New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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JEPTEMBER 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 471 OHKX riMiMBfttl.—Antamn dftii wen aerred wel Slav Luwo •DjorMl « rieb huTMt, u<i lb* elrcoi *i i»ap4dtroftte»™phl»be»irt •Tw^ Dl|bt. 0. unriaa nirloR mwter, »Dd J. W. Tnniiuii. don. mViu ftMtMr wMk. Md ibt wioMiDMin«ni ■■ mtdtt ^ibl UiPOD vill oot doM udUI Ocl ». Tbe Zoo'n jmmtf r#iottndeiltMiooii.biit Uiiroww aoraib out fS. lL wbM til* ODiUd Iialiu M>Cl*tlM cslftbht«l ih« nun OPiu Uom.-"A Bluk ftb»«p." with OUt uluL op«o«l SepL tL T1i« MgKK*tnent of "Ih* ir«v [or ■'uiuUr OuiUTf mtimu'i iUB>ff«mHt, proTtd iHr iumomAiL No oomfiljrATer met wlttamoniuil- iital GomiiModtUoii. Prohnsa'a eompuj. In "wllS'lSf'EfRWr? TU»lTM.-Edirln fo' "LIUU loblTiMD Crsm," caDi«t2,iiut After'Tbtt Junior Staev" kd taioytd aiKithsr wmk of coropumtlra protparltj art. LilirhBimr*. lotttir trlltj duoo,««nat litoUMiHereorfotlir. Kaltar39. >iairiU)ii5>0!i oniu Uodu.— Imncalllicballcain* ^^lo "A Fla.|[ or Trae*." "flhaDaodokb" wa« well ttacad ■iwMk *d4 praMDiad to aadleaoaiUiunoged Iram rrcDodlotetr. "BinlioraFaatlMr'*9. HBDOK'a OfBM Uomii.—Lydia Tumaa»TltaB nuda ir dnt acp^anac* banaa a aur ZL Id *Oottw Boad." ui vMk wud aod Tokat did inod bualaon Id "A Ruo BaDk,"and tiia"S.R.0/^ alfo wai uaed on mt< :tl oecantooi. "J^nd of lha Mldnlitii Bua" S. ForTTAtir SqiTAHS TauTni.—ToD}'PMtDi'aOwD OftQ- urcam«21 for tba flnt time Id Mreral jaan. Jobo ^iimdi. Id *'lloPadd*D'a Blopamaot,** did wall Uat WMb. lbs Black Cn>oh" 0. PBOTLB'a TBUTML-fiain T. Jack'i AdanlM Bdeo Co. pui*d S- L*«t «a«k Tom Mlaco'i V.iiv Club SptcUcu- avai Far* • Coiuodjr Compaoy pbjvf lo bl^ bualmaA. ba Builow Trocadero Go. B. PRUHAX'a TRUTBB.—"Tba OGtorooD**ira«pgt oo by ba Kocb company X2. Tba ftfaclalixM ware: PImtI* UtK Bat'uaa, NaUoD Trio, Chartea DUmood. Murray ad AldflD. LoulUaoa Trio aod Foou Bool Brotbvt^. lulptaatfclr. , „ KOBL A HiDoinoit's MvaiB-TfliA'ra&—In carlo ball. Et a taunwoat oriady arehan wot a DOToliy. Tiiaolio wui aroTMod by Bufano Wtnl, TaJ«iit(De Baoaoo, Aajclo- inarlcao MarroDatuaL Uarir La Hack, Malyoo, Toin iltDo, Lllllio Harru, Mou. Uovan) aod Jaanle Curtis, laataaaa ta mttygOM. ooaur-^AarlaiP.SalUborTbaaaniTcd and uaonied »oUDlorDfialf« at FmouQ*a Tbaativ. Dr. W. w. Fraa- nan raturolog to life 00 tba road E. Lavnoee Laa, !«iMdios nan of Fraainan'a Stock Conpaay, baa boao II, aad bb placa la "CoUaan Bawn** waa lAkaa b| Frank t. AOtu Ada Moore, Btt* Buitoa aad Starr ar« it oou'a Coieart Uall Bam aod Davi Marlon Jwoad Manddao'i ElopamaDt" bar* Manajtar Oaonea W. loutk baa (oao to Haw York to took aflor ibe IntoroiOrf a hit aiKT, Walker Wbltatid* Uaiufar Jubn J. tooun, of Ibe Lagoon, apaot pun or tbe weak lo Hll- rauke* MaDaaarWUl Hack, or (be £00. baa raa to Mtaata, tb* chaocaa are tbat tbe canloDa will rant a »tof aolnula lo th* Cotton Btataa'EipoaJiIon Ad- ilrtlM. Foatar la now aaaUtut treajoiar or ibe Oraad [>para Sooie Cbarlea B. Stmok b&a uaid«1 iiU MpoaUioDaacbleiDiberaitbaOrmnd.. . .Btbal t:ar1er ■ Kona uCIOTeland to r<Ooln EalbeoM'a Orpheum ^r* Emma Uaapal, Mn. Frank WUU, baa left for t'e* York, vbeie »ba vlU Join bar boabud Jamai >ou|laa«, ■howaamanaKaroftbaCollaauniaad Sauck'a In tbe earl; dayi, la back In the city- NellUMcDoo- iQgb, A ClaelnoaU girl. Joined "Tbe Fasrinv Show*'here. Fr«d W. Baylay preceded tbe AUamleH Bden Into owB KaoAgeriluiDinlnga, or Scott ACummloga, u 1 the nuDageiDtnt ofCora Taa raauU. CleTelABd.^ni0 BMJon, so ttr as belog ■ pre- cunor of aproaparoajyaar, iaa rillure. "Old Bol" will iwtlatup,aad thlnn ihaatrlcal,aa a cooBaqa*Dc«, are It aitandolU. WI*Ji ooa eicepiloo buMnen darlog the past weak wokl not eren be dealgnaiad &a good. BvouD lYuvu Opuu Uomv.—"A Fbtied our* waa Ibe attraetloo week of 6epL IS. Batter buainoM wai> coruloly doaerred, bat owing lo thi axtmmely hot ■oiUier bulnoaa waa hardlr good. DaDoaia Tbompfioo'a "OH UoaoMtaad" week ol a;,^'HidaiDO Bans Ooao'^week erx Ltcipm Tb una.—"LltUe Roblnaoo Gmaoo," with Eddie Foy aa tbe aiellar attr«ctloD, proiod lb* bLA. win* nerorth«wa*h. Uicorleot baflloeaa win Oooe 1&-I8, and rerronnanca waa bivoo. Ilsiene *phl«io,"nTe rplondld wUfac- equally wftb otlwr lUractloni on icMUoioftbe fearful haat Saodow'a "Trocaderm"are tbaatiiacUon week of SepL 23, followed by RotmnOown- lof In repariorr. SrAsTaBATM.—Roae Sydair* Barleaque Co did toit nice buflaaaadaring week of 18. Kalbdetd'a **Orpbau(D BtirB,"wlthTro}aaa iiailar atttacUoa appear weak of m. Cimwrord Bioa.* Double 3llDttr«li week ol 3D. Clbtblud Tbbatbb.—"Oo ibe Road," headed by Lydia YauDana-Titua, drew fiUI* w*a week 10. Hn. Tiioa made quite an Imnranlon with hir ola?er work. A • -"2oio.- a ihorouihly clarar perfonnance waa bi Mora, In ^'A Modem Mephlaio,'* nre rplw 1100 19-11. but Buffered equally wftb otlwr 1 t«TlTalof *'Zoio, the Magle Quten," win be given week ol fl. "Flayi and Playenr' appear* week of St. TBO0i9tB4).—Thia n*wmui1e ball opened up IS with a vary good line of attractloDL Dnforftioatoly the weath- er wmi or MCbaDature that baalnaaadorlng tae WMk WM not what It abouM bare been. Ibeaddltloaal aitrtetlona rarweekofOaroHoAToy and Roger*. W*U* ud Munro, McMaboBud Bnootgu, FUtnle Pntanm and Margae- rlu Nawion. P&mi Paviuob.— Buibiaa b*r* was ROod dorlag p*st week. Ibe Pavilion laaltnaieddlraetiy on tba lake and eojofi a ehar* of tba cool breeiaa. The oew ficra lor wMka of 2) are: VIotala, Moni. HarTTOe Oray, nacro- nune*r; MUe. Jo*epbln*L Finn and wealey. droM and HoldeD,ind a Ugbtwelgbt boilng match between Billy Btaffara, of Ohio, and Frank Roy, or Mtohlgan.—X. M. SeoU baa teceptid poilUoa ai pre** repn- eenuuvi of the Star Theatre. He wu with tbli hoane roar year* ago Manager A. F. Barti, or tba Eudid ATanon Uonaa li In New Torfc, attecdloB a muagitw meeting callea to conild*r th* qutatlcQ or«jt*n«ralpool- lag or ntereau Sharldan Blodi, of 'The Modem Mepblite** Company, la a brother or Hon. Jo*. 