New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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470 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. September World ^Players — Nola from Walto'ii (;omei]7 Co, (Weil«n»: We oinnn) lha uuon Sept. 2, «t Bailer, r>,, enil piftyed to the krgeHt wMk** latlneH ever done by tDj rtpcnory comianj In ihiit city. Ho lu Uio biulnen bu been Id tdvtiue nr Uit muud, and m Outon, U„ on Sept. It, we pliycd to the lirxot numlw or peld a^JmbwOM ever lb the theatre. Pollowlnii la tbe rOKUr: Jm. R. Walio, wle oner; UaTid II. Wood!, manafiCTiJuo O.Uruwao, iiuilbon maosiieri W. A. Ilua, Kemnil aicnt; 1.6. KubDa, IIUiographer;0*roertin UleaiooH, W. A. Uortailly, Lee Slaneil, Wllllim II. Uliue, Ulllr BarlMur, U. J. Unm, mi A, Dene, Uenrlttu HL KeUx, Kalbeilne Oreiro, Annie AlDHlsy, Uainlo Marroy, LodIm Ihioe, Hni.w.A, llaiaaiidlliiljr Vem, Uand: Pmr. Vln- cent P. Imlll, director; Uwl Wllliur, Ueorie WolIT, Ulma. W. Ptuichor, Joe a, Urowno, Knw. f. Tyirr, U. J. Unm, Ullly llarlMur, Cliaii. F, McKay, Joo O, rendlcloii, Ctu. B. Ogle, Kdiein II, Honlmj, and Knoll ann UcNell, tbe conel dnetlau, aa a apeclal feature. Hue leliooliod lullrt for thlrtynilght weekn In all lb* pilnclpalolUra of New York, Pennaylvania andNewleney. — Katbrya tfbeeban, or tbe Lillian Kennedy Vo., wbe waa taken auddeiily III In Hlddletown, N. Y., recently, bas relumed to litr borne In PliltedelpbU, Pa., Inrvcupemto. -. Paul iViUer aod Bill Njro'a "StaK Party" Is being adjneied for rehcanal at Paloier'a Tbeairo, tbla city. NIlA Allon Ih cam ror an Ingenue rolo. — Loula Uarllnetti In making quite a nucccw aa a tough boy In Ubaa. K. llliiHy'e "A Uaggaga Ubeck" Oo. — Joaeph Hurpbj openeil hU ecamn In Wllllams- porl, l^a., DepL m, In -Kenr lluir." Mr. Uurpby't aotlng coiiiiauiy connlala of the following: Vharlea Brandt, Harry Uorretn, Jrrtiu Daier. John W. Bur ton, W.T.Bheehan, Wm.T.Uam, llarry Hrowolng, Dan Tlionpaon, IIh Irrlfu, Floim lledding and Kmnia IlaDa. Kxeciitlve auiT: Manager, Jake Bbattuck; atage manager, w. T. Blieohan; maaler maolilnlit, lUrrj Browning; advance agent, J. J. Bbowlea. — Notes and roator of llie "Unrle Joeli Bpruceliy" Co.: Pearl lllght liai replaced Vonella Irving, and Pnnk Ualatuad, Frank l^urcell and II. P. rmgen are recent addlthua to Uie company. Helen Tracy Ui playing the leading fenialo role, wo Imro liceo out Uirea weeka, to aplondKI bualneaa, dcapllo hot weather and circiia oppoalllon. Tho tour U liooked to Uie coaal and reiiim. Hurt llodgklna. In the mie of Uncle Jueh, and Major (1'l.auglilln'a inueket ero. lutlona aro realiirKH of the porfuimance. Hoaier: Dave B. tovla, aule owner ind manager; B. B. Wal- lam, builiieai uianager: II. II. Ounr, agent; J. 0. Farr,pivgnminer; llurtllodgklns, Frank llalatead, Will 0.1)alr7niple, Frank l'urc«ll,Mal. O'Uugblln, Prof. Obaa. Uerlach, Prof. Hlclian) Hatbe. W. o. Haunden, II. P. nrtiTbn, Miirt Pylo, Geo. Ludwig, Jamss Diincnn, Otaaa, Pnikup. Melon Tracy, Oiace Leilh, Pearl lllgbtand Ualiy llarle. — Aalpb Bell la playing the part of Pancoaat In "A Palled OalP' Co., Nu. 1, and bat the dIncUon of tbe atage, under Kugene llntdnson'a managetuoDC — Bnma Barduu Mm. Halph Bell) le making a Buccoai aa tbe lougli girl wllb llarry WlUlama' "A Bowery Olri." — Motea from Bliea<ii"U. T. 0." Do.: HInce we struck Illlnoli our busmen liiu iieen big. We now have a tvll nf the lung greon laid aiddc, whereas when we woreat l>>lio tho Mlver was easily ouuutod. Beaaleand Lulu are doing splendid work In bnaa, and Mra. Bhea Is fsHt bccuiaing a good tuisi player. W. F. Jolinion la a ui>w addluuii ui the lainrt, also Ubarica lyic, uurlurllone. Barney,tlio donkey, Istlio big atiraoilon on pHmdo; bla liucking, kicking and chasing Marks nuKe ilie crowd almul erory ilay. We okMRtMaraliallluwn, la., Oct. It, UMtlng Juni one year, four innutlis mdcI nine days without clue- Ini the Hijuw, and Having irureled eight ihouwnd mllea lii wagon and IiohI wlihimi an accldonu — Valorlo Ikirgero will play tuo adveniuresa In "Un tho Mlaalaalppl" tbli ajaHui. Ilolicrt McWaUo Jr. will dll llio part of the wcret service agent. — "For the Uniwn," Fraucobi l>ipp«o'a drama, won tb« prize umsnitl l>j tho Frenoli Academy for the Ileal plar produce<l at elihor uf the two leading thealnaln PailB nelween January, imu, and April, 1MI6. Kdwaid Vroum alatm that lie will give the play the same elaborate producilou here aa was given II at tbe (Mean, In Parts. ~ J. Aldrloh Ubljey has Jolneil the Julaa (Iran Opera Oo. an leadlug baillone. Kate Trayer haa alio algned. — Mutes from the Canadian Julilloo BIngeni and Imporlal Urcboalra: Wo having succoaa so far, allliouih wo wero compelled to caurol two dalea at Warttw, N. Y., on acoouolof an epiilemlo of dipb. tbeila. The Uoard of lloaltb ordond aU schools, cbunibea and pbicca of amusement oloeed. J. V. Oaner In meoiing wlUi nncrrsa as a tenor aololel. Nathan Wamor, alldu troailmno aolulsl, la doing oettsr work tbau ever, and Is a leading feature of the pngianune. JIninile UgliUuel, buy luuao. Is norpnilDg tba people In me i:aal and receiving nueta appbraae nlgnily. _—MoEcaandrodaror the Heed h Rolilnaon Co. We opened our ngular soaion at Tsiry town, N. Y., SepL t, to a crowded hnuao, and Uuelneas baa been food ever alnce. PrevUiua lo tbli wo wero much anooyed bi aniateun, but, tbanks to Till Uui'i'iH, we wets ana to fill their pkcea after tbe Oral per- fonnaoco, and