New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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472 THE ISnEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28 Kxi'inR TiiMTiiiL-Joha Urair beRm hliiaDniitl (intiseiseni >t tlilii Iiodm oo Btpu 23, nrencDUnx lot iho lint Udm Id tbli cit; ••Vimi Impniilent ^ouDg ooupl«," lij BeniT Oaj teiloloD. Tlili plk} wu OiBt proMoUd ODiler lu praMot Ulle •! ilio Daldvin TAMtra, Bid FmnclDco, C*U Aoi. M lut, hut wM oHilDiIlT prodDcM ki "Ttia t/>n KDOt," on Ha; 20 ot tbe noiniit ;nr, kt HMdle- lowD, K. Y. lu nlon hu ilremdj Mpwred lo our column*. In conaldehnii Uic mtrllaof Mr. Utrlc- ton** work it munt t>o remembcrM Itiit iha pUy wna wriiitn to nttlit •lilMilu tDd tlio ptciilltttua ni Mr. Drew, nnd Hint tbe ohjeci or tn* work In onl; 10 nmnu. In the Ot'lng proccw (lie aulhor tail iMtD omlncnil; KUccuafal, and It Iba Hiat li not nwn ai lilH twfli In ttila comedj It la titi own fauH iinil not Ui. Cariotm'a. Nor hai iht plarwrlibt iioen leaaauccoaalnl In rnmlablnii enienawiinoni riir Ilia niiillmico, nnd, doaplia cooNldtraiilo carclMa wciiknuinahlp, wlilcb mam tlio ciireedr. Dr. Carlt- Ion liaa novcr doDu Iteltor work tliao la aliown In imriH of tlila play. TTio tnamo wan liuitpllj rtaOR^n. iiiiil tho oiitandlomeniA artdng from tbo Imprudont iiri at Ilic jnung uiupls aro akllimilj wroiivbl. In Hplloor Mimo proiuiir In tbo llnl act, ttiaraan Horae ilcllulii/uflj Icnrior and Inironuoiu love paitw- ftca thai chami lijr tbiilriitlor lack (it emoUonallam iirM^nilincntalllj, mill byiheprcmncooran all per vniliiiK jojriilncaa. Tlie llnei Rliaten wlUi Rcnulno \vli, tnrKO, nrlfiinal and keoDlj pointed, alllioufih It iiiuKt lie coiifomcil that llioro are ni^cadonal elTorta III ilila illrccllun Uihi are lanenulile falliircii. HoM iif tiie iiicmlabea or the pla; are lUcli aa can he roadllj romored, nnd It la aonicwiial aur- lirlnlni that with the tiiala alrcadf iilven It thoT Hliotild have lieen allowed to remain tu mar lla met- ropolliHii irlurapb. Some of me faiilu or the work, however,canmit be eiullrrcmcdl«1,and afewor tlicin ailinlt or 00 repair. The plarbia liccn wrlt- ivn hj nn Inverted pniceaa. Tho ilrat act, In aplie iir wimu rcdiindanf dialoitoc, la bj/ir Itiolicatof Hid three; the accond act, while conialnlnii aone oxccUcnt roniedjr Hcenci, U, however, lantelj rard' i:al, and the llilrd acl la dIatreialDglr ledloua, lllog. Icnl nnd iiiiiiatlsrylnii, tne only remed; for Ita faului lictui ciiiire rcc'inatnictlon. Mr. Carloion liaa woven Ilia material loo akllfully and BtronRly for lila ■mil uiimvulluii. Un haa twhitad lliu nieabea iiroiind Lla clianictera m llioreuRhly Ihiil lie aeonia ui have exIiaiMled hla cunning when the time hiia come for Iho uodolug, so he cuU the kiinla and leu ihe niiUru falirlc fall In mini. Moreover, ilitaact licka pl<:iorlal hackfiroiind. The iluaolailnii of the barren anannnnt.wliVch la lloilicil tiiily liy the ronllnfa of ino atage; the lmpoaMlii:a iriuciiiant, Ihmiinh wlih-h a hay vaion might lie •INvcn, and tho niitlylng remolory. whieb aervaa no ■iiliur piirpuae tlian to aupply npiKiitiinlly for aonie vnplil iiiteiiipla at humor, all liave a moat doptem- lug ciTucl,aiid when, near Ihe eloae or an act almoat devoid of HcUon and full of comparatively puhiileai ■llalogiio, we reach the lame and Impotent eonclu Hliin, wo iDarrol at the audden paialyahi ot llie niillior'H ingonully. Tbe giealeai Biimilae we ex- JHirliiiiee, hoivcver, la caiiaed ti; the dlacovery tliat <r. Carloion liaa had the l«inerlty to borrow tliat Avhicli, In the biiigiiage o( tJie piny, we may enll the giullng cplwdo, wliloli la of ancleui iluTico and wuioli had ao reoenUylieen emulovcd upon tlili aame aiage In "John a llreama.'' llio play, iia wan o.xpooled at tbo handa or Ihiocompany, mia well acted, allbuughHr. Urow watliy iiouieaaa Ht Ilia beat. Ilia porfumianee lacked the pollali wlileh haMniailehliQ a favnrllo. He ciinatanlly re. Hortod i4> faclnl cnnlortJon to expreaa hla rcollnga, nnd llilK iiiiigging will coruloly nut add lo hla repiiiatlnn. Uuiid Adanw baa a role Ibai bi far bo iioath lior powora, hut one Uiat la, nevcnholcn, liloaaing, and wbleli aboOlled with artleaa grace and cnpllvuiliig chuiui. Anna Delniont, a nowcnuwr In the coiiipKuy, made hot comptiatlvely aiuall rolo aland nut lu proDiluoiit reller, anil acini Willi eliamiliiir piquanoy. .-^he woo linniedlato rnvor niid riobly dcaervod II. Ilanry llarwoud had II hluaierlng rolo, which dlircni greatly fnmi iliiMoln which wo nioHtdellilit iiiaue hlui, but he iiovcrthcleaM merited pmlxo fur Iho rullliriiluntf and uvuiiiiewi or bla porfurmance, and evideutly llioruiighlyconronned totbaaiilhurVildeal. Arthur llyronagain ailkirded convincing ovidrnco that hole 11 very caimblo actor, and l,calloAllen Kwtiionoor tbe liiiirela gained tliniiigb yvara ut ralUifiil aorvlco, nl ihnugb In thia Inaiiiuee bo had i>ut llitlu lu do. Kilu'l llnrrviiiorechanned by lior Tutiibriil Iteauiy. iiutaceiiieil In lack ciinlliloiico lu inr |»i<vera. bho need nui fear, howevor, hir hero ahe la nurroiimlcil i>y rriouila niadv lu |iarduDany faultof liiox|ierloiice iiiitl In exteiiil lo her every eucoumgctiieot, lino 111 Ihe very bent peirorniniiceH nt tbe ■wcaalnii waa that of Fniiik Ijiiiili, In Ihe nilo or thu bullor. llln work waa iiiiav liiioly iKirfui^ In npucch, licarliif: and In every ilulall. lie doMervpaliearllniil pralMj and wrtniirii euni(miiihiil»iia. VIrglnbi lliienniiaii, llurlien Aye- ling, I.OWIH linker and Annie Adaiiu, wlm cniiipivie lliort^lerof the eoiiipany, ivuro entirely Hnllrttac toiy. TIKI nHalgiiincnt iir mioi; Jnhu Aiinnduj, Jnbli llrcw; llnolol Tnlilii, Harry tlnriviHiil; Tni femor KluiH TuMii, I.cm1Io Allen; .N'lchulna (inliryL I.UWIR Uukur; Hnuncer ('arailny L'nlliier, Arilmr lirron; Ungilnn Kiidlcolt, llurlHTI Ayelliig; llnw kliii. hYiiiik Unib; Jeaiiolle, Aniin lldninnt; Kaiii erinu, Kiliol Uarryoioro; l.iicyiAiialoAilaiiui; Mm. WiHiilliiiry lliiiihni', Virginia Uuefciiiuin; Uarluii, Miillil Ailaniri. UiNCK'ii lloirmiv TiiaiTait.