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New York Clipper (Sep 1895)

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472 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. September 28 KMnni! TiHATiiil^obn Unir b«|i«n lili annuil ungiEement ■( UiU hoiiM on MpL n, pRtcDUng for iho lint ttmo Iq tbU cllr 'Hut iDprnilcnt ^ouDg Oouple," br B«DIT Oiij MtlotoD. nun PW7 vM llrat_pronDl«<) aoiler im pnwnt UUa ii ttie Dtldwln Thnire, 8*11 FmoclKO, C*K, Aag. w iMt, bat iru oilglokll; prodOMd •• ■•Tli« l,OTe KgoU" on Hijn or tbo oomnt jmr, at UMdle- lovn, N. Y. lu Mon bM (Iratdr tppe*re4 In our columu. In coniililetInK tbo merlbor Ur.CarM- tou'i work It man be nniomberoil lh«t tbo pl>r «*■ mliicn to nt tbe iblllilM ud ibo pocull>ntlu of Ur. Uroir, and tbat tbe object o( Ibo work l« onir to BiniiM). In tbe Qt'log proum tbe author baa been ominenllj auccoaarul, and ir tbe alar la not mrn at liU beat In Uila comedj It la hit own rami iind not Ur. Oarloton'a. Nor baa Iho nlarwrlabl Iwon IcaaauccoMrollnrnnliblngcnierialninoni lor Ilia auillenco, and, deapllo couhlderablo carclMa Arnrkmanehlp, which nun Uio corocdj, Ur. Gartc* lonliaanovcrdono iMItor work tbao li ahown In inriH or thla plaj. Tho Ibeno waa buppll; rhoarn, Htiilthoonunglomenu arlalog from tbo Inijtradfint iiti orihc jouDg couple arc akilirull7 wionjrbt. In Hpllo or itfimo nrollxlif In Ibo finl ai;i, lliaro are Hnino (lollifliiruily toDilcr and logonunua love piMa- gca that chami iijr tboir utter lack uI cmollouallun <ir acnllmenulllj, nnil l>7 Iho prcacnco ol an all per- vadlni Jojrijincai. Tlie llnei gUnlen with lenoleo wli, loiMi, ortglnnl and keenlj pointed, although It iiiUHt lie conrmcil that Ibero are nccaalonal olTona In ihia direction that are lamentable ralliirta. Heat *>r the tiiemUbea or ttie plaj are aucb aa can he roadltj romorcd, and It la aoiriewhat ner- lirlalni tbat with Ihe Irtala alread; given It tbej Hlioulfl have lieen allowed to rcmalo tu mar lla met- mpolltaii triumph. Home or Ihe raulla or Ibo work, however, cannot lie caallTtcDedled,and arewor tlictn admit of no repair. Tbe plav baa lieon will- ten hj nn Inverted pniccea. The Ilnit acl. In aplte «r aoniu rcdiinilanC dlalogoe, la liyrar thoticHtor Iho three; llio eccund acl, while containing aome oxccllunt itomcdjr aceooi, la, however, largely rarcl- lal, nnd llie third acl la dlnlroealoglx tedlou^ lllog- Irnl iind iiiiaatlarjrlng, tho onlj reined; lor lla riolUi being oniiro rcc«inalnicllOD, Ur. Carloton baa woven Ilia material too aktiriillj and ttrongi; ror hie own uiinivellug. Ue baa iwlaiad tliu nieHbea iiroiind bla cliarBclera ao thorougblr that lie aeema to have e]thauate<l hia cunning when the time liaa come ror ttie undoing, so he cula tho kiKita and leta Iho enUro rabric rail In ralna. Alonjuvur, Itita aal lacka pIrUirlal liaokHroiind. Hie (loaelailmi of tlio barren Hpartniant, wlilcli la llmlteil ■ inljr Uf ilie conanca of lite atago; tho lra|ioi«liile • anvnienl, tbniugli wblcb a liay wagon mlglil be ■irivoo, and the outlying cemelury, wfilcb torvea no iltiur|iurp(iao than to aiipply opiMirtiiully lor acme vujilil iiiieiii|ita at liiimor, all have a nioat depron. log ciTuot, and when, near tbe cloae or an act almoet •luvolil or nctinn nod rmi or coinpnrallvelT pulnileai dialogiio, wo n!ai:h tlio lame and Impotent conclu Hliin, wo luarvet al ilio auildeii pantlyaU or tlie niillior'a ingenuity. Tbe greateat iiirprlae we ex- lairloricc, huvvover. la caiiaed liy Uie diacovery that Ur. Carloton baa bad the leinerlly to borrow tliat I'lilch, III the language or Ihe piny, we may uill llio goaling cplauilo, wlilcli Ui or aiicleiii device and which hail ao rccenUy lieen eniiiloied upon tlila aamo atago In "Jiibn a-Dreama.*' Tbo May, aa waa exiwoled al tbe lianda orihiacompany, iroa well acied. although Ur. Urew waa liy no tncana III hit beau Ilia porrurmanco lacked tbo polltb vlilcb lina niailo bitu 11 lavuilU). lie conatantV re- wiriud Ui racial coulorUon Ui expreta bla reellDn, iiim thla tiiiigging will cerululy nut iidd In bin rvpiilailiin. Uaiiil Adaua baa a roki that U lur bo- iioaili her puwera, but one tbat hi, novertliclcss, lUcaalng, and wblch ahu Oiled Willi arUeaa grace and •»pllviuliig churui. Anna Delniunl, a iiowcniiior III Ibo cuiiipaiiy, made her comparatively aiiiall rulo aland mil In proniliieiil itller, nnil acted Willi charming piquancy, .-ho won linnieilbile ravor anil richly deaervod 11. Harry llarwowl hnil a liluatnlng rolo, which dliTem greatly mm iliinein wblch wo moal dellglil in too hliii, bnlbc iiuvcrttiolcaa inerltoit pralae fur lliu riiltbriilacat anil uvuiiucna or bla iHirrnrniance, and evidently ilionjugbly t-unrormed to Uieautliur'a Ideal. Arthur llyronauatnaironleil convincing ovidcncu that lie la 11 vory capable nctor. anil IamIIo Allen loal none or tlie liiiircia gained ibnuigh yean or ralilirm aervlco, at iniiiigb III ilita inauincu bo bad tiul lliilu lu do. Kihi'i UnrT|iiiiire charmed by her yuiiiliriil tieaiity, biilnceiunl tulackconadeiicelu lioriHiwcn. bho need iHji rear, however, rur bore aho la aiirroiiiiiloil tiy frleuilR ruailf to iinrdunany raiilior lnux|ier1oiice mill to oxienil to lior every eucouragcntonl. line iir ilie very boat porromiaiicea or the <'i:caaliiii waa lhai or Fnuik Ijiiiib, hi tiu' nilo or llio buller. Ilia work waa nlifi' liitcly iHirTci'i In anecch, iMarliui nnil In evert dutail. llrilpaervcMlieanleai pmlw nnd warinrai cuiigraiiitiitluna. Vlraliiln lliicliaiMii, llurticrt Ayu- ling, laiwla ttakor and Alililu Ailallia, whii ciiiii|ilcU- tlierraiiTor ino cunipany, were cntlruly anitafaC' lory. Tim iiwlgnniciil <>r mien: John ,\nnn<1iir. John Ilruw; llalilcl Ttibin, llnrry Itiirwiaiil: Vnt- luAuir Ktlas Tulilll, l.«>llo Alluii; NIctiolna liullry, IaiwU Iinkor; Hnoucor Kimiliiy CHlliior, Aritmr livron: Uiigilon KiidlcutI, llurliert .tycllng: Haw- ktiiH, Kniiik IjiuiIi; Joaiieite, Aiinii llclninni; Knili I'ltiio, Kiliul Itiirryniorv: iJicy, Annie ,\ilniin: Mm. Wmiittmry linnbHr, VIrgltita uucliiiiiaii; Uarlmi, Miiild AdaliM. MiNKn'a liiiwKur TttKATHK.