now ve have nno of the best reper- tory oonpanlM uu the road. Hoettr: Uora Mardcn, Rthel Wauaoc, Holly Wallace, KIlUe Lamout, litu Valentine, Jaa. II. ijuiran, Joaepb L. Maaon, Ted F. Oiimn, ArUtt Kelly, Joa. 1. Iliw, Hairy Urooka, W, 0. OoDover, Jiin. A. UoIih, Wm. Ulukney, J. u. Botanentoll. Uhaa. Valeniliie, Wm, Khml, Juhn W. Hoylo, I. Valenlluo, F. NuUurgan, Max Hchock, u. WalUin, II. Irring Head, iiuiuiger; Dave Hoblnaou. advance npmenhkUve, and John Hpo<I, iiiugram. iner. — "Oovoraniont Accepuuce," a play, by Daniel L. Hart, waa given lla Dim pruducllon Bopl. In. at tbe Lyoeuiu, New Bhialu, U., by Miiiart Koliaon. — "Maruilun," a plat In six aela, dmniatlHd by Perojr Baga fnui Mir Walter ^Icotl'a poem, waa pro- duced for ilie mat llino o> any stage Bepl. 10, at Miner's Theatre, Newark, J., by Ixiula Jamea. — The Ont two porfKiuunres of "Nanty I*o," Freileilck Mlller'a nuw iiaullcal opera, will be giroii by lllgby Bell and bla coin|wny lu Italilnnire, Ud., UcL7aiid a.for ihe lieneilt of Iheplaycraoflhe Ual- Uioore llaaeball Club. — Kffla Bllaler will Kcglu her alamng tourBepL 30, In Jenny City, N. J. Ilur repertory will Include •Dorta," "Canilllo," "IIuiiku and Jullot" and "Aa You Like It." Her faihnr, "Uncle John" Kllalor, will tw A uiendtor or her nmnauy. — KliiR Artliiir," ndmiua, lu four acta, by Cumyns Oarr, waa acted for ihe nnd iliuo ini the Amerlran coulltieiit !i<<|ii. Ill, HI the Academy or Muslo, Mon- treal, l^au,, by lli'iirjt Irving anil Mis cuiupaiiy. — ttluart Itolwon'H niportuir will Include llila sca- aon "lloveniiwni Avruutaiiro," "Fnrbbhlen Fruli," "A I'Dul and Ills Friuuds," "The lllvabi" and "Mnu>. HouRolln." "AI'\M>land Ilia Friends" and "Mnie. Mouiodln"are iiy Hydiu'y lloMureld and F. 0. llur- nand. Slid liavp nut yet two pnHliircd. — Oeunice Poumla has boun ongaged as leading tenor ror tlio cuiiiiiany vllh whli^ J. u. DulTniD produce Peanall Thoriie'a new open at Ihe Oar- rlck Theatre, ihls city, Uci. il. Ssille Maitlnut will also lie 111 tho company. -"Tne H. J. iMllo (inrmCu. will Include Maude Young, (irtina duunn; Ohirloa llassell, tenor; Ohaa. Owle, ciiiuedUn; Jennie Wmlheraliy, Frcdorick U. Maraton and .Vavid IVirmnce. A now vonUuu or "TDe Red Uaaas.-" and "Huniiliy" will bolberep- ertori. • — RoH Ciighlan cuniiuncea thai she la going lo Knglaud at the rkuig vr her engagement wlih ihe Btockwell HlvckCii.,ln Ban Franrlaro, cai. John T. BnllWan, her hiisliand, will nut gu wllb her, liul wlllsUT horvluilll hia unRagemeiitln"ln8lgniof HI. PaulX" to bo produced at an early dale In Boa- ton, HSSH. — "A llanpy Utile Houw,"a coniedv, waa pre- arnteil for ibe nnl time on any aiage Bepl. IS, at IXjboea, N. Y., lirOoo. W. Uoniuoand his companj. — Once llawlhomo. a well known lingllsh act- reaa, anived In Ihia city from AiislnlU laai week with heroompsny. — Hlobard NaualKild's nbysirlan has made Ihe oitlolal amiouiicomont that llr. Maiisdeld Is 111 wllb typhoid fever, and will not he able to aiirnd lo any pruremlonal ttiiiles liefiire tbe middle of November without Iniury to hla heallh. — The Maude lilllnian l>i. ropoit good buslneaa In Northeni New York, whoie they have lieen play- ing fair itatea, Ihla making Ihe lourtb oouaecuilve Boaaou In that aecilon. — J. K. Miindiy, the character actor, who had hla left leg ani|iuialod al»ve Ihe knee on May u, ISM. In Oleveland, o., la now holding a good omce poriiluu In that city. — l*iur.J.Jay Watnin. Ihe well known vlollulat, and tala acouuipllahiHl i(auihtrr, Annie A. Waiaon, slaulal, aio giving nualcal euteruilaiuenia In the >:aideni Btaleawltb oniln aacceas. — The Klnsey Koinrily Kunipany opened IhUr soannii at Ualearlllc, Wia., to good bualnesa. After Ihe fairs Ibis company will play night auuula In the dmnia. "Hill .Spuniu.^' Tlr.:^- Is liclng llled by Manager Ovo. IVebbor. — Richard Otiee, manager of Marie Wellealey's "Oo the Snwanee Rlrei" Oo., Infonns ns that ihe snlt brooght by Alexander Van Pmag, manager of Ihe OeimanU Ilpen lloaaa. Utile Fklki, Minn., was tried In that town BepL 10, and as It wan nroven tbil Ihe house anbid only two hundred and sixty people In place ol the fire bandied claimed by Man- ager Van Praag,)od||ineDt wu given In favor or Ohee i Wilson, all coau of auU lieing paid by Manager Van rnag. We are also Infonsed that HaileWellesleyHterllDgbaalnsiltulcd proceedings against the mansgeii of "On the Bnwanee River," ander the management of B. J. Nugent, praying ror anlojuncuon realralnlng them riom oalng Ihe aliove title, which she cUInu as her aole proneity, under coprilgbtobulned Imm the omce or tne Librarian ofUongraalnWaahlnRlon, U. a . , — Rdgar L. Davenport haa been engaged by Nell Bargees to create a role Id tiie new plar wblcb will lie produced at lha Star Theatre, this city. — Kmnia Roaalle Is receiving praise for her danc- ing In tho third aclof HoyPa "ATrlntoChlnatown," alao for bar work as the French maid. — Al. Qrant haa Inuoduccd a new specialty In lloyt's "A Trip to Chinatown." He Is playing the part of Rlavln Payne, and milng the position of atage manager. — Bush k Uanj bare closed their season with I'sln's Fire Works, and are now booking the Orand Open House, Kalamazoo, which opens the regular eeaaon Oct. T. J. C. Lewis, In "Bl I'lunkard," was the altncUon Kept. 18. — Rost2r or tbe Ideals: Jno. U- lllniraelatein, sole niaoager; Howard Hall, W. 0. lUchardMin, Tommy Bhearcr, Fred. Qoddlng, h>rl Burgess, Sle Oonditt, 0. B. llollldaT, Pnif. Ned