-i;u!i IIIU broiighl Ilia World or Nnvolllca In ttiwl] Hepl. £1, ulieilltiK in rnir hImiI aitdiuncea. TIiuad who iiraved tin* neat wore well repaid by I ho oxcolloni perriiriiiniire pro aeiiteil by inn eniiipanj, which haa been HOloelod ivlili good jiiilgenionL Kngonle I'olreMeu, Iho tea- iiiro nr^in iimgnironio, nroMintcd htr wondorfiil ex lilbliliiiiVir hand balanulng and coniorilon, nnd waa iipninuiluil. .Hie Hhowa reniaikaliio alrcugili and iigllliy In ihii iiiaiiy pualilnua her laaly aaaiiiniai, iinil Iier hand dancing waa gooil ikod In iwrreci iliiiowlih lliu immlc. Klelihi and dallnaupon tbe inirfoniiaiinu In Ibeir alnglng and dKiirlnu aei. In- iruiliieliiK Hiiiiio extra high kloklnr. Tula la their ilrM irlp Kaat, and limy won) well rocolvoil. flea mil riiiuiwedliihla rhallongecluliaTlDghigHcl.aud waa liinllnlly twelvod. Iloiiiilo I/>|U(, alnglng and ilaneltig aiitilirutio, made a Miocoaa on her lint ap- IH^miiee, and reiiilered aevcml aonga lu gnnl vnic" iii;il elevor aiyle. Tlie Four Oanlncni, In ilidr innalinl eiinie-'y art, pbiycd good iiinsic, luier Hiwnu'd with uiigluklilo bualuesK, iiw nilli.aty lianil nnlali, and llitle lilek (lanliior In bla ■ lover Inliiii awlllgllig ushlbltloii, raiiacd iippbinai'. tlray uud Conway, In a liuloh.lrlali iiei. misi'il hcnrly laiigluur, Ulaa Cnnwav'a Irbiti ■■ItarHeiiTMiiiga being iiuieh npplaoiled. i-'rcil. II I.i'pIIo'h mliicnuid iloga, hielllilllig llu) iilienoliiclially li>iitf mill high Juiii|iluK gniyhnundt, lulluwud with iiiclrnaual aui'eraH. MiLMIo iiuil lianlula knoikwl iiiHiiit, biixeil mill wmallud, pmvnhliig cnnilniioiia inlTlh. I.eiv llawklna' Honsaiind parodloe, ennialn- iiig iiMu; liH-al iioUilH wbleli wenirradllycanghioii III by (hi< niiilleiice, were npiilaiidi'd. Ullo. roireaen 1-iiMeil ilio of a|ici'lallle>, ami Ibeabuw wna eon- I'liiiled by "Ilio Tweulluili Coniury llnrlKir." n liinithablii mieiplGce, wlili Wiliiaiii llmv, John ■ liinliier, Ikiiiblu Klrbla, J. II. UelVil*, 11. U. (lard. HIT, Kil. II. lifiulrla, llenluOuiway, Ibinnlo ■.•iillo, Milo. .Maliiiii mid Mtilo nick lu ibo cam. I. a. Ilnsu la In bla elgliih year wlib Mr. Illll ai laialnoiu iimn. iiuer nr the iinvelilriL II. i'. lianlner h aiuge man. iiKcr. For iii'M wiMk, Iho llollly A Wooil lllg 0>. la i>oiiked. lusiKiN TiikATKR.-.'<ain r. Jaek'a Oilgluul I'rwiD iViiiilkiiiy ii|Kiiii*il to inldaiiuiiner aiidlanee.-i after. iiiHMi and evi'iilnu nf Sctn. '.M. Thoaiiblo biieil iier- fi>nm'i>i jm-aeiit an oiitenainltig pnigmuiiue. The i-iinnlll riai'anli Ihu uiilnl flnl |virt uibleau. altera pn<Iliiuiiary obnnia. Tbo aiuiga and i-bnntaei* were ■■iijiiyi'il. May llDliee, Florence IIIiu'a, KIIIIo llniwn, .•^leiln Wiley. Ihin lioan, .itnillD Toiry. Annie ltiw<, ivuie AliKii. Ilalilo tjiiiii'he/, Maiiik) I'arvoii, Ulam I'niil, Oninle Alillaniy and ellier iliiskr bellea, riiniii'H iiiMui. Ilxli Colo, Waller ikmrl, \Viii. Her- Irving JiMien. line Haylea, Win. dauie, (Icorvo vviillaiiin.JiiiitiaJnluiaoD. Smith and Jiihnaini. tlef;- wlu iiuil ILiviH, Wkwii Prli'o and Cturlea K. Jnliu* :..Mi Inking iiiin. The nlln iiiTaeuia Siullh and John- -I'll III baiijn Miiiailoiia; \Mllliima anil Jonca. com. oiilAiw: hloiviieo llliiea, Inipemonallooa; CNile nnd Wiley, iliietllsirt auddaiiceni, and (lofraln and UavU. ''I'lider Ihu Weeping wiiuiwi," a aeriee el tuoilli>ye II ml nuirebv.-i. wa^ applaudeil. "Tlie Seutbem .'^iiu* M-i.'' Willi buck ilauelDg neeouiiuniuionl and a • nke Wflk. eiiiii'liiiluit iho |iorroiimn>>e. Illdge Waller la ivprcaeiifuilvo tor Mr. Jack. Next weoK, WelK-r .V neld>' Own Co. ilKisi" ("l Ein lint SI.-Sydney (•niudy'a ploy, iiiiivingihe wind," wna given lu Bnt produeileu It Ihia bonne night ot !Mpi. .'3. Though ihe wea- Hirr ivaa excuwlvely hnl, an attilleiice or good xUe eiipiyeil tlia iieireriiirtin-e nf vliat la cm- !«lil>'ti-tl III- iiiniivlobe Mr. tlnliiily'a inaaleriilece nf |ii-i\ Lviiilng. Tne mat laeiiilrrlyai'uinpeleiit nne, mill J. II. lliliiniiir na Mr. brrtlur^iu nnd Uaiy ii>.ii|i..Mi n« IttiMiuoiiil welt), na unual, exeelleel. ,\ KtHiil wiinl la ala.! due Thiiiilaa Wblinin. In Iho i '.:ii-.lilei nt Mr. Wmkln. The lull eaat rellnwa: .Mr. llnil.n7.on. J. II. Clliiioiir; Mr. Walkln. Tboniaa wmiri'ii; NiHl AiineiOey, Henry J. t^rviil; uml rot- \v»ini. .s K. .Hnrliiger; .sir Itlcbanl ftmllnr. (ley siiiiiil- »e: Mr. lk>akln. rnMlprlrk .<%lruiig; tllivwp, llnrrr riiiiilpa; Weliii, ^Ved lUmain: KiiMninnd, ^I'l.. 111 III : imu. Mm. Kmwell, Kniiiy IKMd; Miiiii I'l.'iwell. MU Hugh K'ood; fitktgrL Jeane DM. .Nut week "rwaiiUaihlMauuTOIit'' IIOTT'8 TnuTRE,—"Tlie Oay ParbiUDa," a farce. In three acta, by Ueoira Keydeaa and Kanrlca Dea- valllerea, with the adaputlon of which Aagutiu Thoniaa u credited, waa gl*en lu dnt metnpollun prodDcUon Bept. '£>, at tSbi benM, under tbe man- agement ol Onarlea FrnbmaD. Tie play waa wen rur the lint time In America Sept. it, at the BUr Theatre. BoOkln, N. Y., and onder the dtle of "Ho- tel du Uiiro Kxcbange" It waa orlgloally acted Dec. '•, msM, at tne Tleaito dee S'enveaniee, raila, Fr, Tbo atery: ralllard, an arcbllecl, and Joaeph Iloglel, a builder, are old and InUinate ftlenoa. The former la a nun n( bualneaa baolta and hi not pcaaeaaed of a very lOTlng dUpoaltlon, wblcD la eaaeDilally a pan ot hu wlfe'a life. Ptng- Icl, whoae dlapoatilon la dIrecUy oppoells to hla friend'fl, la the hueliaod of a woman who Ij neither young nor amUtble. Pollard'a wire, Harcella, flnallr Urea or her busbaDd'i cool Indir- reienco and plnea ror conaolatloo, or, rather, re- venge. At the opening of tbe llmt act the re- proachca her liiiabanil. In imglet'a pteaence, for Ida lack of devoilon in her, and threaiena to teach hiBi 0 Iceaon, at which he oDiy laiigtia. Iliiglct, who la iiulie willing lo give hla friend a leeaun at tbo exnenae or honor, orTcru bimeelf aa tbe Inatra- ment by which her hiiiband bi to lie punlahed. Without elilier acceptlDg or rejecting tbo offer, Marcclla iloea accept ringlet's hvluUen to dine with lilni at a reauiimnt that aame erenlng. Her biinliand haa engaged to poaa tbe night at a hoiel, one or the rooma of which la aald to lie haunted. A lawaiilt la In progreai between tbe hotel keeper and hla nelgbbon, and the architect haa been engaged to