-iiiM lllll brinmbt Ilia World or Niivi'itica III town S<*pi. ?;i, iiiieniiiK 10 liilr alxed andivncea. Tliuau n-hu lira veil itii> tu-at wonMvi')lri>|Mid by the excellent perrttriitaiii'r prO' M'liU'il tiy ino cnuijwiiy, which baa licuii aelcuted n lth gunil Jiiilgeiuont. Kilgenio I'clrvacii, tho fen- lure or tlio imigmninio, nreaented Iter wuiulorTiil ex- lilt>ltli<iiv>r liniid balancing anil roniortlon, and waa H|iiilniiilMl. Hlio Htuiwa reomrkatHo atrciigtli and iiglltty In the iiinny laialtlnua bur iKidy aaiimira, mill hi-r hand ilaiiclog wai gouil ami In perrect itiiio with llio iiiiialc. KtetiU and Snllnnnpen tbo tivironiMiirutn Ihelralngliig and daiirlng acl, lii- inaliu'liig aiiiiio cxira high kicking. TUU la ibelr nnil trip Kaat, and they weiu well recolvoil. (hit Hill IiiltoivcdliihlacballengeolnliHatngllig not, nnd waa ciinttallv idcuIvimI. Ilonutu Untie, aingliig anil ilaiicliig aoiihretto, niado a aucceva on her ilrat ap- IK'aniiice, and rendered aeveral ainiga lu good viiico mid clever aiyle. Tbe Four Otnlncra, lu their imialiat comedy acl, pbiyed good iiintic, liner hiwmttl with lauglialilD tmalueat, itw niltliary iMiid lliilati, ami little likk ilanliior In bla I'liivcr iMtini awliigUig uxhlblUon, cauaol great ii|>|ili>iiw. limy and Cnuway, In a liiitoli-lrlab m l. wtai-d beany launtitur, lllaa Conwav'a Itlali I'Imnii'Icr Hoiiga bi'Ing iiiiirli ii|ipbiuileil. I'red. II. I.i'»llu'a iHliti'aled iluaa, liicUlilliig Iho nhcllonioiiHllv long and high Jmii|ilui(Hro;hunuUt, fotluweil wlili ihclr usual aiicccaa. Ui CiilD and lianlolt kiuH'k«l iiboiit.biiMiiniiil wrratlcd, pnivokliig contluiioua 111I11I1. l,ow llawkliiB' aunga iind lurvdloa. coiiialii- tng iiiAiiy local |>olut.i nuicli wciu iradlly caiiglitnn to liy till' niidliMice, wuie ap|ilaiidod. Utio. ivirx'jvu rUnnI itiv Itsi or ri|toolaltlo>, and tlionbow waa i-ou- iliidi'il tiy "1110 Tneniletu irunmry IhirlKir." n Inuahatilo attcrplece, ivltti Wllllaiii (Irav, John liiililliiT, Molililu KtcUlii, J. II.UclMlK-. U. b. (Iniib iiiT, Kit. II. IMiitoU. Ilcrtlo l,\>liway, Itoiiulo Uilllu. Mile. Kalliiii nnil l.llilo Hick lu iiiu cast. I. S. Iloae la In bla olglitli year with Ur. lllll at bnalueaa nuti' iiuvr or tho iiiivvlltca. It. C. (laiiloor la atago luaii. iiKi'r. For next week, tho llollly .V Wood lllg Co. la laH^kcd. LOSIMN TiiKATH«.-.Si«i T. Jack"! Urlgltial Creole iN>in|uiiy ii|ii'iu'il to liitilaiimuii'r audteiia':< attvr- iioiiii and ovi'Utiig III Sept. .'3. The tnblo hiiL-il ivr toriiivo* inx'a^'iit iiii oiiicrialning rnigratuino. 'Hie fiiTiniu riaea on the nsiial lint |ian tntiloau, alter a prcltiiiiuarif cuoriia. Tlio aoiigaatid clioniaea wcro riii».viil. May Itolioo. MoroiK-u lllnfa. Kittle lttx>wii. t^ii ita Wllny, IKmt liean, Kadio Terry. Aiiiile Itoaa, tvitio Alien. Ilattir Sauolier. Uaiule I'anion. Ultra I'fid. c.iiinlii Anthony and other duaky ta'tioa. i nailn llniin, lloti Vole, Waller Hiiinn, Win. Ilci-. ^■\y. Irving Jonea. IHie Hiiylea, Win. iianze, lUHirttc wliiiama, JiilluaJohuaou.Smlili and Johnaon. ling, glu mill luvia, PanKiii I'hco and Charted K. Juhu- >.>u Inking iMtt. The olio ineaeuta Dmitli and John. ^ol| Ui banjo vHriailona: Wtlllama and Jonca, com. ciilaiia: Klorriiee lllnea, liiipoiwtMllooa: (Xi|o and wiiev, iliiettl:>laanildanerni.audt^ogaln audDAvia. ''t'lidcr Iho Weeping Willows." a aonoe ul luodlcya Hint uiiircbc.-i, wad appltiidcil. "The Ikmtbern iruu- M't.'* with buck dancing accouijianliuenl and a • ako W(ilk, concluded tho ]>erronuanee. lUdge WiiUcrtaropreaeuiatlve rorUr. Jark. S'o.M week. Woinr .V Fll•lll^• Own Co. Okakh Oi'Cka IIoi'mb. -Sydney nruudy'e play. ' .<wn'lug ibe Wind." w.ia given lla drat pioduciiou :i( thli house nigbi ol itepi.'J3. Tliough the wea. ilier waa excondvely hot, an audience or good 1.1/0 eujoteil tlio iH'rriiniiaiii'e nf what la con- .•*liiiTi-"t iti iiiativ to lui Mr. (Irnuily'a iiuiatendeco or (•I'lv wrtiliig. Tneeaat la enitrvly a eouipoteiit tine, mill J. II. (Iiliuiiur aa Mr. Ltrati«r.ou and Uary ii..,iil>i.iii 11^ llosaiiioiiil were, aa usual, excellent. A giMMl wont la alsii duo Thoniaa Whiiren, lu tho ctiiiijvter or .Mr. VVolklll. Ttie full eaat rotlowa; .Mr. tinii>ar.un. J. II. (illiiionr: Ur. Waikln, Tlioinai wiiiirni: .Sod Annesley, Henry J. Utrvlil: l«nl fei- n.itiii, .s. K. Knrtiigor; !ltr IllolianI Cnrtttor, tiny .^iiiiiibiitf; Mr. [irakitt, Frederick .^itrong; tlloaaop, llntrr I'htlllpa; Welib, hYrd tlarrlion: HinanHmd, .« .1. It iiii|itoii; Hon. Hro. K/elwell, Kniily IKmdr Maim Fieiwdl, Kilt Hugh Wood; BrMget, ' Uoia. Meit week "nnuiMife Dtaloij Ulil'i IIottH TauTiii!.-"rbe Oay raililans," a Itree, In three acu, tiy ueerge* Keydeca and Hinrtce Dta- valllerea, with tbe adtputlon e( wbleb AogtHnj Thoroai la credlud, waa glfCD lU lint menoiNllUui piodncUon 8«pt. 23, at tola bonie, under Uw man- agement or Chailei Frobman. The play wuieen rur the Ural ume In Aneilai tepL ttHBiar rheatre, UuHaio. N. Y., and under tbe dUe of "Ho- tel du Mbre Kxcbango" II wu oiigtoally tcled Dec. ii, 1<M, al tbe Theatie d» N'ooveaaief, nuta, Pr. The aiory: ralllard, an architect, and jMenb llDglei, a builder, are old and Intimate riienoo. Tlieronnerlaanian of butlnett baolta and la not postcaaed or a vory loving dlapoaltloD, which la oaaenllally a part el bb wITe'e lire. Plog- let, whone dbipealiloa la dlrecUy eppoalta to bla rtlend'a, la the huthand or a woman who la neliber young nor amlatile. PolUrd'awire, Uarcella, Inallv Urea or her taeaband't cool Indll. ference and plnea for conaolatlon, or, rather, re. venge. At tbe opening or Ibe llrat act Bbe re- (iroachea her huauanit. la llojilet'a pretence, lor lla lack or devotion to her, and threaieoa to leacb nim a leaaon, at which he only laugba. IMnglet, who la i|Ulie willing to give hit rilend a leaaon at llio expenae or honor, oirera bitnacir at the ItairO' moot liy which her hiitbaod la to lie punlabed, IVItbout ottlier accepting or rejecting tna oger, Uarcella doea accept llnglera InvIIAtlon to dine with lilm at a reataurant thai tame evening. Her hiiaband hat engaged to paaa the Digit al a hotel, one el the raonia of which la utd to tie haunted. A lawaiilt la In pngreoa between the hotel keeper and hie nelghbon, and Ibe architect liaa been eogaged to make peiaei