llnwaun. W. F. Webber, R. 0. llarlleU, P. L. Uoyntnn, K.A. Phillips, Jno. Uonitaertj, F. C KIndall. John Freebind, IMatrlce Rarle, May mndle, IJIIIe Moray, UiUe Pildar and Mn. Bellenoro. Their season opened Ang. M. — Mre. Jennetle Johnson and lialiy Johnson ate recent addlllona to the Carrie Loula Oo. — Agnes Fuller, of Jnbo D'Urmoud's compaiiyL sends the rollowing: "While In Jelfenun, la., the dntofBeptemlici, I tiallcd the Jcgeraon liemetcry, and found the laat raiting place of Yankao Itobln- Bon, elluaied lu one or too moat beaulllul paitaof tbe cemetery, and marked by a line mouumenl, erected by tbo Bella Bros.' and lUngllng Bros.' Shows. llertanorder,lD the name or ibeprorea- slon. to have the grave handsomely decorated the fourth or Beptember, that lieing tbe eleventh annl- veiaary of his death. I would alao mention that tho Older oC MasosH keep tho grave nicely sodded, and few graves are lielter kept iban dear old Yankee Roblnaon's." — "Brownie" Notes: Palmer Oix's "llrownlcs," under Ihe dliccllon of O. II. Jeitemin, Klaw A Ki< langer, opened lis nason In Bridgepon, playing that dn for three nights and a mallneo lu big bual- neaa. in New Haven, the rollowing Tbureday, a piouilnenl Ann or lhat clly Jolncil ilie company In Bending up baloona In honor or ibe relura vlali, and flve thousand school children asHeoibleil on the central common of the old college town to welcome rainier Gox. It waa a gnud ovation, fully Dflecn thouAOd people being In alUDdsnce In the caae of 0. B. JetTenon, Klaw A Krianger agnlnsi II. B. Thearie, of Chicago. 111., which, our icadeia uiay remember, waa rought lo ihe United Htates cnuits lait Bpilng, Ihe Maaier In Chaucen has reported very slrongly In favor el tbe plalniliTi) and iT)com< mended a permanent Injnncilon against Thearie. It will lie nmembered toat Mr, Tbearlu, claiming certain righia under Major l*ond, was tierformlog l>Bliiier Cox's "Uniwnles lii Fairyland" lu violation of the rlglibi held hj 0. U- Jcireraun, Kluw A Kr- langer. Tlioy obtained a preliinlnaiy InJiincUon fnm Judge Uroacup, or tbo Uulied Biatca Voun lu Uhlcago. Tbe case waa vigiirourly ruuglituud rC' newed srterwanl, snd Uils la the nnal oiiicuino. — Tbe rnlhiwliig Is a "wire" fnnn Atclilsun, Kan., uisler dale of BepL ai: "Manager llrlghain was compelled to putlnfourbundiwl extra camp chalni last nlgbt al Ilie openlDg or the New Atchlwn Thea- tre by David llenderaon's company, which pic- aruted 'HInbad' lo the largest and one uI ihe must fashionable audlencea In the hUtoiy ot the clly. 'Blubad' and llio entire cast niado the usual hli." — Hoeter ot "Tlie Black Flag" Co.: 0. W. Mumy, suae director: Knowlan Eraser, advance rcpicaeU' uilve; J. U. Walker, band master; J. K. Karley, dliecior or orchesm: J. Hooker Wright, A. 0. Knnz, Edwin Curtis, J. A. Weal, Edward Frevur, Frank Kunell, W. Alexander, Kuaaoll Alnxaiider, Newlon, Hohler, J. Alxle, Oeo. U-lrcr., K.J. Oain- bill, U. A. Jackson, Juhn Hbiode, Mazlu Uwls, Ueatrloe Booth, Kugenla Lorain aud Lucllo Kari. — 0. B. Jeireraon, Klaw A Krianger reiiort an un. usual booming or theatnosls on liielrBouibeni cir- cuit of tbcaireB, parUcularly In New Orleans, U., and Meiupbis, Tenn. — Adallne MaidrD, soprano, wrltea or her success as Ihe vocal aoloiat or the grand concert given by the Italian Society uf OInclnnall, 0., lu coiumeuiura Uun or the twenty-irtb annlverasry or Itome, lialy, at the Xoologlcal Qsrden, Bept. 20. The luUKlcal criUcs ot Ihc unelnnatl press speak lu tbe biglicat tonus ot Hlai Maiden's sblllty. — W. F. Croasley Informs ua that he will handle a clever farce oomedy team Doit aeasuu. Kugene O'llourke Is to have a Dew piece, for which tho sea- son Is nearly booked. — Creston Clarke will be seen lu a special pro- duction of "Uamlet" at tbe OliealnutBtreol Theatre, I'hlbidelphta, Pa., BopLW, to be lolluwed durlug Uio week's engagement by "The Fool's novoiige,'' "UonCn.-aar OellauD," "F^lnt Heart Never Won Fair Udy," "Uuch Ado About Nothing," "lUcb- elleu"and 'TheMerchsntof Venice." — The rollowing la the roaier of the John L. Clark Co., otganlied at London, Can.: John L. Clark, Hairy Uronrfdge, Oeotgo Ueaib, William Thorn, Nell Twoucy, h. B. Booth, Dave Uwraiicu, T. F. Norton, II. Uruntldgo, Mlaa Whlllng and Klhi Cam- eron. They win play ten weeks In Canada. — AdolaTdo l,elgh does nut go out with "In iho l-uot Hills" Ibis season, having sold her Interest In I list aitiHcUun to UrauDUllirord. — Frank A. Urandnn, of tbe Jessie Mac Hall Co.' writes that he has been llie victim of dressing room sneak tblovea on two occasions duUug the past two weeks, Id Indiana lowas. — Kdwln M. Hyaii, llatUe llaynea and Irving Swortliout severed Ihoir couneoilou wUhtheNiM.