make penonal obaervatlona or tbe alleged apparlUone. rlnglet'a wire, Angellque, who la a perfect threw, baa oeen called to tbe aick bed ot a altter, and to tbe meet- ing at the reeunraot la made caay. About this iliiie Hath leu, a banlater Mend of nnglet, anivea, aa a pleiiaant aiiriirlae, with bit roor yoong daugh- ten, ror a nionth'a Tiau. Jt Is oeceaaary to meoiJun bore an unueiial Inflimlty with which Mathleu la aiillcied. In line weather be It moateloiiuent, but In rainy weathnr ho ttutten, whUe a clap or thun- der ronden bim apecchleas. When be annouDcea bla Inienilon of remalnlDg with the ItngleUAn- gelliiue hi eiiual to the occaalon, ajid, with Ber hua- iMud, recoiumonda Uie lawyer to Uko lodgings at nn hotel for blinaeir and daugbura. The action of Act '2 lakcH place la the Mascot Hotel and rea- uunint, an oaiabllnhmenl ot rather ahady rep- iiirttien. Tide hotel la the one pueaeased with tbo haunted room, and to which i'alllard lina coino in apend tbo night. Malhleu bat aelected It aa iiuartcn ror blmaeir and children, and PInglet and Mnrcelle have clecled to meet here. The stage It divided Into three parU. On one tide la a email iicdehamlier, on tho other a laine room with live iKda. and lielwcen them a hall, with the onice and alalrway leading to tbe upper lloora. Tbe haunted ruuinja the one with live iieda, and Into this Fall- lard eniem and teilrea, drawing the curtains. Mathleu's danghten aro uahered Into the same niom, and noglot uahemMarcelle In the roomoppo- nlto. Tlio Uatnieii ilrla roure to a dreealng room aud rotuni In ttieir night dreaaea. Iliey light splilt laniiM aud proeecd lu crimp tboir hair. Finally they get 10 alDglOK ennga frvm "llebert le UUble," dancing and romping, during which the candle lo exiJogulabcd, I'alllard la awakened by the nubie, and, through the curulns, percelvee tbe wild uoUca of the girls, made unearthly iiy the light or the spirit lampi. Ho Imagines they nro glioaui, and, lalalng a great rumpua, he rusbea ID rnght from tlie rouni Into ibatoccupled by Mar- colleand I'lnglet. Falllord does not recognize hhi wire, and whan his rrlend, who has endeavored to lildo hlmselt In a chimney, appean with a soot be- Rrimed taco, he faiicica he It In the pretence ot Old Ick hlmaeir, lluglct kicks bin out, and tbe Ooni- inlsaary or Police, who arrives at lhat moment, urdeia every one to boarrealed. Intbelattactlt Imnaplrea that Angollijue liad been prevented from going III her Binlert by a call accident. In which nhu received a black rye and other damages, and had niept away from homo. Mticelle, when asked by Uio UouiiiiUaary of rollce rur ber name had given that or Madame Ilngloti while the builder had nald he waa I'alllard. Oonte- quenlly Angellquu Ilea under the Inipuuilon or having been at the Mascot Hotel and realaiireut with ilio archlioet, and ringlel, hi order to clear lilniecir, tel/es tbo oppenunliy and accueea ber of iiilacuiidiict. Her caau has a very liad appearance, lliu i-uiniiibiaary nut Iielug able tu recoguUe any or the prlaoiicni wbom ho liud aireited the night be- riire. Maihlen la tbeouly pereon Hbocan clear up Ihe iiiyalety, and ho bi about to apeak when a thun- iliirelap la beanl and he loeca the power or tpoech, mill, btr tlio lack or anyone etae tu wbom he can lay tliu bliimc or the nocturnal dUtorbance, tbe magls- iniie acciuHKi Haxinie and VIclorlne, who were lakliig Hiipper, but eacaped during tbe commotion. Tjiuiiiiilinra.aUhuugh they have produced rather irenk illaluKiio, Have handled tbelraubjoct cleverly. Till! run and luieresi are cuuiulntlve, and the pieen pieneuia nioro hnmaroiis alluailons than ate iiaiially foniiil In halt a iIo7.en farcoa, and yet there la nut one luu luaiiy. The cotnpllcadons rollow eneli iiilier raiililly and are well doveulled Into each oilier. Vlio plcvo le well acteil, eveiT uiomber ■If the eaat doing eapablo work and adding much In the aiicocaa or tlio piece. >v. J. F'ergueon as Juac|ili I'liiHlct waa eicullout, bit racial express- liinn apeakliig voluniei during ecouee with An- guilqiiu, pameiiliirly In llie laataol. He was also very nappy In n lime iMntomlne work at the close oftlio DrutHvi, whcrono oncapea by meana or i nipe ladder iMin tho twini In wblch bla wire haa lucked liliii, auil In tbo opening of tbe third act, when be returut lo the aame room. Udette Tyier uxrolled lieraeir its Harcella, and abared tbe bonera with Mr Fontiirton. llerappenntDCewaecbarmlng mid her acting at aU times met ibe fuUosl requliD- ineiibi of tbo iwrt and won for her well deaerred reeugnltlnn. .<<bo auuk her IdenUty In Marcella and Iwumiio llie petulont, Impulalve woman who i:liaros under Imauioaiy wrouga Inlllcted upon her by her liuabanil. Mm. f;. J. l>hlill|M, aa Angellque, won belled her iiniiie and waa all lhat could be do* alriMl aa a alirow. Tlio Matblea ot James Harrows waa gnoil. Ilia auinmenug might be Impored upon, al llmea, biitnHliolaouly aelanitiicrer when Itraitu ililn alight hiiiltuiny lie overlooked. Charlea Wells ai I'alllard waa abigey, aud thus marred an other- wlae gowl perroniiauco. Joaephino Hall was a very pretty and \ Iracluua Ylctorlue, and W. 11. .Slilrlor na Maxtne made Ihe moat uf an Inalpid and iiiiproliniile role. i;e«rge Uarkut aa Ibuitlan at llmea iiaed a Kraucb aceciit anil at othen tpoke ivlihoiit It, olberwlte bo waa all that the part naked rur. I'lio roat In full: Jnaoph IMnglet, W. J. Fer- giiMOii: AnBcllqiie. Mir K. J. I'blTllim; I'alllard, ClinneH Wella; Mnnolla, (bletlo Tylur; Mathleu, Jaiiioj llamjwn; llyacliitho, Margurlotte llordon; viiiiei. Clam Nerlou; Dalay, Vvmiu (Iravea; Uote, Wliiuiia Shauuuu; Miixliiio, W. II. Shirley; Uoiilot, Jioepli Ihniiplireyt; lhi:>ileii, lieorga Baokiia; l':arueBt, F'rauk A. Cnniior: lletUceul, Charlea Cn'ene; liivi'lianl, l,uiils Uendileks; VIetotlne, Jnauplilne Hall; MbuCoiiiiell, .Mollle Sberaood. TuKY l'Ainva'aTii>tTiiK.