obecnallona or the alleged appanuont. rloRlet't wire, Angellque, who la a perfect abraw, bat Deei called to the alck bed at a titter, and ao tbe meet- ing at tbe realauiaDl U made caty. About tbia time Uathleu, a barrlater friend of nnglel, srrlvea, aa a pleiieant Biirprlte, with bin rooryooog daugh- tera, ror a nionth'a vbdL It It neceaarr to aHOUon here an unutual Inlrmlty with which Uathleu la anilcted. In fine weather he U mott eloqueoL liut In rainy weather ho Btnltera, while a clap of thun. iter rendera lilm apeecbleaa. When he anaouDcee Ilia Intention of remaining wlUi the IHnileiaAn- gcllnuo la ei|ual 10 the occsalon, and, with nei but- iiaod, recommenda the lawyer to lake lodglegt at an hotel lor bluueir and daugbten. The action or Acl I takca place In the Uaicot Hotel afi4 lea- tjauranl, an eatabtlahmeiit of rather abady rep- utation. Tlilt bote! la the one poateaaeil with llio liannied room, and to wblch ItUlard baa come to apond tbe iilglil. JIathleu baa aelected II aa iiuarlera ror lilnuell and cblldreo, and Hnglel and Uarcella have clocted to nneet here. Tbealaga la divided litio three parij. On one aide IiaanwII ticilcliaoiia>r, on the other a Imga room with live iieda. and liotwoeu tlitni a ball, with tbe onto and alatrway leading to tbe upper Ikiora. The lianntcd room la tho oue with llveiieda, and Into tbU ]*all' lani eniora and reilrea, dntwlDg tbe cuitalnt. Ualhleu'a daughten ore uahered Into tlieaame room, and riogloi uaberaUarcella In the roomoppo- alto. Tlio HaUlcit girit roUre to a dreealngroom and return In tbeir night dretaet. They llgbttplrtt laiupa aud proceed 10 crimp their hair. Finally tbey gel 10 alnglDg tonga Irom "Itobert le DIable," ilanctng ami romping, during wblcb tbe candle la exuugiiUbcd, I'allUird Is awakened by the notoe, and, through the curtaliu, pertelvee Iho wild untica or the glrtt, made unearthly tiy the light or the tpmi lanipj. He Imaginet tbey aroglioata, and, ratting a greatruinpua, he roabes tu rrlgbl rroin tbe nuni Into thit occupied by Utr- collo and lliiglet. TallUrd docs not recognue hb wtru, and wban Ida rtleud, who haa endeavored to lildohlmteir Inachimney,appeara wlthaaeotbe- Srimed raco, he roiicloa lie la In Ihe preaenceef Old Ick lilnueir. I'luglcl kicka bin oui, aud IbeOom. tnbiaary or Police, who nnlvei at that moment, onlcra every onu to bonrreaied. In Ibe Italacl It traiiaplretlhaiAngelli|ue hail been prevented from going to her tlater'a by a cab accldenl, lu wblcb alie recclveil a black eye and other dtmagei, and tinil alcpl away rrotii home. Miixelle, when aaked tty the Comuilaaary ol I'otico lor her name had given that oC Uadauie ringloi, while the builder had aald he waj I'alllard. Conae- queiitly Aiigollquo Ilea under tho ImpulatloD el Having taren at tbe Uatcot Hold and nxuiiianl Willi the archltecl, and I'lnglel, In order 10 clear lilmocir, Bol/ea tho opportunity tod accutca her or iiilaooiitliicl. Her caoo baa a very bad appeatance, iliui-iiiunilaaary not being able to recognize any or lliu iirleonem whom he hud airoiiied the night be- fiin\ Uathleu la tbe only person who can cltar up the inyatory, and liu la about to apeak when alhnn- ilerclap la tieard uud bo loaoa Ibe power of ayeech. Hint, fiir the lack or anyone eloe 10 whom he can lay itiu titanic or tlio uocturual dbiiarbance, the taagla- trato acciiaiiH Uaxltue and YlclorlDe, who weib takingHiipper, iiutcacapeUduring tbe commDIlon. I'tiuKiiiliora.atthiingb ttioy have produced rather wi'iik illaliigiio, liavo bundled thelraabjeol cleverly. The run aud Interctt are cuuiulttlve, and the lileee pix-aoiiM uioro hiimoiDuu aluiaUont tlian ate iiriunlty round lu hair a do7.en rarceH,aDd yet there la Mill ono too many. The louipllcatlona lolluw cacti iiilior mpliliy and are well dorelalted Into e.ii'li other. The piece la well aoleil, evoir inember iir Iho ciiat dolug capable work aud adding mncb til till) ancei'aa or the pleco. W. J. Ferguttn aa Joaopti lliiglet waa excellent, bit racbil expieaa- tuna speaking volumca diirlug tceuea with An- giiibiue, luriiciitany In ihe last act. He wai alto very happy In bIIiuc naniomlne work at tbe cloae or tlio Dniiact, whore he etcapca by meana or k rtipe ladder rrora the room In which his wtle baa locked liltn, aud In the opening ot Ibe third act, wliun bo ruiurua to the aame room. Udette T>Ier oxrollrd henioltasHiircella,ai]d abated Ihe tonon with Mr. Forgtiaon. llerappenmnce waachartolDg and Iter acuiig at all times met Ibe rulleat requlte- luoiiuorilie jiarland won rur bor well deserved ivcogiiltlou. Hbo Bunk her Identity In Utrcella and becaniathe pelulcnt, ImpuUlve woman who ctiaroa under Imaginary wroutialntllclcd upon her tiy tier liutbaud. Uia. K. J. I'bhIliM, aa Angtltniie, well belled lier lutme and wiu all that couliT be de- alml aa a abrew. TI10 Uathleu or Jauea lUmws waa giHHl. Ills Biamnieniiginlght be Inipovedupon, al tluies, tiuinahelaoaly HBiammererwbeu Ilialua tblaallgtil rniilluiny booveilooked. Cbarlea Wolla aa Pallianl waa atagoy, aud thus tnaned asoiber* wise good porlonuance. Joaepblne Hall waa a very prottjr and vivacluua VIclorlue, and W. H. Shirley aa Alaxloo niado the moat or an Inalpid and tiii|irobalilu role. t:«irge Uackiia nt llasUin at tlniea used a Frnucti acconi anil at otbera awke wiilioni II, otbcrwtau lio waa itll tbat the part nake<l ror. The cnai In ruU: Jiuepli ringlet, w. J. Fer- gii>ou: Angellque. Mrs. K. J. I'lilTllin; I^IIarri, utiarles WoiU: Manella, Udette 1)lcr; Uathleu, Jnuiea Harrows; llyacliilho, Uargarlelte (lerdon; vtiiiul. Clam Norton: Ualsy, Ycrgto Itiavea; Uoae, Winuiia iihaiiui'n; Uaxltue, tV. II. Shirley; kaiiloi, Jo-cpli llniii|ilii\\va; llnsilcii, iirorge Bickiit; Kiniesi, Fmiik A. Connor: lloiUcelll, Chtrira (int'tie: Itnii'lianI, Luiila llendrlekt; Yleu>r1ne, JiLicplilnellnll; UlMCoiinrll, Molllo Bbenvoed. rosy I'ainxia'aTitRiTHii.