-i Julllly Ou,, lu "Tho Kodak," un Sept. -Jl. — Nolea from David O'Urten'a Company, In hla original rarce coiiicily, -Tliu Odd Fellowe:" Wo opened uiir eoaaou Bent. II and IJ, at Cutliun, 0., to good business, coiuddunog the hot weaiher. Wo are liovklng goud Ikiiihui. Tbe rollowing are niem- lien or tbe company: Chaa. H. King, Iwnjulst and conioillau; Johu Beogon, ihe Do Ixhiiu, I,oii1s Cios, II. h O'Uilen, Hay Howe, UbrhiUno BhaUua, (luldlu liumiau nnd Loltle Hlchardaon. — Uiiile Waiora Juliiwl Hoywooil's Cololirlllca at Canton, H. D., Sept. H. — Notea from ihe Qnus llnw.' Co.: Arthur C. WoiKls liiia charjie of tho ailvanco during the ali- aonco uf Mr. Ttlplelt, who was recently called lo I'lieblu, t;ul.. In the luii>irais of ihe company, whvru we will pnibably uuen our ivguUr season, wllb the Drsi piwluctluu ol our new niece, "Among tho Biuugglcrs," with a coiiipauy of iwcnty dvo people, lianil anil orcheaira. Ovir new palace car will soon Iki cuuiidoied. -TheUrtiiloOpen Cu.lnliirm us that they nuro nli-ely cnlerulnud bv tho Older ur KIka of Wibawr lltjr, la., aud that tliey played lo "S. H. 0." timu nlghtaul theU'eugageuMutIn that town. — Clyde II. Andrews ban Joined the Fowler Thea- tre Co., to do Juvvnllea. — UKUaKorVbas. L. Young writes: "I have Juki cumpletod arrangeiuonts fur Ada Van Ktu to play "Qlorlana." sue will upon her aeasuii Oci. I4. I shsll dirocl hor tourand also look after Iho biuduoas eud or the JeRtoyt Lewla L\i." -Notes fnim the DIsuionri Dnmsilc Oi.: Wo openoil Ihe Opera Hiiusest Albany. Ind., last week, two nights, pivaonuug "I'lider Uuanl"aud "l ucic Hiibo." We played lo 8. IL o. Uith nlghh and Iho niidlonce was well pleased. We have Taiely aililnl t^il '/elgler, pUubt, and Loub L. Uemaua, beavlea. We are pbiylng tbe (las lloU Circuit to excellent luis- luess. — Ion Araold, composer of "A Trip to ihe Hock- lea," aeiHla a runiinunlcailon lu which he ebitea that most of (be music of that opera waa his work. Ho says lhat of the Iweniy-iwu nuiubera ronulned In the opera ho wrote twelve ur them enurely, while two an bis with the exception or a row ban Inter- polated by Mr. Heynolils^ musical director or tho a nipany; two ara the Joint cnniposlilon or Mr. Reynolds and hlniseir, two are luiriHbii-ed by mem- ben or lha company, and the reumlnhig ruur are the work ol Mr- Roinolds. He also stales that all III lheebanotera.wllh Iheexcepilonof Hig Feather, an the same as when the u|iera waa pruducrdun* der Ihe title of" Yetlra," at Ban Francisco, Cal., In Beplembcr, ItiD. — Manager Fred Rablilus,nf ibe "UiUe TTIile" Ol., haa engaged AdelaMe Lllili', daughter of the actor and sutunr. B. J. IJItle. — W. Way Sharp Is oimultlni a repertoir com- pany, which will open liiTlllniilsVu tictolier. A laind and onhesln wlU be earned and spe<-h>l printing need* — Frank Murphy Infonns ua that he was married to Frankle llaU In Ihla clly, on Sept.». They have clo<edwlib"TbeMaiilnionUlAgenl"Co.andJoUied "TheareenaoodsNai"Ou. — Notes from the Undon''Monte Orteto'' Co.: AJier ten days reheanleg In "loneappUs, {Onh"*' company opened their season SepL M, at Panhanll. to good builncM. The compaoT Is nnderthe per- lOiiBl management of (nias. E. Norred, and has all new piiper, scenery and cosUiDes. Jhey also play a repeitory ot sundard pUys, and make week, three nightt snd one night sisnds. The roster; Frank Linden, Chkt. w. (XwHney.Tom Coloinan, Hsx neno, Ernest Fisher, Will Buit, Madge Ber- tram, Hande Oourlney, Ella Mason, Helen Btrauser, Chas. F,. NaiTcd, manager, and Prof. Doty, mnslcal ^-MoM Undon Joined the "Fast Mall" Oo. at Dee Moines, la., Sept. T. -Albeit Nye has reUred from the Marie Kinzle Oo. to attend the medical college In cinclnnall, 0. — Billy Bowera It playing the lliilch comedv part with the Eaauro "Bide Tracked" Co., and making a succeaa In Iho character. „ „ , „ — UulibComedyNnlea: AlMon1stown,M.J.,week or 8rpL H, we played to the largest week's boslneas sver dene there, the 8. R. 0. sign being ont flve ol tbe six nlghla. The wife and child ot Suae Db«c- tor E. M. Crane were taken teir UI during the week, and roi several days little hopes ot their recovery wen entertained, but tbroegh the excellent-care and attention given thematthe Monlstown Hospltsi they are veir much Improved. — Will B. Rung's Rnleitalnera will piodoce Percy aBuufs operaua, "Love On Wheels," In conjuncllon with lllustiited songs. — Fred WUIock cloeed with Oeo. Feck's Company at Schenectady, and Joined the De Raven Oomedy Oo. at CantOD, ()., Sept. 33, (o play euphoDlnm and violin In the land and orchestra. — "A Oatspaw" la the UUe ot a comedy that Max O'Hell has wrllien ror Bam Edwanls. The piece Is already In rehearsal, and the Uiur will commence about UcL T. — Vlrgtnla Paul lienn suit for abaolnte dlvone from Paul T. wukes, Sept. », In the Clly Conn ot Brooklyn, N. Y. — Fknny Brown wsa granted a divorce mm Eaile (Thomss) Brown SepL 20, In the Superior Ooan ot this Bute. — His. Louise Peel began sulttor separation from Dr. A. J. PeetSepL so. In the Sopnme Coart of this HUte. — Lon Blanden haa been engaged for the "Two (>>lonels" Co. — Madeline Cleason Joined Ihe Oypsy Ckipenter Oo. InJSynciise, N. Y.,SepL 10. — Boone A liunn Notes: We received over three hundred replies lo our ad. In Tni Curpin. Busi- ness Is fair. We are now In Bouthem Illinois, and carry feuiteeo people, starring Ogarila,tbeMexIcan- indlBD actress. We opened with eleven weeks ot fain hooked, and since we have been ont have booked two more. The iwter: Boone k Dunn, soloownera; Raroh Louis Wellhoff, stage manager; C. B. LIvlnisUin, agent; Fritz E. Boone, business msnager; K. B. Bieeis, press agent; 0. B. Ooon, Harry L. Pope, W. Hughes. Bam Began, Frank Murrey, Edna lloon^ Mabel welthoir, KaUe Kobn, pianist, snd Domla ()garita. — Jas. W. Evans writes: "Our compeny opens about OcL 16 In comedy repertoir, and inn work ihrough Hlnnoota, Wisconsin and Ohio. We will cany about eight people, with Bert L. Royce hi priuclpal comedy robs and myseU In leads." — Lucy Revere win not Rtura lo the stage Ihls aeasoD, but will run a boarding house lor profes- sionals In Brooklyn, N. Y. — Koatarot B. 1). Ilyere' Colored Hiulcal Oomedy CO.: guegga (May 0. Uyeni), Nellie U. Small, Clan Johnsiin, Don I'eterson, Ohas. U. Small, Blllle Cook, Ed. Parker, E. L. Reynolds, Prof. J. 0. 