0. Bloch, recentlyreoomlaated forCongreu In ihl* dlitrlcL Sol. Norcoaaon, «lolioUt,baabe«n engaged roraierlaaof eonearta by the Portnlghily Club or uU cltr R«bi. 0. Ingataoll aod Oen. Jiihn 8. Ootdoo will betar* at Muale Ball In thb city at an early dale Tbe trouble relaUreto the adraooed icale oTwagte for tbe •taRe ma- cfaaaloeortheTarlonahouaaa baa t>e«n •atlafactonly ar- ranged Ttia tmUM* of Motlo Ball In tbie city bavi giventkatboUdlngamucb naedid ov«rhiollngand re- palrlas Tbeaudltorinn, wbich U tbe lamatln th* dty, bai lieeo thoroagbly renovated, tbe old dreealng room* nnodabd and now one* added. D»7ton^At tbe Grand Open Boiiae Anna En Fay opwed for one weak, commenelag SepL IB. Tbe per- (orrnanw was well patnralud. Sbealaocarrleai number of apeolalty people, among whom are the Holbrooka, Oas Arthar, aodClajkandTanpI*. Coming: Fmhman'i Co^ In "The Fatal Card," 34, p. ''Bonnie ScoUaad" at. Pabb TBUTsa—Two flt*t clasa eompaniea oeooplid the week ol 18 at tbi* houM, "Jolly OU Cbomi** IS-ia aad Bono* HItcball, In "The Plag of Trace" and "Die Barg- lar.*' Bnsbeaa was good (or th* w*ek. "The Wblie Bquadion" conea 21 fiomiiiu* BoBB tbbathb.— "Jolly OM Cbomr' came 19, to good bnalntia. Coming: BonBreBc«Uand"fl. 8t«ab«KTllle^At tbe Cltr Ol^m Uoiue "Good HoUow" plaaaad a fklr bouee BepL 19. Barlow Broa had a nnall bat appreclatlre andlanoe tl. Eitremelr warm weatlMr baa caoaed imaU bcusas ibb week, "a Teias Rta«r" oom*a OoL 1 LoRioKTaUTRB.—TeekofS: McCal* andDampMy, Za Drtw. Holmes and VaJdron, John and MoUl* Barrft Fran hi* K«rT, th* Uogua, lAura Lawrence, laura Wtbb and Carrie Con land. SprlBgfleld^At tbe Qnod Open Hoase tbe Oatrlck Burl«aqu*Co. did iiood builnaasSepL IS. Com- ing: 'The Fatal Caid'* S, "Booale BcoilaBd" M, "A Modara Mephbto" ». Biaoi'B bnu HocsB.—Oomlog: 'The Seoul'' cones BepCB. HaBaa«ld, ~ AC tbe HemorUl Opera House Ueleae Mora^ lo "A Modem Mepblito," ihowid to a fair altsdhoaa*B*pL17aodjar*aPleDdld nailafaetlon. Olay OlMunt, In "The New Dominion," hid a f^ll bnuae 31. Walts'H Comedy Co. are here week of 31 AL CI. Field's *'DaxkeKt America ' OoLl, foUowad by "A Trip to the Booklea"! jlkn>B*-Tbe eitreme bol rettber ot tbe put week has neatly affected ih* atiandaac* at the Acad- emy. "A Kodera Mephlsto." Bepc 13. pbyed. huwerer, toKGod huslneaa Dne: "Human Uearu"31, Olay Cbm- eai fl, 'The New Dominion,'* Olara Macey'a lady Hto- sbBlsaa, "Down la Dlsle" SS. FlndlAf ^At Ibe Harrlo Opera Hoate Cone Piwton'a Co. week of SepL IS plareo to "itudlng room oau" each olghl, abo Saturday aaemoon matinee ta "H. R.O1" with the Pair for oppoelUoo. Coming: "New Do- minion" 0, Al 0. FleU's Mbi*ireb27. OlSTRi CT OF CO LUMBIA. iif«.ki«j|a^»—With the mercQO moonUng vaB np latotne nioatles all last weak indoor amuaemenu ware ootlndnlgod In to any great •stent at any of the Capital dty oUyhouaa*. mor* especially at those of th* Ird oboB. Mmro** A W*si's npsrb orgtalutloo bad eair ralr boalnaaa at Bapley's National Thaaira. and Polar F. Dallay, with hia new farce oom*dr, 'The Nlibl Cink," at lapley'a Academy of Manic, lared about the aoBie. Wo. A. Bndj'a oaatloLl drama, "OM Qlory," which would, under ordtaary waslhar olrcnnatancei. hate been well patnnlied, waa wlineased by luiall andleoeea at AUen'a Orand Opeta Bouii*. A house coBpanr, flonststlng of Bryant aod Rlcbnond. Charlta Dincan, Ueo. wT Anderson, Olrard and Thorny aoa. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Payne Bdwanla and ^imall. Drawee, Mia* Alire Rtnson, and tbe Niilooil Trio, Bnaat, FomsUr aad Hoalion, prwented a good viadavlile programme at Eastoo'sBUon Ibeatre. but (o P«or boslnsaa Moms' Twentletb Centory Halda si Ker- un's Lycaom Thaatia waa Ihe only aUracdon that made asy money last week; tbe booa«e were well flUed it aa(b Crformaoce. and the bUl wu br ibore the average- The t weather did not e*em to Inierfer* wtib lh*deilr*of the dieou) of this bonee to see a moat «EC*U*nt p*rfOrm' aaee. RAriaTi Natiobal Tflunn.—Dan't Probmaa's Ly- own Theatre Oo. Bept V^O, "Utile Cbrlitopbir" »- AUBBtOuno OrBBA docst.—"Tba Bachelor's Baby' IM^ "Podd'obaad Wlbon^SKkt A * .ALBiVOBtLArATVTTBBQpAkkOPHA BonB.-LlllIaB BoMell OperaOo.,ln"TbeTiIgaDa,"a)-OcC6. _ . Ao*h«ii o» Mctia—"Shaft Ho. T' »-28l The Wblu Bav* iM)et i. BiRpri Buoo nmsni.—Walter flanfotd'e "fltiiig- lle of uie- UM, MMnlghtSpMOaT' Met». i«!!K:tfA^*^''" TaaiTBa-plelds k UuMea'aDrtw Int Cardsn-Si Rusaoll BroU»r»'ComadUns353)<t t aAJlOiaPABK.-Bnllilo Bllra WIM WaSoctll opening, Aub wjstphKrJtiSJIt^SsT of the Unest bouses of amuHneot In th* city. PENNSYLVANIA. Phl]ail*lphl»^TbD pmmlsed boom Id iheat- Ilm 5*"*"*'"J'"**'""'**«f**l'»d' The boiwuthar Mill d«pteasoB ,tbe aiuodance at nurrlaceaof amof^ wist if*,l,!?i.V*th« '-^^SS K?uTs w»k, irihe weather prediction* are ruillllal. BBOADftrBBBTTRBATRa-The Camilie IVArvlile upera .W'^*^'"*- '^'•'••'ti**'* »P«f» for neit week not •>'KH*"«ot 31, a remirkibly m ^ weather aod m many theatre going pMpl« •U I out or town are cooildiTvl. Had It been m U.ehi^K ""I''!! crowded, "fhe Ciae of R ebellious Sunn" Oct. 7. CBBSTfn'BTiinTOrBRA UoosK.—"LltiI« Christopher," alter eojoi tog one week of pheoomlnal rronperitfTIwkls pter for tbe oorreni week. It is only s burlskiue, but 11 la a Tory good ooa, eUyed by clarer people. pmsenilDg cbo caBMlalUeaandputon with a libermlliy wblcb rf P?fiS.*'*'" "P*" l*"* minagoaieoL N*it week RIcs'a "lln" returns lor a rortnlghL CntsTSPT Stbsbt TaBiTaB.-'*la OhJ Kentaeky" re- mains for ihe week, hatina none a Tair builosM list .l***J.7"if Cresioo Clarke appears lo repertory, prejenibg'-Hainl^fB, M end mailnaeSB: -M«ehsni orVeDlw-'Ji: "Oourii-Mr do Baun" and''Film Heart Nevar TJon Fair Lady" IS. tnailnee; "Much Ado About N»UiInii" 28^ "Kot;l*i» Herenge" 37 anil "Richelieu" W. "Knh Iloy" cf>me« Ocl. 7- WALMrr SraKrr Tiikatbh -Andrew Htch. In "Mrlei« r!!!"?' . 'r f**rTv»t aiirHCllon. Hrwlliera Br no. In "RlKht H-IK" did H lalrlr uuwl bii»lnc*< U«l wres. Tlieir work (■ vtry ckver, ancf the |>by Iim been aresily sfrengtbtijwl aod liiiuni«oJ >iitca UfttMoo hete. fiepl.S), nlllliiu JoTumo, 10 "TuwnTuplcii" PAnKTiiUTiia-NellleHclIenri-.lo'TheBlcycleairl," U Msoatcer VVorrelTsonailng for tb»ikre*«ot week. IXm- nelly ami Qlranl, In "Ihe naloDislier*." gare a Hood show Inar week, whldi was only modervlely well pairon- Ited. oking to Ihe unoomiorulily hot wtaiher. Next week Prlmroio A West's HlDniretsare announced. AUPiTDHiUH.—Tbe Vaudeville Club b Ihe current oiTer- luB. Laat vwh Husaell Bro hen' coiiiMlbiu alTorded ao •Kcellent entorulDnient. and drew Oiirly well consldar- loKtbevesiher. NeAtwe«k comes the Boston Howard Alheanm Co. NariojiAL TuBATak.