—One of the large* Moq- ilay uiglil liuutea of tbo eeaaon welcomed Uarry .Morria' "Twentieth Century Milda" Bepl. £>, abow- lug the n isilutuor tnoHliigiin ailracuonorkaortao unlike tho inevnlllng aiylo ot enlenaltuuent giveu bore, and at the sauiu time dUicrlmlnatlng In favor or n ci>tu|iaiiy so litah claaa, presenting an enter, tntiiniciit 00 ilioniugtily amuaiug and truly (unny. Mr. Monlt haa put tugelhcr a true burletiiw, and 'ia"Trltbi" ttaeruoellll In tho pieaent leute, tbe .heiiiutalnltaeiriiitoretttng, nnil aa hero produced exi evdliiitl)' well laniiioouiil. Tbo curiain niaer Is ail u)i to date concenilon or the now wouiaotiyled "II10 (tin Ihtelieliini' Club," luitnducliig UIU Trim- ble, Jano Daly, Aiiiito Carter nnd Nellie Ue Otarsey lllllluehleralnllou^ rnltoned by an olio wblcb hi niiencd bv John T. llatuen In a Yankee ape. daily. Harry Kmeraon and Annie Carter then npiiearod In a neat i-oiuedy tkeieb, nnd were ri'tlowcd by l.ella Trimble, who tang a number ot aoDirattiauiauuerla intlu lor her much aptlBuae. Clarice Terry then poaed In a aehca or Uviig pio- lures, aud gave way 10 Nettle He Counoy, nto was well nM'olved. Mtcuael Coakley and Dave (lonaro elined Ibe Hat ot speclalilte with their verr clever plautatioii Btuicli, lulmlueing One danctiic and «Inning applause. Too Much Trilby doted tho iierroruiauce and tout all bauda away reeiDg lu the boat or humor, ihereby tulilitlug lla mlaslen and luldlu); uulerlally to Ur.Norrli' ivpulatlon rorfu^ ulfhtng amutemeot or the hotter chua. Manager IMtlornuipiuvldeil ror next week another one or hta iituallT well teleried bouse Mlla, whicb viUt tor aneb old Una favorltet at Pollv llolmea, Jobniv and Kmtua Kay, Ijtwrenceand Hanlngtonandlleband Kilty F.iiiniel. I'lt-rii .vvKsfK TimtTaii.—Sat c.noodwin began I s.>|ii. '.'J the secouil week ot hit ciigtgenieit, situ rvlniiiliig "A (iUilrtl Funl" oa Ilie oderlng. Ho baa ilei-tilLit iittt III revive "III Uluoiira" durliat Ibia visit, tint will tieaeru lu "liavid, ilarTlrk"uid In till'new play, "Aiiiblilou." Ho la nitniciing large iindtenm. .vuk-atciN TiiKirai:. "Tho (treat lllauh.itl Hob- l>er>" eoiiitiiuea to draw good attenilanee k> ibia lioiKc. II begaii Sept. -a the fonrlh week of ka mn. Ai'inauv lit'Utw.-"The sporting liueliMi" la fUlll tueattnielliiiiai ibit boiite. with oven-hidlca- ikiu or iMnUuued pruopeniy. It imu che Uih weekotlUtuaUepLlx KlITB'a UMIOH BaUAlll THlilBI.—In tjllf. Ibo Intense beat thispennlat bouse wis weu llUed 8ept 24, wben tnotberlliorongbly enjoyabis bill ot ilnlghtvsrielTpaiaed ID review. A. W. UacCoUIn and FanDf D. Ilail made tbelrOist appesruce ben, and by their excellent aInglDg ud pBhitttklDg work won Immediate anil ptonounced sncceaa. Uzzle Derlona Haly appeartd aa ■Ibe Olrl ot the Period," and tnlly tntlalned ker eauhllsbed repnu- Uon for enlerlalning efforts. Sevenit Bbarer made a big tucceta In bla Juggling, and Rice aid Elmer won ravor ror their clever work on tbe boiUonlal bars. Frank Uonn cracked a number ot tntb Jokea, and Ward and Lynch oirered a OelUc farce that met much applauae. Chas. and Minnie Bavan Bcored one ot ine neat tnccesaes or the night; a dittlocilon well deserved, as their act la of tbe betl aort. Smith and Fuller, mnalcal apeclalhita, made Ihe moat of tlieir opportunity and round great ravor with the audience. Tlie Namedos Brolnen entered npon their aecend week, and witb Dllljand Lena (trace, laiw lundall, fhoa. J, llefron, Wm. Oounnglil and the Galely (ilrla Trio completed tbe Hal or eutertalnert. Tbe programme round more than ordlnaiT tavor with tbe audience, and with the coming or cooler weather aliould be the medium or a splendid week'a bntloen. WoRTU's Uusii'H.-The nunagement took occt- Blon during laat week'a cloaing to thoroughly leno- vate and brighten the Interler, and It now presents an atOacUve appearance. The Ciyelal Haze baa been removed from the main lecture halt, thereby adding tnaoy reel of space to tie devoted to other exblblUona ot museum atuacllont. Four shows are now given dally. In tbo theatre tor Ibbi week are: Heasle Camll, Tommy Rslliy, tbe Uallyt, Ulllle Uoore, tho Rllswortha, J. O. Bcherer, UoDle llavia, Florence Emmel. Hehuyler and Chantrell, andJobnII.W. Byrne. In tbe cnrlo hall: Halllel, rinaklng; Bnnney, tbe musical Albino; Jacob Ul|. debrendt, atnng man; Ulle. Uaratana, ladder ot awordt, and Sonwell and bla snakes. Plot. Worth It In bla accustomed place, with hIa trunk of curios, and bit lectorca are aa aiiracUve aa of yore. Buil- iieea contlnuea good. rsorLX'H TiiiiTHI.—Frank Harvey'a meledreiDt, "Tbe Land of the Living," was pretenled BepL 23, to a good houae. The play. In which a painful lack ot onglnatlly la apparent, was applauded by the not too critical audience. Oiarlea Mason,aa Oenld Aikwrtghi, fairly succeeded as tbe penecuted bero, while Ohas. W. Travis closely followed the old school method ef Iho heavy villain aa Iteuhen Tred- Gld. AUna HDoDg't Kale was commendable and la Uomaae waa cute aa Noiah. Iludton Listen did a clever bit of character acting aatosn old Ur. ArkwrlghL Harry Webster, John Reynoldi, Fred Hill, wniiam Hurnby, Walter Oook, Helen Corletle, Uwen Uarlowe, Beetn Uelema and Utile Hamie Jausen an also In the cast Sol. Heyers Is the di- rector ot the tour, with D. D. Acker business man- ager. Next week, "Slaves of Oold." KoffiraJ: BiAL*s.—The programme ot excellent acta provided but week proved of snniclent power to be offered tbli week almost In Its entirely, A. 0. Duncan being the only newcomer this week. Tbe performing elephants were applauded by tbe good sized audience on Uonday erening, Sept. £1. They are In the third week ot their engagement Cranio and Uaud'a eccentric wire act alto coBtlnnos 10 nieaae. Other tucceaafnl toaturea of tbe bill were; CkMllde Antonio, conlonlooln (third week): U. Wal- ton's miniature cirens (third week), the Uenlleee BItiare (second week), Florence Levey (ihlnl week), the Valdls Blstere, aerlolltla (Ibltd week), tnd aan wieland, ohanteuee (tecond week). Tbe new series or living pictures Includes aeverel anltdc produc- Uona. The Uungarltn Olpsy Hand held rortn in the promenade. A teiles of high class Sunday evening concerts will be Insngumtcd beteie long. OKKTSLiL Uriiu lIoDSB Hoiic DILI Wlib the ending ot tbe current week ibla reaon will bring 10 a close a remunermtire season, and one whioh naa resulted In ealablltbhig It firmly In Ibe affections ot tho vaudeville lover* ot the npper East tide. For lbs Doal week a capable list of enteruinere la In evidence, beaded by llobert K. Lee, In JugglUig teals, made doubly sffeeUve by ibeir execution while tbe performer stsnds on a revolving globe. Kochetort and Uay ollclleil tokens of spproval tor their conltlbiiilou, and tho Murray Bros, round their audltora quick to appiedate Ibelr work, while Colby and De will. In a novel perch sol, were also vigor- ously neeted. James U. and Fsnnle Donovan re- turned to their many admirers, Mordbelm, wire performer, ehowed decided ability, and the Walte Slaisn tumlehed several meritorious cbar- aeler changes. Ths Fremonts, In tbeIr clever sketch, eaaiiy took one ot the foremost places, and to the capable parody singera end cemsdlsnt, Thompson snd (JoUlns, waa entnisted Ibe winding up of Ibe blU. UiNsa'a KtonTit Avixi-b Tdiatu.