-One or the IsrgesiMon- day uiglit liuuaea el the eeaauu welcomed Uarry Miirrbi' "Twentieth Century Malda" Sept. :!3, show- ing ibu ivlMlom ut tiouklug an altiacUuD or a sottao unlike tbe iirevalllug ttylo of culenatuuent glvou bore, and at the aauie tltue dlacrlmlnaUng In Tavur or n enmpany no high data, preaoDiIng an enter- inliinieiit to ihemughly amuaiUR anil truly fnnny. Mr. Murrla haa put tegcthcr a true buriosiine, aud na "Tnibv" u a erarji atlll Id the preaenl leuse, Ihe Iboiiiu isln llaoir liitor\'al(iiH, Buit aa bore iiroiUiccd exenillngly well InniiKoneif. Tbe enrialn niser Is an up to daio eoiiceinlon or the new woman styled "riio Ulrl UHclielona' Club," lulnHbiclng Leila Trim- ble, Jano li.tly, Auiile Carter aud Nellie Do Uonney III lliu ehlel aialloua, rmiuived by an olio wblch U niicneil bv Jehu T. Ilauaon lo a Yankee ape- clally. Harry Knionion and Annio Carter then npiieared lu a neat eniiieily aketeb. aud were rellnweil by l.ella Tilnibte, who sang a number of anuga III a luauner to gain ror her uiiieh applanae. Oiurli'o Terry ibeu poaed lu a aerlct ot living plc- tuivj. and gave way lo Nettle Do Oourscy, who waa well roeelved. Mlebael (\)akley and Dave (ienaru loaedtlieliaior apei'lalilea with iheir veiy clever pUulalioii akotcb, lutix^luelng Hue dancing and Miniiing npplniiae. "Tiw Much ITllby" doted the leirurmauro aud sent all handa away reeling lo bo beat ot humor, tlieieby fuinillug lu mlaaloD and oitillug uutenully to Mr. jdonla' repulatlun for rur- uiahing umuai'menl or tbe butter class. Manager l'.iaior biia piuvldril ror next week another one or hla iiaually well eeleeietl honM Idlla, which calls for aueh old line favorliea ae I'oll.v llcimea, JohDoy and Kuiiun Kay, UwrcDceaiid llarrlDgton and Bob and Kilty Kiiiinpi. Kimi AvKM-» TiiK.\t«K.-Xiii c. noodwln began on .<.'iii. ja tlie woiuil week nt bla ciigagenicut, aim reimiiliig ".Miiidnl I'iml" aa ihc uiretlng. lie baa li'i-iileil not III revive "111 Mluimra'' during thu tall, hul will Iwaeen In "liavlil,tlarrlrk"aiid In he new pmy, ■■Aiiil.blim." Me In ntlnieling large nuilli'neen. AiiKHK-ax TllK.iTBi;. 'Tlie tliTal lllauioud Hob- leri •■ eiiiiiliiuea lu iliaw good ailendanre to ihia lioiKe. It began Scpi. -j;! tlif rourlb week or Ita run. A. iiikiiv III-Minie.-.'Tlie .>!ponlag lhichesa'> U Mill MiHaiinirili'nai ihla hoiito. Willi oven'Indlca- ikin lit euniluued proapenty. " iiefas tJie flftfe weckutluruD UepLO^ • •« Kitn's VKION BQCalB TBiiTiit.-Io Wits ot Ibe Uteose beat thUporalat houtewaa weU ailed Bepk u, when aootherthoroogbly enjoyable bill or stiiilghlTtfletTptiaedltnvle*. A.W.KacCoUlo and FaiDi U. Ilall made tbetr In; appeaiuce here, and by ueir exceUeot slnilog and palnsuking work won lomedlate and noDounced soccets. Lizzie Derlout Daly appeattd ai "The Olrl ol the Period," and folly tusuloed her etubllshed rtpnla- tlon for ebtettalDlDg clTorta. Seeerua Shaffer made a big succeaa Id hU JnggllDg, tod Rice tod Elmer woD favor fortbelr cleTorwotk oo tbe hoiliooial litrt. FnDh Horan cricked a number of fresh Jokes, sod Wanl and Lyoch orered a Celtic farce that met mnch applanae. Cbaa. anil Minnie Savan ncored ose of toe neat tucceases of the night; a dittlii'lloo well deterred, at tbelt act Is of the belt sort. Smith and Fuller, musical tpecUllils, made the meat of their oppontuiltr and found great rtvnr with llie audience. Tbe Namedos Brotbera entered open their second week, and with Dllly end Leoa (Itaee, Iiew lUndall, Tlion. J. HerroD, Wm. Oonrtrlgbl and the (Ulety (llrji Trio completed the lUt of enlerulners. The prorainme found more ■ ban ordloaiT favor wlih tbe audience, and with the i-oming or cooler weather eliould be the medium of a apkiiidlil week's biialneia. WoBrut Muaii'ii.—The niaugeaent took occa. alon durlog Uit week's closing to thoroughly reoo' vat« and brighten the Interior, and It now preseou an atmcllve appearance. The (^alal Maze has lieen removed from the main lecture ball, thereby adding many feet of epace to be deioted to other exblbMlons ot museum attmctlons. Four shows are no* given dally. In tbe theatre for this week are: Retale Canoll, Tommy Rellly, tbe Utllys, Ulllle Moore, ihe Fliswonhs. J. II. Scherer, Hollle Uavia, Florence Emnel. Utboyler and Cliantrell, andJobn II-W. Byrne. In the cntio ball: .WUe), rllleking; Uonney, tho mnnlcal Albino; Jacob Hlb debiunot, etrong man; Mile. Haralana, ladder ot swords, and Bonwell sod hla makes. Prof. Worth la In hit accoitomed place, with bla tnink of cnrloa, and hla lectures are as attractive aa ot yore. Butl ue« conllnues good. PiorLit TuiaTHt.—Frank Harvey's melodnma, "The Land of the Living," vat prcaented SepuZ), to a good houae. The play. In WDleh a painful Uck of originality Is tppareot, was applauded by the not too critical audience. Obarles Mason, as Oemid Arkwilghl, fairly succeeded as the peiMcated hero, while Ohts. W, Travis cloteir followed the eld eehool method of tho heavy vulalo at Iteuben Tred< Kid. Alma wrong's Kate wu commendable and la Motrlsso was cute as Horab. Hudson Uston did a deter bit ot chtracter acting as fussy old Mr. .\rkwr1sht. Uarry Webster, John Reynolds, Fred HIU, \vniiam Moiphy, Walter Cook, Uslso (Mrlette, Owen Marlowe, Elecua Melena and little Mamie Janseo an also In Ihe cut Sol. Meyera Is ihe dl. rector of the tour, irltb O. I). Acker bnslnessman. ager. Kelt week, "Slaves ot (k>ld." KoBimi BiAL'8.—The programme ot excellent ecu provided laai week proved of tnillclent power to be oiltrvd tbit week ahnost In Its entirety, A. o. Duncan being tbe only newcomer this week. The petfonilng elepntntawere applauded by the good sized audience on Monday erenlog, SepL 23. They are In the third week of ineli engagement Oianto and Mtud'a eccenulc wire act ahw contlnuea to please. Olherauccesafol fettorea of tbe bill were: Ctotllde Antonio, contonionUt (third week): M. Wal- toD't miniature circus (third week), tbe HeirUeea Sisurs (second week), Futence Levey (third week), the Valdit SIsterB, aerlallsu (third week), and Olara wieUnd, ohtnteiise (second week). Thenewtetles of Uvliig pictures Inclodes tevenl artlatlc produc- tions. Tbe Hungarian fllpey Baod held forth m the promenade. A series of high class Sunday evening conceru will be Inaugunted before long. OsKiBiL Uriiu uocsg Hdiic Uaiu— Wlih the eodhigof tbe cuirent week tbIt reaort will bring to a close a remunerallTe leason, and one which las resulted In establishing It firmly In the nirectlons of tbe vaudeville loreraol the opper East side. For Ibe final week a capable Hal of enunalnen la In evidence, headed by Ilobert K. Lee, In Juggling teau, made doubly efhcUve by their execution whUe tbe performer sunda on a revolving globe. Hochefon and May elicited tokens ot approval for their conUlbiilloQ, and tbe Moiray Bros, round their audltom quick to apprecUte tbelr work, while <Xtt>} and De Witt, In a novel perch act, were also vigor oualy greeted. James S. and Faonle Donovan re- tnraea to tbelr many admlreta, Nordhelm, wire performer, showed decided ability, ana the wane Slaten fumUbed eevenl meniorlous char- acter changes. The Fremobts, in their clever aketch, easily took one ot the toremoet places, and to tho capable parody aingem and comedians, Thompson and CoUlos, waa eDlrasted the vrUidhig up ot lbs bill. MiNiR>s Ktanni Avkii'e TnxATnE.