-Tompklns' "BUe^ Crook" comei for the week and will wake ap the peopb ifaDyihlng will "Hunaoitj" did felriir well last weak aod waa received with no lack of enthusiasm. Billy Barry, In "The Rising aenamiloB," Heipt 30. Oliuau AVH.111B TUBATM.—"An Orean Pearl." a com- edy in Uir«e acta, by Edward B. Kidder, haa lu dm pru- duciloD on any auge Ihb week. Last »«ek "The Chins Dog" Ailractrd only moderate patroDagn, and doss not seem I great success, alihough there are Home very Ainny scenes In It or a rather farcical nature Hansger Holbnd'a aoubreUe, Mamie Qilroy, however, did wall wtlha veTT hanl working parL and ^hn b Bimost certain lo ptoT* a greai faTOrlt*. Sept. 30, 'Tbe Oomood." PoHirAtKiu's THBiTitB.-J. M. Ward's protluction of Delnwnleo'aatSIx" Is ib* current aitraetlon. "Rom- dslek"b*t week, waa well pbyed, aud did a good huel- ness In epUe of iiie hesL Neit weak the stock comi«nr again appears, this ilm» In "The Fk(« in the Mooollshi/' PkOflk** TiiKATRB.-"0Id 01orT"will arouas the pa- trinilun of KeoBluiitAn tfaiR ueeli. Jeifreys Lew|« ap- peared last week lo''La Belle Rosso,"'The Creole" and ''Kornt Me Hoi," aod prored that me has kMl none of tbe (innutic force wnlcli charartarbed h*r when last here. Mma eight or nine years ago- Next week, "Foa- laADiM." wblcb BusinessHaoater K. P. Slmpaoo aayri draw tbe bijcgeAt crowd ever In the theatre. BTA.iDABXiTuiUTBK.—"A Baggage Check" Is Msoagsr llltacfaior'soirerlngfor th* week. Buccom attended ibe pmduetloo or"A Ride for Lire." Isat week, and when ilie amperature waa at all besrahle, tba houe»* were well sued. Neit week "Side Tracked." Kkyu.'VQTO.fTliBATBB.—"The Man From Teiss" comas for tbe week. Last week "Tlie Midnight Special' was liven wiUi only fair resulta Neit week Kay Fosters tomerfy 1:0. CAHXCBOBd* Okra HOU0B.—"Shooting die Chutes," Liule BIJou niaiidie, Scooliui and Welch, a ueae eniltM "A Day of Terror" and the veiy aaccesaful opereUfc "Clarity llefllnsat lluote," cnnsUuite UKoacerCorncrov' olferings for the curreni week. BuhIsoss lias averaged fair dsanlte the weatb«r. Tbk BijuU.— Lew Doekstader reiiialoB for ibis week. Uie new raaiureson the bill mnbraciiilO'.Velll and Suiher- Uod.Vgrratile Trio, Dally aod lllltoo, the Lawrences, Soitiio BrotLsrs, Leopold aiid Hiiro, lUrrlnn, Delavoye and Prlti, Crane Brotliera. Fllxglbbou Kamlty, J- W- Hsr- rlnRtoo.ihe McMaiions. Weldi and Welch, and Delmore and Lee. Cmw<ied iKtusas were tb* rule last week. Tlie Hoaaows aod tlie Three Namedoa are aonoaocfd for nexl Tui Ltoxum — The Watson Bbt*T**Co., in their elecirle seoMiloD, "Bl Triaoiul«r Uiraiorlo." and burieaques, eutllled "College Days at Na«ur" and "Lud Jhiuraveo,'' coflie lor the week. ^'Zoi/i"dld a big buslnoM laatwevk. Next week the Reou^ntley Ciiin|«ny. TUB MuBBCB.—Tbe Female Barbers the Mysierioua Ball, and the bntera and buck and wing daacero, Prankl* llsli and TIra BarreiL are In tlie curiobalL and ilie Mile. Vucca Rpeolalty Company, headed by Mil*. Vucca, the f«male Bandow. give the enteruinneot In tlie theatre. Bualocai conilouea Cslr. NOTBa—Manager William J. Ollmore i« ImproTlng slowly Robert 0. Ingersoll loclurea at the Ursnd Opei* llonse 37 "Bbck America" will probably ap- pear at the Urand Open House aliortlr Esilier linii Joined Jeirrvws LewU' Company km weok, plarlng iarealre In'The Creole" and Ahce In "Forgot Me .Nat-*^ Mw Williams lias many r^ieods In PlilladelHifs, Iiarlag been In tbe atock company ai the Museum and at llie BlghlbBtroet Theatre, now Forepau|1i'*, lo \Sit The singers comprlalujg the Ulnrlcli's Opera Oo. w rhr an- nounced areas rolluw: Kinma Nevada, Belms Koert-Kro- noU. Amelb Loventz, Minnie Tracav. Leontina Ua'>i. Ebima [*angloia Bmllla Orasil. Raoul Viola,Jules Oosny, Fernando Mleheleoa, Domenico Minelto, Brazlo PIrola. Ourirloo Merley. Louis DeBaokor, Uulaeppe Del Puanto, Pern- Avertll, Halzae and Lorralo- fllgoorloa Parli Is lo eomfuct the twUet, Jules Alalsr Is assistant conductor, and Charles F. Bcbro*d*r atage manager. Plttaburc.»T1ie bot wealber codUqucb, isod ao dots tb* poor business. Buoti TuiuTHB.-Jolin Kemell. In "McKadden's Elupe- meni," thb week. "Bonnie Bcolland" cloaed a hot week SepL 31. "Uumanlly" comes 30. DVqowt TilKATHB.—Robert Hillbrd, In "Lost, 34 Uoari," lor the Oral time here 33 and week. Roberi Dowoiogdid notdnwaawellas he deserved to last week. Minnie Haddem Fishe comes 30. ALTi.vTiiBATRB.—Fred Warde, Id repertorv. Is the cur rent attraction. Aleiaoder Hatvlol scored an artlMlo suoceaa last w*ek. This huuMi baa been made eveo more t>eaatirul than aver. Tlie entrance hall has been elaborataly redrcorated with designs In which pale green and silver are the preralllnv colora. stud- dsd witb hundreds or inuad elsciric glsbeo, aod eet off with new paneb or beveled mlrronL Wboiwasror- tnerlj the large cooaervaiory la being altsred Into ao ebborate niuslo room, carpeiod richly, hung with tapee- tiy, redecorated and nfurolKlied thruughouL It blight- ed by an array or Ineandesceoi electric llthiA,whlch de> peod rhim ao arched dome. When completed. Proprietor Obarlea L. Davis will make a new departure by having pbno and orchestral recliab of chsmber mualo for thirty minutes b«lore lb* comineacenieot of each performance. Fmok Danleb. in 'Ttie Wizard orihe Nile." comesSD. NEW anA:(o OricRA Hodhs.— 'The Black Orook" tllln this week's bitl. Hoyi's "A Black Staeep" cioiwl a week'a eoMgementSI. "In ONI Kentuck»" V. WOHLD'8 HtmKDH TUBATHB.—Proprietor Harrv Davl* will reopen this popubr bouse 90^ with Julm lisrrisaa btiolness manager. The opening ntiracllon will be tlie Boston BurlaaqoeCo., In Uie burleaqueor'-fillleeTrilby." 'A Great Seosallon" Is promised lor 30. HiRRY WiuisHS' AOsDBUT or ■iwo.—Th* American T*udovlU*i:o-U Manager WIHIuds' attraction lor th* week commencing ZL Tlio Wal«on Blsun* Burleef|ae Co. did die usual brge business or UilsbSjsetbepMt week. HiRHV DAVI8* totn MCHBK.—The Trilby dancanu Are In number aod barerooted, rorni tlie ploc d< rcriitoner this w»eh In the curio lialL while the American Vaude- Tlll* Co. entertain In the tlirstr*. DOTLVTv.