— Tbe Wsih- bum tflsiere' iMt Senaatlon moved up here on Sept. 2), and. If tbe opening house Is a orlterton ol what la to rollow, rormer records of big business here will be wiped ouL There Is nothing to add to Ihe compllmeniaiT review of Ibe merlis ot this organization given In our lait Issue, Uanager and Proprietor Louis Roble certainly lias cellecled a company ot clever enteitalners, while the costumea and scenicscceesoilesot theopentlo exinvaganza, "Fortuna, or the Prloceaa Tough," have never beeta <■ excelled upon the vaudevuie stage. Eddie UazIerV^ turn IQ the ello baa been replaced by Whitelaw and rerry, Irlib comedians, the fomer abu aasnmlog Eddie Uazler'a part In the extisvagania. Next week. Qua Illll'a KovelUea. UuBtH'a Eiotrro Avbnui Muaniii.—Tbe prin- cipal curio ball feature tbhi week Is Von Qofre, manipulator or many weights, In bis original act, for the tint Ume at this houae. Other new attnc' tlons In the muaeum balls are: Einl, ooe legged wonder; Luta and Boyd, armless phenomenons, and tbo Rahilun Urns., who tiyle themselves "Kings of the Repute mbe," in Uie theatre are: Benba Brush, l.eslle and Ourdy. the Burtons, Hsppy Cal. Stuart, Oeo. Mack and tbe (Mela. Business con- Unnesexcellent. IlBMLn SqvAKi nikinii.—"Rob Hoy" began on Sept. 23 Uie reunh and dual week or lis slay* ilad oiber engagements pennltied. Its visit might bsve been prooiably extended, for It teems to have lost none ot Its atinicUveneas. The two hundred aud drileUi portormance or ihswork wiu be given:*, when touvenin ol the occasion will be lUtirlbnted. On Sept. 30 Walker Whitealdo will begin an engage- ment. OiHBiCK TUBiTRB.—The engsgemenlol tho Joint atare, R. M. and Joseph UoUsnd, t«icbe<l Ihe begm- olng or lla rourth week on Sept 23. "A Uan With a Paet" waa again prcseuted upon that dato, bnla change or bill la announced ror H, when a new play, "A Social Highwayman," will, according to prom- Itr, have Ita dnii production upon any stage. A (latHD WidNEBiaNCONcsKT was given Sundsv evening, sept, xi, at the Mtdlaon tiniitn Oardon. Ume. von Jaiiuechowaky, Baron Uerthald and Wm. Uertena were tho tololsts,and Ihelnttnimcnuil num- uera were niidered by an orobeitn or one hundred muBlcUina, under the directkin ot Ad. Neuendorff. ST.MiDAHDTitBiTRs.-"Tbo Capliol" isconUnutd at ibit bouse, tho managemont probably iblnklog that Uie newspaper contioverey over the play may be tuned to good account and euccom evolved from a tallure. The play onieied upon Its third week on Sept. 23. Madison SijtiAiii aABCXN.—"Black America" be- gan on SepL 3 tbe aecond and hut week ot IM slay. In addition to tbe tplriied singing ot Ihe colored vocalttis, a cake walk aitords coBsldemble ebtenalnmeuL The aggregaUon tbowe belter un- der roof than It did In ihe ooen air. (lAnDEN Tukathk.— "Trilby," which began on SepL 'J3 tho twonly-feurUi week of Its ran?It sUll playing to salltrscloiy biulneis. It Is, however, uearlDit the end ot lla sl*y, tor Joseph Jefferson la booked to appear ai iblo hooae oariy In the coming month. A M'MBkR or nwuagen and prominent tnembon or the pnrcstlon met In ibticIiy.SepL iT,ioanwige for a leaumonlal to Joeepta Jefferson or Ue respect In wblcb be Is held by tbe dremstto proresslon. It was dccldiHl that tbe lesUoonlal gin ebould be a loving cup. UA.vAaBH UxsRv c. UiNiR vvas given a dhiner, Sept.»), al Ibe Uoiel Uariborough, by tbe pilots a{ this port, Tho aOilr waa gotten iiptn ntom ror Ibe ^'°v'i"'S,fS°'"" N'uer In giving tbe use ol bis > nth Avenue Theatre a tew monihi ago tor a beneOI pertonnance In aid or Ibc wktows and orphaua ornllola. LYCtirif TngATsx.-"The Prisoner ol Zends" be- gan on Sept.'.13 tbe rouribweekoriterun,wiihatand- ftig room only available. Sot only U tbe play greatly admired, but the tdmlreble acting ol E. Il.^tbein and or inoel or Iho mombert of his company affords rare enjoyment. Aatkv'a TnkAmt-'-TlieChtefulo," Kiancia Wll- aon • latui oirapnui. It an ataured tucceas. It la brimtul or merit and much ol Ibe mntic la or the sort lhatmsy apuybeteriatdnvlablng. Hr. Wilson la doing excellent work, and Ijilt (flanr la alao J'nuin«l»ureta. Tho ihlnl week ol the run tiegan ^aLaaR's Tn«ATiiK.-' neur-<le" with iviia Fox aa the alar therein and Jefferson irAngella seen at bis be.11. la reaolug a good barveel at thla boote. Iienlerodon Sept.M njionihp nrihweck or Its run. Prooidi>8 Fliasdu PAi.Aci.-The hot wattber otBeptn affected Ibe auendance at thtsbonM, but nevertheless It waa falily well pabonlzed. Tbe bill presented wu excellent, and was tnlly awre- claied by tboee who attended. RIehaM aeUsn, comedian, made bit debut on Ihe conUnneni per. lomance stage, and tonnd Immediate tavor. Bar- ney Fagen, comedian and dancer, was well liked. Prof. Geo. Lockhsrt't tnUisd slephanu began ibeIr tonitb week and conUDDo to win favor. tbeUaie Brotben, comedy bortzontal bar perfomen, were well received. Ulllle Bartow, comedienne (fonith week), waa a conllnned favorite. Oiben on the hill wen: lbs /.alva Trio, high win perfonnen (tecond week); tbe Brotbem DIanus, musical clowna (second week); BUI snd Hull, grotesQues; lbs 8IstenAndenen,equlllbrists(rourth week); Ibe (Jtisker aty qnaitst, Kays snd lleniy. In a sketob; Haaon and Bealy, comedians; the HoMnlty SIsten, clog dancen: tbe Hnblmsnn Trio, Swiss Uoun- Islneers, and uabel Bndion,vocallat,an otwbom did well. PiocroR'sTBBi'niK.