8. Cioonit, S. B. Ilyura, proprietor and manager; 11.0. Wlckbsm, business manager. — A dlsiisich states that the Opera House, In 3I. Catherine's, OnL, was destroyed by Un 21. — Elilnger A Bheiman, repertoir company, ra- tion good bualneaa throughout Missouri. They nave wen out all Summer and state Ibatnotwlth- lug the hot weather they have been llbenUy patronl7.ed. — William Hllllken, an old time proresslonal, haa retired from the stage and Is propriotor of tbe Ex- chauAe Hotel, Ashuibiihi, o. — John 0, Shivln and Edlih Burbsnk, both mem- bera or Rice'a "1492" ('«., were married SepL 23, In Uils city, the Kev. Dr. Swede omclatlng. — ThomaaO-(X)leuian, a member of JollaMar- lowe-Tilier'a Co., had a disagreement wlih Robert Taber and received bis dismissal from tbecom- liany, wllb two weeks' notice. He refused at once lu accept hla dhimliaal, and, havhig taken legal advice, wUl bring an action against Mr. and ua. 'niiier for thlny-slx weeks' sahiiy, Uis season ror which he was engaged. — "A Sailor's Lass" Is the UUe of a new comedy drama, by Chsries Bradley and Wm. R. Wilson, which wui be produced at an earir dateby Rose Hsyo, under the management ot J. E. Reed. — Beerbohm Tree has decided to make anoUier American tour neat eeason. Ue will be managed tbhi time by Charles J. Abud. Be Is already backed atAhinrysThnire, ihls city, for November, 18W. , — The Lcsutques Case," a vendon ot "The Lyons Hall," was given Its llrei production BeuL 17, st Worcetler, ilssa., by James O'Nell. Variety and Minstrelsy COLORADO. Desirer.—At EHIch Oaidens, week ot SepL It. Pf iute rant. Bnioa and Nina. Llna ^r>v^ Lautlne. Ltl UtKuims BSACri.-"A Bed orRoxn " and "An Elon- meol" vetk oris, by die iUKk co. try BaUaln'abal. looo ancoiwIoDHar* harliia giKNl alteodtnc*. haw BaoAOWivTllRitai!.-"riie 8ilT>r Llalaa" (eek ors. watlMjfa'"''" O'SSA llousa—"Too Mudi Jolmiaa ' i^sKTSAL Til SiTss-Till* popular nudetills houx biwnwl lti« sMwn 16. Mana,t«r Oiarlea Kojoolda will •oJeavor lu tiiunalu Ibe piibllc «IUi nuUiloe but Sm ciau |HM|<I>. Tte lolliiiloK ponple ara allli lilm: Masgla .SJiarldaii, Hlandie U VIni IiIds Cllllon. Veiele VaJeV Lllllsli IM, Jus llonid, Ida Enunuin. Pearl Koaa. Lil- ijra. EUlUi binlliia. Puny anu Teobnoke, S«nuii anil UmsIo. UuplniM Bood. llK»Tiu» -^ulo. I^inolll pUy at the Clly Park eiaiT •Tauuis iliU ««tk Vr<.r 0. K. ulaaaon eluwl bia ea- raseiiiiul at D. ». C. I'lrk tail SiinJa)', u abls audience ......HiriT IJirMin rialk'a a>. Mr Ilia Lycnuia will ar- rive llil,.«.k. I|,„ Slark am c..iiiiuanc<lil«|i<.uB- lar Suialar nluhl colirarlii al die Tabor Grand zl.... Manbniuii Baadi cIu^im Zt. Leudvllla.—At tho Westou Opem Uouss "Old Teimca^Q- cailia In bisaudlooca Heni. IB Lvcaia THK«««--rll rorlai" Udntdiii: crowded bnuMKnlKlitlytiiliUivpuiarptaca Uoumamra 1Ia»cot.-U« and cliaa. Iddia, Hlonir ?rfl''n*''-**r,' i-l';.l11'll»,W"l "<'K»la. Blllla Ilua^l[ Lvlla Ibuansil iHlla .Sarlfto. ,.?*'.l.*;;r'^*."'' l"luhavean lea Palace loooatllUUUl WilWa, alll, Iniiiiolioaliallos rink aud Iob.iMan»lffi liiorulin *''°'" nniain own lao Pooblo,—Al the Orand Joe Newiiun, hiimortst and viK^lUt, wlih liU coiiiPMiiy or uiiutclaoa aud caoN !.r"\J*'f'!'."' Ktn-a. Wm. niiioiic. la •Too vfuclt Jiiltiii«io." ronira -Al. TllK (VLt-aauTIIIUVBB conlinuaa dark. horKK—Tlla iiiiiinKomaat of Ihe llraiiil haa ntaile a COB- imcl «>ili Vr. Iiictoy, aliereby hla Kucky Uouulale Lyoiiiiicounaaill i,r aivan at ihallioii>e The Bar numJl IUIIeyUlicii>la3ue(K-l.4. •"«»«t KENTUCKY. Loulavllle.—Tho liuBlnesa al all the hoiiacs ifsrhrruur,.™;:!!;;^ "'^''° " •""'°« llAOAILsr;aTuiiaTaa.-Olluiore'a Ban-I mratwocon- t.^'iKl'?'--:.",,r,r5iv*''' UBAXOOrSBA lluiax-"8ahl Paaha," renderad byiha ihrouBliuul faai iMk. llauloii'a "Souarba" week of o TaiArB,i-,_ -Hayaaod PUj.r.* .aa Ui. cKipirat '-i "L"""'""^""aak- Warn and Vokaa week llV Tlia HlTRljuHA».-"(taulli Baliiro lha War"allracl!d '.I'.'^.Ht""' laraa huuwi ui^l aeat. R c« A Banoo'a Hom lllll Knallpli folly Hurlxquara for «»ak oIO haw Ola TUKlTSk.—Tlis aniuepaoplaboukad last weak hoU orar the curnni waek. -aoa hoTB.-Tlio c<>ui|«ey playlus "Playa and PUyara" al "".,*'■•!.''•. Tbealr. clond Ibeir oosaiiamMi at ll!a ■"alio lu Older luo|«B la Cblcaio BuBdvmallBiol Padarak.-The regular season st Hononl SVVJ.'Jf ""^n Hall Whialo.'i uii: f.'Siii^f" 'baproap«taai«foia«ood aeaJOD. BaiiuerTarrallaa>'aUiaallnelionawill ba balurthlS MVi"Our Uaonlry Oou.ini 'a,"Thi OM llitmaataad"0cL4. MONTANA. Bone—At Hagulre's Opera House "The pay J!?'?-,"^"!' "'• boanla BapL IJ-lt lo boaiaae^ wrhlS'.1u.V:~: "i'^l°« "'»"'■ Thi "X''fo';.hi.';r,: '*«<'»iti<"»<'<"'— "-ciion m ^.ntl'ni!?. Jl'.!""-'!^," bllhtla'aranderMla houaa !• ^£ i i'Sf •""••fnil Miaar- The P|oa 8liler> havi 55.™ IlL'-'uii""' >• .ansasad. Dis Wlboi SliKEf*!^."* JI»"0"ooed eaadunlsht paiforii' fac«a.aKl eootaioplala opaa as a loor indaoTui ruB Uiivush8optaml»raiHl iSTwailaloOeuSar; LAUroania Mcaic U^ii.-aaBka'B Ladles' Oicheanv Nom noH TBI Au 0. Fitis Bin Wein Hdi. streli.