—Nancy McInio>ii, of thb cltr. who his msde a hit In comic open In Londoo. Ii lo give a eong recital St Carnegie lisll. Allesheoy. Ocl 8 James Weeden bsa decided not to go wlih Weber A FleUs'Co. this sea- mn, as ho bad originally lotended, but will continue as sdvertltlng aBooi of Harry Willlami' Academy of Muale. Barney Bamuab waa arrested In front 01 the BUoo Thtatre, It. for speculatlag In theatre Uckcta, tb*re be- ing* taw In this Bute against that pracllee J^nea Haiulre,* bill poMer for ihv HUou, whib awloginv a banner. 31, fell across ao awniOB post, and broke his leg. Th* Iwst dmwing show here at present u the Pittsburg Eiposlllon, which Is attricllog Imnense crowds. Cootarau's Band, of New York, is one of Ihe moat attncibe features General Manager B. M. BennetL or the BIJea drculL Is psylag ns a ■" atail the hoo»*s con- ' good lavors- bly by the critics of our local prea RebenO. Hud- son, PredWarde's advance agent. Is an old time Pitts- burg acur, hating been a uimher ol th* stock company attheOpsm llouaa, now the New Oraod Ooen Hvns^ ror several seasons under the manageuieotol "uncle" John A. Elbler. nendlng^iiB Ileege. Id '*A YeDUlno YeotJe- man." came u good business st the Academy or Muslo BepL 17- "McOarUiy's MtMiaiia" did well lA Florenre Biudby,lo "The I'ayTralo'•^had a Urge audleoee II. Comlni; nhsrba B-llaiironl. In 'The Merdiani pfVMj. Ice," 3ft; Wlllbm Barry 2S, Loull James, In "OlbcUo," 27; Billy Van's MInsirals a. , « , OIU.10 OriBA lIutmB.-TheLaiigdiMi DramsilcCo-, (n nperto^.^ld a fair bueinesa week 01 IS. Dan A. KeUy BiJOt) VnuTRL—Ttt* Am*rlcan Osle'y Uirhdid well IMl. Tbeir baaiaae waa daisied aod they were com- pelled to give theirflrat two performances In their *tnn couumea Tbe audleoca* aeemed to enjoy ilie show BOTerUielwu. "Moloney's Kama' Z1-3S, "Bide Tracked" *N^TiiL-WaUsc* P. Keffer hu been sppolotod reeldent manueroriheBIJoaT!iaalre.aodhas*nUred upon bis dntles. UeminsBed the operalioaaeatHouUi PrainiOR; ham, Mass.. bst seaMm, and lor eight vears msnued Ada bray.-. Prof. Victor Boehnleln.l*sJsr of the Bljno Tbeaira orchestra, will have charge oniie bead and or- eheatnol nifton and MIddleton'a Uooble R*perton(»- BeUs Broa'Circuadld a ralr baslnaasnere IS. WlikMbam.—At ibeOniid Open Uouie, 8epL IS, Uus Ueac*, In "A Yuinlne Tenllemao." pbyed lo light boalni all , . - Nellie HcUenTT'a "A Bicycle OlrL" 17. waa am! Jy?'!'**^ .'\Kp>ved to light bosli biraiieodsnce Tans bosinasa MIn- P^i»"iyL"^^,°' Nile,"brHirry B.ilmlihi *'£^S!.".V'**"' beglvsn It Intilsl psrfnrraanceai. Mi'»uoll*u--';OutcaatsoraOr*stOlij " 16-IA ha.irktr auendsnce." A Mnasy Order " IMl, had gmlbuslneM. To^Bie: '■In Uie Fooibilb'^ IMS, "MaJoney'a Rome" □iMTaRATRB.-Tlie Empire Bnienaloers, In th* p*^ sons of He Lear ao.1 lialL Waller Hyde, illlnore aed Uren, Hsrry RIchetts. Miller and May.8l\hor and Nona W>nns, played lu tery good buaineat week lS-31. ScrantoB—At Ibe Academy Cbas. T. Ellto. In .™„AlM4lao," cnraes Repu U; Uois James, In 'Dtbello,''14. Billr Van's MlnstreU pbyed 31, to good h|:u»*t„Booked: Uwb Mnrrbun, lo -Faust,'' 3fr. 3S: Frank DanleU. In-The Wiunl ol tbe Nlbi^lT; Blll>- Barry 0. AT Ilia FROTHiBOHAB.-Tlie Usrie Tavary Uraad Opera Co. 31II, In "Carmen," -Piuil" aod "The Bohem- ian dlrl." t^tiiB: Joseph Murphy Cki. 13. .AT Davw' TKBATBB.Wuhii W. Iiham's Octoroons S3-3S. "AMoTncked," ltf-31, drew good boiisea. Al(<MBM,*>At Ibe Eleveorb Avenue Opera Houm Barlnw Bros.'Mlnsir«U did fairly BepL IS, lbs only it> tmcibn ror the week. Ttib week. Doonelly ind oTnnl 34, "UeCanhy's Miahspa" r. Minnie Madilem Flah V. Coobg: Robert llllllin] OcL I. Frederick Wanla^'Tfae Blowiway"S. liaRHiDATn' ED.'tgMraiB had ndrly good busloeM weekorlS. Tlie altncilona thla we#k are Alice S*l>lon. Berolanl Belnioiite. Mailame Inrlo. FNiicliette. Wlllism Irwin. Ihe Bllnure tUster*, Davp Foy. and t;brk sod Aogeliu*. UaaicMater.—AI the Fulton Opem Hoiiso lliu Amerfr«ii tlslitly tllrU comn 8f|>l- U, "A Trip lu Uii> HitckiBK" 31, Minnie Msildern-FI«ke, In "TU Utieru i<f l.iar^"lMAKilsJaiiieii. lu "0Ui»lh»"3S.. . .WeMi Hms ' t:ii rus cluHia Itji seaaonin thU cliy 3.\ Eaeion^At the Alilo Opera IlnuHO "Tlio fay Train" did Ink iiusiness Bewl. IS. "The StruHnli* of LUv*' 31. waa woll rocclvod. The Usckny Oprra V.i: mniea week of 33-3tL HHOOE ISLAND. Providence.»At tbo ITD\1deDco Upera UouHe, we«k or SepL IS-11. "The Fouodllng." Cisi^ Fits genld failed to appear. Tlie bualnrui wae very llghl. Fi>rd)e rtrei part of the present week HIce'a "IW'and the remainder of weak Tbos. V. Keone. Palmer L'uK'e "Brownies" week oiai. Kimi'H OrBRji UoiraB.-"A T<>ias Hieer" did a big week's bu-lness week ending ». TliU week, Robert Mantell. Tbe advance sale Is sEira brge. (>liaa. II YaU's 'Twelve Temptations" week ol 3D. WBmiXBTBB TliRjLThB.-Ous Hill's World at Noveltlea Rare a fairly good show lo fsirly goud business week end- IngXl. Tlifaweek PiynoA Slierldan's ' CllySpurta," fol. lowed by Plynn A ^herfdan's "New SsnsalloD." LoTHHtil-'sOfKU llot'Oi.—Kstherlns Itober gave "Kil- Israey" bst week, lo gond bualoeu. Thin week, H*ud M iller. In 'The Planter^ Wife." Kaiberlne Ra*>er, in '^e Wire ol Two." week am. TUB RHODK Inus.xo BTatb Fjib, 16-31, was the biggeal kind ur a auccess. A new mcucubr eiinvaniiBa, entitled "Nsn KIncCole," byCfina. Lovenl>erg, of Keith's Opera llouae, waa produced for the dm lliue, and was a 'ilgsluw lo it«eir Pawtncket.—At itie PAwtucket Opera lloune, Sei4 I^IK Tony Firr*ll did a vorr nice oualnoM and garo a good nhow. "Fabio Ronuor' camn 11^-31, and dlJ not do much. Titia week, Agnes Willnce Villa. MISSOURI . Bt. ljoala.*DuilQE tbe paRt week Ibo wvaUier wsJi un>*earebly hoi and bunloea waa badly demur. nlUed. An excepllunally guod Hit of nimctlntis wan ttiv only Htagnot thsldrow people tn the ptsy at all. Tu rurtJier hurt Uie pby houaes, the KipuHllIun itlracteil large crowda to hesr Sony's Band. ObrMPlo.—Daniel Frohin«n's Lyceum Thosire Cn. prr- HenieU "The t>j>o of RebeHIoua Bu^ui" Huui. IS, 17. Bisinl 21. raatlnee; "An Ideal lluaband" \\ 19, "Thu Wlfo" matinee, and "Tlie illiariiy Ball" 'Jl, eTeniiig. Pila cotuMoy did Ilie liest bualnosa orihewwik andjiUyetl lo "two I —- — - ..- - - - houi Week or 23: 'The Msi «k and III iN|aeraijfl r^" t3iarlea Froliniao'a Uuipire Tliestre Cu- lli>biiil Kceu ceniendl. In 'The I'oliilcian." (IRINO Ul'BHA llui-HB—Tbs ilirrlck RurlcJ<iuei^o.. In Tliril'iy." tliU we«k. T7ia silvaant i>a)o In Vfiry laiKu. iAsa II. Hu|>|>er, In 'The Vale uf AT«a," pbyed to lliclit ItouaealaEi waek on avcount ofhot wpsthsr. Ward and Vnkea, In "A Ruo un the Bank," cmiio 9. BTANDskO.