—This popnlar honae mads a strong bid for pstnnage week ot Sept. 23, snd secured a good auendance on Ibe opening day ot Ihe week, considering Ihe Insnffcmble heat The bUl Incloded ths tavorita cemedlenno, Boimie Thornton; W. T. Ctrletsn, baritone ainger; Brotben Donaldson snd ArdeU, panumlmlsts; Jamea Thorn- ton, monologue comedian; Coantem Claire de Lnnes, eccentric cnsntentej the Tbne HarvsUes, gnlesnues; Ed lateU and (llynn, musical comedl- sna; Wills and Oollint, In akelobes; the Whltlen Sisters, ohancter tingtn; Oltrk and Bt Clalr, aketoh comedians; RoaanI, Jnnler; Fern Melrose, toubntte; Berilna, terpentine dancer, and the lady orobestn. aU oC whom did their full than u>ward the entenalnment FotntmKiB STRUT Thiatbi.— Clam Uonlsbe- Ean tbe sscond snd lut week ot ber engagement enon BepL23,sppcarlsgasCon,lii"ArUcle4T,>> to a light attendance, the weather Ming extremely warm. TberepertofTforthersmalnderottheweex follows: "Article 47," avenlngs 24, 27; "Miss ModI- ten," maUnee 3S and evening SS: "Raymonde," evening a and mattueess; '■OamlUe," evening 2t. On Sept ao Obsoncey Olcou begUis an engagement ID "The Irish Artist'' Hdbib'8 Palaci Ht.'Sitii.—Trot. O. L. Edwards' Intelligent and ireU mined hone, Bonner, nmalna for this week tbe feature ot the cnrto haU amngs- ment Bella Osrier, a woman wllb a horses mane, and FIgee Jim and Aiule an the chief freaks, with AotUn's marionettes and MUe. Oamtte's trained birds thrown In tor good measare. Tbe stage en- isttalDmoDt Is tunlsned by W, F. Oenld, Hiss Lons- dsle, dancer; Ue UoUls and Valore, Jngglen; tbe Unique qnattel, EairyMlron,vocalist;tbsNeahm's, sketch team, and the Hnrley Bnibera, daaceis. On sept 23 the attendance was raj good. In spite ot Uie heat Qaiht Tsbatri "Tbe Night Owb" Bnriesqne (X>mpaoy Is InttaUsd here tor the current week. Broadway Thbaibi —"Frtnceet Bonnie," with Its many melodlona nnmben and Its pnlty stags pictures, Is stui dellghUng the istnnaot tbIa bouse, where It began on Sept 23 tbe fourth week ot Its Bbiy. Harlem.—At tbe Hsrlem Open Uousa Msile WaUiwright revived sberMao Knowlea* comedy, "The Lore Cbaaa," Sept S, 10 oolr a modeimta Uied auilloDca. Tbe play nadiaoaad tad aiased 00 amasoltloenttcale, J,,.. __,—, -I... . . „Iat Walowrlght^a ponrayal oT CooatAnce waa folly apprectalcd by Ihe tadlooca. "ten" did weU lattwaak. "Rob Boy" eomaa 30. CoLOHBCa.—WotMrAFIelila'Oaii Oompaayboganllaaaa. a«o fl at thIt boaaOL to a mil booaa, nolwItbrlaadUig the Intaoaa beat The blU ptaaeated amplr repaid Uia audleoca ror biavlDg the woaOier, tad a beartf wokome waa ac- vtudef lUe ortjanliatlon oq tbe road amegor In Ita In- diTldual acta, or In Its ooUnty, than WaOer A Fiolda' pfsa- . The piogTtiDino 00 MOEUlay ntglit'woa opened by LavMider A Tomaoe, who put the aud^eoea la OH down Tho Aenie Four fcopt the aedleow to a r danoa tbelrauy on tbe ^taie, and Alarleua and oat, with their Dmbied cockalaoo, wore anUlUJitat- llr received. Nost week, "CharlePi Auot." eol company. opened by Lai Bood liumnratooce. Dromondt Staler and Belle Burbech wore plaattQa In thoir mualcal tare, and Blllv Bnoraon waa aeconlod a wano recepttoD. wobor A rielda. In a oaw act arrmyod In the ooeuiDO or Oeimaii abarp ahooterv, woraaa looor aaoTor.andinerttod lha welcome RiToo iheni. Lottie allaon round bonair ajnoog rrlenda at the Btan. Blio aag with bor old Umo vlni. and bad 10 roapood to tororal eoeoroa. James P. Ilooy waa not roraouan by the aedloaee. Ilia art however, wlU bear looir _ . - 1 roar Belkiat, wl! lleallr received. Koal week, "Charter' _ OLYaric—The Hay RuaaoU Co. made Uielr ntat Utrlem appaaraoce 10 a good abed aodlooee, 23. The Out part 'The Lord aadLady '<3rcloia," which Inoladoo May Adama, Zolla ClAylon, Bob Rtdimood and all tho tnom- bora In Soo amy, altb pltoly ol dancing tnd atngtaf, aoomod to, pleaae the aodlance. Tbo olio Includoa Bam Rico, EluloClomeaia,Klusotald and Eeltr, May Adama, (^bu.RobbiaoD, and Toner aod FnbaL A barleaqoe, en. UUod "Tho gUiR'aBtithday." gave tho womon a chance to dioplay ihomaalTai hi praur oinumea. Keit week, UariT Horrla' TwaoluUi Contarr Balda UaalBaMciaoi^anatorBaitUirspoitaUiat tie baa aaurprlaororthopttioBaoi thtabouae lo a row weoht, and alao aayt tbat M haa no UQll to Bed with buabieat. not wjek: Delno Pritz, VTtllor eitton, BIrdIo MorroU, Priaoa Pamakaalka.Prinoua Flo, Fiot. Fltigeratd, Boweo and Walter, Klltie BDltlvlIany tnd Oii>ale Morton, J. tv. Thoniroon,Br<anaaaidWboal<r,aad Uoleoe Htyo. NE W YORK ST ATE BcaakI|rB_Another warm wave shtuck IbUi c iyliuii week tad had Ita oaual depraaaiag etreol on the aitondaaceattbo playliooaoa At Coney laUnd Caputa Faot BoTlon'a"Bhootui( Uio Cbutat" ntrain great de- mand, and tbontaada or noople enjoyed a ride doKo Uie aleep IncUno durug the paat week. Btnday wu Ibe eloabig diy or Ihe aaaaon. A clianiecr bill wu made at tho Columbia Ian week. Tho opodIor piece "Bona^modC which waa taken off arur Wed. noftlay Ttho MouaTobtah'. Dlsbt'a perronnanca, and waa npttoed br J." Tbe lAlurwaiona oT'Uia oU time diaiiiuaopopalararowyetna(o,aod wu moroentor- lAlolat than waa the rormer ploea. The Ollla offered at IhoUioalnaUiUwooharaaU.iioodind aboahlmoeCwIUi liberal tuppott loHTcral Intiaacei Uia plecaewluba aou here for tbe am tine. alUioash givaa olaewhera wllb much aucceaa. TtieTtroiT Cbera Co. scored a da- oktod tilt at the ao* Moatwik tut «ok. "i'"" roandllna;' wai produced here olEht oraopLZAbereroatargo aadleoca. The lirtalit panloo. arsiar^UiepIacalaclBay FltmaraM. »ho buTaoMd noneiriDtocouldrrable ttmo. 'Iho Merry Worid" wiu bo produced litre nixl wook. "i Mm-7.¥*W.'.''S"t.W •»™<"on tble week here le A (till Ip to Ilale," wbldi wu soon hire for Uis llnl llmeulgbiorzl bya good sizad ludlence. It wu oris, laally pnwueod uodtr Uie title or "Charloy'a Lodo" Mario Walnwrlohl *lu be Uio aurullon nail week. MoavAOK.