-WIUi the Urnmometer at M In tnnt ot the Orand Opera Bouse, Hemphls, Teoa., we Dscked Ihe bouse to ihedoora. Theshowlsscor- tng a succe« In eveiy clly we puy. The press sod neonle are nnaolmons In saying that It Is the Mat atfinl ehow thst ever vtalteJ then cjtr. Nash- idlle business was exceedhigly gnurylng, snd Obaiianooga, ruU to her bordere with tbe Teterana of the o!a"iL, packed Manager Albert's beantttol boDse to tbe dooti. The Bouthem bnsUiesB, ao far, haa exceeded our eipecuUon, and Indications point to Uie budDcaa contlnnlng, despite lbs aUooat nnbearable beau Dnele Dan Emmett Is being re- ceived vrtth demoustndons of welcome, the houses olTlna a regular eld rebel yellwhenlliellnt bsre of ■^Dlile" are played. Chester Nlms' magnUlcent nllliaiy band Is a revelaUon to the peojAe hen; they have never heard such a strong band oiganl- ntlon with a mlsatnl company before. NomrBOM FiBiDSk Bisbon'b Dmwimo OiBn.- We opened BepL it at the Honumenlal Thestn, BalHtDore, Hd., to the largest bonae of the season. Lalor and Cheater hmodiiced Uiehr new epeoum, "The Two Irish Lords," and scored heavily. TltXif and llanaon snd Joe Flynn made bits, snd the andl- ence Joined In Phyllis Allen's eong, "Sunshine ot Fandlae Alley." Jeser La Flenr remains with the conpaoy, which Is sUU under Uie pnprtaloiship or J. F. Fields, vnm Jas. D. Flynn manager. JiHKii Dg Wrrr informs us Uiat she was mairted to J. Cooper recently. . ^ ^ Boorr AUD OBiNoin have separated and lain Oranger will herealier work alone. Anil B. PHiKnci dislocated one of li«r olbows BepL n, while dobg her acrabaUc work, and It will be several weeks before she will resuras. Waldo Wdipplb, comedian aud buck dancer, le- ports sncctss on Uie Uavls Musee clronlL taiNU?-, club logiler, writes lhat he la meeting wim succeaa In lie NortliweaL „ ,. . . WiBSB A Fiztne have engaged Uw Doeksisder for Russell Brotben' Comedians and HUe. Maigne- rtte ror their Vaudeville Clob. Souvenln will be Is- sued In the shape ot pholographs of Weber and Fields, RDiseU Btothera and Uzzle B. Richmond, reapecUvely,ateschsland. ^ ^ UovAnD AND EuBitsoii, the weu known sketch team, wen compelled to cancel their Eastern en- gagements, and wen called home to Denver, Col., owing to Uie serious Illness ot Uielr child. Ur. Bowsid writes that he expecte to open at dopkhis,' Chicago, HI., In a rew weeks, and will teatore aa heron the hallads, "The Lost Child," "BbiJMt Thonghls Wen or Yon" and "Those Lost Happy DaysP' which he Illustrates In hla strong singing acL Allan Hay Is also esmUig encores with these eoBga. TBI WiisoN SisnBS, oontonlonlsls and acro- bats, and Fnf. Becson and wife (Donna Marte) cloeed In LonUvUle, Ky., 0. A. R. week, with the Oarii Boynion Shew. Otoan, Juggler, writes Uiat he hss concluded a three weeks' engsgement at the BunUngdon aod other tain throughout Canada, and Uiat he will open at the Uowaid Aihenmom, Doston, Mass., SepL 30. BiRBT Oliasox luforma ua Uist Mrs. AUce H. Makln, protesslonally known as Alice M. Oleascn, ot the Oleasons. narry and Alice, was married on SepL 10 to JohD Levy, pianist, at Coney Island, K.Y TBI TstnnusiB Jdbilbi SiKOgRS send the follow- lug: "Bualneas good, all well and happy; company taking the people by atorm. FresB notices an numei- one thst It keeps Manager Miller busy wlUi his pssle bniih." Barrt SiursoN, monologue comedian, bas closed asnccesatulenitsienieDton the Steamer Republic, running from PnUsdelphls to Cape May, N. 3. Ub. CiHTBgLL, or Campbell and O'Brten, mem- ben ot Ibe French Folly Co., celebrated bis birth- day at the home of bis aunt. His. Catherine (Jamp- bell, during the engagement of Ihe company at BrtdgeporL OL Dm RiiD Jn. bas written clever words to Ihe popular "Oriental Echoes" maroh, describing a ohappy'sttip to Perela. LoiHe Qllaon has lulro- duced this song soccesatully. AHNik UiRT celebrated the snnlversaiy ot her blrtbdsy SepL 10, snd was the recipient of a num- ber ot gifts, among them an Imported umbrella and two handsome diamond breast pins from May Howard. MiNAOBR Wu. J. OiLUORB, ot Ollmore's Audllor- lum, Philadelphia, Pa., who has been seriously 111 with Incipient pneumonia tor two weeks, Ui reported to be slowly Impnvlng. E. A. WARMNt latest song, "You're Nsoghty, but You're Nice." has on UUe page Ihe ponrali of Ulsa Olive ThotDjisoa, Impersonator and vocalbu, who will teatnn the song tbbi season. Blooms AND LIBUE, buriesquo Inpezlals, anaj^ peartng with Rice's Minsirels. DANtiHmiAN has closed the "Jay (^ub" Oom- paoy and opened a vaudeville theatre In Ogdeu, U. wiioH AND WgicB Inforni us of their success at Shea's Moslo HaU, Buthtlo, N. Y. NkLui HxxtkY writes to Uie song publisher from the Unique, Brooklyn, N. Y., that the mpubir de- BCClpUre songa, "Tboee Loet Happy Days" and "TheTteohersBdlbe Boy,"ate her successes this season. Tni Four Rit Bibtkbs cloeed a two weeks' en- gagement at tbe BucMngham, LouhtvUle, Ky., where they made a good Uspreaalon Ui their new bUartousdsnce. OuTTON w. imot has signed wlUi J. Oppen- belmertoplay tbe leading nie In bis new proSuo- UoD, "Zero," for UiU eeason. UkNRi OiZMAM writes from London, Eng., thai be baasdded two mora einng features to the Royal Eunpean Tanderlllee, which company, with Mr. Oazoan and Haoselle Flossie st Its head, la booked fior a tonr of this countiy this season, opening In BuHalo, N. Y., OcL M. . i~ a " KiriT OiLVORi Informs ns that she has been granted an absolute divorce from John WUaan, ot Wilson and waring. BiNHiT AND CBAruAN are lutioduchig their new dancing act at Ilolmes' Star Theatre, Brooklyn, N. v., Ihls week. Nimx Bond (Kn. Joe Oodfrey) presented her boeland wllb a gin baby Sept. it. Preddii Bdik writes that she Is meeting with much success In