—Dark litis week, owing to cancelblluti. The American Viudevllle To. fsred nioMy bxi wcok. Week of 39. Hiacu s City Club. UiVLl.N'B -4adie llaseun. In "A Kentiiekv Oirl," U the atirsctionrurthbaeeb. "A Bowery (llrr* coiiibszj. HouiN TiiR&TRB.—Cbsrlss A. (lardnnr. Ill *Tiie Prly.« Winner." b thb week's atiracllno. l<ast eeek, "Rid t^»t t><n King" did s good bua|nu«s. "Bonnie R(.iitlaiid' comOB 39. hyUKH'B ALIUHHHA PALAL'B THKATHB.-t^rriill LowIh- ihe Fol«y^ Owar and Sillie Kelienis, the Buiblrka, i;od, nors, Frank Lmk, Ulajuond WblUuck. LuUl<* TUcrne. Tlllie Colllni>. Fraoh L. Oay end stock. UkMTHlATKB—Uorrls and Parker, tlie Duylet, BUiel Ore), Katie Aaliby, Ads Vaughn and Muck. HINTKR (lAHDlM s:<p COSCKHT CSKK.-Nellie Adatiia, Bmnia HnlniDiid. Billy DeOnie, Dot Flilior, llnier aiid WilUur, Lottie QuiKley. Do Varoand llaaion. BHVAXT'ilTiiKATHR.—Tlie i;oobyi), Hlllle Laclede, t^n Proublln. Minnie Palmer, MoConl and Uouulee, Ullle While, Belle I'atieraon. Uallia Qordon ami atueh. Nbw Com iqUB.—John Orady, Pierce and Jerome, Jeafile AUaius, Aiioie Hoiters, May Hruwn, Millie Marie, Jennie Howard, Ella Oll'^ert, Dan Keonedy and aiock. OimiP.—Oul. Cbas. pope will open hb new 0,'leuisl Tlieatre, Reveoteeulb aod Ploe HlieeU, witlilo iwu wMha and promise* aBeajM>n or upera, beginning wlUi "NatlJI.'' Among the people already engaged are Annie Meyers. Htanby Frendi and Prank Dsvid Opcot Kaheriis leavea for Kansss City nest weak to aasomo tlie iiianage- m*nt or the Novelty Theatre, lib wife, Hellle. w|l) u- company him Herry Bloomer, or BIcKimarandUulg- ley, I* daoKorouKly UI t;iiKa. U. SmlUi. luiuieriy of the Teooy laiullr. b now Uie leader or the Winter UarOan Orcheatra Ed. (!. Murphy leR for the Park, (HilcMgn. Monday Frank Young, b«t Tueadar, Joined Uie J.H. Cavanaugh lU and 3Dc*ntii show, leaving Jno.Orndy to assume nb poaillonof stage manager ort)iehewi;uni. ique.. ..Meinboraor"0'Uiidy'a Mlaliapa" t o. ire alowtv returning. They Ion St Ltnila tliree «eeba ago with H. B. Taylor, who lonnerly managed tbe Uiiluii Trust Hivf Qarden berr. Ksinaaa Cliy.—Tbe wgrmeat wealhor we hare hid stayed with ua all week, and Uie theatres all suir«re<l In oonaeiiuence. The event of the wnak waa ihe re<»peii ing ol iTie Auditorium. The Ibeatre lisa always lieen ooDslUered our handwment pby huu>o, but as It nuw stand'It Is among Uie handsoniesi theatres lollie Wtal. The Boon have bren repainted, tiio walls and proacenlom arch retuurhed, the boies repainted aod rertirolslied, Uie llghiB put lo. An enilre now lobby and Iwx ulHce, a smoking room,acheck roum and a bulea' roumhave l»en bullL Ureal luiDrorements lisve alM> Ueen made uu Uio atage. All Ibeuld stair has been repalnteil, and live new mta of scenerr have Ifoen added. A gnat many incclisnl- cal and electrical elTfcuhsve been tninduced, the work «>r ibesuge niaoMdlsL The house liiliached by the .Nitiunil Baokol t^>inmarce. DaalelifsnderMinislwMeeand idsu- sger, ami win do the booking, while W. & HcAliHter will cuoilauo Uie popular local msaager. Thn hiruae u|*en*d on Kept IS, Willi 'The Hllrer Lining," to a big auclriy ludleoce. It was more of an lovitatkin thu pncuulery opening. Bualneaa eonUnord ralrllirouglitiiil ilie week. Tub week'-fllabad," and neat week,'Tlie Olo>« Truii«r." CuatbmOpbiu llova*.—We hid our drat chance loaee "Triluy" last week. The wann weaUier kn<Kkcd iHiainesa. but the hnuaea Increasod the litter part and fair recelht* weraloUled up. Wilton Larkareand btltlil.'ratin Mar- tlneitl and (.'snUeld msde apecial htu. Tlib wrak will Im divided between UiO Boelunlsn*, In "R<ihln llooi|"and "Pilnce Ananias," Uie rtral three nigbu and (llulys Wallb Uie reniaiiiderof Uie week- Neat week.'Tlie rasa- log Miow" will burbsqui with us. OHAND OrsRA IfOViL—Laal week Frotiiiisn's Co. In "Amsrieana Atiread," perspired to msiilum nlwl hfMi-ea. This week, for the drat tirte here, 'ThetVjtlon Klng."and neat week, "Hush City." NlRTli Sthbbt Tubatrb.— Claveland's MliiBlrels pbyed here laalwesfc lo buusea which at Ume« were outuum- bered by tbe perfurmen on Uie ataie. This we#k. MurvAyoiHl Hook, to "Finnigan's Bill, and nest waak, ^The Derby Winner." OiLLiBOrBaa lloi'sa—lhla theatre will Uirowo|*Mt Ita doore on Buuday, A aa a cinilnuuua tiuusa. 'Ttie Plongar" will be pot on by the sluok, and Uio rotlnwlng tuma between the acta: Marlow and Dunbam, Kohlo, llanby. Logan and floaley, Anna Caldwell, OllWrt Barooey. Mliooelt*. and Wayne and LloOaay. TIIBATRB COHiqua—"IbeJaroes Boyi," by the stock, and the folbwlag specialties: Del Fuego, Pearl An- drews, Tom Fay, Walbce Blatera. Him MayMhl.Oeo X. 'Tlboo. Jamea Ulb«oo. NOVBLTT THBATBB —Rlcardu,Tom Flnnegan, Ira Moss, HUlr and Meakio. AI. II. WaaL De Vsro and llasson, an<1 Dobn aod Allen. From now on ladles will Ite adiallted free oo maUnee diya Fairhuurt PaRi.—Iowastale Band. WAfiBI)l(IT»R pABH.-ilawiliao Hiiid. CLirriHlkOR.—HlnglloR Bioa.' rirriiH csma IS ind gave .wuperfunnancaa to picked tenia. Tin verdkt was Ui« beat perronnance and devereat sue^t parade lhai haa everiieen aaen here Francea brake, of "Tlie Hllrer Lining" iUi., filnlMl oo tlie aiage Jut before the ckse nt llie opening parrvrmance Hooday nlahL at Ihe Audi mrlum, aiM the corUln waa runi down LItfyd'a Pavilion "L*. T. 0."Cn., which has heen making a sistaen weeks* mur of the Wml has dbbanded and af>ma oi the memhere ara In the city Jack llullaod, or tbe Leman Bros.' Circaa waahereoo Mondey Jas. (J W«*Min, a clown with Hlogllog Bros.' i;ircua, was sued ror divorce l/srry bull, or ihUciir. whn has been out wiiii Doll's Cumedlani and "By Wlu f)atwitte4." will Im In tiM aiock at Uie ailUa Paln'a "Hlege of Vichshurg" will be eihiMtad her* CamlTil week. Bt. Jtwepk.—At TooUe'a Theatre the Fllou opened a week'a engagement HepL lA and appeared b> In- rreaa'd bualaeas alFitlr- The coming aurectloea an: The BoatiMiana K. 'Ttosn i;ll»" 77, 'The Derby Winner" VL ilbdys Wallb OcL 3, 'ifo the Bnweri" t. UaAwroBDRTaBiTRi.-' Down on the flowane* River*' came to ralr|bo*"i***- Murray and Mack, lo "Flnsl- & "The iKoUon" gan's Ball," cam* 11 with Indications or Hg boalni 'The TOmsdo" gl M, Cleeebnd's Minstrels r " lluatbr" 1^ dteiaon^s iromedlons Oct- 8,0, "Omq 10. "Abboma" IL BDBK Mctvb.