—alaan Bobtoe opeaod a iwuwaoka' ooRtRO- ^SKI'f 'f.S^^"' • new Amerliaa comeiOy Oulel L. Uart called "Uovomoiaot Aceopiaoco " Ha mneoruioplajr UUM In Waahlnilon, ImRil^ or thS lOTeator. who la al work on an eleclrleal maaofwar with a view to iM ictoptaaca by Uie U. & Ooterament Uta Idou litre tmo alolon by a Ailao Irlend, who seta tbo acceptance, bal Uiotitud ladlaconrod.ood Mr. BohaoiL wlioplayaUiepan of Robert Ooidon. Uu laveolor, leu tho acceplanco. Vm eihlblllonot Uic iis>dal ponnliaor uotoclrical dlaplay. wblch la a rlulapuk trihopliJI "V, "'"T'e "lit be aaee In "Firblddoo rAtL" Bijoo.-"Hum»nlly," Nation Vano'a olaborato melo. drtnia, wu given hen nisht oro, berore a oaual Mondu niRbt audloaca. It hu our tuurattlnc raalurea. bat nooe tlial made aectt a dovldod ImpraastOD 00 Uie aallorv u Uie broadawonl comut on hocuback. Euauo Uo^M« wu'h^' •^X""" ■' » b« tbe eliff; UtASD Oraai llocas.^etrreya lawli, aupporteJ by an *;?!'*!l.°?°'ft°''< mati a bilet enpinmeal Cere nt«ht ot a, to ^nel Nof titrore aaaudleMa thtl comrortab^, ailed itie hoota. Thla la HIaa Is>?h?gm ;^orRoiMOnei" will tlm beaoen on Tuioday ntihi jraduftday nitilioe, "Ibo Creole" on WedneiAv and 31',",^*' "eDta«a,Md "U BeUo Boaae' OD FfldMtJSS SftfiSlf; V"'''W *"'' "atunlar naltooe. AadrawJ^uh, In "Mylea Araoa,^' ainoa aoal week. ^ uoufsa KTAa.-Tbo coottnead porrormanoaa arow SSIlr°.'2'i^"tf oiclUnl bill tapfo. aaelao Chla week, tod Inctudea: J. W. Kally, Uia rolUiia S>Umu: WttJoa and Uoublom ToutoiiooomedUu! £i'Vi."'!r"i^'*'f'5^"'»''T'*»''uTb«iMSd vB5 ffSi .1?°J"*^1«'"J'"'J ""'"I" b. U.lor,tlnS.r; lURod hero Uili *iek and t«o bla crbwdo wlueiaad the £S?*!S!7^"'""°''° Manhattan CoSiy E?i»'.SS!?i.'S;,ff?«™?,'"*' Uio.momb«raot Uio utiu being CurUa,WtLIIama.BliaaQ ted Mack. Othora In the Mmpanyara 6mlUi tad Cameball. vmadtuiythe D* £°If'"Vi"*°.'^f "lAncoii; &illb and CMh, Beratrd OrUyo. Edward Uwruice and Klaa narrlnalon: the Boaory boy ud sbl: Adelo Poirli Onri. renlifallftobe perforn<or:Btooouo,eoalorllDalBt:MoaUnioaalwwt s.^crMyM".,"'' 'PwMi madoweleomebja bisaudlonce. loAaiaditihetu? oomodr In which aho appeaia haa ntvor bien hen baron It ti uT* to prodtn > >ood •eok'a batlaeirBo tliw u7 ffJ.iV ""ir'i ."'.V "a*- "Tbe U»d or Uie Litin,." .J"IT "',''''* ' tJooiediua. who enjoy Uio arealMI poi'ularilyor any aitrtclloa dial plija iila hooulara bore rur a •eek. The opontns booK 21 wu bt, Tbe lui .oak a-u laiuraeion. Joho Wild «11 St amureonau«oi>fltwMkol9U. "»wi,,piw £.7&p?srir.^i?'si:''t':ui7':.'sj:sf.n'i: M^'a^iliT*.',!!f" V' •'»°» f"*"' bu M^ii^a.;:;^^ TBRAusRirawH,ij;Af«n,.c..f.«ugive.con- K^VU^jiV.tJiitiiarr.c''^^ PUneolau dUuar to Nat. O Ooalwla at Uie llolst I "^.^ Jj^ii?""" • "^u* BarleaqaaOo. l-pei1al.o«.Uie .t«I.« o( BSfC Ji. """^ I iSSH^SPtcSSSL 'oUr'^L'TU "J ■oodiludkodlioceonUM omqIdk slitit. flood bin. HalutvMk. Httit wtak'Tbe Lucutaln Liu" «n] tMlllVAttrUtlOOe Han^Bort JobDfOB. on* of th* otdMt idT«iilii&i ntolatb* Buton Diitilet. bu tmn rwnrad bj hT Cv to look aiur th« Uolqoe'a MTaitUIng bDiln«u. RocbMter.—At tbo Lyceum Rlcel "14M'> b^ no Bat S a tbm DlftaU' eopiiiVBMu, to b« roUo»4 bv **Tba epbloi" 3R, Pror. ntmntiiD comM tl, S Oik BhIoD«r ua 11, Ui< eitnordliuuT hot vuther nuUTitlir afCHtloirtli* KMlpii. Booked for BtpLSO and Oci.l.t Probman'iCo.: Oct 3-1 Tbomu Q. BMbroobe. Oook Onu uoc«B.—I>ui KeCtrtbr. In Prldtor Mvo," vu ih« ftttncUoD 23. nmuarDfc for thrM olvhi*. wb«D EfttU EmDOtt, to ^N^hftt, Ui« ^ftrino Bov," coisn topUvthonnftlndtroftbowMk. "ARaUrow Tickii" left SI, tbe •iinmolr hot veuhcr bkTlog a dlauuini effoet 00 tbe boi ofllce ncalpte. CccdIdk: B4pL SO Oct. 1.2. "PiodlcalFatber:*' S-ft. JefTreji Lavlii. ACADUTOVMCUC.—J. E.Toole b«|an 33. to "KllUr. ner and U» Rhine," rUTing for tJW eoUre veak. Lvi weok'TlteMlilBlgbi Flood" did a hrjtt btulocM dqi. wltbmudloi tbe niUrr weather. AodouoccO tot B«pi. 30ftodw*ek.*-I>e1moDteo'iet6lE." . Wo.<fnBRLL>D TnuTKi U attjactbg large andleoret by iucontlnaooaperfomaocei. Thtattractlourorthii w(«k are Beliri*( and Bllbon, Leoiuo.Jaf»l«r; FoTiti aod Qalno. KItUe nihoon, Pormao aod Wert, Qeorge Aestln, Ceiupbell ud Beinl, and WlUoo aod M llledge. Baffalo^At tbeSttr TbMtre Otis SkJoner csmc B«pt n for t«o olshu- TanrrOMraCo. coiimS,K, "n)e^Iai"7r,U. 'ThBOa)- Faiiitue" lecelred It^ flntAraerleaoprodaetloD bore IMl, tad madeaneicel- loBt liopreailoD. Hoaio UALu—'Tb* Old iromectaad" bad a bigweik, dipartjDgZI. "im" comei ams. . . „ LvciDM TBUT«i.-*-Tbe Prodlnl PaUter** U thU w«ek'a oirtrlnc. Meic week, "Don U Dlste." "la a Big Cliy"dld wclT COCBT ffrRBCT TaaaTBB-—Preu EUrldge, Llnlo Mul- Ter, Feerl iBman, Zebaa Bawbtoo, Moore aod brcb«r. H^ride end Ooodrlcb, La Motbe and Milton, tbe Vou. JereaKlttrOUffloreaiutbeTraTeUeiL Keitwoek,FleUi A BaoMo'oDnwlngCMa Sam T. Jaa*i Oreolu liaj» BpleodM week ie-» ^ „ ^ Sou's Mcflio UAix^MUdred Howard, Elorado ud Norlaa, Jemei U. Collw, Panor Renolda, Moaa Wymer. Maeflrer.JeoDlopaodO'BrlH). .... TBI Nnr WOMOSRXaAXO.—Zaroa, Aiden, Eatle Joboion Trio, Oeorga Weatxler, P. B. Kyl^Cbarlei B. BIdi, Bid. fonl and Pagan, Ibe Harrlaee and Boairico Aideo. Aibftny.—me coDttaned warm weather iDler* fared wItb tbe atteodaoce at oar tbeatna Ibli week. Tb« Laland Opeim Hoaae bad Conrtanoy Tborpe fleot IG-U, Id repertorr oTplara, (oolodlnt "The Btorr ol a Bio, **nie Ltght that FallnU" ^Beading a Trmfedy" and "Doroibr'a Loren." Ibe baalneai waa ftirlr sood thmghoat Uw engacameaL "My Wir**a Prtaad'' came Tor mie nighi, 19, to good attendance. **rbe Twantleth Ceaiuiy OlrT'drew the biggeat boue* of thaweekfl). "All tbeComroruor Uoma'^etoied tbe week to light and leoeee. CoidIdc: "Jack Barkamy" "Hoia and ]lo8a"Bept.30-OcLi, Uernnann, tbe auglclan. 2. UAaMAHfB Blsecus f|jiLLbeld»iood atxed andleacc ,X wbeo **n>e Bphloi" waa aung by the Harry Aahln Opera Co. It met with much (avor. "Sovlng tbe Wlml*' reioraed tK 31. and rapeated Ite aocceoa to excellent n- tnma Comlog: "Shore Acrva" Oct i, 0,*'A Country CIr coa" 9l "TweTre Tompiatlona" 13. TBI QAirrr Tbuto bad Flynn A 8berldan*a UIr -ouble Show ad laat week, and lane hooaei were ihe rale. Coning: "White Crook" N'Igbt Owla 3D tn Get a. Trof—At the OrlswoM Open Hoaae "The BplilDa'^ drew a good bouae SepL 17. "My Wlfe'a Prleoa" haa a amaU hooae IS. *^e TweoUeib Centuiy (llir had ablgboaaelP. 'The Bagloear"dld lightbaaioeaaXk31. Katie Bmneti, in "Cbat, an American Boy," eamo O: "lloaa and Hou"M. Joeeph Hait, lo "A Oay Old Boy.'' 19,36: "Jaok Uarkaway*' Zf. 20. tusD's Opbba UooBK.