—The Wash bum Sisien' iMt Bensatlon moved up here on Sepu a, and. It tbe opening house Is a criteiloo of what la 10 rollow, romer ncorda or big butlaesi here will be wiped onL There Is nothing to tdd to Ibe compllmenury review ol the menu ol Ihli organization given lo our latt Issue. Manager and IToprletor Louis Roble ceitululy list collecud a cumpanyof clever enteiuinen, while the coatnmes and scenic accoasotlesoltheopeiatlo extravaganza, "Fortona, or the Frlnceis Touib," have never >>een excelled upon tbe vaudeville suge. liddle Mtzler's turn In the oUo has been rephued by Whitelaw and Pony, Irlih comedlana, tlie former also assuming Mdle ltazler>8 part lo the extnvagaoza. Next week, Gui Ulll's Doveltiea. UuuiH'n GianTU Aysndi Mtrniug.—The piln. olpal cuilo hall tealure Ibis week ta Von Oofre, manlpDiaioror many weights, In his original sot, tor the firet time at this house. Giber new sltiaC' tloDsli the nuaeum halls are: Krol, odd legged woDder; Luu and Boyd, armless phonomcnotu, and tho Raltton Uros., who ttjie themselves "Ungs or tho Reptile Tribe." In the theatre are: Bertha Uruth, I.eallotnd Curdy, the Burtont, Uappy Cal. Stuart, Geo. Mack and tbe UdeU. Bnaloeaa coo. UnueaexcelleoL lISHtiji Sgt'AKi TiiKAmK.—"Rob lloy" began on Sept. a tbe fourth and final week of lu slay. Had other emmgenients petmlited. Its visit might have been proltably extended, for It seems to have lost none of lu aitncUveness. The two hundred aud ottleth perfomiauce ot themrk will be given 20, when tourebln ot the oecaMou will be dietrlbuted. On Sept. 30 Walker Wbliealde *IU begin an engage- ment. OAHttCK Tbeatri —^ibe engagement ot tho Joint slats, R. M. snd Joseph lloUtnd, reached Ihe begin, nlng or lu fourth week oo Sept. S3. "A Man With a Past" was again presented upon that date, but a change ot bill Is announced for :!'l, when a newphiy, '•A Social Illghwayinao," will, accordlug to prom- Itc, have lu Drat producilon upon any suge. A Rbano \Vi(i»|!biim Conczbt waa given Sunday evening, sept.'J-.', at Ihe Madlwn Sqnara Oatden. Mme. von Jaiiuachowaky, Utron Uertbald nnd Wm. Mortens wereiboaololsit, aud tbelnstrumenulnum. uen wenreudcred by au orchestra ot one hundred mutlcUna. under tbe direction of Ad. Neuendortr. STANniHnTiiu'nu.-"The Capitol" laconUnued at this bouse, tbe mtntgenent probably thluklog lhat tbe newtpaiier eonlroTeny over the play nay M tuned to gu«l accoant and enccess evolved from a ftllun. The play entered upon lu third week en Sept. 2:1. -w^u Madisox Sijuari Oabobn.— "Black America" be- gan on Sepi. -jatho eecond and tasi week ot lu ab»y. In addlilon to Ihe epirltcd alnglng ot Ihe colored Micaiuis, a cake walk aiTotds considerable enierialnnient. Tho aggregaUon ahuwa better un- der root Iban It did lu the open air. OAiirEN TUEATai;.-"Trlltij," which began on Sept, a ihoiwenly.founh week of lu run?la aUll pUjrlnit In aallafaetoty buMneas. It la, however, uearinjt Ibe end of Ibi itay, for Joiepb Jeireraon la booked to appear at tbli boose early In tho coming month. * A xiiiauB or maiisgers and prominent membsn of the profeiMloijmct lnlhlacHy.SepL IT,toarmnge :-•|.^.1."f.''l'i*i 'X Jeirereon of 'the rea^i In which be Is held by lbs dranjsac protesslOD. It was dK'Ided that Ihe leatlnonlal gift aboDid be a loving cup. MA.s'iun< UkNRv c. NiNEit was given a dinner Sept. a, at the Hotel Harlboit>ogh, By the pilots o !J°M?'Sf«f ""^ M«n«B«r Miuer In giving tbe uss pr his Kinh Avenue Theatre a lew mouths ago for a benefit peifotmance In aid of tbe widows and orphans of pilots. LTrBrgTukiTa>.-"Tho Pinoner or/.ends" be. gsu on 3»pt,23the fourth weekof lu tuD. wlthaUDd. fjL1?2? ciilT »«llablo. Not only U tbe play greatly admliwl, but the admirable acUng ot E. H. Sthern aud ot most ot tbe membere of hit company tObrtU rare enJoyuieuL ' -,i-°"i'-T~.'"^'.;*Tr''—ew«n«in." ►taucis Wl|. sun that may aptly be teruicil nvlnhlug. Mr. WlUon U duing cxcellenr work, and Ijila Obuer la also winning laiiitla. Tbe third week of the run began ^AUKS'i" TngiTnr.-'" with Delia iS^, "Vk "? •'•Tenon K'Angells areii al hi, liesijs rvaping agooil harveatm ihia o?M"tuu °" ■"■" Tiis AiitHii'i.sliBuiinnr wlU glreacom- BUmeotaiy dUinar to Mat a OeoilwUat the lloul lmj>e«tt|.oo.lbe evaalaai^ B«fL a. PBocioB'i PLUBtni PUACi.—The hot weather orSepLB airecled tbe tttendaoce at thls bonse, but nevertheless It vaa rainy w«!lP«*i»i5g'- bill presenud waa aicellent, and was tnjlr »PPi»- clau? by ttaoea wbo attenled. Nohard Goldeo, comedian, made bU debntoo the conOnuont iter- leimance Btage, and lonod Immedltte tavor. Bsr- DeyFageD,c«medlan and dancer, was well liked. Prof. fleo. Lockhait'a mined elephsnU began their fonrth week and cooUoae to win favor. The Dare Brotben, comedy doilzontsl bar performen, wei» well received. Ulllle Barlow, comedienne (ronith week), was a continued ftvortle. Others oo the blU wen: The Zalva Tilo, high wire peifotmetB (second week); the Bnthen DIantas, moalcal clowns (second week); BUI and nnU, grotouna; theSlstenAodeisen,equlIlbttslB(rouith wsek): the Qnsker City tjuartei, Kaje tod Henry, In a sketch; llUontnd Haily.comedlsns; theHoNulty SIsten, clog dancen; the Hohlmtnn Trio, BwUs Monn- uiDeen,andlCtbel IlDds«D, vocalist, all of whom did well. PBOfiDa'aTBBAmi!.