— Rusln*«s Ibe past week waa only fkir oo account or the continued hut weather. Tbe peopb ror w«iek of e ire: B*ech tThlMren. Roee WInebaaier. Wil- liams and t'arlloo, Mason ami Tlluo, Mal-Eanora and wife. 0u4ilngaml Merrill, and Thome andllarlioo. NOTB —Ulnier A. Cooper, foraierly one or the preprie> ton or Uie WitndetbQU, at Dea Moln•^aod fbreerenl years MenlKieJ wlib anius*ment*nlerprtae« In the Weai, le In Ihe cIly.vbliiBg his ohi friend and Wsllsce, nisnagsrui Cnwford'a SnrlBaaeld^Tho QeoTBla HhiiOrolA playetl lo exroibiit Vuslneaaal Uie Orand ibpL 17. Keraatidsaml Nell Monre Jr. may be said lo have carried elT llie haiiom, while the rest ot the treui^ were ruily up tu (he ilaadanl. Nsxt attraction "Hide TrarkM," on BL Raldwi!! Thbatib.— Ka.le Putnam Inraially opened the preaent seam>n at this house Kept. Itktooneof the laraeat himsee evtr assembled ^n the elty. llnroe mln- alrela, uodrr thesn|tervlBion of Jne t>utibN,for the .t. "-nr. drew good houses nlg[ Patted CMC romes3i. Ihl of k) and MASSACMUSETT& Pall RIver^At itie Acaitomy or HurIo sxcol- lent perromisncea or "Kauai" wen etO»ys*l by (klr slud lii>u«es HopL IS. 17. "Wang" prnvoil a cntwii drawlni iiiairnel 13, at advanced pilcea. "The Hroiiklyn llamll- cip was run to poor Imalneu ai.31. Comlni: Joe OIL In 'The 8iar Oarer." 3S; Kate <:bainn. In "The Twu (ir i>haii>,"»l: ' Pablo Kuiiiinr'Oct I. "The lliri I Ult Be- lilnd" f, Frank Uuah, In "tliri Wanleil" 4, an<l Amlraw Mack, In "Myles Anmn." 7, for the lensfltor the Hubert Knniet RocUtv- ItifillR TUBATMa—lAst week's audiences were recoid Itreakers at ihla hniiMS which la jiruwlng Innnpubrlti dally, nice Jl Bartim'a Cuniediso*, In '^MrlkH^le aul Prndle," heU llio Ihiattb IS-IK, and eniertalnvil emwdeJ btiiaca. Tony Firrel, in "Oarry Owon," l»-3i, haJ a re- ■larkeble run 01 hualiieas, "R. R. U." St tlitiea Hmhlnga: Allen A Wa^l'n t'oniMir Co., head liyllugliey Dougliertt, tl-2X AI. Kveve'a HIg Rliow 30-0, Agnes Wallice VllU wnrL l«glimin){3). .NurrH -JereitiUti Harrington, idvsrilsmg agent nrthe Hlnjtlliig Bnu't-lrrna. relumed Usiid sssuuivd Uiead- nirnalna at lllrh's Tlieatre. He has algned with the KinuliiiKa rur noil seasnn i:aiuidenme eielteiuoBl waa caused evening i>r 19 at Uie tbiety and HUou, by »ne ol Mnlliews tnlUMl wolvee eecsping lo the stage. Dan, oiiaofilieinosttresHierouaor (he paob, while doing the long Jump over Uie jiatea, struck precisely between two of tbe nsrs with auch forte that tbslisre se|«mt«d enounh 10 allow hiin lo get on to Ihealsge. MsnOBor Bildy lis- lOedbtely s|>rmng upon the stage and onlerwl the curtain itrDp|<etl, Uiua prevrDlIng the t«aM trun socsplng Into ihaaudlsorH it Is runinred that thellalaiy sndBIJun TliMire chiaeil 31 rur an Inilennlle perlml. Nothing la »a- nnuored for this week. WorrMler.~At Ibo Worcttsler Theatre Jrttwr O'Nell drew good houses ReoL 18,17. Robert MaoUll bad big Itoiiara v. 31. 'The OlH 1 Left Behind Me" 31, 'Town Toi'lr«"34. Hhea, In "Nsll tlwynne," 37. V*. LOTllHoK'H OriHA ilori(R.—Hsy Smith Kobblns draw crowdiwl houw* all bat week. ^'Fabto Homaai" Xi-St, Weile's trtinietly Oo. aD-4>cL L Fhunt Htmbbt tll'BHA llui'Bl —Looilon llalety illib, with Oiiisoeaa s sivcbl attraoUon, packed thIihuuaeaH loatweek. The French Fully Co. a)-K Norga—Manager Alf wlllun, or Lothrop's Opara llouat*. has |h>sImI a torlelt anJ challenged C. W. (IranL or the Front Bireet 0|>*ra Houm. to nteet Joeepit Pkiit In n bill posting c«ioie*t ror gSJU a aUe. He iiaa elm isaufd a sweeping cbalbnge In match Joeeph I'lant siid Dan llolbrnok against any two bill posiera fnini any the aire lii the country, In aolll poallng contest 'The Leauniues t^a**," a revontpeu wJllTiwi of "The Lyons Mall," received Ita llnit rreseoteilon here 17, by Jauaa O'Nell Manager Abbill Ilia liul a new drup rurlain l«inled rur the Fnmt Hireet Oiera Houae. LowalL^At (be Opera llntin ''A HaggaRo lAiOflk" pbyed to a filr houee BepL 17. Kitl* Bnimett aniu)>ed Mim audience In the upper tier who turned out lo hill numbera IV. M. 'The Ulrl I 1^0 Ualilml Me" waa wsll piaaenleU 3l to m<hh] houa*. Bt>uked: 'Tlie Deiby Winner" ZS, "Wing" 37, XL Mi'Mii'lULL—A viriety company comprblug HuBhey OoUgiisny.Wsnl and Ihirran, Allen and WesL Uio Fltnll'- iwii Faiiuly. Huri'hy and HctUiy, Mytes end Kayuivnd, K^ale (Ireliani nml Maud llaivey gave a cttikloa show w«vk ending 31, ami were rewarifHl with hig hnuaoa. "A Fair Itnbel" coiitea 33-3ft, aod 'The Knglneer" 14-3*. l«ynn.<»At Ibe Ijnn Thcalfe Jamiw D'Nell canio Kept- U, lit "Vlrglnliia," loa giKMlhualnrtaa and 'TheCol- inn King" iibywl Ui gonl houva l»-:il. Coming: "Kory of ilio 11111' Oct 7,' Huwing die Wind" R, "Jack llsiha WH>" ID. I'elprUsly 13. Mi'fiii; IIAI.U—Tlie regiibr a4a>«in al tlile house opaned a. with MayKinltb KoliGlna In "l.ttOaTrlile." fur tbren nlKhlM. mho fallowed by JulinT. Unuitan llielaat tbree, In^Tiiit tbe Tinker." llurvii'.—Wlllaid Blanl'iii, uf this cliv. Is now maiiiKer fur tlio Foi A Ward liiliiMrol cuinbliiatiou UiU la Uinilug New Kngbutl Wlllbm A. Braily. manager of Ttie l>tttnii King," was In Lyun laat week- SprliigAeld^AlOlluwre'fl Court Hiiuare TTiea- ire, rtept 10,19 JameiO'Nell prMOnleil "Virglulun" ami "TlieLvauniuesCase" togood relurita; 3U,HleartKebiKiii toralrbuaibe«:3l,11telhiriiisni^tollgjitliou«i. RookHl: "The UIri I Uli Behind He"3i, "Tuwn Toplca" 3^ "The Hrownlea" 3S-& Tt'cKBH'n rARLUHTilBATHL—For week of 16 Uie rullow- Ini people drew good liuslneaa: Nellie(Utrllal*. Uie tlrans Duu, Nelatin Hlnrblr, Mai«|i'a"tlio talking liurae," tbo My«r>, Waller and Wal1er,J.J. Penton. BiH>ke4l fur week uf 33: Nettb Flelda. Low Rakpr, Ham Hmdell, Henry Frey. Agnew Blaters, Bbbby sod Bluionda, Fred Wel- mnie. Ifawretire.—At tbo Opera lIuUM "A llHfgHRe f:iieck" plated togood liusineMHel>L IS. Katie Ktainetl played to llitlit buMna>s 10. "The tllH I Ull Hefaind Mn" tiloaaed a good houaell. "Town Tuples" pbyed bia fair liouM(3l. Coming: 30, "Wmgi"91,^"TlieDerby Mascul." I'AHH.—Tbls hnua« Is fiat putting ou Ita tlnblilng toudle^ and will open (lie aeaaon Si Tmanton.