~''8uwIog the Wind" filled ilic bOQiie 17,18. fleorge W. Hooroe, lo "A U^r Utile Ufrm^" drew a tmall hooae 19. Oourtoey tliorpe. Id repertory, bed amall booaes 30, 31. Otta Bkloaer, lo "vlUon, the Vanbond,'* eoroee 39. Hanlon Broiliera' "Panlanna" 37,38. UAinrTBBiTRi.—'Tlie wtilte Crook" opened the au- aon at ibla hooae 16, to ttandlog room only, and drew large bouaee all tbe week. **Tho E4dleM^01ub"came 2] tor Ihe week. Bynoiue^AtWlettDf Opera house BUiy VanN Mloatnla drew well BapL 16. Illce*f **1<02" came to ibe capacity of the liouae w, 21. bookuiga: "The Splib^" 33k Ilernnann34,t5. Bastablb THRATSB^oho Dtov. In 'That Impmdeni Young Coaple," pleaaed a Ixnie aodlenca ID. Due: llto Ion Stva.' "Faotaima" 33-3S, ^A Oaj OU Boy" ar, 3S. H. R. JACOte' Thbathil— **A Railroad Tlckei," Iti-I^ aod "DelfflODioo'a at &" IMI, boUi had luge bonloeu. Fraok Bo^^ In "plrl Waoted." 23-3; Ooo. \t; Mttnra^ Id 'A nappy Little Home," 36-26.' BlmgliamCoB.—At Stone Open Uonse NcUlo McUeory, la "the Bloyote QlrL" caioe SepL 10, to fair baalneea; I?, Bll'y Van'a MloetreU drew a fairly good tendance. '^AYeoulneToBtlaaun'*'-"' bad fklrbDa[neai2l. 33, 34, Lawla MorrlaoB. la **Faaat," and ' 23, "flbote Aane;" 38, "Obarlay'a Booklogs: ^ - "Vorlok'a Lore; AuoL" BiJOD TBBATBB.~"Slde Tfuked*>dld poorly 16>1& "A Prodigal Father" came I9-3L to big boalaeaa. l>ne:S-2Si, **0'HooUgao*aMaa«iueTade;'^ SMS; Iibam'a Octoroon*. IVewburg^At the Acadetnj ot Uuslo Com- •lock'a Honater MlnatrelCo. waathAattimetloa hereSepi. Zl Prank Boah, la bla new fkrce comedy, "Qlri Wanted." comea36 '-Tbe Sphlot" mat with liberal patTooage 18, and nobly deaorred It It naa tho beatper- romance oTitaolaai ever eeeo In Nawburg Bdward Uaninn cornea 30 "The BQrar Elng" OoL 3 The ditr'anii annoal eihlbltloo of tbe Orange Coooiy Agrlooliarat Soolety was held bere 17-2 and. deidlte Coming UD tbraaienlag weather, waa lajrtely attendL.- „ — tbeheelaoTlt,BDflUoBIU and bli Wild WoatBhow dM woad*nullyweU3l. when be drevAt least altteentbou- ■and people to the two perrormancea. utlca^At the Udc* OpsrA Eoose Rice's "HO-r' played to 'D. IL a" SepL 16. Billy Van>a Mloetreta were poorly reeelTod 18. *'8owloBtbeWlad"19;dM we)l,aD<l HanyAskle'aOpenCo.. In'TbeSpfalox," cloaed tbe week 31, toaamallbotappnelailxoaudleDee. **8bon Aerea" oomea 36, "The Wlclcloir roatman" e, "A Oay OM Boy" MARYLANDii Baltlmora.—The Inlaiue best whloh preyaUeil laat week brooght budnen at our theatres aunoat to k ■laodatUI, open air eDterulnmeoui aod tioUey putleA harlng Ibe call. Tbe aame coodlHoDnabered In the cur- rent week, and a dlmlalabed attendance reaoliad. IlAKRift' ACAOBHT.—ThU honM held a Iklr aadlence fiepL 33, and iboae wlio bmred the beat were well repaid bv Prank Majo'a dellgttlAil perfonnaooa ol "Pudd*nbeail WUaoo." "A Trip lolhe Rocklea" doeed a light week 2i. Olara Monia la due a>. FoRDU OPKu Uot-as.—PrUoroae A Weat'a MlnatreU RtToa very ei0oyableeatertalunaat23 to an aadlence or Bood aire. Springer * Weltfa "Ibe Black Oieok"Cu. had a poor —" *" *-* ~ comeaXi. «r week 16-31. Frobman'iLyeenm Theatre Cu. ^ UOLLIDAY Strbki Tbutbb.— Eogane O'Boarke made hIa ont a)<peanuice here aa aetar 83, In "The WIcblow roatman," aupported by Beulna Olrwd aod a good com- war. ;vpldar and Fly" abared tAe nnaral depreaalon 16>3I. Week otso. Buieoe Tompklu* "The Bbick Crook" Oo. ^KBR!rAX*8 Uo.NOMKirrAi. Tiibatrb.— Baisell Bnitbcn*' Comedlaos opened to a fair alzed liouao O. Joba K. Kleloa* Drawing Caitfaeloeed 31. Vaiaoo Blaten* Biirav- aganza Co. le due a>.'s Odxon Tubatri.— New 23; Tlio DcaffOD^ Harrf AlcbotUi, ToBr Femandei and Harry Boburt. Nof iM.-Maaagar Kemao hax completed tbe rabolldliiG of the Howard Audltorlom and wlU throw It open 60 wlili Weber Ji PleMa- Vauderllle Ohib m* (be Initial attiacilon. The buUdioB lias been completoly tranaformed, banlly a irace^remalnlogortbaoldktruoture. Thoaeatlngcapac- ity ofthe Oral Aoor la l.QtlD and of lha balcony 600. There are twelve prlraie buzea. eaeb aoaitoB alx pereooa. Tbe peUlogaadfwaUii are richly rreecood.Tbe preTalllogUou bclog, cream, aold andgreonin Bjxaniloe and Renali nnca decorauooa. The boxea are ttalahed la a mu green and,, brooxa, aod adoroed with 300 amall praaoental locandeacent ilghia. Poor handred almliar nghta atod tbe colling. Tho now atago le ality three reel wide aod ality feet daeis wlih a proacenlura opealop thirty.two reetwide and thtrtf feel nigb. The rear ol the proaoenlum arch la arched wlih oteoirlo Kghta. There an i«plreMpanudrDaalogrooma,each rbralaiied wltli aiatlonarr waah siawla and other coaTentencee. Tbo ■lage appolntmeata are oew aod complete In eTcry tartlcttlar. The prlaolpal ehaoge In the exlarlor la tbo addlUoD uf a portico oror the main en- ?.?'»*"".°aF Tb« eeUlngol ihU Is alM bicklraiudded with Incaodeaceat liahuC The lobby la Uki wlih roUahed marble tlllog. Ob The rigbt of die mabi entnoce la a leauufully rantlabedaad^eoorautl raoeeupo and amoUng room, and to the lelt a ladlea* re- oeptlon ana loUet room, the ntaoager'a oAce aod a roomy aod omameBtal box oAee. 1b« hoaae will bo con- ducted ea a am claaa iknily TaudevlUe theatre, and la a notable addition (oourplaceaoranoiemenL L OUISIANA . NewOTleama.—THetlieatilcal teaaonol MM-6 22lSf? "^tVl"""! '"oiable aoapleet. Tke excalloni 6iS.'5?'J."f"*™.*a" ."'"'!»"»'<>' tka Oraad Opera !5y!^*,?t'.*J°'"'' "",•'« St. Cbarlea inealnaTle. Sotntr with tke geaonl proaporllT or the Bonlh, tend to eacouaaamojteanEelnohopoaUaltbo oomlai tataoa •III pnre a Inincul tucceat u ihamaDafcn or the jailMiapUrbenaMtlitouhouttliO eltr. Allel the thea- tree hare nadortoae an eouie lonoralloa. and Tie with aarh oihtr In beaalf or appolntmonta. AO are boaoUrul Kl,"!?!"!!"^,''' K ft• oultiuwl tmitlo era ror oicel- enoo lathoinliiuladoialuof tdoniDtatllia jrasd Opeta il'S?i?i°'!JS"V^,*' P""- TheTniariurefSia Doauttnu abode ol ploaaara haa uodorcooe aucb raal SSTuo'Sji."" Iai!tiSiii"aiin4 -h!l'"rfc°"V'n'''^'T;-J''" op*"*" ""ei* Soot. 16, Itf.a?i^"i?"*^j. audianoM vara InTrikUr utaodanca. The mailt or iSt oooopanr taltr doaerrod AcantMT ot Motic—Tbt wondorfbl dltDlarof bwi« UiniiniBton tnd tattfiallir. aailVw bf Iir. aed^n