Oambuig, Qer., and expecte to re* curD to Anierica after a tour of Europe. Ber bns- baDd,Marthi Uayden, Is manager ot the Italian Exhi- bition In Hamburg. MiNioiR Lomn Rosts's new extravaganza, "For- tuna,"piesentea by Washburn SIstere'"UstBsn- sauonu^Oo., has seme veiy catchy music by John Siromberg. One song, caUed "My Best dirt's a Corker," oalches tho house at every performance, llie rights tor this and the many oiner numben In the piece have been secured by a well known pul>- Ushug house. KiiTiB Morris Infonns us that she hi very sick, unable to work and In destitute circumstances at 308 CastTweinh StreeL this city. (pais. H. PiBsci. the Texas vocalist and pianist, ivUl teatnn E. A. Wairen's song, "Lovely La Belle," throughout Texas, aud especially at Dallas durtiig the week of tbs Oorbettand FllzslminonscoDleat. 0.'^.'ii'^'.''"?' ^•'.'"'^•J!- BAMkD JolDed baida SjpL 2S, at the flalciy Theatn, BnoklyD, N. Y, afiei a separation of a rew moDths. The team will be knowD, as beton, as the Wllmot Duo. Thsli clover work as a team won Ihe higbeet pialae from the press wherever Uiey appeared, and they will, DO donbi, duplicate their fonnorsnecessee. Mbtir Oodsn, the Oillfomla baritone, bas met with such succeaa singing the "Lost Child," "Ills Last Ihougbla Were of You" and other ballads, Uliieiraled wUh pictures from life, that he haa been engaged logo with the Howard AUiensinm Oo. tor tho enim seaaon as one ot the restnres. iRi .t"Si ■J'*-?" ri"" Uopklna' olrcnit, 1,'h^^^'X^'■ SepL s, mr seven weeks, artef which Ibey Intend going to Ibe PaclOc coasL n^mVu^^i"' Bi'SkiRK have cloaed with Ihe unliinrt k Cahoon Shown, and opened at the Palace Thealn. St. Louie. Mo., SepL 18. ,„Tni KtLjiTBias. Ulcli 'oydlsts, are at Uie Olytnpic, Chicago. Illy this week. Their act hia acored auccesa lu Ibe WeaL . —i. ™ UkRR UOLTtm AND ADIUNI left SspL 21, lo All OD- BI!!I"Sil.1't'f,' "•"' »P»»!»JJ KP'- o. In Detroit, Ich, Uerr HaUDnalaUaAdennawUl pettonnlbe feat or catehlog a cannon ball Ind froina csdiod, the Urn woman to do this teat In America. lUaptB, tbe acnbailc tramp, opens at Ban's Ck- slno Thestre. Chicago, 111., Bepl zT * ^ (^mtiiNS iHD OoRfs new speclalir, "(Jomlng Through the Rye."proved a snccessln Los Angelm ,CniRLB 0. AND klDILWl KiLPlTBtS, theUIrt uffiSuSila'S-^i '"Si'i'^' •'wcuinaat Ib5 cii^IKEi'J; V??*''"!'- I'm* "d Mr. Rllpatxfck'a darlni descent of a steep night of of thit'c!? '"o™»l» commented upon by iSe pnaa roSiUiiHSTrLlii'?"* il»nolDgaoubntte, waa rompeUed u close her engagemaDt at CInclnnaa. ?V„2 1^?°^ 1' • P'lSol •coldenL which wffl li«rk) ntlie for aome ttme. She Isbehig kindly csred tor by (rienda. .JliiJ'' r'!*.C^'>«'»'"*l)'«>*«»"Honeynioon'' and "Oileolal Eobees" as piano aolos hi tlB set Fnm iHD leport socceas with their o knockabont acL plaTUg Uie WesL BiUT AKD PiABi Baaras have been vkt^ their parents. In Dof«heaur,llsss.,sner an itaS of eight yean on the Faoiao coaaL Theyopoeti tbe Palace Theatre, Boston, 38. Boem or Si Oufr's llDi8rBiui.-w. i. Hams, proprietor and managn: Naamlih Bhevah buBlnea manager; WUlls WUUaos, advnvS agent: Billy De Rne,aus Banks, Wallace and« ner, Banian Bros., Fnf. Oook, J. J. Canita Frederick Woodhnll, Edw. Jones, WUl J. DtlSn noward How^ Hanr EokeiholT, BUly Hnmael and Oeo. lavere. Bdwaio COOHMOB, Ibe Irish oomedlan. who^ been with a number ot Bnt class compantts u ^ past yean, Is another lecnill to the vandtn rsDks. He has Jnst concluded a ncceearnl ti weeks' SDngBment at the Lake Erie Park ' Casino, Toledo, O. THi love soDg, "Onoe O'Moore," written by Ms B. WltL leader ot "The Danlar" Co., Is being hua duced u msDy ot the leading companies. Ed. 0. BiiuoM, bsss singer, Joloed Fendleioa New OpenUc Hlnstielt Sept. 31. OinniLL AND BriNB hBve been engaged ror t« weeks at the ExpoalUon, BL John, N. B.,opeil: Sept. 24. TBI WBins, Ed, B. and RoUa, irlll qiendthe nn two weeks at iln. While's ronaer home, among « Ozark Monntahis, In Hlssonrt, dshlng, hnnthig, ett after which they start on ttieir Bastsni engageDegk Nioar Owl Noin.-Fnd Rider's New Nfiht Ost Bnrieaqnen opened their season snccaaBtuUy t U>nglnnoh,N.J..SepLl4. Last week, al rai» son, N. J., at Uie BlJou, Uie show broke all retoi« dniug Manager Leavln's occnpanoy of ths Bi):q for tbe pasttvro Beason8,and ibepobUoprououiM Uie sbow Uie best ever seen In Palenon, whkl Uiey proved by giving at bushiess enough to btei) records. Paputa, tbe mirror dancer, writes ot her succia at Suburban Park, St. Louu, Ho- where she i» malned (our weeks. BhetsaweatmgattheTnit. dero, AUanta, Oa., when she It eonauy succeeM. Jout OiBBisoN's rendering of the^ew |K>po]i} lesoi ^'^ - ^ desoripUve song, "HemoriesoI01dNswTork,''ini enjoyed at Miner's Theatre aU last week. AlibouH lulte new, It Is already being snng by Beiisit iyuyn " ' " ' ' othera. Suite new, It Is already being snng by Beiisit lyllyn, BUly Fayne, WUl BsnUnan, Dan quisn au -then. . _ At. L. OOUON wUI manage the J. H. Eatoli HlnstrA this ssason. Be promises that eyeiythlM peitalnlsgto Ihe show wlU be on a most elabonit scale, snd a leatnn will be made or three bii« bands and a novel street parade. H. E. Duoohkt has dlasored partnenhlp wlih I E. Kempton, _ Mbixxb ind Haok were leceot Ourm callen and elated thatlhey open next week at Shea's Hu* Ball, Binilo, N. Y. TBI Suma LBiOBsra to go to Paris neitSpriv and wiD return In July to put on a new dance. TBI limoM BRca. saU hum Ban Fnndaco.Csl, tor Australia Nov. 14, opening In Sydney Dec 21 ftt a six moDths' engagemesL Nons AMD BOsrxR of BSD. F. Paynes Ookint iroubadonr*.