—At the New Tlieaire Waited Com- MiyCo.earae week of rtepl. lS,aaernoonM ami evinliiga, lo fair buslnew. ComlnK: "Wang" 15. Toiiy Farrell, In "(Jerry Owen," 34, 'The (Ireat Bro(#klyn Hand Itsp" 3S. ... asagii. . . _ . b to pnMluce iwn of hia pbya, 'The Plunger" and 'The InaldeTraek." Al tabbatb Park Uonnun's Jii>a]ieae Trou|>e will siiMMir In two perfumiancai dall y weai nf Z) MICHIGAN. Dvtroll.—At tbo Lyceum Ulay Clement. In "Tbo New Lhiiiilolon," cumaa 8opL 30-4>c4.1, 3. The taller half of last week Oe Wolf Hopper, lo "Dr. Hyntat," was treated ti> large and faalilunable "lurnouu." Manaiier Misw, of Uila ihiaire, staiea that some time In Octiiberha elllcoii- Vert Ihe Lyceum liilua continuous Mrrunnsnce house, and will tfoob In eoooecilnn wlUi a bfg Kaatem cmtibloa- UtiD. MaiiBBarHliaw'sleaieduea noloiplre until July I, IMS. Heanilinn, eiperliiieutaar* In order. Uktmiiit tlfiiu flouMa—IhihL Ihiwnliig crmia 33-lfl, fi^eMlltlllg "llebns." "Tlio illadlalor" and "OUivllo " iMnI followaaS-M. Uat week 8uL HiiilUi Humll pbyed m vory tair iiuainvaM. Tim acorclilng weaUier Ikat pre- vailed Uie bller part of Uie weak cut duan recelpu cun- slderalily. Wiiir.'tBr'HilHAitliOi-MliA Htil'Ha—Thieweok and nnsi, Uie Wilbur 0|>era Co Usl week "The l^nd of Uie Mid- night Hun" averaged a very goul run. OcL 6-13, John Kernellj^ln "The Alderman," followed by "biwii In (JAHfBKLL'H Bwi'lRB TBBATHB.-Thls waok, "'>hl Tsn- " La>t wfiek RamT.Jach'a "The Huh righUr" Ol. oiianed t«> a lacked houM end kept It up Lo Uie "big Inislnen notch*' tit llio end uf the engigeintmL Nbsl week. "Jidly Old Chums." UAPiniL rhjL'ARB THRATHB.—The c«mllnuoua ihuw uer- romiaiict Uila week Indudes llie ftilluwiiig i>aopb: FHmiu and BrroLekeich teaiJi;Ji»hn and NellU llaaly, I'UnU- tion abeiches: Palmer and Weal, wumen duellloa; W. H. OIK'erL aerial novelty: Jolb Kelly, I'uoeaololaL and f>*- long, iitoijuloguIaL Tlia drama will Ite "Myrtle Fanis." WujfliBHLARII TllBATMS ARU MntBK.—4!urlb liall: Ade. Una. rerosle Handiiw; Hultuiu. ciitnon ball ratrher: lbs Leas, mystery workers, and Hehl Broa.' Oreheain. Tiies- ireTriie WeMon Rbtera, mualcal tvoio; Fblierand fbrrol. iriali coinadlana; Mynle Tmasldsr. soubratla; Uie Am- nions (;ierlae Trio, musical eometly sketch; AllceOllmore. vocallsL and Carr and Jorilan, eooiedy aketcli Ltaiii. Grand Haplda.^Attbe l^owerg* 0|wm Hniiae 'The OM llouiPAtaad." HepL 3U, 31, played to ralr hituses. C'>mlna: Bol. KinlUi Husasll 3B. VI. Lillian L*wis 37. "i:h*rll*'s Aunt" SD. "Sbenaudoeii" OcL I. OHARd OrkHA llotnsa-Tbe Wilbur Opera Oo., Ml, «ayed to "8. K.O." Outilng: "TlieTwo Joliiia"t:u, 3S-3S, Two Old Cronies" 3S.», Bnivn's OrBHA llotsa—Week or33: Tbe Faabs, Jennie Robey, Billy and Louis* M. Ubir, BlUy Hill. Mack and May, Colaman and Marilo and aiock. MaslDaw.—At Academ/ofMuHlc'^elMuler" pbyeTio fair huslneaa SepL IS. Lillian LowIl In "t'leo patra." 9D, had good housn. HoL Kmlth Russ«U comes 34 and "f.'bsrby's Aunl" AT NiWBi.t'B Paviliov the Ford M Ward Comedy Co. pbyed to Cair iHisloees week of 18^ and will lenafn till weekoro. The house doses3B. KaUmaBAO.—Al tlie Ormnd Open lfouRO"Hl Plunkord" came HepL IB, to a Mg bouae. Tlie regubr aeasoostUilshousewlllopen'KLywiUi liltffa clasa ape- clalty perlorminees. AriiiBHT ur Ml'iic.-Booklnga: "TheTwo Jniioa" HepL I'A Tlie Oaistor" 33, 'The OU llumeitaad" 3S, Lillian UwUSB. DatlU CrMk^At llaoblln'R Opera Home "Bl Plunksrd rame 17. fi fair bnslneos. (;umlni: "Honing the Wind" V, Lillian L*wb 3S and *T1i* OM Homestaad" Laaalng—At llalrd'g Open lloaee "Tbe Dantor" cams Hmi. 19, to a fair boao*. "Ttaa Old Home- steed" eomesti, Lllllu Uwls' <;o., In "CboHUa." 3S. Jaetuea*—At lllblard'i "HowIdk the Wlod"de- llghied a gbi«l houae ibpL IB. 'The Oaolar" frieaaari a fur bouae 3D. Oomlng: "Tl»e Old Humeatsad<' 34, Hoi Rmtth Husaell 77. A N EW THEA TRE. Tbe DOW Montanlc Tbeaire lo Itrooklyn, N. Y., wm opeoed to the publto on Hept. 18, wUh the Tavtj arand Koallsh (Ipen Oo. The now theaUe atamtg on the Bile t(>rmerljr occupied bj Shertook** nid Abbey. The prvporij ha« » rninbtEe on Fullun aireei of 4srt„ wlib a depili of mtu, conneoilnfi wltli a plot of HrouiHl bRvlng a froolRge oo IteRslh Avenue or BSfl., and a dontb nt IborL.utaklngR total dppth of aTSrt. The building facog on Kdllon i)tit4t. Is H dno ihree Riunr Rinioiunt, and bag a grand ar- cade entrance to tbo ibt^n propor, with a floe Niure on one eldo aiiil a Iwllway leading to the n>oiiualH>ro op tbe uihor nlUo, The dnon ere of marblo. and the walnBc«MlnK of niarblo Hndnnyx. The celllnitR and rUIo waIIh are dccorateil In BDlId relief, nhlaniMl in creRiii and gold. Thearcade leadR Intit a loliliy, 'ju.i3ort. hi mIzd, to the rlghl of wblcb Ib looaleil tbo Ik>x oittco Rud nrlvAlo oniireHof the iuan> RgenL Thrno pairs of hninmmio Rialtieil glaRsdoom srimrato Ihe loidiy fntin tho fuyar, dirt, lung hf 33ft. wide, which imk*im ii|hmi Uio aiidlhiThiii) Ihrwigh throe paint of onmnu'iitotldmtni. Froiti the foyer RlMii'liuw innrlilo mnl Imn alalrcaHe* iMd lo the Imlcony almve. Tti ibo rigbi of tbo fnyur is aapavlnua patrior for women, ami to Ibo loft b a RhalrcahO kail* Ing lu iho innii'ii Rtnnking nmnw lu tho ImMinont. Ctmnrcling wlib Imlh nf ilimi nroi'bcck rontrs for the liotielU Pf the uatrnnH, The iliMiro proper ocuu* SlesRiijwceof KAfi. by lesft. The bUro la Mtt. In epib, TAf I. In width and TAfi. In hvlght lo Ibe rigging floor, lietng Riiiplo in Rtxf to iinijtttrl; prosont any protlucllon doslrwl. on (ho Hldew of the HiMge are the drasMing rtMnis, ihriH) Urn In height, all of whU'b have lH>en niled up wlili uvory coiivunloni'v. Uo oliher Rido of the anillinriiiii) bi an oj>on eouri, ooveu fvot In width. In whUii nro ItKMieil Ibo Ore escape KiRlrwayM rntiii the lialcoiiy. liilo HiIh rotirt there are iwo r-tltfl fn>ni oai'h riiHir, oarli Mix feet In wiilih. Thrno,IniMinni'cthtn wUlilhoniHinutilnucu, eimblos tho hmiHe to Im vevatiHl liwlilo nf ■ fuw HiliiuleN, liu'HRoof cmorgonuy. TlioroanifmirhitXeR and two iiiguH on the iwlt^otiy rlmir. anil lwi» large Ihixoh and two logoR uti (ho next. The oDlIro flitUh of tbe aiiilliorlitin In lu crvani. pink NUd gold, Tliu dmporlriilii llio Iwxcs, olu„Mro lu bHrnmny with tbo Bumiundlog docuratliiiin. Tho drop otirtHlo Hnd Rconory have boon paliiieil by wull knnwu Rroiilo artbbt, and are aiirautlvo. Tliu litilliling Ih flnnnHif ihniughoni, twiug of brk-k, slono, Inmanil aloelcoU' HtmolTon, end no coniiiUMlllilo