—This popolsr honse made a strong bid for patnnago week of BepL 23, and secured t good attendaiiM on the opening dayol the week, consldsrlDg the Intuirenble beat Toe iiUl Included the uverlie comedienne, Bonnie Thornton; W, T. (^rletoo, barlione singer; Brotben Donaldson and Ardell, panumlmuu; James Thom- e c«DedlKB; Oonnuas Claire de 0 cfitntease; the Three HarveUes, ton, monologus Lnnas, sccenno gnteaques; lid Latsu and dlynn, musical comedl susiwuis and CoIUns, in sketches; the YVhItten Sisters, charactsr singers; Olark and St. Clair, sketch comedians; RosanI, Juggler; Fern Melnte, toubntie; Bertloa, serpentine dancer, and the Udy orebesn. aU ot whom dkl tbelr full share toward tbe enunalomeoL FamTEEHni Stbbit Thutsi.— CUia Monia be- gan the second and last wtek ot her engagement here on SepL 23, appeannic ta Con, In "Anlole to a light atundaoce, the weather belog extremely warmT The npertoty for tberemaloderof tbe week tollows: "Articls evenlngB 24, 21; "Miss Moo); too,*' tnsUnee 2& ftnd eveolng 28: "Raymonde," evening IS and matinee 28; "CamlUe," evening 26. OnSeplaoOhannceyOlcoubeglnsan eogagement ID "The Irtoh Atilsu" ^ , HODBB's PiLACt MusBin.—Prof. 0. L. Edwards' Intslllgsntaod weu Haloed hone, Doooer, remaUis for tbu week the testure of tbe cnrlo ball anaoge- meuL Bella Carter, a woman with a horsea mane, and FIgee Jim and Annie are the chief freaks, with AuBdn<s reailoneuea and MUe. Oarrene's tisUied birds thiovm In for good neasnre. The stage so- Urtahimeot It tumlsSed bj W. F. Oonld, Hiss Lons- dals, dancer; De HollU rud Valun, Jugglera: thu Unique (Joarttl, Hany Mhm, vocalist; the Kesbltt's, sketch team, end tbe Barley Brothers, dancers. Oo Sept. 23 tbe attendance was very good. In spite ot ibebeaL OiiirT TOBATRI.—"The Night Owls" Borlesiioe Compeay Is UsuUed hen for the cDrrent week, BRoiDWAT Tbbatbb.— "Pnnceas Bonnie," with IIS many melodh>ns onmben aod lu pret9 stage plotntes, la stu delighting ihe patrons ot this house, when It began oo Bept a the fourth week of Its suy. Httrleia.—At tbe Harlem Opera Uouie Marie Wabivrisht rarlrad fifaerMaa Kooalea' coDMdj, "The Lore Cuja," BtpL &, lo only a raodema alxad auulaoc*. Tbe play waa diMMd aod alagedoD a maBeiSceDt a<al», and HIM WalDVrlsbt'a portrayal of t^iDataaca waa billy appmelatcd by Uia audleoca. "102" did well laat weak. "Jlob Ray" comeasn. OOLOUaca.—Webar* Pleldi* Own Company tiecan luaaa- aoDOatUiU hooM.toafliU fcouM,notwltbataodbiBthe loiaan bait Tbe bill piweniea amply repaid lb« and(aoca for bimvlog the aaauar, and a bMrtr velooma waa ac- corded tba satire company. Iivouhf be bard to Bad a vaudaTlUa organtulloo on tie road atroogar In lu In- dividual acii, or la lla aoUiacy, than Wobar A Ftalda' prea- ant company. The programne on Hooday alght waa opeaad by Lavaodar & Tomioa, wbo put the audlenca la good hanwratonie. Orumaika Btalayand Bella Burback wore plaaaloa la Uialr rouidcal turn, and Billy Bmaiaoa waa accoided a wajiD raceptlan. waber A rlehla, la a new act, anmred la the caaume of Oannan abarp ihooten, wareaa lanny aa arar, and marlteil tba welcome slrao iheiD. LolUe Qllaoa rooiMl baraalT amoag frlaada atthealan. ehaaag with bw old time vini, aod had tfl raapood to asTaitl eocorea. Jamaa r. Uoey waa not rortouaa br tbe audlMce. Hla act bowarar, will bear toolna dowa Tbe Aaiia F«ar kept Uia audlaaca la a roar danoa their stay on tb* ^taxo, aod Marietta and Ballool, wlUi ueir trained cocbatuoa, were antbunlaa- ., —.. >—. M»w, .r-hariAi-la A .in, lleally received. Neat week,-Cbarie?aAuoi OLYuric.—The Mar RuaaauOo. nude ibalTd _ _ anpearaaceloaHDOd llzed acdleoce,33. Tba Bnt part, ' Tbe Lonl and Lady 'Cyckta," wblcb laeladea May AdBoia,ZaUa CUyton. Bob Rklimond and all the oiem- ben lo Boe array, with plaoly ol daoclog and aloidox, aaanied to please tbe andlaote. Tba oliu Indadaa Bam Ric*. ElttleOlamants, Kllsirenld aod Kallr, Hay Adaoa,<ililDaoa,aadTUiaraiil Probal. A burlOKua, en. lltlad "Tbo l£la]|*iBlr1hday." save tbewomea a chance 10 dUpUyibematltea la pnlij: ceaumea. Xaxlwaek, Uarry Morrta' Twaotladi Oaalary HaMa. lUauuHraes.—MaaaaeiSmlthnponalbat be baa aaurprlaafor Uiepatjooaof tblabouae In a r«w weaka, anlalioBayatbatliabaanoiaatt to lad wlUi buibieaa. Thii wHh: Daloo Filu, VaneyBlatan, BItdIa Momll, Prince ramskailkvl^awa nu,rrol. rllKerakI, Bowea and Waller, kitue Smith. Barry aadaataleUoitoo, J. W.Thooipeoo.Btannaa and feeler, and Uelaoe Mayo. NE W YORK ST ATE. BnoklyB,—Another warm wave struck this city Ua> weak uil bad lie nanal deimalng elleel on die aitaodaaceactbo playhoaaaa At Coaer falaod t^aotala raul Boyun'a'Vboouag Uia Cbulai" were hi gnat de- mand, and Ihoaaanda ot peupln aBjoyedartdedowo Uie aletp laclbie during Uie paa week. Buaday waa the doling day of Uie saaaon. A cbaaieor bill was made at tba Columbia Uil weak. The opanlag place wa» "ganovraedfc'' which wu latto od' after Wad. StP*! "Isya .Wr'Spnanot, and was replaced by •Tbo Mouniebaok." The Uttar waa oua of the old lime drairiuMpopolararcwyeanaso,aad waa morseDUr. lalolni than waa Uia roroer piece. Iba blUa ugaral at Ibatbutnathlanetkaraall ioodtnd abooU neel wlUi Ubaraltuppoiv laaercral iaalaucaa the pleeaawlube ■Mabire ior Iba firm time, tltbouiih alrea alaawhara with macb iucceaa. TlieTavaiy oiin Co. acorod a d^ elded hit at the new Moauak lit week. fX'V.f.'t;""" r'»"^""IC' produced bete nlsbl rEepL-AberoreabtlBe andleoca. Tbe brlahl, Minfto. ir alar oflbe plate la uliay FluseraM. who liu7aund beneirioueooaMereble lima. -Hie Aerry Wortd"wm be pnducadliare next week. "i <im";-^*f*^'.'')i°"Ja' "'"cllen thiawrakherela Alllr Ip to Dit«,"wbldi waa Man itra fiir Uie tnt luM nlfhi era. by a luwl ,dt«l audience. II wu oris ^ly proaaceil uDd« tba tllle or "Obarloya Uncle"' HarieWalnwilibi wluba tlietllraetloa n.itweek. MaXTaCK.-Nilan Robaoa opened a two weetc angan. R.'?f.,'."',.°'«" "fj?,?'." a new American eomeircj; Daniel L. Ilarl, called "Uovenimeot Acceotaaea " Tim •ceneoruieplay U laid In \r»bln,wn,lSuf,'^ oriX; ST!""?!'.