wol>ii Hrna , prniirlniura and inaMeinra; ('iim, M. NbmIoii, kwr- p'tary and urt^i a^ent: pitriurmarN—llirry anil IWM*|it H Ilnl. Frank Hroibtbl, WhIllark and Uunn. prliim kainln«lil. Prank and Ma UrCorinkh, ( lia«. P. K<lwar>l>>. i;iia» (i*tlrlQ(l, MaMar ('UiHlIn Bar. and llrHirH«aliit 1.11 llan l"l Hiltoa. Our neat lenilna ■uunii npniiM A|irll \'J, iKii. Jnlili II. N|iarhB, II. A. Haiili, J. AUKMallli Jrinx^ anil I'lip laatigley, iha feterao, wrre riMrnui vlBiUiri uur alHiwf. p,i.viHA rii.YH^txi A?fii VViM.uH (JiiRTX wnro iiiarrlfl Hoj't. II, at Kan FrancUoo, (,'al. fliktir KiiWLAiflJi^coiDettlnt, has slRnfl<l mUIi llaiK'<) I'avill'in i;lrciia^ T ENNESSE E^ NoativUle^Tlio Tlinlro Vnndouio and Hmn<l 0|iara Huiiae will mmalo ilarkiintJI Ocl. -1 anil Kr|it. 3>. ri'pectlralr, whan lira saaMmmipon. TlMni^nltiK aiiia'-- Hun alllii TendtFinn le llander>"ii'« Eaiiavaitiiii/A t.'n In "HIiiWI." Tlie enu«U4ioMil U ftjr tJirse nlihta. Tin* Uraii'l b|>eiiN wlUi Binina Km Pay for a weekHi a\^^^m^^*^^ mnnl. tiKff MAf«iXl(i.-The lioiiM waa lUrh Kepi. 10, Ifl, ID. (Ill ■ morn'H UhwI cwne IT aa-l drav an amilnnre of lalr pr« ir>irll<in<. "Unwn In Dlilo" »u llie atirartlon U, :fl, aii<t draw Urn* audlaonai. Warraii l^mUn cinra Inr wenl. iv n^ ■•rixliiclnii "llaiiiint," *()ihellu," "Vlmhilua" aixl "pia HprrJiaiiluf Vbhk*.'' Tahrs.iaulk,— Tiie Iowa Ktote Band ttavn a concert tu :i, larii" audiince It. Nnru —"Vankee UfMlle ar»l billa" will 1r« preaeiiliHl allliiiTRti*riiacleHepL3i;,liirBnuteurs. ft la biH>ke<l ■•• Kunii Ibe titvl the Allilellc Park haa Immii (hii Utm\- Calient cnndilii« Inr tin preMOUlluO'd Uie I'leapeclarlf. "Anioilcna," which OMiia 31, and will conifriu* mrmrv oUifirolKbtunlilflcl- V Jaa. t). 1^1 ha* charirn of ilu, work, and Btatea liter* leaalrtinit>i'VclKlly«-itiupanir*iii iiaiieO, iiaaded hr Aehllle Plilllou, t/ie Preucli atiullliirUl. Local uillltarp w)U ala^ aaslat In tne priiductlvu. Chftttftnoogft-MAt tbo KewOperu Ifnuwi ih>i M'fiariOf'iraCo. I>ky»d to (•lailpaironaKt S^pL in. -m Trip to Clilnntowit" did fklr UiImdm IT. Al. (1. Plel'i i Hloalrvla ifave three eoterUliinieuU, lu waU l1ilr<l nn l appretlatlve honeee. 19,1'J. Mi/<art Oi«ia ('"■ m^i «l<<> iMtler aurceaa V. B^ohlnii: "A Pallo<l Ull" fVi. I. 'ThH Ltinlled HlH" 2, Huh eed All Tarl'<r.l. Till Iowa HraTH BA.m drew well IT In ihn ''iff leo'. DELAWARE. ^VIImlnKton.-At tb» Ooetn Uohm Call .\. Hoaaln, In "The Kilvar Klni," Ha|>L W. dl l blr iiii/lne<-. Cluo. H. Ifanrnrd, In *1ttell«rcbant * T Venlrr," 13; ".v TrT|» tn die HonkUa" U. ami "Ttm WMim lUi" V. HUOL'.~At llanre*' Con>tffnaH"ii tana, Id-IH, tn fair builorjA NiAPi JuHlly <^»,ln 'The Mr>dak.", i n I uitnl houeai. "riia HldalNht i^olal" ,cviuea ti : ^TnoWtM«rber"y-P(. BcrPiLfi Biu'B VttLu WM eiliiblisherss^t