iiutortabof anj kind hnvu lioun umKl. The wtini>ry anil psrapberaRlla on the HlRge nre wild to Im thumtighly nru- rirotif. Tile beaUiiK ami venillHilngis of the niu«t rnpruvml paiioni, the fau anti blower RTHloni Imlng tiHOd. t-Uocirlo lights are thniughnul ibe building. In Riilldlty of cnnBtnicllon tho Ntmuiuk Im tho wjual of the itcflt ihOHire In tbin coimiry. Fmm the con- oroto fnuhiUllonH, which Hru nf udumubI depth and tbickiieiw, to the cnpiiiK the iiialn wallH ut Uio building itracilcally RtipMn oiil; Hioir own weight, the ontlra fraitiuwork bDliig uf Inni ami at^e). All partlUobH nro of terra rotia, only iho door*, win* dowR and IrliuinltigH oeliig of wihkI, Twelvr whie, double donni omu rroni tho audltorliiin liiln a torgo court on ollhor wide nf tbo ihcBirv, wlili ugrcsa to the Hireol in iho rear, while aix wide ilntiiiiodoom open lo Iho fniut of Uiu hulMlbg. Tlio Hoabiare large and far apart, giving ample room and making uToryihlng coiitfonaldo and iMinrflulnut for the au- dionce. The ilocoratloiin. hb h whole, nro bright, oliotirfii), harniunlouN nni( InHiIng, In complete nar. iitony wlib Ilioatylnor Hrchltuclitro fnlinwudln Die ctiimiritcUiin of tliu hulldhig. Tliu iimIii culling la very agrucMlilf ntiaduil fniiii a Mifi, ilollcalu Mitiinn oolur ui R iwle luiiinn grven. In tbocunlro or the culling HRi four Rguro paiicb, siii In fraiiiDS done lu froHco. TheHiiliJiiuliior tlican rniiriMinulHHraTrHg- eily, Lliumlure, Arublitrtiiro and faiislir. Tlio art- iRta have produced a IteRniiriil iiifori on Iho Hide wallH. Riid itiio that Is diHlliiclly iinvul In lltnl It glveii the linjtnwthiii nf Hllk injHeitry, tho Insldoof whioli Ir ilecoraled In a ilidlcadi grcoii toim, with nniHiiioniH lit Ivory, and m shadoti tliHl tho allk UjWHlry (iiTiM:t Ih porrucl,ani| onuof oklrouo lirll- llmiuy iilidur Iha raya nf (ho uluRlrlu llglib. The uudur |iari of thn Iwlcoiiy la ilitmrBled In harinuiiy Willi Die niHlii cidlliig, nnd horn nihI Ihuni hto iiinn imnul ngurrrt, Tho cidlliiK iiiiihT Ihe gallery, m Willi an liM nvurhaug, rihI ilin uvrrhHhg of ihn lutl- miiy colling, imvu paliiiml (Mnob of nowumrreuied III niL'oco (inianiuiilri. Tlio Hiiliject of the drop iiur- biln In bikun rnmi a fani<iiiH raltitlng, Riiggeated by (lenonil IjUW Wallace's tlirlllliiK iMiartol men In "Hen llur." Htuiator Wiiiiaiu 11, Koynnlib Ir Uio ciiiiTKrhir whn nructod thn ihoHin), niid hu lion i^ir- uinly prmhinwl a vuriuiiiu leniido orRrt. NLW YORK CITY. UbbI Wffk'a Kvenls.wniu |iaal week added but lliUo bl Iho HOHNon'H rtiirurd. Twi* iMtliii|Hjr(Miil playH wuru given iliuir llrHi iiittirKisilliiin hearing, there wuru wivuml Aiiterlcaii duliulH ii|mii variety HiaguH, a wull known mniltrella wns huuii liura for Ihe Ural (Imu hi MlullHr rnpatliy, a Kniailway Uie4- tra opened uuilor now innnngoniriii, Hiid iIi-hUi claimed an ROtur who, thmugli long yonra of aer- vice, had gained loral roiinwu. Thn wuadtenhir- liig the greater pRrt of tbu week waa fnlr and pleaa* ani, bill, iiuverUiolbfM, tbn average of biislnuMH wan far from HaiUfaubiry, alilintigh a few nlroiig altiBo* UooaMocurud gooil alleiiilHnro Tlio conUnnod auraeilunn for Uie weuk ending Bept, 'il were: "Trilby" at the (UHliaH, "Tin Chief* Ulii" at ARHiVu, "Tho I'rItHiner uf /unila" at tho Lvt;gUM, "Ibib Hoy*' al Uio IIBhalu BgiUHg, "l>r1nceHR Ihmnle" at iho llHiiAitWAV, "A Man WIUi al'airat the (UHHitig, "Kleiir de IJH"airAMi- gR'H, "Tbe Ureal IHaiiiona mdibery" al Iho Ahrmi- VAN. "The UaplUd*' al Uio HriNMAHn, "TheHimrl- liig iMichem" at Ihe AuAiikHr Ui'Miir, "lAtOtil- ller de la Heine" at Oalv'h, Ihinlley'R Clrcua under canvas, "Imt, 'U Hoitn" at Hott'm, 'The Horry World" al the Uahihu, and "Tbu City of ricaaure" at Uio KMPlHg, Ihe thruo last iiamml i:liMlng upon thai daU) The onu wei'k ataiidri cloRinK HepI, 31 wore: "KanUMina" at Ihu Ukahii Opbna lloi'Hg. "The While Hat" at tbu rgiii'Mt'H. Ul(»<s "im" at the IIahi-XM OrkgA Hduhn, anil "Caplahi Paul" nl the Comimdch Variety eniurUilnmciut WHN furnlsliud ulTimv Pah- Ttm'H,Kon-BH A HlAL'H, Uio llmilN HgfAHB. TNtH'- TUH'a, the lA)HimK, I'KUCTUK'H I'l.RARt.'gg I'AUCg, tbe UXNTHAI. Ol'gHA HnlfHR, llio (lAISTV, the UI.VM- riii and Mihbh'h lluvRHr ami Kiuiitii Avrhub. I'erfuniianceR In fJernmn were glvea al ihe OgnHANIA TllgATMK Al lllO Vinil AVBNUB Thbathb Nat C. UimmIwIo licgali an ongageiiiont Hnpi. ifl, vrllh a revival of "A Olhlcd KiHd." The Hijoi: TiigATHR roopoiie<l Hapi. IS. under the oianRgoinehl of ItUilnlpli AniiuHin. 1'ho atiracUon ufTered for Ihe ucchsIuh waN Hey Imlu lu "The Widow JiiiteR," a farue comedy, In three nris, by John J. Ui:Nally. Thla was Ulsii IrwIu'R nnii ap- pearancu In thin city an a Hiar, and iho play had un llilR ovcBRloD Mr nnl inuirupoliuo priKlunUun Olare UnrrlR tngan un Hepl. to a fortalglit'R engagouieiil at the KuuicTgSHTii Htmbrt TiigATRii. Hlie appeared In "Camllle" I'), llandinaUiieo 21; In "Ilayifiondu" iiislluoe IS and evening 'il, aod In "Mbw Mouiion" l\ Iv and ».... NatoBallRbury'R reimHlucUnn of plMniallon life en- UUed "Ulack America" tiegan on HupU 10 a brief aeawn at the Madison Hquare Harden "The Wlilitt Hat," a comedy drama, Id four acta, liy It. N. Htephena, waa aeen for Uie flral Ume la thU Hly on HepU IS, at Ibo I'roI'I.B'hTIIMatnb Tlie OsBINO cloaed Ibi doiira MepL 31, upon Ihe ratlreininl of 'The Hurry World," and will not ruupeu tliuia iioUl the early part of Kovemlrer. In ibe meanwhile al* teraUona will Ite made In Ihe houne. Huch otiaiigea wure lioperallrely itefiuinded by lbs bw—Charles Mclercf], a veteran Dieniiier of Augugtin Daly's Company, died in tlila vlly Hepl. IV. A brief Rkelch of hiR career appoare among tbe ohliuary iMdes lo IblslNBue A prufeMlonal maUmw waa given at lbs Mtahiiahd Tiiuthi Hept. 2o tn order bi allow roemliera of tbe profewl'in an oppi^nlty to ap- plaud "Tlie CaplUil,"a work whirh Ir grcaUy In utv\ of eDcourmgemenl of aume wirt. Tug tUHB^>gBor the Kiten Muneo baveoncemore decided Ut aimndon vaudeville ami devuto tbe re- sort eoHrcIf b* waxworkM and roiic«rtN. The place, Il la Rtated, will he radeconlcd and rofiimlRhcd througliuui. and tbe caiMcltyor ibu Winler garden will be greaUy locreawtl. Tbe rhMiiucn will lib com- pleted la alMjul two weekiL and will Ihi nmde with- out InterferlDg wlih the dally perfrirmanrci.