™-" '"'k oa an electrical manor war e la civ wItb aflewto lu accaplaaca by tbe U.8. aorererntnt- Ula Ideas liave bean nulen by a fain rriend. nbontt £o accepianca,biittheinudItSlacoTared,ud NrTKbMiL who rlayaibe laij^or Kofart OordunTibe luvaal^, wB ibeactewanca. Tlie eiblblikiaol the inoderiimilttol uelactrieal diaplay. •nicb li a vluiaiiTk in iR pU?; '*V,'.?-*"..1'.'- Kobfon will i«„«i lo "f-Mblddan Ault?: Bijoc.-"lIiimanliy," soiimi Vana'a aUborau milu. Dlsbt audiaace. It baa man) utaraalbg fealurea. but •daeUei lmprea.|ononUieliu!S aa Uie broadiweid cjmblt on bonahack. KHSio So^M« wk^' be the al?S; ^"m^i°r!.^'°nS«JS'"JSf?'?-^"?'".«^>2S ,— Beian. la a mui umedlanj BUaay and Cbi counlry Il^i^Slill! "lia veekaod iwo'bTV cnwda wiueued ibe iM an: Bumay and Cbannan, In 'The Copper d " Mai' WeotworUi, baUaillU' Fnd Ucl airy SdjTler, and Yoina ud^ffbunTTSatUn •ct; Httd MoDn>«, n^un "".fPi,'" ^he CopperMdaie Lcttr, ilift n. w.-\:a-.;Viuti."iS^^.'^..n™5?l^^^^^ Jl'.",'S.''"*",'°"-»'i"."'* I«nne''SKSlayISd S -MjS.*a!5SV "J fl««r*aj maUna* Andrew 4.™ lU aiyieaAroon,*eoraaaDaatwaek. HOLxaS' KTiK.—The coatltuad narfonnaoeea raw morepoinlar alUi eadi weak. An •inllMtblll la oil aaoieribla week, and InSadea: J. trfgX, 5, roifiS mlUman: Walaon and llotctlnia, Tanlonw »£ilUM' £.'.'*rK'''.r*''i!?'' I'lckaolmiyGiid JhSiJ^SS Bon.tballanbaraaailalliu: ciTarlaa b. Lafter^Mamr' BaiT aad Kvaea, la atelcbaa; Aloaio IlucbTla aunn! Orara and Beian. In a muUial act; Had iKS'.ii'!;:!!; D, In * idlat; miu eatlDi iljtci P^---i---r--T-—vu Tbe Manhattan Comadr Sfi,'.JsS?i.%fr^'»S°»- "ambenof the uSra oelnBCurUa, VIIIIaoil.SliMnaod Mack. OUiin In Um corepanrare Einltb and Campteir^edlui- Uia dL K!?W,««5K^ dancen :«mlSiScMi'B:i?iari Dyllyo, tdwart Lameaea ud Klna BantoslODtha h.'^ff'?.':.T-'^T. •*»»» • ™k a eaneement lara a In "Nancy,'' a comedy new to Uile clu nadeaakemabya blgaudlaoce^ IUBmui£uib!n!! !,S?J?l?"ifV,'"">^ bonaaTSlSnTMdwI eomcdy la wbleli (b> appesta bu never \Xtahmb!tm ■i'w'*.'!.'" ("T"!" a good waak'ab^laearsuSSiS lIJ waakwaaguud. Naai week. The Land oflbe Llvln*" OAitrr.-lIyde'a Co.nediiii"hniioy ij ISIi.,, .i^:-"."?..?*!"*.!""..? "P^ 'l"d and lance piaaent XL KVSSa^-^VTO Mai''''llSt:ir'!,VJ r^'J il* !"«»« n. <• bid ■aj Hnaian aod bar Borlaaiaa Co. walcoma. In thi. eunrany are many old Unia tovifilirSa The liidli. l?2wi"'i rii IS' I "'."l' f"' aoceewn on*. Com- ^T^ii.*"iA?"''l'''*d&a'Clu6BnrleiinrOo. LTcniH^Tbabouna ooanaar IbU —-. gealad>talaOTU"AlMSS5!a Q^^^^n£a^ a goodalisdaadleDcaonlba onanhig slgbL anod im; Saaa laat weak. Nut weak 'Tba Laacaahin Liu" in beUieattraellen. ^ . ItOTX—Bert Jobaana, oae of the aldeet advanlni, oealalha Eettam Olatilct, haa baenrtraredby Carlo loekafUrtliaUolqBe'aadveitlalngbnalneM. RoehntUr.—It the Ljceom Rlcet "1M2'< be. ■an Sept 21 a tbtaa nlfbu' aaiaaameua, to be tbUn^ br ""nt Bpbhil" 21, Pief. Herrmann comea TT, S oui Skinner leltll, IbaaitraonlUianbotwealbar maurhii, agaetlnBtha recelpta Booked for Sapt, Sand Ocl l, { r„bBiM'aCo.:OcL»tJiomug.8aabrMke. * C0OK0rsaAUocta.-Den MeCarthy, In "Tlie Pride el Mayo." waa the attiacUoD O. remalafog for tliree nlibi« when KatlaBmmeu, In "Oial, the American Boy.''conn u>oUyUianmalDderortbsweek. "ARallnad Ticliar led II, Ibe eiuenoaly hot weaUier havlag a dbaairen aOtec on the box offlce lacelpu. ComUg: Bept s m Oct. 1,X "PiDdleal ralber;;' S4. JalTiaye Ua a. Amobst or MDS:c.-J. E. Toole beiaa ZI, In "Killai. nay and the Bhlne,"j>toylng r<irthe endie week. Uii weak TheMMnlgbl Flood" did a Urge bnalnau no. wlUiatandlBglba Baltry weather Announced for Sept. Sand week. "Delmonlco't at Bla." WoxuBRUXD Tsuraa It atlnctlog Urge andlaa.-a by lui eoatlnnooa perfonnaacea. Tne auimetloaa for Uik week arc Belarintand Sllbon, Launia,JaniKir; rotlv and (Julnn. KllUa Ollniere, Forman aad Waal qeorie Aunln. c:anipbell aod Baard, aad Wllioa and HIIMbc. Bairalo^lt the Star Theatre ous BUnnor cant S«L a for two Biglila. Tavarr ()para Co. comae '-llie Bpblni" if, ». -Tlia Oay Parlalana" leealTad k< tnl American predacllonliera IMI, and made an eicd. '*MVsTli!SlS!'--'Ibe OM Ilomaatead" bad a big week, "tSiSS ''T«i1S.-''?b".!!^>ff'„,"S"',?'';,,i' weak'a oirerinB. Mail weak, "Down la Dlile." "In a Bit °'Sorn'Bti!m Taaivaa-rnu EUridih Llalo Mri. vay, Pearl Inmao.2«bnaIawWoD,Hoore aad Urebar. HcSrld^ aiid OMdricb. U Hotlia and HUun, Uia Voe'. Jeraa, Kittyolhnonand ibeTravellaa NeitwMk, FleUt AHueo?iDiawlogCarda. SamT.Jack'aCraolealuJt aplaudld week 16-11 „„^ . _ . _, , snaa'a Mctio Haix.—MUdred Howard, Blonde aal Norina, Jamaa U. CaUen. Fanny Baaolda, Mooa Wyme.- Hae Gray. Jtnnlnp aad O'Brien. Tna Maw woaoiaLuia—zaioa, Ajden, Katie Johnioi Trio, Oeerie Wenuler, F. B. Kyle Cbarlea a Bleb, 8u. fold and Pagan, tba Barrlaee and Beatrice Aiden. Albany.—Tbe continued warm woatber Inier- reiedwIUiUiealtaedenceatoarlheairaatblaweek. tb LaUnd Opem Uonae bad Oonrteney Thorpe BanL Ic-li Id repertory of plan, loeledlng "Ibe Story ol a Bio, 'The Light lhat PalledT' ■'Beadbig a nagedy" and "DoraUiyi Loren." Ibe buelneaa waa tkirl/ good tnrougfaoot ti« enB»aameac "My Wira'a Friend'' cane for i^ne nlghi, », toBood attandanca. "TbeTwaatletbCeetnn airPdree Ihe biggeat bouaa of thawoekan. "All tbeCofflfortaor Uome'^ deaed tba week to light audleneea t;omlox: "JackHar»awar"»«, "Hnaa and llnaa" Bept JVOct. I, BtrnDanii,tba DUlcLan.S. ^ ... Uaaiunre Bumaaa ilill.belda|ood aliad audltnie li, when "The Spblni" waa aung br tbe Uanj- Aikta OpenCo. ItmetvlUimodl favor. *So«lng tbe Wind" ralnreed 30i 11. and npaalsd lu anceeaa to aicelleni ta- taine. (^Ing: "Shore Acrra" Oct 4,6, "A Couotxy dt. cna"(l»| ■TwelToIomplaUooa" U. . _ Taa dAisVT TBSATaa bad Flynn A fihsriden'a big Doable Shew ad bat weak, aad urn bpnees were tbe mle. CoEalDs: "tVblU Orook" S-S, Mgbt OwU 3) la OetB. ^ Troy—At the Oriswold Opera House "Tbe Bpbloi*' dnwaBood boaae BapL 17. "My Wlle'e Friend" bad a email bouae Ij. "Tbe TwaoUetb Century lllrl" bal ablgboneelt. "Tbe Bnglneef'dhl light bnnaeu am. Katie Emmelt, lo "Cbat, an Ajnerlcan Boy," came S; "lloaa aad Uoa"t4, Joaapb Ban, hi "A Oay OM Boy,'' a,M:"Ja<kHaTkaway"9,S. , _ RuiD'a OPsai Boras.