-Alter foaiteen weeks ot outdoorsoe- cess "Jsck Fnet" dropped down upon ns, thd n are now arranging to open our hall season. Rot- ter: Major Ben F. Fayne, manager; Mn. Surie & Fayne, treasurer: Sam H. Wade, stage director York Aidenoi, EUa Parne, Mamie Favne, Eluis Montague, Prof. H. E. Wheeler, wIUi 0. D. Hedga, agenL Uixo Shipibd, of Whitney and Shepatd, Deny Uowe, Al LuUn, Jess Braeken and luggle Wtti have been sUiglng sacceaTully "Oames we Used le Play." Oais. INNOS Is playing an engagtmant st aslvia- ten,iu. Oais. F. OiunTi wUl remain wlUi Fields k Em. son's DiBwUig Cants the eatln seasoD. ilRS. Bdwabo Olabuku (Jtsale Warner) has n- nirned to Uie Pnsbyurltn Hospllal, this city. She will undergo a tnrglcal operadoiL FsiHox FoBsnm hat oloied a Uine weekf ts- gagemat at Barton's Theatn, Newport Newt, Va. fuoaisa BBOCkwiT, who naa been dangsreuily 111 wlUi remittent fever In this olty. Is lecoveriui, and hopes are entertained that the may eoon be at« to resnne her work, BiNU WnmB hi said to ban made the hit or his lire In elsglng J. T, Bussey'a new song, "There's a Kiss hi This Leuer for You." Jis. E. BLict AND wipi, Beitlna Leslie, who kin doaed s succeatrni sesaon wlUi KIrkhart't Obctt, open m Ohlcsgo, 111., Oct 28. UoNA Wtnni Is playing a two weeks'engigemat at Sheat Huslo BaU, Boiiuo, N. Y. Hastii Wilui 0. Hsu, boy soprano, appealed with "The White Rat" Oo. at Uie People's neaoa, this oin, latt week. Hatter Meek wm thortly tp pear at Keith's Union Bquan Theatre. Flobinci WiSLiT leads the Rambler'sClnb hi their tear through Fenntylvanlaand Ohio Uils s(a- son. Tag Stmss DON opened Sept. 22, tors two weeks' eugageneni, at Sohmer Park, Hontmal, Can. Liw FI1LD8, or Weber and Fields, prewuted Ua rrtend, Iteasunr E. A. BuU, or the London Thestn, New York, wlUi a flue bloyole, wlUi aUmoden Improvemenls, daring Uie engagement o( the , Vaudeville dob at Uie London last week. Uiox IND O'DiT have been ODgaged to playtke Moore dronlL They play In Philadelphia, Fa., next week. IOWA. CoaBoll BlBtt^At the new Dohany Theatn OrtOUi'i "Fauat" allraoud a fklraliad audience SepL U- "nia Derhy Wlnaei" did aamall buatnaa uL owing lo ax- tnmalr tetnaUMrtnda bIgopaaalrdlvanloB. The Wira"labeokadlOr3S. CMraUod'alllaalnlswIllaniaar , Noru.-Tb« Baraum A Ballar OlicuawlU notaihlbll liiOniahvMab..lhlaseaaoo,owlnf,ltlaaald,lo aicaaalra lleaoaemea Ike taau will be erected on tna river data naarlhla clly, aadapeolal trains WlU taa horn banssd tna Oiaaha W. A. Derrick, who Is populal hi local mualral clrclaa,baa gone East to complata bla musical lialalajt. He bas been eiiaged aa basse farlbetbar- rwa dantt o»., wbleb orguliaUoo wlu start on a fiouUioniUiur about Jan. I. Bnrllngton.—At Ibe Oraod "Mlby" wts pre- aanlad l» A. H. Palmar'a eicalleac compaaj SapL 17, u a line audience, "the Tornado" came 19, io Usht bull- niaa. C^MllBpoonarcomaaS-a, Chaa. OaidoarDL "Hie Uasllar" OcL 3; -Amoilcana Abroad" <, 'TheCoUon ' KluB" •, "Charlar'a Annf W. NOTB.—T. W. BarbydL managerofthePeoria " — ner" apeadloga few days ben. Keeknlc—At the Eeokuk Open House "Ala- Uma" 11 due^SaoL 38, "Pluoliaa'a Ball" Oa. 1 0- A. OAiunr 4 and Marie 8an|er-a Burieaque Oo. a. Bi- tnmely hot weaUier bad^la elTect on Um atuacllooa play lDxhan the past week. "Tba Defasltei" 17, "Baodi ol Kay^ Ik sod Roche, hjpnoUtt, IMI, soeeaedid lo drawing only fair hooaaa. Dabaqme.—At the Qnnd Opera Iloote, SepL 18, lha UuiJat" bad a fair botiaa. On 11 "Moileo" had a vtrygeotalitdaodawallplaaiadaudlaac*. "AIIBaba" W, S,"!"' '!?^l!^J'>■ . Comlaji: U. Sam T. Jack'a "Ilia BaU Fighter;" 3S, It, "la Old Madrid." Cedmr Rmplda.—At Oreene's Opeia House ulmmuMaudlencewlueaaal ihepiwaataUonofAII &'*f^'>'¥.*°''J!'^'l'°>o'<o*a EilnTaganiaOo. 8«iL It. "Studios Boom Only" waa hoax oat wltk tM epio. i!' 'i <^ doon. QoidoB A 01bnt|<B Co. are billed (or StaodWMk. MarahaUtown.—At the Odeon Roland Reed amaaSapL l^'-ne Wlra" A '-ne Cotua Khia"OeL *■ ?fj"V !•*?*• ' Planliao'a Ball." BapL IS, aad weiUier * ''•^"* """"" OREGON. PorUandj-The Utniuam Orand Is dartL The Sli'Si*"??!* *'^5'~w,wlll play two waekabatlaalag sr5-.eS5?ir^ra-ffidr'«K??k nindi''Mi''PlBafor.'.wlll bt imoD^i uTo^ias pie- Knn-»J?riSli!j!S;"?••'>•>■'<•»<' tSoPaallae HallOperaCo. laboohedrorOcLtl. fS'Sma'.' T?"J"f-'">» Ooodrich Dianatio S;."K!?.i?!.'?.'J! ^ufaaaa week of I, piaaaotbii '-llilla I i.Ti-TSSfcl P°ir a Panaera Dauahui" aad "Tha Llilla l>i:ehsaa-" Aa Ibaatn la dark atpnaanL pi?j;''Sfa"t-M»'l"„y»"<>'. BUdcSb Liwli Balls iSr?£Ci''f Tl'l.V' J'»'^JailWhrebellLaora ?f^.'^'i!»'■• Btaalar. Oeonro Tloxall. I iflf V"Ji"-"^'J'?ll P*^'* BlaoAe Lewis, Lou Vaiaon, Lidia Party, Mabel Llvragauo, 8adU Dewey. J*l<;y"-Ilaba»llatU'aTpan(ah SlodMts ud Lnllaa JHZiz!^! Co. pUvtd a aneoaaalDl .<»•"» Aatoria Opera rfuaaawaak of«. aad aie at Baa d'i Opera Hoeaa. giKi. week of It. C AUFOHNl Ai LriM Annlee.—At the Los Angeles TIieaM a "«al pnMueuen of "La MaaeoUa." nad— "■- «' ini wooa.oraw waU Sapl. U, ll. BiV.,."f«^%-<luaUv "Kobman'a Co.. In Sadlar ■ ,T''^^'*!' Wlraa." was enwdad wMkaad- IL IL weak of U will I.& .tULi^ i^t^sM that ff;a?.! ,7"^^°«1'« Wlraa." was enwdad wMkaad- plMNSd-JaaJ" ° '* '>•'""" .I5,*.?!H!I"?."-^* •"»'•'""adavUla blUdnwIanpaly TkUUSijj'^ New people It: 11I01.C. Lean.OebaSh*, la'IS! 7jS«tJ»»'"»ra, press agsBtrOr tba Ol* jraa oolaoara Wives/' IsBuaaaar otaastev*