—'SuwIuB tbe Wind" filled tin bouae 17, U. aeerge W. Konroei lo "A Uapnr LitUe Heme," dnw a tmall bonae IB. Courtaey Tliorpa, la rapartory. bad email boaaaa V, 31. Otaa Bklaner, lo "vlUoo, tbe Venbood," comee S. Manloo firoilien' "Fantaimia" >7. S. UAjBTTTsBATRa—"Ibe Willie Crook" opened tba aea- aon at tbli bouae 16, to ataodlng room only, and drew binin booaaa all tba week. "Tbe Ladlea'01ab"eama a for the weak. BFracase—At Wlellog Opera house Billy Van's HInatreU drew wall Sent. IST Alcv'a "lim" came to the capacity of tbe bouae 20^ 21. Meektoga: "Tbe Bplibii" 23L llamnannsi. s. BAarasLS THtAnts.—John Drew, bi "That Imprudent Young Coaple," plaaaed alafge aodUoce 10. Doe: Han- lun Btua' "Faolaama" Q-B, '^A Cay OU Boy" zr. SH. II. R. Jicoaa' tubatrb.— "A Bailroad Ticket," K-v, aod "Delmooico'a at &*' 1^1. both had large bnalnwa. Frank Buab. In "Olrl tvanled," 23-2(; Oeo. WTMnnrue, In "A Bappy Lima Home." tt-a. BlngliamlsB—At Bune Opera Uouae Nellie McUeory, In "Tbe Bleyele OIrL" came Bept It, to fair boahtaaa; If, BUiy Van'a MUattela drawalUrlygood taodance. "A Yeoainn YaoUeman" bnd Cilr bnaloeaa ll. Booklon: 33, 24, Lewli Morriaon, In "Faoat," aad "Yorlck'a Love;** a, 'Swn Acxta;" ffi, "Cbarlej'a AnoL" Buod TaaiTaB.-"8ldt Tracked" did poorly K-W, "A Prodltal Patbor' came 1941, to big baaUeaa. One: 'CBooUgaa'aMaaqueiada;'' 2a48i laiam'a Octoroona. Newbarg_At tbe Academy of Hnalc Com- atock'a Moaaier Utaietnl Co. was tbe attraction bare kom. O Frank Buib, la ble new Ikrce comedy, "Olrl Wanted," comea 2t "The Bpblnx" met with llbeial pairoaage IS, aad richly daaerved IL Itwasthobeatpcr. toimanceorllselaiaevereeea in Newbaig Ednnid Uanbmn comee 3) "The Bdrer Elar' Oct 9 Tbe finy-flfdi annual ezblblllon of Ibe Oran^ County ural Beelaty waa bald bare 17-9 deaplin ^ a _ tbniuenlbcweaUiiir.was lamly aUabded. Comlbif oa the beau orll,BuIaIo Bill aa^ hU Wild Waat Show did wond^lally well 31, whan be drew at least alitaan tbun- aand peopU to the two perfonnancea llUcs.->Attba UUoa Opera Hoate Rice's "H»i" pUyed to '«. B. U." Sept. IB. BUly Van'a MInetnU were -oorlyreceivedI& "8owlasUieniad"IS,did welLaoil JarryAakln'aOpeiaf^ hi"nieBpblajr,"cloaedUiewe«k 21, toaemallbutappreelailxeaudleooe. "8bon Acrea" oomeia^ Tbe WIcklow roetman" 38. "A Oay UM Bur" MARYUNIX BailtiiBore.—Tte InteDse beat wbloh prevtUnl laat week bronght boalaaaa at oar theetreaahnoet tu a aundttlll, opao air ealanahlmeou and nwlley paitiaJi baTlng tba call. Tbe aame coadlllenaebered In the car- rent week, and a dlealalaked atlandaaca reeulted. Uaaan' Acaoair.—TliU bouae hold a llilr audience BepU o, aad iboaa alio braved tbe heu were waU repaid by Frank lUyo'a dtll|btltil perfonnaaea ol "Fudd'nheid ttllaon." "A Trip lolbe Roeklea" deaed a Htbt week ll. OUraHorrialeduaJD. rono-a orru Boi'SS.-Prbnrote k Waat'a MlnaliaU gave a yeir enjoyable entertainment 33 to an andleace o( Eood ahe. Bprinier A Welly'e 'The BUck Creok" Co. ad a poor weak IS-II. Frebmaa'a Lyceum Tbaatn Co. comea 99. UOLLioar Graair TBBaTax.—Eogene O'Boacha made bU Onl appearance bare aa a aur ZX lu **Tbe Wlckbn- Poetman" auppuited by Beulua Olratd and a good c<a\- panr. "Spider and Fly" abared tbe gaoeni dapreaalon le-31. Week of9P^ Eugene Tompklae''The Black Onek" Co. Ksaiaiya MoNcaasTAi Tubatsil— Buaaell fimthetii' ComedUDa opened lo a fair aliad huuao ZL John K. FleUi' Dnwlng Oaide oloeed II. Wauon Blaien' Eilrav aaao2aCo.Uduea). _UisriHa'a Odeoi Tuural.—New 23; Tlie Dcacuas BajriBlckeua,TcnyFernaadeiand Harry Robiart. .NoriM.—Manager Keman baa cnmpleled ibe nbuUdluc or the Howard Auditorium and will ihrow It open 30 wlili Weber A FleUn' Vaudarille Ulnb aa tbe InUlal aiuacllon. Thabutldiogbaa been cempleuly tnnafonned, hardly a ■race rerouulqa ortbeoU hlmoture. Ttieaeatbigcapac- ity ofthe Inl floor lel,OuOand of Uia balcony BOO. Itiare are.twelveprivate buiea-eacbacatlog alx persona. Tbe celllni and waUa an richly Ireaeoed, Ibe rrarahlnn tiala being, cieui, gold and gracn la ByianUne and Henala aance decoralloDt. The boxee an Balabed In a Mil green and broaia, and edornod with 300 aoiaU oraamentallncaiideBceatllghu. Fonr bnndred almllai llcliu alud the eelllng. The new iiaga U alily tbree IMI wide aod ility fret de«i>.wllh a paoaoealom openloi: Iblrty.two feet wide and ulrty feet nigb. Tbe rear ol ihe pnacenlum arch la arcled with aleoirlo llgbla. Tbare nfo twelTeioparaledreeelng rooma, each rarolabed widi auUoaarr waab nanda and other eonvenlencee. The eppelotmeeu are new and complete In evny larUcular. Tbe prtoelpal change la ibe exterior a ine addllleii of a portleo nrer the main an- trance, eileadlni to Uia curb. Tba ceUbig ol UiU l» alu ihicbli atuddid with Incandeicaet ligbui Tbe loU>y a uia wlib polialied marble Ullai. Ou The right of Hie main entnnce In a beauUfully lUrnlabad and decunud recepuea and anicklng num. and to tbe lelt a Udlea' re caption and toUel room, the uianeger'e otDce and n roomy and oreamcntal box olHce. Ike honse will be cen- ductadas a nialvkaafknily vaadevUle theam,aad U a noubleaddition loourptactaofamuaemanL LOUISIANA. Orloaiu.—Tbe tbeatHcal seasoo ot ISOj-6 2il!!fr..?i!r¥v'°*l tavonblo anaplcea. Tbe excaltani ESf™"? aunouncadlor Ibe Oiand Opera Skl^ *i^f.V" " ""i"' "d St- Cbarlee Thealree. lo- 5!lii'.7"'' the reoeral pioaperity ortheBoutb.uodi<i S,n?S2** ""I'""P" that the eomlof teaaon r,.i.'"',* \ ibiaacul aucceea u the maoagen of the vulonepUyhonaoitbnnjiboutlheoUy. Allorthelbw- ueentTe nndeigoaean entire nnovatloa. and vie with evb otber lD beaalyof eppulntmenu. Ail an beautiful udcenironabia, betuitbeculuindertUtlotye roraacel- "»'»<baiiiliiuudauiuofeduremanttke irnndOpera J2.„^!5i"'Ki?"'f^,"' Fabn. Tbe Interior of tbli SS!!!!?'.,.*'?^* 1! baa andergoue eocb real gjjyjj tj^one baldly rfcugnliea Uat aaaaan'a Orand -SMS!L'""^i.'"V"--J''» •aaaon opened ben Sept. IS, r/£.j?j;i"U'''"'*-J.. ■*'IP sudlencae were In nfabllr tff°.iii^*-J"'» narit ot ilie company milr deaerra.l ' received daclaalu aiay ln Howtyrlaaaa. la aahaaead by lie baaaUtuI acenerynaed a cnarmbg and wall performed pla/. tbe ratronage .. which merit waa to eiabelUtb a "Devll'a Anelloa' Luat PandlM" Oct. t. IB and wall perfoxmed pla/- S3,'Tbe VblU Squadron" ACADtMT OF MnTcT—Tbe woodarfnl dlmlar or menia tnuainwion aad ttlepaUiy, ualreo br Mr. and Mm